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Differential Equation Solver Simulator For Runge-Kutta Methods

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Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.

1, 2016 RESEARCH

DOI: 10.17482/uujfe.70981



Metin HATUN *

Received: 23.07.2015; accepted: 19.01.2016

Abstract: Many of problems in engineering and science is modeled by differential equations

mathematically, therefore their solutions have an important role. Various methods have been developed
for analytical or numerical solutions of differential equations. In proportion to the development of
technology, the numerical solution methods are utilized widely. In particular, the main objectives in real
time applications are to reach the correct solution as soon as possible with minimal processing and
maximum precision. In the performed study, a simulator that contains Runge-Kutta based forty-eight
methods was developed for numerical solution of differential equations. In the user friendly simulator
which can be used also for educational purposes, the solution of defined differential equation under the
specified initial condition with given step size or according to the number of points requested within the
specified range can be obtained by the selected method. Solutions can be presented to the user both
numerical (step values, computation time) and graphically; also the subject explanations about the
methods/solutions can be given. Furthermore, the comparative solutions (performance analysis) can be
implemented by the simulator. So, the users can realize the numerical solutions of differential equations
with different methods by the simulator; the students learn the methods in this field visually with the aid
of subject explanation and can implement step by step; the designers can choose the most appropriate
method easily, effectively and accurately for their systems by the comparative analysis.

Keywords: Ordinary differential equation, Runge-Kutta methods, Simulator

Runge-Kutta Yöntemleri İçin Diferansiyel Denklem Çözüm Simülatörü

Öz: Mühendislik ve fen bilimlerine ait problemlerinin birçoğu diferansiyel denklemlerle matematiksel
olarak modellenmekte, dolayısıyla çözümleri önemli yer tutmaktadır. Diferansiyel denklemlerin analitik
veya sayısal çözümleri için çok sayıda yöntemler geliştirilmiştir. Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle orantılı olarak
sayısal çözüm yöntemlerinden yoğun bir şekilde faydalanılmaktadır. Özellikle gerçek zamanlı
uygulamalarda en az işlemle, en kısa sürede, en yüksek hassasiyetle, en doğru çözüme ulaşmak başlıca
hedeflerdendir. Gerçekleştirilen çalışmada, diferansiyel denklemlerin sayısal çözümü için Runge-Kutta
tabanlı 48 yöntemi içeren bir simülatör geliştirilmiştir. Kullanıcı dostu ve eğitim amaçlı da
kullanılabilecek simülatörde tanımlanan diferansiyel denklemin, belirtilen başlangıç koşulu altında,
verilen adım boyutu veya nokta sayısına göre, istenen aralıktaki çözümü seçilen yöntemle elde
edilebilmektedir. Çözümler kullanıcıya hem sayısal (adım değerleri, hesaplama süresi vb.) hem de
grafiksel olarak sunulabilmekte; bunun yanında yöntemlerle/çözümlerle ilgili konu anlatımları da
verilebilmektedir. Ayrıca simülatörle karşılaştırmalı çözümler (performans analizleri) de
gerçekleştirilebilmekte. Böylece simülatör ile kullanıcılar farklı yöntemlerle diferansiyel denklemlerin
sayısal çözümlerini gerçekleştirebilmekte; öğrenciler bu alandaki yöntemleri konu anlatımı destekli görsel
olarak öğrenip adım adım uygulayabilmekte; tasarımcılar da karşılaştırmalı analizlerle sistemleri için en
uygun yöntemi kolay, etkin ve doğru bir şekilde seçebilmektedirler.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Adi diferansiyel denklem, Runge-Kutta yöntemleri, Simülatör

Uludag University, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department, 16059 Bursa/Turkey
Corresponding author: Fahri Vatansever, (fahriv@uludag.edu.tr)

Hatun M.,Vatansever F: Differential Equation Solver Simulator for Runge-Kutta Methods


Many physical systems or processes in nature can be modeled mathematically with

differential equations. Therefore, the analytical or numerical solutions of related equations have
an important role in basic and applied sciences. With development of digital electronics and
computer technology, the use of numerical solutions of differential equations, especially in real
time applications has increased. Thus, studies continue about the methods have less number and
type of operation, use less memory space, obtain high accuracy solutions in short time. One of
the main issues in numerical analysis in the field of engineering and science education is the
solution of differential equations.
Some software such as MATLAB, Maple, Mathcad, Mathematica, Scilab developed for
general-purposes, contains many numerical analysis methods (18-19). In addition to these, to be
able to make computations by numerical methods, web pages (20-25), mobile applications (26-
29), course/lesson pages (30-32) have been developed for educational purposes.
In this study; a simulator is designed which can perform the numerical solutions of
differential equations by Runge-Kutta based 48 different methods, present subject explanations
about these methods, and provides performance analyses comparatively. By the user friendly
simulator which can be used for education and application purposes, the numerical solutions of
desired differential equations can be performed by selected methods under the specified initial
conditions, defined range and step size or number of points, and the results can be seen both
numerical and graphically.


