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Social Life

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Arranged by:







a. Background

b. Problem Formulation

c. Limitation Of Problem

d. Writing Objectives

e. Benefits Of Writing

f. Writing Methode



Praise and thank you for the presence of GOD who has given mercy and ease, so that I
can complete a paper entitled " SOCIAL LIFE" until the end.

This paper has been prepared to the maximum and has received assistance from various
parties so that it can facilitate the making of this paper. For that I thank all those who
have contributed to the making of this paper. I hope that this paper can increase
knowledge and benefit readers.

Because of the limited knowledge and experience that I have, definite deficiencies are
still present in this paper. Therefore I really expect constructive criticism and
suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.



Humans besides being individual beings, humans are also referred to as social beings.
This means that humans have needs and abilities and habits to communicate and interact
with other humans, then this interaction takes the form of groups. The abilities and
habits of human groups are also called zoon politicon.

Humans have needs and abilities and habits to communicate and interact with other
humans or also called social interaction. Social interaction is a foundation of
relationships in the form of actions based on norms and social values that apply and
apply in society. With the values and norms in effect, social interaction itself can take
place well.

In everyday life, humans cannot be separated from the relationship between one
another, he will always need to find individuals or other groups to be able to interact or
exchange ideas. According to Prof. Dr. Soerjono Soekamto, social interaction is the key
to the rotation of all social life. In the absence of communication or interaction between
one another there can be no life together.

In interacting in community life, each individual is required to have an awareness of his

obligations as a member of a community group. If there is no awareness of each person,
then the social process itself cannot go as expected. In addition, if the social process
does not go well, social problems will arise. Social problems are seen by a number of
people in society as an unexpected condition.
Actualization of humans as social beings, reflected in group life. Humans always group
in their lives. Grouping in human life is a necessity, even a goal. The aim of human
groups is to increase happiness and well-being of his life. Whatever the form of the
group, whether they realize it or not, human groups have the aim of increasing their
happiness. Through groups of humans can fulfill various kinds of necessities of life, it
can even be said that the happiness and empowerment of human life can only be
fulfilled in groups. Without a group of goals, human life is to achieve happiness and
prosperity, it cannot be achieved.

Humans are individual beings and also as social beings. As social beings humans
always live in groups with other humans. Group behavior (collective) in humans is also
owned by other living beings, such as ants, bees, storks, deer, and so on, but there is a
significant difference between collective behavior in humans and collective behavior in

The term human as zoon politicon was first put forward by Aristotle whose meaning
was humanity as a political animal. Enthusiasm as a political person or in terms that are
more popular as zoon politicon, implies that humans have the ability to live in groups
with other human beings in an organized, systematic organization with clear objectives,
such as the state. As political people, humans have values that can be developed to
defend their communities. The argument that underlies this statement is that people like
animals, their lives like to group. Only humans and animals have different ways of
grouping, animals rely on instincts, while humans are grouped through learning process
by using his mind. Character groups in humans are based on the ownership of the ability
to communicate, express feelings and the ability to cooperate with each other. In
addition, there is also ownership of value to humans to live together in groups,
including: the value of unity, the value of solidarity, the value of togetherness and the
value of organization.

Value is the basic principles that are considered the best, the most meaningful, the most
useful, the most beneficial, and most can bring habits to humans. The value of unity
implies that the political community is a collection of people who have the
determination to unite and the political community is only realized when it is united.
The value of solidarity implies that the relationship between humans in a political
community is mutually supportive and always opens opportunities for cooperation with
other human beings. The value of togetherness contains political articulate as a forum
for them to realize the dream life they desire. The value of the organization contains the
meaning that a political community that is built by man, organizes itself in an
organizing form that allows each person to take on his role.

Actualization of humans as social beings, reflected in group life. Humans are always in
groups in their lives. Grouping in human life is a necessity, even a goal. The purpose of
human groups is to increase the happiness and well-being of his life. Whatever the form
of the group,

realized or not, humans in groups have the aim of increasing the happiness of their lives.
Through a group of people, they can fulfill various kinds of life needs, even to say that
the happiness and empowerment of human life can only be fulfilled

in groups. Without a group of goals, human life is to achieve happiness and prosperity,
it cannot be achieved.

Humans are individual beings and at the same time as social beings. As social beings
humans always live in groups with other humans. Group behavior (collective) in human
beings, also owned by other living beings, such as ants, bees,

storks, deer, and so on, but there is a significant difference between collective behavior
in humans and collective behavior in animals.

Group life (collective behavior) is an ancestral animal, meaning that it has been
inherited from birth, so the nature that is formed is inherited from birth. Examples of the
shape of rumahlebah, from the beginning until now there have been no changes, such as
the ant house and other animals. Instead human behavior is dynamic, evolving, and
occurs through learning processes.

