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PIAIC AI Q1 Python Assignment 1

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Presidential Initiative for Artificial Intelligence and

Computing (PIAIC)
AI Program
Python Programming Assignment 1
Quarter I:
AI-101 Fundamentals of Programming using Python
First Quarter 2019 (12 Weeks)

1. Calculate Area of a Circle

Write a Python program which accepts the radius of a circle from the user and compute the area.

Program Console Sample Output 1:

Input Radius: 0.5
Area of Circle with radius 0.5 is 0.7853981634


2. Check Number either positive, negative or zero

Write a Python program to check if a number is positive, negative or zero

Program Console Sample Output 1:

Enter Number: -1
Negative Number Entered

Program Console Sample Output 2:

Integer: 3
Positive Number Entered

Program Console Sample Output 3:

Integer: 0
Zero Entered

3. Divisibility Check of two numbers

Write a Python program to check whether a number is completely divisible by another number. Accept two integer
values form the user

Program Console Sample Output 1:

Enter numerator: 4
Enter Denominator: 2
Number 4 is Completely divisible by 2
Program Console Sample Output 2:
Enter numerator: 7
Enter Denominator: 4
Number 7 is not Completely divisible by 4

4. Days Calculator
Write a Python program to calculate number of days between two dates

Program Console Output:

Enter a date in (dd/mm/yy) format: 12/12/2018
Enter a date in (dd/mm/yy) format: 16/12/2018
There are 4 days in between 12/12/2018 and 16/12/18

5. Calculate Volume of a sphere

Write a Python program to get the volume of a sphere, please take the radius as input from user

Program Console Output:

Enter Radius of Sphere: 1
Volume of the Sphere with Radius 1 is 4.18


6. Copy string n times

Write a Python program to get a string which is n (non-negative integer) copies of a given string.

Program Console Output:

Enter String: Hi
How many copies of String you need: 4
4 Copies of Hi are HiHiHiHi

7. Check if number is Even or Odd

Write a Python program to find whether a given number (accept from the user) is even or odd, print out an appropriate
message to the user

Program Console Output 1:

Enter Number: 4
4 is Even

Program Console Output 2:

Enter Number: 9
9 is Odd

8. Vowel Tester
Write a Python program to test whether a passed letter is a vowel or not

Program Console Output 1:

Enter a character: A
Letter A is Vowel

Program Console Output 2:

Enter a character: e
Letter e is Vowel
Program Console Output 2:
Enter a character: N
Letter N is not Vowel
9. Triangle area
Write a Python program that will accept the base and height of a triangle and compute the area

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter magnitude of Triangle base: 4
Enter Magnitude of Triangle Height: 4
Area of a Triangle with Height 4 and Base 4 is 8


10. Calculate Interest

Write a Python program to compute the future value of a specified principal amount, rate of interest, and a number
of years

Program Console Sample 1:

Please enter principal amount: 10000
Please Enter Rate of interest in %: 0.1
Enter number of years for investment: 5
After 5 years your principal amount 10000 over an interest rate of 0.1 % will be 16105.1

11. Euclidean distance

Write a Python program to compute the distance between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter Co-ordinate for x1: 2
Enter Co-ordinate for x2: 4
Enter Co-ordinate for y1: 4
Enter Co-ordinate for y2: 4
Distance between points (2, 4) and (4, 4) is 2


12. Feet to Centimeter Converter

Write a Python program to convert height in feet to centimetres.

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter Height in Feet: 5
There are 152.4 Cm in 5 ft


13. BMI Calculator

Write a Python program to calculate body mass index
Program Console Sample 1:
Enter Height in Cm: 180
Enter Weight in Kg: 75
Your BMI is 23.15


14. Sum of n Positive Integers

Write a python program to sum of the first n positive integers

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter value of n: 5
Sum of n Positive integers till 5 is 15

15. Digits Sum of a Number

Write a Python program to calculate the sum of the digits in an integer

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter a number: 15
Sum of 1 + 5 is 6

Program Console Sample 2:

Enter a number: 1234
Sum of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 is 10

16. Decimal to Binary Converter

Write a Python program to convert an decimal integer to binary

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter a decimal number: 5
Binary Representation of 5 is 101

Program Console Sample 2:

Enter a decimal number: 32
Binary Representation of 32 is 100000


17. Binary to Decimal Converter

Write a program to convert binary number to Decimal number

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter a Binary number: 1101
Decimal Representation of 1101 is 13

Program Console Sample 2:

Enter a Binary number: 1001
Decimal Representation of 1001 is 9

18. Vowel and Consonants Counter

Input a text and count the occurrences of vowels and consonant

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter text: QuickBrownFoxJumpsovertheDog
Vowels: 9
Consonants: 19

19. Palindrome tester

Write a program to check whether given input is palindrome or not

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter text: AHA
Text AHA is Palindrome

Program Console Sample 2:

Enter text: Hello
Text Hello is not a Palindrome

20. Count Alphabets, Numbers and Special Characters

Write a Python program that accepts a string and calculate the number of digits and letters

Program Console Sample 1:

Enter text: Python 3.2
Numbers = 2
Alphabets = 6
Special Characters = 1
Spaces = 1

21. Write a Python program to construct the following pattern


22. Write a Python program to construct the following pattern


23. Write a Python program to construct the following pattern


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