Article - Quantifying Impacts of Enhancing Photosynthesis On Crop Yield
Article - Quantifying Impacts of Enhancing Photosynthesis On Crop Yield
Article - Quantifying Impacts of Enhancing Photosynthesis On Crop Yield
Enhancing photosynthesis is widely accepted as critical to advancing crop yield. However, yield consequences of photosyn-
thetic manipulation are confounded by feedback effects arising from interactions with crop growth, development dynamics and
the prevailing environment. Here, we developed a cross-scale modelling capability that connects leaf photosynthesis to crop
yield in a manner that addresses the confounding factors. The model was validated using data on crop biomass and yield for
wheat and sorghum from diverse field experiments. Consequences for yield were simulated for major photosynthetic enhance-
ment targets related to leaf CO2 and light energy capture efficiencies, and for combinations of these targets. Predicted impacts
showed marked variation and were dependent on the photosynthetic enhancement, crop type and environment, especially the
degree of water limitation. The importance of interdependencies operating across scales of biological organization was high-
lighted, as was the need to increase understanding and modelling of the photosynthesis–stomatal conductance link to better
quantify impacts of enhancing photosynthesis.
nhancing photosynthesis is widely accepted as critical to and the link to stomatal conductance are critical considerations in
advancing crop yield1,2 to meet growing food demand globally3. cross-scale modelling connecting leaf photosynthesis and field crop
Potential manipulation targets have been proposed for both C3 performance. Crop water status can be quantified from the balance
and C4 crop species4,5. It is argued that enhanced leaf photosynthe- of potential canopy transpiration (demand) and the capacity to
sis would lead to improved canopy photosynthesis, crop biomass extract water from the soil (supply)12,13. Leaf-level conductance of
and yield. However, the connection between leaf photosynthesis CO2 and water from photosynthesis modelling can be integrated to
and crop yield is not necessarily straightforward, owing to feedback determine canopy transpiration demand. This is contrasted with the
effects arising from interactions with crop growth, development potential supply derived from crop growth and development mod-
dynamics and the prevailing environment. For example, effects els14 to indicate crop water status and when feedback is required to
of photosynthetic manipulation can be diminished when scaled limit canopy transpiration, and hence leaf photosynthesis, using the
to the canopy due to complexities associated with canopy light restriction on stomatal conductance required to meet the shortfall
interception6. Some modelling studies7 have suggested that a large in water demand. Use of such a ‘two-way’ modelling framework
enhancement of the primary CO2-fixing enzyme translates to little ensures crop water status effects are effectively integrated across
improvement in grain yield. The current inability to quantify these scales of biological organization.
cross-scale interactions hampers the ability to rigorously assess the In this study, a cross-scale model connecting leaf photosynthesis
potential impact of photosynthetic manipulation on crop yield. and field crop performance was developed to provide the capacity to
Modelling tools that connect prediction of leaf photosynthesis assess and guide photosynthetic manipulation efforts targeting crop
and field crop performance have the potential to assess and guide yield improvement. The model connects biochemical models of C3
photosynthetic manipulation efforts. Such cross-scale modelling and C4 photosynthesis15,16 with wheat and sorghum crop growth and
tools can be developed by connecting robust leaf-level photosyn- development models of the agricultural production system simula-
thesis to crop growth and development models via effective canopy- tor (APSIM v.7.8) software platform (,17,18.
modelling approaches8. The connections incorporate, for example, Introducing the biochemical photosynthesis models, which are not
the dynamics of canopy light interception as leaves appear, expand, part of the daily crop growth calculation in the standard version of
shade one another and senesce. Further, canopy leaf nitrogen status, APSIM, provided the capacity to increase the resolution of the two-
which can determine photosynthetic physiology at leaf level9, arises way modelling approach. This also incorporated effects of the three
as an emergent consequence of crop nitrogen uptake and allocation major environmental drivers—light, nitrogen and water—across the
to the competing demands of organs growing at different stages of scales of modelling. The model was tested qualitatively using simu-
the crop life cycle10–12. In turn, photosynthesis at leaf level can drive lated diurnal canopy responses and validated using seasonal data on
canopy biomass accumulation, which is then allocated to growing crop biomass and yield for wheat and sorghum from a diverse set of
organs within the plant in crop models. The ‘two-way’ nature of field experiments. Photosynthetic manipulation targets have been
such cross-scale modelling (Fig. 1) is necessary for advancing model proposed for enhancing C3 and C4 photosynthesis for crop yield
development in the integrated manner required for assessing likely improvement4,5,19. These included three major targets related to leaf
impacts of photosynthetic manipulation6. CO2 capture and light-energy efficiencies: maximum carboxylation
In addition to light and nitrogen, the importance of water in rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco),
dryland cropping systems cannot be overstated. Crop water status electron transport capacity and mesophyll conductance for CO2.
ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis, Centre for Crop Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 2ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis, Division of Plant Sciences,
Research School of Biology, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia. *e-mail:
Temperature Radiation
VPD Temperature
O2 Precipitation
CO2 Mes(C )
3 Leaf area
or BS(C4) Water ΔCH2O
limited N fertilization
Mes C4 Shaded fraction
60 Irrigation
10 0
12 0
14 0
C3 path 40 Transpiration Evaporation
ATP PEP demand
CO2 20
Intercellular Supply Transpiration
CO2 airspace 0
demand and
0 200 400 Actual actual
Ci (µbar) transpiration Drainage Leaching
Leaf epidermis Stomata Soil
10 0
12 0
14 0
Time of day
H2O CO2 Phenology
Photosynthetic biochemistry Canopy architecture and leaf optical Canopy development
properties (sunlit and shaded leaf area) N dynamics
Stomatal conductance
Canopy nitrogen distribution Root growth, water and N uptake
CO2 diffusion
Canopy photosynthesis and transpiration Crop management
Temperature response
Crop growth,
Leaf photosynthesis Canopy photosynthesis development and yield
Fig. 1 | Cross-scale modelling framework connecting the diurnal canopy photosynthesis–stomatal conductance module with crop growth and
development models. Processes that are modelled at each scale are driven by the environment and two-way interactions between the scales. The crop
models determine canopy LAI, SLN and potential transpiration supply for the day; the sun–shade leaves model partitions captured radiation and leaf
nitrogen to the two leaf fractions; and the leaf-level biochemical models of photosynthesis estimate potential CO2 assimilation rate of the two fractions
in response to captured radiation and leaf nitrogen. The resultant daily integral of potential canopy CO2 assimilation and canopy transpiration demand
generate the potential daily biomass increment and soil water usage through transpiration for the crop model. In the case when the transpiration supply
for the day is less than the transpiration demand, transpiration is reduced to the supply level, and canopy CO2 assimilation is recalculated based on the
reduced conductance. Once biomass increment is determined, using transpiration supply and demand, the crop models allocate it to growing organs
within the plant depending on the stage of crop development and environment-dependent allocation rules. The realized transpiration, together with
evaporation and drainage from soil, is deducted from soil water content. This establishes the state of the cross-scale system for the subsequent diurnal
calculation using the two-way modelling framework. A detailed schematic of the framework connecting leaf photosynthesis with the crop model is given in
Supplementary Fig. 1. BS, bundle sheath; Mes, mesophyll; PCR, photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle; PCO, photosynthetic carbon oxidation; VPD, vapour
pressure deficit.
While these targets are all feasible for improving photosynthetic at approximately 75 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 for the C3 wheat and, as
efficiency, achieving them involves a range of difficulties1. In this expected, at a higher level (around 90 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) for the C4
study, consequences on crop yield of enhancement of these three sorghum, on a ground area basis (Fig. 2a,c). These estimates were
targets and their combinations were simulated for C3 wheat and comparable to results measured in similarly sized maize canopies20.
