Mod 6
Mod 6
Mod 6
Figure 31.1: Instrumentation of a typical light (binocular) microscope with its different components. (A) Schematic
Diagram and (B) Actual microscope
Light microscopes come in two designs: upright and inverted (Figure 31.2).
of light; the objective lens collects the diffracted light generating a bright image
against a dark background.
1. Culture of malaria parasite: malaria parsites are cultured by candle-jar method of
treger and Jensen. For detail procedure, student can follow it from the .
to the parasite load. During the nucleic acid synthesis, parasite takes up the
hypoxanthine and it gets incorporated into the parasite DNA. Hypoxanthine is
radioactive and the amount of radioactive associated can be used to asses the parasite.
2. SYBR Green I based Drug Sensitivity Assay: This is a fluorescence based assay
to monitor the growth of the parasite. SYBR Green I is a nuclear stain used to
visualize the parasite DNA. The amount of fluorescence is proportional to the nuclear
content and the parasite number in the culture.
3. Microscopic schizonticidal assay: This is the conventional light microscopy based
assay to screen compounds for antimalarial activity. During the intra-erythrocytic life-
cycle, malaria parasite undergoes different stages, such as ring, trophozoite and
schzont (Figure 30.4). During the life-cycle, it has ring stage (0-10hrs), trophozoite
(11-32hrs) and schizont (32-40hrs) and then merozoites are produced to invade new
RBCs to initiate another cycle. In the microscopy based assay, ring stage parasite
containing RBCs are incubated with the test compound and then the parasite growth is
monitored and number of schizonts are counted after 48hrs (Figure 30.5). Hence, this
assay test the effect of compounds on progression of the life-cycle of parasite and it is
believed that the compounds inhibiting development of ring into the schizont stage
may have potential to inhibit the growth of the parasite. With few modification, the
assay can be used to test the parasitostatic and parasicidal potential of the compounds.
The complete details of the assay is as follows:
A. Synchronization of malaria parasite: This is the first step where parasite culture
(mixture of stages of malaria parasite) is synchronized to the ring parasite containing
RBCs. It has following steps:
D. Monitoring the growth of parasite: After 48hrs, After exposure, smears were
made. Parasitemia has been determined after JSB staining (Fields’ stain) using oil
immersion objective.
Figure 30.6: Differences in the cellular morphology of healthy parasites vs. drug treated parasites
F. Results and calculation of IC50: The number of schizont containing RBCs were
counted against each concentration. The schizont inhibition data from the in vitro in
vitro schizont inhibition assays of the above compounds were fed into a specially pre-
programmed excel sheet HN-NonLin available freely from ( .
To determine the nature of action (parasitotatic/parasicidal), in 100 µl volume, 3 %
haematocrit with 1 % parasites were exposed to trial compounds for 48 hours. After
48 hours, parasites were washed twice with complete media and again incubated for
48 hour in drug free media. Then smears were made and parasitemia has been
determined microscopically.
Lecture 32 Microscopy-II
Lab Experiment 31.2 : Study the structural changes in the proliferative cells
such as macrophages.
between the diffracted and the undiffracted light beams before they are focused on the
image plane. As the intensity of the undiffracted light is very high, it is selectively
reduced to ~30% of the initial intensity by a semi-transparent metallic film on the
phase plate. Two waves that have 2
phase difference interfere destructively thereby
diminishing the light intensity. Any phase change caused by the specimen is therefore
converted into an amplitude signal by a phase contrast microscope thereby increasing
the contrast.
Conclusions: In a Typical observation, healthy cells will diffract the light rays aand
as a result cell membrane, nucleus and cytosol can be observed. Where as in the case
of disease or damged cells will show condensed nuclear content, several cell bodies or
apoptotic bodies and scrambled membrane. The contrast of cytosol will not be very
clear in the cells exposed to the cyto-toxic compounds.
Lab Experiment 31.3 : Determine the number of viable cell present in the cell
culture using Trypan Blue exclusion method.
