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Author(s): Paul Wassell

Title: A multidisciplinary approach to structuring in reduced triacylglycerol based


Date: May 2013

Originally published as: University of Chester PhD thesis

Example citation: Wassell, P. (2013). A multidisciplinary approach to structuring in

reduced triacylglycerol based systems. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).
University of Chester, United Kingdom.

Version of item: Submitted version

Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10034/311252

A Multidisciplinary Approach to
Structuring in Reduced Triacylglycerol
Based Systems

Thesis submitted in accordance with the requirements of the

University of Chester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Paul Wassell

May 2013
Declaration of Originality
I hereby declare that work contained here is original and is entirely my own
work (unless indicated otherwise). It has not been previously submitted in
support of a Degree, qualification or other course.
I wish to acknowledge the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
(SIK). Göteborg, Sweden, who contributed to the research leading to Chapter
3, by supporting experiments through analysis and interpretation of data for the
Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling with Pressure Difference studies (Wassell et al.,
2010b; Young et al., 2008).
I wish to acknowledge the Laboratory of Food Biophysics, Hiroshima
University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, who contributed to the research leading
to Chapter 6, by making the requested measurements and data analysis for the
Synchrotron Radiation Macrobeam and Microbeam X-ray Diffraction studies
of Interfacial Crystallisation of Fats in Water-in-Oil Emulsions (Wassell et al.,

I would like to thank the following friends and colleagues who have inspired,
helped and supported me, before and during this study:
Allan Bech, Thue Christensen, Fernanda Davoli, Mark Farmer, Brad Forrest,
Torben Isak, Henrik Kragh, Cecilie Kristensen, Neils Krog, Christian Kjølby,
Jorgen Madsen, John Neddersen, Mogens Nielsen, Birgitte Pedersen, Lisbeth
Dahl Pedersen, John Podmore, Kirsten Aaby Sorensen, Jorn Borch Søe, Ralph
Timms, Stuart Warner, Niall Young and many others too numerous to mention.
I wish to acknowledge the contribution made by Danisco / DuPont and
particularly mention the technical support and the excellent library team in
Thanks to my supervisors (Professors) at the University of Chester especially
to Graham Bonwick and Niall Young for being available in the good and
testing times.
I need to thank Dr. Johan Wiklund and all those involved in the joint
collaboration between Danisco / DuPont and the Swedish Institute for Food
and Biotechnology (SIK). Göteborg, Sweden.
Especially, I wish to thank very much Airi Okamura and Professors Kiyo Sato
and Satoru Ueno involved in the joint collaboration between Danisco / DuPont
and the Laboratory of Food Biophysics, Hiroshima University, Higashi-
Hiroshima, Japan, for their time and patience.
Finally, of course, Julia, for all your incredible support. Thank you.
List of Publications, Patents and Presentations


Paper 1 Wassell, P. & Young, N.W.G (2007). Food applications of trans fatty
acid substitutes. International Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 42, 503–517.

Paper 2 Wassell, P. Bonwick, G., Smith, C. J., Almiron-Roig, E. & Young,

N.W.G. (2010) Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach to Structuring
in Reduced Saturated Fat- Based Systems – A Review. International
Journal of Food Science & Technology, 45, 642–655.

Paper 3 Young, N.W.G., Wassell, P, Wiklund, J. & Stading, M. (2008).

Monitoring Structurants of Fat Blends with Ultrasound Based In-Line
Rheometry (UVP-PD). International Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 43, 2083–2089.

Paper 4 Wassell, P., Wiklund, J,. Stading, M., Bonwick, G., Smith, C. J.,
Almiron-Roig, E. & Young, N. W. G. (2010) Ultrasound Doppler
Based In-Line Viscosity and Solid Fat Profile Measurement of Fat
Blends. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45,

Paper 5 Wassell, P., Okamura, A., Young, N.W.G., Bonwick, G., Smith, C.,
Sato, K., and Ueno, S., (2012) Synchrotron Radiation Macrobeam and
Microbeam X-ray Diffraction Studies of Interfacial Crystallization of
Fats in Water-in-Oil Emulsions. Langmuir 28 (13), 5539-5547.

Book Chapters

Young, N.W.G. and Wassell, P. (2008). Margarines and Spreads. In: G.L.
Hasenhuettl and R.W. Hartel (eds.), Food Emulsifiers and Their Applications,
2nd ed. Springer, New York.

Wassell, P. (2014). Bakery fats. In: Fats in Food Technology (edited by K.K.
Rajah), 2nd edn. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell (for publication).

Patent 1 Wassell, P., Farmer, M., Warner, S.A., Bech, A.T., Young,
N.W.G., Bonwick, G., Smith, C., DuPont Nutrition Biosciences
APS, (2012). Food or Feed Including Moringa Oil. World
Intellectual Property Organisation No. WO2012168722.

Patent 2 Wassell, P., Farmer, M., Warner, S.A., Bech, A.T., Young, N.W.G.,
Bonwick, G., Smith, C., DuPont Nutrition Biosciences APS,
(2012). Triglyceride Fat Crystallisation. World Intellectual
Property Organisation No. WO2012168727.

Patent 3 Wassell, P., Farmer, M., Warner, S.A., Bech, A.T., Young,
N.W.G., Bonwick, G., Smith, C., DuPont Nutrition Biosciences
APS, (2012). Low Fat Spread. World Intellectual Property
Organisation No. WO2012168726.

Patent 4 Wassell, P., Farmer, M., Warner, S.A., Bech, A.T., Young,
N.W.G., Bonwick, G., Smith, C., Forrest, B.A., DuPont Nutrition
Biosciences APS, (2012). Dispersion of Triglycerides. World
Intellectual Property Organisation No. WO2012168723.

Patent 5 Wassell, P., Farmer, M., Warner, S.A., Bech, A.T., Young,
N.W.G., Bonwick, G., Smith, C., DuPont Nutrition Biosciences
APS, (2012). Spread. World Intellectual Property Organisation
No. WO2012168724.

Patent 6 Bech, A.T., Farmer, M., Forrest, B.A., Wassell, P., Young,
N.W.G., DuPont Nutrition Biosciences APS, (2013).
Composition. World Intellectual Property Organisation No.
Presentations (Oral)

Ultrasound Doppler Based In-Line Viscosity and Solid Fat Profile

Measurement of Fat Blends. Wassell, P., Lecture presentation: Hiroshima
International Forum on Functionality of Lipids 24 -27 March, (2010).
Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan.

Ultrasonic Based Methods for Acoustic Characterization, In-Line Viscosity

and Solid Fat Content (SFC) Measurements of Fat Blends. Levenstam Bragd,
E., Wiklund, J., Wassell, P. and Young, N.W.G., 7th International Symposium
on Ultrasound Doppler Techniques. Annual European Rheology Conference.
April 7-9, (2010). Göteborg, Sweden.

Ultrasound Doppler Based In-Line Viscosity and Solid Fat Profile

Measurement of Fat Blends. Bhattacharya, K., Wassell, P., Wiklund, J.,
Stading, M., Bonwick, G., Smith, C., Almiron-Roig, E., Young, N.W.G.,
Physical Chemistry Lecture., 9th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Rotterdam, 18-21
September (2011).

Presentations (Poster)

Influence of Emulsifiers in W/O Low Fat Spreads for Fat Crystallization.

Okamura, A., Wassell, P., Young, N.W.G., Bonwick, G., Smith, C., Almiron-
Ruig, E., Sato, K., Ueno, S., Physical chemistry, poster session (PC-007). 9th
Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Rotterdam, 18-21 September (2011).

Influences of Emulsifiers in W/O Low Fat Spreads on Fat Crystallization.

Okamura, A., Wassell, P., Young, N.W.G., Bonwick, G., Smith, C., Almiron-
Ruig, E., Sato, K., Ueno. Poster, AAOCS biennial conference. November 9-
11th, (2011), Sebel Playford Adelaide, Australia.
Wassell, P. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Structuring in Reduced Triacylglycerol Based Systems


This study (Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a) shows that behenic
(C22:0) fatty acid rich Monoacylglycerol (MAG), or its significant inclusion,
has a pronounced effect on crystallisation (Wassell et al., 2010b; 2012; Young
et al., 2008) and interfacial kinetics (3.0; 4.0). New interfacial measurements
demonstrate an unusual surface-interactive relationship of long chain MAG
compositions, with and without Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR). A novel
MAG synthesised from Moringa oleifera Triacylglycerol (TAG) influenced
textural behaviour of water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions and anhydrous TAG
systems (4.0: 5.0; 6.0).

Emulsifier mixtures of PGPR and MAG rich in C18:1 / 18:2 and C16:0 / C18:0
do not decrease interfacial tension compared with PGPR alone. Only those
containing MAG with significant proportion of C22:0 impacted interfacial
behaviour. A mixture of C22:0 based MAG and PGPR results with decreasing
tension from ~20°C and is initially dominated by PGPR, then through
rearrangement, the surface is rapidly dominated by C22:0 fatty acids.

A Moringa oleifera based MAG showed unusual decreased interfacial

behaviour not dissimilar to PGPR. All other tested MAG (excluding a C22:0
based MAG), irrespective of fatty acid composition resulted with high
interfacial tension values across the measured temperature spectrum (50°C to
5°C). A relative decrease of interfacial tension, with decreased temperature,
was greater, the longer the chain length (Krog & Larsson 1992). Moreover,
results from bulk and interfacial rheology showed that the presence of C22:0
based MAG has a pronounced effect on both elastic modulus (G’) and viscous
modulus (G’’).

Through a multidisciplinary approach, results were verified in relevant product

applications. By means of ultrasonic velocity profiling with pressure difference
(UVP-PD) technique, it was possible to examine the effect of a C22:0 based
MAG in an anhydrous TAG system whilst in a dynamic non-isothermal
condition (3.0). The non-invasive UVP-PD technique conclusively validated
structural events.

Wassell, P. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Structuring in Reduced Triacylglycerol Based Systems

The application of a Moringa oleifera based MAG in low TAG (35% - 41%),
W/O emulsions, results in high emulsion stability without a co-surfactant
(PGPR). The bi-functional behaviour of Moringa oleifera based MAG is
probably attributed to miscibility (Ueno et al., 1994) of its fatty acids, ranging
~30% of saturated fatty acids (SAFA), with ~70% of C18:1 (5.0). It is
concluded that the surface-interactive behaviour of Moringa oleifera based
MAG, is attributed to approximately 10% of its SAFA commencing from

When examined separately and compared, results showed that physical effect
of a Moringa oleifera based MAG was not dissimilar to PGPR, influencing the
crystallisation kinetics of the particular anhydrous TAG system. When either
was combined with a C22:0 rich MAG, enhanced gelation onset and strong
propensity to form dendrite structure occurred (5.0).

Macrobeam and synchrotron radiation microbeam small angle x-ray diffraction

(SR-μ-SAXD) was utilized (6.0) to assess behavior of C22:0 rich MAG, with
and without PGPR (Wassell et al., 2012). The C22:0 based MAG combined
with PGPR promoted TAG crystallisation as observed by differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC). Polarised optical microscopy (POM) observations indicated
that C22:0 based MAG eliminates formation of large crystal aggregates,
resulting in the likely formation of tiny Pickering TAG / MAG crystals (6.0).

It is concluded that the presence and interactive behaviour of Pickering

surface-active MAG, is strongly linked to increased fatty acid chain length,
which induce increased textural resilience owing to viscoelasticity (4.0; 5.0).

A multidisciplinary approach was able to verify structuring behaviour (4.0;

5.0), using multiple analyses (Wassell et al., 2010b; 2012; Young et al., 2008).
Novel structuring solutions in reduced TAG based systems have been provided
(4.0; 5.0). This study both enhances current understanding of structuring in low
TAG W/O emulsions and has led to novel MAG compositions, which address
emulsification, structuring and texture in TAG based food systems (Wassell et
al., 2010a; 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

Table of Contents

Title Page
Declaration of Originality
List of Publications, Patents and Presentations
Abstract i
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xxv
Abbreviations xxxii

1.0 General Introduction 1 - 70

1.1 Oils and Fats – Triacylglycerol Based Structurants 3
1.1.1 Modification of Oils and Fats 6
1.2 Edible Water-in-Oil Emulsions - Background 8
1.2.1 History 8
1.2.2 Structure of Margarine 8
1.2.3 Design and Control of the Fat Blend 10
1.2.4 Hardness 10
1.2.5 Solid Fat Content (SFC) 11
1.2.6 Reduced - Low Fat Spreads 11
1.2.7 Emulsifiers 12
1.2.8 PGPR 13
1.2.9 Quality Criteria 14
1.3 Crystallisation and Crystal Growth 15
1.3.1 Introduction 15
1.3.2 Polymorphism and its Identification 16
1.3.3 Supercooling 20
1.3.4 Post-Crystallisation 22
1.3.5 Technical Impact of Process Conditions on Post-Crystallisation 23
1.3.6 Palm Oil 24
1.4 Literature Review 25
1.4.1 Introduction and Background 25 Texture 25 Health 26 Legislation 26 Interim Conclusion 27
1.4.2 Raw Materials 28
1.4.3 Reducing Total Saturates (Emulsions) 28
1.4.4 Crystal Kinetics and Interfacial Behaviour 29
1.4.5 Conclusion 30

1.5 A Pilot Study – Preliminary Investigations for Enhancing 31
Crystallisation of Anhydrous TAG Dispersions and W/O
1.5.1 Introduction and Background 31 Materials and Methods 32 Results - Crystallisation of RBD Palm Oil and Commercial 33
Hard and Soft Anhydrous Fat Blends Interim Conclusions of Pilot Study on Crystallisation 39
1.5.2 Interface and Diversity: Effect of Fatty Acids on W/O 40
Emulsions Introduction and Background 40 Reduced TAG W/O Emulsion 41 Materials and Methods 42 Results and Evaluation Test 44 Conclusion 46
1.5.3 Very Low W/O TAG (12%) Based Emulsion - With and 47
Without MAG/TAG Additive Introduction and Background 47 Materials and Methods 47 Results 49 Conclusion 52
1.5.4 General Conclusion of Pilot Studies 52
1.6 A Critical Review of Current Issues: Alternative 53
Mechanisms for Aiding Structure in TAG Based Systems
1.6.1 Introduction and Background 53
1.6.2 New Applications and Novel Materials 53
1.6.3 Techniques for Analysis 55
1.6.4 Structure – Effects of Minor Components 57
1.6.5 Conclusion 59
1.7 Aims and Objectives 63
1.7.1 Background 63
1.7.2 Outstanding Problems 64
1.7.3 Empirical Quantification 65
1.7.4 Experimental Approach 66
1.7.5 Analytical Approach 69 UVP-PD 69 Tensiometry 69 Rheology 69 A Study Series of Application Tests: Observations on the 70
Behaviour of Novel MAG, Behenic rich MAG and PGPR in
Real Systems Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction (SR-XRD) 70
Macrobeam and Microbeam small angle X-ray Diffraction
(SR-μ-SAXD) Analysis

2.0 General Materials and Methods 71 - 118
2.1 Emulsifiers 71
2.2 Fatty Acid and Monoacylglycerol Compositions (%) 71
2.3 Additional Distillations of Natural Moringa oleifera 77
2.4 Synthetic Monoglycerides 78
2.5 High and Low Temperature Distillation of Moringa oleifera 80
2.6 Triacylglycerol (TAG) for Water-in-Oil (W/O) Emulsions 81
and Anhydrous Dispersions
2.7 Other and Minor Ingredients for W/O Emulsions 82
2.7.1 Hydrocolloid 82
2.7.2 Flavours 82
2.7.3 Antioxidant 82
2.7.4 Skimmed Milk Powder 82
2.7.5 Salt 82
2.7.6 Antimicrobial 82
2.7.7 β-carotene and Preparation 82
2.7.8 EDTA 83
2.7.9 Tap Water Specification (Data on Water Hardness, Aarhus, 83
2.8 Preparation of W/O Emulsions and Bulk Anhydrous – 83
TAG Systems
2.8.1 Equipment and Processing 84 Water Phase 84 Fat Phase 85 Lab Pilot Scale Process Conditions 85
2.9 Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) 87
2.9.1 Method 87 Reagents 88 Equipment Beam Path Settings 88 Calculations 88
2.10 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) 89
2.11 Gas Chromatography (GC) 89
2.11.1 GC Analysis 89
2.11.2 Monoglyceride Analysis Method: Fatty Acid Methyl Ester 90
(FAME) and Glycerols (Tri, Di, Mono)
2.11.3 Preparation of Methyl Esters for GC Determination 91
2.12 Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) 92
2.12.1 Method 92
2.12.2 Induction Heat /Cool / PLM Micrographs 92
2.13 Rheology 93
2.13.1 Interfacial Rheological System (IRS) Measurements 93
2.13.2 Haake Controlled Stress Rotational Rheometer 96
2.13.3 Rheometrics Controlled Stress Rotational Rheometer 96
2.14 SFC Determination 97

2.15 Isothermal Rate of Crystallisation (RoC) Test 97
2.16 Surface Tension - Interfacial Tensiometry 97
2.16.1 Tensiometry Materials and Methods 99 Solvent 99 Preparation of Samples 100 Interfacial Tension Method 100
2.17 Texture Analysis (TA-XT2i) 101
2.18 Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) in Low-Fat Spread 102
2.18.1 Method 103
2.18.2 Analytical Principle 103
2.19 Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling with Pressure Difference 105
(UVP-PD) Materials and Methods
2.19.1 Pilot Plant (Gerstenberg-Schröder A/S) 105
2.19.2 UVP-PD System 106
2.19.3 UVP-PD Method and Experimental Parameters 108
2.19.4 Solid Fat Content (SFC) Measurement – p-NMR 110
2.19.5 Solid Fat Content (SFC) Measurement – Ultrasound 110
2.20 Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction (SR-XRD) using 112
Microbeam small angle X-ray Diffraction, (SR-μ-SAXD)
2.20.1 Method 112
2.20.2 Macrobeam X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Measurements 115
2.20.3 Microbeam Small-angle X-ray Diffraction Measurements 115
2.20.4 DSC Measurements 118
2.20.5 Polarised Optical Microscopic (POM) Observation 118

3.0 A Study on the Crystallisation of TAG Based Systems 119 - 135

using UVP-PD
3.1 Introduction and Background 119
3.2 Effect of Cooling 120
3.3 Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling with Pressure Difference 121
3.3.1 Off-line Haake Measurements 123
3.4 Comparison and Validation 129
3.5 In-line Solid Fat Content 133
3.6 Conclusions and Recommendations 134

4.0 Rheology and Interfacial Surface-Interactive Behaviour of 136 - 166

Mixed Surfactant Systems
4.1 Summary 136
4.2 Interfacial Tension - An Interfacial Examination of Single 137
and Mixed MAG Behaviour: Effect of Saturation and
Chain Length
4.2.1 Introduction 137
4.2.2 Materials and Methods 141
4.2.3 Results and Discussion 141
4.2.4 Conclusion 147

4.3 A Rheological and Interfacial Examination of Single, 148
Mixed and Novel MAG Behaviour: Effect of Saturation
and Chain Length in Anhydrous Bulk and Water-Oil
4.3.1 Introduction 148
4.3.2 Interfacial Rheological System (IRS) Measurements 148
4.3.3 “True” Dynamic Complex 149
4.3.4 Results and Discussion 150
4.3.5 Emulsifier Similarity 156
4.3.6 Tension Reduction 157
4.3.7 Novel MAG 157
4.3.8 Conclusions and Recommendations 164

5.0 A Study Series on the Behaviour of a Moringa MAG, 167 - 328

Behenic Based MAG, and PGPR
5.1 Introduction 167
5.2 A Rheological Evaluation on a Moringa Monoglyceride 169
(MAG) and PGPR in Triacylglyceride (TAG)
5.2.1 Introduction 169
5.2.2 Materials and Methods 169
5.2.3 Results and Discussion 171
5.2.4 Conclusion 175
5.3 Crystallisation Effects of Natural Moringa MAG, a 176
Synthetic Behenic Based MAG Composition and PGPR by
Cold Stage Polarised Light Microscopy
5.3.1 Introduction 176
5.3.2 Materials and Methods 177
5.3.3 Results and Discussion 181 Synthetic Moringa MAG 184
5.3.4 Conclusion 187
5.4 High and Low TAG W/O Emulsion Application Trials: A 188
Functional Evaluation of MAG based on Moringa,
Lesquerella, Rapeseed, Sunflower TAG and a PGPR
5.4.1 Introduction 188
5.4.2 Materials and Methods 188
5.4.3 Validation Trials 192
5.4.4 Results and Discussion 194 60% TAG based W/O Spreads 194 40% TAG based W/O Spreads 203 Texture Analysis 214 Objective Sensory Analysis 216 Validation Testing 218
5.4.5 Discussion 227
5.4.6 Conclusion 228

5.5 Microscopy Examination of a Forced Cooled Model TAG 229
Based System Containing a Distilled Moringa MAG,
Behenic Based MAG and PGPR
5.5.1 Introduction 229
5.5.2 Materials and Methods 229
5.5.3 Results and Discussion 230
5.5.4 Conclusion 237
5.6 The Rheological Behaviour of Model TAG Systems 238
Containing a Behenic based MAG, PGPR and Moringa
MAG, During Forced Cooling Velocities
5.6.1 Introduction 238
5.6.2 Materials and Methods 239
5.6.3 Results and Discussion 240 Cooling Velocity - 1°C/min 240 Cooling Velocity - 10°C/min 245 Cooling Velocity - 30°C/min 247
5.6.4 Conclusion 253
5.7 Impact of Fatty Acid Profile: Distinctions Between 254
Moringa MAG and Behenic Based MAG in Low TAG W/O
5.7.1 Introduction 254
5.7.2 Materials and Methods 255
5.7.3 Results and Discussion 258 CLSM 262 Texture Analysis 265
5.7.4 Conclusion 266
5.8 Effect of PGPR Concentration in Low TAG W/O
Emulsions 268
5.8.1 Introduction 268
5.8.2 Materials and Methods 269
5.8.3 Results and Discussion 270 Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) 270 Texture Analysis 272 CLSM 273 Cardboard Test 277
5.8.4 Conclusion 279
5.9 The Performance of Varying Distillations of Moringa 280
MAG in Low TAG W/O (40%) Emulsions
5.9.1 Introduction 280
5.9.2 Materials and Methods 280
5.9.3 Results and Discussion 284 Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) 285 CLSM 286 Texture Analysis 290
5.9.4 Conclusion 291

5.10 Blended MAG Compositions to Equal Moringa Based 292
MAG in Low TAG W/O Emulsions
5.10.1 Introduction 292
5.10.2 Materials and Methods 292
5.10.3 Results and Discussion 296 Spread Test 300 CLSM 304 Texture Analysis 307
5.10.4 Conclusion 308
5.11 Effect of High and Low Temperature Distillation on the 309
Functionality of MAG based on Moringa oleifera TAG in
Low TAG W/O Emulsions
5.11.1 Introduction 309
5.11.2 Materials and Methods 310
5.11.3 Results and Discussion 314 Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) 314 Sensory 315 Effect of Distillation at 0.3% Moringa MAG Concentration 319 Effect of Distillation at 0.6% Moringa MAG Concentration 319
5.11.4 Conclusion 320
5.12 Inventions: a Moringa MAG and Modified Crystalliser 321
5.12.1 Summary 321
5.12.2 Moringa oleifera based Monoglycerides 321
5.12.3 Interim Conclusion 323
5.12.4 Modified Crystalliser Composition 324
5.12.5 Interim Conclusion 325
5.12.6 Significance for Pickering Stabilisation 325
5.12.7 Metastable Region 327
5.12.8 Dendrite Structure 328

6.0 Synchrotron Radiation Macrobeam and Microbeam X-ray 329 - 336

Diffraction Studies of Interfacial Crystallisation of Fats in
Water-in-Oil Emulsions
6.1 Introduction 329
6.2 Background 329
6.3 Results & Discussion 332
6.3.1 DSC Thermograms and Macrobeam SR-XRD Measurements 332
6.3.2 μ-SAXD Measurements: Azimuthal Angle (χ) Extension 335
6.3.3 Polarised Optical Microscopic (POM) Observation 336
6.4 Conclusions and Recommendations 337

7.0 General Discussion, Final Conclusions and 340 - 351
7.1 Multidisciplinary Approach to Structuring in Reduced 340
Triacylglycerol (TAG) Based Systems
7.1.1 Implications for Pickering Stabilisation 344
7.1.2 Interfacial Stabilisation in a Metastable Region 344
7.1.3 Dendrite Behaviour 345
7.2 Key Findings 346
7.3 Novelty and Future Context 347
7.4 Recommended Research 349
7.4.1 Additional Measurements 349
7.4.2 High Internal Aqueous Phase Emulsions 349
7.4.3 Interactions at the Interfacial Region 350
7.5 Concluding Remarks 350

References 353 - 377


APPENDIX A: UniCamp Brazil, Independant data

APPENDIX B: Additional Pilot Studies

APPENDIX C: Rate of Crystallisation: Triplicate

Determination of Results from Appendix B

APPENDIX D: DSC: Cooling - Duplicate Determination of

Results from Appendix B

APPENDIX E: Pilot Scale UVP Apparatus

APPENDIX F: Moringa Oil (Moringa oleifera)

APPENDIX G: Lesquerella Oil (Lesquerella fendleri)

APPENDIX H: IRS Recalculation of Complex Interfacial

Behaviour Based on Absolute Constants

APPENDIX I: Example Data: Anton Paar RHEOPLUS


APPENDIX J: Test Settings: Stable Micro Systems Texture

analyser (TA-XT2i) Software (version 2.64)

List of Figures

1.0 General Introduction

Figure 1.1.1 Schematic example of a mixed triglyceride (Madsen, 3

Figure 1.1.2 Schematic diagrams of cis and trans configurations 4
(Young and Wassell 2007)
Figure 1.1.3 Desired solid phase lines for hardstocks (dark area) 7
compared to naturally occurring oils and fats (adapted from van Duijn
et al., 2006)

Figure 1.3.1 A schematic of triacylglycerol arrangement in the β'-2, 16

and β-3 form. LS is the long spacing, t is the angle of tilt of the
triglyceride configuration (adapted from Timms, 1984)

Figure 1.3.2 Fatty acid units showing the short spacing between the 17
individual fat units (source: Young & Wassell, 2008)

Figure 1.3.3 The three projections of α, β’, and β crystal forms 18

(Hernqvist, 1988).
Figure 1.3.4 Diagram of the energy barrier to crystallisation (Source: 20
McClements, 1999)

Figure 1.3.5 Schematic stages of sintering (Source: Johansson & 22

Bergenstahl, 1995)

Figure 1.3.6 Effect of cooling and agitation on crystal growth. One 23

scale unit = 100 microns (Image supplied courtesy of Danisco /
DuPont in their Technical Paper: Fat Crystallography – a Review.

Figure 1.5.1 SFC curves to 20min 33

Figure 1.5.2 SFC curves to 10min 34

Figure 1.5.3 SFC curves to 20min 35

Figure 1.5.4 SFC curves to 10min 36

Figure 1.5.5 Relative increase in SFC% of RBD Palm Oil, Hard and 38
Soft blends

Figure 1.5.6 The effect of temperature and fatty acid diversity at the 42
interface: a preparation of water-soybean oil (1:1) with or without 4%
emulsifier (E471) in the oil phase is observed at three temperatures
5°C, 20°C & 40°C (Image supplied courtesy of Danisco A/S., 2003)

Figure 1.5.7 Image of cardboard evaluation test by spreading (Image 45

supplied courtesy of Danisco A/S., 2003)

Figure 1.5.8 Textural firmness at 5°C of W/O 12% very low fat 49
spread emulsion

Figure 1.5.9 Graph to show SFC% of MAG/TAG and PGPR mixtures 51

in 15% PKINES / 85% RBD RP (re: Table 1.5.7 / 1.5.8)

2.0 General Materials and Methods

Figure 2.1 A Gerstenberg & Schröder pilot scale: 3-tube Pilot 86
Perfector 3x57 (from SPX Flow Technology Copenhagen A/S,
Brøndby, Denmark).

Figure 2.2 Schematic of reactivial for preparation of methyl esters for 91

GC determination

Figure 2.3 (a) Anton Paar Physica MCR Interfacial Rheology System 94
(IRS) and (b / c) Bicone measuring system

Figure 2.4 Geometries used for measurements: (a) Interfacial 95

Rheology: Bicone - BIC68-5 and (b) Bulk rheology: Bob/cup - CC27

Figure 2.5 Principle action of the Wilhelmy plate method (Source: 98

Danisco Physical Food Science, Brabrand, Denmark)

Figure 2.6 Digital-Tensiometer K10ST (Krüss, Germany) 101

Figure 2.7 Schematic image of pilot scale scraped surface heat 107
exchanger unit and pin rotor units with flow-cell and by-pass loop
measuring apparatus with differential pressure gauge and ultrasound
Figure 2.8 Data analyses of SR-μ-SAXD patterns. (a) 2D SR-μ- 116
SAXD pattern. (b) Lamellar direction in a fat crystal. (c) χ extension

Figure 2.9 Schematic showing cold stage temperature control for 117
emulsion preparation (Ueno et al. 2008)

Figure 2.10 Image of Linkam temperature control stage unit 118

3.0 A Study on the Crystallisation of TAG Based Systems using

Figure 3.1 Schematic diagrams of the energy barrier to crystallisation 120
and the relative amount of structure formed as a function of cooling

Figure 3.2 Schematic image of pilot scale scraped surface heat 122
exchanger unit and pin rotor units with flow-cell and by-pass loop
measuring apparatus with differential pressure gauge and ultrasound

Figure 3.3 Viscosity as a function of temperature for TAG blends 124

measured off-line

Figure 3.4 Spectral plot together with an arithmetic average of some 126
30 measured profiles (green) together with the resulting power-law fit
(red) for the control system, i.e. 25% Akomic / 75% rapeseed oil at a
flow rate of 70 kg/h

Figure 3.5 Corresponding spectral plot and ultrasound profile as an 127

arithmetic average of 30 measured profiles (green) and resulting power-
law fit (red) for the 25% Akomic / 74% rapeseed TAG and 1%
CRY110 (Distilled monoglyceride) at 70 kg/h

Figure 3.6 Comparison of the Akomic / Rapeseed (RSO) TAG 128
blends; without additive (tetrahedrons) and with 1% CRY110 (circles)

Figure 3.7 Measured arithmetic average over 28 velocity profiles and 130
the resulting power-law fit for 25% Akomic / 75% rapeseed TAG
without additive at a flow rate of 70 kg h-1 ((The profiles were
measured both opposite to- (Transducer 1, TDX1) and in the direction
of the flow (Transducer 2, TDX2))

Figure 3.8 Measured arithmetic average over 39 velocity profiles and 131
the resulting power-law fit for 25% Akomic / 74% rapeseed TAG with
1% CRY110 at a flow rate of 70 kg h-1 ((The profiles were measured
both opposite to- (Transducer 1, TDX1) and in the direction of the
flow (Transducer 2, TDX2))

Figure 3.9 Solid fat content (SFC) expressed as percentage values 133
versus temperature for 30% palm stearin / 70% rapeseed TAG
measured by standard p-NMR technique (triangles) and in-line
dynamic conditions from UVP-PD (circles)

4.0 Rheology and Interfacial Surface-Interactive Behaviour of

Mixed Surfactant Systems

Figure 4.1 Schematic of template mechanism for heterogeneous 138

crystallisation of O⁄W emulsion with additive (Saturated distilled
mono-diglyceride). Adapted from Arima et al., 2007 (Paper 2)

Figure 4.2 Schematic of proposed template mechanism for 139

heterogeneous crystallisation of W/O emulsion with additives (PGPR,
Monooleate, Monobehenate) (Paper 2)

Figure 4.3 Proposed schematic showing interfacial crystallization at 140

the water-in-oil interface (Source: Wassell et al., 2012)
Figure 4.4 Tensiometry values for PGPR 90 compared with 142
unsaturated MAG based on sunflower oil (Dimodan® UJ)

Figure 4.5 Interfacial tension behaviour of emulsifiers used in 143
preliminary application tests for 12% WO emulsion (1.5)

Figure 4.6 Single MAG: Dimodan® P, a partially saturated MAG 146

(rich in C16:0) and Dimodan® HP, a fully saturated MAG (rich in
C16:0 / C18:0), compared with CRY110 (rich in C22:0); and mixture
of Dimodan® HP (dotted line), compared to mixtures of CRY110

Figure 4.7 Interfacial Rheology System (IRS) temperature sweep and 150
resulting complex modulus Gi’ and Gi’’ of CRY110 (rich in C22:0)
alone compared to PGPR and other emulsifier mixtures

Figure 4.8 Bulk temperature sweep and resulting G’ and G’’ of 151
CRY110 (rich in C22:0) alone compared to PGPR and other
emulsifier mixtures.

Figure 4.9 Bulk measurement of the single emulsifiers compared to 152


Figure 4.10 Comparison of interfacial behaviour of single emulsifiers 153

compared to CRY110 (C22:0). Dim HP shows small change in G’’

Figure 4.11 The influence of a MAG rich in C22:0, where CRY110 154
affects both G’’ and G’

Figure 4.12 The effect of CRY110 compared with HP in combination 155

with PGPR and UJ

Figure 4.13 Interfacial tension measurements for several MAG, 158

including novel ricebran and Moringa, compared to several PGPR’s
(PGPR Palsgaard 4150, known as PGPR 90 Plus)

Figure 4.14 Interfacial tension of CRY110 compared with a novel 159

MAG (Moringa) and in comparison to PGPR Plus

Figure 4.15 Bulk behaviour of Moringa MAG v CRY110 with PGPR 160

Figure 4.16 Bulk behaviour of Moringa MAG v PGPR 161

Figure 4.17 Bulk behaviour of Moringa and CRY110 compared to 161
PGPR and CRY110

Figure 4.18 The complex IRS for Moringa MAG / CRY110 or PGPR 162

Figure 4.19 Complex IRS: CRY110 & Moringa v CRY110 & PGPR 163

Figure 4.20 The effect on G’’ after interfacial temperature sweep for 163
Moringa MAG v PGPR

5.0 A Study Series on the Behaviour of a Moringa MAG, Behenic

Based MAG and PGPR

Figure 5.2.1 Effect of Moringa MAG and PGPR in Rapeseed TAG 172

Figure 5.2.2 Effect of Moringa MAG and PGPR in Peanut TAG 173

Figure 5.2.3 Micrographs of 3% Moringa MAG in rapeseed and 175

peanut TAG (3a, 3c), and 3% PGPR in rapeseed and peanut TAG (3b,
3d) at approximately 25°C – 26°C

Figure 5.3.1 Micrographs showing the crystal structures of samples 1a 183

– 1f at 20°C in 70% Palm Stearin (IV35) and 30% Palm Olein (IV 56)
(scale bars = 20µm)

Figure 5.3.2 Micrographs 2a – 2f show crystal structures of natural 185

and synthetic Moringa MAG (dose 1%) at 20°C in 70% Palm Stearin
(IV35) and 30% Palm Olein (IV 56) (scale bars = 10µm)

Figure 5.4.1 Water droplet size distribution (DSD) of the 60% TAG 195

Figure 5.4.2 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with DIMODAN® 196
RT at 0.3% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images
188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.3 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with DIMODAN® 197
RT at 0.6% concentration (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images
188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.4 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Moringa at 0.3% 198
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.5 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Moringa at 0.6% 199
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.6 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Lesquerella at 200
0.3% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.7 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Lesquerella at 201
0.6% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.8 Water droplet size distribution (DSD) of W/O 40% TAG 204

Figure 5.4.9 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® UJ 206
at 0.3% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images
188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.10 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa at 207
0.3% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.11 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Lesquerella at 208
0.3% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.12 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® 209
UJ at 0.6% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images
188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.13 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa at 210
0.6% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.14 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Lequerella at 211
0.6% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.15 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® 212
UJ 0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 at 0.2% concentration. (Top
images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.16 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa 0.3% / 213
GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 at 0.2% concentration. (Top images 375 x
375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.17 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Lesquerella 214
0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 at 0.2% concentration. (Top images
375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.18 The hardness of the high TAG (60%) samples – (1-6), 215
and the low TAG (40%) samples – (11-19)

Figure 5.4.19 The stickiness of the high TAG (60%) samples- (1-6), 215
and the low TAG (40%) TAG samples – (11-19)

Figure 5.4.20 Water droplet size distributions for the 40% low TAG 219
spreads of the validation tests

Figure 5.4.21 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® 220
UJ - 0.3% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images
188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.22 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa - 0.3% 221
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.23 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® 222
UJ - 0.6% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images
188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.24 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa - 0.6% 223
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x

Figure 5.4.25 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® 224
UJ - 0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 – 0.2% concentration. (Top
images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.26 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa - 0.3% 225
/ GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 – 0.2% concentration. (Top images 375 x
375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.27 Textural hardness for the 40% low TAG spread 226
validation tests, where the order from left to right is as follows;
DIMODAN® UJ, 0.3%; Moringa 0.3%; DIMODAN® UJ, 0.6%,
Moringa, 0.6%; DIMODAN® UJ, 0.3% and GRINDSTED® PGPR
90, 0.2%; Moringa 0.3% and GRINDSTED® PGPR 90, 0.2%

Figure 5.5.1 Micrographs of blank control exposed to forced cooling 233

from 1 – 100°C/min. (scale bars = 20µm)

Figure 5.5.2 Micrographs of CRY110 exposed to forced cooling from 234

1 – 100°C/min. (scale bars = 20µm)

Figure 5.5.3 Micrographs of PGPR 90 exposed to forced cooling from 235

1 – 100°C/min. (scale bars = 20µm)

Figure 5.5.4 Micrographs of Moringa MAG exposed to forced 236

cooling from 1 – 100°C/min. (scale bars = 20µm)

Figure 5.6.1 Schematic diagram of the energy barrier to crystallisation 239
together with the relative amount of structure formed for a given
cooling rate

Figure 5.6.2 a / b Viscosity cooling curves at 1°C/min of base TAG 243

blend (70% palm stearin/ 30% palm olein) [dark blue]; 1% CRY110
[green]; 1% CRY110 / 0.5% PGPR 90 [red]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [light
blue]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG [pink]; and 1% Moringa
MAG [yellow]

Figure 5.6.3 c / d Viscosity cooling curves at 1°C per minute of base 244
fat blend (70% palm olein / 30% palm stearin) [green]; 1% CRY110
[red]; 1% CRY110 / 0.5% PGPR 90 [light blue]; 0.5% PGPR 90
[pink]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG [dark blue]; and 1%
Moringa MAG [yellow]

Figure 5.6.4 a / b Viscosity cooling curves at 10°C/min of base TAG 249

blend (70% palm stearin/ 30% palm olein) [yellow]; 1% CRY110
[green]; 1% CRY110 / 0.5% PGPR 90 [green]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [red];
1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG [blue]; and 1% Moringa MAG

Figure 5.6.5 Viscosity cooling curves at 30°C/min of base TAG blend 250
(70% palm stearin/ 30% palm olein) [Blue]; 1% CRY110 [green]; 1%
CRY110 / 0.5% PGPR 90 [red]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [light blue]; 1%
CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG [pink]; and 1% Moringa MAG [yellow].

Figure 5.6.6 Viscosity cooling curves at 30°C per minute of base fat 251
blend (70% palm olein / 30% palm stearin) [green]; 1% CRY110
[red]; 1% CRY110 / 0.5% PGPR 90 [light blue]; 0.5% PGPR 90
[yellow]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG [pink]; and 1% Moringa
MAG [dark blue]

Figure 5.6.7 Additive to induce crystal nucleation, whilst retarding 252

crystal growth. From Wassell, Bonwick, Smith, Almiron-Roig, and
Young (2010)

Figure 5.7.1, (1a) Spread test for samples 11 and 12; (1b) spread test 261
for samples 13 and 14; (1c) spread test for samples 15 and 16; (1d)
samples in storage tub for samples 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26; (1e)
spread test for sample 26

Figure 5.7.2 (2a – 2f) CLSM images of low TAG (40%) spread 263
samples 11 to 16, with stabilised water phase

Figure 5.7.3 (3a – 3f) CLSM images of low TAG (35%) spread 264
samples 21 – 26 with empty water phase

Figure 5.7.4 Hardness results: texture analysis for samples 11 to 16, 265
40% TAG, full water phase

Figure 5.7.5 Hardness result: texture analysis for sample 26, 35% 265
TAG, empty water phase.

Figure 5.8.1 DSD normal distribution shows data from Table 5.8.3 272
Figure 5.8.2 Texture analysis on 61 – 64; average of 10 measurements 272
shows decreasing hardness with increasing PGPR concentration: 0.15,
0.3, 0.6 & 1.2%
Figure 5.8.3 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 61, dose 273
0.15% PGPR)

Figure 5.8.4 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 62, dose 274
0.3% PGPR)

Figure 5.8.5 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 63, dose 275
0.6% PGPR)
Figure 5.8.6 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 64, dose 276
1.2% PGPR)
Figure 5.8.7 Photographic evidence of spread tests: PGPR at 0.15% & 277
0.3% (top) and 0.6% & 1.2% (bottom)

Figure 5.9.1 (1a) Spread tests: samples 41 & 42 (Moringa MAG 102); 287
(1b) 43 & 44 (Moringa MAG 102); (1c) 45 & 46 (Moringa MAG 105)
and (1d) 47 & 48 (Moringa MAG 105)

Figure 5.9.2 CLSM images, Moringa MAG 102: sample 41 (0.15%); 288
sample 42 (0.3%); sample 43 (0.6%), and sample 44 (1.2%) (scaled to
375 x 375µm)

Figure 5.9.3 CLSM images, Moringa MAG 105: sample 45 (0.15%); 289
sample 46 (0.3%); sample 47 (0.6%), and sample 48 (1.2%) (scaled to
375 x 375µm)

Figure 5.9.4 Texture analysis: hardness profile for Moringa MAG 102 290
emulsions (41-44) and Moringa MAG 105 emulsions (45-48), at 5°C

Figure 5.10.1 Photographic evidence of spread testing of the synthetic 302

MAGs 31-34 (SM90); 35-38 (SM60); and 49, 51-53 (SM80)

Figure 5.10.2 Interfacial tension behaviour of blended synthetic MAG 303

to mimic natural Moringa MAG

Figure 5.10.3 CLSM images of synthetic MAG (SM90) mono content 304
~96%, samples 31, 32, 33, & 34, of concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 &
1.2% respectively

Figure 5.10.4 CLSM images of synthetic MAG (SM60), mono 305

content ~64%, samples 35, 36, 37, & 38, of concentration 0.15, 0.3,
0.6 & 1.2% respectively

Figure 5.10.5 CLSM images of synthetic MAG (SM80) mono content 306
~82%, samples 49, 51, 52, & 53, of concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 &
1.2% respectively

Figure 5.10.6 Hardness results from texture analyser for synthetic 307
SM90 (31 to 34) and synthetic SM60 (35 to 38)

Figure 5.10.7 Hardness results from texture analyser for synthetic 308
SM80 (49, 51, 52 & 53)

Figure 5.11.1 40% emulsion samples: (1a) no.71, 0.3% dose, HIGH 317
T°C distillation; (1b) no.72, 0.3% dose, low T°C distillation; (1c)
no.73, 0.6% dose, HIGH T°C distillation; (1d) no.74, 0.6% dose, low
T°C distillation

Figure 5.11.2 35% emulsion samples: (1a) no.75, 0.3% dose, HIGH 318
T°C distillation; (1b) no.76, 0.3% dose, low T°C distillation; (1c)
no.77, 0.6% dose, HIGH T°C distillation; (1d) no.78, 0.6% dose low
T°C distillation

Figure 5.11.3 Texture analysis: hardness for 40% TAG emulsions 318
(samples 71-74), and 35% TAG emulsions (samples 75-78)

6.0 Synchrotron Radiation Macrobeam and Microbeam X-ray

Diffraction Studies of Interfacial Crystallisation of Fats in Water-
in-Oil Emulsions

Figure 6.1 Proposed schematic showing interfacial crystallisation at 331

the water-in-oil interface

Figure 6.2 DSC cooling thermopeaks taken for (a) PGPR emulsion 332
and (b) PGPR + MB emulsion

Figure 6.3 Macrobeam SR-XRD patterns of PGPR emulsion taken 333

during heating and cooling. Unit: nm. Experiment noise is denoted by

Figure 6.4 Macrobeam SR-XRD patterns of PGPR + MB emulsion 334

taken during heating and cooling. Unit: nm. Experiment noise is
denoted by arrows

Figure 6.5 Polarized optical micrographs of W/O emulsions. (a) 336

PGPR emulsion and (b) PGPR + MB emulsion. Scale bar: 25 μm

7.0 General Discussion, Final Conclusions and Recommendations

Figure 7.1 A Schematic diagram of important elements at the 351

interfacial region

List of Tables

1.0 General Introduction

Table 1.1.1 Composition of fatty acids in vegetable oils and fats 5

(Madsen, 2003). T = trace. a refers to the typical value, and b refers to
the range due to natural variability – valid throughout the entire table
Table 1.1.2 Common fatty acids showing their melting points and the 6
number of double bonds they naturally contain (Source: Chemical
Abstracts Service, www.cas.org)
Table 1.2.1 Product type versus their fat content in percent Source 9
Article 5 of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 2991 / 94, laying down
standards for spreadable fats, b Other industry classifications

Table 1.2.2 The average composition of margarine and table spreads 10

in Europe

Table 1.2.3 Stability of a 40% W/O emulsion over time (Information 13

received from Danisco / DuPont Oils & Fats, 2009)

Table 1.2.4 Typical emulsifier selection for W/O spreads with and 14
without proteins (Information received from Danisco / DuPont Oils &
Fats, 2009)

Table 1.3.1 The influence of supercooling on the solubility and radius 21

of triglyceride crystals.

Table 1.5.1 Fatty acid profiles of two palm based fat blends. 35

Table 1.5.2 DSC data to show the start of crystallisation onset. 37

Table 1.5.3 Commercial distilled monoglycerides and their prevalent 43

fatty acids (*approx. 50% trans fatty acids)

Table 1.5.4 Formula of 50% reduced fat W/O emulsions and details of 44
the major fatty acids (SMP = skimmed milk powder)

Table 1.5.5 Results of preparations from Table 1.5.4; the average 46

water droplet size distribution

Table 1.5.6 12% very low fat spread formula, assembled on 48
Gerstenberg scraped surface pilot plant. (interesterified blend = PK4
INES, a palm stearin / lauric. Cargill GmbH)

Table 1.5.7 Anhydrous bulk TAG blend with emulsifier mixtures: 50

three samples assembled for SFC% determinations

Table 1.5.8 Triple SFC% determinations for emulsifier mixtures in 51

Table 1.5.7

Table 1.6.1 Approved novel foods related to fats and oils (source: 54
Wang et al., 2012)

2.0 General Materials and Methods

Table 2.1 Emulsifier fatty acid carbon chain lengths 72

Table 2.2 Distilled Ricebran monoglyceride from RBD ricebran oil 72

(Table 2.10)

Table 2.3 Fatty acid composition of Moringa oleifera TAG and 73

Moringa monoglyceride

Table 2.4 Analyses of Moringa oleifera TAG 73

Table 2.5 Analyses of Moringa monoglyceride 73

Table 2.6 Analyses of Lesquerella monoglyceride 74

Table 2.7 Table of Fatty acid profile and saturation (IV) of 74

Lesquerella oil

Table 2.8 Emulsifiers are characterised by source from which they 75

were produced

Table 2.9 PGPR specification (Danisco A/S, Denmark) 75

Table 2.10 RBD Ricebran oil (Thai Edible Oil Co., LTD (Bangkok, 76

Table 2.11 Moringa oleifera (Earth Oil Plantations Ltd. Lichfield, 76
Staffs., UK)

Table 2.12 Other partial and full distillations of natural Moringa 77

monoglyceride with mono, di- and triglyceride specifications

Table 2.13 Blends of mono and diglycerides 78

Table 2.14 Analysis of synthetic Moringa monoglycerides 78

Table 2.15 Fatty acid composition of synthetic Moringa 79


Table 2.16 Effect of high / low temperature distillation on Moringa 80

oleifera TAG

Table 2.17 Major TAGs for W/O emulsions and anhydrous 81


Table 2.18 Tap Water hardness characterisation 83

Table 2.19 Processing parameter using Gerstenberg & Schröder 3- 85
tube lab scale scraped surface heat exchanger units

Table 2.20 Droplet size distribution results presented as volume and 104
number size distribution

Table 2.21 Droplet size distribution calculated from log-scale values 104
of standardised normal distribution

Table 2.22 Sample recipes for 35% W/O emulsions 113

Table 2.23 Properties of fats used for W/O emulsions 114

3.0 A Study on the Crystallisation of TAG Based Systems using

Table 3.1 Influence of cooling to the degree of exothermic 125
crystallisation, recorded at pin-worker exit unit with data log – prior to

Table 3.2 Exothermic crystallisation behaviour recorded after pin- 132
worker, prior to UVP-PD measurement

4.0 Rheology and Interfacial Surface-Interactive Behaviour of

Mixed Surfactant Systems

Table 4.1 Emulsifier specifications supplied courtesy of Danisco A/S, 144


5.0 A Study Series on the Behaviour of a Moringa MAG, Behenic

Based MAG and PGPR

Table 5.2.1 Fatty acid composition of Moringa oleifera TAG and 169

Table 5.2.2 Analyses of Moringa oleifera TAG 170

Table 5.2.3 Analyses of Moringa MAG 170

Table 5.3.1 Natural Moringa MAG with the breakdown of mono, di- 177
and tri- glycerides.

Table 5.3.2 Blends of MAG with resulting mono contents 178

Table 5.3.3 Glyceride distribution of synthetic Moringa MAG (mono, 178

di-, tri-glycerides)

Table 5.3.4 Fatty acid composition of the natural Moringa MAG 179

Table 5.3.5 Fatty acid composition of synthetic Moringa MAG: 180

sample 1 (SM 90), sample 2 (SM 60) and sample 3 (SM 80)

Table 5.3.6 Predominant fatty acids of GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 180


Table 5.4.1 Recipe for 60% TAG spreads trials 1-6 189

Table 5.4.2 Pilot plant processing conditions for the 60% TAG spread 190

Table 5.4.3 Recipe for 40% TAG spreads trials 11-19 191

Table 5.4.4 Pilot plant processing conditions for the 40% TAG spread 192

Table 5.4.5 Recipe for 40% TAG spreads (validation test) 193

Table 5.4.6 Plant process conditions for the 40% TAG spreads 193
(validation test)

Table 5.4.7 DSD for 60% TAG spread samples 194

Table 5.4.8 Water droplet size distribution for 40% TAG spread 204

Table 5.4.9 Validated water droplet size distribution (DSD) results 218
(plain text) of 40% low TAG spreads. Figures in bold are the results
from the original samples (Table 5.4.8)

Table 5.7.1 Formula of spread samples at 35% TAG content 255

Table 5.7.2 Formula of spread samples at 40% TAG content 256

Table 5.7.3 Pilot plant processing conditions for the formula’s in 256
Tables 5.7.1 and 5.7.2

Table 5.7.4 Fatty acid profiles for MM 191 and CRY110 (Report 5.3 - 257
tables 5.3.4 & 5.3.6)

Table 5.7.5 Water droplet size distribution (DSD) for 40% TAG 258
spreads (samples 21-26), and 35% TAG spreads (sample 11-16)

Table 5.8.1 Formulations for low TAG W/O (40%) emulsions 269

Table 5.8.2 Processing parameters used for formula in Table 5.8.1 270

Table 5.8.3 Low TAG W/O (40%) emulsions samples 61 – 64 to test 271
PGPR water droplet size distribution at concentrations: 0.15, 0.3, 0.6
& 1.2%

Table 5.8.4 Results of average DSD volumes for low TAG W/O 271
(35%) emulsions (no protein / stabiliser) 0.6% Moringa 191; 0.4%
PGPR 90 and 0.3% PGPR + 0.15% CRY110))

Table 5.9.1 Fatty acid composition of MAG based on Moringa 281

oleifera TAG

Table 5.9.2 Moringa (Moringa oleifera) based MAG: mono, di- and 281
tri- glycerides (#2559/104 = 105 with antioxidant)

Table 5.9.3 Formulations: low TAG W/O (40%) emulsions with 282
Moringa oleifera based MAG

Table 5.9.4 Processing conditions for the low TAG W/O emulsions 283

Table 5.9.5 DSD data: samples 41-44 (concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 284
and 1.2%) correspond to Moringa MAG 102, monoglyceride content
~53%; samples 45-48 (concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2%)
correspond to Moringa MAG 105, monoglyceride content ~83%

Table 5.9.6 DSD: low TAG W/O (40%) spreads containing Moringa 284
MAG 191 (monoglyceride content of ~91%)

Table 5.10.1 Blending ratios for synthetic MAG. 293

Table 5.10.2 Fatty acid composition of synthetic MAG 293

Table 5.10.3 Total distribution of natural MM saturated, unsaturated 294

fatty acids in relation to synthetic MAG and actual total saturated
chain length from C20:0

Table 5.10.4 Formulations for 40% low TAG emulsions with 294
synthetic MAG (SM90 SM60)

Table 5.10.5 40% low TAG emulsions with synthetic MAG (SM80) 295

Table 5.10.6 Pilot plant scraped surface processing conditions for all 295

Table 5.10.7 DSD data for SM 90 (samples 31-34), SM60 (samples 296
35-38), and SM80 (samples 49-53)

Table 5.10.8 DSD data for 40% TAG spread samples containing 298
natural Moringa MAG 191 monoglyceride ~91% (from Table 5.4.8 in:
5.4; and Table 5.7.5 in: 5.7)

Table 5.10.9 DSD data from 5.9 shows: samples 41-44 (conc. 0.15, 298
0.3, 0.6, 1.2%) correspond to Moringa MAG 102 (mono 53%); and
samples 45-48 (conc. 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2%) correspond to Moringa
MAG 105 (mono 83%)

Table 5.11.1 Formulations for 35% and 40% TAG emulsions using 311
two Moringa MAG distillations: sample 2559/132 (87%
Monoglyceride - high temperature distillation 210°C) and sample
2559/134 (97% Monoglyceride – low temperature distillation 185°C)

Table 5.11.2 Processing conditions for 35% and 40% TAG W/O 312

Table 5.11.3 Fatty acid compositions of high and low temperature 313
MAG distillations from Moringa oleifera TAG

Table 5.11.4 DSD analysis results for W/O emulsions (samples 71 – 314


CLSM confocal laser scanning microscopy

DAG diglyceride or diacylglycerol

DSC differential scanning calorimetry

DSD droplet size distribution

G’ storage modulus /elastic

G’’ loss modulus /viscosity

Gi’ complex elastic modulus

Gi’’ complex viscous modulus

G* complex modulus

HDL high-density lipoproteins

HIPRE high internal phase ratio emulsions

IRS interfacial rheology system

IU international unit

IV iodine value

LDL low-density lipoproteins

MAG monoacylglycerol; mono & di-glyceride; monoglyceride (E471)

mN/m millinewton per meter

ND no date

O/W oil-in-water

Pas viscosity

PGPR polyglycerol polyricinoleate (E476)

PLM polarised light microscopy

POM polarised optical microscopy

ppm parts per million

Pst palm stearin

pNMR pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance

RBD refined bleached deodorised

SAFA saturated fatty acids

SAXD small angle x-ray diffraction

SFC solid fat content

SR-μ-SAXD synchrotron radiation microbeam small angle x-ray diffraction

SSHE scraped surface heat exchanger

St.dev standard deviation

TAG triacylglycerol; triacylglyceride; triglyceride

TFA trans fatty acids

UVP-PD ultrasonic velocity profiling with pressure difference

WAXD wide angle x-ray diffraction

W/O water-in-oil

w/g watts per gram (heat flow)

wt% weight percent

XRD x-ray diffraction


α alpha

β beta

β’ beta prime

θ contact angle

T°C temperature

Tγ critical interfacial temperature

η*i complex interfacial viscosity

µm micrometer

χ azimuthal angle

Δχ half width of χ value

1.0 General Introduction

As a result of overwhelming concerns about health issues (Swinburn et al., 2011;

Wang, Y.C., McPherson, Marsh, Gortmaker & Brown,, 2011), the food industry
has shown continued interest in the reduction of saturated fatty acids, including
trans fatty acids in foods (Mozaffarian, Jacobson & Greenstein, 2010; NICE,
2010). Current literature confirms this (Bot et al., 2011; Morris, 2011; Wassell &
Young, 2007; Wassell, Bonwick, Smith, Almiron-Roig, & Young, 2010a) and
discussions continue about the positives and negatives of achieving reduction of
saturated fatty acids (Micha & Mozaffarian, 2010; Siri-Tarino, Sun, Hu, & Krauss,
2010; Yamagishi et al., 2010; Swinburn et al., 2011; Wang Y.C. et al., 2011).
Irrespective of this, there is a need to find alternative structuring materials, since
many food products, especially fat based food dispersions and emulsions, are
currently still highly dependent on the presence of saturates and traditional
emulsifiers (Wassell et al., 2010a).

Herein lies the problem, removal of these ‘building’ blocks, i.e. saturates and their
trans isomer from fat systems, make it difficult to achieve food products which are
functionally acceptable to the consumer. The mechanics and successful removal
of saturated and trans fatty acids in foods (Wassell & Young, 2007) is a complex
problem, as is the successful structuring of low or reduced fat based foods, that
require additional reduction of total saturates (Wassell et al., 2010a; Young &
Wassell 2008). Accomplishing any net reduction of saturated fatty acid materials
for dietary requirements (Winwood, 2011) without negative impact on structure
and functional properties of a particular food (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et
al., 2010a) is more problematic for foods which are already regarded as low
saturated. Therefore, the challenge is intensified for food manufacturers to find
innovative solutions to structuring issues whilst meeting consumer expectations.

This study examines this current situation through a literature review. It then
reports on a small pilot study which investigated the effect of several emulsifiers
on crystallisation behaviour in dispersion and emulsion systems, and consequently
led to a critical review. As a result of this preliminary research, extensive work
explored the use of traditional and novel materials, methods of measurement and
analysis. This is subsequently described.

To set the scene, the following sections present a brief overview and history of oils
and fats and their use in water – oil emulsions.

1.1 Oils and Fats – Triacylglycerol Based Structurants

Both oils and fats are composed of triacylglycerols (TAG), generally known as
triglycerides and are liquid and solid at ambient temperatures, respectively. A
triglyceride consists of glycerol esterified with three fatty acids, which can either
be three similar ones, called a simple triglyceride, or two or three different ones, in
which case it is a mixed triglyceride. A schematic example is given in Figure
1.1.1 (Madsen, 2003).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Linoleic acid

Oleic acid

Glycerol Stearic acid

Figure 1.1.1 Schematic example of a mixed triglyceride (Madsen, 2003)

As can be seen in Figure 1.1.1, double bonds are present in some of these fatty
acids. Modification of the fatty acids, usually by means of hydrogenation, is where
the unsaturated fatty acids are transformed into saturated fatty acids. Here, an
example could be C18:1 (oleic acid) going to C18:0 (stearic acid). Such
modifications offer the oils and fats manufacturer a greater flexibility and the
chance to dramatically alter the melting point of the fat. The fatty acid composition
of some natural fats along with other important information is summarised in
Table 1.1.1. Given current trends, the down side to hydrogenation is that during
the addition of hydrogen, trans fatty acids are formed, which are schematically
shown in Figure 1.1.2. Selective hydrogenation involves the saturation of the most
polyunsaturated fats first, such that the trans fatty acid concentration increases up
to a point until they themselves are hydrogenated. If the reaction runs to
completion, then the trans isomer is absent. The trans fatty acids can have
substantially higher melting points than the corresponding cis fatty acid, where the
difference can be in excess of 30°C.


Figure 1.1.2 Schematic diagrams of cis and trans configurations (Young and
Wassell 2008).

Table 1.1.1 gives the melting points of the individual oils that are used to make up
the fat blends, but it is also important to know and recognise the melting points of
the fatty acids themselves. These are outlined together with the number of double
bonds they contain in Table 1.1.2.

Table 1.1.1 Composition of fatty acids in vegetable oils and fats (Madsen, 2003).
a b
T = trace. refers to the typical value, and refers to the range due to natural
variability – valid throughout the entire table.

Oil Palm Ground- Cotton-

Castor Coconut Palm Soya bean Sunflower Linseed Rapeseed
Fatty kernel nut seed

0.5a 0.5
Caproic, C6:0
0.2-0.8b T-1.6
8 4
Caprylic C8:0
6-9 3-10
7 5
Capric C10:0
6-10 3-14
48 50
Lauric C12:0
44-51 37-52
17 15 2 1 0.5
Myristic C14:0 T T
13-18 7-17 0.5-5 0.5-2 0-1.5
2 9 7 42 10 21 8 6 5 2
Palmitic C16:0
1-2 8-10 2-9 32-47 7-12 20-27 7-10 4-8 4-7 1-4
1 2 2 5 3 2 4 4 4 1
Stearic C18:0
1-2 1-3 1-3 2-8 2-6 1-3 3-6 2-5 2-5 0.5-2
T 3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Arachidic C20:0 T
T-0.6 2-4 0.2-1 0-2 0-1 0-1
2 0.5 1
Behenic C22:0
T-3 0-1 0.5-1.5
2 1
Lignoceric C24:0 T T
1-3 1-2
0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5
Palmitoleic C16:1 T T T
T-0.4 T-0.6 0-2 T-1
7 7 15 41 50 29 28 28 22 15
Oleic C18:1
T-8.5 5.5-7.5 11-23 40-52 35-70 22-35 20-35 20-40 12-34 11-24
Gadoleic C20:1
Eurcic C22:1
Ricinoleic C18:1
3 1.3 1 10 30 45 53 61 17 15
Linoleic C18:2
3-6 T-2.5 1-3 5-11 20-25 42-54 40-57 45-68 14-20 11-29
1 6 52 7
Linolenic C18:3 T
T-2 5-14 35-65 6-13

Pure Glycerine 8.8-9.8 13.2-13.5 12.2-12.8 5.5-10.0 8.7-9.9 10.6 10.2 10-12 0.4-10.5 9-9.7

I2 value (Wijs) 81-91 7.5-10.5 14-23 44-54 84-100 99-113 120-141 126-136 55-205 97-108

177-187 250-264 245-255 195-205 188-195 189-198 189-195 186-194 188-196 170-180

Melting point °C -10 b. -12 23-26 24-26 27-50 -2 -2b. +2 -20 b. -23 -10 -20 -9

Titer °C 20-24 20-24 40-47 26-32 30-37 20-21 16-20 19-21 11-15

Table 1.1.2 Common fatty acids showing their melting points and the number of
double bonds they naturally contain (Source: Chemical Abstracts Service,
Fatty Acid No. of Double Bonds Melting point °C
Lauric C12:0 - 44 – 46°C
Myristic C14:0 - 52 – 54°C
Myristoleic C14:1 1 Liquid at 5°C
Palmitic C16:0 - 61 – 62.5°C
Palmitoleic C16:1 1 Liquid at 5°C
Stearic C18:0 - 67 – 72°C
Oleic C18:1 1 13 – 14°C
Linoleic C18:2 2 Liquid at 5°C
Linolenic C18:3 3 Liquid at 5°C
Arachidic C20:0 - 74 – 76°C

1.1.1 Modification of Oils and Fats

Probably all oils and fats will undergo some form of modification before use in a
food product. The most well used modifications are hydrogenation,
interesterification and fractionation. Depending on the naturally occurring starting
point of saturation or unsaturation of the said oil, the degree of modification might
result in a more saturated or unsaturated fat having a higher or lower melting point
than the starting material. The importance of this cannot be overemphasised,
because it provides structure, texture and hardness to the food product, lubrication,
and in terms of emulsion stability, can provide specific crystallisation behaviour,
necessary for continuous fat phase dispersions ⁄ emulsions. The extent and degree
of satisfying these criteria are dependent on the amount of solid fat, size, shape and
interactions of the crystals (Wassell & Young, 2007). Figure 1.1.3, shows

schematically, the degree of modification liquid oil required to obtain the desired
solid fat structure, which could be used, for example, in margarine or shortening
production. Detailed reviews about the subject of structuring edible fat based
systems are discussed by Wassell & Young (2007) and Wassell et al., (2010a).

Palm Kernel
Area of Liquid Oils
desired fat
Solids (%)

Modification of oils

10 45
Temperature (°C)

Figure 1.1.3 Desired solid phase lines for hardstocks (dark area) compared to
naturally occurring oils and fats (adapted from van Duijn et al., 2006).

1.2 Edible Water-in-Oil Emulsions – Background

1.2.1 History

The term “margarine and spreads”, refers to a group of products, which are likened
to butter, but have different fat contents. Margarine was invented in response to a
request from the French Government of Napoleon III for a less expensive, longer
life replacement for butter, available in higher quantities and at a lower price. The
big difference between butter and margarine is the source of the raw materials.
Butter is made with the cream of cow’s milk and margarine with vegetable oils or
in the beginning with animal fat (Young & Wassell, 2008; Verstraete, 2011).

1.2.2 Structure of Margarine

According to the council regulation 2991/94 of the European Community

concerning fats, margarine is a water-in-oil emulsion with a fat content ranging
from 80 to 90%. Most commonly, margarines consist of 80% fats and oils, and
20% of an aqueous phase. The fat phase is a network of fat crystals and
agglomerates of fat crystals with liquid oil in between. The fat phase contains fat-
soluble ingredients like fat-soluble flavours, vitamins, colourants and emulsifiers.
The aqueous phase contains maximum 16% of water. The other 4% are the water-
soluble ingredients. These may be salt, water-soluble flavours, milk or milk solids
and preservatives (Bockisch, 1998; Young & Wassell, 2008).

The definition of margarine has been established. Anything below 80% fat
content, by definition, is not margarine, and must be referred to as a spread;
reduced fat, low fat or otherwise. Legislation is complex and terms such as three-
quarter fat, half-fat and fat content X% are routinely seen. Three-quarter fat refers
to a fat percentage of 60-62%, half-fat to 39-41% specifically. Reduced fat falls

within the range 41-62%, and low fat or light products under 39%. Overall, there
is a general consensus that a fat spread product, butter, margarine or other must
have a fat content between 10 and 90%. These options are summarised in Table

Table 1.2.1 Product type versus their fat content in percent Source a Article 5 of
the Council Regulation (EC) No. 2991 / 94, laying down standards for spreadable
fats, b Other industry classifications

Product Type Fat content %

Butter 80a
Margarine 80a
Three-quarter fat 60-62a
Half-fat 39-41a
Reduced fat >41 to < 62a
Low fat / Light < 39a
Very Low Fat 20 – 30b
Water Continuous 10 – 15b

Margarine is classified as water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion and is characterised as

having a water phase, or the dispersed phase, distributed (homogenised) within the
fat / oil phase, the continuous phase, as droplets. These products are a complex
mix of proteins, emulsifiers, salts, flavours, colours and vitamins. Understanding
the chemistry and mechanics of the fat phase is therefore important for producing
a stable margarine / spread product. Table 1.2.2 gives the average composition of
European margarines and table spreads.