Abundant natural resources are not necessarily a guarantee that a country or region will
prosper, if human resources education gets less attention. The effort to improve the
quality of human resources is a joint and long-term task because it involves the nation's

The fishing community is one part of the Pemalang community that lives by managing
potential fisheries resources. As a community living in coastal areas, fishing
communities have their own social characteristics that are different from those of people
who live on land. The characteristics that become the socio-cultural characteristics of
fishing communities are having a very strong patron-client relationship structure, high
work ethic, utilizing self-abilities and optimal, competitive and achievement-oriented
adaptation, appreciative of expertise, wealth and life success, open and expressive,
solidarity high social, sex-based division of labor system (sea becomes the realm of men
and land is the realm of women), and consumptive behavior (Kusnadi, 2009: 39).
B. Problem Formulation

1. How to socialize well?

2. What is the function of socializing?

3. What is the impact of socializing?

4. What is the student's response to socialization

C. Limitation Of Problem

In this paper only those that are related to the the bennefits of social life in will
be discussed.

D. Writing Objectives

The purpose of this paper was written, among others.

 To know social understanding

 To further add insight into social beings
 To understand about social life

E. Benefits of writing

Benefits of writing this paper include

 To fulfill the task of making english papers

 Deepening knowledge about social life

F. Writing Method
This paper is prepared ,based on one’s own thoughts, and supported by
various sources from the internet,and books that support the writing of the

1. Cover
2. Dedication sheet
3. Validation sheet
4. Table of contents
5. Preface
7. Chapter II Contents
8. Chapter III Closing


2.1 Human Social Life

2.1.1 Social Processes and Social Interaction

1. Definition of Social Interaction

Definition of Social Interaction in Language: inter (inter / inter); action (action).

Etymologically: a reciprocal relationship between one another.

Social interaction is a reciprocal relationship between human individuals and

other individuals, between individuals and groups or between groups and

1. Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack

According to Kimball Young and Raymond W. Mack, the notion of social

interaction is a dynamic social relationship and involves relationships between
individuals, between individuals and groups and between groups and other
2. Philip Selznick and Leonard Broom

According to Philip Selznic and Leonard Broom (1961: 11), the meaning of
social interaction is the process of action which is based on the awareness of the
existence of others and the process of response to the actions of others.

3. John Lewis Gillin

According to John Lewis Gillin, the understanding of social interaction is a

dynamic social relationships and involves relationships between individuals and
groups or between groups.
4. Astrid. S. Susantoo

According to Astrid. S. Susanto, the understanding of social interaction is the

relationship between people that creates a permanent relationship and ultimately
enables the creation of social structures. The results of the interaction depend on
the values and meanings and interpretations given by the parties involved in this

5. Selo Soemardjan

According to Selo Soemardjan, the notion of social interaction is a mutual

relationship between humans (individuals) with various aspects of shared life.
6. According to Charles P. Loomis

- The number of perpetrators is more than one person.

- Communication between actors uses symbols and symbols.

- There is a time dimension.

- There are goals to be achieved.

2. Conditions for Social Interaction

According to Soerjono Soekanto, social interaction occurs because two

conditions are met, namely:

a. Social contact

In sociology, social contact can occur with or without physical relations.

Social contact has the following characteristics:

- It is positive if it results in cooperation and is negative if it results in a dispute.

- Are primary if the interaction actors meet face to face. Are secondary if
through an intermediary.
b. Communication

The communication contains the following components:

- Communicator: messenger

- Communicate: message recipient

- Message: everything conveyed by the communicator

- Media: a means to convey messages

- Effect: changes that occur in the communicant after receiving a message from
the communicator

Verbal Communication; it is a form of oral and written communication, for

example speaking or correspondence.

Non verbal communication; that is, a form of communication using symbols,

such as body gestures, or sign language.

The existence of communication gives rise to social contact. However, the

presence of social contact does not necessarily lead to communication. Social
interaction can also occur through nonverbal communication. Each party is
aware of the other party's existence which can cause feelings to change.
3. Types of social interactions

a. Interaction between individuals

b. Individual-group interaction

c. Intergroup interaction

Interaction between individuals with other individuals directly. For example,

two people greet each other and shake hands when meeting.

Interaction between individuals and community groups. For example, a student

giving speeches in front of a group of people.

Interaction between groups with other groups. For example, a meeting between
two community organizations to discuss.

There are two forms of social interactions that commonly occur in the midst of
society, namely Associative and Dissociative. The following explanation is both;

1. Associative Form

Associative social interactions are the result of positive reciprocal relationships

resulting in unity. Some associative social interactions are as follows:

Cooperative, which is a business carried out by many people for the common
interest and carried out in a way that supports each other, synergizes, and helps
each other. For example, mutual cooperation to clean the environment.

Accommodation, which is a way to resolve problems between several parties

without bringing down one of the parties. Some forms are elimination of
segregation, adjudication, conciliation, mediation, compromise, and coercion.

Assimilation, which is a fusion between two different cultures so that it becomes

a new culture for the common good.

Acculturation, which is a fusion of two cultures but the original culture of each
group still exists. In other words, the two cultures combine and produce a new
culture without losing the original culture.

Associative example:

Village community meetings to elect RT / RW leaders.

The process of bargaining for goods carried out by traders and buyers.
2. Dissociative Form

Dissociative is a reciprocal relationship that is negative and can lead to division.

