5 6251301191108526215
5 6251301191108526215
5 6251301191108526215
Q. 1. In a certain code DOWN is written as 5139 and NEAR is written as 9486. How is RODE written in
that code ?
(1) 6514 (2) 6154 (3) 9154 (4) 3154 (5) None of these
Q. 2. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word BOARDING each of which has as many
letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three
Q. 3. How many such digits are there in the number 284371 each of which is as far away from the
beginning of the number as when they are arranged in descending order ?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three
Q. 4. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters AREN using each letter only
once in each word ?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three
Q. 5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group ?
(1) Table (2) Chair (3) Bench (4) Desk (5) Wood
Q. 6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group ?
(1) 27 (2) 64 (3) 125 (4) 216 (5) 384
Q. 7. If ‘Q’ means ‘+’; T means ‘-’; ‘R’ means ‘÷’ and ‘K’ means ‘×’ then
24 R 4 Q 8 K 6 T 10 = ?
(1) 48 (2) 24 (3) 44 (4) (5) None of these
Q. 8. In a certain code ORGANISE is written as BHSPDRHM. How is DOUBTFUL written in that code?
(1) CVPEKTES (2) CVPIMVGU (3) ATNCKTES (4) ATNCMVGU (5) None of these
Q. 9. What should come next in the following letter series ?
(1) A (2) G (3) H (4) B (5) None of these
Q. 10. If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word with the first, the second, the fourth
and the tenth letters of the word M A J E S T I CA L, which of the following will be the second
letter of that word? If no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as the answer and if more than one such
word can be made, give ‘Y’ is the answer.
(1) M (2) E (3) L (4) X (5) Y
Q. 11-13:
(i) ‘P × Q; means ‘P is brother of Q’.
(ii) ‘P - Q’ means ‘P is mother of Q’.
(iii)‘P + Q’ means ‘P is father of Q’.
(iv) ‘P ÷ Q’ means ‘P is sister of Q’.
Q. 11. Which of the following means ‘M is niece of N’ ?
(1) M × R - N (2) N ÷ J + M ÷ D (3) N ÷ J + M (4) N × J - M (5) None of these
Q. 12. Which of the following means “B is grandfather of F” ?
(1) B + J - F (2) B - J + F (3) B × T - F (4) B ÷ T + F (5) None of these
Q. 13. How is M related to K in the expression ‘B + K ÷ T × M’ ?
(1) Son (2) Daughter (3) Son or daughter (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
Q. 14. In a certain code language ‘ pit ne’ means ‘come here’; ‘ne ta ja’ means ‘come and go’ and ‘ja sa re’
means ‘you and me’. What does ‘ta’ mean in that code language ?
(1) come (2) and (3) here (4) go (5) Cannot be determined
Q. 15. ‘RT’ is related to ‘VX’ and ‘BD’ is related to ‘FH’, in the same way as ‘KM’ is related to———-
Q. 1. In row of forty children, R is eleventh from the right end and there are fifteen children between R
and M. What is M’s position from the left end of the row?
(1) Fourteenth (2) Fifteenth (3) Thirteenth
(4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
Q. 2. In a certain code language 'how many are there' is written as *ka na ta da' and 'many are welcome
here' is written as 'na pi ni ka'. How is 'how' written in that code language?
(1) ta (2) da (3) ta or da (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
Q. 3. If the positions of the first and the fifth digits of the number 83591427 are interchanged, similarly
the positions of the second and the sixth digits are interchanged and so on then which of the
following will be the second digit from the right end after the rearrangement?
(1) 5 (2) 3 (3) 9 (4) 2 (5) None of these
Q. 4. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ADJUSTING each of which has as many
letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5)More than three
Q. 5. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters LBAE using each letter only
once in each word?
