Anthropometric, Strength, Endurance and Flexibility Characteristics of Elite and Recreational Climbers
Anthropometric, Strength, Endurance and Flexibility Characteristics of Elite and Recreational Climbers
Anthropometric, Strength, Endurance and Flexibility Characteristics of Elite and Recreational Climbers
There has been remarkable development in the scope and quality of rock climbing in recent years. However,
there are scant data on the anthropometry, strength, endurance and flexibility of rock climbers. The aim of this
study was to compare these characteristics in three groups of subjects -- elite rock climbers, recreational
climbers and non-climbers. The 30 male subjects were aged 28.8 ± 8.1 (x ± S.D.) years. Group 1 (n = 10)
comprised elite rock climbers who had led a climb of a minimum standard of 'El' (E1-E9 are the highest
climbing grades) within the previous 12 months; Group 2 (n = 10) comprised rock climbers who had achieved
a standard no better than leading a climb considered 'severe' (a low climbing grade category); and Group 3
(n = 10) comprised physically active individuals who had not previously done any rock climbing. The test
battery included tests of finger strength [grip strength, pincer (i.e. thumb and forefinger) strength, finger
strength measured on climbing-specific apparatus], body dimensions, body composition, flexibility, arm
strength and endurance, and abdominal endurance. The tests which resulted in significant differences
(P < 0.05) between the three groups included the bent arm hang (elite 53.1 ± 1.32 s; recreational
31.4 ± 9.0 s; non-climbers 32.6 ± 15.0 s) and pull-ups (elite 16.2 ± 7.2 repetitions; recreational 3.0 ± 4.0
reps; non-climbers 3.0 ± 3.9 reps); for both tests, the elite climbers performed significantly better than the
recreational climbers and non-climbers. Regression procedures (i.e. analysis of covariance) were used to
examine the influence of body mass and leg length. Using adjusted means (i.e. for body mass and leg length),
significant differences were obtained for the following: (1) finger strength, grip 1, four fingers (right hand) (elite
447 ± 30 N; recreational 359 ± 29 N; non-climbers 309 + 30 N), (2) grip strength (left hand) (elite 526 ± 21
N; recreational 445 ± 21 N; non-climbers 440 ± 21 N), (3) pincer strength (right hand) (elite 95 ± 5 N;
recreational 69 ± 5 N; non-climbers 70 ± 5 N) and (4) leg span (elite 139 ± 4 cm; recreational 122 ± 4 cm;
non-climbers 124 ± 4 cm). For tests 3 and 4, the elite climbers performed significantly better than the
recreational climbers and non-climbers for any variable. These results demonstrate that elite climbers have
greater shoulder girdle endurance, finger strength and hip flexibility than recreational climbers and non-
Climbers. Those who aspire to lead 'El' standard climbs or above should consider training programmes to
enhance their finger strength, shoulder girdle strength and endurance, and hip flexibility.
ing to professional rock climbing competitions with
There has been remarkable development in the scope huge cash prizes (Bollen, 1988).
and quality of rock climbing recently. In the UK, indi- Despite the increasing numbers of rock climbers and
vidual membership of the British Mountaineering die improvement in climbing standard, there are scant
Council increased from 4350 in 1988 to around 8000 scientific data on this particular sport. Much of the sci-
in 1993, with a further 20,000 affiliated club members. entific literature relating to rock climbing centres
There has been a vast improvement in the standard of around climbing injuries (Bollen, 1988; Bollen and
climbing, ranging from increases in the grade of climb- Gunson, 1990; Cole, 1990). Climbing ability has been
considered to consist of two components, namely
knowledge and application of technique (Birkett,
1988). Recommendations for an appropriate training
* Address all correspondence to Stanley Grant, Institute of Biomed-
ical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, 64 Oakfield Avenue, regimen for the development of some physiological
Glasgow G12 8LT, UK. variables and potentially the enhancement of climbing
0264-0414/96 © 1996 E. & F.N. Spon
302 Grant et al.
ability have been proposed (Grant, 1985; Fyffe and groups. The intensity of the warm-up progressed from
Peter, 1990). However, these authors did not refer to low to high throughout the 5 min warm-up period.
any scientific studies, but stressed that strength, endur- The order of the tests was such that the effect of
ance and flexibility are of major importance for rock previous tests would not adversely affect performance
climbing. Grant (1985) emphasized that exercises in subsequent tests. There was no formal recovery time
should be as specific as possible to rock climbing, while between the different tests. Testing was carried out in a
Cappon (1983) considered that technique was essential standardized order. Recovery consisted of walking
for climbing success. Cappon believed that appropriate (when necessary) to the location of the next test and
training programmes were of great importance. having the forthcoming test explained. Rest periods of
We predicted that if certain characteristics are essen- 45 s duration were allowed between trials on the finger
tial for the attainment of a high standard of rock climb- strength tests (i.e. 45 s between the left and right
ing, differences would be identified using an hands) and 90 s between tests on the same limb.
appropriate battery of tests among elite climbers, recre- The tests were carried out in the following order:
ational climbers and physically active non-climbers.