The following are some types of dissociative social interactions:

Opposition, that is, an individual or group that is in conflict with another party
or something that is old. Opponents are called opposition.

Competition, namely competition between the two parties that occurs because
each party wants to be the best.

Contravention, ie parties who are in the midst of competition or opposition. In

this case the controversial party feels uncertain because of the uncertainty of the
other party or keeps their feelings secret because of the other party.

Dissociative example:

The debate between two people / groups due to differences in political views.

Fight between two groups of football fans.

2.1.2 Factors Driving Social Interaction

Social Factors

Social factors according to Anderson include education and ethnicity (Muzaham,

1995), while Gottlieb (1983, in Kuntjoro 2002) mentions family support as one
of the social factors. By adapting the opinion of Anderson and Gottlieb, the
social factors are education, ethnicity, family support.

1. Education

Education as a concept, has a fairly open nature to examine. Education in the

formal sense is actually a process of delivering educational material / material by
educators to the target of education (students) in order to achieve behavioral
change (Notoatmodjo, 1993).

Understanding education is used to designate or mention a type of event that can

occur in various types of environments. This type of event is an interaction
between two or more humans that are designed to cause or impact the
emergence of a process of development or maturation of a personal outlook on
life. The type of environment in which this interaction occurs can be in the form
of family, school, workplace, playground, sports or recreation, or other places
(Muzaham, 1995).

Ethnic groups are cultural units, where different cultural backgrounds. This
difference will produce different behaviors, both individual and group behavior.
The behavior in question is not only an activity that can be observed with the
eye, but also what is in the mind. In humans, this behavior depends on the
learning process. What they do is the result of the learning process carried out by
humans throughout their lives realized or not. They learn how to behave by
imitating or learning from the generation above it and also from the natural and
social environment that is around it (Muzaham, 1995).
2. Family Support

The family is defined by Friedman (1992) as two or more individuals who join
together because of the bond of sharing and emotional bond that identifies
themselves as part of the family. The family has a function for the welfare of
family members covering 5 fields, namely biology, economics, education,
psychology and social culture (WHO, 1978 quoted from Bobak, Lowdermilk,
Jensen, 2005). Family support refers to a system or network that helps
individuals in life processes. As social beings, of course individuals cannot live
without the help of others, so humans need social support from those around
them in the form of appreciation, attention, and love (Bobak, Lowdermilk,
Jensen, 2005).

Gottlieb (1983, in Kuntjoro 2002) defines social support as a verbal or nonverbal

core, suggestions, tangible assistance or behavior provided by people who are
close to the subject in their social environment or presence and things that are
can provide emotional benefits or affect the recipient's behavior.

Family support occurs throughout life, where the source and type of family
affect the stage of the circle of family life.
Social interaction is based on several factors, both from within humans
themselves and from outside.

1. Factors from within humans include:

- Natural impulse as social beings

- Encouragement to make ends meet

- Encouragement to develop themselves

2. Factors from outside humans

a. Imitation:

the social process or action of someone to imitate others through their

attitudes, appearance, lifestyle, even what others have. Imitation can have
positive and negative effects, depending on what is imitated

The act of imitating the actions or behavior of another person. The act of
imitating this if an individual has seen, heard the people around him. In daily
life, imitation occurs for the first time in the process of family outreach. The
imitation process can continue to develop into the neighboring environment,
peers and other communities. The imitation process can take place positively if
it is able to encourage a person or group of individuals to adhere to the values
and norms in force.
b. Identification:

the effort made by someone to be the same as someone else who is imitated.

Identification is an attempt by someone to be the same (identical) with the

people who imitate. example: A big admirer of film stars often looks like his

c. Suggestion:

stimulation, influence or stimulus given by an individual to other individuals

in such a way that the person given the suggestion obeys what is suggested
without thinking critically and rationally (negatively).

Stimulation, influence or stimulus given by someone to others in such a way that

the person who is given the suggestion to obey or carry out what was conveyed
to him without realizing it. The action taken is usually successful if it is carried
out by someone who is authoritative or authoritarian, for example: a political
party leader who yells his yells, his supporters will shout these slogans.
Suggestions can be mass, for example advertisements: radio, television and
newspapers. For example, cough medicine advertisements, someone as if
suffering from cough immediately buy cough medicine and then recover. After
seeing these advertisements, many people were suggestive of these drugs.
d. Motivation: stimulation, influence or stimulus given by an individual to
other individuals in such a way that the person who is given the motivation
obeys what is motivated critically, rationally, and full of responsibility

e. Sympathy: a psychiatric process, in which an individual feels attracted to

someone or a group of people, because of his attitude, appearance, authority,
or actions in such away. A person's actions are carried out because of
feelings of attraction to others based on feelings of affection. The process of
sympathy can develop if you are in a state of mutual understanding, for
example: congratulating someone who has achieved achievement.
f. Empathy: similar to sympathy, but not merely psychological feelings but
accompanied by a very deep feeling. that can affect a person's psychic or
psychological or physical. for example: your close friend has an accident,
then feelings of empathy will arise.
2.1.3 Socialization

Humans as social and economic beings are a relationship between one individual
and another individual. Individuals can influence others and vice versa
"psychologically defined". In reality the interaction that occurs is actually not as
simple as it seems but is a very complex process. Interaction occurs because it is
determined by many factors including other people around who have also
specific behaviors, and humans in meeting their needs are economic creatures
(Homo Economicus) who tend to never feel satisfied with what is obtained and
always strive continuously to meet their needs. (self interest).

