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Cultural Memory I in the Present


Of Minimal Things

Studies on the Notion of Relation

Studies on the Notion of Relation

Rodolphe Gasche



Stanford University Press
Stanford, California
© 1999 by (he Board of Trustees of the
Leland Stanford Junior University

Printed in the United States of America

CIP data appear at the end of the book


Most of the essays included in this book have been published previ-
ously. "Ecce Homo, or The Written Body" is reprinted from Looking After
Nietzsche, edited by L. A. Rickels, by permission of the State University of
New York Press © 1990, State University of New York; all rights reserved.
"Type-Writing Nietzsche's Self" appeared under the title "Autobiography
as Gestalt" in Why Nietzsche Now?, edited by D. T. O'Hara, pp. 271-90
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985). I thank Indiana University
Press for permission to reprint this text. "Tearing at the Texture" was first
published under the title "Saturnine Vision and the Question of Differ-
ence: Reflections on Walter Benjamin's Theory of Language" in Benjamin's
Ground: New Readings of Walter Benjamin, edited by E. Naegele, pp. 83-
104 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1988). I am grateful to Wayne
State University Press for letting me republish this essay. The chapter
"Cutting in on Distance" reproduces the essay "Objective Diversions: On
Some Kantian Themes in Benjamin's 'The Work of Art in the Age of Me-
chanical Reproduction,'" published in Walter Benjamin's Philosophy: De-
struction and Experience, edited by A. Benjamin, pp. 183-204 (London:
Routledge, 1994). I am thankful to Indiana University Press for permission
to include in this book "Floundering in Determination," which first ap-
peared in Commemorations: Reading Heidegger, edited by J. Sallis, pp. 7-19
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993). "Tuned to Accord" is
reprinted from Heidegger Toward the Turn, edited by J. Risser, by permis-
sion of the State University of New York Press © 1999 (forthcoming),
State University of New York; all rights reserved. "Canonizing Measures"
is reprinted here from the Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19, nos. 2
and 20 (1997): 203-14. "Like the Rose-Without Why" was written for a
Vlll Acknowledgments

special issue of Diacritics entitled Heidegger: Art and Politics, which I guest-
edited with Anthony Appiah 19, nos. 3-4 (fall-winter 1989): 101-13. I am
grateful to The Johns Hopkins University Press for permission to reprint
this piece. The chapter "Perhaps: A Modality?" first appeared in the Grad-
uate Faculty Philosophy Journal 16, no. 2 (1993): 467-84. A first version, in
French, of "On the Nonadequate Trait" appeared in Les Fins de l'homme:
A partir du travail de Jacques Derrida, pp. I33-61 (Paris: Galilee, 1981). I am
thankful to the University of Minnesota Press for permission to republish
"Joining the Text" from The Yale Critics, edited by J. Arac et al., pp. 156-75
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983); copyright 1983 by the
University of Minnesota, all rights reserved. "On Re-Presentation" is
reprinted from The Southern Journal of Philosophy 32, supplement (1993):
1-18. I thank the University of Minnesota Press for permission to reprint
my introduction, "Reading Chiasms," from A. Warminski, Readings in In-
terpretation, pp. ix-xxvi, 195-96 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1987); copyright 1987 by the University of Minnesota, all rights re-
served. ''A Relation called 'Literary'" was prepublished in ASCA, Brief 2
(Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, Theory, and Interpretation), pp.
17-33 (1995)· The final chapter of the book, "The Felicities of Paradox," is
republished from Maurice Blanchot: Literature, Philosophy, and Ethics,
edited by C. B. Gill, pp. 34-64 (London: Routledge, 1996).
I am indebted to Judith Still for her translation (from French) of
"Ecce Homo, or The Written Body." Very special thanks go to Leonard
Lawlor, who took it upon himself in the early 1980s to translate (also
from French) "On the Nonadequate Trait." I am particularly pleased to
be able to include his translation in this volume. Finally, I wish to thank
Dickson Tang, who assisted me in the preparation of the manuscript.



Ecce Homo, or The Written Body 17

2 Type-Writing Nietzsche's Self 39


3 Tearing at the Texture

4 Cutting in on Distance


5 Floundering in Determination 10 5
6 Tuned to Accord 122

7 Canonizing Measures 141

8 "Like the Rose-Without Why" 154
9 Perhaps: A Modality? 173


10 On the Nonadequate Trait 195

II Joining the Text 221

12 On Re-Presentation 242
x Contents


13 Reading Chiasms
14 ''A Relation Called 'Literary'"

15 The Felicities of Paradox

Notes 347
Index 375

A full-scale philosophical discipline exclusively devoted to the study

of relations-the polyadic (n-place) logic of predicates, or logic of rela-
tions-emerged only in the nineteenth century in the work of Augustus
de Morgan, Charles Sanders Peirce, Gottlob Frege, and Ernst Schroder.
In 1910, Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead codified in their
text Principia Mathematica the achievements of their predecessors. Given
the rather recent establishment of Russell and Whitehead's theory-con-
temporaneous with the reelaboration of the foundations of mathemat-
ics-it is not uncommon to encounter the belief that "relation" has
achieved explicit philosophical recognition and has been given extensive
theoretical treatment solely in our time. Nevertheless, the accomplish-
ments of the logic of relations should not cloud the following fact: al-
though antique philosophy did not have a proper term for "relation" and
could refer to the topic only by way of the prepositional pros ti, Plato's dis-
cussion of relative predicates and Aristotle's first attempt at a classification
of relatives in the Categories offer clear evidence of the existence of a clas-
sical theory of relations, whatever its limits may be. But it was in medieval
philosophy-in a philosophical inquiry that became equipped with a set
of terms for "relations" such as respectus, habitudo, proportio, and, espe-
cially, the Latin re/atio (which Quintilian was probably the first to use in
a logical sense)-that the topic of relation first became a prime philo-
2 Introduction

sophical issue. I Moreover, Scholastic philosophy featured an extraordi-

nary range of strikingly diverse theories of relation. At the beginning of
the fourteenth century, medieval thought even underwent a passionate
debate on relations, in which realist and conceptualist theories of relation
were pitted against one another. Of course, this ardent interest in the
question of relation was largely theologically motivated. It was a function
of the need to buttress philosophically the doctrine of the Trinity and to
respond to a battery of theological questions, such as whether there is in
God a real relation to his creatures. Equipped with these theological con-
cerns bearing on philosophical theories of relation that, in addition, drew
heavily on Aristotle's elaborations on the topic (particularly on his as-
sumption that a relation is an attribute, or accident, of a subject, or sub-
stance), medieval theories of relation initially, at least, had a definitely re-
alist thrust. Contrary to the Stoics, who held all relations to be subjective
and to lack all extramental reality, medieval philosophers believed in the
reality of relations. Their overall concern was what kind of extramental
being to ascribe to relations. Generally speaking, the type of being that
Scholastic philosophy accorded to relations is that of a thing. By "thing,"
however, we must not understand here something insofar as it is of it-
self-an absolute thing, as it were. Ifby conceiving of relations as "things"
the Scholastics credited relations with extramental reality, they nonethe-
less accorded a very specific ontological status to this reality.
The general assumption that guides Scholastic reflection on rela-
tions is that a real relation is an Aristotelian attribute, or accident, one that
amounts to the property, inhering in a thing, of being-toward-another.
Following Aristotle, who in the Metaphysics speaks of relative terms as
things whose very essence includes a reference to something else and who
notes that things of this kind enjoy only the lowest status of being among
beings, 2 medieval philosophy characterizes relations as relative things (res
relativae). They are defined as things in this sense, whether relations are
seen to be real as modes of things, that is, as things whose real being is de-
pendent on the foundation in which they inhere, or whether relations
have an accidental being of their own independent of the being of their
ground. Even though this difference between dependence and indepen-
dence implies a further difference in the assessment of the ontological sta-
tus of real relations, still they remain, notwithstanding their nature as
Introduction 3

things, only relative things, which have less reality than their foundation;
in the case where being-toward-another-thing differs from its foundation,
the extramental reality of relations is, according to Duns Scotus, that of a
"tiny being," or, in Richard of Mediavilla's terminology, a minus ens. 3 For
Thomas Aquinas, a real, or categorial, relation inheres only in the subject,
or foundation, of a relation, and the category of relation itself is "the weak-
est or least real" of all the categories. Relation is an entity, or thing, "so
weak (debilis) that it requires for its support an entity that is 'more perfect'
than itself" For this reason, Aquinas asserts, many have mistaken relations
for merely intramental realities. 4 Indeed, being in the mind, as opposed
to being outside the mind, is held to imply diminished being (ens dimin-
utum) and has been attributed to relations, particularly to relations that
are the result of comparisons. s Although a realist, Aquinas therefore ad-
mits that relations have the least of all being. Their ontological status is
thus best described as one of minimal things. Aquinas writes, "Relatio
praedicamentalis est accidens minimae entitatis" ("A predicative relation
is an accident of the least being").6 With this, the Scholastic philosopher
provides a definition of relation broad enough to be shared by most of the
philosophers of his time. A relation is an ens minimum, minimum under-
stood as the superlative of parvus, and, hence, in the sense of something
that is excruciatingly small, the smallest of all entities or things. As a
"minimum de entitate,"7 a relation has the ontological status of a real
thing. Yet compared to substance, which exists primarily, the accidental
natute of relation-regardless of whether it receives its being from the
substance or possesses its own being-entails that the being this thing
can claim as its own is minimal.
While the title of this book, OfMinimal Things, refers to the above
Scholastic definition of relation, it does not follow that the ensuing stud-
ies on the concept of relation embrace the Scholastic substance/accident
ontology. To a large extent, the emergence of a logic of relations in the
last century results from the insight that the substance/accident ontology
significantly limits the analysis of relation. But as is shown by the ongoing
discussion of whether relations are internal or external-in other words,
on whether they have a merely intramental reality or a mind-independent
status-the question of their specific type of existence has not been re-
solved despite all the advances in the understanding of the logical form
4 Introduction

of relations and the development of sophisticated systems of notation for

relational statements. Precisely because this controversy remains framed
by the Aristotelian thesis that all objects have essential and accidental
properties, or relations, issues similar to those that occupied the heated
early-fourteenth-century debate between realists and nominalists con-
tinue to animate contemporary discussions of what ontological status to
accord to relations. As Richard Rorty has aptly suggested, any decision for
or against a particular type of reality concerning relations is so bound up
with all the fundamental issues and divides in philosophy that no solu-
tion can be expected until these issues are solved. 8 Notwithstanding all
the progress made by the logic of relations in finding alternatives to the
classical type of analysis of relations and relative terms, the controversy
over the internality or externality of relations only proves the degree to
which the logic of relations remains tributary to the ontological and
metaphysical assumptions that informed the first inquiries into the nature
of relations by Plato and Aristotle.
If OfMinimal Things takes on the question of relation, the investi-
gation is not framed by any preliminary decision concerning its ontolog-
ical status. In spite of the title's allusion to the Scholastic theories of rela-
tion, relation will not be understood here as a (relative) thing, as a thing,
more precisely, that is ontologically deficient compared to the existence
attributed to substance. Nor is this study an investigation into entities
that, because they are extramental rather than internal, enjoy at least the
status of minuscule things. In what sense then do I speak here of "mini-
mal things"? Rather than indicating a deficient mode of being or referring
to things that barely have being, "minimal things" refers here, first, to the
smallest, hence most elemental issues or matters of concern to philo-
sophical thought. Relation, the title suggests, is one of the most (if not the
most) extreme of philosophy's elemental topics. It is a minimal thing not
because it is the least possible thing but because it constitutes the philo-
sophical "thing" in the sense of issue and matter of concern at its most
minute. Relation could thus be considered the most basic and simple of
all philosophical problems. This is the sense in which Julius Jakob Schaaf
has spoken of philosophy as intrinsically a science of relation (Beziehungs-
wissenschaft). Taking up the Scholastic designation of relation as ens min-
imum, he explicitly emphasizes a positive moment contained in the ex-
Introduction 5

pression, in addition to its characterization of relation as a deficient thing.

