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Is 12427 (2001)

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and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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IS 12427 (2001): Fasteners - Threaded Steel Fasteners -

Hexagon Head Transmission Tower Bolts [PGD 31: Bolts, Nuts
and Fasteners Accessories]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

IS 12427:2001

(JII 4 m-d

Indian Standard


(First Revision)

Ics 21.060.10

0 BIS 2001


NEW DELHI 110002

December 2001 Price Group 2

Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners Accessories Sectional Committee, BP 33


This [ndim Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners Accessories Sectional Committee and approved by the Basic and Production
Engineering Division Council.

This st:indard was originally published in 1988; subsequently need is felt to revise it to incorporate the changes
taken place at various levels.

In this revision, following major changes have been made:

a) The range of sizes has been enlarged to cover sizes upto M24;

b) The range of nominal lengths has been extended upto M24;

c) The use of property classes 5.8 and 8.8 are also permitted subject to the agreement between the manufacturers
and the users; and

d) The length—size combinations have been suitably extended.

The other type of transmission tower bolt known as step bolt is covered in IS 10238:2001 ‘Fasteners —
Threaded steel fasteners — Step bolts for steel structures — Specification @rst revision)’. The hexagon head
bolts intended for fabrication of general steel structures are covered in IS 6639:1972 ‘Hexagon bolts for steel

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
1S 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 12427:2001

Indian Standard


(First Revision)
1 SCOPE IS No. Title

1.1 This standard covers the requirements for hot- 1367 (Part 17) :1996 Industrial fasteners — Threaded
dip galvanized hexagon head transmission tower bolts [S0 3269:1988 steel fasteners—Technical
in the size range M12 to M24 for use in the supply condition s:Part 17
construction of transmission towers, sub-stations Inspection, sampling and
and silmilar steel structures. acceptance procedure (third
1.2 The bolts covered in this standard are not suitable
1367 (Part 18): 1996 Industrial fasteners — Threaded
for applications requiring improved low temperatures
steel fasteners—Technical supply
conditions: Part 18 Packaging
2 REFERENCES (third revision)
1368:1980 Dimensions for ends of parts with
The following Indian Standards contain provisions
1S04753 :1983 external 1S0 metric threads
which through reference in this text, constitute
(third revision)
provisions of this standard, At the time of publication,
2016:1967 Plain washers (first revision)
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
2334:2001 1S0 general purpose metric screw
subject to revision and parties to agreements based
1S0 1502:1996 thread —- Gauges and gauging
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
(second revision)
possibility of applying the most recent editions of
4218 1S0 general purpose mernc screw
standards indicated below:
IS No. Title (Part 1): 2001 Basic profiles (second revision)
1367 (Part 2): 1979 Technical supply conditions ISO 68-1:1998
for threaded steel fasteners : (Part 2): 2001 General plan (second revision)
Part 2 Product grades and ISO 261:1998
tolerances (second revision) (Part 3): 1999 Basic dimensions (second
1367 (Part 3): 1991 Fasteners—Threaded steel — ISO 724:1993 revision)
1S0 898-1:1988 Technical supply conditions : (Part 4): 2001 Selected sizes for screws, bolts
Part 3 Mechanical properties 1S0 262:1998 and nuts (second revision)
and test methods for bolts, 4759:1996 Hot-dip zinc coatings on
screws and studs with full structural steel and other allied
Ioadability (third revision) products (third revisio~)
1367(Part 9LSec 1): Technical supply conditions 14394:1996 Industrial fasteners — Hexagon
1993 for threaded steel fasteners : nuts of product grade C — Hot-
1S06157-1 :1988 Part 9 Surface discontinuities, dip galvanized — Specification
Section 1 Bolts, screws and (size range M12 to M36)
studs for general applications
(third revision)
1367 (Part 13): 1983 Technical supply conditions 3.1 The dimensions of the bolts shall be as given in
for threaded steel fasteners : Table 1 when read with Fig. 1. All dimensions apply
Part 13 Hot–dip galvanized before hot-dip galvanizing.
coatings on threaded fasteners
3,2 The length-size combinations as well as grip ranges
(second revision)
shall be as given in Table 2.


