Quezon City
Seventh Division
People V. Alfredo Y. Po |
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
People V. Alfredo Y. Po |
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
People V. Alfredo Y. Po |
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Trial ensued.
People V. Alfredo Y. Po . 61 P a g e
Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
^Judicial Affidavit of Alfonso Viloria dated March 3,2014, Records, Vol. 2, pp. 367-415
23 Exhibit "U"
2'* Judicial Affidavit of Aurora Mendoza dated February 11, 2014, Records, Vol. 2, pp. 155-195, Q&A Nos. 1-
23 Order dated June 30,2014,Records, Vol. 3, p. 91
2® BAG Activities(for the period of March 2012 to December 2012), Exhibit C
22 Judicial Affidavit of Mel-LIn Anif, Q&A Nos. 6,7,9,12;See Appendix 7 of the Revised Implementing Rules
and Regulations of R.A. 9184
2® Judicial Affidavit of Sarah Edna Tablje, Q&A No. 26;Judicial Affldavit.of Alfonso Vlloria, Q&A No. 14
29 Exhibit "DO";Q&A Nos. 15-16
3° Exhibit "CC"
31 Exhibit "Z"
32 Exhibit "EE"
33 Exhibits "X","W","Y","Z","AA","BB","CC","DO","EE","FF
People V. Alfredo Y. Po |
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Exhibit "U"
Exhibit "FF"
Judicial Affidavit of Mei-Lin Anit, Q&A Nos. 18-31
"Judicial Affidavit of Sarah Edna Tabije, Q&A Nos. 17-22
"Id, Q&A Nos. 24-25; BAC Agenda for June 25, 2012, Exhibit "D""
"Office Order No. 2012-307,July 10, 2012, Exhibit"GG"
Exhibit "H"
Judicial Affidavit of Mei-Lin Anit, Q&A Nos.37-38
Office Order No. 2011-122 dated April 12,2011, Exhibit "G"
Judicial Affidavit of Mei-Lin Anit, Q&A Nos. 70,74,75
^Travel Order Nos. 2011-120 and 2011-270, Exhibits "G^' and "H'"'
Judicial Affidavit of Mei-Lin Anit, Q&A No. 70
^ Exhibit "ZZZ" f
People V. Alfredo Y. Po |
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Exhibits"MM" and "E*", Judicial Affidavit of Alfonso Viloria, Q&A No.46,Judicial Affidavit of Sarah Edna
Tabije, Q&A No.52
Judicial Affidavit of Mei-Lin Anit, Q&A Nos. 52-59; TSN dated June 16, 2014, p. 37
"Exhibit""MM",Judicial Affidavit of Sarah Edna Tabije, Q&A Nos.54-63
Judicial Affidavit of Sarah Edna Tabije, Q&A No.69
Exhibit "T"
Judicial Affidiavit of Mei-Lin Anit, Q&A No.67,Judicial Affidavit of Sarah Edna Tabije, Q&A No.51
Judicial Affidavit of Sarah Edna Tabije, Q&A Nos.68,70
Judicial Affidavit of Alfonso Viloria, Q&A Nos. 47,50
TSN dated June 16, 2014, p. 31
"TSN dated June 17, 2014, p. 19
^ Id., p. 29
^Id., p. 29, Exhibit "X"
Id., pp. 47-48
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Development and Chairperson ofthe PIBAC gave him the authority to order
a stop-payment on leases.^^
/ r-
People V. Alfredo Y. Po 11 I P a g e
Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
ofthe disbursement vouchers necessary for the payments of the said checks
for the lease ofthe CTLL Building; instead,they were signed by Chairperson
Soon thereafter, Atty. De Los Santos arrived at their office to claim the
checks payable to him, but was told that payment had already been released
to Commissioner Po's staff. Gloria Asinas then came to fetch Atty. De Los
Santos and ushered him to Commissioner Po's office. The next day, a staff
of Commissioner Po returned Disbursement Voucher Nos. 12-11-4058^® and
12-11-4059^^ with their corresponding official receipts.^^
pp. 17-20
Exhibit "K"
8® Exhibit "L"
87 Exhibit "N"
