HVDC LCC Modelling: Digsilent Powerfactory
HVDC LCC Modelling: Digsilent Powerfactory
HVDC LCC Modelling: Digsilent Powerfactory
DIgSILENT PowerFactory ∗
circuits. Either a built-in firing controller or AC system on the inverter side using a time-
a user-defined firing controller can be used. domain simulation (EMT).
The built-in firing controller represents EPC
(equidistant firing control). The firing angle After running the EMT simulation the sim-
is measured relative to an internal synchro- ulation plots appear in the graphics named
nising angle ”phiref”, which varies at the rate ”§. . . ”. The inverter phase currents in the
of the frequency signal that is connected to graphic ”AC Waveforms” display thyristor
the converter model. The frequency is mea- commutation failures (see Figure 2). The
sured by a phase-locked loop (PLL). The graphic ”§Rec Ctrl” shows that the VDCOL is
model requires the commutation reactance activated during the fault due to the reduction
to be entered correctly so that the internal in the DC voltage. The rectifier controller re-
angle ”phiref” can be initialised correctly. duces the DC current and alleviates the com-
mutation problems on the inverter side.
When either the study case ”2. . . ” or ”3. . . ” is
activated then the variations ”HVDC Control”
and ”Lower SCR” are activated. The for-
mer links dynamic controllers to the con-
verter models and the latter modifies the 5 Fault at the rectifier side
short-circuit levels of the external AC grid el-
The study case ”3 Fault Rectifier Side” is
The graphic ”HVDC Controls” provides
used to study the response of the HVDC sys-
an overview of the controls. It shows
tem to a three-phase short circuit in the AC
how the converter models are linked with
system on the rectifier side. The response
the dynamic controller models, phase-
is studied using a time-domain simulation
measurement devices and voltage & current
measurement devices.
After running the EMT simulation the plots
The graphic ”Rect Controller” shows the dy-
appear in the graphics named ”§. . . ”. The
namic model of the rectifier controller. Un-
firing angle on the rectifier side reduces to
der normal conditions, this controller regu-
the minimum value of 5 degrees, but the rec-
lates the DC current to the reference ”Id ref”,
tifier controller is unable to regulate the cur-
which is calculated from the load flow so-
rent to its set-point. The inverter controller
lution. In the event of a severe drop
switches to current control mode (see Figure
in the DC voltage the current reference
3). The inverter controller has a reference
is reduced through the VDCOL (voltage-
current equal to 90% (the initial 100% less
dependent current-order limiter).
a 10% margin). The inverter controller pre-
The graphic ”Inv Controller” shows the dy- vents the HVDC system from running down.
namic model of the inverter controller. Un- When the fault clears the rectifier controller
der normal conditions the controller regu- takes over current control again. After some
lates the extinction angle γ to gamma min, time the inverter controller switches back to
which is obtained from the load flow solu- extinction-angle control.
tion. In the event of a severe reduction in DC
voltage the controller can switch to current-
control mode. In this case the inverter regu-
lates the DC current (to the initial current less
the margin, Im). References
Figure 1: Single line diagram for the HVDC system as modelled in PowerFactory