Affidavit of Accuracy of Contents of Submitted Registration Documents
Affidavit of Accuracy of Contents of Submitted Registration Documents
Affidavit of Accuracy of Contents of Submitted Registration Documents
CITY OF ___________________)
2. I uploaded or cause and/or directed the encoding/uploading submission of the digital copy of
the Articles of Incorporation (AOI) and By-Laws (BL) of the above corporation/partnership using
the Company Registration System (CRS) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC);
3. I confirm that the hard copies of the signed and notarized AOl and BL submitted to and filed
with SEC are true and accurate copies of the electronic copies encoded/uploaded in the CRS;
I confirm that all corrections made in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the said
corporation were made prior to notarization and were made with the full knowledge and consent of all
other incorporators;
I confirm further that I fully authorize the Security and Exchange Commission to incorporate all
minor corrections made in the hard copy of the said Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws into the
digital copy uploaded/submitted to the Company Registration System (CRS);
I assume full responsibility for the correction indicate in the said Articles of Incorporation and
By-Laws and hold all staff of SEC-CRMD free from criminal, civil and administration liabilities, relation
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby signed this affidavit this ______ day of ___________________,
2019 at ________________________________________, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day ___________________, 2019 affiant exhibited
to me his/her TIN/I.D. __________________________________________as competent evidence of
his/her Identity.