This positive moment, he writes, "consists in this: the being of relation
[Beziehungsein], precisely because it is an ens minimum, is not an object
among objects, a thing among things, but reveals itself to be the trans-
objective as such." Schaaf claims "to have found in the trans-objective na-
ture of relation the starting point of philosophy," adding that "relation
represents the absolutely decisive, indeed, sole category" of philosophy.9
But it is neither only nor primarily in this sense of a founding category
that I wish to understand the reference to minimal things. Indeed, by
"minimal thing" I conceive of a thing more elemental than all the things
that are of explicit philosophical concern, including its defining concepts.
Needless to say, compared to the "big" issues of philosophy, the
question of relation already has all the appearances of a minor issue, or
thing. Yet I conceive of relation not only as a thing anterior to the big top-
ics of philosophical thought but also as a thing prior to the small things
that philosophical thought has not found it necessary to privilege, even if
these things can be shown to have a deciding philosophical importance.
The notion of "thing" itself is such a small, or undervaluated, theme, in-
cluding the often deferred question of what a relation is. Of Minimal
Things is thus not about relation as philosophy's founding category, nor
about relation as the theme that defines it. In a way, it is not about rela-
tion at all. To put it differently, while this study tackles the question of re-
lation and continuously refers to this problematic, Of Minimal Things
also undercuts such reference. Indeed, its concern is with "something"
that is more minimal than relation, with "something" from which even
the thing "relation," however minimal and elementary it is in its in-
traphilosophical sense, derives its possibility and meaning. The seemingly
minimal thing, and minor issue, to which the title draws attention is a, if
not the, minimal "philosophical" problem: it is a limit-problem, an issue
at the limit, to which all other questions of philosophy, large or small, are
indebted and to which they must be traced and related back.
If, however, the essays of this book gesture toward a thing or things
so minimal that even philosophy's minimal building blocks-that is, its
prime categories, and above all the category of relation as possibly philos-
ophy's "absolutely decisive, indeed, sole category"-have to be traced to it
or them, these things cannot any longer be conceived as simple and indi-
6 Introduction

visible elements of philosophy. Although I have emphasized up to this

point the elemental, or primitive, nature of the minimaliry of the things
in question in order to hold at bay the idea of a deficiency, diminishment,
or weakness of being, "minimal," according to its erymological and cur-
rent usage, signifies a lowest, smallest, or least possible, allowable, or as-
signable amount of a quantiry. Such a decrease in the being or quantiry
of an entiry is valued as a deficiency precisely because the least possible
marks a limit beyond which no quantiry obtains anymore. Minimaliry
has thus the stigma of inferioriry, incompleteness, and imperfection. But
minimaliry is not only the threshold where the diminished quantiry hov-
ers on the edge of complete annihilation; this terminal line is also the
point where the relations with a quantity's others-others that are not
simply other in the sense of opposites-manifest themselves. Minimal
things are not merely things at their barest, things at the verge of ceasing
to be things, but also things that are already something other than things.
Understood as minimal things, relations, therefore, not only hold toward
the nonrelational, whether in the sense of a deficiency of relation or in the
sense of the Absolute, but also imply a being-toward-something that is no
longer of the mode of what philosophy has always thought of as the rela-
tional. With the minimal things under discussion, a notion of relation is
envisioned that is not merely a rype of relation more fundamental than
the decisive philosophical category of relation; because the notion of re-
lation implies reference to the other or others of relation, it is also a no-
tion of relation that no longer belongs entirely, simply, and absolutely to
philosophy. As a minimal thing, relation is reference to the others of phi-
losophy: others that are not limited to its canonical others, such as litera-
ture, theology, or the natural sciences, and also, more disquietingly, oth-
ers that are others in non predictable ways. The plural in Of Minimal
Things is irreducible. Qua minimal things, relations indeed refuse the
identiry of the concept.
But what is a relation to begin with? Needless to say, the assessment
of the essence of relation differs depending on how it is understood. In
Plato and Aristotle, and throughout most of the philosophical tradition,
relation is understood primarily from the object-that is, as an objective
determination that the object possesses with respect to itself, or that is at-
tached to it with respect to another thing. In the logic of relations, rela-
Introduction 7

tion is conceived as a propositional function of two or more statements.

Where relation is approached from the objects, a relation R can be de-
fined as the connection between the objects x and y that obtains if the
proposition "xRy," that is, "x has the connection R to y," is true. By con-
trast, where relation concerns logical propositions, the meaning of rela-
tion becomes a function of the classes of all the ordered pairs (or n-tuples)
of objects that fulfill the expression of a relation "xRy." Yet, whereas it is
generally agreed that the classical conception of relation does not satisfac-
torily account for the distinct ontological status of relation, the logical ac-
count of relation is not without difficulties of its own. Defining relation
by way of the ordered n-tuples of individuals that can fulfill an expression
of relation has, for instance, the effect of leveling the meaning of expres-
sions of relations that can be fulfilled by the same pairs, or n-tuples, thus
effectively effacing their singularity. In truth, these alternative approaches
are not quite as different from each other as is often believed, because
Aristotle's analysis of relations is not limited to relative terms but dis-
cusses expressions of relation as well, and because questions of ontology
continue to haunt the logic of relation. Indeed, such insufficiencies have
made a number of contemporary phenomenological thinkers wonder
whether these theories are at all based on an adequately descriptive analy-
sis of the phenomenon of relation. Martin Heidegger's thought in partic-
ular involves the question of whether the translation ofpros ti as "relation"
captures the original Greek sense of being-toward. "Relation," it can
safely be said, is for Heidegger a subjectivist metaphysical reduction not
only of the Greek understanding of being-toward, but also of the exis-
tential complexities of any comportment (Verhalten) and, for the later
Heidegger, of the complexities of being-toward in the context of the
thinking of Being.
Undoubtedly, being-toward-another-pros ti or esse ad-is the es-
sential peculiarity of relation. But what does such being-toward-another
entail? How does the thought of the other toward which the relation
holds itself bear on the relation itself? Further, what are the senses-the
directions and the ways in which it has to be taken-of such relating to
something other? Is being-toward-another possible without a movement
away from and ahead of the subject of the relation? Can relation be ade-
quately thought without heeding the implication that its relatum lets the
8 Introduction

subject come toward it in the first place? If this is a necessity that is struc-
turally implied in the very thought of relation, then is relation not pri-
marily a response, a yes, to a prior invitation? More fundamentally still,
does such possibilization of relation by the relatum, and the subject of the
relation's acceptance and response to the invitation, not also suggest that
relation is an occurrence, a happening, an event? Finally, what is the sta-
tus of the subject from which the relation seems to originate, if relation is
essentially a being-toward-something-other? And how does the nature of
such an outgoing subject in turn affect the nature of relation?
For a relation to relate to something other than its subject implies
being with respect to others, as the classical conception of relative terms
acknowledges. What are the ramifications of this respect for the thinking
of the subject of a relation? Conversely, how does the fact that the "ob-
ject" of a relation is the "object" of a relation's direction toward it impact
on the object itself? From early on, self-relation, or identity, has been rec-
ognized as an extreme case of relation in which its two terms coincide. At
its most basic, identity has been determined as the relation that any ob-
ject can and must have to itself in order for it to be what it is. Consider-
ing, however, that objects stand in relation to one another, at least some
breach of their identity would seem to be required for them to be able to
hold themselves, or be held, to some other thing. More importantly, does
not self-identity as such include a demarcation from and, hence, a trait
toward some other? Or ultimately, as in the case of the Ab-solute, or in
the absence of any already constituted other, must not self-identity also
include a demarcation from and a trait toward the empty place of an-
other? If this is the case, no consideration of the notion of relation can ab-
stract from the fact that the relatum to which another is held is by defini-
tion only within the place of the other. More precisely, in addition to
being the other to which the subject relates, and independently of
whether this other is the subject itself as in the relation of self-identity, the
relation is not conceivable without heeding that space and place of the
other-a place that can be occupied but that no host can ever saturate,
and that is, by definition, a place awaiting another to come. But if the
subject of a relation is dependent in this manner on the other, the subject
is never at its place, either. In its place, too, there is "only" a subject to
come. If, then, relation is essentially being-toward, and with respect to,
Introduction 9

something other, can relation have an essence of itself at all? Does the re-
ferring to another that constitutes relation affect relation itself, its own in-
telligible identity, especially if one takes into account that the other, even
if it is the Ab-solute, only occupies the space of otherness? A relation,
which is nothing but the trait of being-held-toward-another, is what it is
only insofar as it points away from an identity of its own. The relational
directedness toward something other than itself, which paradoxically pro-
vides a relation with its own identity, shows relation to the other to pre-
cede all identity. It is this further ramification tied in with the notion of
relation-namely, the nonsymmetrical weighing of the other, and the
place of the other, over all other moments of a relation-that no study of
the issue can ignore.
But in a relation, not only does the subject tend toward the other
with all the indicated implications for the subject, but also the relatum of
the relation lets the subject come into a relation to it. There is no relation,
then, without a prior opening of the possibility of the being-toward-
another by which the subject· is allowed to arrive "in" the place of the
other. Without this gift of an opening for a subject to turn toward the
other, no relation would ever be able to occur. 10 Three things, at least, fol-
low from this. First, to rethink the notion of relation requires that one
take into account the event of relation anterior to relation. Second, to re-
think rel.ation requires as well that the occurrence through which relation
becomes possible no longer be understood in terms of relationality. Fi-
nally, to engage the opening event of relationality is not possible without
at the same time reconceiving the traditional philosophical ways of think-
ing of possibilization.
The very concept of relationality carries with it a reference to the
nonrelational. Philosophical reflection has taken account of this exigency:
The skeptics acknowledged it by their negation in the name of the trope
par excellence-that is, the principial (genikotatos) trope of relation-of
what is said to be without relation, or kath'auta. Hegel did so by demon-
strating that the Ab-solute is the highest form of relation in that it ac-
complishes relation to itself and thus relates relation to the nonrelational.
Finally, more contemporary thinkers have heeded relationality's reference
to the nonrelational by emphasizing the indivisible unity between that
which is absolutely without relation (thus, isolated to the point of radi-
IO Introduction