4. Hemocytometer
Protocol: Remove the cells from the cell culture plate by trypsinization or by 0.5%
EDTA in PBS. Plate a small amount of cells on the glass slide and cover them with
cover slip. Mix 50ml of cell suspension with the 50ml of trypan blue solution (0.4%)
and fill the hemocytometer chamber. Observe the cells under the 20x objective using
inverted microscope with phase plate. Trypan blue is a charged dye and viable cells
exclude this dye to the presence of membrane potential where as dead cells (in the
absence of membrane potential) accumulates the dye in the cytosol (Figure 32.3).
Hence, viable cells appear colorless where as dead cells appear blue or dark
colored.The hemocytometer is placed on the microscope stage and the cell suspension
is counted. There is a "V" or notch at either end through which cell suspension is
loaded into the hemocytometer. The cells are counted in the chambers and that gives
the number of cells. In addition, blue colored cells can be counted to know the
number of dead cells.
Figure 32.3 Observation of cell suspension after trypan blue staining. (A) Viable cells appears colorless where as dead
cells takesup dye and appear dark blue. (B) Hemocytometer
Background Information: Unlike the other types of light microscopy that need
special optics to enhance the contrast, fluorescence in visible region of
electromagnetic radiation is directly detected. The cellular features, however, can be
studied using extrinsic fluorescent probes that can go inside the cell and bind to the
intracellular molecules with high specificity. The fluorescence emission of the dyes
used in biological microscopy span the entire visible region of the electromagnetic
spectrum. Optical diagram of an epifluorescence microscope is given in the Figure
32.4. In an epifluorescence microscope, the illumination of the specimen as well as
the collection of the fluorescence light is achieved by a single lens. This has become
possible due to the incorporation of dichroic mirror in the optics. A dichroic mirror is
largely reflective for the light below a threshold wavelength and transmissive for the
light above that wavelength.
The microscope has a high power lamp source, usually a mercury or xenon arc lamp.
An excitation filter transmits the band of the excitation radiation. The excitation
radiation is reflected by the dichroic mirror towards the condenser/objective lens that
focuses the light on the specimen. Light emitted by the fluorescent molecules (higher
wavelength due to Stokes shift) is collected by the same lens and is transmitted by the
dichroic mirror towards the ocular lens. Immunofluorescence, that makes use of the
very high specificity of antibodies towards their targets, is a very useful method for
studying cellular markers and organelles. Immunofluorescence microscopic analysis
of cell surface markers is straightforward wherein the cells are treated with the
fluorescently labeled antibodies and studied under microscope.
1. Methanol
2. Acetone
3. PBS (1X)
4. 1% Triton X-100
5. BSA (Fat free, acetylated): Prepare 5% BSA solution in PBS and filter with the
0.45mm filter to rmove particulate matter.
6. Primary antibody (anti-protein): An antibody can be developed against protein
(antigen of interest) in rabbit or mice.
7. Secondary antibody: An antibody coupled with fluorescent marker (such as FITC)
and directed against mouse IgG.
8. Epi-fluorescence microscope
1. Fixation: This is the first steps and it is required for two purpose. (1) Stopping
biological actrivity and (2) it stops the relative movement of cellular components and
intracellular macromolecules. In addition, it reduces the damage to the cellular system
and morphology. Fix the biological sample with Methanol: Acetone (7:3) mixture at -
200C for 15 min. Hydrate the sample with 1X PBS.
3. Blocking: The intracellular spaces contains several antigenic sites and these need
to block to reduce non-specific binding of the primary antibody. The cells are
incubated with 5% BSA in 1X PBS for 15 min at room temperature. This step will
allow masking of non-specific antigenic sites.
4. Primary Staining: Incubate the sample with primary antibody (1:50 in 2% BSA)
for overnight at 40C or 1hrs at 370C. The primary staining at low temperature reduces
the background signal and give good staining for sample where as staining at room
temperature gives more amount of non-specific signal.
