Rolling On Ground
Rolling On Ground
Rolling On Ground
(4): Symmetry of PRPD If the void is located in the Hazlee. Illias, Teo. Soon.
middle of the material the Yuan, Ab. Halim. Abu.
pattern in void: electric field is symmetrical Bakkar, Hazlie. Mokhlis,
across the void therefore, George. Chen and Paul. L.
the PRPD pattern across Lewin, “Partial Discharge
the void is also Patterns in High Voltage
symmetrical. Insulation,” IEEE
International Conference
on Power and Energy, pp.
750-755, 2012.
(5): Size of cavities The cavities generated by L. Calcara, M. Pompili and
the initiating streamers F. Muzi, “Standard
resulting from have been determined to Evolution of Partial
streamer range in size from 2-10um, Discharge Detection in
initiation. Cavities are enclaves Dielectric Liquids,” IEEE
where the PD may take Trans. Dielectr. Electri.
place. PD first appearance Insul., Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 2-
produces expansion which 6, 2017.
will going to increase and
ultimately resulting in
Expected Result:
Vander wall forces exists between nanoparticles with in oil, these forces
are stronger when the distance between particles is small and results in agglomeration, as in case
of 0.1gm/liter concentration of nanoparticle, no. Of particles dispersed are less in number So, the
distance between particles is larger and Vander wall forces are not dominant So, there are less
chances of agglomeration and partial discharge inception voltage, partial discharge magnitude,
no. Of partial discharges for positive and negative half cycle of applied AC is less, less no of
electrons in void and large extinction voltage.