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5 How Can The New Government Make India A Global Manufacturing Hub?

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5 How can the new government make India a global manufacturing hub?


The first PM of India had referred the Industries of India as “temples of modern democracy” and

it can hardly be refuted today. The industries of India were one of the major entities to protect

the democracy of India, to check the growth of Neo-Imperialism that pervaded through the cold

war and thereby helped sustain the economy and civil libertarian democracy which was left

devastated and exploited at the dawn of independence.

The nature of growth of industries has seen transformation with the changing global scenario and

domestic conditions traversing from a centralised economy to now a neo-liberal free trade


Today, India boasts of 3rd rank in world in GDP in PPP terms even ahead of Japan, a heavily

industrialised nation and indeed the accolades has to be given to the economic growth and

development brought through our industries which otherwise would not have been possible.

However, there stands in front of us our dreams – a dream to make India a prosperous and

vibrant country. A dream to reduce the gross inequality that exists today and dis-empowerment

that exists today traversing region, gender & economy. A dream to bring sustainable and

inclusive growth and a dream to make India a global superpower and feel proud of our nation.

This dream forces us to introspect the past failures and reinvigorate our actions and policies that

not only make India a GLOBAL MANUFACTURING HUB but also a Nation of Our dreams as

envisaged in the Preamble of our constitution.

In this essay, we shall see a brief evolution of the growth of industries in India and the present

scenario. We shall then go through the various problems that hinder the growth of India as a

manufacturing nation. We shall analyse how certain policy measures have affected the right

policy climate and confidence of the private sector which has curtailed investments from both

foreign and domestic avenues. We shall then suggest reforms and steps that needs to be brought

in to bring the right policy climate which is stable, predictable, enabling and irreversible and not

only boosts investments in India but make India a favourable business venture while also
keeping in light of the fact that India is still a developing nation and the interests of the Nation

has still to be protected in era of globalisation and free market economy.

Evolution of Industries in India

1900- 1950:

The Indigenous Industrial growth in India was in contestation with the British on-going Financial

Capitalism. Thus the growth was highly resource starved, with lack of Indian heavy industries

and dependency on foreign imports. It checked the growth of Indian ancillary industries bringing

huge unemployment and regional imbalance.

The backwardness and dependency of Indian private industries was precisely the reason when in

the BOMBAY PLAN-1946 , the industrial class accepted a State-Controlled mixed economy

over private led in-order to boost rapid industrialisation and also to pre-empt socialism by

combining equity with growth.


The Industrial Policy of 1956 had highlighted the need for a mixed economy and the need for

heavy industries. The Nehru-Mahalanobis model of growth boosted the growth of heavy

enterprises in India and India witnessed the growth of steel plants, huge dams, manufacturing

units – automobiles, ports, airports etc. which was slowly but steadily transforming India.

However the prolonged continuation of Import-substitution-Industrialisation model, the growing

ICOR(incremental capital output ratio) of industries in mid-1980s and the failure to make a

timely shift to a liberalised economy which was rightly tapped by the south-east Asian nations,

culminated in the economic crisis of 1991 and forced institutional changes in the economy that

brought in liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation of the Indian economy.

The Present:

The situation of the economy as it exists today is that it stands on solid grounds with lots of

positives to surge ahead.

India today is called as the Back-Office of the world with our IT sector dominating the world.

There is huge skilled Labour resource and booming market for the world with the growing

capacity of the people brought in through various enabling social legislations and the growth and


The proximity to both Africa and south-east Asia and strategic location of India in the Indian

Ocean offers great business opportunity for the business community of the world. The growing

partnerships and FTAs(free trade agreements) with ASEAN, SAARC provides added

opportunity with the India’s growing interest in Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

(RCEP) — a grouping led by the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and is

expected to pitch in with $644 billion.

There are more than 13 major ports and 200 small ports that can be effectively used as trans-

shipment hub. The government today is much better prepared and motivated to boost

investments in the country and it can be ascertained by the vigour that the government has

displayed in the current budget-2014 that aims at resolving tax disputes, and bringing a stable

policy climate for the industry.

The Forex-Reserve is more than $300 billion, the average growth in the 11th FYP was 7.9% even

after facing two economic crisis. The CAD(current account deficit) was as low as 1.7% of GDP

while FD has substantially reduced to around 4.1 %.

The inflation as is witnessed currently is below 5.9 of CPI which is historic low. The growing

infrastructure like roads, electricity, transport, shipment etc have just transformed the economy

which is huge as compared to India even of 1990’s.

These factors coupled with huge demographic dividend, huge availability of raw materials are

the prerequisite and essential conditions for any country to be a manufacturing hub and is readily

available in India.


However there are lots of drawbacks that have hindered the actual realisation of the potential that

India is capable of. This can be enumerated by the fact that despite substantive liberalisation

since last 6 months the economy has not really caught up.
The Economic Survey Report shows :

 Substantial reduction in FII(financial institutional investors) in India in 2013. ($26,981

million to $4,822 million)

 The ease of Business doing in India is 134/189 countries in world in 2014.

 The statistics of the last year shows negative growth for mining sector (-1.4%) and

manufacturing (-0.7%) in 2013.

 GDP share of manufacturing is still 15%.

 The Inflation was as high as 9% until recently.

This statistics do not augur well to drive investments and thereby boost manufacturing. It also

brings forth the picture that there is no one factor inhibiting growth and investment and the

situation requires a more detailed in depth understanding.

Let’s try to analyse the same one by one and recommend for changes.


Institutional Drawbacks

 Bureaucratic RED-TAPISM.

 Over regulation and delays in procedural clearances of projects (ex. POSCO steel plant got

its environmental clearance after 8 years to start construction in Odisha).

 No single window clearances for projects- the NeGP(national e-governance plan is yet to

catch up in all departments).

 Various archaic legislations like LABOUR LAWS [Industrial disputes act ,1947; contract

labour(regulation and abolition) Act,1970; trade Unions Act,1929) which has substantial

repercussion on the efficiency of enterprises (only recently laws are being passed in

Rajasthan after reform in labour laws)

 Land acquisition is still de-motivating even after the LARRA, 2013(land acquisition

resettlement and rehabilitation act) making the land even more costlier than before .

 The FDI in India is still regulated in various sectors and comes with extreme safeguards.

The FDI in MBR is classic example where India hardly received any investment despite

making it 51%.
 There has been increasing demand for full convertibility of rupee which calls for more FDI

and better rates.

 There is increasing number of regulatory bodies and control from plethora of organisation

adding to the confusion and woes of investors. (SEBI, PFRDA, IRDA all work in financial

sectors with interspersed jurisdiction).

 The issue of RBI to contain inflation as well as maintain growth and investment is facing

criticism from all sectors with demand for a separate DMO (debt management office).

 The retrospective amendment of the Income Tax law,1961 in the Vodafone case has been

one prime concern of business class and foreign investment seeking for a stable and clear

policy guidelines (which are yet to be detailed in elaboration since the budget speech of


 Lack of clear policy guidelines with ambiguity in various sectors .

 There is a lack of institutionalised mechanism of effective participation for policy making

which includes the private sector as well as the civil society (it must be noted that USA has

institutionalised lobbying to provide fair play to all concerned).

Infrastructural Bottlenecks

 Unavailability of Roads especially in rural areas are hindering penetration of industry to

rural sector.

 Power is the major concern in India.

The Japanese delegation to India a week ago highlighted the need for power and infrastructure to

motivate Japanese investment of committed $35 billion in india. It brings out the grim reality

how investments are curtailed .

The software companies (Infosys) have started their own solar projects to meet their power

needs, which is not possible for small start-ups.

 The need for a cheap means of transport and swifter travel is long felt.

 The National water ways are yet to be developed with only recently some action can be

perceived. However the long gestation period involved in such projects is hardly motivating.
 NUCLEAR LIABILITY LAW, 2011 of India has been well detested by the foreign market

and despite of the waiver granted for nuclear trade, the projects related to nuclear power

plants have not picked up .

 The gas pricing policy though addresses but is yet to yield result.

Economic Bottlenecks

 The investments and budget allocations have not grown in accordance with the demand for

various sectors esp. MSME (medium, small and micro enterprises) which though is

accountable for 60% of the industrial output.