A general first order ordinary differential equation (ODE) system under the initial
condition 𝑦0 = 𝑦(𝑥0 ) can be given as

𝑦 ′ (𝑥) = 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦(𝑥)) (1)

To obtain a second order Runge-Kutta method, Taylor series expansion can be used as

ℎ 2 ′′
𝑦(𝑥 + ℎ) = 𝑦(𝑥) + ℎ𝑦 ′ (𝑥) + 2
𝑦 (𝑥) + 𝒪(ℎ3 ) (2)

and the equations

𝑦 ′ (𝑥) ≅ 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)
𝜕𝑓 𝜕𝑓 𝜕𝑦 } (3)
𝑦 ′′ (𝑥) = + . = 𝑓𝑥 + 𝑓𝑦 . 𝑦 ′ = 𝑓𝑥 (𝑥, 𝑦) + 𝑓𝑦 (𝑥, 𝑦). 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥

can be substituted in Eq. 2, as follows.

𝑦(𝑥 + ℎ) = 𝑦(𝑥) + ℎ𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) + 2
[𝑓𝑥 (𝑥, 𝑦) + 𝑓𝑦 (𝑥, 𝑦). 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)] + 𝒪(ℎ3 )
ℎ ℎ
} (4)
𝑦(𝑥 + ℎ) = 𝑦(𝑥) + 2 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) + 2 [𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) + ℎ𝑓𝑥 (𝑥, 𝑦) + ℎ𝑓𝑦 (𝑥, 𝑦)𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)] + 𝒪(ℎ3 )

If the multivariable Taylor expansion is used as

𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ, 𝑦 + 𝑘) = 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) + ℎ𝑓𝑥 (𝑥, 𝑦) + 𝑓𝑦 (𝑥, 𝑦)𝑘 + ⋯ (5)

then, the statement in the parenthesis of Eq. 4 can be written as follows.

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016

𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ, 𝑦 + 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)) = 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) + ℎ𝑓𝑥 (𝑥, 𝑦) + ℎ𝑓𝑦 (𝑥, 𝑦)𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) + 𝒪(ℎ2 ) (6)

Thus, the following equation

ℎ ℎ
𝑦(𝑥 + ℎ) = 𝑦(𝑥) + 2 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) + 2 𝑓(𝑥 + ℎ, 𝑦 + ℎ𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)) + 𝒪(ℎ3 ) (7)

or equivalently, the following classical second order Runge-Kutta method is obtained as a

numerical method.

𝑘1 = 𝑓(𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑖 ) ℎ
} ⇒ 𝑦𝑖+1 = 𝑦𝑖 + 2 (𝑘1 + 𝑘2 ) (8)
𝑘2 = 𝑓(𝑥𝑖 + ℎ, 𝑦𝑖 + ℎ𝑘1 )

By the same viewpoint, the Euler method is written as

𝑦𝑖+1 = 𝑦𝑖 + ℎ. 𝑓(𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑖 ) (9)

and also known as first order Runge-Kutta method (Vatansever, 2006). Many different methods
have been developed with similar steps. The used methods with their iteration equations in the
designed simulator are given in Table 1-5.

Table 1. Second order Runge-Kutta methods

Modified Euler (Midpoint integration) Improved Euler (Trapezoidal integration) Ralston’s 2nd order method (Ralston,
method (Chapra and Canale, 2002) (Heun) method (Chapra and Canale, 2002) 1962; Ralston and Rabinowitz, 1978)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k1  f ( xi , y i ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 3 3 
 1 1  k 2  f ( xi  h , yi  k1h ) k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
k 2  f  xi  h , y i  k1h   4 4 
 2 2  1 1 
yi 1  yi   k1  k 2 h 1 2 
y i 1  y i  k 2 h 2 2  yi 1  yi   k1  k 2 h
3 3 
2nd order contraharmonic mean method
RK2: Kopal (Kopal, 1955; Ralston, 1962)
(Ababneh and Rozita, 2009)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 2 2  k 2  f ( xi  h , yi  k1h )
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 3 3 
 k 2  k 22 
1 3  yi 1  yi   1 h

yi 1  yi   k1  k 2 h  k1  k 2 
4 4 

Table 2. Third order Runge-Kutta methods

3rd order Runge-Kutta method-1 (Ralston and Rabinowitz, 1978) 3rd order Runge-Kutta method-2
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1  k 2  f xi  h , yi  k1h 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 2 2   1 1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  (k1  k 2 )h 
k3  f xi  h , yi  k1h  2k 2 h   2 4 
yi 1  yi 
k1  4k 2  k3 h yi 1  yi  k1  k 2  4k3 h
6 6
Ralston’s 3rd order Runge-Kutta method (Ralston,
Heun’s 3rd order Runge-Kutta method (Butcher, 2000)

