User Manual 455U-D Radio Modem
User Manual 455U-D Radio Modem
User Manual 455U-D Radio Modem
Radio Modem
ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd, 9/12 Billabong Street, Stafford Q 4053, Australia.
Tel: +61 7 3352 8600 Fax: +61 7 3352 8677
Email: Web:
Thank you for your selection of the 455U-D radio modem. We trust it will give
you many years of valuable service.
Incorrect termination of supply wires may
cause internal damage and will void warranty.
To ensure your 455U-D enjoys a long life,
double check ALL your connections with
the user’s manual
before turning the power on.
1. To avoid the risk of electrocution, the antenna, antenna cable, and all
terminals of the 455U-D module should be electrically protected. To
provide maximum surge and lightning protection, the module should be
connected to a suitable earth and the antenna, antenna cable, and the
module should be installed as recommended in the Installation Guide.
2. To avoid accidents during maintenance or adjustment of remotely
controlled equipment, all equipment should be first disconnected from the
455U-D module during these adjustments. Equipment should carry clear
markings to indicate remote or automatic operation. eg. "This equipment
is remotely controlled and may start without warning. Isolate at the
switchboard before attempting adjustments."
3. The 455U-D module is not suitable for use in explosive environments
without additional protection.
4. All antenna installation and servicing should be done by qualified personal
only. When installing or working near the antenna it is important to
ensure that the transmitter is not operating, ensure the transmitter is
5. The antenna can have very high RF radiating fields and must be installed
so that under normal operating conditions that a person cannot approach
within 2.3 metres (7.5 feet) of the antenna. See chapter 2 for antenna
installation guidelines.
WARNING ............................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 8
1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................. 8
1.1.1 Basic Operation ......................................................................................................... 9
1.1.2 Operating Modes ....................................................................................................... 9
1.1.3 Repeater Functionality............................................................................................. 10
1.1.4 Hot Redundant Standby........................................................................................... 10
1.2 UNACKNOWLEDGED MODE ................................................................................... 10
1.3 ACKNOWLEDGED MODE ........................................................................................ 11
1.4 SECURITY ENCRYPTION ......................................................................................... 13
1.5 SERIAL AND RADIO DATA...................................................................................... 14
1.5.1 PLC-Mode ............................................................................................................... 14
1.5.2 Character Type ........................................................................................................ 15
1.5.3 Serial Data Rate....................................................................................................... 15
1.5.4 Radio Data Rate....................................................................................................... 16
1.5.5 Radio Message......................................................................................................... 16
1.6 ADDRESSING .......................................................................................................... 17
1.6.1 Multiple Device Connectivity (MDC)..................................................................... 18
1.7 OPTIMUM PATH ROUTING ...................................................................................... 18
1.8 DUTY CYCLE LIMITING ......................................................................................... 19
1.9 WHAT OPERATING MODE TO USE ?....................................................................... 19
1.9.1 Unacknowledged or Acknowledged mode? ............................................................ 19
1.9.2 Error Check ?........................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER TWO INSTALLATION .................................................................. 21
2.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 21
2.2 ANTENNA INSTALLATION ...................................................................................... 21
2.2.1 3dB/6dB Collinear antenna. .................................................................................... 23
2.2.2 Yagi antennas. ......................................................................................................... 24
2.3 POWER SUPPLY ...................................................................................................... 24
2.4 SERIAL CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................... 26
2.4.1 RS232 Serial Port ................................................................................................ 26
2.4.2 RS232 Configuration Port ................................................................................... 27
2.4.3 RS485 Serial Port ................................................................................................ 27
2.5 DISCRETE I/O POINT .............................................................................................. 28
2.5.1 Using the Discrete I/O as an Output.................................................................... 28
2.5.2 Using the Discrete I/O point as an Input ............................................................. 28
CHAPTER THREE CONFIGURATION........................................................................ 29
Ordering Information
455U - Type – Radio Type – RF Power – Channel – Band – Frequency
Type D Data modem, full functionality
B Data modem, Bell 202 or V23 messaging
A External modem, 600 ohm audio input
C Data modem compatible with ELPRO 405U
Radio Type L 10 – 500mW H 0.5 – 5W
Power Actual power requested - for example, 100mW or 2W
Channel N 12.5 KHz W 20/25 KHz
Band 390 380 – 400 MHz 410 400 – 420 MHz
430 420 – 440 MHz 440 430 – 450 MHz
460 450 – 470 MHz 480 470 – 490 MHz
500 490 – 512 MHz
Frequency Actual frequency requested in MHz - for example, 471.0725
for different transmit and receive frequencies, enter Rxxxxx/Txxxxxx,
for example, R460.5000/T472.3000
1.1.1 Basic Operation
The operation of the 455U-D radio modem is relatively simple. As data is received at the
serial port, the data is transmitted on the radio channel. Up to 1020 bytes of data can be
transmitted in one transmission. The radio transmission commences when the first data byte
is received, and ends when there are no more data bytes in the input buffer, or when the
number of bytes transmitted equals the maximum message length (user configurable - default
1020 bytes). If more than 1020 bytes is input, the 455U-D unit will transmit the first 1020
bytes, then the next 1020 bytes, and so on until all of the data has been transmitted.
Because the radio data rate could be less than the input serial data rate, an input memory
buffer of up to 8Kbytes is provided. The RS232 connection provides CTS control to prevent
the buffer overflowing. There are no data flow control signals for RS485.