cally excluding any conceivable relation, including that of negation) and

that which exists in relation. II Yet although any adequate approach to re-
lation must take stock of this further complication, philosophy has so far
addressed only the question of how the nonrelational bears on the prob-
lematic of relation, either by cutting off the relation from the nonrela-
tional for the benefit of one term of the relation, or by seeking to do jus-
tice to the reference in question by conceiving of it as a dialectical
opposition. If, as I here contend, the thinking of relation must include
this relation to the without-relation, then the determination of the latter
in terms of opposition can be considered only as one conception of the
nonrelational, and a limited conception at that. Instead, it would seem
necessary to think of this inexorable correlative of relation in terms alto-
gether other than the relational.
Visibly, relation has with respect to substance, and its unity, a mul-
tiplying power. It secures the difference of things, their singularity. In-
deed, the being-toward-other-things is an expression of things' finitude.
What I have offered so far about the implications necessarily involved
with the notion of relation shows that its meaning too is multifaceted.
Each one of its determinations turns up further and further implications.
But these ramifications and inferences do not suggest an infinite progress,
and endless sequence of additional facets that consume the efforts of re-
flection to take them into account. For, indeed, the very fact that being-
toward-another presupposes a place of the other, a place that can be oc-
cupied by the opposite, or other, of the subject (entity or self) but which
is not saturated, fulfilled, or exhausted by this occupation; the fact that
the identity of the subject of a relation comes to the subject only from the
relatum and, hence, is always in waiting; and the fact that, finally, all re-
lation involves a relation to a nonrelational that is something other than
a negative modification of relationality-these very facts narrow the pro-
liferation of the multiple implications of and cross-references to what I
would like to call a "'simple' complex." As a minimal thing, relation com-
pounds with the places that no subject, no relatum, and no opposite of
relation can ever saturate. Yet this impossibility grants relation its logic
and its status without status as a minimal thing. However, a minimal
thing of such "simple" complexity is not a first thing. It certainly is not
the first thing, and exclusive property, of philosophy. Rather, it is a
Introduction II

threshold that communicates between entities, or domains, that are all in

the position of others among each other. Although it is the result of a re-
flection on the philosophical notion of relation, the minimal thing in
question does not situate philosophy with respect to its others. Philoso-
phy is but one of the possible others-together with literature, theology,
and the sciences, to name only a few-that the "'simple' complex" of this
minimal thing ties together each time in a singular configuration.
The essays reunited in this book elaborate upon the notion of rela-
tion with a view to establishing the basic traits that make up relation as a
minimal thing. Since this undertaking takes seriously the fact that rela-
tion is a being-toward-another (entity, domain, or human other), the ef-
fort implies a prior dissolution or dismantling of relation as a formal con-
cept and of the ontology, or ontologies, under which the philosophical
(formal) concept of relation has been subordinated. The first item on the
agenda of a rethinking of relation is thus to free relation as pros ti from the
pros hen relation, the relation to the One, and to restore the specificity and
singularity of relations. As a consequence, I will approach relation in
many of its shapes, shapes that, rather than being modalities of one base
concept of relation, are irreducible, even though they imply and gesture
in the direction of one another. Encounter, arrival, address, contact,
touch, belonging, distance, accord, agreement, determination, measuring,
translation, and communication are some such forms of relation. From
this anti formalist, or rather aformalist, approach to relation, attention is
thus given to the different ways in which being-toward-another is struc-
tured. Caesura, rhythm, and zigzag are among the types of relating that
will be considered. But such consideration of relations in what is irre-
ducibly singular about them is significant only if the ground for the di-
versity of relations, and their singularity, can be furnished by way of an
analysis of the traits that constitute the being-toward of relation. Without
such an account, all restoration of relation to its aformal intricacy remains
an exercise in empiricism, that is, in an approach that is only the negative
of the exigency to relate (everything) to the One. Rethinking relationality
cannot consist simply in turning one's back to that demand. Rather than
submitting to this demand for unification into the One, the rethinking of
relation in question transforms this demand by tying into knots the clus-
ter of traits involved in relations-that is, traits directed toward, and
12 Introduction

stretching from, the place of the other to the place of the subject of a re-
lation, according to a relation that combines with modes of comportment
that are no longer conceivable in terms of relation or nonrelation. These
knots qua knots hold the traits together and thus provide reasons, ac-
counts, explications, as it were, but at the same time let themselves be un-
done again. These inevitably plural knots are none other than the mini-
mal things that I have alluded to.
Given that the essays collected in this volume have been written
over a span of more than twenty years, the reader should not be surprised
to find that, although relation is their common theme, they reflect on this
issue in contexts, from perspectives, and according to styles and modes of
approach that are quite different. The earliest essays, the two contribu-
tions on Friedrich Nietzsche particularly, take up the problematic of rela-
tion with respect to questions pertaining to the self, the body, and the
name as figures of propriety (das Eigentliche), and with the aim of con-
ceiving of a way of relating to the self that escapes the Hegelian dialectics
of self and other. By contrast, the essays on translatability, communica-
bility, and reproducibility in the work of Walter Benjamin, written in
critical debate with current trends in interpreting Benjamin, elaborate on
this thinker's plight of sketching out a way of relating to the Absolute,
that is, to that which by definition precludes all relation. It is a way of re-
lating, as we shall see, that cuts apart the ties by which concepts and the
fabric oflanguage have sought to trap the Absolute. Most of the essays on
Heidegger discuss his attempt to foreground logical relation (and deter-
mination) and the classical conception of truth as adequation in the fun-
damental structures of Dasein's comportment to the world, to others, and
to itself But these essays also follow Heidegger through some of his later
efforts to recast the concept of relationality itself, especially in light of the
other to whom (or to which) relation is said to be directed, and from
which the "subject" receives the possibility of response as a gift. How
thinkers (Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Jacques Derrida are
the examples) relate to one another is a further angle from which I broach
the question. Finally, in the last chapters of this book, which touches on
the writings of Stephane Mallarme, Franz Kafka, and Maurice Blanchot,
I take issue with the relation of literature and philosophy, more precisely,
with relation as conceptual discourse and relation as fiction. The investi-
Introduction I3

gation centers on the implications that the relation of philosophy to liter-

ature, as one of philosophy's others, has for the reworking of the concept
of relationality as such. '2
Coming into an appropriate relationship to what is to be thought, a
relationship that attends to the things in question and that distinguishes
thinking from all approaches that conform to pregiven programs or es-
tablished methods, is not merely a function of one's mind-set or good
will. Nor does sustained work and what is commonly referred to as expe-
rience suffice to secure a relation to what is in question. Indeed, if rela-
tion as we have sought to conceive of it through these essays is granted
primarily by the other, it is not something that be can calculated, pre-
dicted, or secured. To come into a relation is, therefore, also a matter of
chance, of luck, as it were. The essays reunited in this volume are my at-
tempts to come into a fruitful and, especially, faithful relation to what
that notion gives us to think. Only others, however, are in the position to
decide whether my pursuit has succeeded.


Ecce Homo, or The Written Body

Of the body-the body proper-we can speak only improperly. So

it will be necessary not only to talk about it in metaphors, but also to de-
velop the discourse of the body, by a process of substitution, as a chain of
figures in which the figure of the body itself will represent only one figure
among others. Wishing to speak of the body, we can therefore speak only
of quite other things, to the point where we might ask ourselves if the
body does not consist precisely in those other things, in that grouping of
initially heterogeneous elements. In which case the body would be de-
pendent on a certain confusion, because it is always more or less than a
body properly speaking.
This is what emerges from a text such as Nietzsche's Ecce Homo, an
autobiographical text (but one whose deviation from the genre should be
noted), a text that also functions as a self-constituting corpus, thus as a
text in which the constitution of a body (corps) is gradually worked out, of
Nietzsche's body, or more precisely of a body in which Nietzsche's name
("Nietzsche") forms an essential trait in as much as it is-momenrarily-
the unitary trait, if not the unifYing trait, or trait d'union ("hyphen"). In
Ecce Homo, indeed, the body, or rather one body, becomes readable
through a chain of metaphors that are seemingly as foreign to one another

as are, for instance, the book entitled Daybreak, a sea animal, the sun, the
self, and the name of Nietzsche. How can a body, a unified body, be con-
stituted from the starting point of these metaphors, such diverse meta-
phors? If each metaphor is an image of the body, it is, at the same time,
only one of its traits, so that assembling these traits constitutes the body
in question. It is in fact the Aristotelian question: what makes man "one"
(hen}?-a unity on which the very name of man is founded (the denomi-
nation: man),l a question that should be introduced here in order to ex-
amine the principle that justifies the term "body" for the set of metaphors
in question. Certainly they are not the result of that contradiction through
which, as Gaston Bachelard says in The Psychoanalysis of Fire, "we most
easily achieve originality." He goes on to say, "When it is directed towards
objective knowledge, this need for originality over-estimates the impor-
tance of the phenomenon, materializes slight differences, ascribes causes to
accidents, just in the same way in which the novelist imagines a hero en-
dowed with an unlikely number of special qualities and portrays a willful
character through a series of inconsistent actions."2
But although these metaphors, in Nietzsche, do not attest to con-
tradiction, nonetheless his text exhibits clear pretensions to originality,
and that these are embodied in the metaphoric chain of which we are
speaking. Now, since the self of the signatory who seems to unify, to
gather together the chain of metaphors (for a moment, at least), is taken
up and reabsorbed by the chain itself, the question of the unifying prin-
ciple is raised over and over again. The impossibility of enclosing or of
closing up the question once and for all represents perhaps the major rea-
son why we cannot talk properly about the body proper. If the organiz-
ing principle of the metaphors for the body is abolished (or is repre-
sented) in the very chain that it is supposed to totalize, then the need to
keep going back to a new unifying trait opens up the discourse of the
body to the infinite importation of metaphors that are always foreign, al-
ways improper. The impossibility of preventing the unifying trait from
tumbling into the series that is to be unified bears witness to disequilib-
rium as an essential mark of the body, a mark whose first effect is the
body's impropriety. This amounts to saying that the body does not prop-
erly belong to anyone.
The body is thus characterized by this tendency to disintegrate into
'Ecce Homo, ' or The Written Body 19

