Oaf - Oracle Application Framework Training Manual: What Is Oaframework?
Oaf - Oracle Application Framework Training Manual: What Is Oaframework?
Oaf - Oracle Application Framework Training Manual: What Is Oaframework?
Oracle application framework-(OAF) is mainly come into the picture to replace d2k forms. it came
because to meet some new requirements from oracle corporation.
Till now we have three kinds of applications.
-Form based
-self web applications based
-mobile devices applications
What is OAFramework?
The Oracle Applications Framework (OA Framework) is a development and deployment platform
used for Oracle Applications (Apps) HTML-based screens. In other words, OA Framework is the
standard approach for building and launching Apps web pages. This includes the "i" modules,
such as iReceivables, iProcurement, etc. The framework contains the design rules and components
that include the look-and-feel for web pages, so any custom-built pages will have a presentation
identical to Oracle-developed pages.
-Only oracle database should use.
-No drag & drop option.
Personalization Levels:
Site: Usually set for adding field/region item which can be done only at site level.
Organization: refers to operating unit
Responsibility: refers to Responsibility
Function: If you define same OA page as two different menu functions then you can personalize
both differently
Extension - When?
-Add a new region to existing standard oracle page
-Add a field that belongs to custom table column or a column that is not part of existing VO (query)
associated with region
-Add custom validation for fields on page
-Modify LOV on a field. Change search criteria, display fields in LOV page
Installations Steps:
1)First we receive the patch file from client
Unzip the zip file.
The Model is where the application implements its business logic. All the BC4J components in OAF
comes under Model like AM (Application Module), VO (View Object), EO (Entity Object), VL (View
Link) & AO (Association Object).
-In order to develop any OAF Application you need to know few concepts before doing any kind of
development. The concepts are basically the Business Components for Java(BC4J) components.
They are:
Entity Object (EO)
View Object (VO)
Application Module (AM)
Association Object (AO)
View Link (VL)
Now let us see the description of each component:
-Validation, locking and posting order of children
-Handled by composite associations
-Who columns (Record history)
-Set automatically during Eo create() or doDML()
One: it is the iterator that allows you step through the individual rows of the VO.
Two: it generates the get/set methods for the VO.Merely creating the set/get methods doesn't gain
anything ,but it does allow others to extend those methods should the need rise.
Association (AO):
An association is created where we need to link 2 Entity Object’s. A Association can be created
by providing the source and destination eo and source and destination attributes.
-Define relationship between entity objects
-Consist of a source (master) and destination(detail) entity
Master/Detail create page:
Master/Detail view page
View means out put of the xml page. it is responsible for the output of the model. When you
design a page, you store page definition in XML format on local machine.
-The View is where the application implements its user interface.
-View means the UI (User Interface) that is visible to the Users.
-When deploying to our system/server ,we load this XML file into MDS repository using XML
import statements. When the user run the page in the browser, the page definition is fetched from
the MDS repository and is converted into the XML file by the MDS engine.
The Controller is where the application handles user interaction and directs business flow.
Controller is a simple java class file that contains methods for initial page request and post back
This phase is invoked after page load.
By default it contains OAPageContext and OAWebBean classes and
super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean); method
Ex:After page opens if you wants to handle any event like submit or next button will write the code
in processFormRequest.
Fires when form submit happens.
-Rarely will write custom code in this phase. if exceptions are thrown during this phase, the process
form request phase is skipped and the page re-displayed.
Eo level exceptions
--To get and set values of the fields.
pageContext.getParameter and pageContext.putParameter
-Navigate to one page to another page
-Get handle of Application module in co
-To write debug messages
-Get profile,sequence FND messgae in co
-To get the handle of the webbeans
-To set webBean properties
Note: Naming standards are not enforced on customers.these standards are simply what oracle
uses.Like any standards ,they evolve over time.if you encounter objects that dont adhere to any
given naming standard,chances are those are older objects adhering to an older naming standard
,chances are those are older objects to an older naming standard that is no longer used.
We know it means Meta Data Service. We also know that it has something to do
with web page displayed in OA Framework. Lets try to understand the basics of MDS.
Meta:- In technical world, meta work symbolizes dictionar0y. Think of a web page broken into
small units which are fields, buttons, list boxes. These small individual units[fields, buttons etc] are
stored in a dictionary, in the database. These units when combined together, they become a
webpage that gets rendered on the browser.
Data:- Those meta pieces are not stored as binary files, but as data in tables. Those tables begin with
JDR_PATHS. The definition and relationship of each field/region/component is stored in these JDR
tables. OA framework reads that data when you request a page. The page structure is then built
based on Metadata.
Service: - Meta Data is available as a service (plain service not web service). The data is there in JDR
tables, but all such data has to be co-related, all fields, regions, buttons etc have to be clubbed into a
meaningful manner to make a web page. You can say that MDS provides service to store & return
page definitions. MDS collates those definitions in components/fields in a meaningful manner to
build a page.
The View formats the data and presents the data to the user. In OAF View is implemented using the
UIX. UIX uses XML to describe the components and hierarchy that make up an application page.
UIX also provides runtime capabilities to translate that metadata into HTML output so that it can be
shown on a Browser or a mobile device. The metadata used to describe the UI is loaded into a
database repository, called Meta Data Services (MDS), at deployment time and optionally at design
time as well. Pages are developed declaratively using the Oracle 9i J-Developer OA Extension.
Pages are made up of hierarchy of regions and items. Each UI widget corresponds to one or more
Java objects (beans). And these java beans are used to create the HTML at runtime. When you
design a page, you store "page definition" in XML format on your local machine. When deploying
to our system/server, we load this XML file into MDS repository using the xml import statements.
When the user run the page in the browser, the page definition is fetched from the MDS repository
and is converted into the XML file by the MDS engine. Each component in XML is translated into
the Java web bean object. And this web bean is rendered by the OA Framework. Page definition is
cached in to the memory, and if it is there, framework will not go to MDS repository to get the page
MVC Architecture
Onion Architecture of OAF
-OAF can be extracted into a series of concentric layers, like as onion
-Each layers only ‘knows’ about the layers below it
Region is a part of an Oracle Apps Framework page which acts as a container for the items or
components. By default the top most level of an OA Framework page has to be of the "page Layout"
region type.
Also every region in OAF has specific properties which can be given some values
while creation of the OA Framework page e.g. rendered property which allows the region to be
displayed onto the OAF page, as per Oracle Application Framework guidelines (called as OAF
standards) this rendered property can have 2 values namely true(visible) or false(hidden). If the
region in an OAF page is set to be hidden then all the children regions/items will by default be
rendered false once that OAF page is rendered on to screen. Even these properties can be changed
at runtime using a Java controller, but that needs an understanding on how to import the region
beans and then how to create handle of the bean and then how to set properties. However this is not
so much difficult to do but still some Java concept and Java programming knowledge is needed to
achieve this. This is called as runtime control of the bean in OAF and is explained in detail for every
region in the corresponding region type.