5. Washing : The primary antibody needs to wash to reduce the background signal.
Sample is washed with 2% BSA prepared in PBS.
7. Washing: The secondary antibody needs to wash to reduce the background signal.
Sample is washed with 2% BSA prepared in PBS.
8. Mounting: The sample is sensitive to the loss of water and needs to preserve in a
mounting media containing glycerol. In addition, fluorescence signal is sensitive to
the high laser beam and it require protection by adding antifading agent. In a typical
mounting media, glycerol containing PPD is used to mount fluorescent sample.
9. Observation and visualization: Sample is fixed on the microscope stage and then
observe under bright light to check the cells morphology by turning focusing knob. If
the sample’s morphology is good then it can observe under fluorescence channel
(Figure 32.5).
Figure 32.5: Bright-field (A) and epifluorescence (B) images of Cos-7 cells expressing GFP.
1. Methanol
2. Acetone
3. PBS (1X)
4. 1% Triton X-100
5. BSA (Fat free, acetylated): Prepare 5% BSA solution in PBS and filter with the
0.45mm filter to rmove particulate matter.
6. Primary antibody (anti-protein): An antibody can be developed against protein
(antigen of interest) in rabbit or mice.
7. Secondary antibody: An antibody coupled with fluorescent marker (such as FITC)
and directed against mouse IgG.
8. mounting medium.
9. 1µm Latex Beads
10. Filipin: Prepare 5mg/ml stock solution of filipin in 100% alchol. The working
solution is 50µg/ml in PBS.
11. Glass slides
12. Cover Glasses: 12mm circular cover glasses available from the vendor are
polished and are not suitable for cell attachment. Cover glasses are washed with
alchol and allow the cover glasses to air dry. Keep the cover glasses in a 50ml glass
beaker and wrap with the alluminium foil. Autoclave the cover glasses to avoid
contamination during phagocytosis experiment.
13. Forcep: Autoclave the forcep to avoid contamination during phagocytosis
14. Epi-fluorescence microscope
1. J774A.1 cells are cultured in the DMEM media containing 10% FBS and 1%
antibiotics cocktails (pencillin/streptomycin sulphate).
2. Remove the cells from the cell culture plate by trypsinization or by 0.5% EDTA in
3. Plate 10,000 cells on 12mm cover glasses and incubate it in the 24 well dish with
0.5ml DMEM media containing FBS and antibiotic cocktail.
4. Incubate cells over night at 370C and 5% CO2 and it will allow the cells to attach to
the cover glasses.
10. Fix the biological sample with Methanol: Acetone (7:3) mixture at -200C for 15
min. Hydrate the sample with 1X PBS.
11. Stain the cells with filipin (50µg/ml) for 1hrs at 370C in dark.
12. Keep one drop (~20µl) of mounting medium (glycerol mounting media containing
antifading agent) on the glass slide and keep the cover glass on it. Firm the cover
glass by making a thick rim by nail polish.
Observation: Observe the cells in the bright field and look for the beads on the cells.
Observe the cells in the fluorescence microscope with UV filter.
Figure 33.1 Observation of macrophages fed with latex beads after staining with filipin. Arrow indicates the position of
phagocytosed beads.
Lab Experiment 33.2: Study the interaction between phagosome and lysosone in
J774A.1 macrophage cells.
1. Methanol
2. Acetone
3. PBS (1X)
4. 1% Triton X-100
5. BSA (Fat free, acetylated): Prepare 5% BSA solution in PBS and filter with the
0.45mm filter to rmove particulate matter.
6. Primary antibody (anti-protein): An antibody can be developed against protein
(antigen of interest) in rabbit or mice.
7. Secondary antibody: An antibody coupled with fluorescent marker (such as FITC)
and directed against mouse IgG.