heterogeneous images that, when assembled coherently, formed for a mo-

ment a unified representation. The improper side of the body, its impro-
priety, also entails a temporal aspect peculiar to the body, that is ro say its
nature as event, its "momentaneity." The body only exists for an in-
stant-before it is again split up into its singular representations. This will
have at least two consequences for Nietzsche: on the one hand the will to
repetition of the divine moment in which a body was born (which thus
refers back to the intimate relationship between the body and the Eternal
Recurrence), and on the other hand the fixing of the moment, and of
property, at the risk of seeing them turned to stone as memories, or again,
as we shall see, as a handful of diamonds. In this way the body, which
only really exists in statu nascendi, discovers the side of itself that is death.
From then on, more than one register will govern the thinking of the
body. Let us begin then by unfolding the metaphoric chain in which, as
we were just claiming, the body is caught. Emphasizing in Ecce Homo the
affirmative character of his book Daybreak, Nietzsche writes as follows:
The whole book contains no negative word, no attack, no spite-it lies in the
sun, round, happy, like some sea animal basking among rocks.
Ultimately, I myself was this sea animal: almost every sentence in this book was
first thought, caught among that jumble of rocks near Genoa where I was alone
and still had secrets with the sea. Even now, whenever I accidentally touch this
book, almost every sentence turns for me into a net [wird mir . .. fast jeder Satz
zum Zipfel] that again brings up from the depths something incomparable: its
entire skin trembles with tender thrills of memory. The art that distinguishes it
is not inconsiderable when it comes to fixing to some extent things that easily flit
by, noiselessly-moments I call divine lizards-but not with the cruelty of that
young Greek god who simply speared the poor little lizard, though, to be sure,
with something pointed-a pen. 3

Without claiming to exhaust this passage, let us stress a few points: these
three things-the book (Daybreak), the sea animal, and Nietzsche-may
be substituted for one another. What may be said of one is equally true of
the others. The same thing is to be found under the skin of the book as in
the bodies of the sea animal and of Nietzsche. The book, in fact, contains
sentences like "ends" or "tails" (Zipfel), which allow you to bring some
memory up from the depths. The book thus seems like a collection of

ends or tails. Now this is equally true of the body of the sea animal and of
Nietzsche himself, basking among the rocks, sharing secrets with the sea.
Nietzsche tells us that this book is distinguished by its art of fixing things
that easily flit by, that is the moments, the instants he calls "divine
lizards." But lizards cannot be caught. You can barely get hold of them;
they escape almost immediately, leaving their tails in your hand. The sea
animal and the book, like Nietzsche's body, are thus nothing more than a
set of broken tails, of lost tails, of dead tails. Like that other body that is
largely made up of a tangle of snakes, the medusa (a jellyfish). In this way
the lizards represent "divine moments" flitting by noiselessly; after they
have gone, all that remains is an end, a tail left in your hand, which al-
lows you to re-create them in memory. In order to fix them, to stop them,
to catch hold of them, of their moment of presence, you must know how
to use an instrument that, like the blade of a knife, cuts the vanishing
moment from its full presence, leaving only, to use a term from Rous-
seau, "commemorative signs."4 Of course, the instrument is not the spear
of that young Greek god, in whom we recognize the Apollo 5auroktoros
of Praxiteles, 5 but an instrument no less steely, that is, the point of a pen.
The bodies of the book, the sea animal, and Nietzsche are thus consti-
tuted by work, by an operation of the pen that consists in fixing divine
moments, of gathering together under a quivering skin a set of sentences,
or tails, or phalluses, which are only ever commemorative signs of the lost
actuality of that presence of a whole body. Nevertheless, in spite of, or
rather because of, the cut-off, dead, and petrified nature of these instants
that make up the body, this is a body that "lies in the sun, round, happy,
like some sea animal basking among rocks." Paradoxically, it is that oper-
ation of the pen, fixing a set of moments by depriving them of their full
momentariness, which results in the body as such: a happy pile of dead
moments. And what was said of each individual sentence, that it is pre-
sented as a lizard's cut-off tail, is valid for the book, for the corpus of
aphorisms, for the whole body. For Nietzsche's body itself is no more than
a petrified divine instant, formed, like the book, of phrases carved in
granite. It is itself no more than the product of the action of a steely point
that fixes that body in its momentary nature. 50 it is not surprising that
the body only appears as one metaphor among others, caught in the
chain book, sea animal, sun, and so on. The body, like the book, is the ef-
'Ecce Homo, ' or The Written Body 21

fect of the pen: it is a fixed moment. But what does "fixed" mean? To
what extent is fixing a property of the body? Where it appears as petrifi-
cation, does it merge with the very momentariness of the body? This is
what we must try to elucidate by moving to another level.
Speaking of another ofhis works, Nietzsche writes, "Human, All Too
Human is the monument of a crisis" (p. 283). And again, "Human, All Too
Human, this monument [Denkmal] of rigorous self discipline with which
I put a sudden end to all my infections ... " (p. 288).
A monument then, insofar as Human, All Too Human is an event
marking a close, an end. Now, a sudden beginning may equally give rise
to monuments. This is the case with Zarathustra, a monument that,
Nietzsche tells us, occupies a place apart among his works ("Among my
writings my Zarathustra stands to my mind by itself," p. 219). Zarathustra,
indeed, put apart in this way from the rest of Nietzsche's works, is the
monument erected in honor of that divine moment when Nietzsche was
first struck by the idea of the Eternal Recurrence. The place where the
revelation occurred was, according to Nietzsche, "a powerful pyramidal
rock not far from Surlei" (p. 295). This rock itself represents the idea of
the Eternal Recurrence inasmuch as, by its resistance to the elements, to
the work of time, and to decomposition, it recurs ceaselessly as a new in-
stant, as an original beginning. So the idea of recurrence appeared to
Nietzsche like a petrified rock, the Eternal Recurrence being, in addition,
nothing more than a pyramidal block resisting time. This contrasts, how-
ever, with what Nietzsche reports in Ecce Homo concerning the months
preceding the encounter with the rock at Surlei: "If I reckon back a few
months from this day, I find as an omen a sudden and profoundly deci-
siv~ change in my taste, especially in music. Perhaps the whole of
Zarathustra may be reckoned as music; certainly a rebirth of the art of
hearing was among its preconditions" (p. 295). So a radical change in his
appreciation of music precedes the event at Surlei, and also the erecting
of Zarathustra as a monument. The rock, the pyramidal block in itself,
does not utter a sound; it is voiceless. Consequently, if the whole of
Zarathustra may be reckoned as music, it is something like a symphony of
rocks (silent in themselves), a symphony that would make the stones
dance as petrified divine moments. Notwithstanding the fact that stone is
already an affirmation against time (as decadence), already a petrified for-

mula for the affirmation of that instance in which the temporality proper
to the Eternal Recurrence erupted into the temporal continuum, it must
still be reconstructed into a symphony that, once again, liberates the in-
cidental idea of the Eternal Recurrence from its stony straitjacket. The
music in question is pyramidal music, for it is important that the petrified
product of the incidental moment is not just any rock but a shaped block,
like the pyramidal block at Surlei. This is perhaps even clearer in the fol-
lowing passages from Ecce Homo. The first refers to The Gay Science:
"What is here called 'highest hope'-who could have any doubt about
that when he sees the diamond beauty of the first words of Zarathustra
flashing at the end of the fourth book?" (p. 293). And, in the chapter
"Why I Am So Wise," explicitly with regard to Zarathustra: "Those who
have eyes for colors will compare it to a diamond" (p. 234). A diamond,
the hardest of stones and literally invincible, is a cut stone. Nietzsche rep-
resents Zarathustra, or the idea of the Eternal Recurrence that strikes him
at Suriei, as durable stone, finely cut, resistant to the vicissitudes of time.
The diamond that is Zarathustra will repeat for all eternity what hap-
pened to Nietzsche at the site of that other indestructible stone, the pyra-
midal block not far from Suriei. Petrified signs of divine moments.
Further support for this interpretation comes from what Nietzsche
says about the nature of his words, in particular at the end of the third
book of The Gay Science. It is here that the relationship between the orig-
inary moment and the petrification of that moment becomes clear: "Or
when at the end of the third book he reads the granite words in which a
destiny finds for the first time a formula for itself, for all time?" (p. 293).
Granite words then, phrases formed out of hard crystalline material cor-
responding to the formulation of a destiny that is articulated for the first
time and for all eternity! The event, the "incidental" moment, is so fleet-
ing that it must be hewn in durable material suitable to its divine nature
in order to hold it, to fix it. Only in this way will the instant appear as
what resists the time of decadence. The instant when continuous time is
suddenly, sharply broken by a time foreign to that temporality must be
slipped into a durable atemporal material so that the instant may repeat
itself, becoming eternal outside time as the recurrence of that divine mo-
ment. G What appears in Ecce Homo as a topography is the philosophical
landscape, marked by the eruption of the eternal, of the untimely (Un-
'Ecce Homo, ' or The Written Body 23

Zeit), into historical time; as a landscape of monuments it is a landscape

of "fragments of the future."
It is clear that the petrified moment also disguises the specific nature
of the moment, which is the "incision" of a divine time into continuous
time. The moment is indeed caught in stone, and petrifaction cannot be
the true destiny of the moment. In comparison with the essence of the di-
vine moment, the stone in which that moment is embodied is no more
than, as Nietzsche says, the "ugliest stone" (p. 309). So it will need a di-
vine artist, a sun god, Apollo in fact, the sculptor god, to intervene and
cut the stone to match the divine nature of what it contains. To cite apho-
rism 54! of Daybreak, "How one ought to turn to stone-slowly, slowly to
become hard like a precious stone-and at last to lie there, silent and a
joy to eternity." Otherwise it would be necessary to release the divine mo-
ment from the stony straitjacket in which it is imprisoned. This is what
Zarathustra says: "0 men, in the stone an image is sleeping, the image of
images! Alas, that it has to sleep in the hardest, ugliest stone! Now my
hammer rages cruelly against its prison" (p. 309). The hammer strives to set
free that image of images, the divine moment, from its prison, first by
shaping the stone to match what it disguises, second by attempting to ex-
tricate the moment from the stone itself, so that the latter may recover its
original nature. By wielding this hammer Nietzsche succeeded, at least
once, in making the stone dance. Relating in Ecce Homo how he played
with the instrument "man," Nietzsche writes as follows:

