Murder, Manslaughter, or Self Defense
Murder, Manslaughter, or Self Defense
Murder, Manslaughter, or Self Defense
Murder, Manslaughter,
or Self Defense?
Charging Johnny in
The Outsiders
By S.E. Hinton
Fact in evidence:
Johnny killed Bob.
The question is
Did he commit a crime or
was it an act of self-defense?
The crime of murder is dependent
upon the killer’s mens rea. It is up
to the prosecuting attorney (from
the State District Attorney’s office)
to prove killer’s the mens rea.
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The intent to cause death: It is the unlawful killing of a
human being with malice of forethought (the plan to kill
them). The mandatory sentence in California is 25 years to
1st degree murder
The premeditated (preplanned) killing of another human
being. A willful, deliberate, killing. Requires motive (a
reason), method, and planning. Includes hiring someone to
kill someone.
expectations; expectations; missing many not followed;
includes all task requirements paragraph
required attempted ; below element not
information but not fully expectations present
clearly complete
The Outsiders, Ch. 4 d
Clear topic sentence
Murder, Manslaughter, Self- includes the specific charge;
Defense Paragraph Rubric murder, manslaughter, or
Literary Analysis Explains the charge or self-
defense effectively, using
Directions: Write a 3rd person words from the definition
persuasive paragraph from the Summarizes the events
leading to Bob’s death
perspective of the prosecuting attorney accurately and thoroughly
stating whether Johnny committed 1st Includes all appropriate and
accurate details from the
or 2nd degree murder, voluntary or incident
involuntary manslaughter, or if he killed Analysis explains how the
events relate to the charge
Bob in self-defense. Start with a topic stated in the topic sentence
Concluding sentence
sentence, and then explain what, if any, reiterates topic sentence in
crime was committed and why using different words
Followed Directions:
words from the legal definitions of the •Tone is professional/
term used in the topic sentence. Then formal
•Written in 3rd person
retell the story of Bob’s death focusing •MLA Style
on the details that prove your topic Writing Conventions
•Paragraph appears to be
sentence. Be sure to conclude your proofread for spelling,
paragraph by restating the topic capitalization, punctuation,
and language use
sentence in different words. •Writing is fluid and clear
with few errors
Comments for the writer: