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Soil Stabilization by Using Lime and Fly Ash

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Soil Stabilization by using Lime & Fly Ash

P. Bala Krishana1, G. Seshu Pavan2
1,2Sri Sun Flower Engineering College, Challapali, Lankapalli, Andhra Pradesh, India

How to cite this paper: P. Bala Krishana | ABSTRACT

G. Seshu Pavan "Soil Stabilization by Using For any type of structure, the foundation is very important and it has to be
Lime & Fly Ash" Published in strong to support the entire structure. In order for the strong foundation, the
International soil around it plays a very critical role. To work on soils, we need to have
Journal of Trend in proper knowledge about their properties and factors which affect their
Scientific Research behaviour. By consolidating under load and changing volumetrically along
and Development with seasonal moisture variation, these problems are manifested through
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- swelling, shrinkage and unequal settlement. In this paper the experimental
6470, Volume-3 | results obtained in the laboratory on expansive soils treated with industrial
Issue-5, August IJTSRD26442 waste (fly ash and lime) are presented. A study is carried out to check the
2019, pp.663-667, improvements in the properties of expansive soil with fly ash and lime in
https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd26442 varying percentages. The test results such as liquid limit, standard proctor and
differential free swelling test obtained on expansive clays mixed at different
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and proportions of lime and fly ash admixture are presented and discussed in this
International Journal of Trend in Scientific paper. The results show that the stabilized clay has lesser swelling potential
Research and Development Journal. This whereas an increase in optimum moisture content has been observed.
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of INTRODUCTION
the Creative Soil is defined as an unconsolidated material, composed of solid particles,
Commons Attribution produced by physical and chemical disintegration of rocks. Expansive soil is soil
License (CC BY 4.0) can also be termed as clay that has a high potential for shrinking or swelling due
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by to change of moisture content in the environment. This is the main problem in
/4.0) this type of soils.
Clay is a fine-grained soil with particle size smaller than the maximum problem as they become slushy during rains,
0.002 mm that combines with one or more clay minerals as they are the most neglected lot. Premature failures are
with traces of metal oxides and organic matter. common in flexible pavements over clay subgrade. In rainy
Montmorillonite, a mineral formed due to the chemical seasons, the subgrade soil gets softened and intrusion of
weathering of the volcanic ash is the principal constituent. subsoil into sub base will take place resulting in failure of the
Expansive soils can be found in almost all the continents. In flexible pavement. The types of failures in clayey subgrades
India, large tracts are covered by expansive soils known as are as follows
black cotton soils. Geographically, Black Cotton Soils covers
about 5.46 lakh sq. km i.e., 16.6 percent of the total Longitudinal cracks and frost heaving
geographical area of the total area of our country. The major This is due to differential volume changes that occur in
area of their occurrence is the south Vindhyachal range expansive soils. The alternate swelling and shrinkage
covering almost the entire Deccan Plateau. Clay minerals are characteristics possessed by expansive soils results in
almost ubiquitous in soil and rock and are among the most tracking through the full pavement thickness. When the
reactive silicates. They affect the engineering behavior of soil temperature falls to lesser degrees heaving of pavement may
and rock both as materials of construction and as foundation occur due to frosting of water in voids of expansive soils. Due
materials. Destructive results caused by this type of soils to frost action volume of voids increases, thereby forming a
have been reported in many countries. localized heaving up portion in pavements.

Damage Caused to Pavements over Clay Subgrade:

Among the various damages, the damage caused by
expansive soils to pavements is more predominant. Majority
of the pavement failures is attributed to the poor subgrade
conditions. It is a well-known fact that water is the worst
enemy of road pavement, particularly in expansive soil areas.
Water penetrates into the road pavement from three sides’
viz. top surface, side berms and from subgrade due to
capillary action. It has been found during handling of various
road investigation project assignments for assessing causes
of road failures that water has got easy access into the
pavement. It saturates the subgrade soil and thus lowers its
bearing capacity, ultimately resulting in heavy depressions
and settlement. In expansive soil areas, unpaved berms pose Fig1. Longitudinal cracking

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26442 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 663
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Black Cotton Soil:
Rich proportion of montmorillonite is found in Black cotton
soil from mineralogical Analysis. A high percentage of
montmorillonite renders high degree of expansiveness.
These property results cracks in soil without any warning.
These cracks may sometimes Extent to the severe limit like
½” wide and 12” deep. So building to be founded on this soil
May suffer severe damage with the change of atmospheric
conditions. Black cotton soils Are inorganic clays of medium
to high compressibility and form a major soil group in India.
They are characterized by high shrinkage and swelling
properties. This Black Cotton soils occurs mostly in the
central and western parts and covers approximately 20% of
the total area of India. Because of its high swelling and
shrinkage characteristics, the Black cotton soils (BC soils)
Fig .2 Undulated pavement have been a challenge to the highway engineers. The Black
Classification of soils: Cotton soils are very hard when dry but lose its strength
The following systems are used, in general, for the completely when in wet condition. It is observed that on
classification of soils: drying, the black cotton soil develops cracks of varying
 Based on particle size depth. As a result of the wetting and drying process, vertical
 Textural classification movement takes place in the soil mass. These movements
 Highway research board (HRB) classification lead to failure of pavement, in the form of settlement heavy
 The unified soil classification system depression, cracking and unevenness.