Data received at the serial port is transmitted out of the radio port, addressed to the configured
destination 455U-D module, or to all modules by using address 0. Data received from the
radio with the correct addressing is transmitted out of one of the serial ports (RS232 or
Prior to transmitting, units will listen to the radio channel to ensure that it is clear - units will
hold off from transmitting until the radio channel is clear.
At the RS232 port, the CTS pin can be configured to go high
while there is space in the input data buffer - otherwise it DATA
is always high.
Host devices should provide a
suitable protocol to ensure that
error checking, handshaking and DATA DATA
implementation of an appropriate
re-transmission scheme is UNACKNOWLEDGED MODE
provided. This mode of ADDRESSED TO ALL UNITS USING
operation is particularly suited DATA to
devices designed to operate over a multidrop network, such as PLC
systems designed for operation over a RS-485 network.
If error checking is not configured at the receiving unit, data will start to be output
immediately after the first byte of data has been received. If error checking is configured, data
will be output approx 1mSec after the end of the message. For example, a message with 20
bytes of data transmitted at 19200 bits/sec will begin to be output approx 23 msec after the
data is input, if there is no error checking, or 31 msec after the data is input if error checking
is configured - this assumes the minimum lead-in time of 20 msec is configured.
If the master unit does not receive the acknowledgment, the DCD output will reset. When the
connection is made (DCD set), the 455U-D units can transmit data to each other.
A master can be configured to connect to a pre-configured slave address in two ways:
on power up - the master will only connect to one fixed slave address and if the
connection link fails, the master will continuously try to make a new connection, or
it can be “commanded” by its host device using AT commands - the host device can
control the master 455U-D to “dial” a slave address, connect, transfer data, and then
disconnect (or “hang up”), and connect to a different slave address.
Once the communications channel has been established, the 455U-D unit will accept input
data and send radio messages with data. When a 455U-D unit receives a radio message, it will
check the system address and destination address, and also the error-check (optional). If these
are correct, it will return a ACK (acknowledgment) message to the source unit. If the system
address or destination address is not correct, or if the error-check is not correct, then no return
message is sent.
There can also be up to five intermediate repeaters in the link. Each 455U-D unit is
configured with a unit address - only the unit with an address matching the destination address
of the radio message will process the message and output the serial data.
Establishing a Communications Link
Master Unit Slave Unit
Listen to ensure channel is clear
If clear, transmit “connect” message -----------------> Receives message
Radio TX LED flashes Radio RX LED flashes
Check system and destination
If OK, set DCD LED and output
If message OK, transmit back
an ACK message.
If the source unit does not receive an ACK message, it will re-transmit the same message. It
will attempt to transmit the message the configured number of times (S-Register S30). If the
unit still does not receive an ACK message after the configured number of attempts, it will
reset the LINK LED, and reset the DCD output on the DB9 RS232 port and reset the DIO
output (if configured).
During normal operation, if there has been no radio activity for a period (called the “link
check” period), the master unit will transmit a “check” message to check the radio path. The
link check period is user-configurable (S-Register S6). If the slave doesn’t receive any
messages within the configured link check timeout (Configuration Setting \T), it will drop the
radio link, and turn off the LINK LED, and reset the DIO and DCD signals (if configured).
Successful Communications
Source Module Destination Module
Serial data is received
Serial LED flashes
Listen to ensure channel is clear Receive message
If clear, transmit message Radio RX LED flashes
Radio TX LED flashes -----------------> Check system and destination
If OK, check error-check
If message okay, transmit
back an ACK message.
Radio RX LED flashes <----------------- Radio TX LED flashes
Acknowledgment received okay - Serial data is output
communication complete Serial LED flashes
Unsuccessful Communications
Source Module Destination Module
Listen to ensure channel is clear
If clear, transmit message -----------------> Receives message
TX LED flashes RX LED flashes
Check system and destination
If incorrect, transmit no message
and no serial output.
No ACK received
Retry multiple times (Configure With ----------------->
S-Register S30)
If no ACK message received after
all attempts
“NO CARRIER” message sent to
DCD signal and DCD LED reset
Messages sent with encryption have an additional 16 bytes of data added to the start of the
radio message (the initialization vector).
1.5.1 PLC-Mode
The 455U-D will operate most efficiently when the serial data rate is higher or the same as the
radio data rate. If the serial data rate is less than the radio rate, there is a risk that the radio
will empty the input buffer too quickly, resulting in a single input message being broken into
more than one output messages. Many host protocols such as those used by PLC’s, will not
accept a message being broken into sections with delays between the sub-sections.
To avoid this occurring, the 455U-D will automatically delay the radio transmission starting if
the serial rate is less than the radio rate. This is called “PLC Mode”. The radio will not start
transmitting until a certain number of bytes have been input into the input buffer. The 455U-
D calculates the number of starting bytes depending on the values of the configured serial and
radio rates. The number of bytes to start transmitting is stored in register S18 (S20 for
RS485)) - when a configuration is entered whereby the serial rate is less than the radio rate,
the 455U configuration software will automatically enter an appropriate value in S18. The
user can change this value. If the serial rate is the same as the radio rate, or more, than there
is no delay.
There is an automatic protection - if a certain time has elapsed and the number of starting
bytes has not been input, then the radio will start transmitting. This is an override protection.
The 455U-D will automatically calculate the override time based on the configured serial rate
and S18 (the number of bytes required to start). The override time is stored in register S19
(S21 for RS485) - this value can also be changed by the user.
In applications where the extra delay introduced by buffering data at the sending modem is
unacceptable, an alternative is to configure a “Transmitter Hold up” time (S-Register S27).
This keeps the transmission keyed up between data characters.