C4 sorghum crops in a typical Australian production environment. In both C3 and C4 canopies, Acan consisted of contributions from
Implications of the modelling capability for crop improvement the sunlit (Asun) and shaded (Ash) leaf fractions, but the contribu-
through photosynthetic manipulation are discussed. tion from Asun dominated. In the example shown in Fig. 2, Asun and
Ash were mostly limited by the electron transport-limited rate (Aj)
Canopy photosynthesis–stomatal conductance model as opposed to the Rubisco activity-limited rate (Ac), which is the
The diurnal canopy photosynthesis–stomatal conductance model other major limitation of photosynthesis16. Even though the shaded
(DCaPST) developed here (see Methods and Fig. 1) was analysed leaf fraction had much higher Ac because of the larger number of
for its response to levels of water availability for C3 wheat and C4 sor- shaded leaves in the canopy, it was not realized due to the much
ghum grown in a typical Australian cropping region during a day in lower Aj. The simulated canopy photosynthesis, with the prescribed
the spring and summer, respectively. CO2 assimilation rate (A), tran- daily environment and canopy photosynthesis parameterization
spiration rate (T) and stomatal conductance to water vapour (gsH2O) (Supplementary Tables 5 and 6) indicated that Aj was limiting in
per unit of ground area were simulated for the sunlit and shaded leaf both the sunlit and shaded leaf fractions (Fig. 2a,c). As expected, the
fractions of the canopy having a canopy leaf area index (LAI) of 6 m2 sunlit leaf fraction, with higher A, required higher gsH2O to supply
leaf per m2 ground area (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 5). Model sufficient CO2 for photosynthesis; however, this was lower for the
parameterization was based on generic values reported for C3 wheat C4 canopy (Fig. 2i,k), reflecting its enhanced efficiency. The diurnal
and C4 sorghum (Supplementary Table 6). pattern for Tcan resembled that of Acan, but was skewed towards the
Simulated diurnal patterns of A, Thr and gsH2O were consistent afternoon due to a higher air vapour-pressure deficit (Fig. 2e,g). The
with expectations and known effects. Under non-limiting water higher Acan for the C4 canopy was also associated with a reduced Tcan,
conditions, simulated C3 wheat and C4 sorghum canopy photosyn- indicating that the model generated the known higher radiation-
thesis (Acan) with a LAI of 6 m2 leaf per m2 ground area (the mature use efficiency and higher transpiration efficiency of the C4 sorghum
canopy size under good growth conditions) peaked around midday compared with the C3 wheat21 as an emergent property.
C3 wheat C4 sorghum
1.5 e f g h
Thr (mm h–1)
1.2 i j k l
gsH2O (mol m–2 s–1)
Time of day
Fig. 2 | Simulated diurnal responses of C3 and C4 CO2 assimilation (A), hourly transpiration (Thr) rates and stomatal conductance for water vapour
(gsH2O) for non-limiting and limiting water situations. a–l, Diurnal responses of C3 wheat (a, b, e, f, i and j) and C4 sorghum (c, d, g, h, k and l). a–d, Canopy
photosynthesis (solid curves) is the sum of the contributions from the sunlit (grey area) and shaded (patterned area) leaf fractions from 6:00 to 18:00.
Sunlit leaf A is shown as dashed lines; the shaded leaf fraction is shown as dotted lines. A for an individual leaf fraction is given by the minimum of the
Rubisco-activity-limited rate (Ac) (grey) and the electron transport-limited rate (Aj) (black). The limiting factor is highlighted by grey or patterned shading.
e–h, Thr of the sunlit (dashed line) and shaded (dotted line) leaf fractions, and the sum for the canopy (solid line). i–l, gsH2O of the sunlit (dashed) and
shaded (dotted) leaf fractions. In water-limited simulations (b, f, j, d, h and l) total diurnal canopy transpiration is limited to half of that used in the water
non-limiting case (a, e, i, c, g and k); that is, area under the solid curve in f and h is half of that in e and g. Parameter values for the simulation are given in
Supplementary Fig. 3 and Supplementary Tables 5 and 6.
Under water-limited conditions, daily Tcan demand may not be the DCaPST module was used in the APSIM framework. For C4
met. When this occurs, the model reduces Tcan to a level commen- sorghum, use of the DCaPST module improved the biomass predic-
surate with soil water uptake. This was modelled with the expected tion, with less overestimation at low biomass levels (Fig. 3e,f), but
midday ‘transpiration plateau’22 (Fig. 2f,h), which resulted in asso- had little consequence for grain yield (Fig. 3g,h).