How often have I been told by the "instruments" themselves that they had never
heard themselves like that.-Most beautifully perhaps by Heinrich von Stein,?
who died so unpardonably young. Once, after he had courteously requested per-
mission, he appeared for three days in Sils Maria, explaining to everybody that
he had not come to see the Engadine. This excellent human being, who had
walked into the Wagnerian morass with all the impetuous simplicity of a Pruss-
ian Junker ... acted during these three days like one transformed by a tempest
of freedom, like one who had suddenly been lifted to his own height and ac-
quired wings. (p. 227)

The body represents a petrified divine instant, fixed by a quill or cut

in stone by the artist's instrument. The body merges with the divine mo-
ment; it is but the other side of it. In Nietzsche, it is the type, the Typus,
that corresponds to a life, to a fotum, to a body, which, as the Eternal Re-

currence cuts into it, is transmuted into stone so that it might last beyond
the vicissitudes of temporal decadence. The Greek typos, meaning image,
image of images, model, and so on, comes from the term typtein, which
means, among other things, to cut. The type is then indeed the cut
stone, 8 a stone that encloses the image of images and whose form matches
that image: a precious stone, then. Ecce Homo is nothing other than the
attempt to constitute a body for oneself by writing oneself in granite
words, by fixing the divine instants of a life, sparkling, like precious
stones; it is nothing other than the effort to erect oneself as a monument
by fixing oneself with the steely point of a pen. For Nietzsche himself,
Nietzsche as body, is nothing other than an event, an instant in which an
untimeliness outside time erupted into the time of decadence, and in
which, in order to last, it had to turn to stone. This applies equally to Ecce
Homo, in which Nietzsche's written body will form an instant, a supple-
mentary monument in the topography that makes up the book and in
which is inscribed the divine moment when the idea of the Eternal Re-
currence erupted in Nietzsche's body. And so, in the last analysis, Nietz-
sche, his body, will have been no more and no less than an articulation of
the idea that he conceived-the Eternal Recurrence itself.


In order to think the type-body, the cut or written body, the printed
body, we shall turn our attention to another metaphorical network in
Ecce Homo. Let us begin, for example, by taking a look at what Nietzsche
says to us when he is at his lowest ebb physically, in the declining years of
his life. That moment coincides with a general exhaustion (Gesamter-
schopfung), which explains the deterioration of all his organs. That ex-
haustion, in fact, should be understood as a weakening of the self as to-
tality or whole. The general exhaustion is the sign of a loss of self as
totality. Now, this morbid state, one of extreme weakness, a state that also
corresponds to an aberration of the instincts, is, according to Nietzsche, a
preparation for a refining of the organs, inasmuch as the illness is at once
the culmination of decadence and an interruption of that decadence. It is
then that Nietzsche acquires "that filigree an," that skill in grasping both
properly and figuratively, that touch for nuances, which, in the end, will
'Ecce Homo,' or The Written Body 25

permit him to take himself in hand and make himself healthy again. "I
took myself in hand, 1 made myself healthy again: the condition for
this-every physiologist would admit that-is that one be healthy at bot-
tom [dass man im Grunde gesund ist]" (p. 224). With those fingers and
that filigree art Nietzsche will reassemble the exhausted organs, organiz-
ing them into a new totality that corresponds to being healthy at bottom,
in other words to what Nietzsche calls "the nethermost self" (das unterste
Selbst), and that coincides (as we will see in the following chapter) with
the name, or the type, of Zarathustra.
But that reorganization, that reassembling of the parts of the body,
merges with an arithmetical operation. So we shall turn our attention
briefly to that mathematical level. Nietzsche in fact calculates his "self,"
that on which the totality of his body is founded. From the outset, Nietz-
sche posits himself as being a totality at bottom, that is to say, at bottom a
totality; and taking away the fact that he is a decadent, he gets to the op-
posite of decadence, that is to say, health. ''Apart from the fact [Abgerech-
net] that 1 am a decadent, I am also the opposite" (p. 224). It is already
no longer Nietzsche's totality that suffers from a general exhaustion, for
by means of this little operation of subtraction, Nietzsche has already got
himself back in hand. He writes, ''As summa summarum ['overall'] I was
healthy" (p. 224). This is understandable, inasmuch as summa summarum
means apart from decadence, but also and equally means despite deca-
dence-in that health, at bottom, allows making use of decadence, trans-
forming it into a means for health.
Let us briefly outline the calculation of the summa summarum. The
first condition of the reconstitution of its totality is complete isolation. In
complete independence the subject is able to guess what is good for him,
sich zu erraten, and to thrive, wohl zu geraten. This thriving, indeed, this
Wohlgeratenheit, becomes the necessary condition for performing the cal-
culation in question. Nietzsche tells us about the person who is thriving:
He has a taste only for what is good for him; his pleasure, his delight cease where
the measure of what is good for him is transgressed. He guesses what remedies
avail against what is harmful; he exploits bad accidents to his advantage; what
does not kill him makes him stronger. Instinctively, he collects from everything
he sees, hears, lives through, his sum [seine Summe 1: he is a principle of selection,
he discards much. (p. 224)

Now a sum (une somme), the arithmetical product of an addition, is also

(in French) the title of certain books that make a general summary of the
various parts of an area of knowledge. The body as sum(mary) is also a
book that constitutes this abridged body. Thus the book-body belongs to
what Nietzsche elaborates under the heading of a language of signs (a
semiotics). However, for the moment let us simply keep in mind that the
sum of the body is the result of a selection, of an elimination (subtrac-
tion) of many things. The only things selected to go into the sum(ma) are
of the sort that can be summarized in one's own sum. This occurs on con-
dition of including in the sum(ma) only things that are marked "per-
sonal." "He is always in his own company, whether he associates with
books, human beings, or landscapes: he honors by choosing, by admitting,
by trusting" (pp. 224-25). The sum of the body is completed with a set of
quite heterogeneous elements. The body is everything at once-books,
men, landscapes-but homogenized by the intermediary of the index me
or mine. These pronouns or possessive adjectives make a dividing line be-
tween a good and a bad proximity to things. For inasmuch as the calcu-
lation of his own sum is, according to Nietzsche, the same as a spiritual
gestation, "any kind of stimulus from the outside has too violent an effect
and strikes too deep." In order to keep to one side everything that could
turn us aside from our task, from our giving birth to ourselves as our own
type, Nietzsche appeals to Russian fatalism, which consists in slowing
down all our reactions as much as possible, to the point of not reacting at
all. This is how we withdraw from the continuum of time: slowly hard-
ening umil we become a precious stone, until we give birth to our body
as something completely mine, which belongs to no one, to be exact not
even to me, which is the body of our most buried self-such as, for in-
stance, Zarathustra. But in the enumeration of the elements that are part
of the sum(ma) of the body, we must also gather in what seems initially to
belong rather to the surroundings favorable for becoming oneself, that is
to say, the choice of climate, diet, and recreation. Now, with regard to
diet, for example, it soon becomes clear that it can be reckoned healthy
when the food is easy to digest, when it is not foreign to me, when on that
account it can be classified as mine. One should note here that food that
is mine can be digested quickly, so that the body, the body of the self,
proves, in Nietzsche, to be a metabolism that recycles itself at great speed.
'Ecce Homo,' or The Written Body 27

This body is constituted not by assimilating what is mine in order to store

it up, but in such a way that, by the rapid rejection of what has been in-
corporated, it is no more than a movement of assimilation and expulsion.
Nothing more. Only on that condition will it be granted "mobile feet."
The relationship between elements classified as mine and the body as a
rapid metabolism becomes clear during the discussion, in Ecce Homo, of
the question of favorable place and climate. ''The influence of climate on
our metabolism, its retardation, its acceleration, goes so far that a mis-
taken choice of place and climate can not only estrange a man from his
task but can actually keep it from him: he never gets to see it" (p. 240). It
also follows that this body, characterized by its need for a rapid metabo-
lism, is not sedentary but moves about at an accelerated tempo in an ap-
propriate topography. Thus: "Sit as little as possible; give no credence to
any thought that was not born outdoors while one moved about freely-
in which the muscles are not celebrating a feast, too. All prejudices come
from the intestines. The sedentary life-as I have said once before-is
the real sin against the holy spirit" (pp. 239-40).
But before suggesting that these various aspects (choice of food,
place, and climate) are not simply the conditions of possibility of a body
with a rapid metabolism, nor simply the determining factors of the tempo
of the metabolism, but also metaphors serving to describe, by means of
certain traits peculiar to each of the various instances, the body (and, to
be more exact, the spirit) itself, we shall pause for a moment on another
metaphor, that of the body as instrument.
Now that the effects of climate and weather are familiar to me from long experi-
ence and I take readings from myself as from a very subtle and reliable instru-
ment ... I reflect with horror on the dismal fact that my life, except for the last
ten years, the years when my life was in peril, was spent entirely in the wrong
places that were nothing short offorbidden to me. (p. 241)

The body is played, like an instrument, by the effects of climate, weather,

and place: they determine its tempo. That instrument is, however, also a
book asking to be read. That is what allows us to go on to what Nietz-
sche says about his choice of amusements. "In my case, every kind of
reading belongs among my recreations-hence among the things that
liberate me from myself, that allow me to walk about in strange sciences

and souls-that I no longer take seriously" (p. 242). Why are books a
form of recreation for Nietzsche; why does he not take them seriously?
Because Nietzsche is himself his own book, because his writing is the
writing of his body. The first reader of the book-body, of the type-body,
Nietzsche cannot take an interest except in books that he already consid-
ers his. "Otherwise I almost always seek refuge with the same books-ac-
tually, a small number-books proved to me" (p. 243). These books that
are already proved to him are books always already signed by Nietzsche-
more precisely, the names of the authors are all pseudonyms for Nietz-
sche. fu much by what they demonstrate as by the names of their au-
thors, these books are already a part of the text of the written body. These
books do not slow down the accelerated metabolism of the written body.
On the contrary, this body will easily assimilate and dispose of them, re-
taining the one fact that the books are not foreign to it but are always al-
ready itself.
Consequently, to calculate his sum also means to have space for
everything in his body. "Nothing in existence may be subtracted, noth-
ing is dispensable" (p. 272). But everything that enters this body must be
marked with the index mine. Even the contradictory and the opposite will
enter into the composition of this body provided that they are my oppo-
sites, my contradictions. So this writing-body, book-body, or type-body
bears witness to a Dionysiac affirmation insofar as it is the field where op-
posing forces do battle. In other words, it is a work of art. We suggested
that climate and place, diet, and so on, are not only the conditions of the
body's elaboration but equally a part of it. They are a part of it inasmuch
as they are metaphors. Take for instance the passage in Zarathustra that is
cited at the end of the chapter "Why I Am So Wise": "Gone is the hesi-
tant gloom of my spring! Gone the snowflakes of my malice in June.
Summer have I become entirely, and summer noon" (p. 234). These sea-
sons are in fact metaphors for seasons. They are seasons that have become
mine (and are, for that reason, marked with a possessive adjective or pro-
noun). It is they that make up, one might say, the matter of the body, in-
sofar as this body-a rapid metabolism-stores them only in order to ex-
pend them, borrowing from them the movement that, as metaphor for
the changing seasons, becomes the circulation of metaphors of (in) the
body. The writing-body, then, is a metaphorical metabolism, the meta-
'Ecce Homo, ' or The Written Body 29

phorical set of transformations that take place within an organism and the
set of metaphorical transformations that constitute a body.