8. Epi-fluorescence microscope
9. 1µm Latex Beads
10. Filipin: Prepare 5mg/ml stock solution of filipin in 100% alchol. The working
solution is 50µg/ml in PBS.
11. Rhodamine Dextran.
A. Identification of phagosome:
1. J774A.1 cells are cultured in the DMEM media containing 10% FBS and 1%
antibiotics cocktails (pencillin/streptomycin sulphate).
2. Remove the cells from the cell culture plate by trypsinization or by 0.5% EDTA in
3. Plate 10,000 cells on 12mm cover glasses and incubate it in the 24 well dish with
0.5ml DMEM media containing FBS and antibiotic cocktail.
4. Incubate cells over night at 370C and 5% CO2 and it will allow the cells to attach to
the cover glasses.
5. Wash the cells with DMEM without FBS media.
6. Prepare a suspension of latex beads (106 beads/ml) in DMEM without FBS media.
7. Remove media and add beads suspension to the well and centrifuge the 24 well
dish at 1000rpm for 1mins at 40C.
8. Incubate the plate for 1hrs at 370C and 5% CO2.
9. Wash the well with 1ml DMEM without FBS media to remove unentrenalized
10. Fix the biological sample with Methanol: Acetone (7:3) mixture at -200C for 15
min. Hydrate the sample with 1X PBS.
11. Stain the cells with filipin (50µg/ml) for 1hrs at 370C in dark.
12. Keep one drop (~20µl) of mounting medium (glycerol mounting media containing
antifading agent) on the glass slide and keep the cover glass on it. Firm the cover
glass by making a thick rim by nail polish.
B. Labeling of Lysosome:
2. Grow them with 100ug rhodamine dextran O/N in DMEM + 10% FBS+1%
antibiotics cocktails.
3. Wash the cells with PBS and chase for 1 Hrs in media without rhodamine dextran.
C. Fusion assay:
1. Add 10µg/ml 1 µM latex/IgG beads in 0.5ml media and spin at 1000G for 2 min.
3. Remove the beads and wash them two time with PBS at 370C.
D. Observation: Observe the cells in the bright field and look for the beads on the
cells. Observe the cells in the fluorescence microscope with UV filter. If the bead has
blue fluorescence, then the cells can be visualized through red channel.
Figure 33.2 : Phagosome-lysosome interaction by fluorescence microscope. Arrow indicates the position of phagosome
fused with lysosome.
Lab experiment 34.1: Preparation and analysis of the E.coli bacterium cells in
scanning electron microscope.
Background Information: There are two basic models of the electron microscopes:
Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and transmission electron microscopes (TEM).
In a SEM, the secondary electrons produced by the specimen are detected to generate
an image that contains topological features of the specimen. The image in a TEM, on
the other hand, is generated by the electrons that have transmitted through a thin
specimen. Let us see how these two microscopes work and what kind of information
they can provide:
The focused beam of electrons is then scanned across the surface in a raster fashion.
This scanning is achieved by moving the electron beam across the specimen surface
by using deflection/scanning coils. The number of secondary electrons produced by
the specimen at each scanned point are plotted to give a two dimensional image. In
principle, any of the signals generated at the specimen surface can be detected. Most
electron microscopes have the detectors for the secondary electrons and the
backscattered electrons. As backscattered electrons come from a significant depth
within the sample, they do not provide much information about the specimen
topology. However, backscattered electrons can provide useful information about the
composition of the sample; materials with higher atomic number produce brighter
1. Ethanol
2. foil
3. E.Coli culture
4. Gold Sputter
5. Scanning Electron microscope
6. Dessicator
Step 1 Sample preparation: The cells or non-biological material for SEM analysis
needs to place on a small piece of allumium foil.
Step 2 Fixation: Biological samples are fragile and fixation of biological sample is
required for two purpose. (1) Stopping biological actrivity and (2) it stops the relative
movement of cellular components and intracellular macromolecules. Sample is fixed
with 2-5% glutaraldehyde and 1% osmium tetraoxide in 50mM sodium cacodylate pH
7.4 for overnight at 40C.