The time for each byte is 1.04msec @9600 bits/sec, 2.08 msec at 4800 bits/sec, and 4.16 msec
at 2400 bits/sec.. If error checking is not configured at the receiving unit, data will start to be
output immediately after the first data byte has been received. If error checking is configured,
data will be output approx 1msec after the end of the message. For example, a message with
20 bytes of data transmitted at 9600 bits/sec with no repeaters, will start to be output approx
71msec after the data is input, if error checking is configured, and will start to be output
approx 47 msec after the data is input if no error checking is configured.
A “transmit delay” time and a “receive delay” time may also be configured. These parameters
may be used to fine tune and give priority to different 455U-D units in a system.
After each message is transmitted, a 455U-D unit will not transmit another message during
the transmit delay time. This could be used to allow a reply message to be received before the
next message is sent.
After a message is received, a message will not be transmitted during the receive delay time.
This could be used to delay a reply message until other messages have been sent.
1.6 Addressing
A 455U-D network comprises modules with the same "system" address. Only modules with
the same system address will communicate with each other. This feature allows more than one
system to operate in the same area on the same radio channel.
A 455U-D must also be configured with a “unit” address - this gives the module a unique
identification. The unit address is used to identify the two data ports on each 455U-D. The
RS232 port is accessed by addressing the configured unit address. The RS485 port is accessed
by addressing the configured unit address +128. So, to access the RS232 port on unit 7, use
address 7. To access the RS485 port on this unit, use address 135 (128+7).
Addresses 0 and 128 are reserved as “wildcard” addresses. Sending a message to address 0
results in all modules accepting the message. Address 0 refers to every RS232 port in the
system. Address 128 is the wildcard address for every RS485 port in the system.
some obstruction of the radio path. Obstructions which are close to either antenna will have
more of a blocking effect than obstructions in the middle of the radio path. For example, a
group of trees around the antenna is a large obstruction, and the antenna should be raised
above the trees. However if there is at least 100 meters (300 feet) of clear path before a group
of trees, the trees will have less affect on the radio path. To help in planning radio systems,
ELPRO provides a free utility for estimating path performance.
The modules provide test diagnostics to test the radio path and display radio signal strength.
An antenna should be connected to the module via 50 ohm coaxial cable (eg RG58, Cellfoil or
RG213) terminated with a male SMA connector. The higher the antenna is mounted, the
greater the transmission range will be, however as the length of coaxial cable increases so do
cable losses. For use on unlicensed frequency channels, there are several types of antennas
suitable for use. It is important antennas are chosen carefully to avoid contravening the
maximum allowed power limit on the on the radio channel - if in doubt refer to a authorized
ELPRO distributor in your country or email ELPRO on
The gains and losses of some typical antennas and cable types are
Antenna Gain (dB)
Dipole with integral cable 0
3dBd Collinear 5
6dBd Collinear 8
6 element Yagi 9
9 element Yagi 12
16 element Yagi 15
Cable type Loss (dB per 10 m)
RG58 -4.5
RG213 -1.65
Cellfoil -2.25
The net gain of the antenna/cable configuration is determined by adding the antenna gain and
the cable loss. For example, a 6dBd Collinear with 20 metres of RG58 has a net loss of 1 dB
(8dB – ((20/10) x 4.5) dB) = 8dB – 9dB = -1dB
Another important consideration when installing the antenna system is RF exposure. The
antenna can radiate a large amount of RF energy. It is important to ensure that a person
cannot approach the antennas within the recommended minimum safe distances in the table
_ A
Power Earth
15 – 30 VDC Supply
DC Out + +24
DIO 455U
Optional Battery
Fuse 5A - +
_ A
12 – 15 VDC Supply +24
DC Out +12
DIO 455U
RD 2 2 RD RD 2 RD
3 TD 3
TD 3 TD 3 TD
SG 5
5 SG SG 5 SG
7 7
8 8 8 8
6 6 6 6
4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1
terminated at each end of the network with a 120 ohm resistor. On-board 120 ohm resistors
are provided and may be engaged by operating the single DIP switch in the end plate next to
the RS485 terminals. The DIP switch should be in the “1” or “on” position to connect the
resistor. If the module is not at one end of the RS485 cable, the switch should be off.
Max 30VDC +24
+ DIO 455U
Voltage-free B
contact input A
3.1.1 Addressing
A 455U-D network comprises modules with the same “system” address. The system address
is a 16 bit value, 0 to 65 535 (two 16-bit registers, each with values 0 to 255). Only modules
with the same system address will communicate with each other. This feature allows more
than one system to operate in the same area on the same radio channel. If you are adding
another module to an existing system, use the same value as the existing modules. If you are
starting a new system, select random values and use the same value for each module.
Each module is also configured with a unit address between 1 and 127 - this gives the module
a unique identification.
The two data ports on the 455U-D can be addressed based on the unit address. The RS232
port is accessed using the unit address, and the RS485 port is accessed using the configured
unit address +128. So, to access the RS232 port on unit 7, use address 7. To access the RS485
port on this unit, use address 135 (128+7).
Addresses 0 and 128 are reserved as “wildcard” addresses. Sending a message to address 0
results in all modules accepting the message and outputting via the RS232 ports. Address 128
is the wildcard address for every RS485 port in the system.
Every modem can also act as a repeater unit for other modems in the system. If the modem is
expected to repeat messages to the wildcard address, the repeater mode should be selected to
“wild card” in the configuration.
The cable to connect to the DB9 should have straight-through connections as per section 2.4.1
of this manual. If your PC only has USB serial connections with no RS232 port, you will
need to purchase a USB to RS232 converter cable.