 Plan v/s Non-Plan expenditure classification has reduced focus on maintenance of

infrastructure and facilities. (The former Chief Economic Advisor, Rangarajan has termed it

to be the factor responsible for hospitals without doctors and schools without teachers—

thereby affecting facilities and services affecting the human growth and capacity.)

 The expenditure is increasingly tilted towards subsidies which is reducing the capacity of

the government.

 Fiscal consolidation and fiscal prudence not well adhered to with the FRBM act being

tweaked whenever felt necessary.

 There is also the growing challenge from the FED-TAPERING of the USA which is going

to have substantial impacts on India.

International bottlenecks :

 The growing pressure in different forums to open up the market and free trade as per WTO

rules with a need still felt to protect the indigenous sectors.

 The growing prowess of Chinese markets and products and the acceptance of the Free Trade

Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) in the on-going APEC (Asia pacific economic co-

operation) does not augur well for Indian products.

 USA demand to include HFC (hydrofluro carbon) in the Montreal protocol need to be

checked as lots of our industry is dependent on that product .

Environmental bottlenecks & Others:

 The recent SC verdict to ban mining in Goa has led to the reduction in exports of iron ore
 The increasing protests against protests by NGO some even vested ones(IB report on

GREEN PEACE acting against the developmental interests of India) calls for a effective

regulation of such vested interests.

 The growing consensus on clean energy and reduction targets according to the KYOTO

protocol and India’s dependency on fossil fuels can act as antithetical to growth of India.

 There is a need to balance growth with sustainable development and it calls for distinct and

clear policy guidelines which is acceptable to all and projects do not get stalled.

 Corruption is a menace and need for more transparency

 The growth of LWE(left wing extremism) in the eastern corridor has substantially deterred

investment in the resource rich region of Jharkhand, Bihar , Odisha, West Bengal etc.

Suggestions to undo the bottlenecks and drive manufacturing :

 The Manufacturing Policy of india, 2011 that aims to make the sectors GDP to 25%. It

envisages to set up NIMZ (National Investment and Manufacturing Zone) which needs to be

given fresh impetus. The growth of industrial Corridors like the DELHI-MUMBAI,

CHENNAI-BENGALURU, MUMBAI-BENGALURU, needs to be prioritised and be

developed with world class facilities and infrastructure and transport with enabling reforms

like tax holidays, tax benefits etc that can spurt investments in these clusters and make it the

industrial Hub of the Nation.

 Digital India Programme has to be reinvigorated and has to be mandatorily introduced in all

governmental departments. It should aim at making online filing of projects, tracking and

monitoring of clearances. Aim to bring transparency in the system and reduce bureaucratic

red-tape and procedural delays. Aim to make single window clearances for all projects

including in the state government.

 Try to rationalise regulation by curbing the number of regulators and check victimisation of

industrialists. Efforts should be brought in all sectors. The recommendations of the

FSLRC(financial sector legislative reforms commission) should be implemented. It will

separate the role of RBI and better inflation targeting and UFA (unified Financial Agency)

will bring coherence in regulation in financial field to check discrepancy and all also not

over-regulate things. It will enhance investors sentiments especially in the financial sector

which can further boost investment and strengthen Forex.

 MAKE IN INDIA campaign – which aims to boost foreign investment in India is in the

right direction. It has set up dedicated committees to explain the policy, sort out ambiguity

in laws, and faster clearances of projects. This programme needs more boost and effectively

taken up in different forums like ASEAN, SAARC etc.

 Ease of doing Business needs serious look at and normalised to yield effective results on the


 Needs-based holism (reorganizing government around distinct client groups)- along with

combining the principle of subsidiarity(activity mapping) to be kept in mind while

allocating business to ministries, departments and state agencies which will drive efficiency

in file movement and management.

 The Public Procurement Policy needs a revamp and should not bias towards PSUs and

should create healthy platform for private sector to participate through transparent


 The Labour Reforms brought in forth by the government is a welcome change and is very

well hailed by the business community. Incentives must be provided to the states to bring in

such changes in their respective state laws as soon as possible. Desirable legislations can be

already seen in Rajasthan.

