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A novel suturing approach for tissue displacement within

minimally invasive periodontal plastic surgery
Vincent Ronco1 & Michel Dard2
Clinique Dentaire Implantologie et Parodontologie, 11 rue Michel Chasles, Paris, France
College of Dentistry, New York University, New York City, New York

Correspondence Key Clinical Message

Dr. Vincent RONCO Specialist in
Periodontology and Implantology 11 rue This paper describes a novel suturing approach that achieves harmonious and
Michel Chasles 75012 Paris atraumatic soft tissue displacement in periodontal plastic surgery and soft tissue
E-mail:dr.vincentronco@yahoo.fr management around implants. The technique relies on a combination of hori-
zontal and vertical mattress that are anchored at the splinted incisal contact
Funding Information
No sources of funding were declared for this
Received: 6 June 2015; Revised: 27 March
2016; Accepted: 17 April 2016
mini-invasive surgery, micro-surgery, periodontal plastic surgery, tunnel,
connective tissue graft, suture technique.
Clinical Case Reports 2016; 4(8): 831–837

doi: 10.1002/ccr3.582

with the tunneling technique fail to ensure proper soft

tissue harmonization around the cemento-enamel junc-
Over the years, periodontal plastic surgery procedures tion, especially in the central region of the teeth. In this
have gradually evolved through constant refinements of situation, complementary stitches become necessary.
flap and suture designs, leading to greater esthetic out- The present case series describes a combination of sus-
comes. One of the most important developments in terms pended sutures and assesses their efficiency in terms of
of flap design was the mini-invasive tunneling technique soft tissue coronal positioning and display as well as their
[1–3]. Suture designs have also undergone substantial influence on wound compression.
changes in parallel with this.
Sutures allow for wound adaption, as well as tissue dis-
Clinical Considerations
placement and stabilization during the healing process [4,
5]. Historically, vertical traction has been difficult to
Preparation of the surgical site
achieve with conventional interrupted sutures, leading to
the subsequent introduction of “suspended” sutures, also Preoperatively, interdental contact points are temporarily
referred as “anchored” sutures. Suspended sutures surround splinted with a light-curing flow resin to enable suspension
an immobile anchor point to bring the flap into its correct of the sutures (N’Durance Dimer Flow; Septodont, Saint-
position and secure it. The anchor point may be the cir- Maur-des-Fosses, France). Etching and bonding are not
cumference of the tooth, the palatal mucosa, an orthodon- necessary due to the existing undercuts in the interproxi-
tic bracket placed on the buccal aspect of the tooth, or an mal areas. Following anesthesia, the roots are decontami-
interdental contact point. In scientific dental literature, the nated using an ultrasonic scaler. A tunnelization procedure
most frequently described suspended sutures are modified is then performed in a partial thickness manner [1–3] with
vertical mattress sutures localized in the papillae area. specialized micro-surgical instruments (TKN 1, TKN 2,
Recessions can present different shapes related to their K012KP03A6, PH26M; Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co. Ltd., Chicago,
wideness and symmetry. In cases of wide and/or asym- IL). This preparation aids coronal advancement of the buc-
metric recessions, vertical mattress sutures in combination cal gingivo-papillary complex and its repositioning along

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This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and
distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
New suture design in periodontal surgery V. Ronco & M. Dard

the cemento-enamel junction without tension. If deemed

necessary for biotype thickening, a connective tissue graft
may be harvested from the palate and inserted into the tun-
nel prior to suturing. In the procedures described here, the
suture material used is Polypropylene (Perma Sharp; Hu-
Friedy Mfg. Co. Ltd., Chicago, IL), diameter 6.0 or 7.0
according to the thickness of the biotype.

Modified anchored vertical mattress

Anchored vertical mattress sutures are placed in the papil-
lary region of every tooth benefiting from the tunneling
preparation. The needle is inserted buccally through the
flap (and the graft if present) adjacent but not apical to the
mucogingival junction (Fig. 1). The needle reappears
approximately 1 mm apically to the tip of the papillae. The
needle is then recaptured, slid underneath the contact point
to reappear at the lingual side and wrapped around the
splinted contact point. The knot is tied on the buccal aspect
of the suture with gentle pressure, allowing displacement of
the gingivo-papillary complex. The procedure is repeated
for each interdental area to stabilize the buccal tissues.