Step 3 Dehydrartion: Biological samples are fragile and contains large amount of
water. Water present in the biological sample diffract electron rays and may increase
the background signal. Following osmium fixation, water is chemically extracted
from the specimen using a graded series of ethanol.
Step 4 Drying: During dehydration, sample needs to prevent air drying. Once the
dried material is removed, it needs to be stored in a desiccated environment until
Step 5: Specimen Coating: The specimen needs to be coated with the conductive
material to view with scanning electron microscope. In the sputter, a discharge is
formed between anode and cathode using a suitable gas (argon). The bombardment of
gas ions on cathode material (usually gold) erode the target material and deposit it on
the specimen (Figure 34.2). The target used in the sputter consists of 60% gold and
40% palladium. The uniform deposition of sputtered material (gold) form even
coating on the surface of specimen and make the specimen conductive to perform
scanning electron microscope.
Lab Experiment 35.1 : Localize the protein inside the macrophage using
transmission electron microscope.
Background Information: In the transmission electron microscope; the electrons
were focused on a thin specimen and the electrons transmitted through the specimen
were detected. Figure 35.1 shows a simplified optical diagram comparing a light
microscope with a transmission electron microscope.
Figure 35.1: A simplified comparison of optics in a light microscope with that in a TEM.
1. Paraformaldehyde
2. Glutaraldehyde
3. PBS (1X)
4. 1% Tween-20
5. BSA (Fat free, acetylated): Prepare 2% BSA solution in PBS and filter with
the 0.45mm filter to rmove particulate matter.
6. Primary antibody (anti-protein): An antibody can be developed against
protein (antigen of interest) in rabbit or mice.
7. Secondary antibody: An antibody coupled with gold particle and directed
against mouse IgG.
8. Uranyl acetate
9. Osmium tertaoxide
10. Propylene oxide
11. Ethanol
12. Epon resin
13. LR white resin
14. Microtome
15. Transmission Electron microscope.
(A) Fixation : The samples for TEM are fixed by two different ways, (1) immersion
or (2) perfusion. Fixation time, concentration of fixative agents depends on tissue
thickness. It is performed in following steps:
2. Post fixation, samples are incubated with 2% osmium tetraoxide in 50mM sodium
cacodylate pH 7.4 for overnight at 40C.
(B) Dehydration: Biological samples are fragile and contains large amount of water.
Water present in the biological sample diffract electron rays and may increase the
background signal. Following osmium fixation, water is chemically extracted from
the specimen using a graded series of ethanol.
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with 50% ethanol for 15 mins.
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with 70% ethanol for 30mins.
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with 95% ethanol for 15 mins.
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with 100% ethanol for 15 mins.
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with 100% ethanol for
additional 30mins.
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with propylene oxide for 15
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with propylene oxide for
additional 15 mins.
(C) Embedding : A thin (~10nm-100nm) section of the sample so that electron can
pass through it to form an image. Biological samples are fragile and can not be
processed to cut thin section. Hence, sample needs to be embedded into a solid matrix
to cut the sections. There are two different matrix used to embedded the sample for
sectioning purposes:
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with propylene oxide: Epon
resin (1:1) over night.
• Remove the solution and sample is incubated with fresh Epon 812 resin for
additional 1-5 hrs.
• Dispense few µl fresh epon 812 resin in polyethylene capsules and specimen
is transferred into it.
• Incubate tissue or cells for 30 min in mixture of Ethanol and LR white resin
• Incubate tissue or cells in LR white resin for 1hr. repeat this step 3 times.
• Finally leave the tissue or cells for overnight in 100% LR white resin.
• Fill the capsule with LR white containing tissue/cell and seal the capsule to
allow polymerization of resin in 500C oven overnight.