Table.1 soil classification system based on particle

Soil type Particle size
GRAVEL 80-4.75 mm
 Coarse 4.750 -2.000mm
 Medium 2.000 -0.475mm
 fine 0.475 -0.075mm
SILT 0.075-0.002mm
CLAY Less than 0.002 mm

Fig 3 Black cotton soil

Table.1 Soil expansivity predictions by plasticity

Degree of expansion Holtz and Gibbs Chen
Low <20 0-15
Medium 12-34 10-35
High 23-45 20-55
Very high >32 >35

Fig 3.3 soil classification based on the unified

classification system

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD26442 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 664
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Table2: Schematic Representation of Compaction Test Soil Classification through Plasticity chart (ISC):
Sample prepared with a variation of Lime%
Samples Prepared
Explained in
for Compaction Test
1 Black Cotton Soil Section 6.2.1
2 BC + 2% Lime Section 6.2.2
3 BC + 4% Lime Section 6.2.3
4 BC + 6% Lime Section 6.2.4

Table 3: Type of Samples prepared in PHASE 3

Notation Sample
BC Black Cotton Soil
L4-FA 0 BC + 4% Lime
L4-FA 5 BC + 4% Lime + 5% Fly ash
L4-FA 10 BC + 4% Lime + 10% Fly ash
L4-FA 15 BC + 4% Lime + 15% Fly ash
L4-FA 20 BC + 4% Lime + 20% Fly ash Plasticity Chart

Table 4: Sieve Analysis:

Weight Percentage Cumulative Percentage
IS Sieve
Retained (g) Retained (%) Percentage (%) of Finer (%)
4.750 375 37.5 37.50 62.5
2.360 163 16.3 53.80 46.2
2.000 104 10.4 64.20 35.8
1.000 180 18 82.20 17.8
0.600 72 7.2 89.40 10.6
0.425 43 4.3 93.70 6.3
0.300 26 2.6 96.30 3.7
0.150 14 1.4 97.70 2.3
0.090 11 1.1 98.80 1.2
0.075 8 0.8 99.60 0.4
PAN 4 0.4 100.00 0

Graph 1: Sieve Analysis Graph

S. No Observations & Calculations Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
1 Number of Blows 35 27 12 6
2 Mass of Empty Container (M1)g 24 32 28 21
3 Mass of Container + Wet Soil (M2)g 62 78 69 72
4 Mass of Container + Dry Soil (M3)g 45 41 34 37
5 Water Content W = (Mw/Md)x100 % 49.62 54.17 56.50 59.23
Table 4: Liquid Limit Calculations

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470

Graph 2: Liquid limit determination Graph

Table 5: Observation table to determine the plastic limit:

S. No Observations & Calculations Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
1 Mass of Empty Container (M1)g 24 33 28
2 Mass of Container + Wet Soil (M2)g 69 72 57
3 Mass of Container + Dry Soil (M3)g 50 51 40
4 Mass of Water Mw = (M2 – M3)g 19 21 17
5 Mass of Dry Soil Md= (M3 – M1)g 26 18 12
6 Water Content W = (Mw/Md)x100 % 24.87 25.49 25.08

Compaction Characteristics:
Table 6: Observation table to determine the
compaction characteristics:
Height of the Mould 12.73 mm
Diameter of the Mould 15.00 mm
Volume of the Mould 2250 cc
Weight of the Empty Mould 4980 gms

the optimum moisture content (OMC), and maximum dry

density (MDD) resulted for each combination of soil with

h 5.8.1: Load Vs Penetration graph for BC+4%LIME
(Unsoaked & Soaked)

In this study, the major properties studied are OMC, MDD,
CBR, UCS, and Consolidation. Based on all investigations on
all samples and when compared with normal soil, the
following conclusions were made

Compaction Test and CBR Test:

 In Standard Procter Test, the increase in lime
Graph 3: Compaction curves for soil samples with 0%, percentage the dry density increases up to 4% and after
2%, 4%, and 6% of lime the MDD value has been decreasing trend. Though, a
decrease in OMC has been observed with an increase in
lime %
 Taking lime 4% as constant varying different % of fly
ash and observe the dry density and MDD values.
 Maximum dry density was increased with the addition
of Fly ash
 When 5%,10%,15%,20% FA added, higher MDD
observed for 15% FA
 Unsoaked condition of CBR was studied and Peak value
was obtained at 20% conditions.
 Soaked condition of CBR was studied and Peak value
was obtained at 15% in conditions.

Unconfined compressive strength:

 In UCS, Due to an increase in FA percentage the UCS
Graph 4: Compaction curves for soil samples with 4% value having increasing trend with respect to the parent
lime at different percentages of Fly ash soil.

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