Compressive Strenght of Cylindrical Specimen Evaluation of Concrete Strength
Compressive Strenght of Cylindrical Specimen Evaluation of Concrete Strength
Compressive Strenght of Cylindrical Specimen Evaluation of Concrete Strength
# 4# X#4 – B# 3# 2# 1
Deficient in thickness be more
than 2 mm
+ 250 RL
# 5# 4 – FY
+ 345 LL
Total Credited Thickness = 154.5 cm PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE
Ave. Credited Thickness = 19.3 cm
AASHTO Designation: T 119 – 94
(ASTM Designation: C 143 – 74)
+ 349
1. Station limit of thickness that failed to 1. Galvanized mold, No. 16 gage (frustrum of a
meet the allowable tolerance: Sta. 0 + cone with a base diam. Of 8 in. and height of
+ 350 LL
pavement thickness requirement: W x L 3. Trowel
= 6.10m x 2.25m = 13.725 sq.m. 4. Tamping Rod (5/8” dia., L = 24 in. with one
3. Percent of contract price allowed for end bullet pointed at the lower end)
payment of item 311 due to deficient in
thickness: Procedure:
Deficiency in Thickness = Reqd. 1. Dampen the mold and place on a flat moist
Thickness – Ave. Credited Thickness non-absorbent surface
= 20.0 – 19.3 2. Fill the mold with concrete in three layers,
= 0.70 cm (7.0mm) each approximately one-third the volume of
within 6mm to 10 mm the mold. In placing the concrete, move the
+ 351.25
by ½ inch.
4. After the top layer has been rodded, strike off
the surface of the concrete with a trowel so
+ 450 RL
6. After the slump measurement is completed, Size of Sample – Make the sample to be
tap gently the sides of the concrete frustum used for strength tests a minimum of 1 cu.ft.
with the tamping rod. The behavior of the
concrete under this treatment is a valuable a. Sampling from Stationary Mixers,
indication of the cohesiveness, workability, Except Paving Mixers –
and placeability of the mix. A well
proportioned workable mix will gradually Sample the concrete at two or more
slump to lower elevation and return its original regularly spaced intervals during
identity, while a poor mix will crumble, discharge of the middle portion of the
segregate and fall apart. batch. Take the samples within the time
limit of 15 minutes and composite them
into one sample for test purposes. Do
not obtain samples from the very first or
last portions of the batch discharge.
Note: Perform sampling by passing a
STANDARD METHOD OF receptacle completely through the STANDARD METHOD OF TEST FOR
A slump test is measure of consistency in SAMPLING FRESH CONCRETE discharge stream or by completely UNIT WEIGHT AND YIELD OF CONCRETE
concrete. It is the difference between the AASHTO Designation: T 141 – 74 diverting the discharge into a sample AASHTO Designation: T 121 – 82
height of the mold and the height of the (ASTM Designation: C 172 – 71) container. (ASTM Designation: C 138 – 77)
vertical axis of the specimen once it is
separated from the mold. 1. SCOPE b. Sampling from Paving Mixers –
In construction work, it is the last barrier or This method describes the procedures for Sample the concrete after the
“Go or No Go” point before the concrete is obtaining representative samples of fresh contents of the paving mixer have been 1. Balance
placed, and a lot depends on the results. The concrete as delivered to the project site and discharge. Obtain samples from at 2. Tamping Rod – round, straight steel rod, 16
common mistakes that should be avoided are: on which tests are to be performed to least five different portions of the pile mm in diameter 60 mm in length
1.) Poor sampling 2.) Neglecting to ampen the determine the compliance with quality and then composite into one sample for and rounded tamping end
core 3.) Improper rodding 4.) An unstable requirements of the specifications under test purposes. Avoid contamination with 3. Measure – a cylindrical container made from
base, and 5.) Wrong type of rod – and the test which the concrete is furnished. The methods sub-grade materials or prolong contact metal that is not readily attacked by
results bears little relation to actual concrete include sampling from stationary, paving and with an absorptive sub-grade. cement paste
equality. truck mixers, and from agitating and non- - Watertight and sufficiently rigid to
agitating equipment used to transport central c. Sampling from Revolving drum / Truck retain its form and calibrated volume
mixed concrete. Mixers or Agitators – under rough used
100 (4)-
in three layers of approximately Step 2 – Start mixer and add fine aggregate,
equal volume cement and water while running.
- rod the bottom layer throughout its
depth but the rod shall not forcibly If Step 2 is not possible
strike the bottom of the measure - Stop mixer
- distribute the strokes uniformly - Add other ingredients
over the cross section of the - Mix for 3 minutes
measure and for the top two layers, - Followed by 3 minutes rest
Approximate Depth / Layer, mm (in)
Mode of Compaction
No. of Strokes per Layer
Over 460 (18)300(12) -460(18)Over 300 (12)Up to 300 (12) VibrationVibrationRoddingRodding 3 or more2 equalas required3 equal200(8) as near as practicblehalf depth
16 (5/8)10 (3/8)
Rod Size and No. of Strokes per Layer
No. of Strokes/Layer
Consolidation by Vibrator
Use 3 insertion of the vibrator at
different points for each layer
Allow the vibration to penetrate
through layer being vibrated, and
into layer below, approximately 25
mm (1 inch)
No. of Layers
field at least three-fourths of the
Mm (inc)Rod Diameter
test period)
While in the laboratory the
specimen shall be kept at
laboratory temperature until 24
to 48 hours before testing
General Rules:
1. Take samples from at least
three parts of the load
2. Use only non-absorptive molds
1. Size of Sample
of aggregate
Width = depth or may be wider
by not more
Than half
Length = 3 x depth + 2 inches
or more
10 (3/8)
2. Molding
Fill the mold with concrete in layers
of approximately 75 mm (3 inches) in Consolidation by vibration – Insert the
depth vibrator at intervals not exceeding 150 mm (6 in)
Rod each layer 50 times for each along the centerline of the long dimension of the
square foot ( or 1 stroke for each 2 specimen. For specimens wider than 150 mm (6
square inches) in.), use alternating insertions along two lines.