(D) Sectioning: Initially, thick sections are cut with the help of razor blade to reach
the tissue in the block. Afterwards, block is mounted on the microtome and ultra thin
(10-100nm) sections are cut and floated onto the water placed within the boat. Cut
sections are stacked on each other in a definite pattern known as “ribbon”. These
ribbons are collected on electron microscope grid.
(E) Staining to visualize cell structure: Incubate the grid in uranyl acetate for 2hrs
and subsequently in lead citrate for additional 2hr. Uranyl acetate staining will allow
to observe the cellular structure and to study the changes in the cellular or sub-cellular
• Block the grid sample with 5% BSA for 45 mins at room temp.
• Incubate the grid in the primary antibody for 1hr at room temperature or
overnight at 40C in humified petridish.
[it is adviable to centrifuge primary antibody on full speed for 5mins to
remove aggregated antibod].
• Incubate the grid in the secondary antibody (antibody coupled to 10nm gold
nanoparticle] for 1hr at room temperature or overnight at 40C in humified
[it is adviable to centrifuge secondary antibody on full speed for 5mins to
remove aggregated antibod].
• Finally stain the grid again with uranyl acetate for 1min and lead acetate for
Observation: A typical TEM image is given in the Figure 35.2. As you can observe
that cell shows black dots which indicate the presence of secondary antibody.
Figure 35.1: A typical image of eukaryotic cell observed with TEM. Gold particle, 10 nm; Bar, 50 nm
Figure 35.3: A typical image showing localization of two proteins in eukaryotic cell observed with TEM. Small gold
particle, 5 nm and large particle 15nm; Bar, 200 nm
An AFM has a cantilever (a cantilever is a beam fixed at only one end) that has a
finely pointed probe, also referred to as the AFM tip, at its free end. The other end is
anchored to a piezoelectric displacement actuator (Figure 36.1).
Figure 36.1: Diagrammatic representation of a cantilever attached to a piezoelectric tube. The laser
beam falls on the back of the cantilever and gets reflected to hit the split photodiode detector.
Modes of AFM
Contact mode AFM: In contact mode AFM, the probe is brought in contact
with the specimen surface; the interaction between the probe and the
specimen, therefore is repulsive. As the tip is in contact with the sample, the
frictional forces are very high during scanning. Contact mode imaging,
therefore, may not be suitable for soft samples including biological samples.
Atomic force microscopes can provide resolutions comparable to or even better than
those obtained with electron microscopes. As images are not obtained using light or
particles (such as electrons), resolution of AFM does not depend on any wavelength.
The resolution of an AFM is determined by the diameter and the geometry of the
probe. The influence the probe dimensionson the resolution is diagrammatically
represented in figure 36.3.
It is evident that the resolution in the X-Y plane is poor and strongly depends on the
probe dimensions. Resolution in Z-dimension (height), on the other hand, is very
high; resolutions of ~0.2 nm or better areroutinely achieved using high-resolution tips.
Other materials:
1. Pipettes
2. Pipette tips
AFM imaging
We shall be discussing the steps that are to be followed for performing the
intermittent mode (also known as AC mode) imaging on the AFM from
Agilent Technologies (Figure 36.4).
Some of the important components and accessories that we shall be referring to in the
procedure for carrying out the imaging are shown in figure 36.5.
Figure 36.5 Components and accessories of an atomic force microscope from Agilent Technologies
Figure 36.6Steps showing fixing the different components of the AFM. The steps are discussed in the text
36.7A). Lucite block acts as a screen for viewing safety; the laser beam
reflected from the cantilever is projected on the Lucite block. The diffraction
of laser beam is suggestive of the beam hitting one of the cantilever legs
(Figure 36.7A).
Figure 36.7Steps showing focusing of the laser on the cantilever just opposite to the probe.
24. Continue moving the spot in the same direction. As we continue moving, the
spot should reappear on the paper (Figure 36.7B) and again give diffraction
(Figure 36.7C).
25. Bring back the laser spot between two legs and move it towards the tip of the
cantilever (Figure 36.7D).
