Mining Earthmoving
Mining Earthmoving
Mining Earthmoving
Caterpillar ®
Edition 44
© 2014 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” the “Power Edge” trade dress as well as
corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
Edition 44 28-1
28-2 Edition 44
Edition 44 28-3
28-4 Edition 44
Edition 44 28-5
Grade Resistance is a measure of the force that must Total resistance can also be represented as consisting
be overcome to move a machine over unfavorable grades completely of grade resistance expressed in percent
(uphill). Grade assistance is a measure of the force that grade. In other words, the rolling resistance component
assists machine movement on favorable grades (downhill). is viewed as a corresponding quantity of additional
Grades are generally measured in percent slope, which adverse grade resistance. Using this approach, total
is the ratio between vertical rise or fall and the horizontal resistance can then be considered in terms of percent
distance in which the rise or fall occurs. For example, a grade.
1% grade is equivalent to a 1 m (ft) rise or fall for every This can be done by converting the contribution of
100 m (ft) of horizontal distance; a rise of 4.6 m (15 ft) rolling resistance into a corresponding percentage of
in 53.3 m (175 ft) equals an 8.6% grade. grade resistance. Since 1% of adverse grade offers a
4.6 m (rise) resistance of 10 kg (20 lb) for each metric or (U.S.) ton
= 8.6% grade of machine weight, then each 10 kg (20 lb) of resistance
53.3 m (horizontal distance) per ton of machine weight can be represented as an
15 ft (rise) additional 1% of adverse grade. Rolling resistance in
= 8.6% grade percent grade and grade resistance in percent grade can
175 ft (horizontal distance)
then be summed to give Total Resistance in percent or
Uphill grades are normally referred to as adverse Effective Grade. The following formulas are useful in
grades and downhill grades as favorable grades. Grade arriving at Effective Grade.
resistance is usually expressed as a positive (+) percent-
Rolling Resistance (%) = 2% + 0.6% per cm tire
age and grade assistance is expressed as a negative (–)
percentage. = 2% + 1.5% per inch tire
It has been found that for each 1% increment of penetration
adverse grade an additional 10 kg (20 lb) of resistance Grade Resistance (%) = % grade
must be overcome for each metric (U.S.) ton of machine Effective Grade (%) = RR (%) + GR (%)
weight. This relationship is the basis for determining
the Grade Resistance Factor which is expressed in kg/ Effective grade is a useful concept when working with
metric ton (lb/U.S. ton): Rimpull-Speed-Gradeability curves, Retarder curves,
Brake Performance curves, and Travel Time curves.
Grade Resistance Factor = 10 kg/m ton × % grade Traction — is the driving force developed by a wheel
= 20 lb/U.S. ton × % grade or track as it acts upon a surface. It is expressed as usable
Grade resistance (assistance) is then obtained by mul- Drawbar Pull or Rimpull. The following factors affect
tiplying the Grade Resistance Factor by the machine traction: weight on the driving wheel or tracks, gripping
weight (GMW) in metric (U.S.) tons. action of the wheel or track, and ground conditions.
Grade Resistance = GR Factor × GMW in metric The coefficient of traction (for any roadway) is the ratio
(U.S.) tons of the maximum pull developed by the machine to the
total weight on the drivers.
Grade resistance may also be calculated using per-
centage of gross weight. This method is based on the Pull
relationship that grade resistance is approximately equal Coeff. of traction =
weight on drivers
to 1% of the gross machine weight for 1% of grade.
Therefore, to find the usable pull for a given machine:
Grade Resistance = 1% of GMW × % grade
Usable pull = Coeff. of traction × weight on drivers
Grade resistance (assistance) affects both wheel and
track-type machines. Example: Track-Type Tractor
Total Resistance is the combined effect of rolling What usable drawbar pull (DBP) can a 26 800 kg
resistance (wheel vehicles) and grade resistance. It can (59,100 lb) Track-type Tractor exert while working on
be computed by summing the values of rolling resistance firm earth? on loose earth? (See table section for
and grade resistance to give a resistance in kilogram coefficient of traction.)
(pounds) force.
