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IS : 2691- 19a0

( Rcdftmmd WY5)

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

First Reprint FEBRUARY 1999

UDC 691.421 : 692.232

@ Copyright 1988
NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 1 June 1988
Indian Standard
( Second Revision )

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was bricks will prove economical. This standard has,
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards oti therefore, been formulated to lay down minimum
28 January 1988, after the draft finalized by the requirements for facing bricks.
Clay Products for Building Sectional Committee
had been approved by the Civil Engineering 0.4 The Sectional Committee responsible for the
Division Council. preparation of this standard has taken into consider-
ation the views of producers, consumers and
0.2 This standard was first published in 1964 and
technologists and has related the standard to the
subsequently revised in 1972. The second revision
manufacturing and trade practices followed in the
of this standard has been taken up due to
country in this field. Due weightage has also been
experience gained by usage of this standard during
given to the need for international co-ordination
course of these years. In this revision class
among standards prevailing in different countries
designation of bricks has been modified deleting
of the world.
class II bricks. Dimensions of bricks have been
specified in millimetres and compressive strength in
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular
N/mm 2. Tolerances on 40 mm dimension of bricks
requirement of this standard is complied with, the
has been libralized to rrt2 mm in place of f1.5
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the
result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
0.3 Facing bricks are used in the exposed face of accordance with IS : 2-1960.. The number of
masonry without any further surface protection. significant laces retained in the rounded off value
Where external plastering or renderings have to be should be t 1 e same as that of the specified value in
frequently renewed, due to corrosive atmosphere this standard.
and also for high rise buildings where maintenance
of exposed bricks walls is expensive use of facing *Ruler for rounding off numerical values ( rtised ).

1. SCOPE 3.2 The bricks shall be free from cracks, flaws and
nodules of free lime and of even texture. These
1.1 l’his standard specifies the dimensions, quality shall be thoroughly burnt and shall have plane
and strength of burnt clay facing bricks used in rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp
buildings and other structures. straight right angled edges.


2.1 For the purpose of this standard the definitions 4.1 The standard sizes of the facing bricks shall be
given in IS : 2248-1981* shall apply. 190 x 90 x 90 mm and 190 x 90 x 40 mm.

3. GENERAL QUALITY 4.2 The permissible tolerances shall be as under:

Dimension Tolerance
3.1 The facing bricks shall be made of clay, shale
mm mm
or mixture of these materials with or without
admixtures and burnt to meet the requirements of 190 f3
this standard. The colouring material added to the
90 f2
clay shall be of suitable ceramic materials and shall
be well distributed throughout the body. The 40 f2
brick shall be of uniform colour.
*Glossary of term3 relating to clay products for building
5.1 The average compressive strength obtained in

accordance with the procedure laid down in 6, SAMPLING AND CRITERIA FOR THE
IS : 3495 ( Part I ) - 1976* shall not be less than TEST
10 N/mm* ( 100 k&m% approximately ).
6.1 The method of sampling and criteria for the
testing shall be as given in IS : 5454-1978’.
5.2 The water absorption requirement when tested 7. MARKING
in accordance with the procedure laid down in
IS : 3495 ( Part 2 )-1976t for 24 h immersion shall 7.1 Each brick shall be marked in suitable manner
not exceed 15 percent. with the manufacturer’s identification mark or

5.3 When tested in accordance with the method 7.1.1 Each brick may also be marked with the
specified in IS : 3495 ( Part 3 )-1976.$, efflorescence Standard Mark.
requirements shall be ‘NIL’. NOTE - The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
Standard Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard
5.4 When measured in accordance with the method conveys the assurance that they have been produced to
specified in IS : 3495 ( Part 4 )-19763 the warpage comply with the requirements of that standard under a
shall not exceed 2.5 mm. well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality
control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated
by the producer. Standard marked products are also
*Methods of tests for burnt clay building bricks: Part 1 continuously checked by BIS for conformity to.that standard
Determination of compressive strength ( sucoad r&ion ). as a further safeguard. Details of conditions, under which a
tMethods of tests for burnt clay building bricks: Part 2 licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted
Determination of water absorption ( sscond nuisisa ) . to manufacturers or producers, may be obtained from the
:Methods of tests for burnt clay building bricks: Part 3 Bureau of Indian Standards.
Determination of efBorescence ( second m&ion ).
QMethcds of tests for burnt clay building bricks: Part 4 *Methods for sampling of clay building bricks (jirst
Determination of warpage ( second reuision ). rwisioa ) .

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, Indi;t

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