The cable to connect to the RJ45 Config port should be wired as described in section 2.4.2 of
this manual.
Select the communications port that you will be using on the PC - make sure that no other
program is using this com port. The program default is COM1 - if you are using a different
com port, select the “Com Port Settings” icon from the toolbar and select the com port.
If connecting to the DB9 port, Make sure that the serial data rate and character type is the
same as that already configured in the module. If you are configuring a new module, then this
will be the case. If you are configuring a module which has already been in service, and you
do not know this information, then you will need to force the module to factory default
settings using the DIP switch in the module end plate (see section 3.10 of this manual).
If connecting to the RJ45 port, the serial data rate is fixed at 9600 baud. The character type is
8 data, No parity, 1 stop bit.
To read the configuration in a module, connect the cable and select the
“Read” icon on the toolbar. To configure a module, select the “Write”
icon on the toolbar. READ WRITE
Using AT commands:
Connection to the remote modem is accessed using the ATD command on the local RJ-45
configuration port:
ATDxxx Remote Configuration and Diagnostics Access (RJ45 port only)
ATD3 Access remote diagnostics on station address 3
ATD3,4,5 Access remote diagnostics on station address 5 using stations 3 and 4
as intermediate repeater stations.
are entered into the repeater path boxes with the first repeater in the most left-hand box… and
so on for multiple repeaters.
For example, if you want to set up a link to remote unit 13 via units 31, 32, 33 (in this order)
then you would select:
If you want to use repeaters in broadcast transmissions, refer to the section on Broadcast
If configuring with AT commands:
The destination address for the RS485 port is in auto dial location 3 (AT&Z3).
In this example, the destination port is the RS232 port on unit 15, via repeater 31.
If using AT commands:
Auto connect is set by selecting Unacknowledged mode (AT&M0) and fixed line mode
(AT&L1) and by configuring a destination address into auto dial location 0 (AT&Z0).
Single connect is set by selecting Unacknowledged mode (AT&M0) and deselecting fixed
line mode (AT&L0). In this mode, the modem will go to command mode as soon as it is
powered up. The RS232 port will print the message “OK” and wait for commands. The
host software chooses which remote module to configure by issuing a dial command
(ATD). As soon as the Dial command is issued, the modem will issue a “Connect”
message and go on-line. This will be indicated by the LINK LED going green. All
messages received at the RS-232 serial port are sent to the dialed address. Use the
wildcard address (0 or 128) to send messages to multiple units in the system.
#1 #22
This network has a maximum of three “hops” - to reach the most remote units, there needs to
be three transmissions or hops. Unit 1 needs to transmit with address <0,0,0> - that is, three
The second ring of repeaters (units 21 and 22) need to be configured as above:
The “Forward Broadcast Messages” and the “Copy broadcast messages out serial port”
boxes are both ticked so the message will be repeated and sent to the serial port.
The “Hops” box is set to 2 - repeater after the second hop. If unit 21 hears a weak
message from unit 1 on the first hop, it will not repeat it.
Note that the address path for return messages is <14,1>.
The last ring of units (units 36 and 37) need to be configured as above:
The “Forward Broadcast Messages” box is NOT selected as these units are not required
to act as repeaters.
The “Copy broadcast messages out serial port” box is selected to pass any broadcast radio
messages it receives to its host device connected to the serial port.
The “Hops” box is set to 3 - this means that it will only accept messages on the third hop.
If it hears a weak message transmitted from unit 1 or 14, it will ignore it.
Note that the address path for return messages is <21,14,1>.
“XON / XOFF” the modem uses the XON and XOFF symbols to control flow of data.
This protocol should not be used with raw binary data, as the raw data may contain the
XON and XOFF characters. This flow control method is only suitable for use with ASCII
DCD Control
The DCD signal on the RS232 port can be used to give an indication of communications link
status in Acknowledged mode. Note that the link is always connected in unacknowledged
“Always On” - the 455U-D sets the DCD to be always on
“Only High When Connected” - the DCD signal will be on when the link is connected and
off when the link is reset
“Pulse Low on Disconnect” - the DCD signal will be normally on but will switch off
momentarily (for 0.5 sec) when the link is reset.
Packet Size (bytes)
This selects the maximum number of bytes which will be transmitted in one message. If more
than this number of bytes is input into the 455U-D, then the module will transmit more than
one message.
The default value is 1020 bytes which is the largest packet value. If you are operating in a
noisy radio environment, then the system may be more reliable if you reduce the maximum
packet size and transmit a larger number of small messages rather than a lesser number of
large messages.
Packet size is configured via S-Register S14. The value in S14 is multiplied by four to get the
maximum packet size.
Transmit and Receive Hold-off delay times
A “transmit delay” time and a “receive delay” time can be configured. These parameters may be
used to fine tune and give priority to different 455U-D units in a system.
Transmit delay - S16. After each message is transmitted, a 455U-D unit will not transmit
another message during the transmit delay time. This could be used to allow a reply message
to be received before the next message is sent.
Delay time - S17. After a message is received, a message will not be transmitted during the
receive delay time. This could be used to delay a reply message until other messages have
been sent.
If there is no data transfer within the preconfigured “link check” time, the master will send an
empty data message to check the communications link.
The connection will be broken if a communication failure occurs, or if the local or remote
host’s issues a “disconnect” AT command (although this would be unusual for this mode).
When the master is disconnected, it will continuously try to connect to its auto-connect
Up to six repeater addresses may be configured as part of the auto-connect address. That is,
up to 6 intermediate modules can act as repeaters between the master and slave modules.