Hatun M.,Vatansever F: Differential Equation Solver Simulator for Runge-Kutta Methods

k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1   1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 3 3   2 2 
 2 2   3 3 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h 
 3 3   4 4 
yi 1  yi 
k1  3k3 h yi 1  yi  2k1  3k 2  4k3 h
4 9
3rd order contraharmonic mean method (Ababneh
3rd order harmonic mean method (Wazwaz, 1990)
and Rozita, 2009)
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 2 2   2 2 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 3 3   3 3 
 2 2 4   2 2 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h 
 3 3 3   3 3 
1  2k1k 2 2k 2 k 3  1  k12  k 22 k 22  k32

yi 1  yi    h yi 1  yi  
2  k1  k 2 k 2  k3  2  k1  k 2
 k 2  k3
3rd order modified contraharmonic mean weights method (Ababneh and 3rd order arithmetic mean Runge-Kutta method
Rozita, 2009) (Wazwaz, 1994; Ahmad and Yaacob, 2013)
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 2 2   2 2 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 3 3   3 3 
 4 4   2 1 
k3  f  xi  (3  2 )h , yi  (3  2 )k 2 h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 21 21   3 3 
 1 k12  k 22 3 k 22  k32  1  k1  k 2 k 2  k3 
yi 1  yi    h yi 1  yi    h
 4 k1  k 2 4 k 2  k3 
 2 2 2 
New 3rd order arithmetic mean Runge-Kutta method (Ahmad and Yaacob, Composite arithmetic–harmonic mean Runge–Kutta
2013) method (Ahmad and Yaacob, 2005)
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 2 2 2 2   
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  3 3
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 3 3 
   5 5 
 1 1 k1  k 2   4 4 k1  k 2 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  ( )h 
 3 3 2   5 5 2 
43 2  3(4  3 2 ) 3(2  2 )  1  2k1k 2 2k 2 k 3 
yi 1  yi   k1  k2  yi 1  yi    h
2  k1  k 2 k 2  k3 
k3 h
 4 4 2 
 

Table 3. Fourth order Runge-Kutta methods

Classical 4th order Runge-Kutta (arithmetic mean) method
Ralston’s 4th order method (Ralston, 1962)
(Chapra and Canale, 2002)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h   2 2 
 2 2  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 5 5 
 1 1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h   3 3 3 
 2 2  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 
k 4  f xi  h , yi  k3 h 
5 20 4
 1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (19k1  15k 2  40k3 )h 
yi 1  yi  k1  2k2  2k3  k4 h  44 
1k k
 yi   1 2  2
k  k3 k3  k 4 
 h
yi 1  yi 
11k1  25k 2  25k3  11k 4 h
2 
3 2 2
3/8 Runge-Kutta method (Derr, Outlaw, Sarafyan, 1993) 4th order harmonic mean method (Wazwaz, 1991)

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016

k1  f ( xi , yi )
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
 1 1  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h   2 2 
 3 3   3 1 
 2 3  k3  f  xi  h , yi  (k1  5k 2 )h 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h   8 8 
 3 4   1 
k 4  f xi  h , yi  (k1  k 2  k3 )h  k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (5k1  7k 2  18k3 )h 
 20 
yi 1  yi 
k1  3k 2  3k3  k 4 h 1  2k1k 2 2k 2 k 3 2k 3 k 4 
8 yi 1  yi     h
3  k1  k 2 k 2  k3 k3  k 4 
4th order Runge-Kutta method with minimum error bound 4th order contraharmonic mean Runge-Kutta method (Ababneh
(Ralston, 1962) and Rozita, 2009)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
k1  f ( xi , yi )  2 2 
k 2  f ( xi  0.4h , yi  0.4k1h )
 5 1 3 
k 3  f xi  0.45573725 h , yi  (0.29697761k1  0.15875964 k 2 )h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 8 8 8 
k 4  f xi  h , yi  (0.21810040 k1  3.05096516 k 2  3.83286476 k 3 )h 
yi 1  yi  (0.17476028k1  0.55148066k 2  1.20553560k 3
 1 3 3 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h 
 0.17118478k 4 )h  4 4 2 