Every region has a specific way of representing the data onto the screen once the OA Framework
page is rendered. Hence while creation of a OAF page we have to very cautious in choosing the
type of regions. E.g. a defaultDoubleColumn type of region will create two columns and will
automatically render all the components created inside it in these two columns once the OAF page
is rendered to screen. There are various types of regions available in OA Framework.
The complete list of all the regions provided by Oracle Application Framework is given below.
It was earlier that OA Framework used OATableBean to render tables but now things have changed
and OAAdvancedTableBean extends OATableBean. The best part of this is that with advancedtable
provides declarative support for the functionalities which required programming with simple table.
The magic doesn?t ends here, OAAdvancedTableBean also provides declarative support to many of
the new features that were not available with OATableBean, just for an example features like
column span in a table column header were not available with OATableBean but is now
declaratively supported by OAAdvancedTableBean.
Advanced table has many rich features, some of which can be like a table can now have an
instruction text and even a tip, also table can have a navigation bar, selection column, add rows
button, control bar, recalculate and many more.
Advanced table even allows you to brand the table so that it looks more beautiful once it?s
Column Branding: This is similar to row banding except that now rather that rows the columns of
your advanced table will be in the grey band branding style.
No Branding: This is the default branding style that?s selected if you don?t choose other styles, in
this style neither rows nor columns will be branded and all the rows and tables of the advanced
table will be displayed as mentioned in Oracle BLAF.
Some more features of advanced table are:
Text: This is the text that will be displayed on the top of the table once the OA Framework page is
Records Displayed: This property can limit the number of records that can be displayed on the
screen once the advanced table is rendered. Be default the number of records displayed is 10.
Width: this is another important property of advancedtable. Here as the name suggests you can
enter the width of the table once the table is rendered. You can either enter the width in pixels or in
percentage. In order to enter the width of the table in pixel enter 500 or 600 in the property palette.
In order to enter the width of the table in percentage enter 70% or 80% in the palette. Once you enter
the width of table to be 100% the navigation links (Next and Previous) will be displayed on top of
the table. These links allow you to navigate to the other rows, apart from those being displayed on
the OA Framework page currently.
Controller Class: This is an optional property. If you want to perform some runtime action then
only you need to create a controller class where you will be handling the events and navigations
performed on the advancedTable.
Admin Perosnlization: Set to true if you want the admin to be able to personalize the
advancedTable region else false.
User Personalization: Set to true if you want the user to be able to personalize the advancedTable
region else false.
In oracle application framework page the OAF BulletedList appears with a bullet prefixed to any
item present in this region.
For example - Suppose you have 3 items placed inside the BulletedList region type in an Oracle
Application Framework page, then all the 3 items will have a bullet attached as prefix when the OA
Framework page renders. But the only condition that OAF applies for making the bullet as prefix is
that each of the items should have its Rendered property set as true.
Hence, if bullet region is having 4 items in an Oracle Application Framework page and out of these
4 items, 2 items have the rendered property as false then you will find only 2 items with bullet
attached to it once the Oracle Apps Framework page renders on the browser.
Generally, Oracle Application Framework uses BulletedList to hold plain texts or links, but this
doesn't means that it cannot hold other regions or items. Oracle Apps Framework gives you the
freedom to add any other regions or items inside the BulletedList region style.
Oracle Application Framework allows you to specify the whether you want to show all the items in
columns or in the apps framework you can also set the number of rows that you expect to be
displayed at runtime.
To achieve the above mentioned functionality Oracle Application Framework provides you the
Height attribute property of the BulletedList. Let's consider one more example -
Suppose you have 10 items that have to be displayed in 2 columns when the Oracle Apps
Framework page is rendered. To make this happen all you need to do is to just set the height
property value as 2 in the JDeveloper Tool property palette. This makes the items 1-5 to come in one
column and the items 6-10 to be displayed in the second column. But there is a restriction to the
number of columns that you can create with the above approach. As per Oracle Application
Framework you cannot exceed the number of columns by 3, this means that you cannot have more
than three columns for a BulletedList region in an OAF page.
In oracle application framework page the OAF CellFormat region is used inside RowLayout region.
CellFormat region is a container of regions or items.
It imparts the properties like columnSpan, rowSpan, vAlign, hAlign, etc.
Suppose you have 3 rows and 2 columns in a table. Now you want to merge 2 columns of first row.
For this you can use rowSpan property of cell and will get the first of resulting in only one column,
i.e. now when you run OAF page, table will have total of 5 cells in it.
CellFormat allows you to control the vertical and horizontal alignment of item present in it. You can
achieve the same using vAlign and hAlign.
Suppose there is cell consisting of messageTextInput in it, messageTextInput should be top justified
and at the end of the cell in the Oracle application framework page. For this, set the vAlign (Vertical
alignment) property of cellFormat as top and hAlign (Horizontal Alignment) property of cellFormat
as right.
Note - It will not take care the alignment of the text of the webbean present in it. Like, in a
messageTextInput there is a text of VARCHAR data type, it will be only left aligned.
In oracle application framework page the OAF ContentContainer region is used to display
additional information of the OAF page in Oracle BLAF ( Browser Look and Feel).
ContentContainer is having special features which will help it to differentiate from other content of
the OAF page.
Example: It can have different background color which can be different from the standard
background color of oracle apps framework page. This can be done by using Background Shade
property of the ContentContainer.
It can have border to it to identify it as a separate region.
Content Container can have items and regions of any style in it.
To add this into oracle application framework page, create a shared region in the OAF page for
Generally, BulletList region is placed in it, as we use ContentContainer to display additional
information, and that will be displayed pointwise. In the BulletList we can add further items or
regions in it as per the requirement.
ContentContainer will be generally displayed at the end (right side) of the Oracle Apps Framework
In oracle application framework page the OAF ContentFooter region was used to hold buttons
(links) at the bottom level of the Oracle Apps Framework page. It displays as a bottom line which is
separated from the page footer with the content of the oracle application framework page and also
known as "ski".
It is deprecated style.
Page buttons should be used instead of ContentFooter to hold buttons in it.
In oracle application framework page the OAF DefaultDoubleColumn region was used to hold
items in two columns.
Prompt of items will be right justified and the input fields will be left justified. But it was not
fulfilling the Oracle BLAF (Browser Look and Feel) UI requirement/guidelines.
Hence, it is deprecated and messageComponentLayout should be used for better serving the
purpose of placing items in OAF page along with header region which is called before
messageComponentLayout in the OAF page.
