IPHP Midterm
IPHP Midterm
IPHP Midterm
TEST OF MULTIPLE SKILLS. Multiple Choice. Find the best answer from the provided options. Choose the letter
that corresponds to your answer.
1. Which is the branch of philosophy that studies issues concerning art and beauty?
A. Aesthetics B. Epistemology C. Logic D. Metaphysics
3. What fallacy is it when an argument attacks the person rather than the person’s beliefs?
A. Red Herring C. Straw Man
B. Begging the question D. Argumentum at Hominem
4. What fallacy is it when an argument assumes only two options when in fact there are more?
A. Straw Man C. Begging the question
B. Black or white Fallacy D. Appeal to Motion
6. Which of the following branches of philosophy does not involve questions related to values?
A. moral B. Metaphysics C. Social D. political
11. The study of philosophy includes the study of all of the following. EXCEPT:
A. metaphysics C. recreational pharmacology
B. morality D. reason of logic
12.Although philosophy is an organized body of knowledge, the subject matter of philosophy is questions, which have
three major characteristics. EXCEPT:
A. Philosophical question have answers but the answers remain dispute.
B. Philosophical questions cannot be settled by science, common sense, or faith.
C. Philosophical questions are perennial intellectual interest to human beings.
D. Philosophical questions are identified as truth and no biases among all.
13. Whereas the social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, and economics) ask questions about how people think and
act, philosophy is the study of:
A. how people with different beliefs or backgrounds disagree with one another
B. what beliefs mean and whether people with different beliefs are justified in having them
C. the reasons why philosophic questions never have better or worse answers
D. questions that can be answered better by appealing to scientific experiments
14. Which of the following is a common myth about philosophy?
A. philosophical question are hard to answer, and the answers often give rise to further philosophical question
B. reading philosophy in a way that makes it understandable can be hard work.
C. philosophy deals with important and fundamental questions left unanswered by more specified disciplines.
D. philosophical questions
16. The method that the philosophers use to address philosophical questions.
A. argument B. self-assessment C. critical thinking D. analyzation
18. The four main division of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and... EXCEPT:
A. bioethics C. aesthetics
B. logic D. categorical logic
22. Etymologically, the word “philosophy” comes from two Greek words, “philo and sophia” which means:
A. love of wisdom C. love of knowledge
B. love for truth D. love of faithfulness
25. The Greek philosopher claims that everything we experience is water – which we call “reality” and “appearance”
A. Thales B. Socrates C. Plato D. Aristotle
26. Even if you don’t include a formal syllogism in your essay, you can still...
A. write out its major enthymeme C. write the outline of the syllogism
B. use them to evaluate your argument D. any of the above
35. A religious belief that the present life is only a preparation for the next realm of existence. For them death is merely
movement from one world to another. It can be describe as a journey through a separate dimension of existence. Who is
religious belief is this?
A. Islam B. Hinduism C. Christian D. Buddhism
37. What is the word which literally means above and beyond?
A. Transcendent B. Transplant C. Transfer D. Transit
39. Hinduism holds that humanity’s life is a continuous cycle or goes through transmigratory series of birth and death.
Transmigratory means...
A. samsara B. aum C. moksha D. jiva
42. An eastern philosopher, which his analects deals with both inner and outer life of person.
A. Confucius B. Thales C. Husserl D. Kierkegaard
44. “Virtual reality versus the real thing” is under which branch of philosophy?
A. logic B. aesthetics C. metaphysics D. ethic
52. What are the surroundings or conditions in which person, animal or plant lives or operates?
A. Environment B. Society C. Culture D. Universal
54. What is the general term that covers plants, animals and human life?
A. Non-Living B. Non-active C. Living D. Active
56. What are the things and condition around a person or thing?
A. Environment B. Society C. Surroundings D. Universe
58. Which among the following is a factor that affects individual differences?
A. Physical C. Social
B. Intellectual D. All of the Above