1 k  k 2 k 2  k3 k3  k 4 
2 2 2 2 2 2
yi 1  yi   1   h
3  k1  k 2 k 2  k3 k3  k 4 
4th order heronian mean mehtod (Murugesan et. al., 2001) RK4: Butcher-Johnston (Butcher and Johnston, 1993)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h   3 3 
 2 2  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 4 4 
 23 1 25 
k 3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h   1 1 1 
 48 48 48  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 2 3 6 
 1 47 289 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3 h   1 2 
 24 600 300  k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  2k3 h 
 3 3 
yi 1  yi   k1  2k 2  2k 3  k 4  k1k 2  k 2 k 3  k 3 k 4  h
yi 1  yi  k1  4k3  k 4 h
9 
4th order centroidal mean method (Murugesan et. al., 2001) RK4: England (England, 1969)
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
1 1
k 2  f ( xi  h , yi  k1h )  1 1 
2 2 k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
13 1 11
 2 2 
k 3  f ( xi  h , yi  k1h  k2 h )  1 1 
24 24 24 k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h 
1 25 73  4 4 
k 4  f ( xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h 
k 4  f xi  h , yi  k 2 h  2k3 h 
k3 h )
12 132 66
2  k  k1k 2  k 2 k 2  k 2 k3  k32 k32  k3 k 4  k 42
2 2 2

yi 1  yi   1   h yi 1  yi 
k1  4k3  k 4 h
9  k1  k 2 k 2  k3 k3  k 4 
 6
RK4: Gill (Gill, 1951)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 2 2 
  1  1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi     k2 h 
1 1
 k1h  1 
 2  2 2   2  
 
   
k 4  f  xi  h , yi   k3 h 
1 1
k 2 h  1 
 2  2  
 
1 1  1  1  1 1
yi 1  yi  k1h  1   k 2 h  1   k3 h  k 4 h
6 3  2  3  2  6

Hatun M.,Vatansever F: Differential Equation Solver Simulator for Runge-Kutta Methods

Table 4. Fifth order Runge-Kutta methods

RK5: Butcher-1 (Butcher, 1964; Chapra and Canale, 2002) RK5: Butcher-2 (Butcher, 2009)
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , y i )
 1 1   1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 4 4   3 3 
 1 1 1   3 123 315 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k 3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 4 8 8   4 256 256 
 1 193 189 176 
 1 1  k 4  f  xi  h , y i  k1h  k2h  k 3 h 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h  k3 h   5 750 1250 1875 
 2 2 
 2 26 7 304 175 
 3 3 9  k 5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3h  k 4 h 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 4 h   3 81 15 4455 297 
 4 16 16   151 351 304 5 243 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3 h  k4h  k 5 h 
 3 2 12 12 8   150 250 4125 77 175 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h  k5 h 
 7 7 7 7 7   1 125 27 5 
yi 1  yi   k1  k4  k5  k 6 h
48 
yi 1  yi 
7k1  32k3  12k 4  32k5  7k6 h  24 336 56
RK5: Abraham-Bolarin (Abraham and Bolarin, 2011) RK5: Kutta (Butcher, 1996)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 5 5 
 1 181 545 
k 3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h   2 2 
 2 906 727  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h 
 1 409 387 14   5 5 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k 3 h 
 5 583 691 41   9 15 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  5k 2 h  k3 h 
 1 208 43 215 233   4 4 
k 5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3 h  k 4 h 
 4 809 954 609 575   3 63 9 13 2 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h 
 3 625 16 267 257 117   5 100 5 20 25 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3h  k4h  k 5 h 
 4 828 55 805 189 245   4 6 4 2 8 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h 
 7 7 2 16 16 
 5 25 5 15 75 
yi 1  yi   k1  k 2  k3  k5  k 6 h
 90 90 15 45 45 
 17 25 1 25 25 
yi 1  yi   k1  k3  k4  k5  k 6 h
 144 36 72 72 48 
RK5: Nyström (Butcher, 1996) RK5: Luther-Konen-1 (Luther and Konen, 1965)
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1   1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 3 3   3 3 
 4 6   2 1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  (4k1  6k 2 )h 
 25 25   5 25 
 1 15   1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  3k 2 h  k3 h  k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (k1  12k 2  15k3 )h 
 4 4   4 
 2 2 10 50 8   2 1 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2 h  k3 h  k 4 h  k5  f  xi  h , yi  (6k1  90k 2  50k3  8k 4 )h 
 3 27 9 81 81   3 81 
 4 2 12 2 8   4 1 
k6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2 h  k3 h  k 4 h  k 6  f  xi  h , yi  (6k1  36k 2  10k3  8k 4 ) h 
 5 25 25 15 75   5 75 
 23 125 27 125 
yi 1  yi   k1  k3  k5  k6 h yi 1  yi 
23k1  125k 2  81k5  125k6  h
 192 192 64 192  192
RK5: Luther-Konen-2 (Luther and Konen, 1965)