(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5)More than three
Q. 6. In a certain code BUILDER is written as JVCKSFE. How is SEALING written in that code?
(1) BTFKHOJ (2) DOHKBFT (3) TFBKHOJ (4) JBFTKJOH (5) None of these
Q. 7. If 'R' denotes ‘÷’; T denotes '–'; ‘M’, denotes '+' and ‘W’ denotes '×', then —
27 T 15 R 3 W 4 M 6 = ?
(1) 7 (2) 13 (3) –23 (4) 1 (5) None of these
Q. 8. In a certain code WAVE is written as ‘5%3’ and WINS is written as ‘59@©’. How is SANE written
in that code?
(1) ©9@ (2) %©@ (3) ©@% (4) ©%@ (5) None of these
Q. 9. Which of the following is the middle digit of the third highest among the five three-digit numbers
given below?
368 931 472 715 647
(1) 6 (2) 3 (3) 7 (4) 1 (5) 4
Q. 10. Among P, Q, R, S and T each having a different height, Q is shorter than only T and S is shorter
than P and R. Who among them is the shortest?
(1) R (2) S (3) P (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
Q. 11. In a certain code GONE is written as ‘5%2#’ and MEDAL is written as ‘4#3$@’. How is GOLD
written in that code?
(1) 5@%3 (2) 5% @3 (3) 5#@3 (4) 5% #3 (5) None of these
Q. 12. The positions of how many digits in the number 89154326 will remain unchanged after the digits
within the number are rearranged in descending order?
(l) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three
Q. 13. Among A, B, C, D and E, each having scored different marks, B has scored more marks than E
and D. B has not scored the highest marks among them. Who among them scored the second-
highest marks?
(1) B (2) C (3) E (4) D (5) Data inadequate
Q. 14. In a certain code language ‘how old are you’ is written as ‘9 7 3 4’ and ‘he is old’ is written as ‘2
7 5’. How is ‘he’ written in that code language?
(1) 2 (2) 5 (3) 2 or 5 (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
Q. 15. W walked 30 metres towards South, took a left turn and walked 50 metres, again he took a left
turn and walked 30 metres. How far is he from the starting point?
(1) 80 metres (2) 100 metres (3)130 metres (4) 50 metres (5) None of these
Q. 16. In a certain code BLACK is written as ‘ALBKC and SMART is written as ‘AMSTR’. How is CLOCK
written in that code?
(1) CLOKE (2) CLOCK (3) OLCKC (4) OLCCK (5) None of these
Q. 17. What should come next in the following number series?
(1) 1 (2) 5 (3) 3 (4) 5 (5) None of these
22. 2; RODE
23. 5; Son of Urmila’s paternal grandfather’s
+1 -1 +1 only daughter
= son of Urmila’s paternal aunt
BFT K HOJ = Urmila’s cousin
Hence, Urmila is cousin of the boy.
7. 2; 27 15 3 4 6 24. 1; R = 12th from left
= 27 - 20 + 6 = 13 T = 18th from right = (40 - 18 + 1 = )
8. 4; 23rd from left
W A V E 1 N S :. No. of boys between R and T = 23 -12 -
1 = 10
5 % 3 * 9 @ ©
25. 3; According to Mohit: Apr 18 or earlier
:. SANE © % @ • ....(i)
9. 5; 931 > 715 > 647 > 472 > 368 According to his sister; Apr 18 or 19 ...
10. 2; T > Q > (P,R) > S. (ii)
There is no information about R. From (i) and (ii), we get Apr 18.
11. 2; 26. 3; 8 + 4= 12
G O N E M D A L 27. 2; After interchange, the numbers become
5 % 2 # 4 3 $ @
258, 379, 486, 942 and 735. Among
these, the second lowest is 379 and its
:. GOLD 5% @3 third digit 9.
28. 3; The third highest number after the
interchange will be the one which now
has the third highest third digit, viz 846.
42. 1; T E M P O R A L
15 m -1 +1
OP = 30m + 20m = 50 m
33. 4; Move six letters forward respectively.