Modified anchored horizontal mattress

After completion of all vertical sutures, horizontal sutures
are performed in order to complete the buccal gingivo-
papillary complex display. The adjustment of these
sutures varies depending on the axis of the recession.
In case of wide symmetric recession, the needle is
inserted through the flap (and the graft if present) 1–
2 mm apical to the flap margin at the distal root line,
and reappears 1–2 mm apical to the flap margin at the
mesial root line (Fig. 2A). The needle is then recaptured,
guided palatally over the splinted contact point, and slid
from the palatal to the buccal region into the embrasure.
The needle is recaptured buccally, passed in front of the
buccal aspect of the crown, and inserted into the distal
embrasure underneath the contact point. The needle is
once again recaptured and passed over the contact point
to reappear buccally. The knot is tied until the desired tis-
sue displacement is reached.
In the case of asymmetric recession, the suture is laid
out on both sides of the gingival recession axis (Fig. 2B);
thereafter, the same procedure is followed. This design Figure 1. Modified vertical mattress sutures.
helps to compensate recession asymmetry.

avoid brushing the operated area during the first postop-

Protection of the surgical site,
erative week. Cleaning is ensured by mouthwash and local
postoperative recommendations, and
antiseptic gel with chlorhexidine (Eludril and Elugel;
Pierre Fabre, Boulogne-Billancourt, France). Sutures are
No periodontal dressing is used to protect the operating removed after 7 days, after which brushing is allowed
site. Patients are instructed to consume soft food and using an extra soft brush (Inava 7/100; Pierre Fabre SA,

832 ª 2016 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
V. Ronco & M. Dard New suture design in periodontal surgery

Figure 2. (A) Modified horizontal mattress sutures (for wide symmetric recession defects). (B) Modified horizontal mattress sutures (for
asymmetric recession defects).

Castres, France) before resuming normal hygiene after

Clinical case 1
2 weeks. An antibiotic (Amoxicillin, 2 g/day) is adminis-
tered for 7 days. For patient comfort, corticosteroid Preoperatively, this patient complained of tooth sensitivity
(Methylprednisolone, 16 mg/day) and analgesic (paraceta- and impaired esthetics as a result of Miller class I reces-
mol) medications are included in the prescription for sion defects. Because of the thick gingival biotype and
4 days. sufficient keratinized tissue height, we decided to cover

ª 2016 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 833
New suture design in periodontal surgery V. Ronco & M. Dard

the roots by coronal translation, that is, a tunnel prepara- within the resin before polishing (Fig. 7). A tunnel prepa-
tion was performed to release and displace the buccal gin- ration was then performed to allow the release and dis-
givo-papillary complex (Fig. 3). The recessions were wide placement of the buccal gingivo-papillary complex from
and symmetric at the upper canines, shallow and asym- the upper right canine to the upper right canine without
metric at the upper central incisors, and shallow and sym- any visible incision (Fig. 8). Connective tissue grafts were
metric at the upper left lateral incisor. harvested from the palate and trimmed to compensate for
Postoperatively, each involved tooth benefited from root concavities at upper left central incisor and canine
suspended vertical mattress sutures (6.0 polypropylene (Fig. 9).
sutures). Modified horizontal mattress were added at the Each involved tooth received modified vertical mattress
upper canines to compensate wideness (green arrows) suturing (6.0 polypropylene sutures). Modified horizontal
and at the upper central incisors to compensate asymme- mattress sutures were also added to compensate for reces-
try (blue arrows), as illustrated in Fig. 4. sion wideness (green arrows in Fig. 10) at the upper right
One week following suture removal, favorable soft tis- canine and upper left lateral incisor and canine and asym-
sue relocation and integrity could clearly be observed metry (blue arrow in Fig. 10) at the upper left central
(Fig. 5).

Clinical case 2
Preoperatively, this female patient complained about the
impaired esthetic aspect of her smile. She presented with
several Miller class I recession defects with resin recon-
structions at the upper right canine and at both upper left
incisors and upper left canine. We decided to surgically
cover the roots and align the gingival collars (Fig. 6).
At the beginning of treatment, resin material was
removed from the roots for biocompatibility reasons. This Figure 5. Case 1 – Clinical view 1 week after suture removal.
was followed by sculpting of a cemento-enamel-like line

Figure 6. Case 2 – Preoperative situation showing several Miller class

Figure 3. Case 1 – Preoperative situation showing several Miller class
I recession defects with resin reconstructions.
I recession defects.

Figure 7. Case 2 – Sculpting of a cemento-enamel-like line after

Figure 4. Case 1 – Postoperative situation. resin material removal from the roots.

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V. Ronco & M. Dard New suture design in periodontal surgery

Figure 8. Case 2 – Tunnel preparation. Figure 11. Case 2 – Clinical view at 1 week.

We decided to place an implant immediately (Nobel

Active; Nobel Biocare, Z€ urich, Switzerland) (Fig. 13 left),
with a temporary abutment (Fig. 13 center) and a tempo-
rary resin cemented crown (Fig. 13 right).
Modified suspended horizontal mattress sutures were
used to complete the buccal soft tissue display. Figure 14
illustrates frontal (left) and occlusal (right) views. Postop-
erative healing at 1 week can be seen in Fig. 15.