So human nature is a social creature or social creature, but it is also given in the
form of a developing mind and can be developed. In relation to humans as social
beings, humans always live together with other humans. Encouragement of
people who are fostered from birth will always appear in various forms, because
of that humans will always be social in their lives. Humans are said to be social
creatures, also because in humans there is a drive and the need to interact
(interaction) with other people, humans also can not live as humans if they do
not live in the midst of humans.

Without the help of other humans, humans may not be able to walk upright.
With the help of others, humans can use their hands, can communicate or talk,
and can develop their full human potential.

1. Understanding Socialization

Socialization is a process that helps individuals through the process of learning

and adjusting themselves so that they can play a role and function in their

Understanding Socialization is a process of teaching and learning or inculcation

of values, habits, and rules in acting in society from one generation to another
according to the role and social status of each in the community group.

Understanding socialization in the narrow sense is the learning process carried

out by individuals in getting to know their environment, both physical and social
environments. While the notion of socialization in the broadest sense is a
process of interaction and learning carried out by a person from his birth to the
end of his life in a culture of society.

Through the process of socialization, a person can understand and carry out their
rights and obligations based on the role of their respective status according to the
culture of the community. In other words, individuals learn and develop patterns
of social behavior in the process of self-maturity.

Understanding of Socialization According to Experts

Some social experts say that socialization is a theory of roles. To better

understand what socialization means, we can see the opinions of some experts
on the definition of socialization. The following is the definition of socialization
according to experts:

1. Soejono Dirdjosisworo

According to Soejono Dirdjosisworo (1985), the notion of socialization contains

three meanings, namely:

Learning process; that is a process of accommodation where the individual

holds, changes the impulses in himself and takes the way of life or culture of the

Habit; in socializing each individual learns habits, attitudes, ideas, patterns of

values and behavior, and measures of compliance with behavior in the society in
which he lives.

Character and skills; all the traits and skills learned in the socialization process
are arranged and developed as a unity within a person.

2. Charlotte Buhler

According to Charlotte Buhler, the notion of socialization is a process that helps

members of the community to learn and adjust to how to live and how to think
of the group so that he can play a role and function in the group.

3. Peter L. Berger

According to Peter L. Berger, the notion of socialization is a process of a child

learning to become a member who participates in society.
4. Greenberg

According to Greenberg, the notion of socialization is a process to transform

individuals to outsiders so that they can actively participate as members of an

5. Gibson

According to Gibson, the meaning of socialization is an activity of an

organization to realize and integrate organizational and individual goals. So
from the two terms of socialization, there are two different interests, namely
individual interests and organizational interests.

6. Robert M.Z. Mace

According to Robert M.Z. Lawang, the meaning of socialization is the process

of learning the norms, values, roles and all other requirements needed to enable
effective participation in social life.

7. Karel J.Veeger

According to Karel J. Veeger, the notion of socialization is a process of teaching

and learning. For example: parents educate their children in good manners and

8. Bruce J. Cohen

According to Bruce J. Cohen, the notion of socialization is the learning process

of an individual towards the values and norms that exist in society so that a
person becomes part of the community.

2. The purpose of socialization and the role of socialization

After understanding what is meant by socialization, of course we need to know

what its purpose is. The following are some of the objectives of the
So that every member of the community knows the values and norms (read:
understanding norms) that exist in a community group.

So that individuals can control organic functions through the proper process of

So that every member of the community understands a social and cultural

environment, both the environment where a person lives and the new

So that individuals develop communication skills, such as the ability to read,

write, and others

To practice the skills and knowledge of individuals in carrying out community


So that within the individual embedded values and beliefs in society

- Provide knowledge and skills needed for life in society.

- Develop a person's ability to communicate effectively with others.

- Embed values and norms of behavior following the values, norms, and beliefs
that exist in society.

- To understand each other's role and social status.

- Socialization has an important role in shaping personality or behavior.

3. The Socialization Process

Preparation phase. At this stage primary socialization takes place. Individuals

who are close to other individuals interact and socialize. For example, a child
with parents in the nuclear family. At this stage, a child learns to know his social
world, including himself. The socialization process at the preparatory stage
includes language learning. Young children learn to say words and speak.

∝ Play stage. At this stage a child learns his role and the role played by others.
For example, a boy imitates his father in painting. A girl imitates her mother
swimming. Boys play ball, girls cook. This role is practiced through play
activities or activities just imitating what he sees.

∝ Acting stage. In this third stage, children begin to have self-awareness. His
ego began to stand out with his me-like attitude. For example, a child looks right
and left before crossing the road. This action is carried out on the awareness of
the danger if it crosses just like that.

