Sample Pipe Stress Report
Sample Pipe Stress Report
Sample Pipe Stress Report
ASME Calculation • CRN Services • Finite Element Analysis • Solid Modeling & Drafting
The Piping Stress Analysis Report Sample
has been analyzed to ASME B31.3, 2016
edition rules and is found acceptable.
This analysis does not guarantee leak tightness of the gasketed joint
This calculation was performed based on the received data from client:
Design and operating temperatures
System cycling <7000 (Low cycle)
Isometric drawings
All the recommendations must be accommodated and no change in any part of the layout and supports (types and locations) can be
made so that results of calculation remains valid.
This analysis only includes design calculations based on the received data and has no part in the fabrication and construction
activities to control they will be inline with the calculations and assumptions made.
Reference Drawings: P&ID, Line List, Piping isometrics, Material specifications, Equipment general arrangements
Rev Description Date Initials
0 Release 2018-05-10 Arman
2 Engineering Notes
1- Methodology
4 Methodology
2- System Description
5 Process Overview
6 Input Data
7 Seismic Loads
8 Wind Loads
9 Assumptions
12 Maximum Displacements
13 Nozzle Loads
4- Recommendations
14 Recommendations
5- Appendices
15 Appendices
Methodology Page 4 of 15
Piping flexibility analysis was performed on this job using CAESAR II 2018 build 180215 software, based on the following
input data:
The stress model was built accordingly to analyze the system and meet all the necessary requirements.
We used metric unit system to perform this calculation.
Seismic data was considered based on NBC code 2015 of the installation site as advised by client.
Wind load was considered based on NBC code 2015 of the installation site as advised by client.
Coordinate system in CAESAR: N direction shows north as per the isometric drawings.
Elements and node numbering: Beam elements used based on the differential length between nodes.
Each element has two nodes, FROM and TO.
Node numbers are refered as N- # where required.
Process Overview
The system P&ID showing pumps P1 and P2 suction lines transferring fluid from tower T1.
Based on P&ID notes each pump can run individually while the other is on stand-by. We will consider three operating
cases as follows:
· OPE 1 ==>> Both pumps are hot
· OPE 2 ==>> Pump-A is hot, and Pump-B is cold
· OPE 3 ==>> Pump-A is cold, and Pump-B is hot
Input Data Page 6 of 15
Line List
Table below is showing the lines in the stress analysis system:
Material Data
Piping material data from material specification (Piping Class CS-1) was used to enter into CAESAR.
Equipment Data
Equipment vendor drawings are attched at the end of the calculation.
NBC-2015 G-Factor 7.00 Page 7 of 15
Piping Properties: NBC-2015 -
0.091 Ta [s] - Lateral period of vibration of piping
1.0 Ie [] - Importance factor (
1.5 Rd [] - Ductility factor (Table
1.3 Ro [] - Overstrength factor (Table
1.0 Mv [] - Higher mode effect factor (Table
Site Specific Seismic Properties: NBC-2015 - (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years)
0.760 S_02 [] - S(T=0.2S) spectral acceleration value
0.530 S_05 [] - S(T=0.5S) spectral acceleration value
0.300 S_10 [] - S(T=1.0S) spectral acceleration value
0.160 S_20 [] - S(T=2.0S) spectral acceleration value
0.000 S_50 [] - S(T=5.0S) spectral acceleration value
0.370 PGA - peak ground acceleration
E Site_Class
0.966 F_02 [] - spectral acceleration site coefficient (Table
1.354 F_05 [] - spectral acceleration site coefficient (Table
1.593 F_10 [] - spectral acceleration site coefficient (Table
1.780 F_20 [] - spectral acceleration site coefficient (Table
2.014 F_50 [] - spectral acceleration site coefficient (Table
Design Spectral Acceleration: NBC-2015 -
SS_02 [in/s^2] = Max(F_02*S_02,F_05*S_05)~~ T <= 0.2S MAX(0.966*0.76,1.354*0.53) = 0.734
SS_05 [in/s^2] = F_05*S_05~~ T = 0.5S 1.354*0.53 = 0.718
SS_10 [in/s^2] = F_10*S_10~~ T = 1.0S 1.593*0.3 = 0.478
SS_20 [in/s^2] = F_20*S_20~~ T = 2.0S 1.78*0.16 = 0.285
SS_50 [in/s^2] = F_50*S_50~~ T = 5.0S 2.014*0 = 0.000
STa [in/s^2] = Interpolated acceleration factor at Ta 0.734
Acceleration (in/s^2)
0.0 0.1 1.0
Period (s)
Flange and valve weight is imported into the model based on values from the CAESAR II database.
Connected equipment is modelled to mimic realistic boundary conditions.
Stress Model Overview Page 10 of 15
Tower T1 nozzle loads were evaluated as per the tower allowable nozzle loads received from client.
Operating, design, and occasional cases were evaluated for the tower, given that it is a stationary equipment.
Use adjustable supports as the first support immediately after each pump nozzle.
The piping alignment has to be carefully controlled before attaching piping to the pump nozzle, so that piping can
attached to the pump at zero load without any extra force.
All the directional restraints (guides, stops) have to be installed properly. Typical construction gaps (2mm) are allowed.
The process engineer was consulted in order to agree on relocating the reducers further from pump nozzles and provide
Appendices Page 15 of 15