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Smart Professional Surveillance System: Smartpss

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So ware | SmartPSS

Smart Professional Surveillance System

• Efficient Device Management

• Manage up to 256 Devices over a Maximum of 2000 Channels
• Supports H.265 and H.264 Dual Video Compression Codecs
• Live Video Monitoring and Playback
• Configure Video Wall Layout and Scheme
• Configure NVR Recording
• PTZ Camera Control
• Intelligent Video System (IVS) with People Coun ng and Heat Map

System Overview Smart Search

Smart Search allows an operator to specify a region in the playback video to
SmartPSS is an all-in-one, full-featured video surveillance applica on search for a mo on detec on event, saving me and manpower.
that is ideal for the small to mid-size business that needs to monitor
Intelligent Video System (IVS)
people, premises, and assets. SmartPSS integrates all Dahua network
SmartPSS displays the real- me IVS features built-in to Dahua network
cameras and storage devices into one intui ve, easy to use interface.
cameras. IVS is an analy c algorithm that delivers intelligent func ons to
The so ware provides efficient device management, video monitoring
monitor a scene for Tripwire viola ons, intrusion detec on, and abandoned
and playback, alarm and analy c configura on, as well as video wall
or missing objects. In addi on to scene analy cs, SmartPSS supports face
setup and preview.
detec on technology that iden fies human faces in digital images and then
Key Func ons searches a database to iden fy the individual in the image.
Configura on Intelligent Business Analysis
SmartPSS makes it easy to add devices to the management interface. SmartPSS also supports people coun ng and heat map; advanced features
The applica on offers device search and batch add func onality to that add business intelligence to your security system. Intelligent Analysis
quickly add devices on a network. Once added, SmartPSS provides an tracks and stores daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly people flow through
interface to configure the network parameters, camera video and audio a defined scene and stores the data. SmartPSS retrieves this data and
se ngs, and live and playback display op ons. supports searching, displaying, and storing the data.
Smart Track Video Wall
SmartPSS offers the ability to link a fisheye camera or a fixed camera to SmartPSS offers se ngs to configure all aspects of a video wall applica on.
a PTZ Dome camera for enhanced surveillance opera on. The so ware The applica on supports video wall layout, live preview, scheme
allows an operator to define a rule (tripwire, zone, loitering, etc.) in the configura on, and tour setup. In addi on, the applica on supports video
panoramic fisheye or fixed-camera scene that triggers the linked PTZ wall splicing and roaming.
dome to move to the posi on of the alarm and to track the object.
Mul -language On-screen Display
Fisheye Camera Support The OSD menu provides supports 34 languages and allows mul ple image
SmartPSS features full support for Dahua Fisheye cameras. The so ware adjustments and func on se ngs to meet the requirements of different
supports op ons for the Fisheye camera installa on and eight (8) monitoring scenes.
dewarp modes. Dewarping solves the problem of distor on in the
circular panoramic view in both live or playback modes.

So ware | SmartPSS

Technical Specifica on Func onality

Installa on Requirements
Add single or multiple devices via AutoSearch
Operating System Windows 7 or Higher Devices
Configure and operate devices
View live video
CPU Intel Core i3 or Higher
Record to a local device
Live View Configure and control device
Video Display Card Intel HD Graphics or Better Configure device IVS features
Create E-Map
Memory 2 GB, minimum
Tour and Task Configure a tour of network cameras
Monitor Resolution 1024 x 768, minimum View video from a local or external storage device
Export video
Albanian, Arabic, Brazil Portuguese, Bulgarian,
Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Log Search Search client and device logs
Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew,
Language Support Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Update device firmware
Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Device Configuration Configure camera, network, PTZ, and storage
Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, settings
Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese Configure channel events (video loss, tampering,
motion detection), IVS (tripwire, intrusion, scene
Device Support Event Configuration switch, abandoned object, missing object, face
detection), and device events (no disk, disk fault,
Network Camera disk full, and unauthorized access)
NVR Set video wall layout, live preview, schemes and
Video Wall
tours, and playback
Supported Devices NVS
Video Wall Controller
Retrieve data from enabled devices
People Counting Search data using various criteria
Display data as a line or bar chart

Maximum Devices 256 Displays high/low population densities from enables

Heat Map devices
Search and backup data
Maximum Channels 2000
Configure PC-NVR software
Maximum Users 50 PC-NVR Manage disk space and channel settings
Set Intelligent recording plan
Video Compression H.265, H.264, MPEG-4, JPEG

Live View
Windows: 1/4/6/8/9/16/25/36/64
Video Display Split
Mac: 1/4/6/8/9/16/25/36 or customized split

Maximum Preview Screens Four (4)

Maximum Views 256

Snapshot, E-PTZ, Audio, Record, Talk, Instant

Features Playback, Tour Task, View, Fisheye Dewarp, IVS,
Stream Control, Optional Video Scale
Control PTZ Cameras with Mouse or Interface
Configure Presets and Tours

Maximum Channels 36

Maximum Export Tasks Ten (10)

Snapshot, E-PTZ, Audio, Speed (1/8x to 8x)

Features Synchronized Playback, POS, Fisheye Dewarp, IVS,
Faster/Slower Play, Optional Video Scale


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