Table 1.2.2 The average composition of margarine and table spreads in Europe

Component Amount Examples

Soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, palm

Oils/fats 80 %
Lecithin, mono & diglycerides, Citrems, PGPR
Emulsifiers 0.2-0.6%
(in low-fat <41%)
<6 % Whole & skimmed milk, butter milk, whey
Acids 0.1-0.3% Citric acid solution, lactic acid solution
Flavour Traces % Oil and water soluble
Sorbic acid, benzoic acid (in reduced-fat
Preservative <0.12 %
Water 100 % Tap water
Vitamins 1500 (IU) Vitamin A
100 (IU) Vitamin D
100-300 ppm Vitamin E
Stabilisers In reduced-fat and low-fat margarines
Colour Carotene

1.2.3 Design and Control of the Fat Blend

The specification of a given fat blend is chosen as a result of many factors

(Chrysan, 2005; Wassell & Young, 2007). An oil ⁄ fat blend for margarines can be
designed by simple blending, which may encompass a combination of fractions
(which can either be fully hydrogenated or not), with liquid oil and
⁄ or
interesterified oil (which may be hydrogenated hardstocks).

1.2.4 Hardness

The hardness or consistency is a measurement of the texture of the margarine. It

may be linked to the type of fats and oils used and the process conditions. The
correlation between the hardness and percentage of solid fat content (SFC%) is

debated. One study found the hardness of the margarine has no linear correlation
with the SFC (Moziar, De Man, & De Man, 1989). However, hardness is also
linked to the total lipid composition (including emulsifiers), polymorphism,
crystallisation behaviour and the microstructure. (Vereecken, Meeussen, Lesaffer,
& Dewettinck, 2010; Wassell et al., 2010a).

1.2.5 Solid Fat Content (SFC)

There are strong correlations between the SFC% and the plasticity of margarine.
This also has implications for the overall melting characteristics of margarines and
spreads at various temperatures. This is particularly important for low fat spreads.
At low temperatures, i.e. 4–10°C the value of the SFC% will lead to an indication
of spreadability when the product is removed straight from the fridge. The SFC
values should not exceed 32% at 10°C (Lida & Ali, 1998). Higher ambient
temperatures – of 20–22°C – determine the product stability and resistance to oil
exudation in domestic conditions and therefore the SFC should be at least 10%.
SFC’s at approx. 35–37°C provides data on the thickness and mouth feel
characteristics as well as flavour release, and should be around 1–3% (Wassell &
Young, 2007).

The determination of a required SFC profile, must be factored according to the

local climatic, distribution chain and performance demanded in the margarine’s
application (Yusoff, Kifli, Lida, & Rozie, 1998).

Ideally, the SFC, melting profile, and crystallisation process is such that texturally
the fat blend gives the optimal structure and sensory properties characteristic of
table margarine or spread (Chrysan, 2005).

1.2.6 Reduced - Low Fat Spreads

Typically, reduced and low fat spreads have fat contents of 60% and 40%
respectively. They are primarily used for spreading on bread or cracker products
(Chrysan, 2005; Madsen, 1990).

As discussed in 1.2.5, the SFC% must be determined so as to allow the emulsion
to attain spreadibility. Selected fat blends tend to be softer where there is much
less fat content and therefore, demands on the emulsifier are greater to maintain
the stabilisation of the water phase. The preconditions for a stable low fat spread
are small water droplets and a stable emulsion. Other components in the system,
such as milk proteins, act to give a more open emulsion resulting in improved
flavour release; but they also make controlling the water dispersion more difficult,
with the consequence of shorter shelf life. The selection of emulsifier therefore
depends not only on the fat content of the spread product, but also on the aqueous
phase and its composition. This involves consideration of things such as local
water hardness, proteins, and hydrocolloids.

1.2.7 Emulsifiers

Emulsifiers reduce interfacial tension in oil-in-water (O/W) and W/O emulsions to

aid emulsification and stability. Polar lipids tend to fit this definition and contain a
hydrophilic part and a hydrophobic (lipophilic) part. The hydrophobic part that
repels water may consist of a fatty acid.

When an emulsifier is added to a mix of oil and water a spontaneous self-

organisation takes place at the interface between the two phases.

On the interface, the hydrophilic groups are in contact with water and the
hydrophobic groups are in contact with the oil. The interfacial tension is then
reduced by the emulsifier, resulting in an easy mixing of oil and water.

Typically in margarine spread type W/O emulsions, the most common emulsifiers
(surfactants) used are monoacylglycerols (know as Mono and diglycerides or
monoglycerides or E471) or MAGs (Juriaanse & Heertje, 1988), which have
amphiphilic properties (Krog, 1977). Table 1.2.3 shows distilled monoglycerides
with varying degrees of saturation (a higher iodine value = more unsaturation), and
its relationship to emulsion stability.

1.2.8 PGPR

In low-fat spreads with high water and milk protein content, polyglycerol
polyricinoleate (PGPR), known for its exceptional water-binding properties
secures the necessary emulsion stability and water dispersion. According to the EC
Directive 95/2/EC, PGPR (E-476) is allowed in low-fat spread with 41% fat and
less in a maximum dosage of 0.4% (Bastida-Rodríguez, 2013).

For very low fat spreads the use of a combination of monoglyceride and
polyglycerol ester emulsifiers is claimed to result in wider processing latitude and
enhanced finished product stability (Chrysan, 2005; Stewart & Hughes, 1972)

Table 1.2.3 Stability of a 40% W/O emulsion over time (Information received
from Danisco / DuPont Oils & Fats, 2009)


DISTILLED 10 min 20 min

Iodine value 1 60% 75 %

Iodine value 55 8% 27 %

Iodine value 80 3% 16 %

Iodine value 105 3% 14 %

Iodine value 80 0% 0%

In the preparation of the margarine / spread and depending on the ratio of water to
oil in the said emulsion, it is usually necessary to select the correct type of
emulsifiers to aid product integrity. Table 1.2.4 shows typical emulsifier selection
according to fat content and presence of protein.

Table 1.2.4 Typical emulsifier selection for W/O spreads with and without
proteins (Information received from Danisco / DuPont Oils & Fats, 2009).

1.2.9 Quality Criteria

There are several common tests for emulsion stability (Chrysan, 2005), these being
electrical resistance (conductivity), droplet size distribution (DSD), cardboard test
(simple backward and forwards spreading action), ambient and cooled storage to
assess oiling out and texture analysis. The principles and methods of these and
other analyses used within the scope of this thesis are discussed in the General
Materials and Methods (2.0). The physical properties of the emulsion can have
microbiological implications (Juriaanse & Heertje, 1988; Charteris, 2007); this
does not form part of this study.

1.3 Crystallisation and Crystal Growth

1.3.1 Introduction

An overview of some key areas in the physical properties of fats and oils
(triacylglycerols / TAG) are presented in brief, and where appropriate additional
explanation is provided.

Within edible oils and fats, the subject of crystallisation is usually discussed in the context
of two kinds of nucleation:

Homogenous nucleation - No impurities are present in the liquid oil

(Martini, Awad, & Marangoni, 2006).

Heterogeneous nucleation - Nucleation is induced at a higher temperature

than that expected for pure oil due to impurities, dust, vessel surface, air
bubbles, interface of the emulsion droplets, monoglyceride reverse micelles
(Himawan, Starov, & Stapley, 2006; Martini et al., 2006).

Once stable nuclei have formed, these grow into crystals by incorporating
molecules in the interface from the melted oil. So that as crystallisation continues,
the degree of super-saturation in the system decreases (Timms, 1985).

Once a fat has crystallised, the individual crystals may aggregate to form a three
dimensional network which traps liquid oil through capillary forces. With time,
crystals transform into more stable state, depending on the chemical composition
of the fat and environmental conditions. The rate of crystal growth is proportional
to the degree of supercooling and inversely proportional to the viscosity of the
melt (Hartel, 2001; Timms, 2007).

During crystal growth, heat is released. Rapid cooling of the melted oil leads to the
simultaneous formation of many nuclei which grow into small crystals. Slow
cooling leads to a smaller amount of nuclei which have time to grow into larger
crystals (Himawan et al., 2006).

1.3.2 Polymorphism and its Identification

X-ray diffraction is commonly used to ascertain the identity of polymorphs (where

a solid material is able to exist in more than one form or crystal structure). For
each polymorph to produce a different X-ray pattern there must be a fundamental
difference in structure. In Triacylglycerol, crystallisation characteristic is due to
the packing arrangement of the hydrocarbon chains. Polymorphism of most fats is
dependent on the planes of the fatty acid chains within a crystal arrangement.
There are three main basic forms: α, β’ and β (Kristott, 1999; Timms, 1984).

Fat (triacylglycerol) crystal configuration can be viewed as being like a stacked

chair in double or triple layers. X-ray crystallography can measure the spacing
across this arrangement to determine its d-spacing (double or triple long spacing).
The angle of molecular tilt determines if the polymorph is double or triple long
spacing (LS). This is indicated by including -2 or -3 to the basic structure. These
are schematically shown in Figure 1.3.1, where (a) shows β’ fats normally used in
the margarine industry, and (b) shows β for cocoa butter.

Figure 1.3.1 A schematic of triacylglycerol arrangement in the β'-2, and β-3 form.
LS is the long spacing, t is the angle of tilt of the triglyceride configuration
(adapted from Timms, 1984).

The angle of tilt, t, will depend on the LS value such that larger LS values result in
smaller angles of tilt and vice versa.

The short spacings, shown schematically in Figure 1.3.2, represent distance

between the fatty acid chains, and these can accurately be measured by X-ray
crystallography. The typical values of the short spacings of the three crystal types
are: α - 4.15Å, β’ – 3.8Å and 4.2Å, and β - 4.6Å.

α, β’ and β crystals (Hoerr, 1960) can be formed directly from the melt, or α to β’
to β, but this is not reversible. Although any polymorph can be returned to the
liquid phase by raising the temperature above its melting point, polymorphic
transformations are irreversible, where β cannot transform back to β’ and β’ cannot
revert back to α (Sato, 1989).


Figure 1.3.2 Fatty acid units showing the short spacing between the individual fat
units (source: Young & Wassell, 2008)

Measurement of short spacing between the fatty acids enables quantification of the
type and ratio of the fat crystal forms in a given blend. A number of analytical
techniques have established that margarines and spreads are preferred when the
crystal polymorph is in the β’crystal form, because this form imparts desirable
textural qualities (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a).

The influence of processing however can have dramatic impact on crystallisation
kinetics. Palm oil is probably the most widely used of vegetable oils. It is naturally
β’ tending, largely because of its diverse fatty acid profile and particularly high
content of palmitic acid (Berger & Idris, 2005). However, if processed incorrectly,
these benefits are lost, and because palm oil also contains unusually high content
of diglycerides ~ 6 to 7 %, the diglycerides have anti-crystallisation properties that
can influence crystal kinetics (Siew, 2002).

The different crystal types, α, β’ and β each have their own configurations, shown
in Figure 1.3.3., (Hernqvist, 1988), and it is well known that fat crystals with
similar chain lengths, e.g. hydrogenated sunflower oils, transform more quickly
from the β’ to β form (Yap, deMan, & deMan, 1989).

α (H)

β’ (Ο⊥) b

β (Τ ) b

c b c
a a b

Figure 1.3.3 The three projections of α, β’, and β crystal forms (Source:
Hernqvist, 1988).

As the crystal form changes, the texture likewise changes. This typically takes
place under storage, with the usual transition being from β’ to β. During this
transition crystal size increases dramatically, from ~3-5 microns to ~100 microns
respectively, and likewise melting point. The result is that the margarine now
infers a sandy / gritty mouth feel (Kristott, 1999).

The crystals in margarine, spreads and shortenings are bound together by a

network of crystal-to-crystal contact bindings. The functionality of the semi-solid
margarine, termed plastic fat, is influenced by the ratio of liquids to solids in the
lipid phase, and the crystal packing arrangement developed during processing
(Timms, 1991). Control of crystal form, size, and shape must be balanced with
careful blend selection, and are critical for final application in bakery products.
Often these inter-crystal associations are classified as primary (irreversible) and
secondary (reversible) bindings, which can be reliably measured using creep –
recovery techniques (Marangoni, 2005).

1.3.3 Supercooling

Crystallisation can take place once a liquid phase is cooled below its melting point.
This is due to activation energy (ΔG*), which must be overcome before the
transition from liquid to solid (Figure 1.3.4). Crystallisation of a single species of
TAG molecules requires lowering the temperature of the melted fat below its
melting point. The degree of sub-cooling, known as ΔT, is simply the difference
between the melting point and the actual temperature. The lower the temperature,
the higher the driving force for crystallisation.

The degree of supercooling depends on the chemical structure of the oil,

contaminants and cooling rate.

Pure oils can be supercooled by more than 10°C, before any crystallisation is




Figure 1.3.4 Diagram of the energy barrier to crystallisation (Source:

McClements, 1999)

Table 1.3.1 The influence of supercooling on the solubility and radius of
triglyceride crystals.

(µ) (Å)

10 100,000 0.004 1.001

1 10,000 0.036 1.007

0.1 1,000 0.36 1.1

0.01 100 3.6 2.1

0.001 10 7.2 1380

Data for Table 1.3.1 is supplied from Dr. Ralph Timms (Danisco AS, lecture, 2003
& 2004).

Table 1.3.1 shows that small crystals have an enormously increased solubility and
require a lot of supercooling to cause expanded crystallisation. It can be seen that
at a radius <10Å the degree of supercooling required would be very large. Hence
spontaneous or homogeneous nucleation rarely, if ever, occurs.

1.3.4 Post-Crystallisation

Fat hardness increases during post-crystallisation and Figure 1.3.5 shows a process
described as “sintering”, according to the following sequence:
A. Nucleation
B. Crystal growth
C. Solid bridge formation
D. Flocculation of small nuclei between fat crystals
(Johansson & Bergenstahl, 1995).

Some mechanisms of post-crystallisation are:

Ostwald ripening
– Large-size particles grow at the expense of small-size particles
– Driving force: excess interfacial energy for small-size particles
Polymorphic crystallisation and transformation
– More stable forms crystallise at later stage
– More stable forms grow at the expense of less stable forms

Figure 1.3.5 Schematic stages of sintering (Source: Johansson & Bergenstahl, 1995)

1.3.5 Technical Impact of Process Conditions on Post-Crystallisation

The control of post-crystallisation is important, especially for fat containing

products such as W/O emulsions, which are directly influenced by the selected
processing conditions. One noticeable impact of cooling and shear, seen during
manufacture is the thermal response behaviour of the product. If sub-optimal
crystallisation occurs, this often results in hardening (post-crystallisation), and it
may have technical consequences for its ability to achieve any subsequent
performance e.g. aeration capacity and plasticity, as in the case of margarines and
shortenings (Wassell & Young, 2007).

The texture of reduced fat spread products can be critical, especially where
reduction of fat in very low fat spread products leads to loss of texture due to
“uncontrolled” post-crystal growth (Sato, 2001). Again, cooling and agitation
(Bell, Gordon, Jirasubkunakorn, & Smith, 2007) in the production process may
influence product quality as shown in Figure 1.3.6. This effect could be
experienced by the end-user noticing textural issues such as graininess.



Figure 1.3.6 Effect of cooling and agitation on crystal growth. One scale unit =
100 microns. (Image supplied courtesy of Danisco / DuPont in their Technical
Paper: Fat Crystallography – a Review. TP1504-2e)

1.3.6 Palm Oil

The effect of switching to trans free fat blends, has usually meant working with
palm oil products. Palm oil is not the subject of this thesis, but it is considered
necessary to acknowledge its use within the edible oils and fats industry and
thereby provide some general back ground to it (Basiron, 2005). Palm oil is
inherently β’ tending and has a natural semisolid consistency, useful to margarine

In tackling the issue of reducing trans saturates, palm oil offers a natural solution.
It does not necessarily require a hydrogenation step, which can lead to formation
of (dependant on degree of hydrogenation) trans isomers (Wassell & Young,
2007). The whole palm oil naturally contains significant amounts of saturates
(Wassell et al., 2010a).

Palm is probably the most important oil in terms of fractionation because of its
unique fat profile (Sahasranamam, 2005) which can be broken down into
individual fractions and will naturally and obviously, become more or less
saturated (Timms, 2007). The degree of unsaturation of the palm oil (fractions),
can present crystallisation issues due to their inherent diacylglyceride (DAG)
content (Siew, 2002; Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a). The presence
of DAG slows the crystallisation process and changes the melting behaviour (Siew
& Ng, 1990; Siew, 2002). Slowing of the crystallisation process leads to post-
hardening during storage of palm-based margarines (Wassell & Young, 2007). By
gaining control over the DAG content of palm oil, Kristensen and Wassell (2006)
showed that not only control, but also improvement over the crystallisation rate
was possible (Kristensen, Wassell, Mikkelsen, & Søe, 2005).

Control of the crystallisation rate can be altered by either varying the degree of
cooling, type of additive and its concentration, or by manipulating the DAG
content (Wassell & Young, 2007). The selection and concentration of emulsifier to
enhance crystallisation kinetics has been reviewed extensively (Smith, Bhaggan,
Talbot, & van Malssen, 2011; Wassell & Young, 2007).

1.4 Literature Review

1.4.1 Introduction and Background

The issue of trans fatty acid (TFA) replacement has been the subject of much
discussion and debate within the food industry (Wassell & Young, 2007) as well
as in the clinical field for health reasons (FSA, 2008). Now, there is even stronger
focus on reducing total saturated fatty acid contents (Beaglehole et al., 2011;
Bradley, 2012; Gortmaker et al., 2011; Micha & Mozaffarian, 2010; Mozaffarian
et al., 2010; NICE, 2010; Siri-Tarino et al., 2010; Yamagishi et al., 2010;
Swinburn et al., 2011; van Camp, Hooker, & Lin, 2012; Vesper, Kuiper, Mirel,
Johnson, & Pirkle, 2012; Wang, Y.C. et al., 2011; WHO, 2011; Winwood, 2011).
Currently, some governments are considering its taxation to control its presence in
foods (Lucas & Rappeport, 2012). However, reformulating is often expensive and
not simple, because consumers expect particular textural properties in a given food
product. Texture

The aroma, texture and mouth sensations experienced when consuming foods are
strongly dependent on their fat content and can eventually shape dietary choices in
the long term (Drewnowski, Shrager, Lipsky, Stellar, & Greenwood, 1989;
Drewnowski & Almiron-Roig, 2009). Thus, the idea of reformulating familiar
foods which historically contained significant amounts of fats and oils (and usually
contain significant levels of saturated fat) into lower fat versions, is challenging
not only technologically (Pothiraj, Zuñiga, Simonin, Chevallier, & Le-Bail, 2012),
but also from a consumer acceptance point of view. Research into consumer
perceptions of a new food product, is often compared to memorized experience
from a similar consumed food. Consumers may tend to conclude their decisions on
the basis of their memory of a food, and not on the basis of their actual perceptions
(Mojet & Koster, 2005; Wassell et al., 2010a).

25 Health

It is reported that the consumption of TFA’s may raise low-density lipoprotein

(LDL) cholesterol levels, and lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
levels, thus contributing to atherosclerosis and an increased risk of apoplexy
(Wassell et al., 2010a). However, there is still debate as to the relevance of the
intake of TFA from naturally occurring ruminant sources (Willett & Mozaffarian,
2008) and of the importance of saturated fats. McNeill (2009) clearly showed that
despite a large body of epidemiological data being generated over the last two
decades in respect of their adverse effects, there are also apparently certain
important positive effects. Thus the effects of saturated fats on cardiovascular
disease are complex. Legislation

Legislation, and literature (WHO, 2011; Wassell et al., 2010a) state that trans fatty
acids should be removed from food, but current research (Stender, Astrup, &
Dyerberg, 2009) suggests that this is insufficient in terms of creating healthy
foods. Removal of, or at least drastic reduction of, not only trans containing fats,
but all saturated fats is also required (Beaglehole et al., 2011; Bradley, 2012;
Gortmaker et al., 2011; Micha & Mozaffarian, 2010; Mozaffarian et al., 2010;
NICE 2010; Siri-Tarino et al., 2010; Yamagishi et al., 2010; Swinburn et al., 2011;
van Camp et al., 2012; Vesper et al., 2012; WHO, 2011; Wassell & Young, 2007;
Wassell et al., 2010a).

Realising the legislative requirements of governments, and consumer expectations

for the food industry, is a tremendous challenge (Wassell et al., 2010a). Achieving
the balance of adequate structure in fat based food systems whilst lowering the
total saturated fatty acid content is a major objective of the food ingredient
industry which remains elusive. For well over a decade the issue of trans fatty acid

removal from bulk fat based systems has been the main focus of research in this
field (Wassell & Young, 2007), and in some countries remains so (Wassell et al.,
2010a), e.g. Brazil and USA. However, the predominant global attention is on
reducing total saturated fats, which of course includes trans fats (Wassell &
Young, 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a). That said, while the problem is global; for
some cases in emerging economies, the degree of importance placed on providing
food products with lower trans and saturated fats has taken lower priority (Wassell
et al., 2010a). Interim Conclusion

Whilst there is general agreement that total fat levels should be reduced, there is
disagreement as to the best route (Wassell et al., 2010a). Talbot, Favre, and
ThÖrig (2007), advocate the use of saturated fats preferably from natural sources
(Wassell et al., 2010a). Marangoni (2007) suggests that the use of saturated fat in
the absence of trans fats is not a solution.

The dramatic switch to palm oil products and away from high trans containing oils
created challenges for food producers to satisfy nutritional demands, and still
deliver acceptable functional performance (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al.,

A review article entitled: Food applications of trans fatty acid substitutes (Wassell
& Young, 2007), assessed the increasing pressure to remove trans fatty acids from
food products. Further, it reviewed how practical applications of trans-free
solutions could be successfully implemented and suggested this might be achieved
via multiple routes (Wassell & Young, 2007).

When pulled together using a multidisciplinary approach several areas are thought
to demand further study. As a consequence, following on from Wassell & Young
(2007) a review to study the current state of the art was continued and identified
important areas for consideration: Raw materials, reducing total saturates;
crystallisation kinetics and interfacial behaviour (Wassell et al., 2010a). These are
discussed next.

1.4.2 Raw Materials

As TAGs are responsible for the network structure in traditional systems, it is

difficult to entirely remove saturated fats without compromising some sensory and
physical characteristics. Modified hard stocks composed largely of saturated fatty
acids, contain significant amounts of trans isomers (Kodali, 2005; Flöter & van
Duijn, 2006; Podmore, 2008; Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a). As a
natural, semi-solid product that requires little or no modification, palm oil
currently continues to dominate. However, as explained earlier (,
nutritionists and health experts exert increasing demands to achieve a lower degree
of total saturates (FSA 2008).

Modification techniques and uncomplicated selection of alternative oils, for

example, rice bran oil, allanblackia (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al.,
2010a), have demonstrated the possibility of minimising and controlling the trans ⁄
saturated content of oil blends and of successfully formulating alternative
hardstocks (Wassell et al., 2010a). Consequently, edible oil processors continue to
explore more exotic and novel sources. Others have explored providing structure
without TAGs (Bot, Veldhuizen, del Adel, & Roijers, 2009; Hughes, Marangoni,
Wright, Rogers, & Rush, 2009; Rogers, 2009; Halliday, 2011; Wassell et al.,

1.4.3 Reducing Total Saturates (Emulsions)

The initiatives to either phase out or to reduce trans fatty acids, have not entirely
addressed the issue of total saturates; nor have they entirely addressed the debate
over inclusion of fully hydrogenated oil and fats (van Duijn, Dumelin, &
Trautwein, 2006), which are trans-free (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al.,

In terms of water-oil emulsions and dispersions, several methods to successfully

produce margarines and anhydrous shortenings with acceptable structure and

texture were reviewed and all were TAG based solutions (Wassell & Young,
2007). Currently, the literature acknowledges the necessity to couple traditional
TAG based solutions with novel materials, because it is unlikely that one novel
structurant could satisfy all requirements. An example might be to use a novel
lipid based mixture in a TAG-based dispersion or W/O emulsion, a more realistic
approach (Johansson, Bergenståhl, & Lundgren, 1995; Rousseau & Hodge, 2005;
Wassell et al., 2010a). Whichever route is adopted, this would have implications
on either crystallisation behavior or emulsification, or both.

1.4.4 Crystal Kinetics and Interfacial Behaviour

The effect of switching to alternative raw materials for TAG based systems (with
or without aqueous phase), and reducing total saturates, will likely influence
kinetic behaviour and eventually textural properties. This could be more prevalent
in those retail products to which consumers are accustomed. It is likely that
synergies obtained through several disciplines, coupled with an understanding of
the thermodynamic mechanical properties and critical design of real systems, play
a vital influence (Wassell et al., 2010a).

Technology, using long-chain hydrophobic surfactants (Sucrose behenic esters and

polyglycerol behenic esters) are known to influence crystallisation kinetics
(Sakamoto et al., 2003; 2004). Using this technology, reviews of previous studies
have shown several strategies for improving both crystallisation and
emulsification, which might transpose to low saturated food formula (Wassell et
al., 2010a; Arima, Ueji, Ueno, Ogawa, & Sato, 2007; Awad & Sato, 2001; 2002;
Fujiwara, Nagahisa, Yano, Ueno, & Sato, 2000; Sakamoto et al., 2003). One
practical approach e.g. inclusion of an aqueous phase, automatically reduces the
total fat content, so that incorporation of a significantly larger water phase could
utilise W/O low fat emulsion technology (Garti & Remon, 1984; Goubran & Garti,
1988; Rousseau 2000; Wassell & Young, 2007).

For low TAG W/O, it is usual to soften the TAG continuous phase, which
automatically results in less saturation. However, this results in less solid TAG
content, hence reduced steric stabilisation of the internal (aqueous) phase (Krog,
1990), from a three dimensional network of crystal aggregates. As a consequence,
there is potential compromise of the particle attachment to the water-in-oil
interface which is essential to Pickering stabilisation (Johansson et al., 1995;
Ghosh, Tran, & Rousseau, 2011; Pickering 1907). To compensate, aid from a
surface active material that could possibly fulfil both crystallisation and
emulsification tasks is likely needed. This situation may be strongly linked to the
rate of fat crystallisation in the TAG phase as well as on the amount and form of
fat crystals formed. Variations in temperature and/or shear rate may also be
important (Johansson et al., 1995).

1.4.5 Conclusion

A review of TAG based materials, crystal kinetics and interfacial behaviour shows
that whilst low fat emulsion technology is not new, the use of one or several novel
applications of long-chain behenic based emulsifiers to low or reduced TAG based
W/O emulsions is not found in the literature (Wassell & Young, 2007). Stabilising
W/O emulsion structures at lower TAG levels, using these alternate strategies,
required more investigation.

To support this, pilot studies were conducted. First, the use of MAG / TAG
mixtures for enhancing crystallisation rates in several anhydrous dispersions.
Second, an investigation of the effect of diversified fatty acid mixtures of MAG in
the presence of an aqueous interface (shown in 1.5).

1.5 A Pilot Study – Preliminary Investigations for Enhancing Crystallisation
of Anhydrous TAG Dispersions and W/O Emulsions

1.5.1 Introduction and Background

Several aspects of crystallisation have been considered previously (1.3 and 1.4).
There is no intention to repeat the theory of crystallisation and nucleation in lipid
based systems as this has been presented and discussed by others (Garti & Sato,
2001; Himawan et al., 2006; Povey, 2001; Timms, 1984; 1985; Wassell & Young,

For practical reasons, it was thought necessary to provide supporting data from
preliminary investigations to show the effects of MAG / TAG additives on the
behaviour of anhydrous continuous model systems. These considerations provide
additional comprehensive background to support this thesis, but which is not
specifically detailed in publicly available literature.

A review of food applications of trans fatty acid substitutes, highlighted a trend to

switch away from high trans containing fat blends to lower or “zero” (1% max) fat
blends. A global move to TAGs containing non-trans, has brought other technical
challenges. For example, palm oil products containing DAG are known to interfere
with crystallisation kinetics (Wassell & Young, 2007).

The literature review (1.4) identified that long-chain emulsifiers are thought to be
potentially important. A pilot study was conducted on the use of a MAG based on

The following are pilot study results and data from investigations into
crystallisation behaviour of anhydrous dispersions together with available MAG
and TAG materials.

31 Materials and Methods

It is known that a saturated monoglyceride, preferably of low iodine value (IV) of

approx IV<10 can assist crystallisation (Bech, Wassell, & Hornholt, 2008). A
distilled monoglyceride, known as DIMODAN HP (based on fully hydrogenated
C16:0, palm), is one such monoglyceride (IV = 2). A second distilled
monodiglyceride, rich in C22:0 was compared in order to observe its pro-
crystalliser properties. DIMODAN MB-90 (based on fully hydrogenated C22:0
rape), was compared with DIMODAN HP in standard refined bleached and
deodorised (RBD) palm oil at several concentrations.

DIMODAN HP and DIMODAN MB-90 (currently known as GRINDSTED®

CRYSTALLIZER 110), were supplied by Danisco / DuPont, Grindsted, Denmark.

Arbitrary concentrations were used simply to observe effect and achieve proof of
concept. It was not to focus on prohibitive commercial or legal issues on the use of
a behenic based emulsifier. Samples were assembled and tested as follows:

Std RBD Palm oil

Palm Oil + 1% DIMODAN® HP
Palm Oil + 2% DIMODAN® HP
Palm Oil + 3% DIMODAN® HP
Palm Oil + 1% DIMODAN® MB-90
Palm Oil + 2% DIMODAN® MB-90
Palm Oil + 3% DIMODAN® MB-90
A series of crystallisation curves were made and quantified using Bruker pNMR as
a measure of SFC% over time. Samples were melted in a water bath at 90°C for 1
hour and then measured after each consecutive 1 minute interval from a water bath
at 20°C (ambient) for 20 minutes. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was
used to examine thermal behaviour on cooling.

32 Results - Crystallisation of RBD Palm Oil and Commercial Hard and
Soft Anhydrous Fat Blends

Based on Figure 1.5.1 it is possible to see that adding DIMODAN HP (HP) and
DIMODAN MB-90 (MB-90) impacts on solid fat content of palm oil. The solid
fat content was increased. Examination of Figure 1.5.2 shows this more clearly. A
plateau occurs at 3-5 minutes, as emulsifier concentration was increased, this
resulted in a direct relative influence on SFC%.
1% MB-90 showed increased performance compared to 1% HP. Nucleation onset
was most significant from time zero.
As crystallisation continued, a concentration above 1% of either HP or MB-90
showed similar performance compared to 1% MB-90. This suggested from this
test, no clear advantage with addition of MB-90 beyond 1% in RBD palm oil.


15 palm oil
1% Dim HP
10 2% Dim HP

3% Dim HP

5 1% Dim MB90
2% Dim MB90
3% Dim MB90
0 5 10 15 20

Time (min.)

Figure 1.5.1 SFC curves to 20min


Crystallisation palm oil
onset. 1% Dim HP
10 2% Dim HP

3% Dim HP
5 1% Dim MB90
2% Dim MB90
3% Dim MB90
0 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
Time (min.)

Figure 1.5.2 SFC curves to 10min

Further trials using two commercial fat blends, a hard (H) and soft (S) fat blend
were conducted. Their fatty acid compositions are shown in Table 1.5.1. The rate
of crystallisation results are shown in Figures 1.5.3 and 1.5.4. DSC results are
shown in Table 1.5.2, where data is based on the crystallisation onset starting

Table 1.5.1 Fatty acid profiles of two palm based fat blends.

Fatty Acid (%) Profile Hard blend (H) Soft blend (S)
C8:0 0.2 <0.1
C10:0 0.2 <0.1
C12:0 2.6 0.3
C14:0 1.7 0.7
C15:0 0.1 0.1
C16:0 40.9 28.7
C16:1 0.1 0.3
C17:0 0.2 0.2
C18:0 4.6 3.5
C18:1 33.4 44.3
C18:2 10.4 13.8
C18:3 3.4 5.2
C20:0 0.4 0.5
C20:1 0.5 0.8
C20: unclassified 0.2 0.3
C22:0 0.2 0.3
C24:0 0.1 0.1
Total 99.32 99.12


Hard blend
30 1% Dimodan HP (H)

2% Dimodan HP (H)
3% Dimodan HP (H)

1% Dimodan MB90 (H)

2% Dimodan MB90 (H)

3% Dimodan MB90 (H)


Soft blend

1% Dimodan HP (S)
2% Dimodan HP (S)

3% Dimodan HP (S)
1% Dimodan MB90 (S)

2% Dimodan MB90 (S)

0 5 10 15 20 3% Dimodan MB90 (S)

Time (min. at 20°C)

Figure 1.5.3 SFC curves at 20min


Hard Blend
1% Dimodan HP (H)

2% Dimodan HP (H)
3% Dimodan HP (H)

1% Dimodan MB90 (H)

2% Dimodan MB90 (H)

3% Dimodan MB90 (H)


Soft Blend

1% Dimodan HP (S)
2% Dimodan HP (S)

3% Dimodan HP (S)
1% Dimodan MB90 (S)

2% Dimodan MB90 (S)

0 2 4 6 8 10 3% Dimodan MB90 (S)

Time (min. at 20°C)

Figure 1.5.4 SFC curves at 10min

Rate of Crystallisation:

Hard Blend (H): From Figure 1.5.3 it is difficult to say which and/or if the
emulsifiers promoted any effect. However, in Figure 1.5.4, it can be seen that
between 4 and 8 minute, MB-90 curves are above the pure H, whereas HP curves
are below. So, it seems that MB-90 presented a greater and more pronounced
effect than HP.

Soft Blend (S): It is much easier to see the emulsifier effect on S than H. Both
emulsifiers (all concentrations) presented higher SFC% than S. Figure 1.5.4 shows
that at 4 to 8 minutes, all emulsifier curves are above S and MB-90 is above HP.


Table 1.5.2 DSC data to show the start of crystallisation onset.

Crystallisation onset starting point (~°C) #

Hard (H) Soft (S)
Pure Fat 24.6 18.7
HP MB-90 HP MB-90
1% 25.4 35.0 22.9 38.2
2% 29.2 45.0 32.7 47.6
3% 34.5 50.7 51.1 54.6
Data extracted from DSC corresponds to average of first peak “Right Limit”.

Hard Blend (H): The tabulated DSC data shown in Table 1.5.2, shows that H
starts crystallisation onset at ~24.6°C. With the addition of 1% HP, there was little
emulsifier effect noted. This suggests that DSC of pure H and H+1% HP are
similar. Increasing to 2% HP, it was possible to see some effect, where the
crystallisation onset started at a higher temperature (~29.2°C). Whereas, increasing
to 3% HP significantly enhanced the crystallisation onset, which then started at

In comparison, Table 1.5.2 shows that adding 1% MB-90 to blend H, had a similar
effect to that of adding 3% HP. The addition of 2% MB-90 significantly increased
the crystallisation onset to ~45.0°C. Increasing the MB-90 to 3%, raised onset to

Soft Blend (S): The DSC data (Table 1.5.2) revealed that S started crystallisation
onset at ~18.7°C. The inclusion of 1% HP had a small effect, increasing the
crystallisation onset to 22.9°C. The addition of 2% HP and 3% HP increased the
effect further, so that crystallisation onset began at ~32.7°C and ~51.1°C

In comparison, the addition of 1% MB-90 to S, increased onset to ~38.2°C. This is
significantly more functional, than the addition of 2% HP. At 2% MB-90,
crystallisation onset started at ~47.6°C, almost 10°C higher than with 1% MB-90.
Increasing to 3% MB-90, led to crystallisation onset at ~54.6°C, which is only
slightly greater than the effect of 3% HP.

These results showed both HP and MB-90 had the most impact on the
crystallisation onset temperature in the soft (S) fat blend.

In the soft fat blend (S), the comparative effect of MB-90 to HP was greater at
lower concentrations (1-2%), but when the concentration was increased to 3%,
MB-90 showed only a small advantage.

Comparing the two emulsifiers, it was shown that MB-90 had a greater effect than
HP in both fat blends.

To show the relative increase of the hard (H) and soft (S) blends (Table 1.5.1)
compared to RBD Palm oil, the rate of crystallisation of the three pure fats are
plotted together in Figure 1.5.5 which shows their relative SFC% increase over

Figure 1.5.5 Relative increase in SFC% of RBD Palm Oil, Hard and Soft blends

38 Interim Conclusions of Pilot Study on Crystallisation

The results showed that MB-90 tends to increase both SFC and crystallisation
onset compared to HP. The influence of both these distilled monoglycerides
seemed dependent on both the concentration and the chain length of the fatty

Based on this conclusion and independent findings (Appendix A), an extensive

second pilot study was conducted (Appendix B, C, D). Twelve emulsifier
combinations ((using Monoglyceride (MAG) and/or Triglycerides (TAG)), were
tested and applied into commercially available fat blends. Due to the difficulty of
unlimited combinations of possible oil blend formulations, this supplementary
study was limited to typical commercial fat blends, which were arbitrarily selected
to observe the effect of the MAG/TAG mixtures on the crystallisation onset of
industrial “hard” fat blends (relatively harder to RBD Palm oil) and a soft fat blend
(typical for retail spreads) relatively softer than RBD Palm oil.

Overall, there was a positive effect on the selected fat blends, when a MAG rich in
C22:0 was included. This promoted a higher rate of crystallisation and earlier
onset than other tested MAG / TAG mixtures. In this work it was generally
concluded that the harder the fat blend, the greater the influence of the
monoglyceride performance when compared to triglyceride. Whereas, for the
softer TAG based blend, when C22:0 rich MAG (MB-90) and HLEAR (fully
hardened low erucic acid rapeseed oil) were combined 1:1, this resulted in equal
affect compared to a single C22:0 based MAG.

The measurement of the nucleation and crystal growth rates of MAG in TAGs is
not precise (Himawan et al., 2006). However, this is partially solved by the
determination of overall crystallisation kinetics and the use of models such as the
Avrami equation, which is not considered central to this investigation, because in a
number of industrial applications fat crystallisation occurs in dispersions
(emulsions). MAGs have been found to accelerate not only the onset of
crystallisation of various fats under agitation, but also in the presence of water
(Chrysan, 2005; Himawan et al., 2006). Since retail fat blends tend to be a softer
(less saturation) continuous phase together with a secure internal aqueous phase,
this has implications not only for crystallisation but also emulsification, especially
where C22:0 rich MAGs are present. This was explored next.

1.5.2 Interface and Diversity: Effect of Fatty Acids on W/O Emulsions Introduction and Background

Real food systems are normally emulsions and inherently have interfaces which
are most often stabilised by the assistance of emulsifiers (Krog, 1975; 2001). As
already described (1.2.7), emulsifiers concentrate at the surface, either creating
interfacial film or strongly influencing other material at or close to the interface.
They thereby act as a mechanical barrier between two immiscible liquids,
preventing flocculation or coalescence (Krog, 1977).

The stability and rheological properties of emulsions are largely determined by the
size of the dispersed droplets and how they interact with each other. The degree of
particle-particle interactions is mainly dependent on the structure and composition
of the interfacial film which may consist of adsorbed layer of proteins and/or
emulsifiers as in the case of a W/O interface (Johansson et al., 1995; Krog, 1990;
Krog & Larson, 1992; Krog & Sparsø, 2003).

Usually distilled monoglycerides (E471) are used for margarine and spread
production. A distilled monglyceride composition is related to the fat source from
which it is made (1.4). Depending on the fatty acid residue of the distilled
monoglyceride, the interfacial film can have different rigidity or visco-elastic
behaviour (Krog & Sparsø, 2003; Rousseau, 2000). The type of film affects not
only stability of the emulsion during formation but also stability of the final
product during shelf life and consumption (spreading, eating properties).

A surface monolayer of unsaturated monoglycerides forms a loose packed film

because the fatty acid double bonds hinder close packing. Saturated
monoglycerides form more close packed monolayers resulting in rigidity due to

strong van der Waals attraction forces between the hydrocarbon chains (Krog,
1997). Emulsifiers in adsorbed monolayers can act as templates for the surface
crystallisation of triglycerides. Further, emulsifiers which contain saturated
hydrocarbon chains are known to be effective initiators of fat crystallisation,
whereas those with unsaturated chains are less effective (Euston, 2008; Wassell &
Young, 2007).

It should be noted that the standard hydrophilic - lipophilic balance (HLB) was not
used in this pilot study because the mixing complex properties of several
emulsifiers is removed from individual emulsifiers and is therefore an unreliable
guide for emulsion stability (Boyd, Parkinson, & Sherman, 1972). Further,
Bergenståhl (2008), says the HLB values do not include the important
crystallisation properties of monoglycerides; fatty acid composition is more
important (Keogh, 2006). Reduced TAG W/O Emulsion

In the context of reduced or low TAG W/O emulsions, the degree of saturation /
unsaturation of the fatty acids have a direct bearing on the technical influence of
the emulsifier (Chrysan, 2005). Compared to lower TAG contents, it is known
(Garti & Remon, 1984) that a distilled highly saturated fatty acid based MAG e.g.
(IV 2), is more suitable for full-fat margarine. Whereas for low TAG spreads, a
distilled TAG with more unsaturation (>IV 40) has a theoretically more flexible
film (interface) because of the loosely packed monolayers, stabilising the emulsion
and final product when spread. However, this is not always correct and can only be
used as a rough guideline.

The surface viscosity of interfacial films is an important factor for emulsion

stability. This is likely to be more critical with lower TAG contents, because high
interfacial film viscosity may have implications to corresponding resistance to film
rupture during shear and increase emulsion stability towards droplet coalescence
(Rousseau, Ghosh, & Park, 2009).

The effect of emulsifiers on interfacial tension between oil and water is highly
influenced by temperature (Krog, 1990). It is also known that the actual
composition of the emulsion droplet surface is the key denominator of most
surface interactions (Bergenståhl, 2008). There appears to be no information or
practical examples reported in the literature about a wide distribution of MAG
fatty acid chain compositions to aid stability. The effect at the interface of
temperature and fatty acid diversity is shown in Figure 1.5.6, where four
preparations are made and held at three temperature regimes. It is easy to observe
how, depending on the selected temperature and degree of saturation, there is a
tendency for mono-crystal formations to occur towards the bulk oil or towards the
aqueous phases. Subsequently, as part of this pilot study, this was explored next.

At 5°C At 20°C At 40°C

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 = no emulsifier, 2 = cis-unsaturated MAG., 3 = trans-unsaturated MAG., 4 = saturated MAG

Figure 1.5.6 The effect of temperature and fatty acid diversity at the interface: a
preparation of water-soybean oil (1:1) with or without 4% emulsifier (E471) in the
oil phase is observed at three temperatures 5°C, 20°C & 40°C (Image supplied
courtesy of Danisco A/S., 2003) Materials and Methods

Several commercially available distilled monoglycerides were tested in W/O

reduced 50% TAG emulsions. The emulsifiers tested (from DuPont, formally
Danisco A/S, Denmark) are shown in Table 1.5.3 and show distilled
monoglycerides based on partially hardened rapeseed oil, partially hardened

soybean oil, palm oil, sunflower oil and fully hardened palm oil. The last column
shows a fatty acid composition of two emulsifiers: Fully hardened Palm
(DIMODAN® HP) and Sunflower (DIMODAN® U/J) in a ratio of 1:1 This
mixture or ratio, results in a more diverse fatty acid composition, which
hypothetically may lead to additional emulsifying properties (Bergenståhl 2008).

Table 1.5.3 Commercial distilled monoglycerides and their prevalent fatty acids
(*approx. 50% trans fatty acids)



Partially Partially Fully

Source oil hardened hardened Sunflower Palm Sunflower Fully Hardened
Rapeseed Soybean hardened
Fatty acids oil oil /palm oils Palm /
palm oil
(%) residue

C14:0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 1 0.5

C16:0 6 11 7 44 22 55 31
C18:0 14 8 5 5 4 43 24
C18:1 (cis+trans) 75 76 28 39 30 0.1 14
C18:2 2 3 58 10 43 0.2 29
C18:3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1
C20:0 and longer 3 1 1 0.2 0.9 0.7 0.6
C18 total 91.3 87.3 91.1 54.3 81.1 43.3 67.1
Saturated total 23 20 12 49 26 100 56
IV (approx.) 60 60 105 45 80 2 54

Application trials were performed on reduced fat 50% spreads with milk proteins,
using an abnormal (hard) fat blend under typical scraped surface pilot plant
processing conditions (refer to General Materials and Methods 2.0). The
formulation used, is described in Table 1.5.4 to test the following: a) Milk proteins
against monoglycerides, destabilising emulsion during production; b) high water

content giving risk of emulsion inversion during production; c) hard fat blend,
crystals of which can cause water separation (coalescence) when spread (worked).

Samples were assessed using a simple cardboard test; an abuse test, by spreading
back and forth across the cardboard surface and then subjectively gauging the
degree of separation of the emulsion.

Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) using pNMR, is a more qualitative examination

of emulsion behaviour, in terms of its average droplet size (refer to General
Materials and Methods 2.0).

Table 1.5.4 Formula of 50% reduced fat W/O emulsions and details of the major
fatty acids (SMP = skimmed milk powder).

Trial no. 1 2 3 4 5
Water 48 48 48 48 48
Salt 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
SMP 1 1 1 1 1
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Coconut oil (fully hardened) 15 15 15 15 15
RBD liquid Rapeseed oil 15 15 15 15 15
Soya 41°C 50 50 50 50 50
RBD Palm oil 20 20 20 20 20
FAT total 49.8 50 50 50 50
DIMODAN® HP (C16:0+C18:0) 0.4 0.2
DIMODAN® S-T (C18:1+C16:0) 0.4
DIMODAN® UP (C18:2+C18:1+C16:0) 0.4
DIMODAN® U/J (C18:2+C18:1) 0.4 0.2
Lecithin 0.2
PPM ß-carotene 6 6 6 6 6
Butter Flavouring 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Results and Evaluation test

A simple evaluation test was carried out by “abuse” test on cardboard with
stainless steel knife moving the prepared emulsion back and forth over the surface
of the cardboard as shown in Figure 1.5.7

Figure 1.5.7 Image of cardboard evaluation test by spreading (Image supplied
courtesy of Danisco A/S., 2009)

A separation test does not give a complete, objective picture of sample stability; it
is a subjective evaluation, but nevertheless, it is very informative. Regarding the
five samples prepared in Table 1.5.4, the following was observed:

1. Free water. Discarded.

2. Stable, but free water released when spread.

3. Same as 2.

4. As 1.

5. As 2, but separated less water on spreading (worked)

A more quantitative measurement is analysis of water droplet distribution by

means of Droplet Size Distribution (DSD). The results showed the sample
comprising the more mixed fatty acid profile, had the smallest water droplets
(Table 1.5.5). In this case it demonstrated, that a simple MAG mixture of highly
unsaturated and highly saturated fatty acids based on C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2
enhanced the emulsification properties of a reduced TAG emulsion.

Table 1.5.5 Results of preparations from Table 1.5.4; the average water droplet
size distribution

2.5% 50% 97.5%

Droplet size distribution (DSD)#

Sample 2 DIMODAN® S-T 0.4% <0.62µm <11.47µm <225.56µm

Sample 3 DIMODAN® UP 0.4% <0.73µm <16.14µm <364.92µm

Sample 5 Mixed system (1:1)

DIMODAN® HP 0.2% <0.47µm <3.95µm <33.65µm


Samples 1 & 4 not measurable using DSD Conclusion

These results showed that capability to secure a narrow droplet size distribution
was likely the result of diversified fatty acid residue in the lypophilic part of the
monoglyceride mixtures, thereby aiding interfacial and functional properties. In
this case it was an improvement on using individual monoglycerides that may not
have had sufficient fatty acid diversity.

As total TAG levels decrease below 50% of the total emulsion, and therefore by
default naturally follow a decrease in total saturates, the emulsifier interactions
may become more critical especially where proteins are still present. (Chrysan,
2005; Madsen, 1987).

There are still unanswered questions as to the effects on W/O emulsion, when
utilising a range of diversified fatty acid mixtures, incorporating the use of hydro-
carbons beyond C18:0 chain length. As reported earlier, there appear to be some
benefits to using much longer saturated chain lengths (1.4).

1.5.3 Very Low W/O TAG (12%) Based Emulsion - With and Without
MAG/TAG Additive Introduction and Background

In the case of those products already classified as low fat (<41%), reducing total
saturates by re-engineering to lower fat contents, or improving the general melting
/ firmness of W/O spreads, presents a problem for the product developer. This is
because TAG’s are the building blocks of the continuous phase for W/O
emulsions. Therefore, if reducing the structuring material, a “scaffold” of sorts is
still necessary.

A second obstacle is the increasing use of palm oil products, which may
potentially (depending on degree of DAG content) effect crystallisation. Thirdly,
PGPR is often utilised in this product category to secure emulsion stability (Garti
& Remon, 1984; Goubran & Garti, 1988; Rousseau, 2000). It is well documented
that blending emulsifiers will always produce a more stable emulsion (ICI
Americas Inc. 1980) as opposed to using a single emulsifier, by the fact that
combining a water soluble hydrophilic one with an oil soluble lipophilic type will
produce a denser interfacial film due to the hydrophilic and lipophilic portions of
the molecules sitting on different sides of the interface (Garti & Remon, 1984). Materials and Methods

Based on the preliminary findings in 1.5.2 for the 50% reduced fat W/O emulsion
(Table 1.5.4), a series of application trials were made to produce a very low W/O
TAG (12%) emulsion (Table 1.5.6); a significant proportion of the aqueous phase
contained a polydextrose (Litesse® Ultra – DuPont, Denmark).

Table 1.5.6 12% very low fat spread formula, assembled on Gerstenberg scraped
surface pilot plant. (interesterified blend = PK4 INES, a palm stearin / lauric.
Cargill GmbH)

Ingredient Name 1 2 3 4

Water phase

Water (Tap) 74,975 64,975 74,975 64,975

Salt (sodium chloride) 0,900 0,900 0,900 0,900

GRINDSTED® LFS 560 Stabiliser System 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

Litesse® Ultra™ polydextrose 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000

Potassium Sorbate 0,100 0,100 0,100 0,100

CALCIUM DI SODIUM EDTA 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015

Butter Flavouring T02807 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,010

Water phase total 88,000 88,000 88,000 88,000

pH 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5

Fat phase

Interesterified blend 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000

Rapeseed oil 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000

Fat blend total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Other fat ingredients

DIMODAN® U/J Distilled Monoglyceride 0,600 0,600 0,600 0,600

GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 0,300 0,300 0,300 0,300

GRINDSTED® CRYSTALLIZER 100, Emulsifier blend 0,200 0,200

2% sol. beta-carotene 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,010

Butter flavouring T03085 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,020

Other fat ingredients total 0,930 0,930 1,130 1,130

Fat phase total 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000

RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

The emulsifier system was based on highly unsaturated (DIMODAN® U/J – based
on sunflower C18:1, C18:2) and highly saturated (Grindsted® Crystallizer 100 –
containing significant levels of C22:0, abbreviated CRY100) distilled
monoglycerides (a combination of DIMODAN® MB-90 + HLEAR (fully
hardened low erucic acid rapeseed oil)). It is highly unusual to consider the use of
a MAG based on C22:0 for aqueous binding properties in a W/O emulsion where
the total fat content is either low and or very soft (Garti & Remon, 1984). One
specific reason for introducing C22:0 as previously shown, is that behenic fatty
acid seems to have a generally positive influence on crystallisation and additional
influence on emulsification (1.4;; Wassell & Young, 2007).

With regards to the stabilisation of the W/O low TAG emulsions and the choice of
saturated MAG, why were MAG’s based on C16:0 or C18:0 not considered? The
answer is because of partial hydrogenation (presence of trans isomer) and/ or the
MAG being palm based, with additional commercial implications (1.4).
Irrespective of these factors, palm triglycerides were used for the fat continuous
systems in this study. To aid and or secure emulsion stability, a co-surfactant,
PGPR was still part of the emulsifier system (Garti & Remon, 1984; Goubran &
Garti, 1988; Rousseau, 2000).

Samples were prepared using a G&A pilot plant, and then assessed by DSD and
Texture Analysis (refer to General Materials & Methods 2.0) Results

Results from water droplet size distribution were not available. However, results
from texture test using Stable Micro Systems TX2 Texture Analyser revealed
interesting data; both samples 3 and 4 exhibited additional resilience (Figure
1.5.8). Both contained the MAG rich in C22:0.

Figure 1.5.8 Textural firmness at 5°C of W/O 12% very low fat spread emulsion

To determine if the resilience was because of the addition of the emulsifiers
increasing the total solid fat content (SFC), the SFC% using Bruker p-NMR, was
measured on three samples (Table 1.5.7), two of which were the same emulsifier
combination as used in the 12% very low fat spread formula (Table 1.5.6). A third
sample was also added to include Grindsted Crystallizer 110, abbreviated CRY110
(refer to Materials & Methods, 2.0).

Table 1.5.7 Anhydrous bulk TAG blend with emulsifier mixtures: three samples
assembled for SFC% determinations

0.6% Dim UJ + 0.6% Dim UJ+ 0.6% Dim UJ +

% of TAG blend + 0.3% PGPR90 0.3% PGPR90 + 0.3% PGPR90 +
emulsifier 0.2% CRY100 0.2% CRY110
15% PK4 INES / 85% RP 99.1 98.9 98.9
Dimodan UJ 0.6 0.6 0.6
PGPR 90 0.3 0.3 0.3
Crystallizer 100 0.2
Crystallizer 110 0.2
Total 100 100 100

Samples were triple determined and results presented in Table 1.5.8, then
graphically in Figure 1.5.9. The SFC% for all samples appears to be very similar.
Arguably, those samples with either CRY100 or CRY110 should, at 5°C, be
differentiated because of additional saturation. However, an emulsifier
contribution of 0.2% in either case on the total TAG / emulsifier load is thought to
be negligible (Smith et al., 2011) because a significant increase in the total SFC%
is not observed.

Theoretically, it would seem that the emulsifier mixtures containing unusually

diverse fatty acid composition for these W/O low TAG emulsions are resulting in
additional emulsifying properties (Bergenståhl, 2008).

Table 1.5.8 Triple SFC% determinations for emulsifier mixtures in Table 1.5.7

SFC% Triple determination

Fat blends Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
0.6% Dim UJ + 0.3% PGPR90 0.6% UJ + 0.3% PGPR90 + 0.2% CRY100 0.6% UJ + 0.3% PGPR90 + 0.2% CRY110
SFC % average stdv SFC % average stdv SFC % average stdv
a 9.37 8.61 0.73 7.55 7.82 1.09 8.84 8.51 0.30
5°C b 8.54 9.02 8.24
c 7.91 6.88 8.46
a 6.58 6.43 0.18 6.24 6.72 0.42 6.36 6.20 0.14
10°C b 6.22 6.96 6.09
c 6.49 6.97 6.15
a 1.54 2.17 0.72 1.35 2.35 0.87 2.77 2.78 0.29
20°C b 2.02 2.77 2.49
c 2.96 2.93 3.08
a 1.24 1.07 0.14 0.51 0.64 0.14 1.27 0.91 0.32
30°C b 0.97 0.61 0.75
c 1.00 0.79 0.69
a 0.62 0.22 0.35 0.00 0.15 0.23 0.30 0.30 0.30
35°C b 0.04 0.41 0.00
c 0.00 0.04 0.60
a 0.18 0.06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.06
40°C b 0.00 0.00 0.00
c 0.00 0.00 0.00

Figure 1.5.9 Graph to show SFC% of MAG/TAG and PGPR mixtures in 15%
PKINES / 85% RBD RP (re: Table 1.5.7 / 1.5.8)

51 Conclusion

These interim results seem to suggest that the presence of a fully hydrogenated
TAG/MAG containing significant presence of behenic (C22:0) monoglyceride,
seems to have a technical influence on interfacial properties, causing apparent
thickening of the final emulsion. The results from SFC% showed no appreciable
differences to suggest firmness is attributed to increase in overall total SFC% in
the samples containing CRY100 or CRY110. This leads to the question - what is
the cause of the apparent increase in emulsion resilience? If the textural response
is not attributed to increased SFC%, then it can only be attributed to the emulsifier
relationship of PGPR, CRY110 with or without UJ. This needs to be investigated

1.5.4 General Conclusion of Pilot Studies

Exploratory pilot studies were conducted and indicated that MAG / TAG mixtures
give an enhancing effect on the crystallisation rates in several anhydrous
dispersions (1.5.1; Appendix A,B,C,D). Second, the effect of diversified fatty acid
mixtures of MAG in the presence of an aqueous interface (shown in 1.5.2) was
shown to have a positive influence, increasing the W/O emulsion stability. Third,
pilot studies showed it was possible to stabilise exceptionally low TAG W/O
emulsion structures (1.5.3) using an application of long-chain behenic based
emulsifier. This approach is not known to be reported in the literature.

Based on these pilot studies, a critical review of current issues behind finding
alternative structuring mechanisms for water-oil emulsions and for aiding structure
in TAG based systems, needed to be undertaken.

1.6 A Critical Review of Current Issues: Alternative Mechanisms for
Aiding Structure in TAG Based Systems

1.6.1 Introduction and Background

Exploratory pilot studies have shown that saturated MAG / TAG mixtures give an
enhancing effect on the crystallisation rates in TAG based anhydrous dispersions
(1.5.1; Appendix A,B,C, D). Secondly, diversified fatty acid mixtures of MAGs in
the presence of an aqueous interface (1.5.2) have a positive influence for W/O
emulsion stability. Thirdly, interim pilot studies suggested it is possible to stabilise
exceptionally low TAG W/O emulsion structures (1.5.3) using the application of a
long-chain behenic based emulsifier. This approach is not known to be reported in
the literature.

Since conducting a literature review (1.4) and series of pilot studies (1.5), a more
critical review is now necessary. This is because to progress this learning into
finding new and novel approaches to structuring, a consideration for current issues
is required. Realistically, this must therefore also encompass issues surrounding
the sourcing of alternative, natural lipid materials, their sustainability and a
consideration of the techniques used to observe and quantify structural and
interfacial events.

1.6.2 New Applications and Novel Materials

An edible oil and its commoditised fractions which has grown widely in use
(Wassell & Young, 2007) and status since the 1990’s, is palm oil. While palm oil
is not necessarily regarded as a low saturated fat, it does have many fractions,
some of which are more unsaturated, eg. olein fractions. However, despite being

inherently natural, there is controversy surrounding agricultural ethics and
sustainability of palm oil (Carmichael, 2011; Young, 2011).

In sourcing alternative natural lipid materials, China (the largest vegetable oil-
consuming country in the world) is, as part of its continued growth strategy,
developing several uncommon oil resources (Table 1.6.1). This is to minimise its
land dependence and achieve maximum yield. It is also regulatory friendly to
“Novel foods” or food components which are not traditionally used in China
(Wang, Xu, & Jiang, 2012).

Table 1.6.1 Approved novel foods related to fats and oils (source: Wang et al.,

Novel foods Year approved

Plant stanol ester 2008

Conjugated linoleic acid 2009
Conjugated linoleic acid glycerides 2009
Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. seed oil 2009
Tea camellia seed oil 2009
Fish oil (extract) 2009
Diacylglycerol oil 2009
Docosahexaenoic acid algal oil 2010
Plant sterol ester 2010
Plant sterol 2010
Arachidonic acid oil 2010
Poppy seed oil 2010
Elaeagnus mollis Diels oil 2011
Acer truncatum Bunge seed oil 2011
Peony seed oil 2011

Other researchers have explored different strategies including, lipid crystal
engineering (Schaink, van Malssen, Morgado-Alves, Kalnin, & van der Linden,
2007); phytosterol systems (Bot et al., 2009); organogel-based emulsion systems
(Duffy, Blonk, Beindorff, Cazade, Bot, & Duchateau, 2009) and wax technology
to form ‘lipo-colloid’ structures (Shigemi, 2006). A comprehensive discussion of
possibilities is put forward by Pernetti, van Malssen, Flöter, & Bot, (2007), who
state succinctly that finding alternatives to traditional triacylglyceride (TAG)
structuring whilst maintaining healthy properties, versatility and performance, is a
tremendous challenge. More recent and current reviews confirm the same (Rogers
2009) and have considered the influence of minor components (Smith et al., 2011)
e.g. emulsifiers, functional ingredients and their characterisation at micro and
nano-scale (Marangoni et al., 2012; Sato & Ueno, 2011; Silva, Cerqueira, and
Vicente, 2011).

Additionally, it is clear that population increase and the issues of sustainability are
indirect catalysts to finding alternate lipid materials for the function of structuring /
stabilising food products (Carmichael, 2011; Wang et al., 2012; Wassell & Young,
2007; Young, 2011). Whatever forms of approach are adopted, removal of, or at
least drastic reduction of all saturated fats is also required (Beaglehole et al., 2011;
Bradley, 2012; Gortmaker et al., 2011; Micha & Mozaffarian, 2010; Mozaffarian
et al., 2010; NICE, 2010; Siri-Tarino et al., 2010; Yamagishi et al., 2010;
Swinburn et al., 2011; van Camp et al., 2012; Vesper et al., 2012; WHO, 2011;
Merchant et al., 2008; Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a).

1.6.3 Techniques for Analysis

To characterise crystallisation properties, new analytical approaches to observe

interactions both in model and real time dynamic measurements are increasingly
necessary (Povey, Awad, Huo, & Ding, 2007; Ishizuka, Ahmed, Arima, &
Aramaki, 2009; Ojijo, Neeman, Eger, & Shimoni, 2004; Pernetti et al., 2007;

Schaink et al., 2007; Arima, Ueno, Ogawa, & Sato, 2009; Rogers, 2009; Tanaka,
Tanaka, Yamato, Ueno, & Sato, 2009; Young et al., 2008).

Interactions of and between surfactants and their interactions as template

structures, for example in heterogeneous nucleation events (Fujiwara et al., 2000),
are not easily explained with typical crystallisation measurements at zero shear,
e.g. DSC measurements (De Graef, Dewettinck, Verbeken, & Foubert, 2006;
Pernetti et al., 2007; Povey et al., 2007). Most studies have been performed under
isothermal conditions where observation of crystal behaviour is potentially quite
different from that observed within a dynamic environment (Garbolino, Bartoccini
& Flöter, 2005; Janssen & MacGibbon, 2007; Maleky, Campos & Marangoni,
2007; Pérez-Martínez, Reyes-Hernández, Dibildox-Alvarado & Toro-Vazquez,
2012; Povey et al., 2007; Wang, Liu, Jin, Huang, Meng & Wang, 2011).

New techniques are necessary to observe and quantify structural properties and
events in both static and under dynamic conditions. (Arima et al., 2009; Boodhoo,
Humphrey, & Narine, 2009; Tang & Marangoni, 2006). This should help provide
stronger information that could be transposed to, for example, “real” emulsion
systems. One example is ultrasonic velocity profiling with pressure difference
(UVP-PD) instrumentation, allowing non-invasive in-line rheological
measurement. Another is synchrotron radiation microbeam small-angle XRD (SR-
μ-SAXD) technique which more precisely observes microstructures of fat crystals
(Awad, Moharram, Shaltout, Asker, & Youssef, 2012; De Graef et al., 2006;
Maleky et al., 2007; Mazzanti, Guthrie, Sirota, Marangoni, & Idziak, 2003; 2005;
McClements & Rao, 2011; Okamura, Wassell, Young, Bonwick, Smith, Almiron-
Ruig, Sato, Ueno, 2011; Pernetti et al., 2007; Prakash & Ramana, 2003; Silva et
al., 2011; Tanaka et al., 2009; Young et al., 2008).

1.6.4 Structure – Effects of Minor Components

Recent publications have discussed the use of “crystal structure modifiers”

(Garbolino et al., 2005; Pernetti et al., 2007; Rousseau, Hodge, Nickerson, &
Paulson, 2005; Young et al., 2008), addition of a co-surfactant (Foster et al., 2007;
Rogers, 2009), inclusion of an additive, accelerant (Fujiwara et al., 2000;
Katsuragi, 1999), or impurity (Awad & Sato, 2001 & 2002).

Pernetti et al., (2007) suggest crystal structure modifiers are potentially interesting
not only within traditional systems, but also within novel structures and mixtures,
where a combination of these materials might provide several functions. The
effects of hydrophobic adsorption properties of additives, template behaviour and
acceleration of nucleation have been studied (Awad & Sato, 2001 & 2002;
Cerdeira, Martini, Hartel, & Herrera, 2003; Cerdeira, Pastore, Vera, Martini,
Candal, & Herrera, 2005; Cerdeira, Martini, Candal, & Herrera 2006; Sakamoto et
al., 2003; Sakamoto et al., 2004). More recently, the advanced analysis of the
behaviour of unsaturated and saturated surfactants, their polymorphism and time
temperature effects (Arima et al., 2009; Tanaka et al., 2009), has provided
information on the interactions of minor components (Vereecken, Foubert, Smith,
& Dewettinck, 2009a) and crystallisation with and without a water phase
(Vereecken, Foubert, Meeussen, Lesaffer, & Dewettinck, 2009b; Vereecken,
Meeussen, Foubert, Lesaffer, Wouters, & Dewettinck, 2009c; Vereecken et al.,
2010). However, it is important to gain a clearer understanding on the effects of
mixed surfactant systems, and how these interactions influence TAG mixtures in
W/O emulsions (Pernetti et al 2007; Rogers, 2009).

One investigation of the kinetic stabilisation of emulsions within low TAG

concentrations (Rousseau et al., 2005) found TAG polymorphic behaviour could
be manipulated through a multidisciplinary approach, involving the presence of
polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR), together with variable crystallisation

conditions e.g. static vs. dynamic crystallisation (Young et al., 2008). Rousseau et
al. (2005) suggest liquid emulsifiers such as PGPR compared to emulsifiers such
as saturated MAG are not as likely to influence crystallisation unless PGPR is
combined with agitation conditions, where polymorphic transformation was
retarded. They found that static crystallisation in the presence of PGPR showed no
“apparent” differences. This relationship ought to be more clearly understood,
especially within the area of high internal-phase-ratio emulsions (HIPREs), where
interfacial film strength and mechanical flexibility will probably impact on final
textural properties (Charteris, 2007; Povey et al., 2007; Pothiraj et al., 2012), and
primarily where both MAGs and PGPR are combined (Garti & Remon, 1984;
Garti, Binyamin, & Aserin, 1998; Goubran & Garti, 1988).

Structures based on traditional TAGs, and/or novel combinations of these

approaches, are thought to lead to some potentially interesting physical properties
(also refer to pilot studies 1.5).

A review of several studies by Rogers (2009) looked at the effects of a number of

minor ingredients, including MAGs, and found the addition of MAGs was
important for reduced droplet size and improved spreadability. However, in a
separate study Hughes et al. (2009) found that even when fairly large water
droplets were formed, they remained stable. This has implications for the
formation of HIPREs emulsions where its internal phase is a relatively large
aqueous volume. In the context of low (<41%) and reduced TAG W/O emulsions
(spreads), irrespective of droplet size (ignoring microbiological implications), the
visco-elastic interfacial behaviour of the continuous phase is critical to stability
(Johansson et al., 1995; Garti et al., 1998; Bergenståhl, 2008) as found in non-
edible applications (Peng et al., 2009).