34. 3; 4 and 2 Similarly,
36. 2; how can you go = ja da ka pa ... (I) can S N O C R E D I
you come here = na ka sa ja ... (ii) come
–1 +1
and go = ra pa sa ... (iii)
From (i) and (ii), can you = ja ka .... (v)
From (ii) and (iii), come = sa ... (vi) R M N B S F E J
Using (v) and (vi) in (ii), we get here - na. 43. 3; L I E D and I D L E
37. 5; There are four such pairs. 44. 4; B, E > C > D > A
38. 4; 45. 2; 5 2 6 3 1 8 7 6 1 5 4 2 7 8 1 2 4 5 6 7
D O W N A M E 46. 3; According to Pratap: 20, 21 or 22 ... (i)
5 @ 9 # 6 % 3 According to his sister: not before 22
:. MODE % @ 5 3 ... (ii)
39. 2; GLUE From (i) and (ii), the birthday falls on Apr
20 or 21.
40. 1; 3 1225043 ? 47. 4
48. 2; 15 × 8 ÷ 6 + 12 – 4 = 20 + 12 – 4 = 28
+1 -1 +1
Now, H may lie anywhere on the dotted
line. DSB G FWJ
50. 4; S E A R C H E S Similarly,
TYPE - 2
21. In a certain code ‘FEAR’ is written as ‘+×÷*’ and ‘READ’ is written as ‘*×÷$’. How is ‘FADE’ written in
that code?
(1) +÷$× (2) ×÷+$ (3) $÷+* (4) ÷$+× (5) None of these
22. In a certain code language GAME is written as ‘$ ÷ ¬ %’ and BEAD is written as ‘# % ÷ ×’. How will the
word MADE be written in that code language?
(1) $ ÷ × % (2) ¬ ÷ $ % (3) ¬ ÷ × % (4) # ÷ × % (5) None of these
23. In a certain code language ‘MEAL’ is written as ‘$£¬@’ and ‘SAFE’ is written as ‘l¬+£’. How is ‘FAME’
written in that code language?
(1) +¬$£ (2) ¬+$@ (3) +¬@$ (4) £@¬+ (5) None of these
24. In a certain code language BEAM is written as 5% * K and COME is written as $7K%. How is BOMB
written in that code?
(1) 5% K5 (2) 57K5 (3) $7K$ (4) 5$%5 (5) None of these
25. In a certain code CHAIR is written as # ¬l÷% and HIDE is written as ¬÷+$. How is DEAR written in
that code?
(1) $+l% (2) +$÷% (3) $+%÷ (4) +#l% (5) None of these
TYPE - 3
26. If red is called yellow, yellow is called blue, blue is called white, white is called green, green is called
pink and pink is called purple, then what is the colour of clear sky?
(1) Blue (2) Yellow (3) Pink (4) White (5) Purple
27. If bright is called dark, dark is called green, green is called blue, blue is called red, red is called white
and white is called yellow, then what is the colour of blood?
(1) Red (2) Dark (3) White (4) Yellow (5) None of these
28. If black means white, white means red, red means yellow, yellow means blue, blue means green, green
means purple and purple means orange, then what is the colour of clear sky?
(1) Green (2) Purple (3) Orange (4) Yellow (5) Blue
TYPE - 4
31. If in a certain code language ‘pen pencil’ is written as ‘$ £’, ‘eraser sharpener’ is written as @ #’, and
‘pencil eraser’ is written as ‘$ @’, then what is the code for ‘pen’?
(1) £ (2) @ (3) $ (4) # (5) None of these
Q. 32 - 35. Study the following information to anser the given questions:
In a certain code, ‘ze lo ka gi’ is a code for ‘must save some money’, ‘fe ka so ni’ is a code for
‘he made good money’, ‘ni lo da so’ is a code for ‘he must be good’ and ‘we so ze da’ is a code for
‘be good save grace’.