Total Resistance = Rolling Resistance +
Grade Resistance
28-6 Edition 44
On firm earth this unit can exert up to 12 980 kg
(28,600 lb) rimpull without excessive slipping. How-
Edition 44 28-7
5) Establish a horizontal line right from point D. Job Efficiency is one of the most complex elements
The farthest right intersection of this line with a curved of estimating production since it is influenced by fac-
speed range line is point E. tors such as operator skill, minor repairs and adjustments,
6) A vertical line down from point E determines personnel delays, and delays caused by job layout. An
point F on the speed scale. approximation of efficiency, if no job data is available,
7) Multiply speed in kmh by 16.7 (mph by 88) to is given below.
obtain speed in m/min (ft/min). Travel time in minutes Efficiency
for a given distance in feet is determined by the formula: Operation Working Hour Factor
Distance in m (ft) Day 50 min/hr 0.83
Time (min) = Night 45 min/hr 0.75
Speed in m/min (ft/min)
The Travel Time Graphs in sections on Wheel These factors do not account for delays due to weather
Tractor-Scrapers and Construction & Mining Trucks or machine downtime for maintenance and repairs.
can be used as an alternative method of calculating You must account for such factors based on experience
haul and/or return times. and local conditions.
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28-8 Edition 44
Edition 44 28-9
Each push tractor is capable of handling five plus 11. Estimate Total Hourly Cost:
scrapers. Therefore the two pushers can adequately 631G @ $65.00/hr × 11 units $715.00
serve the eleven scrapers. D9T @ $75.00/hr × 2 units 150.00
9. Estimate Production: 12H @ $15.00/hr × 2 units 30.00
Cycles/hour = 60 min ÷ Total cycle time 825G @ $40.00/hr × 1 unit 40.00
= 60 min/hr ÷ 6.95 min/cycle Operators @ $20.00/hr × 16 men 320.00
= 8.6 cycles/hr Total Hourly Owning and
Estimated load = Heaped capacity × L.F. Operating Cost $1,255.00
= 31 LCY × 0.80 12. Calculate Performance:
= 24.8 BCY
Hourly unit = Est. load × cycles/hr Total cost/hr
Cost per BCY =
production = 24.8 BCY × 8.6 cycles/hr Production/hr
= 213 BCY/hr
Adjusted = Efficiency factor × hourly Cost per BCY =
production production 1947 BCY/hr
= 0.83 (50 min hour) × 213 BCY Cost per BCY = 64¢ BCY
= 177 BCY/hr
Hourly fleet = Unit production × No. of units NOTE: Ton-MPH calculations should be made to judge
production = 177 BCY/hr × 11 the ability of the tractor-scraper tires to operate
= 1947 BCY/hr safely under these conditions.
10. Estimate Compaction: 13. Other Considerations:
Compaction = S.F. × hourly fleet production If other equipment such as rippers, water wagons,
requirement = 0.85 × 1947 BCY/hr discs or other miscellaneous machines are needed for
= 1655 CCY/hr the particular operation, then these machines must also
be included in the cost per BCY.
Compaction capability (given the following):
Compacting width, 7.4 ft (W) ● ● ●
Average compacting speed, 6 mph (S)
Compacted lift thickness, 7 in (L)
No. of passes required, 3 (P) Example problem (Metric)
825G production = A contractor is planning to put the following spread on
W × S × L × 16.3 a dam job. What is the estimated production and cost/
CCY/hr = (conversion constant) BCM?
7.4 × 6 × 7 × 16.3 11 — 631G Wheel Tractor-Scrapers
CCY/hr = 2 — D9T Tractors with C-dozers
2 — 12H Motor Graders
CCY/hr = 1688 CCY/hr 1 — 825G Tamping Foot Compactor
Given the compaction requirement of 1655 CCY/hr, Material:
the 825G is an adequate compactor match-up for the Description — Sandy clay; damp, natural bed
rest of the fleet. However, any change to job layout Bank Density — 1770 kg/BCM
that would increase fleet production would upset this Load Factor — 0.80
balance. Shrinkage Factor — 0.85
Traction Factor — 0.50
Altitude — 2300 meters
28-10 Edition 44
0% Grade
4% G
0% Grade 0% Grade Sec. D — Fill 150 m
30 0 m
Haul RR = 100 kg/t
Sec. A — Cut 150 m Sec. B — Haul 450 m Sec. 0 kg/t Eff. Grade = 10%
RR = 100 kg/t RR = 40 kg/t RR = rade = 8%
Eff. Grade = 10% Eff. Grade = 4% Eff. G
Edition 44 28-11
28-12 Edition 44
Track-Type Tractor
Wheel Loader
Wheel Tractor-Scraper
Articulated Truck
Edition 44 28-13
28-14 Edition 44
Edition 44 28-15
28-16 Edition 44