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Nutritional values of flamboyant (Delonix regia) seeds obtained in Akure, Nigeria

1*Abulude, Francis Olawale and 2Adejayan, Adewale Wright

1Science and Education Development Institute, Akure, Ondo State
2Federal College of Agriculture, Akure, Ondo State

The nutritional and antinutritional compositions (phytochemical, proximate, mineral,
digestibility, functional properties, phytate, tannins and oxalate.) of Delonix regia seed were
determined. The results showed that the sample, has high protein content, Ca, Na, Mg, K and Fe.
Biological value (BV) - 76.24, net protein utilization (NPU) - 60.99 and net protein value (NPV)
- 46.50, WAC 200%, OAC 98%, FC 4.3% and LGC 7%. The sample showed the presence of
some bioactive substances, the implication of this is that the extract may be suitable for treatment
of several ailments in human and animals. The results also depicted the presence of antinutrients;
it would be advisable to properly process the seed before consumption. The implications of the
results were discussed.

Keywords: Royal Poinciana, pinnae, Nigeria, Madagascar, umbrella-like canopy, nutritional


Corresponding author: waleabul@yahoo.com

Delonix regia is known as royal Poinciana, flamboyant tree, flame tree, peacock flower. The
family is Fabaceae/Leguminosae. It is native to Madagascar. This tree some say is the world’s
most colorful tree (Christman, 2004), the individual flowers are striking: they have four spoon
shaped spreading scarlet or orange-red petals about 7.6 cm long, and one upright slightly larger
petal (the standard) which is marked with yellow and white. Delonix regia gets to 9.1-12.2
meters tall, but its elegant wide-spreading umbrella-like canopy can be wider than its height
(Nawrocki, 2004). According to Floridata.com, (2004), this tree is deciduous in climates that

PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2764v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 31 Jan 2017, publ: 31 Jan 2017
have a marked dry season, but in other areas, it is known as a semi-evergreen tree. The leaves
are elegant, fernlike, twice-pinnate, and 30.5-50.8 cm long with 20-40 pairs of primary leaflets
(Pinnae), each divided into 10-20 pairs of secondary leaflets. The pods are flat, woody, dark
brown, 61 cm long and about 5.1 cm wide. A naturally occurring variety (var. flavida) has
golden-yellow flowers (Christman, 2004). Delonix regia is widely cultivated and may be seen in
parks and estates in tropical cities throughout the world. It tolerates hard pruning and can be
kept at a small size, and even grown in the greenhouse (Nawrocki, 2004).
Throughout the world there is a dearth of man and animal feeds this has made researchers delve
into looking for alternative sources. Again, all the parts of Delonix regia grown in Nigeria have
been a waste since none of them have been exploited as foods and feeds. Reviewed literature
(Christman, 2004, Nawrocki, 2004, Floridata.com, 2004) on Delonix regia did not show or have
any information on the nutritional and antinutritional compositions of the seeds. This informed
our efforts in the search. It is believed that the results of this study would add to the existing
knowledge on the flamboyant tree. The outcome of the study may be useful in finding out the
food values of the seeds.
The aim of this study is to examine the nutritional and antinutritional compositions of the
flamboyant tree. To achieve this, these parameters would be determined (proximate and mineral
compositions, digestibility, functional properties, phytochemical constituents and antinutrients
(oxalate, phytate and tannins).

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Flamboyant tree (Delonix regia) and the sample seed used for the analysis are depicted in
Fig 1 - 4

Fig 1: Flamboyant tree showing the flowers

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Fig 2: Flamboyant tree showing the pods

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Fig 3: Pods of flamboyant tree

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Fig 4: Seeds of flamboyant

Sample preparation
The sample used for this study was obtained from Federal College of Agriculture, Akure,
Ondo State Nigeria. The seed was screened to remove bad ones, washed in distilled water, oven
dried at 105oC for 7 days, milled in a Kenwood blender, sieved with 2mm wire mesh and stored
in air-tight containers at an ambient temperature.

Proximate Composition
This was carried out on the seeds for ash, crude fiber, moisture, and fat in triplicate using
the method described by AOAC (1990). Nitrogen was estimated by the micro-Kjeldahl method

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(Pearson 1976) and the percentage nitrogen was converted to crude protein by multiplying with
6.25. The carbohydrate was calculated by difference.

Mineral Composition
Mineral content was carried out by dry-ashing the seed at 550oC for 2h, dissolving in
10% HCL (25cm3) and 5% lanthanum chloride (2cm3), filtering and making up to standard
volume (50cm3) with 10% HCl. Metals were determined with atomic absorption
spectrophotometer. Total phosphorus (P) was determined using colorimeter by the
phosphovanadomolybdate method (AOAC 1990).

Digestibility composition
The digestibility was performed using a detailed procedure as described by Adeola

Antinutritive Compositions
Phytate was determined using Young and Greave (1940) method. Phytate P as a
percentage of total P was calculated (Balogun and Fetuga (1989). Oxalate was investigated with
the methods proffered by Day and Underwood (1986). Tannins were determined by the
quantitative methods of Markkar and Good child (1996).