Along with DefaultDoubleColumn layout, there was one more region known as
DefaultSingleColumn layout was present.
DefaultSingleColumn severs the requirement of placing items in one column; it is also deprecated
due to the same reason of not serving the purpose of Oracle BLAF UI.
In oracle application framework page the OAF DefaultFormStack region was used to hold regions
or items in a stack format i.e. it was used when each region or items needs to come in Oracle apps
framework page one under another (stacked) either to the left side of the page or right or center as
per the requirement.
It is a deprecated region style.
stackLayout should be used instead of DefaultFormStack in current scenarios.
In oracle application framework page the OAF DefaultSingleColumn region was used to hold items
in a single column. Prompt of items will be right justified and the input fields will be left justified.
But it was not fulfilling the Oracle BLAF (Browser Look and Feel) UI requirement/guidelines.
Hence, it is deprecated and messageComponentLayout should be used for better serving the
purpose of placing items in OAF page along with header region which is called before
messageComponentLayout in the OAF page.
Along with DefaultSingleColumn layout, there was one more region known as
DefaultDoubleColumn layout was present.
DefaultDoubleColumn severs the requirement of placing items in two columns; it is also deprecated
due to the same reason of not serving the purpose of Oracle BLAF UI.
Corresponding web bean: OADefaultSingleColumnBean (deprecated)
In oracle application framework page the OAF DefaultStack region was used to hold regions or
items in a stack format i.e. it was used when each region or item needs to come in Oracle apps
framework page one under another (stacked) either to the left side of the page or right or center as
per the requirement.
It is a deprecated region style. stackLayout should be used instead of DefaultStack in current
FlexibleContent region is used to identify content that can be placed in a flexibleLayout region. The
content can also be specified by referring to it. It represents available content which may or may not
be made use of; and thus acts as a resource to the page designer.
The flexibleLayout region can be used to define a customizable layout, as flexibleLayout regions can
be nested to form a customizable layout and can be positioned anywhere in the page.
A page can have a number of 'top-level' flexibleLayouts; they do not have to be nested.
In oracle application framework page the OAF DefaultStack region is used to hold buttons or
images in a horizontal line.
Suppose you have a table or advancedTable in oracle application framework page and you want to
define table actions to the table region, as soon as you create table action by default flowlayout gets
created as a child of tableActions.
Region style can be changed to rowLayout or can have the same flowLayout attached to it.
In case you want table actions to be performed only by using buttons then it's better to use
flowLayout instead of rowLayout. If table action involves other item style i.e.
OAMessageChoiceBean or OAMessageTextBean then use rowLayout, because if you use
flowLayout is used then Oracle BLAF (Browser Look and Feel) of UI will get hampered, i.e.
alignment won't be proper.
Whenever you create pageStatus region in pageLayout region flowLayout will also be get created
automatically in it as a child.
In flowLayout region there can be any region or item attached to it as child of it.
In oracle application framework page the OAF Footer region is used to hold links which are for top-
level applications, buttons (global), copyright information, privacy information (optional) and
About this page link (optional) components in it.
It is a child of pageLayout region.
It is shown at the end of the OA Framework page in the BLAF UI.
If we want to attach a "Return to?" link i.e. a back navigation it will also get added in the footer
In oracle application framework page the OAF Gantt region is used to hold create Gantt charts. It
retrieves the data from the BC4J objects.
It is mostly used for the project planning and scheduling information.
It is like a matrix i.e. it is having a vertical axis and a horizontal axis.
Suppose you want to use Gantt for project planning then Project will be at the vertical axis and the
time period will be placed in an horizontal axis.
It inherits the properties of the HGrid region by extending it, only the width property of HGrid we
cannot change thru the Gantt region.
In oracle application framework page, through OAF GraphTable region you can draw graphs.
GraphTable may not use all the columns present in the GraphTable to plot the graph. If there are
multiple graphs depending on one GraphTable then each graph may use different set of columns to
plot in the OAF page.
GraphTable is based on the tableLayout region and inherits all their property.
We need to set a property of GraphTable named as Graph Render Style property as either graph or
When we set the value as graph that time we can view one or more graph elements. And when we
set the property as both then we can view both the table data and the corresponding graph below
the table, and if you have multiple graphs then below the table there will be poplist item in the OAF
page from which we need to choose the graph which we want to display.
As from the name hgrid itself, it suggests hirarchy grid.
In an oracle application page OAF Hgrid region is used when the data needs to be represented in a
hirarchical/tree struture.
You can use the Tree region to represent the tree structure but tree region in OAF emphasis on the
relationship of the objects of the hierarchy.
You can use Hgrid to display the hirarchical structure along with the detail information of each
row/node. It gives the priveledge of modifing the hierarchy by performing the action as add,
delete, update, etc.
Hgrid has 2 special columns:
1. Focus Column.
2. Object Hierarchy Column.
In oracle application framework page, to provide the functionality to hide and show the items and
(or) regions we use HideShow region, i.e. all the items or region, which should be displayed or
hidden, should be a child of a region which will have a hide/show control.
By using hode/show control we can hide or show a part of the section of information or the entire
Suppose you want to hide or show details of a particular object in an OA framework page,
hide/show region can be used. You can use hide/show region when you want to hide or show the
graph, which is present in an OAF page. You can use this even when a row of a table needs to hide
and shown on some action on OAF page.
Hide/show region can only provide its functionality on a single page at multiple parts. Nesting can
also be done.
In oracle application framework page, to provide the functionality to hide and show the items
under a header we use HideShowHeader region.
In both the case of toggling i.e. hidden or shown header text will remain as it is.
In HideShowHeader region we can add items as we add in Header region.
Please refer Header region for more information on the properties of Header region.
The labeledFieldLayout region lays out its children in columns; one column is for the "labels" and
the other for the "fields", with a gap in between.
The children are laid out across and down, the first child in each row takes the "label" position and
the second child takes the "field" position. The contents of each row are centered in the available
The "labels" are always right aligned, and the "fields" left aligned.
With multiple columns, the children continue to be layed out across and down. For example, with
two columns, the third child will be used as the label for the first row and second column.
It also has support for the inline messaging beans where each inline messaging bean will
automatically occupy both a "label" and "field" position.
Note: The labeledFieldLayout component has been deprecated; use the messageComponentLayout
component instead. Please refer to the messageComponentLayout section for information about
A listOfValues region is rendered in a separate modal dialog containing a complex list of possible
values that can be selected as a valid value for an entry field on a transaction page or a field within a
table. Refer to the messageLovInput section for information on the properties of messageLovInput.
A listOfValues region is rendered as a popup of separate OAF page region containing a list of
possible values, any of which can be selected as a valid value for an entry field on a transaction
page or a field within a table.
In oracle application framework page OAF messageComponentLayout is the most widely used
region to hold components.
