Success Pre Intermediate Workbook PDF
Success Pre Intermediate Workbook PDF
Success Pre Intermediate Workbook PDF
*r, W
#r Lindsay White
rf Rod Fricker
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r r '-':'-.t-;:- Ga-r-e. Harlorv
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,r - r-:s .'iareil Companies throughout the world
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# Lindsay White
{7 Rod Fricker
Exam strategies 3
lhit 1 Who am I? o
llnit 2 Globetrotter! T2
Unit 3 Growing up 21
Unit 4 Inspiration 27
.-t A
Self-Assessment Test 2 Units 3-4 DZi
T}re Success Workbook, provides practice with Tbue/False exercises (page 15, exercise 3)
exercise types fcund in exams including PET, KET, . Remember that 1-ou uill hear the questions/
fCE and Ttinity. These exercises are graded to sentences in the order 1-ou hear them.
elementary level to help students familiarise o When deciding lvhether a sentence is true or
themselves with the exercise t;,pes. Page numbers false, take into account n-hat 1-ou actualiy hear
where these exercises appear are next to each task and not what you knou- or think.
type. Most exams consist of a listening r A sentence/question at the r-er1- end may refer to
comprehension, a reading comprehension,
a speaker's intention or the general context. In
grarrunar exercises/Use of Engiish and (a) w'rithg
general, it is important to refer to the rvhole
task(s). The Szr,cces s Workbook includes exercises
that will help you to prepare for all these. f'ollow
these to help you do particular task types.
Multiple-choice exercises
(page 30, exercise 1)
. Remember that you wiil hear lhe questlonsi
Listening comprehension sentences in the order you hear them.
r While listening for the first time, make noies of
suggested answers. Then compare them to the
General guidelines
choices you have been given and choose the
most similar.
. ,"ud the instructions carefully before
. Be careful with answ-ers that sound exactl;i the
same as the information in the recorcling. The5.
Iisterung to a recording for the first time.
are often incorrect. Pay special attention to
Tty to predict what kind of lrformalion you
mioht henr ills -'^J
s) n(')il) allu anton.)'ms.
Reading comprehension Multiple choice exercises
(page B, exercise 1)
. Identi{y the parts of the text that your questions
MI r
refer to.
Focus on the detail of a paragraph or sentence'
An incorrect answer may only differ from the
correct one in the tense that is used, slightly
different information or information that only
partly corresponds with the text.
. Eiiminate incorrect answers and then mark your
final answer.
Writing Speaking
You may be required to write a short, practical The Success Workbook will also prepare you for
piece of writing such as a note, an email, oral exams. The techniques below will help you to
an invitation, an advertisement and,ior a longer, pass your exam successfully.
practical piece of nriting, for example a formal or
informal letter, a story or a discursive text. The . Try to stick to the aim of the task. Always keep
Success Workbook will help you prepare for these the question in mind when answering.
types of writing tasks. Remember that the exam . Do not panic if you cannot remember a word.
techniques that you learn even at elementary level Use a word that has a similar meaning or give a
will help you pass exams successfully in the future. definition or description of the word.
o If you do not understand what an examiner has
said, ask hjm/trer to repeat him,4rerself. You can
also repeat the information you have been given
and, in this way, you can make sure that you
have understood it correctly.
o If you are not ready with your answers and need
time to think, use conversational fillers or
hesitation devices (weII, Let me thi,nk, erm, ... )
r Avoid using the same words and structures -
show that you have a varied vocabulary and can
use a range of grammar structures.
o If you are taking the exam with another person,
make sure you listen as well as speak - don't
dominate the conversation.
Who am I?
Present Simple
Spelling for third person s
. For most verbs, add s:
do not (don't)
'---. t,
, -it goes
we watch he watches
Yes/No questions Shoft answers go
Yes, l/we/you/they do. . Alter consonant + y, change yto I
speak English?
No, he/she/it does not idoesn t) add es:
--+ it flies
You flY
they go -- it goes
We use the Present SimPle for
. facts whrch are always true: The sun rises in the east'
. After vowel + y, add s:
o routines and habits: loften walkto school' we PlaY -'
she PtaYs
Present Gontinuous
. After most verbs, add -ing',
I am (m) am not ('m not) go--. going. sleeP -n steePing
We,{ou/They are ('re) are not eating dtnner now . After one vowel + one consonant,
double the consonant and add -tng:
He/She/lt is ('s) is not (isn't)
sit --+ sitting
. Verbs ending with consonant + e,
Yes/No questions Shoft answers remove th.e eand add -ing'.
Yes, I am Eave -+ leavng
Aml No, I am ('m) not . Verbs ending with ie, change le to Y
and add -ing:
Yes, we/you/theY are.
eating dinner now? die -'+ dying
Are we/you/they ' No, we/you/theY are not (aren't).
We use the Present Continuous for
. temporary situations: l'm working in Paris at the moment'
1 We hard at the moment. 5 they in that big house? Yes' they do'
b work c works -a Are / llving
- b Do / live c Does / live
@are- workrrg
2 My mother rtsually in tlte morning. 6I to school this r.veek.
a is working b work
- c ltorks a -'m not going b don't go c doesn't go
3 i a lot of science fiction this year. 7 It's very late. tlred?
d -read b reading c 'm reading a Do you get - b Are you getting c Do you getting
4 We more time in the library this term' I Jazz from the USA.
a're- spending b sPend c's sPending a comes b is coming c come
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the There are five more wrong sentences. Find and
verbs in brackets. correct them.
1 Our cat always elee?a irr the kitchen. (sleep) 1 We study for our exams at the monent. X
2 My sister the prano a iot these We are aludyinTfor our exame aLLhe rrt::.:. -.
days. (play) 2 Do you iike Arsenal or Manchester Llrutecll
3 My mum usually her car on 3 Tt always is getling dark al nighl.
Sundays. (wash) 4 My uncle regularly speaks French for his job
4 My friend never _ to the library 5 My sister never is reading science fiction.
during the holidal s. (go) 6 Do you sometimes walking to school?
5 Our neighbour _ to work this week. 7 More girls are playing football these days.
His car is at the garage. (not drive)
6 Now my sister is three, she _ very
I I always listemng to music on the bus.
9 My grandmother stays with us this week.
talkative. (get)
10 My cousins visit us every sununer.
7 My British penfriend here today.
I I_ today because I'm ill fnnf qfrrdrrl
9_you_agood book at the
mnrnent? frerr])
10 _ she usually the bus to
work? (get)
ffi Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
t:b Put the words in the correct order t0 make sentences, in brackets. Use the Present Simple 0r the Present
1 do i llve? I vou lWhere Continuous.
14 Complete the email with the correct form of the Parents and teachers olten reay (say) thal
verbs in the box. young people'- (not read) enough.
t_ (be) this true? These days, children
be do (x 2) rLot live nol spend stay
and teenagers 1_
-'11 v9{l (l ?) *l!: (l ?l (read) lots of books
by authors like Meg Rosoff, JK Rowling and
Philip Pullman.
1 .: tlcetrrAtt 5f Fo'"aro B S t* + + 4erot,ovus -A.
My teenage neighbour Ben says: 'I 5
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
GRAMMAR verbs in brackets.
1 My teacher wanta (want) me to work harder.
State a'wd,.,'1clilan verbs i, 2I _ (hate) soul music. Can we listen
to rock instead?
*ort ourSS:i€tbi::yo aetions 0r processes. We can use
them in the simple and continuous form.
3 I can't speak now-. I _ (make) dinner.
I often work on Saturdays but Pm not working today.
4 This coffee (taste) great.
5 Look! Julia _ (run) for lhe bus!
$ome verbs refer to states. We use these verbs only in
6_ you _ (promise) to be
the simple form, For example:
home at 10.30?
Senses (often with can)
feel, I reet c0t0, Complete the conversation with the correct form of
heay, , ,,, I can hear the main road from my flat. the verbs in the box.
s;,rn:d:ll',,,,,',, Can you smeil petrol?
I can see your house from the train.
ffini;"t:"""""" This milk tastes bad.
tflroo I agree with you.
beligve ,.,,
We believe the world is round. :\l -.'
IUI UUT I always forget his nane.
know, . We knaw Landon very welf.
ptom$e promise to write to you.
iemember He remenbers my birthday eve{y year.
think .,. She thinks her answers are rigltt.
understand He daesn't understand Gernan.
]]dt9 r '
r narc w)rKtng 0n 5aurlay.
lrke They like chocolate cake,
He loves crime novels,
Ut UlUl She prefers 1qu ta soul muii1;,::'.;:' '
''./, Read the conversation. Write the echo questions. agree
Helen What do you do, Ed?
Ed I work for a travel company. argue rruely
Helen rDo you ? That sounds great. Do you an ogant Londoner
like travelling? Asian maJ0r
Ed Yes, i love it. What sort of holidays do at the moment mistake
you enjoy? band member modest
Helen I love cycling holidays. I'm a very hp nra:v ehnr rf mother tongue
enthusiastic cvclist. be interested in mutticultural
Ed ? How far do you go? believe in multiculturalism
Helen Usualiy no more thrn fiity miies. Tlrp belong to musical
countryside near my home is bear-rtrful bilingual nalion ,
boring nalionality
Ed ? Il sounds great . I'r e got a
bossv Northern lreland
bike too.
Helen '- ? Let's meel up gpe rteeketr,i
Britain :
British otficial
Ed That sounds good but I allr.a]'s u-ork on careless optimistic
Sqtr rrrl rrr
cheedul organisation
Helen ;) I c:n on ner-t Srrrrrl:r- citizen personality
Ed t'- ? Sorr-u-, I'm br-tsr. in the cla1 cIever
^^^i'-r ilJLru
14 sh5mess
15 tolerance
Extend your vocabulary
ffi Circle the differences between each pair of words.
l{/fi- questions
What am I studying next year?
No, I am ('m) not How is he travelling to Greece?
Where are we meeting on Thursday?
Yes, we/you/they are,
No, we/you/they are not (aren't)
Complete the short conversations. Use going to and Use the information in Exercise 4 to complete Ken's
the words in brackets. diary. Remember to write notes, not sentences.
1 A I'm going to have a big party when I'm
eighteen. - Janna*
B Who are,,tou qoinq to invite? (Who / invite) FRIDAY 20
2 A I've got a lot of money. /2 ?C p//1
B with it?
(What / do) ntlh --CA.rlrl4
Fcr this job you must enjoy working with children and speak good
German. The work includes planning games and other activities for
the children. Volunteers also cook lunch for the children everv dav. t
Accommodation is in a vouth hostel. There are twc with shared
bedrooms (one for men and one for women), two bathrooms, a l':,
kitchen and a games room. 2_
For more information contact Stefan Schmidt
expensive. I
5 PeLer is only going to visjt one ciLy. tr 7 You don't know when the airport bus leaves.
Ask someone at the bus stop.
6 Ruth is going to Cornwall alone. tr
7 Ruth is going to jump 16 metres over
the sea. tr
I Ruth is staying in a tent. l
abilities :
holiday'(brachureJ & Complete with words from the Word list.
accommodation :
achieve ', hotef : ., .
Noun Verb
1 accomrnpiaLion accommodate
activity inspiration
lOurngv :r
address596l!:,':::'.,,. i 2 sponsorship
::'' l,^^^ ^,,:^+
ntrEp qurur 3_ challenge
airpod ';';,:,:.' '' teave T0r 4 combination
amazgd ' '': .'::," . lectuter r' ,,,,,
5 volunteer
ambition : ,' leisure activities. 6 design
archaoologicai dig letter of complai,nX
7 excavation
arrive in/at
B organisation
available malarb;ike ',,
0a0ysrr 'mduilai'.i,,shislter:',
9 departure
0e/Keep Trr moui,glaigg::,, 10 TCSEIVE
bed and bieaKast ^^-- +1..^ ^^^
Complete the text with words from Exercise 1.
000K a r00m ngla0us 'j' ''r' 'jr"'
alaafrt^nt/ "'"t'll:"
sleepinq bao
equipmeht,, :'':,:': sociotogy "
excavate sp0ns0li
excited ' '
qleeL houee
ovnitinn :r:i"
expenenCe .,' : ,,,,:
iltl;o'o'n"u ticket . ,.,1 ,
flioht tirinq
Ttv (mI {Our :
qv tn
nn !v iho
rtrv nvm
uvrrl wheelchair ,,,. ,,l
some _ .
The crasstng
5Mv are reading *resaimg (n) a short journey on water'
about ninety mLnurcs
and going to the cinema. from Eiglartd ta France takes
6 We're going to stay in a cheap
near the airport. S38g$tt h) a ail
to paris euerJt hour
There,s aflightfrom London
& Read this list and put it in the correct order.
a Get some brochures. T ioa,lrmeg (n/ the time spent travelling from one place
b Relax and enjoy the view. n to another, It's a long journey from my home to work.
c Pick up your ticket. T
d Pack your rucksack. T &:raweY (v) to ga from one place to anothe4 I'm going to
e Get on the ferry. T trauel before I go to uniuersity.
f Book a ticket. T trirp @ a short journey
to visit a place for pleasure
g Have a holiday romance. tr _,-,:::,::y:::::::::i.#tr*:*:';;" or
h Arrive at the campsite. tr uoyage (n) a long journey on water, " -
We,ie gorry ori
:::::.:::.:::a: :4,:.:,:::::,..::::,a)t::jr:):t::.:.::::::..:.:,.: .. rlller
uer uottgs.e
uoyqge atong the Rhine. Thefitm
The'fitm ,T;;;ir:;;
b_1_jya shin'sfjrst
I Read the email quickly, and tick the correct box.
& Read the sentences about writing emails. Tick true & Look at page 14. Which advertisement is Sally
and cross false. interested in?
1 Smileys and jokes aren't a good idea Look at the other adverts 0n page 14. Choose one
in formal emails. n& and write a formal email to the camp organisers.
2 You can start a formal email with IICI T Before you start, make notes about
3 You can end an informal email with lozie. T r why you are uriting
4 You don't need to rnrite an5,'thing in the r why you want to go to the carLp
subject box. T r two questions you want to ask
5 Always vse Dea'r in a formal email. T Write your email.
6 You can end a formal email vuith Regards T
A student wants t0 work as a volunteer at a summer
camp. Put her email in the correct order.
I am writing to ask about the sufiuner
camp in Estonia. I am interested in it
because I am a History student. T
I hope you can answer some questions.
Could you teli me how many hours we
work each day? u
Best wishes n
Saliy Andrew-s I
To: Tom Jenkins T
Subject: Information about summer camp
in Estonia T
Could you also give me more information
about the dates? When does the camp
start and finish? I
Dear Mr Jenkins I
I hope to hear from you soon. tr
:,fl .:]-:)i:irl,:r.:
att...i.r.,, :..jt:,irrriiit,
, :.r,::r, i
6 My uncle aiways gives us money and nice We're reprng (go) on holiday tomorrow.
presents. He's very _ .
I'- (love) the night before a holiday.
a friendly b proud c\azy d generous We always't- (stay) up late, packing
7 My Iather doesn't like my clothes. my music and talking. Tomorrow, we 4_ (fly) to
or my friends but my mother is more _ . Rome at 7 o'c1ock. It 5- (be) a great
a lolerant c confident holiday I love ltaly. I u- (not speak)
b excitrng d generous Italian very well but I 7- (start) lessons
nexl year.
Complete the sentences with one word in
each gap. (6 points) Complete the questions for these answers. (6 points)
- 19
1 Leicester is
a the biggest cily in England.
a ffi Listen to five people talking about their b the biggest cily in the Midiands.
holiday plans. Match the speakers to the correct c the biggest cily in the East Midiands.
heading. There are two extra headings. (5 points)
2 3304 o[ the population are
Speaker 1 T A A fascinating tour d lrom ethnic mrnorities.
Speaker 2 T B On the beach b Asian.
Speaker 3 T C Better things to do c Indran.
Speaker 4 T D How long to wait?
Speaker 5 I E Different from my friends
F Out in the cold
3 The comedy festival
a attracfs Asian comedians.
o fT\
5 Belgrave Road is famous for
a its market.
b its shops and restaurants.
c it s beaur y.
-' re
CD E" Gomplete the gaps with the correct echo
@ question.
+ 3 (5 points)
Past Simple
We use'the Pasl't1t:m,$'.le lo'talk':about lhings which slarted Spelling for regular verbs
and f i n sh ed in lh*',p1sl,, iicl1di;,"it.g;',:'',,
. Iwalk'+
a For most verbs, add ed'. walked
single events: I started school in 1993.