One cannot help noticing that Nietzsche describes himself as dis-
tinguished by traits (Zuge) , as being ausgezeichnet, as being remarkably
marked. In "Why I Am So Wise" Nietzsche enumerates some of his traits.
Here he states the last of them: "May I still venture to sketch one final
trait of my nature that causes me no little difficulties in my contacts with
other men? My instinct for cleanliness is characterized by a perfectly un-
canny sensitivity" (p. 233). This final trait, which concerns cleanliness
(proprete), is a trait that is Nietzsche's very own (propre). The cleanliness
in question further implies that the traits distinguishing Nietzsche's body
are proper traits, and that this is quite different from other men's bodies,
which are constituted by improper traits (traits both improper and un-
suitable). One could ev~n say that the difference between Nietzsche's
body and that of his contemporaries is that Nietzsche's is a body made up
of proper traits or of signs, as we shall see. This body excludes any patho-
logical trait: "There is no pathological trait in me; even in periods of se-
vere sickness I never became pathological; in vain would one seek for a
trait of fanaticism in my character" (p. 257). In the same way, he excludes
all "traces of struggle," "any trace of tension," and so on (p. 258). That
leads us, in accordance moreover with the sign of propriety, to make a dis-
tinction between two kinds of traits: "signs of healthy instincts" (Zeichen
gesunder Instinkte) on the one hand and those of decadent instincts on the
other. The healthy instincts characterizing Nietzsche testifY that his body
has a different origin. Difference is inscribed in a comparison with men
honored as the first, whom Nietzsche considers as non-men: "When I now
compare myself with the men who have so far been honored as the first,
the difference is palpable" (pp. 256-57). A privilege, a Vorrecht, is associ-
ated with this other origin of Nietzsche's body, the privilege of having the
supreme finesse necessary to discern all the indications of healthy in-
stincts. Nietzsche is distinguished, then, by signs, by indices of healthy in-
stincts: their traits characterize him as a body of signs (ausgezeichnet). In
this capacity he possesses "a subtler sense of smell ... than any other hu-

man being before me" for the signs of the ascent and decline of instincts.
But what is the relation in fact between a body of signs and the subtle
sense in question? Nietzsche writes as follows:
My instinct for cleanliness is characterized by a perfectly uncanny sensitivity so
that the proximity or-what am I saying?-the inmost parts, the "entrails" of
every soul are physiologically perceived by me-smelled. This sensitivity fur-
nishes me with psychological antennae with which I feel and get a hold of every
secret: the abundant hidden dirt at the bottom of many a character-perhaps the
result of bad blood, but glossed over by education-enters my consciousness al-
most at the first contact. If my observation has not deceived me, such characters
who offend my sense of cleanliness also sense from their side the reserve of my
disgust-and this does not make them smell any better. (p. 233)

One can already recognize here a first difference between the two systems
of signs: the healthy signs are those of a clean (propre) and transparent
body, while the signs of bad instincts bear witness to the abundant dirt
hidden at the bottom of these bodies. That dirt seems to stand in oppo-
sition to the nature of the sign itself; in that it is an obstacle to the trans-
parent clarity, the weightlessness, of the sign, that body will not yet have
become a body of signs, in fact, a body at all. Or again, as long as there is
still something at the bottom (dirt, in that it is hidden), the body will not
be a true body of signs. The bottom is the result of a process of sedimen-
tation, of things that have not yet become light and transparent. Nietz-
sche, for his part, lays claim to a perfect transparency, and his body moves
in a limpid, diaphanous element: '~ has always been my wont-extreme
cleanliness in relation to me is the presupposition of my existence; I per-
ish under unclean conditions-I constantly swim and bathe and splash,
as it were, in water-in some perfectly transparent and resplendent ele-
ment" (p. 233). This holds equally true for mountain air: air, like water, is
a clear element in which a body of signs can move about. Here there is no
longer occasion to speak about a sedimented bottom; everything is trans-
parency and weightlessness.
In addition to this subtle sense for dirt-encrusted depths, he has a
sense for healthy instincts. This second sense is associated with an opera-
tion of distinction or respect, or Auszeichnung: "To this day I still have the
same affability for everyone; I even treat with special respect rich bin selbst
voLler Auszeichnung] those who are lowliest: in all of this there is not one
'Ecce Homo, ' or The Written Body 31

grain of arrogance or secret contempt. If! despise a man, he guesses that I

despise him: by my mere existence I outrage everything that has bad
blood in its veins" (p. 258). It remains to analyze the interrelationships be-
tween these healthy signs, indeed to draw the map of the signed body. In
view of our development concerning the body's gathering in of all around
it, we can now have an idea of the contradictory aspect of the traits that
make up its texture. They are opposed one to another. The opposing traits
are organized hierarchically. In a passage that would require a lengthy
commentary, Nietzsche suggests that "the organizing 'idea' that is des-
tined to rule ... one by one, ... trains all subservient capacities before
giving any hint of the dominant task, 'goal,' 'aim,' or 'meaning'" (p. 254).
First of all let us note the relationship between the trait and the whole: the
trait is subservient, in the service of the whole. This trait is developed in
a certain order, and in such a way as to engender the whole. Here already
one notices a certain order of rank among the traits. But this comes out
more clearly in what follows:
For the task of a revaluation ofall values more capacities may have been needed
than have ever dwelt together in a single individual-above all, even contrary ca-
pacities that had to be kept from disturbing, destroying one another. An order
of rank among these capacities; distance; the art of separating without setting
against one another; to mix nothing, to "reconcile" nothing; a tremendous vari-
ety that is nevertheless the opposite of chaos-this was the precondition, the
long, secret work and artistry of my instinct. (p. 254)

This order of rank among opposite terms keeps them at a distance one
from another. Each new trait that becomes part of the composition of the
body of signs contributes to spacing that body out (and making it
lighter). Distance, as the condition of possibility of the hierarchy, pre-
vents the body from returning to chaos. Spacing, the preventing of chaos
in this body of signs, is all the more urgent in that a vast sum of traits is
needed to give form to the type corresponding to the revaluation of val-
ues. By inscribing a set of contradictory traits in the body, organizing
them so that they form a new hierarchy that literally excludes nothing,
the type-body already represents on the level of the body a first reevalua-
tion of values. The incorporation of so many traits within the type-body
in fact transgresses the model of the individual hitherto prevailing, in
such a way that the written body is a transgression of the volume of what

it is customary to call a subject. Spacing by distance between the traits of

the writing-body, of the type-body, paradoxically characterizes this body
as plenitude (Oberjulle).
There is a certain category of elements of the signed body which we
have not yet mentioned. If Nietzsche, in Ecce Homo, can write, "Plato
employed Socrates ... as a sign language [Semiotikl for Plato" (p. 280),
we might suspect that names can function as traits, as signs par excellence
for the written body. Before establishing this proposition, let us first ana-
lyze how Nietzsche, in Ecce Homo, deals with names in general:
Philosophy, as I have so far understood and lived it, means living voluntarily
among icc and high mountains-seeking OUt everything strange and question-
able in existence, everything so far placed under a ban by morality. Long experi-
ence, acquired in the course of such wanderings in what is forbidden, taught me
to regard the causes that so far have prompted moralizing and idealizing in a very
different light from what may seem desirable: the hidden history of the philoso-
phers, the psychology of the great names, came to light for me. (p. 218)

Philosophy, for Nietzsche, is bound up with the names of philosophers;

philosophy, for Nietzsche, is a history of names. He can be observed to be
more concerned with philosophers, with their names (their types), than
with their teaching. 9 For Nietzsche, philosophers' names already contain
in some way their entire philosophy. These names evince a force, a power
that is not to be underestimated. One name can repress another, one
name can hide another, so that Nietzsche has to take more than one name
into his protection, more than one name being threatened by a greater
one: "My artist's taste vindicates the names of Moliere, Corneille, and
Racine, not without fury, against a wild genius like Shakespeare" (p. 243).
The vindication of these names, it can already be sensed, is explained by
the relationship that these particular names entertain with the name of
Nietzsche himself. These names are a part of Nietzsche himself; more ex-
actly, they coincide with a certain genealogy of his. One word only with
regard to that genealogy: speaking of his reading, Nietzsche writes, "It is
a small number of old Frenchmen to whom I return again and again"
(p. 243). Nietzsche, by means of this genealogy, bases himself in the Latin
origins of French culture, in what he calls "the strong race." The names,
however, that should interest us the most here are those of Schopenhauer
'Ecce Homo,' or The Written Body 33

and Wagner. What we have said about the names of the old Frenchmen is
equally true of these names: they are in collusion with the name of Nietz-
sche. This is most visible in the case of Voltaire. Human, All Too Human
was originally dedicated to Voltaire; this is what Nietzsche writes about it
in Ecce Homo: "Voltaire was above all, in contrast to all who wrote after
him, a grandseigneur of the spirit-like me.-The name of Voltaire on
one of my essays-that really meant progress-towards me" (p. 283).
Clearly it is Nietzsche's strategy to bind himself, to bind his own body to
all these names: the second edition of Human, All Too Human no longer
bears the name of Voltaire. Nietzsche substitutes his proper name for
Voltaire's, and reappropriates once again his writing for himself; but this is
possible only if Voltaire has always been another name for Nietzsche.
That names may be substitutes for other names is in fact what may be
read in the case of the names of Schopenhauer and Wagner. Nietzsche, in
Ecce Homo, speaks of The Birth of Tragedy as a "practical application to
Wagnerism, as if that were a symptom of ascent" (p. 270). He continues,
"In this respect, this essay was an event in the life of Wagner: it was only
from that moment on that Wagner's name elicited high hopes." The
event, then, is the linking of two names, that of Nietzsche with that of
Wagner. It is an event in the life of Wagner insofar as that linking elevates
the name of Wagner. Nietzsche gives us to understand, however, that that
connection was a mistake on his part, just as Wagner was not an ascend-
ing sign. There remains, however, the problem of knowing how a liaison
between the two names had been possible. First of all let us note that The
Birth of Tragedy was a "practical application to Wagnerism." The effect
(like the fascination) of that work, that is to say, the timely effect which it
enjoyed at the period, was a zeitgemasser effect. It follows that Nietzsche's
critique of The Birth of Tragedy, a critique that works toward ridding it of
the name of Wagner, intends to free the book of its timely aspects by
showing that that work was untimely even when it first appeared.
But let us get to what makes the liaison between the names of
Nietzsche and Wagner possible. Nietzsche provides a first explanation in
the following manner:
I think I know better than anyone else of what tremendous things Wagner is ca-
pable-the fifty worlds of alien ecstasies for which no one besides him had

wings; and given the way I am, strong enough to turn even what is most ques-
tionable and dangerous to my advantage and thus to become stronger, I call
Wagner the great benefactor of my life. That in which we are related-that we
have suffered more profoundly, also from each other, than men of this century
are capable of suffering-will link our names again and again, eternally; and as
certainly as Wagner is merely a misunderstanding among Germans, just as cer-
tainly I am and always shall be. (pp. 250-51)

