PC-33 Topsoil Management
PC-33 Topsoil Management
PC-33 Topsoil Management
BMP Objectives
Perimeter Control
Slope Protection
Drainage Areas
Sediment Trapping
Stream Protection
Temporary Stabilizing
Permanent Stabilizing
If topsoil is stockpiled prior to placement, the top 1 foot of the stockpile material should
be mixed with the remainder of the stockpile to ensure that living organisms are
distributed throughout the topsoil material at the time of final placement.
A temporary soil stabilization and erosion control treatment shall be applied to the
exposed topsoiled areas to protect the topsoil prior to permanent seeding.
The topsoil surface shall be left in a roughened condition to reduce erosion and facilitate
establishment of permanent vegetation. The roughening establishes safe sites for seed to
germinate and grow.
Smooth slopes or surfaces are not acceptable.
Maintenance and Inspection
Conduct inspections as required by the NPDES permit or contract specifications during
Periodic inspection and maintenance will be required based on post-construction site
Make any repairs necessary to ensure the measure is operating properly.
Repair and reseed if necessary to control erosion and loss of topsoil. This periodic
maintenance procedure applies to either temporary soil stabilization or permanent seeding