Operation Manual For Viking
Operation Manual For Viking
Operation Manual For Viking
Table of Contents
1.01 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.01 Safety .................................................................................................................................... 4
2. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 5
3. OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................... 8
5. MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................... 14
The Viking is a Dense Media Separator, used to separate metalliferous ores from waste. It
separates ores based on their density differential. The version of the Viking produced by Gekko
Systems os primarily used as a testing unit. The Viking separates between dis-similar SG material in
the same way as the Inline Pressure Jig (IPJ), therefore it is an ideal method for testing the
separation characteristic of an ore sample.
The Viking uses water mixed with Ferro Silicon, increasing the slurry density, creating a dense media.
The density of the water and Ferro Silicon mixture can be set by varying the percentage of Ferro
Silicon to water.
1.01 Safety
Any concerns relating to the safe operation of the Unit that cannot be resolved by
Site Personnel should be directed to Gekko Systems.
The standard configuration is 3 ph 415 volts and earth, however it is possible to supply in virtually any
configuration. This must be specified on order.
Water supply should be of good quality so that the Ferro Silicon is not contaminated with foreign
2.04 Hose Sizes and Expected Flows
The pump outlet is a 50NB pipe which has a 5mm linatex inner liner.
Pump outlet
The ideal flow rate, which the pump is to operate at, is in the range, 5 to 8m3/h. The pump flow rate
can be set and controlled with the flowmeter and pump VSD. (See section 2.05, ‘Monitoring and
control system’, for more details).
The Viking is supplied with a magnetic flow meter on the pump outlet.
• Magnetic flow meter on pump outlet.
Model DMS02
Design Temperature 25 oC
Pump inlet cone volume 25-30 Litres
Pump outlet cone volume 3-4 Litres
For a comfortable operating zone we have suggested some minimum clearances. There should be at
least 1m around the sides of the Viking, for access.
Impact on
Water Addition concentrate/density Sinks
(Litres) Up Lower Slurry mass/density Increased %Sinks
Down Higher Slurry mass/density Decreased %Sinks
Ferro Silicon Addition
(kg) Up Higher Slurry mass/density Increased %Sinks
Down Lower Slurry mass/density Decreased %Sinks
The viking is controlled by the operator by the simple stop/start pushbuttons on the cabinet door adjoining the
unit itself. When started, the pump recirculates solution through the cone where it spills into the launder and
returns to the pump hopper.
The flow of the solution is adjusted by varying the speed of the pump to achieve a constant flow. The setpoint
is entered through the Drive peripheral interface screen, mounted next to the Viking cone. There are two
methods for adjusting the flow setpoint, each described below.
Firstly, the setpoint parameter may be accessed through the parameter menu’s. The following steps demonstrate
• Enter desired setpoint using the numeric keypad, as percentage of full scale, and accept new parameter
by pressing ‘Enter’
• Press ‘Esc’ repeatedly until drive diagnostic menu appears, showing motor speed and load.
Alternatively, the flow setpoint can be adjusted by going straight to the parameter by entering the parameter
number. The following steps demonstrate this:
• ‘Alt’ key to access the alternate function, then the ‘Param #’ key. A new menu will appear, displaying
the first of the many drive parameters.
• Enter the number ‘127’ using the numeric keypad a confirm by pressing ‘Enter’
• Enter desired setpoint using the numeric keypad, as percentage of full scale, and accept new parameter
by pressing ‘Enter’
• Press ‘Esc’ repeatedly until drive diagnostic menu appears, showing motor speed and load.
1. Ensure all valves are closed and wire baskets are removed.
2. Set the flow rate on the VSD to your required setting. Parameter 83 on the
Alen Bradely VSD is a percentage (0-100%) of the maximum flow rate, 30m3/h
3. Fill the unit with water to approximately the top of the pump feed cone.
4. Press the Pump Start on the control cabinet.
5. Ensure that water begins to flow from the pump outlet, cone weir, back to the
pump inlet cone.
6. Add Ferro Silicon to the pump feed cone, until required slurry density is reached. Insert the
Marcy bucket under the pump outlet cone weir discharge, to measure the slurry density.
1. Insert the Floats wire basket, then the Sinks wire basket.
2. Adjust the flow rate to required setting.
3. Re-measure the slurry density. If to high or low make appropriate action.
4. Wash Sample and ensure that it has been screened to at least the smallest wire basket
5. Add sample to the pump outlet cone, at a steady rate. Ensure that not to much sample is
added, avoiding build in the wire baskets.
6. Once sample has been added, remove the sinks basket.
7. Before removal of the floats basket ensure that there is no floats court up in the weir.
Remove Floats basket.
8. Wash Ferro Silicon from the sample in the wire baskets. Ferro Silicon should be washed into
a container to prevent wastage and to reduce consumption of Ferro Silicon.
1. Ensure sump valve is closed. Open Pump Outlet Pipe Dump Valve.
2. Stop pump when fully drained.
The Allen Bradley VSD will fault if there is a blockage in the pumping system. If the VSD faults in this
manner, the fault is displayed on the VSD.
4.04 Blockages
Part Description
1.1 kW Motor
1E521A Isolator
Some part numbers will vary depending on voltage. ( refer spares list)
Part Description
Floats Cone
Pump hopper
Pump impeller
1M800A Bush with vanes
1M800 Shaft
Impeller shaft / vane assy.
Pump housing
Pump discharge pipe
1M750 Floats screen basket
1M750A Sinks screen Basket
1M799 Nylon bush
5.02 Maintenance Inspections and Frequencies
Order from: Gekko Systems Pty Ltd Ph: (61 3) 5339 5859
321 Learmonth Rd. Ballarat, Vic 3350 Fax: (61 3) 5339 5803
Email services@gekkos.com
NOTE: Postage and handling costs are additional, with all unit prices subject to
Prices are available on request
6. Abbreviations & Technical Diagrams
Gekko Systems Pty Ltd will provide full technical support and after sales service for every unit sold.
*NOTE: This document is a dynamic document and all input from operator experience would be
greatly appreciated.
6.03 Technical Diagrams
1. General Arrangement
2. Electrical shematic