TOEFL (Reading)
TOEFL (Reading)
TOEFL (Reading)
The third section of the TOEFL test is the Reading Comprehension section. This section consists
of fifty questions (some tests may be longer). You have fifty-five minutes to complete the fifty
questions in this section.
In this part of the test you will be given reading passages, and you will be asked two
types of questions about the reading passages:
1. Reading Comprehension question ask you to answer questions about the information
given in the reading passages. There will be a variety of questions about each reading
passage, including main idea questions, directly answered detail questions, and implied
detail questions.
2. Vocabulary qestions ask you to identify the meanings of vocabulary words in the
reading passages. To answer these questions, you may have to know the meanings of the
woeds. You can also identify the meanings of some of the words by understanding the
context surrounding the words, by using structural clues to identify the meanings of the
words, or by breaking down the unknown words into known word parts in order to
identify them.
1. Be familiar with the directions. The directions on every TOEFL test are the same,
so it is not necessary to spend time reading the directions carefully when you take the
test. You should be completely familiar with the directions before the day of the test.
2. Do not spend too much time reading the passages! O do not have time to read each
reading passage in depth, and it is quite possible to answer the questions correctly
without first reading the passges iin depth. Some stdents prefer to spend a minute or
two on each passage reading for the mai idea before starting on the questions. Other
students prefer to move directly to the questions without reading the passages first.
3. Do not worry if a reading passage is on a topic that you are unfamiliat with. All
of the information that you need to answer the questions is included in the passages.
You do not need any background knowledge to answer the questions.
4. Never leave any answers blank on your answer sheet. Even if you are unsure of
the correct response, you should answer each question. There is no penalty for
The Reading Comprehension section of the TOEFL test consists of five reading passages, each
followed by a number of rerading comprehension and vocabulary questions. Topics of the
reading passage are varied, but they are often informational subjects that migh be studied in an
American university: American history, literature, art, architecture, geology geography, and
astronomy, for ecample.
Time is definitely a factor in the Reading Comprehension section. Many students who
take the TOEFL test note that they are unable to finish all the questions in this section.
Therefore, you need to make the most efficient use of your time in this section to get the higest
score. The following method is the best way of attacking a reading passage to get the most
questions correct in a limites amount of time.
1. Skim the reading passage to determine the main idea and the overall
organization of ideas in the passage. You do not need to understand every detail
in each passage to answer the questions correctly. It is therefore a waste of time to
read the passage with the intent of nderstanding every songle detail before you try
to answer the questions.
2. Look ahead at the questions to determine what types of question. The question-
type tells you exactly wjere to look in the passage to find correct answers.
3. Find the section of the passage that deals with each questions. The question-
type tells you exactly where to look in the passage to find correct answers.
- For main idea questions, look at the first lne of each paragraph.
- For direct and indirectly answered detail questions, choose a key word in the
question, and skim for that key word (or a re;;ated idea) in order in the passage.
- For vocabulary questions, the question will tell you where the word is located in
the passage.
- For overall review questions, the answers are found anywhere in the passage.
4. Read the part of the passage that contains the answer carefully. The answer
will probably be in the same sentence (or one sentence before or after) the key word
or idea.
5. Choose the best answer to each question from the four answer choices listed in
your test book. Yo can choose the best answer according to what is given in the
appropriate section of the passage, eliminate definitely wronf answers, and mark
your best guess on the answer sheet.
The following skills will help you to implement these strategies in Reading Comprehension
section of the TOEFL test.
It is very common for reading passages in the Reading comprehension section of the TOEFL test
to have questions about the overall ideas in the passage. The most common type of question asks
about the main idea, topic, title, or subject. Occasionally, there will also be a question about how
the information in the passsage is organized.
Example 1
The passage:
The question:
The first sentence of this passage discusses a distinction between the ideas of
“intelligence” and “reasoning” in the philosophy oh John Dewey, so this is probably the topic.
Aquick check of the rest of the sentences in the passage confirms that the topic is in fact the
difference between “intelligence” and “reasoning.” Now you should check each of the answes to
determine which one comes closest to the topic that you have determined. Answer A) mentions
only intelligence, so it is not the topic. Answer B) mentions distinctions that John Dewey makes,
but it does not say specifically what type of distinctions. Answer C) mentions only reasoning, so
answer C) is imcomplete. The best answer is therefore D); the idea of how intelligence differs
from reasoning comes from the first sentence of the passage, which mentions a sharp
distinction...between “intelligence” and “reasoning.”