Penerimaan Reception stage. At this stage, individuals are aware of the existence
of norms and laws in society. He is also aware of having rights and obligations
as members of the community. Examples of the socialization process that have
reached this stage are individuals who are aware and accepting as Indonesians,
then building a vision of what they want to do for the progress of Indonesia.

Characteristics of Humans as Social Beings

For centuries the concept of human beings as social creatures has focused on the
influence of the ruling society on individuals. Which has the elements of
biological necessity, which consists of:

1. Drive to eat

2. Encouragement to defend yourself

3. Encourage to carry out types

From the above stages describe how the individual in his development as a
social creature where between individuals is a component of interdependence
and need. So that communication between communities is determined by the
role of humans as social beings.

In its development, humans also have a social tendency to imitate in the sense of
forming themselves by looking at community life consisting of:

1) acceptance of cultural forms, where humans accept forms of renewal that

come from outside so that in humans a knowledge is formed.
2) energy saving where this is an imitation action to not use too much energy
from humans so that human performance in society can run effectively and

In general, the desire to imitate that we see most clearly in group ties but also
occurs in the life of society at large. From the picture above it is clear how
humans themselves need an interaction or communication to shape themselves
through the process of imitating. So clearly that humans themselves have the
concept of being social beings.

What characterizes humans as social beings is that there is a form of social

interaction in relation to other social creatures, which is meant by one human
being with another human being. Broadly speaking, personal factors that affect
human interaction consists of three things, namely:

1) Emotional stress. This greatly affects how humans interact with each other.

2) Low self-esteem. When a person's condition is in a degrading human

condition it will have a high desire to relate to others because of the condition in
which the person being debased needs the affection of others or moral support to
form the conditions as before.

3) Social isolation. People who are isolated must interact with people who are
like-minded or like-minded to form a harmonious interaction Human beings are
creatures who always interact with each other. Humans cannot achieve what
they want by themselves. As social beings because humans carry out their role
by using symbols to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Humans cannot
realize individuality, except through the medium of social life.

Manifestation of humans as social and economic creatures, appears in the fact

that no human has ever been able to live this life without the help of others and
do not need anything because humans tend to be creatures that never feel

Ø The position of Humans as Social Creatures

Humans as social beings means humans as citizens. In everyday life humans can
not live alone or meet their own needs. Even though he has a position and
wealth, he always needs another human being. Every human being tends to
communicate, interact, and socialize with other humans. It can be said that from
birth, he has been called a social creature.

Human nature as a social and political creature will shape the law, establish the
rules of behavior, and work together in a larger group. In this development,
specialization and integration or organization must help each other. Because
human progress seems to be relying on human ability to cooperate in larger
groups. Social cooperation is a prerequisite for a good life in a society that needs
one another.

Human consciousness as a social creature, in fact, gives a sense of responsibility

to protect individuals who are much "weaker" than the "big" and "strong" social
forms. Social life, togetherness, both non-formal (community) and in formal
forms (institutions, countries) with authority must protect individuals.

Human Development as a Social Being

In life, humans do not live in solitude. Humans have a desire to socialize with
others. This is one of human nature is always want to deal with other humans.
This shows the condition of being interdependent. In the next human life, he
always lives as a citizen of a living entity, community member, and citizen.
Living in a relationship between interdependence and interdependence contains
social consequences both in a positive and negative sense. These positive and
negative circumstances are the embodiment of values as well as human nature
and even the contradictions caused by interactions between individuals. Each
individual must be willing to sacrifice personal rights for the common interest In
this context, a noble deed is developed that reflects the attitude and atmosphere
of kinship and mutual cooperation. In modern times like today humans need
clothes that are not possible to make themselves.

Not only limited to the physical aspect, humans also have emotional feelings
that want to be expressed to others and get emotional responses from others as
well. Humans need understanding, affection, self-esteem, and various other
emotional feelings. Emotional responses can only be obtained if humans relate
and interact with others in a social life. In relating and interacting, humans have
unique characteristics that can make it better. The activity of educating is one of
the special characteristics possessed by humans. Imanuel Kant said, "humans
can only become humans because of education". So if humans are not educated
then they will not be humans in the true sense. This has been widely known and
is justified by the results of research on abandoned children. It emphasizes that
education contributes to one's personal formation.

Thus humans as social beings mean that besides humans living together to meet
physical needs, humans also live together in meeting spiritual needs.

understanding of socialization

These four stages are passed by people from childhood to adulthood. If you have
reached the fourth stage, someone can be said to have reached maturity. The
stage of maturity is also marked by its ability to reflect on the social world. For
example, individuals doubt what was previously believed and question what the
meaning of life they lead.
Humans interact with each other through the process of socialization. The
socialization process can be done in two ways, namely:

a. Trial and error; The socialization process will produce two possibilities,
namely success or failure. The success in using this process is due to the
personal nature of someone who is sociable and has other advantages. Failure is
mostly caused by differences between individuals who do not want to budge.

b. Conditioning; This process is a continuation of trial and error in which the

socialization process is taught in advance based on pleasant/unpleasant

Socialization can be carried out by various parties called media outreach. Media
outreach means people, groups, or institutions that teach us what to know about
all the things needed to be able to live in society. Judging from who has a role in
conducting the socialization, the socialization can be divided into:

a. Primary socialization, namely the most basic and primary socialization. This
socialization party with the most role is the family.

b. Secondary socialization occurs after primary socialization. Parties that play a

role are outside the family, including schools, peers, and mass media.