Therefore, attempts to find novel strategies for making healthier (reduced fat)
spreadable butters or to improve total saturated fatty acid contributions in low fat
spreads (W/O), may be limited by the diversity of accepted (FAO/WHO, 2011)
raw materials. As a result, to bring forth any subsequent or new improvements,
there is requirement to better understand current application of traditional
ingredients (e.g. emulsifiers), and/or to explore new possibilities with novel
ingredients to perform similar and or improved function.

1.6.5 Conclusion

The literature shows first, the necessity to move away from the addition of hard
fatty material and substitute with alternative structure forming strategies
(Dassanayake, Kodali, & Ueno, 2011; Wassell & Young, 2007). Second (related to
first theme) is the need to cause beneficial interactions through inclusion of a small
amount of additive such as an emulsifier (Smith et al., 2011).

Given the aforementioned approaches, there are two areas for consideration; not
just structure and assembly within the bulk oil, but the mechanism of structure at
interfaces e.g. W/O emulsions, and how the interface might be modified through
emulsifier initiated processes (Krog, 1975; 2001) to provide adequate structure,
strength, and flexibility via a range of mechanisms (Povey et al., 2007). One
mechanism is to employ the use of “traditional” TAG based structurants (Lupi,
Gabriele, de Cindio, Sánchez, Gallegos, 2011b; Smith at al., 2011), coupled with
novel structuring material (Duffy et al., 2009; Pernetti et al., 2007). The addition
of a co-surfactant could aid nucleation through standard thermodynamic events
(Pernetti et al., 2007; Rogers, 2009). Co-surfactants such as MAGs derived from
TAGs, which are commonly used for W/O emulsions (Garti & Remon 1984),
could fit this description, as they can enhance textural properties which consumers
are familiar with (Foster et al., 2007; Pothiraj et al., 2012).

Among the TAG components discussed by Rogers (2009), fatty acids, particularly
long chain fatty acids, are ignored due to the negative health implications
associated with traditional TAG based networks. However, there are still
unanswered questions regarding the use of emulsifiers synthesised from them
(Vereecken et al., 2009c & 2010). Pernetti et al. (2007) suggested that longer chain
fatty acids tended to have more structuring potential per gram of material than
shorter chains. Further investigation of how these subtle variations in the amounts
and chain length of structurants influence the structural properties of TAG based
systems is of interest (Krog & Larsson 1992). This is especially the case when
combining surfactants of differing molecular structure, e.g. monodiglyceride and
polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) – a classic combination, for low fat W/O
emulsions (Garti & Remon 1984; Garti et al., 1998; Annon, 2005).

Sakamoto et al. (2003) reported that polyglycerol behenic esters promoted

nucleation, but inhibited crystal growth of palm oil and promoted the β’
polymorph. Arima et al. (2007) reported stabilisation and retardation effects when
combining two surfactants; they observed heterogeneous crystallisation in O/W
emulsions and prohibition of morphological change, due to adsorption at the
interfacial membrane. This situation might provide interesting mechanisms for
structuring in low TAG based W/O emulsion systems.

Learning how a surfactant might work as part of a combination, rather than

focusing purely on single components, ought to provide more practical and
meaningful information. This might be found through an investigation into real
systems e.g. water-in-oil emulsions, where aqueous phases are employed
(Fujiwara et al., 2000; Pernetti at al., 2007; Sakamoto et al., 2003 & 2004; Tanaka
et al., 2009).

In the case of a given interfacial emulsifier concentration, temperature, and shear
rate (Lupi, Gabriele, de Cindio, 2011a), the surface of water droplets will be
optimally or sub-optimally covered, especially in the context of HIPREs.
However, explaining these mechanisms could be problematic, in that laboratory
scale techniques using standard models / methods could be limited because of their
inability to provide data whilst under true dynamic conditions (Young et al.,

During isothermal / non-isothermal conditions, the mechanical orientation of TAG

and non–TAG stabilisation could be critical, especially where e.g. TAG structures
in themselves do not exhibit polar behaviour. However, at a certain surfactant
concentration, the TAG crystals become more polar in behaviour because the
surfactant is adsorbed to the TAG surface (Johansson et al., 1995). This
theoretically produces a more uniform structure (Arima et al., 2009; Shinohara,
Takamizawa, Ueno, Sato, Kobayashi, Nakajima, & Amemiya, 2008; Tanaka et al.,
2009), so that at a given concentration and ratio of specific surfactants, the surface
of water droplets (W/O emulsions) are more optimally covered. Possibly, this is
indirectly aided by induction of heterogeneous nucleation to form molecular
aggregates, which then act as a template for nucleation. Shinohara et al., (2008)
suggests the curvature of the interface interferes with the crystallisation at the
interface. Therefore, in attempting to reduce the degree of saturates in food
systems, it will be necessary to observe and to analyse any relationship when co-
surfactant structures are used and how this may influence interfacial film

A multiple approach, involving the use of SR-μ-SAXD (a microscopic analysis of

the lamellar plane directions and structural domains), coupled with measurement
of structurant interactions, both in model and dynamic real-time e.g. rheometery
and UVP-PD, might provide a deeper insight into the crystallisation and

rheological mechanics of W/O emulsions (Arima et al., 2009; Awad et al., 2012;
Ishizuka et al., 2009; Ojijo et al., 2004; Pernetti et al., 2007; Povey et al., 2007;
Rogers, 2009; Schaink et al., 2007; Young et al., 2008). Pothiraj et al., (2012)
explain that low TAG W/O emulsions cannot easily be formulated to mimic butter
or similar, because of the challenges to developing melting behaviour, which is
largely governed by emulsion characteristics such as volume of the aqueous phase
and size of water droplets.

The literature demonstrates the need to achieve a clearer understanding of how to

reformulate and structure low or reduced fat spread products (Wassell & Young,
2007). Hence, exploring how novel structures behave, particularly within W/O
emulsions, is warranted within the context of increasing new product launches of
reduced fat emulsion products (Ford, 2012). Consequently, it will likely become
important to understand how novel emulsifiers will behave at or near the interface
and in the bulk continuous (Wassell et al., 2010a).

1.7 Aims and Objectives

1.7.1 Background

There is a need to find alternative structuring materials, since many food products,
especially fat based food dispersions and emulsions are currently still highly
dependent on the presence of saturated fats and traditional emulsifiers. However,
the problem, of removing these ‘building’ blocks, i.e. saturates and their trans
isomer from fat systems, make it difficult to produce food products which are
functionally acceptable to the consumer. The mechanics and successful removal of
saturated and trans fatty acids in foods (Wassell & Young, 2007) is a complex
problem, as is the successful structuring of low or reduced fat based foods, that
require additional reduction of total saturates (Wassell et al., 2010a; Young and
Wassell 2008). Achieving further reduction of saturated fatty acid materials for
dietary requirements (Winwood, 2011) without negative impact on structure and
functional properties, presents challenges for those food systems already regarded
as low saturated. The challenge is for food manufacturers to find innovative
solutions to structuring whilst meeting consumer expectations (Wassell & Young,
2007; Wassell et al., 2010a).

Improving emulsification kinetics is considered to offer additional benefit, because

it has been demonstrated (1.5) that the addition of small quantities of long chain
fatty acids to food systems containing less saturated fats, could potentially enhance
structuring and texturing whilst retaining functionality in low and reduced fat food
systems (1.4; 1.6).

New innovative solutions were researched to address the challenges of structuring,

texturing and associated issues in the production of fat based food systems within
the areas of dispersions (Wassell et al., WIPO No. WO2012168722, 2012a;
WO2012168723, 2012d), crystallisation (Wassell et al., WO2012168727 2012b;
Bech et al., WO2013050944, 2013), water-in-oil low fat spreads (Wassell et al.,
WO2012168726, 2012c), reduced fat water-in-oil spreads (Wassell et al.,
WO2012168724, 2012e). This was carried out using new techniques such as real-

time process rheology (Young, Wassell, Wiklund, & Stading, 2008; Wassell,
Wiklund, Stading, Bonwick, Smith, Almiron-Roig, & Young, 2010b) and analytical X-
ray measurement (Wassell, Okamura, Young, Bonwick, Smith, Sato, & Ueno, 2012).

1.7.2 Outstanding problems

In terms of MAG (E471), no literature could be found on the effectiveness of a

C22:0 based MAG in W/O emulsions. Several have looked at the effect of chain
length and saturation in W/O emulsions using MAG (Vereecken et al., 2009a,
2009b; 2010). However, it is still not known to be reported in real W/O emulsion
systems beyond C18:0. The work by Vereecken et al (2010) only tested in full fat
margarine type products, but not reduced or low fat W/O emulsions. Studies on
interfacial behaviour by Krog, (1990) and Krog and Larsson (1992), researched
the effects of temperature and concentration on long, medium and short chain fatty
acids, but these were only examined as single MAG.

A pilot study (1.5) looked at the effect of MAG on crystallisation time and
diversifying their fatty acids. This included mixing C22:0 with other MAG chain
lengths and TAG mixtures. Some positive influence was found when tested in
anhydrous dispersions (Basso et al., 2010). The degree of benefit was influenced
also by the degree of saturation of the solvent (TAG mixtures). An effect was also
found on the visco-elastic properties of a very low TAG W/O emulsion by minor
addition of a C22:0 based MAG (1.5.1; 1.5.2; 1.5.3; 1.5.4).

Currently, many low cost emulsifiers tend to be based on palm TAG products,
characterised by its major fatty acids C16:0 / C18:1 and its intrinsically natural,
unmodified arrangement. Alternative TAG materials which are natural,
unmodified and provide a whole range of fatty acids may currently be difficult to
source in sufficient quantities. Hence, other naturally occurring novel resources
must be considered (Dierig & Thompson, 1993; Dierig, Thompson, & Nakayama,
1993). Moringa TAG, has a significant range of saturated fatty acids to unsaturated
fatty acids, including naturally occurring saturated fatty acids >C16:0 – C24:0
(Abdulkarim, Long, Lai, Muhammad, Ghazali, 2005; Lalas & Tsaknis, 2002).

In low or reduced fat systems it is known that as the oil phase is decreased, and
water phase increased, the emulsifiers usually become softer, more liquid in form
(Table 1.2.4). Furthermore, as the fat content is reduced, there is also tendency to
soften the SFC, so that both the continuous TAG phase and the emulsifier are
similar in rigidity (Garti & Remon 1984). So that, whilst utilisation of a MAG
based on e.g. liquid sunflower or similar (IV = ~105) is able to facilitate assembly
of a W/O emulsion, in W/O of approximately <41% this may not be entirely
secure. Hence, where TAG content is <41% it is common to use both PGPR and a
second emulsifier (a co-emulsifier) e.g E476 (EU max permitted use – 0.4%).

For commercial and product quality reasons, several manufacturers have requested
replacement of PGPR because of its negative effect on the sensory melting
behaviour (too stable) and to achieve clean label by removing E-numbers. Another
reason is because of handling re-melt (a given volume of product will re-circulate
through the production process), where the WO emulsion must be re-melted and
sometimes separated. PGPR is very robust at binding water.

Single component emulsifiers are generally cheaper to supply than multi-

component blends. Finding a one-stop solution without PGPR is challenging and
in very low fat <20%, it is near impossible unless relying on MAG to dominate the
continuous phase at high concentration (5% MAG – 95% aqueous).

1.7.3 Empirical Quantification

In the context of real, low TAG based W/O emulsion systems, there is still a need
to report the affects of the interfacial behaviour of MAG mixtures with other
common emulsifiers e.g. PGPR (Garti & Remon 1984; Garti et al., 1998). While
texture analysis ( revealed “apparent” increased firmness in the finished
product, it is more difficult to quantify affects in a dynamic state. This leads to
another necessity; to find a method to measure rheological change in real-time so
that rheological interactions can be reported both off-line and in-line.

Empirical quantification to determine how much impact a minor ingredient e.g. a
MAG based on significant quantities of saturated longer chain >C18:0, may have
on a “real”, low or reduced TAG based W/O emulsion system has not been
reported in the literature. Only the behaviour of behenic (C22:0) based emulsifiers
in O/W systems is reported (Arima et al., 2007; Awad & Sato, 2001; 2002;
Fujiwara et al., 2000; Sakamoto et al., 2003; Wassell & Young, 2007) and not in
W/O. Therefore, as part of a multidisciplinary investigation, the rheological and
interfacial properties after the addition of a >C18:0 based MAG within the bulk
and W/O emulsion needs to be characterised. Then to quantify its impact in a
dynamic state, requires both direct and indirect methods of analysis.

Solutions to these outstanding technical challenges were investigated through a

multidisciplinary approach (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a) by:

1) Combining traditional techniques with novel structurant technology;

2) Developing and validating a dynamic measurement technique;

3) Investigating real emulsion systems, as opposed to exclusively single phase

model systems.

1.7.4 Experimental Approach

The intention was to investigate how structuring and texturing low saturated fat
based systems can be achieved through a multidisciplinary route (Wassell &
Young, 2007). The innovative nature of this approach intended to provide answers
to these outstanding questions:

1) What can be achieved when combining traditional techniques with novel

structuring technology?

2) What can be learned from developing and validating in-line dynamic

measurement techniques?

3) What is revealed through investigating real emulsion systems, as opposed
exclusively to single phase model systems?

Specifically, the thesis reviews current approaches to structuring fat based foods /
emulsions and points to potential new mechanisms to modify fat crystallisation
and emulsion behaviour (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a) and
considers new ways with which to measure these phenomena (Young et al., 2008;
Wassell et al., 2010b; 2012).

In utilising alternative measurement techniques, the crystallisation kinetics can be

more robustly observed under real dynamic process conditions, thereby instilling
confidence in the food engineer when testing formulations developed in real-time,
and/ or with less saturated oil/fat. (Young et al., 2008; Wassell et al., 2010b;

This thesis aims to show the potential of reducing total saturated fats by using
existing and novel emulsifiers, demonstrating their impact on functionality
(Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

A decrease in total fats tends to lead to increase in the water phase (in respect to
water – oil emulsions) of the emulsion system. This being the case, the thesis takes
into consideration fat mimetic properties (Wassell & Young, 2007; Wassell et al.,
2010a). The objective therefore is to investigate behaviour and influence of
emulsifiers both at the interface and in the bulk to demonstrate how their role is
critical to the ultimate mechanics of structuring fat based dispersions and
emulsions (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

One line of investigation is to examine induced structural changes, using

“crystalliser” to see if addition of a relatively longer chain saturated fatty acid can
influence and initiate fat crystal formation (Young et al., 2008; Wassell et al.,

The uses of novel structuring agents are investigated within this thesis to observe
their influence on final fat texture and functionality. Within the scope of this work,

extensive focus is given to a novel emulsifier developed from an innovative source
of edible oil (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al.,
2013). The study looks at emulsifiers that do not necessarily conform to the broad
international legislative demands, but which nonetheless, provide deeper insight
into structuring and texturing of low saturated fat based systems.

It is intended to show that innovation and novelty can be provided not only
through combining the use of emulsifiers (nucleation inducers) in real systems, but
also analysis through static and dynamic conditions. Techniques to analyse the
functionality of the given systems under static and dynamic conditions, include
controlled stress rheology, interfacial rheology, tensiometry, X-ray diffraction,

A dynamic real-time rheological measurement to assess both viscosity and solid

fat content in-line, is approached using the UVP-PD apparatus. Novel data and
effective conclusions are made from observing fat crystallisation within real
systems (Wassell et al., 2010; Young et al., 2008).

A relatively new technique is utilised to look at the orientation of fat crystals

surrounding a single water droplet via means of wide angle and small angle X-ray
diffraction (WAXD / SAXD), (Ueno & Sato 2008; Wassell et al., 2012).

The key aim of this multidisciplinary approach was to develop a more thorough
and complex understanding of the mechanics and development of structure within
commercially relevant, novel, low saturated fat based systems. Successful
achievement of the key aim would therefore enable development of new routes to
structuring fat based systems, either by enhancing traditional options, or switching
to new alternatives and away from traditional methods which are currently under
legislative scrutiny and lobbying pressure to be abandoned (Wassell et al., 2010a;
Smith et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2012).

1.7.5 Analytical Approach UVP-PD

A study of physical crystallisation of TAG based systems using UVP-PD, to be

able to profile the effects of a behenic (C22:0) based MAG in TAG, using a non-
invasive in-line rheological measuring technique would help to quantify structural
events (viscosity) under dynamic conditions. This method has several advantages,
where it is able to monitor opaque, highly concentrated, non-Newtonian
suspensions and allow measurements not possible with common rheometers. The
capability to determine dynamic rheological, non-isothermal, real-time influence
of a structuring MAG based material on viscosity, would have strong commercial
value, particularly when assessing “real” emulsion systems. Tensiometry

An interfacial examination of single and mixed MAG behaviour is necessary to

determine the effect of saturation and chain length on interfacial behaviour.
Specifically, the intention of this study is to observe the effect of MAG based on
C22:0, on interfacial tension through temperature changes, and by varying fatty
acid chain length, degree of saturation (introducing other MAG) and hydrophilic
properties of the emulsifiers with / without PGPR and novel MAG material.
Thermal treatment (cooling) of the preparations would provide new information
about any improvement to surface inter-active behaviour of emulsifier
compositions not yet reported in the literature. New interfacial information could
have important implications for potential viscoelastic behaviour. Rheology

Following interfacial tensiometry, an examination of single and mixed MAG

behaviour using interfacial rheology system (IRS) is required in order to determine

any previously observed effects (interfacial behaviour) of saturation and chain
length in anhydrous bulk and water-oil systems. The intention of this study is to
observe the rheological behaviour of selected emulsifiers through temperature,
varying fatty acid chain length, degree of saturation with / without PGPR and
novel MAG material. Any undiscovered improvement to viscoelastic behaviour
would have important commercial value for water – oil emulsions and other food
systems. This knowledge is currently unreported in the literature. A Study Series of Application Tests: Observations on the Behaviour of

Novel MAG, Behenic rich MAG and PGPR in Real Systems

Following investigations studying the rheological and interfacial behaviour of

MAG, including a Moringa Oleifera based MAG (1.7.2), assessment of the effect
of saturation, chain length and how these may transpose to and influence real bulk
food dispersions or W/O emulsions is considered necessary. Any new
improvements would need product validation (proof of concept) in typical
commercial bulk and real emulsion preparations. Techniques, including Droplet
Size Distribution (DSD), Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM), Textural
Analysis, and Polarised Microscopy, are used to evaluate crystallisation, emulsion
and final sensory properties. Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction (SR-XRD) Macrobeam and

Microbeam small angle X-ray Diffraction (SR-μ-SAXD) Analysis

Finally, a synchrotron radiation macrobeam and microbeam X-ray diffraction

technique is used to determine interfacial crystallisation and clarify the effects of
emulsifier additives on commercial low-fat W/O emulsions. This technique can
more precisely observe microstructures of the lamellar plane directions and may
provide explanation about mechanical and physical structure at the interfacial
region as a result of surface active MAG and a co-emulsifier (PGPR).

2.0 General Materials and Methods

2.1 Emulsifiers

Emulsifiers used in this research were distilled monoacylglycerols (MAG); fully

saturated, partially saturated and unsaturated. Emulsifiers were DIMODAN® HP,
P, RT, U/J, GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 (CRY110), PR40, and samples of
distilled monoglycerides based on triacylglyceride (TAG) of refined bleached
deodorised (RBD) Ricebran oil, Lesquerella fendleri oil and Moringa oleifera oil
(Appendix F, G). A polyglycerol ester emulsifier, known as GRINDSTED®
PGPR 90 (Polyglycerol polyricinoleate) was also used. All emulsifiers were
obtained from Danisco A/S, (known as DuPont – Bioscience ApS, Denmark) and
tested, either individually, or combined, without further modifications.

Moringa oleifera oil (Code: 126089, Batch No: DE05040243, Ref: 804903823/1)
was obtained from Earth Oil Plantations Ltd. Lichfield, Staffordshire, United
Kingdom. RBD ricebran oil was obtained from Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd.
(Bangkok, Thailand). RBD Lesquerella fendleri oil was obtained through Danisco
A/S (known as DuPont – Bioscience ApS, Denmark).

2.2 Fatty Acid and Monoacylglycerol Compositions (%)

Emulsifiers and their source are shown (Tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9,
2.10, 2.11) and characterised (Table 2.8) by one or two specific fatty acids:
DIMODAN® HP is characterised by palmitic acid (C16:0); DIMODAN® P by
palmitic acid (C16:0) and oleic acid (C18:1c); Crystallizer 110 by behenic acid (C
22:0); DIMODAN® UJ by linoleic acid (C18:2c), and RT by oleic acid (C18:1c)
and linoleic acid (C18:2c). Table 2.1 also shows degree of saturation by iodine
value (IV).

Table 2.1 Emulsifier fatty acid carbon chain lengths

Fatty acid carbon RT U/J PR40 P HP CRY110

chain length (%)
C14:0 0.1 0.1 <1 <1 1 <1
C16:0 6 7 25 44 55 1
C18:0 14 5 3 5 43 2
C18:1 75 28 28 39 0.1 <1
C18:2 2 58 12 10 0.2 <1
C18:3 0.3 0.1 6 0.3 <1 <1
C20:0 <1 1 <1 0.2 0.7 5
C22:0 <2 <1 <1 <1 <1 89
C24:0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <2
Saturated total 24 12 28 49 100 100
IV (app.) 60 105 65 45 2 2

Table 2.2 Distilled Ricebran monoglyceride from RBD ricebran oil (Table 2.10)

Fatty acid and GC (%) Ricebran as distilled monoglyceride

Glycerol 0.2
Diglycerol 0.2
FFA 0.3
Mono 98.2
Di 1.1
Tri < 0.1
C14:0 0.4
C15:0 < 0.1
C16:0 20.5
C16:1 0.3
C17:0 < 0.1
C.18:0 2.1
C18:1 41.3
C18:2 32.5
C18:3 1.3
C20:0 0.7
C20:1 0.6
C22:0 0.2
C24:0 0.1
Unknown 0.6

Table 2.3 Fatty acid composition of Moringa oleifera TAG and Moringa

Analysis (%) Moringa TAG / mono Analysis (%) Moringa TAG / mono
C14 0.1 C19 0.1
C15 <0.1 C20 3.4
C16 5.8 C20:1 2.2
C16:1 1.8 C22 5.8
C17 0.2 C22:1 0.1
C18 5.4 C24 1.0
C18:1 73.0 C26 -
C18:2 0.7 Unknown 0.2
C18:3 0.2

Table 2.4 Analyses of Moringa oleifera TAG

Analysis Moringa oleifera TAG

Iodine value (calculated) 68
Acid value 3.2
Unsaponifiable matter 0.4%
FFA 1.5%
Diglyceride 3.3%

Table 2.5 Analyses of Moringa monoglyceride

Analysis (Mono, di, tri) % Moringa Monoglyceride

Glycerol 0.76
Diglycerol 0.07
FFA 0.3
Monoglyceride 91.15
Diglyceride 7.75
Triglyceride 0

Table 2.6 Analyses of Lesquerella monoglyceride

Analysis (Mono, di, tri) % Distilled Lesquerella MAG

Glycerol 0.2
Monoglyceride (MAG) 94.1
Diglyceride 6.1
Triglyceride < 0.1
Total 100 ±0.5

Table 2.7 Table of Fatty acid profile and saturation (IV) of Lesquerella fendleri

Analysis (Fatty acids %) Lesquerella TAG

C14 <0.1
C16 1.5
C16:1 0.6
C18 1.9
C18:1 14.9
C18:2 9.5
C18:3 11.1
C20 0.2
C20:1 0.9
Densipolic acid 0.4
Ricinoleic acid 0.6
Lesquerolic acid 55.2
Auricolic acid 3.2
Iodine Value (IV) 107.8

Table 2.8 Emulsifiers are characterised by source from which they were produced

Name Abbreviation Description

DIMODAN® HP Dim HP Distilled saturated monoacylglycerol based on
fully hydrogenated palm
DIMODAN® P Dim P Distilled partially saturated monoacylglycerol
based on refined palm oil
GRINDSTED® CRY 110 Distilled saturated monoacylglycerol based on
Crystallizer 110 fully hydrogenated high-erucic rapeseed oil
Distilled unsaturated monoacylglycerol based on
sunflower oil
GRINDSTED® PR40 Monoacylglycerol made from edible, refined
Mono-di PR40 rapeseed and / or palm oil.
DIMODAN® RT Dim RT Distilled monoacylglycerol based on rapeseed oil

GRINDSTED® PGPR90a Polyglycerol ester of polycondensed fatty acids

PGPR 90 from castor oil
Ricebran RBb Distilled unsaturated monoacylglycerol based on
refined ricebran oil.
Moringa Moringac, d Partially and fully distilled Moringa, based on
Moringa oleifera
Lesquerella Lesquerellae Distilled unsaturated monoacylglycerol based on
Lesquerella fendleri oil
a. PGPR, for description see Table 2.9
b. RBD Ricebran, for description as triglyceride see Table 2.10
c. Moringa, for description as Moringa oleifera triglyceride see Table 2.11. Partial and fully
distilled methyl-ester description is shown in Table 2.12 and 2.16
d. Details of additional distilled and mono-diglyceride distillations are found in Wassell et al.,
2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e
e. Lesquerella, for description as Lesquerella fendleri triglyceride see Table 2.7

Table 2.9 PGPR specification (Danisco A/S, Denmark)

PGPR 90# C16 C17 C18 C18:1 C18:2 C20 C18:1 C18:1 unknowns
Analysis % Ricinoleic oleic
acid acid
1.3 0.0 1.3 3.6 5.1 0.0 86.1 0.0 2.4
PGPR Palsgaard 4150 also known as PGPR 90 Plus

Table 2.10 RBD Ricebran oil (Thai Edible Oil Co., LTD (Bangkok, Thailand)


1/4”CELL (Ex-FACTORY) MAX. 4.0 R, 35.0 Y AOCS Ce 13 j - 97
3. ACID VALUE MAX. 0.30 AOCS Cd 3d - 63
FACTORY) MAX. 1.50 AOCS Cd 8 - 53
MATTER MAX. 0.10 % AOCS Ca 2c - 25
6. IODINE VALUE (WIJS) 92 - 115 AOCS Cd 1d - 92
7. SAPONIFICATION VALUE 180 - 195 AOCS Cd 3 - 25
8. ORYZANOL (ppm.) MIN. 2,000 ppm. spectrophotometer

Table 2.11 Moringa oleifera (Earth Oil Plantations Ltd. Lichfield, Staffs., UK)

Testsa Specification
Peroxide Value (Meq) Maximum 6
Free Fatty Acid content (%) Maximum 3
Fatty Acid profile PASS
Palmitic Acid (16:0) 2.0 -10.0
Palmitoleic Acid (16:1) 1.0 -5.0
Stearic Acid (18:0) 2.0 -7.5
Oleic Acid (18:1) 65.0 -85.0
Linoleic Acid (18:2) Maximum 1
Arachidic Acid (20:0) 2.0 -5.0
Gadoleic Acid (20:1) Maximum 4
a = Test parameters not specified within material specification

2.3 Additional Distillations of Natural Moringa oleifera

Moringa monoglycerides with differing mono-di contents were made. The

following glyceride contents are shown in Table 2.12 (see also Table 2.3, 2.4, 2.5).
In Tables 2.12, 2.14 and 2.16, the abbreviations stand for; GL – Glycerol, Digl –
Diglycerol, FFA – Free Fatty Acids, Mono – Monoglycerides, Di – Diglycerides,
and Tri – Triglycerides.

Table 2.12 Other partial and full distillations of natural Moringa monoglyceride
with mono, di- and triglyceride specifications

Analysis (%) 2559/102 2559/104 2472/191

GL 0.11 1.27 0.76
Digl 0.05 0.08 0.07
FFA 0.2 0.4 0.3
Mono 53.16 82.55 91.14
Di 42.05 15.67 7.75
Tri 4.39 0.02 < 0.1
Approx mono content % 53 82 91

2.4 Synthetic Monoglycerides

Monoglycerides described in Table 2.1 and Table 2.8 are mixed to provide a
similar fatty acid profile to natural distilled Moringa monoglycerides (Table 2.3),
and similar GC (Table 2.5) are shown in Table 2.13. Resultant compositions are
shown in Table 2.14.

Table 2.13 Blends of mono and diglycerides

Synthetic Moringa monoglyceride SM 90 a SM 60 b SM 80 c

DIMODAN® RT d 90 50
Total % 100 100 100
Final mono content % (approximate) 96 64 82
a., b., c., are named SM 90, SM 60, SM 80, merely as means of identification and approximate
mono content.
d. DIMODAN® RT is a distilled monodiglyceride made from partially hydrogenated rapeseed oil
e. GRINDSTED® MONO·DI PR40 is a monodiglyceride made from edible, refined rapeseed
and/or palm oil. Total monoglyceride = 55%. Iodine value = 65

Table 2.14 Analysis of synthetic Moringa monoglycerides

Analysis (%) SM 90 SM 60 SM 80
GL 0.16 0.24 0.20
Digl 0.14 0.1 0.18
FFA 0.30 0.40 0.40
Mono 96.50 64.56 82.87
Di 2.64 29.02 15.28
Tri 0.22 2.59 1.10

In summary the natural samples, align approximately with synthetic samples and
are as follows:-

Natural Synthetic

2472/191 = SM 90

2559/102 = SM 60

2559/104 = SM 80

The fatty acid compositions of synthetic Moringa monoglycerides are shown in
Table 2.15.

Table 2.15 Fatty acid composition of synthetic Moringa monoglycerides

Fatty acids (%) SM 90 SM 60 SM 80

C10:0 <0.1 0.0 0.0
C12:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C14:0 0.1 0.5 0.3
C15:0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
C16:0 5.3 21.5 12.7
C16:1 0.1 0.1 0.2
C17:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C18:0 10.9 4.1 7.8
C18:1 64.6 23.9 47.6
C18:2 5.2 10.8 7.7
C18:3 0.0 3.8 2.0
C20:0 1.3 1.0 1.0
C20:1 1.4 2.6 1.8
C20:unsaturated 0.1 0.9 0.7
C22:0 10.7 8.8 7.2
C22:1 0.0 20.7 10.0
C22:unsaturated 0.0 0.8 0.4
C24:0 0.3 0.3 0.3
C24:1 0.0 0.4 0.2

2.5 High and Low Temperature Distillation of Moringa oleifera TAG

High temperature distillation of the Moringa oleifera TAG (Table 2.11) enables
preservation of the whole fatty acid distribution being carried over into the
resultant monoglyceride. The effects of producing fully distilled Moringa MAG at
a low (185°C) and high (210°C) temperature are shown in Table 2.16.

Table 2.16 Effect of high / low temperature distillation on Moringa oleifera TAG

Monoglyceride Monoglyceride Moringa oleifera TAG

2559/132 2559/134 starting material
Distillation °C 210°C 185°C -
Analysis (%)
GL 0.88 0.52 -
DIGL 0.15 0.22 -
FFA 0.2 0.2 -
MONO 86.92 97.95 -
DI 11.80 1.06 -
TRI 0.03 0.02 -
C12:0 <0.1 <0.1 0.2
C14:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C16:0 6.3 6.4 5.9
C16:1 1.9 1.9 1.8
C17:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C18:0 5.5 5.7 5.5
C18:1 72.6 75.3 71.8
C18:2 1.5 1.5 1.6
C18:3 0.2 0.2 0.0
C20:0 3.2 2.9 3.3
C20:1 1.8 1.7 1.9
C20:u 0.2 0.2 0.1
C21:0 <0.1 0.0 -
C22:0 5.8 3.6 6.3
C22:1 0.1 0.0 0.1
C23:0 <0.1 <0.1 1.0
C24:0 0.8 0.3 0.1

2.6 Triacylglycerol (TAG) for Water-in-Oil (W/O) Emulsions and Anhydrous

The multidisciplinary approach used throughout this study, led to the use of
several base TAGs. These are listed and described in Table 2.17

Table 2.17 Major TAGs for W/O emulsions and anhydrous dispersions

ChocoFill PK4 Palmotex Palmotex Palmovit Kokowar
°C l BR60a INESb Bc 98d 200e 31f COLZAOg,k
10 72 - 80 82 10
20 45 - 48 49 - 55 64 1 60
25 31 29
30 10 - 14 23-28 42 9
35 1-2 27 4
40 3–4
Slip melth °C 33 37 - 42 36 53 - 57 31
Iodine Valuei 22 - 32 35 min 63 110 - 121
SAT %j 74 74 39 7
MONO %j 22 31 47 62
POLY %j 4 5 14 30
trans %j <1 max 2 <1 max 1 <4 max 1
a = Interesterified palm stearin / lauric (previous names include: Akomic or Akocrem M), Aarhus Karlshamn
(AAK), Denmark.
b = Interesterified palm stearin / lauric. Cargill GmbH., Hamburg, Germany.
c = RBD Palm oil. AarhusKarlshamn (AAK), Denmark.
d = Palm Stearin. AarhusKarlshamn (AAK), Denmark.
e = RBD Palm Olein. ADM Hamburg AG, Hamburg.
f = hydrogenated and lauric oil based on coconut oil. Aarhus Karlshamn (AAK), Denmark.
g = RBD Rapeseed oil. AarhusKarlshamn (AAK), Denmark.
h = AOCS Cc 3-25
i = IUPAC 2.205
j = IUPAC 2.304
k = Cloudpoint (°C) -16, ASTM D97 SS-EN (23015)m
l = Solid Fat Content (%), IUPAC 2.150a

RBD Peanut oil (Lot no: J0112KA) supplied by Columbus Foods Company, inc.
Des Plaines, IL., USA), with following specifications:-
Colour (Lovibond): 0.5 (Cc13b-45); Flavour: Bland; Free Fatty Acid (%): 0.025 (Ca5a-40);
Peroxide Value meq/kg: 0.25 (Cd8b); Iodine Value: 90.3 (Cd1-25); Cold Test: 5.5 Clear &
Brilliant (Cc11-53); Additives: none.

2.7 Other and Minor Ingredients for W/O Emulsions

2.7.1 Hydrocolloid

GRINDSTED® LFS 560 Stabiliser System, E440 (Amidated pectin standardised)

and E401 (Sodium alginate). Danisco A/S, Gums & Systems, Denmark.

2.7.2 Flavours

Butter flavour (water phase) 050001 T03007, and Butter flavour (oil phase)
050001 T04184, (Firmenich. Denmark).

2.7.3 Antioxidant

GRINDOX TOCO 50 (Danisco A/S. Denmark).

2.7.4 Skimmed Milk Powder

MILEX 240 – ARLA Foods (Viby, Denmark).

2.7.5 Salt:

SUPRASEL· FINE SALT, (Akzo Nobel Salt A/S, Denmark).

2.7.6 Antimicrobial

Potassium sorbate 105119, (Merck KGaA, Germany).

2.7.7 β-carotene and Preparation

BC-3000-OSS (Chr. Hansen GmbH. Lubeck. Germany). Carotenoid of BC-3000-

OSS: nature-identical β-carotene. Formulation is a liquid suspension of
microcrystalline β-carotene in vegetable-oil:

30% β-carotene 6.7 %

+ Rapeseed Oil 93.3 %
β -carotene sol. (2%) 100%
1. Heat the oil to approx. 100°C
2. Add β -carotene and mix well.

2.7.8 EDTA:

EDTA (Kirsch Pharma GmbH), dosage is normally used at 0.015%, for


2.7.9 Tap Water Specification (Data on Water Hardness, Aarhus, Denmark)

The hardness of the water in Aarhus is between 12°dH - 20°dH* as shown in

Table 2.18

Table 2.18 Tap Water hardness characterisation

Hardness in odH Characterisation
12 – 18 Quite hard
18 – 30 Hard
* German degrees (Deutsche Härte)

2.8 Preparation of W/O Emulsions and Bulk Anhydrous – TAG Systems

Besides the chemical properties of the fat blend, the process conditions have a
major impact on the finished product. Emulsions are subjected to applied cooling
temperatures and shear, whilst passing through a series of scraped surface units,
often referred as A-units, and pin-workers, often referred as B-units. Depending on
the pump speed and back-pressure, the residence time of the product can be
controlled. These process parameters will strongly determine the properties of the
margarine / spread and are very important to obtain margarine with a good quality
and storage stability.

2.8.1 Equipment and Processing

35%, 40% and 60% water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions and continuous bulk oil
compositions were processed (Table 2.19) on a cooled scraped surface heat
exchanger pilot plant (Figure 2.1), known as a Gerstenberg & Schröder
(previously named Gerstenberg & Agger) : 3-tube pilot perfector 3x57 (Serial No:
11803). Design pressure 80 bar – 120bar. Refrigerant: Ammonia (NH3), from SPX
Flow Technology Copenhagen A/S, Vibeholmsvej 22, Brøndby, Denmark.
Specifications are as follows: Scraped surface heat exchanger (SSHE):
Diameter/length 57mm/430mm. Annular space 6.5 mm. Volume 0.42ltr. Cooling
surface area /tube: 0.0567m2. RPM each tube: 200-1000. Cooling (max) -25°C.
High pressure 3-piston pump (Model: P-3-15/35-Labo). Capacity: 20-210 l/h. Max
pressure: 160 bar. Centrifugal Pump type: CS 25 (serial no: 48258) with a 115mm
inbuilt propeller, 0.55KW Bi Polar motor 0.75 hp motor (2900rpm). AISI316
stainless steel heated pump housing (Model T82)

The Processed 35%, 40% and 60% W/O emulsions and or bulk oils were
assembled as per the following general procedure: Water Phase

Water was heated to 80°C

All dry ingredients were weighed and mixed and slowly added to the water phase,
while stirring intensively for 4 minutes. The water phase was then allowed to cool
to 40°C or adjusted accordingly (see Table 2.19). The pH of the water phase was
adjusted with standard citric acid (Citric Acid Anhydrous, (Food Grade) CAS No.

84 Fat Phase

The emulsifiers, beta carotene (2% solution) and the selected oils and fats were
weighed into the same container and then heated to 80°C. Periodically, the fat
phase was stirred to ensure homogeneous melting.

The fat phase was then cooled to 40°C or adjusted accordingly (see Table 2.19),
until required for processing. In the case of emulsions, the water phase was
carefully added to the fat phase while stirring intensively. Lab Pilot Scale Process Conditions

Unless otherwise indicated, emulsions were processed using the following

conditions shown in Table 2.19 for 35%, 40% and 60% W/O emulsions.

Table 2.19 Processing parameter using Gerstenberg & Schröder 3-tube lab scale
scraped surface heat exchanger units

Processing parameter using Gerstenberg & Default Default Default

Schröder 3-tube lab scale scraped surface
heat exchanger units 35% w/o 40% w/o 60% w/o

Oil phase temperature (°C) 40 40 50

Water phase temperature (°C) 40 40 20
Emulsion temperature (°C) 40 40 50
Centrifugal pump % 20 - 30 Auto Auto
Capacity high pressure pump (kg/h) 25 40 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: (°C) -15 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: (°C) -15 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: (°C) N/A -10 -10
SSHE (Rpm) tube 1: 1000 1000 1000
SSHE (Rpm) tube 2: 1000 1000 1000
SSHE (Rpm) tube 3: N/A 1000 1000
Measurements of process conditions are recorded using Gerstenberg and Schröder
datalogger (D.S. Engineering, Nyborg, Denmark).

The pilot scale scraped surface heat exchanger units are shown in Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 A Gerstenberg & Schröder pilot scale: 3-tube Pilot Perfector 3x57

(Source: SPX Flow Technology Copenhagen A/S, Brøndby, Denmark).

2.9 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM)

In the confocal microscope, all structures not in focus are suppressed at image
formation. This is obtained by a pair of pinholes which limit the specimen’s focal
plane to a confined volume. Relatively thick specimens can be imaged in
successive volumes by acquiring a series of sections along the optical axis of the
microscope. This results in image stacks that can be reconstructed into images
showing the 3D structure of the sample. Structural information can thus be
obtained with minimum risk of integrity to the sample under examination.

The sample to be imaged by CLSM must be labelled with a fluorescent probe, if

not autofluorescent themselves. Fluorescent probes are available for a wide range
of biological materials, such as proteins, lipids. CLSM can be used either to obtain
static images or to provide dynamic imaging.

The CLSM system in this study enabled simultaneous detection of signals from
four photo multipliers, including one for transmitted light which allowed use of
ordinary light microscopy. There were 3 detection channels for simultaneous
staining with fluorescent probes and 6 laser lines available for inducing maximum
available fluorescence. The protein was dyed using FITC, which turns green. The
fat was dyed using Nile Red, which turns red. Both of these are fluorescent colours,
which are dissolvable in acetone.

2.9.1 Method

A Leica TCS SL module 2 CLSM system with a Leica DM IRE2 inverted

microscope (Leica Microsystems, Germany), serial no. 192216. The system was
equipped with 3 lasers: Ar/Green He/HeNe and four detector channels (incl.
transmitted light detector).

The water-in-oil emulsions were placed and pushed lightly upon a 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 cm
dyed cover glass (using 15µL FITC, Flourescein-5-Isothiocyanate, dissolved in
acetone, and 15µL Nile Red, dissolved in acetone), then placed in refrigerator at

5°C for dying for a minimum of 30 minutes. Final analysis occurred at ambient
approximately 21°C. Reagents

Acetone CAS.no: 67-64-1 R 11

Nile Red CAS.no: 230-966-0

FITC (Flourescein-5-Isothiocyanate)

Acridin Orange.

Use solutions of 50-200 µg/ml Equipment Beam Path Settings

Laser power: 488: 50 % 543: 50 %

Splitter filter: DD 488/543

PMT 1: 483-500 Blue reflection

PMT 2: 503-533 Green protein

PMT 3: 605-675 Red fat Calculations

Four images at two magnifications were taken using a 40X and 100X object lenses
respectively. CLSM images were then run through a MATLAB program R2009b
(MathWorks, Matrix House, Cambridge Business Park, Cambridge, UK) to
remove the blue reflection channel, and to ‘colour combine’ the images. The
images are then reproduced (scaled) to 375 x 375 µm and 188 x 188µm.

2.10 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is a thermo analytical technique

principally for monitoring changes in the physical or chemical properties of
materials (Narine, & Marangoni, 1999). The changes are measured as a function of
temperature by detecting the heat changes associated with the sample compared to
the control – usually a sealed empty pan. These are positioned on a sensor plate to
detect thermal resistance.
Fats exist in a number of different crystal forms, depending on fat type and the
thermal treatment it receives: this is called polymorphism. The most important of
these crystal forms are α, β' and β. DSC helps to identify the polymorphic
behaviour of an emulsifier subjected to specific thermal treatments.

A Mettler Toledo TA 8000 System consisting of a DSC820 measuring module and

cryostat cooler; equipped with STARe Software (Mettler-Toledo Ltd., 64 Boston
Road, Beaumont Leys Leicester, UK) was used to examine the polymorphic
behaviour of water-in-oil emulsion samples forming one part of a composite
analysis with microbeam X-ray analysis described later within the general methods

2.11 Gas Chromatography (GC)

2.11.1 GC Analysis

GC is a common type of chromatography used in analytical chemistry for

separating and analysing compounds that can be vaporised without decomposition.

The GC principle operation follows a flow-through narrow tube known as the

column, through which different chemical constituents of a sample pass in a gas
stream (carrier gas, mobile phase) at different rates depending on their various
chemical and physical properties and their interaction with a specific column
filling, called the stationary phase. As the chemicals exit the end of the column,
they are detected and identified electronically. How the final data is displayed is
based on the computer and software.

2.11.2 Monoglyceride Analysis Method: Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) and
Glycerols (Tri, Di, Mono)

The equipment used for the chromatographic data is listed below:

A Perkin Elmer model Autosystem XL gas chromatograph was used fitted with a
Perkin Elmer AS-8300 automatic injector, programmable temperature vaporiser
(PTV), flame ionisation detector and TotalChrom software for data analysis
(PerkinElmer Instruments, Massachusetts, USA). The chromatographic column
used was a WCOT fused silica 12.5m x 0.25mm ID x 0.1µ film thickness, with
coating: 5% phenyl methyl silicone (figures are length of column x diameter x
thickness of the coating).

This following method was used for determination of fatty acid composition in all
monoglycerides and fat containing samples.

Carrier gas: Helium, 10-12 psi inlet pressure. Automatic injector programming:
injection time 1 second, rinse cycle 10-20 seconds. 0.1-0.2 µl of sample injected if
on-column injection is used, and 1-2 µl of sample injected if split injection is used.
Injector: 0.01 minutes after injection, the temperature of the PTV is increased to
400°C. The Oven was programmed from 60-80°C to 200°C at 15-20°C/min., then
to 360°C at 10-TC/min and held at 360°C for 7-12 minutes. The Detector
temperature was 385°C. Detector gases: H2 35 ml/min., and air 430 ml/min.
Data processing: peak data was collected and computed using a Perkin Elmer
mini-computer based integrating system.

2.11.3 Preparation of Methyl Esters for GC Determination

The following describes the preparation of methyl esters for GC determination.

The GC analysis determined the fatty acid compositions as weight% of fatty acid
methyl ester: Reagents used were:

Methyl-tert-butyl-ether (MTBE), Heptane, Methanol, anhydrous.

Ethanol 95-99% (190-200 proof).

Hydrochloric acid (HCl), half normal (0.5 N) in methanol.

For preparation, approximately 95 ml of methanol anhydrous was cooled in a 100
ml Erlenmeyer flask to approximately –15°C by means of dry ice and ethanol.
Then 5 ml of acetyl chloride was added drop wise by means of a pipette while
stirring. This was diluted to 100 ml with methanol anhydrous.
Next, 20 mg of the sample was weighed into a 5 ml reactivial (Figure 2.4). Then 1
ml 0.5 N HCl in methanol and 200 µl heptanes were added. The reactivial was
then placed into a Reacti-Therm for 30 min. ±2 minutes at 100°C, and shaken
several times during the 30 minutes, then left to cool. After cooling, 2 ml of
MTBE and 1 ml of deionised water was added and the sample shaken. This was
then transferred to the upper phase in a 10 ml glass container with screw cap
containing 200-300 mg sodium sulphate, anhydrous. The sample was then ready
for GC.

Figure 2.2 Schematic of reactivial for preparation of methyl esters for GC


2.12 Polarised Light Microscopy (PLM)

Polarised light microscopy images are useful to observe effects of environmental

conditions on lipid crystallisation behaviour as a consequence of thermal
manipulation. The treatment of several emulsions and bulk continuous systems to
Isothermal and non-isothermal conditions can provide strong correlations to actual
crystallisation behaviour within TAG continuous commercial food systems.

2.12.1 Method

Several analyses of W/O emulsions and continuous bulk oil phase systems were
observed using an Olympus BX60 optical microscope (Serial no: 6M02546), fitted
with polarised filter (Olympus Optical Co. GmbH. Hamburg, Germany). The
desired amount of sample (~40 mg) is placed on a carrier glass slide which has
been pre-cooled or preheated to ~5°C. A cover slip was then placed parallel to the
plane of the carrier slide and centred on the drop of sample to ensure uniformity
and desirability of sample thickness. The micrograph of the crystal was taken at
40x and 200x magnification unless otherwise indicated. A number of images were
acquired each representing a typical field. Scale bars were added as appropriate.

2.12.2 Induction Heat / Cool / PLM Micrographs

Micrograph images were collected in polarised light using an Evolution Colour-

camera (MP 5.0 RTV 32-0041C-309) supplied from Media Cybernetics (Media
Cybernetics, Inc.USA.), attached to the Olympus BX60 optical microscope with
following parameters: Heat step 50°C/minute to 85°C, tempering for 2 minutes.
Then cooling rate: 1°C/minute - 10°C/minute - 50°C/minute and 100°C/minute to
final stop temperature 20°C.

Cooling rate: 1°C/min. 108 PLM images at every 30 seconds.

Cooling rate: 10°C/min. 27 PLM images at every 10 seconds.

Cooling rate: 50°C/min. 12 PLM images at every 3 seconds.

Cooling rate: 100°C/min. 8 PLM images at every 3 seconds.

2.13 Rheology

2.13.1 Interfacial Rheological System (IRS) Measurements

The IRS allows measurements of interfaces covered with surface active molecules.
The raw data is produced by well known rheological standard tests and the
interfacial properties can then be calculated by analysing the raw data.

Interfacial Rheology and Bulk Rheology, was measured using Physica MCR 301
(Figure 2.3a) and data driven from RHEOPLUS/32 V3.21 software (Anton Paar
GmbH, Germany). Oscillatory interfacial method was used to measure interfacial
properties of interfaces covered with surface active molecules. The IRS bicone
system is shown in Figure 2.3b & c. Geometries used for measurements were as
follows: Interfacial Rheology: Bicone - BIC68-5 (Figure 2.4a), and Bulk rheology:
Bob/cup - CC27 (Figure 2.4b).

Oil phase: Emulsifiers were weighed for rheology measurements at 0.2% w/w
(unless otherwise indicated) and the RBD sunflower oil balanced to 100%. The
preparation is heated to 10°C above melting point of emulsifier, and held for 1
hour, then cooled to ambient temperature and deaerated (~12hrs).

Water phase: Demineralised water is deaerated using a Desiccator (Sigma-Aldrich,

Denmark A/S. Copenhagen, Denmark). Oscillation measurements were conducted
at the following parameter settings: Temperature sweep: 50°C - 5°C, 0.3°C/min.
151 data points. Strain 0.1%. Frequency 1%. Held 15 min at 5°C. Then strain
Sweep: Strain: 0.001-100%, Ramp log+ (points/decade), Slope: 6 pt/Dec.
Frequency 1% at temperature 5°C.

A very low strain was chosen to make sure that at every stage in the crystallisation
process, measurements were performed within the linear viscoelastic region so as
to avoid disturbing the crystallisation process. The low frequency was preferred in
order to minimise influence of crystallisation as little as possible. Rheograms were
obtained by plotting dynamic change in the elastic modulus (G’) and viscous

modulus (G’’) of the crystallising sample as a function of the crystallisation
temperature (non-isothermal).

The analysis method for calculation of complex interfacial viscosity η*i by

frequency sweep measurements, with a bicone measuring system, are produced by
known rheological and mathematical formula (4.2.2). Interfacial properties can
then be calculated by analysing the raw data. The precalculated data were then
computed using RHEOPLUS/32 V3.21 software and recalculated. Ideally, the
calculation of complex interfacial viscosity η*i, is determined for each of the 151
data points.

Figure 2.3 (a) Anton Paar Physica MCR Interfacial Rheology System (IRS) and (b
/ c) Bicone measuring system

Figure 2.4 Geometries used for measurements: (a) Interfacial Rheology: Bicone -
BIC68-5 and (b) Bulk rheology: Bob/cup - CC27

Bulk rheology measurements were used to provide real constants for upper fluid
density and viscosity values for interfacial analyses (Appendix I).

2.13.2 Haake Controlled Stress Rotational Rheometer

A controlled stress rheometer (Haake RS 150, from Fisher Scientific Ltd, Bishop
Meadow Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK), was set up to run from 0.001 -
60Pa of stress range, and it was programmed to measure over a period 300s, in a
logarithmic distribution. Geometries were used as follows: Bob Diameter =
20.000mm. Measuring gap = 0.850mm. Cup Diameter = 21.700mm. Sample
volume = 8.20cm3. The Haake internally calculates the stress range and time range.
Software: RheoWin version 3.610004 (Thermo Fischer group, UK) was used for
computation of readings at the stress corresponding to an even log distribution
over stress and time range requested.

2.13.3 Rheometrics Controlled Stress Rotational Rheometer

Investigation of bulk oil blends subjected to the effects of controlled cooling rate
while under shear were analysed using a shear stress controlled rotational
rheometer, Rheometrics SR 5 (proRheo, Germany), operating in simulated rate
control mode. Target shear rate of 10 s-1. Crystal history was removed by melting
and holding at 90°C for 15 minutes before loading onto the rheometer. A parallel
plate geometry (40mm diameter top plate. Gap = 1mm) with thermoelectric
cooling plate using Peltier cooling was used. The temperature ramp was 70°C to
25°C at either 1°C/min, 10°C/min, 30°C/min, was used. A 2 minute delay without
shear at 70°C prior to thermo-cooling was also used.

The fat blend tested in all cases comprised of a base of 70% palm stearine (35 IV)
and 30% palm olein (56 IV), to which the emulsifiers GRINDSTED® Crystallizer
110, GRINDSTED® PGPR 90, and Monoglycerides of Moringa were added at
1%, 0.5% and 1% respectively (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6)

2.14 SFC Determination

Following the AOCS Official Method Cd 16b-93 (Firestone, 2004), the SFC of the
samples was determined on a PC120 pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (pNMR)
spectrometer (Bruker AXS GmbH. Karlsruhe, Germany). The sample was placed
in the NMR tube and successively melted at 80°C for 30 min, tempered at 0°C for
90 min, and then kept at the desired temperature (10°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C, 35°C
40°C) for 30 min before measurement was recorded. Triplicate measurements
were obtained.

2.15 Isothermal Rate of Crystallisation (RoC) Test

The SFC of the separated fat was measured at isothermal crystallisation conditions
using the following procedures: samples were successively filled into the glass
NMR tube (each~3 g), heated to 80°C and then maintained for 60 minutes, and
placed into a refrigerated bath circulator set at ambient 20°C. SFC readings were
obtained at 1 minute intervals for 20 minutes for each RoC test. The crystallisation
curves (SFC vs. time) were produced under isothermal conditions. Triplicate
measurements were obtained (Appendix B & C).

2.16 Surface Tension - Interfacial Tensiometry

Interfacial tension is an important property of liquid/liquid systems. It serves as an

index of the relative forces of intermolecular attraction and as a measure of the
free energy per unit area of the interface, and also provides information about
emulsification. The reduction in interfacial tension is due to the increased
adsorption of emulsifier molecules at the interface, because their solubility in the
oil phase decreases as the temperature decreases. Figure 2.5 shows preparation of
interfacial tension measurement between two the two liquids, oil (O) and water (W)

and is also known as the Wilhelmy plate method. This method is ideal for
measuring solutions containing surfactants and observing change of surface
tension over time without disturbing the liquid surface.

Figure 2.5 Principle action of the Wilhelmy plate method (Source: Danisco
Physical Food Science, Brabrand, Denmark).

The Wilhelmy plate consists of a thin plate usually on the order of a few square
millimetres in area. The plate is often made from glass or platinum which may be
roughened to ensure complete wetting. The plate is cleaned thoroughly and
attached to a scale or balance via a thin metal wire. The force on the plate due to
wetting is measured via a tensiometer or microbalance and used to calculate the
surface tension (γ) using the Wilhelmy equation:

Eq. (2.1)

where ι is the wetted perimeter (2 + 2 ) of the Wilhelmy plate and θ is the

contact angle between the liquid phase and the plate. In practice the contact angle
is rarely measured, instead either literature values are used, or complete wetting
(θ=0) is assumed (Holmberg 2002).

2.16.1 Tensiometry Materials and methods Solvent

Refined, bleached and deodorised (RBD) sunflower oil, iodine value 127, was
obtained from AAK (Aarhus, Denmark). Purification was then carried out using
the following procedure: Mix 30g of Fluorisil PR60/100 mesh (Sigma-Aldrich
Denmark A/S ) with 500g Sunflower Oil in a vessel. The mixture was stirred for
60 min at 80°C, and protected from UV light. After cooling over 12hrs, the
sunflower oil was passed slowly at room temperature through a glass column,
containing filter paper (glass fibre GA55, 47 mm) into 800ml UV light protected
beaker. This procedure results in the sunflower oil having an interfacial tension at
20°C of 28-30mN/m (oil – water)

99 Preparation of Samples

Oil phase: Emulsifiers were weighed for tensiometer measurements at 0.02% w/w
(unless otherwise indicated) and the RBD sunflower oil balanced to 100%. The
preparation was heated to 10°C above the melting point of emulsifier, and held for
1 hour, then cooled to ambient temperature and deaerated (~12hrs).

Water phase: Demineralised water was deaerated using a Desiccator (Sigma-

Aldrich, Denmark A/S. Copenhagen, Denmark). Both phases were ready to use
after heating to 50°C. Interfacial Tension Method

The interfacial tension of oil/water systems was measured on a Digital-

Tensiometer, Figure 2.6 (model K10ST, Krüss Germany), using the Wilhelmy
plate method (Holmberg 2002), and recorded continuously by connecting a high
resolution data recorder (PicoLog ADC-20, using PicoLog for windows 5.13.4
from Pico Technology Ltd, Cambridgeshire. United Kingdom) to the tensiometer.
A second channel on the recorder was used to monitor the temperature of the
oil/water system in the tensiometer. The oil/water phase was controlled by a
programmable water bath (model: Thermo Haake® DC10-K10, with a refrigerated
recirculation unit (Sigma-Aldrich, Denmark A/S. Copenhagen, Denmark), which
allowed the temperature to be changed from 50°C to 5 °C. Prior to initializing
measurement the tensiometer K10ST was calibrated for the oil phase to show more
than 27mN/m at 20°C and held constant for 15 min, enabling both oil and
instrument to reach equilibrium.

Measurements were started at 50°C after preheating the oil phase and the water
phase to 50°C separately. Prior to commencing with a temperature sweep, the
interfacial tension was maintained at 50°C for 5 minutes to achieve equilibrium
between the oil and water phases. Then the temperature was decreased to 5°C at
0.3°C/min and kept at 5°C for 5 minutes.

Figure 2.6 Digital-Tensiometer K10ST from Krüss, Germany

2.17 Texture Analysis (TA-XT2i)

Texture analysis was measured using a Stable Micro Systems Texture analyser:
TA-XT2i and Software Texture expert Exceed version 2.64, from Stable Micro
Systems Ltd., Godalming, Surrey, United Kingdom. In all measurements the probe
was: SMS P/0.5 (½ diameter cylinder: Ebonite) and samples were prepared
directly from the scrapped surface cooling plant (Gerstenberg & Schroder pilot
plant), described in the methods (2.8). All samples were measured at 5°C and force
was according to standard compression test at 1mm/s to depth of 15mm. The
maximum penetration force was recorded. Hardness is reported as the maximum
penetration force (g) based on triplicate measurements. Test settings are shown in
Appendix J.

2.18 Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) in Low-Fat Spread

One of the important features of an emulsion is its Droplet Size Distribution

(DSD). The droplet size influences many characteristics, for instance the rheology
(Asano & Sotoyama 1999), and the stability of an emulsion (Basheva, Gurkov,
Ivanov, Bantchev, 1999) and emulsion liquid membrane performance
(Chakraborty, Bhattacharya, & Datta, 2003). Droplet size distribution in low-fat
spread is important with respect to appearance, flavour release and microbiological
stability. In protein-containing low-fat spreads, stabilisers are added to secure
emulsion stability. These also have a profound effect on water droplet size.

The water droplet size distribution of margarine influences the microbiological

stability, the hardness, mouth feel and flavour release of the margarine. A product
with a coarse water droplet distribution and with low preservatives and salt will be
susceptible to fast microbial contamination. Microbiological spoilage is also
influenced by protein content and pH.

The smaller the water droplet size, the less attractive the environment for the
micro-organisms since less nutrients are available to them. A small water droplet
size (average droplet range from 5 to 50 microns) increases the shelf life of the
product, and this is aided by the side function of emulsifiers which are able to
influence texture and stability.

When the droplet size is less than 10 microns, this environment will be more
restrictive to microbiological growth (Charteris, 2007; Delamarre & Batt, 1999).
In reality, good manufacturing practice (GMP) will come into play, because the

margarine and spreads (water-in-oil) industry is generally regarded as low risk,
sometimes larger size droplets are found because of the acceptable trade-off to
attain a required flavour release (Young & Wassell, 2008).

2.18.1 Method

Pulsed NMR analysis using a pulsed gradient unit Bruker Minispec mq 20,
20MHz low field pulsed pNMR Analyzer, Magnet unit ND2172, equipped with a
Pulsed Gradient Unit 1059. High / low temperature probe head assembly mq-
PA231 (-120°C - +200°C). Software: SSL, system status logging. Pulsed gradient
system for 10mm tubes (10 x 180 x 0.6mm = diameter x length x thickness). Mq-
SOFT EDMs Oil droplets / Water droplets and Diffusio. Bruker gas tempering unit
for high and low temperature analysis: mq-BVT3000c (for minispec probe PA231).
Measurements are performed at 20°C and field gradients of 2.0 T/m (Telsa per
meter) or higher.

2.18.2 Analytical Principle

A Hahn spin echo experiment with field gradient pulses involves calculating the
reduction in spin echo amplitude compared with the Hahn spin echo amplitude
without field gradient pulses (R).

Determining diffusion coefficient of water molecules: If protons can move

unhindered in the liquid, then free diffusion is taking place, and the diffusion
coefficient D can be determined directly from R.

Determining droplet size distribution in w/o emulsions: If proton movement is

restricted by the boundaries of a droplet, an R value plateau is obtained reflecting
the droplet size. When measuring at several pulse lengths, the corresponding R
plateau values give a fingerprint of the droplet size distribution. Measurements are

performed at 5°C and with 8 R values. Log-normal particle size distribution is
typically seen in w/o emulsions and is used in the mathematical calculation of
droplet size distribution. Results are given as volume and number size distribution
(Table 2.20) and derived from a log-scale using values of standardised normal
distribution (Table 2.21).

Table 2.20 Droplet size distribution results presented as volume and number size

2.5 % of droplet volume is smaller than “x” µm

50% of droplet volume is smaller than “x” µm
97.5 % of droplet volume is smaller than “x” µm

Table 2.21 Droplet size distribution calculated from log-scale values of

standardised normal distribution

2.5% <µ 50% <µ 97.5% <µ

(dlower) (d50,3) (dupper)

2.19 Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling with Pressure Difference (UVP-PD)
Materials and Methods

The fats described earlier (Table 2.17) were blended forming the following:

25% Akomic (non trans fat filling based on non-hydrogenated partly lauric
vegetable oils and fats; Aarhus Karlshamn, Karlshamn, Sweden) and 75%
rapeseed oil – the control.

25% Akomic, 74% rapeseed oil and 1% GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 (distilled
monoglyceride based on behenic acid; Danisco / DuPont, Grindsted, Denmark).

Fats used for off-line (Haake) rheological measurements (2.13) shown in Figure
3.3 (3.0), were Kokowar and Akocrem (see footnote in Table 2.17)

Fat blends used for the SFC measurements (2.19.4; 2.19.5) consisted of 30% of
palm stearin, added to 70% rapeseed oil before being processed (2.19.1).

At time of writing the Akomic (Table 2.17) has been renamed to Chocofill BR 60
(Aarhus Karlshamn, Karlshamn, Sweden).

The GRINDSTED® PS 209 (material no. 126324), was a composition of mono-,

di and triglycerides based on fully hydrogenated (IV 2) rapeseed and palm oil and
contained a maximum monoglyceride content 12% (supplied by Danisco / DuPont,

2.19.1 Pilot Plant (Gerstenberg-Schröder A/S)

All experimental water-in-oil emulsion samples were prepared and measurements

made on a Gerstenberg-Schröder oils and fats pilot plant (refer to 2.8.1) consisting
of a flow loop (closed stainless steel tubular circulation system) into which the
UVP-PD equipment was incorporated (Figure 2.7). The tubular diameter of the
pilot plant was 12 mm, and the sample enters this system from a holding tank and
passes through a centrifugal pump. The UVP-PD equipment was connected to the

pilot plant via quick valve expansion couplings such that a smooth transition to the
UVP-PD tube diameter of 22.5 mm was achieved. The sample then flowed
through the UVP-PD equipment and exited directly into 150ml plastic cups or
collected and re-melted before sending the fat blend on a repeat process. The
measurement apparatus was attached directly at and immediately after the pin
worker, the area where the greatest heat of crystallisation occurs.

The fat blends were independently introduced to the pilot plant at 80°C, and
thermodynamic drive constants: ammonia -30°C, Flow rate at high-pressure pump
= 70 kg/h. Pressure on transducers <4 bars. Shaft rotation speed perfector 1 = 1000
r.p.m. Pin rotor =302 r.p.m. These conditions achieved an approximate exit
temperature in the order of 18°C after ~2 min flow time.

2.19.2 UVP-PD System

The UVP-PD system and method for in-line rheometry used here are well
described in the literature (Wiklund, 2007; Wiklund, Shahram, & Stading, 2007;
Wiklund & Stading, 2008). However, the upgraded system including new
hardware and new transducers used in this work has not been described in detail
before (Young et al., 2008; Wassell et al., 2010b).

The UVP-PD testing section was designed and manufactured by SIK – The
Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, Goteborg, Sweden SIK, Sweden
and AB WI-KA Mekaniska Verkstad, Sweden and connected to the Gertenberg &
Schröder pilot plant (refer to 2.8.1) using a series of quick valve expansion
couplings, facilitating rapid movement of UVP-PD test sections between different
measuring points. Figure 2.12 shows the pilot plant and testing section including
the by-pass loop and the flow adapter cell for housing the ultrasound transducers,
located towards the exit point, prior to sampling.

Figure 2.7 Schematic image of pilot scale scraped surface heat exchanger unit and
pin rotor units with flow-cell and by-pass loop measuring apparatus with
differential pressure gauge and ultrasound transducers.

The testing section comprised a flow adapter cell for housing a pair of custom
made 4 MHz high-temperature ultrasound transducers (TR0405LH-X., Signal-
Processing SA., Savigny, Switzerland). The high temperature transducers, at the
time of writing are a new development and part of confidential contract work,
allowing measurements directly from the transducer front and thus to record more
or less zero velocity at the wall. As a result, higher precision in determining the
wall positions were achieved compared to previous work (Young et al 2008).

The transducers were mounted opposite each other at a fixed angle of inclination
(20°), which allowed simultaneous non-invasive measurement of the flow velocity
profiles and monitoring of the acoustic properties. The active diameter of the piezo

was 5 mm and the transducers were in contact with the liquid but were pulled back
6.9 mm to avoid measurements within the near field region where the acoustic
pressure field is irregular (Young et al 2008). The testing section also contained a
differential pressure sensor, (ABB 265DS; ETP80, ABB Automation Technology
Products AB, Sollentuna, Sweden), and the pressure drop was measured over a
distance of 0.68m (shown in Figure 2.7).

The UVP-PD system used consisted of a customised pulser/receiver, UVP-DUO-

MX model with a Multiplexer, (Met-Flow SA, Lausanne, Switzerland). The UVP-
DUO-MX instrument features modified firmware that gives direct access to
demodulated echo amplitude (DMEA) data, i.e. raw data, which is not available
using standard instrumentation. Wiklund et al (2007) and Birkhofer et al (2008),
have recently shown that direct access to DMEA data from the pulser/receiver
instrument makes it possible to say something about the quality of the acquired
data and to correct it in real-time thus leading to improved measurement accuracy.

A high-speed digitiser card (Agilent Acquiris; Agilent Technologies, Kista,

Sweden) was used as an integral part of the data acquisition scheme, enabling
simultaneous measurement of the flow velocity profiles and acoustic properties.

The pulser/receiver and the differential pressure sensor were connected to a master
PC via Ethernet and a high-speed DAQ card (National Instruments Sweden AB).
UVP data acquisition was implemented with an ActiveX library (Met-Flow SA,
Switzerland). All data acquisition, data processing and analysis were made using
novel software, RheoFlowTM, developed at SIK, Sweden for in-line UVP-PD-based
rheological measurements.