(1) a metal piece (2) metal for friend (3) piece of advise
(4) friend of mine (5) large metal piece
TYPE - 5
Directions (Q. 41-45): These questions are based on code language which utilizes letters in
the English alphabet. In each question, there is a word written in capital letter, with one
letter underlined. For each letter in that word there is a code written in capital letters. That
TYPE - 6
Directions (Q.46-50): Each of the following questions has a word. The letters of the words
follow a code system. You have to find out the correct code for the underlined letters. Note
that same letters used in different words have the same code.
46. S T A I R
I. a II. c III. s IV. n V. z
(1) Either c or n (2) Either c or z (3) Can’t say (4) n (5) None of these
47. E N J O Y
I. e II. l III. f IV. w V d
(1) Either l or f (2) Either e or f (3) w (4) d (5) None of these
48. N O I S E
(1) l (2) c (3) z (4) f (5) d
49. O C E A N
(1) d (2) m (3) l (4) n (5) f
50. A F T E R
(1) n (2) u (3) s (4) d (5) a
TYPE - 7
Directions (Q. 51-60): Study the following information carefully and answer the given
questions based on it.
In a certain code, letters of English alphabet are coded on the basis of the structure of the word.
Numeric codes denoted for the letters of the word are in the same order as the letters of the word.
Study the code represented for a particular structure of the word. Find out the logic and answer the
questions that follow in two sets (I and II):
HOPE [24] [42] [24] [42] DIRE [24] [42] [24] [42]
UPON [18] [24] [18] [24] ACME [12] [24] [24] [12]
Set II
Directions (Q. 56-60): For each question a code is followed by three words written in capital
letters. You have to decide which of the given three words can be denoted by the respective
code given in A, B and C. Choose appropriate answer from given answer choices.
56. [12] [24] [24] [12]
(1) Only A and B (2) Only B and C (3) Only A and C
(4) All of the above (5) None of these
57. [24] [6] [6] [24]
(1) Only A and B (2) Only B and C (3) Only A and C
(4) All of the above (5) None of these
58. [30] [24] [30]
(1) Only A and B (2) Only B and C (3) Only A and C
(4) All of the above (5) None of these
59. [24] [36] [24]
(1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C
(4) None of the above (5) None of these
60. [18] [24] [18] [24
(1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C
(4) None of the above (5) None of these
For example: The value of ‘CAB’ will be 30 (i.e., 10 + 10 + 10) as all the three letters are from the first
group, each one having a value of 10.
The value of ‘BUT’ will be 10 + (50 × (2) + (40 × (2) = 190.
The value of ‘JUNK’ will be 30 + (50 × (2) + 30 + 30 = 190.
Now, find out the value of each word in the following questions:
61. AGE
(1) 50 (2) 90 (3) 60 (4) 70 (5) None of these
(1) 140 (2) 280 (3) 320 (4) 360 (5) None of these
(1) 200 (2) 360 (3) 380 (4) 250 (5) None of these
64. HIGH
(1) 40 (2) 60 (3) 70 (4) 80 (5) None of these
65. SHOP
(1) 70 (2) 120 (3) 130 (4) 140 (5) None of these
Directions (Q. 66-70): Considering the information given for questions (Q. 61-65), find out
which one or two or three of the words denoted by A, B, C correspond to the given value?
66. 80
(1) A and B only (2) A and C only (3) B and C only (4) All the three (5) None of these
67. 200
(1) A and B only (2) B and C only (3) A and C only (4) A only (5) All the three
68. 230
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A and C only (5) B and C only
69. 50
(1) A only (2) A and B only (3) B and C only (4) B only (5) None of these
70. 90
(1) A only (2) B only (3) C only (4) A and B only (5) All the three
Digit 7 3 5 0 2 1 6 4 9 8
Code N H L T F D R Q G P
Letters G B K H Z M F
Digit 5 4 1 3 2 8 7
If any vowel is neither in the beginning nor at the end, it is coded as ‘6’. If any vowel is at the
beginning or at the end, it is coded as ‘9’. However, if the same vowel is placed at both beginning and
the end, it is coded as ‘$’ at both the places.
How will the following letter-groups be coded?