88 Exhibit "J"; Judicial Affidavit of Josephine Bonto dated January 13, 2014, Records, Vol. 2, pp.84-99, Q&A
Nos. 1-31
88 TSN dated August 4,2014, pp. 19-20, 22
80 Exhibit "L"
81 Exhibit"N"
87 Exhibits "0" and "P"; Judicial Affidavit of Josephine Bonto, Q&A Nos. 33-39
88 Exhibit "J"
84Exhibits'!" and "N"
88 Exhibits "K" and "M"
People V. Alfredo Y. Po 12
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Judicial Affidavit of Gloria Asinas dated January 20,2014,Records, Vol. 2, pp. 100-115, Q&A Nos. 1-27
®^/d.,Q&ANos. 29-42
Judicial Affidavit of Eicid dela Rosa dated March 6,2014, Records, Vol. 2, pp. 416-477, Q&A Nos. 1-6
Complaint sheet dated December 3, 2012, Exhibit "PP"; Complaint-affidavit dated December 3, 2012,
Exhibit"QQ" » '
Routing Slip dated December 4, 2012, Exhibit "NN"; Disposition Form from DDIS dated December 4,
2012, Exhibit "00"
Judicial Affidavit of Elcid dela Rosa, Q&A Nos. 7-2S
Id., Q&A No. 27, TSN dated September 1, 2014, pp. 10-11
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
KZ128240 "SS-4"
AD356519 "SS-5"
JD646828 "SS-6"
SW646817 "SS-7"
CZ905976 "SS-8"
Y477057 "SS-9"
After the marking and dusting ofthe P500 bills,the team,through Chief
Raul Manguera, requested for authority to operate^®^ jfrom DDIS, which was
approved. Atty. De Los Santos was eventually fitted with a hidden camera
tucked in his clutch bag and was instructed to speed-dial SI Dela Rosa's
cellphone number once the money has been handed to Commissioner Po,
The December 4, 2012 entrapment operation, however, was aborted
because Commissioner Po was not around.*®^ A smaller amount of money
was handed to his secretary, and entrapment was scheduled anew for the next
day,December 5. Again, Atty. De Los Santos was fitted with the spy camera
in his clutch bag and was told to speed-dial SI Dela Rosa's phone. SI Dela
Rosa, together with Sis Roble and Aperio, stayed in the ground floor of the
PRC, while the rest of the team stayed outside the PRC premises. Upon
receipt of Atty. De Los Santos' call, SI Dela Rosa and SI Roble rushed to the
office of Commissioner Po. They introduced themselves as NBI Operatives
and looked for the marked money but did not find it, so they asked Atty. De
Los Santos where the money was, and were told that the money was left on
top of Commissioner Po's table. Having been locked out of Commissioner
Po's room,they were constrained to force the door open until somebody from
inside the room opened it. There, they saw Commissioner Po calmly sitting
in his executive chair fronting his table. He did not show panic. He did not
shout at them. Neither did he tell them to leave. He did not touch the money
or attempt to hide or push it away.^®^ He was then apprised of his
constitutional rights and afterwards arrested, but was not handcuffed so as not
to "shame" him.^®^ Photographs were taken inside and outside of
Commissioner Po's office.^®®
Exhibit "TT"
Judicial Affidavit of Elcid dela Rosa, Q&A Nos. 38-43
Footage is contained in a DVD, Exhibit "UU"
TSN dated September 1, 2014, pp. 28-30
Exhibits "GGG",et seq.. Judicial Affidavit of Elcid dela Rosa, Q&A Nos.44-58
Exhibits "DDD","YY", and "ZZ"
"0 Exhibit "EEE"
Exhibit "FFF"
"2 Exhibit "XX"
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
entrance of the VIP Offices and to cordon off the area. Thereafter, he saw
Commissioner Po exit his office together with the NBI Agents.