The aim of this study, therefore, was to determine
1. Grip strength
which characteristics, if any, can distinguish between
elite rock climbers, recreational climbers and physically A grip dynamometer (Takei Kiki Koyo, Japan), cali-
active individuals who have never climbed. brated by the suspension of weights, was used to meas-
ure grip strength. The size of the grip was adjusted for
each subject so that the second joint of the middle fin-
Method ger of the hand holding the dynamometer was bent at a
90° angle. The subjects stood upright with their feet
A total of 30 males aged 28.8 ±8.1 (x ± S.D.) years slightly apart and the dynamometer was grasped with
volunteered as subjects for this investigation. The the indicator scale facing away from the body. With the
climbing standard of individuals in a number of climb- arm extended downwards, the dynamometer was held
ing clubs was determined. If the climbers accepted the away from the body and clothes. The subjects were
invitation to take part in the study, they were assigned asked to squeeze the dynamometer gradually and with
to the appropriate group. Recreationally active indi- maximal force for at least 2 s without swinging their
viduals (i.e. subjects who took part in regular physical arm around. One practice trial was followed by three
activity) were invited to take part as members of the tests on both hands. Measurements were taken alterna-
control group. Self-reported lead capability was used to tively between the left and right hands. The best score
allocate individuals to the following categories: for each hand was taken as the final result, with meas-
urements being made to the nearest 0.5 kg.
1. Elite rock climbers (n —10)'. experienced rock climb-
ers who had led to a minimum standard of grade
' E l ' within the previous 12 months. Grades E1-E9 2. Leg span
are the highest climbing grades (Fyffe and Peter,
To stimulate the bridging movement performed on the
rock face, the leg span of the subjects was measured
2. Recreational climbers (n -10): rock climbers who
while they lay flat in a supine position. This procedure
had achieved a standard no better than leading a
reduced the risk of muscle strain injury due to support-
climb considered 'severe' (a relatively easy climbing
ing the body weight while ensuring the plane of move-
grade) within the previous 12 months (Fyffe and
ment was similar to the actual position performed on
Peter, 1990).
the rock face. The subjects placed their feet as far apart
3. Non-climbers (n = 10): individuals who had not pre-
as possible while keeping their knees straight. With the
viously done any rock climbing. The non-climbers
subjects lying flat on their back, leg span was measured
were regularly involved in a range of activities,
from medial calcaneus to medial calcaneus. One meas-
including endurance running, 'keep fit' and endur-
urement was taken to the nearest 0.5 cm using a tape
ance cycling.
The subjects were asked to rest or undertake only
light training on the day prior to testing. Before testing,
3. Body dimensions
the subjects were asked to warm up. They were per-
mitted to choose their own warm-up or were given a 5 The length of both the arm and leg on the right side of
min warm-up consisting of running, press-ups, bench the body only was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm
stepping and other movements involving large muscle using a tape measure.
Anthropometry, strength, endurance and flexibility of rock climbers 303
Steel Supporting
Adjustable Elbow
Wooden Base
Support arranged
to keep upper arm
Figure 4 An example of the finger strength grip 2 test. Figure 5 An example of pull-ups, full arm extension.
as for grip 1 was carried out; that is, three tests on each 16. Pull-ups
hand were carried out using four fingers and two fin- Subjects were required to complete the maximum
gers. The hand tested was alternated. number of pull-ups possible without coming off the
climbing board. A pull-up consisted of hanging from
full arm extension (see Fig. 5) and pulling the whole
body up until the chin had reached a point on the fin-
15. Foot raise gerboard and then lowering the body down until the
arms were fully extended again. This whole manoeuvre
A demonstration of the test was given to the subject. was performed with the subject gripping the 'jug hold'
The subject was required to stand facing a wall with his on either side of the fingerboard. A pull-up was not
toes touching a line 23 cm from the wall. Both his counted if the subject did not reach full extension or if
hands were placed on the wall at shoulder height. his chin did not reach the required height.
Standing on his left foot the subject brought his foot
directly up in front of him. The subject was instructed STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
to place the toe of his right foot as high up the wall as
Differences among the three groups of subjects were
possible without allowing it to move laterally. The dis-
investigated for each of the tests in the battery by
tance the subject managed to lift his foot was marked means of one-way analysis of variance or covariance
on the wall. The distance from the floor to the highest correcting for body mass or leg length as applicable.
mark was recorded to the nearest 0.5 cm using a tape Appropriate Bonferroni multiple comparison proce-
measure. Measurements were only taken on the right dures were then carried out if significant differences
leg. among the three groups existed.