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016

k1  f ( xi , yi )
 4 4 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 11 11 
 2 1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  (9k1  11k 2 ) h 
 5 50 
 1 1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (11k1  15k3 )h 
 2 4 

k5  f  xi 

6 6
h , yi 

(81  9 6 )k1  (255  55 6 )k3  (24  14 6 )k 4 h 
 

k 6  f  xi 

6 6
h, yi 

(81  9 6 )k1  (255  55 6 )k3  (24  14 6 )k 4 

 
yi 1  yi 
 
4k1  (16  6 )k5  (16  6 )k 6 h

RK5: Luther-Konen-3 (Luther and Konen, 1965)

k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 2 2 

k3  f  xi 

5 5
h , yi 
 
2k1  (3  5 )k 2 h 

 
 1 1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (k1  k 2 )h 
 2 4 

k5  f  xi 

5 5
h , yi 
  
(1  5 )k1  4k 2  (5  3 5 )k3  8k 4 h 

 


k 6  f  xi  h , yi  ( 5  1)k1  (2 5  2)k 2  (5  5 )k3  8k 4  (10  2 5 )k5 h 
4 
yi 1  yi  (k1  5k3  5k5  k 6 )h
RK5: Luther-Konen-4 (Luther and Konen, 1965)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k 2  f xi  h , yi  k1h 
 1 1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  (3k1  k 2 )h 
 2 8 
 1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (k1  k 2  4k3 )h 
 2 

k5  f  xi 

5  15
h , yi 
 

 15 k1  10k 2  (60  8 15 )k3  15 k 4 h 

 

k 6  f  xi 

5  15
h , yi 
 
(6  15 )k1  2k 2  12k3  (6  15 )k 4  4 15 k5 h 

 
yi 1  yi  (8k3  5k5  5k 6 )h
RK5: Luther-1 (Luther, 1966) RK5: Luther-2 (Luther, 1966)

Hatun M.,Vatansever F: Differential Equation Solver Simulator for Runge-Kutta Methods

k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
k 2  f xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f xi  h , yi  k1h 
 1   1 1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  (k1  k 2 )h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  (3k1  k 2 )h 
 2   2 8 
 1 1   1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (14k1  5k 2  3k3 )h  k 4  f  xi  h , yi  (k1  k 2  4k3 )h 
 4 64   2 
 1 1   1 1 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  (12k1  12k 2  8k3  64k 4 )h  k5  f  xi  h , yi  (4k1  5k 2  20k3  3k 4 )h 
 2 96   4 64 
 3 1   3 1 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  (9k 2  5k3  16k 4  36k5 )h  k6  f  xi  h , yi  (12k1  9k 2  12k3  7k 4  32k5 )h 
 4 64   4 64 
yi 1  yi 
7k1  7k3  32k 4  12k5  32k6  h yi 1  yi 
7k1  12k3  7k 4  32k5  32k6  h
90 90
RK5: Luther-3 (Luther, 1966)
k1  f ( x i , y i )
k 2  f x i  h , y i  k 1 h 
k 3  f x i  12 h , y i  18 (3k1  k 2 h 
k 4  f x i  h , y i  12 (k1  k 2  4k 3 )h 

k 5  f xi  5 5
h , yi  1
(25  7 5 )k  (5  5 5 )k  (20  4 5 )k  2 5k h 
 f x  (3  5 )k  (1  5 )k  (4  4 5 )k  2k  4 5k h 
10 100 1 2 3 4

k6 i
5 5
h , yi  1
20 1 2 3 4 5

y i 1  y i  1
k1  k 4  5k 5  5k 6 h
RK5: Butcher-3 (Butcher, 1994, 1969) RK5: Butcher-4 (Butcher, 1994, 1969)
k1  f ( xi , yi ) k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1   1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 5 5   5 5 
 2 2   2 2 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h  k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h 
 5 5   5 5 
 3 75 9 117   1 3 5 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k3 h 
 4 64 4 64   2 16 16 
 37 7 3 4   1 5 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h  k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k3 h  2k 4 h 
 36 3 4 9   4 4 
 19 25 2 1  1 2 1 
yi 1  yi   k1  k3  k 4  k5 h yi 1  yi   k1  k 4  k5 h
 144 48 9 8  6 3 6 
RK5: Butcher-5 (Butcher, 1994, 1969)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 5 5 
 2 2 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h 
 5 5 
 3 161 19 287 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h 
 4 192 12 192 
 27 19 291 36 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h 
 28 7 196 49 
 7 475 2 7 
yi 1  yi   k1  k3  k 4  k5 h
 48 1008 7 72 
RK5: Butcher-6 (Butcher, 2010)