. regular events: I walked to school qvery day.
a: After -e, add d: we decide > we decided
o p?st states: / didn't undersknd my teacher. a: After a single stressed vowel and a single consonant,
o telling stories: I heard a loud noise and I got up. double the consonant and add ed. they stop --+
We can add time expressions like yesterday, yesterday they stopped
morning/afternoon/even i ng, last n ight/year/weeMsaturday, ! After -y, change yto i, add ed', ylu study--+ you studied
when I was five, ten years ago. ai
tn Br:itish English, after an.uniiresld,vowgl i,.,1,,Couble',
the / and add ed: I travel > | travelled
Past Simple [t/f- questions . ln American English: I travel > | traveled
Where were tlou yesterdav?
When did he leave school? To spell the past tense of irregular verbs, you have to learn
Whydidl::lhev,get,bad.imaf ksr,',,,,.:,,
each new one by heart. SorrylThere is a list on SB page'143.
Complete the text with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Put the words in the correct order t0 make Past ? Answer the questions, Use different time
Simnle ouestions, expressions,
1 --,-e u-ith? / did Harrv Potter / who 1 When did you start learning English?
I eLarNed in 2OOZ
2 rrrite I Did I the Harry Potter books? / 2 When did you last go on holiday?
,\gatha Christie T-in-
3 When did you last read a newspaper?
film? / the first I was I Harry Potter / When i-on-.
4 When did you last clean your bedroom?
dicl / live? / Oliver TWist i Where T-on-
5 When did.v*ou last go to a friend's house?
5 did / u,ryite Oliner Twist? / Charles Dickens / I-on-.
\\,'iren 6 When did -vou start this exercise?
6 his / live / Oliver / family? / Did / with 7 What thre did .vou gel up this nrorning?
Match the questions in Exercise 2 with the short & Gomplete the student reporter's questions.
answers. There is one extra answer.
a No, he dicln't. tr e in London tr
b inthe 1830s LJ f in 2001 T
c Yes, they drd. I g his aunt, uncle
d No, she clicln't. I and cousin T
Use the prompts to write Past Simple sentences.
1 I / go / cinema on Frlday.
I wenL Lo r,he cinema on Friday.
2 They I see ltheir friends at the weekend.
Textl In rext2 nI
The singer Charlotte Church was born in Cardiff,
Wales in 1986. ln 1998 Chadotte introduced her
aunt on TV's Btg Big Talent Shotv but the
programme's producers asked the young girl to
sing too. A show business manager heard her
and got her a recording contract with Sony. Her
career starled with a CD of classical songs, Volce
of an Angel. and she quickly became world-
famous. She toured the world with her mother
and she sang for world leaders including
President Clinton and the Pope. Now, she is a
pop singer and there are often photographs in
the newspapers of her out on the town. She is a
lively young woman and despite her fame (and
selling more than ten million records!), she
doesn't seem arrogant.
Used to
Shofi answers
We use used to to talk about habits and states in the past
Yes, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they did.
which are now finished. For example,
. I used to read children's comics. glow, I read newspapers.)
No, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they didn't.
':. ,
Look at the pictures of Maria. Use the prompts to Write more questions to ask Maria.
write sentences with used to and didn't use to.
'l Did you uae Lo have a qood Lob ?
t have / long hair Yes, I did. I was a larnyer in a big company.
)he uaed Lo have lonL\air. 2 Did
2 go / cheap caf6s Yes, I did. I used to earn €150,000 a year.
3 Did
3 wear / expensive clothes I did. I always ate in different
4 go out \n'ith / rich boyfriend 4 Did
No, I didn't. I'm happier now.
5 drive / old car
Use the prompts in brackets to complete the
6 wear / casual clothes
1 I
didn'L uee to eat, cheese but now I love lt.
(not eat / love)
2We with my dad's
parents but now we _ our on'n home
(Iive / have)
3 My sister and I each
other but now we good friends.
(not like / be)
4 Now, I _ good at English but I
very bad at it.
(be / be)
A essay
$rng song$
sit cross-legged
B Sure, no problem.
experls DItlVI U U
2 You want to use a friend's bicycle. f asci nated/f asci nati n g sOap
A? -?
iorm lul0r soun0 (n)
f righ lened/f rightening
B No, I don't mind.
NANATIN stad school
3 You want to borrow a pen from your teacher. nonil ra srars{rcaily
A? *u'o'
B I'm afraid not, I haven't got a spare one. !f;f!;oo'ouo sruOy (n)
gr0wn up study.(a subject) at
Read the instructions and write the conversations. have a routine unNersrry
have (stho) in common study for exams
1 A (ask if you can park your car)
nt00en talent successful
B (say no and give a reason)
flrsrory surprised/surprising
AbftaKifl?arkhere? ?
house-warmrng party taKe tne ltft
B I'm afraid'e not allowed. n ilno Iare nIe0
2 A (ask to use B's mobile phone) imagination usre (nJ
interested/interesting |;:r;fredfterrifyins
invention textbook ,
A learn by hearVmemorise
VOCABULARY & Complete the sentences with adjectives ending with
-ed or -ing.
X Complete with words from the Word list.
1 I was very deappanrpd when I failed my
Thing Person driving test.
1 ru aGf rAnAm\t astronomer 2 I hope my aunt doesn't bring her a_
2 criminal children with her. I really don't like them!
3 educator 3 We haven't got any homework tonight. I'm
4 historian a)
a decision
1 school novel 2
record \ journey
pocket \
university \
a mistake
a phone call
TI a reservation
5 play course o
6 crime money 7
7 cloak mate 8 homework
B text ground I TT new friends
10 class
school uniform
10 TI karate
Past Gontinuous
Affirmative Negative
l/He/She/lt was working at eight o'clock yesterday. was not (wasn't) working at eight o'clock yesterday.
Weffou/They were working at eight o'clock yesterday were not (weren't) working at eight o'clock yesterday
Use the prompts to write the police officer's /&" Complete the newspaper repor1 with the correct form
questions to Leo. of the verbs in the box.
1 What / do / 8.30 yesterday? ;6p a;il; r.,ei' ioot pli;;; it""p
What were you doinq aL B3a veeLerday?
I was waiting for a friend.
:I.OT: II91] t3E y3]I Y3lI
2 Where lyou?
Leo I was in a caf6 near the station. ffigKY $ffW ffi&ffiKgwffiS$, Tffi&&$ffiegut}S
3 Were / sit / near the window?
&&'f&&Y xxw &$ruffi9ffi&#effi&$e9ffi, hx&ffiys
Leo Yes, I was. m&3Y xr1, tffigwm{}es
4 Tell me / exactly / where / sit
0fficer Yesterday's power cut brought chaos to London.
Leo I was sitting at a small table next to Engineers were working on an electricity generaror
the door.
when it exploded.
5 What / do?
0fficer Several thousand people l were lravellinQ home on the
Leo I was drinking a cup of coffee and Underground when all the trains 2 . One
looking lor my lriend's bus. commuter told our reporter, 'I 3 but I
6 Did / hear la loud bang? woke up because a child was crying. After an hour, the
Officer driver said lhat rescue workers were on the train and
Leo No, I didn't. everyone a . It was fantasticl'
7 Did I see / a man / drive / at high speed? ?hings weren't much better for people above ground.
0fficer 'I 5 for Christmas Dresents when the
Leo No, I didn't. lights went out. When I left the shop it o
8 Did i see / an;'thing unusual? so it was impossible to get a taxi. I ?
Officer a bus stop but hundreds of people 8
Leo I saw a woman get onto a school
We1l, the bus. I o
my son for help but he
bus in her pyjamas. i0
lo Manchester in his car. Luckily. a
0fficer That isn't a crime. young womanrr me talking on the phone.
Her boyfriend came in their car and they took me home.'
Why are typical teenagers ln the US, a lot of high schools start at about 7.30 in the
never tired at 1'1p.m. but morning. This means the students are at their desks after only
they hate getting up in the five or six hours' sleep. However, they need 9-1 0 hours
morning? Are they lazy? because their bodies and brains are still developing so they
No, the good news is that are very tired. Tiredness means 20 per cent of high school
it's natural. students fall asleep during their first two hours of school.
=veryone has a natural body clock which tells them when to Sleep scientists are researching the proolem. They say that it
,vake up and fall asleep. In teenagers, the chemicalthat is crazy to fight nature so the only answer is for schools to
:ontrols sleep, melatonin, is in their brains between start Iater. As one scientist said, 'At 7.30a.m. students are at
11.00p.m. and 8.00a.m. The result is that teenagers don't their desks but their brains are at home ln bed.' Luckily, some
'eel tired late in the evening but. when they get up before head teachers listened to the new scientific advice and
3a.m., their brarn is telling them to sleep. This lack of sleep changed their school hours. The resuits are very inieresting:
:neans they are often unhappy, angry can't learn and get teachers and parents say students behave better, learn more,
cad marks. aot hottor marlzc rnri fornror ctr .rlonrc rlrnn nr ri
1 accident. / walking lI
llwas / home, I the I
As / saw
Ae I wae walkinq home, I eaw f,he accident,.
2 few I It I a I ago. / happened / months
look into ? Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from the
lucky/unlucky box. Remember to use the correct form of the verb.
id{#' make a mistake There is one extra verb.
;;*";p ffirl ii"o o"t k""; o" rt r.-i"t"
:!1{gP l1g{.'p !yl" 99l *l!:qgl'rl
::13:3" me0lcrne
XIJff- mem0fy 1 The police are lookinT inr'o the crime.
author messy
2 I need to a good reason for
besVworst Moon
hoino lqto
biography moonlight
blind mysterious 3Ir lhat I was waiting at the
brain mystery wrong stationl
ll#,'u* 4 Please ! I can't find an5,thing tn
nrneteenth century
:ffiili:i novel 5He phoning pe he rang eight
on his own times last weekend.
iimr*; piano
piano keys
6 Let's all night on June 21st
7 Can you phone the statron and
::il3lfl: playful what time the train leaves?
:3il3::il'. poet Circle the 'odd one out'.
1@ unlucky unsuccessful
:t;Jf' publish
2 creative tired sleePY
dramatic realise
3 exciting boring dramatic
rhapsody 4 exotic normal strange
li:H,",, Romantic 5 modest mysterious shy
scientific 6 unusual extraordinary annoYng
:x3i: scientist
sentimental Complete with words from the Word list.
shocked Thing Person
itL$ft}, sleep (n)
1 bioaraohv biographer
Iil,T*'* :
2 chemistry / chemical
3 composition
lll'I,, :sll;# 4 drum
first of ali stay up late 5
l[11l1,,.,. :l:i,
: 6 -guitar
7 science
B poem / poetry
fllllsTfu,.,nood idea/
il:T'* & Complete the sentences with nouns from Exercise 3'
1 Charlie Watts is the in the
l,.l['K:'.'' Rolling Stones.
l"f 2 Meg White plays the in White
ilii,J,?Jl' turn out Stripes.
invent (a story) unforqettable 3 Marie Curie is the French name of the Poiish
Marie Sklodowska.
i['i,'if.' Xi3Ifi 4 Plutarch was an ancient Greek
He wryote about the lives of Alexander the
Great and Mark Antony.
knock wll'''
work (arVmusic)
l 5 Robert Dallek wrote a verY good
ofJohn F. Kennedy.
lXli!1'l{L-u,, /rarer 6 Chopin was a classical
learn by heart ffii!%1.,.
literature writer
Complete the sentences with prepositions.
Extend your vocabulary
1 Dorothy Wordsworth wrote /own everything
in her diary. X Look at the nouns which go with the uerb have.
Add four nouns or phrases.
2 Wordsworth is famous_ rnriting poetry.
3 Coleridge had a dream an exotic
a meal
4 Do you thurk Kubla Khan is a work
5 William Wordsworth didn't live his oum.
6 First all, you must read Wordsworth's
romantic poems.
ffi Maggie and Pete both remember when they heard
important news. Complete what they said.
Pete, 52
: a new paragraph
.ach main idea.
George Stephenson is known as
The Father of the Raifways. When
"iby saying why he was born in 1781, his father
'cerson is famous was working in a coal mine. Like
a lof nF nnnr children at that
t i ma (7a^Yda di dn't nn fn qehnol
,% Read the notes about Marie Sklodowska Curie. Add anything else you know
Read the text. ls it about:
rl s* ;a 'l sl slsd ,* , l rl rl *lq{#
ti{iit{:t,ilrtt3dl ,l di' {' &,,n,1,5.,r*
a the history of travel?
b a great engineer? Srnnwsy_a, Lure @hetvvs+)
!y;y born pota,nj" Bbt
c British transport? fLLrney - eaLher
. r,\athey And_ sl,ster d,ed_
wtnut" sho .JA-S
Find and underline: o a, obrtrl_
worY-ed- v€,yf l.hrd- - (*ry,* to ent 0r slLL?
1 a sentence that explains . a*(e )-4 vuutt tc -satr,e+,tn\L:
the background .
{rA,.nce t, >tu1 ,+-
ttu\et lrer".e. C^j,g
(paragraph 2) aM tlne*y v^Ar",ed
2 two adjectives that describe
. dt ,c,t'ered. th_ ehu rytt
George Slephenson o,w,,reA N;;; ;',,#iflil#if'rTY',u
(paragraph 3) ' ya,\ lots ct{ rntc,rrwLorw)
3 two linking words _, ,nctua",,^oy nM Nobel
lltzo {or Rngr5res Gtna-red_,przes penej-iu1,
r,kt^ pu Nobet
(paragraph 3) ft l,ze {or Chevrl;:;try
& Use the notes and your own ideas to write about her life.
:ll:lrillll:i : i
:: .,Ul,tlll,illil:,l::::;,:
rr,l:l'|lrrlririiii. :\'
.: :::::::::::::.::::::t:,:.,a,::::.,a:,;
: ltl:ililllrll
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR & Complete the text with one word in each gap" (6 points)
% Pul the words in brackets into the \\hen Ilwas young, I'_ to iive in ir
correct form. (7 poirrts)
small village. There rvasn't a school in the
village so I 3- to a school in a town about
1 I aiways go red when I an (embarrass) 5 km away. I i like the school because
embarrassed .
the children u_ unfriendly. Then rn
2 My brother is reall5 lanno.r) 1999, we moved from the village to another
w-hen he's with his friends.
town. It was very sad. I remember tidyrng
3 I was (disappoint) because only o_ my things and putting them into
three people came to m5r party. boxes. When the men came to take everything
4 I don't r'vant to pia}'tennis. It's (bore) to our new house, I t_ sitting in my
room, crying. i still think about the oicl house
5 I love going on holiday- packing is really and the village, but I'm happy norn-.
6 I was (terrify) r,vhen the Jights /t Write a sentence which has the sarne
went out. meaning as the one given, using the word
7 You must read this story. It's (amaze) in capitals. (6 points)
*"*" ri"o 1;;i. k;"p siuv t"t" 4 I often iistened to the radio with
*i!g my grandfather. LISTI]N
14) up into out out on dou.n
5 My grandmother always wore a
1 He thought for a long time and finally carre hat on Sundays. WBAR
up in'ith an idea.
2 At the end of the book, the bo5r 6 I used to be very shy. \\AS
to be the u'oman's lost son.
3 My fiiend always _ late 7 I didn't go to school on Saturdays. IJSE
belole an exam and is always tired. I
4 You can do it. Come onl I
?.e Circle the correct answers: a, b 0r c. (5 points) I
lrying! I
5 Where's that telephone number? I I was never very good at sports. I remember I
iL _ on a piece of paper. one day, I 1_ cricket. I'_ a, long rn'ay from I
the other players r,vlien someone hit 1,he bail to I
6 Don't do itl You know our teacher alu'a1rg
rne. Everyone shouted but I 3_ them. The ball
r,vho it was. I
7 In Science lessons this week. we are
n_ me on the head! Someone telephoned for I
the effects of sunlight on an ambulance and while the ambulance o_ me I
aaaoooaaaaa a
When I was younger, Ito love boy bands and terrib[e pop music
and my favourite group was High Five. I used to buy a[[ of their CDs a
and my bedroom was covered in posters of them. I was in Love with c
Ajden Jones, the lead singer of the group. I wrote to him once but o
he didn't write back! o
0nce, when I was L0 or 11, they ptayed a concert in my town. I asked c
my mum if I could go but she didn't want me to. ] asked and asked and O
finatly she bought tickets for the whote fami[y, my father, my brother and o
me. My brother was 15 then and he didn't want to go - he djdn't want his o
friends to see hjm - but final,Ly he agreed and he wrote about it for his school
magazine. He was really rude about the concert and I was angry with him but o
now I think that what he wrote was very funnv. o
At the concert I bought everything I cou[d - posters, books, badges, a T-shirt -
and we went to sit down. The haLL was fu[[ of young girls. I think my father was a
a bit frightened because of the noise. He kept on looking at me and every time c
I started to cry or shout he totd me not to be so stupid. o
I don't remember the concert much, they sang and danced and we aLl screamed a
so we cou[dn't hear the music. My brother took his camera and I thought he was o
taking photos of the band but he wasn't, he was taking them of me. Now, seven a
years later, when I bring a boyfriend home, my brother always shows them his a
photos. It's so embarrassing! o
ooaaaaaaaaoaaoooaaaoaaoaoaaoaaoaaaoaoaaaooo aoaaoaao o a
No place like home
Comparison of adjectives
1 Bill is older than Ben. 4 The black trousers were too small.
Karen isn't as old as Ben. The jeans were too btg.