The socialization process occurs in various media outreach, while the ones that
become the media of socialization are:

a. Family; Is media socialization first and foremost. In the family environment,

children begin to introduce social and cultural values. In this socialization,
parents and other family members have a very important role to communicate all
aspects of life and culture of the child and the child learns to understand it and
behave according to what is taught.

b. Peers (friends of the game); Through this media, children learn different rules
from the rules in the family. Children begin to get to know equal people. At this
stage, the mind is still egocentric so that it can cause disputes and quarrels with
peers but the child can begin to develop a sense of togetherness, solidarity,
sportsmanship, courage, responsibility, and motivation for achievement.

c. School environment; Through school media, children will be bound by

official rules that apply to their respective schools. Through school, children are
educated and trained to develop cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude), and
psychomotor (skills) skills.

d. Work environment; Through this media, a person is trained to interact with

colleagues and leaders. Besides, he is also required to obey the regulations that
exist in the work environment, show work performance, and loyalty. If not, then
he will receive work sanctions.
e. Mass media; Includes print and electronic media which are effective means of
communicating something to the wider community and have a great influence
on the development of one's personality, especially children. If the information
submitted is positive, then a positive person will be formed. Conversely, if there
is information that is presented negatively, bad personalities will be formed.


a. Community Understanding

Society comes from the Arabic "syaraka" which means to participate,

participate, or "society" which means to interact with each other. In the English
language the term "society" is used, which previously came from another word
"socius" meaning "friend". Society can also be interpreted as a group of people
who form a system, where most of the interaction is between individuals who
are in the group. The word "community" itself has its roots in the Arabic word
"musharaka". More abstractly, a society is a network of relationships between
social beings. Society is an interdependent community (interdependent with one
another). Generally, the term community is used to refer to a group of people
who live together in a regular community.

In English, the word community is translated into two meanings, namely society
and community.

According to Abdul Syani (1989), society as a community can be seen from two
points of view.

Viewing the community as a static element, means that the community is formed
in a container or place with certain boundaries, then it shows the parts of the
community units so that it can also be referred to as a local community, such as
villages, hamlets or small towns. The local community is a container and area of
the life of a group of people characterized by social relations. Besides that, it is
also complemented by the existence of social feelings, values and norms arising
from the results of the association of life or living with humans.

Community is seen as a dynamic element, meaning that it involves a process that

is formed through psychological factors and human relationships, so there is
something functional in it. In this case examples can be taken about the civil
service community, the economic community, the community, students and so

Of the two special features mentioned above, it means that it can be assumed
that if a society does not fulfill these characteristics, then it can be called a
society society. Society in the sense of society there are social interactions,
relationships become selfish and economic (Abdul Syani, 2002).

Ø Understanding of the Community According to Experts


Society is a unity of human life that interacts according to a particular system of

customs that is continuous, and which is bound by a sense of shared identity.

Ralp Linton

Society is a group of people who have worked together for quite a long time, so
that they can organize themselves as one social entity with certain limits.

Paul B. Horton & C. Hunt

Society is a group of people who are relatively independent, live together for a
long time, live in a certain area, have the same culture and do most of the
activities in the group or group of people.

Abdul Syani

Society is a group of living things with new realities that develop according to
their own laws and develop according to their own patterns of development.

Emile Durkheim

Society is a system that is formed from relations between members so that it

displays a certain reality that has its own characteristics.

Karl Marx

Society is a structure that suffers from an organizational or developmental

tension due to conflict between economically divided groups.

From the understanding according to the experts above it can be concluded that
the community is a group of people who live together in a certain area for a long
time that are interconnected, interacting with each other. Having a custom
tradition exists, the attitude and sense of unity are the same and mutually varied.

b. Understanding Social Groups

Social groups are groups of people who have a shared awareness of
membership and interact with one another. Group is created by society. Groups
can also influence the behavior of their members. Social groups are one focus of
attention from the center of sociology thinking. This is because the starting point
is life together. We already know that all human beings or individuals in this
world are initially social groups called family, then develop into the community.
The term social group is an English translation of "social groups", social means
social / community, while groups means groups.

According to experts about social groups:

1. Hendro Puspito defines that "Social groups are a real, regular and permanent
collection of individuals who carry out their roles in a related manner in order to
achieve common goals."

2. Robert K. Merton argues that "Social groups are groups that interact with each
other according to mature patterns."

3. Paul B. Horton and Cheaster L.Hunt explain that "Social groups are groups of
people who have an awareness of their membership and interact with each

4. Major Polak said that "Social groups are a number of people who are
interconnected in a structure."

5. Mack Iver and Charles H. Page argue that "Social groups are groups or human
entities that live together. Human relations in the set ".

