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Tinea Corporis, Caused by Microsporum Canis - A Case Report From Kosovo

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Published online:04/10/2015 Published print:10/2015

CASE REPORT Tinea Corporis, Caused by

doi: 10.5455/medarh.2015.69.345-346
Med Arh. 2015 Oct; 69(5): 345-346
Received: September 05th 2015 | Accepted: October
Microsporum Canis - a Case
Report From Kosovo
05th 2015

© 2015 Fatime Kokollari, Aferdita Daka,

Ymrane Blyta, Fellanza Ismajli, Kujtesa
Haxhijaha-Lulaj Fatime Kokollari1,2, Aferdita Daka1,2, Ymrane Blyta1,2, Fellanza
Ismajli1, Kujtesa Haxhijaha-Lulaj1
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons 1
Department of Dermatovenerology, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Prishtina,
Attribution Non-Commercial License Kosovo
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ 2
Medical School, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo
by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted
Corresponding author: Fatime Kokollari, MD. Department of Dermatovenerology,
non-commercial use, distribution, and
University Clinical Centre of Kosovo. 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo. Phone: ++37744258304.
reproduction in any medium, provided
E-mail: fatime.kokollari@gmail.com
the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION: Tinea corporis (B35.6) caused by Microsporum canis which is fungal spe-
cies that causes numerous forms of disease. It is part of a group of fungi known as Derma-
tophytes. Though mostly well known for ringworm in pets, it is also known to infect humans.
This fact makes this pathogen both anthrophilic and zoophilic in nature. Microsporum
canis is a communicable pathogen. Case report: We will report about a case, 22-year-
old female, residing in a village, with typical changes of a mycotic infection caused by M.
Canis. Dermatological description can be summarized with polymorphic erythematous,
papulosquamous changes, erosions mainly on genital organ and spread to the thighs and
lower abdomen which are accompanied with itching and burning. Diagnosis B35.6 was
determined on the basis of clinical appearance complemented with anamnesis, micro-
scopic examination and culture. The patient was treated successfully with general and
local antimycotics and antibiotics.
Key words: tinea groin B35.6 caused by M. Canis.

1. INTRODUCTION the lesions can appear as overlap-

Dermatophytosis (tinea) infec- ping concentric circles (tinea imbri-
tions are fungal infections caused cate) (7).
by dermatophytes - a group of fungi Reactions to a dermatophyte in-
that invade and grow in dead keratin fection may range from mild to se-
(1). Infection is limited to the dead vere as a consequence of the host’s
layers of skin but encouraged by a reactions to the metabolic products
damp and warm local environment. of the fungus, the virulence of the
The infection can be transmitted infecting strain or species, the ana-
to humans by anthropophilic (be- tomic location of the infection, and
tween people), geophilic (from soil) local environmental factors (8).
and zoophilic (from animals) spread Fungal transmission occurs
(2). Infection is very common all through direct contact with in-
over the world. Tinea cruris is three fected persons, animals, soil or fo-
times more common in men than in mites. Zoophilic sources should be
women because of the scrotal anat- identified (if possible) and treated
omy (3, 4). Itching, rash and nail to prevent human reinfection (9).
discoloration are the most common The classic presentation of tinea
symptoms of tinea infection (2). Tin- infection, known as “ringworm,” is
ea cruris, commonly referred to as a lesion with central clearing sur-
“jock itch,” involves the medial as- rounded by an advancing, red, scaly,
pect of the upper thighs (groin) (5, elevated border. One or more lesions
6). Complications such as secondary may appear. Inflammation assists in
infection (cellulitis and impetigo) colonization and may result in ves-
can lead to symptoms (2). The skin icles on the border of the affected
lesions have annular scaly plaques area. Atopic persons and those in-
with raised edges. More unusually fected with zoophilic fungi tend to

CASE REPORT | Med Arh. 2015 Oct; 69(5): 345-346 345

Familial Pompe Disease

have more inflammation. The

presentations of tinea infections
range from mild scaling and er-
ythema to severe inflammation
with bacterial superinfection.
The differential diagnosis:
Multiform erythema, annular
granuloma, nummular derma-
titis, rosea pityriasis, versicolor
pityriasis, psoriasis, Secondary
syphilis, candidal intertrigo.
We report on a case diagnosed
not directly due to delay of vis-
iting a doctor by the patient be-
cause of stigma and prejudice
Figure 1. Patient’s status before starting tretment and after beginning of tretment
attributed to local environment,
lack of experience of the family
doctor and specialist regional dermatologist in right di- ment of the disease. The differential diagnosis was: Mul-
agnosis and treatment. The case is a 22-year-old female, tiform erythema, annular granuloma, nummular der-
with mycotic infection in the genital area (Figure 1). matitis, rosea pityriasis, versicolor pityriasis, psoriasis,
Secondary syphilis, candidal intertrigo but we were also
2. CASE REPORT based on clinical appearance, anamnesis complementing
Female, 22 years old, lives in the village, hospitalized it with microscopic examination and fungal culture.
due to skin changes in the genital pubic part, thighs and
lower abdomen, which are accompanied with extraordi- 4. CONCLUSION
nary itching and burning. We consider that the report on the mentioned case
The changes had started much time before but she will be beneficial to family doctors so they can comple-
delayed her visit to the doctor to the point when her ment their professional experience with more extensive
condition deteriorated with fever and temperature. She knowledge on clinical manifestation, diagnosis and dif-
was treated unsuccessfully for two months in a row and ferential diagnosis.
the disease advanced. The changes began with rash and
itching presented in genitalia and then changes spread to CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED
areas around. In anamnesis, the patient denies that other
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346 CASE REPORT | Med Arh. 2015 Oct; 69(5): 345-346

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