Who is the oldest? Sill The shorts weten't big enough.
Were the jeans, the shorts or the trousers
2 Leo is quieter than Jack.
lhe biggesl ?
Jack is louder than lvan.
Ivan is as quiet as Leo. 5 The train is more expensive than the plane.
Who is the loudest? The car is as expensive as the train.
The plane is less expensive than the train.
3 The film is better than the book.
Which is the cheapest?
The book is worse than the TV programme
The TV progralnme is better than the film.
Is the film, the book or the TV programme
the best?
W {W
l- W- W
ffiW ffiw
%,, Use the prompts to write sentences about the !& Complete the conversation with words from the box.
1 House 1 / expensive / house 2. .:
2 House 2 I not cheap / house 1.
3 House 1 / small / for the family. ;
4 House 2 /big / for the family. *i
READING ffi Match the underlined words with the definitions.
article quickly. Choose the best 2 (ad7) suitable for serious occasions
answer. 3 (adj using the newest knowledge or materials
The text is about Bill Gates 4 (n) a frightening dream
and his 5 (n) a gift of money to charity
a business. c home. 6 (n) a hard, natural material
b family. d money. 7 (n) a piece of cloth to pull across a window
Read the phrases and put them in & Read the article again. Tick true and cross false.
the correct places in the article.
a from all over the world
1 Bill Gates started Microsoft wrth another person. a
2 Paul Allen is the richest man in the world. T
b he is also very generous
c while he is driving home
3 It isn't surprising that the house is modern. I
4 The house doesn't have normal rooms. T
d r-ith views of the lake from
many of the windows
5 Biil Gates never buys old things. I
e a Utopian dream with
6 There is a separate house for visltors. n
perfect comfort 7 Meiinda Gates has an antique wardrobe. tr
B The rnriter thinks nobody wants a home like Bill Gates. tr
ill Gates, who started
M crosoft in 1975 with Paul
Aller, s rie richesl rnar rn lhe
world He has $45 3 bilionl
Although he is very rich, 1_ ;
Thiq ic uutt.
! ttro ro Rpn tl-li<
tto otoLut
cicfc.r lS ln y)Uf CIaSS.
--+ Tltis is Ben whose slsfer ls k Wiw class
You can miss out wha, which and lbaf when they are
followed by a noun or pronoun.
This is the man whe I told you about.
I'n gaing to the part], +ha+ she invited'me fu ,,,,
Whose and who's -
who rs both sound the
same but the spelling is different and the
words have different meanings.
Who's looking after the children?
nsl Whese lseking after t
3 This is 4 This is
4 That's my cat. It caught a bird yesterday. 2 That's the dog ate our dinner!
3 There's a shop you can buy D\Ds.
5 Here's your iPod. You lost it last week. (lhat)
4 The couple live next to us have got five cats.
6 This is the house. I stayed here. (where)
5 There's a shop near my home sells cheap CDs.
1 Look at the picture and complete the conversation. alarm clock in the, background/middl:e
Write full sentences. applfance mnovatr0n
architont incido/nr rtcido
afm6haif ''',.:.:,'....;',:,.:,::::,,:a,
:. kee';p,,1.i,nIOUC1 With Sb/ ,
attractive kitchen
average . tawn
....., ,t : ., ..,: I
bacldfront door , letter box ,,,
|iVing room r
l.arkscr ew rubb.isfr
What are the boys in the foreground doing?
.,, .'1,,,,',,,,,,:.:
A cne\/ semr-oetacne0
B Cbtrao.e..:.:....:.:..:...:::.::.:.:..:.:.::.:. shower
A Whal is Lhe woman on the ieft doing? nr rnhnard stnK
4 (i,g{\',.,,,:1111 :''':: :
"',',';, ".
A Do you think it looks like a nice place to live? digta1hgd:','h, osie, SOTA.
urrilrrv rnnm
rvurIr spact0us
A whv?
distrlct., ,,
nnnrnAll statue
B drnta STUCV
,, ''i toilet
frggzer ''":tl' ' uncomfortable
rfl0ge unfortunatelv
TUrnllUre unpacK
gduguL unusual
v.lrdgu upstatrs/0ownsta$s
^^".t^^ I ,^,^ll
vdruur wdrl vacuum cleaner
gel 0n wrm villa
ilqil wardr0be
have a {goodlbad) warm i
VOCABULARY & Complete the sentences with af, in, 0f, off or on.
bedroom 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
E to
{ 1V
a 18
q 19
10 2A
Eat up!
3 Ouantifiers
ffi$ff$"m# €.}!!$am *wrep9
C and U nouns
Watch out for these uncountable nouns:
hair, furniture, accnmmldation, hnmework,
information, luggage
We say: The furniture in my mother's house is old.
noI The farnitares in my mether's hease i+eld,
Some uncountable nouns in English are plural:
trousers, jeans, scissors, clothes.
We say: She wears trousers to school.
nsl She wears a trsaser .
42 I
& Read the questionnaire and complete the questions. &w Choose the correct quantifier and put it in the correct
rr aa&&t at * * &AAA* 6 @ &&&&&4&& * * * A&AO€6 * A€ t * € * * *. pface in the sentence. a c_,..
What does your fridge say about you?
w *
1 I've got auerA sweet tooth. Can I har e(sugar
in my coffee, please?
a much ba lot of c too much
Do our questionnaire and flnd out €
g 2 Did you buy miik?
G Jpv-fr-d-_c01vere'ce
food is trete? asome bafew cmany
f sorne I a lo ! too r'cn & 3 How coffee do you drink every day?
O _ us ,ip-Celac
a many b much c some
Ia'ew Isone IaoL &
!aine !some tr a0r
4 There are grapes in the fruit bowl
a a little b a few c too many
- only two.
- --
!alfile !so-e IaloL Q
7 How glasses of water do you drink every day?
a many b much c any
e 7 a
nr Jz
Complete the conversation.
W Read the article quickly and choose the
best title,
1 Excuse me, there's a mrstake in this bill.
2 My parcel still hasn't arrived.
3 You left the window open all night.
4 I'm afraid I can't eat this - I'm vegan.
5 You're late again.
6 Someone has broken my mobile phone.
7 This custard tastes terriblel
a I'm ve4r sorry. T forgot 1o close it.
b Oh no! I'm very sorry. I put salt in it by
c I'm sorry sir, let me check it for you.
d I'm really sorry. I sent it to the wrong address
e I'm sorry - it wasn't my fault. The train was
f I'm sorry. I didn't realise. Have some
o fr* vesetahle
g I'm sorry,
c rrv instead.
X Study the situations and complete the conversations.
tsi You
need it this morning
T'rn T
alcohol look after one's heatth Label the different foods in the food pyramid on the low fat next page. Use words from the Word list,
appfe pte matn c0urse
archaeologist margarine Complete the text with words from the box.
attitude to life meal
b;i"";;d di"; b;;d d;ig;';;"ii iut
fiuit pasta sugar vegans vegetables
batanced diet mild
banana milk The food pyramid shows what you need to eat
bar/carton/tub of milkshake to have a l
beans mineralwater
beef mostly Group 1: these have a lor. oI2
beer musnr00ms and sugar so they aren't good for you. Don't eat
biil nuts much from this group.
bitter olives
00rl on a diet Group 2: 'r like milk and
bread on offer cheese have a lot of calcium so you need them
brocc0li onion for a strong body.
butter order
pasta Group 3: food like meat, fish and nuts contain
UdNU peanuts vitamins, minerals and protein.
cappuccino pineapple can eat fish and dairy
cereals niueria products from Groups 2 and 3.
cheese '''"' quallty can eat nuts and beans
chicken (curry) range of products
, for example,
cnrps recipe Group 4:
chocolate cake red pepper cabbage and onions, are high in vitamins and
convenience food refuse Low in fat and 7 . You need
cookinq rice 3 5piecesaday.
, for example,
crueI salad Group 5:
customer salmon bananas and grapes, is high in r,rtamins and low
dairv nroducts sandwich in fat. You need 2-4 pieces a day.
date lromantic) satisfied
delicious sausages Group 6: You need to eat most from this group.
dessert seeds Food like rice, cereal, e
dish service ol\rAq \/nr r An ordr/
eat Out snack bar
e00s soft drinks Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions
tisi tooo restaurant spicv
from the box.
fillino spoon after for to in up about of (x 3)
fish iand chips) stale
starter 1 A tub of ice cream.
trult STEAK 2 She gave cheese and milk when she
fruit/orange juice SUOAT became a vegan.
garlic (bread) suitable/ unsuitable 3 He gave me two bars _ chocolate.
gender sweet (adj)
4 You need to look yourself - you are
qive up (eq meat) sweets
- very unhealthy.
ooulash tasty/tasteless
tomato soup 5 I love going to the market because there is a
greasy tuna good choice vegetables.
ham turKey 6 Your diet says a lot _ your attitude to
have a biq appetitel un heatthv health.
a sweei tooth vegan 7 You need to have a diet which is suitable
improve vegetables your lifestyle.
insects vegetarian
i 8 From time _ time it's OK to have
keep healthy waiterlwaitress ,, :::,,
cakes or convenience food.
lasagne wtne 9 We don't often eat restaurants
lemonade yoghurt because they are expensive.
cn6P6 _*-%
& Complete the dictionary information with food Extend your uocabulary
adjectives from the Word list.
S Complete the questionnaire with answers that are true for you.
O- Ms/Mrss/Mns/Mn
O- Trrep*orrrs
iii' :'
revrn !
,'& nonr I How rnucn FRUIT Do
t-2 nrecrs
you EAT
rvrny onv?
3-4 elrces ! nnonr !
Match the notes with the correct parts of the & You want to find out which catd in your area serves
questionnaire. the healthiest menu.
A Ask for personal information first. Think about:
B Give clear instructions. r the information you need to know about the
C Make sure the word order is correct in your caf6 and the owner/manager
questions. o what you want to ask about the menu
D Check that your multiple choice questions . what you want to ask about the kitchen
include all oossible answers. r how to write your questionnaire
E Only ask for information that you need.
Write your questionnaire.
F Your title should say what the questionnaire
is about. Ti,p: give four possible answers so lazy people
don't just choose the middle one!
:::::,'. .)t"',:
:: :rlij
I frn Listen to a man talking to the owner "& Complete the sentences with one word in
of a restaurant. Tick true and cross false. (7 points) eactr gap. (6 points;
1 \1r Johnson has come to eal ar the 1 I didn't gel my 7 o'clock alarm call.
resLaurant. I Oh, I'm sorry. I com?letely forgot.
2 Mr Johnson wants the kitchen workers
to stop working. I 2 Where were you? I was waiting outside.
3 The restauranl has two fridges and Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't . I was inside.
one freezer
I 3 Ow, that hurt!
4 Mr Johnson sees some cheese on the Oh, I'm sorry. It was an
cupboards. n 4 Why did you tell them they could stay
5 There aren't any mice in the kitchen now n wilh
6 Patrick doesn't rvash his hands.
7 Mr Johnson is going to come back to the
l us?
I'm sorry. ll was rather of me.
restaurant in one month. T 5 Where's my work? You lhrew j1 awayl
Oh. I'm sorry. I didn'l _ to.
| | ilo torrrnad
Lgr r qvgu hnr rca ro
i ruuog ic norfant
l.JEt tcut These are some of the most
for a young family who haven t exciting new homes we've got.
got much money. lt is near the Spacious, one room flats in the
centre of town and close to centre of the city with views of
shons :nd qnhnnlq Thorg g19 the river with the most modern
two bedrooms upstairs and a ^^^ll^^^^^
dl.Jl.rilcr ^,,-;l^h,^
ruY) ovqrlduru.
kitchen and living room Frioniihinrr in tho flaiq iq
downstairs. There's also a computer controlled and you
bathroom/toilet upstairs and a can change the ternperature,
second ioilet in the garden. switch on the lights, cook dinner
Tha hnr ico hacn't rn' and fill your bath v.rithout
furniture so you can furnish it in movingl These flats are seliing
your own style. lt is very cheap and when it has got furniture, quickly so confle today or you
central heating, new windows upstairs and a new roof it will be might be disappointed.
perfect. Only tl24,OOO From €SOO'OOO
Look to the future
Itlfi- questions
Where wlllwe be in ten years?
Who do you think will be at the meeting?
1I think next week i,s going to l@i,t-Ilbehot 6 My brother bought some new clothes because
and sunny. he's go'ing to / 'LL go to aparty.
2 My sister i,s goi,ttg to I ui,ll have a baby 7 Those boys are cycling too fast. They're goi,ng to I
next month. 'll hurt themselves.
3 I promise I'm go,ing to I 'l,l give you some B Look at the sky - it i,s goi,ng to I ui,ll be a lovely day.
money for your birthday. 9 We ctre goi,ng to I wi,LL run out of petroll There's
4 i know she's go'ing to I wi,LL fail her exams only one litre in the car and it's 100 kilometres
because she never does any work. to the next petrol station.
5 Scientists think that cars aren't gozng to I 10 Telt me your secret! i promise I o,m not goi,ng to I
'tuoix't use petrol in the future. laon't teil anyone.
Complete the sentences with r,v//or going to and the Anna and her friend Jane are going t0 London for the
verbs in brackets. weekend. Complete the text wilh gaing to or willand
the verbs in brackets.
1 Look al thal big black cloud. ll'e aorqro ran .
do your homer,vork.
L !r r, !r L!.1 l\v 4rA/
along the River Thames so they can see the
7 He's very excited because he
(fly) to Australia next week Houses of Parltament and the London Eye.
After that, they think they s
SIhopeI (see) the Taj Mahal
(go) for a meal. London taris are quite
when I'm older.
expensive so they 6 (travel)
ii, Look at the pictures and complete the predictions. on buses or the Underground.
Use willor going to.
Anna's uncle lives in London. They
(stay) u,'ith him tonight. He
has got tickets for a musical and they
(go) to see it tomorrow
Ctw evenmg.
"iE[F tl "*t
Complete Anna's postcard. Use the verbs from the
box with willor going to.
. ..t ......-..
buy do go ring not be see take
Doax a\iva-r,
Ilanchester City are See I toid you! They lo, a, lew tlt;l4s wttln 1a,v,e \Ne 1
irtlS ol n.rc,e +finq:l, wi,rlo we'ro- taere Lctter Lodttg,
haring a good season win the match.
N€, srn/nLseertwr Perl.ATs wc
I thirk that they will win :l
scwe tat^otl> Vettple tool Mqy
the match on Saturday.
*n}\o a
k:> +a s€,L L W(L\oL\
torrn crrow a-tn d- art Mond,nty Sute awL f
rtew'Lre:':.e,s ior ,',1"'ur paxLy
I lnop,o ttteq; tac €,xP€,t\ttv€,!
What ia climate c\anae?
The Earth's weather is always changing. In the past, natural events
caused these climatic changes but now scientists use the phrase
'climate change' to talk about changes which starled with the
growth of industry in the nineteenth century The changes people are
worried about now are the result of human behaviour -
not natural
changes in the atmosphere.
We all know about the 2003 heatwave in central Europe and Hunicane
Katrina which hit the USA in 2005. Scientists are studying these events
and other evidence of climate change to predict our future weather. A
very impofiant paft of their work is looking at the long-term effects of
climate change on our environment. For example, water is extremely
important for human life. ls rainfall going to increase? 0r lvill there be
more hot weather and less rain? Some people believe that water is so
impoftant that there will be wars about it in the future.
There are a lot of things we can do to slow down climate change. Instead of using coal, oil and gas, we will
need to get more of our energy from renewable sources such as the sun, wind and water. There are already
land and sea wind farms in Europe and in the next ten years governments are going to build more. We can also
be more environmentally-friendly in our own lives. For example, when you go to bed tonight, are you going to
turn off the TV and computer or leave them on standbv? This weekend, are you going to use public transport or
drive your car? There are a lot of things we can do at home to help save energy and reduce pollution.
Do you know about the Kyoto Protocol? The countries of the United Nations met in Kyoto, Japan in i g97 and
agreed to try to control climate change. In 2005, the Protocol, 0r agreement, became international law. The
countries which signed the agreement are going to reduce their greenhouse gases by 5.2ok before the end of
2012.Ihe only two industrial countries that didn t sign the agreement are the USA, the world's biggest polluter,
and Australia.
READING ffi Find the words in the afticle. They are underlined. Match them with the
correct part 0f speech and definition.