Anthropometry, strength, endurance and flexibility of rock climbers 307
The relevant assumptions of normality, equal vari- Table 2 Mean (± S.D.) test variables not adjusted for body
ance and linearity were assessed by means of probabil- mass or leg length for the three groups of subjects
ity plots. Hartley's test and residual plots respectively. Recreational
For the vast majority of variables, these assumptions Elite climbers climbers Non-climbers
were found to be satisfactory. The only assumption
found to be untenable was that of equal variances in the Flexibility
case of the number of curl-ups, when an approximate Sit-and-reach (cm) 37.9 ± 7.8 31.3 ± 6.8 34.5 + 5.2
one-way analysis of variance based on an assumption of Foot raise (cm) 99.9 ± 11.7 96.4 ± 11.0 91.8 ± 7.9
unequal variances was carried out (Brown and For-
sythe, 1974).
Bent arm hang (s) 53.1 ± 13.2" 31.4 ±9.0 32.6+15.0
Ratio standardization of scores with regard to body Pull-ups (reps) 16.2 ± 7.2" 3.0 ± 9.0 3.9 ± 3.9
mass was considered to be inappropriate, since the Curl-ups (reps) 66.6 ± 17.2 52.7 ± 21.0 62.0 ± 3.7
ratio standardized scores were found still to depend sig-
nificantly on body mass (Vanderburgh et al., 1995). Significance level P < 0.05.
"The elite climbers performed significantly better than the
The only viable option was correction by a linear recreational climbers and non-climbers.
regression on body mass (Armstrong and Welsman,
1994). Accordingly, regression procedures (i.e. analysis
of covariance) were used to examine the influence, if Table 3 shows that the finger strength (grip 1) meas-
any, of body mass on the results. urements did not appear to be related to body mass; leg
length was not significantly related to leg span in these
subjects. There was a significant body mass effect on
Results grip strength and pincer strength and the suggestion of
an influence of body mass on finger strength (grip 2).
Table 1 gives the subjects' characteristics. There were There were no significant differences between recrea-
no significant differences among the three groups for tional and non-climbers for any variable in the test
age, body mass, height, height:body mass ratio, percent battery.
body fat, arm length and leg length. The test results for
which it was not necessary to correct for body mass or
leg length are given in Table 2. The elite climbers had a Discussion
significantly higher score than the other two groups for
leg span, bent arm hang and pull-ups. The adjusted In recent years, rock climbing has become increasingly
means (± S.D.) for all variables corrected for body mass popular and the standard of climbing continues to rise.
or leg length as appropriate are given in Table 3. The It has been hypothesized that certain characteristics
elite climbers had a significantly higher average score required of rock climbers may be more pronounced in
than the two other groups for grip strength (L), pincer elite performers. From the results of this study, some of
strength (R and L) and leg span, where L and R denote the tests performed produced clear-cut distinctions
left and right respectively. The elite climbers had sig- between the groups investigated.
nificantly higher average scores than the non-climbers The innovative apparatus designed for this investiga-
for finger strength grip 1 (4R, 4L, 2R and 2L). There tion has proved very useful in distinguishing between
were no differences among the groups for ringer elite climbers and non-climbers in measures of finger
strength grip 2. strength. All four results taken for finger strength using
grip 1 showed that the elite climbers had significantly
greater finger strength than non-climbers. However,
Table 1 Mean (± S.D.) physical characteristics of the
subjects with grip 2 there was no significant difference across
any of the groups. With grip 2, several subjects com-
Elite Recreational Non- plained that it was very painful to exert full force, and
Characteristic climbers climbers climbers this factor may be responsible for the lack of any differ-
Age (years) 27.8 ± 7.2 32.0 ± 9.2 26.5 ± 7.4 ence among the groups. The possibility exists that grip
Body mass (kg) 74.5 ± 9.6 72.9 ± 10.3 70.9 ± 5.9 2 was not representative of a climbing grip. However,
Height (cm) 178.9 ±8.5 179.417.9 179.4 ± 4.4 preliminary work with this apparatus involving several
Percent body fat elite climbers suggested that the grips used on the
(%) 14.0 ± 3.7 15.3 ± 3.0 12.7 ± 2.4 apparatus were appropriate for rock climbers. The elite
Arm length (cm) 73.8 ±3.9 76.1 ±4.2 75.4 ± 3.0 climbers who took part in this study commented
Leg length (cm) 114.6 ±4.6 119.2 ±7.0 117.5 ±4.8 favourably on the specificity of the apparatus in relation
Significance level P < 0.05. to high levels of rock climbing.
