Nosql Database: Abstract
Nosql Database: Abstract
Nosql Database: Abstract
Abstract-The relational database has been exponential growth of data ,since many
management since it was developed. customer, scientific, sales, and other data for
However, organizations that collect large future analysis. Similar issues are involved
amounts of unstructured data are in modeling the social network like Twitter,
non-relational, open source and are calculated. With the intense increase in
horizontally scalable. In this research paper, usage of internet leading to need for storing
we are surveying about NoSQL, its large amounts of interconnected data, there
background, features and various NoSQL was a clear desire for a data store tailored to
The first documented use of the term There were problems with conventional
NoSQL was by Carlo Strozzi in 1998. Carlo databases. Not every problem fits well into
used the term NoSQL because his database rows and columns. There are also scenarios
was accessed via shell scripts, rather than in which the relationships themselves can
through use of the standard Structured hold their own metadata. An RDBMS
Query Language (SQL).Thus the name, doesn’t handle those situations at all. Every
NOSQL. Its origin can also be related in scenarios has a type of NoSQL database that
2006 when Google released its paper that overcome the limitations of RDBMS.
described its Bigtable distributed structured Relational databases can suffer from a
database. Amazon also released a paper of sparse data problem .We may discover facts
its own in 2007 describing its Dynamo data and relationships over time. Using an
storage application. The Dynamo paper RDBMS for this would require an
In the NoSQL world, consistency generally Availability: During a partition, is all data
[1] Hecht, R.; Jablonski, S., “NoSQL evaluation: A
use case oriented survey”, Proc. IEEE International