Steps Rationale: Providing Oral Care (For The Unconscious Client)
Steps Rationale: Providing Oral Care (For The Unconscious Client)
Steps Rationale: Providing Oral Care (For The Unconscious Client)
- To maintain the intactness and health of the lips, tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth
1. Assess
Inspect lips, gums, oral mucosa and This will help the nurse to know the right and proper
tongue for deviations from normal performance of giving oral care to the client
Identify presence of gum problems
such as tooth caries, halitosis, To avoid doing procedures that are contraindicated
gingivitis or loose or broken teeth for the client
Forgag reflex, if necessary
2. Assemble equipment:
Towel For the organization of performance as well as to
Curve Basin save time and effort.
Disposable clean gloves
Bite-block to hold the mouth open and
teeth apart
Cup of tepid water
Denture cleaner
Tissue or piece of gauze to remove
Denture container as needed
Rubber-tipped bulb syringe
Suction catheter with suction
apparatus, if aspirationis concern
Foam swabs and cleaning solution for
cleaning the mucous membrane
Water-soluble lip moisturiser
1. Introduce yourself and verify client’s identity. So the client will be comfortable or at ease while you
Explain what are you going to do, why is it are performing the procedure.
necessary and how the client can cooperate Promotes client cooperation
2. Perform hand hygiene To prevent the spread of microorganisms
3. Provide client privacy For the client’s comfort