At the master unit, you need to enter the
address of the slave. Select the “RS232
Path” section. Up to six repeater addresses
may be entered. Repeater modules may be
configured in either Acknowledged or
unacknowledged mode, but they must have
the same system address.
The repeater addresses are entered in order
from the master - that is, the leftmost address
is the first repeater after the master.
If you enter a “Link Check Time”, then the
master unit will send a “check message” if
the check time has elapsed without any data
transmissions. For example, if you enter 10
seconds, then if there is a 10 second period
without a data transmission, then the master module will transmit a check message. If the
slave does not acknowledge, then the master will transmit the check message up to five times
(Configurable via S-30). If there is still no ACK, then the master will reset the link (DCD
reset). A value of zero disables this function.
To prevent change-over during short term transient fault conditions, the trigger condition
must be present for a period of time before the change-over occurs. This period is
configurable and can be entered via the “Change Over Delay Time” found on the “DIO
Redundancy” tab or the “Dual Redundant
Timeout” - S reg #11.
Note: minimum Changeover Delay time is 5
If the primary unit changes over to the
secondary unit, the secondary unit remains as
the active unit until it detects a fault, or until it
is forced to change by manual configuration.
The inactive unit continues to operate, and can
receive messages via the radio and data ports.
However it is disabled from transmitting
messages on the radio and RS485 ports - it
can transmit messages on the RS232 port.
Both the primary and standby units should have the same configuration except for the
Redundancy setting. The redundancy setting can be configured from the ”DIO Redundancy”
tab, which also displays the current redundancy status.
If configuraing using Hayes commands the Dual Redundancy is set via the AT#O command
(“Control digital I/O function”).
Force a changeover from primary to secondary, use command AT#O5.
Force a changeover from secondary to primary, use the command AT#O6.
Status of the Dual Redundant system is displayed in register S33.
S33 Value Dual Redundant State
2 Active Primary
3 Active Secondary
4 Active Primary – no secondary detected
5 Inactive Primary
6 Inactive Secondary
RS232 RS232
Note: The DIO channel is not available for any other purpose when the 455U unit
is connected to a redundant module.
If the Dual Redundant Control Connection becomes disconnected, then the two units will
remain in their previous active/in-active state.
Redundant units should be connected to separate power supplies and must be connected to
separate antennas and coaxial cables.
Although only one antenna will transmit at any one time, care must be taken with the
installation of the two antennas to avoid one antenna affecting the radiation pattern of the
other. The antennas should be installed at least 2 meters (6 feet) apart.
_ A
Power Earth
24V +
DIO 455U
_ A
Power Earth
24V +
DIO 455U
Observe the DIO LEDs on the two modules. These LEDs should be flashing together.
Refer to the following table to diagnose the flashing LEDs (Firmware version 3.03 and
Primary OK Primary DIO Secondary Secondary
System Status
Flash Flash Flash
Normal Operation. Primary is active. Secondary is
Green ½ Sec Off, ½ Sec Red, ½ Sec Off,
ready to take over
1½ sec On 1½ sec Green 1½ sec On
Flash Flash Flash
Secondary Fault. Primary is active. Secondary may be
1 sec Red, 1 sec On, Red 1 sec On,
able to take over if primary fails completely
1 sec Green 1 sec Off 1 sec Off
Flash Flash Fast Flash
Secondary Low voltage shutdown. Primary is active.
1 sec Red, 1 sec On, 0.4 sec Red, Off
Secondary cannot take over if Primary fails.
1 sec Green 1 sec Off 0.1 sec green
Flash Flash
Secondary Module Failure. Primary is active.
1 sec Red, 1 sec On, Red Off
Secondary cannot take over if Primary fails.
1 sec Green 1 sec Off
Flash Flash
1 sec Red, 1 sec On, Off Off Secondary No Power. Primary is active
1 sec Green 1 sec Off
Flash Flash
Primary Fault. Secondary is active. Primary may be
Red 2 sec Off, Green 2 sec Off,
able to take over if Secondary fails completely.
½ sec On ½ sec On
Flash Flash Flash Primary Fault and Secondary Fault. Secondary is
Red 2 sec Off, 2 sec Red, 2 sec Off, active. Primary may be able to take over if secondary
½ sec On ½ sec Green ½ sec On fails completely.
Fast Flash Flash
Primary Low voltage Shutdown. Secondary is active.
0.4 sec Red, Off Green 2 sec Off,
Primary cannot take over if Secondary fails.
0.1 sec green ½ sec On
Fast Flash Flash Flash
Primary Low Voltage Shutdown and Secondary Fault.
0.4 sec Red, Off 2 sec Red, 2 sec Off,
Secondary is active. Primary cannot take over
0.1 sec green 1/2 sec Green ½ sec On
Red Off Green 2 sec Off, Primary Module Failure. Secondary is active
½ sec On
Flash 2 sec Flash
Primary Module Failure and Secondary Fault.
Red Off Red, ½ sec 2 sec Off,
Secondary is active.
Green ½ sec On
Off Off Green 2 sec Off, Primary No Power. Secondary is active
½ sec On
Flash Flash
Primary No Power and Secondary Fault. Secondary is
Off Off 2 sec Red, 2 sec Off,
½ sec Green ½ sec On
Other Incorrect Configuration or Wiring error
The following diagram shows the states of the dual redundant system, the relationship to the
AT#O commands, the OK LED state, and S-registers S33 and S11 (Firmware versions 3.03
and later).