Ø Characteristics of Social Groups

Is a real unit and can be distinguished from other human entities.

A social group can be distinguished from other social groups, for example
formal and informal groups.

Having a social structure, each of which has a certain status and role.

Each member in a social group certainly has their respective roles, whether in
writing or in writing.

Having norms that regulate among the relationships of its members.

In relations between members in a social group there are norms, laws,

regulations, and codes of ethics according to the type of social group.

Have a common interest.

Social groups are formed, of course, there are goals behind them, one of which
is the common interests, so it is expected that these same interests can be
pursued together.

Interaction and communication between its members.

Social groups can be born, grow, and develop inseparably with social
communication and social interaction.

With social interaction and communication, each individual can convey ideas /
ideas to achieve common goals within the social group.

Ø Relationship Between Social Groups and Society

Social groups which are seen from the point of view of individualism directly
from a community member have become members of small groups, small
groups in question are based on familiarity, age, occupation or position. The
relationship between people and social groups has a relationship with each other,
in a relationship as a social creature, if you want to get prosperity in society, you
must participate in social groups. Society can form social groups that are of
interest to individuals and are grouped into one unit. So that various social
groups also appear behind society and can never be separated from each other.

Social groups will not be formed if there are no active communities in their
settlements or residences. This indicates that awareness of people's behavior has
become an important role in the formation of active and positive social groups.
Active and positive social groups are very important to build an area that is just,
prosperous, harmonious, safe, comfortable, and peaceful. If the community does
not want to take an active role in their settlement, this can cause the collapse of
social groups, because the most important thing in social groups is the
interaction of individuals with other individuals in other ways, namely the
activity of socializing between individuals and other individuals. In society,
social groups make contact with different patterns. Some produce cooperation,
but there is not the slightest amount of social conflict if there are no boundaries.
Limitation boundaries must be possessed in a social group so as not to create
conflict in society, so that life becomes safe and secure.


Social life is life that is marked by the existence of elements of social society
that is called social life. In social life, our idea is that we will find a social
interaction with social activities such as mutual cooperation, community service,
help, taking part in certain activities, etc. that are interdependent between one
living creature and another.

In that social life, important elements in which there is mutual respect and
mutual respect between people. Therefore such social life must continue to be
nurtured and maintained so as to create a sense of security and no social

Ø Humans As Economic Beings

Humans in meeting their needs are economic creatures (Homo Economicus)

who tend to never feel satisfied with what is obtained and always strive
continuously to meet their needs (self Interest).

Economic beings tend to use economic principles in their activities.

1. Homo homini lupus = human being a wolf to other humans (meaning humans
harm / make cunning / crime against other humans.

2. Homo homini socius = humans become friends with other humans.

Ø Humans as economic beings have the characteristics:

1. The attitude is never satisfied

2. Many wants and needs

3. Tend to carry out economic actions based on self-interest

4. Tend to carry out economic actions efficiently. (Always think about the
comparison between what is sacrificed / issued with what will be achieved / the

5. Tend to choose an activity / activities that are closest to achieving the desired

Ø Actors of Economic Activities

Individual Household (Family)

Production Households / Companies

Government Household

Overseas Community Households

Ø Economic activities in an effort to meet the needs of:

Taking and Utilizing the Results of Natural Wealth (Extractive)

Cultivating Land (Agriculture)

Trade (trade)

Open an industrial business

Service Business

Ø Preparations made in meeting the needs

Act rationally
Acting efficiently and economically


Priority scale

Knowledge and skills

Work hard, be tenacious, persevere

Humans as moral social and economic creatures

v Human characteristics as moral social and economic creatures

1. Instinct for mutual help,

2. Loyal friends and tolerance and sympathy and empathy for each other.

This condition can make a good, harmonious and harmonious society, so that
there arises the norms, ethics and politeness of the benefits adopted by the
community. If the things above are violated or ignored then there is what is
called social deviation.

v Behavior of working together to meet the needs of life

Mutually beneficial cooperation --- for example, cooperation between employers

and workers

Cooperation for the common good --- for example, mutual cooperation

Collaboration respecting / not forcing the will --- for example, the distribution of
water / irrigation

v Human Function as Social and Economic Beings

An attitude of respecting rights and obligations

Maintain self-esteem

Hand in hand in accordance with applicable norms

sharing knowledge

Helping each other helps

v Social Problems.
Social problems concern social and moral values. The problem is a problem
because it involves a moral code of conduct, which is against the law and is
destructive. Therefore, social problems will not be explored without considering
the community's standards of what is considered good and what is considered
bad. Sociology concerns theories that only to a certain extent concern social and
moral values, which is the scientific aspect at the bottom.

Social problems involving the community analysis of the various symptoms of

community life, while social problems examine the abnormal symptoms of
society with a view to improving or even to eliminate them. Sociology
investigates general problems in society with a view to discovering and
interpreting the realities of community life. Meanwhile, the improvement efforts
are part of social work. In other words sociology seeks to understand the basic
forces that lie behind social behavior. Social work seeks to overcome abnormal
symptoms in the community, or to solve problems faced by the community.