 FDI in various sectors need to come with more liberalised norms to facilitate investment.

 The infrastructure sector especially Roads and power sector needs to be addressed

immediately. Rationalising of the clauses of the Nuclear liability law can be done to boost

nuclear energy.

The Gas pricing need to be more lucrative to drive investment to boost exploration .

JNNSM(Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar mission) has to be taken in a more dedicated manner

and at a national scale that can reduce the prices of the solar panels and spurt demand and


 The various archaic laws need to be done away with. The Productivity

Commission/committee to review old laws as envisaged in the budget-2014 to remove or

replace old laws need to be proceed at faster pace.

 There has to be effective grievance redressal system especially related to taxation cases.

Vodafone case, Nokia case do not augur well for the economy and retrospective taxation

should be completely avoided to build confidence in the economy.

 Taxation related reforms need to be brought in fast. Efforts to bring GST (Goods and

services taxes) act should be made faster. As envisaged it can boost tax collection and

thereby the capacity of the government to fund more projects. It is like a FTA signed with

the Indian states and can substantially reduce time and cost by reducing multiple check posts

and tax barriers.

 Issue of human resource also needs to be addressed. The recent trend of brain-drain from

India has to be checked by further investment in Research & Development and higher

education facilities in India. It is critical for the development of new innovations and

research and growth of technology and latest product which drive the world market. The

recent controversy related to autonomy of IITs/IIMs should be done away with as fast as

possible to fast track clarity in objective.

 The Diplomatic efforts should be towards gaining more access to markets especially in areas

where India has competence. Look East policy being replaced with ACT EAST has

reinvigorated the sentiment of the private sector. The Use of strategic location can be

effectively communicated to develop India into a trans-shipment hub for other nations

especially to Africa and South-East Asia via India. The Use of Andaman & Nicobar to

provide container facilities and shipments in a regulated manner should be carried out.

 Electronics Policy of India, 2012 recently unveiled aims to establish GLOBAL

ESDM(Engineering system design and manufacturing) in India of worth $400 billion. The

Policy needs more clarity as to how such investments are to be brought in and should also

offer incentives to industries to set up industries.

 There is also a need to tap the vast labour resource present in the Eastern Sector of India.

However incentives must be given to industries to set up their base. The Use of National

Water High Way -1 from Allahabad to Haldia for providing cheap transport to the port for

export can be extensively used to boost production and manufacturing.

 Railways budget 2015 offers great opportunity to transform growth and manufacturing in

India and should be pursued diligently.

 Make in India

 Make in India campaign was launched in new Delhi by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi

on 25th of September in 2014. It is an initiative to make a call to the top business investors

all across the world (national or international) to invest in India. It is a big opportunity to

all the investors to set up their business (manufacturing, textiles, automobiles, production,

retail, chemicals, IT, ports, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, tourism, wellness, railways,

leather, etc) in any field in the country. This attractive plan has resourceful proposals for

the foreign companies to set up manufacturing powerhouses in India.

 Make in India campaign launched by the Indian government focuses on building the

effective physical infrastructure as well as improving the market of digital network in the

country to make it a global hub for business (ranging from satellites to submarines, cars to

softwares, pharmaceuticals to ports, paper to power, etc). The symbol (derived from

national emblem of India) of this initiative is a giant lion having many wheels (indicates

peaceful progress and way to the vibrant future). A giant walking lion with many wheels

indicates the courage, strength, tenacity and wisdom. The page of Make In India on the

Facebook has crossed more than 120K likes and its twitter followers are more than 13K

within few months of launching date.

 This national program is designed to transform the country into a global business hub as it

contains attractive proposals for top local and foreign companies. This campaign focuses

on creating number of valuable and honored jobs as well as skill enhancement in almost

25 sectors for improving the status of youths of the country. The sectors involved are

automobiles, chemicals, IT & BPM, aviation, pharmaceuticals, construction, electrical

machinery, food processing, defense manufacturing, space, textiles, garments, ports,

leather, media and entertainment, wellness, mining, tourism and hospitality, railways,

automobile components, renewable energy, mining, bio-technology, roads and highways,

electronics systems and thermal power.

