Smartbird Layout
Smartbird Layout
Smartbird Layout
Key words:
Biologically-inspired flight, Experimental facilities and techniques, Active torsion
An artificial bird is introduced which was developed using two new turns the outer wing from a positive angle of incidence within
features in biologically-inspired flight, active torsion and partially lin- a short fraction of the flapping period into a negative angle of inci-
ear kinematics. Active torsion rests on well established theoretical dence. Between the turning points the angle of torsion remains
predictions in unsteady aerodynamics. The concept of partially linear constant. Numerical calculations confirm the expected benefits
kinematics is inspired by zoological observations on flying locusts. compared to passive torsion.
When the wings flap upwards, the servomotor for the active torsion
1 Introduction
Nature has done an ingenious job of integrating the generation of lift onset flow. Both modes simply differ in the amplitude ratio of the
and thrust. Its engine for producing thrust without a single rotating two constituent degrees of freedom pitching and plunging, bending
part is the flapping wing. Leonardo da Vinci designed the first human and torsion respectively. High plunging at small pitching produces
flapper with hinged wings. Many attempts were made in the past thrust, low plunging with high pitching extracts energy. The vicinity of
to mimic birds’ flight with technical constructions, among them the transition from one mode to the other one is a domain of almost com-
remarkable early work of Lippisch [1] before 1930. Birds, insects plete energy conversion up to 90 % according to basic results in
and fishes apply the same basic mechanism. This mechanism is an unsteady aerodynamics. Large birds probably are able to fly in this
inherent property of the aerodynamic equations derived from the range due to their very low drag. The beneficial use of energy extrac-
conservation laws for momentum, mass and energy in fluid mechan- tion from an airstream with flapping wings was first investigated in
ics. The coupled bending and torsional motion of a 3D wing reduces the early 1980s [4] and later extended to the so-called stroke-wing
to a coupled pitching and plunging motion in 2D. engine for water currents tested in several projects up to 150 kW
installed power.
The physics of this motion has widely been investigated. A recently
published paper gives a thorough and comprehensive overview of The primary motivation for our research project was a better under-
the history and of progress and challenges in flapping-wing aerody- standing of the coupled bending and torsional motion and its optimi-
namics [2]. The discovery of the mechanism dates back to 1924 [3] zation for potential technical applications. Believing that thrust
and was a spin-off during research on airplane flutter. This extremely generation in nature during its long history of evolutionary steps
dangerous phenomenon of high technical importance for aircraft sta- has reached a high level of efficiency we tried to reveal some of its
bility physically rests on the same mathematical description as animal secrets. Our artificial bird serves as technology carrier and demon-
propulsion does. It is merely the reverse side of the same coin. The strator for encouraging and stimulating research in both directions
one side is producing thrust with a flapping wing to move forward, of producing thrust and using this particular technique for renewable
the other one is winning energy with oscillating wings from a uniform energy resources.
Fig. 1 Front view (A) and X-ray view (B) of SmartBird. Span 2 m, planform area 0.5 m², mean chord length 0.25 m, weight 0.48 kg including
battery. Operational data at design point: Speed 5 m/s, flapping frequency 2 Hz, average energy consumption 23 W. The model’s per-
formance in free flight may be found on the web [14].
Fig. 1 shows three positions of the articulated wings which are super- with three Hall sensors to determine the exact wing position. The
imposed (A). The X-ray view in the lower part displays the mechanical crank hinge transmits the flapping power from the gear to the outer
function (B). The wing consists of a two-part inner wing spar with an wing. The crank mechanism does not have a dead center and thus
axis suspension at the wing root inside the fuselage, a trapezoidal generates a run with low peak loads. This results in smooth flight.
hinge as is found in a larger format in excavators, and an outer wing The head and the uselage can be moved synchronously by means of
spar. Via the trapezoidal hinge, a 1:3 transmission ratio is achieved. two electric drives and pulleys working in opposite directions. This
The inner wing generates lift, the outer wing across the trapezoidal allows an aerodynamically effective bending of the fuselage and, at
hinge generates thrust. Both the spars of the inner wing and the outer the same time, a displacement of weight which makes SmartBird
wing are torsionally stiff. The active torsion is achieved by a servomo- both very agile and flexible. The tail also generates lift. It has both
tor at the end of the outer wing which twists the wing against the elevator and fin function. When the bird is flying in a straight line,
spar via the outmost rib of the wing. When SmartBird flaps the wing the V-position of the two wings stabilizes the bird, just as a conven-
upwards, the servomotor for the active torsion turns the outer wing tional vertical fin stabilizes an airplane. Leading into a curve, the tail
from a positive angle of incidence within a short fraction of the flap- is tilted. When the tail tilts on the horizontal axis, the model yaws
ping period into a negative angle of incidence. During these points around the vertical axis. Fig. 2 depicts the basic kinematic relationship
of turn the angle of torsion remains constant. Through this partially and displays a screenshot of the time history of wing tip position and
linear motion the flow on the profile is optimally utilized for the gener- torsion angle. From the aerodynamic point of view these two servo-
ation of thrust. The battery, motor and gear, the crank mechanism motors and the flapping drive provide the mechanical power which
and the control and regulating electronics are housed in the fuselage. is converted into thrust power. The servomotor which actuates the
The external rotor motor flaps the wings up and down via a two-stage torsion is controlled using a torsion shape function. Its parameters
spur gearing with a 1:45 reduction of speed. The motor is equipped are interactively accessible during flight.