Timeout (S11)
Fault cleared
No Signal from Radio Fault or
Secondary Low Battery
Flash Red-Green
Secondary Responding on
Active No DIO Active
No Signal from S33=2
Flash Red-Green
Radio Fault or
E455U-D Dual Redundant Standby Low battery
Control - Secondary (Fault)
AT#O4 S33=6 Fault cleared
Radio Fault or
Low battery Primary Inactive
Primary Inactive Active after timeout
(Fault) (S11)
S33=3 Fault cleared
Give Control
Activity on DIO Force
From Primary AT#O6 Changeover
Flash Red-Green
1 second on, 1 second off Secondary Fault. Primary is active, Secondary is inactive and has a fault
½ second on, 2 seconds off Secondary is active, Primary is inactive and has a fault
Always On Hardware fault on I/O Circuit or module fault - disconnect wire to
determine which module is functional.
The following diagram shows the states of the dual redundant system and the relationship to
the AT#O commands, and S-registers S33 and S11 (Firmware versions 3.00 to 3.02).
E455U-D Dual Redundant
Control - Primary
Get Control
Timeout (S11)
Fault cleared
Secondary Inactive Fault
In the configuration below you will see that Modbus Slave address #1 is attached to remote
radio #22 and the message needs to be sent via a repeater radio (#21), same with Modbus
Slave Address #2 except it is attached to the remote radio #23.
Modbus address #3 is attached to Remote radio #24 and communicates through two repeaters
(#21 & #23).
The next three Modbus Slaves are all connected to the same remote radio (#25) and each link
needs a separate configuration.
Finally if you are setting up a large system and the remote radios have consecutive Protocol
devices you can use the “First” and “Last” address range which will configure a number of
remote devices each with an attached Protocol address.
3.10.6 DNP3
The end of the DNP protocol frame is indicated by a period of no data transmission equal to
the configured timeout for that serial port (Configured in S19 for the RS232 port and in S21
for the RS485 port).
Once in configuration mode, the 455U-D unit will accept a string of Hayes commands, and
the configuration changes made. The changes will not however be stored in permanent
memory (EEPROM) unless the Hayes command for recording the configuration (AT&W) is
sent. When the configuration changes are made, the module must be put back into its
operating mode by using the “online” Hayes command, ATO
Commands are entered in the format ATxy, where x selects the parameter, and y the value of
the parameter. For example, ATB2 sets the radio data rate to 4800 baud. B selects the radio
rate parameter and 2 is the value corresponding to 4800 baud.
Enter command mode <1sec break> + + + <1 sec break>
Response from 455U-D OK
Enter configuration commands ATxy
Response from 455U-D OK
Save configuration AT&W
Exit command mode ATO
Note that some commands will automatically exit command mode. Several commands can be
run together, for example, ATB2&WO is the same as ATB2 and AT&W and ATO
Prior to Configuration
Before configuring a module initially, force the module to its factory default configuration -
either by using the DIP switch (refer section 3.10), or by using the AT&F command. If you
are making a change to an existing configuration, this step is not necessary.
Appendix A details all of the Hayes commands accepted by the 455U-D. The following
commands are the most common.
The host protocol is packet based, with message packets of up to 100 bytes. The master station
initiates all communication, and waits for a response from the slave devices.
Master Host site Modem configuration
AT&M0 - Configure mode 0 – Unacknowledged mode.
AT&L1 – Go directly online at startup
AT&U1 - Set Modem’s address to 1
AT&Z0=0,0,0 - Set all messages to go to the wildcard address, and repeat twice
Slave Repeater station address 14
AT&M0 - Configure mode 0 – Unacknowledged mode.
AT&L1 – Go directly online at startup
AT&14 - Set Modem’s address to 14
AT&Z0=1 - Set all messages to go directly to master station, address 1.
AT&R3, AT&H1 - Set Broadcast Repeater mode – Repeat wildcard messages on their
first hop, and send these messages out the serial port.
ATS17=4 – Set the receive hold-off. This ensures that the repeated messages from the
repeaters don’t clash with responses from the directly communicating device (address
15). This command sets the repeater to 200 msec hold-off.
Slave Repeater station address 21
AT&M0 - Configure mode 0 – Unacknowledged mode.
AT&L1 – Go directly online at start-up
AT&21 - Set Modem’s address to 21
AT&Z0=14,1 - Set all data to go through address 14 to master station, address 1.
AT&R3, AT&H2 - Set Broadcast Repeater mode – Repeat wildcard messages on their
second hop and send these messages out the serial port.
ATS17=4 – Set the receive hold-off. This ensures that the repeated messages from the
repeaters don’t clash with responses from the directly communicating device (address
15). This command sets the repeater to 200 msec hold-off.
Slave devices Site address 36
AT&M0 - Configure mode 0 – Unacknowledged mode.
AT&U36 - Set Modem’s address to 36
AT&Z0=21,14,1 - Set all messages to go to master station, address 1 via repeaters 21
and 14..
AT&R2, AT&H3 – Send wildcard messages on their third hop out the serial port.
RS232 Yellow flash† RS232 Serial Port Activity (Older version Hardware) †
Green flash RS232 serial port receiving data from host device
RS485 Yellow flash† RS485 Serial Port Activity (Older version Hardware) †
Orange flash RS-485 port receiving and transmitting
Red flash RS485 serial port transmitting data to host device
Green flash RS485 serial port receiving data from host device
DCD Green Modem is Online and ready to send data.