2.19.3 UVP-PD Method and experimental parameters

The UVP-PD in-line rheometer system used in this work only required initial
calibration of the transducer angle. No other calibration was needed since only
physical parameters i.e. velocity, pressure and velocity of sound are measured

directly. The emitting frequency of the ultrasound was set to 4 MHz, 150V with 2-
4 cycles per pulse and 512 repetitions resulting therefore in a sampling rate of
300ms per demodulated echo amplitude (DMEA) data set. Short bursts of
ultrasonic pulses were emitted and then echoed back towards the transducer by
reflective surfaces such as particles moving with the flowing suspension. The local
velocities are obtained by detecting the Doppler shift frequency of the reflected
ultrasound and the local position of the particles by simultaneous measurements of
the time delay between emission and echo reception. The power density spectra of
one set of profiles, typically 25-40 were determined using Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) algorithm and averaged. The Doppler shift frequency (flow velocity) was
then determined from the geometrical mean of the spectra above an offset. The
total measurement time per recorded and processed velocity profile was 450ms.
Thus, radial velocity profiles can be continuously obtained in real-time both in the
direction of the flow and counter to the direction of the flow, and the volumetric
flow rate were obtained by integration of the velocity profiles.

The shear rate distribution could be determined directly from the velocity gradient
of the acquired velocity profiles. Shear viscosities and rheological model
parameters presented here were determined from a non-linear fit to the integrated
form of the power-law model.

Power-law model: τ = Kγ n Eq. (2.2)

 R∆P 
R   r  (1+ 1n ) 
Integrated form: v(r ) =  ⋅ ⋅ 1 −    Eq. (2.3)

 2 LK  (1+ 1
)   R  

Where τ and γ are the shear stress and shear rate, K is the consistency index and
n is the flow exponent. In the integrated form of the model r and R are the inner
and outer radius, ∆P is the pressure drop and L is the length of pipe section used
for ∆P . Details on the UVP-PD system and method for in-line rheometry used in
this work have been published in the literature (Young et al., 2008; Wassell et al.,

2.19.4 Solid Fat Content (SFC) Measurement – p-NMR

The solid fat content was determined off line using the established p-NMR
technique as described by IUPAC (1987) and the calculation principle outlined by
van Putte and van den Enden (1974). Also refer to 2.14

2.19.5 Solid Fat Content (SFC) Measurement – Ultrasound

A method for determining the solid fat content in-line using an ultrasonic velocity
technique has been improved. The method is based on the pulse transmission
technique described e.g. by McClements and Povey (1987; 1988) where an
equation derived by Urick (1947) is used to convert the ultrasonic velocity in a
sample into SFCs for many oil/fat mixtures. The velocity of sound in a two-
component suspension of particles or emulsion of droplets depends on the mean
density and mean compressibility and is given by the Urick (1947) equation:

v= Eq. (2.4)

where, ρ = (1 − φ )ρ1 + φρ 2 Eq. (2.5)

and κ = (1 − φ )κ 1 + φκ 2 Eq. (2.6) according to Wood (1964).

Here φ is the volume fraction of the dispersed phase, ρ is the density, κ is the
adiabatic compressibility, ν is the velocity of sound and the subscripts 1 and 2
represent the continuous and dispersed phases respectively. Equation (2.5) can be

rewritten as a cubic equation in terms of φ . For oil- and fat based systems an
analytical solution exists:

φ = − B − (B 2 − 4 AC )
1/ 2
)/ 2 A Eq.(2.7)


A = ν 12 (1 − ρ1 / ρ 2 ) + ν 22 (1 − ρ 2 / ρ1 ) ,

B = ν 22 (ρ 2 / ρ1 − 2) + ν 12 ρ1 / ρ 2 ,

C = ν 22 1 −ν 12 /ν total

The SFC is then calculated by converting the volume fraction φ , into a mass

SFC = 100φρ 2 / ρ total Eq.(2.8)

The velocities in, and densities in the solid and liquid phases are required to
determine SFC from Eq. (2.8). The densities were measured using a Densito-30PX
instrument (Mettler-Toledo AB, Stockholm, Sweden). The sound velocity in palm
stearin at 10°C was determined to 1548 ±5 m/s and its density 899 ±1 kg/m3. The
density in rapeseed oil was determined to 916 ±1 kg/m3. The sound velocity in
rapeseed oil was determined as function of temperature using a pulsed method to c
= 1536.4-3.487xT m/s with a correlation coefficient of 0.997. This procedure was
needed to allow for temperature compensation of the measured sound velocities. A
significant limitation of the ultrasonic technique is that vacuole formation may
occur in the sample during cooling, which practically restricts SFCs to less than
about 40% according to McClements and Povey (1988).

2.20 Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction (SR-XRD) using Microbeam
small angle X-ray Diffraction, (SR-μ-SAXD)

To determine the detailed mechanisms of interfacial heterogeneous crystallisation,

a technique which relies on X-ray focusing optics and a synchrotron radiation X-
ray source is used (Wassell et al., 2012). This enables use of X-rays and the
generation of an intense X-ray microbeam with a divergence small enough to
perform X-ray diffraction studies. By scanning the X-ray microbeam (μ-SAXD)
on a thin section of the sample in two dimensions with steps on the order of the
beam size and by collecting each two-dimensional (2D) X-ray diffraction pattern
with a 2D X-ray-sensitive area detector, it is possible to construct 2D micrometer-
dimension images. In principle, simultaneous observation of small-angle and
wide-angle diffraction patterns can be achieved to obtain the lamellar distance and
sub-cell structure.

This study encompassed multiple analyses using DSC, PLM, macrobeam and
microbeam synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction (SR-XRD), experiments on fat
crystals in the continuous phase of W/O emulsions (35 wt. % fat).

2.20.1 Method

Preparations of 35% W/O emulsions were assembled using ingredients described

in Tables 2.22 and 2.23. Emulsifier additives were provided by Danisco/DuPont
(Grindsted, Denmark). Emulsion preparation and processing conditions (Table
2.19) using a Gerstenberg & Schröder pilot scale SSHE plant were described
previously in 2.8.

Table 2.22 Sample recipes for 35% W/O emulsions

Sample: PGPR PGPR + MB

Water (tap) 64.0% 64.0%

Salt (Nacl) 1.0% 1.0%

Water phase total 65.0% 65.0%

Fat blend: solid fat (interesterified: palm stearin / 34.6% 34.45%

lauric kernel) / liquid oil (RBD Rapeseed oil) = 1/3

Other fat ingredients

GRINDSTED® PGPR 90-Ka 0.4% 0.4%

GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110-Kb 0.15%

Fat phase total 35.0% 35.0%

GRINDSTED® PGPR 90-K; polyglycerol polyricinoleate, a polyglycerol ester of
polycondensed fatty acids from castor oil.
GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110-K; distilled saturated monobehenoyl (MB) based on
fully hydrogenated high-erucic rapeseed oil (HEAR)

Table 2.23 Properties of fats used for W/O emulsions

SFC%a Interesterified palm stearin/lauricb RBD Rapeseed oilc, d

10°C 72 - 80
20°C 49 – 55
30°C 23-28
40°C 3-4
Slip melte °C 37 - 42
Iodine Valuef 110 - 121
SAT % 74 7
MONO %g 21 62
POLY %g 5 30
trans %g max 2 max 1
a = Solid Fat Content (%), IUPAC 2.150a

b = Cargill GmbH., Hamburg, Germany

c = AarhusKarlshamn (AAK)., Denmark.

d = Cloudpoint (°C) -16, ASTM D97 SS-EN (23015)m

e = AOCS Cc 3-25

f = IUPAC 2.205

g = IUPAC 2.304

2.20.2 Macrobeam X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Measurements

In order to observe the macroscopic crystallisation behaviour of fats in the

emulsion, synchrotron radiation (SR)-XRD experiments with a normal macrobeam
(beam width 0.5x0.5mm2) were carried out at two different beamlines (BL-15A)
of the SR source Photon Factory (PF) in the National Laboratory for High-Energy
Physics (Tsukuba, Japan). For both beamlines, a double-focusing camera was
operated at a wavelength of 0.15nm. Two different detectors were used: a CCD
camera for small-angle data and a PSPC for wide-angle data. SAXD and WAXD
measurements were performed simultaneously. The SAXD pattern was used to
determine the chain length structure of the TAG, and the WAXD pattern enabled
identification of the polymorphic forms. The temperature program applied to the
sample was controlled by a Mettler DSC-FP84 (Mettler Instrument Corp.,
Greifensee, Switzerland) with FP99 software. A 2mm-thick sample was placed in
a stainless-steel sample cell with Kapton film windows.

2.20.3 Microbeam Small-angle X-ray Diffraction Measurements

The basic principle of SR-µ-SAXD has been reported elsewhere (Ueno, Nishida,
Sato, 2008; Shinohara et al 2008; Arima et al 2009; Tanaka et al 2009; Wassell et
al., 2012). By scanning the X-ray microbeam on a thin section of the sample two
dimensions with steps on the order of the beam size, and by collecting each two-
dimensional (2D) XRD pattern with a 2D X-ray sensitive area detector, the
polymorphic structure can be assessed by measuring the long spacing value, which
is calculated by the diffraction angle (2θ) extension (Fig. 2.10a). In addition, the
lamellar plane direction (Fig. 2.10b) of the fat crystal can be assessed by
measuring the azimuthal angle (χ) extension pattern at a fixed 2θ position (Fig.

Figure 2.8 Data analyses of SR-μ-SAXD patterns. (a) 2D SR-μ-SAXD pattern. (b)
Lamellar direction in a fat crystal. (c) χ extension pattern

When all the fat crystals are highly oriented, two sharp 2D diffraction peaks (arc
peaks) should appear because of the preferred orientation of crystals. The average
direction of the lamellar planes of the fat crystals is directed normal to the
direction connecting the two arc peaks. For example, in Figure 2.8(c), sharp arc
peaks appear at χ =110° and χ = 290°, which are superimposed by a 180° rotation.
This set of two peaks (twin peaks), correspond to the symmetric diffraction peaks
from the crystals whose lamellar planes are aligned along the same direction at χ
= 200° (arrow in Figure 2.8(c)).

The degree of orientation of the lamellar planes of TAG crystals can be evaluated
by calculating the half width of χ value (∆χ). A smaller ∆χ yields a higher degree
of orientation of the lamellar planes (Arima et al., 2009).

The μ-SAXD measurement was performed at BL-4A of the Photon Factory, the
synchrotron radiation facility of the High-Energy Accelerator Research
Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba, Japan. Details of the μ-SAXD method have been
reported previously (Riekel, Burghammer, & Muller, 2000).

The X-ray microbeam wavelength was 0.11nm, and the beam area was 5 x 5μm2.
The emulsion sample was sealed in a 50μm-thick cell made of mica covered with
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film, and set on a temperature controlled stage
(Figure 2.9). The sample was thermally treated using a Linkam (Linkam, UK) as
follows. First, the sample was kept at 60°C for 5min. The temperature was then
reduced to 5°C at a rate of 2°C/min and kept at 5°C during the μ-SAXD
measurement. An image of the Linkam temperature control stage unit is shown in
Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.9 Schematic showing cold stage temperature control for the W/O
emulsion preparation (Ueno et al. 2008)

It was necessary to decrease the distance between the sample and the 2D detector
to 30cm so that both the small- and wide-angle diffraction patterns could be
imaged on a 2D detector with a 6in x 6in (15.24 x 15.24cm) area. Keeping the
microbeam position fixed, the measured sample was moved by an x-y-z stepping
motor for observation by an optical microscope (magnification ×200). The sample
was moved automatically within a 2D plane in 5μm steps.

Figure 2.10 Image of Linkam temperature control stage unit

2.20.4 DSC Measurements

DSC analyses were performed using a differential scanning calorimeter model

XRD-DSCII (Rigaku, Tokyo, Japan). First, 10mg of the sample was weighed in
an aluminium pan. Before analysis, the sample was heated to 60 °C at a rate of
10 °C/min and held under isothermal conditions for 5min to erase its previous
thermal history. The sample was then cooled to 0°C at a rate of 2°C/min and
heated again to 60°C to obtain the cooling and heating thermograms. All
experiments were performed under a nitrogen flow of 50 mL/min, and an empty
aluminium pan was used as a reference for all. Duplicated experiments were
conducted for each emulsion, and the same results were obtained.

2.20.5 Polarised Optical Microscopic (POM) Observation

Water droplet distribution and fat crystal morphology were observed using a
CX31-P POM (Olympus Co., Tokyo, Japan) with a DP 12 digital camera
(Olympus). The POM was set under the crossed Nicols condition. Samples were
set in a Linkam (TU-600PM, Cambridge, UK) furnace set to a temperature of 5°C
and placed on the sample stage of the POM.

3.0 A Study on the Crystallisation of TAG Based Systems using UVP-PD

3.1 Introduction and Background

The physical properties of Triacylglycerol (TAG) based systems have mainly been
studied and performed under isothermal conditions where observations of crystal
behaviour can be quite different from those observed whilst in or from a dynamic,
non-isothermal environment (Wassell et al., 2010a). Ultrasonic velocity profiling
with pressure difference (UVP-PD), offers the chance to probe the mechanics of
TAG blend physics under real, dynamic conditions.

There are many potential factors influencing crystal nucleation and many have
been reviewed (Povey et al., 2007). There is a need for methods to analyse and
understand the crystallisation processes occurring under dynamic conditions. A
range of different analytical techniques have been reported to study TAG
crystallisation processes, including rheology, DSC, pNMR, ultrasonic
spectroscopy (De Graef et al., 2006; Janssen & MacGibbon, 2007; Maleky et al.,
2007; Martini et al., 2006; Wassell et al., 2010a), but so far all these techniques
have been constrained to static, and semi-static conditions. None of these analyses
measure while the material is potentially in a dynamic – supercooled condition,
where crystallisation occurs very quickly and in bulk (Garbolino et al., 2005).
Ultrasound is regarded as the most sensitive (Povey & Challis 2006).

3.2 Effect of Cooling

In real process conditions, nucleation is induced at a higher temperature than that

expected for pure TAG due to impurities, dust, vessel surface, air bubbles,
interface of the emulsion droplets, and for example, emulsifier e.g.
monoacylglycerol (MAG) or monoglyceride reverse micelles. Once stable nuclei
have formed, these grow into crystals by incorporating molecules in the interface
from the melted TAG. As crystallisation continues, the degree of super-saturation
in the system decreases. Importantly, the rate of crystal growth is proportional to
the degree of supercooling, whereby rapid cooling of the melted TAG leads to the
simultaneous formation of many nuclei which grow into small crystals. Slow
cooling leads to smaller numeration of nuclei, eventually with time, these grow to
larger crystals.

Energy Structure
15°C ∆G*




Cooling Temperature
Figure 3.1 Schematic diagrams of the energy barrier to crystallisation and the
relative amount of structure formed as a function of cooling temperature.

The effect cooling on the structure forming ability of a system is shown in Figure
3.1, where a schematic energy diagram depicts the amount of activation energy
(McClements, 1999) required to ‘kick start’ nucleation; energy on the y-axis and
cooling temperature on the x-axis, and structure on the second y-axis. Reducing
the cooling rate to 15°C causes a small change. Reducing to 0°C and cooler,

suggests an optimum has been reached. The energy barrier to crystallisation is
surpassed. The benefit of moving to lower cooling rates, together with mechanical
contact (shear), encourages the process of crystallisation (refer 1.3).

3.3 Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling with Pressure Difference (UVP-PD)

A method for in-line rheometry combining the Doppler-based ultrasound velocity

profiling (UVP) technique with pressure difference (PD) measurements,
commonly known as UVP-PD, has recently been investigated by several authors
(Birkhofer, Jeelani, Windhab et al., 2008; Wiklund, 2007; Wiklund & Stading,
2008; Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a). The UVP-PD method has
several advantages over commercial process rheometers in being applicable to
monitor, opaque, highly concentrated, non-Newtonian suspensions and allows
measurements not possible with common rheometers. Other researchers are
indirectly interested in ultrasound techniques for other reasons, such as
crystallisation kinetics (Sato & Ueno 2011), specifically in the area of ultrasound
analysis, processing and quality control of food systems (Awad et al., 2012).

Until now, a relatively new technique (Young et al., 2008; Wassell et al., 2010b)
using UVP-PD, draws attention to a new method of observing rheological
behaviour of a crystallising TAG blend under real fluid / dynamic process
conditions, neatly demonstrating fundamental differences. Importantly, this non-
invasive technique is also able to observe, the effect on additions of minor
additives, e.g. addition of a relatively small inclusion of a longer chain MAG such
as monobehenate (see 1.5; 1.6). These additives are known to influence
crystallisation mechanics (seeding / promoting crystal networks). This aspect is
well documented (Sakamoto et al., 2003 & 2004). The effect has been less easily
observed in real dynamic processing conditions, until now.

Measurements used to quantify crystallisation events are typically DSC or pNMR,

both being off-line static measurements, and both limited to the degree of thermal
treatments typically found in real food processes.

A review of findings (Wassell et al., 2010a) clearly shows the necessity for a
multiple approach to structuring. Part of this multiple discipline highlights
investigation into the use of crystal modifiers; specifically, this being the use of
MAG. The influence of the longer chain behenic MAG has been discussed in
review (Wassell & Young 2007), and offers some influence on nucleation (For
comprehensive supporting detail, refer 1.6). Indirectly, the UVP-PD technique was
used to quantify the effect of crystallisation on a typical TAG blend; the TAG
blend being anhydrous. This investigation was to characterise a true in-line
measurement, under real processing conditions.

Figure 3.2 shows schematics of the test section (Appendix E shows previous and
current photo images of UVP test sections). The study characterised the influence
of an additive, based on behenic based MAG (GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110) on
the selected TAG blend (Young et al., 2008).

Figure 3.2 Schematic image of pilot scale scraped surface heat exchanger unit and
pin rotor units with flow-cell and by-pass loop measuring apparatus with
differential pressure gauge and ultrasound transducers.

3.3.1 Off-line Haake Measurements

For comparison, several MAG / TAG mixtures were first measured off-line on a
controlled stress rheometer from Haake (Thermo Electron Corp., Karlsruhe,
Germany) (Haake RS 150), using a cup-bob geometry where the bob is of 20 mm
diameter (refer to 2.13.2). The temperature was cooled from 70°C to 40°C at 1°C
min-1 and the shear rate was held constant at 10 s-1. Results for viscosity as a
function of temperature are given in Figure 3.3.

The samples represent filling fats and were chosen for their resemblance to the
model systems to be tested with the UVP equipment. The filling fats (refer to
materials and methods Table 2.17) are: Kokowar, (hydrogenated, deodorised lauric
oil based on coconut) from Aarhus Karlshamn, Akocrem (the same as Akomic),
GRINDSTED® PS 209 (a blend of MAG and TAG, fully hydrogenated rapeseed
and palm-based oil) from Danisco A/S, GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110
(frequently abbreviated throughout the subsequent text as CRY110 and described
previously in 2.0) and Dimodan® HP (fully distilled MAG, from fully
hydrogenated palm TAG, described previously in 2.0).

The data in Figure 3.3 depicts that, at a given temperature, in this case c.48°C,
there is the onset of a dramatic rise in viscosity, not seen in the samples where the
additive (CRY110) is absent. This increase in viscosity continues for the duration
of the experiment, whereby the actual viscosity increase is approaching a factor of
2 for the sample with the lowest viscosity and still significantly higher than the
previous highest result.

The results show a distinct trend for the viscosity increase as a result of CRY110
addition under the semi-static conditions of the rheometer, where shear rates and
cooling rates are predominantly lower than those experienced in real process
conditions. Hence, the need to be able to characterise the same rheological
parameters in-line and under real process conditions, which gives not only real
commercial value, but adds to the understanding of TAG crystallisation discipline

Figure 3.3 Viscosity as a function of temperature for TAG blends measured off-

Table 3.1, presents measurements of live process conditions recorded using

Gerstenberg and Agger datalogger (D.S. Engineering, Nyborg, Denmark), two of
which show typical product responses to process modification, e.g. addition of
CRY110. The thermodynamic drive constants: ammonia (31.7°C), high-pressure
pump capacity (71 kg h) and shaft rotation speeds of perfector 1 (1000 r.p.m.), Pin
rotor (302 r.p.m.), clearly shows a typical isothermal (exothermic) gain from 2 to
12.8°C observed in sample no. 11. However, a greater isothermal transition is seen
with the addition of 1% CRY110 (sample 15) with a heat gain from 3.9 to 22°C.
The additional heat energy gained in sample 15 can be attributed to increased

heterogeneous nucleation induced by the CRY110, thereby promoting a more solid
TAG-crystal network structure. Isothermal change is partially explained by
increased energy consumption (ampere) drawn when supercooling the samples
(Amps first tube). Additional energy consumption (c. 1.8%) is drawn on the
sample with CRY110, while still maintaining steady-state thermodynamic-
processing conditions. Ideally, control of in situ isothermal heat of crystallisation
can help minimise post-structural changes, post-process. Most importantly, these
tests provided sufficient continual structural changes to be ‘captured’ downstream
at the point of UVP measurement.

Table 3.1 Influence of cooling to the degree of exothermic crystallisation,

recorded at pin-worker (PRM) unit with data log – prior to UVP-PD

Figure 3.4 Spectral plot together with an arithmetic average of some 30 measured
profiles (green) together with the resulting power-law fit (red) for the control
system, i.e. 25% Akomic / 75% rapeseed TAG at a flow rate of 70 kg/h

As seen for the sample without additive (CRY110) in Figure 3.4, there is a strong
shear-thinning behaviour, the power-law index is 0.1, and consistency index K is
8.53 Pas. The fit coefficient is satisfactory at R2 = 0.98. However, the consistency
index K between the two TAG blends is almost double for the fats blend with the
CRY110 additive (Figure 3.5) at 14.4 Pas. The fit coefficient is satisfactory at R2 =

Figure 3.5 Corresponding spectral plot and ultrasound profile as an arithmetic
average of 30 measured profiles (green) and resulting power-law fit (red) for the
25% Akomic / 74% rapeseed TAG and 1% CRY110 (Distilled monoglyceride) at
70 kg/h.

To appreciate the significance of these in-line results (Figure 3.4 & 3.5), the flow
curves constructed from the velocity profiles for the samples with and without
added CRY110 are given in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 Comparison of the Akomic / Rapeseed (RSO) TAG blends; without
additive (tetrahedrons) and with 1% CRY110 (circles)

The results in Figure 3.6 indicate that the sample containing the CRY110 had
increased the viscosity of the control, and these in-line results were in agreement
with previous off-line results, using a Haake Rheometer (3.3.1). It is clearly shown
that the UVP-PD method could rheologically differentiate the TAG blend, with
CRY110 (GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110) and without additive. The viscosity of
the TAG blend increased by almost a factor of 2 after the addition of CRY110 and
thereby showed good agreement with the Haake off-line measurements.

The UVP-PD method directly allows measurements that were previously not
possible with common rheometers; namely the inline determination of rheological
properties and velocity profiles in real time. This therefore offers advantages over
commercially available process rheometers and off-line measurements.

The systems tested were limited to model systems because of current transducer
limitations and flow cell diameters, but nevertheless, a significant difference,
essentially a doubling of the viscosity, was measured and quantified (Young et al.,

3.4 Comparison and Validation

A further exploration was the next step, using upgraded UVP-PD apparatus with
new upgraded transducers, measuring to wider temperature and pressure range,
combined with rapid super-cooling in real-time. At this point the SFC values were
determined under dynamic conditions and these values were compared from the
UVP-PD measurement from those obtained from p-NMR data. This allowed
comparison and validation between the two techniques.

The data presented in Wassell et al. (2010b), clearly shows the upgraded UVP-PD
apparatus is comparable to the data reported previously (Young et al., 2008).
Specifically, when considering the velocity profiles found within Figures 3.7 and
3.8, there is obvious effect in the power law consistency index values e.g. 6.6 –
6.7Pas, compared to 14.2 – 14.3Pas, the latter, being with the CRY110. These
results (Wassell et al., 2010b) compare favourably with previous results (Young et
al., 2008).

Clearly, the sample with added CRY110 has a shear viscosity of twice that found
in the TAG blend without this additive. This compares well with previous off-line
data (3.3.1) measurements (Young et al., 2008).

Figure 3.7 Measured arithmetic average over 28 velocity profiles and the resulting
power-law fit for 25% Akomic / 75% rapeseed TAG without additive at a flow
rate of 70 kg h-1 (The profiles were measured both opposite to- (Transducer 1,
TDX1) and in the direction of the flow (Transducer 2, TDX2))

Figure 3.8 Measured arithmetic average over 39 velocity profiles and the resulting
power-law fit for 25% Akomic / 74% rapeseed TAG with 1% CRY110 at a flow
rate of 70 kg h-1 (The profiles were measured both opposite to- (Transducer 1,
TDX1) and in the direction of the flow (Transducer 2, TDX2))

The evidence is convincing; the addition of 1% CRY110, leads to significant

increase in viscosity of the TAG blend. This occurs in spite of the SFC of the TAG
blends being similar (Wassell & Young 2007). No consequential influence on the
SFC of either TAG blend is observed. These results imply that the mechanical
strength of the TAG crystal network is not only determined by the SFC, but also
points to a degree of structural changes developed within the TAG blend, where
physical changes also influence the final structure.

Table 3.2 (Wassell et al., 2010b), shows response behaviour when subjected to
process modification, where exothermic behaviour is observed at the pin-worker
prior to UVP measurement.

Table 3.2 Exothermic crystallisation behaviour recorded after pin-worker, prior to

UVP-PD measurement

This in-situ effect is potentially helpful to minimising any negative effects on the
TAG blend during post-process storage. Therefore, the net effect is possibly more
pronounced in the TAG blend containing CRY110, because this may minimise
observable structural changes within the transducer flow-cell, in respect to the
location (down-stream) of the UVP-PD analysis (Figure 3.2).

3.5 In-line Solid Fat Content

In line solid fat content (SFC) measurement was also explored and compared to a
well established method using Bruker p-NMR (2.14). Other reviewed authors
(Wassell et al., 2010a; Young et al., 2008), have examined the prospects of
following TAG crystallisation by means of ultrasonic, in-line analysis. They have
shown in-line detection of SFC is possible. However, SFC results gained under
true dynamic processing conditions had not yet been reported until now (Wassell
et al., 2010b). Results are presented in Figure 3.9, showing the SFC values as a
function of temperature for a 30% palm stearin / 70% rapeseed TAG blend (Table
2.17), comparing the two methods, p-NMR and UVP-PD. While there is good
correlation, the largest deviation is observed at the high temperature (40°C) and
low temperature (10°C).

Figure 3.9 Solid fat content (SFC) expressed as percentage values versus
temperature for 30% palm stearin / 70% rapeseed TAG measured by standard p-
NMR technique (triangles) and in-line dynamic conditions from UVP-PD (circles)

A correlation of the data and minimal variation, confirms from the initial
hypothesis (Young et al., 2008), that the UVP-PD can monitor the in-line rheology
of anhydrous TAG blends, with a dynamic process condition. Specifically, the
SFC measured differences are shown to result in a variation of not more than +/-
2% over the entire range, and within accepted experimental variation.

3.6 Conclusions and Recommendations

Many studies (Flöter & van Duijn 2006; Frederick et al., 2008; Garbolino et al.,
2005; Mazzanti et al., 2005) have been performed using isothermal conditions
where observations of crystal behaviour can be quite different from those observed
whilst in a dynamic, non-isothermal environment (Wassell et al., 2010a).

The UVP-PD methodology clearly shows that true in-line rheological

measurements of TAG blends are possible. The UVP-PD (Wassell et al., 2010b;
Young et al., 2008) methodology (2.0) provided relative evaluation with accuracy
in a dynamic state, when comparing in-line SFC values against off-line p-NMR
(Povey & Challis 2006). Using this new technique as part of a composite /
multidisciplinary perspective, it has been possible to examine the effect of a
behenic fatty acid based MAG in a anhydrous TAG system whilst in a dynamic
environment (3.0; Povey and Challis 2006).

Investigation of the TAG continuous phase, where there is predominate interest

centred on reducing either trans fatty acids and or total saturates does not address
the problem entirely. The addition of a water phase, creating an emulsion,
automatically reduces the TAG content into the final application and can therefore
redress the balance of total saturates. However, to effectively follow this route
requires balanced emulsifier technology, because over and above a selected TAG
blend, the combination of emulsifiers are also important as their interaction and
influence on the TAG components can change the crystallisation behaviour and
hence adjust texture (Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a; Wassell et al.,
2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013). It is recognised that

ultrasound can be used in an entirely different way, to stimulate nucleation by
applying high-intensity ultrasound (Sato & Ueno 2011). This approach was not
within the scope of the UVP-PD investigation, where the intention was to
characterise bulk crystallisation, not stimulate it.

Future work is still necessary to observe behaviour and robustness of water – oil
emulsion systems. The next apparent step is to introduce a water phase to observe
effects of emulsifiers on physical behaviour. Testing a water-in-oil (W/O)
emulsion proved problematic, due to the effects of pressure across the test
apparatus (to be maintained below 4 bar max), specifically on the flow cells, due
to potential stress and weakening to the prototype transducer housings. Despite
this current limitation, it will be necessary to run these experiments with updated
transducer housings (at time of writing, the transducer casing was upgraded. Refer
to Figure E4: Appendix E) in order for instrumentation to cope with additional
back-pressures. If several formulas are measured with a range of process
parameters, information ought to become available about the optimal addition of a
structurant e.g. single, mixed emulsifiers or other additive in reduced TAG
dynamic environments (Wassell et al., 2010a; 2010b; Young et al., 2008). While
this is important, because normally water droplet size is a usual parameter and
indicator for emulsion integrity, it is not the only parameter. Attention was
therefore turned towards interfacial tensiometry (4.0).

Additionally, palm oil crystallisation containing varied diglyceride (DAG)

concentration ought to be investigated. DAG slows the crystallisation process and
changes the melting behaviour (Siew & Ng, 1990; Siew, 2002). Control of the
DAG content of palm oil may result with improvement of its crystallisation
properties (Kristensen et al., 2005; Kristensen & Wassell 2006; Wassell & Young
2007). To compare the effect of several DAG concentration on rheological
properties of TAG (RBD Palm) based systems (with and without aqueous phase),
a static off-line rheological profile, together, using the UVP-PD method, could
provide new rheological information.

4.0 Rheology and Interfacial Surface-Interactive Behaviour of Mixed
Surfactant Systems

4.1 Summary

As part of a multidisciplinary approach in attempting to reach a clearer explanation

of the functionality of low saturated fat systems, it is necessary to examine
response changes in fat crystallisation as a function of interfacial and rheological
behaviour. Furthermore, what effect would introduction of a novel food structuring
material have on the interfacial behaviour of well known and regulatory approved

This work follows a natural progression from the pilot study examinations of
crystallisation speed and fatty acid diversity (1.5; 3.0).

As part of a diverse experimental approach, a series of measurements using

tensiometry and rheology are used to examine MAG of differing degrees of
saturation and chain length. In the context of emulsions, the behaviour of selected
MAG is also examined with and without the use of PGPR.

The interfacial tensiometry measurements of a Moringa MAG have shown unusual

decreased interfacial tension (γ) behaviour not dissimilar to PGPR. All other tested
MAG (excluding a behenic based MAG), irrespective of their fatty acid
compositions resulted in higher γ tension values across a wide temperature
spectrum (50°C to 5°C). Both IRS and bulk rheology measurements showed visco-
elastic / structural changes. A Moringa based MAG and its interactive behaviour
with a behenic based MAG (CRY110) may be significant.

New learning from these measurements helps to provide important data, which
supports several new patent applications (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c;
2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

4.2 Interfacial Tension - An Interfacial Examination of Single and Mixed
MAG Behaviour: Effect of Saturation and Chain Length

4.2.1 Introduction

Although many food products are essentially emulsions, interest in the structuring
of water-continuous emulsions is not necessarily straightforward, especially where
more novel structuring materials are used either wholly or partially to replace
traditional structurants (Wassell et al., 2010a).

In attempting to reduce the degree of saturates in food systems, it is necessary to

observe effects on mixed structurants and analyse the relationship when co-
surfactant structures are used and how this may influence interfacial film
thickness, viscosity, strength and flexibility. These parameters will likely have
varying degrees of influence towards interfacial stability of the formed emulsion
and hence potentially aid maximum stability against coalescence (Krog 1977).

In the production of low fat spreads it is common to employ at least two

emulsifiers (Garti & Remon 1984). In this regard, Garti and Remon (1984),
studied the degree of unsaturation and the relationship between nature of vegetable
oil, emulsifier and the stability of WO emulsions. Their study (Garti & Remon,
1984), focused on reduced fat 60% emulsions prepared with 5 wt % of a treated
polyglycerol ester (specification not provided). These results showed that as the
nature of the solvent edible oil became more unsaturated, there is a tendency
towards more stability when selecting emulsifiers of similar unsaturation. Goubran
and Garti (1988) reported the benefit of using high molecular weight polyglycerols
(PGPR) and recognised that while much had been reported on their behaviour in
OW emulsions, there appeared to be lack of understanding regarding their
behaviour in WO emulsions.

Theory, suggests some emulsifiers are able to act as templating agents with other
surfactants, thereby resulting in increased strength of the interfacial membrane
between the oil and water phases. At a given interfacial emulsifier concentration,
temperature, and time, the surface of the water droplets will be partially or totally

covered (Johansson et al., 1995; Garti et al., 1998) with fatty acid chains likened to
a fat crystal surface (Krog & Larsson 1992).

In the case where PGPR and a MAG are used, the MAG is used to form template
or monolayer for heterogeneous crystallisation, while the PGPR may be used for
emulsion stability. However, at a certain critical micelle concentration (CMC) and
or change in temperature, the interaction to maintain, or form further template
formations may be either disturbed or strengthened. The formation for a template
for further crystallisation (Arima et al., 2009) is described in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Schematic of template mechanism for heterogeneous crystallisation of

O⁄W emulsion with additive (Saturated distilled mono-diglyceride). Adapted from
Arima et al., 2007 (Wassell et al., 2010a)

Although Figure 4.1 describes an O/W emulsion and the type of emulsifier could
be different from case to case, it nevertheless shows the basic principle of
interaction and can be applied to Figure 4.2 which describes the same process with
a W/O emulsion.

Figure 4.2 Schematic of proposed template mechanism for heterogeneous
crystallisation of W/O emulsion with additives (PGPR, Monooleate,
Monobehenate) (Wassell et al., 2010a)

The saturated distilled MAG acting as a “crystalliser” forms a template for

heterogeneous crystallisation at a particular concentration. In the case of W/O
emulsion, which is applicable to low fat W/O spreads, the scenario is possibly as
proposed in Figure 4.3, where the additive (crystalliser) is behaving as a template.
This situation might explain the increased textural behaviour of the very low fat
(12%) W/O emulsions observed in 1.5.3

Figure 4.3 Proposed schematic showing interfacial crystallization at the water-in-
oil interface (Source: Wassell et al., 2012)

Surprisingly little is found in the literature about the surface-interactive behaviour

of mixed surfactant systems (1.6; 1.7; Wassell et al., 2010a). A preliminary
examination, by way of a pilot study (1.5) clearly shows there is apparent
influence of behenic based (C22:0) MAG (GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110,
abbreviated CRY110) on the physical properties of fat blends (1.5.1; 3.0) and
emulsions (1.5.3). Therefore, as part of this multidisciplinary approach to discover
physical differences that affect the surface interface, strength and elasticity for
making reduced saturated emulsions, a study of interfacial tension of oil / water
systems containing emulsifiers was made.

The intention of this study is to show the effect of temperature induced changes
through a series of complementary non-isothermal measurements as a function of
temperature rather than time (De Graef et al., 2006); then to investigate the surface
tension and rheology of several MAG of differing fatty acid profiles (different
saturation and chain length), which are examined as single MAG and mixed MAG.
These are also combined with novel Moringa MAG and PGPR.

4.2.2 Materials and Methods

Previous studies found in the literature, chose a lower starting temperature,

decreasing from within a range of 40°C to 5°C (Krog 1990; Krog & Larsson
1992). This investigation measures from a higher temperature (50°C) to account
for melting behaviour of a variety of MAG (2.0). The individual emulsifier
concentrations in these tests were 0.02% (unless otherwise indicated) with no
additional proteins. Krog (1990) measured at higher concentrations (0.2% - 0.3%),
possibly to account for the water phase containing a default concentration of milk
protein (0.01%). The emulsifier inclusion rate was initially selected at 0.002% but
response behaviour was below the limit of meaningful detection. No comparisons
could be made. Emulsifier concentration was increased to 0.02%. The interfacial
tension of oil/water systems was measured on a Digital-Tensiometer, model
K10ST (Krüss Germany), using the Wilhelmy plate method (Refer to general
Materials & Methods, 2.0).

4.2.3 Results and Discussion

Figure 4.4 shows considerable difference in tension behaviour between sunflower

based distilled MAG - DIMODAN® UJ (UJ) at 0.02 / 0.06% and PGPR 90 at
0.02%. Increasing UJ to 0.06% resulted in slight decrease compared to 0.02%
inclusion. When both UJ & PGPR combined, results showed a small increase in
tension compared to PGPR only.

Interfacial tension (Water / oil)
Cooling 0.3°C/min. Emulsifier 0.02%


Pure sunflower oil


0.02% Dimodan UJ


0.06% Dimodan UJ

0.02%PGPR90 PLUS

0.02%PGPR90 PLUS+0.02%Dim. UJ

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature °C

Figure 4.4 Tensiometry values for PGPR 90 compared with unsaturated MAG
based on sunflower oil (DIMODAN® UJ)

Assuming that PGPR inhibits the effect of CRY110, then the following question
must be addressed: What is the effect of CRY110 and does it have any interaction
with PGPR or Dim UJ?

Figure 4.5 shows that a fully saturated MAG, rich in C22:0 (CRY110) both
individually and together with UJ (C18:1 / C18:2). Upon reaching towards 20°C, a
critical temperature is attained and a considerable rate of reduction in surface
tension occurs.

Where PGPR is present there is initial rapid decrease of ~5mN/m, from the
starting temperature at 50°C. All PGPR containing variants continued to gradually
decrease in tension from ~22mN/m to ~12mN/m, following a linear slope. When
reaching a critical interfacial tension temperature (Tγ) 15°C the PGPR blends fall
dramatically to 10°C. However, the PGPR alone continues on a linear slope to
approximately 5°C where measurement continues for 5 minutes. No further
reduction in tension occurs.

Interfacial tension (water / oil)
Cooling 0.3°C/min. Emulsifier addition 0.02%


Pure sunf lower oil

25 0.02% Crystallizer 110

0.02%PGPR90 PLUS

0.02%Cryst.110+0.02% Dim UJ

0.02%PGPR90 PLUS+0.02% Cry 110

0.02%PGPR90 PLUS+0.02%Cryst.110+0.02%
Dim UJ
10 0.02%PGPR90 PLUS+0.02%Cryst.110+0.06%
Dim UJ

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Temperature °C

Figure 4.5 Interfacial tension behaviour of emulsifiers used in preliminary

application tests for 12% WO emulsion (1.5)

Where PGPR is present, the situation in Figure 4.5 occurs in all cases irrespective
of emulsifier concentration, ratio, relative to PGPR (Dim UJ at 0.06%).

Given that PGPR and CRY110 are entirely different emulsifiers, it would seem
reasonable to assume, that through exchange, competitive adsorption occurs (Krog
1990). Both CRY110 and PGPR are lipophilic. PGPR is highly polar towards
water, having a larger hydrophilic head group (polyglycerol) compared with
CRY110 (MAG) and also has a large hydrophobic polyricinoleic acid chain.

The situation in Figure 4.5, strongly suggests PGPR is highly surface active
(Wassell et al., 2010a), at lower concentrations, dominating the interface
(Dedinaite & Campbell, 2000; Rousseau, 2000). The likely reason for this is due to
required physical properties of MAG, which are governed by temperature (Krog &
Larsson, 1992). The development of surface-active formations from the CRY110
does not occur until the C22:0 rich MAG reaches Tγ.

Table 4.1 Emulsifier specifications supplied courtesy of Danisco A/S, Denmark


TAG source
Sunflower Ricebran Palm Hardened
Fatty Palm calculated

acids (%)
C14:0 0.1 0.4 - 1 -
C16:0 7 20.5 44 55 -
C18:0 5 2.1 5 43 5
C18:1 28 41.3 39 0.1 -
C18:2 58 32.5 10 0.2 -
C18:3 0.1 1.3 0.3 - -
C18:0 total 91.1 75.9 54.3 43.3 5
C20:0 > 1 2.2 0.2 0.7 95
C22:0 total - 0.2 - - 85
Saturated total 12 24 49 100 100
IV (app.) 105 103 45 2 2

PGPR combined with a second or third emulsifier is perhaps more surface active
until ~15°C, whereby Tγ is observed. Standalone or mixtures of CRY110 with
PGPR follow a near linear shift from 20°C to 10°C, and converge with the same
inflection where PGPR is present as a single emulsifier at ~15°C. This suggests a
rearrangement / displacement (Marze, 2009) of the PGPR at the interface; and is
effectively “forced” or exchanged into a new geometry in the presence of
CRY110. PGPR continues to dominate (Gülseren & Corredig 2012) the surface
arrangement until broken at 15°C (Shimada & Ohashi, 2003). Therefore, the effect
of PGPR suppression is now dominated by CRY110 at a Tγ ~15°C onwards. The
behenic rich (C22:0) MAG crystals are more surface active and an exchange
through competitive adsorption occurs (Krog 1990).

Speculation exists as to whether a similar effect might be observed when
interchanging the C22:0 based MAG for one predominately rich in C16:0 or
C18:0, where not only the degree of saturation but also the chain length might
have an interaction (Table 4.1). The next step asked whether this happens
specifically because the MAG is C22 chain length.

Figure 4.6 shows DIMODAN® P, a partially saturated MAG based on refined

palm oil and DIMODAN® HP, a fully saturated MAG based on fully
hydrogenated palm. The latter, DIMODAN® HP - rich in C16:0 / C18:0, appears
to decrease tension very slightly in relation to the former, DIMODAN® P (C16:0).

It would seem that MAG as single emulsifiers are affected by temperature on

interfacial tension. This seems to be more pronounced with long-chain MAG than
with short-chain MAG. Furthermore, the relative decrease in interfacial tension,
when the temperature is lowered, is higher the longer the chain length. This
confirms the same findings as Krog and Larsson (1992), who did measure C18:0
rich MAG and showed these gave lower tension values compared to C16:0, but did
not lower tension values near or lower to MAG rich in C22:0.

A mixture of PGPR and MAG rich in C18:1 / 18:2 (DIMODAN® UJ) & C16:0 /
C18:0 (DIMODAN® HP) did not improve on PGPR alone. Only a mixture of
PGPR and MAG rich in C18:1 / 18:2 (DIMODAN® UJ) & C22:0 (CRY110)
resulted on tension impact at Tγ ~15°C. This effect must be entirely influenced by
C22:0 rich MAG (CRY110).

Interfacial Tension (water / oil)
Cooling 0.3°C/min.

Pure sunflower oil

0.02% Dimodan P/PEL

0.02% Dimdan HP

0.02% Crystallizer 110



15 0.02%PGPR90 PLUS+0.02%Cryst.110

PLUS+0.02%Cryst.110+0.02% Dim. UJ

0.02%PGPR90 PLUS+0.02%Dim.
UJ+0.2% Dim. HP

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Temperature °C

Figure 4.6 Single MAG: DIMODAN® P, a partially saturated MAG (rich in

C16:0) and DIMODAN® HP, a fully saturated MAG (rich in C16:0 / C18:0),
compared with CRY110 (rich in C22:0); and mixture of DIMODAN® HP (dotted
line), compared to mixtures of CRY110

After an initial steady fall in tension from the upper temperature towards lower
temperature, results from Krog (1990) showed dramatic fall of interfacial tension
once a critical temperature (Tγ) had been reached. This behaviour could possibly
have occurred more accentuated if the emulsifier concentration had been increased
to individual concentrations of between 0.03% - 0.3%. However, a risk of total
emulsifier overload could possibly mask small differentiations.

In this examination only liquid sunflower oil was used as the solvent. Where there
were obvious signs of crystallisation, the test samples containing C22:0 changed
the translucence of the oil, turning milky white. In the context and study of
interfacial behaviour, crystallisation at the surface or interface is suggested to be
faster than nucleation and crystal growth in the bulk oil, particularly when the

emulsification process also involves cooling. As the emulsifier crystals orientate,
they position methyl end group towards the oil and the polar heads towards water.
These are referred to as surface-active crystals (Krog & Larsson 1992).

4.2.4 Conclusion

This study not only confirms findings from the pilot study preliminary
investigations (1.5), where it was shown that behenic fatty acid based MAG or
dilutions have a pronounced effect on crystallisation; These new interfacial
measurements clearly demonstrate an unusual surface-interactive relationship.
They may also partially explain textural behaviour previously observed in
application trials of 12% WO emulsions (1.5).

MAG as single emulsifiers are affected by temperature on interfacial tension. This

seems to be more pronounced with long-chain MAG than with short-chain MAG.
The relative decrease in interfacial tension, when the temperature is lowered, is
higher the longer the chain length. This confirms the same findings as Krog and
Larsson (1992), who did measure C18:0 rich MAG’s and showed these gave lower
tension values compared to C16:0, but did not lower tension values near or lower
to MAG rich in C22:0.

A mixture of PGPR and MAG rich in C18:1 / 18:2 (DIMODAN® UJ) & C16:0 /
C18:0 (DIMODAN® HP) did not improve on PGPR alone. Only a mixture of
PGPR and MAG rich in C18:1 / 18:2 (DIMODAN® UJ) & CRY110 resulted on
tension impact at Tγ ~15°C. This effect must be entirely dominated by C22:0 rich
MAG (CRY110).

Whether similar behaviour could be observed in other solvents e.g liquid / solid
TAG mixtures remains to be discovered. Irrespective of this, it may be beneficial
to re-run these samples in controlled rheological measurements to observe if there
is any functional effect on viscoelastic behaviour, the outcome of which may have
implications for real bulk TAG and W/O (TAG) emulsions.

4.3 A Rheological and Interfacial Examination of Single, Mixed and Novel
MAG Behaviour: Effect of Saturation and Chain Length in Anhydrous Bulk
and Water-Oil Systems.

4.3.1 Introduction

Based on the conclusion in 4.2.4, attention was turned to interfacial and bulk
behaviour where single, mixed and novel MAG behaviour was examined to
observe the effects of saturation and chain length in anhydrous bulk and water-oil
systems. This is important, because in real emulsion systems, interest lies in the
properties of the interfacial film and its viscoelastic behaviour, where surface
elasticity is thought to be the determining factor in minimising film rupture (Boyd
et al., 1972) and hence coalescence. The strength of the interfacial film formed by
the emulsifier may be more important than its effect on interfacial tension
(Scherze, Knotha, Muschiolika, 2006).

Rheograms were obtained by plotting dynamic change in the elastic modulus (G’)
and viscous modulus (G’’) of the crystallising sample as a function of the
crystallisation temperature (non-isothermal).

4.3.2 Interfacial Rheological System (IRS) Measurements

Interfacial rheology and bulk rheology, were investigated using Physica MCR 301,
and data driven from RHEOPLUS/32 V3.21 software (Anton Paar, Germany
GmbH). Oscillatory interfacial method was used to measure interfacial properties
of interfaces covered with surface active molecules. Emulsifiers were weighed for
rheology measurements at 0.2% w/w (unless otherwise indicated) and the solvent
(RBD sunflower oil) balanced to 100% (Refer to general Materials & Methods

Bulk rheology measurements were used to provide real constants for upper fluid
density and viscosity values for interfacial analyses. Complex viscosity is based on
constants of upper fluid density and viscosity parameter for Sunflower oil at 50°C
and the lower fluid density and viscosity parameter for water was 50°C. These
constants were used as a function of all 151 data points. The analysis method for
calculation of complex interfacial viscosity (η*i) by frequency sweep
measurements, with a bi-cone measuring system, are computed by known
rheological and mathematical regression formula (Oh & Slattery, 1978; Ray, Lee,
Jiang, & Jiang, 1987; Lee, Jiang, Jiang, & Avramdis, 1991; Nagarajan, Chung, &
Wasan, 1998). The interfacial properties are then calculated by analysing the raw
data using RHEOPLUS/32 V3.21 software. Ideally, the calculation of complex
interfacial viscosity eta-i, is completed for each of the 151 data points.

4.3.3 “True” Dynamic Complex

Further explanation is required here regarding complex interfacial viscosity η*i,

this is difficult and remains a limitation of the mathematics controlling the
software. For each temperature change, density as well as the viscosity of the bulk
and upper phase change, simultaneous regression analysis becomes too complex to
solve, because there are too many changing parameters at the same time. Further,
RHEOPLUS/32 V3.21 software is unable to accommodate changing densities.
When calculations are based on absolute values, this presents problems in the
regression analysis, where a small negative G’ is introduced, causing
"overcompensation". This artefact is difficult to eliminate (Appendix H).

4.3.4 Results and Discussion

It is important to note that where measured and studied, the viscous (G’’) and
elastic (G’) moduli of several types of commercial MAG, using interfacial
rheology system (IRS), shown in Figure 4.7 were observed only with CRY110 and
mixtures of other MAG that resulted in development of both G’’ / G’ in samples.
Pure CRY110 is highly surface active at <20°C as shown from previous
tensiometer measurements (4.2).

Figure 4.7 Interfacial Rheology System (IRS) temperature sweep and resulting
complex modulus Gi’ and Gi’’ of CRY110 (rich in C22:0) alone compared to
PGPR and other emulsifier mixtures.

The temperature sweep shows that CRY110 is quite different from PGPR. The
presence of highly unsaturated MAG – Dim U/J with CRY110, impacts on both
Gi’ and Gi’’. The bulk oil phase reveals a similar picture (Figure 4.8), in that
CRY110 shows an elastic modulus (G’). The presence of an aqueous interface

(Figure 4.7) affects the onset of both Gi’ and Gi’’ at 30°C compared with the
anhydrous (Figure 4.8) bulk phase.

Figure 4.8 Bulk temperature sweep and resulting G’ and G’’ of CRY110 (rich in
C22:0) alone compared to PGPR and other emulsifier mixtures.

The results shown in Figure 4.7 and 4.8 seem to correspond to the tensiometer
measurement in Fig. 4.5 (see 4.1). It is suggested that the behaviour is due to a
development of stronger monolayer formation and corresponding affinity to the oil
phase is observed because of its C22 fatty acid configuration. This argument is
now supported by results from interfacial rheology (Figure 4.7), whereby with
continued onset of cooling to ~29°C, both G’ and G’’ begin to develop. Upon
reaching 18 – 20°C, the CRY110, with and without Dim U/J attains a G’’ plateau.
At a similar gradient, a continued trend is observed in development of the elastic
modulus G’.

Figure 4.9 Bulk measurement of the single emulsifiers compared to CRY110

In Figure 4.9 and 4.10, the bulk and interfacial temperature sweeps show the same
single emulsifiers measured using tensiometry (Figure 4.4 / Figure 4.5). Only the
DIMODAN® HP (C16:0 / C18:0) exhibited a small increase in G’’ compared to

Figure 4.10 Comparison of interfacial behaviour of single emulsifiers compared to
CRY110 (C22:0). Dim HP shows small change in G’’

When combined with PGPR and UJ, the CRY110 has slightly greater G’’ values
compared with DIMODAN® HP. The tensiometry readings in Figure 4.6 clearly
showed the effect of combining PGPR with UJ, and CRY110 or HP. A MAG rich
in C22:0 (CRY110) has stronger interaction with PGPR / UJ compared to HP. A
similar evidence is seen in Figure 4.11 and Figure 4.12 which show a small
deviation observed from ~15°C – 18°C where there is a small build-up of G’’ in
bulk and interfacial behaviour. A slight build-up of G’ is also found in the bulk.

Figure 4.11 The influence of a MAG rich in C22:0, where CRY110 affects both
G’’ and G’

Figure 4.12 The effect of CRY110 compared with HP in combination with PGPR
and UJ

The results from IRS and bulk rheology seem to concur with tensiometry data;
when PGPR is not present, higher tension values are observed. The interfacial
rheology data show higher viscosity without PGPR. At 18 – 20°C in both
interfacial rheology and tensiometry, there is clear increase in G’ and sharp
decrease in interfacial tension respectively (Figure 4.5 & 4.7). This particular
effect is likely observed because of the factors previously mentioned (temperature
/ time dependant changes occur). A similar outcome occurs whether in the bulk
phase, or with additional presence of an interface (water), so that while PGPR does
seem to suppress CRY110, this does not occur across the whole measured
temperature range.

A form of synergy seems to occur, where one emulsifier (PGPR) lowers interfacial
tension – early in process and the second emulsifier (CRY110) dominates the
surface tension faster as the material approaches a dramatic fall of interfacial
tension once a critical temperature (Tγ) had been reached (Krog 1990). A
comparison of IRS and bulk rheology suggests this behaviour is onset earlier in the
presence of a water phase. This will be examined in more detail through
application measurements (5.0).

4.3.5 Emulsifier Similarity

In the Bulk oil phase (Figure 4.8) PGPR or Dim U/J are causing suppression to G’
development, whereas interfacial rheology (Figure 4.7) demonstrates that Dim U/J
is not disrupting assemblies or causing displacement because there is definite build
up of G’ in the presence of CRY110. Similar is observed in Figure 4.5, where Dim
U/J does not have strong interaction with CRY110 to cause earlier tension drop
and follows the same pattern as standalone CRY110. Possibly this occurs due to
similar affinity at the interface and or similar dielectric compatibility to each other
so that despite these structures having radically different fatty acid configurations,
these binary MAG mixtures are apparently still miscible (Ueno, Suetake, Yano,
Suzuki, & Sato, 1994). However, a broader examination of binary ratio’s of MAG,
coupled with a new temperature constant for each change in density as well as the
viscosity of the bulk and upper phase change, if this was possible (refer to 4.3.3),
may reveal undiscovered transition temperatures (Ueno et al., 1994).

4.3.6 Tension Reduction

The interactive behaviour of a MAG combined with PGPR observed within the
scope of these measurements has significance for real W/O emulsions, specifically
e.g. low fat spreads. It is found to be the case that tension is very low at typical
product packing temperatures, between 10°C – 20°C. The interfacial tension of
C22:0 fatty acids (in CRY110) and interactive behaviour of surface active
‘crystals’ may partially explain the presence of G’. Further, when CRY110 is
combined with PGPR, it is considered potentially important as a partial
explanation to the cause of why apparent thickening is observed (1.5).

If it was possible to find a novel emulsifier from an edible oil source, being non-
hydrogentated (unmodified), this would have potential commercial advantages
(Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a; Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b;
2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

4.3.7 Novel MAG

It is reasonably established from the tensiometry and IRS temperature sweeps that
CRY110 functions because of it having a relatively rich source of C22:0, having a
longer fatty acid moiety than other common MAG with shorter fatty acid chains.
However, the problem to date is finding and developing surfactants which contain
a significant source of C22:0 and or other long chain moieties, and yet have not
undergone hydrogenation or other modification steps.

The following measurements of two potentially novel MAG show non-

hydrogenated Ricebran (Table 4.1, section 4.2.3) and Moringa (Wassell et al.,
2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013; Appendix F) MAG were
tested with Interfacial tensiometry.

Figure 4.13 shows several MAG which, irrespective of their fatty acid
compositions, all give high tension measurements across a wide temperature
spectrum (50°C to 5°C). The ricebran MAG (predominant in C18:1/C18:2 and
~20% C16:0) gave a tension value similar to those grouped with MAG previously
show in Figure 4.4 and 4.6. This result is not surprising given that it has a similar
IV value (103) to sunflower based DIMODAN® UJ (105).

Cooling 0.3°C/min

Unless otherwise indicated, all dosed at 0.02% w/w Pure sunflower oil

0.02% Dim. UJ

30 0.02%PGPR (Palsgaard 4150)

0.02% Dimodan P/PEL

25 U/J 0.02% Moringa 191

0.02% Ricebran

20 0.06% Dimodan UJ

0.02% Dimdan HP

15 0.02%PGPR90K

0.02%PGPR Super


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature °C

Figure 4.13 Interfacial tension measurements for several MAG, including novel
ricebran and Moringa, compared to several PGPR’s (PGPR Palsgaard 4150,
known as PGPR 90 Plus)

Most interesting is the Moringa MAG (natural non-hydrogenated and source of

behenic acid, approximately 6 – 8%, containing approximate >C20:0 of >10% and
IV ~68) which gave a tension measurement, similar to PGPR. Moringa also seems
to have subtle effect on CRY110, causing earlier onset of Tγ.

Moringa, as a standalone emulsifier, gives a similar γ to PGPR Plus, and is
actually similar to PGPR 90 (Figure 4.13). Possibly the Moringa behaviour is
dominating at the surface, causing the early onset of Tγ, when combining CRY110
and Moringa (Figure 4.14). From a commercial prospective, this gives certain
labelling advantages because both emulsifiers are declared E471.

Interfacial tension (Water / oil)

Cooling 0.3°C/min. Emulsifier 0.02%

Control/Sunflower oil Pure sunfloweroil/water


0.02% Crystallizer 110



0.02%PGPR90 PLUS/water

0.02% Moringa 191

0.02%Moringa 191+ 0.02%Cryst. 110

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature °C

Figure 4.14 Interfacial tension of CRY110 compared with a novel MAG

(Moringa) and in comparison to PGPR Plus.

IRS and bulk rheology measurements also provide evidence of visco-elastic

structural changes. Results in Figure 4.15, show that in the bulk, Moringa alone,
does not have significant differences in response behaviour compared with PGPR
(seen clearer in Figure 4.16). There is a small effect from approximately 10°C,
when combined with CRY110 (Figure 4.17). A sharp increase in G’ from 0.1Pa to
~0.4Pa is observed.

Figure 4.15 Bulk behaviour of Moringa MAG v CRY110 with PGPR

Figure 4.16 Bulk behaviour of Moringa MAG v PGPR

Figure 4.17 Bulk behaviour of Moringa and CRY110 compared to PGPR and

Turning attention to the interfacial behaviour, it is apparent from Figure 4.18 that
Moringa / CRY110 combination is active in the G’ / G’’. The response curve is
similar to CRY110 / UJ shown in Figure 4.7.

When comparing Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.14, the tension value is slightly lower
overall with the CRY110 / Moringa. It is more surface active. But crucially, it
seems Moringa MAG is able to enhance and or build structure similar to CRY110
and yet compared with PGPR 90 (Figure 4.13), have remarkably similar γ

Figure 4.18 The complex IRS for Moringa MAG / CRY110 or PGPR

Another possible reason for the large differences in response behaviour shown in
Figure 4.19 and Figure 4.20 is because the PGPR 90 Plus is more surface active
compared to PGPR 90 and Moringa. This is seen in Figure 4.13 and helps to
explain the reason for Moringa having more G’’ compared with PGPR 90 Plus as
shown in Figure 4.20

Figure 4.19 Complex IRS: CRY110 & Moringa v CRY110 & PGPR

Figure 4.20 The effect on G’’ after interfacial temperature sweep for Moringa

4.3.8 Conclusions and Recommendations

The interfacial tensiometry measurements of a Moringa MAG have shown unusual

decreased γ tension behaviour not dissimilar to PGPR. All other tested MAG
(excluding CRY110), irrespective of their fatty acid compositions resulted in
higher γ tension values across a wide temperature spectrum (50°C to 5°C).

IRS and bulk rheology measurements provided evidence of visco-elastic /

structural changes. The total saturated fatty acid > C20:0 spectrum of a Moringa
based MAG and its interactive behaviour with a behenic based MAG (CRY110)
may be significant.

If it was possible for the Anton Paar RheoPlus software to handle complex
regression analysis for absolute values and each density / viscosity for each of the
151 data plots, the IRS and bulk rheology information would surely be more
informative and accurate (4.3.3). However, this was not possible because only one
T°C constant could be used. If a low T°C constant was used, then high T°C plots
would be inaccurate or lost. Conversely, in this procedure 50°C was the T°C
constant, which likely resulted in the low T°C plots being less reliable. However,
this does not minimise the information about viscoelastic crystallisation behaviour,
which could not be provided from more classic techniques e.g. pNMR, DSC (De
Graef et al., 2006, Wassell et al., 2010a)

As part of a multidisciplinary investigation there is still a need to discover how

these results transpose to and influence behaviour in bulk food dispersions or the
interfacial behaviour in W/O emulsions. For a typical TAG blend (solvent) used
for e.g. low fat W/O emulsion there is usually a proportion which is higher
melting. This higher melt will eventually crystallise out of solution and in doing so
establish additional surfaces (other than water droplets) for the emulsifier to
adsorb to. Alternatively, in the case of higher melting emulsifier (CRY110) when
crystallising out of solution, it may establish a template structure of micro or nano
crystalline material (Taylor, 2011) for new born crystal growth within the TAG.

The TAG solvent used for both tensiometry and IRS rheology was pure liquid
sunflower oil. In this situation, it not known if interstitial (Shiota, Iwasawa,
Kotera, Konno, Isogai, & Tanaka, 2011) liquid crystalline TAG structures may
have formed during thermal treatment in the presence of PGPR and or MAG
containing C22:0. As with interfacial tensiometry (4.2.4) there were obvious
crystallisation events where MAG containing C22:0 changed the translucence of
the oil at and near the interface, turning milky white. These must be surface-active
crystals (Krog & Larsson 1992), which may account for the resulting interfacial
behaviour, which in turn may have important implications for droplet stabilisation
in W/O low TAG emulsions specifically (Rousseau, Zilnik, Khan, & Hodge,
2003). Surface active PGPR was clearly dominant at the upper temperature region,
but as thermal treatment continued towards lower temperatures, insoluble surface
active crystalline MAG then competes at the interface. Rousseau et al (2003),
suggest a highly viscous and rigid interfacial film would result from sufficient
monolayer coverage, in effect – Pickering stabilisation (Pickering, 1907). In the
case of PGPR / CRY110 mixture, competitive adsorption (Bergenståhl, 2008),
together with previous factors discussed in this conclusion may explain these
rheological and interfacial results and therefore help to explain the textural
“thickening” observed in very low TAG (12%) W/O emulsions, from earlier
preliminary studies (1.5.3).

Other methods such as rotational rheology and or synchrotron microbeam X-ray

analysis might possibly lead to a clearer understanding and conclusions (Wassell
et al., 2012; Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b). Subsequent studies would likely benefit
from using a thermal controlled rheo-microsope (Anton Paar) as used by other
researches (Ghosh & Rousseau 2010). This would monitor TAG crystallisation
combined with mixing and cooling, whilst measuring and recording visco-elastic
information about the emulsion microstructure.

A dynamic interfacial tension measurement (Krüss DSA 100) would enable the
observation of thermal conditions where surface-active ingredients are still mobile
and molecular organisation is incomplete. Drop shape analysis video can measure

on time scales ranging from 5 minutes to 30 seconds. Comparing this information
with a fixed isothermal condition using a Krüss K10ST analysis (2.0) e.g. at ex-
packing (~10°C – 15°C) and domestic refrigeration conditions (~5°C), might show
new data, which if found, could provide additional insight into affects of chain
length transitions (Larsson et al., 1969). New information could potentially be
extended to other food and non-food applications (Carmichael 2011; Marangoni &
Garti 2011; Menaa et al., 2013; Piller 2011; Wang et al., 2012)..

Results obtained from tensiometry and interfacial rheology now require testing
(Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a; Wassell et al., 2012) within
conditions that replicate those of the actual food products in which MAG
combinations, with and without PGPR, will be used (McClements, 2007), e.g.
W/O emulsions. These application trials and additional measurements will reveal
their emulsification capabilities and crystallisation behaviour under real dynamic

5.0 A Study Series on the Behaviour of a Moringa MAG, Behenic Based

5.1 Introduction

The application of structurant materials in the replacement of saturated TAGs

(Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a) is broad. Specifically for water-in-
oil product applications (low TAG spreads), it is important to know how
emulsifier mixtures or novel emulsifiers contribute to the visco-elastic properties
of W⁄O emulsions (Wassell et al., 2010a).

The presence of interfaces, as in emulsions, clearly is an important element which

contributes a significant influence on the complete macro-structure and hence
sensory properties (Wassell et al., 2010a). These structures are highly influenced
by the way they are assembled and processed by mechanical mixing, shearing and
thermal treatment (5.0), which subsequently influences functional properties often
still obtained by protracted trial and error scaled procedures (Mazzanti et al.,

The interfacial tensiometry measurements of a Moringa MAG have shown unusual

decreased γ tension behaviour not dissimilar to PGPR. IRS and bulk rheology
measurements (4.0) have provided evidence of visco-elastic / structural changes
occurring with a Moringa MAG and its interactive behaviour with CRY110. Both
contain significant proportion of the behenic (C22:0) fatty acid which is
considered to be significant (3.0; 4.0).

As part of a multidisciplinary investigation (Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et

al., 2010a; Young et al., 2008; Wassell et al., 2010b) there is still a need to
discover how the rheological and interfacial behaviour of a Moringa
monoglyceride (MAG) and the effect of saturation and chain length transpose to
and influence bulk food dispersions or W/O emulsions.

In attempting to discover the practical capabilities and application of the
emulsifying properties of novel Moringa MAG and other long chain fatty acid
mixtures, a series of application measurements are made. While reviews (Wassell
& Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a), techniques (Young et al., 2008; Wassell et
al., 2010b; 2012) and methodologies (2.0) for characterisation of emulsions or
dispersions have been made to test emulsifier efficiency (McClements 2007), a
consideration to the characteristics of the food in which the emulsifier is present is
key. Consequently, it is preferable to examine the effectiveness of an emulsifier
within conditions relevant to those used in the actual food product in which it will
be used (McClements 2007).

The intention from these application tests (proof of concept) is to provide

important practical data, which support new patent applications (Refer to 5.12) for
the following:

Fat based food systems, including dispersions (Wassell et al., WIPO No.
WO2012168722, 2012a; WO2012168723, 2012d), crystallisation (Wassell et al.,
WO2012168727 2012b; Bech et al., WO2013050944, 2013), water-in-oil low fat
spreads (Wassell et al., WO2012168726, 2012c), reduced fat water-in-oil spreads
(Wassell et al., WO2012168724, 2012e).

5.2 A Rheological Evaluation on a Moringa Monoglyceride (MAG) and
PGPR in Triacylglyceride (TAG)

5.2.1 Introduction

The work described herein investigated the functionality of Moringa MAG, based
on Moringa oleifera TAG and PGPR (GRINDSTED® PGPR 90) specifically in
peanut TAG – for peanut butter dispersions, and more generally in rapeseed TAG.

The rationale of the study was to investigate the effect of adding either Moringa
MAG or PGPR over a range of concentrations to peanut TAG or rapeseed TAG
respectively by measuring the rheological properties during cooling. This work
supports inventive claims for a texturant for bulk food, TAG blend and emulsion
(Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

5.2.2 Materials & Methods

RBD Peanut TAG and RBD rapeseed TAG (specification in 2.0) were used as the
base TAGs, to which a Moringa monoglyceride (MAG) and a PGPR
(GRINDSTED® PGPR 90) were added such that the concentrations were 0.1, 0.2,
0.4, 1, and 3%. Fatty acid content and various analyses of Moringa oleifera TAG
and monoglyceride are given in Table 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. Refer to General
Materials & Methods (2.0) for additional detail.