W Read the article quickly and
Paft of speech Definition
choose the best title.
t --a
heatwave continuing for a long period of
a The weather in Europe I \ time in the future
b The world's changing 2 long-term
climate I something that is replaced as
I \ it is used
c Climate and the 3 slow down \ nsun _____.-- a period of unusually hot
internalional community ! adjective weather
4 renewable verb ready to use when needed
Read the article carefully and
5 standby to have Lhe power Lo change
match the headings A, B, C, D or E
with the paragraphs. There is one something
extra heading. 6 protocol the rules for correct behaviour
7 control to make something happen
A Changing our behaviour
less quickly
B Climate change and the
future Read the article again. Tick true and cross false.
c The importance of recycling
According lo Lhe texl:
D International action
1 in the past, the world's climate didn't change. W
E @ 2 nowadays, all climate change is natural. tr
3 scientists don't know exactly what will happen to our
weather in the future. I
4 there will probably be wars about water f]
5 there won't be any more wind farms in Europe. tr
6 it's a waste of time to save energy in your home. tr
7 the Kyoto Protocol was an agreement between Asian
countries. tr
B all the countries of the world are going to reduce their
greenhouse gases. I
Match the actions and the results. Write First Look at the pictures. Use the prompts to write the
Conditional sentences. superstitions. In some sentences the lf clause is second.
1 passye+r+-exams
2 eat too much sx,eperstltisxl /su:pe strJan/ noun a traditional
3 don't save some money belief that some things are lucky or unlucky
4 see your sister
5 telephone me when your train arrives
6 cycle too fast 1 seven years'bad luck /
7 forget your homework again
break the mirror
B don't eat breakfast
You'll have eeven yeare' bad
a have an accident Ieck il you break the mi,ror.
b collect you from the station
G be in trouble
d S++€-++r+ive+si+y
e not have enough energy in the morning 2 In Britain / see two black
f feel ill and white brrds together /
g not go on holiday have good luck
h teli her about the concert?
see cows lying in a field /
*. Choose the correct answers to complete the accordfng to maylmight
predictions, acid rain mobile phone
advantage monitor {v)
1 I think people work in offices in the
air pollution national park
future because-thev uill tvork fronL home. pale
air travel
a will probably dppudr dl ruE parly/leader of a party/
b probably won't astrology join a parlyl
c deiinitel.v aren t going to ou iluJpr rur E
^+6^^^la^.^ vote for a party
2 In the future, be public phones because believe in oneself petrol
everyone lrill - a mobile plrone.
have bottle bank poltution
Canada power stations
a it's possible that there will
b there may car Owflers ,,
Cpntrel Fr rrnne prrson
c lhele won't
ceriainly/def initely/ prohibit
3 Every child in the world have a computer _ nerhaos/orobablv
on tlieir school desk in 2015. chance save the environmeni
a might change- puulrL +,^^^^^+
^,,t-ti^ Lr dr rJpur L
G be B
will Prob-ably
gel flo 0r sort domestic waste
Electrtcat applratrces get worse space
(80'tzo; Iess expensive in the ruture'
t greenhouse eilect support
i,"t ji lir";m- ," *"(e!ssTo)
- improve the Arctic
in danqer the Earlh/the Moon
the lnternevlnternet cafe
r,tilp,i*t"*l:9#i:1:i[J* incrgase
independent trap (v)
Study the words from Exercise 1 and circle the parts 1 According at I oJ I i,n lf)researchers, the
0f speech that can have these endings, Earth is getting warmeil
2 I'm not sure I believe ctt I of I in I to astrology.
1 -i,c noun / adjective
3 \\re need to get fid at I of I in I to large cars
2 -ance I -ence noun / adjective 1o reduce Pollutlon.
3 -iue noun / adjective 4 Some cities are at I oJ I zn I to danger
4 -i,on noun / adjective because sea levels are rising.
Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. 5 People must use buses instead u,t I oJ I zn I to
1 Scientists sttdy climale changes to predict 6 The key at I oJ I i,n I to this problem rs to
the world's weather'. study climate change.
2 Pollution from industry and cars is damaging 7 Who is the leader o,t I of I ,in I to the
the Earth's Green Party?
3 Scientists lhat the world's weather
will get worse.
4 A lot of countries voted for the Kyoto Extend your vooabulary
Protocol so it was a _ agreement.
5 The US government's _ decision to
& Study the phrasal verbs with cut and their definitions.
Use them to complete the sentences.
stay out of the Kyoto Protocol caused a lot of
disagreements between world leaders.
6 Using solar energy helps to reduce cut doxvn: to cut a tree or plant so it falls to
from coal power stations. the ground
eut eff: to stop the supply of, for example,
7 If we don't stop the .-- of the electricity
rainforest, many rare animals and plants cert settr to stop doing or eating something,
will die. usually because it is bad for you
B The full moon once a month. e*rt ;xp; to cut something into smaller pieces
The world of work
Yei.b-tpai ib s
1 Verb + -ingtorm 2 Verb + fo + infinitive 3 Verb + infinitive without fo
Read the sentences and put the verbs in the * Match the two parts of the sentences.
correct box.
1 I enjoy @
lshould study science subjects if you
1 Yott 2 You must tr
2uant to be a doctor.
2l3loue working with people butl adon't Li,ke
3 He promised I
4 During the holidays, I miss T
being in an office all day -IspreJer working
5 I could n
6 We decided tl
3 Yot6can Tleantz to drive more easiiy when
you are young.
7 She offered T
4Ishope to work in Scotland this summer, so a seeing my schoolfriends.
Ieneed to ljpract'ise speaking English. b to help me find a holiday job.
5 If you send them your CV, they \tmzght c help you with your CV.
t2agree to help you.
d to get jobs in the same tovm.
e to get a summer job.
+ -ng + fo + infinitive + infinitive
without fo
f do your homework.
g going to the cinema.
ti Circle the correct alternatives. ffi Complete the second sentence so it has a similar
1 She neecis _ a new suit for the iob
utterdeu'. 1 I must get a summer job.
d bu1' b buying @to Uuy T need Lo QeL a aummer ioo
2 I could _ ajob in another country. 2 You must phone me after the meeting.
a get b to get c getting Promise
3 Would you like working outside all the time?
3 NIy friend might _ F rench iessons next
Could you all day?
4 She needs to practise for her exams.
a drop b to drop c dropping
She must
4 My uncle offered _ work experience for me. 5 I learned to speak f'rench when I was a child.
a arrange b io arrange c arranging I could
5 My cousin is going to New York so she must 6 I prefer rvorking in an office.
_ a passport. I u-anr
a get
b to get c getthg 7 I hope to get ajob next year.
6 He hopes _ in a bank one day.
I'd like
8 He rl.ants to work in a bank.
a work b to work c working
He hopes
7 I hate _ bored so I don't mind hard. 9 He never wants to go to interview-s.
a be / working He can't stand
b to be / to work
c being / working Complete the tips about looking for a job. Use the
correct form of the verbs in the boxes.
& Find four more wrong sentences and correct them.
lf you manage 2_ an O
interview, you should a
o ""'.'
get some preparation before you go. a
o .?fj do
Also, think about what you want a
o I4
them at the interview. a
a a
oooo aoooooaooooooooaoa oa
READING €& Find the words (1-5) in the article and match them with
the correcl definition (a-f). There is one extra definition.
W Read the question. Read the afiicle quickly and
1 out-of-work tr
choose the correct answer.
2 studio T
The article is about 3 job agency
a someone slarLing their career 4 performing artists
b careers advice for dancers
c working for an Internet company
5 aspiring tr
a hopeful
Read the questions and underline the key words. b actors, singers, dancers etc
Match the questions to Heidi's answers in the
c a person who answers the phone
d a room where dancers practise
1 What about the future? I e a company which matches people and jobs
2 What's a tS,pical day in your job? I f without a job
3 Why do you Like your job? I
4 Why did you take the job as a personal & Read the list. Put the events in order.
assistant? I Heidi ...
5 What did you want to do when you
moved to London? n
a got a job as a personal assistant T
b got a job in a dance studio tr
c heard about an Internet agency
d moved to London rn
Dancer teke,s e worked as a waitress
f worked on a children's TV progranune n
the righ t steps
g worked on a rock video
;i is very difficult for people who work in show business to find permanent
,cbs. Cui-of-work actors, srngers and dancers often work in bars or
'estaurarts whl,le fhey a"e looking lor work,
/Vhile r'leidi was working tor Lne dance studio sne learned that a lor of
the teachers at the studio got therr jobs through an Internet rob agencv for
dancers. She applled for a job with the Internet company and a week tarer
she was parl of the sales team After on y a month, the manager asked
her to be his personal assistant, 2'lt was a promotron with a pay rise so I
said'yesl' immedlately
accOilnlant interested in 7" Comalele with words from the Word list.
dULUI interview
job advert
ActivityiSubject Person
judge 1 acting A'LJI
applylapplication for a job)
? qnr'nr rnfirr d
arcnrtect keen on
artist lawyer 3 banking
audition Ieader 4 designing
avoid librarian 5 directing
banker manager 6 managing
biologist marital status
7 music
boss marketing manager
8 politics
businesswoman MISS
candidate musiclan
9 programming
can't stand non-smoker 10 psychology
career not mtn0 11 teaching
cashier nurse 12 therapy
certificate outside 13 translation
checkout assistant pay nse
company director personal in{ormation Circle the differences between the words, eg
computer programmer
police off1cer
ac@ a"@
creativity/i magination politician Complete the careers advice with nouns from
cruise ship position Exercise 1,
CV practical knowledge
prefer 1 If you are good at languages, you could be
delivery driver
desiqner priest a LranelaLor
0rrector pr0grammer 2 If you are interested in how a country is
DJ psychologist qoverned. vou shorrld bc
doctor quali{ications is a good iob if you like
driving iicence quailTre0
children and don't mind marking homework.
earn money/a salary/ receptionist
4 if you are extrovert, like being the centre
OeI 0at0 reporter
of altention and want to be a film star, you
education resoons[ble
employer r0ulne should be _
employment sack (sb) 5 If you are interested in mentai health, you
eng neer
I salesperson should be OI
equalopportunities save m0ney 6 If you are good at Maths and like mone5r, you
eventually secretary should be OI
experience (U) seem
fascrnate skillslsocial skills tZ Circle the correct prepositions.
Iasnron oesrgner social fife 'l Are you interesleci c;r,t I
Jor / @ working for a
fill in (a form) statl
small, local company?
lrreman SITCSSTU I
Use the words in the box to complete the
Extend your vocabulary
advedisements. There are two extra words,
pr€mo+i€n aerobics applicationform I Read the information from a dictionary.
companydirector equalopportunities
flexibleworkinghours psychologist
priest qualifications receptionist ..
:99r91?I{ :g:i{:\1t
rhe phonr=, irir"r^lo answer i3 a j9b which needs special
,,,s rcrtefS and fi 3lllession
make r"o.,^r
You r"",,r,lJttl::ffi:l
," ii""E:;T:::::;i}lproressions
Your career is th-e- work you do or plan to do
Fird*".i:1ff;,?. ,; tlitu,JJJ"jn'u'life.
for vour workinq o", .
lli, urru, i n j o u rn a t i s m.
;$)te :
'g .-. Please ring
must have good
0207 63722938
. _
for an
an artist.
2Mozart started
very young.
when he was
Please circle the lob you are interested in: sports instruction, camp cook, lifeguard, driver
Please comolete all sections in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Personal information
- \irs, Miss, Ms, Dr, etc Title
First name
I tnH
Sive your full address Address for correspondence
;rith area code.
Contact telephone number:
ll you can't answer
Mobile number: Your contact number is
something, write rVa.
email address: the one you want them
to use, for example, your
Don't leave any gaps in home or mobile number
Please list all schools, dates attended and exams passed.
:he list.
School Dates Qualifications
Other skills
Include skills which will
Please list all skills and training which are relevant to your application.
:relp your application.
Employment history
Please list all paid work and voluntary work done in the last three years.
I certify that the above information is true.
Please return this form to: Ms. L. Perry Greenwood Summer Camp, Hamilton House, Basildon, Essex.
&tr,...r..*ya7...t@ttpy<r!|:.t:.:.tttst..,,.,,,,.,:,,:,.a..........:.'r:.t 4.t:
UOCABULARY AND GRAMIUAN ,3. Complete the text with one word in
each gap. (6 points)
1i. Complete each sentence with a word from Tomorrow night at school, there's t qainq to be a
the box in the correct form. There are
taik b5' a famous environrnentalist. The talk is
three extra (6 points)
all about the problems caused by pollution and
;"pi;;i ;;a"." rmit i""'"u'" what lve can do about it. I read his book - lt w'as
polirrte pfe++€+ r'ecycle sorl very interesting. He says that t_ we don't
.9u! 99*.. 11"9.. cha nge orlr \\ ays, I he green lrouse r_
1 The government promised Io prolecL the will get so bad t,hat we *_ be able to
erullron-mentr. stop it. Temperatures 5_ rise too high.
2 If we .nvant a cleaner u'orld, u'e will have lo He also writes about the effects of 6_
poilrLt ion. rain on our forests and says that we must use
3 This notebook is rnade out of
t--free petrol to make our cities cleaner.
paper. I'm going lo ask him to autograph rr,3'book for mel
4 We need more trees. We should b Put the verbs in brackets into the best form,
the forests. going ta or will. (6 points)
5 i get very in'orried when i hear that people
1 Look at all these cars in front of us. We
are __ ttrre Amazon rainforesl.
are qQrnq_f,p_b_e (be) late.
6 With all the cars in the u,orld, pollution is
2 Maybe, one day my parents
every year.
(buy) me a new computer.
7 Can't you see that your factory is heiping to
3 It says in the paper that in the future lve
the environment?
(recycle) B0% of ail rvaste.
X Circle the correct answers: a, b or c. (6 points) 4 Why ale they being so str-rpid I L,{rs Green
(get) angry in minute
Last summer I had a nice r__ job in a
reslauranl. I worked four hours a da-v and 2- 5 Do you think it (be) easy
€80 a rveek. The boss was very pleased rndth
to find work when you leave schooi?
6 Oh dear. We (not win) this
me and if I go back thele next year, I'il get a
game now. There are only five minutes left.
"_ . He said I'11 gel €100 or more. It's not a
r_ , it's thc same.jch, a n-ailer, jusl more 7 The Presiclent says that in the fi.rture there
(not be) any poliution.
nioney. I think he was happy because he gets so
many bad workers. Some of them don't "- on Put the verbs into the correct form in the
time, some of them take long 'i_ when they three conversations. (6 points)
should be u.orking. Last year, he 7_ three
A \Vlrat lwillyou zlo (you do) if it rains (rain)
people because they r,l'ere so bad.
on Saturday?
1@Rart-time b part-pay c time off B I'_ (stay) at home. I
2apay b earned C won (not go) shopping in the rain.
3 a pay for b pay rise c pay up
4 abreak b sack c promotion
A If Sleve '_- (ask) you to dance, w'hat
(you say')?
5 a turn up b turn out C turn to
6 a holidays b rests c breaks
B 14 (not say) anything. I
(be) too cmbarrirss,'d.
7 a sacked b earned c promoted
A What 5
(Dalren say) in the
interrieu'if the manager _ (ask)
him about his driving licence?
B I knoll'he 6 (be) a
responsible peLson, so he
(tell) the truth, of course
If the manager ? (not give)
him the job, (he be) rvorriecl?
B No. He can find another iob.
Wi&{:tT {"&ffi W ffi?ery'ffiruW''i}7-.2
VqW?'8:4 43,6j,1{ WWT &{,&"&%Z
'A W2, Listen to a rnother and daughter \^/h-+ i^ +h-
vvtrdt ro tL rg -^^+ r'_^^*?nt
itl pu LCinvention ever? The wheel?
Electricity? The computer? There are many important
talking about the daughter's holiday plans.
Circle the correct answers: a, b 0r c. (B points)
inventions and, in the future, there will be many more. '_
1 Sara is going on holidar
'?_ . But sometlmes, we put the food in our mouths and
a to three counLflps. itlL nnoq rnrilhnr rt rc roa tnrnl nn :nn rl tL \A/all
vvoll, thi- l'hi{^
Ll llD nl lllV
VUUot vvrLr lvut vJ luG J'. t l, n. J OJJJI
b for three monfhs. helps you to eat properly, As you cut your food, an alarm
c for three weeks. is set in the knife. lf you cut another p ece of food too
soon. the alarm rings to reLr yo. t'at 1o, a'e eating too
2 Sara is travelling nr rinkhil 3
has the same meaning as the first. (5 points)
Love and trust
',iiPresent',,Perte I
lflf- questions
What have you bought for me?
have ('ve) won the race. have not (haven't) won the race
Where has he been?
has ('s) won the race, has not (hasn t) won the race Why haven't you eaten anything?
Time expressions
We can use general time expressrons
Yes, l/weiyou/they have.
Have Imelvou/they :
wrln tne rresenl renect.