Red Modem is Online but Currently in Command Mode
OK LED RED Briefly Module Out of buffer memory (Host device ignores
Radio RX LED RED flash Radio Receiving data - Weak radio signal
RS232 LED ON Orange flash RS-232 port receiving and transmitting simultaneously
Green flash RS232 serial port receiving data from host device
Green flash RS485 serial port receiving data from host device
DCD LED RED Continuously Modem is in Command mode, but has a radio link
If large radio
messages are being
transmitted, reduce the
maximum message
length, and transmit
the data in more
messages of smaller
Another common problem is the response time of the host software. Some hosts operate by
sending a message from one end and require a response to that message within a certain time.
If this time is less than the turn-around time of the radio modem, then the system will not
operate. It may be possible to lengthen the response time in the host software.
Using AT Commands
BER may be tested by typing AT#B (Slave Address). The sending unit will repeatedly send
pseudo-random frames, and the receiving unit will check these frames for errors. The
receiving unit returns a response message indicating how many (if any) errors were found.
The test results are displayed on the sending unit. To test Communication to slave station 13,
enter AT#B13. To test slave station 14 using station 13 as a repeater, AT#B13, 14 etc.
An example of the sending unit’s display is here.
Test Errors Extra Level TotErr TotMissed TotTest
109 0 0 -77dBm 3 0 109 kbit
Occasionally during testing, the following may be displayed:
Test Errors Extra Level TotErr TotTest
No Response
This indicated that either the request to the responding device, or the response from that
device, was lost during transmission. lost data frames do not contribute to the bit errors,
which are calculated only on the 1,000 bit frame.
The BER test will automatically end if a test time has been entered at S8 register (refer
Appendix A). If S8 has a zero value (default), the timer is inactive and the BER test will
continue until manually stopped.
When using directional antennas (YAGI antennas) this feature may be used to align the
antenna in the correct direction by selecting the peak signal level when moving the antenna.
Begin the BER test (AT#Bxxxx), and observe the signal strength indication (Level) while
adjusting the orientation of the antenna. A peak in signal level indicates optimum orientation
of the antenna.
S-Register Meaning
S9 Radio signal strength of last radio message received
S12 Reason for radio link resetting in Acknowledged mode - refer App C for codes.
S31 Radio Flags, 0 for All OK, Otherwise some Radio faults. The fault code is generating
by adding the following numbers:
1 indicates Radio shutdown from over-temperature
2 indicates Radio shutdown due to PTT Timeout
4 indicates radio Phase-Locked-Loop failed to lock
8 indicates SWR fault (Antenna missing or faulty)
S32 Module Temperature (Subtract 50 to get temp in deg C)
S33 State of Digital I/O point or status of Dual Redundancy system
S34 Battery Input Voltage (Units 0.1Volt)
S35 Supply Input Voltage (Units 0.1Volt) (0-25.5 Volts)
The diagnostic information can be viewed using the configuration program while the 455U-D is
online, by connecting via the secondary RJ45 RS232 port.
The information is displayed under the “Radio Stats” tab on the right-hand side and the
information refreshed (read from the connected module) by selecting the “Reload Radio
Statistics” icon on the Toolbar.
Diagnostics information
system, in a good location to act as a repeater. If this is not the case, you need to consider
installing a module to act specifically as a repeater.
During normal operation, no messages will be printed on the CONFIG port, unless the modem
detects an internal consistency error. In such a case, the modem could print a message
indicating a line number and file, for example.
“Fail: 123 c:\RND\e455U-D\current\sources\hardware.c”
In this case, the module may be able to continue functioning, but you should take the
following steps.
1. Re-start the modem, and check if the error occurs again.
2. If the error continues to occur, contact ELPRO support with the message, and information
about your application
Command Function
ATA Answer Incoming Call – The modem can also be set to answer incoming calls
immediately or after a certain number of attempts. (See S-Register S0)
ATB Set Radio Baud Rate – Radio Baud rates are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200
baud. Some baud rates may not be possible for some country codes. The baud
rate selected depends on the radio bandwidth setting (AT\N0 or AT\N1)
With Narrowband radio With wideband radio (AT\N0 selected)
(AT\N1 selected)
B0 Set 1200 baud Set 2400 baud
B1 Set 2400 baud Set 4800 baud
B2 Set 4800 baud Set 9600 baud
B3 Set 9600 baud Set 19200 baud
ATC Serial Baud Rate selection / Automatic Baud Detection control ( These
commands refer to the RS-232 serial port. ATR commands refer to RS-485 port).
C0 Set automatic baud rate detection
C1 Set 600 baud
C2 Set 1200 baud
C3 Set 2400 baud
C4 Set 4800 baud
C5 Set 9600 baud
C6 Set 14,400 baud
C7 Set 19,200 baud
C8 Set 28,800 baud
C9 Set 31,250 baud (Foundation Fieldbus + Profibus FMS)
C10 Set 38,400 baud
C11 Set 57,600 baud
C12 Set 76,800 baud
C13 Set 93,750 baud (For Profibus)
C15 Set 115,200 baud
C16 Set 187,500 baud (For Profibus)
&K1 CTS/RTS Flow Control. CTS follows RTS high if there is space in the local
buffer. Otherwise CTS goes low. On Serial Transmit, CTS goes high, and waits
for RTS to go high before transmitting. Note: Currently not implemented
(Behavior is as for &K3)
&K2 CTS/RTS Flow Control. CTS Reflects the state of the remote buffer, AND the
local buffer, AND the remote RTS input. The modem only transmits serial data
when RTS is high. RTS input is transferred to the remote modem. Note:
Currently not implemented (Behavior is as for &K3)
&K3 CTS/RTS Flow Control. CTS Reflects the state of the local buffer. Modem only
transmits serial data when RTS is high.