It is restricted to message components, and it does not allow other regions to become its child.
The components, which are child of OAF messageComponentLayout region, will have, prompt of
the component will be right (end) aligned and the text field will be left aligned.
It serves the multiple column display of components in an OA framework page and also satisfies
the standard UI guidelines.
It is recommended that we should not display more than 3 columns in respect to follow the UI
In the OAF messageComponentLayout the spacing between the components are according to the
Oracle BLAF UI guidelines.
Corresponding web bean: OAMessageComponentLayoutBean
In oracle application framework OAF NavigationBar is used to navigate to the next or previous set
of records.
You might have mostly saw NavigationBar attached with the table or advance table.
Suppose you have run a BC4J VO query that retrieved more than 10 records to be displayed in a
table. Then a NavigationBar will appear at the top and bottom of the table. By using the
NavigationBar link you can display the next 10 records, which are retrieved from the query.
NavigationBar can also be seen in the Hgrid region, in case we expand a node and the child
retrieved are more than the record limit, that time we have to use NavigationBar link.
Note: No need to declare NavigationBar functionality explicitely.
In oracle application framework, OAF pageButtonBar is used when a set of buttons/action links
needs to be created at the page layout level.
PageButtonBar is the child of pageLayout region.
Buttons/action links will be displayed both at the top of the page just below the page title and
below the page footer line.
The pageLayout region is the highest-level layout element. It acts as a template for the entire page.
It, by default, has to be the top most region of the page. It supports several other regions and
navigation areas so as to maintain the Oracle Application Framework Standards.
A query region is basically an extension of the stackLayout region.
A query region can contain the following:
1. Simple search panel
2. advanced search panel
3. a results table
4. Other elements as indexed children
The results of a query are rendered using either a HGrid or a table. The table or HGrid elements are
added as indexed children of the query region.
A query region can have three types of search panels as listed below.
Default mode: Developer is responsible for defining the search panels and binding the results of the
search to the results table/HGrid.
Results Based Search (RBS) mode: Search panel is created dynamically using the queryable
property of the region items inside the nested table or HGrid indexed children
Auto Customization Criteria (ACC) mode: You have the flexibility of defining your own UI for the
search panels, but the binding is powered by the framework as long as items on the panels are
mapped to items in the results table/HGrid.
Set the User Personalization property of the table/hgrid region (under the query region) to True if
you want to support user-personalizable searches which are surfaced in a Views panel.
In oracle application framework page the OAF RowLayout region is used which will hold
CelFormat inside i.e. as a child to it.
RowLayout region can be defined as an independent region or it can be a child of a tableLayout/
advanceTable region to create a row of a table/advanceTable.
RowLayout provides horizontal alignment of items or regions as these items or regions will be
under cellFormat and rowLayout holds cellFormat in a horizontal line. Hence row contains cell and
cell in-turn contains items to it.
We use rowLayout only when other layouts are not supporting the requirement in a standard way
i.e. not following the Oracle BLAF UI guidelines.
The shuttle region provides a means for moving items between two lists and reordering one of
these lists. Often the shuttle will be used to select items from one list by placing them in the other.
The stackLayout region is a layout element that lays out each of its children vertically.
The subTabLayout region has a child called "subTabs" that takes a subTabBar bean.
subTabBar bean contains link elements as its indexed children. subTabBar is rendered once on top.
The number of indexed children of subTabBar, which are the link elements, should be equal to the
number of indexed children of the parent subTabLayout.
The link elements are used to switch between the indexed children of the subTabLayout.
Corresponding web bean: OASubTabLayoutBean
The switcher region is used in typical business requirements e.g. supopose we want to show an
LOV when one of the value of the defined attribute of the VO is selected and an
OAMessageTextInputBean when another value is selected in the VO i.e. it has a property,
"childName", which is used to render the named child under this name. The item to be displayed on
the OA Framework page is decided at runtime. A view name and a view attribute have to be
specifed to a switcher.
As the name suggests a table region is used to display tabular data and also supports selection (both
single and multiple), sorting, record navigation, detail-disclosure and totaling but totaling can be
enabled for any column except for the first column in a table.
The tableLayout region is also of table type only and acts as a thin wrapper around the HTML's
table element. It contains a series of rowLayout elements for embedding other regions and items.
The train region is used to signify the in progress page of a multi-page process. The highlighted
"step" indicates the currently active page. The train has one property, "selectedIndex", which is the
index of the selected "step".
As the name suggests that a tree region is used to display objects in a hierarchical format. It
segregates data into child/leaf nodes and parent nodes which can be either expanded or collapsed.
The purpose of tree is to allow users to promptly browse through composite sets of hierarchical
objects and access detailed information for a record by highlighting it in the tree. The visual
representation of the hierarchy using the tree also depicts the relationship between objects with
respect to one another.
An item in OAF is a java bean which allows a user to interact with the Oracle Apps
Framework page e.g. a text box or a choice box etc.
Components or items are always placed inside some region so that they are always displayed as per
the Oracle Application Framework standards. Every item or component has specific properties
which can be given some values while creation of the OA Framework page e.g. rendered property
which allows the bean to be displayed onto the screen it can be true(visible) or false(hidden). Items
get rendered on the Oracle Apps Framework page in the fashion as described by the region in
which that item has been placed either at declarative/design time or at runtime.
Even these properties can be changed at runtime, but that needs an understanding on how to
import the beans and then how to create handle of the bean and then how to set properties.
However this is not so much difficult to achieve but still some programming knowledge is needed
to achieve this. This is called as runtime control of the bean and is explained in detail for every item
in the corresponding item type.
A complete list of all the items provided by Oracle Application Framework is given below.
The button item style in Oracle Application Framework creates a push button. It allows the user to
trigger certain action in response to a click. To do this the Oracle Apps Framework gives the
property of fire action. The fire action property needs the name of the action to be fired e.g.
"buttonAction". Now, once the button is clicked the control goes to the processFormRequest method
to search for the buttonAction code. This all is handled by the OA Framework. In the buttonAction
code you need to write the business logic as per the requirement.
You cannot have children to this button bean.
In Oracle Application Framework the ExportButton is used to:
Export the displayed data of a particular region or for all regions on an OAF page to a comma
separated value (csv) file.
o Only the regions that are displayed on the OA Framework will be exported.
o Each region on the exported file will have a row of column names followed by the results.
In Windows:
Clicking on the ExportButton will open a dialog according to which
o You can open the exported file and then save the same, or,
o You could save the file and then open it.
exportButton can be used as follows:
1. Exporting the data of all regions on a page.
2. Exporting data of a specific region on a page.
1. Exporting the data of all regions on a page:
A. Create a contentFooter region under the pageLayout region of that OAF Page.
B. Add an "ExportButton" to the contentFooter region.
C. If there is more than one button which needs to be added to the contentFooter, then all the
buttons should be put under a flowLayout region, and this flow layout should then be added to the
It extends the OA Framework's submitButton and inherits all the properties from it.