Functional Properties
Oil and water absorption capacities were measured by the procedures of Sosulski (1962).
The foaming capacity and least gelation capacity were determined using the methods of Coffman
and Garcia (1977).

Phytochemical composition
Flavonoids, Alkaloids, saponins, cardiac glycosides tannins were determined
qualitatively using the methods of Trease and Evans (1983) and Harbone (1973).

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Statistical analysis
All data generated were statistically analyzed using the SPSS for Windows 10.0


Table 1 shows the summary of the phytochemical composition of the seed analyzed. It
showed that they were either clearly or slightly present. These results compared with the results
obtained for aqueous root extract of Raphia hookeri (Akpan and Usoh 2004) crude extracts of
Gliricidia sepium, Tectona grandis and Hevea bracilliest (Eluyode and Alabi, 2007; Abulude et
al., 2011), and aqueous leaves extracts of Boerhavia diffusa and Commelina midiflora
(Ujowundu et al., 2008). The presences of these bioactive substances in the seed extract have
been reported to have pharmacological functions which may act synergistically (Akpan and Usoh
2004). Some bioactive substances act as an anti-nutritional factor. Saponins reduce the uptake
of certain nutrients including glucose and cholesterol at the gut through intra-lumental
physicochemical interaction. It has been reported to have hypocholesterolemic effects.
Alkaloids inhibit certain mammalian enzymic activities such as those of phosphodiesterase
prolonging the action of cyclic AMP. They also affect glucagons and thyroid stimulating
hormones, white some have been reported to be carcinogenic. Flavonoids have been found to
have anti-oxidation effects in animals (Ujowundu et al., 2008).
The implication of the presence of all these bioactive substances, the extract may be
suitable for treatment of several ailments in human and animals. Saponins are special classes of
glycosides which have been reported to possess soapy properties and active microbial agents
(Banso and Adeyemo 2006) Tannins have also been reported to prevent the development of
microorganisms by precipitating microbial protein and making nutritional proteins unavailable to
the (Sodipo et al., 1991). Alkaloids are poisonous but they have been proved to be useful in
correcting renal disorders.
Proximate composition (Table 2) of the seed is higher than those reported for Ogi and its
by-product (Abulude et al., 2007), Gnetum africanum (AFANG) seeds (EKOP 2007), seed of
Jatropha curcas and Luffa cylindrical (Abulude et al., 2006) but compared with results of
Ogunkoya et al., (2006) on Epicrates anguifer. Less mineral is absorbed from foods high in
fiber especially when they also contain phytate. This does not mean fiber should be avoided but

PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2764v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 31 Jan 2017, publ: 31 Jan 2017
excess is not tolerable. The dietary fiber intake is 25-30g/day, but in many developed countries
the actual average intake is closer is 15g (Cleveland et al., 1996). The high values of
carbohydrate and protein in the sample would complement favorably those nutrients from other
sources, ash value could be an evidence of the high mineral content of the sample. The crude
fibre in the sample would do bulk elimination of faeces thereby reducing cancer of the colon
while the low crude fat could be evidence that flamboyant seed might not promote coronary
heart disease (CHD), it could promote palatability to foods, reduce emptying time of the
stomach, decreases intestinal motility and ensures dietary supply of essential fatty acids and fat-
soluble vitamins Christian (2007). This food seed seems to be a promising alternative source of
food nutrient.
It is worthy to note that Ca in conjunction with Mg, P, Mn, Vitamin, Chlorine and
Proteins are involved in the formation of bone (Abulude 2001). It also plays an important role in
blood clothing, coordination of inorganic elements present in the body and balancing of Ca and
pH is very important that the normal Ca levels in the diet should be balanced throughout life.
Increasing dietary K has lowered blood pressure in humans, which by itself should reduce the
risk of stroke, however, some of the protective effects of K appears to extend beyond its ability
to lower blood pressure. Maintaining a high K intake may be achieved by consuming
flamboyant. Mn is known for normal bone metabolism and important enzyme reactions,
maintenance of normal nerve, brain and thyroid functions. Its deficiency is uncommon but can
affect the brain, glucose tolerance, normal reproduction skeletal and cartilage formation (Keen et
al 1999). Zn supports the health of the immune system, normal synthesis of protein and the
health of reproductive organs (especially in men) the deficiency of Zn adversely affect normal
physical growth skin, nerve health, natural healing ability and immune function especially in
infants. In is necessary for blood nerves, joints, heart, skin, liver and the immune systems. It is
also critical to the absorption and utilization of both Zn and Fe. The inability to produce
important antioxidant enzymes and a shortage of red blood cell has been implicated by Cu
deficiency and excess Cu in the diet decreases retention and utilization of Zn (Reddy and Love
1999), about 1-10% of plant Fe is said to be absorbed by the body. This can be improved by the
presence of animal Fe (Esiet and Kayode 2007).

PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2764v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 31 Jan 2017, publ: 31 Jan 2017
The results (Table 3) of the elemental contents of the sample were on the high side. In
comparison with other literature (Table 4), it was found that the values obtained in this study
were either not in agreement or agreement with results obtained for other samples. From the
results it could be deduced that this seed is a potential good source for all the minerals
determined. The differences in our results and others could be due to cultivars, location, soil
conditions, rainfall and other reasons, minerals if adequately taken known to be helpful in the
reduction of diseases associated with them. It is advisable not to over process the seeds because
of the known fact that processing aids in loss of nutrients (Ejoh et al., 2007).
Results of the functional qualities (Table 5 showed thus: WAC 200%, OAC 98%, FC
4.3% and LGC 7%. These results agreed with values reported for Cucumeropsis edulis seeds
(Abulude et al., 2006) but higher than values recorded for some Nigerian cowpea varieties
(Chinma et al., 2008). WAC is considered a critical function of protein in viscous food, like
soups, graves, doughs, bake products etc, hence, flamboyant may be useful in these food
formulations. OAC is important since oil acts as flavor retainer and increases the taste of foods.
The ability of the protein to form gels and provide a structural matrix for holding water, flavors,
sugars and food ingredients is useful in food applications and in new product development,
thereby providing an added dimension to protein functionality.
The average protein digestibility, biological value (BV) net protein utilization (NPU) and
net protein value (NPV) (Table 6) ranged thus: 76.24, 60.99, 46.50, and 7. These results
followed the trends on some tropical plants (Abulude 2005) and Sphenostylis stenocarpa
(Adeyeye 1997). BV measures the proportion of absorbed protein from a diet that is retained
while NPU measures the proportion of the consumed protein that is retained. Supplementation
of the seed under this study with cysteine and methionine could improve BV and NPU.

The present study revealed that the seed under the study has high protein content, Ca, Na,
Mg, K and Fe. Good protein digestibility and functional properties. It is advisable to
supplement the intake of this seed with other foods which are highly nutritious and proper
processing should be ensured before consumption.


PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2764v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 31 Jan 2017, publ: 31 Jan 2017
The authors are grateful to Mrs Gabriel M.A. of Federal College of Agriculture, Akure,
Ondo State, Nigeria for providing technical assistance.

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Table 1. Phytochemical constituents of the seeds analyzed

Parameters Results

Flavanoids ++
Alkaloids +
Saponins ++
Cardiac glycosides +
Tannins ++
Cyangenic glycosides +
+ = slightly present, ++ = clearly present

Table 2. Proximate composition of seeds analyzed (%)

Parameters Value
Crude protein 35.97 ab

Crude ash 5.93 a

Crude Fibre 9.83 ab

Crude Fat 9.77 ab
Nitrogen free extract 23.33 ab
Moisture 8.40 a
abMeans on the same row with different superscripts are significantly (P<0.05) different.


PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2764v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 31 Jan 2017, publ: 31 Jan 2017
Table 3. Mineral constituents of seeds analyzed (mgkg-1)
Parameters Value
Ca 318.25 ab
Na 530.05 ab
K 180.25 a
Mg 325.00 a
Mn 30.95 ab
Fe 35.00 ab
Cu 40.00 ab
Zn 25.00 a
Ni 3.00 a
abMeans on the same row with different superscripts are significantly (P<0.05) different.


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Table 4. Mineral compositions (mgkg-1) of seeds analyzed compare with other countries

Samples Ca Na K Mg Mn Cu Fe Ni Zn References

Rice (Jordan) 31.3 – 116.9 31.7 – 53.0 26.2 – 103.2 36.7 - 60.7 0.3 – 1.0 0.8 – 1.4 2.7 – 10.0 - - El-Qudah et al., 2008
(Cameroon) 40.1 – 97.7 - - - - - 4.79 – 8.01 - - Ejoh et al., 2007

Cereals Awadakareem
(Sudan) 2.43 6.18 – 8.2 225.23 - - 0.41 15.54 - - et al., 2008

Legumes 2.10 – 69.0 - - - - - - - - Dubey et al., 2008


Our study 318.25 530.02 180.25 325.00 30.95 40.00 35.00 3.00 25.00 -


PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2764v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 31 Jan 2017, publ: 31 Jan 2017
Table 5. Antinutrients of seeds analyzed (%)
Parameters Values

Total P 217.00 ab
Phytate P 172.0 ab
Phytate 612.32 ab
Oxalate 0.75 a
Tannins 60.35 ab
Phytate P as percentage 79.26 ab
P = Phosphorus, abMeans on the same row with different superscripts are
significantly (P<0.05) different.

Table 6. Some functional properties of seeds analyzed

Parameters Values

Water absorption capacity 200 ± 0.5ab

Oil absorption capacity 98 ± 0.5ab
Foam capacity 4.3 ± 0.5a
Least gelation capacity 7 ± 0.5a
abMeans on the same row with different superscripts are significantly (P<0.05) different.

Table 7. In vitro protein digestibility of seeds analyzed

Parameters Values
Digestibility 76.24 ± 0.5ab
Biological value 60.99 ± 0.5ab
Net protein utilization 46.50 ± 0.5ab
Net protein value 4.77 ± 0.5ab
abMeans on the same row with different superscripts are significantly (P<0.05) different.


PeerJ Preprints | https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2764v1 | CC BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 31 Jan 2017, publ: 31 Jan 2017

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