__""1_**_:t No. l/we/youithey haven t
won the race? Already (before now; affirmative only:
Yes, he/she/it has, I've read that book already,
No, heisheiit hasn'1.
Never (aI no time) negative only:
I've never eaten horse meat.
The Present Perfect connects past events to'ths.present. We tlie:,:::iftturt", Ever (any time in your lifu) questlons:
. news: A train has crashed in London. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
crashed in lhe recent Ba*t,;,:,:;ihe.,r.esullt',',t n be seen nolv. Iel (now/this moment) questions and
a fecefit actions: The cat's been sick in the kitchen,,,':, i'.'ii i i i negative:
Have you done your homework yet?
= The cat was sick in the past,,na|lh*i, kitchgn neeOs cleaning.,,:',,,.,,,'
c finished actlons which are tlnkeO tolttlelipresent: 'li I '' He hasn't spoken to his parents yet.
Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Circle the correct alternative.
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 We _ our first date on Valentine's Day
1 Aave you ever wriNten (urite) to a film star? last year.
2I _ (meet) my boyfriend's @nao b have had
parents once. 2 He _ her to marry him aiready.
3 My girlfriend and I _ (not speak) a asked b has asked
today because we had an argument yesterday. 3 _ she _'yes'yet?
4_ your sister _ (get) / say b Has i said
a Did
engaged yet? 4 My mum _ my dad to marry her when
5 We _ (not choose) an engagement they were both five!
ring yet. a asked b has asked
6 Jim and Melanie aren't here today. They 5 He _'yes'until he was twenty-seven.
(go) to their cousin's wedding. a didn't say b hasn't said
7 My aunt and uncle (have) three 6 My grandparents _ for fifty years and they
babies in three years. are stiil very happy.
8 My mum is furious because my dad a were married b have been married
(forget) it's her birlhday 1oday. 7 Phone the vet! The dog _ my ring!
a ate b has eaten
th Write the questions. Use the Present Perfect and ever. & Use the prompts to complete the conversation.
Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.
Golden Dragon
\ Chinese Restaura
qap / rn nnarr?
be / engaged?
I'ave :to t ever bee" X{X
enQaQed? 8.00p.m. Ann and Leo ctre hctt:iitg clitzner
togetl'r,er: It's thei,r Jzrst date.
LeO 1 you / eat / here / before? I'ave -\ou ever
eaLen here before ?
Ann Yes, I have.
Leo 2when/come/here?
Ann My parents brought me here for my
hirl hdar- last vear.
Leo rwhat / eat? ?
classical music
I fall in love
I 9.45p.m.
Ann Thank you, that was a lovely meal.
with every goodJooking person i meet. T Leo I'm glad you enjoyed it.12I I have /
I I'm a vegetarian. T great time this evening.
but I used a
dictionary a lot. I Ann So have Met's do it apain soon.
'n Match the sentences to 'l-5 in the arlicle,
g, ffi A he's a great extrovert and I am quite shy
Read the two sentences. Then read the article
and choose the best answers.
c I went out with one or two men but no one
1 The article is about serious.
a going to college. c failing in 1ove. D We haven't had any children yet but we're
b being artists. d getting married. hoping.
2 They are E we left and went to a caf6.
a friends. c engaged.
Circle the correct alternative.
b married. d colleagues.
1 Yolanda and Greg have knorm each other
aa THAT'S WHEN since they _
amet at a pafiy.
TOGETHER... bfell in love.
GOT TALKING @were students.
AND AT ELEVEN d became artists.
O'CLOCK THE 2 Yolanda _
Greg's first girlfriencl.
us T0 LEAVET gg b didn't like
C wasn't
d looked like
3 At first, Greg thought Yolanda was _
a ordinary.
b exciting.
C boring.
d horrible.
4 Greg and Yolanda left the party because _
o they wanted to be alone together.
b it was very Iate.
c they weren't enjoying themselves.
d they wanted a cup of coffee.
5 Greg fell in love with Yolanda _ the party.
Greg Howes and Yotanda Drake a during c at
Greg We first met ten years Yolanda I've been in love
b after d before
ago. We were both art
students at Queen's Art
with Greg since day onel I 6 Yolanda fell in love with Greg _
saw hjm during my first week a in the caf6.
Schoot. At the time, I was at coltege and I thought he b at first sight.
going out with someone else was fantastic -but 3_ so c after a few weeks.
and I definitely wasn't it took a white to get to
d when they becarne friends.
looking for another know him. When I found out
girlfriend. Yotanda was just he had a girlfriend, I was
a_ 7 Yolanda and Greg have _ personalities.
another person in my class - broken-heartedl . We a srmilar
I Liked her but she was very finaLly got together after two b interesting
quietandlF.ThataL[ long years - I was at a c introverted
changed at the end of our friend's party and Greg
d different
second year. We were at the suggested going for a coffee.
same party and we were both
2_ We ended up talking a[[ B Yoianda _ other boyfriends.
bored so . That's when night and that was thatl a always wanted
everything changed - we got We've had smat[ b has never had
talking and at eteven o'clock disagreements over the years
c has had
the waiters told us to [eavel but we've never had a big
d never wanted
We went back to her ftat and fight - I think jt's because
talked a[[ night. By the next
day, I knew she was the
we are so different. He still
loves being the centre of
9 They have had _ arguments.
right woman for me - I sptit
attention and I'm happy to b terrible
up with my [ong-term be the quiet one. I can't
girtfriend and Yotanda and I beljeve I've been so lucky -
have been together ever the man of my dreams fetl in d serious
since. We've been married for
seven years and we've never
love with me and we've been
happy for eight years. 5_ 10 They _ children.
a hope to have
spent a day apart. I can't
b love having
imagine ever wanting to be
with anyone etse. c wouldn't like to have
d wouldn't mind having
GRAMMAR tL Put slnce or forin the correct place in each sentence.
1 N'fy parents har-e lii ec1 here(tliey nere rnarried.
Present Perfect with since and tor
2 My boyfriencl ancl I har-e been together 2004.
3 My sister hasn't lir-ecl at honre she r,vent to
o Use slnce + iime expression to show when the event
l've been at this school since I was thirteen.
4 Have they been engagecl ntore than a year?
= | started here when I lvas thrrleen, I am here now.
. With srnce, use a point or moment inlime'. 1978, 5 Have Srou been going out togethet'the
Tuesday, last winter on my birlhday, yesterday etc beginning of the year?
. Use forto show the amount of time between when 6 We haven't seen each other about a n eek.
the event starled and now:
fve been at this school for four years.
t3 Write two answers to each question. Use srnce and for.
A Use phrases from the boxes to complete the accept just
conversations. There is an extra phrase in each box. adult kiss
against fast (v)
already light up
bark look after
be in favour of love at first sight
be in one's teens/ married
twenties/f ifties miss {sb)
0e0 NewYears Eve
UinO Oate n0tse
call centre panner
caring passl0nate
celebrate oiercino
come true pleased
i #i"; *rih ;;, no";t yo" irrt"r. ... concentrate ray
fl Or""4{g
successf ul relationship tolerant of
have a lot in common trust
have an argumenVargue turn back
help with the housework turn round
r uct"" r'iil', tlt* toturtv. ti seems i; ;* ... hold hands unTarr
I see what you mean ... I'm afraid not. hold on Valentine's Day
If you ask me ... Personally, I think ... nug weddinq anniversarv
That's true ... \Vhat do you think ... rmagrne weddind rinq
2 Ben I haven't got very good marks. interrupt
I should
leave school now
Mum 2
but I don't
think you should leave school
Ben 3 T'm rxnqtino
rny time. T could get r job.
Dad 1
you need to
work harder at school. If you get
Ben |,"-;$?,ii:i,1
Dad It seems to me that you are being lazy!
, dear?
Mum Dad's right. 7
Complete the advertisement for a dating agency with
VOGABULARY words from the Word list.
e" Complete with words from the Word list.
Noun Adjective
'l romance romanf,ic
2 divorce
3 engagement
Is this you?
4 marriage
5 passion v always alone on lValentine'a Day ?
6 tolerance ? r1o one to'_ at midrright on NewYears Eve?
7 gosslpy v noonetos with irr the cinema?
The media
The passive
Affirmative Negative
Present Simple Breakfast is served from 7 to 9.30a.m. Breakfast is not (isn't) served in the bar.
Passive Lunch and drnner are served in the dininq room. Meals are not served in the guest rooms.
Past Simple Penicillin was discovered in the 20th century. The Titanic was not (wasn't) built in the USA,
Passive Five people were killed in an accident vesterdav The roads were not (weren't) opened for four hours
Present Perfect My bag has been stolen. My passport has not (hasn't) been found.
Passive The invitations have been sent by email. The replies have not (haven't) been received yet.
.. - :::.:'
Questions Short answers We form the passive with the verb to be and the past
participle of the verb. We use the passive
ls this magazine bought by r when the action or the object is more important than the
young people? No, it is not (isn't). p!,rson q1 thing which does the action: English is spoken
Was the stolen car found at Yes, it was, all over the world
the station? No, it was not (wasn't).
o when we don't know the subject (the person or thing
that does/did the action): The painting was stolen from
Has the door been locked? Yes, it has the nusuem.
No, it has not (hasn't). . to describe processes: The milk is taken to the factory
then it is nade into butter and cheese.
lflf- questions
Using fy
How is pasta made?
We use Dyto say who or what did the action, when this fact
When was America discovered?
is important:
Why has the music been turned off?
The'best article was written by a French journalist,
Have you been seen by a doCtor?
1 The first British newspaper, Tlte Dai,Ly 6 In 2005, more than 170 newspapers _ by
Courant, _ in London's Fieet Street in 1702. News Corporation in different parts of the world
a is pubiished c has been published a are oumed c were owned
@was published b have been owned
2 Until the 1980s, nearly all Britain's biggest 7 Fifteen thousand peopie _ News Corporation
newspapers _ in F leet Street. in different parts of the world.
a are produced c were produced a are employed by c were worked for
b have been produced b employed by
3 In the past, British newspaper production _ B F orty million newspapers _ woridwide by
by the printers' unions. News Corporation every week.
a is controlled c was controlled a are printed c were printed
b have been controlled b have been printed
4 The Sun,Britatn's biggest selling tabloid, _ I Do you know how many newspapers _ in
in 1969 by News Corporation. India today?
a is started c has been started a are published c were published
b was started b have been published
5 The Ti,mes _ by News Corporation since 1981" (the answer is more than 5,000 - in more than
a is c has been ov,rred 1,000 ianguages!)
b was owned
Same old rubbish.
We've invaded a
small island called
% Complete the text with the correct 'e Use the correct passive form to complete the second sentences.
passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1 The Nobel Committee has awarded the Nobei Prize for
One of the first newspapers Literature each year since 1901.
wae prod-tcel ( oroduce) d u rins The Nobel Trize for Lit eraLure hae been awarded each 'lear
the times of Julius Caesar. The alnce 1901.
Acta Di,utna (Euents of the 2 In 2005, the British pla;,.wright Harold Pinter won the
Day) was a newsletter which Nobel Prize for Literature
(write) by In 2005,
hand and then put up in
important places in Rome.
3 TWo Polish rvriters have won the Nobel Prtze for Literature.
Newspapers 3 The Nobel Prtze for Literature
(print) since the beginning of
lhe seventeenLh centrrrv At 4 The Nobel Committee has given J.M Coetzee the Nobel
firqt fhorr a Prize for Literature twice.
(publish) in Northern J.M. Coetzee
Germany but soon the idea
(copy) in
5 Joseph Pulitzer started the Pulitzer Prize in 1917 to
other countries. These early
encourage good writing.
newspapers usuaily had only one
In 1917, the
page and there were no pictures,
advertising or even headlines.
Joseph Pulitzer to encourage good writing.
The oldest daiJy newspaper in 6 Each year, Columbia University in the USA gives the
Britain which 6 Pulitzer Pri ze for Reporting to a journalist.
(print) today is The Ti,mes.It Each year,
since 1785. Columbia lJniversity.
Today more than 18,000 different 7 Since the Pulitzer Prize started, the committee has
newspapers'. increased the number of nrizes to fortv-one.
(sell) around the world Since the Pulrtzer Prize started.
Read the sentences from the article.
.a^^^^^ +h^ t^+^.^^+
dr,r,u)D Lt tu il ttut |ut magazine {weekly/monthiy) I Complete with words from the Word list.
afterwards measure
Noun Verb
a0e 0r0u0 media
' tmoA+
aiitrorgt message board 1 --n
utztuttttttv argue
argument negative effect L babysit
afticle news {sporls/travellworldl 3 broadcaster
astronomer local/i nternational news) 4 campaign
babysitter newsagent's discuss
be disausted with/ newspaper (daily) 6 penalise
be shocked at next 7 recommendation
broadcast on the contrary
8 resemblance
cam0at0ner on the other hand
t Tick the three nouns which are people.
chat site (on lnternet) penalty ?& Complete the sentences with the correct form of
come out {be published) phone-in words from Exercise 1.
comedy serieslroles photoqraph (vt
commercial pnotograpner 1 My brother and I always arTue about what to
completety planet watch on TV. We never have a sensible
computer networ[</screen positive side where we both quietly say u'hat we
connect to the Internet pnnt think!
consteltation printing press 2 There have been several to improve
c0nvincrng pr0gramme
the i-orrlent of TV programmes.
cyber cafd proslc0n3
3 In Britain, there are strict if you don't
daily life
quality paper bu5' 31Y iicence
quiz/newspaper quiz 4 The _ betlveen the twins is amazing
!r*fr;;'utuoumrEditor 5 I watched the programme whiclL you
OISCUS$ON radio drama/station
documentary reatrry sn0w - thank you, it rvas a good suggestion.
download reas0n
dozen recOmrnen0 &.. Circle the correct prepositions,
drama releree :
1 I am shockecl@ / to I on some of the
earthquake reoort (v) progranunes which are on TV when children
educational resemble are watching.
2 If you want to connect at I on I to the
Slfl$'n'' Internet, you will need a telephone line or
facilities :::::.'g'^ql^
broadband access.
Iamrne section
3 Would you take part tn I on I to a
ilnailv s0ap 0pera
docurnenlary about iamily life?
rrrst 0T alt social problem
fnrm Ar\ 4 You say that young people are unhealthy. I
srar ivl
atoronnlna say that, at I on I to Lhe contrary, young
oame show
gene,railsailon people exercise a lot and eal healthy food.
, Ia0t0t0
qet out iaKe pan In 5 At I ltt, I On my opinion, there are too many
Don't believe everything
you read in the
tteus / goss'ip columns,
@ W : '::L::'
\ ',.,,,.rr\,
Sorrl'-, but it's not
M,, Lteadlirie I tri,'uiaL This is the last time I u'ork
w ne\\is. on a rect|ity / qu,iz show. This says
Tnt+r'pqtirr ol
tjj Circle the correct alternatives in the speech bubbles ) Circle the 'odd one out',
1 educational inforrnative trivial useful
Complete the sentences with the correct words from 2 publish broadcast report star
the box. There is one extra word. 3 campaign argument discussion debate
urfi"i" .rli"".ti a;;;*""i;ries 4journalist photographer violence
headlines leaflet broadcast magazine ne\4'sagent
l:TryPs Plgle ll !?!191q
drama diary documentary phone-ur
headline article referee column
1 Jake always buys a quality newogaper at the
weekend and a for the gossip
2 When I picked up the magazine a Extend your vocabulary
about an animal charity
fel1 out. Study the phrasal verbs with clme.Then use them in
3 I'll save that long about the correct form to complete sentences 1-6.
Madonna and read it at the weekend.
4 l,{y dad never reads the whole newspaper - **iiv*€ #&r&sss to find something by chance
he just looks quickly at the '----_ to *#$?*e h**&a; to return to a place
get a general idea of r,vhat's in the news. e&6s3* ef$n to be removed
*{sf'??e txaxtl to be published
5 Now we've got satellite TV I can watch more
Tit+-, *#s€?e rsgcs?d: to visit someone in their home
Lr --
r rut.y
e*mt€:l xs6x* to happen unexpectedly
6 Most callers to radio
prograrunes don't have any'thing interesting
1 The Sunday newspapers usually e.grrte pul
[o say. late on Saturday night.
7 When US radio lhe drama 2I _ my old school photographs last
Wa'r oJ'the WorLds in 1938 a lot of listeners
believed aliens u'ere attacking the Earth.
3 We love having our holidays here so we
B Sometimes TV journalists film in secret to
every year.
4 I can't drive the car - the wheel has
:"ut: " *
Broadcast Tower
Wroxham Ave.
l Norwich
fD___ -
Dear Sj-r or
show and she didn't fisten to his opinions seriously. Next, r heard
her talking to a man about the tabloid newspapers and again
she_didn't listen to his argl-ments. Finally, sne lora the man he was
I 'si11y' so I turned off nqz radio.