Oracle Application has two types or styles of flex item styles. In other words you can say that there
are two types of flex fields in Oracle Application, they are:
1. Descriptive flex fields: It provides a customizable "expansion space" which can be used to track
additional information, important and unique to a customer's business, which would not otherwise
be captured by the form.
2. Key flex fields: They are the key building block for the business group and are made up of
meaningful segments identifying business entities like Position, Job, and Grade etc.
By using flex item style, we create the complete structure of key flex field and descriptive flex field
as it is declared in Oracle Applications.
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OADescriptiveFlexBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAKeyFlexBean;
You may have guessed from the name itself that a formattedText item style will accept a string. In
OAF the FormattedText accepts the string in one of its attribute named as "Text" and contains a very
limited set of HTML markup and outputs formatted results.
Oracle Apps Framework developers, who need more of HTML functionality must use the rawText
bean. E.g. formattedText bean won't support the use of HTML tables or HTML links; hence OAF
developers have to use either tableLayout and link beans or use just the rawText bean.
formattedText bean provides a limited ability to use a single source for translated or user-provided
FormattedText without parsing or filtering. It supports more attributes than the rawText bean; e.g.
it supports styleClass.
In Oracle Apps Framework the formParameter item style provides the functionality to act as a
placeholder for submission parameters. Suppose you want a user to fill his credit card details and
then you want to call a payment gateway by passing his credit card information, then you will use
the formParameter bean to hold the values of the credit card filled by the user in the OAF page.
Oracle Application Framework also provides the formValue bean for holding the values, but there
are differences between formParameter and formValue beans of OAF, these are listed below.
1. formParameter won't support a "value" attribute. Instead, the value is set only at form submission
2. A formParameter with a particular name can be added N number of times to a form without ill
effects; only one instance will appear. This is noticeably different from the formValue, where reuse
will cause the same value to appear multiple times in the form submission.
To make the formValue bean get a value the formValue's ViewName and ViewAttribute has to be
mapped to a View Object and as soon as that View Object is executed the formValue get's the value
of the mapped attribute.
For example when we see an update column in a table, that column uses image bean to display the
image of update icon.
The Oracle Application Framework provides the Link bean so that you can redirect the control to
any other page once the Link bean has been clicked. The link bean item style creates an HTML link
tag which can then be redirected to some other page as required.
To open a new browser on the click of the link bean from an OAF page you just need to make the
target property of the link bean to _blank.
In order to create a check box in an Oracle Application Framework page the messageCheckBox bean
is used. It is created with the user's defined inline text which acts as a prompt once the Oracle Apps
Framework page is loaded.
ImportPath: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageCheckBoxBean;
In order to make a drop down box in any Oracle Application Framework page the messageChoice
bean is used. The messageChoice bean gives the user the functionality to select a value from the
drop down list in an Oracle Apps page. People often get confused between the MessageChoice and
the List Of Values (LOV), whereas there are huge differences between both.
Value of the dropdown list of MessageChoice bean comes from the BC4J object.
In Oracle Apps Framework the messageFileUpload item style is created as a combination of the
fileUpload and inlineMessage controls. The fileUpload control adds a widget that can be used to
upload a file right from the Oracle Application Framework page. Any OAF page that contains this
control must have attribute "usesUpload" set to true.
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageFileUploadBean;
In any Oracle Apps Framework page the messageInlineAttachment item style is used to display
attachments in a message bean.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageInlineAttachmentBean;
The Oracle Application Framework creates a messageLovChoice item style as a hybrid between a
messageLovInput and a messageChoice. The messageLOVChoice bean appears as a torch icon on
the OAF page on the right side of a messageChoice.
Once the torch is clicked a new region will be opened, this region is called as the LOV region in
Oracle Application Framework terms, the LOV region will allow the user to search and select a
value from the available ones. Once the value is selected the region will close automatically, the
control will return back to the base OAF page and the choice box will display the value selected
from the LOV region.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageLovChoiceBean;
In Oracle Apps Framework the messageLovInput item style is a combination of the lovInput and
inlineMessage controls.
Note: messageLovInput can have two or more lovMaps created under it, and each of those lovMaps
can have the Criteria Item property set. However if you set the Criteria Item property on more than
one lovMap, at runtime when the user invokes an LOV, selects a value from the LOV, and then re-
invokes it, both the entered criteria are used. In this case, deleting the value from the search item
will not enable the user to query all records from the LOV table's view objects.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageLovInputBean;
The messageRadioButton item style in Oracle Application Framework is a combination of the
radioButton and inlineMessage controls. It is used to create a radio button using which a user can
select or deselect a value in an OAF page.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageRadioButtonBean;
The Oracle Apps Framework creates the messageRadioGroup item style as a combination of the
radioGroup and inlineMessage controls. You can have many radio buttons in the
messageRadioGroup but only one of the radio buttons can be selected at a time. This is used
wherever you want user to select only one value from many choices available. Suppose in your
OAF page you want the user to select a payment method out of the three available options namely
Credit Card, Pay Pal or Cash on Delivery (COD), then either you can use messageChoice bean or
you can use the messageRadioGroup to achieve the same.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageRadioGroupBean;
The messageRichTextEditor item style in Oracle Apps Framework page provides rich text editing
capability within the OAF page.
Using this region the users can format the text same as MS Word or other word processing tools. It
has the capacity to hold the text in bold, italics, underlined, colored or any other format. A user can
even add bullets, numbers etc to his text. Also, the user can highlight the text or write the text in
different colors, is also gives the user the functionality to copy the text from any word processing
tools and paste the same.
The only condition that Oracle Application Framework puts for the
messageRichTextEditor is that it can be placed within any region except search regions or tables.
Also, the browser should support IFRAMES for the rich text editor to work.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message. OAMessageRichTextEditorBean;
In Oracle Apps Framework the messageStyledText item style is a combination of the styledText and
inlineMessage controls. It is used to display a prompt and a value against that prompt. For example
you want to display the percentage of tasks done, then you need the name of the tasks to come as
labels and the percentage of the tasks completed will be fetched from the View Object.
Task1: 90%
Task2: 50%
Here in the above example Task1 and Task2 are the labels that you give to the messageStyledText
and the figures 91 and 50 are the values fetched by the View Attributes of the View Object attached
with the messageStyledText to display the value.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message. OAMessageStyledTextBean;
The messageTextInput in Oracle Application Framework provides an item which acts as a text box
so that a user can enter the values into it and can save the same once the entered values passes the
BC4J validation if any. It is a combination of the textInput and inlineMessage controls.