Table 5.2.1 Fatty acid composition of Moringa oleifera TAG and MAG

Analysis (%) Moringa TAG / MAG Analysis (%) Moringa TAG / MAG
C14 0.1 C19 0.1
C15 <0.1 C20 3.4
C16 5.8 C20:1 2.2
C16:1 1.8 C22 5.8
C17 0.2 C22:1 0.1
C18 5.4 C24 1.0
C18:1 73.0 C26 -
C18:2 0.7 Unknown 0.2
C18:3 0.2

Table 5.2.2 Analyses of Moringa oleifera TAG

Analysis Moringa oleifera TAG

Iodine value (calculated) 68
Acid value 3.2
Unsaponifiable matter 0.4%
FFA 1.5%
Diglyceride 3.3%

Table 5.2.3 Analyses of Moringa MAG.

Analysis (%) Moringa MAG

Glycerol 0.76
Diglycerol 0.07
FFA 0.3
Monoglyceride 91.15
Diglyceride 7.75
Triglyceride < 0.1

Each sample was then pre-heated in a microwave oven for 2 minutes at maximum
power before testing. This was to ensure the temperature exceeded 90°C, thereby
removing crystal history before the sample was then loaded and cooled on the
rheometer. In each case the measurements were carried out using a controlled
stress Haake RS 150 rheometer (2.13.2) fitted with a serrated parallel plate of
35mm in diameter, both top and bottom. Cooling took place from 85°C to 25°C at
the rate of 1°C per minute. The strain used was 0.004, 120 data points were
collected, the frequency was fixed at 0.5Hz, and the gap was reduced to 0.5mm.
Polarised Light Microscopy (PLM) was carried out at x20 magnification using a
polarised microscope (Olympus SC300).

5.2.3 Results and Discussion

Figures 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 show the results for the effect of PGPR and Moringa MAG
on rapeseed and peanut TAG respectively.

In Figure 5.2.1, the full concentration range of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 1% and 3%
PGPR is tested, along with only Moringa MAG at 1% and 3% in rapeseed TAG.
The assumption was that with 1% Moringa displaying the same behaviour as the
raw rapeseed TAG sample, the results for the lower Moringa concentrations would
have followed a similar trend. For concentrations 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4% and 1%
together with the pure rapeseed TAG the dynamic viscosity measured was
essentially constant between 0.03 and 0.04 Pas, whereas for 3% PGPR and 3%
Moringa MAG, differences were seen. For PGPR there is an observed shift in the
curve to a higher constant viscosity centred at 0.06 Pas, but for Moringa MAG,
dramatic changes in the profile of the curve occurred.

The Initial viscosity for Moringa MAG at the lower concentrations was 0.03 –
0.04Pas, but at a temperature corresponding to 32°C the onset of a dramatic
increase in viscosity is seen. Viscosity value increased to ~20 Pas, approaching 3
orders of magnitude greater than its start point, and occurred over a temperature
range of 6 – 7°C (25°C – 32°C).

100.000 04845
|ƒ*| = f (T) Rapeseed oil, pure
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 3%
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 1%
10.000 04841
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 0.4%
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 0.2%
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 0.1%
1.000 |ƒ*| = f (T) Moringa
MoringaMAG 3%
oil, 3%
|ƒ*| = f (T) Moringa
MoringaMAG 1%
oil, 1%
|ƒ*| in Pas



20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
T in °C
HAAKE RheoWin 3.61.0005

Figure 5.2.1 Effect of Moringa MAG and PGPR in Rapeseed TAG

In Figure 5.2.2, where the results for Peanut TAG are presented, essentially the
same picture is seen. For concentrations of PGPR below 3% and for Moringa
MAG at 1% the measured viscosity starts at around 0.03 Pas, and rises upon
cooling in a steady state to a value of 0.05 – 0.06 Pas, i.e. there is a greater rise in
viscosity of peanut TAG compared to rapeseed TAG. This however, can be
explained by the fact that the peanut TAG itself follows this curve, and could
likely be attributed to either its intrinsic wax content, or natural content of C22:0
of ~1.5 – 4.5%, and the generally more saturated nature, IV 86 – 107, of the
peanut TAG (FAO/WHO 2011). PGPR at 3% does show greater viscosity than the
samples so far mentioned, but not to the same extent as it did in Figure 5.1. Here
the viscosity begins at 70°C around 0.04 Pas and ends around 0.06 Pas at 26°C.
Moringa MAG at 3% mirrors the tendency displayed from Figure 5.2.1, i.e. in this
case it follows the same gently increasing viscosity of the other samples until a

temperature of 30°C, a similarly dramatic increase in viscosity is recorded. The
increase is less than in Figure 5.2.1, with a final measured value plateau round 7
Pas, but still enough to record a 2 order of magnitude increase.

10.00 04846
|ƒ*| = f (T) Peanut oil, pure
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 3%
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 1%
|ƒ*| = f (T) PGPR 90, 0.4%
|ƒ*| Moringa
= f (T) Moringa oil, 3%
1.00 |ƒ*| = f (T) Moringa oil, 1%
Moringa MAG 1%
|ƒ*| in Pas


20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
T in °C

Figure 5.2.2 Effect of Moringa MAG and PGPR in Peanut TAG

Below a concentration of 3% it appears as though the function of Moringa MAG is

behaving similarly to PGPR. This assumption however needs to be confirmed with
additional model or application tests – preferably both because PGPR is extremely
hydrophilic, and hence, very surface active in the presence of an aqueous phase.
On a molecular scale, PGPR and MAGs are quite different (Garti & Remon 1984;
Garti et al., 1998; Goubran & Garti 1988; Annon 2005).

The results from Figures 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 show that both the tested TAGs (rapeseed
and peanut) are affected at around 30°C to 32°C, which does not occur in samples
below the Moringa MAG concentration of 3%. The reason why Moringa MAG
shows this dramatic increase in viscosity, can likely be attributed to its own fatty
acid composition, which is retained when synthesised from the original TAG (refer
to 5.11). Moringa oleifera TAG fatty acid composition is C16:0 – 6.0%, C16:1 –
1.4%, C18:0 – 4.0%, C18:1 – 75.0%, C20:0 – 2.5%, C20:1 – 2.5%, C22:0 – 5.8%,

and >C24:0 - 1.0% (Abdulkarim et al., 2005; Lalas & Tsaknis, 2002) which is in
good agreement with the analysis in table 5.2.1. There is a significant proportion
of Moringa MAG with C22:0 fatty acids (behenic acid), similar to CRY110 (refer
to 1.5; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0). Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that the increase in
viscosity is likely due to the presence of long chain saturated fatty acids, which
also include C20:0 and >C24:0.

Supporting evidence as to why the viscosity rise occurs is shown via microscopy.
The micrographs for the 3% samples of both PGPR and Moringa MAG in the
rapeseed and peanut TAGs are shown in Figure 5.2.3.

Figures 5.2.3a and 5.2.3c show 3% Moringa MAG in rapeseed and peanut TAG
respectively show a higher level of crystalline structure than Figures 5.2.3b or
5.2.3d with 3% PGPR in the same respective TAGs. Figures 5.2.3a and 5.2.3c,
shows the presence of crystalline entities, which may be attributed to the presence
of the Moringa MAG. In contrast Figures 5.2.3b and 5.2.3d detailing 3% PGPR in
the same rapeseed or peanut TAG show much less in the way of crystal formation,
and thereby explain why the viscosity profile remains at the low levels see in
Figures 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.

The micrograph images provide evidence of tangible difference between Moringa

MAG at 3% compared to PGPR at the end temperature of 25-26°C. These
differences are likely attributable to > C20:0 fatty acids present in the Moringa

Figure 5.2.3 Micrographs of 3% Moringa MAG in rapeseed and peanut TAG (3a,
3c), and 3% PGPR in rapeseed and peanut TAG (3b, 3d) at approximately 25°C –

5.2.4 Conclusion

The rheological behaviour of Moringa MAG and PGPR 90 in two different liquid
TAGs are essentially the same once below a concentration of 3%. At 3% there is a
significant increase in dynamic viscosity from a temperature of 32°C for rapeseed
TAG and 30°C for peanut TAG. The increase continues reaching levels up to 3
orders of magnitude greater than the start point. This increase is attributed to the
greater fat crystal density seen in the Moringa samples, as shown by the
micrographs; in the peanut TAG specifically, there may also likely be another
factor where the TAG solvent i.e. degree of its total saturation, may also have a
contributing factor. However, a Moringa based MAG with a fatty acid
specification similar to those described in tables 5.2.1, 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 is thought to
be the reason for the proliferation of crystal growth (Wassell & Young 2007;
Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013). This aspect
requires further investigation.

5.3 Crystallisation Effects of Natural Moringa MAG, a Synthetic Behenic
Based MAG Composition and PGPR by Cold Stage Polarised Light

5.3.1 Introduction

A study is performed to examine the formation of TAG crystals resulting in the

cooling of samples containing Moringa MAG – both natural and synthetic, - PGPR
and CRY110, with the purpose of providing evidence to support claims for
invention disclosures which deal with texturing / stabilising of TAG based bulk
dispersions, emulsions and crystallisation properties (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c;
2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

A Moringa (Moringa oleifera TAG) based MAG possibly has some unusual
similarities to PGPR in certain applications (refer to 5.2). This investigation
attempts to provide clear visual evidence to confirm these similarities. Through an
examination of samples cooled by controlled thermal induction, and then using a
polarised light microscope, it is possible to gain optical evidence, resulting in a
snapshot of the crystal structure at a given temperature. Therefore, an induction
heat /cool regime can provide evidence that is being sought.

5.3.2 Materials and Methods

The samples were used from the melt after pre-heating to remove crystal history,
starting at 85°C and then cooling to 20°C at a temperature cooling rate of 1°C per
minute. Photographic images were taken approximately once every 2°C and
recorded. Using an Olympus BX 60 microscope, all images were taken under
polarised light at a magnification of x200.

The TAG blend used in all cases was 70% Palm Stearin, with an iodine value
(IV35) and 30% Palm Olein (IV 56). 1% of either Moringa MAG or
GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 (CRY110) or 0.5% GRINDSTED® PGPR 90
(PGPR) was added (2.0)

Moringa MAG samples, were either classified as natural (sourced from: Moringa
oleifera TAG) or synthetic, i.e. the natural samples are true Moringa sourced
materials (2.0), whereas the synthetic samples have been assembled by attempting
to blend a similar fatty acid and glyceride content similar to that of the natural
samples as given in Table 5.3.1.

To try and match the natural Moringa MAG in Table 5.3.1, a series of synthetic
samples were blended (Table 5.3.2) and dosed at the same 1% inclusion rate.

Table 5.3.1 Natural Moringa MAG with the breakdown of mono, di- and tri-

Analysis (%) 2559/102 2559/104 2472/191

GL 0.11 1.27 0.76
Digl 0.05 0.08 0.07
FFA 0.2 0.4 0.3
Mono 53.16 82.55 91.14
Di 42.05 15.67 7.75
Tri 4.39 0.02 0
Approx mono content % 53 82 91

In Tables 5.3.1 and 5.3.3, the abbreviations stand for; GL – Glycerol, Digl – Diglycerol,
FFA – Free Fatty Acids, Mono – Monoglycerides, Di – Diglycerides, and Tri –

Synthetic MAG: Blends of commercial MAG (Table 5.3.2) were assembled in
such a way as to provide a similar fatty acid profile to natural distilled Moringa
monoglycerides (Table 5.3.4). Resultant compositions are shown in Table 5.3.3
and 5.3.5. The predominant fatty acid base for all three compositions is based on
Table 5.3.6.

Table 5.3.2 Blends of MAG with resulting mono contents

Synthetic Moringa monoglyceride SM 90 a SM 60 b SM 80 c

DIMODAN® RT d 90 50
Total % 100 100 100
Final mono content % (approximate) 96 64 82
a., b., c., are named SM 90, SM 60, SM 80, merely as means of identification and
approximate mono content.
d. DIMODAN® RT is a distilled monodiglyceride made from partially hydrogenated
rapeseed oil
e. GRINDSTED® MONO·DI PR 40 is a monodiglyceride made from edible, refined
rapeseed and/or palm oil. Total monoglyceride = 55%. Iodine value = 65

Table 5.3.3 Glyceride distribution of synthetic Moringa MAG (mono, di-, tri-

Analysis (%) SM 90 SM 60 SM 80
GL 0.16 0.24 0.20
Digl 0.14 0.1 0.18
FFA 0.30 0.40 0.40
Mono 96.50 64.56 82.87
Di 2.64 29.02 15.28
Tri 0.22 2.59 1.10

The natural MAG samples, align approximately with synthetic MAG samples as follows:-

Natural Synthetic

2472/191 = SM 90

2559/102 = SM 60

2559/104 = SM 80

The iodine values (IV) of these samples was calculated according to the principles

reported by Kyriakidis, and Katiloulis (2000) as:

SM 90 IV total: 66 (Sat 28.8 Mono unsat 66.1 Poly unsat 5.3)

SM 60 IV total: 70 (Sat 36.4 Mono unsat 47.3 Poly unsat 16.3)

SM 80 IV total: 71 (Sat 29.5 Mono unsat 66.1 Poly unsat 5.3)

The fatty acid compositions of the natural Moringa MAG and synthetic MAG are
shown in Tables 5.3.4 and 5.3.5.

Table 5.3.4 Fatty acid composition of the natural Moringa MAG

Fatty acid chain length (%) % present

C12:0 <0.1
C14:0 0.1
C15:0 <0.1
C16:0 6.5
C16:1 1.8
C17:0 0.2
C18:0 5.8
C18:1 71.2
C18:2 1.5
C18:3 0.3
C20:0 3.4
C20:1 1.9
C20 unsaturated 0.3
C22 6.0
C22 unsaturated 0.2
C24 0.8

Table 5.3.5 Fatty acid composition of synthetic Moringa MAG: sample 1 (SM
90), sample 2 (SM 60) and sample 3 (SM 80)

Analysis (%) (Sample 1) SM 90 (Sample 2) SM 60 (Sample 3) SM 80

C10:0 <0.1 0.0 0.0
C12:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C14:0 0.1 0.5 0.3
C15:0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
C16:0 5.3 21.5 12.7
C16:1 0.1 0.1 0.2
C17:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C18:0 10.9 4.1 7.8
C18:1 64.6 23.9 47.6
C18:2 5.2 10.8 7.7
C18:3 0.0 3.8 2.0
C20:0 1.3 1.0 1.0
C20:1 1.4 2.6 1.8
C20:unsaturated 0.1 0.9 0.7
C22:0 10.7 8.8 7.2
C22:1 0.0 20.7 10.0
C22:unsaturated 0.0 0.8 0.4
C24:0 0.3 0.3 0.3
C24:1 0.0 0.4 0.2

Table 5.3.6 Predominant fatty acids of GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110

Predominant fatty acids (%) % present

C18:0 2.0
C20:0 5.0
C22:0 89.0
C22:1 0.2
C24:0 3.0

Refer to General Materials & Methods (2.0) for additional detail.

5.3.3 Results and Discussion

The micrographs shown in Figure 5.3.1a to 5.3.1f depict the crystal structure as
seen via microscope at 20°C after the samples were cooled from 85 – 20°C at a
cooling rate of 1°C per minute. The samples represented from Figure 5.3.1a to
5.3.1f respectively are:

1a the blank control

1b 1% GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110

1c 1% GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 + 0.5% GRINDSTED® PGPR 90

1d 0.5% GRINDSTED® PGPR 90,

1e 1% Moringa (191) and 1% GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110

1f 1% Moringa (191)

Moringa (191) refers to the Moringa MAG being fully distilled (see Table 5.3.1 –
sample 2472/191)

The blank sample, Figure 5.3.1a, shows clear evidence of TAG crystallisation,
with pentagonal and hexagonal snowflake like patterned crystal structures. Figure
5.3.1b, shows 1% of CRY110, with many small discrete TAG crystals. A similar
micrograph image has recently been reported (Basso et al., 2010) when adding a
behenic based monoglyceride. The dramatic difference between Figures 5.3.1a and
5.3.1b is possibly attributed to the crystallisation onset, which may occur at higher
temperatures where the CRY110 is present. The solubility and degree of total
saturation of the TAG solvent will also have a bearing (Refer to 5.2, A rheological
evaluation on a Moringa Monoglyceride (MAG) and PGPR in TAG and 1.5, A
Pilot Study – preliminary investigations for enhancing crystallisation of anhydrous
TAG dispersions and W/O Emulsions) .

The next four micrographs from Figure 5.3.1 are examined in pairs, starting next
with the single samples of PGPR and Moringa MAG (191). In Figures 5.3.1d and
5.3.1f respectively, there are clear dendrite structures (Mullin, 1993) with the
presence of PGPR. Though not as comparatively large, Figure 5.3.1f (Moringa
MAG 191) is densely populated with irregular crystal structures of which also
dendrite structures are present. There is also evidence of several large cluster
formations, which were seen in Figure 5.3.1a, but without doubt it is the dendrite
like structure which dominates. This is completely different from the crystal
structure of Figure 5.3.1b, and given that all observed images are in reality an
intertwined 3-D network of interpenetrating crystal flocculation’s, then the
physical dimensions of the dendrite structures by their surface area, suggests these
could have high function in real food systems.

The similarities between Figure 5.3.1d and 5.3.1f leads to the suggestion that the
behaviour of Moringa MAG could be similar to PGPR, but given that the dendrite
structures in 5.3.1f are not so well “developed”, then performance will need to be
determined in application trials.

The potentially similar functionality of Moringa MAG and PGPR can be seen
when comparing the last two micrographs of Figure 5.3.1, i.e. Figure 5.3.1c and
Figure 5.3.1e. These refer to a combination of two samples, where Figure 5.3.1c is
a combination of 1% CRY110 and 0.5% PGPR and Figure 5.3.1e is 1% Moringa
MAG (191) and 1% CRY110. In both cases the micrograph show an entirely
different picture compared to these components in isolation i.e. Figure 5.3.1b, 1d,
1f. This suggests that whatever the effect, the interaction of adding PGPR or
Moringa MAG (191) to the CRY110 has a similar outcome.

Three important observations come from Figure 5.3.1, first; Moringa MAG (191)
which naturally contains ~6% behenic acid (C22:0) behaves differently to
CRY110, which contains a high source of C22:0. Second, Moringa MAG (191)
appears to have some similar crystal structures to PGPR, suggesting the possibility
of similar behaviour.

Figure 5.3.1 Micrographs showing the crystal structures of samples 1a – 1f at
20°C in 70% Palm Stearin (IV35) and 30% Palm Olein (IV 56) (scale bars =
Third, Moringa MAG (191) and PGPR appear to demonstrate similar interaction
with CRY110. These conclusions strongly point to the potential of Moringa MAG
(191) possessing similar properties to PGPR.

Moringa TAG (Moringa oleifera), being a natural source of saturated fatty acids
(Abdulkarim et al., 2005; Anwar and Rashid 2007; Fahey 2005; Lalas and
Tsaknis, 2002; Mohammed et al., 2003) gives this material potentially attractive
nutrition labelling. Currently, while TAG from Moringa oleifera is a known
source of food energy and has multipurpose use (Marikkara & Ghazali 2011;
Pandey et al., 2011), it is not currently recognised as a commodity TAG at present.
However, once synthesised to a MAG it could (subject to Codex & Novel foods
regulation) be identified as E471. This is advantageous for low TAG W/O
emulsions < 41%, where it is not unusual to combine both a MAG (E471) and
PGPR (E476); it may be possible to use only E471. The use of mono- and di-
glycerides prepared from Moringa oleifera TAG has not previously been taught
for such applications (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et
al., 2013). Synthetic Moringa MAG

Given the results observed in the application of a natural Moringa MAG (sample
2472/191 in Table 5.3.1), could a “synthetic” mix of fatty acids and Mono, Di, Tri
composition offer similar properties as the natural Moringa MAG. Three synthetic
versions of specific fatty acid composition were assembled (Table 5.3.2) and

In to order investigate comparatively, a further two natural monoglycerides of

Moringa (from Moringa oleifera TAG) were synthesised and finalised according
to Table 5.3.1, these were sample numbers 2559/102 and 2559/104 and these
shared the same fatty acid composition as 2472/191 (Table 5.3.4), but had
differing total mono% contents.

Figure 5.3.2 Micrographs 2a – 2f show crystal structures of natural and synthetic
Moringa MAG (dose 1%) at 20°C in 70% Palm Stearin (IV35) and 30% Palm
Olein (IV 56) (scale bars = 10µm)

The results in Figure 5.3.2 show Figures 5.3.2a to 5.3.2f, where 2a, 2b, and 2c
represent the natural Moringa MAG, and 2d, 2e, and 2f represent the synthetic
blends made to match the natural Moringa MAG components (fatty acid profile).

In general the micrographs in Figure 5.3.2 seem to show that synthetic Moringa
MAG samples have similar fractural patterns, compared to the natural Moringa
MAG. More specifically, Figures 5.3.2a, and 5.3.2d which represent the natural
and synthetic versions at 91.14%, 96.5% mono content respectively, both show the
scattered TAG crystallisation in the bulk, but also the evidence of single larger
branched clusters together with the dendrite structures similar to those seen in
Figure 5.3.1d and 5.3.1f. Both are clearly distinct from CRY110 (Figure 5.3.1b).

Figures 5.3.2b and 5.3.2e, natural and synthetic versions of 53.16% and 64.56%
mono content respectively; Figure 5.3.2e shows larger clusters as opposed to the
discrete nuclei of the CRY110 in Figure 5.3.1b. Less evident in both cases is the
dendrite structures associated with PGPR (Figure 5.3.1d) and Moringa 191 (Figure
5.3.1f) at higher monoglyceride contents. However, Figure 5.3.2e has structures
found in both Figure 5.3.2a and 5.3.2b, i.e. structures that equate to as yet
underdeveloped fern-like structures, which may be signs of a delayed crystal
development due to the higher di-glyceride (DAG) content within the TAG olein.

Figures 5.3.2c and 5.3.2f, natural and synthetic versions at 82.55%, 82.87% mono
content respectively, show similar smaller crystals coupled with several large
clusters. This is not dissimilar to 5.3.2b.

Summarising Figure 5.3.2 it is concluded that firstly the ability to make synthetic
samples of Moringa by blending MAG to achieve a fatty acid composition is
possible. Secondly, it seems as though either the mono or di-glyceride content is
important, but this matter requires further investigation before explanations can be

5.3.4 Conclusion

This study has shown that based on micrograph evidence, the influence on TAG
crystallisation of Moringa MAG (191) is different from CRY110, despite Moringa
MAG (191) containing some 5.8% - 6% of C22:0 (behenic acid) and yet exhibiting
behaviour not dissimilar to PGPR 90.

Figure 5.3.1f shows the TAG blend with added Moringa MAG to be essentially
like viewing a composite image of Figures 5.3.1a and 5.3.1d together, where bulk
TAG crystallisation and obvious evidence of fern-like dendrite structures are
present. Given that both aspects are now present in a single system, this may
possibly provide evidence as to why the interfacial tension measurements (Figure
4.14 in 4.2) showed PGPR and a Moringa MAG behaving with not dissimilar
tensiometry values.

Combining Moringa MAG (191) with CRY110, and PGPR with CRY110 resulted
in similar micrograph observations.

Results have also demonstrated that it is possible to make a composition to mimic

natural Moringa MAG by blending suitable MAG, characterised by specific fatty
acid arrangements. It is also possible that the content of MAG / DAG ratio may be

It would be interesting to discover how these findings would transpose to real

emulsions and how these could be used to support new inventions (Wassell et al.,
2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

5.4 High and Low TAG W/O Emulsion Application Trials: A Functional
Evaluation of MAG based on Moringa, Lesquerella, Rapeseed, Sunflower
TAG and a PGPR

5.4.1 Introduction

It has been shown (4.0) that a MAG based on Moringa oleifera TAG, can have
similar interfacial and crystallisation (5.2 & 5.3) characteristics to PGPR
(GRINDSTED® PGPR 90). Previous examinations have centred on model
systems. In real emulsion systems, interest lies in the properties of the interfacial
film and its viscoelastic behaviour, where surface elasticity is thought to be the
determining factor in minimising film rupture (Boyd et al., 1972) and hence
coalescence. The strength of the interfacial film formed by the emulsifier may be
more important than its effect on interfacial tension (Scherze, Knotha,
Muschiolika, 2006). An emulsifier which is very effective in stabilising an
emulsion may be much less effective in aiding the construction of an initial small
water droplet and narrow DSD, i.e. it may help form visco-elastic films at the
TAG / water interface, but may result in emulsions of relatively large DSD. This
may be irrespective of its hydrophobic influence on reducing interfacial tension to
low values (Boyd et al., 1972). To obtain confirmation about the functionality of
Moringa MAG, proof of concept by way of application trials were required. A
series of W/O emulsion spreads are prepared at 60% and 40% TAG concentration
respectively. Results from water Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) analysis,
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) imaging, texture analysis and
sensory tasting are used as a basis for evaluation.

5.4.2 Materials and Methods

High and low TAG WO emulsion application trials were prepared for evaluation
of monoglycerides based on Moringa oleifera TAG and Lesquerella fendleri TAG
(Appendix F, G); commercial rapeseed based (DIMODAN® RT); sunflower based

The W/O emulsion samples were made according to formula and process
conditions given below for 60% W/O TAG spreads in Tables 5.4.1 and 5.4.2, and
for 40% W/O TAG spreads in Tables 5.4.3 and 5.4.4.

The chosen emulsifier concentration is arbitrarily based on typical minimum /

maximum levels (refer to 1.2). For 60% TAG, a partially saturated / hydrogenated
(IV 60) monoglyceride (Rapeseed based) – DIMODAN® RT is for control and
comparison. For 40% TAG an unsaturated (IV105) monoglyceride (Sunflower
based) – DIMODAN® UJ is for control and comparison. PGPR was used at a dose
of 0.2% between maximum permitted use (0.4%) and total absence (refer to 1.2).

For more details of emulsifier and general process conditions and analysis, refer to
Materials and Methods (2.0)

Table 5.4.1 Recipe for 60% TAG spreads trials 1-6

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
Water phase
Water (Tap) 38.400 38.400 38.400 38.400 38.400 38.400
Salt 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX 240) 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Water phase total 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
Rapeseed oil 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
Distilled Lesquerella Monoglyceride 0.300 0.600
DIMODAN R-T PEL/B - K 0.300 0.600
Moringa MAG (191) 0.300 0.600
TOCO 50 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
2% sol. beta-carotene 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.330 0.630 0.330 0.630 0.330 0.630
Fat phase total 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

The emulsifiers tested in 60% W/O TAG spreads samples according to Table 5.4.1
are as follows:

1. DIMODAN® RT 0.3%

2. DIMODAN® RT 0.6%
3. Moringa MAG (191) 0.3%
4. Moringa MAG (191) 0.6%
5. Lesquerella 0.3% (Fatty acid details in 2.0)
6. Lesquerella 0.6%

Table 5.4.2 Pilot plant processing conditions for the 60% TAG spread samples

Pilot Plant
Processing (3-tube lab perfector): 1 2 3 4 5 6
Oil phase temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50
Water phase temperature 20 20 20 20 20 20
Emulsion temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50
Centrifugal pump Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
Capacity high pressure pump 40 40 40 40 40 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Rpm tube 1: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 2: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 3: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Table 5.4.3 Recipe for 40% TAG spreads trials 11-19

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Water phase
Water (Tap) 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300
Salt 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX
0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
GRINDSTED® LFS 560 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Water phase total 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000 60.000
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 – INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
Rapeseed oil 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
Distilled Lesquerella
0.300 0.600 0.300
DIMODAN U/J – K 0.300 0.600 0.300
Moringa MAG (191) 0.300 0.600 0.300
PGPR 90 – K 0.200 0.200 0.200
TOCO 50 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
2% sol. beta-carotene 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.630 0.630 0.630 0.530 0.530 0.530
Fat phase total 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000 40.000
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

The emulsifiers tested in 40% W/O TAG spreads samples according to Table 5.4.3
are as follows:

11. DIMODAN® UJ 0.3%

12. Moringa MAG (191) 0.3%
13. Lesquerella 0.3%
14. DIMODAN® UJ 0.6%
15. Moringa 0.6%
16. Lesquerella 0.6%
17. DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% and GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 0.2%
18. Moringa MAG (191) 0.3% and GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 0.2%
19. Lesquerella 0.3% and GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 0.2%

Table 5.4.4 Pilot plant processing conditions for the 40% TAG spread samples

Pilot Plant
Processing (3-tube lab 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Oil phase temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Water phase temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Emulsion temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Centrifugal pump Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
Capacity high pressure pump 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Rpm tube 1: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 2: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 3: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Texture analysis was carried out with a Stable Micro Systems: TA-XT2i texture
analyser and run under standard methodology for measuring hardness (2.0).

5.4.3 Validation Trials

The recipes and plant conditions for the validation trails are given below in Tables
5.4.5 and 5.4.6. Moringa MAG 191 is the same Moringa MAG identified in 5.2
and 5.3. Tests with Lesquerella MAG were not repeated, but abandoned from this
point, because of obvious emulsion separation (refer to results).

Table 5.4.5 Recipe for 40% TAG spreads (validation test)

Ingredient Name 1 2 3 4 5 6
Water (Tap) 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300
Salt 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX 240) 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
GRINDSTED® LFS 560 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Butter Flavouring 050001 T03007 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Water phase total 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
Rapeseed oil 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
DIMODAN U/J 0.300 0.600 0.300
PGPR 90 - K 0.200 0.200
Moringa MAG (191) 0.300 0.600 0.300
Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.320 0.320 0.620 0.620 0.520 0.520
Fat phase total 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

The samples in the validation trials (Table 5.4.5) are as follows:

1. DIMODAN® UJ 0.3%
2. Moringa 0.3%
3. DIMODAN® UJ 0.6%
4. Moringa 0.6%
5. DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90, 0.2%
6. Moringa 0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90, 0.2%

Table 5.4.6 Plant process conditions for the 40% TAG spreads (Validation test)
Processing (3-tube lab perfector): Default 1 2 3 4 5 6
Oil phase temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Water phase temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Emulsion temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Centrifugal pump Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
Capacity high pressure pump 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Rpm tube 1: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 2: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 3: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

5.4.4 Results and Discussion 60% TAG based W/O Spreads

Table 5.4.7 shows the DSD for the samples from 60% TAG spreads based on
those trials shown in Table 5.4.1

Table 5.4.7 DSD for 60% TAG spread samples

Sample Emulsifier 2.5% <µm 50% <µm 97.5% <µm

1 DIMODAN® RT 0.3% 0.92 3.24 11.43
St. Dev 0.04 0.09 1.06
2 DIMODAN® RT 0.6% 1.79 2.80 4.39
St. Dev 0.18 0.06 0.25
3 Moringa 0.3% 1.59 6.36 25.44
St. Dev 0.04 0.06 1.07
4 Moringa 0.6% 1.46 4.38 13.14
St. Dev 0.06 0.12 1.22
5 Lesquerella 0.3% 1.63 17.90 212.35
St. Dev 0.24 3.43 115.68
6 Lesquerella 0.6% 2.27 26.59 312.09
St. Dev 0.09 0.82 7.18

The DSD reveals that water droplet size volume at 97.5% <µm, are grouped, with
the exception of samples containing Lesquerella, which considered highly
unstable. At 60% TAG concentration the Moringa and DIMODAN® RT results
suggest stable emulsions and thereby smaller water droplet sizes. The DSD data
suggests the presence of “large lakes” of water. This assumption is further
supported by the data of the distribution as expressed graphically in Figure 5.4.1.

Clearly visible in Figure 5.4.1 is the distribution of the water droplet sizes for the
60% TAG spreads, showing the extremely large size of water droplets
corresponding to Lesquerella. Conversely, Moringa sample 4 at the concentration
of 0.6% is showing a water droplet size broadly akin to that of sample 1 which
corresponds to DIMODAN® RT at 0.3%. This suggests that the stability of the
0.6% Moringa is potentially similar DIMODAN® RT 0.3% sample.

Figure 5.4.1 Water droplet size distribution (DSD) of the 60% TAG blends.

The data presented in Figures 5.4.2 to 5.4.7 are the CLSM images of application
trials 1 – 6, as described in Table 5.4.1. Four images at two magnifications (40X
and 100X) were taken respectively. The images are then reproduced (scaled) to
375 x 375 µm and 188 x 188µm. All samples are stained with FITC, stains protein
green, and Nile Red, stains TAG red.

Figure 5.4.2 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with DIMODAN® RT at 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.3 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with DIMODAN® RT at 0.6%
concentration (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.4 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Moringa at 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.5 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Moringa at 0.6%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.6 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Lesquerella at 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.7 CLSM image of 60% TAG spread with Lesquerella at 0.6%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

The slides above in Figures 5.4.2 to 5.4.7 present excellent visual images to
support the data in Table 5.4.7 and Figure 5.4.1. DIMODAN® RT 0.3% and 0.6%
samples have a small water droplet size and a narrow water droplet distribution.
The water droplets are seen via the green or dark colouring, since the protein sits at
or in the water phase, these appear together. Apart from Lesquerella (Figures 5.4.6
& 5.4.7) these systems are inherently stable. To help determine stability, sensory
properties are discussed later.

Figures 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 refer to the samples with Moringa at 0.3% and 0.6%
respectively, and it can be seen that the water droplet size is considerably larger in
Figure 5.4.4 at 0.3% as opposed to 0.6% - Figure 5.4.5. These images do not show
the very small water droplet structures as in Figure 5.4.3 (DIMODAN® RT 0.6%),
however, in Figure 5.4.5, where Moringa is at 0.6% concentration the CLSM
images are similar to those for DIMODAN® RT at 0.3%. This is also indicated in
the graphical data shown in Figure 5.4.1, and indicates that Moringa here is
behaving in a manner that is capable of forming stable spread products and this
high TAG concentration is in parity with DIMODAN® RT – albeit at a higher

Figures 5.4.6 and 5.4.7, corresponding to Lesquerella at 0.3 and 0.6% respectively
show the presence of large areas of coalesced water droplets (lakes of water). This
was enough to confirm that this product was not stable and basically would fail
any storage, sensory or spreading test post production. In 60% W/O TAG spread
emulsions Lesquerella MAG is not recommended.

202 40% TAG based W/O Spreads

Use of Moringa MAG (E471) in low TAG (<41%) applications could represent a
cleaning up of the food product ingredient label since there would be potential
opportunity to omit a co-emulsifier, PGPR (E476). With this objective all MAG
based emulsifier components, plus PGPR were then tested in 40% TAG spreads
with the aim of assessing the effect of stabilising W/O low TAG content
emulsions. The water droplet size results (DSD) are shown in Table 5.4.8.

All samples relating to Lesquerella in 40% TAG spreads show the similar
tendency as for the results above for 60% TAG spreads i.e. the water droplet size
was so large that the emulsion samples have failed. When combined with a co-
emulsifier PGPR, the recovery and stabilisation of the water droplet size was
insufficient, leading to emulsion failure.

Moringa showed a trend that is also similar to the 60% TAG spreads, where in
40% TAG spreads, the droplet size where Moringa is present is smaller than all
samples with DIMODAN® UJ either alone, or in combination with PGPR. This
suggests from DSD analysis that the spreads made with Moringa were stable and
exhibit adequate function similar to standard palm or hydrogenated MAG products
for reduced or low TAG spreads.

Table 5.4.8 Water droplet size distribution for 40% TAG spread samples.

Sample Emulsifiers 2.5% <µm 50%<µm 97.5%<µm

11 DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% 1.88 10.18 55.54
St. Dev 0.11 0.18 2.23
12 Moringa 0.3% 1.31 7.47 42.41
St. Dev 0.04 0.19 2.87
13 Lesquerella 0.3% 5.21 70.28 991.49
St. Dev 0.75 26.35 606.24
14 DIMODAN® UJ 0.6% 1.47 12.47 106.38
St. Dev 0.07 0.26 8.45
15 Moringa 0.6% 0.95 6.04 38.56
St. Dev 0.06 0.32 6.86
16 Lesquerella 0.6% 9.95 96.07 987.00
St. Dev 3.61 6.81 236.67
17 DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% / PGPR 90 0.2% 2.47 10.48 44.62
St. Dev 0.07 0.42 4.39
18 Moringa 0.3% PGPR 90 0.2% 1.27 5.58 24.46
St. Dev 0.02 0.14 0.94
19 Lesquerella 0.3% / PGPR 90 0.2% 6.82 68.46 722.91
St. Dev 0.09 10.25 291.67

The graphical distribution of data in Table 5.4.8 is shown in Figure 5.4.8.

Figure 5.4.8 Water droplet size distribution (DSD) of W/O 40% TAG blends.

Results in Figure 5.4.8 show the samples having the tightest water droplets -
samples 12, 15, and 18; those with Moringa at 0.3%, Moringa at 0.6% and
Moringa 0.3% / PGPR 0.2% respectively. These results suggest the Moringa
containing spreads are likely to be stable.

The CLSM images of the 40% TAG spreads are given in Figures 5.4.9 – 5.4.17.
All the CLSM images of samples containing Lesquerella showed the presence of
very large lakes of water. Visually these are beyond droplet classification and can
be deemed as failed.

Sample 18, i.e. Moringa at 0.3% with co-emulsifier PGPR at 0.2%, had the
smallest droplet size from Figure 5.4.8. But of particular significance was the
CLSM images of Moringa at 0.6% – sample 15, which as a standalone, gave
comparatively, the smallest water droplet. Moringa at 0.3% had slightly larger
water droplets shown in Figure 5.4.8 and in fact showed the product itself was
stable and held up to both storage and spreadability tests. The same argument was
confirmed in the basic sensory results (

Figure 5.4.9 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® UJ at 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.10 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa at 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.11 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Lesquerella at 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.12 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® UJ at 0.6%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.13 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa at 0.6%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.14 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Lequerella at 0.6%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.15 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% /
GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 at 0.2% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm.
Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.16 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa 0.3% /
GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 at 0.2% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm.
Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.17 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Lesquerella 0.3% /
GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 at 0.2% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm.
Bottom images 188 x 188µm) Texture Analysis

Using a Stable Micro-Systems TX2 analyser, the texture of the spread samples
was measured and treated together. The grouping on both low TAG and high TAG
spreads shown in Figures 5.4.18 (hardness) and Figure 5.4.19 (stickiness).

Hardness of high TAG 60% & low TAG 40% Jr. No -1
W/O emulsion spreads at 5°C Jr. No -2
Jr. No -3
450 Jr. No -4
400 Jr. No -5
Hardness (force /g)

350 Jr. No -6
300 Jr. No -11
250 Jr. No -12
Jr. No -13
Jr. No -14
50 Jr. No -15
0 Jr. No -16
Average Jr. No -17
Jr. No -18
Jr. No -19

Figure 5.4.18 The hardness of the high TAG (60%) samples – (1-6), and the low
TAG (40%) samples – (11-19)

Jr. No -1
Stickiness at 5°C
Jr. No -2
Jr. No -3
Jr. No -4
-500 Jr. No -5
Stickiness (area)

Jr. No -6
-1000 Jr. No -11
Jr. No -12
-1500 Jr. No -13
Jr. No -14
-2000 Jr. No -15
Jr. No -16
-2500 Jr. No -17
Jr. No -18
Jr. No -19

Figure 5.4.19 The stickiness of the high TAG (60%) samples- (1-6), and the low TAG
(40%) TAG samples – (11-19)

Considering the 60% TAG samples first, it was clear that the DIMODAN® RT
spreads resulted in the greatest degree of hardness, but with the exception of
sample 2 where the DIMODAN® RT concentration is 0.6%, the hardness level of
the Moringa samples was broadly comparable. The hardness of the Lesquerella
samples was significantly less for all concentrations and was difficult to measure
because of total product failure.

For the 40% TAG spreads, samples 11-19 in Figures 5.4.18 and 5.4.19, the
hardness results showed that DIMODANT® UJ at 0.3% and Moringa at 0.3%
gave the highest results, higher than the 60% spreads. The remaining samples
showed hardness values similar to the 60% spreads, although the presence of
PGPR seemed to result in a decrease in hardness for both DIMODAN® UJ and
Lesquerella. Moringa and PGPR resulted in a much firmer product, and could
indicate a synergy, a co-emulsifier relationship taking place. In terms of stickiness
the same general trends were observed. Objective Sensory Analysis

Sensory tasting of the 60% TAG spreads (1-6) by an expert panel resulted in the
following comments for the high TAG samples, 24hrs post production:

Sample 1. (DIMODAN® RT - 0.3%) Soft and smooth with pleasant overall mouth

Sample 2. (DIMODAN® RT - 0.6%) Firmer than sample 1 and generally still soft
and smooth. This resulted in a firmer mouth feel, but one that was still acceptable.

Sample 3. (Moringa - 0.3%) Soft and smooth with a pleasant overall mouth feel

Sample 4. (Moringa - 0.6%) Firmer than sample 3, softer than sample 2, and
smooth to taste but firmer over all mouth feel than sample 3.

Sample 5. (Lesquerella - 0.3%) Very soft, yellow in appearance, appeared


Sample 6. (Lesquerella - 0.6%) Very soft, yellow in appearance, appeared

The conclusions which were drawn for 60% TAG spreads, was that Moringa at
0.3% or 0.6% concentration can form acceptable stable spreads. The degree of
firmness achieved was comparable to the control (DIMODAN® RT).

Sensory tasting of the 40% TAG spreads (11- 19) by an expert panel resulted in
the following comments for the high TAG samples, 24hrs post production:

Sample 11. (DIMODAN® UJ - 0.3%) Very pleasant and smooth, good overall
mouth feel.
Sample 12. (Moringa – 0.3%) Very pleasant and smooth, good overall (thick)
mouth feel.
Sample 13. (Lesquerella - 0.3%) Appeared unstable.
Sample 14. (DIMODAN® UJ - 0.6%) Pleasant, smooth and good overall mouth
Sample 15. (Moringa – 0.6%) Very pleasant and smooth, good overall (thick)
mouth feel
Smaple 16. (Lesquerella – 0.6%) Unstable.
Sample 17. (DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 – 0.2%) Very
pleasant and smooth, good overall mouth feel.
Sample 18. (Moringa – 0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 – 0.2%) Very pleasant
and smooth, good overall (thick) mouth feel.
Sample 19. (Lesquerella 0.3% / GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 – 0.2%) Unstable.

These results confirmed the results from earlier, relating to the water droplet size
and the CLSM images. Lesquerella failed in the 40% spread emulsions, as it did
for 60% spreads. However, Moringa performed well and provided both firmness
and good mouth feel characteristics to the emulsion in question. There was also
evidence of a potential synergistic interaction with PGPR.

217 Validation Testing

In order to validate results from samples 1 – 6 and 11- 19 (Specifically Moringa

samples), additional new application trial samples were assembled.

Only 40% TAG spreads were examined, and the samples of Lesquerella were
omitted due to obvious product failure (including 60%). The 40% TAG samples
were produced according to repeat formula / conditions as previously described in
Tables 5.4.3 and 5.4.4. Validation samples and conditions are described in Tables
5.4.5 and 5.4.6

The results tabulated in Table 5.4.9 show the validated water droplet size
distributions for samples 1 – 6 (Table 5.4.5) compared to earlier trial samples 11,
12, 14, 15, 17, 18 in Table 5.4.3.

Table 5.4.9 Validated water droplet size distribution (DSD) results (plain text) of
40% low TAG spreads. Figures in bold are the results from the original samples
(Table 5.4.8)

Sample Emulsifier 2.5% <µm 50% <µm 97.5% <µm

1 DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% 2.69 1.88 13.81 10.18 71.05 55.54
St.Dev 0.06 0.17 0.35
2 Moringa 0.3% 2.07 1.31 7.59 7.46 28.21 42.41
St. Dev 0.12 0.66 6.73
3 DIMODAN® UJ 0.6% 1.73 1.47 8.59 12.47 42.79 106.48
St. Dev 0.11 0.35 5.67
4 Moringa 0.6% 1.30 0.95 5.77 6.04 25.59 38.56
St. Dev 0.03 0.13 1.65
5 DIMODAN® UJ 0.3% / PGPR 90, 0.2% 1.87 2.47 6.07 10.48 19.74 44.62
St. Dev 0.05 0.05 0.66
6 Moringa 0.3% / PGPR 90, 0.2% 1.39 1.27 4.85 5.58 16.99 24.46
St. Dev 0.06 0.12 1.51

The DSD validation results for a 40% TAG spread in Table 5.4.9, compared well
with the previous results (shown bold within same table), showing that Moringa
performs equally as well compared to the initial trials in producing stable spreads
with small DSD. In each case the Moringa samples showed smaller DSD than the

initial trials. Moringa MAG used in the validation is the same identical Moringa
monoglyceride 191 as used in previous work.

Figure 5.4.20 shows graphically the data presented in Table 5.4.9, but without data
from Figure 5.4.8. However, a comparison clearly reveals that generally, all peaks
in this validation are in a narrow range. This was possibly attributed to absence of
TOCO 50 (antioxidant) a minor component (0.01% w/w) containing 50%
tocopherol, a wetting agent.

Figure 5.4.20 Water droplet size distributions for the 40% low TAG spreads of the
validation tests.

With the exception of sample 5 which had DIMODAN® UJ and GRINDSTED®

PGPR 90 combined, the smallest DSD was when Moringa was present. Where
DIMODAN® UJ was present in isolation it can be seen this led to the largest
DSD. The same was found in the original trials.

CLSM images of the validation studies are presented in Figures 5.4.21 to 5.4.26.

Figure 5.4.21 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® UJ - 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.22 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa - 0.3%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.23 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® UJ - 0.6%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.24 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa - 0.6%
concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm. Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.25 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with DIMODAN® UJ - 0.3% /
GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 – 0.2% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm.
Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

Figure 5.4.26 CLSM image of 40% TAG spread with Moringa - 0.3% /
GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 – 0.2% concentration. (Top images 375 x 375 µm.
Bottom images 188 x 188µm)

In comparing these CLSM images above (Figures 5.4.21 – 5.4.26) with the
original trials for the corresponding samples in Figures 5.4.9 to 5.4.17 there are
similarities, especially with the samples that contain Moringa. Taking Figures
5.4.10 and 5.4.22, both of which represent Moringa at 0.3% concentration, when
viewed together as a whole, there is similarity. In Figure 5.4.13 and 5.4.24,

Moringa at 0.6% concentration, it appears that Figure 5.4.24 has the smallest water
droplets, as indeed indicated by the water droplet size results (DSD). For Figures
5.4.16 and 5.4.26, where Moringa was present together with PGPR, again broad
similarities in the image were found. Similar trends were seen for the samples
which contain DIMODAN® UJ when compared against the original trials, with
the exception of DIMODAN® UJ in the presence of PGPR, where large lakes of
water are seen in Figure 5.4.15, which are not present in Figure 5.4.25. The
DIMODAN® UJ used in the validation trials came from a new commercial sample
than that used in the initial trials (Its material specification being consistent with
the first commercial sample). In Figure 5.4.25 the droplets are larger, but remain
as discrete droplets. This is possibly explained by the number of variations of
selected surfactants used in each trial, and which are run continuously, without any
separate product processing interface between each trial. Validation trials were
fewer in number, and as previously indicated excluded Lesquerella MAG.

The texture analysis results for the validation testing showing the hardness of the
validation samples at 5°C is given in Figure 5.4.27.


Figure 5.4.27 Textural hardness for the 40% low TAG spread validation tests,
where the order from left to right is as follows; DIMODAN® UJ, 0.3%; Moringa
0.3%; DIMODAN® UJ, 0.6%, Moringa, 0.6%; DIMODAN® UJ, 0.3% and
GRINDSTED® PGPR 90, 0.2%; Moringa 0.3% and GRINDSTED® PGPR 90,

The validation test confirmed the suggestion that Moringa MAG seems to be
outperforming DIMODAN® UJ and also in combination with PGPR, there is
small increased firmness. This could coincide with reduced DSD. But, only at the
lower concentration of 0.3% is the difference in textural firmness significant where
Moringa MAG is present.

5.4.5 Discussion

In summary, the results strongly indicate the functionality of Moringa MAG in

high and low TAG spreads is such that it is capable of producing W/O emulsion
products that have stable water droplet size capable of inferring additional textural
resilience (thicker mouth feel qualities) as well as good flavour release properties.
It seems that TAG based systems containing Moringa MAG can tolerate typical
processing and storage conditions to make commercially viable products.

Based on evidence of dendrite structures observed earlier (5.3), which compared

favourably with the structures of PGPR when examined under microscope, it is
possible that dendrite behaviour may be linked to interfacial stabilisation (Ghosh
et al., 2011). If these fern-like (dendrite) structures in the model systems transfer
across into real food systems as noted for other crystallisation systems (Mullin,
1993), this may account for the development of the final interfacial structure (or its
proximity i.e in the bulk) that give the W/O emulsions with Moringa MAG,
enhanced (surface-active) functional properties (4.0) i.e. textural resilience and
decreased DSD.

The water binding properties of PGPR are one of the reasons that it is essentially
the stabilising emulsifier of choice for many water – oil based system food
systems (refer to 1.2; 1.5). However, the level of stability that the PGPR can
confer is often such that any re-work of the system is made difficult, and this can
result in production down time. This has commercial implications because of the
negative effects of PGPR on emulsion breakdown characteristics and

consequently, this also has a powerful sensory impact on melting and flavour

An emulsifier that is able to maintain a stable and robust emulsion (crucially

PGPR is absent), and yet unlike PGPR, behave “abnormally” to allow re-work,
enables the potential removal of E476. Wassell et al. (2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d;
2012e) and Bech et al. (2013), show that while the DSD data may be an indicator of
product stability, the emulsions should not be ‘overly’ stable that potential re-work
is hindered.

All samples were made with natural Moringa MAG. Proof of concept to ascertain
the performance of MAG compositions to mimic Moringa MAG is required.
Therefore, this would be systems based on blended fatty acid compositions to
match the fatty acid profile of naturally based (Moringa oleifera) Moringa MAG
to achieve similar functionality. This is plausible because it has already been
shown in bulk TAG model systems that such compositions were performing
similar to natural versions (refer to 5.3).

5.4.6 Conclusion

The results presented, show that Moringa MAG, when incorporated into a high
TAG spread (60%) or a low TAG spread (40%), is highly functional, resulting in a
commercially acceptable product which is both stable to processing and storage.
The formed emulsions had both acceptable commercial structure and flavour
release. Compared to other MAGs in this work, weight for weight, a Moringa
MAG conferred additional textural resilience and spreadability.

Further application trials would support the model system results (4.0); because it
was shown previously (5.3), that synthetic (blended composition) MAG samples
seemed to behave similarly to the naturally based (Moringa oleifera) Moringa
MAG samples, as used in this study.

5.5 Microscopy Examination of a Forced Cooled Model TAG Based System
Containing a Distilled Moringa MAG, Behenic Based MAG and PGPR

5.5.1 Introduction

Processing conditions usually run at faster cooling rates than 1°C per minute, but
typical examinations are often run at this much slower cooling rate. This is to
avoid excessive temperature gradients and therefore nullify any potential anomaly
that may occur. However, this approach may alter the perspective of the original
measurement when the cooling rate is changed closer to industrially relevant
cooling rates, as used in 5.4.

In a previous study (5.3), cooling rates of 1°C/min from the melt to 20°C resulted
with interesting dendrite crystal structure. Therefore the aim of this study is to
investigate the effect of forced cooling on the crystal structure of TAG based
systems where the cooling rate moves over two orders of magnitude, i.e. from
1°C/min to 100°C/min.

Microscopy examination on the thermal response behaviour of anhydrous TAG

continuous samples containing Moringa MAG, PGPR and CRY110, when
compared to a blank control, may provide new insight into resultant physical

5.5.2 Materials and Methods

The control TAG blend was 70% Palm Stearin (IV35), and 30% Palm Olein
(IV56). Emulsifiers were added to the control sample at 1% of either Moringa
MAG, or GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 or 0.5% GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 as
per the previous study (5.3); the same method is also used. The microscopy was
run using an Olympus BX 60 with all images taken using PLM at x200
magnification. The samples were heated to 85°C to remove any previous crystal

history and then treated to the following cooling rates: 1°C/min, 10°C/min,
50°C/min, and 100°C/min to a final ambient temperature of 20°C. Refer to
General Materials & Methods (2.0) for additional detail.

5.5.3 Results and Discussion

The results in Figures 5.5.1 – 5.5.4 show the micrographs of the control sample,
CRY110, PGPR and Moringa MAG. Each Figure is split further into four
individual micrographs that correspond to the four different cooled temperature

In Figure 5.5.1, the control shows a slow cooling rate of 1°C/min the formation of
what can be described as clear evidence of TAG crystallisation; with pentagonal
and hexagonal snowflake (dendrite) like patterned crystal structures are very

When the cooling rate is increased to 10°/min, the formation of dendrites become
smaller and less distinct; therefore, this is taken as clear indication that the forced
cooling at a faster rate as a significant effect on the kinetics of crystal formation.
At 50°C/min, the polarised image was poor and it was difficult to draw
conclusions, but at 100°C/min no evidence of dendrite structure is visible and the
crystals are smaller relative to those at 1°C/min.

Figure 5.5.2, shows the results over the same cooling rates for 1% of CRY110.
The polarised image shows homogenous distribution of many small crystals. A
similar micrograph image has been observed by Basso et al. (2010) when they
used a behenic based monoglyceride. However, the effect is dramatic in their
observation probably due to the degree of total saturation of the TAG solvent used
(Basso et al., 2010). Moving to faster cooling rates simply reduces the size of the
crystal structures progressively, at no point with CRY110 is there any indication of
dendrite or any other structural connotation.

Figure 5.5.3 shows results from 0.5% PGPR at 1°C/min cooling rate. The
polarised image is dominated by dramatic dendrite structures. There is no evidence
of small discrete crystals. In this respect it appears as though PGPR has completely
altered the crystallisation kinetics of the bulk system, crystal nuclei have
developed into fern-like dendrite structures of notable size in comparison to Figure

Accelerating the cooling rate to 10°C/min, the large dendrite crystal structures
have reduced in number and size. The dark background, non-crystallised region
(liquid olein) as seen at 1°C/min is now dominated by homogeneous scattering of
mixed crystal shape and size. At 50°C/ min are not obvious and the crystal
distribution is now more uniform in size and shape; increasing the cooling rate still
further to 100°C/min, results in a structure similar to the polarised image as shown
in Figure 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 at the same cooling rate (100°C).

Lastly, Figure 5.5.4 shows the results for Moringa MAG. At 1°C/min there
appears to be a composite distribution across the polarised micrograph. Several
regions within image appear similar the micrographs at 1°C in Figure 5.5.2, and
Figure 5.5.3. This could suggest that Moringa MAG influences crystal behaviour
similar to both CRY110 and PGPR. There are areas where fern-like structures are
visible as well as areas where discrete crystal clusters are to be found. Increasing
the cooling rate to 10°C/min reduces the size of the crystals, but importantly the
fern-like structures and clusters are still present; they are more numerous
compared to the PGPR in Figure 5.5.3 at the same cooling rate. At a cooling rate
of 50°C/min the dendrite structures are arguably still visible, but the overall crystal
numeration is possibly more compared to either PGPR or CRY110. Increasing the
cooling rate to 100°C/min, results in a vastly reduced crystal structure and no
apparent indication of fern-like dendrite structures.

The relevance of these results is in the context of the aim, which is to approach
cooling gradients associated with typical production processes. However, this is
highly dependent on flow rates and the nature of the product itself, not least the
fact that alterations in the TAG solvent will immediately alter the thermal response

and hence solubility potential of forming crystal structures (Metin & Hartel 2005).
Conservative estimates suggest that the cooling rates on closed scrapped surface
heat-exchanger plants can be anything between 35°C/min., to 45°C/min. Unlike
environments associated with real process conditions, these observations were
performed under static conditions, as opposed to the dynamic cooling gradients
and shear conditions in real processes. Therefore, these results can be taken as
indication as to what is potentially happening in the dispersion or bulk TAG phase
of a W/O or O/W emulsion system at accelerated cooling rates. Until now, this
information was not found within the literature.

There are clear physical differences in the influence of crystal forming kinetics of
Moringa MAG, compared with a behenic rich MAG (CRY110), and consequently,
these may exert on performance and functionality. As discussed previously (5.2 &
5.3), Moringa MAG has portions of its fatty acid profile composed of C22:0 which
is the main component of CRY110 (~89%). Moringa MAG contains
approximately 5 - 8% of C22:0 which could be significant.

The polarised micrograph evidence also suggests parallels with the crystal forming
nature of PGPR. These parallel crystal formations, coupled with the parallel
functionality in high TAG (60%) and low TAG (40%) spreads, is supportive
evidence to commercial applications in a number of food products, containing a
TAG crystal network structure (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e;
Bech et al., 2013).

Clearly, and most importantly, Moringa MAG shown in Figure 5.5.4 reveals
similar physical properties to PGPR shown in Figure 5.5.3. Theoretically, it is
possible that similar behaviour could be manifest at cooling rates experienced in
production process conditions, where these crystal structures may influence and be
transposed into the final products, so that if present, would influence the physical
properties of the bulk oil (refer to 5.4).

Figure 5.5.1 Micrographs of blank control exposed to forced cooling from 1 –
100°C/min (scale bars = 20µm).

Figure 5.5.2 Micrographs of CRY110 exposed to forced cooling from 1 –
100°C/min (scale bars = 20µm).

Figure 5.5.3 Micrographs of PGPR 90 exposed to forced cooling from 1 –
100°C/min (scale bars = 20µm).

Figure 5.5.4 Micrographs of Moringa MAG exposed to forced cooling from 1 –
100°C/min (scale bars = 20µm).

5.5.4 Conclusion

The results demonstrate that TAG-based systems containing MAG based on

natural Moringa TAG (Moringa oleifera) are able to influence crystallisation to
produce crystal forms which look similar to crystal forms when using PGPR
(GRINDSTED® PGPR) and GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 (CRY110), a
behenic rich MAG. These modes of forming crystals are kept intact at forced
cooling rates up to 50°C per minute. These findings may help to explain the
influence of Moringa MAG on the physical properties of dispersions (5.2; 5.3) or
emulsions (5.4) which potentially transpose bi-functional benefits towards the food
systems in which they might be used. The rheological properties of this
crystallisation behaviour required further investigation, which was conducted next.

5.6 The Rheological Behaviour of Model TAG Systems Containing a
Behenic based MAG, PGPR and Moringa MAG, During Forced Cooling

5.6.1 Introduction

Investigations into the crystal behaviour of TAG blends containing a behenic

based MAG (GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110), PGPR (GRINDSTED® PGPR
90), and a Moringa MAG based on Moringa oleifera TAG have been studied
previously (5.3; 5.5). The influence on crystal structure seen through polarised
light microscopy showed that PGPR and Moringa MAG had influence on the
physical behaviour of the TAG blend, resulting in similar dendrite crystal
structures at a range of thermal conditions.

The aim of this study is to investigate a model TAG blend under large scale
deformatory rheology and examine if there are similarities in behaviour between
PGPR 90 and Moringa MAG.

As in the previous studies (5.3; 5.5), the cooling gradient of the rheological
experiments ranged between 1°C/min to 30°C/min. With both cooling and shear,
an attempt to reach super-cooled conditions is sought, because of its effects on the
level of structure that occurs for a given rate of cooling (Ghosh & Rousseau 2009).
Schematically, it can be viewed as in Figure 5.6.1 which shows the energy barrier
to crystallisation and the relative amount of structure formed as a function of
cooling temperature (Section 1.3).

Figure 5.6.1 Schematic diagram of the energy barrier to crystallisation together
with the relative amount of structure formed for a given cooling rate.

A schematic in Figure 5.6.1 clearly shows how supercooling leads to structure.

Depending on the thermal properties of the solvent, eventually benefits are no
longer apparent despite the increased energy input (cooling) temperature, or
indeed the cooling rate.

5.6.2 Materials and Methods

Two TAGs blends with differing degrees of saturation were used as the solvent.
First a blend consisting of 70% palm stearin (35 IV) and 30% palm olein (56 IV),
then secondly a more unsaturated blend consisting of 70% palm olein (56 IV) and
30% palm stearin (35 IV), to which in both cases respectively, the emulsifiers
GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 (CRY110), GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 (PGPR),
and Moringa MAG (191) were added at 1%, 0.5% and 1%.

All samples were run on a Rheometrics SR 5 controlled stress rheometer, which

was operated in simulated controlled strain mode set to a constant target shear rate
of 10s-1. The geometry was a set of 40mm parallel plates, where the gap was
1mm. The crystal history was removed through melting and holding to 90°C for
15 minutes prior to measurement. The temperature ramp for the experiment was
70°C to 25°C at a fixed cooling rate of either 1°C, 10°C or 30°C. Before

commencement of shear each sample was subject to a 2 minute waiting time with
the temperature held at 70°C. The TAG blend and selected emulsifiers were pre-
heated to 90°C to remove all crystallisation history prior to rheological
measurements. Refer to General Materials & Methods (2.0) for additional detail.

5.6.3 Results and Discussion Cooling Velocity - 1°C/min

The results in Figure 5.6.2(a) and 5.6.3(c) show the entire curve for all the samples
cooled at the rate of 1°C/min, where the control sample represents the TAG blend
of 70% palm stearin / 30% palm olein and 70% palm olein / 30% palm stearin
respectively. The remaining samples are combinations of the TAG blend and the
emulsifiers under investigation: CRY110, PGPR 90, and Moringa MAG. Figures
5.6.2(a) and 5.6.2(c) show a large portion of the graph from 70°C to about 45°C
where there is only a gradual increase in viscosity. It is viewed that in this portion
of the graph essentially nothing is happening to the TAG based system due to the
fact that it is still in the melt, and therefore expected to behave in true Newtonian
fashion. Below 45°C however, dramatic increase in viscosity is observed
occurring at several temperatures depending on the nature of the sample. The
dramatic increase in viscosity is possibly the onset of crystallisation, and indeed
the values which can be taken from Figure 5.6.1 correspond well with previous
results for similar systems containing CRY110 (Young et al., 2008), where onset
temperatures for CRY110 in TAG based samples also occurred around 42°C –

For clarity, the area of viscosity in Figures 5.6.2(b) and 5.6.3(c) show the
expanded section of Figures 5.6.2(a) and 5.6.3(c), where the data is expressed
from 50°C and cooler.

Figures 5.6.2(b) and 5.6.3(d) show that CRY110 alone begins the onset of
viscosity increase at 40°C and 38°C respectively, whereas the samples with

CRY110 and PGPR 90 or Moringa MAG show an onset at 42.5°C and 41°C
respectively. In isolation, Figure 5.6.2(b) shows PGPR 90 and Moringa MAG first
show an onset of viscosity rise at around 31-32°C, and the control sample
increases from 34°C. Figure 5.6.3(d) shows PGPR 90 and Moringa MAG with
onset of viscosity at approximately 30°C-34°C, and the control sample increases
from approximately 27°C.

The results from Figure 5.6.2(b) and 5.6.3(d) clearly suggest that when PGPR 90
and Moringa MAG are used in isolation, they both behave similarly, showing the
onset of viscosity increase to occur at essentially the same temperature. This
similarity in behaviour was suggested earlier (5.3; 5.5), where strong similarities in
crystal structure, (i.e. the presence of fern-like dendrite structures) were clearly

When CRY110 is mixed with a co-emulsifier; PGPR 90 and Moringa MAG, there
are obvious distinctions. The combination of CRY110 with PGPR 90 shows the
earliest onset of viscosity, occurring at 42.5°C. This is likely attributed to several
aspects discussed previously (see 4.0), namely, crystal structure and surface
activity respectively. The micrographs reported previously (5.3 & 5.5) showed
PGPR 90 has an inherent influence on crystal kinetics of TAG toward dendrite
structures - (which is likely governed by the “inherent” thermal response
behaviour of a given solvent); so that at a cooling rate of 1°C/min, a slow cooling
gradient, there is adequate time for PGPR molecules to influence crystal kinetics
(Marze 2009), such that PGPR molecules could act as a co-emulsifier (template),
to explain the early onset of the CRY110 / PGPR 90 system viscosity increase.
Observations by others confirm that PGPR is highly surface active (Rousseau,
2000) as is a behenic based MAG (Krog & Larsson, 1992). This interactive
relationship of CRY110 / PGPR 90 was observed earlier (see 4.0) and revealed
through thermal treatment that PGPR lowers interfacial tension – early and the
second emulsifier (CRY110) dominates the surface tension faster as the emulsifier
mixture approaches (Tγ). Then a dramatic fall of interfacial tension occurs once
the critical temperature is reached.

In trying to explain the mechanism in the anhydrous bulk, it is known that PGPR
adsorbs at polar sites from anhydrous solution. In one example Dedinaite &
Campbell (2000) showed that mixture of phospholipids (PE) and PGPR in a
anhydrous liquid vegetable oil (triolein), facilitated the adsorption of non-polar PE
crystals on a polar surface. In this study two TAG based solvents were used having
differing degrees of saturation. Dedinaite & Campbell (2000) explain how PGPR
is able to induce crystal kinetics in bulk TAG blends containing a smaller
molecular weight surfactant (e.g. behenic MAG). The onset of viscosity occurs at
higher temperatures with the CRY110 / PGPR 90 combination than with CRY110
alone, or in combination with Moringa MAG.

Figure 5.6.2(b) shows CRY110 and Moringa MAG have onset of viscosity
increases which begins at a slightly cooler temperature of 41°C. Approaching
38°C, viscosity builds almost one order of magnitude more compared with
CRY110 alone. The reason for this is possibly explained from the evidence in the
work reported previous (5.5), which showed that both Moringa MAG and PGPR
strongly influenced TAG crystals towards dendrite structures (5.5 also used the
same TAG solvent as in this study). Both Moringa MAG and PGPR appear to
have a similar physical response pattern. This similarity may possibly explain why
Moringa MAG and PGPR both behave according to a similar mechanism when
combined with CRY110 (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et
al., 2013).

Figure 5.6.2 a / b Viscosity cooling curves at 1°C/min of base TAG blend (70%
palm stearin/ 30% palm olein) [dark blue]; 1% CRY110 [green]; 1% CRY110 /
0.5% PGPR 90 [red]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [light blue]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa
MAG [pink]; and 1% Moringa MAG [yellow]

All treatments compared: 1°C/min
All treatments compared: 1°C/min (Zoom)

10 5
Eta 1
10 Eta
Jr16904 #31 1°C/min
4 Jr16904 #31 1°C/min
10 Jr16904 #32 1°C/min
Jr16904 #33 1°C/min Jr16904 #32 1°C/min
Jr16904 #34 1°C/min Jr16904 #33 1°C/min
Jr16904 #35 1°C/min Jr16904 #34 1°C/min
3 Jr16904 #36 1°C/min Jr16904 #35 1°C/min
10 Jr16904 #36 1°C/min


10 2 10

[Pa-s ]
[Pa-s ]

Eta (
10 1

Eta (
10 0

10 -1

10 -1

MAG [dark blue]; and 1% Moringa MAG [yellow]

10 -2
10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0
10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0
Temp [°C]
Temp [°C]

0.5% PGPR 90 [light blue]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [pink]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa

(70% palm olein / 30% palm stearin) [green]; 1% CRY110 [red]; 1% CRY110 /
Figure 5.6.3 c / d Viscosity cooling curves at 1°C per minute of base fat blend Cooling Velocity - 10°C/min

Figure 5.6.4(a) and 5.6.4(b) show the same rheological cooling profiles for the
same samples, measured at a faster cooling rate of 10°C/min. The response
behaviour when compared to the slower cooling rate of 1°C/min in Figures
5.6.2(a) and 5.6.2(b), shows on closer examination, a delay in onset temperature to
lower values in Figure 5.6.4(a) and 5.6.4(b).