IS 12427:2001

3.3 The bolt threads shall be in accordance with Table 1 Dimensions of Hexagon Head Transmission
[S4218 (Parts 1 to 4) and prior [o hot-dip galvanizing Tower Bolts
shall conform with Go and Not Go threaded ring gauges (Clause 3.1)
in accordance with IS 2334. The tolerance on threads All dimensions in millimetres.
shall be 8 g.
Thread size d M12 M16 M20 (M22) M24
4 GRADES P Pitch of 1.75 2 2.5 2.5 3
Unless otherwise specified, the bolts shall be ofproduct b (ref) 20 23 26 28 30
grade C as specified in IS 1367 (Part 2). C Max 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
d, Max 14.7 18.7 24.4 26.4 28.4
Max 12.7 16.7 20.84 22.84 24.84
5.1 Nuts Min 11.30 15.30 19.16 21.16 23.16

The hexagon nuts used with these bolts shall conform Max 18 24 30 34 36
to the requirements given in IS 14394. Min 16.47 22.00 27.7 31.35 33.25
e Min 19.85 26.17 32,95 37.29 39.55
5.2 Washers Nom 7.5 10.0 12.5 14.0 15.0
k Max 7.95 10.75 13.4 14.9 15.9
5.2.1 The plain washers used with these bolts shall be
Min 7.05 9.25 11.6 13.1 14.1
of Type A, punched washer type and shall conform to k’ Min 4.95 6.48 8.12 9.17 9.87
the requirements of IS 2016 except the thickness of r Min 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8
washers which shall be 5 + 1 mm. Max = Nom 18 24 30 34 36
s 1 I I I I

5.2.2 The washers supplied along with these bolts Min 17.57 23.16 29.16 33 35

shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordances with 7.2. NOTE—Thread size M22 shown in brackets is non-

+ e


x (1.5:1)

: = u according to IS 1368
The difference between /~ Max and
/, A4in shall not be less than 1.5P

Y (3:1)

IS 12427:2001

6 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 7.3 The hot-dip galvanized bolts, nuts and washers
6.1 The bolts shall be of property class 5.6,5.8 or 8.8 shall be passivated by dipping, immediately after
as specified in IS 1367(Part 3) and shall be tested full galvanizing in a 0.15 percent solution of sodium
size. bichromate with 0.5 percent concentrated sulphuric acid
maintained at a temperature of more than 32°C to provide
6.1.1 For tensile, proof load and wedge loading tests,
protection against wet storage stain.
only three threads shall be exposed between the grips.
This is obtained by freel y running the nuts or fixture to 8 GENERALREQUIREMENTS
the fullest extent and then unscrewing the specimen The permissible surface discontinuities of the bolts
three full turns. These tests are to be done after shall conform to IS 1367(Part 9/See 1).
chemically de-galvanizing the bolts.
6.1.2 The bolts having nominal length less than three
The bolts shall be designated by nomenclature, thread
times the nominal diameter (which is too short for full
size, nominal length, number of this standard and
size tensile testing) shall meet the hardness
property class. The letter N and W shall be added to
requirements of the respective property class as per
the designation to indicate supply with nut and plain
1S 1367 (Part 3).
washer respectively.
6.2 Shear Strength
6.2.1 The bolts with shank length 1, more than the A transmission tower bolt of thread size M 16, nominal
nominal diameter shall withstand a minimum shear length 50 mm with nut and property class 5.6 shall be
stress as given below: designated as:
Transmission Tower Bolt M16 x 50 N — 5.6
Property Class Minimum Shear Stress
IS 12427
A transmission tower bolt of thread size Ml 6, nominal
5.6 310 length 50 mm, property class 5.6 with nut and plain
washer shall be designated as:
5.8 322
Transmission Tower Bolt M16 x 50 NW— 5.6
8.8 515 IS 12427
6.2.2 The bolts shall be single-shear tested through 10 SAMPLING, INSPECTION AND
the unthreaded portion of the shank. The holes in the ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA
shear plates shall be 1.5 mm larger than the nominal
The sampling, inspection and acceptance criteria shall
thread diameter of the test bolt and the holes shall be
be in accordance with IS 1367 (Part 17).
chamfered 0.8 mm to relieve sharp edges. Shear plates
shall be prevented from separating by means of using 11 MARKING
a nut on the test bolt tightened finger tight.
11.1 The marking on transmission tower bolts shall be
6.2.3 Mount the test specimen in a tensile testing in accordance with IS 1367 (Part 3).
machine capable for applying load at a controlled rate.
11.1.1 In addition, transmission tower bolts shall be
Use self-aligning grips and take care when mounting
marked with the manufacturers’ identification symbol
the specimen to ensure that the load will be transmitted
on the head.
in a straight line transversely through the test bolt.
Apply load and continue until failure of the bolt. Speed 11.1.2 Identification symbol ‘T’ for transmission
of testing as determined with a free running crosshead tower bolt may also be marked on the head.
shall be between 7 to 13 mm per minute. 11.2 Minimum height of markings shall be 3.0 mm.
6.2.4 The maximum shear stress applied to the When embossed, markings shall project not less than
specimen coincident with bolt failure shall be the shear 0.3 mm above the surface of the head and total head
strength of the bolt and shall meet the requirements height (head plus markings) shall not exceed the
given at 6.2.1. specified maximum head height plus 0.4 mm.

