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Lesson: The Russian Alphabet - The Russian Alphabet.: Vocabulary

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22/8/2019 Learn to speak a language in 10 minutes a day - Busuu

Lesson: The Russian alphabet - The Russian alphabet.

Part 1.
Русский алфавит the Russian alphabet

Авто́бус bus

Каф é café

Ма́ма Mum

О́фис o ce

Такси́ taxi

Еда́ food
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22/8/2019 Learn to speak a language in 10 minutes a day - Busuu


Ва́за vase

Но́с nose

Ра́дио radio

С п ý soup

У́ тро morning

Хокке́й hockey
Here's a tip
In this lesson we are going to look at the Russian alphabet, which is based on the
Cyrillic alphabet. There are 33 le ers in the Russian alphabet: 10 vowels, 21 consonants
and 2 special le ers - so sign and hard sign - that indicate pronunciation. On the next
screen you will see what it looks and sounds like.
First, let's take a look at the le ers that look and sound the same as their equivalents in
the Latin alphabet:
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22/8/2019 Learn to speak a language in 10 minutes a day - Busuu

A - pronounced /a/ like in "car"

K - pronounced /k/ like in "kangaroo"
M - pronounced /m/ like in "mother"
O - pronounced /o/ like in "orange"
T - pronounced /t/ like in "taxi".
Now let's learn the le ers that look like le ers in the Latin alphabet, but sound
di erent.
Е - pronounced /je/ like in "yes"
В - pronounced /v/ like in "van"
Н - pronounced /n/ like in "no"
Р - pronounced /r/ like in "rock" (as a rolled "r")
С - pronounced /s/ like in "sun"
У - pronounced /u/ like in "cool"
Х - pronounced /kh/ like in the Sco ish "loch"
Let's have another look at the le ers we've just learned. You can see them highlighted in
bold below.
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ее Ёё Жж Зз Ии Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр СсТт Уу Ф
, , , , , ,, ,, , ,
ф Хх Цц Чч Шш Щщ ъ Ыы ь Ээ Юю Яя

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