Security Logbook for December 5,2012, Exhibit "ILL"; Judicial Affidavit of Crispino Lacayanga, Q&A Nos.
Judicial Affidavit of Jovito del Rosario dated March 14, 2014, Records, Vol. 2, pp. 551-558, Q&A Nos. 1-6
Photographs, Exhibits "GGG", etseq.
"'Judicial Affidavit of Jovito del Rosario, Q&A Nos. 7-20
TSN dated October 8, 2014, pp. 22-23
Records, Vol. 2, pp. 116-124
"0 Exhibits "AAA","BBB",and "CCC"
Application for Manager's Check, Exhibit "AAA"
Exhibit "BBB"
"3 Exhibit "CCC"
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
His motion for leave to file demurrer to evidence having been denied,
Commissioner Po sought the admission of his revised judicial affidavit,
which this Court granted Accused forthwith sou^t the recusal of the
members of this Court's First Division from trying these cases, alleging
manifest bias and partiality considering the undue leniency it extended the
Prosecution by giving it prolonged and unreasonable extensions to ensure the
presentation of complainant Atty. De Los Santos, the admission of exhibits
that have not been duly authenticated, and the denial ofleave to file demurrer
to evidence despite the total lack of evidence presented by the Prosecution.
The matter ofrecusal was deemed moot when the cases were unloaded to this
Court's new divisions.
Motion to Admit dated January 13, 2016, Id., pp. 59-60; Attached Revised Judicial Affidavit, Id., pp. 61-
Resolution dated January 21,2016, Id., p. 128
Recusation dated February 1,2016,Id., pp. 135-144
Resolution dated February 29, 2016,Id, pp. 175,189
Revised Judicial Affidavit dated January 12,2016, Records, Vol. 4, pp.61-88
Exhibit "9"(Exhibit "T" for the Prosecution)
Travel Order No. 2012-353, Exhibit "8"(Exhibit "JJ" for the Prosecution)
Letter of Intent dated July 20, 2012, Exhibit "7"(Exhibit "ZZZ" for the Prosecution)
^Judicial Affidavit of Alfredo Po,Q&A Nos. 7-20
^TSN dated July 27, 2016, p. 23.
Judicial Affidavit of Alfredo Po, Q&A No. 21;TSN dated July 20, 2016, p. 40
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Exhibit "H"
15® TSN dated July 27, 2016, pp. 21-23
15® TSN dated July 20, 2016, pp.40-41
16° TSN dated July 27, 2016, pp. 12-13
161 Judicial Affidavit of Alfredo Po, Q&A Nos. 22-31
162 Certification dated December 5, 2012, Exhibit "10"(Exhibit "FFF" for the Prosecution)
16® Judicial Affidavit of Alfredo Po, Q&A Nos. 3, 32-56
16^ Exhibits "BBB" and "CCC" of the Prosecution
16® Warrant of Arrest, Exhibit "13"
166 Affidavit of Mergarett Veronica De Los Santos dated August 23, 2011, Exhibit "12"
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
f Y
People V. Alfredo Y. Po 20 I P a g e
Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
official from soliciting or accepting gifts in the course ofhis/her official duties
or in connection with any operation being regulated by, or any transaction
which may be affected by the functions of his/her office.
A tabulated review of the elements of the crimes charged shows, as
who requested or who shall solicit or That there is personal who received directly
received a gift, present, accept, directly or property belonging to or through another some
share, percentage, or indirectly, any gift, another; gift or present offer or
benefit; gratuity, fiivor, promise;
entertainment, loan or
anything of monetary
value from a person
who made the request or in the course of one's That there is unlawful That such gift, present
receipt on behalf of the official duties or in taking ofthat property or promise has been
offender or any other connection with any given in consideration
person; operation being of one's commission of
regulated by, or any some crime or any act
transaction which may not constituting a crime,
be affected by the or to refrain from doing
functions ofone's office something which is his
official duty to do; and
The request or receipt That the taking is with That the crime or act
was made in connection intent to gain; and relates to the exercise of
with a contract or one's functions as a
transaction with the public officer
government; and
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
177 cabaron v. People and Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 156981, October 5,2009, citing Republic v.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 135789,January 31,2002
Exhibits "GGG",et seq.