(1) 712653$ (2) 7129539 (3) 7126539 (4) 712$53$ (5) None of these
(1) 9728649 (2) $72864$ (3) 9728949 (4) 6728949 (5) None of these
TYPE - 10
Directions (Q. 81-85): Study the following information and answer the questions given below:
In a certain code, the symbol for 0 (zero) is @ and for 1 is $. There are no other symbols for all other
numbers greater than one. The numbers greater than 1 are to be written only by using the two
symbols given above. The value of the symbol for 1, doubles itself every time it shifts one place to the
left. Study the following example:
‘0’ is written as @
‘1’ is written as $
‘2’ is written as $@
‘3’ is written as $$
‘4’ is written as $@@ and so on
81. Which of the following will represent 11?
(1) $@$$ (2) @$$@ (3) $$@@ (4) $@$@@ (5) None of these
82. Which of the following will represent 8?
(1) $$@@ (2) @$$@ (3) $$@@ (4) @@$$ (5) None of these
83. Which of the following numbers will be represented by $$@$?
(1) 8 (2) 11 (3) 13 (4) 12 (5) None of these
84. Which of the following will represent the value of the product 3 × 3 + 1?
(1) $$@$ (2) $@$@ (3) $@@$$ (4) $$$ (5) None of these
85. Which of the following numbers will be represented by $@@@$?
(1) 22 (2) 31 (3) 14 (4) 17 (5) None of these
Directions (Q. 86-90): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions
given below.
In a certain code, the symbol for 0 (zero) is and for 1 is $. There is no other symbol for all other
numbers greater than 1. The numbers greater than 1 are to be written using only the two symbols
given above. The value of symbol for 1 doubles itself everytime it shifts one place to the left. Study the
following example.
‘0’ is written as ‘1’ is written as $
‘2’ is written as $ ‘3’ is written as $$
‘4’ is written as $ and so on.
86. Which of the following will represent 7 × (1 + 4 ÷ (2)?
(1) $ $ $ (2) $$ $ (3) $ $$ (4) $ $ (5) None of these
87. Which of the following symbol arrangement will represent ‘9’?
(1) $$$ (2) $ $ (3) $ $ (4) $$ (5) None of these
88. The symbol arrangement $ $$ represents which of the following numbers?
(1) 18 (2) 15 (3) 17 (4) 16 (5) None of these
89. The symbol arrangment $$ $ represents which of the following?
(1) 28 (2) 48 (3) 26 (4) 50 (5) None of these
90. Which of the following represents the number 24?
(1) $ $ (2) $$ (3) $$$ (4) $ $$ (5) None of these
R1 = 37 12 21 17. 5; R1 = 45 18 12
= 49 21 [Used rule (iv)] = 27 12 [Use rule (iii)]
= 70 [Used rule (i)] = 15 [Use rule (iii)]
Now, R2 = 22 14 9
R 2 = 38 81 14 = 36 9 [Use rule (i)]
= 43 14 [Used rule (iii)] =4 [Use rule (v)]
= 57 [Used rule (iv)]
Now, the required value of R1 × R2 = 15 × 4 =
Thus, the reqired difference = 70 - 57 = 13 60
13. 1; Let us find R1 . 18. 2; R1 = 12 7 16
R1 = 16 8 32 = 84 16 [Use rule (ii)]
= 128 32 [Used rule (v)] = 100 [Use rule (i)]
= 4 [Used rule (iii)] R2 = 79 28 15
= 51 15 [Use rule (iii)]
R 2 = 132 11 42 2
= 51 + 15 [Use rule (iv)]
= 12 16 [Used rule (iii)]
= 276
= 192 [Used rule (v)]
Hence the required difference
14. 4; Let us find R 2 .
= R2 - R1 = 276 - 100 = 176
R 2 = 45 17 81
19. 3; R1 = 36 13 39
= 62 81 [Used rule (i)]
= 468 39 [Use rule (ii)]
= 19 [Used rule (ii)]
= 12 [Use rule (v)]
R1 = 345 23 19 R2 = 77 30 7
1. A said to B that B’s mother was the mother-in-law of A’s mother. How is A’s mother related to B’s
1) Daughter-in-law 2) Mother-in-law 3) Sister 4) Aunt 5) Sister-in-law
2. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says: “she is the only daughter of my only son’s mother-
in-law.” How is the woman related to the man?