I agree that Ms Turner j-s sometimes amusing but, on the other hand,
she is somet.imes rude. The phone-in is an opportr:nity for ordinary
vl people t.o e>qrress thej-r opinions. However, Ms Turner spoils it. when
I she is impolite.
v Yours faithfully,
vl Kapr+ fe4erS
Mr R. Peters
paragraph. I 4
LISTENING SKILTS 6 The Personal Privacy Bill stopped
.-ese photos, Then, when the film The Peacemaker opened in bedrooms or other private places. Zoom lenses can still be used I
'.=.. vork. the paparazzi photographers refused to take pholos if the stars aren't in a private place so, if they are on a beach
which they think is empty, there may be someone ready to take
:' C ooney, who starred in the film, Although film stars hate the a photo at any time. ln 1999 the law was made stronger and
:,iarazzi, they also need to have their photographs in the
-r,'.spapers to give them and their f lms publicity, The difference people can't be photographed if they are at a private event, such I
: ihe stars would like to see only 'nice' photos in the as a wedding. I
- : : e's but often Ihe paparazzi photos are more interesting and The stars are still photographed, but they have got a little more
-- : -e enterlaininq. protection than they had in the past, I
Crime doesn't pay
1 We had seen each other several times before 6 Had you looked at a lot of police photographs
we_ before you _ the robber?
a speak. a recognised
@spoke. b didn't recognise
c had spoken. c had recognised
2 I had to waik home because I the last bus. 7 The judge didn't send the burglar to prison
a'm missing because he _ six months in prison waiting
b miss for the trial.
c had missed a hadn't spent
b has spent
3 My friends gave me a CD for my birthday.
Unfortunately, thieves _ our home the week c had spent
before and stolen my CD player. 8 I couldn't ring the police because the mugger
a had broken into _ my mobile phone.
b broke into a can take
c has broken into b hadn't taken
Circle the correct alternatives. n Use the prompts to write the sentences,
,1\ ndrew Cooper stayed at the
AuJ :,'i,,",-s ?',1J,?", |,"'i,l';
he LISA and bought the best clothes
''roney can buy. However.
looper exchanged his five-star hotel
.-.rom for a ggl] after he was sentenced to
.ir months in nrison.
U nemployed Cooper. 23, liom Card iff
n south Wales. had conned twenly-five
:reciit card companies and banks before
le was caught last December. He had
,rsed stolen account numbers to buy
Jesigner clothes, jewels and plane
ickets on the lnternet.
Cooper's life of crime finallv came to Andrew Cooper leaves courl after today's judgement,
-rn end when he was caught by detecrive
\\endy Abbolt. She had lirsr !nvesrigared asked to leave school because he had Cooper's lawyer said 'My client is an
rim in 200 I when he was using the slolen and sold exam papers and. when immature person. He lived in a fantasy
:lias Mr Conway. After yesterday's trial, he was twenty. police had arrested him world and he thorrght that he could buy
\{s Abbott said: 'lt was a difficult for forging medical qualilicarions and lriends. Today, he is a lonely and rather
rnvestigation because a lot of
his pretending to be a doctor. However. the unhappy young man. I rhink he has
crimes were committed on the Internet. judge explained why she had given him learned his lesson.'
He got-aluay-\u{h his crimes for a long a short senlence. 'You are a young man After the judge had sentenced Mr
:irne because he used five aliases and and I wanl to give vou a second chance. Coopeq his parents said 'Andrew is a
'.ias alwavs travelIing.'
I hope that your time in prison *ill be good son. He has done some silly things
The coufi heard ihat Cooper had 'a a short. sharp. shock and that you will but he isn't violent. He's learned the
long history ol dishonestv': he was change your behaviour,'she said. hard way that he must be honest.'
READING & Read the article carefully and circle the correct
Wffi Read the adicle quickly and choose the best title.
1 The judge sent Andrew Cooper to prison for _
a InLernational busirressman in prison a staying in hotels.
b Mr Conway arrested b buying expensive clothes.
C Con man goes lo prison c using the Internet.
d Doctor sent to prison
@stealing money.
% Put the sentences aboutAndrew Cooper's life in order. 2 Ms Abbott caught Cooper _
A He was given a prison sentence. f, a because he used lots of names.
B He bought expensive things. l b after a long time.
C The police arrested him for forgery. tr c when he used the Internet.
D The police arrested him for using stolen
credit cards.
E He had a trial.
rf d when she r,vas a detective.
a to help someone who has made a mistake 6 Mr and Mrs Cooper say their son's
b to understand what you did was wrong and behar,rour was _
change your behaviour a ingenious. c sociable.
c a room in a prison b innocent. d stupid.
d to learn something through a bad experience
e to not be caught or punished for doing
something wrong
f a punishment that is quick and effective
GRAMMAR C Circle the correct alternatives (0 = na article).
no article
We don't use an article
.to make general statements with plural and
uncountable. nouns: Apples are healthy. lnformation is
lree on Ine nErneL
w it h p ro p e r n o u n s f o r pe Abl,e;:Btfeffi ,,a,\oWnc,,', *nliiag
and places: Sarah, Northileld Road. Manchester,
)a, days, months 0r years: Monday, January, 1982
't: lhe
mea$i luncn.1lnner
: Our neighbours moved into(house next door
languages: French, English
them to leave.
&. Put the words in order to make short conversations, ACCUSC in poor condition
admire tn eanrol
1 A Congratulationsl / €10,000! I won lYou've
admit lngenr0us
B Really! lbe IIL / truel / can't
alarm inherit
A, Conqrat ulaLionel You' ve won €|a,OaO, alias innocent
B Keallvl Il, can'L be trlet, appear in c0urt investigate
aristocrat jealous
2 A you / last night? I that I see / horror film / 2 rroct jewel
on TV / Did judge
be under arrest
B I've / my / \-esl / been / frightened I so I in I
break a wlndow/break the lead
my lifel / never
laMbreak a promise leather
A break into love affair
burqle/burolar make oneself at home
callle minister
3AI/ i / today's / badly / in / test. / think / did
cheat {v} motive
B end / \yorry. / it's / rn'orld. I the I the I of I
cheer up mugging/mugger/mug
not / Don't
commit a crime murdererlmurder iv, n)
A c0n note
contain Oiler (nJ
00ntr0versial panrc
4 A matter? I the lWhat's
count (n) permanent
B I'm scarecl. / someone / There's I the I cnme anai^+^^+
pcl)ur rdr dJJr)Ld'rr
window'. / oulside
criminal {n) piracy {video, music,
A worry i nothing / to / There's / about. /
dead sOilware)
only/It's/the/wjnd. deal polico
A demolish poilce OrTrcer
i B
B miss / I / we're i to / going I the I plane. / think ominrata repair {n)
A will / Don't / be / all i Flven''fhins I rtsht. I envelope rewar0
worry. escape/run away/f1ee rqnr
A examrne robbery/rob/robber
B exchange safety deposit box
explanation scream
extremely sentence sb t0
Complete the conversations with appropriate phrases. false identity {a punishment)
fare dodge snenTl
1A I'm realiy frightened of flying. find sb innocenVquiltv sn00r (s0)/snor (n)
B (give reassurance) f inaerorints shopliflinglshoplifter
Don't be eilly - it'e eafer than Lravelllnq in a car, toriei $houl
fort'une silencer
2 A I'm really worried about tomorrow's exam. fl2fto speedjng
I don't think I've done enough work.
ucl lu steal
B (tell A not to worry)
get away withl srucrure
walk away with suspect
A I'vegot 100% in Maths! gloves swear
B (express surprise) grafilrl swindle
graphic artist tape
guard rernne0
4 A (ask what the problem is) guilty {of a crime) InreT/tnen
B I think my married brolher has got a hand over turn to
sirl friend I saw him in a cale mth a ilandgun/gun vatua0te
young woman - it definileJy wasn't my illegal vandalism/vandalisei
sister-in-law. imaginative vandal
A (give reassurance) immediately victim
immorallwrong wallet/purse
VOGABULARY & Put the words in the correct box. Then add four more
words from the Word list to each box.
g Complete with opposite adjectives from the Word list.
+rial burg+e swindle sheriff reward
Adjectives investigate guard gang escape dodge
1 legal illeeal detective court arrest alias accuse
2 moral
3 honest the legal world the criminal world
4 uncontroversial Lrial vur6v
6 guilty
reported speech
ll..1.,;,1....: ,.1,,,'.
,. :'i i::r:a:rri li:',:l :li::t:ai:liiitii:l:ltlt:t:lrlll
Reported speech
will wauld
'Everybody will have to take the final exam.' Pete said (that) everybody would have to take the final exam
1 Tim said, 'It's a great film.' 5 Olivia said, 'We've seen several films in this
He told _ cinema.'
athat it was a great film. She said that _
b said it was a great film. a they saw several films in that cinema.
great film. b they had seen several films in this cinema.
@me that it was a
c they had seen several films in that cinema.
2 Helena said, 'I'm seeing the film tomorrow.'
She said _ 6 Leo said, 'You must go and see the new Star
a that she was seeing the film the next day. Wars flhnl'
b she would see the film tomorrow He Lold me lhat _
c that she had seen the film. a I must went and see the new Star Wars flIm.
b I went to see the new Star Wars filtrt.
3 George said, 'This is my favourite film.'
c I had to go and see the new Star Wars film.
He said _
a it is his favourite film. 7 Bill said, 'The tickets in the hall are mine.'
b it was his favourite film. He said that the tickets in the hall
c me that it was his favourite film. a were mine.
b are his.
4 Ben said, 'I took my sister to see the film.'
c were his.
He told me _
to see the film.
a that he had taken his sister
b he was taking his sister
c he had taken my sister
I Write the short conversations as indirect speech. Write the famous lines in direct speech,
1 She said that tomorrow was another day.
'Tomorrow is anolher d,ay.'
(f1\m Gone Wi,tll the Wi,nd)
2 He said that he loved the smell of nanalm in
the mornins.
(filnApocalypse Nout)
3 He said that he wouid make him an offer
that he couldn't refuse.
3 Judy We can go and see the new Men in (song C arele s s Whi,sp e r)
Black film tonight.
Kate I've never enjoyed a science 8 Dorothy said that there was no place like
fiction film. home.
Judy They're very funny - I'm sure you'll
like it. (f1Im The Wi,zard oJ Oz)
9 Rick told Louie that he thought that it was
the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
4 lan My favourite film is The Matri,r.
Tara It's mine too! I've seen it six times (fiJm Casab\anca)
this year!
10 He said that he liked work and that it
fascinated him. He could sit and watch it for
5 James You know a lot about films.
Ken My parents gave me an encyclopaedia (novel Three Man i,n a Boat)
of the cinema for my birthday last year!
2clothes maker
Each year Hollywood and movie fans turn
their attention to the Academy Awards. The
awards are for different achievements such
as best director, best actor/actress, best film
editing. best original soundtrack and best
visual effects. However, you - like most
people - probably call the awards 'Oscars'.
The reason for this nickname is that an
Academy librarian, Margaret Herrick, looked
at the statue and said, 'lt looks like my Uncle
Oscar,' and the name stuck.
When the winners collect their Oscars, they make a speech. 1_'There's a lot to say,
but l'm not going to say it tonight.' or 'l want to thank ... everybody l've met in my
whole life.' Or, unfortunately,'_When Cher won best supporting actress for
Moonstruck, she thanked her hairdresser, make-up arlist and personal assistant but
she forgot to thank the other actors or the directorl
'^'^c di\/an
-1^L^r' was her Oscar for playing the
3 : when Louise Fletcher
n,,r" in one nz:;'5';;;;*:*::"*ff?,;*:"':'So l,fi tn"
",Gr vou' --- ' r-r'" """!ri'*o.n"n,. of silence to
loved being haieg by
;;;:; i;"";",ror uho'I""i*:*f
ffi#:? il:'L?#H*n' n"I oLd :: on L" shi p
orioinar ship
the originar
i Not surprisingly, 5_ but the occasion overwhelms some of them and they
can't say anything sensible. When Gwyneth Paltrow won the best actress
. Oscar for her role in Shakespeare in Love (1998) she cried throughout her
^^^^^+^^^^,-= o1,=oih and recently said ihat she keeps the Oscar hidden at
the back of a bookshelf because it brings back unpleasant memories of the
:,, embarrassing evening.
1 gives an example of a rude speech? I
Read the texts quickly and circle the best
2 gives an example of an amusing speech? n
3 is about someone who isn't proud of
The text is about their Oscar? I
a fi-lm stars 4 is about what the Oscars are? E
b Holly.wood films 5 telis you where the name came from? tr
c Oscar speeches
d film makers
& Look at the underlined words in the text and match
them to the definitions.
Match the sentences to the correct parts of the text.
1 momenNe : a very short time
A it can be long and embarrassing. 2 : a funny name used instead
B It can be short and simple. of a real name
C most prize winners are newous ' rlt'lzo fnr dnino
D Others are strange ^
something good
E Some people manage to be funny
4 : in every part of something
5 : something difficult or
important that you do well
6 : if a feeling does this, you
feel it very strongly
€ Read the information. X" Complete the dialogue with phrases from the box.
go roiu,ruif g;*g il ttr" li""*i .trv *
good idea my cup of tea not not to
A Do you fancy going to the jazz concert
Lanoford tonight?
B I'm sorry but jazz isn't really I
A How about 2
B Hmm, I'd prefer 3
Why don't we a and
watch a film on TV?
Veq rxrhrz 5 ? But
there's nothing good on right now, so let's
A H_ a_ g_ to a ciub
B I'd p_ n_ t_ . I've got a
Iot to do tomorrow. W d
walch a D\rD instead?
A Th-ag-
B D_ y_f_ coming to my
house or shall I come to yours?
Complete the sentences with word pairs from Extend your vocabulary
Exercise 4.
1 The epecial effecte in the Star Wars fihlts A Study the sentences. Then match the underlined
are amazing. words and phrases with the definitions.
2 Ttoy andAlerander are both epic films 1 Ask someone else - I've run out of ideas.
aboul 2 Could you run your eye over my essay and
3 Roman Polanski is a leadins tell me if it's OK?
3 The children have all got red, curly hair.
4 You will be fined in Singapore if you spit out It runs in the family.
in the street. 4 The editor decided to run the story in the c-:
4 This excel]ent
llall keep you guessing -
and on the edge of your
seat - until the very last
5 Stranger i,n Town has all
rhe insredienl s ol a classic
. The stranger
arrives in a one-horse
- ,rirr. he lights with a gang of violenl
ri-Lovs and wins lhe girl in the last len
j-rutes. Good if you like that sort of thing
Read the information and write the notes.
1 You've borrowed your mother's laptop
'& Read the messages and the notes, Circle the computer. \l'rile a note to her to say
correct answers. r you have taken il
1 The messages are allfonna| I inJormal.
r why you need it
o when you uil.L bring it back
2 The emails are between people at work I
3 The texts are short because the people
are rude I knout ectch other weLI.
i irl t,
f1 ';;;,t,,,t1:;,
VOCABUTARY AND GRAMMAR rt, Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct f0rm. (6 points)
4 Put the words in capital letters in the
My friend rwae arresNed, (arrest) iast week. IIe
c0rrect f0rm. (6 points) 2
(finish) work late and
1 I w-as attacked in the street by (sit) in his office, packing his
a muqqer . MIJG things au.ay lr,.hen the police a
2 ilow terrible. A1l the phone boxes (come) in. An alarm 5 (go) off in
have VAI'IDAL the buiiding and theyti (sec) thc
3 T\vo broke into our light in his office ancl thought he was a burglar.
house yesterday. BURGLE The;v- took him to tire poiice station but they
4 A --- is someone who kills soon realised that thev; (make)
someone else. MURDtrR a mistake, and ther'let him go.
5 I'm sorry" Mr Smith is busy'. \Vould
you iike to talk lo his ? ASSIST Read what the actress said and then
6 Don't download that! repoft it. (6 points)
Eutch Oassidy and ;
the Sundance Kid ffi:,::,,:ffi,,::,ffi ffiffi
Ane of the best films about crime. After that, nobody heard of them die. The film was very successful.
7 Tha irnin ac'rnrq ininor-l rrn rriith tha
\-/criminals ever made was the 1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
story of Butch Cassidy and the again so everybody thinks they were same director in 1973Ior The Sting.