Figure 5.6.4(b) reveals Moringa MAG and PGPR 90 behave similarly, until a
temperature of 28°C whereupon differences in their profiles are seen. This
manifests itself as a large ‘kink’ in the profile shape, where there is first a lowering
of viscosity followed by another rise in viscosity. Given that the rheometer
geometry is rotating throughout the measurement, such a profile may be attributed
to an initial build up of viscosity (i.e. structure) which reached a critical point and
is then broken by the continual applied shear (Corke, 2007). Quite why this should
be observed for the Moringa MAG and PGPR 90 and not the control sample of the
base TAG blend alone is not altogether clear. It is possible that the presence of
PGPR may influence molecular kinetics in the bulk oil phase, it being highly
surface active (Rousseau, 2000; Claesson et al, 1997). If this in turn caused
different dielectric parts of the mixed TAG systems to have irregular crystal
shapes – dendrites (Ghosh & Rousseau 2010), this together with the presence of a
nano-crystalline formation adhered by non-polar polyricinoleate part of the PGPR
may cause adhesive properties (Dedinaite & Campbell, 2000).

Shearing through was also not observed in the slower cooling rate of 1°C, and this
might be attributed to the slower cooling rate allowing the structure more time to
arrange such that breakage or adhesive properties are stronger (Marze 2009).

This would then tend to suggest that the faster cooling rates lead to weaker
structures. However, closer examination of Figures 5.6.2(a) and 5.6.4(a) show that
the final viscosity value of the sample cooled at 10°C/min in fact gives the highest
viscosity. Similar cooling rate structural observations, i.e. greater structure
development after gelation onset has been reported in the literature (Ojijo et al,

2004). This suggests that although faster cooling rates may influence differences in
either crystallisation onset or shearing through, this does not equate to lower levels
of final structure in the final application (Toro-Vazquez et al, 2001).

Clearly, the influence of cooling and its consequential effects to the bulk reaching
equilibrium conditions cannot be underestimated. Marze, (2009) demonstrated the
effects of PGPR concentrations in sunflower oil, and observed behaviour is
controlled by long relaxation times, whereas shorter time relaxation becomes
manifest, and takes over when approaching and exceeding the saturation of
interfacial concentration. This was reported and understood as a shift from a
diffusion-dominated (long process) regime to a rearrangement-dominated (faster
process) regime. The significance of this is important and enhances appreciation
for, other environmental conditions affecting the bulk, e.g. temperature ramp,
solvent type, degree of water activity (Wells, 1998).

Figure 5.6.4(b) with CRY110, shows that the onset of the viscosity rise –
essentially gelation – has reduced to between 36°C and 37.5°C at this faster
cooling rate of 10°C/min, compared to the onset temperatures of 41°C to 42.5°C in
Figure 5.6.2(b). The same trend observed in Figure 5.6.2(b) is seen that the
crystalliser sample with PGPR 90 still has the onset at the highest temperature,
here being 37.5°C compared to the crystalliser sample with Moringa MAG (36°C).
The profile for the CRY110 and Moringa MAG/ CRY110 were essentially the
same throughout the cooling regime of 10°C/min, contrary to the results obtained
for the slower cooling rate in Figure 5.6.2(b).

The observation that the CRY110 based samples are showing delayed onset of
gelation – or viscosity increase – at the higher cooling rate of 10°C/min is
understood as super-cooling. Specifically for monoglycerides, any increase in
cooling rate, results in crystallisation temperature below normal, due to ‘super-
cooling’ effect (Krog, 2001). There is confirmation of this seen in Figures 5.6.5
and 5.6.6, which show the rheological curves at the accelerated cooling rate of

246 Cooling Velocity - 30°C/min

In the case of higher saturation and faster cooling rates (Figure 5.6.5), the Moringa
MAG and PGPR 90 still show behavioural patterns that are the same, (as seen at
lower temperature gradient), and basically follow the control sample, but the
viscosity increase has dropped to lower temperatures. When used in combination
with CRY110 the onset of viscosity increase – gelation, has also moved to lower
temperatures, but still maintaining a distinct gap from the control and single

The new onset temperature for the combined Moringa MAG with CRY110 and
PGPR 90 with CRY110 is now the same at 32°C. There appears to be no
difference between the sample containing PGPR 90 or Moringa MAG.

Figure 5.6.6 (less saturation faster cooling rate) shows similar response behaviour.
However, it is clear that examination of the Moringa MAG and PGPR 90 as single
additives cause quicker induction rates compared to the control (without additive).
Benefits are also seen again when combining Moringa MAG with CRY110 and
PGPR 90 with CRY110.

The increased cooling rate has exerted influence on the onset temperature of the
control sample. The data in Figures 5.6.5 and 5.6.6 show, the combined samples
and the control and individual samples converge at the lower temperatures and
merge. Therefore, this would seem to indicate a physical limit is being reached. At
higher cooling rates the non-isothermal crystallisation temperature is reached at
shorter periods, but in this case, the time it takes to reach the critical lamellar size
for nucleation is prolonged. (Toro-Vazquez et al, 2001).

The results in Figures 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.6.4, 5.6.5 and 5.6.6 are very specific for the
given model TAG blends and emulsifier concentrations, as well as the selected
process conditions. Both Toro-Vazquez et al (2001) and Fredrick et al (2008),
suggest conditions ultimately dictate the induction time for crystallisation, and
therefore will change for other TAG blends. Ojijo et al (2004) goes on to report
that at slow cooling rates sufficient time is available for lamellar structures to

form, these being the precursors to crystal nuclei, and they can form to such an
extent as to reach a given critical size for nucleation. This critical size is then
reached before the isothermal temperature is reached, whereas at faster rates of
cooling much of the lamellar organisation and formation takes place at the
isothermal temperature – and therefore more time is required to reach the critical
lamellar size. In this case, longer time results in a lower temperature being
reached before any onset of viscosity increase is seen, and hence the apparent
delay in onset temperatures.

The cooling rate and the solvent have considerable impact and bearing on the
mechanical and physical properties, including aspects like stability of the final
network structure. In this study two palm oil fractions palm stearin (IV35) and
palm olein (IV56), were used at two ratios’ to achieve differing unsaturation.
Other ratio may have given a different outcome. Studies of palm oil and its
numerous fractions show that crystallisation behaviour changes depending on the
degree of supercooling (Fredrick et al, 2008).

When comparing the effect of increased cooling rates with their consequences on
the structures to the results from the work in 5.5, there is agreement, in that during
higher cooling rates the TAG crystals formed were smaller at the same given
temperatures than was the case for lower cooling rates.

All samples 10°C per min All samples 10°C per min

10 4 10 0

Eta Eta
All samples 10°C per min All samples 10°C per min
Bipartite_13_10_min Bipartite_13_10_min
Bipartite_14_10_min Bipartite_14_10_min
Bipartite_15_10_min Bipartite_15_10_min
Bipartite_16_10_min Bipartite_16_10_min
Bipartite_11_10_min Bipartite_11_10_min


and 1% Moringa MAG [pink]


[Pa-s ]
[Pa-s ]

Eta (
Eta (



10 0.02
20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0
Temp [°C] Temp [°C]

palm stearin/ 30% palm olein) [yellow]; 1% CRY110 [green]; 1% CRY110 / 0.5%
Figure 5.6.4 a / b Viscosity cooling curves at 10°C/min of base TAG blend (70%

PGPR 90 [green]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [red]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG [blue];

Figure 5.6.5 Viscosity cooling curves at 30°C/min of base TAG blend (70% palm
stearin/ 30% palm olein) [Blue]; 1% CRY110 [green]; 1% CRY110 / 0.5% PGPR
90 [red]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [light blue]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG [pink]; and
1% Moringa MAG [yellow]

Figure 5.6.6 Viscosity cooling curves at 30°C per minute of base fat blend (70%
palm olein / 30% palm stearin) [green]; 1% CRY110 [red]; 1% CRY110 / 0.5%
PGPR 90 [light blue]; 0.5% PGPR 90 [yellow]; 1% CRY110 / 1% Moringa MAG
[pink]; and 1% Moringa MAG [dark blue]

It is known that addition of hard material, i.e. CRY110 based on C22:0 can, under
specific usage and process conditions, induce template nucleation (Wassell et al
2010). The crystalliser material can ‘anchor’ the surface, but at high dosages, act
as a destabilising influence, especially in low saturated TAG systems (Low fat
emulsions). However, if a less saturated material were added which still possessed
sufficient ratio of saturation : unsaturation to interact with a PGPR dominated
surface or have characteristics similar to PGPR, then additional surface
strengthening might occur. Based on model systems and application trials in
sections 5.3; 5.4 and 5.5, Moringa MAG is such a material.

Coinciding with this study, it has previously been demonstrated (5.7; 5.8) that
Moringa MAG is capable of producing stable W/O low fat emulsions where
addition of CRY110 or even PGPR (5.8) alone does not. This could suggest that
Moringa MAG may fit into the schematic diagram given in Figure 5.6.7 in
potentially two distinct manners.

Water phase

heterogeneous nucleation

Polyglycerol Template of
Polyricinoleate additive

Figure 5.6.7 Additive to induce crystal nucleation, whilst retarding crystal growth.
From Wassell, Bonwick, Smith, Almiron-Roig, and Young (2010)

In Figure 5.6.7 the blue PGPR molecules are dominating the surface and only the
presence of the co-emulsifier (CRY110) at a Tγ, influences surface kinetics and
TAG crystals. Moringa MAG could fulfil combined roles outlined in this
schematic model.

5.6.4 Conclusion

Previous studies (3.0; 4.0; 5.2; 5.3; 5.4; 5.5) along with this work should be used
as part of a composite conclusion, which suggests that Moringa oleifera based
MAG is capable of performing a bi-functional role - template nucleation as well as
surface stabilising.

These results have established a clear link between cooling rate and onset of
gelation (viscosity increase) of both saturated and less saturated TAG systems. At
a cooling rate of 1°C/min the onset for PGPR 90 / CRY110 was 42.5°C, whereas
at a cooling rate of 10°C/min was 37.5°C. The corresponding onset temperatures
for Moringa oleifera based MAG / CRY110 were 41°C and 36°C respectively. At
a cooling rate of 30°C/min the onset temperature has fallen further to 32°C.

This study showed that a Moringa oleifera based MAG and PGPR 90 behave very
similarly when used in the given TAG blend alone, but in combination with
CRY110 differences do occur within cooling rates of 1°C/min to 30°C/min.
Acceleration of gelation was more evident with CRY110 combined with PGPR in
the less saturated TAG blend (70% palm olein / 30% palm stearin). These
differences are explained via difference in surface activity because of either
diffusion and or rearrangement of molecular geometry of the tested surfactants
(Bergenståhl 2008). Although a strict relation between surface activity and cooling
rate is sought, it is realistic to recognise the complexity of many environmental
conditions. At the highest cooling rate studied, 30°C/min, no difference was found
between the Moringa oleifera based MAG or PGPR 90 when used in combination
with CRY110 in the highly saturated TAG blend. The convergence of the curves at
the cooler temperature, the final diffusion behaviour and or rearranged interfacial
structures resulting from addition of surfactants cannot be quantified within the
scope of this measurement.

A study at the same cooling rate (30°C), in a less saturated TAG blend, revealed
the same gelation patterns are as distinct to those observed for 1°C/min, although
at lower onset temperature.

5.7 Impact of Fatty Acid Profile: Distinctions Between Moringa MAG and
Behenic Based MAG in Low TAG W/O Emulsions

5.7.1 Introduction

A previous study (5.4) of W/O low TAG spread emulsions with Moringa MAG
concentrated solely on the functionality of the Moringa MAG as being a
convincing functional ingredient for commercial applications (Wassell et al., 2012a;
2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013). The effectiveness of Moringa MAG
may in part be due to its natural fatty acid profile consisting of C20:0, C22:0, and

Both CRY110 and PGPR 90 were used as comparisons in previous studies (5.2;
5.3; 5.4; 5.5; 5.6) for several reasons. First, the behenic (C22:0) based MAG
(CRY110) is characterised by its high C22:0 content. Moringa MAG is 6 – 8%
C22:0 (total >C20:0 = ~10%) which may be unusually high for a natural MAG
(Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013). Second, the
PGPR is normally used in conjunction with a second emulsifier (1.6; 1.7) for low
TAG emulsions (<41%). Studies in this thesis have revealed Moringa MAG to
have unusual rheological (5.2; 5.6), crystallisation (5.3; 5.5) and interfacial (4.0)
similarities to PGPR.

It is known that to stabilise a low TAG W/O emulsion (<50%) using fully
saturated MAG is not conducive to stability; especially where a fully saturated
and/or longer chain saturated fatty acid e.g. C22:0 (behenic acid) is used.
However, evidence in this thesis (1.5) has shown the presence of a C22:0 rich
MAG (CRY110) can and does aid structuring performance and in low TAG
systems, provided dosage, process conditions and ingredient balance is correct –
primarily this mechanism is linked to the presence of the C22:0 fatty acids
(Sakamoto et al, 2003; Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a).

Therefore, assuming that Moringa MAG seems to have a bi-functional effect (5.6),
it is necessary to distinguish by application tests, a comparison of only a C22:0
based MAG (CRY110) and Moringa MAG in low TAG emulsion systems.

5.7.2 Materials and Methods

Two TAG concentrations were studied, 35% and 40%/, in W/O emulsions
formula’s given in Tables 5.7.1 and 5.7.2. In the 35% TAG samples (Table 5.7.1)
the water phase is empty, i.e. does not contain hydrocolloid thickeners and
represent a spread that is “stressed”. In the 40% TAG spreads (Table 5.7.2) the
water phase contains GRINDSTED® LFS 560 Stabiliser System (Pectin / Alginate
blend). The plant process conditions are subsequently given for the 35% and 40%
TAG samples in Table 5.7.3, and were the same in each case. The Moringa MAG
191 is the same specification as described previously (5.3 - Tables 5.3.4 & 5.3.6),
see Table 5.7.4. The emulsifier concentrations were 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2%. The
reliability of Moringa MAG at 0.3% and 0.6% is already confirmed positive (5.4),
but the extreme low 0.15% and high 1.2% concentration had not been tested until
now. Refer to General Materials & Methods (2.0) for emulsion assembly

Table 5.7.1 Formula of spread samples at 35% TAG content.

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 21 22 23 24 25 26
Water phase
Water (Tap) 64.000 64.000 64.000 64.000 64.000 64.000
Salt (Sodium Chloride) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Butter Flavouring 050001 T03007 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Water phase total 65.010 65.010 65.010 65.010 65.010 65.010
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
COLZAO 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
Moringa. monoglyceride 191 0.150 1.200
0.150 0.300 0.600 1.200
Distilled Monoglyceride
2% sol. beta-carotene 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.190 0.190 0.340 0.640 1.240 1.240
Fat phase total 34.990 34.990 34.990 34.990 34.990 34.990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

Table 5.7.2 Formula of spread samples at 40% TAG content.
Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 11 12 13 14 15 16
Water phase
Water (Tap) 57,300 57,300 57,300 57,300 57,300 57,300
Salt (Sodium Chloride) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX 240) 0,100 0,100 0,100 0,100 0,100 0,100
GRINDSTED® LFS 560 Stabiliser System 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Potassium Sorbate 0,100 0,100 0,100 0,100 0,100 0,100
Butter Flavouring 050001 T03007 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,010
Water phase total 60,010 60,010 60,010 60,010 60,010 60,010
Ph 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5 5,5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 – INES 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
COLZAO 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
Fat blend total 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Other fat ingredients
Moringa, monoglyceride 191 0,150 1,200
0,150 0,300 0,600 1,200
Distilled Monoglyceride
2% sol. beta-carotene 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,020
Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,020 0,020
Other fat ingredients total 0,190 0,190 0,340 0,640 1,240 1,240
Fat phase total 39,990 39,990 39,990 39,990 39,990 39,990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

Table 5.7.3 Pilot plant processing conditions for the formula’s in Tables 5.7.1 and

Processing (3-tube lab perfector):

Oil phase temperature 50
Water phase temperature 50
Emulsion temperature 50
Centrifugal pump Auto
Capacity high pressure pump 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: -10
Rpm tube 1: 1000
Rpm tube 2: 1000
Rpm tube 3: 1000

Refer to General Materials & Methods (2.0) for emulsion assembly procedure.

Table 5.7.4 Fatty acid profiles for Moringa MAG 191 and CRY110 (5.3 - Tables
5.3.4 & 5.3.6)

Fatty acid chain length % in % in CRY110

Moringa 191 (courtesy: Danisco A/S
C12:0 <0.1
C14:0 0.1
C15:0 <0.1
C16:0 6.5
C16:1 1.8
C17:0 0.2
C18:0 5.8 2.0
C18:1 71.2
C18:2 1.5
C18:3 0.3
C20:0 3.4 5.0
C20:1 1.9
C20 unsaturated 0.3
C22:0 6.0 89.0
C22 unsaturated 0.2 0.3
C24:0 0.8 3.0

The methods of analysis for water droplet size distribution (DSD) and confocal
laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), scaled to 375 x 375µm are outlined in 2.0. All
samples are stained with FITC, stains protein green, and Nile Red, stains fat red.
Texture analysis was outlined previously (5.3). Photographic images were
recorded using a Canon G12.

5.7.3 Results and Discussion

Table 5.7.5 Water droplet size distribution (DSD) for 40% TAG spreads (samples
21-26), and 35% TAG spreads (sample 11-16).

Sample ID 2.5% <μm 50% <μm 97.5% <μm
11 Average 1.08 5.38 26.80
St.dev 0.02 0.07 0.54
12 Average 1.10 5.62 28.80
St.dev 0.05 0.03 1.14
13 Average 0.84 6.50 50.41
St.dev 0.04 0.13 2.75
14 Average 0.60 10.14 171.08
St.dev 0.04 0.20 17.17
16 Average 2.01 3.64 6.58
St.dev 0.09 0.02 0.36
21 Average 0.23 3.46 51.73
St.dev 0.01 0.07 5.26
22 Average 0.58 3.81 24.82
St.dev 0.03 0.06 1.16
23 Average 0.91 10.20 115.23
St.dev 0.05 0.75 21.16
24 Average 1.01 21.66 481.56
St.dev 0.05 3.66 196.53
25 Average 0.85 23.01 665.20
St.dev 0.13 4.21 346.97
26 Average 3.48 3.48 3.49
St.dev 0.01 0.01 0.01

The results presented in Table 5.7.5 show the water droplet size distribution for the
35% TAG spreads (samples 21-26) and the 40% TAG spreads (samples 11-16).

Sample 15 could not be measured due weak to signal. Samples 21, 22, 23 and 24
covering the 35% TAG spreads were phase separated (except sample 26);
abundance of liquid oil was in the bottom of the 150g sample container. This
observation indicates instability. An indicator of instability is revealed by large
water droplet size distribution (DSD).

The clear conclusion that is drawn from the results given in Table 5.7.5 is that the
size of the water droplets for all samples containing CRY110 are large and

therefore the spread samples are prone to instability, and hence separation. This
was found irrespective of TAG content, either 35% or 40%, although the samples
at 40% were distinctly more stabilised, likely because of 5% more TAG content
and aided by stabiliser in the water phase.

A different situation was apparent for the samples containing Moringa MAG.
These samples generally showed a stable performance, with the exception of
sample 22, which contained Moringa MAG at 0.15% dosage in the 35% TAG
spreads. This was the most stressed of the Moringa MAG containing samples since
the water phase of this spread was empty, i.e. no hydrocolloid thickener. Sample
22 showed clear phase separation and therefore instability. In a 35% W/O
emulsion, and empty water phase, it is possible that 0.15% Moringa MAG is the
lower inclusion limit.

At the higher Moringa MAG inclusion level sample 26, dosed at 1.2% for the
same 35% TAG spread with empty water phase, resulted in a dramatic reduction
of the water droplet size, and no phase separation, adding positively to previous
results (5.4).

In the 40% TAG spreads, with the water phase stabilised with GRINDSTED®
LFS 560 Stabiliser System, Moringa MAG dosed at 0.15% (sample 11) showed
water droplet sizes of 26.8, which was enough to provide a stable emulsion,
whereas when the dose is increased to 1.2% (sample 16) the water droplet size
dropped to 6.58, and the level of stability increased.

Basic photographic (Canon G12) evidence of the samples is shown when

spreading onto cardboard (post production, after 24 hours), and while still in the
plastic sample pots highlights the structure in Figure 5.7.1a to e. Here the relative
stability or breakdown can be readily seen. It is already established (5.4) that
Moringa MAG dosage at 0.3 and 0.6% are stable.

In Figures 5.7.1a to c the cardboard test is seen for the samples at 40% TAG
content with a stabilised water phase. Sample 11, containing Moringa MAG at
0.15% produced a thick and creamy emulsion that was stable, and acceptable to

spread testing. There was no adverse sign of emulsion breakdown or leakage of

Samples 12 – 15 all contained CRY110 (high C22:0) alone at increasing

concentrations from 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2% respectively and showed increasing
instability with increasing concentration. All samples resulted with increasing
water release and lumpy inhomogeneous structure. Sample 15 was inverted and
essentially an O/W emulsion (CLSM in Figure 5.7.2e).

Sample 16 (Moringa MAG at 1.2%) demonstrated a very thick and stable

emulsion, but with very slow flavour release. The emulsion here was essentially
too stable, and melting breakdown by mouth was insufficient. These results
suggest that Moringa MAG can stabilise in low TAG spread applications beyond
the capability of CRY110.

The results suggest that the optimum Moringa MAG dose for low TAG W/O
emulsions lies between 0.15% and 1.2%. As demonstrated previously (5.4) where
a co-emulsifier (PGPR) might be added, it is now shown that PGPR is not

Figure 5.7.1, (1a) Spread test for samples 11 and 12; (1b) spread test for samples
13 and 14; (1c) spread test for samples 15 and 16; (1d) samples in storage tub for
samples 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26; (1e) spread test for sample 26

261 CLSM

The data presented in Figures 5.7.2 a to f (samples 11 to 16), and Figures 5.7.3 a to
f (samples 21 to 26) show the confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images
for the samples of full water phase and a TAG content of 40%, and empty water
phase and a TAG content of 35% respectively. Images are reproduced from x40
magnification and scaled to 375 x 375 µm.

For Figure 5.7.2 a and f, which contain Moringa MAG at 0.15% and 1.2%
respectively, the CLSM images show a compact-like water droplet size
distribution. This is indicative of a stable emulsion.

Samples pertaining to Figures 5.7.2 b to e show the sample containing CRY110 at

increasing concentration from 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 1.2% respectively, and
basically show the increasing instability of the emulsions until the image
corresponding to sample 15 (Figure 5.7.2 e) shows complete breakdown.

In terms of a maximum Moringa MAG limit (1.2%), the CLSM image in Figure
5.7.3 f (sample 26), appears unstable. It is suggested this is possibly an artefact of
an O/W/O emulsion, where Moringa MAG has gone beyond critical micelle
concentration, and formed a separate laminar phase. Figure 5.7.1 e (Sample 26)
shows a highly stable white emulsion, demonstrated by the tight emulsion (97.5%
DSD = 3.49).

Figure 5.7.2 (2a – 2f) CLSM images of low TAG (40%) spread samples 11 to 16,
with stabilised water phase

Figure 5.7.3 (3a – 3f) CLSM images of low TAG (35%) spread samples 21 – 26
with empty water phase

264 Texture Analysis

Textural firmness of measured samples (those measurable) are given in Figures

5.7.4 and 5.7.5. Figure 5.7.4 shows the hardness results for samples 11 to 16, i.e.
full water phase, 40% TAG content. Figure 5.7.5 shows the hardness results only
for sample 26, i.e. Moringa MAG at 1.2% with the empty water phase and 35%
TAG content.


Figure 5.7.4 Hardness results: texture analysis for samples 11 to 16, 40% TAG,
full water phase


Figure 5.7.5 Hardness result: texture analysis for sample 26, 35% TAG, empty
water phase.

Figure 5.7.4 shows (samples 11 – 16) a gradual increase in hardness, i.e. moving
from Moringa MAG at 0.15% and CRY110 from 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 1.2%
respectively. The emulsion firmness at the higher crystalliser concentrations is
harder and this could be attributed to the continued water leakage from the
emulsion making the solid part of the sample appear harder than would otherwise
have been. At 1.2% sample 16 (Moringa MAG) is much softer. It is worth noting
that despite this leakage of water being attributed for the increase in hardness, the
level of water leakage has not led to the catastrophic failure of the systems
represented in samples 21 to 25. It can be seen that Figure 5.7.5 only has data for
one sample, the Moringa MAG containing Sample 26 at 1.2% dosage. All other
samples in this range failed and were not possible to measure. Interestingly, the
effect of Moringa MAG at 1.2% in either the 35% empty water phase or 40%
hydrocolloid-protein enriched water phase W/O emulsion gives basically the same
textural force response.

Given the water leakage apparent for the samples in Figure 5.7.4, it is difficult to
assign these textural results to a particular trend, as they are perhaps best described
as average apparent values.

5.7.4 Conclusion

The results in this study have differentiated the distinction between a natural non-
hydrogenated monoglyceride based on Moringa oleifera TAG and a fully saturated
long chain monoglyceride based mainly on C22:0, (GRINDSTED® Crystallizer
110), in W/O low TAG emulsions. The results show that low TAG spreads cannot
be adequately stabilised by behenic based (89% C22:0) MAG (CRY110) alone in
either normal full, or empty water phase environments at 40% or 35% TAG
content. All results show there is water leakage resulting in breakdown of the
emulsion or indeed complete emulsion failure.

In contrast to this, Moringa MAG were shown to be able to stabilise the emulsions
in the full water phase 40% TAG content systems at dosages between 0.15% and

1.2%, with the optimal being in between this range (5.4). These systems did not
exhibit water leakage, were stable and spreadable. At a high concentration of
1.2%, a tendency towards over stabilisation resulted, leading to the inability of the
emulsion to give good flavour release. When stressing the systems further by
reducing the TAG content and keeping the water phase empty, the Moringa MAG
at 0.15% dosage could not stabilise the spread. This is possibly an artefact of
dosage, where a dose of 0.15% is below the lowest limit of securing stability,
while a 1.2% dosage leads to over stabilisation.

There is clear distinction between two distilled MAG, one both natural, non-
hydrogenated (Moringa MAG), and one fully hydrogenated (CRY110). Moringa
MAG is able to stabilise low TAG spread emulsions, which might be attributed in
part to the presence of its approximately 30% range of saturated fatty acids
including C16:0, C18:0, C20:0, C22:0, C24:0 and C26:0, but clearly not
exclusively because of this, but also because of a significant proportion being
>C20:0. Possibly there are also other aspects of a Moringa oleifera based MAG
structure and combination of fatty acids (~70% C18:1) that allow it to stabilise low
TAG spread emulsions, where as a single emulsifier, CRY110 (essentially ~85% -
90% C22:0) does not. In the product applications and at the concentrations tested
in this investigation, the addition CRY110 as a single emulsifier in low TAG W/O
emulsions led to instability.

5.8 Effect of PGPR Concentration in Low TAG W/O Emulsions

5.8.1 Introduction

The strong water binding properties of Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR) are

well known (Claesson, Dedinaite, Bergenståhl, Campbell, & Christenson, 1997;
Marze, 2009; Dedinaite & Campbell, 2000; Rousseau, 2000) and is normally, used
in conjunction with a second emulsifier (1.5; 1.6) for low TAG (<41%) emulsions
(Garti & Remon 1984).

For comparison, studies in this thesis have revealed that a MAG based on Moringa
oleifera TAG has unusual rheological (5.2; 5.6), crystallisation (5.3; 5.5; 5.6) and
interfacial properties (4.0) similar to PGPR. The evidence suggests that the
optimum Moringa MAG dose for low TAG W/O emulsions is positioned between
0.15% and 1.2%. As demonstrated previously (5.4 & 5.7) where a co-emulsifier
(PGPR) might be added, it was shown that PGPR is not required. However to
support the argument that Moringa MAG seems to have a bi-functional effect
(5.6), it was necessary to distinguish by application tests, a comparison solely of a
behenic based MAG (CRY110) and Moringa MAG as single emulsifiers in low
TAG emulsion systems (5.7). Goubran and Garti (1988) reported the benefit of
using high molecular weight polyglycerols (PGPR) and recognised that while
much had been reported on their behaviour in O/W emulsions, there appeared to
be little reported regarding their behaviour in W/O emulsions.

The effect of PGPR as a single emulsifier is now tested in the context of the
maximum permitted dose of PGPR in food emulsions is 0.4 wt%, and specifically
it is limited in use to emulsions of less than 41% fat/oil (permitted use of E476 -
EC Directive 95/2/EC). The aim in this study is to distinguish the effect PGPR 90
as a single emulsifier system at varying concentration in W/O 40% low TAG
emulsions in comparison with a Moringa MAG tested previously (5.6; 5.7).
(Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

5.8.2 Materials and Methods

GRINDSTED® PGPR 90 (PGPR) was used as a single emulsifier in a series of

W/O 40% low TAG emulsions (in full water phase as per section 5.7), prepared
according to Table 5.8.1, and then processed using the conditions in Table 5.8.2.
Droplet size distribution (DSD), Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM),
texture analysis and simple cardboard (abuse) test are carried out to achieve a
balanced conclusion of the samples. More comprehensive detail is provided in
General Materials & Methods (2.0).

Table 5.8.1 Formulations for low TAG W/O (40%) emulsions

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 61 62 63 64
Water phase
Water (Tap) 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300
Salt 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX 240) 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
GRINDSTED® LFS 560 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Butter Flavouring 507104 A 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Water phase total 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
Rapeseed oil 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
PGPR 90 0.150 0.300 0.600 1.200
2% sol. beta-carotene 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.190 0.340 0.640 1.240
Fat phase total 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

Table 5.8.2 Processing parameters used for formula in Table 5.8.1

Pilot Plant
Processing (3-tube lab perfector): 61 62 63 64
Oil phase temperature 50 50 50 50
Water phase temperature 50 50 50 50
Emulsion temperature 50 50 50 50
Centrifugal pump Auto Auto Auto Auto
Capacity high pressure pump 40 40 40 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: -10 -10 -10 -10
Rpm tube 1: 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 2: 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 3: 1000 1000 1000 1000

5.8.3 Results and Discussion Droplet Size Distribution (DSD)

Table 5.8.3 shows the W/O 40% emulsions samples 61 – 64 to test the PGPR
DSD, at following inclusions: 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2%, and illustratively in Figure
5.8.1. These results must be viewed in comparison to the relatively increased DSD,
when compared to the natural Moringa MAG (~91% mono) as shown in Table
5.8.4 (Samples originally prepared for synchrotron radiation Macrobeam and
microbeam X-ray diffraction measurements (6.0). Presented University of Chester
PGR Conference: Structuring and Texturing Low Saturated Fat Systems. 19th May
2011)). The comparison is important in the context of permitted use in food stuffs
(EC Directive 95/2/EC) because at 0.6% PGPR (maximum use is 0.4%), droplet
size is significantly larger than Moringa MAG (191) at the same dose (0.6%).
However, when comparing PGPR at 0.4% (Table 5.8.4) with Moringa MAG 191,
the Moringa MAG is almost half the DSD at 97.5% of the mean volume. For
comparison, Table 5.8.4 also shows the DSD for PGPR at 0.3%, combined with
CRY110 at 0.15% (6.0).

The results reveal an apparent inconsistency. PGPR at 0.6% has larger DSD
(average 47.56μm) than PGPR at 0.4% (average 6.10μm). One would imagine the
35% TAG emulsion to be relatively less stable and have larger DSD, but the

results in Table 5.8.4 show that PGPR at 0.4% results in a smaller DSD. The
reason for the discrepancy is possibly explained, because 0.6% PGPR is within a
40% TAG emulsion and contains skimmed milk powder (SMP), which can
destabilise the emulsion, which seems contradictory, but protein within the SMP is
often used to “open” the emulsion and enhance flavour release and melting
behaviour. Therefore, despite 5% less TAG content and hence increased water
phase for the 35% TAG, it is possibly easier to process than the 40% TAG.

Table 5.8.3 Low TAG W/O (40%) emulsions samples 61 – 64 to test PGPR water
droplet size distribution at concentrations: 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 & 1.2%

Sample ID 2.5% <μm 50% <μm 97.5% <μm Dose wt%
61 Average 1.46 12.54 107.93 0.15
St.dev 0.05 0.46 10.39
62 Average 1.02 12.89 164.41 0.30
St.dev 0.04 0.67 22.91
63 Average 0.93 6.59 47.56 0.60
St.dev 0.09 0.37 9.61
64 Average 1.82 4.23 9.84 1.20
St.dev 0.03 0.05 0.27

Table 5.8.4 Results of average DSD volumes for low TAG W/O (35%) emulsions
(no protein / stabiliser) 0.6% Moringa 191; 0.4% PGPR 90 and 0.3% PGPR +
0.15% CRY110))

Sample ID 2.5% <μm 50% <μm 97.5% <μm Dose wt%
7 Average 3.52 3.54 3.56 0.6% Moringa 191
St.dev 0.05 0.03 0.02
8 Average 1.92 3.42 6.10 0.4% PGPR
St.dev 0.10 0.02 0.28
18 Average 3.58 3.59 3.60 0.3% PGPR + 0.15% CRY110
St.dev 0.01 0.01 0.02

Figure 5.8.1 DSD normal distribution shows data from Table 5.8.3 Texture Analysis

Figure 5.8.2 shows the textural firmness of PGPR at increasing dose, leading to
decreased firmness. These results are discussed further under the heading CLSM.

Hardness at 5°C

293 61
Jr. No
300 17124-1-61

250 226
194 62
Jr. No
Force / g

200 17124-1-62
Jr. No

50 64
Jr. No
Average of 10 measurings

Figure 5.8.2 Texture analysis on 61 – 64; average of 10 measurements shows

decreasing hardness with increasing PGPR concentration: 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 & 1.2%

272 CLSM
Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images show trials 61 – 64, in
Figures 5.8.3 - 5.8.6. Each figure shows four images at two magnifications (40X
top and 100X bottom) and then scaled to 375 x 375µm and 188 x 188µm. All
samples were stained with FITC, stains protein green, and Nile Red, stains fat red.

Comparing Figure 5.8.3 (sample 61, 0.15% PGPR) and Figure 5.8.4 (sample 62,
0.3% PGPR) there is apparent similarity in size and shape of water droplets despite
significant difference in PGPR dose. The DSD data in Table 5.8.3 shows that as
concentration is increased from 0.15% to 0.3% an increase in droplet size occurs,
this is an unexplained anomaly.

Figure 5.8.3 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 61, dose 0.15% PGPR)

As emulsifier load is increased to 0.6% PGPR (sample 63, Figure 5.8.5) and 1.2%
PGPR (sample 64, Figure 5.8.6) the results show decreased droplet size. This is
consistent with the DSD and textural analysis.

Figure 5.8.4 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 62, dose 0.3% PGPR)

Figure 5.8.5 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 63, dose 0.6% PGPR)

Figure 5.8.6 CLSM image of 40% TAG emulsion (Sample 64, dose 1.2% PGPR)

276 Cardboard Test

In Figure 5.8.7 simple cardboard test (abuse test) results are shown for PGPR
samples at 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2% dosages. The sensory comments were: At
0.15%, the emulsion was falling apart, was generally weak, a watery mouth feel.
At 0.3%, signs of water separation, non-creamy and watery mouth feel. At 0.6%
acceptable, mouth feel thicker than at 0.3% (sample 62), chewy in character. At
1.2%, good stability, but mouth feel was very chewy.

Sample 62

Sample 61

Sample 64

Sample 63

Figure 5.8.7 Photographic evidence of spread tests: PGPR at 0.15% & 0.3% (top)
and 0.6% & 1.2% (bottom)

The sensory and simple cardboard test shows the use of PGPR as a single
emulsifier in low TAG W/O emulsions is to be severely inadequate at stabilising
the emulsion at 0.15 to 0.3%. At low emulsifier concentrations, which are possibly
below the surface excess concentration, larger droplets are formed because of
insufficient surface coverage, in turn leading to coalescence. Smaller droplets with
increasing concentrations are formed because of sufficient surface coverage and
less coalescence (Taylor, 2011). However, other considerations must also be
weighed, such as sensory, and spreadability. Likely between 0.3 and 0.6% there is
sufficient PGPR concentration to stabilise the emulsion; according to sensory and
abuse test, the emulsion at 0.6% is stabilised (Figure 5.8.7).

The water binding properties of PGPR 90 are one of the reasons that it is
essentially the stabilising emulsifier of choice for many water – oil based food
systems (1.2.8; 1.6; 1.7). Hence, PGPR is normally used in conjunction with a
second emulsifier for low TAG emulsions <41% (Garti & Remon 1984).
However, the maximum permitted dose of 0.4% (EC Directive 95/2/EC) is
potentially insufficient to achieve stability. This examination has shown that
PGPR is not adequately able to stabilise low TAG W/O emulsions to 0.3%. In
contrast, Moringa MAG (191) was shown to be able to stabilise the emulsions in a
full water phase 40% TAG emulsion at between 0.15% and 1.2%, with the optimal
being in between this range (5.4). These systems did not exhibit water leakage,
were stable and spreadable.

In typical TAG blends e.g. low fat W/O emulsions, there is usually a proportion
which is higher melting. On cooling, the higher melt will eventually crystallise out
of solution and in doing so establish additional surfaces for the emulsifier to
adsorb to. A higher melting emulsifier e.g. behenic rich MAG, when crystallising
out of solution, may establish a template structure of micro or nano crystalline
material (Taylor, 2011) for new born crystal growth within the bulk TAG solvent.

The use of a highly surface-active emulsifier such as PGPR may result in a
strengthened interface; so that there is mutual dependence with a co-emulsifier. It
is suggested that Moringa MAG has a bi-functional role, first as co-emulsifier
acting as a template for nucleation (5.2; 5.3; 5.5; 5.6) and secondly high surface
activity (4.0).

5.8.4 Conclusions

As part of a multidisciplinary approach a series of measurements (5.2; 5.3; 5.4;

5.5; 5.6; 5.7) have attempted to quantify the potential bi-functional effects of a
novel monoglyceride based on Moringa oleifera TAG (Table 5.8.4) compared
with PGPR. Results have already distinguished by application tests, a comparison
of a behenic based (CRY110) MAG (5.7), Moringa oleifera based MAG and now
PGPR in low TAG W/O emulsion systems.

PGPR as a single emulsifier results in relatively increased volume of water droplet

size, when compared to Moringa oleifera based MAG (~91% mono). Crucially,
the DSD, sensory and abuse test showed the use of PGPR as a single emulsifier in
a low TAG W/O (40%) emulsion to be severely inadequate towards stability
between concentrations of 0.15% and 0.3%.

5.9 The Performance of Varying Distillations of Moringa MAG in Low
TAG W/O (40%) Emulsions

5.9.1 Introduction

Previously, the use of fully distilled Moringa MAG 191, from Moringa oleifera
TAG has been studied for high (60%) and low (40%) TAG W/O emulsion systems
(5.4). The purpose of this study was to examine the behaviour of previously
untested partially distilled Moringa MAG 102 / 105 samples in 40% low TAG
W/O emulsions (5.3) and compare the results obtained from 5.4.

5.9.2 Materials and Methods

The Moringa MAG used in this study were the same as outlined in previous work
(5.3). Briefly, the fatty acid profiles of the samples of the monoglyceride from
Moringa oleifera TAG are given in Table 5.9.1, and Table 5.9.2 shows their
mono-, di-, and tri-glycerides. It should be noted here that Moringa MAG 191
(~91% mono) was not used in this particular study, because it has previously been
tested, validated and documented earlier (5.4).

Table 5.9.1 Fatty acid composition of MAG based on Moringa oleifera TAG

Fatty acid chain length % present

C12:0 <0.1
C14:0 0.1
C15:0 <0.1
C16:0 6.5
C16:1 1.8
C17:0 0.2
C18:0 5.8
C18:1 71.2
C18:2 1.5
C18:3 0.3
C20:0 3.4
C20:1 1.9
C20 unsaturated 0.3
C22:0 6.0
C22 unsaturated 0.2
C24:0 0.8

Table 5.9.2 Moringa (Moringa oleifera) based MAG: mono, di- & tri-glycerides
(#2559/104 = 105 with antioxidant)

Analysis (%) 2559/102 2559/104# 2472/191

GL 0.11 1.27 0.76
Digl 0.05 0.08 0.07
FFA 0.2 0.4 0.3
Mono 53.16 82.55 91.14
Di 42.05 15.67 7.75
Tri 4.39 0.02 0
Approx mono content % 53 82 91

The sample formulation used in this work can be seen in Table 5.9.3, together with
the processing parameters for the same in, Table 5.9.4.

The sample number, concentration and identification are given as follows:

Sample no. Conc. (%) Moringa ID.

41 0.15 Moringa 102

42 0.30 Moringa 102

43 0.60 Moringa 102

44 1.20 Moringa 102

45 0.15 Moringa 105

46 0.30 Moringa 105

47 0.60 Moringa 105

48 1.20 Moringa 105

Table 5.9.3 Formulations: low TAG W/O (40%) emulsions with Moringa oleifera
based MAG

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Water phase
Water (Tap) 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300
Salt 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX
0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
GRINDSTED® LFS 560 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Butter Flavouring 050001 T03007 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Water phase total 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
Rapeseed oil 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
Moringa MAG102 0.150 0.300 0.600 1.200
Moringa MAG105 0.150 0.300 0.600 1.200
2% sol. beta-carotene 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.190 0.340 0.640 1.240 0.190 0.340 0.640 1.240
Fat phase total 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

Table 5.9.4 Processing conditions for low TAG W/O emulsions

Pilot Plant
Processing (3-tube lab perfector): 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Oil phase temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Water phase temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Emulsion temperature 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Centrifugal pump Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
Capacity high pressure pump 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10
Rpm tube 1: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 2: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rpm tube 3: 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

The procedure for water droplet size distribution (DSD) analysis, confocal laser
scanning microscopy (CLSM), and texture analysis were reported earlier (5.4;
5.7). Four images at two magnifications (40X and 100X) were taken respectively.
The images are then reproduced (scaled) to 375 x 375 µm and 188 x 188µm. All
samples are stained with FITC, stains protein green, and Nile Red, stains fat red.

5.9.3 Results and Discussion

The DSD data is given in Table 5.9.5 for samples 102 and 105, and Table 5.9.6 for
comparison shows sample 191 (5.4).

Table 5.9.5 DSD data: samples 41-44 (concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2%)
correspond to Moringa MAG 102, monoglyceride content ~53%; samples 45-48
(concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 and 1.2%) correspond to Moringa MAG 105,
monoglyceride content ~83%

Sample ID 2.5% <μm 50% <μm 97.5% <μm Dose wt%
41 Average 2.12 9.17 39.71 0.15
St.dev 0.03 0.20 2.08
42 Average 2.02 7.80 30.12 0.30
St.dev 0.03 0.21 1.32
43 Average 1.65 6.33 24.30 0.60
St.dev 0.02 0.02 0.48
44 Average 1.29 4.84 18.20 1.20
St.dev 0.07 0.08 1.54
45 Average 2.06 11.61 66.25 0.15
St.dev 0.01 0.80 11.62
46 Average 1.88 8.95 43.37 0.30
St.dev 0.05 0.27 3.55
47 Average 1.45 6.51 29.32 0.60
St.dev 0.01 0.21 1.92
48 Average 1.46 4.13 11.71 1.20
St.dev 0.04 0.09 0.80

Table 5.9.6 DSD: low TAG W/O (40%) spreads containing Moringa MAG 191
(monoglyceride content of ~91%)

Moringa MAG 191 2.5% <µm 50%<µm 97.5%<µm

Moringa, 0.3% 1.31 7.47 42.41
St. Dev 0.04 0.19 2.87
Moringa, 0.6% 0.95 6.04 38.56
St. Dev 0.06 0.32 6.86

284 Droplet Size Distribution (DSD)

Table 5.9.5 shows the DSD for Moringa 102 at 0.15, 0.30, 0.60 and 1.2%
concentrations, corresponding to 97.5 % of droplet volume of 39.71, 30.12, 24.30,
and 18.20µm. This shows a clear decreased DSD with increasing concentration.
Similarly for Moringa 105 over the same concentrations, 97.5 % of droplet volume
was 66.25, 43.37, 29.32 and 11.71µm, showing an increasing trend towards
decreased DSD. These results are in good agreement with the trends shown earlier
(5.3). For comparison Table 5.9.6, shows the DSD for Moringa 191 which had
good stability and mouth feel properties. Noteworthy, is that the DSD for Moringa
191 (91% mono) at 0.3% and 0.6% concentrations are closer to those from Table
5.9.5 for Moringa 105 (~83% mono) than Moringa 102 (~53% mono). The DSD
for Moringa 102 is smallest overall. This leads to the assumption that stability is
not inherently linked only to monoglyceride content or DSD exclusively.

Figure 5.9.1 shows photographic images of the samples after preparing an abuse
test of spreading arbitrary portion of the sample onto cardboard, then manually
spreading backward / forward. As the concentration of the Moringa MAG
increased the samples became more resilient (thicker).

Sensory comments were made for the samples which started for Moringa 102 at
sample 44, working to more dilute systems. The emulsion was stable, thick and
creamy, and then with subsequent dilutions proceeded to become less thick, and
less creamy in mouth feel. The regression in texture continued until the lowest
concentration was reached whereby the emulsion was described as uneven.

For Moringa 105, again starting at the highest concentration (sample 48), a
regression was found, from a stable and thick emulsion to one that is showing
clear signs of water separation, and not as thick or creamy in terms of mouth feel
(sample 45). Samples 46 / 47 sat placed on a sliding scale between these (sample
45 / 48) two extremes.

285 CLSM

The data presented in Figures 5.9.2 and 5.9.3 show the confocal laser scanning
microscopy (CLSM) images relating to Moringa MAG samples 102, and 105
respectively. Four images at magnification 40X were taken respectively. The
images are then reproduced (scaled) to 375 x 375µm

In both Figures 5.9.2 and 5.9.3 it can be seen that the images corresponding to the
lower dosage of the given Moringa MAG (top left) showed a much looser
structure compared to the remaining images where concentration increases. This is
manifested in larger DSD.

As concentrations increased, the DSD decreased, similar to results seen previously

(5.4; 5.7), indicating a general increase towards stability.

Figure 5.9.1 (1a) Spread tests: samples 41 & 42 (Moringa MAG 102); (1b) 43 &
44 (Moringa MAG 102); (1c) 45 & 46 (Moringa MAG 105) and (1d) 47 & 48
(Moringa MAG 105)

Figure 5.9.2 CLSM images, Moringa MAG 102: sample 41 (0.15%); sample 42
(0.3%); sample 43 (0.6%), and sample 44 (1.2%) (scaled to 375 x 375µm)

Figure 5.9.3 CLSM images, Moringa MAG 105: sample 45 (0.15%); sample 46
(0.3%); sample 47 (0.6%), and sample 48 (1.2%) (scaled to 375 x 375µm)

289 Texture Analysis

Texture analysis results on hardness are presented in Figure 5.9.4, and show a
general reduction in hardness as the concentration of either Moringa MAG 102 or
105 increases.

Figure 5.9.4 Texture analysis: hardness profile for Moringa MAG 102 emulsions
(41-44) and Moringa MAG 105 emulsions (45-48), at 5°C

There appeared to be a slight increase in firmness occurring from 0.15% until

reaching 0.3%, then decline. Whereas, with an increased Moringa MAG
concentration of 1.2% (samples 44 and 48), there was a general decrease in
firmness. This occurred from a concentration of 0.3% (samples 42 and 46). These
results are in agreement with textural data reported previously (5.4), where textural
hardness results were very similar.

The outcome of this study was to test the integrity of W/O low TAG emulsion
spreads; which was shown to be positive when using natural Moringa MAG with
lower mono % contents. Generally, the results have confirmed acceptable stability.

Next would be to ascertain if an earlier study (5.3) where synthetic Moringa MAG
were tested, would have any correspondence to the degree of final mono % shown
in resulting samples produced with Moringa (Moringa oleifera TAG) based MAG
distillations in this work.

5.9.4 Conclusion

When compared to natural Moringa MAG with lower mono contents, it is

generally concluded from combined DSD analysis that smaller water droplets
resulted as the Moringa oleifera based MAG concentration increased. CLSM,
texture analysis, photographic images, combined with the effects of abuse tests,
showed positive emulsion stability.

In comparison to a fully distilled Moringa oleifera based MAG (191) tested earlier
(5.4), this work concludes that low TAG W/O emulsion spreads made with a
Moringa oleifera based MAG with mono contents of 53.16% and 82.55%, are
equally capable of producing commercially viable low TAG W/O emulsions.

5.10 Blended MAG compositions to Equal Moringa Based MAG in Low
TAG W/O Emulsions

5.10.1 Introduction

Previous studies have shown the use of Moringa MAG (based on Moringa oleifera
TAG) in low TAG W/O emulsion systems with natural distillations (5.4; 5.9) and
comparisons have been made to a specific MAG identified as being characterised
rich in C22:0 (5.7). Natural Moringa MAG contains in total ~10% of the three
saturated fatty acids: C20:0 + C22:0 + C24:0. The aim of this study was to assess
the effect blended commercial MAG compositions to reproduce a synthetic
version of natural Moringa MAG. The natural Moringa MAG samples were made
from base Moringa oleifera TAG as a raw material to give MAG as outlined
previously (5.3).

5.10.2 Materials and Methods

MAG were blended to contain specific amounts of a behenic based monoglyceride

(GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110), which has been established as a critical
component of the total fatty acids of Moringa MAG (4.0; 5.3; 5.4; 5.5; 5.6; 5.7;
5.9). The blending ratios and other compositional details for mimicking natural
Moringa MAG are given in Tables 5.10.1 – 5.10.3. In this examination the same
MAG blends (synthetic samples) were assembled as shown previously (5.3).

Table 5.10.1 Blending ratios for synthetic MAG
SM 90* SM 60** SM 80***
GRINDSTED® Mono-di PR40 90 40
Total % 100 100 100
Mono (approximate %) * 96 ** 64 *** 82

Table 5.10.2 Fatty acid composition of synthetic MAG

Fatty acid (%) (SM 90) (SM 60) (SM 80)

C10:0 <0.1 0.0 0.0
C12:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C14:0 0.1 0.5 0.3
C15:0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
C16:0 5.3 21.5 12.7
C16:1 0.1 0.1 0.2
C17:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C18:0 10.9 4.1 7.8
C18:1 64.6 23.9 47.6
C18:2 5.2 10.8 7.7
C18:3 0.0 3.8 2.0
C20:0 1.3 1.0 1.0
C20:1 1.4 2.6 1.8
C20:unsaturated 0.1 0.9 0.7
C22:0 10.7 8.8 7.2
C22:1 0.0 20.7 10.0
C22:unsaturated 0.0 0.8 0.4
C24:0 0.3 0.3 0.3
C24:1 0.0 0.4 0.2

Table 5.10.3 Total distribution of natural Moringa MAG saturated, unsaturated
fatty acids in relation to synthetic MAG and actual total saturated chain length
from C20:0

Distribution of SAT / un-SAT Moringa SM90 SM60 SM80

chain length (%) MAG 191
Saturated 22.7 28.6 36.3 29.4
unsaturated 77.2 71.4 63.6 70.6
Total 100 ± 0.1 100 ± 0.1 100 ± 0.1 100 ± 0.1
SATs from C20:0 > 10.2 12.3 10.1 8.5

Table 5.10.4 Formulations for 40% low TAG emulsions with synthetic MAG
(SM90 SM60)

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Water phase
Water (Tap) 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300
Salt (Sodium Chloride) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX
0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Stabiliser System
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Butter Flavouring 507104 A 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Water phase total 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
COLZAO (Rapeseed Oil) 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
Synthetic Moringa – 1 (SM90) 0.150 0.300 0.600 1.200
Synthetic Moringa – 2 (SM60) 0.150 0.300 0.600 1.200
2% sol. beta-carotene 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.190 0.340 0.640 1.240 0.190 0.340 0.640 1.240
Fat phase total 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

Table 5.10.5 40% low TAG emulsions with synthetic MAG (SM80)

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 49 51 52 53
Water phase
Water (Tap) 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300
Salt (Sodium Chloride) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX 240) 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
GRINDSTED® LFS 560 Stabiliser System 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Butter Flavouring 050001 T03007 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Water phase total 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
COLZAO (Rapeseed Oil) 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
Synthetic Moringa – 3 (SM80) 0.150 0.300 0.600 1.200
2% sol. beta-carotene 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.190 0.340 0.640 1.240
Fat phase total 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

Refer to General Materials & Methods (2.0) for emulsion assembly procedure. The
processing conditions on the plant for all samples are given in Table 5.10.6.

Table 5.10.6 Pilot plant scraped surface processing conditions for all samples

Processing (3-tube lab perfector):

Oil phase temperature 50
Water phase temperature 50
Emulsion temperature 50
Centrifugal pump Auto
Capacity high pressure pump 40
Cooling (NH3) tube 1: -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 2: -10
Cooling (NH3) tube 3: -10
Rpm tube 1: 1000
Rpm tube 2: 1000
Rpm tube 3: 1000

Analytical measurements, DSD, CLSM and texture analysis were carried out as
described earlier (2.0; 5.4).

5.10.3 Results and Discussion

The results for DSD are shown in Table 5.10.7.

Table 5.10.7 DSD data for SM 90 (samples 31-34), SM60 (samples 35-38), and
SM80 (samples 49-53)

Sample ID 2.5% <μm 50% <μm 97.5% <μm Dose wt%
31 Average 1.33 5.19 20.22 0.15
St.dev 0.03 0.07 0.94
32 Average 1.31 4.39 14.70 0.30
St.dev 0.05 0.02 0.60
33 Average 1.38 3.95 11.34 0.60
St.dev 0.08 0.04 0.81
34 Average 1.33 3.73 10.56 1.20
St.dev 0.15 0.03 1.22
35 Average 1.61 6.32 24.75 0.15
St.dev 0.02 0.04 0.45
36 Average 1.48 5.52 20.51 0.30
St.dev 0.04 0.05 0.72
37 Average 1.36 4.34 13.90 0.60
St.dev 0.01 0.03 0.20
38 Average 1.90 3.52 6.53 1.20
St.dev 0.11 0.04 0.47
49 Average 1.72 6.50 24.58 0.15
St.dev 0.05 0.04 1.06
51 Average 1.47 5.33 19.37 0.30
St.dev 0.06 0.14 1.00
52 Average 1.39 4.27 13.12 0.60
St.dev 0.04 0.01 0.42
53 Average 1.72 3.42 6.81 1.20
St.dev 0.07 0.03 0.17

The data from Table 5.10.7 shows a trend as seen previously, where at lower
synthetic MAG concentrations DSD is larger, and decreases as synthetic MAG
concentration increases. The smaller the DSD led a tendency towards more stable
emulsion. The mean DSD during the emulsification process was heavily
dependent on emulsifier concentration. At low emulsifier concentrations, which
are possibly below the surface excess concentration, larger droplets were formed
because of insufficient surface coverage, in turn leading to coalescence. Smaller
droplets with increasing concentrations were formed because of sufficient surface
coverage (Taylor 2011). However, other considerations must also be weighed,
such as sensory, and spreadability (5.8).

While there has been attempt to control all variables, there was always “natural”
process variation (with a normal distribution) from batch to batch processing
conditions. From a pilot scale perspective, the natural process variation made it
extremely difficult to statistically validate because the pilot plant setup for the
studies in this work and others (5.4; 5.7; 5.9) was exclusively setup for this
product specification. However, where there were anomalies, these have been

The DSD data showed all synthetic (SM 90 / 60 / 80) MAG concentrations were
considerably lower than the corresponding natural Moringa MAG reported earlier
at the 0.3% and 0.6% emulsifier load. This immediately suggests that the synthetic
MAG at 0.3 / 0.6% gave tighter structures (5.4; 5.7). For ease of comparison the
DSD from previous tests of Moringa MAG at 0.15 0.3, 0.6, 1.2%, are shown in
Tables 5.10.8 and 5.10.9. As previously mentioned, the anomaly, may possibly
have been attributed to batch to batch variation.

Table 5.10.8 DSD data for 40% TAG spread samples containing natural Moringa
MAG 191 monoglyceride ~91% (from Table 5.4.8 in: 5.4; and Table 5.7.5 in: 5.7)

Moringa 2.5% <µm 50%<µm 97.5%<µm Dose wt%

MAG 191
Average 1.08 5.38 26.80 0.15
St. Dev 0.02 0.07 0.54
Average 1.31 7.47 42.41 0.3
St. Dev 0.04 0.19 2.87
Average 0.95 6.04 38.56 0.6
St. Dev 0.06 0.32 6.86
Average 2.01 3.64 6.58 1.2
St. Dev 0.09 0.02 0.36

Table 5.10.9 DSD data from 5.9 shows: samples 41-44 (conc. 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2%)
correspond to Moringa MAG 102 (mono 53%); and samples 45-48 (conc. 0.15,
0.3, 0.6, 1.2%) correspond to Moringa MAG 105 (mono 83%)

Sample ID 2.5% <μm 50% <μm 97.5% <μm Dose wt%
41 Average 2.12 9.17 39.71 0.15
St.dev 0.03 0.20 2.08
42 Average 2.02 7.80 30.12 0.30
St.dev 0.03 0.21 1.32
43 Average 1.65 6.33 24.30 0.60
St.dev 0.02 0.02 0.48
44 Average 1.29 4.84 18.20 1.20
St.dev 0.07 0.08 1.54
45 Average 2.06 11.61 66.25 0.15
St.dev 0.01 0.80 11.62
46 Average 1.88 8.95 43.37 0.30
St.dev 0.05 0.27 3.55
47 Average 1.45 6.51 29.32 0.60
St.dev 0.01 0.21 1.92
48 Average 1.46 4.13 11.71 1.20
St.dev 0.04 0.09 0.80

It was observed that SM90 (31-34) where the monoglyceride content was highest
(96.50%) was not the sample resulting with the smallest water droplet size at 1.2%
concentration, as may have been expected. The high concentrations of SM60 and
SM80 with monoglyceride contents of ~64%, and ~82% respectively were lower
and similar to each other. This seems to suggest that the monoglyceride /
diglyceride content of the synthetic blended MAG may play a more specific role in
adjusting water droplet size than was previously thought.

Also to consider is that DSD is not the only determining factor to confirm a
stabilised emulsion; the interfacial film thickness and strength are likely also
important considerations. This aspect has shown the importance of interfacial
tension and visco-elastic behaviour especially, in conjunction with combined
emulsifiers (4.0) e.g GRINDSTED® Crystallizer 110 (CRY110) and
GRINDSTED® PGPR90 (PGPR). It was shown previously (5.6) that Moringa
MAG (191), has similar viscous profiles to PGPR and yet these two emulsifiers
could not be more molecularly dissimilar, given that monoglycerides are low
molecular weight, compared to the high molecular weight PGPR.

Application tests have characterised and made distinction between a behenic based
MAG (CRY110) and Moringa MAG and have shown a behenic rich C22:0 ~89%)
MAG is not conducive to stabilised W/O low TAG emulsions (5.7).

The strong water binding properties of PGPR are also well known (Claesson et al,
1997; Garti & Remon 1984; Marze, 2009; Dedinaite & Campbell, 2000; Rousseau,
2000). Application tests have shown that PGPR used alone in low TAG W/O
emulsions, resulted in relatively increased volume of water droplet size, when
compared to the natural Moringa MAG (5.8)

How does Moringa MAG work at the interface? Fatty acid compositions showed
(Tables 5.10.2 and 5.10.3) that the synthetic MAG have roughly 8.5 – 12.3% of
their saturation starting from C20:0. Importantly, for the natural Moringa MAG,
diversity exists from the same fatty acid chain length (C20:0) and there is a
significant proportion of C22:0 and C24:0 as seen in Table 5.10.2 (also detected

C26:0, but not shown). Whereas, within the same spectrum, CRY110 (5.7) and
synthetic MAG are mainly centred at the C22:0 chain length. Another distinction
is that natural Moringa MAG also contain lower chain (C16:0 and C18:0) and a
high degree of unsaturated fatty acids (~72%). Given the complexity of the
natural Moringa MAG fatty acid profile it was not possible within the scope of this
examination to precisely mimic this fatty acid range exactly for the synthetic

Factors such as resilience / abuse (cardboard test) and compression (texture test)
must also be considered. Spread Test

The next test looked at integrity of the samples by way of a physical spreading
(abuse) test. The results of which are shown in Figure 5.10.1. The samples were
spread out manually onto a piece of cardboard using a regular kitchen knife. The
use of cardboard is designed to mimic a surface offering resistance e.g bread /
toast and the tongue to a certain degree, i.e. the cardboard although smooth is a
roughened surface (specification not known). The spreading action gives a better
representation than would be the case for spreading on plastic, glass or steel.
Together with the spread tests, sensory evaluation of the sample was also
completed. These results can be summarised as follows:

SM90 with monoglyceride ~96% (samples 31-33) had acceptable structure, a thick
and creamy mouth feel and acceptable in the mouth melt profile, indicating good
flavour release. SM 90 sample 34 gave an acceptable emulsion, but the mouth feel
was not as smooth or creamy, and the melt profile was slower. This is at high
concentration – 1.2%.

SM60 with monoglyceride 64.56% (sample 35) gave an acceptable emulsion, but
was duller in appearance, though creamy as the preceding samples (SM90 31-33),
but the in mouth melt profile was poorer. SM60 sample 36 gave a better emulsion

and was creamy and thicker than SM60 sample 35. SM60 sample 37 gave a good
thick emulsion and was creamy and thick in the mouth feel. SM60 sample 38 gave
a thick emulsion was creamy and thick to taste, but showed a slow melting profile.
Likely this was again attributed to high concentration 1.2%.

SM80 with monoglyceride ~82% (sample 49) gave a good emulsion and was thick
and creamy to taste. SM80 sample 51 gave a good shiny emulsion, was thick, but
not as creamy as SM80 sample 49. SM80 sample 52 gave an acceptable thick
emulsion with a creamy taste. SM80 sample 53 gave a very thick emulsion, with
an equally thick mouth feel, and poor flavour release, once again attributed to high
concentration 1.2%.

Figure 5.10.1 Photographic evidence of spread testing of the synthetic MAG 31-
34 (SM90); 35-38 (SM60); and 49, 51-53 (SM80)

As is seen from the sensory results and images in Figure 5.10.1, an increase in
concentration of the synthetic Moringa MAG generally leads to greater emulsion
stability, but eventually at a concentration between 0.6% and 1.2%, mouth feel and
the flavour release became poor. It was also interesting to compare back to the
natural Moringa MAG spreads described earlier (5.9) to note that as the
concentration of the natural Moringa MAG samples increased, there was not the
same consistent comment regarding poor flavour release despite the concomitant
increase in emulsion stability. This suggests the synthetic MAG have different
interfacial film behaviour and are interfacially active according to a different
mechanism when compared directly to the natural Moringa MAG. This aspect has
been shown through tensiometry measurements (method as before: 2.0; 4.0),
whereby natural Moringa MAG (191) was similar to, or more surface active
(lower tension), than synthetic equivalents as shown in Figure 5.10.2.

Figure 5.10.2 Interfacial tension behaviour of blended synthetic MAG to mimic

natural Moringa MAG

It is important to note that where measured and studied, the viscosity (G’’) and
elastic (G’) modulus of several fatty acid variations of commercial MAG, showed
that only behenic rich (CRY110) and mixtures of the same blended together with

other MAG, resulted in development of both G’’ / G’ in samples (4.0). All three
synthetic MAG (SM90, SM80, SM60) contained a minimum of ~7.2% behenic
contribution from CRY110 (see Table 5.10.2). Interfacial tension measurements
shown throughout this work have also shown CRY110 is highly surface active at
~<20°C, within the final exit temperature (packing T°C) of the W/O emulsions
(Bech et al., 2013). CLSM

Figures 5.10.3 to 5.10.5 show confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)

images, which are consistent with the DSD results shown in Table 5.10.9. Images
are scaled to 375 x 375 µm (unless otherwise indicated). All samples were stained
with FITC, stains protein green, and Nile Red stains fat red.

Figure 5.10.3 CLSM images of synthetic MAG (SM90) mono content ~96%,
samples 31, 32, 33, & 34, of concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 & 1.2% respectively

Figure 5.10.4 CLSM images of synthetic MAG (SM60), mono content ~64%,
samples 35, 36, 37, & 38, of concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 & 1.2% respectively

Figure 5.10.5 CLSM images of synthetic MAG (SM80) mono content ~82%,
samples 49, 51, 52, & 53, of concentration 0.15, 0.3, 0.6 & 1.2% respectively

306 Texture Analysis

Texture analysis data is presented in Figure 5.10.6 and 5.10.7.






Figure 5.10.6 Hardness results from texture analyser for synthetic SM90 (31 to
34) and synthetic SM60 (35 to 38)

Figure 5.10.6 shows textural hardness data for synthetic MAG (SM90 / SM60)
with mono contents of ~96% and ~64 respectively, which broadly agree with
findings in previous work (5.9). The hardness values decreased as the
concentration of the Moringa MAG increased, and the same was observed with
synthetic MAG. The hardness values themselves were greater for the synthetic
MAG than was the case for the natural Moringa MAG described earlier by
between 50 to 100g (5.9).

Figure 5.10.7 shows synthetic MAG (SM80) with a mono content of ~82%, which
did not correlate with decreasing hardness with increasing emulsifier
concentration. The hardness values were still more than the values for the
corresponding natural Moringa MAG. This is likely explained by the ratio of
saturated fatty acids to unsaturated. The natural Moringa MAG have a higher
degree of unsaturation, hence softer, which is known to have proven advantages
for manufacture of low TAG W/O emulsion spreads (1.2.6; 1.5; 1.6).





Figure 5.10.7 Hardness results from texture analyser for synthetic SM80 (49, 51,
52 & 53)

Where the synthetic MAG have been blended to mimic the natural, non-
hydrogenated Moringa MAG samples, the same diversity of long chain fatty acids
(>C22:0) is not viable because of availability and hence price prohibitive.
Therefore, synthetic samples are essentially based on the fully hydrogenated
CRY110. From a commercial perspective there is implication; synthetic MAG are
able to produce firmer spreads, which have a smaller average water droplet size
than natural Moringa MAG. Whereas the natural non-hydrogenated MAG samples
may result in a softer, creamier mouth feel, whilst maintaining interfacial film
strength and which can fulfil re-work / re-melt requirements.