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016

k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 10 10 
 1 11 41 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 5 260 260 
 3 3 63 9 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3 h 
 10 170 340 68 
 3 13035 75447 9009 1287 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3 h  k 4 h 
 4 544 1088 136 64 
 165709 733747 638689 32053 5320 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2 h  k3 h  k4h  k5 h 
 918 1326 1122 162 11583 
 5 250 32 1 
yi 1  yi   k1  k4  k5  k 6 h
 54 567 81 14 

Table 5. Sixth order Runge-Kutta methods

RK6: Butcher-1 (Butcher, 1964)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 3 3 
 2 2 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h 
 3 3 
 1 1 1 1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h 
 3 12 3 12 
 1 1 9 3 3 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h 
 2 16 8 16 8 
 1 9 3 3 1 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h  k5 h 
 2 8 8 4 2 
 9 9 63 18 16 
k 7  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  k 4 h  k 6 h 
 44 11 44 11 11 
 11 27 27 4 4 11 
yi 1  yi   k1  k3  k 4  k5  k 6  k 7 h
 120 40 40 15 15 120 
RK6: Butcher-2 (Butcher, 1964)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k 2  f xi  h , yi  k1h 
 2 4 2 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 3 9 9 
 1 11 1 1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h 
 3 36 9 12 
 1 151 29 7 
k5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3 h  6k 4 h 
 3 36 9 4 
 4 112 116 32 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3 h  18k 4 h  2k5 h 
 3 9 9 3 
 5 29 397 152 10 1 
k 7  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k2h  k3 h  k4h  k5 h  k 6 h 
 4 23 276 69 69 69 
 23 29 29 1 1 23 
yi 1  yi   k1  k3  k4  k5  k6  k 7 h
 160 80 80 160 160 160 
RK6: Butcher-3 (Butcher, 1964)

Hatun M.,Vatansever F: Differential Equation Solver Simulator for Runge-Kutta Methods

k1  f ( xi , yi )
 1 1 
k 2  f  xi  h , yi  k1h 
 2 2 
 2 2 4 
k 3  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h 
 3 9 9 
 1 7 2 1 
k 4  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k 3 h 
 3 36 9 12 
 5 35 55 35 15 
k 5  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k 3 h  k 4 h 
 6 144 36 48 8 
 1 1 11 1 1 1 
k 6  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k 3 h  k 4 h  k 5 h 
 6 360 36 8 2 10 
 41 23 43 118 32 80 
k 7  f  xi  h , yi  k1h  k 2 h  k3h  k4h  k 5 h  k 6 h 
 260 13 156 39 195 39 
 13 11 11 4 4 13 
yi 1  yi   k1  k3  k4  k5  k6  k 7 h
 200 40 40 25 25 200 
RK6: Butcher-4 (Butcher, 1964)
k1  f ( xi , y i )

k 2  f xi  h, y 
5 5
k h 5 5

 f x  k h
10 i 10 1
5 5 5 2 5
k3 h, y  k h  5

 f x  k h
i 10 i 10 1 10 2

15 7 5 1 5
k4 h, y 
5 5
k h k h 15 7 5

 f x  k h
i 10 i 20 1 4 2 10 3

5 5 5 5 15 7 5
k5 h, y  k h k h 1

 f x  k h
i 10 i 60 1 6 3 60 4

5 5 5 3 5
k6 h, y 
5 5
k h k h k h 95 5 1

 f x  h , y  k h  
i 10 i 60 1 12 3 6 4 10 5

55 25 5  25 7 5 5 5
k7 i i
k h 1 k h  (5  2 5 )k h 
12 3 12 4 5 2
k6 h

 y i  k1  5k 5  5k 6  k 7 h
y i 1
RK6: Luther (Luther, 1967)
k1  f ( xi , yi )
k2  f xi  h , yi  k1h 
 1 1 
k3  f  xi  h , yi  (3k1  k2 )h 
 2 8 
 2 1 
k4  f  xi  h , yi  (8k1  2k2  8k3 )h 
 3 27 

k5  f  xi 

7  21
h , yi 
 
3 (3 21  7)k1  8(7  21 )k2  48(7  21 )k3  3(21  21 )k4 h 

 