Sundance Kid. 1
_.There is a story the robbers but nobody really knows. :nnthor cnmor'hr-nrima fjl11.
that Butch Cassidy's first crime was to
steal some clothes. He had gone io The film starred Paul Newman and
town to buy a suit but, when he got Robert Redford. Paul Newman was
there, the shop was shut. 2_ . This already very famous but Robert
qtnnr mav not ho lrr ro hgl it ShOWS that Redford was almost unknown. 5_ .
he was a 'gentieman criminal' who He thought about Marlon Brando or
liked stealing money but always tried Steve McQueen. In the end, Robed
not to hurl anybody. E?ar1fnrr1 rnraq norfont
He and his gang robbed banks and The director was George Roy Hill. He
trains and, in 1900, he met up with made the film so that the two criminals
Harry Longabaugh, alias the Sundance were the heroes. 6_ One famous part
Kid. They kept on robbing trains. In one is when Butch Cassdy rides a bicycle
robbery, they killed someone who while the song Raindrops Keep Falling
worked on the railway. 3_ For a few on my Head plays on the soundtrack
years they lived normal lives but then they enrJ
ur ru. ilin| narte ir a 2lmn o+ ^ aa-^n',
l.,or Lot '- o qrr rrvol d uul lluuy
stafted robbing banks again. Nobody with some clever diaiogue. The film is
knows why. '_ . In 1908, there was a also famous for its ending where, as
bank robbery in Bolivia and the police the two criminals are shot dead, the
shot two men who had committed the film stops so that you don't actually see
Health matters
Second Gonditional
Yes/No questions
M€:iiKffi *;Kae *rmpw':":::''::''::'"::
Shoft answers
With the uerb be, we use ryas in
Would you run a marathon
Yes, I would./No, I wouldn't. informal speech and writing but
you had the chance?
were in formal speaking and
lf you wanted to be fitter, writing.
Yes, I would./No, I wouldn't.
would you join a gym?
For example, student
Jane says:
n,he presen,:
lf Sydney got the 2016 )lympic Games, l would be very surprised.
. to give advice
lf,,i:r,rere lat l,'d'telt my parents the truth.
In a conditional sentence, the two palts of the_sentence can be in any
order, We use a,comma when the ffclause is first.
lf you exercised more, you'd feel h.ealtltier
Circle the correct answers to form Second Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the
Conditional sentences. correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If it zs /[Dnd sunny, we zai,ll pLaa l@outa pnD 1 I'd help (helo) vou rf I had (have) the time
tennis. 2 If it _ (be) windier, we
(go) sailing.
2I'd go I zaent skiing lf it be I were \ess
3 If you (do) an extreme sport,
which one _ it _ (be)?
3 If I meet I met a successful sportsperson, 4I _ (go) surfing every day if I
I'd ask I'LL ask them about their training (live) in California.
prograirune. 5 If you (be) better at judo, you
4 We uouLdn't lose I won't lose so many (have) a biack belt.
matches 1f we trai,n I trained more. 6 If I _ (run) a kilometre, it
(kill) me.
5 If we dzdn't enjoy I don't enjoy volleybail, 7 It I _ (not live) so far from the
we LLtotz,'t p\ay / wouldn't play 1t. mountains, I _ (go) skiing more often.
6 I'd go I went horse-riding if horses are I were B Which martial art _ you
smaller and slower. (do) il you _ (have) the time?
9 How you _ (feel) if you
(win) an Ol5.'rnpic medal?
10 I _ (relax) more if I _ (be)
,t9 Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the Match the two pafts of the First and Second
correct form of the verbs in brackets. Conditional sentences.
1 I broke my leg, fAphge- for an ambulance.
If 1 If I win a gold medal at the next Ol;.anpics, tr
(break / phone) 2 If I won a medai at the Olj.'rnpics, I
2I _ better at rock climbine if I
3 If I'm Minister for Education,
4 If I were Minister for Education,
(be / practise)
3 I_
If enough time, I
5 If you want to be healthier, T
fitness centre every day.
to the 6 If I were you, tr
a I'11 make all students do regular exercise.
(have / go)
b you will need to eat less and exercise more.
4 They cycling this weekend if the
c I'd try to eat less fat.
weather better.
d I'll retire from international sport.
(go / be)
e I'd be very proud.
5 If you an international footballer,
which team _ you _
f I'd build a swimming pool for each school.
(be / play) €& Decide who said each sentence in Exercise 5.
6 you _ scuba diving if you
to the Barrier Reef in Australia?
(go / go)
a politician
- _
7 She aerobics if it
(do / not be)
a friend
8If I to be stronger, I
(want / try)
9 Even if you _ for a bungee jump for
my birthday, I _ to gol
(pay / refuse)
play / Iend be / send ne+-epen-fge
Ps{ls!cls want,&relp not be / not be
a six-year-old
'.qa:i*. :., ::a;::\)::,11::::::::::,,r;* runner
Quickly read the other paragraphs and check your
religious group/
nflonk (n) a man who lives in a answer to Exercise 1.
community A
This level of difficulty means that only thirty
wplritaa| (adl) related to
1 your religious thoughts monks completed the challenge in the whole of the
and feelings twentieth century In previous centuries, men died
and their sraves are along the route of the race. For
the monks who enter the race, there is no room for
faiiure: if they don't complete the course, they have
*- Below are the first and last paragraphs of an article, to kill themselves (although there haven't been any
Read them and complete the sentence. suicides since the nineteenth centurv).
These Japanese monks complete a challenge in
which they run two marathons every day for one
hundred days. They do this incredible test of
strength to increase their spiritual knowledge. To
have the right level of fitness for this extraordinary
challenge, they have to train for seven years.
Modal verbs
musf and have to should
1 must and have tomodify the main verb to mean that We use should and shouldn'tto give advice, make
suggestions and to say what is right or wrong.
Iil,-Jl|:illffi:i";, obrisation comes rrom the o The! should work less and rest more, (it's a good idea to
balance work and relaxation)
t must talk to Jim taday.(it's irnporlant for me to talk t The children should be in bed at this time. (they are up
too late, the right thing is for them to be in bed)
orlfu'H)n * hone by nidnishtJthe speaker thint(S
o You shouldn't eat s0 many sweets. (a suggestion that it
it is important for Anna to be home at that ttme)
isn't healthy to eat a lot of sugar)
. l)se have to/havegof to when the obligation comes
o I shouldn't need to tell you this every time we meet.
from another person.
(it is bad that you don't remember what I say)
We have to wilte an essay every week. (it's my
teacher's rule)
ln Britain, you have to be seventeen before you can
take your driving test. (it's a larru)
I've got to be hone by midnight. (it's my parents' rule) W&$ffi& *Xme 6rap$
2 nustn'tmeans that somethinq isn't allowed. We use it for The opposite of mustand have to is musfn'f not
. rules: You nustn't bring your mobile phone into an don't have to.
exam, You mustn't walk on the grass. nol
. obligations: You nustn't forget to send your mother a
birthday card,
Circle the correct alternative. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the
advice for travellers.
1 A I've got a headache.
BUou9doutdl must take an aspirin. Ttavelling'6nouta-lt must I shoulcl,n't be
relaxing and fun. However, holidays
2AI think she's broken her leg so we should
move her.
can't I can I must be terrible if you have a
B No! Don't be stupidl We must I should wait
bad stomach, too much sun or pick up a
for the ambuiance to arrive. tropical disease. Before you leave home, you
don't haue to I mustn't I must buy health
3 A I never go to the dentist but I don't have
insurance and you ashouldn't I mustn't I sltould
any problems with my teeth.
check if you need to take any health precautions.
B That's not a good idea. You should I haue to
see a dentist twice a year. For example, if you are going to a country
which has malaria, yolt5 dorlt haue to I
4 A Why aren't you going to school tomorrow? shou\d / must take malaria pills before you go
BI must I haue to be at the hospital at 9.00 because it is a very dangerous ilkress. In some
for a minor operation.
countries, yott'must I haue to I should carry a
5 A I feel great now. I'11 stop taking these certificate from your doctor to show you have
antibiotics. had your typhoid, yeilow fever and hepatitis
BYoudon't haue to lmustn't do that. You injections. If you don't have the certificate, you
have to take all of them.
won't be allowed into the country.
6 A I've got a cold. I think I'll go and see a In hot countries, you7 don't haue to I m,ust I
shouldn't drink lots of water but to avoid
B You shou\dn't I shoulrl go and see a doctor
stomachaches, you B don't lzaue to I mustn't I
with a cold! It's a waste of time.
should use bottled water. Also, remember the
7 A Can I buy some aspirin at the supermarket? sun is very strong so you e must I don't ho,ue to I
B Yes, you can. You don't haue to I mustn't shouldn't spend too long in the sun. Skin
go to a chemist's for them.
cancer is becoming more coflunon for northern
8 A Shouldn't you be at the doctor's now? Europeans so you 10 should I haue to I ryrust
B No, I'm going later. I don't, haue to I haue to use a sunscreen to protect your skin at all
be there until midday. times.
Put the words in order and complete the conversations. a cOld incredible
a iomnoratr
u ru,r ,Pwr uLu,rra
u indiqestion
1 about / ideas / you got / Have / any / how
accidenl Insnrn n0
I / you lIf lwere acluall\/ J0ggrng
A lave you qot, any ideae abouL how to get fit? a0vrce kick-boxing
aer0bics lie down
I'd do a little exercise every day. ambulanceicall for lose nope/wergnt
mndinl n*a
2 me I some / you / advice? / Couid / give an ambulance il tclt Udt dl tD
volleyball. llP:g,:^^^,,.
UU/gUUr\trUp llL painkiller
B booklet patient
play again until if's berler. hnvinn
',/;h!sical ed ucation (P E)
3 how / on / you / tips / to / Have I any I got BIACME
brisk p16scription
brochure prevFUs
A relax?
bunoee iumoino
listen to some quiet music? calch ilp wlth r0cK cilm0rng
,+ h^i^h+^
4 do? lI / should / What challenge ^^^"
JUdrou ^+
ur iltrruilLD
toibetter/It's/not cheer sb up scu0a,0tung
chemist's JUt ^, '+ 1^^
^^+ UUt ^ rr,^ll1\
tUI{ d Vvdtn/
A I've got a terrible headache and sore throat
CNEST snerrer u)
c0ast sKrng
go out
conditions snowboarding
in the cold. Stay at home and keep warm. confident sore throat
c0pe sporting event
Use the prompts to write the conversations.
cvcltn0 stay in bed/indoors
Use different expressions in each conversation,
donflef stomachache
1 (you don't have enough money, ask for advice) nonroQeon storm
A I haven't, qot enouqh money. what ahould I do? 0esprre stressed out
(advise them ro get a weekend job) disabled sufler
B energeilc suocestion
exercise surirng
exhausted crlrallnrnr
2 (you have flve big exams next week, ask your expe0ru0n swap
friend for tips on revising) explorer swimming pool
A fall behind (with a task) symparneifc
fame table tennis
(suggest one usefill way to revise) fever take time off work
fitness club raKe up (a sporr)
takelget some exercise
I0renea0 teamlindoor/
3 (you have lost your brother's MP3 player, ask ttAU ut I tu Dpur LD
VOCABULARY Circle the 'odd one out'.
trurop€, Europe
0uestion tags
Affirmative sentence + Negative sentence +
negative question tag aff irmative question tag
Anna is very nice, isn't she? Vnr r aron't
qro vntt2
roqd,tt q,u
'wqvyr Jvut
The children staft school at 8.30. don't they? Andy doesr t wart to go. does he?
Your friends are coming tomorrow, aren't they? Sally isn t do ng he. hoflework now is she?
The conced was great, wasn't it? The Jacksons weren't very nice, were they?
The Browns moved here two years ago, You didn't tell her the truth did you?
didn't they?
euibi" hur f,nbhrd *of,.irq h.rrtl rhri The boys haven't done their homework,
have they?
We had visited them before, hadn't we? Jim hadn't seen it before, had he?
You will come back, won't you? The operation won't take long, will it?
You can swim, can't you? The dog can't hear us can it?
lan and Helen should be here soon, Cathy shouldn't talk to me like that,
shouldn't they? should she?
To rnake a question tag, we use an auxiliary verb {be, have, 1 Intonation and queslion tags
da, will), and a pronoun {you, he, she, it) to match the
To know if a question tag is asking for agreement or asking
subject of the sentence.
a question, listen care{ully to the speaker's intonation.
lf there is a modal auxiliary (can, shoutd, must) in the first
part of the sentence we repeat ii in tne iag.
. asking for agreement:
It s aheautiiul' day taday. isn't it ! ?
We add q0estion tags to the end of sentences to r asking a question:
. check and ask for agreement: You dan't use the euro in Pafand, do you I ?
Bill doesn't eat meat, does he?
(the expected answer is 'No, he doesn't.')
2 lrregular or unusual qusstion tags
. ask for an answel when we afe not sure:
You haven't been''Io Malta, have you? l
a I'm worse at French than you, aren't l?
a Let's have dinner later, shallwe?
(the answer is either'Yes, I have.'or'No, I haven't.')
a There's a bank nea{ here, isn't there?
. make a polite, informal request for help (always negative a Somebody will help you, won't they?
+ affirmative tag): a Everybody's had dinner. haven't they?
You can't give me a tift to the station, can you? a Nobody likes her do they?
I I have a Spanish passport. I'm an EU cilizen,
4 some EU countries / not use / the euro You won'l tell Mum and Dad,
No, I won't if you give me 5rour iPod.
5 EMU / mean / European Monetary Union
&^ Put the sentences in order to make shoft
Read the sentences. Listen and circle the correct 1 A What are you planning to do when you
alternative. finish school?
B_ I pass all my exams, _ go to
1 There have been _ progranunes aboul the
European Union this week. university.
a some b a few c one or two @iots of 2 A What are your career plans?
2 The radio station had asked listeners to B M_ a_ is to work for an
a write a letter. c email them. international aid charity.
b leave a message. d get in touch. A That sounds serious.
3 The first listener thinks the Eurovision Sons B Yes, i w_ t_ study medicine
Contest is popular because _ and when I qualify, I'm g_ t
a it's good entertainment. get a job with a medical charity.
b the music js good. 3 A Have you got any short-term plans?
c it's boring. B Yes, I have. I_ p_ t_ go
d she likes Wo,terloo. on a six-month trip to Spain.
4 Mr Howes has watched the Eurovision Song A That sounds great. What are you going to
Contest _ do there?
a with iots of different people. B I_ g_ t_ study Spanish
b every year since it started. in Granada.
c since his parents bought a TV. A Why are you doing that?
d since he met his wife. BM_b_ istogoto
South America. I w_ love to climb
5 The radio announcer thinks her listeners _ the Andes mountains, if i h_
The Young Musi,ci,an of the Year contest.
a want to iearn about
b won't be interested in
Write true answers.
c wanted to discuss
1 What are you going to do next summer?
d know a lot about
I'm Qoinq Na work on a fruil farm and lhen Qo on
6 Ms Parker thinks that Junior Eurovision Song holiday with my fnends,
Contest is _ than the adult contest.
2 What are you planning to do when you
a more boring than c as good as leave school?
b better than d more interesting than
7 She likes Saue ALL Your Kisses for Me 3 What will you do if you don't pass your exams?
because _
a it's got good words. 4 What's your career ambition?
b it's by her favourite band.
c it was the winner in 1976. 5 What's your biggest dream?
d it's a typical Eurovision song.
absurd t00K iorwaro 10 31. Complete with words from the Word list,
academrc il rdnu ^d Jpuuur
^^^^^h r
cOrnmrilee passoort
Complete the definitions with adjectives from the
compete peacelul Word list,
competition politician
competitive politics 1 compel,iLive a Derson who rvants to be more
conference population successful than other people
c0nstrtutr0nal m0narcny UUI T
2 _ a country where the people
consultation 00wenul vote for the government they
co-ooerate pr00um0n want.
currency rearrry 3 _ related to the \vay a country
debate referendum . makes money from industry-,
decision regulate business etc.
Oeoree (acaOemrc cOursel relatrves 4_ important in history
dehocratic repu0ilc 5_ calm and quiet
diptomat scenery 6_ somethrng or someone who is
divided in two sefl0us very strong and / or has
dominated sign (an agreemenVtreaty) influence
economic speech
economicallv start a lamily
- 7 _ something that probably won't
tdnu d ut uclt\
Complete the sentences with words from the Word
list and Exercises 1 and 2.
eur0 tne uommon MarKet
Furopean the European Court 1 It will change our country's ecoronry if w-e
Eurovlsion the European Economic have the euro.
exchange programme C0mmunity 2 At the end of World War I, European leaders
experiment the European Parliament the Treaty of Versailles
famine the [uropean Union 3 Czechoslovakia's 1989 Velvet Revolution
+L^ il^+h^-l^^f,^
flag tI IU,I\dUU IUI IdI IUb
started with a student
free market U dutt
demonstration. Although the students
fl:x:'lffl#h.,.,. ireaty
weren't violent, the police attacked lhem.
(0n sD/srn) un ited,
4 I'm fascinated by the past so I'd love to be a
& Look at the pictures and complete the captions with & Circle the 'odd one out'.
words from the Word list. t hnrder G;;;;;- port caprtal
2 currency free market enquiry trade
3 visa passport diplomal ID card
4 treaty agreement decision pariiament
5 vote nightlife referendum politics
6 conference committee pariiament
7 agree calculate debale argue
B steel coal oil 1aw
rov:l familr line poes back through 125
emperors lo 660BC.