5.10.4 Conclusion

These results show that a synthetic MAG composition is capable of producing

commercially viable spreads, which are firmer than their naturally based (Moringa
oleifera TAG) Moringa MAG counterparts. By mimicking the fatty acid profile of
Moringa oleifera based MAG, it was possible to produce W/O low TAG
emulsions which have similar physical properties (Bech et al., 2013) to those made
using a MAG based on Moringa oleifera TAG.

5.11 Effect of High and Low Temperature Distillation on the Functionality
of MAG based on Moringa oleifera TAG in Low TAG W/O Emulsions

5.11.1 Introduction

In earlier studies covering the use of a Moringa Monoglyceride (Moringa MAG),

questions were raised as to why a Moringa MAG might function, given its
interfacial behaviour (4.0). The first approach in answering this question is thought
to be linked to its fatty acid composition. A comprehensive comparison of natural
Moringa MAG (5.4; 5.9) with a series of blended synthetic MAG (5.3; 5.10),
results in approximately 8.5 – 12.3% of saturated fatty acids centring from C20:0.
Natural Moringa MAG starts from the same fatty acid (C20:0) but with more
significant amounts of C22:0 and C24:0 (C26:0 detected but not shown). Whereas,
with the blended (synthetic) MAG (5.7; 5.10), its fatty acid spectrum is primarily
based on a C22:0 rich MAG (CRY110), this being the primary component.

Another distinction is that natural Moringa MAG also contain other fully saturated
fatty acids of shorter chain lengths (C16:0 and C18:0) and a high degree of
unsaturated fatty acids (~72%). Given the complexity of the natural Moringa
MAG fatty acid profile it is was not possible within the scope of previous
examination (5.10), to precisely mimic its fatty acid range exactly (5.6 – 5.10).

The distillation process used to synthesise Moringa MAG from the raw TAG
material was carried out at an unusually higher temperature than normal, because
distillation at high temperature preserves a wider spectrum of fatty acids of
different chain lengths, as high as plus C24:0, thereby resembling the natural fatty
acid profile of the original TAG composition. However, could the same functional
properties be achieved from a Moringa MAG when distilled at a lower, normal
distillation temperature?

The aim of this study was to investigate two samples of Moringa MAG, distilled at
two temperatures, 210°C and 185°C respectively, and to test if functional

differences are apparent. The resultant Moringa MAG were tested in W/O low
TAG emulsions (40% and 35% TAG), at similar process conditions described
earlier (5.4, 5.7 – 5.10).

5.11.2 Materials and Methods

The emulsions were made in general accordance to the principles outlined in

previous work (5.4), and the exact recipe conditions and plant processing
conditions are given in Tables 5.11.1 and 5.11.2. Details of the distillation process
conditions are outlined in Wassell et al. (2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e) and Bech
et al. (2013). Also refer to General Materials & Methods (2.0).

Water DSD was carried out using a Bruker Minispec NMS (20MHz) according to
the standard method (outlined in Materials & Methods 2.0). Texture analysis was
carried out using a TA-XT2i texture analyser from Stable Micro Systems. Visual
evaluation of the emulsions was carried out after 16 weeks storage at 5°C, by
spreading with a typical kitchen table knife onto cardboard (abuse test), and the
results photographed. The W/O emulsions were evaluated by an expert sensory
panel, for texture / mouth feel and flavour release parameters. Table 5.11.3 gives
the fatty acid profile of the high (210°C) and low (185°C) temperature distillations
for two Moringa MAG distillations from Moringa oleifera TAG (see 2.0):

Sample 2559/132 (87% Monoglyceride – high temperature distillation 210°C).

Sample 2559/134 (97% Monoglyceride – low temperature distillation 185°C).

Table 5.11.1 Formulations for 35% and 40% TAG emulsions using two Moringa
MAG distillations: sample 2559/132 (87% Monoglyceride - high temperature
distillation 210°C) and sample 2559/134 (97% Monoglyceride – low temperature
distillation 185°C)

Ingredients in %
Ingredient Name 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
Water phase
Water (Tap) 57.300 57.300 57.300 57.300 64.000 64.000 64.000 64.000
Salt 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Skimmed milk powder (MILEX 240) 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
GRINDSTED® LFS 560 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Potassium Sorbate 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Butter Flavouring 507104 A 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
Water phase total 60.010 60.010 60.010 60.010 65.010 65.010 65.010 65.010
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Fat phase
Fat blend
PK4 - INES 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 25.000
Rapeseed oil 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000
Fat blend total 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Other fat ingredients
87% Monoglyceride (Moringa oil), 0.300 0.600 0.300 0.600
97% Monoglyceride (Moringa oil), 0.300 0.600 0.300 0.600

Butter Flavouring 050001 T04184 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
Other fat ingredients total 0.320 0.320 0.620 0.620 0.320 0.320 0.620 0.620
Fat phase total 39.990 39.990 39.990 39.990 34.990 34.990 34.990 34.990
RECIPE total (calc. batchsize) 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000

Table 5.11.2 Processing conditions for 35% and 40% TAG W/O emulsions

Table 5.11.3 Fatty acid compositions of high and low temperature MAG
distillations from Moringa oleifera TAG

MAG MAG Original TAG

ID no. 2559/132 2559/134 Moringa oleifera
210°C 185°C
% % %
GL 0.88 0.52 No data
DIGL 0.15 0.22 No data
FFA 0.2 0.2 1.5
MONO 86.92 97.95 No data
DI 11.80 1.06 3.3
TRI 0.03 0.02 No data
C12:0 <0.1 <0.1 0.2
C14:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C16:0 6.3 6.4 5.9
C16:1 1.9 1.9 1.8
C17:0 0.1 0.1 0.1
C18:0 5.5 5.7 5.5
C18:1 72.6 75.3 71.8
C18:2 1.5 1.5 1.6
C18:3 0.2 0.2 0.0
C20:0 3.2 2.9 3.3
C20:1 1.8 1.7 1.9
C20:u 0.2 0.2 0.1
C21:0 <0.1 0.0 0.0
C22.0 5.8 3.6 6.3
C22:1 0.1 0.0 0.1
C23:0 <0.1 <0.1 1.0
C24:0 0.8 0.3 1.0
C26:0 detected detected detected

5.11.3 Results and Discussion Droplet Size Distribution (DSD)

The results from the water droplet size distribution (DSD) are given in Table
5.11.4 where emphasis is placed towards 97.5% <µm.

Table 5.11.4 DSD analysis results for W/O emulsions (samples 71 – 78)

Sample 2.5% <µm 50% <µm 97.5% <µm

71. 40% high T°C (0.3% dosage) 1.79 5.7 18.19
St. Dev 0.03 0.08 0.70
72. 40% low T°C (0.3% dosage) 1.90 6.48 22.05
St. Dev 0.04 0.19 0.82
73. 40% high T°C (0.6% dosage) 1.46 4.76 15.44
St. Dev 0.03 0.10 0.86
74. 40% low T°C (0.6% dosage) 1.47 5.09 17.61
St. Dev 0.02 0.12 0.83
75. 35% high T°C (0.3% dosage) 2.25 3.66 6.02
St. Dev 0.27 0.03 0.77
76. 35% low T°C (0.3% dosage) 3.65 3.66 3.66
St. Dev 0 0.01 0.01
77. 35% high T°C (0.6% dosage) 3.47 3.52 3.56
St. Dev 0.07 0.03 0.07
78. 35% low T°C (0.6% dosage) 3.55 3.56 3.59
St. Dev 0.02 0.02 0.03

The 40% TAG (water phase with hydrocolloid / protein) emulsion (samples 71 –
74), DSD (97.5% <µm), indicates all emulsions are likely to be stable with
minimal phase separation, but need to be concluded in relationship to sensory
tests. These results are different from those previously found (Table 5.4.8 in 5.4; &
Table 5.7.5 in 5.7), where Moringa MAG from high temperature distillation (Lot
2559/ 191) only were tested.

Previous DSD results (5.4 & 5.7) for Moringa MAG at 0.3% concentration and
Moringa MAG at 0.6% were; 42.41, and 38.56 respectively, which compares to
18.19, and 15.44 here. This suggests that the stability of these new samples is
greater than the stability of the original samples tested previously (5.4 & 5.7). A

possible reason is the difference in diglyceride content which, although not
discussed here, is known to aid emulsification (Shimada and Ohashi 2003).
Factors such as insufficient emulsification or inconsistencies in the shear scraped
surface heat exchanger process may also have a bearing.

The low temperature distillation samples (72 & 74) gave larger respective DSD
sizes compared to the high temperature distillations; where the low temperature
distillation samples showed here are within the DSD range shown earlier (5.4) and
correspond to samples that were fundamentally stable in appearance and abuse
testing (spreading).

The 35% TAG (empty water phase) emulsions, samples 75 – 78, gave DSDs to
values consistently under 10 microns. This tends to indicate an extremely stable
emulsion, indeed if not over-stable, which would negatively impact the flavour
release properties (see No material difference could be seen from high
temperature distillation to the low temperature distillation samples. Sensory

It was often difficult to make final conclusions from the DSD alone, and therefore
a visual (photographic) evaluation combined with sensory evaluation, where each
sample was spread onto cardboard and then tasted and characterised
organoleptically was carried out. Comments from sensory after spreading and
tasting are given as follows:

71. Very stable, seemed as if break down would occur but did not. Improved with
more working. Mouth feel; initially thick/creamy, breaks down easily, good
flavour release.

72. As stable as 71, no separation. Mouth feel; not as thick as 71, but persists in
the mouth for longer not breaking down as easily.

73. Very thick, bit of separation to begin with, then stabilised. Mouth feel; thicker
than 71/72, but still acceptable flavour release. Retains structure longer, does not
breakdown so easily, not as sticky/waxy as 71/72.

74. Very thick, some oiling out, but emulsion ok, slightly more unstable than 73.
Mouth feel; not as thick as 73, detection of lumps possible, like scrambled eggs.

75. Very very stable emulsion, thick, very spreadable. Mouth feel; thick, not too
tight, firm, breaks down, melting ok, bit lumpy.

76. Very very stable, thick spreadable. Mouth feel; thick, but more salt release
than 75.

77. Extremely stable emulsion, thick, spreadable. Mouth feel; smooth, thick, slow
flavour release.

78. Extremely stable, spreadable, thick, slightly more sticky than 74. Mouth feel;
smooth, thick, no breakdown, possibly stabilised?

40% W/O emulsions: On assessment of samples 71-74, the 40% TAG emulsions,
the samples with the high temperature distillation, (71 and 73) seemed to form
stable emulsions, but are breaking down in the mouth easier than the low
temperature counterparts, giving good flavour release. It would seem that the
Moringa MAG produced via the high temperature distillation, i.e. with the
broadest range of fatty acids (see Table 5.11.3), seem to infer a beneficial function
in terms of in-mouth sensorial properties and flavour release.

35% W/O emulsions: At 35% TAG level, a similar trend is observed; the high
temperature distillation samples resulted with products which had improved mouth
feel perception and flavour release. However, all the 35% TAG emulsions as a
whole were extremely stable and as such could not be classified (in the opinion of
expert sensory panel) as being representative of a typical table emulsion. These
could be summarised as all being too stable and too thick for acceptable product
use. Probably for a more realistic consistency, the dosage of the Moringa MAG
should be reduced to perhaps 0.15%. Again, although the stability and taste levels

of the high temperature distillation samples were improved, the low temperature
samples were not unacceptable.

Photographic images of samples 71 – 74 (40% TAG emulsions) and samples 75-

78 (35% TAG emulsions) are shown in Figures 5.11.1 and 5.11.2. Whilst the
samples in Figure 5.11.1 are eminently stable, it is clearly evident that those
depicted in Figure 5.11.2 are more stable; having additional intensity of whiteness
and less translucence, due to smaller DSD and or, though not measured here, more
crystal numeration. Importantly, none of the samples showed signs of oiling out or
other phase separation. It was difficult to observe from the photographs the
differences tasted during evaluation between the high temperature and low
temperature distillations, therefore making it important to take a holistic view to
the sample evaluation.

1a 1b

no. 71 no. 72
0.3% 0.3%

1c 1d

no. 73 no. 74
0.6% 0.6%

Figure 5.11.1 40% emulsion samples: (1a) no.71, 0.3% dose, HIGH T°C
distillation; (1b) no.72, 0.3% dose, low T°C distillation; (1c) no.73, 0.6% dose,
HIGH T°C distillation; (1d) no.74, 0.6% dose, low T°C distillation

1a 1b

no. 75 no. 76
0.3% 0.3%

1c 1d

no. 77 no. 78
0.6% 0.6%

Figure 5.11.2 35% emulsion samples: (1a) no.75, 0.3% dose, HIGH T°C
distillation; (1b) no.76, 0.3% dose, low T°C distillation; (1c) no.77, 0.6% dose,
HIGH T°C distillation; (1d) no.78, 0.6% dose low T°C distillation

Texture analysis

The results from texture analysis in terms of hardness are given in Figure 5.11.3
after measurement at 5°C.

71No 17124-1-71
Hardness at 5°C 72No 17124-1-72
400 73No 17124-1-73
350 332 323
300 74No 17124-1-74
282 283
300 75No 17124-1-75
229 236 242
250 76No 17124-1-76
Force /g

200 77No 17124-1-77

150 78No 17124-1-78
Average of 10 measurings

Figure 5.11.3 Texture analysis: hardness for 40% TAG emulsions (samples 71-
74), and 35% TAG emulsions (samples 75-78)

318 Effect of Distillation at 0.3% Moringa MAG Concentration

When comparing sample 71 / 72, there appeared to be agreement with sensory

results; sample 71 was firmer compared with 72. This also fits with water-droplet
distribution. The effect was more pronounced when comparing samples 75 / 76. Effect of distillation at 0.6% Moringa MAG Concentration

When comparing samples 73 / 74, though small, there appeared similar agreement
when compared to water-droplet sizes. The same pattern did not follow for
samples 77 / 78. This was probably attributed because at the emulsifier
concentrations and shear on the emulsion, a mean DSD of approximately 3 - 4µm,
had already approached the maximum decreased droplet size.

The result of high shear during emulsification and cooling will always produce
droplets, however the Laplace pressure within the droplets increases as droplet size
decreases, consequentially resulting in a resistance to further deformation. The
addition of an emulsifier decreases the Laplace pressure allowing the production
of smaller droplets. However, 0.6% Moringa MAG in this examination probably
exceeds the concentration necessary to produce stable emulsions.

The results of Figure 5.11.3 showed a somewhat contradictory trend to those

expressed from the spreading tests and mouth feel evaluation which all led to the
conclusion that increasing the concentration leads to an increase in mouth
resilience. The results from DSD indicated that while there tended to be decreased
DSD according to an increase in Moringa MAG, this did not necessarily translate
to increased firmness. It has been shown that increasing Moringa MAG
concentration tended to “soften” the bulk TAG (5.4; 5.7 – 5.10).

In the case of 40% emulsions, the initial trend in textural resilience is thought to be
reliable. The “elastic” resilience experienced in sensory observations is likely the

effect of strengthened interfacial film properties (4.0) at the water-oil surface
(observed in the pilot studies in 1.5). This may have some connection with the
miscibility of the Moringa MAG, where the proportion of saturated fatty acids
>C20:0 are likely to be more surface-active (Krog 1992), forming an insoluble
microcrystalline arrangement, where an interstitial stabilised interface may exist
(Johansson, Bergenståhl & Lundgren, 1995).

Data for 35% emulsions did not show any significant trend in the case of DSD –
evident from droplets at <5µm. The expert sensory findings follow a similar
pattern to the 40% emulsions. It is assumed therefore, that such resilience was the
effect of maintaining the whole preserved fatty acid profile in the high temperature
distillation, 87% mono (2559/132), and this is despite the higher mono content
(97%) in the low temperature distillation (2559/134).

Finally for both 40% and 35% TAG emulsion – in all cases - both high and low
temperature distillations were an improvement on PGPR as shown previously
(Tables 5.11.3; 5.11.4 in 5.11 & 5.8).

5.11.4 Conclusion

The results show a direct effect of securing a diversified fatty acid spectrum. It is
concluded that Moringa MAG synthesised at a higher distillation temperature has
generally led to direct increase on the influence of initial firmness and is manifest
through sensory resilience, compared to normal distillations. These physical
properties have a direct functional effect, leading to “elastic” resilience because of
strengthened interfacial film properties (4.0) at the water-oil surface (observed in
the pilot studies in 1.5). This may have some connection with the miscibility
(Ueno et al., 1994) of the Moringa oleifera based MAG, where the proportion of
saturated fatty acids >C20:0 are likely to be more surface-active (Krog 1992),
forming Pickering and insoluble microcrystalline arrangement; in turn, a steric,
interstitial stabilised interface may exist (Johansson, Bergenståhl & Lundgren,

5.12 Inventions: a Moringa MAG and Modified Crystalliser Composition

5.12.1 Summary

Inventive steps have successfully provided solutions to several unresolved

problems, primarily within crystallisation and emulsification of low TAG W/O
emulsions (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013). These
key findings have been found through a multidisciplinary investigation (Wassell &
Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a; 2010b; 2012; Young et al 2008) involving a
range of analyses and product application (proof of concept) tests (3.0; 4.0; 5.1 –
5.11; 6.0). Theories and conclusions concerning Pickering stabilisation, a
metastable region and dendrite behaviour are discussed.

5.12.2 Moringa oleifera based Monoglycerides

Recently, there has been a need to find ways to promote crystallisation in oil / fat
blends (triacylglycerols) which require an increase in their crystal kinetics
(Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010b; Young et al., 2008). One issue is
the removal of trans isomers which are derived from partial hydrogention of liquid
triacylglycerol (TAG) and semisolid triacylglycerols (TAGs). It is known that
partial trans isomers which have a degree of saturation (low iodine value) are able
to induce crystallisation (Flöter & van Duijn 2006).

There is still a problem to find materials which can overcome crystallisation and
emulsification issues when formulating TAG based oil blends which meet the
following criteria:- First, componants are trans free. Second, they should not come
from fully hydrogenated hardstock, and third, they should provide adequate
function within a low saturated TAG environment (Wassell et al., 2010a). These
may be especially interesting for applications where water-in-oil or oil-in-water
emulsions are used.

Currently, commercial reasons dictate a need to find a solution for substituting
fully hydrogenated fats (Wassell et al., 2010a). While these do not inherently
contain trans isomers of any significance, the perception in the media and more
importantly from medical sources, is that these should also be removed because
hydrogenation is linked to formation of trans and human coronory risks. Therefore
there is now requirement even with minor ingredients to make these fit under the
category of non-hydrogenated material (Wassell et al., 2010a), therefore attaining
a more natural and/or ethical status (Bech et al., 2008; Carmichael 2011; Wang et
al., 2012).

A monoglyceride providing a relatively rich source of C22:0, having a longer fatty

acid moiety than commonly used fatty acids may have some important advantages,
both from a crystallisation and emulsification perspective in low and high TAG
spreads (1.6, 3.0, 4.0 5.0). However, the problem to date is finding and developing
emulsifiers which contain a significant source of long chain moieties, but yet, have
not undergone hydrogenation or other modification steps.

Emulsifiers designed from Moringa oleifera TAG (4.0, 5.0), are thought to be able
to provide unique functions because of the following reasons:-

A monoglyceride (MAG) based on Moringa oleifera TAG provides a natural

source of behenic fatty acid, approximately 6 – 8% (In fact total >C20:0 > 10%).
The Moringa oleifera TAG is a natural source of behenic, which has been used as
an oil structuring and solidifying agent in margarine, shortening, and foods
containing liquid, semi-solid and solid TAG, eliminating the need to hydrogenate
A rich source of saturated fatty acids (>C20:0) is interesting for use in W/O
emulsions, particularly, low TAG (<41%) W/O emulsions, where it is common
industrial practice to include the use of Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR) (1.6,
1.7.2). There is strong evidence to suggest that low TAG emulsions (W/O) could
be successfully assembled without PGPR (5.8). This particular aspect could
provide a powerful solution in emulsion “break-down” of highly stabilised
emulsions, where PGPR is present within emulsion systems.

A bi-functional Moringa MAG could be a “one-stop” solution for both low and
high TAG systems (5.4), where emulsification and crystallisation are deemed
Moringa oleifera TAG based monoglycerides may also provide unique new esters
of monoglycerides. Therefore, this could lead to construction of a monoglyceride
designed with a diverse fatty acid range, which may or may not contain a
significant degree of diglyceride content (possibly similar to Moringa MAG) (5.9,
5,10, 5.11).
Finally, application trials (5.0), to test performance of Moringa MAG have
successfully investigated the suitability of a Moringa oleifera based MAG in 60%
and 40% TAG W/O emulsion spreads. In the case of 40% spreads, these were all
tested with and without PGPR (5.4; 5.7; 5.8; 5.9; 5.11).

5.12.3 Interim Conclusion

In all cases, the use of a Moringa MAG enhanced emulsion stability and improved
water size droplet distribution. In the case of low TAG (<40%) W/O emulsions,
there was strong stability without the use of PGPR (5.0).
Interfacial tensiometry has shown unusual decreased tension measurement, close
to that of PGPR (4.0). All other tested MAG, irrespective of their fatty acid
compositions had higher tension measurements across the measured temperature
spectrum (50°C - 5°C). This was considered significant, especially where
rheological measurements also showed evidence of visco-elastic structural changes
(4.0, 5.6). Aside from the inventive bi-functional use of a Moringa MAG, there
was also potential benefits to couple a second emulsifier (5.3; 5.6) within a wide
range of food emulsion / dispersion systems, but primarily for use in the design,
structuring and texturing of low saturated TAG systems (Abdulkarim et al., 2005;
Lalas & Tsaknis 2002; Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e).

5.12.4 Modified Crystalliser Composition

It has been previously shown in discussion (5.12.2 & 5.12.3), that a minor
ingredient can be strongly effective at influencing crystallisation and interfacial
behaviour (3.0; 4.0; 5.0). An essential feature of CRY110 is that it provides a
relatively rich source of behenic (C22:0), longer chain fatty acid moiety than
commonly used fatty acids (Krog & Larsson 1992). This feature is considered to
offer some important advantages, both from a crystallisation and emulsification
perspective in low and high TAG spreads (1.5). However, it has been
demonstrated that a MAG characterised as behenic based is not suitable as a
standalone solution in low TAG (<41%) based water-in-oil emulsion spreads, and
either causes destabilisation or fails quickly (days) during shelf life (5.7).

A second emulsifier may enhance the first emulsifier in such systems. This is
particularly the case in demanding applications such as low (<41%) TAG based
spreads (Bech et al., 2013). A MAG having a bi-functional effect would be
desirable to provide a composition which can function as both an emulsifier and a
crystallisation improver. An emulsifier able to satisfy the following would provide
unique functions:-

A rich source of saturated fatty acids is interesting for use in W/O emulsions,
particularly low TAG W/O (<41% oil) where it is common industrial practice to
include the use of Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR) (1.5). There was strong
evidence to suggest that low TAG emulsions (W/O) could be successfully
assembled without the use of PGPR (5.4; 5.8; 5.9; 5.11). Depending on its
inclusion level, PGPR has tendency to “over stabilise” the emulsion, leading to
adverse sensory (5.8) resilience. Therefore, where there is a preference to include
PGPR, the dosage can be reduced (5.8) thereby offering potential cost-in-use

It was found that MAG with fatty acid composition (FAC) containing in the region
of 8.5 – 12.3% saturation starting from C20:0 seemed to enhance emulsification
and crystallisation properties (5.0) In natural Moringa MAG, diversity in the FAC

starts from the same chain length (C20:0) and there is a significant proportion of
C22:0 and C24:0 (Table 5.10.2). Natural Moringa MAG also contain lower chain
(C16:0 and C18:0) and a high degree of unsaturated fatty acids (~72%). A similar
designed fatty acid composition, using alternatively sourced MAG to mimic a
natural Moringa MAG is considered novel. Wassell et al (2012a; 2012b; 2012c;
2012d; 2012e), describe the use of a MAG based on natural Moringa TAG), where
it could provide a “one-stop” solution for both low and high TAG systems (5.3;
5.10). Optionally, when combined with e.g. PGPR (a co-emulsifier) this may also
provide additional structuring advantages (Bech et al., 2013).

5.12.5 Interim Conclusion

The use of modified crystalliser, based on MAG, enables improved emulsion

stability, and improved water size droplet distribution. In the case of low TAG
(<40%) W/O emulsions, there is good stability without the use of PGPR (5.10).

A modified crystalliser composition may find applications in a wide range of food

emulsion / dispersion systems, but primarily for use in the design, structuring and
texturing of low saturated TAG systems.

A series of application trials have revealed the possibility to make a synthetic like
Moringa monoglyceride by mimicking the fatty acid composition (5.3; 5.10) of
Moringa oleifera based monoglycerides, thereby overcoming potential restrictions
of supply and dependence on sources of Moringa oleifera TAG (Wassell et al.,
2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

5.12.6 Significance for Pickering Stabilisation

Most studies have looked at the effect of high TAG Pickering stabilisation
compared to low TAG Pickering stabilisation. Garti et al., (1998) found sub-
microcrystalline surface-active fully hydrogenated palm stearin, could in the

presence of PGPR, stabilise water droplets (25% aqueous phase in 75% TAG
consisting of liquid soybean oil). Ghosh and Rousseau (2011) investigated surface
active fully hydrogenated canola TAG in the presence of GMO (a Glycerol
monooleate based MAG), testing in emulsions consisting 80% liquid canola oil /
20% aqueous phase. Both these studies and others (Johansson et al., 1995) have
shown effects of Pickering stabilisation to reduce coalescence and smaller droplet
size for a given TAG crystal concentration and speed of thermal treatment (Hodge
& Rousseau 2005). However, these were found to be very system specific, and
subsequently this has technical consequences for low TAG W/O emulsions.

The effects of shear and non-isothermal crystallisation have a dramatic effect on

the bulk TAG network structure (Rousseau et al., 2005). With consideration of this
aspect, crystalline material aiding emulsion stability would need to be smaller than
the dispersed aqueous droplets (Ghosh & Rousseau 2010). Rousseau and Hodge
(2005), say the visco-elastic behaviour of the interfacial film is attributed to wetted
TAG crystal, how they are wetted and dependent on the composition and initial
surface properties of the TAG particles.

Since conducting this thesis, Ghosh and Rousseau (2011) have shown Pickering
stabilisation to be more efficient with TAG (HCO) and GMS (a Glycerol
monostearate based MAG), than with TAG (HCO) in the presence of GMO (a
Glycerol monooleate based MAG). Stabilisation appeared superior with the more
saturated MAG. This could be due to hydrogen bonding with the TAG solvent
(Chen, van Damme, & Terentjev, 2009). It is therefore suggested that when TAG
particles are covered by an adsorbed layer of an emulsifier, the interaction may
strongly influence the macroscopic properties of the TAG continuous phase
(Bergenståhl 2008). Further, if the adsorbed emulsifier is of a liquidus nature e.g.
PGPR, this would cause the Pickering TAG crystals to be more surface-active
(Ghosh & Rousseau 2011).

Rousseau et al. (2003), say in the presence of fewer TAG crystals, stabilisation
must be dependent on the interfacial properties, so that any visco-elastic behaviour
could take place. It would therefore seem to be the case that an interstitial region

and its interaction with Pickering surface-active TAG and MAG crystals are
therefore critical. Rousseau et al. (2003), also alluded to this when examining low
(38%) TAG margarine, indicating this aspect had not been examined.

The low TAG W/O emulsions measured in this research had considerably
decreased bulk TAG network. Consequently, network stabilisation would have had
even less influence on interfacial stabilisation. In this situation, Pickering surface-
active TAG / MAG crystals are more important, so that in the presence of a co-
emulsifier such as PGPR or additional MAG (4.0; 5.4; 5.11), this effect would be
enhanced. Additionally, should crystal structures exist as smaller, liquidus and or
nano-arrays, then this might also account for interfacial visco-elastic behaviour,
stabilising the W/O emulsion (4.0; Johansson et al., 1995; Rousseau, 2000).

5.12.7 Metastable Region

It is not certain if the bi-functional behaviour of e.g. Moringa MAG might be

attributed to the miscibility (Ueno et al., 1994) of its fatty acids: ~30% range of
saturated fatty acids (SAFA) including C16:0, C18:0, C20:0, C22:0, C24:0 of
which ~10% is >C20:0 coupled with ~70% C18:1 (5.0). The textural resilience
measured in the low TAG (<41%) W/O emulsions is considered to be the effect of
strengthened interfacial film properties (4.0) at the water-oil surface (1.5; 5.0). For
a Moringa MAG, where the proportion of SAFA >C20:0 are likely to be more
surface active (Krog 1992), these may form insoluble / metastable microcrystalline
arrangements through polar interaction with the remaining liquidus fatty acids
causing a steric, interstitial stabilised interface to be formed (Johansson,
Bergenståhl & Lundgren, 1995). Further, Sato (1998), suggests oleic acid (C18:1)
may be responsible for cohesive interactions (Claesson et al., 1997) when these
chains are forced to interact with SAFA chains in the same lamellar.

The interface may be induced to a different structure, especially with a decreasing

bulk TAG network (Goubran & Garti 1988). This is possibly due to dielectric
influence compared to the bulk, where dipolar interactions between a polar

aqueous surface and ester groups of TAG occur (Claesson et al., 1997; Petrov et
al., 1995). The nature of the solvent plays a vital role on surface interactions
(Dedinaite & Campbell 2000). Though not adequately explained here or
understood (5.6), PGPR may induce additional adhesive properties when mixed
with another emulsifier in the presence of water. Additionally, the polar region of
the PGPR may influence the water droplet properties (Ghosh & Rousseau 2009).

It is hoped that subsequent SR-XRD synchrotron studies or more powerful

analysis could provide more insight to characterise a metastable phase / interstitial
region. It could also lead to new insight, that could help to explain further details,
behind the behaviour of Pickering MAG crystals (based on a quantity of >C20:0)
becoming viscous and sticky at their surfaces by adsorbing Liquidus PGPR
(Mullin, 1993). The structure of this system in the presence of an aqueous phase is
still not known (Dedinaite & Campbell 2000).

5.12.8 Dendrite Structure

Dendrite structures were observed (2-D) microscopically (5.3; 5.5) in the bulk
phase. Logically, this situation 3-D, combined with their proliferation would likely
influence the total G* due to their relative surface area. The phenomenon of
dendrite structures (Ben-Jacob & Garik 1990) observed in this thesis (5.0) is
possibly linked to both saturation, the rate of thermal treatment of the TAG blends
(5.3) and irregularity of the structure magnifying existing wetting properties
(Rousseau 2002). This is possibly linked to the effect of the adsorbed emulsifier
enhancing crystallisation (Marikkara & Ghazali 2011), causing dendrite forms. In
the presence of water and oil, this could be additional explanation for comparative
thickening observed in the W/O emulsions (5.4; 5.7, 5.11), where adhesion is
caused by increased polarity (Rousseau 2002). The additional sites of contact on
wetted TAG crystal due to the presence of adsorbed emulsifier (forming surface
active crystals) e.g. Moringa MAG or PGPR combined with CRY110 (5.6), could
also explain observed rheological and interfacial behaviour (4.0).

6.0 Synchrotron Radiation Macrobeam and Microbeam X-ray Diffraction
Studies of Interfacial Crystallisation of Fats in Water-in-Oil Emulsions

6.1 Introduction

A synchrotron radiation macrobeam and microbeam X-ray diffraction study of

interfacial crystallisation to clarify the effects of emulsifier additives on low fat
water-in-oil (W/O) emulsions was conducted (Wassell et al., 2012). Emulsifiers
having long-chain saturated fatty acid moieties have been found to be effective due
to their melting and surface active characteristics at the water-oil interface (4.0;
5.0; Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

6.2 Background

It is known that given a certain concentration of emulsifier, triacylglycerol (TAG)

crystals become more polar in behaviour because the emulsifier is adsorbed at the
crystal surface. Indeed Boyd, Krog and Sherman (1976), suggested that there may
be a connection between the stability of a lipid bilayer, dependant on molecular
packing conditions in the bulk [containing emulsifiers] and viscoelasticity of
adsorbed films of the same emulsifiers at the TAG – water interface.

A mixed emulsifier system is suggested in theory to produce a more rigid

interfacial structure (Boyd et al., 1976), which may be conducive to minimising
coalescence (Rousseau 2000). The selection of the emulsifier is therefore critical,
because even when complexes of emulsifiers are located at the W/O interface it is
possible that the emulsions will still be unstable (Boyd et al., 1976).

Rosen (1989) states, selection of a co-emulsifier, a polar compound of

intermediate chain length is preferred over long-chain polar compounds because
these are generally not desirable as co-emulsifiers since they tend to form liquid-
crystalline structures that may increase the viscosity of the system and the rigidity

of the interface. There would seem to be contradiction, because studies have
shown (Arima et al., 2009; Tanaka et al., 2009) long-chain saturated fatty acid
moieties (behenic rich) to be effective emulsifier additives at the interface of TAG
and water emulsion droplets (O/W).

Investigations into rheological properties using a modified technique to assess both

elastic and viscous moduli in the bulk in model emulsions have been made (4.0).
Interfacial tension measurements have revealed strong interactions between PGPR
and behenic rich MAG (4.0). The purpose of using the SR-μ-SAXD in this study is
to explain more fully why this interaction may occur.

A technique to more precisely observe microstructures of lamellar plane

directions, to thereby aid understanding to the mechanism of structure at interfaces
e.g. W/O emulsions, and how these might be modified through emulsifier-initiated
processes, was carried out as part of the multidisciplinary investigation. Following
bulk and interfacial examinations (3.0; 4.0; 5.0), the purpose of this investigation
was to study the influence of PGPR, and then PGPR combined with a behenic
based monoglyceride (MAG (CRY110)) in W/O emulsions needed to be studied in
low TAG (<41%) emulsions to determine the cause and effect on crystal behaviour
at the interface. It was considered important to tie this new learning with previous
multiple observations in 3.0, 4.0 & 5.0 (Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al.,
2010a; 2010b; Young et al., 2008).

It has been shown (Wassell et al., 2010a) that some emulsifiers can template with
other emulsifiers resulting in increased strength of the interfacial membrane
between the water and TAG phases so that the surfaces of the water droplets are
either partially or wholly covered, forming monolayers for heterogeneous
crystallisation. This feature has been analysed in TAG oil-in-water emulsions
(Arima et al., 2009), but has not been investigated in water-in-TAG oil emulsions
(Figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1Proposed schematic showing interfacial crystallisation at the water-in-
oil interface.

As described earlier (1.5; 4.0; 5.0), it is common practice to use two emulsifiers
(e.g., polyglycerol polyricinoleic acid (PGPR) and monoacylglycerol (MAG)) in
the production of W/O emulsions, in which MAG may act as a templating agent,
whereas PGPR assures emulsion stability.

The effect of PGPR and MAG has been studied in high TAG (>75%) W/O
emulsions (Garti et al., 1998; Ghosh & Rousseau, 2009), but until now it is not
specifically known about the interactive behaviour of a long-chain MAG and
PGPR in low TAG (<41%) W/O emulsions (Wassell et al., 2012).

PGPR is highly surface active and has a large complex structure (molecular weight
(MW) range >4000 g/mol)), compared to MAG which has a smaller molecular
structure (MW 580 g/mol) than PGPR. Interactions of the two emulsifiers have an
interesting effect on interfacial and bulk crystallisation behaviour. According to
available information, the influence of PGPR and MAG containing behenic acid
moiety (monobehenate (MB) previously abbreviated as CRY110 or MB90 (2.0
General Materials & Methods)) has not previously been analysed to determine the
effects of interfacial heterogeneous crystallisation of low TAG (35% oil phase)
W/O emulsions (See Table 2.22 in Materials and Methods (2.0)).

Synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction (SR-XRD) macrobeam and microbeam
small angle X-Ray diffraction (SR-μ-SAXD) analysis, DSC, polarised optical
Microscopy (POM) were used to enable observation of TAG crystals near the W/O
interface because this method can provide microscopic information about
crystallised materials on the order of micrometer to submicrometer dimensions and
provide learning about the interactions between TAGs and emulsifiers in the
continuous TAG phase and at the W/O interface.

6.3 Results and Discussion

6.3.1 DSC Thermograms and Macrobeam SR-XRD Measurements

Figure 6.2 depicts the DSC cooling thermopeaks of two emulsions using PGPR
alone and PGPR + MB. Although not shown here, the DSC heating thermograms
did not indicate any differences between the two emulsion samples, whereas the
cooling thermopeaks were quite different.

Figure 6.2 DSC cooling thermopeaks taken for (a) PGPR emulsion and (b) PGPR
+ MB emulsion

The emulsifiers influenced kinetic crystallisation processes at 16.1°C in the PGPR
emulsion, whereas the crystallisation temperature increased to 17.9 °C in the
PGPR + MB emulsion. Exothermic behaviour resulted in a single peak (PGPR
emulsion) to double peak (18°C and 10 °C in the PGPR + MB emulsion). This
may have been caused by the promotion of the crystallisation of a high-melting
fraction of solid TAG by the addition of MB.

The melting and crystallisation of the PGPR emulsion were examined by

macrobeam SR-XRD (Figure 6.3). At 5 °C, the SAXD and WAXD patterns
exhibited a long spacing peak of 4.07 nm (Figure 6.3a), a strong peak of 0.462 nm,
and a weak peak of 0.386 nm (Figure 6.3b). The WAXD peaks correspond to β
polymorph, which represents T∥ subcell structure. The reason for the presence of β
form in the emulsion sample is that the sample was stored over a long period and
the most stable form of the fat crystals in the emulsion was formed.

Figure 6.3 Macrobeam SR-XRD patterns of PGPR emulsion taken during heating
and cooling. Unit: nm. Experiment noise is denoted by arrows

When the emulsion was heated, both SAXD and WAXD patterns disappeared at
40 °C, due to the melting of the β form. During cooling, crystallisation was
detected with the occurrence of the SAXD peak of 4.65 nm at 14 °C,
corresponding to the exothermic peak of crystallisation observed in the DSC
cooling pattern (Figure 6.2a). The long spacing of 4.65 nm means that the
polymorphic form of these crystals is α form, as the chain axis in the TAG crystals
is normal to the lamellar interface (Sato & Ueno 2011). In addition, the α form
tends to crystallise faster than the other more stable forms during the ambient rate
of cooling. Despite the strong SAXD peak, no strong peaks were detectable in the
WAXD area during cooling (Figure 6.3b). This may be due to the weak diffraction
of the hexagonal subcell packing of α form in the W/O emulsion. Figure 6.4
depicts the melting and crystallisation of the PGPR + MB emulsion examined by
macrobeam SR-XRD. Similar to the PGPR emulsion, the SAXD patterns
confirmed the presence of the β form at 5 °C, as evidenced by a long spacing peak
of 4.07 nm (Figure 6.4a), and the WAXD patterns of strong peaks of 0.462 nm and
weak peaks of 0.386 nm (Figure 6.4b).

Figure 6.4 Macrobeam SR-XRD patterns of PGPR + MB emulsion taken during

heating and cooling. Unit: nm. Experiment noise is denoted by arrows

No strong peak was detectable in the WAXD area when the strong SAXD peak of
4.65 nm appeared. However, a weak WAXD peak of 0.383 nm appeared when the
SAXD peak of 4.15 nm appeared below 10 °C. It is assumed that this form is a
low temperature sub-α form (Yano et al., 1999).

The macrobeam XD patterns taken during cooling from 55 °C exhibited two-stage

crystallisation profiles. The first peak (4.65 nm) appeared at 16 °C and the second
peak (4.15 nm) appeared at 10 °C. This two-stage crystallisation observed in the
SR-XRD experiment also corresponds to split DSC exothermic peaks taken during
cooling (Figure 6.2b).

6.3.2 μ-SAXD Measurements: Azimuthal Angle (χ) Extension Patterns.

PGPR: The lamellar directions of the fat crystals near the W/O interface are found
parallel to the W/O interfacial plane using PGPR alone as the emulsifier agent.
The azimuthal angle (χ) extension patterns did not reveal this tendency for all
positions in the bulk TAG phase, but it may be assumed that the PGPR membrane
at the W/O interface may induce the interfacial heterogeneous crystallisation
illustrated in Figure 6.1.

PGPR + MB Emulsion: When compared to PGPR only, the two emulsions had
basically common results in terms of lamellar directions of the TAG crystals at the
positions near the W/O interface. These were confirmed by analysis of the χ
extension patterns at various positions surrounding the water droplets. However,
the intensity of the diffracted X-ray beams was less in the PGPR + MB emulsion
than in the PGPR emulsion, possibly due to the formation of tiny TAG crystals
(see Polarised Optical Microscope (POM) micrographs Figure 6.5)) caused
through addition of MB. This effect made analysis of the results of μ-SAXD data
from the PGPR + MB emulsions difficult for calculating the degree of orientation
of the lamellar planes of TAG crystals; these are evaluated by calculating the half
width of χ value (Δχ). A smaller Δχ yields a higher degree of orientation of the
lamellar planes. The lamellar planes of the TAG crystals in the PGPR + MB

emulsion were more highly ordered than those in the PGPR emulsion. However,
such a comparison of Δχ values could not be made for all positions of the PGPR +
MB emulsion, hence making it difficult to obtain a clear conclusion about the
preferred orientation of the lamellar planes of the TAG crystals, near the W/O
interface in the PGPR + MB emulsion and in comparison with those in the PGPR

6.3.3 Polarised Optical Microscopic (POM) Observation

The crystal morphology and dimensions of the fat crystals were observed in the
PGPR emulsion and PGPR + MB emulsion polarised optical microscope (Figure
6.5). Clear differences were detectable between the crystal morphologies of the
two emulsions, in that no large crystal aggregate is observed in the TAG phase in
the PGPR + MB emulsion. Instead, thin layers of bright images were attached to
the water phases (arrows in Figure 6.3). This morphological change can be
explained by the addition of MB increasing the crystallisation temperature, as
confirmed by the cooling experiments of SR-XRD and by the reduction in crystal
size due to increased rates of crystal nucleation.

Figure 6.5 Polarised optical micrographs of W/O emulsions. (a) PGPR emulsion
and (b) PGPR + MB emulsion. Scale bar: 25μm

It should be noted that 35% W/O emulsions assembled for these measurements,
originally had a smaller water droplet size (see Table 5.8.4) to that inferred in
Figure 6.5. Due to confidentiality (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e)
several samples (containing Moringa oleifera based MAG) were not measured.
The POM images of Figure 6.5 (originally Figure 13 in Wassell et al., 2012) were
the result of heating the sample to 50°C, then cooling to 5°C at a rate of 2°C/min
and keeping at this temperature for 10 minutes. By comparison, this may explain
the difference in droplet sizes observed in this multiple study (5.0) which shows
other examples of low fat (<41%), W/O emulsions (Wassell et al., 2012c).

6.4 Conclusions and Recommendations

This study (Wassell et al., 2012) revealed the following results. First, the addition
of MB promoted TAG crystallisation as observed by DSC and macrobeam SR-
XRD analysis. Second, the microbeam SR-XRD indicated that the lamellar planes
of TAG crystals near the water and oil interfaces were arranged almost parallel to
the interface planes in both the PGPR emulsion and the PGPR + MB emulsion. No
appreciable differences between them were confirmed. Third, the POM
observations indicated that adding MB eliminated the formation of large crystal
aggregates, resulting in the formation of tiny TAG crystals.

Although PGPR contains large amounts of liquidus fatty acid moieties at the
temperatures examined in the present μ-SAXD experiments, it can be assumed that
certain molecular interactions between PGPR and TAG molecules may be
operating at the W/O interface to cause interfacial crystallisation to some extent,
and the addition of MB may strengthen this interfacial crystallisation. Such
interactions may include not only hydrophobic chain-chain interactions between
the fatty acid moieties of the emulsifiers and TAG molecules, but also hydrophilic
interactions between the polar groups of the emulsifiers and glycerol groups of
TAG molecules (Ghosh & Rousseau, 2011; Ghosh et al., 2011).

Regarding the effects of adding MB on intensifying the interfacial crystallisation
illustrated in Figure 6.1, which was considered plausible to observe at the
beginning of this study, no significant evidence was observed, except for the
promotion of TAG crystallisation in the continuous TAG phase and close to the
water phase perimeter. A possible reason may be low adsorption of MB at the
W/O interface in cooperation with PGPR membranes, whose adsorbability exceeds
that of MB.

Not to be overlooked, is that should a liquidus interstitial region exist between

either the Pickering stabilised TAG (Rousseau & Hodge, 2005) and or (not
discounting) Pickering surface-active MAG (MB) crystals (4.2.3; 4.2.8), this may
partially explain previously observed visco-elastic behaviour (4.0); caused by the
liquidus PGPR. A Moringa oleifera based MAG (currently not measured (6.3.3))
having unusual miscibility (Ueno et al., 1994; Sato 1998), could influence liquidus
TAG / MAG structure (4.0) at the interstitial region at nanoscopic dimensions
(Rousseau et al., 2005).

The polymorph behaviour of Pickering TAG and MAG (Malkin, 1954) crystalline
material has been examined but requires more research. Possibly a relationship
exists between their form, quantity and quality. Hodge and Rousseau (2005) found
in their study of W/O emulsions that TAG based on hydrogenated canola was
more resistant to destabilisation in the β-form (Basso et al., 2010). When
comparing the relative β intensity (R β) within W/O emulsions, Shiota et al.
(2011), using TAG blends prepared with MAG based on palmitic, stearic, and
behenic acid, found that the influence of the behenic based MAG resulted in the
lowest (R β) within W/O emulsions.

It is known that distilled MAG crystallise into metastable α-crystal, then transform
into higher melting β-form. Metastable β’-form does not occur in commercial
MAG. On cooling, a solid state transition occurs to sub-α (Krog, N., Danisco /
DuPont TP18-1e). The behaviour of MAG / TAG in hydrophobic solutions is
shown not to be the same or similar as in water, because hydrogen bonding of
glycerol groups would be different (Chen et al., 2009). The lamellar phase

structure appears more ordered at a low temperature, where a sub-α form result in
rigidity of lamellar bilayers (Chen et al., 2009). It is not known if assumed low
temperature sub-α form seen in macrobeam SR-XRD patterns of PGPR + MB
(CRY110) emulsion (Wassell et al., 2012) could also explain interfacial (4.0) and
macroscopic (5.0) visco-elastic properties (Rousseau & Hodge 2005; Bergenståhl
2008). These areas require more research.

A limitation of the synchrotron radiation macrobeam and microbeam X-ray

diffraction studies of the interfacial crystallisation of TAG based W/O emulsions
could be the actual TAG volume. Initially, W/O emulsions with TAG contents of
18% and 25% were prepared, but were difficult to measure and inconclusive. The
TAG content was raised to 35%. A solution to achieving meaningful
measurements at lower TAG contents could likely provide clearer data. A potential
weakness is perhaps that the microbeam needs sufficiently strong intensity to
achieve refraction of a lyotropic liquid crystal, because the radiation time must be
limited to approximately 5 seconds to avoid thermal damage. A more intense
method (e.g Diamond Synchrotron) to examine the interface may reveal vital
information about the liquidus region between any Pickering TAG / MAG crystal.

It should be noted that a Moringa oleifera based MAG in a 35% TAG W/O
emulsion (5.4) was assembled for μ-SAXD measurement, but not analysed (6.3.3)
due to confidentiality (WIPO applications: Wassell et al., 2010a; 2012; 2012a;
2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e). Analysis of this sample would still be ideal in order to
compare with those measured previously (Wassell et al., 2012).

7.0 General Discussion, Final Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 Multidisciplinary Approach to Structuring in Reduced Triacylglycerol

(TAG) Based Systems

Since the commencement of this thesis, both a literature and critical review
(Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a) have clearly shown the need for a
multiple focus approach to solving some structuring problems of TAG based water
– oil systems, specifically those already characterised as reduced and low fat.

A simultaneous study by Vereeken et al. (2010), looked at complex mixtures of

both saturated and unsaturated MAG in the presence of both liquid and solid TAG
and investigated their application (designed to contain maximum 30% total
SAFA). In anhydrous systems, they found that mixtures of C16:0 / C22:0 MAG
did not differ from a C16:0 / C18:0 MAG, and explained this might be attributed
to non-ideal phase behaviour (Vereeken et al., 2009). However, water tended to
have a decreasing effect on the SFC, which they attributed to hydrophobicity of
the fatty acid complex. Their investigation varied the water concentration between
0% and 20% (Vereeken et al., 2010), which are characterised between anhydrous
bulk fats to full fat margarines.

In contrast, this study investigated the effects of a MAG that contains a significant
content of C22:0 in anhydrous bulk fats (3.0; 4.0; 5.0). It then investigated the
same effect in emulsions with aqueous phase contents initially at 82% (1.5), then
between 35% and 65% (5.0; 6.0). These emulsions systems have inherently
reduced total TAG (containing SAFA) and are more complex to stabilise. Further
TAG reduction whilst avoiding impact on structure and functional properties
(Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell et al., 2010a) is more problematic where a food
is already regarded as low saturated (1.4; 1.6; 1.7).

This study has investigated the effects of emulsifier on the physical behaviour,
both to the TAG, and at the TAG/water interface and shows new information

about interfacial properties to be of considerable importance (Wassell et al.,
2010a; 2012; 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e; Bech et al., 2013).

In contrast to other studies (1.6; 1.7), this study (Wassell & Young 2007; Wassell
et al., 2010a) has shown that C22:0 rich MAG, or its significant inclusion, has a
pronounced effect on crystallisation (Wassell et al., 2010b; 2012; Young et al.,
2008) and interfacial kinetics (4.0). New interfacial measurements clearly
demonstrated an unusual surface-interactive relationship of longer chain MAG
compositions, both with and without PGPR in W/O emulsions and anhydrous
TAG systems. This is thought to partially explain textural behaviour observed in
multiple application trials (1.5; 5.0; 6.0; Wassell et al., 2010b; 2012; Young et al.,

Results show that the influence on interfacial tension by a single MAG emulsifier
is more pronounced with long-chain MAG than with medium-chain MAG (4.0).
The relative decrease in interfacial tension upon decreased temperature, was
greater the longer the chain length. While this confirms studies by others (Krog &
Larsson 1992), this thesis moreover, now provides new additional insight, because
bulk and interfacial rheology showed that the presence of C22:0 fatty acids have a
pronounced effect on both G’ and G’’. This effect was more manifest in the
presence of an aqueous phase.

This study has considered rheology and surface-interactive behaviour of mixed

surfactant systems, specifically the affect of typical co-emulsifiers commonly used
in low TAG spread (<41%) applications. Results show that mixtures of PGPR and
MAG rich in C18:1 / 18:2 and C16:0 / C18:0 did not decrease the interfacial
tension compared with PGPR alone. Only a composition containing MAG with
significant proportion of C22:0 impacted interfacial tension.

An emulsifier composition of PGPR and a C22:0 based MAG (CRY110) resulted

with decreasing tension, commencing from ~20°C and is initially dominated by
PGPR. Then, through interfacial reorganisation, the surface is rapidly dominated

by C22:0 fatty acids. This resulting interactive behaviour may partially explain
increased textural resilience (thickening) due to viscoelasticity (4.0; 5.0).

Results from interfacial tensiometry measurements on a Moringa oleifera based

MAG showed unusual decreased interfacial tension behaviour not dissimilar to
PGPR. All other tested MAG (excluding a C22:0 based MAG), irrespective of
their fatty acid compositions resulted in higher interfacial values across the
measured temperature spectrum (50°C to 5°C). The explanation for this is likely
linked to maintaining a wide and diverse fatty acid profile (5.11) of the original
TAG source (Moringa oleifera). Practically, it was found that a high temperature
distillation of Moringa oleifera TAG to preserve its longer chain fatty acids
(decreased mono- %), when tested in 35% and 40% TAG W/O emulsions, resulted
with decreased DSD when compared to a low temperature distillation (higher
mono- %), which had a more narrow fatty acid profile (5.11).

Critically, an essential element of the multidisciplinary approach was to cross-

examine and verify results in real multi component systems and under process
conditions relevant to the actual food product (Johansson, 1994; Mazzanti et al.,
2005; Rousseau 2000). Only by applying these results in real products, could
“proof of concept” be achieved (McClements 2007).

Application studies of Moringa oleifera based MAG in low TAG (35% - 41%)
W/O emulsions, resulted with high emulsion stability without a co-surfactant
(PGPR) 4.0; 5.0)). These results provided positive verification of the interfacial
and rheological analyses (4.0, 5.6). This may offer technological advantage, where
under certain circumstances, a co-emulsifier (PGPR) can be avoided (1.7).

When tested separately, both a Moringa oleifera based MAG and PGPR seemed to
have similar influence on the crystallisation kinetics of the particular anhydrous
TAG systems (5.3; 5.5; 5.6). A combination of either of these two emulsifiers with
a behenic rich (CRY110) MAG, resulted in enhanced gelation onset behaviour,
which was dependent on the rate of thermal treatment and selected solvent (5.5;

Additional application studies confirmed the potential to mimic the fatty acid
composition of Moringa oleifera TAG (5.3; 5.10), meaning restriction of supply
and dependence on a particular TAG source is now reduced (Bech et al., 2013).

The combination of several analytical techniques was considered invaluable. Pilot

studies (1.5; Appendix B; C; D) did not reveal a complete representation of the
influence on crystallisation of a C22:0 based MAG. By utilisation of the UVP-PD
technique, it has been possible to examine the effect of a C22:0 based MAG in an
anhydrous TAG system whilst in a dynamic non-isothermal condition (3.0). This
non-invasive technique can conclusively validate structural events.

Combined interfacial tension and rheological measurements, to assess both elastic

and viscous moduli in the bulk model systems have conclusively revealed strong
interactions between PGPR and a C22:0 rich (CRY110) MAG (4.0; 5.6). To
explain more fully why this interaction occurs, the Macrobeam and SR-μ-SAXD
X-Ray (6.0) was utilized. This method revealed that addition of a C22:0 based
MAG promoted TAG crystallisation as observed by DSC analysis. This was
confirmed with POM observations, which indicated that C22:0 rich MAG
eliminated the formation of large crystal aggregates, resulting in the likely
formation of tiny Pickering TAG / MAG crystals (6.0).

It is thought that PGPR, which has liquidus fatty acid moieties at the temperatures
examined in the μ-SAXD measurements, may have certain molecular interactions
with TAG molecules at the W/O interface to cause a degree of interfacial
crystallisation. The addition of a MAG containing long-chain C22:0 may
strengthen the interfacial crystallisation (4.3.8) of liquidus interstitial crystals near
the aqueous droplets (Shiota et al, 2011).

The following sections now examine the implications of several of these findings,
summarise the key results and then discuss implementation of innovative
outcomes from this study and future use.

7.1.1 Implications for Pickering Stabilisation

Studies and outcomes in this thesis (1.4; 1.5; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; Wassell et al., 2012b),
collectively now provide new insight concerning the effects of Pickering surface-
active MAG (with significant content of >C20:0) in reduced and low TAG W/O
emulsions. The low TAG W/O emulsions measured in this research had
considerably decreased bulk TAG network. Network stabilisation would have had
less influence on interfacial stabilisation. In this situation, it is likely that Pickering
surface-active TAG / MAG crystals become strongly mobilised to the interface
due to dielectric interaction.

It is concluded that the presence of surface-active MAG crystals are strongly

linked to increased fatty acid chain length, which influence viscoelasticity (4.0;
5.0; 6.0). With the presence of a co-emulsifier e.g. PGPR or additional MAG (4.0;
5.0; 6.0), this effect is enhanced. Should crystal structures exist as smaller,
liquidus and or nano-arrays, these may induce and also account for interfacial
visco-elastic behaviour, stabilising the W/O emulsion (Johansson et al., 1995;
Rousseau, 2000).

7.1.2 Interfacial Stabilisation in a Metastable Region

The bi-functional behaviour of e.g. a Moringa oleifera based MAG might be

attributed to the miscibility (Ueno et al., 1994) of its fatty acids: ~30% range of
saturated fatty acids (SAFA) including C16:0, C18:0, C20:0, C22:0, C24:0 of
which ~10% is >C20:0 coupled with ~70% of C18:1 (5.0). The textural resilience
measured in the low TAG (<41%) W/O emulsions is considered to be the effect of
strengthened interfacial film properties (4.0) at the water-oil surface (1.5; 5.0). It is
thought that SAFA is likely to be more surface-active in a Moringa oleifera based
MAG, whose proportion of >C20:0 is ~10% (Krog 1992). In this situation, the
presence of long-chain SAFA may cause insoluble / metastable microcrystalline
arrangements through polar interaction with any proximate liquidus fatty acids,

causing a steric, interstitial stabilised interface to be formed (Johansson,
Bergenståhl & Lundgren, 1995).

Subsequent SR-XRD synchrotron (6.0) studies or more powerful analysis could

provide deeper insight to characterise a metastable phase / interstitial region. It
could also help to explain further details, behind the behaviour of Pickering MAG
(7.1.1) crystals (linked to increased chain length), becoming viscous and sticky at
their surfaces by adsorbing liquidus PGPR (Mullin, 1993). The structure of this
combined system in the presence of an aqueous phase is still not known (Dedinaite
& Campbell 2000). As a single system, the results suggested that a Moringa
oleifera based MAG, could perform a similar function.

7.1.3 Dendrite Behaviour

Through a multidisciplinary approach, dendrite crystal structures were observed

(2-D) microscopically (5.3; 5.5) in the bulk phase, leading to increased surface
area of the TAG crystal structure. This is possibly attributed to the effect of the
adsorbed emulsifier enhancing dendrite behaviour. If this situation occurs in the
presence of water and oil, this could also be another explanation for the
comparative thickening (textural resilience) observed in the W/O emulsions (5.4;
5.7, 5.11), where increased adhesion is probably caused by increased polarity
(Rousseau 2002). The additional sites of contact on the wetted TAG crystal due to
the presence of adsorbed emulsifier (forming surface active crystals) and or co-
emulsifier e.g. Moringa oleifera based MAG or PGPR combined with CRY110
(5.6), may also explain observed rheological and interfacial behaviour (4.0).

7.2 Key Findings:

Moringa oleifera based MAG compared to PGPR resulted in similar

interfacial tension values (4.0).

Strong interactions occur between a behenic rich (CRY110) MAG

combined with PGPR and results in direct influence of interfacial and
viscoelasticity (4.0; 5.6).

Separately, the physical effect of a Moringa oleifera based MAG to form

dendrite structures, is very similar to the effect of PGPR (5.3; 5.5). When
compared, the rheological behaviour observed under forced cooling
conditions in two different TAG solvents, showed that a Moringa oleifera
based MAG resulted in almost identical gelation patterns to PGPR, (5.6).

The influence of a behenic rich (CRY110) MAG combined with PGPR

resulted in the formation of dendrite structures. The same result occurred
with a behenic rich (CRY110) MAG combined with Moringa oleifera
based MAG (5.3; 5.5). Forced cooling showed PGPR enhanced the rate of
gelation when combined with a behenic rich (CRY110) MAG (5.6).

A Moringa oleifera based MAG can successfully stabilise low TAG (35%
- 41%) WO emulsions without PGPR (5.4; 5.7; 5.8; 5.11). Moreover, a
Moringa oleifera based MAG is distinctly more functional and contrasted
in performance to a behenic rich (CRY110) MAG used as a single
emulsifier (5.7; 5.8). Maintaining the whole fatty acid composition, close
to the original (Moringa oleifera) TAG profile is shown to be more
functional (5.10., 5.11; 5.12).

7.3 Novelty and Future Context

The literature (1.4; 1.6) shows health and sustainability have become important
reasons for finding alternative lipid materials for the function of structuring /
stabilising food products (Beaglehole et al., 2011; Bradley 2012; Carmichael 2011;
Gortmaker et al., 2011; Menaa et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2012; Wassell & Young
2007; Wassell et al., 2010a;). The reformulation of reduced fat systems is not
simple (Pothiraj et al., 2012; Wassell et al., 2010a; Windwood, 2011).

While low fat emulsion technology is not new, the use of one or several novel
applications of long-chain e.g. behenic (C22:0) based emulsifiers to low or
reduced TAG W/O emulsions was not found in the literature (1.4; 1.6). This novel
research aimed to observe rheological and interfacial crystallisation behaviour in
W/O emulsions and anhydrous bulk TAG (Wassell et al., 2010b; Young et al.,
2008; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0). It has discovered potential advantages for the inclusion of
certain concentrations of saturated long chain fatty acids for stabilising and
emulsifying low TAG (<41%), W/O emulsions and dispersions. A study of
Moringa oleifera as a new TAG material has resulted in the development of a
MAG, which is a novel approach to stabilising TAG based W/O emulsions or
dispersions (Wassell et al., 2012a; 2012b; 2012c; 2012d; 2012e).

In consideration of regulatory requirements (FAO/WHO 2011) of novel materials,

this research has also resulted in novel use of MAG compositions from traditional
sources, that may incidentally mimic a Moringa oleifera based MAG (Bech et al.,
2013). Significantly, with or without a co-emulsifier, these novel solutions provide
new possibilities and function with the option of avoiding the use of lipid materials
which are either palm TAG based and/ or hydrogenated (Wassell & Young 2007;
Wassell et al., 2010a).

From this multidisciplinary study, there are resulting inventions (Patents) that
contribute towards consumer requirements for foods that satisfy the current and
future demand for natural, sustainable sources of raw materials. These are briefly

WO2012168722: A novel, bi-functional, non-hydrogenated, monodiglyceride

(Moringa oleifera MAG).

WO2012168727: A bi-functional non-hydrogenated emulsifier to aid

crystallisation onset with or without a co-emulsifier.

WO2012168726: A bi-functional non-hydrogenated emulsifier replacement for

use in water-in-oil emulsions and described as low fat, so as to replace or reduce
the addition a co-emulsifier e.g. PGPR.

WO2012168723: A food or non-human feed dispersion stabilised with a novel,

bi-functional, non-hydrogenated, monodiglyceride

WO2012168724: A bi-functional non-hydrogenated emulsifier replacement for

use in high or reduced fat water-in-oil emulsions.

WO2013050944: A novel fatty acid composition comprising monodiglycerides

with minimum C22:0 content of 4.5wt%.

Practical application of these inventions may also potentially extend to areas such
as: pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and bio-fuel.

7.4 Recommended Research

7.4.1 Additional Measurements

Further research should include a series of rheological and interfacial analyses

(4.0), initially to measure MAG rich in C20:0 and C24:0. These should be tested
with the addition of a co-emulsifier e.g. PGPR, or Moringa oleifera based MAG
(or similar composition). Also to consider, is the synthesis of novel MAG from
natural non-hydrogenated TAG sources (1.6) such as milk TAG fractions,
combined with natural sources of saturated long chain fatty acids from e.g.
Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.), Sirisompong, Jirapakkul & Klinkesorn,

Despite MAG structures having radically different fatty acid configurations

(7.1.2), binary MAG mixtures are apparently still miscible (Ueno et al., 1994; Sato
1998). A rheological examination (4.0) of binary ratio’s of MAG, analysed using
software able to accommodate changing densities (refer to 4.3.3), may reveal
undiscovered transition temperatures (Ueno et al., 1994). Software development is
necessary for method. Such investigations will give more insight into the
interfacial behaviour of saturated longer chain fatty acids and their potential use as
surface interactive co-emulsifiers.

7.4.2 High Internal Aqueous Phase Emulsions

Low TAG (<41%) W/O emulsions contain a large dispersed aqueous phase, whose
composition cannot be overlooked (Keogh 2006; Rousseau et al., 2003), because
ionic strength may influence hydrophilic stabilisation (Larsson et al., 1969). This
aspect was not within the scope of this thesis. Scherze et al (2006), suggest
electrolytes may have a bearing on the rigidity of the interfacial film, because in
TAG (70%) based W/O emulsions they found PGPR in the presence of NaCl

seemed to stiffen the interface. Further research may demonstrate this is caused by
influence to the polar region of the PGPR molecule.

Research from studies within other disciplines may bring insight into high internal
phase emulsions (Peng et al., 2009) where the influence of the droplet curvature
must be considered (Shinohara et al., 2008). In turn dielectric behaviour may
possibly influence mobility of surface-active crystals to the interface stronger than
van der Waals forces where there is decreasing bulk TAG network, as in low
(<41%) TAG emulsions (Goubran & Garti 1988). These factors could also have
implications in more complex emulsions e.g. O/W/O or W/O/W.

Furthermore, and in the context of earlier discussion / conclusions (7.1; 7.1.1;

7.1.2), it must also be recognised that studies have shown the interfacial aqueous
region continues to be a rich area for research (Berkowitz & Vácha 2012; Qiao,
Sega & Holm, 2012).

7.4.3 Interactions at the Interfacial Region

Interactions have been observed by application of several MAG characterised (3.0;

4.0; 5.0) by their intrinsic fatty acid profiles (Wassell et al., 2010a). It would be
beneficial to understand the impact of hydrophobicity on the glycerol region (Chen
et al., 2009) of a MAG due to any modifications of its hydroxyl groups coupled
with longer chain length fatty acids (Valentin & Mouloungui 2013).

7.5 Concluding Remarks

A multidisciplinary approach, encompassing wide ranging methods of analysis and

novel solutions (2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0), has provided new information on
structuring in reduced TAG based systems and has specifically enhanced current
understanding of structuring in low TAG W/O emulsions.

With reference to Figures 6.1 and 6.5 (6.0), subsequent studies regarding emulsion
stabilisation should give attention to the interstitial region. Figure 7.1 shows some
important elements to consider at the W/O interface. In addition, there are
questions regarding the interrelationship of aspects such as super-cooling / shear,
time / adsorption development, crystal structure / morphology and aqueous phase
behaviour at the interfacial region, which are areas for further research.

Figure 7.1 A schematic diagram of important elements at the interfacial region


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APPENDIX A: UniCamp Brazil, Independant Data

APPENDIX B: Additional Pilot Studies

APPENDIX C: Rate of Crystallisation: Triplicate Determination of

Results from Appendix B

APPENDIX D: DSC: Cooling - Duplicate Determination of Results from

Appendix B

APPENDIX E: Pilot Scale UVP Apparatus

APPENDIX F: Moringa Oil (Moringa oleifera)

APPENDIX G: Lesquerella Oil (Lesquerella fendleri)

APPENDIX H: IRS Recalculation of Complex Interfacial Behaviour

Based on Absolute Constants

APPENDIX I: Example Data: Anton Paar RHEOPLUS software

APPENDIX J: Test Settings: Stable Micro Systems Texture Analyser

(TA-XT2i) Software (version 2.64)

UniCamp Brazil, Independant Data

Dr. Renato Grimald, Fats & Oils group, tested the crystallisation of palm oil
and palm kernel oil behaviour with additive. Independently, his team tested a
sample of DIMODAN MB-90 (CRY110) and found an increase in palm oil
crystallisation speed. Their study found it was possible to increase fat kinetics
in biscuit cream filling fats and firmness. From DSC evaluation of Dimodan
MB-90 (CRY110) using the following:

1. Palm Oil (PO); 2. Palm Oil + MB-90 (0.5% DIMODAN MB-90); 3.

Palm kernel Oil (PKO)

Figure A1.1
PO and PKO have different crystallisation behaviour, when decreasing
temperature from:

 50°C to 20°C at 2°C/min (PO)

 50°C to 0°C at 2°C/min (PKO)
The peak shows energy liberation. This situation was static (no shear) at 20°C
for crystallisation. PO without MB-90 showed peak with max intensity at 22°C
was still liquid at 20°C. PKO was very exothermic, seen by large peak
intensity. MB-90 promotes two effects: earlier crystallisation. Exothermic
effect decreased significantly (peak almost disappears). Conclusion: This
independent data from UNICAMP showed crystallisation was modified.