ciated stomatal closure (Fig. 2j,l and Methods). With only half of The general adequacy of relationships between predicted and
daily Tcan allowed in the water-limited simulation, this limited CO2 observed values of biomass at maturity and grain yield across a wide
availability inside leaves and reduced A (Fig. 2b,d). In this situation, range of conditions for both the C3 and C4 crop species indicated
the reduction in Ac was significant and became the limiting factor a robust predictive capability for the cross-scale model. The range
in both C3 wheat and C4 sorghum, as opposed to Aj as the limiting in observed biomass and yield was mostly ascribed to variation in
factor in the non-limiting-water conditions (Fig. 2a–d). The model water limitation and nitrogen treatments12,18 and was reproduced
also generated a higher photosynthesis:transpiration ratio over the well by the effects of water limitation and nitrogen treatments on
simulated diurnal cycle, which is consistent with known effects23,24. the modelled leaf- and canopy-level A, gsH2O and T. The assumptions
Hence, the testing of the model at diurnal level indicates that the in the model of canopy–atmosphere coupling did not introduce any
DCaPST modelling framework is capable of faithfully capturing bias in model validation across the diverse environments employed.
the expected interplay between canopy A, gsH2O and Thr for both Given the choice of robust biochemical models of photosynthesis
C3 and C4 systems. and effective connection with crop growth, development and envi-
ronmental factors6, the cross-scale model is appropriate for testing
Cross-scale model validation the consequences of photosynthetic manipulation on yield at crop
The integrated cross-scale model (see Methods and Fig. 1) gener- scale in field production.
ated predictions of total biomass and grain yield for the diverse vali-
dation set of detailed field experiments for wheat and sorghum that Yield consequences of photosynthetic manipulation
showed little difference from the standard APSIM crop model vali- Multi-year crop-simulation studies were conducted for C3 wheat
dations (Fig. 3). For C3 wheat, there was little to no loss in precision and C4 sorghum crops to assess the likely yield impact of three
and predictive capability for total biomass (Fig. 3a,b) and a slight major photosynthetic manipulation targets: Rubisco carboxylation
reduction in the bias of predictions of grain yield (Fig. 3c,d) when rate, electron transport rate and mesophyll conductance for CO2,
Biomass Biomass gets ranged markedly from −1.9 to +12.1%, depending on the
C3 DCaPST C4 DCaPST photosynthetic enhancement, crop type and environment (Table 1).
0 The current simulation assumed that photosynthetic enhance-
30 b f ments were feasible without changes to plant nitrogen dynamics
y = 1.04x + 0.66 y = 0.84x + 2.25 and leaf nitrogen allocation to the photosynthetic apparatus. The
R = 0.91 R 2 = 0.89 positive responses occurred mostly when water was non-limiting.
n = 107 n = 38
The magnitude of responses declined progressively as water became
more limiting. Negative values were predicted for sorghum in rain-
fed low-yielding seasons, but were not seen for wheat. When water
was non-limiting, enhanced photosynthesis resulted in higher Acan,
T and gsH2O; this was ascribed to the coupling of A and gs (ref. 25),
Biomass Biomass leading to improved daily crop biomass increment (Supplementary
APSIM 7.8 wheat APSIM 7.8 sorghum Fig. 5a), biomass (Supplementary Table 8) and yield (Table 1). This
0 higher biomass trend in non-limiting water situations was consistent
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
with previous findings26 in which increased biomass was associated
Oberved biomass (t ha–1)
with photosynthetic enhancement in rice using the GECROS crop
15 c g modelling platform. However, in water-limited situations, enhanced
y = 1.00x + 0.06 y = 0.96x + 0.74
photosynthesis and coupled A–gs caused more rapid depletion of
R 2 = 0.91 R 2 = 0.88
n = 146 n = 38 soil water, restricting daily crop biomass increment, especially late in
10 the growing season during grain filling (Supplementary Fig. 5b,d).
The consequences of these critical dynamics captured in this model
generated the negative yield changes in these situations (Table 1).
Such effects of the pattern of water use on growth and yield across
the crop life cycle in water-limited environments are well known12,27.
Predicted yeild (t ha–1)
C3 wheat C4 sorghum maintain Ci/Ca at the same level (that is, in the case of gm25 enhance-
ment in C3 wheat). The simulated stomatal effects on photosynthetic
a b
n = 116 manipulation and yield indicate clearly that increased understand-
10 ing of the nature of the A–gs link is required.
n = 54
The cross-scale model reproduces field observations
8 n = 116
The two-way modelling approach developed for the cross-scale
Yield (t ha–1)
scenario may apply to changes in Rubisco content. However, it is such as the importance of the A–gs link, which require increased
not clear whether this can be generalized for any manipulation of understanding to support effective modelling. When combined
Rubisco content. Although this would not affect interpretation of with reliable climate predictions, the modelling framework also
the current simulation of enhanced Vcmax (Table 1), it will need to provides the scope to evaluate photosynthetic manipulations in
be clarified for crop species or situations that are more limited by future climate conditions.
