DLL Philo of Man g11 c1
DLL Philo of Man g11 c1
DLL Philo of Man g11 c1
Why is that Introduction to the Today, we will continue our What are the branches of Today, we will continue our
A. Reviewing of the past lesson / or Philosophy of the Human Person discussion about the meaning of Philosophy? discussion about the different
presenting the new lesson is included as one of the core Philosophy. branches of Philosophy.
subjects in SHS? Any idea?
Who knows the meaning of the Brainstorming: What virtues do We will further understand the
word Philosophy? you value most? Wisdom? branch of Philosophy that pertains
B. Establishing a purpose of the lesson Honesty? Open-mindedness? to appreciation of arts and beauty
Beauty? Why? & art of reasoning.
F. Developing mastery
Why is it the philosophy is Why philosophy is considered as Who is Plato? What are the branches of
H. Making generalizations and considered as a science? study of all things? philosophy?
abstractions about the lesson
Cite examples of how philosophy Share your concepts about the What are the 5 branches of How do you define happiness? Do
can be a principle of sufficient importance of philosophy. Give Philosophy? you support the view of Socrates:
reason or non- contradiction. examples of these in politics, To become happy, a person must
I. Evaluating learning sports, law and daily life. live a virtous life? Explain.
J. Additional activities for ACTIVITY 1 (PPT11/12-Ia-1.1) ACTIVITY 1 (PPT11/12-Ia-1.1) ACTIVITY 2 (PPT11/12-Ib-1.2) ACTIVITY 2 (PPT11/12-Ib-1.2)
application or remediation
3. Textbooks pages pg. 14-16 pg. 17-20 pg. 21-22 pg. 23-24
4. Additional Materials from
earning resources
www.wikipedia.org www.wikipedia.org www.wikipedia.org www.wikipedia.org
B. Other Learning Resources www.google.com www.google.com www.google.com www.google.com
This section we will know the After reviewing the past What are the things in life you Today, your going to
A. Reviewing of the past lesson / various viewpoint of lesson, we will discuss about are aiming? composed a reflection about
or presenting the new lesson philosophy: the western and our very own Filipino the implication of good deeds
non-western frames. indigenous beliefs and to global society.
What is diversity? How We will discuss the Filipino Brainstorming: What virtues do What are the little things you
B. Establishing a purpose of the diversity limit a person thoughts and values from you value most? Quantity of can do for the benefit of the
lesson opportunities or can make the positive to negative aspects. life or Quality of Life? Why? global society?
person rejected?
Presents some traditions and a) Fillipino time a) Abundance is not what we 1) Earth Hour
culture imparted by other b) Bahala Na gather but what we scatter. 2) Fun Run
countries specifically those c) Utang na loob b) Abundance is not what we 3) Blood Donation
C. Presenting examples/ instance that invaded our country in keep but what we give away 4)Tree planting activity.
of the new lesson history. c) Abundance is not what we
hold but what we share
d) Abundance is a choice
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
We should understand and We Filipinos are known for Learn to share. We can do little things to
G. Finding practical applications respect others philosophy in being hospitable and change the world.
of concepts and skills in daily life. hardworking citizens.
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Give some Enumerate 5 negative and 5 Philosophical paper: Explain What are the implications of
traditional/philosophical positive values of Filipino. this: " I learned to give not Earth Hour to being
differences between PH to because I have much, but interconnected in a global
Chinese and Europe with because I know exactly how it society?
I. Evaluating learning regards to food, marriage, feels to have nothing"
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
We should always say the Our opinion might be a great Not all seen in the television or
G. Finding practical applications truth. help in searching for wisdom. any other type of media is true.
of concepts and skills in daily
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Give some Group discusion: If someone in Recitation: What are your Self Evalaution
traditional/philosophical the group disagrees with your preferences in choosing
differences between PH to ideas, are you open to new something to use?
Chinese and Europe with ideas not necessarily in
I. Evaluating learning regards to food, marriage, agreement with yours?
ACTIVITY 2 (PPT11/12-lc-2.2)
ACTIVITY 2 (PPT11/12-lc-2.2)
Supply relevant information on
Supply relevant information on
the topics below. Prepare a 2-3
the topics below. Prepare a 2-3
paragraph essay for each
paragraph essay for each
J. Additional activities for ACTIVITY 1 (PPT11/12-lc-2.1) ACTIVITY 1 (PPT11/12-lc-2.1) topic. Make sure that you
topic. Make sure that you
application or remediation include your resources and
include your resources and
you have read the article
you have read the article
B. School Rules and
A. DepEd Kto12 Program
B. School Rules and
A. DepEd Kto12 Program
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
Always seek for wisdom and
G. Finding practical applications truth.
of concepts and skills in daily
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Group discussion: pg. 41 item Debate Criteria Debate Criteria Debate Criteria
d. 1. Which team gathered more 1. Which team gathered more 1. Which team gathered more
relevant facts? relevant facts? relevant facts?