Additional Pilot Studies

Twelve different emulsifier combinations were tested and applied into

commercially available fat blends. As shown in pilot study 1.5, a behenic rich
MAG (DIMODAN MB-90) does seem to enhance the crystallisation onset
when applied in blends regarded as industrial “hard” fat blends. Softer fat
blends (retail types) might possibly benefit from alternative pro-crystallisation
additives based on TAG / MAG mixtures. The possibilities may be highly
dependent on the application. Therefore, a dilution / blend of DIMODAN
MB-90 and HLEAR might be used for retail (softer, more unsaturated)

Materials and Methods

In order to accommodate a range of fats with varying solid fat content (SFC),
the emulsifier blends were applied into three fat blends, otherwise known as
hard, medium and soft. The emulsifier blends shown in Table B1.1, were
designed to enable to compare performance of monoglyceride and triglyceride
with similar fatty acid profile, such as palm based products like: DIMODAN
HP (Monoglyceride) and GRINDSTED PS 101 (Triglyceride). All emulsifier
blends were applied at 1% dosage, and then rate of crystallisation and DSC
were determined.
Table B1.1 – Description of emulsifier blends composition

Emulsifier Ingredient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
DIMODAN MB-90 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 70 30 34 34
DIMODAN HP 50 30 70 33 33

HLEAR (low erucic) 50
PS105 ALT1 50
PS105 ALT2 50
HHEAR (high erucic) 50 33


a) GRINDSTED PS 101 – represent the same triglyceride as used in the

synthesis of DIMODAN HP (similar fatty acid profile).
b) HLEAR (low erucic) = fully hardened low erucic acid rapeseed oil =
GRINDSTED PS 104 – represent the same triglyceride as used in the
synthesis of DIMODAN HR.
c) HHEAR (high erucic) = fully hardened high erucic acid rapeseed oil.
GRINDSTED PS 209 contains 89 parts of it.
d) PS 105 ALT1 = 52% HHEAR (high erucic) + 48% HLEAR (low
e) PS 105 ALT2 = 52% HHEAR (high erucic) + 48% GRINDSTED
f) Based on product description DIMODAN MB-90 contains 80%
behenic acid as part total of its fatty acid composition.
g) Emulsifier blends were applied into fat at 1% dosage (100g samples
were prepared).
h) Fat blend and emulsifier were melted together at 90°C for 2 hours, in
order to guarantee homogeneous samples fast cooling was simulated
using ice bath and manual agitation.
Table B1.2 – Glyceride fatty acid composition

89% A
A B C D 11% m/90%
C or D
Item No. 126269 042301 035800 004556 European PS 105 126324 061191
Fatty acid HHEAR HLEAR HPAST HP PS 105 PS 209 PS 101
(52%A 48%B) (52%A 48%D)
C 12 - - 0,2 0,5 - 0,2 0,0
C 14 0,2 - 1,2 2,5 0,1 1,3 0,3
C 15 4,1 - 0,1 - 2,1 2,1 3,8
C 16 - 6,0 58,0 43,0 9,5 2,9 20,6 4,9
C 17 0,1 - 0,1 - 0,1 0,1 0,1
C 18 39,0 91,0 40,0 51,0 58,0 64,0 44,8 39,1
C 18-1 - - 0,3 0,3 - 0,1 0,0
C 20 8,9 2,0 0,7 1,5 5,6 5,3 8,2
C 22 46,0 0,6 - - 24,0 24,2 23,9 42,1
C 24 1,1 - - - 0,6 0,6 1,0
Sum 99,4 99,6 100,6 98,8 91,5 99,5 99,1 99,5

Fat blends:
A. Palm Oil
B. A Brazilian commercial low trans table margarine fat blend.
C. Puff pastry margarine fat blend, composed of:
 60% palm stearin
 25% palm oil
 15% rapeseed oil

Fat Blend A
50 (medium SFC)
SFC (%)

Fat Blend B (soft

20 Fat Blend C (hard
0 10 20 30 40
T (ºC)

Figure B1.1 – Fat blends solid fat content – SFC% (Bruker-pNMR)

Table B1.3 – Fatty acid composition of selected triglyceride blends

Fatty Acid Fat Blend A Fat Blend B Fat Blend C

C8:0 0.3 0.1
C10:0 0.3 0.1
C12:0 4 0.6
C14:0 1 1.5 1.2
C15:0 0.1 0.1
C16:0 43 12 46.3
C16:1 0.1 0.2
C17:0 0.3 0.1
C18:0 5 9.3 4.4
C18:1 40 23.2 35.2
C18:2 10 42.7 9
C18:3 5 1.6
C20:0 0.5 0.5 0.5
C20:1 0.3 0.4
C22:0 0.5 0.1
C22:1 - 0.2
Analytical methods

Table B1.4 DSC determination

Sample Rate of Crystallisation DSC

Fat Blend A (pure
and emulsifier Melt at 90°C
added) Measure SFC/min at 20°C
Fat Blend B (pure
and emulsifier Melting 90°C Heat 1 5°C/min
added) Measure SFC/min at 15°C Cool -10°C/min
Fat Blend C (pure Heat 2 5°C/min
and emulsifier Melting 90°C
added) Measure SFC/min at 20°C


a) Rate of crystallisation was run in triplicates. Rate of crystallisation by

triplicate determination and averages were plotted together to see
standard deviation – Figure B1.2 (example)
i. Weigh ….g of sample.
ii. Keep sample for 1h at 90°C.
iii. Cool down to 20°C (or 15°C) and start SFC
b) DSC was duplicated. Figure B1.3 duplicate determination of DSC
i. Heat the sample from 5°C to 80°C by heating rate of
ii. Cool down from 80°C to 5°C by cooling rate of -
iii. Heat the sample again from 5°C to 80°C by heating rate
of 5°C/min.
Fat Blend A, Emulsifier Blend 5



8 Determination1

4 Determination3

0 5 10 15
t (min)

Figure B1.2 Triplicate determination of rate of crystallisation, example

Figure B1.3 Duplicate determination of DSC, example


Results are shown using average values from Rate of Crystallisation triplicate
determinations (Appendix C).
MEDIUM Fat Blend A - (Palm Oil)

Figure B1.4 shows all variants tested in the medium (palm oil) fat blend. The

Pure Fat
16 MB-90

14 HP/MB-90

10 HLEAR/MB-90

8 PS105-1/MB-90

6 PS105-2/MB-90

2 70HP/30MB-90
0 HP/HR/MB-90
0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.4 Rate of crystallisation (at 20°C, 15min plotted), 1% emulsifier

blend dosage.
Comments are made:

a) Time 0 to 6 min - it is difficult to determine difference between

emulsifiers, but all have early onset rate of crystallisation on the
pure fat blend.
b) Comparing all applied monoglycerides, MB-90 presented best
performance followed by HR/MB-90.

12 Pure Fat
10 MB-90
SFC (%)

8 HP/MB-90
6 70MB-90/30HP

4 70HP/30MB-90

2 PS101/MB-90

-2 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.5 Rate of crystallisation (at 20°C, 15min plotted), 1% emulsifier

blend dosage.
c) Different combinations of HP and MB-90 showed less
performance when compared to pure MB-90 after ~ 6 mins.
d) Comparing monoglyceride (HP) versus triglyceride (PS101)
with similar fatty acid profile, triglyceride presented better
performance than monoglyceride in this specific application.
e) Monoglyceride (HR) performed better than triglyceride (HLEAR and
In general pure MB-90 performed best.

Pure Fat
SFC (%)

4 PS105-2/MB-90
-2 0 3 6 9 12 15

Time (min)

Figure B1.6 Rate of crystallisation (at 20°C, 15min plotted), 1% emulsifier

blend dosage.
Comments (after 6 min): Looking at all triglyceride blends, PS 101 and
HLEAR presented better performance than other combinations, but still poorer
than MB-90.

Pure Fat
SFC (%)

-2 0 3 6 9 12 15

Time (min)

Figure B1.7 Rate of crystallisation (at 20°C, 15min plotted), 1% emulsifier

blend dosage.
Comments (after 6 min): A three component blend of triglyceride (HHLEAR),
monoglycerides HP and MB-90 did not improve the performance comparing
with blends of two components (HP/MB-90 and HHEAR/MB-90).

Data is provided in Appendix D

Pure Fat
40 MB-90
35 HP/MB-90
30 HR/MB-90
T (ºC)

20 PS105-1/MB-90
15 PS105-2/MB-90
10 HHEAR/MB-90
Crystallisation onset Crystallisation onset
of initiation of main peak

Figure B1.8 DSC – Cooling curve data (cooling -10°C/min), 1% emulsifier



Crystallisation onset of initiation, correspond to the temperature where

crystallisation begins and is taken from the DCS cooling curve described as
“Right Limit”.

Crystallisation onset of main peak corresponds to the temperature where most

of the fat crystallisation takes place and is described in the DSC cooling curve
as “Onset”.
Crystallisation onset
of main peak

Crystallisation onset
of initiation

Figure B1.9 Example of DSC data

SOFT Fat Blend B (low trans Brazilian blend)
Rate of crystallisation (at 15°C, 15min plotted), 1% emulsifier blend dosage.

Pure Fat
10 HP/MB-90
SFC (%)

4 PS105-1/MB-90
0 70MB-90/30HP
0 3 6 9 12 15 70HP/30MB-90
Time (min)

Figure B1.10

Comments: In general, blends containing triglyceride based crystal promotors

presented much better performance than blends containing monoglycerides.
Both triglyceride and monoglycerides enhanced the rate of crystallisation when
compared to pure fat.

Pure Fat
5 HP/MB-90
SFC (%)


2 PS105-1/MB-90
0 70MB-90/30HP
0 1 2 3 70HP/30MB-90
Time (min)

Figure B1.11


8 Pure Fat
SFC (%)
4 HR/MB-90

2 HP/HR/MB-90

0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.12

Comments: From the beginning (first 3 mins), both blends with HP and HR
improved the onset temperature comparing with pure fat blend. But, after 6 min
MB-90 was more efficient.


Pure Fat
SFC (%)

6 HP/MB-90

4 70MB-90/30HP
2 PS101/MB-90
0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.13

Comments (after 6 min): PS 101 / MB-90 continued to show similar

performance to pure MB-90 from ~ 6 mins to ~ 10mins.


8 Pure Fat
SFC (%)


0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.14

Blends containing triglycerides (HLEAR and HHEAR) performance much
better than the blend HR/MB-90 (monoglycerides), the onset temperature was
clearly enhanced.


Pure Fat
8 MB-90
SFC (%)

4 PS105-1/MB-90

2 PS105-2/MB-90
0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.15
All blends containing triglycerides perform more or less the same and better
than MB-90. Except for PS101/MB-90 blend.


8 Pure Fat
SFC (%)



0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.16

Comments: In general best onset was obtained for HHEAR/MB-90 followed

by MB-90.

DSC – Cooling curve data (cooling -10°C/min), 1% emulsifier blend dosage.

Pure Fat
40 MB-90
35 HP/MB-90

30 HR/MB-90
T (ºC)

20 PS105-1/MB-90
15 PS105-2/MB-90

10 HHEAR/MB-90

5 70MB-90/30HP
Crystallisation onset Crystallisation onset
of initiation of main peak

Figure B1.17
HARD Fat Blend C (60% palm stearin / 25% palm oil / 15%
rapeseed oil)
Rate of crystallisation (at 20°C, 15min plotted), 1% emulsifier blend dosage.

Pure Fat
30 HR/MB-90
25 PS101/MB-90
SFC (%)

20 HLEAR/MB-90
15 PS105-1/MB-90
10 PS105-2/MB-90

-5 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.18

Comments: Pure MB-90 is the only emulsifier that clearly made positive
difference on the onset temperature. It means that only MB-90 improved the
rate of crystallisation in this fat blend.

Pure Fat
SFC (%)

0 1 2 70MB-90/30HP
Time (min)

Figure B1.19
Pure Fat
SFC (%)

10 HP/HR/MB-90
-5 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.20

30 Pure Fat
25 MB-90
SFC (%)

20 HP/MB-90
15 70MB-90/30HP

10 70HP/30MB-90
-5 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.21
30 Pure Fat
25 MB-90
SFC (%)

20 HR/MB-90

15 HLEAR/MB-90
0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.22

Pure Fat
SFC (%)

10 PS105-2/MB-90
-5 0 3 6 9 12 15

Time (min)

Figure B1.23
Pure Fat
SFC (%)

-5 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min)

Figure B1.24

Pure Fat
45 MB-90
40 HP/MB-90
35 HR/MB-90
30 PS101/MB-90
T (ºC)

25 HLEAR/MB-90

20 PS105-1/MB-90

15 PS105-2/MB-90
Crystallisation onset Crystallisation onset
of initiation of main peak

Figure B1.25 DSC – Cooling curve data (cooling -10°C/min), 1% emulsifier

blend dosage
RESULTS – (Additional test materials)
Determinations using a new monoglyceride sample, then applied into the same fat

Table B1.5 Description of the emulsifier blends composition

1a 2a 3a 4a

DIMODAN MB-90 50 30 100 (applied at 0.5% into fat)
TS-XYZ 100 50 70


a) TS-XYZ is a composition of DIMODAN® HB-90. It also contains a second

monoglyceride based on HLEAR (DIMODAN®HR), resulting in
approximately half of the C22 found in DIMODAN® MB-90)
b) Emulsifier blends from 1 to 3 were applied at 1% dosage into the three fat
blends described throughout previous examples within this study. Blend 4,
represents DIMODAN MB-90 at 0.5%.

MEDIUM Fat Blend A (Palm)

40 Pure Fat

35 MB-90

30 Pure Fat
T (ºC)

25 TS-945

20 TS-945/MB-90

15 70TS-945/30MB-90

Crystallisation onset Crystallisation onset
of initiation of main peak

Figure B1.26 DSC – Cooling curve data (cooling -10°C/min)

SOFT Fat Blend B (low trans)

40 Pure Fat
35 MB-90

30 Pure Fat
T (ºC)

25 TS-945

20 TS-945/MB-90

15 70TS-945/30MB-90

Crystallisation onset Crystallisation onset
of initiation of main peak

Figure B1.27 DSC – Cooling curve data (cooling -10°C/min)

HARD Fat Blend C

40 Pure Fat
35 MB-90
30 Pure Fat
T (ºC)

25 TS-945

20 TS-945/MB-90
Crystallisation onset Crystallisation onset
of initiation of main peak

Figure B1.28 DSC – Cooling curve data (cooling -10°C/min)


DIMODAN MB-90 (Now known as Grindsted Crystalliser 110), has a positive

effect on all fat blends studied in this work. For hard blend (fat blend C, puff
pastry), it is clear that only monoglyceride based on C22:0 promoted higher rate of
crystallisation and earlier onset than others within this study.

Generally it can be concluded from this study that the harder the fat blend, the
better the monoglyceride performance when compared to triglyceride. The
following is found:

Alternatives for Hard blends – (blend C)

• MB-90 offers excellent performance.

• TS-XYZ could be used either singular or combined with


• It is better to have C22 +C18 blended than only C22 in a

low dosage, and therefore it probably better to use at least
1% DIMODAN® MB or MB-90+HR than 0.5% MB-90

Alternatives for Soft blends – (blend B)

• In general, blends containing triglyceride based crystal
promoters presented much better performance than blends
containing monoglycerides. Anyway, both triglyceride and
monoglycerides enhanced the rate of crystallisation when
compared to pure fat. TS-XYZ could be used either singular
or combined with MB-90
• Blends containing triglycerides (HLEAR and HHEAR)
performed better than blends of HR/MB-90.
Alternatives for Medium blends – (blend A)
• It is hard to see difference between emulsifiers, but all of
them have provided improved rate of crystallisation on the
pure fat blend.MB-90 presented best performance followed
by HR/MB-90.Monoglyceride (HR) performed better than
triglyceride (HLEAR and HHEAR).
• In general pure MB-90 performed best.

Due to the difficulty of unlimited combinations of possible oil formulations, the

study is limited to several typical commercial fat blends, and has shown some
potential combinations of monoglyceride and triglyceride alternatives to
Dimodan® MB-90, which might have more commercial cost incentives.

Pure MB-90 increased the rate of crystallisation and the onset temperature. The
degree of saturation of the harder fat blend has an intrinsic influence; so that the
DIMODAN MB-90 performance compared better with other alternatives.

When a softer fat blend is used, more options (alternatives) can be found which
could change positively the fat crystallisation behaviour. An example, such as
50:50 combination of DIMODAN MB-90 + HLEAR (fully hardened low erucic
acid rapeseed oil) showed a good alternative in performance.


Supporting crystallisation and DSC data are provided in APPENDICES C & D


Rate of Crystallisation: Triplicate Determination of Results from

Appendix B

Fat blend A – Palm Oil

Pure Fat Blend A

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,002 0,022 0,322 0,115
1 -0,076 -0,175 0,036 -0,072
2 0,316 0,139 0,208 0,221
3 0,567 0,447 0,904 0,639
4 3,293 2,866 3,358 3,172
5 5,414 5,218 5,879 5,504
6 6,746 6,604 7,077 6,809
7 7,173 7,109 7,523 7,268
8 7,763 7,859 7,845 7,822
9 7,861 7,793 8,219 7,958
10 8,762 8,630 8,791 8,728
11 9,506 9,348 9,848 9,567
12 10,451 10,433 10,720 10,535
13 11,176 11,085 11,437 11,233
14 12,073 12,302 12,092 12,156
15 12,630 12,603 13,079 12,771
16 13,287 13,150 13,445 13,294
17 13,632 13,638 13,918 13,729
18 14,045 13,965 13,982 13,997
19 14,339 14,281 14,474 14,365
20 14,638 14,425 14,577 14,547
25 15,476 15,356 15,535 15,456

Emulsifier 1 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,215 0,034 0,103 0,117
1 0,133 0,266 0,334 0,244
2 1,518 1,838 1,707 1,688
3 4,170 4,510 4,760 4,480
4 5,874 6,039 6,090 6,001
5 6,593 6,730 6,694 6,672
6 7,514 7,466 7,290 7,423
7 8,084 7,992 8,153 8,076
8 9,328 8,861 8,777 8,989
9 11,089 10,364 10,116 10,523
10 12,558 12,070 11,882 12,170
11 12,917 12,772 12,533 12,741
12 13,362 13,284 13,199 13,282
13 13,893 13,841 13,701 13,812
14 14,122 13,838 13,952 13,971
15 13,957 14,371 14,157 14,162
20 14,944 14,910 14,679 14,844

Emulsifier 2 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,232 -0,070 0,184 0,115
1 0,132 -0,147 0,096 0,027
2 1,562 1,484 1,163 1,403
3 4,418 4,584 4,295 4,432
4 5,765 6,099 5,830 5,898
5 6,695 6,772 6,286 6,584
6 6,928 6,929 6,706 6,854
7 7,264 7,443 7,211 7,306
8 7,516 7,839 7,634 7,663
9 8,377 8,422 8,329 8,376
10 9,409 9,080 9,013 9,167
11 10,363 10,507 10,020 10,297
12 11,962 12,057 11,627 11,882
13 12,773 12,803 12,542 12,706
14 13,241 13,289 13,177 13,236
15 13,553 13,546 13,428 13,509
20 14,608 15,016 14,803 14,809

Emulsifier 3 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,313 0,212 0,215 0,247
1 0,132 0,424 0,205 0,254
2 1,542 2,145 1,595 1,761
3 4,298 5,022 4,594 4,638
4 5,916 5,747 5,640 5,768
5 6,781 6,650 6,501 6,644
6 7,017 6,787 6,907 6,904
7 6,982 7,623 7,367 7,324
8 7,747 8,151 8,160 8,019
9 9,875 10,153 10,138 10,055
10 11,313 11,612 11,308 11,411
11 12,358 12,491 12,552 12,467
12 12,937 13,324 13,052 13,104
13 13,148 13,432 13,610 13,397
14 13,644 14,078 13,929 13,884
15 13,881 14,071 14,305 14,086

Emulsifier 4 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,192 0,293 -0,320 0,055
1 0,017 0,110 -0,013 0,038
2 1,710 2,481 1,689 1,960
3 4,353 5,013 4,919 4,762
4 5,916 5,992 6,309 6,072
5 6,730 7,166 7,057 6,984
6 7,440 7,872 7,755 7,689
7 8,269 8,485 8,114 8,300
8 8,937 9,313 9,321 9,190
9 10,079 10,372 10,156 10,202
10 11,347 11,552 11,242 11,380
11 12,484 12,550 12,417 12,484
12 13,237 13,225 13,266 13,243
13 13,346 13,761 13,562 13,556
14 13,803 14,141 14,184 14,043
15 13,965 14,248 14,358 14,190

Emulsifier 5 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,039 0,041 0,297 0,126
1 -0,035 -0,291 0,001 -0,108
2 1,850 1,517 1,302 1,556
3 4,647 4,476 4,498 4,540
4 5,889 5,916 6,281 6,029
5 6,662 6,677 6,630 6,656
6 7,385 7,155 7,570 7,370
7 7,930 7,669 8,145 7,907
8 8,704 8,232 8,541 8,492
9 9,689 9,272 9,113 9,358
10 10,704 10,201 10,644 10,516
11 11,975 11,164 11,702 11,614
12 12,488 12,477 12,393 12,453
13 13,166 13,057 13,163 13,129
14 13,349 13,479 13,701 13,510
15 14,072 13,749 13,877 13,899
16 14,192 14,034 14,102 14,109

Emulsifier 6 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,148 0,128 0,108 0,128
1 -0,245 -0,123 -0,132 -0,167
2 1,123 1,057 1,018 1,066
3 4,103 4,122 4,246 4,157
4 5,691 5,825 5,890 5,802
5 6,502 6,671 6,467 6,547
6 6,931 6,847 7,096 6,958
7 7,619 7,541 7,361 7,451
8 8,001 7,882 8,065 7,983
9 8,761 8,636 8,878 8,758
10 9,933 9,413 9,581 9,642
11 11,008 11,235 11,178 11,140
12 11,950 12,233 11,984 12,056
13 12,788 12,465 12,880 12,711
14 13,018 13,201 13,116 13,112
15 13,340 13,569 13,332 13,414

Emulsifier 7 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,435 0,235 -0,181 0,163
1 0,267 0,062 0,096 0,142
2 1,156 1,300 1,009 1,155
3 4,557 4,426 4,299 4,427
4 5,979 5,537 5,218 5,578
5 6,485 6,573 6,424 6,494
6 7,131 7,210 6,971 7,104
7 7,652 7,509 7,553 7,531
8 8,123 8,097 8,197 8,139
9 8,814 8,858 9,096 8,923
10 9,820 9,567 9,946 9,778
11 10,918 11,094 11,334 11,115
12 12,001 12,049 11,924 11,991
13 12,720 12,737 12,540 12,666
14 13,265 13,363 13,399 13,342
15 13,413 13,440 13,745 13,533
Emulsifier 8 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,124 0,027 0,057 -0,013
1 -0,191 -0,271 0,141 -0,107
2 1,289 1,281 1,406 1,325
3 3,898 4,246 4,670 4,271
4 5,761 5,842 6,205 5,936
5 6,287 6,591 6,776 6,551
6 7,007 7,136 7,391 7,178
7 7,606 7,561 7,403 7,482
8 7,994 7,994 8,067 8,018
9 8,501 8,568 8,602 8,557
10 9,352 9,105 9,356 9,271
11 10,785 10,706 11,150 10,880
12 12,025 11,656 12,002 11,894
13 12,420 12,507 12,826 12,584
14 13,048 12,940 13,215 13,068
15 13,158 13,167 13,368 13,231

Emulsifier 9 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,056 0,106 0,096 0,049
1 0,18 0,371 0,351 0,301
2 2,030 1,892 1,705 1,876
3 4,635 4,379 4,476 4,497
4 5,965 6,218 5,626 5,936
5 6,724 6,836 6,708 6,756
6 6,950 7,085 7,224 7,086
7 7,284 7,581 7,634 7,608
8 8,158 8,272 8,209 8,213
9 8,737 8,795 8,718 8,750
10 9,849 9,979 9,684 9,837
11 11,409 11,296 11,399 11,368
12 12,364 12,444 12,628 12,479
13 12,992 13,301 12,767 13,020
14 13,552 13,452 13,446 13,483
15 13,714 13,969 13,973 13,885

Emulsifier 10 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,336 0,139 0,352 0,276
1 0,182 0,283 -0,112 0,118
2 1,813 0,871 1,326 1,337
3 4,556 3,984 3,912 4,151
4 6,014 5,768 6,032 5,938
5 6,851 6,577 6,747 6,725
6 6,842 6,924 7,023 6,930
7 7,210 7,358 7,441 7,400
8 7,560 7,763 7,789 7,704
9 8,448 8,208 8,159 8,272
10 8,974 8,498 8,758 8,743
11 10,349 9,753 9,891 9,998
12 11,794 11,524 11,442 11,587
13 12,626 12,492 12,706 12,608
14 13,299 13,166 13,313 13,259
15 13,747 13,614 13,636 13,666

Emulsifier 11 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,091 0,230 0,051 0,124
1 0,077 0,181 -0,075 0,061
2 1,408 1,266 1,091 1,255
3 4,549 4,187 4,429 4,388
4 5,992 6,018 5,930 5,980
5 6,652 6,705 6,672 6,676
6 6,990 7,129 6,971 7,030
7 7,095 7,389 7,227 7,308
8 8,060 7,938 8,015 8,004
9 8,647 8,352 8,458 8,486
10 9,820 9,181 9,473 9,491
11 11,659 10,700 10,772 11,044
12 12,623 12,256 12,057 12,312
13 13,351 12,994 13,125 13,157
14 13,624 13,432 13,654 13,570
15 14,203 13,848 13,865 13,972

Emulsifier 12 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,485 0,374 0,127 0,329
1 -0,318 -0,036 0,147 -0,069
2 0,420 0,377 0,772 0,523
3 3,407 4,082 4,089 3,859
4 5,125 5,656 5,898 5,560
5 6,032 6,618 6,728 6,459
6 6,224 6,894 6,973 6,697
7 6,591 7,291 7,232 7,262
8 6,615 7,458 7,627 7,233
9 7,361 7,769 8,072 7,734
10 7,435 8,294 8,299 8,009
11 7,984 8,578 8,538 8,367
12 8,986 10,070 9,673 9,576
13 10,508 11,381 11,197 11,029
14 11,492 12,152 12,365 12,003
15 12,091 12,801 12,885 12,592
16 12,474 13,463 13,134 13,024

Fat blend B – Table Margarine

Pure Fat Blend B

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,290 0,317 -0,162 0,148
1 -0,042 -0,054 0,179 0,028
2 1,407 0,693 0,681 0,927
3 3,775 3,672 3,623 3,690
4 4,415 4,347 4,435 4,399
5 4,281 4,250 4,457 4,329
6 4,691 4,613 4,646 4,650
7 4,881 4,682 4,763 4,775
8 4,622 4,551 4,694 4,622
9 4,698 4,288 4,740 4,575
10 5,036 5,198 5,079 5,104
11 5,575 5,478 5,192 5,415
12 5,949 6,137 5,990 6,025
13 6,704 6,620 6,442 6,589
14 7,122 7,310 7,196 7,209
15 7,303 7,697 7,443 7,481
16 8,082 7,995 7,818 7,965
17 8,268 8,258 8,414 8,313
18 8,483 8,390 8,432 8,435
19 8,646 8,557 8,627 8,610
20 8,817 8,701 8,677 8,732
Emulsifier 1 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,202 0,292 -0,066 0,143
1 1,038 0,678 0,613 0,776
2 2,375 2,266 1,843 2,161
3 3,671 3,716 3,656 3,681
4 4,144 4,596 4,498 4,413
5 4,776 4,917 4,740 4,811
6 6,057 5,986 5,826 5,956
7 7,021 7,056 7,359 7,145
8 8,080 8,221 8,043 8,115
9 8,628 8,785 8,542 8,652
10 9,108 9,223 9,010 9,114
11 9,286 9,416 9,192 9,298
12 9,615 9,677 9,552 9,615
13 9,674 9,857 9,635 9,722
14 9,839 9,789 9,931 9,853
15 9,730 10,019 9,980 9,910
20 10,086 10,042 9,898 10,009

Emulsifier 2 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,418 0,289 0,275 0,327
1 -0,150 0,585 0,358 0,264
2 2,089 2,762 2,720 2,524
3 3,472 4,253 4,196 3,974
4 3,756 4,614 4,400 4,257
5 4,058 4,507 4,767 4,444
6 4,172 5,069 4,841 4,694
7 4,302 4,927 4,986 4,738
8 4,342 5,433 5,110 4,962
9 4,927 5,374 5,166 5,156
10 5,280 6,178 6,097 5,852
11 5,955 7,138 7,124 6,739
12 7,014 7,829 7,663 7,502
13 7,697 8,401 8,495 8,198
14 8,100 8,841 8,963 8,635
15 8,606 9,374 9,052 9,011
16 8,646 8,538 9,376 8,853
17 9,197 9,727 9,638 9,521
Emulsifier 3 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,301 0,227 0,303 0,277
1 0,716 0,718 0,266 0,567
2 2,859 2,911 2,569 2,780
3 3,883 4,147 4,285 4,105
4 4,534 4,655 4,679 4,623
5 4,863 5,036 4,761 4,887
6 4,748 5,177 4,926 4,950
7 4,849 4,985 5,194 5,009
8 5,008 5,063 5,283 5,118
9 5,363 5,471 5,499 5,444
10 6,062 5,948 6,182 6,064
11 6,632 6,819 6,996 6,816
12 7,590 7,679 7,731 7,667
13 8,243 8,272 8,530 8,348
14 8,962 8,854 8,959 8,925
15 9,337 9,251 9,373 9,320
16 9,422 9,471 9,564 9,486

Emulsifier 4 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,097 0,218 0,083 0,068
1 -1,221 0,060 0,818 -0,114
2 0,890 2,767 4,202 2,620
3 3,285 4,388 3,837
4 3,633 5,122 5,203 4,653
5 4,489 5,823 5,991 5,434
6 6,030 6,964 6,886 6,627
7 6,244 7,850 8,007 7,367
8 7,413 8,365 8,563 8,114
9 7,861 8,939 8,840 8,547
10 8,139 9,070 9,247 8,819
11 8,154 9,370 9,440 8,988
12 8,712 9,529 9,459 9,233
13 8,644 9,592 9,762 9,333
14 8,703 9,905 9,783 9,464
15 8,634 9,784 9,709 9,376
Emulsifier 5 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,344 0,135 0,244 0,241
1 2,724 2,517 2,756 2,666
2 4,997 4,841 5,168 5,002
3 5,678 5,470 5,436 5,528
4 6,854 6,696 6,856 6,802
5 8,153 8,039 7,729 7,974
6 9,151 8,964 9,025 9,047
7 9,799 9,472 9,894 9,722
8 10,023 10,149 10,222 10,131
9 10,161 10,381 10,381 10,308
10 10,624 10,335 10,464 10,474
11 10,710 10,538 10,592 10,613
12 10,810 10,963 10,802 10,858
13 10,628 10,974 10,788 10,797
14 10,812 10,887 10,750 10,816
15 11,151 11,040 11,019 11,070

Emulsifier 6 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,025 -0,123 0,109 0,004
1 2,989 2,656 2,308 2,651
2 4,929 5,116 5,037 5,027
3 5,500 5,226 5,441 5,389
4 6,327 6,476 6,635 6,479
5 8,074 8,082 7,744 7,967
6 9,043 9,251 8,859 9,051
7 9,722 9,561 9,668 9,650
8 9,919 10,324 10,085 10,109
9 10,311 10,681 10,357 10,450
10 10,568 10,855 10,654 10,692
11 10,583 10,790 10,583 10,652
12 10,606 10,983 10,879 10,823
13 10,954 11,089 10,703 10,915
14 10,939 10,827 11,200 10,989
15 10,900 10,988 10,926 10,938

Emulsifier 7 (1%)
t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average
0 0,220 0,411 0,336 0,322
1 2,726 2,715 2,082 2,508
2 4,482 4,530 4,819 4,610
3 5,514 5,355 5,133 5,334
4 6,551 6,254 6,332 6,379
5 7,656 7,411 7,452 7,506
6 8,756 8,845 8,787 8,796
7 9,584 9,348 9,651 9,528
8 10,335 9,937 9,954 10,075
9 10,316 10,065 10,171 10,184
10 10,859 10,405 10,471 10,578
11 10,739 10,354 10,488 10,527
12 10,909 10,508 10,910 10,776
13 10,866 10,647 10,876 10,796
14 10,970 10,607 10,789 10,789
15 11,079 10,736 10,803 10,873

Emulsifier 8 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,176 -0,288 0,437 -0,009
1 2,872 1,957 1,755 2,195
2 5,104 4,548 4,714 4,789
3 5,394 5,339 5,154 5,296
4 5,975 6,088 5,916 5,993
5 7,422 7,262 7,242 7,309
6 8,775 8,688 8,144 8,536
7 9,429 9,292 9,410 9,377
8 10,252 9,702 9,839 9,931
9 10,391 10,121 10,199 10,237
10 10,590 10,304 10,314 10,403
11 10,725 10,672 10,560 10,652
12 10,962 10,386 10,330 10,559
13 11,149 10,944 10,850 10,981
14 11,039 10,943 10,835 10,939
15 11,241 10,891 10,911 11,014

Emulsifier 9 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,160 0,360 0,301 0,167
1 2,670 1,789 1,358 1,939
2 4,523 4,387 4,078 4,329
3 4,966 4,787 4,743 4,832
4 5,044 4,952 5,132 5,043
5 5,463 5,321 5,259 5,348
6 5,362 5,611 5,473 5,482
7 5,837 5,737 5,861 5,812
8 6,929 6,690 6,551 6,723
9 7,757 7,635 7,498 7,630
10 8,563 8,613 8,623 8,600
11 9,204 9,337 9,029 9,190
12 9,733 9,790 9,633 9,719
13 9,687 9,825 9,878 9,797
14 10,056 9,932 10,380 10,123
15 10,279 10,093 10,237 10,203
16 10,130 10,183 10,164 10,159

Emulsifier 10 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,597 -0,023 -0,119 0,152
1 1,659 1,105 0,463 1,076
2 4,193 4,103 3,803 4,033
3 4,971 4,971 5,133 5,025
4 5,223 5,288 5,395 5,302
5 5,356 5,276 5,042 5,225
6 5,145 5,402 5,549 5,365
7 5,422 5,562 5,557 5,514
8 5,446 5,534 5,408 5,463
9 5,667 5,508 5,359 5,511
10 5,943 5,934 5,815 5,897
11 6,547 6,086 5,882 6,172
12 7,021 6,731 6,698 6,817
13 7,786 7,350 6,977 7,371
14 8,015 7,763 7,731 7,836
15 9,002 8,572 8,279 8,618
16 9,026 9,091 8,674 8,930
17 9,606 9,352 9,054 9,337
18 9,758 9,704 9,470 9,644
19 9,884 9,883 9,507 9,758
20 9,889 10,143 9,819 9,950
25 10,574 10,661 10,446 10,560
Emulsifier 11 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,380 0,120 0,178 0,226
1 1,883 1,153 0,319 1,118
2 4,250 3,865 3,398 3,838
3 4,953 4,731 4,522 4,735
4 5,312 5,228 4,792 5,111
5 5,386 5,106 5,179 5,224
6 5,362 5,572 5,431 5,455
7 5,548 5,458 5,330 5,445
8 5,524 5,618 5,469 5,537
9 6,083 5,537 5,617 5,746
10 6,480 6,051 6,115 6,215
11 6,824 6,780 6,682 6,762
12 7,919 7,410 7,331 7,553
13 8,329 7,999 7,670 7,999
14 8,858 8,621 8,534 8,671
15 9,264 9,156 8,980 9,133
16 9,661 9,602 9,420 9,561
17 10,211 9,618 9,604 9,811
18 9,873 9,880 9,706 9,820
19 10,227 10,065 9,903 10,065
20 10,324 10,34 10,116 10,26

Emulsifier 12 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,191 0,225 0,180 0,199
1 1,043 0,141 -0,103 0,360
2 4,229 3,643 3,660 3,844
3 4,836 4,318 4,335 4,496
4 5,258 4,917 5,119 5,098
5 5,437 4,802 4,987 5,075
6 5,426 4,902 5,361 5,230
7 5,334 5,121 5,479 5,311
8 5,905 5,420 5,606 5,644
9 6,373 5,712 5,749 5,945
10 7,188 6,571 6,658 6,806
11 8,120 7,337 7,250 7,569
12 8,434 8,167 7,950 8,184
13 9,262 8,510 8,749 8,840
14 9,490 9,073 9,295 9,286
15 9,771 9,220 9,401 9,464
16 10,018 9,287 9,740 9,682
17 9,982 9,58 9,703 9,755

Fat blend C – Puff pastry margarine

Pure Fat Blend C

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,272 -0,080 -0,055 0,046
1 4,146 5,598 1,828 3,857
2 18,046 17,165 15,123 16,778
3 22,973 22,898 21,842 22,571
4 25,175 24,928 24,368 24,824
5 27,557 26,744 - 27,151
6 30,535 30,216 29,987 30,246
7 32,830 32,749 32,295 32,625
8 34,131 34,027 33,398 33,852
9 34,860 34,871 34,072 34,601
10 34,695 35,207 34,508 34,803
11 35,412 35,517 34,917 35,282
12 35,744 35,735 34,888 35,456
13 35,905 35,991 35,126 35,674
14 36,075 35,931 35,233 35,746
15 36,126 36,345 35,319 35,930

Emulsifier 1 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,212 0,436 -0,087 0,187
1 12,462 12,388 12,142 12,331
2 21,329 21,489 21,352 21,390
3 24,778 24,758 24,816 24,784
4 27,312 27,368 27,053 27,244
5 30,778 30,581 30,448 30,602
6 33,399 33,187 33,265 33,284
7 34,519 34,626 34,549 34,565
8 35,061 35,092 35,272 35,142
9 35,706 35,752 35,613 35,690
10 35,850 35,802 35,988 35,880
11 36,217 36,134 36,118 36,156
12 36,459 36,672 36,301 36,477
13 35,563 35,870 35,552 35,662
14 - - - -
15 - - - -

Emulsifier 2 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,122 0,001 -0,104 -0,075
1 4,549 4,369 4,031 4,316
2 16,825 17,245 17,371 17,147
3 21,673 21,779 22,235 21,896
4 23,676 23,858 24,132 23,889
5 25,649 26,065 26,061 25,925
6 27,800 28,078 28,114 27,997
7 30,277 30,752 30,938 30,656
8 32,539 32,754 32,991 32,761
9 33,815 34,067 34,240 34,041
10 34,627 34,953 34,949 34,843
11 35,162 35,140 35,475 35,259
12 35,290 35,562 35,763 35,538
13 35,708 35,658 36,085 35,817
14 35,826 35,908 36,263 35,999
15 35,756 36,156 36,167 36,026

Emulsifier 3 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,054 0,251 -0,140 0,019
1 4,151 5,331 7,900 5,794
2 16,872 17,546 18,922 17,780
3 21,964 22,598 23,426 22,663
4 24,158 24,704 25,164 24,675
5 26,149 26,449 27,193 26,597
6 28,810 28,871 29,595 29,092
7 31,555 31,539 32,518 31,871
8 33,331 33,725 34,204 33,753
9 34,294 34,800 35,328 34,807
10 34,907 35,467 35,851 35,408
11 35,157 35,937 36,056 35,717
12 35,542 36,262 36,272 36,025
13 35,645 36,320 36,673 36,213
14 35,765 36,594 36,855 36,405
15 35,951 36,751 37,187 36,630

Emulsifier 4 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,543 -0,222 -0,303 0,006
1 4,650 5,299 3,788 4,579
2 17,777 18,549 17,525 17,950
3 22,594 23,274 22,785 22,884
4 25,303 25,360 24,845 25,169
5 27,540 27,691 27,190 27,474
6 30,271 30,436 29,697 30,135
7 32,484 32,681 32,406 32,524
8 33,763 34,245 33,947 33,985
9 34,631 35,314 34,528 34,824
10 35,350 35,538 35,340 35,409
11 35,673 36,021 35,588 35,761
12 35,847 36,429 35,928 36,068
13 36,176 36,630 36,282 36,363
14 36,206 36,751 36,439 36,465
15 36,648 36,883 36,444 36,658

Emulsifier 5 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,124 0,311 -0,176 0,086
1 3,952 4,541 3,014 3,836
2 17,329 17,761 17,552 17,547
3 22,619 22,649 22,603 22,624
4 24,766 25,023 24,817 24,869
5 26,855 27,459 26,969 27,094
6 29,836 30,264 29,734 29,945
7 31,892 32,231 31,768 31,964
8 33,216 33,627 33,352 33,398
9 34,340 34,487 34,262 34,363
10 35,025 34,976 34,911 34,971
11 35,208 35,451 35,256 35,305
12 35,807 35,995 35,831 35,878
13 36,242 36,156 36,204 36,201
14 36,143 36,418 36,089 36,217
15 36,332 36,597 36,338 36,422

Emulsifier 6 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,224 -0,085 0,064 0,068
1 3,683 3,480 2,949 3,371
2 16,798 16,537 16,660 16,665
3 21,956 21,806 22,160 21,974
4 24,056 24,379 24,195 24,210
5 26,144 25,803 26,087 26,011
6 28,352 28,431 28,562 28,448
7 30,912 30,766 31,464 31,047
8 32,697 32,913 33,146 32,919
9 33,797 33,711 34,016 33,841
10 34,177 34,387 34,497 34,354
11 34,799 34,725 34,867 34,797
12 35,116 34,808 35,389 35,104
13 35,287 35,246 35,465 35,333
14 35,550 35,425 35,727 35,567
15 35,788 35,552 35,393 35,578

Emulsifier 7 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,071 0,024 -0,091 -0,046
1 1,802 4,174 2,669 2,882
2 15,387 17,165 15,620 16,057
3 21,274 22,398 21,820 21,831
4 23,761 24,451 24,245 24,152
5 25,706 26,261 26,074 26,014
6 27,921 29,265 29,046 28,744
7 30,309 31,058 30,796 30,721
8 32,230 32,911 32,605 32,582
9 33,489 33,729 33,694 33,637
10 33,852 34,503 34,410 34,255
11 34,434 34,596 34,777 34,602
12 34,825 34,885 35,125 34,945
13 34,973 35,063 35,408 35,148
14 35,130 35,321 35,666 35,372
15 35,275 35,386 35,712 35,458

Emulsifier 8 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,070 0,238 -0,008 0,053
1 2,498 2,716 2,654 2,623
2 15,717 16,701 16,114 16,177
3 21,539 22,011 21,970 21,840
4 23,741 24,389 24,139 24,090
5 25,565 25,710 25,685 25,653
6 27,328 27,892 27,750 27,657
7 29,881 30,330 30,207 30,139
8 31,579 32,506 32,244 32,110
9 33,432 33,705 33,720 33,619
10 33,771 34,356 34,575 34,234
11 34,304 34,808 34,763 34,625
12 34,687 35,029 35,105 34,940
13 35,060 35,364 35,406 35,277
14 35,178 35,604 35,695 35,492
15 35,271 35,652 35,915 35,613

Emulsifier 9 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,135 0,065 -0,311 -0,037
1 4,525 4,439 2,350 3,771
2 16,781 17,210 15,487 16,493
3 21,516 22,084 21,221 21,607
4 23,895 24,221 23,602 23,906
5 25,761 25,981 25,393 25,712
6 28,066 28,268 27,773 28,036
7 30,581 30,434 30,354 30,456
8 32,472 32,740 32,401 32,538
9 33,637 33,800 33,654 33,697
10 34,263 34,492 34,473 34,409
11 34,686 34,960 34,919 34,855
12 34,884 35,087 35,078 35,016
13 35,160 35,499 35,281 35,313
14 35,326 35,692 35,646 35,555
15 35,373 36,096 35,893 35,787
Emulsifier 10 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,139 -0,128 0,119 -0,049
1 2,439 1,698 2,348 2,162
2 16,024 15,736 15,952 15,904
3 21,911 22,212 22,199 22,107
4 24,392 24,332 24,255 24,326
5 25,709 25,833 25,883 25,808
6 27,509 27,615 27,766 27,630
7 30,238 30,301 30,221 30,253
8 32,791 32,662 32,582 32,678
9 33,954 33,963 33,894 33,937
10 34,612 34,467 34,709 34,596
11 34,971 34,990 34,998 34,986
12 35,309 35,271 35,278 35,286
13 35,607 35,462 35,626 35,565
14 35,729 35,706 35,596 35,677
15 35,763 35,901 35,928 35,864

Emulsifier 11 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 -0,094 -0,093 -0,371 -0,186
1 4,660 3,815 3,017 3,831
2 17,413 17,780 16,745 17,313
3 22,086 22,731 22,358 22,392
4 24,268 24,366 24,168 24,267
5 25,692 26,191 25,811 25,898
6 27,845 28,191 28,127 28,054
7 30,625 30,932 30,786 30,781
8 33,010 33,071 33,019 33,033
9 34,104 34,435 35,235 34,591
10 34,649 35,205 34,997 34,950
11 34,976 35,603 35,476 35,352
12 35,282 35,781 35,779 35,614
13 35,427 36,072 36,033 35,844
14 35,922 36,254 36,123 36,100
15 36,027 36,379 36,324 36,243
Emulsifier 12 (1%)

t (min) Determ.1 Determ.2 Determ.3 Average

0 0,301 0,351 0,468 0,373
1 2,127 2,407 3,470 2,668
2 16,177 16,039 16,560 16,259
3 22,339 21,818 22,660 22,272
4 24,375 24,204 24,716 24,432
5 25,702 25,602 26,101 25,802
6 27,421 27,334 27,802 27,519
7 29,905 30,130 30,264 30,100
8 32,349 32,447 32,771 32,522
9 33,841 33,571 33,876 33,763
10 34,188 34,379 34,631 34,399
11 34,816 34,597 35,073 34,829
12 35,035 34,919 35,178 35,044
13 35,223 35,083 35,531 35,279
14 35,726 35,389 35,655 35,590
15 35,652 35,447 35,952 35,684

DSC: Cooling - Duplicate Determination of Results from Appendix B

Fat blend A – Palm Oil (fat blend A = fat blend 1)

Fat blend B – Table margarine (fat blend B = fat blend 2)
Fat blend C – Puff pastry margarine (fat blend C = fat blend 3)

Pilot Scale UVP Apparatus

The details of the UVP-PD equipment are the same as before, and have been
adequately outlined previously (Wassell et al., 2010b = Paper 4; Young, Wassell,
Wiklund, & Stading, 2008 = Paper 3), with the exception of the transducer

The experimental Oils and Fats pilot plant flow loop at Danisco A/S consists of a
closed stainless steel piping circulation system with the possibility to switch
between different heat exchanger combinations etc. The sample fluids can be re-
circulated through the 12 mm piping from a stainless steel tank with an agitator
using a centrifugal pump. The project started with the adaptation of the UVP-PD
in-line measuring section to the Oils and Fats pilot plant at Danisco A/S, Braband,
Denmark. The measuring section, featuring a custom made flow adapter cell, was
fitted with a pair of ultrasound transducers and a pair of pressure sensors.

Figures E1-2 show photos of the experimental Oils and Fats pilot plant flow loop
at Danisco A/S together with the UVP-PD in-line measuring section.
Figure E1: Pilot plant at Danisco A/S installation of UVP-PD in-line measuring

The UVP-PD in-line measuring section was connected to the pilot plant piping
through an expansion and had an inner diameter of 22.5 mm. The measuring
section was attached to the exit of the pin roller and the pilot plant loop could
easily be modified to closely mimic real industrial conditions
Figure E2 shows close up of UVP-PD in-line measuring section and flow adapter
cell fitted with two ultrasound transducers

Images of previous test section are shown in Figure E3 (not previously shown)
from the schematic Figure 3.2 in 3.0. The current apparatus is shown in Figure E4
Figure E3 UVP section as described in Figure 3.2

Briefly, the UVP-PD test section was collaboratively developed by Danisco,

Denmark, SIK, Sweden, and AB WI-KA Mekaniska Verksted, Sweden. This
same test section contained housings also for a differential pressure sensor (ABB
265DS; STP80, ABB Automation Technology Products AB, Sollentuna, Sweden).

The current flow cell and pressure sensor apparatus shown in Figure E4, was used
to investigate DAG concentration in palm products (Wassell, Wiklund, Farmer,
Hogan Bonwick, Smith, Young, Dynamic In-Line and Static Off-Line Rheological
Profiling on Palm Oil and the Effect of Diglyceride Content on Structure
Formation (for publication)
Figure E4 Photographic image of current UVP-PD flow cell apparatus. The flow
cell is in the centre with two fixed delay line transducers in place. Far right and
left are the pressure sensors which in turn are connected to the pressure gauge (top

Moringa Oil (Moringa oleifera)

From seeds of Moringa tree, also known as Horseradish tree, drumstick
tree, Ben tree (Figure F1)
Unusually long shelf life (strong antioxidant, mild taste)
Seed contain 22-40% oil; used in cosmetics and as fuel; rich in Behenic
Acid (“Ben oil”)
Used already at 400 BC in ancient Greece, now mainly from
Philippines, India, Africa
Regarded as “World´s most useful tree” (almost all parts used for food)

Figure F1 Moringa Oil (Moringa oleifera), image courtesy of Danisco /

DuPont 2009

Available and traded in commercial scale, Moringa is cultivated in semi-arid,

tropical, and subtropical areas in Africa, Central and South America, Sri
Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is also native
to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. It grows to
about 10-12m in height, in cultivation it is cut back annually to ~1-2m.

The tree is considered one of the world’s most useful trees, as almost every
part of the Moringa tree can be used for food, or has some other beneficial
property. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds, and gum are also
used medicinally.

The Moringa seeds yield 38–40% edible oil, called ben oil from the high
concentration of behenic acid contained in the oil.

While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including
coastal areas. It is a fast-growing (3m in 10 months from seed) drought-
resistant tree.


Lalas, S. Tsaknis, J. (2002) Characterization of Moringa oleifera Seed Oil

Variety "Periyakulam 1" Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 15 (1),
Tsaknis, J. Lalas, S. Gergis, V. Dourtoglou, V. Spiliotis, V. (1999)
Characterization of Moringa oleifera variety Mbololo seed oil of Kenya.
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 47 (11) 4495-4499.
Tsaknis, J. Lalas, S. Gergis, V. Spiliotis, V. (1998) A total characterisation of
Moringa oleifera Malawi seed oil. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse. 5, (1)
21 – 27.
Somali, M.A. Bajneid, M.A. Al-Fhaimani, S.S. (1984) Chemical composition
and characteristics of Moringa peregrina seeds and seeds oil. Journal of the
American Oil Chemists' Society, 61 (1) 85-86.

Vernacular Names of Moringa oleifera

(Source: http://www.moringanews.org/biblio_en.html)

ENGLISH: Horseradish tree, Radish tree, Drumstick tree, Mother's Best
Friend, West Indian ben.
FRENCH: Bèn ailé, Benzolive, Ben oléifère, Arbre radis du cheval.
GERMAN: Behenbaum, Behenussbaum, Flügelsaniger bennussbaum,
ITALIAN: Sàndalo ceruleo
PORTUGUESE: Acácia branca, Marungo, Muringa, Moringuiero; Cedro
SPANISH: Árbol del ben, Ben, Morango, Moringa
(Adia): Kpashima
(Bariba): Yuru ara, Yorwata, Yoroguma
(Dendi): Windibundu
(Fon): Patima, Kpatima, Yovokpatin, Kpano, Yovotin
(Gun): Ékwè kpatin, Kpajima
(Mina): Yovo vigbe, Yovo kpati
(Natemba): Tekpinda
(Peul): Guildandeni, Latj iri, Legi-Lakili
(Saxwe): Kotba
(Waama): Yori kununfa
(Yoruba): Ewé ilé
(Yoruba-Nago): Ewé igablé, Ewé ilé, Ewé oyibo (White man’s tree), Agun,
Manyieninu, Ayere, Oyibo.

(Bwaba): La-Banyu.
(Dioula): Ardjeneyiri, Ardjian jirri.
(Gourmanche/Gourmantchema): Alj an-tiiga, Ki gambaga (region of Tapua),
Diegu kanlobuga (region of Gnagna) (meaning “one will never lack a child in
the courtyard”), Makkakomboanga.
(Fulfuldé): Aljannahi, Guilgandani, Gigandjah.
(Morée/Mossi): Argentiga, Arzan tiiga ("The tree of paradise").

(Daggai): Paizlava
(Foulfouldé): Guiligandja, Giligandjahi
(Hausa): Zogalagandi
(Mafa): Gagawandalahai
(Mandara): Djhiré
(Moundang): Naa-toukoré
(Podoko): Chabané
(Toupouri): Naa-nko

(Sara): Kag n’dongue
(Shuwa Arabic): Alim, Halim
Anambo, Mvungué.

(Ewe): Atiuwuse (the tree with tender/slim leaves), Babati, Babatsi, Kpotowuzie
(feeble tree; easily broken). Kpokpoti (the “illness tree”), Nukunaya (wonderful news),
Yevu-ti (white man’s tree), Yevutsi
(Dagari): Obnukuo, Ornyyukuo, Zangala.

(Swahili): Mlonge, Mronge, Mrongo, Mlongo, Mzunze, Mzungu., Mjungu
moto, Mboga chungu, Shingo.
(Sokoki - Indian spoken in Mombasa): Mborongi.

(Malagasy): Anamambo, Anamorongo, Feliimorongo, Felikambo,
Felikamoranga, Landihazo, Moringa, Moringy.

(Chichewa): Cham'mwanba, Kangaluni.
(Lomwe): Sangoa, Shangoa
(Senna): Nsangoa.
(Yao): Kalokola.
ALSO: Maula tengo, Mpundi, Muula, Mbula, Mpempu, Chakate, Mpenba

(Bambara): Gnougou Jirini, Kandjirini, Manjirini, Massa Jirini.
(Segou): Verdaye
(Creole): Drède mouroungue.
(Indian Creole): Mouroungue

(Hausa): Zôgala gandi.
(Shuwa Arabic): Alim, Halim.
(Zarma): Windi-bundu.

(Fulani): Gawara, Gaware, Konamarade, Rini maka, Habiwal hausa.
(Hausa): Bagaruwar maka, Bagaruwar masar, Barambo, Koraukin zaila, Rimin
nacara, Rimin turawa, Samarin danga, Shipka hali, Shuka halinka, Zogall,
(Ibo): Odudu oyibo,Okwe oyibo,Okwe olu,Uhe,Oku-ghara-ite, Okochi egbu
(“cannot be killed by the dry season”).
(Nupe): Chigban Wawa
(Yoruba): Adagba malero, Ewele, Ewé ilé, Ewe igbálé, Idagbo monoyé ("The
tree which grows crazily").

(Wolof): Neverday, Nébéday, Sap-Sap.
(Serer): Nébéday.

(Creole): Drède mouroungue.


(Indian): Mrongo

(Arabic): Ruwag, Alim, Halim, Shagara al ruwag.
(Dinka): Anid.
(Kordofan Arabic): Shagara zaki al moya.

(Swahili): Mlonge, Mronge, Mrongo, Mlongo, Mzunze, Mzungu., Mjungu
moto, Mboga chungu, Shingo.

(Dagomba): Baganlua, Bagaelean.
(Ewe): Kpotima, Kpoti, Yevu-ti, Yovoviti.
(Hausa): Mágurua maser.
(Mina): Yovoviti.
(Moba): Gambaduk.
(Mouroungue): Jevoti, Jovoviti.
ALSO: Amedoti, Ekpoti, Molo-Kpoti.

(Tonga): Zagalanda, Zakalanda

(Tonga): Mupulanga, Zakalanda.

(Burmese): Dandalun, Daintha, Dandalun-bin, Dandalonbin.

Ben ailé, Daem mrum.

(Bengalese): Munga ara, Sajna, Sojna, Sujana
(Gujarati): Midho-saragavo, Saragavo, Saragvo, Suragavo.
(Hindi): Munga ara, Shajmah, Shajna, Segra.
(Hindi/Orissa): Sanjna, Saijna, Shajna, Soandal
(Kanarese): Nugga egipa, Nugge, Noogay, Nuggi Mara.
(Kol): Mulgia, Munga ara, Mungna
(Kumao – Himalayan region): Sunara
(Konkani/Goa): Moosing, Mosing
(Malayalam): Sigru, Moringa, Muringa, Murinna, Morunna.
(Marathi): Sujna, Shevga, Shivga.
(Modesia/W. Bengal): Mangnai
(Monghye/Punjab): Sejana
(Oriya): Munigha, Sajina.
(Punjabese): Sanjina, Soanjana.
(Rajasthan): Lal Sahinjano
(Sanskrit): Danshamula, Shobhanjana, Sigru Shobhanjan, Sobhan jana.
(Sindhi): Swanjera
(Tamil): Morunga, Murungai, Murunkak-kai.
(Telegu): Sajana, Tella-Munaga.
(Teling): Morunga, Morungai
(Urdu): Sahajna
(Central provinces): Mulaka, Saihan
(Western region): Sundan
ALSO: Sweta Maricha

(Alor): Maroenga, Motong.
(Bali): Kelor, Tjelor.
(Flores): Moltong
(Java): Kelor
(Madura): Marongghi
(Moluccan islands): Oho Gaairi
(Roti): Kafok, Kai fok
(Sumatra): Kalor, Kerore
(Sumba): Kawona, Wona
(Ternate): Kelo, Oege Kelo
(Tidore): Kelo
(Timor): Baoe fo, Maroenga
ALSO: Remoenggai, Sajor Kelor

(Lao): B'Loum

Kachang Kelur, Lemunggai, Meringgai, Semunggai, Smunggai, Semunggai,

Saijan, Sohanjna

(Tagálog): Kalungai, Kamalungua, Malongai, Malungai, Mulanggay,
(Bikol): Kalungai
(Bisáya): Alúngai, Dool, Malungit.
(Kisaya): Kalungai
(Ibanág): Marongai, Marungai
(Ilóko): Marongai, Marungai, Komkompilan
(Pampángan): Dool, Kamalungua, Malúngit.
(Panay Bisáya): Kalamúngai, Kamalongan
(Pangasinán): Rúnggai
(Sambáli): Marongai, Marungai
(Simeulue): Aroenggai

(Thai): Kaanaeng-doeng, Phak eehuem, Phak eehum, Phak-nuea-kai, Se-cho-
(Central highlands): Ma rum
(North): Ma khonkom

Chum Ngay

(Arabic?): Saisam


(Spanish): Maranga calalu
(Spanish): Mawonga.

(Spanish): Aceite, Aceitoso, Angela, Colirio, Goma, Jeringa, Marango,
Maranjo, Marangon, Sen de la tierra.

(Spanish): Marango, Marangon.

(Spanish): Acacia, Ben, Calicita, Leno nefrítico, Palo blanco, Palo de jeringa,
Palo de Tambor, Paraíso francés.

(Spanish): Ben, La libertad, Libertad, Palo de abejas, Palo de aceiti.

(Dutch): Ben boom
(Spanish): Brenolli, Morenga, Orselli.

(Spanish): Ceiba, Marengua, Narango, Paraíso extranjero, Teberinto.

(Spanish): Maloko, Moloko, Ben-ailé.

(Spanish): Perla, Perlas, Paraíso blanco.


(French): Benzolive, Benzolivier, Ben oleifere, Bambou-bananier, Graines
benne, Olivier.
(English): Benzolive tree.

Maranga calalu.

(Spanish): Arbol de las perlas, Chinto borrgo, Flor de Jacinto, Jacinto, Paraíso
blanco, Paraíso de Espana, Perla, Perlas, Perla de la India, Perlas del oriente,
San Jacinto.

(Spanish): Marango, Maranjo, Marangon.

(Spanish): Jacinto.


(English): Horseradish tree.

(Spanish): Angela, Ben, Colirio, Jasmin francés, Resada, Sen de la tierra.

(Spanish): Marango, Marangon, Maranjo.

(Dutch): Peperwortel boom.
(Indonesian): Kelor.

(Hindi?): Saijan.

(Spanish): Aceite de Ben, Azucarillo, Ben, Sen.
ALSO: Arbol do los aspáragos, Bamboubamamoer, Cedro, Cenauro, Chinto borrego, Chuva
de prata, Desengaño, Gailito, Guaireña, Hoja de sen, Macasar, Marenque, Moongay,
Moriengo, Noz de bem, Orenga, Palo de geringa, Palo jeringa, Paraíso, Pois quinique, Quiabo
de tres quinas, Sainto John, Salaster, Salibau, Sen, Seringa.


(Tamil: Murungai (The same name is used for Moringa oleifera).

(Malagasy): Hazomalana, Maroserano, Moringy.

(Somali): Hane, Mane.

(Somali): Borrant, Haduma.
(Boran): Saffara.

(Majindi?): Fintir.
(Somali): Hawe, Mawe, Mawow, Wame, Wuame.

ANGOLA Hungua, Mungua.
(Afrikansk): Meelsakboom.
(Herero): Omutindi.

(Arabic): Bãn, El bãn, Vassar, Ithi, Yassar

Gazrokh, Gazroghan.

(Arabic): Shuh

(Somali): Dankap, Dongop, Dumok, Mereh, Moroh.

(Arabic): Shagara al rauwãq.
(Bisharin, Hadendowa): Mai
(Tigri): Khal erbal.
(Tigri): Khal erbal.

(Konso): Shifara, Shalchada.

(Turkana): Etebusoit.
(Njemps): Loresienjo.
(Samburu): Larsanjo, Lorsenjo, Lossantscho.
(Somali): Mau, Mawa.
(Boran): Saffara. (Konso): Shifara, Shalchada, Shalqueida.

Lesquerella Oil (Lesquerella fendleri) Potential for Commercialisation

Source from: (Dierig et al., 1993; Dierig and Thompson, 1993)

As stated:-

”Lesquerella produces a triglyceride oil that is two-thirds or more lesquerolic

acid, a hydroxy fatty acid (HFA). Hydroxy fatty acids are now used in nylon-
11 and nylon-6,10, lithium greases, coatings, sulfated and sulfonated oil,
sebacic acid, ethoxylated oil, food grade lubricants, polyurethanes, and
cosmetics. The current source of HFAs is ricinoleic acid from castor (Ricinus
communis L.), which was formerly cultivated in the United States.
Approximately 41,000 million tons are now imported, primarily from Brazil
and India, at a value exceeding $100 million per year. Lesquerella is native to
the United States. and could be established as a domestic HFA source and
reduce reliance on castor oil importation.

Lesquerella has several novel properties that set it apart from castor and other
oilseeds. One property, is its oil functionality, including difunctional hydroxy
moities (in contrast to other seed oils such as castor that are trifunctional).
Lesquerella has been reported to contain natural estolides (secondary esters
derived from the addition of a fatty acid moiety to the hydroxyl functionality of
the hydroxy triglyceride) that improve performance of the oil. Estolides have
been encountered in only a few other seed oils, and are not naturally found in
castor oil (although they can be synthetically fabricated). Estolides have been
shown to improve vegetable oil performance in motor oils by improving pour
points (temperature at which the oil no longer pours), and estolides have also
been used as viscosity modifiers in lubricating oils. The second of lesquerella's
novel properties is its antioxidants, converted from the seed meal fraction that
contain unique glucosinolates and have superior oxidative stability properties.
The seed meal also has a binder application, unique for seed meals. The third
novel property is the seed coat of lesquerella, which contains a unique gum that
has rheological properties equivalent to guar or xanthan that can be useful in
coatings and food thickeners” (Dierig et al., 1993; Dierig and Thompson,

*Lesquerella produces a triglyceride oil that is two-thirds or more lesquerolic

acid, a hydroxy fatty acid (HFA). This rich source of hydroxy moieties was
thought to be interesting for use in low fat w/o emulsions.

Lesquerella fendleri is a plant from the familiy of Brassicaceae (like

Richest source of “Bladderpod Oil”
24% oil content in the seeds (Rapeseed 40%, Sunflower 50%)
Oil: Reddish-brown colour
Seed coat: Natural Gum, maybe a food additive like Xantham
Native in South-West US, northern Mexico
Production not yet industrialized
Development in trials stadium
No progress in breeding so far
Information source: Maricopa Agricultural Center, University of Arizona;
Texas A&M University 2009

IRS Recalculation of Complex Interfacial Behaviour Based on Absolute


Example is shown here of recalculations based on more absolute constants.

Ideally, the calculation of complex interfacial viscosity eta-i, is done for each
of the 151 data points. However, the example here uses constants at 5°C
interval from 50°C to 5°C. As discussed in 4.2.3, calculations based on
absolute values, present problems in the regression analysis, where a small
negative G´ is introduced, causing "overcompensation".

Calculation of interfacial rheological values during a temperature sweep

Result Technical informations

Upper fluid (oil) Lower fluid (water)
Density Re(visc) Im(visc) Density Re(visc) Im(visc)
Temp G'i G''i eta2' eta2'' eat1' eta1''
°C Pam Pam g/ml Pas Pas g/ml Pas Pas
5 -0.713 0.290 0.9229 0.97800 0.90100 1.0000 0.00152 0.00000
10 -0.528 0.343 0.9195 0.69200 0.58700 0.9997 0.00131 0.00000
15 -0.171 0.446 0.9160 0.37000 0.17900 0.9992 0.00114 0.00000
20 0.135 0.268 0.9125 0.09180 0.01180 0.9983 0.00100 0.00000
25 0.047 0.113 0.9091 0.06220 0.00988 0.9971 0.00089 0.00000
30 0.047 -0.016 0.9056 0.05130 0.01140 0.9957 0.00080 0.00000
35 0.015 -0.003 0.9023 0.04630 0.01000 0.9941 0.00072 0.00000
40 0.002 0.000 0.8989 0.03280 0.00655 0.9923 0.00065 0.00000
45 0.000 -0.003 0.8954 0.03470 0.00960 0.9902 0.00060 0.00000
50 0.002 -0.002 0.8920 0.02750 0.00875 0.9880 0.00055 0.00000

Interfacial rheology of Danisco crystalliser 110



Interfacial moduli [Pam]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

G'i Paž

-0.400 G''i Paž



Temperature [°C]

Example Data: Anton Paar RHEOPLUS software

Complex viscosity is based on constants of upper fluid density (0.8912 g/cm3),

viscosity (0.0252 Pas) parameter for Sunflower oil at 50°C; lower fluid density
(0.98802 g/cm3), viscosity (0.000547 Pas) parameter for water at 50°C. These
constants were used as a function of all 151 data points.

Example data from RHEOPLUS/32 V3.21 shows upper fluid parameter: bulk
sunflower oil at 50°C and lower fluid parameter: water at 50°C

Test Settings: Stable Micro Systems Texture Analyser (TA-XT2i) Software

(version 2.64)

Example of Stable Micro Systems Texture Analyser software: Texture expert

version 2.64

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