308 Grant et al.
Table 3 Adjusted means (± S.D.)for all variables corrected for body mass or leg length
Adjusted means P-values
Pincer strength in both hands and grip strength (left der girdle strength was considered to be one of the sig-
hand) was a distinguishing feature between the elite nificant factors in predicting climbing ability. It has
climbers and the other two groups. This rinding may be been suggested that good climbing technique requires
a result of the frequent use of a pincer grip while elite that the legs are the main means of progress when
climbers are climbing. Watts et al. (1993) considered climbing but, as the severity of the climb increases, the
that male elite climbers may not need to develop demands placed on the arms increases (Birkett, 1988).
extremely high levels of grip strength. The absolute It would therefore seem plausible that these qualities
values for the elite climbers in the present study were (i.e. arm and shoulder endurance) are essential charac-
slightly higher than those ofWatts et al. (1993). How- teristics of a high standard of climbing performance.
ever, grip strength scores (left hand) were significantly Several flexibility measurements were taken in this
higher for the elite climbers compared with the recrea- investigation, both traditional and sports-specific.
tional and non-climbers and may suggest that grip Using a sit-and-reach test, no distinction among the
strength is important for elite rock climbers. groups was found, indicating that hamstring and low
These results suggest that the muscles of the forearm back flexibility are not required to reach a high stand-
and hand are stronger in elite climbers than recrea- ard of climbing, or that all three groups have high ham-
tional and non-climbers. The elite climbers performed string and low back flexibility. It should be noted that a
significantly better as regards grip strength as well as sit-and-reach test is recognized as not being the best
specific finger strength values, whereas Donnelly et al. measure of hamstring flexibility. While there were no
(1991) found that elite climbers had significantly significant differences among the groups, there was a
higher climbing-specific strength (i.e. the index and tendency for the elite climbers to perform best. Never-
middle fingers using a climbing hold mounted to a theless, the score for all three groups in this study
force transducer) compared with non-climbers only would be categorized as 'average' according to Pollock
when strength was expressed per unit body mass. There et al. (1984), who presented norm tables for a US pop-
were no differences in Donnelly and co-workers' study ulation. One of the climbing-specific flexibility tests
between elite climbers and non-climbers for grip used was the leg span, which gives an indication of a
strength. subject's ability to abduct the hips. Elite climbers had a
The pull-up and bent arm hang tests clearly distin- significantly higher leg span score than the recreational
guished the elite climbers from the other two groups and non-climbers. The leg span test was designed to
and suggest that these factors are important for climb- simulate the bridging movement performed when
ing ability at El standard and above. Watts et al. (1993) climbing. It could be postulated that this type of flex-
noted in their discussion with elite climbers that shoul- ibility is important for the elite climber. Certainly some
Anthropometry} strength, endurance and flexibility of rock climbers 309
of the elite climbers reported that they regularly under- Birkett, B. (1988). Technique in Modern Rock and Ice Climbing.
took flexibility sessions, including hip flexibility exer- London: A.N.C. Black.
cises. Examination of the relationship between leg Bollen, S.R. (1988). Soft tissue injury in extreme rock climb-
length and leg span score revealed that leg length was ers. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 22, 145-147.
not significantly related to leg span scores in these Bollen, S.R. and Gunson, C.K. (1990). Hand injuries in
competition climbers. British Journal of Sports Medicine,
24, 16-18.
No differences were found among the groups for the Brown, M.B. and Forsythe, A.B. (1974). The small sample
curl-up test. Thus abdominal endurance would appear behaviour of some statistics which test the equality of sev-
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mass. In activities where body mass is repeatedly lifted (1991). A comparison of muscular strength and endur-
against gravity, extra 'mass' in the form of fat or large ance measures between rock climbers and non rock climb-
muscle mass is disadvantageous. Thus, it might have ers. In Abstracts of the International Congress and Exposition
been anticipated that elite climbers would have had a on Sports Medicine and Human Performance, p. 45,
lower percent body fat than the other two groups. Watts Vancouver, April.
et al. (1993) reported extremely low estimated percent Durnin, J.V.G.A. and Womersley, J. (1974). Body fat assessed
body fat (5%) for competitive world-class climbers. from total body density and its estimation from skinfold
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16-72 years. British Journal of Nutrition, 32, 77-97.
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elite climbers reported that they were training regularly. Eurofit (1988). Handbook for the Eurofit Test of Physical Fitness.
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We conclude that elite climbers have greater shoulder Fyffe, A. and Peter, I. (1990). The Handbook of Climbing.
girdle endurance, finger strength and hip flexibility London: Pelham Books.
than recreational climbers and non-climbers. These Grant, S. (1985). Training for rock climbing. Climber and
results suggest that climbers who aspire to lead El Rambler, July, pp. 30-32.
standard (or above) should consider training pro- Pollock, M.L., Wilmore, J.H. and Fox, S.M. (1984). Exercise
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grammes to enhance performance in these variables.
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for a high standard of climbing. E. and F.N. Spon.
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