You can also write a prompt for the text box to specify the purpose of the text box in the label field
provided by the Oracle Apps Framework.
Import Path:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.message.OAMessageTextInputBean;
The rawText item style supports output of unescaped text. Use of this class means assuming full
responsibility for generating proper HTML. Clients should strongly consider using elements in the
HTML namespace instead of this class. In particular, this class does not attempt to encode or escape
characters for NLS or HTML compliance.
Suppose you want to create a button which will clear all the contents that a user has filled in the
form in one shot, in these cases you can use the ResetButton provided by Oracle Application
Framework. In the push of the ResetButton all the contents placed in all the items of that OAF Page
will be cleared and become blank. In simple words the ResetButton is used to reset the contents of
the whole OAF Page.
The richTextEditor item style provides rich text editing capability within the OA Framework. It can
be placed within any region except search regions or tables. The component allows users to author,
edit and view rich text content in a browser that supports IFRAMEs.
The richTextEditor item style extends messageTextInput and can be used to provide rich text
editing capabilities where they are required. Please refer to the messageTextInput section for more
information on all richTextEditor properties.
Note: The richTextEditor item style has been deprecated; use messageRichTextEditor instead.
The SelectionButton in Oracle Application Framework creates a button that can select the whole
row of a table.
The restriction that Oracle Apps Framework puts for the SelectionButton is that it can be created
only under a singleSelection or multipleSelection named child in a table region.
SelectionButton inherites all the properties from submitButton hence please refer to the
submitButton section for more information on all submitButton properties.
The separator bean creates a horizontal line on the OAF page so that there is a clear demarcation
between the components placed on any Oracle Application Framework page. It is rendered as a
dashed horizontal line once the OAF page is rendered.
The servletInclude item style allows you to include HTML content loaded from a local Servlet or
JSP under the parent region directly from the Oracle Application Framework page.
The spacer item style inserts empty space in a page. Spacer Beans occupy a fixed amount of space in
an HTML layout.
Suppose you want to have some gap in between the regions or in between the items placed in any
Oracle Application Framework page then you can use the Spacer item type provided by Oracle
Apps Framework. The spacer item style has height and width properties so that you can specify
either horizontal, vertical or even both types of spaces in the Oracle Apps Framework page.
The staticStyledText item style extends styled Text. All attributes supported by styled Text are
inherited by staticStyledText.
See the section on styled Text for a list of attributes available on the styled Text element.
Submit Button:
The Submit Button item style is used to submit the OAF Page. The destination attribute of the
submit Button is always ignored and in place of it the destination of the form is used as destination
by Oracle Apps Framework.
It also has the fire action property that you can use to handle the validations for the values being
submitted with the form.
The tip item style provides page or section level hints to the user. This is a very essential component
that Oracle Apps Framework as there is always a demand for tips to be displayed once the mouse is
hovered over any component.
Typically, the only indexed child of the tip will be a Text Node, but as many children as necessary
can be added and will be laid out as with a flowLayout.
The urlInclude item style allows you to include HTML content loaded from an external source
under the parent region.
In Oracle Apps Framework the messageLovInput item style is a combination of the lovInput and
inlineMessage controls. Lov is used to displays the list of values from data base in separate
region,when ever user clicks on torch icon.where user can search the value and do the selection.
Note: messageLovInput can have two or more lovMaps created under it, and each of those lovMaps
can have the Criteria Item property set. However if you set the Criteria Item property on more than
one lovMap, at runtime when the user invokes an LOV, selects a value from the LOV, and then re-
invokes it, both the entered criteria are used. In this case, deleting the value from the search item
will not enable the user to query all records from the LOV table's view objects.
-Create new Application module LOVAM
-Create new view object LOVVO
Type: listOfValues
VendorID: seacrhAllowed-True
SortAllowed -Assinding
Sort sequence: First
-In a page create new item for supplier and set the below properties
Type: messageLovInput
External Lov: imp.oracle.apps.po.student.lov.webui.supplierLovRN
Lov mapping :
In order to make a drop down box in any Oracle Application Framework page the message Choice
bean is used. The message Choice bean gives the user the functionality to select a value from the
drop down list in an Oracle Apps page. People often get confused between the MessageChoice and
the List Of Values (LOV), whereas there are huge differences between both.
Value of the dropdown list of Message Choice bean comes from the BC4J object.
Student Registration:
The student registration page is used to register or create a student and training. this is a
master details page ,here student is the master training is child and one student may in more than
one training.
Screen shot:
Data base components:
Go to Functional Administrator responsibility and create below lookup types and prepare the sql
queries for the same.
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
select lookup_code,meaning
Name: ImpStudentAM
Package: imp.oracle.apps.po.student.server
Name: ImpStudentResitrationPG
Package: imp.oracle.apps.po.student.webui
Package : imp.oracle.apps.po.student.lov.server
Name: ImpCountryLOVO
Query :
Name : ImpStateLOVVO
Query :
select meaning,description,tag
from fnd_lookup_values
where lookup_type='IMP_STATES'
Name: ImpCountryLOVRN
Style : listOfValues
4. Set below properties of LOVRN:
Scope: Public
AM Definition: imp.oracle.apps.po.student.lov.server.ImpStudentLOVAM
seacrhAllowed : true
sortable : ascending
sort sequence: first
ExterNal LOV:imp.oracle.apps.po.student.lov.server.ImpCountryLOVRN
Lov mapping1:
Lov Region item : CountryName
Return to: Country
Criteria item: Country
Package: imp.oracle.apps.po.student.picklist.server
Name: ImpMaritalStatusVO
Query :
select lookup_code,meaning
Create same for all rest of pick lists and radio Group.
Name: ImpStudentHeadersEO
Name: ImpStudentHeaderEOVO
Name: ImpTrainingDetailsEO
Note: IF you want you can create manual entity based view Objects.
-Add these view Objects into data model of the Application module(AM)
After successfully creation of eo and vo do the mapping for each every field in the page ,Set View
Instance and View Attribute(Mapping) properties for each every item in the page.
AM: ImpStudentAM
import oracle.jbo.Row;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction;
import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
System.out.println("IN AM VO");
Row row=shVO.createRow();
Number studentId=tr.getSequenceValue("IMP_STUDENT_ID_SEQ");
CO: ImpStudentRegistrationCO
import imp.oracle.apps.po.student.server.ImpStudentAMImpl;
ImpStudentAMImpl AM=(ImpStudentAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
AM: ImpStudentAM
OADBTransaction tr = getOADBTransaction();
Row row=stVO.createRow();
CO: ImpStudentRegistrationCO
&& ADD_ROWS_EVENT.equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM)))
Query region:
Using query region style we can develop a search page with out any single line of
code,just we need to set some properties.