If a passage consists of more than one paragraph, you should study the beginning of each
paragraph to determine the main idea.
Example 1I
The passage:
The question:
Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. The process of Nitrogen Fixation
B. Two Nitrogen Processes
C. The Return of Nitrogen to the Air
D. The Effect of Nitrogen on Plant Life
In a passage with more than one paragraph, you should be sure to read the first sentence
of each paragraph to determine the subject, title, or main idea. In example II, the first senttence
of the first paragraph indicates that the first paragraph is about the process of nitrogen fixation.
If you look only at the first paragraph, you migh choose the incorrect answer A), which would be
a good title for the first paragraph only. The first sentence of the second paragraph indicates that
the process of denitrification is discussed in the second paragraph. Answer C) is incorrect
because the return of nitrogen the the air is the process of denitrification, and this is discussed in
the second paragraph only. Answer D) is incorrect because the effect of nitrogen on plant life is
not discussed in this passage. The best answer to this question is answer B); the two nitrogen
processes are nitrogen fixation, which is discussed in the first paragraph, and denitrification,
which is discussed in the second paragraph.
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember about main
idea questions:
The passage
The question:
Organization of ideas
How to identify the qustion How is the information in the passage organized?
How is the information in the second paragraph related
to the information in the first paragraph?
Where to find the answer The answer to this type of question can generally be
determined by looking at the first sentence of the
appropriate paragraphs
How to answer the question 1. read the first line of each paragraph
2. look for words that show the relationship between
the paragraphs
3. Choose the answer that best expresses the
The passage
Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia situated on a
peninsula betweentwo rivers, the York and the James. It was
settled by English colonist in 1633, twenty-six years after the
first permanent English colony in America was settled a
Jamestown. In the beginning the colony at Williamsburg was
named Middle Plantation because of its location in the middle of
the peninsula. The site for Williamsburg had been selected by the
colonists because the soil frainage was better there than at the
Jamestown location, and there were fewer mosquitoes.
The questions:
The passage:
The questions:
The passage :
The questions :
Pronoun Referents
How to identify the qustion The pronoun “...” in line X refers to which of the
Where to find the answer The line where the pronouns is located is generally
given in the question. The noun that the pronoun refers
to is generally found before the pronoun
How to answer the question 1. Find the pronoun in the passage. (The line where the
pronoun can be found is generally stated in the
2. Look for nouns that come before the pronoun
3. Read the part of the passage before the pronoun
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose
the best answer from the remaining choices
The passage :
The Hawaiiian language is a melodious language in which
all words are derived from an alphabet of only twelve letters, the
five vowels a, i, u, e, o and the seven consonants h, k, l, m, n, p,w.
Each syllabel in the language ends in a vowel, and two consonants
never appear together, so vowels have a much higher frequency in
the Hawaiian language than they do in English.
This musical-sounding language can be heard regularly by
visitors to the islands. Most Hawaiians speak English, but ih is quite
common to hear English that is liberally spiced with words and
expressions from the traditional language of the culture. A visitor
may be greeted with the expression aloha and maybe referred to as
a malihini because he is a newcomer to the island. This visitor may
attend an outside luau where everyone eats too much and may be
invited afterwards to dance the hula.
The questions :
The passage :
The questions :
Transition Questions
How to identify the qustion The paragraph preceding the passage probably...
What is most likely in the paragraph following the
Where to find the answer The answer can generally be found in the first line of
the passage for a preceding question. The answer can
generally be found in the last line for a following
How to answer the question 1. Read the first line for a preceding question
2. Read the last line for a following question
3. Draw a conclusion about what comes before or after
4. Choose the answer that is reflected in the first or last
line of the passage
The passage :
The questions :
Structural Clues
How to identify the qustion What is ...?
What is the meaning of ...?
What is true about...?
Types of clues Punctuation: comma, parentheses, dashes
Restatement: or, that is, in other words, i.e.
Examples: such as, for ecample, e.g.
Where to find the answer Information to help you determine what something
means will generally be found after the punctuation
clue, the restatement clue, or the example clue
How to answer the question 1. Find the word in the passage
2. Locate any structural clues
3. Read the part of the passage after the strutural clue
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose
the best answer from the remaining choices
The passage :
The questions :
The question :
The questions :
The passage :
The questions :