After each layer is rodded, the Allow the shaft of the vibrator to penetrate into the
concrete shall be spaded along the
sides and ends with a mason’s
bottom layer approximately 25 mm (1 in.)
trowel or other suitable tools
When the rodding and spading 3. Curing
operations is completed, the top
shall be struck off with a straightedge
- After molding tests specimens, and natural sand having a fineness modulus of Table 1
For Less Workable Concrete as Pavement Manufacture sandEach 25 mm increase or decrease in slumpEach 0.1 increase or decrease in fineness Modulus of Sand
Changes in Conditions Stipulated in Table V
Sand % of Total Aggregate by
immediately cover molds with wet 2.75.
20.7 ( 3,000 )
Minimum compressive Strength of 150 mm x 300 mm Concrete Cylinder
their molds for 24 – 48 hours at 60 – adjustment below
- Immediately after removal, soak
16.5 ( 2,400 )
hours. Then stored as near as possible to
20.7 (3,000 )
the installation they represent and cured
37.7 ( 5,000 )
1. Take samples from at least three parts of
the load.
- 3 + 30+ or ½+ or – 1
Absolute Volume cu.m.
molds at least 6” x 6” in cross section.
3. Oil molds lightly before filling, fill molds in 3
20.7 ( 3,000 )
– inches deep layers and rod each layer
once for each 2 of area.
4. Spade all sides with a trowel, strike off top
with a straightedge, and finish with a
wood float.
Percent Sand
5. Cover test beams immediately with a
double layer of wet burlap and let
specimens stand undisturbed for 24 hours
at temperatures between 60 to 80 F.
131148157166178184199 131148157166178184199
Net Water Content per cu.m.
Rounded Course Aggregate
0.53 ( 4 – 8 )100 – 200( 4 ) max.100 max.( 2 – 4 )50 – 100( 2 – 4 )50 – 100( 2 – 4 )50 – 100
A (9.5)f380(11.0)440(9.5)380(8.0)320(9.0)360
(bag #)Cement Content per cu.m.
Designated Size of Coarse Aggregate Square Opening, Std,, mm (Alternate)
Uses of Each Class of Concrete
Class A: All superstructures and heavily reinforced Of Common Construction Materials
substructures. For slabs, beams, girders,
columns, arch ribs, box culverts, reinforced
abutments, retaining walls and reinforced SAMPLING REQUIREMENTS FOR
footings. TESTING
of Common
Maximum Water – Cement
Ratio kg/kg
Class P: Prestressed concrete structures and
1 Cement 1 - sample per 2,000 10 kgs
Seal : Concrete deposited in water.
2 Asphaltic 1 (S) per 40 tonnes 5 liters
Materials or 200 drums
3 Asphalti Mix 1-(S) per 130 tonnes 20 kgs (Complete)
4 Aggregates
a.)Coarse 70 kgs
b.) Fine 50 kgs
5 Soil 1-(S) per 1,500
Aggregates cu.m.
a.) 20 kgs
b.) Routinary 50 kgs
c.) Moisture
Relation & 50 kgs
6 Non - 2 pipes Min./0.5 % 2 pipes
Reinforced of No. of Pipes
7 Reinforced 1 (S) per 50 pipes or 1 pipe (1m length)
Concrete 2% No. of pipes
8 Steel Pipe 1 (S) per 600 length 2 pcs of 100 mm long
(Galvanized ) taken from both ends
w/o thread
9 Concrete
a. Strength 3 units
b. Moisture 3 units
10 Steel Bar 1 (S) per 10,000 kgs 1 meter
or 10 tonnes
11 Steel Sheet 1 (S) per 1,000 1 sheet
(Galvanized) sheet
12 Wire:
Wire 2 meters
13 Gabion 1m x 2m
14 Paints 2 (S) per 100 cans 1- 4 liter can
1 - 20 liter can
15 Joint Filler 1 - 400mm x 400mm
(Pre-molded) sample
16 Curing 1 - liter
17 Concrete 1-set of 3 cylinder 1-set of 3 cylinder (6" x
Cylinder for 75 cu.m. 12")
18 Concrete 1 set of 3 beams for 1 set of 3 beams (6" x
Beam 75 cu.m. or 1-day 6" x 21")
19 Concrete 5 holes / km. / lane
5 holes / 500 mtrs
when 2-lanes
20 Asphalt Core
a.) Density 1 core for every 100m or at least one for each
and full day's operation
21 Water
a.) Chemical 500 Ml
b.) Sediment 500 Ml
load Analysis
22 Structural 1 (S) per 50 Reduced Section (as
Steel/Sheet tonnes/50,000 kgs prescribed)