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Describing Quantitative Research

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Describing Quantitative Research This frequency refers to frequency

Lesson 1 Numerical distribution percentage, and

Description measures of central tendencies like
mode, median and mean.
To know more about the characteristics of quantitative
research, we should look into what the quantitative paradigm has to
Casual explanation relates to the
say in terms of various orientations. Antwi and Hamza (2015)
highlighted the basic characteristics of quantitative research in each meaning of causality, which refers to
orientation. A modified version of their presentation is outlined and a concern with establishing causal
described in the table below. connections rather than mere
relationships (Bryman 2008)
Characteristics of Purpose
Orientatio (rationale)
Quantitative Description
n Prediction is a statement about the
future based on facts
 Positivism - an epistemological
position that advocates the
application of methods of the
natural sciences to the study of This refers to "what can be known
social reality and beyond and how. “For examples: Is the
(Bryman 2008 ) Ontology social world patterned and
Paradigm Nature of Social
(assumptio Positivism and  Realism - an epistemological (nature of predictable or is the social world
position that acknowledges a reality) continually being constructed
n about the Realism
reality independent of the senses through human perspective?" (Biber
that is accessible to the and Leavy, 2011)
researcher's tools and theoretical
speculations. It implies that the
categories created by scientists
refer to real objects in the natural
or social world (Bryman, 2008)
Objectivist refers to the notion that Measurement procedure for
Epistemol assigning symbols, letters, or
reality is "objective", "out there",
ogy numbers to empirical properties of
singular and apart from the
(theory of Objectivist variables according to rules
researcher, and it can be measured
knowledge Measurement (web.csulb.edu/~msaintg/ppa696/69
objectively by using a questionnaire
) 6meas.htm). It is also the process of
or an instruments (Cresswell, 1994)
observing and recording the
observations collected as part of a
Refers to a type of quantitative research effort (Trochim 2006)
research where the researchers
Methodolo manipulate one variable and control/
Hypothesis is an informed
gy (aims randomize the rest of the variables.
speculation, which is set up to be
of Experimental / If has a control group and subjects
tested, about the possible
scientific Manipulative have been randomly assigned
Hypothesis relationship between two or more
investigati between the groups. Researcher test
testing variables (Brymab 2008).
on) only one effect at a time.
Hypothesis testing, therefore, of
checking if the independent variable
have a relationship.

Empirical explanation is generally

referred to as information that is Randomization is related to random
Research derived through observation or assignment. a term used in
Methods experiment. This may also be linked connection with experiments to refer
Empirical Randomization to the random allocation of research
(technique with empiricism, which is an
examination participants to the experimental
s and approach to the study of reality that
tools) suggest that only knowledge gained group and the control group.
through experience and the senses is
acceptable (Bryman, 2008)
Research protocol is the sequence of
manipulations and measurement
procedures that make up the
experiments. Its description should
follow the exact sequence of how the
procedures were executed. This
involves a description of baseline
conditions and any associated
baseline measurements, followed by
the sequence of manipulations of the
independent variable and the
subsequent measurement of changes
in the dependent variable.
A questionnaire is a collection of
Questionnaire questions administered by
respondents (Bryman, 2008)
Deductive - an approach to the
Scientific relationship between theory and
Method research in which the latter is
(role of
approach/ testing
of theory
conducted with reference to Differentiating the Quantitative and
theory) hypothesis and ideas inferred from
the former.
Qualitative Research
Lesson 1
A qualitative research is defined as “an inquiry process of
understanding a social or human problem based on building a
complex, holistic picture formed with words, reporting detailed views
of informants, and conducted in a natural setting.” (Creswell, 1994) A
quantitative research, on the other hand, is “an inquiry into a social
or human problem based on testing a theory composed of variables,
measured with numbers, and analyzed with statistical procedures in
order to determine whether the predictive generalizations of the theory
hold true” (Creswell 1994)

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Paradigm Assumptions

Assumption Question Qualitative Quantitative
Axiological What is the Value-laden and Value - free and
Ontological What is the Reality is Reality is role of biased. unbiased,
nature of subjective and "objective”, “out value? Researcher "accomplished
reality? multiple as seen there", singular, "admits the value- through entirely
by participants in apart from the laden nature of omitting
a study. It is researcher, and the study and statements about
'constructed by can be measured actively reports values from a
the individuals in objectively by his or her values written report,
the research using a and biases, as uses impersonal
situation" questionnaire or well as the value language, and
Researcher must an instrument. nature of reports 'facts',
"report faithfully information arguing closely
these realities and gathered from the from the
rely on voices and field." evidence
interpretations of gathered in the
informants" study."
Epistemological What is the Researcher Researcher is Rhetorical What is the  Informal  Formal
relationship interacts with the independent language of  Evolving  based on set
of the subject of from the subject research? decisions definitions
researcher research. of research. In  Personal voice  impersonal
to the Interaction may surveys and  Uses accepted voice
subject of be in the form of experiments, for qualitative  uses accepted
research? living with or instance, words - quantitative
observing "researchers "understandin words -
informants over a attempt to g, discover, "relationship,
prolonged period control bias, and meaning" comparison,
of time or actual select a and within -
collaboration. systematic group"
sample, and be Methodological What is the nductive process deductive
objective in process of mutual process
assessing a research? simultaneous cause and effect
shaping if factors statis design -
emerging design - categories
categories isolated before
identified during study
research process context - free
context bound generalizations
patterns and lead to
theories prediction,
developed for explanation, and
understanding understanding
accurate and accurate and
reliable through reliable through
verification validity and
Adopted from Creswell, J.Research Design. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1994.5

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