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Lab – Installing the CyberOps Workstation Virtual Machine

Part 1: Prepare a Personal Computer for Virtualization
Part 2: Import a Virtual Machine into VirtualBox Inventory
1. Background / Scenario
Computing power and resources have increased tremendously over the last 10
years. A benefit of having multicore processors and large amounts of RAM
is the ability to use virtualization. With virtualization, one or more virtual
computers operate inside one physical computer. Virtual computers that run
within physical computers are called virtual machines. Virtual machines are
often called guests, and physical computers are often called hosts. Anyone with
a modern computer and operating system can run virtual machines.
A virtual machine image file has been created for you to install on your computer.
In this lab, you will download and import this image file using a desktop
virtualization application, such as VirtualBox.
2. Required Resources
• Computer with a minimum of 2 GB of RAM and 8 GB of free disk space
• High speed Internet access to download Oracle VirtualBox and the virtual
machine image file
1. Prepare a Host Computer for Virtualization
In Part 1, you will download and install desktop virtualization software, and
also download an image file that can be used to complete labs throughout the
course. For this lab, the virtual machine is running Linux.
1. Download and install VirtualBox.
VMware Player and Oracle VirtualBox are two virtualization programs that you
can download and install to support the image file. In this lab, you will use
a. Navigate to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/virtualb
b. Choose and download the appropriate installation file for your operating
c. When you have downloaded the VirtualBox installation file, run the installer
and accept the default installation settings.
2. Download the Virtual Machine image file.
The image file was created in accordance with the Open Virtualization Format
(OVF). OVF is an open standard for packaging and distributing virtual appliances.
An OVF package has several files placed into one directory. This directory is

then distributed as an OVA package. This package contains all of the OVF files
necessary for the deployment of the virtual machine. The virtual machine used
in this lab was exported in accordance with the OVF standard.
Click here to download the virtual machine image file.
2. Import the Virtual Machine into the VirtualBox Inventory
In Part 2, you will import the virtual machine image into VirtualBox and start
the virtual machine.
3. Import the virtual machine file into VirtualBox.
d. Open VirtualBox. Click File > Import Appliance... to import
the virtual machine image.
e. A new window will appear. Specify the location of the .OVA file and
click Next.
f. A new window will appear presenting the settings suggested in the
OVA archive. Check the "Reinitialize the MAC address of all
network cards" box at bottom of the window. Leave all other
settings as default. Click Import.
g. When the import process is complete, you will see the new Virtual
Machine added to the VirtualBox inventory in the left panel. The
virtual machine is now ready to use.
4. Start the virtual machine and log in.
h. Select the CyberOps Workstation virtual machine.
i. Click the green arrow Start button at the top portion of the Virtu-
alBox application window. If you get the following dialog box, click
Change Network Settings and set your Bridged Adapter. Click
the dropdown list next the Name and choose your network adapter
(will vary for each computer).

Note: If your network is not configured with DHCP services, click Change
Network Settings and select NAT in the Attached to dropdown box. The
network settings can also be access via Settings in the Oracle VirtualBox Man-
ager or in the virtual machine menu, select Devices > Network > Network
Settings. You may need to disable and enable the network adaptor for the
change to take effect.
j. Click OK. A new window will appear, and the virtual machine boot process
will start.
k. When the boot process is complete, the virtual machine will ask for a
username and password. Use the following credentials to log into the
virtual machine:
Username: analyst
Password: cyberops
You will be presented with a desktop environment: there is a launcher bar

at the bottom, icons on the desktop, and an application menu at the top.
Note: The window running the virtual machine is a completely different com-
puter than your host. Functions, such as copy and paste, will not work between
the two without special software tools installed. Notice the keyboard and mouse
focus. When you click inside the virtual machine window, your mouse and
keyboard will operate the guest operating system. Your host operating system
will no longer detect keystrokes or mouse movements. Press the right CTRL
key to return keyboard and mouse focus to the host operating system.
5. Familiarize yourself with the Virtual Machine.
The virtual machine you just installed can be used to complete many of the labs
in this course. Familiarize yourself with the icons in the list below:
The launcher bar icons are (from left to right):
• Show the desktop
• Terminal application
• File manager application
• Web browser application (Firefox)
• File search tool
• Current user’s home directory
All course related applications are located under Applications Menu > Cy-
l. List the applications in the CyberOPs menu.
m. Open the Terminal Emulator application. Type ip address at the
prompt to determine the IP address of your virtual machine.
What are the IP addresses assigned to your virtual machine?
n. Locate and launch the web browser application. Can you navigate to your
favorite search engine?
6. Shut down the VMs.
When you are done with the VM, you can save the state of VM for future use or
shut down the VM.
Closing the VM using GUI:
From the Virtual Box File menu, choose Close...

Click the Save the machine state radio button and click OK. The next time
you start the virtual machine, you will be able to resume working in the operating
system in its current state.

The other two options are:

Send the shutdown signal: simulates pressing the power button on a physical
Power off the machine: simulates pulling the plug on a physical computer
Closing the VM using CLI:
To shut down the VM using the command line, you can use the menu options
inside the VM or enter sudo shutdown -h now command in a terminal window
and provide the password cyberops when prompted.
Rebooting the VM:
If you want to reboot the VM, you can use the menu options inside the VM or
enter sudo reboot command in a terminal and provide the password cyberops
when prompted.
Note: You can use the web browser in this virtual machine to research security
issues. By using the virtual machine, you may prevent malware from being
installed on your computer.
3. Reflection
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a virtual machine?

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