Screen shot:
Create Query region in page layout region ,right click to create table using wizard here select vo
name as we prepared for the search results.
Note: prepared simple query no need of any bind params required to pass. every thing will be take
care of by query region it self just need set some properties.
ConstructionMode : ResultBasedSearch
Include simple panel: True
Include Views panel: True
Include advancepanel: True
Set below properties for vendor Id and vendor name
searchAllowed: true
After setting this property both the items available in search criteria and search with same.
Student Search:
The student search page is used to search the student and training details for
existing student.
Screen shot:
Name: ImpStudnetLOVVO
Select student_id,first_name,last_name from imp_studnet_headers
Set the View Instance and View Attribute properties for Table region
AM: ImpStudentAM
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
&& !pageContext.getParameter("StudentId").equals(""))
studentId= pageContext.getParameter("StudentId");
&& !pageContext.getParameter("FirstName").equals(""))
firstName= pageContext.getParameter("FirstName");
&& !pageContext.getParameter("LastName").equals(""))
lastName= pageContext.getParameter("LastName");
&& !pageContext.getParameter("Gender").equals(""))
gender= pageContext.getParameter("Gender");
CO: ImpStudentRegistrationCO
import imp.oracle.apps.po.student.fourth.server.ImpStudentAMImpl;
The student update page is used to update the student details and training details or add
the training details for existing student.
Screen shot:
Set in below property for edit
Parameter : pStudentId
Value : ${oa.ImpStudnetSearchVO.StudnetId}
CO: ImpStudentSearchCO:
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;
true, // Retain AM
OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_NO, // Do not display breadcrumbs
AM: ImpStudentAM
String where="STUDENT_ID="+studentId;
Screen shot :
Student Delete and Training Delete:
The Student delete page is used to delete the existing student and training details.
Screen shot:
CO: ImpStudentSearchCO:
import java.util.Hashtable;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADialogPage;
String studentId = pageContext.getParameter("pStudentId");
oracle.apps.fnd.common.MessageToken tokens[] = null;
OAException deleteMessage = new OAException("PO", "IMP_STUDENT_DELETE", tokens);
OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage((byte)1, deleteMessage, null, "", "");
Hashtable formParams = new Hashtable(0);
formParams.put("pStudentId", studentId);
String studentId=pageContext.getParameter("pStudentId");
AM: ImpStudentAM
import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
public void deleteStudent(String studentId)
int studentIdToDelete = Integer.parseInt(studentId);
OADBTransaction tr = getOADBTransaction();
ImpStudentHeadersEOVOImpl shVO=getImpStudentHeadersEOVO();
ImpStudentHeadersEOVORowImpl row = null;
int RowCount = shVO.getRowCount();
RowSetIterator deleteIter = shVO.createRowSetIterator("deleteIter");
for(int i=0;i<RowCount;i++)
row = (ImpStudentHeadersEOVORowImpl)deleteIter.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
Number nStudentId = (Number)row.getAttribute("StudentId");
if(nStudentId.compareTo(studentIdToDelete) == 0)
Screen shot :
AM: ImpStudentAM
OADBTransaction tr = getOADBTransaction();
ImpStudentTrainingsEOVOImpl stVO=getImpStudentTrainingsEOVO() ;
ImpStudentTrainingsEOVORowImpl row = null;
int RowCount = stVO.getRowCount();
RowSetIterator deleteIter = stVO.createRowSetIterator("deleteIter");
for(int i=0;i<RowCount;i++)
row = (ImpStudentTrainingsEOVORowImpl)deleteIter.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
System.out.println("IN FOR LOOP::"+i);
Number nTrainingId = (Number)row.getAttribute("TrainingId");
System.out.println("IN FOR LOOP::"+nTrainingId);
if(nTrainingId.compareTo(trainingIdToDelete) == 0)
System.out.println("if Delete training");
CO: ImpStudentRegistrationCO:
Student view details:
The student details page is used view the details of the student and training details for
existing student. This page has only the read-only access ,user cant do any editing in this page.
Parameters :
Name: pStudentId
Value: ${oa.ImpStudnetSearchVO.StudentId}
Screen shot :
Design the page as shown in the screen shot
CO: ImpStudentSearchCO:
true, // Retain AM
OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_NO, // Do not display breadcrumbs
AM: ImpStudentAM
CO: ImpStudentDetailsCO
import imp.oracle.apps.po.student.fourth.server.ImpStudentAMImpl;
public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
ImpStudentAMImpl AM=(ImpStudentAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
String studentId=pageContext.getParameter("pStudentId");
PPR (Partial Page Rendering)
Screen shot:
Why PPR?
-PPR is used to change the contents of the page dynamically, if certain event takes place.
What is PPR?
-Create table
-Create EO and Vo for that table.
-Create a row
Disabled: ${oa.impStudentHeadersVo.StatusTr}
AM: ImpStudentAM
CO: ImpStudentRegistrationCO
String status= pageContest.getParameter(“MaritalStatus”);
AM. statusPPR ();
Dependent LOV:
ImpStateLOVVO query
select meaning,description,tag
from fnd_lookup_values
where lookup_type='IMP_STATES'
User has to select value in SupplierLov first then only user can select value in SupplierSiteLov.
If user will try to select value in SupplierSiteLov without selecting any value in SupplierLov then
error message will come like
Name: CountryFv
Type: formValue
-Country item:
Create one more lov mapping for country i.e. special lov mapping and set below properties.
LOV Region item: Country_code
Returnto: CountryFv
Here we are getting the Country_code value and returning to CountryFv i.e formvalue.
-States item:
Create one more lov mapping for states i.e. special lov mapping and set below properties.
LOV Region item: tag
Criteria item: CountryFv
Here CountryFv holds the country_code value selected in country field and we are searching with
same country_code value in State LOV.
ImpBQCourseNameVO query:
select lookup_code,meaning
ImpBQSpecialization query :
select lookup_code,meaning
Now user wants to filter specialization values based on course selection at runtime
dynamically, We can achive the same by dependent pick list .
Action: firePartialAction
Event : BQCourseEvent
-Get the above firePartialAction in processFormRequest method of the co and filter the
specialization vo based on the value selected in BQCourseName
AM: ImpStudentAM:
CO: ImpStudentRegistrationCO:
String bqCourseName= pageContest.getParameter(“BQSpecialization”);
AM. validateBQSpecialization (bqCourseName);
String pgCourse=pageContext.getParameter("PGCourseName");
AM. validatePGSpecialization (pgCourse);
Deployment Steps:
egistrationPG.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\
earchPG.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\ -
etailsPG.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\ -
ntryLOVRN.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\ -
sLOVRN.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\ -
entLOVRN.xml -username apps -password apps -rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects\ -
3) Next Go to apps
Description tab:
User Function Name: Imp Student Registration
Description : Imp Student Registration
Properties Tab:
HTML call: OA.jsp?page=/imp/oracle/apps/po/student/webui/ImpStudentResitrationPG
4) Attach these Functions to Imp Student Operations menu to Imp Student Operations
responsibility to User.