Fig. 2 Kinematics of 2D pitching a(t) and plunging h(t) for partially linear, harmonic and ideally linear motion with typical amplitudes. The torsion shape
function for the torsional motion is defined by the amplitude, the beginning and the end of the turn, the slope and the phase shift of the control
range (red horizontal bars) versus plunge (A). During operation the motion is continuously monitored. The right part shows a screen shot of the
normalized actual torsion shape function during flight relative to the wing tip position (B).
3 Measurements
Fig. 4 shows the side view on the central hub with inner boom and known it may be recalculated as uniform line load of the beam. This
outer boom, which serves as support for the model (red square). The contribution to âT amounts to a few degrees. For very low velocities
motion is initiated by a towing motor mounted on the central hub. below 2 m/s these assumptions fail to work properly and result in the
A lever tows the boom and the towing force is recorded using a force difference between âT and âU which shows Fig. 4 (B). The failure prob-
sensor of a range +/- 50 N. The centre of rotation Lz holds the boom ably is caused by the thin steel cables for the suspension of the boom,
mounted with ball bearings. Nine slip rings transmit operational when their tension is almost released.
data and supply the model with electric power instead of a battery
in free flight. Angular velocity is measured via the signals coming
from a bar-coded disk with 180 bars, which results in 360 position
data per rotation. The hinge Gk allows the outer boom to rotate from
vertical to horizontal position. The angular sensor inside the hinge
determines the centrifugal angle â. The measured angle bU depends
on the weight of the support, its centre of gravity and its geometric
properties. If the boom is set into motion, the support is deflected by
the centrifugal force. Because all quantities including angular velocity
are known, the measured angle âU can also theoretically be predicted.
Angle âT shows the predicted value. Without a lifting model mounted,
the measured angle and the predicted angle are expected to coincide.
The difference determines the error which is inherent to subsequent
lift measurements. The aerodynamic angle âaero is defined to be
90° at rest. Besides the main contributions to âT by the quantities
mentioned above, a second correction may briefly be mentioned.
The inner boom is deflected by its own weight and the weight of the Fig. 5 Aerodynamic efficiency haero is computed from the measured total
efficiency çtot and the previous determination of the electromechanical
support and the model. We assumed the inner boom to be an elastic
efficiency çem· Pel – P0,sv is the power consumed during the active flight.
beam and determined its stiffness by a static measurement with The almost constant power consumption P0,sv of the control servomo-
increasing loads at Gk. The evaluation gives a value for the deflection tors given by Uel x Iel in the steady phase of the measurement amounts
without external load and can be interpreted as the boom’s own to about 5 W. U0 is the velocity of the model.
weight concentrated in a point load at Gk. Once this point load is
The electrical input power consists of two parts. The servomotors An angular velocity sensor measures the rotation of the axle. Torque
(Fig. 6) consume power even in the case the do no work because and angular velocity yield the mechanical power. Electro-mechanical
the have to hold their position. The power P0,sv is measured and sub- efficiency is the ratio of mechanical power to electrical input power.
tracted from the input power. Total efficiency çtot is computed from Aerodynamic efficiency is computed from
the ratio of gained thrust power PT to net input power consumed
during active flight:
We were surprised by the high values achieved for haero above 0.6
and up to 0.8 for an artificial bird which performs remarkably well in
Rf denotes the lever for the point of origin of the towing force on the free flight. In measurements for earlier models we had obtained val-
boom. Total efficiency çtot is the product of electromechanical effi- ues in the same range. However the produced thrust had not been
ciency çem and aerodynamic efficiency çaero. We determined the elec- high enough to allow a free flight. The red circle in Fig. 5 marks the
tromechanical efficiency using a dynamometrical brake. The set-up domain in which haero up to 80 % was reached. Measurements in
continuously measures torque and angular velocity. For this, the free flight show even lower values for the required electric power
plunging motion of the flapping drive is passed to an axle, which can than the data during tethered flight. Flight tests show a very sensitive
be loaded by a brake shoe. A force sensor holds the lever of the brake. dependence of thrust generation on the torsion shape function.
Fig. 8Total power consumption for free flight during climb and for a typical horizontal flight (18 W).