.1r'*# 6 The British monarch used to be the head of
state in North America. However, when the
Declaration of Independence was signed, The
USA became a . Now the head of
state is the elected presrdent.
7 Russia hasn't been a since Tsar
'If I had a pound for every promise Nicolas II was killed in 1918.
at election time, I'd be a very rich woman.' -
InvergiorJon Higk S"h""l
Invergordon High School
I'{s Lourdes Lopez 17 Blackwood Road
International School Invergordon
Avenida Tiafalgar IV18 9GK
O- Dear Ms Lourdes,
O- Thank for y-our. 1ettel d-ate{ 14th June. I am writiilf on behalf of Invergordon High School's exchange
committee. \A/e're
\A/e're delighted that you are bringing a group of trnglish language sfudents
students to Scotland ih
autumn. I hope to answer your questions in this letter.
e- You- asked about accommodation: your students will stay with our Spanish language students. A11 of the
students' host families live within walking distance of the school. Inlome ."sei, th. students will have\
to share a bedroom but in others they will have their own room. The visiting students should live by the
hostfamily's rules an-d,shouldn't, for example, smoke or bring strangers into the house. You will stay with
our Spanish teacher, Mr Duncan McGowan, and his tamlly. Of course, you will have your own room ar
Mr McGowan's home.
O- Yours sincerely
Dou1l*> Ca".eu:ell
Douglas Campbell
1 oooularior 250 million 7 I don't have lo stay tn bed so I'm not bored.
2 _ Washington DC I u'ould
-? 109
;:.7i& Listen to a tour guide taking some I Read about some of the UNESG0 sights in
tourists round Strasbourg. Circle the correct Britain. Match the places (1-6) to the correct
answers:a, b, c or (Z points) headings (A-G). There is one extra heading. (6 points)
1 The speaker is a _ . A ln Lhe middle of nowhere I
a tour guide c teacher B Three important buildings I
b tourisl d architect C Destroyed in a fire I
2 The Council of Europe building was designed D It all sounds old 1o me I
by a _ architect. E Given as a present
Spanish b f'rench c German d Su,rss f]
a F A kind man I
3 Which of these groups is NOT allowed inside
the Council building?
G There's nobody left -
a students c youth groups
b teenagers d young children COMMUNIGATION
4 One of the buiidings was named after a
famous European _ .
I Complete the words. (7 points)
TEST1 I UNITS 1-2 R0 Of course.
Woman 1 I don't know when we're leaving. The plane is J Thank you. Now, could you show me the way?
delayed, so we're waiting to find out what time the flight ls R0 Through here.
going to be. Right now we're going to sit in a restaurant and J OK, piease tell your cooks and kitchen workers not to
eat lunch. We've got some money from the airline because stop working. I don't want to disturb them. Now, flrst,
we're late. can you show me where you keep your meat, please?
R0 Here it is. We've got two large fridges for meat and a
I hope we're not too late because our hotel is a long way freezer here.
from the airport and lhe children are tired. J Aha, mmm.
Girl I'm going to go camping this year. I've got a new tent, RO What are you writing? Is eveqthing OK? These fridges
a rucksack and a nice, warm sleeping bag. My friends don't are very new. We bought them last year and we clean
want to come with me - they like sunbathing and relaxing them every day.
but I think that's a boring way to spend your time. I want to OK, thank you. Now, I'd like to look at the cupboards ...
walk in the mountains. I'm not sure where I'm going to go yes, I see ... pots and pans, knives and forks, very good.
yet Poland looks interesting, or maybe the P;,'renees. Wait a minute. What's that? On the floor? Cheese?
Man 1 This is great! We're leaving in about an hour. I can RO Oh that, er well you see we had mice in the kitchen and
see the ferry and I'm waiting to drive on. There's a man we put those near the cupboards to try to catch them.
checking tickets and a passport control and then we can go. J Oh dear, mice -
I'm hungry now. When I get on the boat, i'm going to find a RO Don't worry we haven't got any mice now. This cheese
seat in the restaurant next to a window and eat breakfast. is old. We've got a cat that lives in the kitchen. He
My last English breakfast for two weeksl catches the mice, look.
Woman 2 This is so exciting. This afternoon, we're going to J A cat? In the kitchen?
go to the travel agent's and book our holiday. We're going to BO Is that bad? He's very clean.
have a month in India. I can't believe it! The price includes J You can't have a cat in ihe kitchen. Now, these sinks.
flights, hotels and travel in India and we're going to see Are they for rvashirg vegeiables or diny plates?
eve4,thilg - the Himalayas, the Taj Mahal, The Rlver Ganges. RO Er ... Both.
I want to ride on an elephant in the jungle and see a tiger. J Both? You wash vegetables in the same sink that you
Man 2 I'm not going anywhere this year. I've got two weeks'
wash dirty dishes. You can't do that.
holiday in July but I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to RO But we clean them very we1l. Hello, Patrick. Patrick
paint the house, work in the garden and relax. I like holidays works here.
but when I come home I'm always more tired than before I J Wait a minute. He's washing his hands in that sink.
leave. I hate flying, and holidays in England are very RO Oh yes, he's very clean.
expensive. I might go cycling at the weekend but nothing else.
J But it's the same sink. Oh dear, oh dear ... We]l, the
inspection is finished now. I'11 send you a fu1l report in a
TEST2IUNITS3-4 few days but I can tell you some ofthe things I saw today
which aren't good enough: Animals in the kitchen, only
Lecturer Good morning. Now, as you should remember, last one sink, dlrty fridges, cooked and uncooked meat in
week we were looking at the works of Ernest Hemingway. Did the same frldge, dairy foods not put away in the fridge,
you all do your homework? Good. I'11 collect it in at the end food on the floor, two workers tasting the soup and
of the lesson. Now today, we're going to look at some of the putting the dirty spoon back into the soup ... I'm golng
greatest writers of detective stories. Later I'11 tell you about
to come back again in one month and I want to see this
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who u,'rote the Sherlock Holmes place cleaner and better organised than now. Goodbye
books but first I want to look at an American writer, Ra).mond RO Goodbye.
Chandler. Does anybody know him? ... No? Well, never mind.
He was born in 1888 and spent the first few years of his life TEST4IUNITST-8
in Chicago but, when he was a child, his family moved to S-Sara,M-Mum
England. He went to school at Dulwich College, that's an
expensive private school in south London, but he also
S We11, I'm all ready to go. This is so exciting, three
qrnrrnd F'rrrnnel
lllvlllllJ, 1-.^1' -.^l-ia6
Udr N-pd( Nll'b u'vu"u Lu'vy\
studied in F rance. He became a British cltizen but he
moved back to America in 1912.
M Oh, I'm so worriedl Are you sure you'll be alright?
During the First World War he was a soldier in the Canadian
S Yes, Mum. Don't worry i told you. Eveq'thing is
oroanised. T'll he fine. I'll be with Jill and Fran. Thev'll
army. After the war, he went to live in southern California look after me.
where he had many jobs. He worked as a journalist, teacher M Have you got your mobiie phone?
and pilot. He also wrote books, of course and all his stories S Yes, of course.
were about Philip Marlowe. Marlowe was a private detective M And where are you going?
in Los Angeles, a tough but very honest man. All of these S Mum! You know this. You've got a map in the kltchen
stories were also made into films, perhaps the best and with everJ,'thing on it. We're getting the ferry to Holland
most famous is Ttrc Bi,g S\ee'p starring Humphrey Bogart and we're going to stay in Amsterdam for a week. Then
and Lauren Bacall. we might go to France or maybe to Germany. We'lI see.
He wrote his first story in The Black Mctsk magazine tn I want to go to Germany but Jill's got a friend in France.
1933 and wryote hls first book in 1939. That was The Big M What wiil you do if you lose your money?
Sleep. He only rnrote seven books but an eighth , Poodle S I've got my credit card. if I lose that, I will ring the bank
Springs, was unfinished and, finally, in 1989, a u,riter I've got their number on my mobile phone. They will
named Robert B Parker finlshed it. stop the card and I can get a new one in a few days. I'11
For this week's homework, I have got some of Chandler's bonow money from Ji11 and tr'ran and then give it back
work for you to read and we will talk about it next lesson. to them later. And we'Il probably get part-time jobs
Here you are ... somewhere. We can work in a restaurant. We all speak
TESTS IUNITS5-6 M Wrat about if you're ill? What will you do?
S Mum, I told you. We've got these cards, EHIC cards. If
R0 - Restaurant Owner, J - Johnson
we're sick we can go to any hospital in Europe and we
R0 Good afternoon, can I help you?
won't have to pay any money.
J Good afternoon, sir. My name's Johnson. I'm from the
M But you won't be able to understand the doclors.
Public Health Department. Here's my card. I'm here to
S I'm sure they'll probably speak English or F-rench. Fran
look at your kitchens to check that they are clean and
speaks German too.
lhal evendhino is OK. Can I come in?
M What will you eat? Will you cook?
S Well stay on campsites or in hostels. We'll probably eat A It's great to be here,
in restauranls bul, if not. ne'll bu5 lood in P Now, before u'e talk dbout y611 latest filrn, I'd llke tcr
supermarkets. And don't u-orry, I'11 eat lots of fruit and ask you a fer,v questions about horv 1,611 started in film.
vegetables, it rvon't he burgers and chips every day! A Well, I was ah.vays a film fan. \\herL I n-rs at hrgh school
Now, I must go, the taxi's here. I loved going to mor-res bui n'hile m1- friends just
M Will you corne home lf you're unhappy? wanted to see the latest blockbnsters at the cinema, I
S Yes, Mum. u'as alrvays more interestecl rn olcl films and films from
M Have a lovely time and be careful. other countries. Of course s'heu l u-as growing up.
S i will. See you in September. video r,vas only just starting. \11'faml11-didn't have one
M Will you phone? and there weren't so man)- charrr els on T\: but you
S Yes, I'll phone you from Amsterdam. Just stop worr1ling, could still see a feil'good fihrs er-er1- n eek.
Mum! Bye. P Who were your lavouritc actor"s.l
A Well, even then I rvas more itlterestecl irr the clirector. It
TESTs IUNITS9 10 didn't really matter r,i-ho the actors \rere. -\ good
P-Presenter, J Jenny-, D-Daria, S - Stuart, E-Emily director could makc an actor good ancl a bacl direclor
P Good morning ancl w-elcome to Network South's can nlake even the best actor look bacl. So I loved the
Monday morrung phone-in show. Today u.e're lalking masters, Hitchcock, John fold. 81111-\\11cler of course.
about relationships and we want you to telephone with And because they often l-orked ujth the same actors, I
your probiems, advice, stories, happy or sad. Whatever sorl of liked them but then I l'as often disappointed
you want to talk about, jLrst pick up the phone and call u''hen I sar'v them in films by' othel clirectors. \\rhen I left
01616 328415, that's 01616 328115. And our first caller school I stttdied fiirn at collcge arLd of coulsp. the first
is Jenny. Hi, Jenny. thing I bought rvas a video pla;-er. Suciclenil- I coulcl
wa1,ch all those films I'd heard about but I'cl ner,er seen
J Yes, I just wanted to phone to say that my advice for
like The Seren Sa'm'urcrl ancl lots of European fihns
anyone who has problems r,vith relationships is to listen
to each other. It's very easy to think you are right but that don't get shorvn much in America. At college n-e
there must be some reason lvhy the other person sees had to make a short film as part of our course anci nfne
things diflerently. \\'as a sort of mixture of all the styles I likccl. It rvasn't
P Thank you, Jenny, that's a good point. I'm sure we all very good - I've still got it someu-liere but I har-en't
agree. Now, Daria, you have a sad story, I believe. u''atched it for a long timc - but it \\.as a ne\\ rclea and
D Yes. Weli, not very sad now. I was going out u-ith my
now I love mixing styles in strange \l'ays.
P So, your new film. \\hat's that about?
boyfriend for trvo years when he suddenly left me. We
were always happy, never argued, never hacl any A Well, it's a thriller. the main plot is about terrorists in
problems and I don't think he had another girlfriend. the USA trying lo kill the President but there are some
places where the plot changes and makes you think
He just suddenly finished the relationship and never
'Woah, what's going on!?'Well, I hope that's what il does.
told me what was wrong.
P If Daria's ex-boyfriend is listening, can you telephone and P And what styles can we look oul for?
tell us why you left her! Stuart. What do you want to say. A l'here are a leu parts rr here you can seo a westent
influence, especially the soundtrack, the guitar r,vork is
S I've just split up with my girlfriend. She wanted to go
very like a western. Some of the camera work too.
out all the time and she didn't like me playing computer
games uith m1r friends. You have to put a lot of effort Well, we can see a little of the film now ...
into having a girlfriend, thinking of what to wear, where
to go, what to say. It r,vas too much for me. TESTT I UNITS 13-14
P I knor,v what you mean, Stuart! Now, here's some good guide Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
Tour Welcome
advice, flum Enri11, T thinkl Emilyl to the beautiful, historic city of Strasbourg. I hope you
E Yes. I just u'ant to say, that I've been married for 40 enjoyed your tour of the Champagne district yesterday and
years and n-e're still very happy. I'11 tell you why. We that you had a goodiourney here today. We are going to
have always had two days a week u'hen we do what we start our tour at the Council of Europe buiiding. This was
want. I go to my friends, my husband goes to the pub designed by the architect Henry Bernard from France.
or the football with his friends. We can come home Yes, sir', I can spell that for you. Henry, H-E-N-R-Y Bernard.
anytlrne u'e want. The other five days we're together. B-E-R-N A-R-D. It was built in 1.977 . \\re aren't going intcr
That's what everybody should do. the building today but you can anangc tours, The onll'r"u1e
P Good advice. Nou', here's a question from Ed. is that no children under the age of 14 are allo\\ed.
Ed Yes. lve got a bit of a problem. I've done somet hing a In 1999 the European Parliament mcivecl to a ne\\' Luiliurg
bit stupici, I r,r.on't tel1 you w-hat it was and my girlfriend which we can see ahead of us. This is the Louise \\-eiss
is very angrv ll'ith me. We haven't split up but I'm building named after the r,witer and committe(l ELI'opean
u-orried that rve misht. I r,vant her back but I don't r,vho died in 1983 at the age of 90.
knorv horv to tell her 'I'm sorry' so that she will believe This buiiding has been much talked about sjnce it opcnecl.
me. Aly ideas?
mainly because of the very great costs of building ii.
P I'm sure somebody u.ill telephone to help, so keep on approximately $400 million in total lli,urf i,f ihe {r,-,rnplairts
listening. Ed. Non-, one last caller before the ner,vs and were caused u'-hen it rvas founcl that each \len-,L,er' ,,i ific
r,r'eather. Over to you Sam ...
European Parliament hac'l a shouel built in ilrtil',,,ifice ar a
Sam I don't knou n-h:rt Ed did but i've also made a few
cost of $12000 each. ,\nother t:on-rplaini i.c lhr..r. iie 1,ir1, lilg
mistakes ancl lost some ver1- nice girlfriends because of is only used for one neck each nonfh arr.1-i r.,-, rri a-- '1-lrrrg
them. \\hen I u-as 1'ounger. I thoLrght I could do u-hat I August.
r,vantecl ancl the girlfriend lr-ould still be there r'vailing
Nor,v, you'Il see there are t\\o oiher LrL|r, iu-,g: j r'kr !:,, lrL|
for me ri-hen I got home. Nou. I'm older, I knorv lhis
T.ouise Wp'.s i'li',rtrrQ Otrp i. al t j r );.. r I t'
isn't true. \on'I'r-e met the pel'fect grrl and I think I'm :
lhe perfect nan, \\'e11. almost! Xhdariaga buiJditrg atll tlr- 'rr.},.1 '- : \'.''r -' : ' : : : '..
P OK. thank 5 ou San. \\'e'll be back nith more calls in building. \bu'11 noticc that all ihe i',-r'r, r.r'=:' :-.r i. TrLt
tu'o nrinutes so clon't go a\1-aJ'. Shlpe \fas lO 1pl,fp:-il1 rlr.:l 't . :., '- -r'. .''- : :,.
betneen countries.
TEST6 I UNITS 11-12 After l-e have s-alkecl aroiin'l :ir- i,'-l- :"
Presenier'. A - -\icll- taking the tour bus back t,-' ih. 'r,.-, -.r.
P- ditLtret lt ilrP f:rnrull: t*- j:t:::
P Toclal- on Filn File. r-e are luc$'to hate uith us in the
raLhedla-. \bu'l lri,r r' -1.r 'i : r- .-- '.
studio ,\lcl1- Fari kes. one of Holl)-\\-ooci s best knouri bear-rtifuLlr' cooke,l . ,
clilectors. \\'elc:one,\rdr.
Pre-l ntermed iate Workbook
I S BN 978-0-582-85552-6
llil lllLl | illljllllllil