The bond between Wagner and Nietzsche is such that Nietzsche can turn
to his advantage what was most questionable and dangerous in connec-
tion with the name of Wagner, the name of decadence par excellence. It is
in this way that Nietzsche, being healthy at bottom, knows Wagner bet-
ter than Wagner knows himself Moreover, what Nietzsche recognizes in
the life of Wagner is pain, what might be called an untimely suffering. It
is this untimely suffering, in fact, that lies at the root of the relationship
between the two names. That the suffering attributed by Nietzsche to
Wagner is no more than Nietzsche's own suffering can only be justified
insofar as Wagner is only another name for Nietzsche. "That the two Un-
timely Ones distinguished by the names of Schopenhauer and Wagner
contribute much (0 the understanding of, or even to the formulation of
the proper psychological questions about, these two cases, I should not
wish to assert-excepting, as seems fair, some details" (p. 280).
Let there be no misunderstanding about this suffering that makes
the union of these names possible: it is not the suffering of the man, Wag-
ner, that is to say, of the empirical Wagner. It is more a question of an un-
timely suffering, of a trait that distinguishes Nietzsche. Notice the turn of
the phrase cited: The UQtimely Ones are distinguished (abgezeichnet) by
the names of Schopenhauer and Wagner. These names have nothing in
common with their empirical support. Nietzsche continues, "What I was
fundamentally trying to do in these essays was something altogether dif-
ferent from psychology: an unequaled problem of education, a new con-
cept of self-discipline, self-defense to the point of hardness, a way to
greatness and world-historical tasks was seeking its first expression" (p.
280). What can be read in the following passage is that the suffering that
binds together the names of Wagner and Nietzsche has nothing to do
with Wagner himself, nor with his music: "A psychologist might still add
that what I heard as a young man listening to Wagnerian music really had
'Ecce Homo, 'or The Written Body 35

nothing to do with Wagner; that when I described Dionysian music I de-

scribed what / had heard-that instinctively I had to transpose and trans-
figure everything into the new spirit that I carried in me" (p. 274). So the
names substituted for Nietzsche's traits, for the traits of his spirit, are
names that are borrowed and reinterpreted, transposed and transfigured.

The proof of that, as strong as any proof can be, is my essay on ~gner in Bay-
reuth: in all psychologically decisive places I alone am discussed-and one need
not hesitate to put down my name or the word "Zarathusrra" where the text has
the word "Wagner." The entire picture of the dithyrambic artist is a picture of
the pre-existent poet of Zarathustra, sketched with abysmal profundity and with-
out touching even for a moment the Wagnerian reality. (p. 274)

Several things may already be emphasized: The relationship between

names, an interpretation of the other's name according to one's own in-
stincts, is a transfiguration of reality. Wagner, as a name for Nietzsche, in
no way designates the Wagnerian reality. The union of names is the trans-
lation of oneself into another name; it is, in so many words, the produc-
tion of a mask. In addition, since the borrowed name has nothing in
common with the true bearer of that name, the translation of one name
into another coincides with the transfiguration of something timely into
something untimely. And as these names that make up the body have ac-
quired an untimely status, they can be exchanged in a rapid circulation,
not for a proper name-Nietzsche, for instance-but for a name that is
indeed a name for Nietzsche but does not bear any relation to the Nietz-
schean reality. For, as Nietzsche said, the name of Wagner or Zarathustra
can easily be substituted for that of Nietzsche. So the name of Nietzsche
("Nietzsche") turns out to be as fictive as the name of the protagonist of
the fiction Zarathustra.
If Nietzsche can claim that he projected his own traits onto the
name of Wagner, it is because these traits are those of the fictive Nietz-
sche. As he says of Zarathustra:

The pathos of the first pages is world-historical; the glance spoken of on the
seventh page is Zarathustra's distinctive glance; Wagner, Bayreuth, the whole
wretched German pettiness are a cloud in which an infinite mirage of the future
is reflected. Even psychologically all decisive traits of my own nature are pro-

jected into Wagner's-the close proximity of the brightest and the most calami-
tous forces, the will to power as no man ever possessed it. (p. 275)

It is Nietzsche who is the mirage thus projected onto the names of Wag-
ner and Schopenhauer, but it is Nietzsche only inasmuch as he is an un-
timely mirage, inasmuch as he is a fiction. The traits of Nietzsche-his
proper traits and those of his type-are projected onto something (Wag-
ner and Nietzsche) that is primarily only an accidental reality. That real-
ity gathers in traits that are fundamentally foreign to it: "This is the
strangest 'objectivity' possible: the absolute certainty about what I am was
projected on some accidental reality-the truth about me spoke from
some gruesome depth" (p. 275). The projection of one's own traits, of
oneself as a future type, presupposes an absolute certainty about what one
is. But one can be what one is only by projecting proper traits onto an ac-
cidental reality: what one is can be objectified only after an alienating
projection. Hence the necessity of recuperating that alienated self, the
obliterated name.
"Schopenhauer and Wagner or, in one word, Nietzsche" (p. 277). It
is true that the fact of tying his name to that of another implies distinc-
tion. Nietzsche writes, "I honor, 1 distinguish by associating my name
with that of a cause or a person: pro or con-that makes no difference to
me" (p. 233). Distinction is at the same time creation of a sign for oneself,
for one's own body. This creation is, however, an alienation, and after-
wards the proper and originary name must be restored. Nietzsche tells us
this about Wagner, about his relationship with him: "What reached a de-
cision in me at that time was not a break with Wagner: I noted a total
aberration of my instinct; of which particular blunders, whether Wagner
or the professorship at Basel, were mere symptoms" (p. 286). So employ-
ing names, particularly timely, proper names, in order to make a body of
signs for oneself also represents an aberration of the instincts in that
healthy instincts are directed at the untimely. Even Nietzsche's proper
name ("Nietzsche") does not fulfill these conditions. This name does not
represent a lasting solution, for "Nietzsche" remains the name of a timely
being. However that may be, the supplementation of oneself by foreign
names cannot be avoided in the constitution of oneself as body. When,
for instance, Nietzsche attempts, in The Untimely Ones, to develop a con-
cept of self-discipline and self-defense as a world-historical task, he puts
'Ecce Homo, ' or The Written Body 37

forward the names of Wagner and Schopenhauer knowing that he is es-

sentially concerned with constituting himself. It is not enough simply to
know precisely who one is before being able to project oneself onto the
names of others; projection, on the contrary, is a part of the process of
recognizing what one is: "Broadly speaking, I caught hold of two famous
and as yet altogether undiagnosed types, as one catches hold of an op-
portunity, in order to say something, in order to have at hand a few more
formulas, signs, means of language .... Plato employed Socrates in this
fashion as a sign language for Plato" (p. 280). In this way other types, or
their names, become the means, the signs needed to make oneself a body
of signs, or even to recognize what one is (for in writing The Untimely
Ones Nietzsche did not yet know fully who he was). Only by making use
of Schopenhauer and of Wagner, in a manner that bears not the slightest
relation to their reality, does Nietzsche succeed in knowing by these for-
mulas, signs, and means what he is. But not the real, empirical Nietzsche,
rather the fictive Nietzsche. "Now that I am looking back from a certain
distance upon the conditions of which these essays bear witness, I do not
wish to deny that at bottom they speak only of me. The essay '-%gner in
Bayreuth is a vision of my future, while in Schopenhauer as Educator my
innermost history, my becoming, is inscribed. Above all, my promise!"
(p. 281). The relationship between this sign language and the fictional ar-
ticulation of a body is indisputable. In fact, if, as has been suggested,
Nietzsche's name ("Nietzsche") is the other name for Nietzsche, the real
name ("Nietzsche") being opposed to the fictional name "Nietzsche"
(there is a connection to be explored between, on the one hand, the rela-
tionship between the two sides of the name "Nietzsche" and, on the other
hand, what Nietzsche tells us in Ecce Homo about his dual descent), then
that fictional name "Nietzsche," which is the name of all the other names
(Schopenhauer and Wagner on this occasion), is completely separated
from the Nietzschean reality, just as the name of Wagner used by Nietz-
sche no longer had the slightest relation to the reality of Wagner. The fic-
tional name "Nietzsche" is as untimely as the other invented names. And
that is not all. Since all these names are fictive, they have to enter into an
organic exchange and so constitute the rapid metabolism whose play is
that of a perfectly transparent body of signs.
Nietzsche: "I do not know any other way of associating with great

tasks than play: as a sign of greatness, this is an essential presupposition"

(p. 258). This play of the body will become unrestricted play from the
moment when the names that institute the typical body have lost all rela-
tion to, all memory of, the reality they used to designate. Let us say, from
the moment when the "dirty depths" have been completely eliminated
from the names. This is why the process of projection and substitution
does not come to a stop with the restoration of Nietzsche's proper name.
Let us remember that in re-substituting his name for those of Wagner
and Schopenhauer, Nietzsche owed it to himself to make his name into
fiction. Now, that fictional name "Nietzsche" is still reminiscent of the
real name and hence of the Nietzschean reality, of its timeliness. This is
why the already fictive name of Nietzsche has to give way to names en-
gendered by "real" fictions, as in the case of Byron's Manfred, with whom
Nietzsche identified in his youth, and above all the case of the names of
Zarathustra and Dionysus. Here we possess names that are entirely free
of their "dirty depths." It is these entirely fictional names, then, that will
have to assume the task of instituting the typic body, the type-body. This
body, therefore, is nothing other than a sum of names, which are fictive,
fictional, circulating, continually being exchanged. In other words, it is a
text-body. For Nietzsche there is no proper body save the fictional body
of a bodyentided, for instance, Zarathustra. Now, Zarathustra is Diony-
sus, Dionysus being the other name for Zarathustra. But Dionysus is the
name for whom?
Always lacking a name, the typic body, made up of a multitude of
names, remains, finally, nameless. "Being new, nameless, hard to under-
stand, we premature birth. of an as yet unproven future ... "10

(197 6 )
Translated by Judith Still
Type-Writing Nietzsche's Self

Joining one heading (0 another, nor wmplering one parh uf discourse.