Rubisco activity. For mesophyll conductance (gm), current evidence
obtained by manipulation of aquaporins suggests that A–gs cou- Methods
pling33 may not be an issue in water-limiting growing conditions, Overview of the cross-scale model connecting leaf photosynthesis, stomatal
as gm25 enhancement did not alter A sufficiently to change gsH2O conductance and crop growth and development. DCaPST modules were
developed and connected with the wheat and sorghum crop models of APSIM
(Table 1); however, if an enhanced A response is achieved by increas- v.7.8 on the basis of a cross-scale modelling framework that facilitates two-
ing gm, the nature of the A–gs link may become important. Other way connection between the levels of modelling8 (Fig. 1). DCaPST builds
approaches, such as leaf morphological manipulation, could pro- substantially on a previous canopy-photosynthesis model6 by incorporating
vide the possibility of achieving a decoupled A–gs link33. The results stomatal conductance, thus enabling prediction of canopy-level transpiration.
This connection was facilitated by the partitioning of the crop canopy into sunlit
reported here indicate the importance of including enhancement
and shade leaf fractions. The cross-scale model involved (1) the crop model
of the electron transport chain in both C3 wheat and C4 sorghum determining relevant crop attributes such as LAI, SLN (in g N per m2 leaf) and
(Table 1). However, it is currently not clear whether the associated extent of soil water uptake for transpiration supply, and (2) leaf and canopy
decoupled A–gs scenario is possible. Given this uncertainty, there photosynthesis models determining potential daily canopy biomass increment and
is a possibility of negative yield change in low-yielding conditions transpiration demand. The dynamic interplay (Fig. 1) of these components with the
prevailing environment enabled the simulation of crop growth and development
(that is, dry seasons). Understanding the mechanistic basis of this through the crop life cycle.
link is indicated as a critical area of research need. The value of In summary, the procedures involved converting daily environmental variables
manipulating photosynthesis is as dependent on effects on the A–gs to hourly values over the diurnal period (from sunrise to sunset) and partitioning
link as it is on direct effects on A in most field production environ- canopy leaf area, simulated using the crop models, into sunlit and shaded leaf
ments. Our findings highlight the need to appropriately model the fractions on the basis of solar geometry and canopy architecture using a sun-
and-shade leaves approach34–36. The light absorption of the two leaf fractions
nature of the A–gs link. was calculated on the basis of incident direct and diffuse radiation and optical
The cross-scale modelling framework developed here bridges properties of the leaves. Daily canopy-leaf nitrogen status was predicted with the
the prediction gap between C3 and C4 leaf photosynthesis and crop crop model12 and used to determine photosynthetic physiology of the leaf fractions.
yield by addressing connections with crop growth and development To account for the effects of crop water status on A and T, the concept of water
dynamics, and their interactions with the prevailing environment supply and demand interplay used in the crop models12,37 was adopted. Crop
demand for water was established via the leaf stomatal conductance required for
throughout the crop life cycle. This modelling framework provides the potential level of photosynthesis possible in the absence of water limitation.
a capability to assess likely yield impacts in C3 and C4 crop types The potential was obtained by solving the combined photosynthesis–conductance
in field production environments and to identify the manipula- model (Supplementary equation (22)), assuming a prescribed equilibrium Ci/Ca.
tions that are likely to be of greatest value. This generates testable The resultant transpiration influenced leaf temperature (Tl) (Supplementary
hypotheses that would require appropriately bioengineered plants equation (42)), which also influenced A. For any hour of the day, when crop
water supply fell short of the demand, stomatal conductance was restricted, and
for experimental validation. The model also offers the capacity to leaf temperature was consequently elevated, both of which influenced A. Given
identify previously less-highlighted critical issues associated with the level of absorbed light, canopy leaf nitrogen status and the interplay of water
photosynthetic manipulation in water-limited cropping situations, supply and demand, canopy A and T were estimated for each leaf fraction on an
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Randomization Field observed crop attributes (biomass and grain yield) for wheat and sorghum were analysed separately because of differences in species.
Blinding Not relevant because we were analysing crop attributes of the two species separately.
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