26. Focusing on the cantilever is suggested by almost completely obscured spot on
the paper screen.
27. The spot on the Lucite block should look like an ‘X’ (Figure 36.7E). This
happens when the laser beam is right on the tip of the cantilever.
28. Insert the Photodiode detector into the detector groove by sliding it into the
groove (Figure 36.6I).
29. Plug the detector’s connector into the correct slot present on the head base
30. Check the ‘Amplitude’, ‘Deflection’, and ‘LFM’ values in the instrument
controller. Thedeflection value should be zero or close to zero (Preferably
within ±0.7).
31. Fix the mica on the metallic disc provided with the instrument using a double-
adhesive tape (Figure 36.6J).
32. Fix the circular ‘Sample plate’ on the sample stage holder and place the
metallic disc having mica piece at the centre of the plate. The disk is held in
place by a magnet present in the sample plate (Figure 36.6J).
33. Place, without tilting, the sample plate into the screws present beneath the base
of the microscope’s head base plate (Figure 36.6K, 36.6L).A magnet present
on the sample plate secures its position.
34. Bring the sample close to the cantilever tip using coarse adjustment screw.
35. Start the software, PicoScan.
36. Go to the ‘Preferences’ and set the ‘Scanner type’. An AFM can have multiple
scanners; select the appropriate option. In this experiment, we shall be using
large scanner compatible with the Agilent AFM system.
37. Go to the ‘Mode’ and select AC–AFM.
38. A dialogue box appears that shows that the AC mode controller is online i.e.
39. Go to the SPS tab and select the ‘AC Mode’ frequency plot.
40. Provide the frequency range for oscillation. It is better to cover the entire
frequency range specified by the manufacturer for a particular cantilever slot.
41. Click Sweep/Connect button present in the ‘AC Mode Control’ dialogue box.
42. A graph between amplitude and the frequency is generated.
43. Select the frequency slightly lower than the resonance frequency.
44. Go to ‘View’ menu.
a. In the ‘Buffer Assignment’ window, add a buffer by clicking the +
button. Buffer means the type of data required, such as topography,
amplitude, etc.
b. In the ‘Servo Control’ window, set the Force Setpoint to 0 V and set
the ‘Integral Gain’ and ‘Proportional Gain’ to 0.6 and0.3, respectively.
c. In the ‘Scan and Approach Control’ window, set the ‘Stop’ at 0.9 V
and set the motor speed for probe approach and withdraw.
45. Go to ‘File’ menu in the main toolbar and select ‘Live Scan’.
46. Click the ‘Approach’ button in the ‘Scan and Approach Control’ window.
When the instrument reaches the set point, a dialogue box prompting ‘Setpoint
Reached: Servo Active’ is displayed.
47. Click OK and go to the Scan tab and set the following:
a. Scan size (area)
b. Scan speed (number of lines/sec)
c. Direction of scan (Up/Down/Toggle)
d. Number of scans (Single/Multiple)
48. Go to the ‘Advanced Scan’ tab and set the ‘Datapoints per line’ (dpi).
49. Click Start to begin the scan (Note 1).
50. Save the obtained image as diphenylalanine.STP file (Note 2).
51. Go to the ‘Withdraw’ tab and click on ‘Withdraw’ to withdraw the probe.
52. Exit the ‘PicoScan’ software.
53. Remove the sample stage and unmount the mica sheet from the metallic disc.
54. Switch off the instrument as per manufacturer’s instructions.
1. While the imaging is underway, any one of the image modes like Raw,
Derivative, Flattened, and Tilted (in the ‘Optimizing’ tab under ‘Data
rendering’ window) can be selected to obtain the image as per requirement. It
is, however, recommended to obtain a raw image as any other processing can
be done on the recorded image.
2. If the imaging is not good or the desired features are not obtained, it is
recommended to scan a different area on the sample. This can be done without
withdrawing the probe and giving an offset for the scanning area.