2. Which team based 2. Which team based 2. Which team based
arguments on emotions? arguments on emotions? arguments on emotions?
I. Evaluating learning 3. Which group presented a 3. Which group presented a 3. Which group presented a
more organized and correct more organized and correct more organized and correct
arguments? arguments? arguments?
4. Eye contact 4. Eye contact 4. Eye contact
5. Audience awareness. 5. Audience awareness. 5. Audience awareness.
J. Additional activities for Group discussion: pg. 41 item
application or remediation b.
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
In this world we are living with As a rational being, men
G. Finding practical applications our brothers and sisters in the experience a deep feeling and
of concepts and skills in daily same faith and different felt a sense being. We need
living religion. Respect one another. each other.
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Sort quiz: Enumerate the ff: Short Essay: Explain if you Oral recitation Pair discussion: In pairs, share
a) The Four Noble Truths of believe in Karma or with your classmate the period
Buddha Reincarnation? Give your that you faced failures.
b) The Eightfold Path of reasons and proof. Guide questions:
I. Evaluating learning earnest endeavor. 1. How do you view suffering?(
as blessing or curse?)
2. Do you acknowledge the
help of others?
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
There is also called good Many of us prayed not only to Suffering is a works of evil or a
G. Finding practical applications karma. Father God and Jesus but also consequences of our wordly
of concepts and skills in daily to Saints we believed in. pleasures.
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Oral recitation Short Essay: How do you Oral recitation Short Essay: How can our
show love towardothers? attachments to or craving for
Friends? Family? Peoplein wordly pleasures cause
need? suffering? Cite examples.
I. Evaluating learning
The learner are expected to The learner are expected to The learner are expected to The learner are expected to
understand and demonstrate understand and demonstrate understand and demonstrate understand and demonstrate
B. Establishing a purpose of the their participation in saving their participation in saving their participation in saving their participation in saving
lesson their environment and to their environment and to their environment and to their environment and to
appreciate the beauty of appreciate the beauty of appreciate the beauty of appreciate the beauty of
nature. nature. nature. nature.
Show the aerial view and Visual Guided Learning activity Presentation of Ms. Earth Presenting activity such as-
C. Presenting examples/ instance photos taken after typhoon on page 81-82. Foundation Run for a Cause
of the new lesson Yolanda and Ondoy. Clean Up drives
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
Everything should always in
G. Finding practical applications their proper places.
of concepts and skills in daily
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Interview a person 45-60 years A. In groups, answer how can Ten Minutes Essay: Composed your Ten Little
old. Guided by the ff; organize the following images Write your thoughts regarding things you can do to save
questions: in a more aesthetic way? the passage. Mother Earth.
1. What are the things you
remember in your environment B. Draw and submit to class. "Destroying nature is a
when you were my age? reflection wherein few people
2. What are the things that C.Discuss your drawings in overpower others while
you like doing when you were class. exploiting the environment for
young? profit or self interest"
I. Evaluating learning 3.What are positive and
negative changes in the
4. Do you think environment
plays a vital role in a person
development ? Why or why
Activity 1 (PPT 11/12-li-4.2)
The learner are expected to The learner are expected to The learner are expected to The learner are expected to
understand and demonstrate understand and demonstrate understand and demonstrate understand and demonstrate
B. Establishing a purpose of the their participation in saving their participation in saving their participation in saving their participation in saving
lesson their environment and to their environment and to their environment and to their environment and to
appreciate the beauty of appreciate the beauty of appreciate the beauty of appreciate the beauty of
nature. nature. nature. nature.
Show the aerial view and Visual Guided Learning activity Presentation of Ms. Earth Presenting activity such as-
C. Presenting examples/ instance photos taken after typhoon on page 81-82. Foundation Run for a Cause
of the new lesson Yolanda and Ondoy. Clean Up drives
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
Everything should always in
G. Finding practical applications their proper places.
of concepts and skills in daily
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Interview a person 45-60 years A. In groups, answer how can Ten Minutes Essay: Composed your Ten Little
old. Guided by the ff; organize the following images Write your thoughts regarding things you can do to save
questions: in a more aesthetic way? the passage. Mother Earth.
1. What are the things you
remember in your environment B. Draw and submit to class. "Destroying nature is a
when you were my age? reflection wherein few people
2. What are the things that C.Discuss your drawings in overpower others while
you like doing when you were class. exploiting the environment for
young? profit or self interest"
I. Evaluating learning 3.What are positive and
negative changes in the
4. Do you think environment
plays a vital role in a person
development ? Why or why
Activity 1 (PPT 11/12-li-4.2)
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
There's consequences in all Freedom should be use with
G. Finding practical applications things we do and all things we responsibility.
of concepts and skills in daily neglect to act.
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Explain the St. Thomas Explain Aristotle " rationality is Relate peace and freedom as Guided activity.