The on-board electronics allows a precise and thus efficient control of torsion can be set in real time during flight and are optimized and
the wing’s torsion dependent on its position. Fig. 6 shows the position tuned according to the best flight performance. This intelligent moni-
of the servo motor at the right wing tip. A powerful microcontroller toring together with the electronic control system makes it possible to
calculates the optimal setting of the two servomotors, which are adapt the mechanical components to new situations within split sec-
responsible for controlling the wing torsion. The sequence over time onds. Thus the mechanical construction of the flight model was real-
between the flapping and the torsional motion is synchronized by ized in a simpler, more efficient and weightoptimized manner.
reading the absolute position of the motor for the flapping motion
with the aid of the mentioned Hall sensors. The active hinged torsion Nevertheless, the precise absolute data of wing torsion and wing
drive requires a precise coordination of flapping and torsion and thus bending in free flight as the result of interaction between fluid and
is continuously monitored. Wing position and wing torsion are moni- structure remain still unknown. Their measurement requires tools
tored by a bi-directional radio communication via ZigBee protocol. It which continuously determine the position of the whole flying bird in
provides operating data such as battery charge, power input and the space. For theoretical calculations the given kinematic input data
control input of the pilot. In addition, the control parameters of the were applied.
A denotes the wing area (0.5 m²), r the density of air (1.2 kg/m³). The
lift coefficient for a weight of 0.48 kg is given by:
ranges from 0.3 to 0.45. c represents the mean chord length (0.25 m).
4 Theoretical Background
The mechanical construction explained in chapter 2 reflects the the the pitching motion starts with its highest angle of incidence, in
retical basis [8, 9, 10]. In flapping flight, the amplitude ratio of bend- flapping flight the phase shift of plunge is defined to be 90° ahead
ing to torsion is the one of two governing parameters at fixed velocity of pitch.
and given flapping frequency. The other one is the phase shift of
bending motion versus torsional motion. The typical motion shows The classical theoretical description rests on the assumption of
the maximum positive torsion angle during upstroke with the turn harmonic motion. We introduced a third control feature named the
of the angle at the largest positive elongation of the bending motion, torsion shape function. The torsion shape function turns the har-
and the highest negative torsion angle during downstroke. As the monic torsion into a partially linear motion. 2D theoretical calcula-
plunging motion in the original papers [11, 12, 13] begins at the tions for the outer wing were made to determine the effect of this
bottom for time equal zero, i.e. the largest negative elongation, and type of motion on the aerodynamic efficiency.
Fig. 10 gives an overview of the mechanism of propulsion using the with h0 and being plunge and pitch amplitudes. The range of
data from thin-plate theory without the contribution of the so-called high efficiency is bounded by the requirements of achieving thrust
suction force. This type of thrust theoretically is predicted also for (upper left plot) and working with active torsion (lower right plot).
a pure plunging motion. Because the effect originates from the first The propulsive or aerodynamic efficiency is the ratio of gained
3 % of a profile’s chord length, it is accompanied by high local mean thrust power to the sum of supplied power at plunge and
velocities. Measurements show that the effect tends to disappear pitch.
for increasing lift. It seems to be that this aspect is a critical issue
in theoretical predictions with CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Each 2D wing section in Fig. 9 is represented by one of these 2D
The amplitude ratio in Fig. 10 is defined as contour plots.
The basic predictions based on thin plate theory in Fig. 10 can well
be compared to the numerical calculations using a CFD tool. Fig. 11
shows the result for harmonic motion and partially linear kinematics.
The two figures differ in their definition of amplitude ratio and
reduced frequency.
Fig. 12 SmartBird’s wing section and the section NACA7412 applied during
the design process.
Data in Fig. 10 are normalized by the square of the pitch amplitude, The design point (haero =0.8, k = 100°) is selected for a comparison
in Fig. 11 absolute data are displayed. The data refer to the earlier between harmonic and partially linear motion. The amplitude ratio
model which is depicted in Fig. 3. The model performed as well as for harmonic motion is much smaller, i.e. the pitch amplitude much
SmartBird except that its wing section was smaller. SmartBird allows higher, than in the case of partially linear kinematics. The fairly wide
for a still lower speed of 4.7 m/s instead of 5 m/s. plateau of high efficiency in Fig. 11 was not found during the flight
tests. In summary the observations showed a very sensitive depend-
ence on phase shift and amplitude ratio similar to the narrow range
in Fig. 10.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the full financial support for the The authors confirm that they, and/or their company or organization,
SmartBird project by the Festo company’s Bionic Learning Network hold copyright on all of the original material included in this paper.
and his initiator Dr. W. Stoll. We received substantial feedback and The authors also confirm that they have obtained permission, from
were faced with new challenges by the initiator and Dr. H. Frontzek, the copyright holder of any third party material included in this paper,
who played a great role of well grounded advisors. to publish it as part of their paper. The authors confirm that they give
permission, or have obtained permission from the copyright holder
of this paper, for the publication and distribution of this paper as part
of the ICAS2012 proceedings or as individual off-prints from the
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