Exhibit "10"
Accused's Memorandum,Records, Vol. 4, pp. 328-331
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
were on his desk.^^^ He was too busy to mind Atty. De Los Santos, who came
imannounced and was saying things he could not understand. Shortly after he
left, men who later identified themselves as NBI agents barged into his office.
As confirmed by these NBI agents, they found him calmly sitting on a chair
fronting his table upon their arrival. He made no attempt to hide the money,
and did not panic nor berate the NBI agents.
Significantly, Prosecution's Exhibit "WW", or the CD containing the
video footage of the December 5, 2012 operation, was offered only to prove
that the NBI operatives reviewed the video stored in the CD,and that the video
showed bundles of money on top of Commissioner Fo's table while he and
Atty. De Los Santos were conversing. Exhibit "WW" was admitted in
evidence in die tenor that it was testified on by the Prosecution's witnesses.
However, the contents of the CD were neither viewed by this Court,
authenticated by a witness, nor offered to prove that such footage depicted an
actual incident. Lacking such foundation testimony,the same cannot be given
Revised Judicial Affidavit of Alfredo Po dated January 12,2016,Q&A No. 23, Records, Vol. 4, p.65
Accused's Memorandum, Records, Vol. 4, pp. 335-339
Prosecution's Formal Offer of Evidence, Records, Vol. 3, p. 204
Resolution dated August 7,2015, Records, Vol. 3, p. 380
Judicial Affidavit of Elcid Dela Rosa, Q&A Nos. 72-73
TSN dated September 1, 2014, p. 32
Torralba v. People, G.R. No. 153699, August 22, 2005
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Q28: What action did you take, if any, when you were informed by the
complainant about the phone call from Commissioner Po?
A28: After the conference, in preparation for the entrapment operation,
we requested the complainant to come up with a number of P500
bills for marking and dusting offluorescent powder in the Forensic
Chemistry Division.
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
Q47: You mentioned also that after that[,] the Team and the complainant
went back to the Bureau for another entrapment operation, what
happened,if any?
A47: While we were having a briefmg,the complainant, Atty. Ernesto de
los Santos,received a phone call from Commissioner Po demanding
the whole amount of P349,000.00 to be delivered in his office on
December 5, 2012.
Q48: What action did you take,if any when you were informed about the
phone call?
A48: As the Team Leader, I informed my Team and the complainant that
we will push through with the entrapment operation on December 5,
""Judicial Affidavit of Elcid dela Rosa dated March 6,2014, Records, Vol. 2, pp.417-418,420-421,423-
Established through his Judicial Affidavit dated March 6, 2014
People V. Malibiran, G.R. No. 178301, April 24, 2009
People V. Figueroa, G.R. No. 186141, April 11, 2012
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Q30: What happened after the NBI agents entered your office?
A30: I calmly asked them why they were there arid what their purpose
was in their sudden entry. One ofthe agents introduced himself as
the team leader. He was trying to shake my hand but I refused as I
felt he was rude and discourteous. He said I was involved in a
criminal complaint I knew nothing about.