k6  f xi 

7  21
h , yi 
 
 5 (231  51 21 )k1  40(7  21 )k2  320 21 k3  3(21  121 21 )k4  392(6  21 )k5 h 

 

k7  f  xi  h , yi 


15 (22  7 21 )k1  120k2  40(7 21  5)k3  63(3 21  2)k4  14(49  9 21 )k5  70(7  21 )k6 h 

yi 1  yi 
9k1  64k3  49k5  49k6  9k7 h


The main screenshot and descriptions of the simulator designed by using MATLAB
(Mathworks, 2007) are given in Figure 1. The ordinary differential equations, initial condition,
solutions range and step size or number of points selectively, are entered to the simulator. The
solution of the differential equation is implemented according to the selected method, and the
solution values/steps are also listed. In addition, the solution of the differential equation in the
specified range is drawn graphically. The solution range is also determined by the user. By
using menu options of the simulator (see Table 6), the results can be saved or printed; single or
comparative solutions can be created; program settings (drawing shape of data, graphical data
representation formats, etc.) can be made (see Table 7) and help topics can be accessed. In
addition, the simulator calculate the solutions for the entered ODE using three methods selected

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016

by the user and presents the obtained results comparatively (solution values,
computation/elapsed times etc.) to the user on the separate windows both as numerical and
graphical. As an example, the solution steps of the simulator by using a second order Runge-
Kutta method are summarized with a flowchart given in Figure 2. Similar steps are carried out
with the other methods.

Figure 1:
Main screen of designed simulator

Table 6. Main menu and toolbar of designed simulator




Zoom In

3D rotate
Zoom Out

Data cursor

Table 7. Settings menu items of designed simulator

Hatun M.,Vatansever F: Differential Equation Solver Simulator for Runge-Kutta Methods


f(x,y) , x0 , y0 , a , b , h or n
x=x0 , y=y0

i=1,n,1 y=y+h*f(x,y) x=x+h x,y

Stop Figure 3:
RC circuit
Figure 2:
Flowchart for Euler's method

In the first simulation, the following differential equation belong to a RC circuit given in
Figure 3 is used.
1 1
𝑦 ′ (𝑡) + 𝑅𝐶 𝑦(𝑡) = 𝑅𝐶 𝐸 (10)

The screenshot of the solution of the differential equation of the RC circuit, for 𝑅 = 1𝑀Ω,
𝐶 = 1𝜇𝐹, 𝐸 = 12𝑉 values, under the initial condition 𝑦(0) = 0 within solution range 0 − 10𝑠
with 3rd order Runge-Kutta method-1 method is given in Figure 4. The comparative error
results for the first simulation are given in Table 8.