 The successful implementation of this plan will help in the 100 smart cities project and

affordable housing in India. The main objective is to ensure solid growth and valuable

employment creation in the country with the help of top investors. It will benefit both

parties, the investors and our country. The government of India has created a dedicated

help team and an online portal (makeinindia.com) for the easy and effective

communication of investors. A dedicated cell is committed to answer all the queries from

business entities anytime.

Digital India Campaign 2015:Brainchild of PM Narendra Modi

Digital India project was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 1st of July in 2015. It

is an effective scheme to transform India for better growth and development of the people and

country. Digital India week (from 1st July to 7th July) was inaugurated by the PM on Wednesday

in the presence of senior ministerial colleagues and leading companies CEOs. It aims to give India

a digital push for good governance and more jobs. The PM of India has tried his best towards

digitizing campaign for India in order to bridge the gap between government services and people.

Digitalisation was the need to be implemented in India for bright future and grow more than any

other developed country. Following are the benefits of digital India campaign:

 It makes possible the implementation of digital locker system which in turn reduces paper work

by minimizing the usage of physical documents as well as enabling e-sharing through registered


 It is an effective online platform which may engage people in governance through various

approaches like “Discuss, Do and Disseminate”.

 It ensures the achievement of various online goals set by the government.

 It makes possible for people to submit their documents and certificates online anywhere which

reduces physical work.

 Through e-Sign framework citizens may digitally sign their documents online.

 It may ease the important health care services through e-Hospital system such as online

registration, taking doctor appointments, fee payment, online diagnostic tests, blood check-up,


 It provides benefits to the beneficiaries through National Scholarship Portal by allowing

submission of application, verification process, sanction and then disbursal.

 It is a big platform which facilitates an efficient delivery of government or private services all

over the country to its citizens.

 Bharat Net programe (a high-speed digital highway) will connect almost 250,000 gram

panchayats of country.

 There is a plan of outsourcing policy also to help in the digital India initiative.

 For better management of online services on mobile such as voice, data, multimedia, etc,

BSNL’s Next Generation Network will replace 30-year old telephone exchange.

 National Centre for Flexible Electronics will help in the promotion of flexible electronics.

 Large scale deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots has been planned by the BSNL all across the country.

 There is a Broadband Highways in order to handle all the connectivity related issues.

 Open access of broadband highways in all the cities, towns and villages will make possible the

availability of world-class services on the click of mouse.


World Bank Report of SOUTH ASIA ECONOMIC FOCUS REPORT, 2014 has highlighted fact

that SOUTHASIA has the potential to become the “MANUFACTURING HUB” of the world

especially when the East Asian Labour costs have increased and requires further competitive


It also highlighted that India will claim ALMOST 80% of the SOUTH ASIAN REGION

The above report sums it all for the future prospects of India and the potential that it carries to be

not only the “BACK-OFFICE” of the world but also the “FACTORY OF THE WORLD” and

claim it rightful place in the world economy.

Another report of World Bank in 2015 related to Urbanisation challenges the common notion

that urbanisation leads to inequality rather stated that it provides more opportunity for lower

class to move into upper class and thereby reduces inequality and is especially true for the

SC/ST/OBCs. Thus manufacturing and urbanisation which are intertwined can lead to not only

growth but also holistic development.


The world is eagerly awaiting to witness the rise of the “ASIAN ELEPHANT” and it is time to

prove them right. The vigour of the political class displayed by the new government to boost

manufacturing and growth along with the favourable global conditions augurs extremely well for

the rise of India. The favourable policy climate brought in by various legislations and the

improving economy of USA and Europe has brought in new prospects for the Indian

Manufacturing Industry.

IMF states India as a “bright spot” in a slow global economy.

However there is more to be done than said or spoken about. This favourable conditions has to

be conditioned with the strengths of India which is its cheap labour, skilled resource and huge

market coupled with dedicated and transparent administration. Good Governance has to be

brought in through a networked approach of Government, private sector and the civil society that

will facilitate and build trust and confidence essential with adequate checks and balances for any

economy to grow and India is no exception.

It is only through dedicated and sustained efforts that India will attain “SWARAJ” in its true

sense and be not only the global manufacturing hub but also the “light of the world”.

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