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1.0 Math in Our World

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Math in our World

Mathema(cs & Physics Department

Math in Economics
Math in Science
Math in Sports
Math in the Wizarding World!
Math in Art
Different Types of Pa1erns : Symbol Pa1erns
• A pa4ern of images used instead of
• For example, Which of the 4 figures
below will be the next figure above?
Different Types of Pa1erns : Number Pa1erns

• A list of numbers that follow a

certain sequence or pa4ern.
• For example: What should be the
next number in this sequence?
• 5 10 13 26 29 58 61 ___
A. 128
B. 64
C. 125
D. 122
Different Types of Pa1erns : Number Pa1erns

•  What should be the next number in this sequence?

•  5 10 13 26 29 58 61 ___
A. 128 B. 64 C. 125 D. 122

Numbers are alterna(vely mul(plied by 2 and increased
by 3
5 × 2 = 10
10 + 3 = 13
13 × 2 = 26
26 + 3 = 29
29 × 2 = 58
58 + 3 = 61
61 × 2 = 122

Now try these!
1. Each hexagon is surrounded by12 dots.
a) Find the number of dots for a pa4ern
with 6 hexagons.
b) Find the pa4ern of hexagons with
229 dots.
2. A group of businessmen were at a networking
mee(ng. Each businessman exchanged his business
card with every other businessman who was
a) If there were 16 businessmen, how many business
cards were exchanged?
b) If there was a total of 380 business cards
exchanged, how many businessmen were at the
Now try these!
3. Describe the pa4ern. Find the missing
number in this pa4ern. Con(nue the
pa4ern to find the next three numbers
0.02 0.04 0.08 0.14 0.22 ____ 0.44
4. Raizza made a pa4ern with numbers. She
started with the number 0.01. Se added
0.5 to get the next number. She subtracted
0.3 to get the next number. Then, she
repeated the pa4ern. Write the first 6
numbers of the pa4ern.

Now try these!

5. Find the next number in the following

sequence: 1, 4, 27, 256, ____
6. Find the next number in the following
sequence: 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ____
7. Find the next number in the following
sequence: 2, 5, 10, 17, 26,...., and
a formula for the nth term.
8. Find the next number in the sequence
10, 8, 16, 14, 28, 26, 52, ____
Now try these!

8. Find the next number in the following

sequence: 10, 55, 115, 235, ____
9. Find the next number in the following
sequence: 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, ____
10. Find the next number in the
sequence: 11, 23, 48, 99, 202, ____
11. Find the next number in the
5, 8, 13, 20, 29, ____
Now try these!

12. Find the next number in the following

sequence: 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ____
13. Find the next number in the following
sequence: 6, 13, 27, 55, 111, ____
14. Find the next number in the following
sequence: 13, 14, 18, 27, 43, ____
15. Find the next number in the sequence
1, 9, 28, 65, 126, ____
Now try these!
16. Find the next le4er/le4ers in the following
sequence: AZ BY CX ____
17. Find the next le4er/le4ers in the following
sequence: SCD TEF UGH ___
18. Find the next le4er/le4ers in the following
sequence: AD GJ MP ____
19. Find the next le4er/le4ers in the sequence
20. Find the next number in the sequence
Z1A X2D V6G T21J K___M
Now try this!

What should follow in the lower right


Now try this!

What should follow in the this pa4ern?

Now try this!

• Choose the odd one out.





Now try this!

• Select the figure which is the odd one





Now try this!
•  Which of the following figures is the odd one out?





Now try this!

•  Choose the image that completes the pa4ern:

A. B. C. D. E.
Now try this!

•  Choose the image that completes the pa4ern:

A. B. C. D. E.
Now try this!

• Which of the shapes below con(nues the sequence?

A. B. C. D. E.
Now try this!

• Which of the shapes below con(nues the sequence?

A. B. C. D. E.
Now try this!

•  Choose the image that completes the pa4ern:

• Which of the shapes below replaces the missing box


Now try this!

•  Choose the image that completes the pa4ern:

• Which of the shapes below replaces the missing box


Pa1erns in Nature

• There are millions of pa4erns that

are found in our environment.
• These pa4erns occur in different
forms and in different contexts.
• They can be modelled
mathema(cally. Some example are
symmetries, trees, spiral, waves,
tessella(ons, stripes, meanders,
cracks, and many more.
Fibonacci sequence
How did the Fibonacci sequence come about?

Leonardo of Pisa aka

Fibonacci asked, “How do rabbits breed?”. He observed…

young pair of adult pair of

rabbits rabbits
Fibonacci asked, “How do rabbits breed?”. He observed…

Month 0

Month 1 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4 5

“Fibonacci numbers are said as one of the Nature's numbering systems …”

1 2 3 5

White Euphorbia Trillium Hibiscus

calla lily

•  Akhtaruzzaman, Md. (2011). Geometrical Substan(a(on of Phi, the Golden

Ra(o and the Baroque of Nature, Architecture, Design and Engineering.
Interna(onal Journal of Arts. 1. 10.5923/j.arts.20110101.01
“Fibonacci numbers are said as one of the Nature's
numbering systems …”

8 13 21 34

Bloodroot Black Eyed Shasta Daisy

Susan Daisy

•  Akhtaruzzaman, Md. (2011). Geometrical Substan(a(on of Phi, the Golden

Ra(o and the Baroque of Nature, Architecture, Design and Engineering.
Interna(onal Journal of Arts. 1. 10.5923/j.arts.20110101.01
Golden Ratio
CONCEPT: A line is divided into two sec(ons containing a unique
property such that the ra(o between the bigger segment and the
shorter segment should be equal to the ra(o between the line and its
bigger segment <h4p://www.scipress.org/journals/forma/toc/


Idea: Set any segment as 1.

Golden Ratio in the Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence:

Use your calculator and observe:

Golden Ratio in Art

"Non mi legga chi non e

matema(co.“ – Leonardo Da

(“Let no one read me who is
not a mathema(cian.”)

“Mona Lisa”
aka “La
Golden Ratio in Architecture

* h4ps://www.goldennumber.net/parthenon-
Golden Ratio in Human Body

•  Akhtaruzzaman, Md. (2011).

Geometrical Substan(a(on of Phi,
the Golden Ra(o and the Baroque of
Nature, Architecture, Design and
Engineering. Interna(onal Journal of
Arts. 1. 10.5923/j.arts.20110101.01
Worldwide Handsome
NOTE: There are a lot of interpreta(ons on the
manifesta(on of the Golden Ra(o in different works of art.
Many have crea(ve interpreta(ons but do not really
represent the ar(st’s true intent.

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