Figure 4:
Screenshot of single solution simulation

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016

Table 8. Comparative results for first simulation

Average value of Standard deviation of
Absolute errors Relative errors Absolute errors Relative errors
Euler 0.0609767184 0.0082205416 0.0768299455 0.0128024671
Modified Euler (Midpoint integration) method -0.0021570225 -0.0002869302 0.0026589173 0.0004359286
Improved Euler (Trapezoidal integration) (Heun) method -0.0021570225 -0.0002869302 0.0026589173 0.0004359286
Ralston’s 2nd order method -0.0021570225 -0.0002869302 0.0026589173 0.0004359286
RK2: Kopal method -0.0021570225 -0.0002869302 0.0026589173 0.0004359286
2nd order contraharmonic mean method 0.0013306927 0.0001771378 0.0016422934 0.0002694863
3rd order Runge-Kutta method-1 0.0000540983 0.0000071995 0.0000667367 0.0000109475
3rd order Runge-Kutta method-2 0.0000540983 0.0000071995 0.0000667367 0.0000109475
Heun’s 3rd order Runge-Kutta method 0.0000540983 0.0000071995 0.0000667367 0.0000109475
Ralston’s 3rd order Runge-Kutta method 0.0000540983 0.0000071995 0.0000667367 0.0000109475
3rd order harmonic mean method 0.0000147783 0.0000019667 0.0000182306 0.0000029905
3rd order contraharmonic mean method 0.0000829636 0.0000110410 0.0001023467 0.0000167890
3rd order modified contraharmonic mean weights method -0.0189165634 -0.0025077231 0.0231838016 0.0037854139
3rd order arithmetic mean Runge-Kutta method 0.0000540983 0.0000071995 0.0000667367 0.0000109475
New 3rd order arithmetic mean Runge-Kutta method 0.0000540983 0.0000071995 0.0000667367 0.0000109475
Composite arithmetic–harmonic mean RK method -0.0020314427 -0.0002702324 0.0025042261 0.0004105798
Classical 4th order Runge-Kutta (arithmetic mean) method -0.0000010856 -0.0000001445 0.0000013392 0.0000002197
Ralston’s 4th order method -0.0000010856 -0.0000001445 0.0000013392 0.0000002197
3/8 Runge-Kutta method 0.0196920531 0.0026313832 0.0244580546 0.0040319106
4th order harmonic mean method -0.0000042995 -0.0000005722 0.0000053039 0.0000008700
4th order Runge-Kutta method with minimum error bound -0.0000010850 -0.0000001444 0.0000013385 0.0000002196
4th order contraharmonic mean Runge-Kutta method 0.0000023531 0.0000003131 0.0000029027 0.0000004762
4th order heronian mean mehtod -0.0000015779 -0.0000002100 0.0000019464 0.0000003193
RK4: Butcher-Johnston 0.0206272296 0.0027568893 0.0256278712 0.0042257593
4th order centroidal mean method -0.0000001007 -0.0000000134 0.0000001242 0.0000000204
RK4: England -0.0000010856 -0.0000001445 0.0000013392 0.0000002197
RK4: Gill -0.0000010856 -0.0000001445 0.0000013392 0.0000002197
RK5: Butcher-1 -0.0000000026 -0.0000000003 0.0000000032 0.0000000005
RK5: Butcher-2 0.0677120446 0.0091420692 0.0855173678 0.0142758941
RK5: Abraham-Bolarin 0.0393374558 0.0052784758 0.0491924400 0.0081504478
RK5: Kutta 0.0000000181 0.0000000024 0.0000000224 0.0000000037
RK5: Nyström 0.0050385725 0.0006712337 0.0062263951 0.0010226416
RK5: Luther-Konen-1 0.0129487114 0.0017278525 0.0160451400 0.0026405330
RK5: Luther-Konen-2 -0.0000367737 -0.0000048938 0.0000453634 0.0000074412
RK5: Luther-Konen-3 0.0000000181 0.0000000024 0.0000000224 0.0000000037
RK5: Luther-Konen-4 0.0000000457 0.0000000061 0.0000000564 0.0000000093
RK5: Luther-1 0.0000000595 0.0000000079 0.0000000734 0.0000000120
RK5: Luther-2 0.0000000457 0.0000000061 0.0000000564 0.0000000093
RK5: Luther-3 0.0099076608 0.0013212230 0.0122639745 0.0020167274
RK5: Butcher-3 0.0000013702 0.0000001823 0.0000016903 0.0000002773
RK5: Butcher-4 0.0000000181 0.0000000024 0.0000000224 0.0000000037
RK5: Butcher-5 -0.0000013339 -0.0000001775 0.0000016455 0.0000002699
RK5: Butcher-6 -0.0000000001 -0.0000000000 0.0000000001 0.0000000000
RK6: Butcher-1 -0.0000000009 -0.0000000001 0.0000000011 0.0000000002
RK6: Butcher-2 -0.0000000009 -0.0000000001 0.0000000011 0.0000000002
RK6: Butcher-3 -0.0006294366 -0.0000837549 0.0007763026 0.0001273227
RK6: Butcher-4 -0.0040174643 -0.0005342046 0.0049490680 0.0008110252
RK6: Luther 0.0184501311 0.0046785007 0.0952041412 0.0146319521

In the second simulation performed, the following ODE was used.

′ (𝑡) 1 −
𝑦 + 2
𝑦(𝑡) = 10𝑒 0,01 (11)

The screenshot for the comparative solution of the ODE given above is given in Figure 5.

Hatun M.,Vatansever F: Differential Equation Solver Simulator for Runge-Kutta Methods

Figure 5:
Screenshot of comparative solution simulation


In the study, a general purpose simulator which can make numerical solution of ordinary
differential equations with Runge-Kutta-based methods and be used in different technical fields
(basic and applied sciences, engineering sciences, etc.) has been developed. In the simulator
which can be used also for educational purposes; numerical solution of ODE defined/entered by
the user is obtained by selected method using the specified initial condition and within the
specified range, and the obtained results can be shown as both numerical and graphical. In the
simulator which contains 48 different methods, the subject explanations are also included. In
addition, comparative numerical solutions of ODE can also be studied with the methods chosen
by the user. Thus, the users can easily show the effectiveness and efficiency of the methods by
using the simulator which presents comparative numerical solutions of ODEs, and the use of the
simulator can facilitate the choice (for using, for learning etc.) of the method for the students or
those who are going to use the methods in their applications. As a future work, it is planned to
expand the simulator by adding the other methods presented for numerical solution of ODEs,
and to present it for online use by preparing in the form of a web page.

Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016


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