5) Bounce the apache.
The page is used to create the employee, here we were creating employee using pl-sql
package or procedure and validating the employee using sql query.
In this page we get know how to call pl-sql packages and sql queries in OAF. Oracle
provided two classes for us to achieve the same Callable statements and Prepare Statements
Screen shot:
Emp Table:
INTO p_emp_id
fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.LOG, 'Exception at inserting' || SQLERRM);
CO: ImpEmployeeCreation:
ImpStudentAMImpl AM = (ImpStudentAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
String number=new String();
String salary=new String();
if(pageContext.getParameter("Save") != null)
* Prepared
* ***********************************************/
int count=0;
String empno=pageContext.getParameter("EMPNumber");
PreparedStatement prpdStmt1 =
AM.getOADBTransaction().getJdbcConnection().prepareStatement("select count(empno) from
IMP_EMP where empno='"+empno+"' ");
ResultSet rs=prpdStmt1.executeQuery(); //Cursor fetch row
if(count >0)
throw new OAException("Employee already exist.", OAException.ERROR);
System.out.printline(“Employee number not exist.”);
catch(Exception e)
throw new OAException("Employee already exist.", OAException.ERROR);
* Callable
* *************************************************/
String name=pageContext.getParameter("EMPName").toString();
String job=pageContext.getParameter("Job").toString();
String manager=pageContext.getParameter("Manager").toString();
int eManager=Integer.parseInt(manager);
int eSalary=Integer.parseInt(salary);
String deptNo=pageContext.getParameter("DeptNo").toString();
int eDeptno=Integer.parseInt(deptNo);
&& !pageContext.getParameter("Commission").equals(""))
String commision=pageContext.getParameter("Commission").toString();
int ecommision=Integer.parseInt(commision);
cs.registerOutParameter (8, Types.INTEGER);
internalId.setValue (pageContext, seq);
throw new OAException("Employee Created sucessfully.", OAException.CONFIRMATION);
catch(Exception e)
throw new OAException(e.getMessage(), OAException.CONFIRMATION);
To change Look and feel of seeded oracle self-service page, we need to follow the
process called personalization. E.g. you may want to add a new field or change label of any field etc.
Initially we need to enable the Personalization link in oracle apps instance, use profile called
Personalization Self service definition profile to enable personalization link.
The same we can set profile options user, responsibility and site level. once we set this profile to yes
then Personalization link appears.
-Add extra field in a region or LOV. Can be done only at Site level
-Display / Hide a field/region in a page
-Make a field read-only
-Display / Hide DFF in a region. You can also specify default editable/viewable DFF contexts
-Conditionally display/hide fields. Need to know SPEL (expression language) for this .
Personalization Levels:
Site: Usually set for adding field/region item which can be done only at site level.
Organization: refers to operating unit
Responsibility: refers to responsibility
Function: If you define same OA page as two different menu functions then you can personalize
both differently
Functional administrator responsibility using this we can move the personalization’s from
instance to other instance.
To modify existing business logic or to add new business logic to seeded oracle self-service page,
we need to follow process called customization.
Under this we have 4 processes:
CO Extension:
In seeded if you we need to change the business functionality will got for extension of co.
Get the exact requirement from client and decide whether we need of co extension or vo extension.
--If any changes required in coding will go for co extension to full the requirement.
--If any change required in query of vo will go for vo extension to full fill the requirement.
--Open the seeded the page that is you want to do the extension
--Click on about this page link, here you can see all BC4J components of the page. find out the co
name and full path and download it from server. Include those directories in your Project Class
path in Jdevlp.
Set profile option FND: Diagnostics: Yes to enable the About this page
--Comes to J-Developer
--Create OAWorkspace and OAProject
ImpExtendWorkspace and ImpExtendProject
-Right click on project create new class
Name: ImpStarndardCO
Package: imp.oracle.apps.po.req.webui
Extends: Standard CO (Select the seeded co, that is we recently downloaded)
--Click on ok, its creates new controller it extend the seeded co.
public class ImpStandardCO extends StandardCO
public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
--write the code to full fill the requirement.
--After successfully compilation of co goes to my classes and transfer to java (imp)
Ensure that personalization is turned on for your username.
This can be done by setting profile "Personalize Self-Service Defn" to Yes
Two reasons:-
Point 1. If in your extended CO class, you write a method named processRequest, then framework
will execute this method in your custom class. Framework will not execute the method in original
controller class.
Point 2. In Oracle Fusion Applications, the User Interface layer will certainly change, and controller
may not exist in FUSION in same manner as we see it now. Hence you may have to re-
develop/design your extension to controller in equivalent technology in Fusion Apps [ADF with
If in your extended controller, you call super () method, then there is a possibility that your
extension is safe.
VO Extension:
In seeded if you we need to change /add new business functionality will got for extension of vo.
Get the exact requirement from the client and decide whether we need of co extension or vo
--If any changes required in coding will go for co extension to full the requirement.
--If any change required in query of vo will go for vo extension to full fill the requirement.
--Open the seeded the page that is you want to do the extension
--Click on About this page link, here you can see all the BC4J components of the page. Try find out
the vo name and full path that you want extend and download it from server.
Set profile option FND: Diagnostics: Yes to enable the About this page
--download all related vo files .xml, .Impl, .RowImpl files. Include those directories in your Project
Class path in jDev
--Comes to J-Developer
--Create OAWorkspace and OAProject
ImpExtendWorkspace and ImpExtendProject
--Create new BC4J component same as the seeded BC4j but it should be in custom top.
Name : StandardVO
Package: imp.oracle.apps.po.req.server
Extends : ImpStandardCO (Select the seeded vo, that is we recently downloaded)
--Click on next button, here give the modified query and test it.
--After successfully compilation of it will creates new .xml,Impl,RowImpl files.
--Right click on .jpx to do the substitution
--Available window select seeded vo and Substitute window select the customVO and click on add
and ok button.
--Move these files to java top into the server (imp top/custom top)
-- Import the substitution definition using jpx ,run the jpx import command to update in MDS
--Then bounce apache.
--Open the seeded page click on Personalization link to add the vo
--Find exact region and set below two properties
ViewInstacne: StandardVO
ViewAttriuites: NewAttribute
Setting the FND : Diagnostics (FND_DIAGNOSTICS) profile option to "Yes" will enable the
diagnostics global button to be rendered on the screen. Pressing this button brings the user to an
interface where the user can choose what type of logged messages to display.