&K4 XON – XOFF Flow Control. Modem uses XON (Hex value 0x17) and XOFF
(Hex value 0x19) to control flow of information between modem and host.
AT&L Fixed line Mode Control. Allows configuration for answer, originate, or
command mode.
&L0 Normal Mode. At power-up, the modem enters command mode and waits for
&L1 Fixed line mode. For Acknowledged mode, ATD automatically dials the number
stored in Z0, ATA answers an incoming call. For Unacknowledged modes, the
modem automatically goes online, and sends messages to the modem configured
in Z0.
&L2 Fixed line Answer mode. The modem continuously attempts to answer any
incoming call. Use DTR with the AT&D command to control the connection.
This mode is only allowed when operating in Acknowledged mode.
AT&M Operating Mode. This allows selection between unacknowledged and,
acknowledged mode.
&M0 Unacknowledged Mode. All serial data is sent to the configured destination
address (In Z0 or specified in a dial command). No Acknowledgement is
required, and broadcast messages are allowed by using the wildcard address “0”.
In this mode, Messages on the RS-485 port are sent the address configured in
register &Z1. Messages on the RS-232 port are sent to the address dialed from
the command line, or configured in the auto-dial register &Z0.
&M1 Acknowledged mode. This mode simulates telephone modems, with a single
connection being made to a remote modem in the system, and each message is
acknowledged before more data is sent. If no Acknowledgement is received, the
message is re-transmitted.
&M2 Modbus RTU Mode.
&M3 Modbus ASCII Mode.
&M4 DF1 Protocol
&M5 DNP3 Protocol
AT&N Abort Connection Control. Controls whether the modem will abort a connection
Response codes display the status of the module in response to user commands. The response
code displayed depends on the ATV setting, the ATX setting and the ATQ setting. ATV0
selects numeric response codes. ATV1 selects verbal response codes. The ATXn command
selects extended response codes. ATQ0 disables all response messages. ATQ1 enables
response messages. The following table describes the messages. A symbol indicates that
messages is displayed for the corresponding ATX setting.
Appendix C S-Registers
The following table lists the S-Registers supported by the 455U-D modem.
No. Range Function Comment
S0 0-255 Attempts before Should normally be set to 1. 0 disables auto
Answering Call answering of calls (ATA command to answer calls
S1 3-255 Escape Sequence Units 20 milliseconds. Min. Delay before and after
Guard Time entering the escape sequence (“+++”) also Max.
Delay between characters of the escape sequence.
S2 1-255 Escape Sequence Normally 43 = “+”
S3 0-127 Carriage Return Normally 13 = <CR>
S4 0-127 Line Feed Character Normally 10 = <LF>
S5 0-127 Back Space Character Normally 8 = <BS>
S6 0-255 Inactivity Timer / Units Seconds. 0 disables. How frequently to send a
“Link Check” message. Usually set less than the
Link Check Timer
timeout set by the AT\T command. Default 0.
S7 1-255 Number of Connection How many times to attempt a connection after an
attempts ATD command. Default 5.
(Acknowledged Mode)
S8 0-255 Test Timer Units Seconds – How long to run tests (AT&Tx)
S9 0-255 Modem Receive Level Units (-)dBm – RSSI indication of last received
message. AT&T5 command may be more useful.
S10 0-255 DTR Loss Detection Units 10 milliseconds (Not Implemented)
S11 0-255 Change Over Delay The trigger condition must be present for the time
Time or Dual period for the changeover to occur. Minimum time
Redundant Timeout period is 5 seconds
S12 read- Command Mode Reason modem last returned to command mode, i.e.
only Diagnostic connection lost.
S12 = 0 Reset (ATZ or Power Up).
S12 = 1 Escape sequence (“+++”)
S12 = 2 DTR lowered.
S12 = 3 No ACK from remote modem after connected.
S12 = 4 Activity timer timed out.
S25 0-255 System Address – The 16-bit system address uniquely identifies the
Low Byte radio network
S26 0-255 Lead-In Tone Time This selects the Lead-In tone period – units 4 msec.
The default (10) should not normally be changed.
S27 0-255 Transmitter Hold-Up Selects How long the transmitter will stay on waiting
Time for more data before starting to send the tail (msec)
S28 0-255 Transmitter Tail Selects how long the transmitter will send a “Tail” at
Time the end of transmission. New data is ignored during
the tail time
S29 0-255 Unack Retries How many times to ret-transmit each message in
unacknowledged mode. Each message is transmitted
this number of times. The sequence number and
source address ensure that repeat messages are
ignored by the receiver.
S30 0-255 Ackmode retries Number of times to re-try in acknowledged mode if
no Acknowledge response is received.
S31 0-255 Radio Flags This read-Only register indicates radio Tx error flags
1 => Over-temperature Shutdown
2 => PTT Timeout
4 => PLL Out of lock
8 => Antenna failure
S32 0-255 Module Temperature This read-Only register indicates the module
temperature +50 (units C)
S33 0-1 Dual Redundancy 2 = Active Primary
Status 3 = Active Secondary
4 = Active Primary – no secondary detected
5 = Inactive Primary
6 = Inactive Secondary
S34 0-255 Battery Voltage This read-Only register indicates the voltage at the
battery input (Units 0.1V)
S35 0-255 Supply Voltage This read-Only register indicates the voltage at the
Supply input (Units 0.1V)
S36 System Channel
Duty Cycle %