7 FINISH 11.3 BIS Certification Marking

7.1 The bolts shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance The product may also be marked with the Standard
with the requirements of IS 1367 (Part 13). Mark.

7.2 The plain washers supplied under this standard 11.3.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
shal 1 be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with the the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
requirements of IS 4759. 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.

1S 12427:2001

Table 2 Length — Size Combinations and Grip Ranges

(Clause 3.2)
All dimensions in millimetres.
Thread M12 M16 M20 (M22) ,M24
Size d —.
/, [ Grip /$ [ G% 1, i Grip 1, [ Grip 1, 1 Grip
hf;)) ,If(u range ~;,l ~
Min ‘/h rqge Min Alax range Mar range Min hx range
7(1 65 10 6-10 —
.35 11,5 15 11-15 8 12 8-12 — —-
.4(I 165 20 I6-20 13 !7 13-17 9 i4 1O-I4 1 12 8-12 — —

215 25 2 I-25 Is 22 18-22 14 19 15-19 12 17 13-17 9 15 11-15

26.5 30 26-30 23 27 23-27 19 24 20-24 17 22 18-22 14 20 16-20
31.5 35 31-35 28 32 28-32 24 29 25-29 22 27 23-27 19 25 21-25

(i) 36.5 40 36-40 33 37 33-37 29 34 30-34 27 32 28-32 24 30 36-30

05 41.5 45 41-45 38 42 38-42 34 39 35-39 32 37 33-37 29 35 31-35
7(I 46.5 50 46-50 43 47 43-47 39 44 40-44 37 42 38-42 34 40 36-40

7i 51.5 55 51-55 48 52 48-52 44 4’? 45-49 42 47 43-47 39 45 41-45

so 56,5 60 56-60 53 57 53-57 49 54 50-54 47 52 48-52 44 50 46-50
X5 61.5 65 6 I-65 58 62 58-62 54 59 55-59 52 57 53-57 49 55 51-55

~)1) 66.5 70 66-70 63 67 63-67 59 64 60-64 57 62 58-62 54 60 56-60

~)5 7(.5 75 71-75 68 72 68-72 64 69 65-69 62 67 63-67 59 65 61-65
I ()() 76.5 80 76-80 73 77 73-77 69 74 70-74 67 72 68-72 64 70 66-70

I05 78 82 78-82 74 79 75-79 72 77 73-77 69 75 71-75

110 83 87 83-87 79 84 80-84 77 82 78-82 74 80 76-80
115 88 92 88-92 84 89 85-89 82 87 83-87 79 85 81-85

93 97 93-97 89 94 90-94 87 92 88-92 84 90 86-90

98 102 98-102 94 99 95-99 92 97 93-97 89 95 91-95
103 107 103-107 99 104 100-104 97 102 98-102 94 I00 96- I00

135 108 112 108-112 104 109 105-109 102 107 103-107 99 105 101-105
140 113 117 113-117 109 114 110-114 107 112 108-112 I04 110 106-110
145 118 122 118-122 114 119 115-119 112 117 113-117 109 115 III-115

1,50 123 127 123-127 119 124 120-124 117 I22 118-122 114 120 116-120
155 I28 132 128-132 124 129 125-129 122 I27 123-127 119 125 121-125
[60 133 137 133-137 129 I34 130-134 127 132 128-132 124 130 126-130

1 /$ Mar = 1 nom b (ref).

21, Mill = [c Mar - 2P.
3 ( ;rtp is the total thickness of material to be connected excluding washers
4 Thread size M22 shown in brackets is non-preferred,

The details of conditions under which the hcence for 12 PACKAGING

the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
The packaging of transmission tower bolts shall be
manufzzcturers or producers maybe obtained from the
done in accordance with IS 1367 (Part 18).
Bureau of lndian Standards.
. .—

Bureau of Indian Standards

Ell S is z statutory institution established under the BureaI/ q~tndiun Standards Act. 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


131S has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
lvithout the prior in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascellain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

I’his Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. BP 33 ( 0097 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No, Date of Issue Text Affected


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