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
kept calm. It was then that I saw what looked like cash atop my desk
in the front far-end ofthe table where Delos Santos was sitting.'^^
136 Revised Judicial Affidavit of Alfredo Po dated January 12,2016, Records, Vol. 4, pp. 65-66
13' Exhibits"GGG" to "GGG-5" and Exhibits "I'"' to "l^'-l"
138 G.R. No. 136266, August 13, 2001
133 Judicial Affidavit of Elcid deia Rosa dated March 6,2014, Q&A Nos. S4&55, Records, Vol. 2, p.425;Joint
Affidavit of Arrest, Exhibit "XX", par.9
/ f /•
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2°° Pre-trial Order dated June 16, 2014, Records, Vol. 3, p.60
judicial Affidavit of Gloria Asinas dated January 20, 2014,Q&A Nos. 6,7,18-21, Records, Vol. 2, p. 101
Judicial Affidavit of Josephine Bonto dated January 13, 2014, Q&A Nos.6-33, Id., pp.85-88, Exhibits "J",
"K","L","M",and "N"
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
(v) Atty. De Los Santos collected his rental payments for the lease
ofthe CTLL Building from Commissioner Po himself;^®"^
(vi) Atty. De Los Santos was confirmed to have visited the Office of
Commissioner Po on December 4 and 5,2012, by security guard Crispino L.
Lacayanga, Jr.; and
(vii) Commissioner Po himself testified that Atty. De Los Santos had
previously attempted to bribe him to ensure that the PRC would continue to
lease the CTLL building;
These circumstances are a poor substitute for what could have been
Atty. De Los Santos' first-hand account of what was actually communicated
between him and Commissioner Po. They do not foreclose the possibility of
Commissioner Po's receipt of the money not in his official capacity. In
reality, all four charges are centrally hinged on the revelations made by one
person, Atty. Da Los Santos in this case, who ironically failed to answer the
subpoena issued for him to appear and testify in Court. The failure of Atty.
Ernesto De Los Santos to testify is thus a heavy toll on the Prosecution.
Without Atty. De Los Santos' testimony, the solicitation remains speculative
as to which transaction it was connected to. Hence, the true nature of the
transaction behind the cash which was supposedly handed by Atty. De Los
Santos to Commissioner Po still remains buried in secret.
Significantly, in cases involving the giving of money to a public
official, such as violation of Sec. 3(b)ofR.A. 3019 and bribery, the Supreme
Court remarked:
The sad reality in cases ofthis nature is that no witiiess can be called
to testify since no tl^d party is ordinarily involved to witness the same.
Normally,the only persons present are the ones who made the demand
and on whom the demand was made. In short, like bribery, the giver or
briber is usually the only one who can provide direct evidence of the
commission of this crime. (emphases supplied)
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. People V. Alfredo Y. Po 31 I P a g e
Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
charges as it remained hearsay evidence because Atty. De Los Santos did not
testify on the truth ofthe contents thereof?''
In sum, the Prosecution was unable to prove that Commissioner Po
solicited and received the money delivered by Atty. De Los Santos in his
official capacity / in the course ofhis duties. Necessarily,there is likewise no
link between the money received and the lease ofthe CTLL Building.
In essence, highlighted below are the elements of the four crimes
charged against Commissioner Po which were not proven by the Prosecution:
who requested or who shall solicit or That there is personal who received directly
received a gift, present, accept, directly or property belonging to or through another some
share, percentage, or indirectly, any gift, another; gift or present, offer or
benefit; gratuity, favor, promise;
entertainment, loan or
anything of monetary
value from a person
2" Rosit v. Davao Doctors Hospital, eta!., G.R. No. 210445, December 7,2015; Gesmundo, etal. v. Court of
Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 119870, December 23,1999; People's Trust Company v. Leonidas, G.R. No.47815,
March 11,1992
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Criminal Cases No. SB-12-CRM-0310 to 0313
These crucial elements not having been established for the three
offenses charged, i.e., violation of Sec. 3(b) of R.A. 3019, violation of Sec.
7(d) of R.A. 6713, and Direct Bribery under Art. 210 of the Revised Penal
Code,this Court need not belabor the existence ofthe other elements.
This Court is thus left with the charge for Robbery under Articles 293
and 294(5)ofthe Revised Penal Code.
Revised Penal Code, Art. 210. Direct Bribery.- Any public officer who shall agree to perform an act x x
^^Sazon V. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 150873, February 10, 2009
2" Exhibit "QQ"
f 7
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llj^pRES C.
Associate Justice
Hate Justice, Chairperson dssociaie Justice
person, Seventh Division