I. Evaluating learning Spiritual Freedom not merely passive but a necessary for the state.
function to be performed"
The lesson discuss the The lesson discuss the The lesson discuss the The lesson discuss the
concept of freedom from concept of freedom from concept of freedom from concept of freedom from
B. Establishing a purpose of the various various various various
lesson perspective,intellectual, perspective,intellectual, perspective,intellectual, perspective,intellectual,
spiritual, political and spiritual, political and spiritual, political and spiritual, political and
economic in relation to Filipino economic in relation to Filipino economic in relation to Filipino economic in relation to Filipino
Ask the following question: Presentation of the activity. Peer discussion: To be free Presentation of the activity.
1. One of the Filipino values is individual is to be responsible
paghaharana sa sinisinta, Activity 3 (PPT 11/12-llc-5.3) not only for one'sself but also Activity 4 (PPT 11/12-llc-5.4)
C. Presenting examples/ instance would it still be a requirement for all?
of the new lesson in this era?
2.According to Christian
teaching, divorce is not
allowed, will you still keep the
marriage even the relationship
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
Everyday we make choices, In life mistakes is not bad
G. Finding practical applications use your mind together with unless you learned from it.
of concepts and skills in daily your heart in making choices. Accept your mistakes and its
living consequences and be better.
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Short essay. Peer discussion/ guided Oral recitation. Small group discussion/
I. Evaluating learning activity guided activity
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
Each of us have different It doesn’t mean that someone Be merciful and compassion.
G. Finding practical applications appearances or point of view. with disability is not productive.
of concepts and skills in daily
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Small groupdiscussion. Peer discussion/ guided Oral recitation. Short essay: How do you react
I. Evaluating learning activity when you see street children?
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
If you cannot give any Always put yourself in the shoe
monetary value to unprivileged of others. Lend a hand.
G. Finding practical applications sector of the society atleast
of concepts and skills in daily you prayed for them and spent
living time with them is enough.
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Small groupdiscussion. Peer discussion/ guided Oral recitation. Peer discussion/ guided
I. Evaluating learning activity activity
J. Additional activities for Assist in the school feeding Assist in the school feeding
application or remediation program. program.
Social Media
International society
Telenovelas A. Medieval Period C. Globalization and
II. CONTENT Groups/Fraternity
Computers games/apps B. Modern Period Technological Innovations
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
Think before you click. Be responsible in using social Our past plays an important Our past plays an important
G. Finding practical applications media. role of what we are today. role of what we are today.
of concepts and skills in daily
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Small group discussion. How Peer discussion/ guided Oral recitation. Peer discussion/ guided
I. Evaluating learning you can be responsible in activity activity
using online activities?
Change as a Conditionof
Change as a Condition of
Modern Life A. On (Womens) friendship
Modern Life
II. CONTENT c. Economic Sphere Opposite sex relationship B. True Friends, Our Mother
a. New Knowledge
d. Social Realm
b. Policy Making
e. Technology
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
"Ignorance of the law excuses Technology makes life easier
G. Finding practical applications no one" but adds expenses to be paid
of concepts and skills in daily of.
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Short quiz. Short quiz. Short Essay: What is your Sharing: Give Tribute to your
I. Evaluating learning thinking about gays? First Friend. or First Love.
a.Socrates - Happiness
c. Aristotle's Realizing your 1. Finding your purpose
II. CONTENT b. Plato's Theory of Immortality Activity 1 (PPT 11/12-llh-8.1)
B. Establishing a purpose of the The lesson emphasizes The lesson aims to realize our The lesson aims to achieve This activity will describe the
lesson happiness and immortality. potential. our purpose in life. each future.
Are you in favor of national What is your reaction on NO How do you feel about same Presentation of the activity.
C. Presenting examples/ instance curfew hours for minors? Any Cellphone Policy in the sex marraige?
of the new lesson reaction? School? Activity 2 (PPT 11/12-llh-8.1)
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
Happiness is a choice. We all have potentials,its up to Make a life that is purpose
G. Finding practical applications us to discover. driven.
of concepts and skills in daily
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Group Presentation: Scenario Short quiz. Guided activity: What do you Explaining the output ofyour
I. Evaluating learning explanation want to achieve in life? activity.
Read the book of Rick Read the book of Rick Read the book of Rick Read the book of Rick
J. Additional activities for
Warren:The Purpose Driven Warren:The Purpose Driven Warren:The Purpose Driven Warren:The Purpose Driven
application or remediation
Life Life Life Life
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the The learners will construct the
H. Making generalizations and generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson. generalization of the lesson.
abstractions about the lesson
Oral recitation. Unit test. Reflection Paper Guided activity.
I. Evaluating learning
Read the book of Rick Read the book of Rick Read the book of Rick Read the book of Rick
J. Additional activities for
Warren:The Purpose Driven Warren:The Purpose Driven Warren:The Purpose Driven Warren:The Purpose Driven
application or remediation
Life Life Life Life