1) daughter 2) wife 3) daughter-in-law
4) mother 5) mother-in-law
3. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says, “She is the only daughter of my father’s only
daughter-in-law.” How is the woman related to the man?
1) wife 2) daughter 3) daughter-in-law
4) sister 5) sister-in-law
4. Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says: “He is the father of my only daughter-in-law’s
father-in-law”. What is the man to the woman?
1) Father 2) Brother 3) Husband 4) Brother-in-law 5) Father-in-law
5. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says: “She is the only daughter of my wife’s mother-in-
law”. How is the woman related to the man?
1) Daughter 2) Wife 3) Sister 4) Sister-in-law 5) Mother-in-law
6. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says: “She is the only daughter of my father’s mother-in-
law”. How is the woman related to the man?
1) daughter 2) mother 3) daughter-in-law 4) mother-in-law 5) None of these
7. Pointing to a photograph a woman says: “He is the brother of the daughter of my mother-in-law’s only
son”. How is the man related to the woman?
1) Son 2) Brother 3) Brother-in-law
4) Nephew 5) Can’t be exactly determined
8. Pointing to a photograph a woman says: “He is the only son of the wife of my husband’s father”. How
is the man related to the woman?
1) son 2) son-in-law 3) brother-in-law
4) brother 5) None of these
9. Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says: “He is the father-in-law of the wife of the only
paternal grandson of my own father-in-law”. How is the man related to the woman?
1) son 2) husband 3) cousin 4) nephew 5) son-in-law
10. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says “She is the mother-in-law of the wife of the father
of my only son”. How is the woman related to the man?
1) daughter 2) wife 3) daughter-in-law 4) sister-in-law 5) mother
11. Pointing to a woman in a photograph a man says: “She is the paternal grandmother of the son of my
daughter-in-law’s mother-in-law.” How is the woman related to the man?
1) mother 2) mother-in-law 3) sister 4) wife 5) sister-in-law
12. Pointing to a woman in the photograph a man says. “This woman is the wife of the father of my
brother-in-law.” How is the woman related to the man?
1) mother 2) mother-in-law 3) sister 4) sister-in-law 5) daughter
13. Pointing to a woman a man says, “She is the sister-in-law of the only daughter of my mother-in-law’s
husband”. How is the woman related to the man?
1) daughter 2) mother 3) Aunt
4) daughter-in-law 5) sister
14. Pointing to a man in the photograph a woman says: “He is the son of my sister’s mother’s husband.”
How is the man related to the woman?
1) Brother 2) Father 3) Uncle 4) Brother-in-law 5) Father-in-law
15. Pointing to a man in the photograph a woman says: “He is the father of my daughter-in-law’s brother-
in-law.” How is the man related to the woman?
1) husband 2) brother 3) brother-in-law 4) father 5) father-in-law
16. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says, “She is the mother of my daughter-in-law’s husband’s
only sister.” How is the woman related to the man?
1) wife 2) mother 3) sister 4) daughter 5) sister-in-law
17. Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman said, “His sister’s father is the only son of my mother’s
father-in-law.” How is the woman related to the man in the photograph?
1) sister-in-law 2) wife 3) mother
4) sister 5) granddaughter
2. 3
11. 1; daughter-in-law’s mother-in-law = wife. Son of wife = son. Grandmother of son = mother.
Directions (Q. 1-20) : Each of the questions below contains three elements. These three
elements may or may not have some linkage. Each group of the elements may fit into one of the
diagrams at (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). You have to indicate groups of elements in each of the questions
fit into which of the diagrams given below. The number of the diagram is the answer.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
1) 2) 3)
4) 5)
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
1) 2) 3) (4) 5)