Social problems are a discrepancy between elements of culture or society, which

endanger the lives of social groups. Or, it inhibits the fulfillment of the basic
desires of the members of the social group so that it causes social imbalance.
Under normal circumstances there is integration and conditions that are
appropriate in the relations between elements of culture or society. If there is a
clash between these elements, social relations will be disrupted so that there may
be shakiness in the life of the group.

Formulation of social problems is not so difficult, rather than efforts to create an

index that gives a hint of the existence of social problems. The sociologists have
tried a lot of these indices such as the simple rates index, which is the rate of
abnormal symptoms in society, suicide rates, divorce, crime of children, and so
on. A composite indices system is often also attempted, which is a combination
of indices from various aspects that are related to each other, for example, the
suicide rate is calculated with the poverty rate that is a factor in taking these
actions. However, there are some general measures that can be used as a
measure of disorganization in society such as social unrest. Because of the
contradictions between groups in society, the frequency of fundamental new
discoveries in culture and society also causes changes.

Classification of Social Problems and their Causes

Social problems arise from deficiencies in humans or social groups that originate
from economic, biological, biophysiological and cultural factors. Every society
has norms that have to do with material welfare, physical health, mental health,
and individual adjustment to social groups. Deviations from these norms are
abnormal symptoms which are social problems. In accordance with its sources
social problems can be classified in the four categories above.

Problems that come from economic factors include poverty, unemployment, and
so on. Disease, for example, is derived from biological factors. From
psychological factors arise such as neurological diseases (neurosis), suicide,
mental disorganization, and so on. Meanwhile issues relating to divorce, crime,
delinquency in children, conflict, and religion stem from cultural factors.

v Sociological Measures of Social Problems

In determining whether or not a problem is a social problem, sociology uses

several issues as a measure, as follows:

a. Main Criteria

A social problem, that is, there is no match between social measures and values
with social realities and actions. The first and main element of social problems is
the striking difference between values and the real conditions of life. This means
that there are imbalances between the community's assumptions about what
should happen and what happens in the reality of relationships.

b. Social Resources and Social Problems

The above statement is often interpreted narrowly, namely social problems are
problems that arise directly from or directly sourced from social conditions or
processes. So, the most important causes of social problems must be social. Its
size is not solely on its social nature, but also its source. Based on this way of
thinking, events that do not originate from human actions are not social

c. Parties that determine whether an imbalance is a social problem or not.

In this case the sociologists must have their own hypotheses to then be tested on
the facts that exist. The attitude of the community itself determines whether a
phenomenon is a social problem or not.

d. Community Attention and Social Issues

A problem which is a manifest social problem is lameness which according to

the beliefs of the community can be fixed, limited or even eliminated. Another
case with latent social problems that are difficult to overcome because even
though people do not like it, the community is powerless to overcome them. In
dealing with these problems, sosilogi should hold to the difference between the
two types of problems which are based on the system of community values;
sociology should encourage the community to improve the lameness it receives
as abnormal symptoms that may be eliminated or overcome.

Some Important Social Issues

There are several important problems faced by communities, for example as


1. Poverty

2. Crime

3. Family discourse

4. Problems of the Young Generation in Modern Society

5. War

6. Population Problems

7. Environmental Issues

8. Bureaucracy

Violations of Community Norms:

· Prostitution

· Delinquency of Children

· Alcoholism

· Homosexuality

v Social Problem Solving

In solving social problems there are several methods that can be used, namely,
preventive methods and repressive methods. Preventive methods are clearly
more difficult to implement because they must be based on in-depth research
into the causes of social problems. That is, after a symptom can be ascertained as
a social problem, new actions are taken to overcome it. In dealing with social,
not merely see the sociological aspects, but also other aspects. Thus, a
collaboration between social science is needed in particular to solve the social
problems encountered earlier.

Soekanto, Soerjono (2013). Sociology An Introduction. Jakarta: PT

RajaGrafindo Persada Iklan



http://www.anneahira.com/makalah-keh li-social.htm

https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/social groups




3.1. Conclusion

The word social comes from the Latin word 'socius' which means
everything that is born, grows, and develops in a life together (Salim, 2002).

Humans as social and economic beings are a relationship between one individual
and another individual. Individuals can influence others and vice versa
"psychologically defined".

Society comes from the Arabic "syaraka" which means to participate,

participate, or "society" which means to interact with each other. In the English
language the term "society" is used, which previously came from another word
"socius" meaning "friend".

Humans in meeting their needs are economic creatures (Homo Economicus)

who tend to never feel satisfied with what is obtained and always strive
continuously to meet their needs (self Interest).

Social problems concern social and moral values. The problem is a problem
because it involves a code of conduct that is immoral, contrary to law and is

3.2. Suggestion

With this paper it is expected that students will understand and understand social
problems, so that they can apply them in people's lives and reduce the level of
social problems that occur in the community itself. sincerely hope that the
readers of our paper can provide constructive criticism and advice for a bright
future for today's young generation.

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