Figure 9. Case 2 – Connective tissue grafts. Discussion and Conclusions

Sutures are one of the key components of success in peri-
odontal plastic surgery. During the healing process, they
allow intimate contact between the operated tissues,
proper wound stabilization for rapid primary healing,
traction for coronal repositioning, and harmonious gingi-
val tissue display [6–8]. The selection of the suture type
and its distribution along the surgical site are therefore
vitally important. The anchored suture approach
described here meets these expectations and is suitable for
a wide variety of challenging clinical situations where
Figure 10. Case 2 – Postoperative situation. treatment with tunnel flap preparation may be indicated,
including wide and asymmetric recession defects. This
incisor. Since the remaining gingiva was <2 mm prior to approach may also be considered suitable for soft tissue
surgery, connective tissue graft was partially exposed to management around dental implants.
create new keratinized tissue at the upper left canine, Within the weeks following a periodontal surgical pro-
whereas the connective tissue was fully covered at the cedure, the healing process induces a significant contrac-
upper left central incisor. tion of the soft tissues. The usual recommended approach
One week postoperatively, favorable soft tissue reloca- is to over-cover recessions when complete coverage is
tion and integrity could clearly be observed (Fig. 11). triggered, with the gingiva surgically placed at least 1 mm
coronally to the cemento-enamel junction. Over-covering
can improve the chance of reaching complete root cover-
Clinical case 3
age after completion of the healing phase [9]. Throughout
This patient presented with a thin gingival biotype, and the postoperative period, the buccal tissues will naturally
the lateral left incisor was to be extracted due to a recent relocate to the cemento-enamel junction [9–11] since gin-
root fracture (Fig. 12 left). The upper left central incisor giva does not have the capability to adhere to the enamel.
was carefully extracted with periotomes (Fig. 12 center) Consequently, it seems to be crucial that the suture
and a connective tissue graft was inserted buccally into a system allows for optimal coronal traction of the
partial thickness pocket (Fig. 12 right).Sutures used were gingivo-papillary complex. By surrounding a fixed anchor
7.0 polypropylene due to the thin buccal fibromucosa. point, suspended sutures bring the flap to the desired

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New suture design in periodontal surgery V. Ronco & M. Dard

Figure 12. Case 3 – Preoperative situation illustrating.

Figure 13. Case 3 – Immediate implant placement.

Gentle flap compression onto the deep planes (dental

root and periosteum) enhances intimate contact between
the affected tissues. This results in improved wound sta-
bility, reduction of blood clot thickness, and subsequently
faster vascular anastomosis. Dental contact points are not
only located coronally but also palatally to the surgical
site. This anatomical position ensures vertical traction of
Figure 14. Case 3 – Frontal (left) and occlusal (right) view showing the gingivo-papillary complex, as well as gentle flap com-
the modified suspended horizontal mattress sutures. pression. The suspended suture combination described
here benefits from this. Extra compression, which may be
required in some clinical cases, can be achieved by the
double-crossed suture [8]. However, such techniques
should be used with care for the thinnest papilla and bio-
types since the sutures pass twice through the papilla.
A large number of sutures is usually considered unde-
sirable in mucogingival surgery because sutures are con-
sidered to be a source of trauma. However, we wish to
emphasize that the impairment for soft tissues is not only
Figure 15. Case 3 – Postoperative healing at 1 week. related to the number of sutures. The tension applied to
the sutures, the diameter of the slings, and the contact
location and secure it there [12]. As interdental contact area between the slings and the soft tissues are more likely
points are located coronally to the root surface, the suture to be the determining factors. Indeed, application of
combination described here allows for an optimal coronal excessive forces, large diameter slings, and lining sling can
repositioning. result in soft tissue tearing and/or ischemia of the flap. In
In situations with wide or asymmetric recessions, tun- contrast, the technique described here spreads tension
neling procedures associated with vertical mattress sutures evenly over all microsutures (diameter 6.0 or 7.0) and
localized in the papillae region fail to provide sufficient avoids harmful contact between the slings and the soft tis-
tissue displacement at the tip of the recession [13]. The sues because of suspension. Tissue integrity is therefore
anchored horizontal mattress suture presented in this arti- respected and vascular collapse is avoided. These observa-
cle provides additional vertical traction and harmonious tions are in concordance with Burkhardt and Lang [14],
display of the gingiva, recreating the round anatomy of who demonstrated the importance of suture management
the gingiva all along the cemento-enamel junction. on vascularization and healing.

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V. Ronco & M. Dard New suture design in periodontal surgery

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