Upward, downward, rhe way is one and rhe same.


Nietzsche's "autobiography," his self-presentation in Ecce Homo, has

been subjected to few treatments aside from those inflicted by philoso-
phy.1 In other words, this text has been considered either as literature or
as an essentially philosophical piece of writing disguised under the ap-
pearances of a literary genre. According to the second of these genuinely
philosophical alternatives, Ecce Homo has been stripped of all its aesthetic
qualities, and of what belongs to Nietzsche's great style and his art of po-
etry, in order to lay bare the authentic experience of Being hidden be-
neath its delusive exterior. Martin Heidegger, undoubtedly the first to
promote a philosophical reading of Ecce Homo, escapes this kind of logic
as little as anybody else. Indeed, the few remarks on Ecce Homo inter-
spersed in Heidegger's Nietzsche have no other purpose than to demon-
strate that Nietzsche's self-presentation is a matter "neither of the biogra-
phy of Nietzsche nor of the person of 'Herr Nietzsche.'" According to
Heidegger, the work as work remains concealed from us as long as we leer
at what is only the object of historical and psychological reporting: the
"life" of the man. Only by inquiring into "Being and the world, which
first ground the work," does the "work as work," rather than as an ex-

pression of Nietzsche's humanity, come into view. 2 A way in which truth

grounds itself, Nietzsche's self-presentation represents for Heidegger a
sort of appendix to his philosophical work by means of which he "per-
petually renewed readiness for the sacrifice that his task demanded of
him."] Since Nietzsche's self-presentation is seen by Heidegger as the es-
sential sacrifice required by truth, Ecce Homo no longer pertains to litera-
ture or any literary genre of subjective and idle self-mirroring. Rather,
Ecce Homo is the thinker's questioning of his destiny as thinker. Yet, para-
doxically enough, the Heideggerian distinction between the individual
and the destiny as thinker-a distinction that intersects with the one be-
tween, on the one hand, literature and philosophy, and, on the other
hand, self-reflection and the business of thinking-allows for another ap-
proach to Nietzsche's work that no longer simply yields to that Heideg-
gerian dyad. Heidegger will lend us the conceptual tools to approach Ecce
Homo in a different way, a way that, as Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe has
shown, he partially paved himself but refused to follow. 4 My question,
then, is this: What if, like the systems of the pre-Socratics described in
Nietzsche's Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks, Ecce Homo, too,
amounted to an effort to use one's individuality, or personality, to stage
conceptually the essence of Being? What Eugen Fink dismisses all too
hastily as an anthropological reduction and deformation of pre-Socratic
thought-namely Nietzsche's attempt to understand the pre-Socratics'
systems as forms in which strong personalities articulate themselves in a
manifestation that names Being in its question-worthiness-may well be
the way in which Ecce Homo has to be approached. 5
Undoubtedly, Nietzs~he's conception of the pre-Socratic systems as
realizations of the essence of Being in terms of greatness or grandeur
(Grosse), or, more precisely, in terms of Typus, has historically to be re-
traced to the romantic ideal of a synthesis of poetry and philosophy in the
form of a "new mythology," or an art of poetry (Dichtkunst), as it has
been formulated by Hegel's "System Fragment" (1876). It has also to be
retraced to Friedrich Schlegel's Charakteristiken, and above all to Friedrich
Schelling's draft of a narrative philosophy (erzdhlende Philosophie) in The
Ages ofthe World (18u-13). Yet, following Heidegger, one could argue that
what the romanticism of Jena aspired to is only a more sophisticated and
more conscious version of the modern attempt to think Being as Gestalt,
Type- Writing Nietzsche's Self 41

the latter being, for Heidegger, the modern rendition of the Platonic idea.
Indeed, partaking of that monumental history discussed by Nietzsche in
The Use and Misuse ofHistory-a history that consists in the continuum
of all immortal figures (Gestalten) through which Being has been articu-
lated typologically or, as Nietzsche also puts it, monographically-Ecce
Homo has been thought to continue not only the romantic project but
also, more fundamentally, the project of modernity in which the Greek
notion of eidos is determined as Gestalt, and of which romanticism is but
one, however important, variation. 6
What, then, is a Gestalt? The Gestalt, as Heidegger conceives of it, is
not simply the Hegelian notion of the figures or shapes of consciousness
(Gestalten des Bewusstseins) that are, according to the Phenomenology of
Spirit, the living incarnations of the concept, or in shorr, "actualized es-
sentiality" in history. 7 Nor is it the Gestalt of Gestalt psychology, that is, a
whole that encompasses more that the sum of its parts, and that is the
source of all Sinngebung. If, in "The Origin of the Work of Art," Heideg-
ger determines (as he explains himself in the Addendum from I956),
Gestalt from the perspective of the Greek notion of morphe-and the no-
tion of Ge-stell as the gathering of the bringing-forth into the rift-design
as bounding outline, or peras-Gestalt comes to designate truth's being
fixed in place (its Festgestelltsein), the very mode in which truth is estab-
lished (eingerichtet) in Being itself.B Undoubtedly, Heidegger's later use
of the notion of Gestalt, for instance in "What Are Poets For?" and The
Question ofBeing, differs considerably from this very general but, in fact,
grounding or originary meaning. Indeed, if Gestalt initially translates the
Greek experience of the coming forth of truth into the limits of a form,
Heidegger's later use of the term is much more narrow. It refers only to
the modern way in which truth is set into place, that is, to the way it is
bent to the Western destiny of Being. Whereas for the Greeks morphe as
Gestalt formulates the way in which Being comes forth into presence (An-
WCsen), that is, into an appearance or aspect (Ansehen, or Aussehen), and is
thus linked to the notion of idea, Heidegger's later use of Gestalt is re-
stricted to modernity's representational (Vorstellung) actualization of what
it conceives as Being. Although it is the modern version of the Greek idea,
Gestalt also displaces this originary Greek notion of the coming into an
appearance. Yet what does the modern concept of Being amount to,

which the Gestalt serves primarily to represent (vorstellen), in other words,

which it lets take up a position opposite a subject-the position of the ob-
ject? Heidegger writes that for the moderns, the Being of being is "the in-
cipient power gathering everything to itself, which in this manner releases
every being to its own self. Being of being is the will. The will is the self-
concentrating gathering of every ens unto itself"9 This modern definition
of Being implies, as Heidegger has demonstrated in The Question of Be-
ing, that all being is grounded in a conception of humanity characterized
by extreme subjectivity, or in Heidegger's words, "subjectity."lo This is a
type of humanity that not only represents (vorstellen) being as rooted in
the self-reflexive subjectivity of Being itself but also represents itself in or-
der to set itselfforth (herstellen). Characterized as a challenging-forth, the
Stellen of the Vorstellen of Being-as well as the Stellen of the Herstellen of
mankind-links the modern notion of Being, and with it the type of hu-
manity that it presupposes, to the fate of technology as a challenging re-
vealing. In modern metaphysics, this unconditional and hence complete
unity of the activities of representation, production, and the objective
character of the world takes shape as Gestalt. Gestalt, therefore, is the spe-
cific way in which the modern concept of a self-concentrating and self-
reflexive Being, a Being congenital to a type of mankind that qua subiec-
tum fathers all being, achieves representation. II In other words: if, since
Descartes at least, modern metaphysics has conceived of the absolute
presence of Being as self-consciousness, self-presence, and subjectivity,
and if, moreover, Gestalt is the manner in which this presence becomes
represented, it is then, historically speaking, no great surprise that the
"genre" of autobiography and self-presentation rums out to be the form
par excellence for the exposition of the modern understanding of Being.
Inaugurated by Saint Augustine and Montaigne, autobiography does not
conceal its relation to the Platonic determination of Being as eidoslidea.
But in spite of its origin in the Greek notion of idea, autobiography is not
identical to this notion. If the idea is the shape through which Being itself
comes into an appearance, or Aussehen, the idea turned Gestalt in autobi-
ography is the form through which the self-reflexivity of Being is repre-
sented (vorgestellt).
In order to point to the complex links that autobiography enter-
tains with the Greek notion of the idea, a brief reference to Descartes
Type- Writing Nietzsche's Self 43

must suffice here. I wish to evoke the beginning of the second part of the
Discourse on the Method, where the subject of meditation could be shown
to constitute himself according to what Heidegger calls the four horizons
of Being. Held up by the winter in southern Germany, "the whole day
shut up in a room heated by an enclosed stove," the subject Descartes
turns away from the book of the world in order to study himself, and dis-
covers that only as one single person is he able to make all his thoughts
converge toward one and the same ethical end, and, consequently, attain
truth. 12 Thus, on, hen, agathon, and aletheia govern the constitution of
the subject (Descartes), who by representing himself within the horizon
of these four determinations represents Being as the subjectivity of the
thinking subject: ego cogito. One could make a similar point for Rous-
seau, whose obsession with transparency and sincerity can be shown to
depend on the idea of a self-affection of light and whose desire for up-
rightness depends on the Greek notion of stasis as an essential determina-
tion of Being as presence.
After these all-too-sketchy remarks concerning the Gestalt of auto-
biography as the modern version of the Greek notion of idea, I wish to
argue, in what follows, not only that the figure of Zarathustra is, as Hei-
degger has indicated, a Gestalt but that Nietzsche's self-representation in
Ecce Homo fits that characteristic as well. But further, I hope to demon-
strate that if in Ecce Homo Nietzsche obeys, in a first move, the logic of
Gestalt in order to elaborate a conception of Being as type (Typus), that is,
Being in the shape of a great personality, he subverts this representation
of Being in a second move, and with it the modern notion of subjectivity
and self-reflection. With this second move, a move linked to writing and
the economy of his texts, Nietzsche breaks away not only from the ro-
mantic heritage but, more fundamentally, from the modern representa-
tion of Being and the form of autobiography in which Being is self-
reflectively represented. Writing his self, type-writing it, to be precise,
Nietzsche undercuts nothing less than representation itself, representa-
tion as Vorstellung, in other words, the modern, hence subjective, way of
fixing Being into place.
The duality of Nietzsche's enterprise in Ecce Homo is manifest be-
ginning with its subtitle, borrowed from Pindar: How One Becomes What
One Is.!l If this subtitle can be read as a Parmenidean interpretation of

Being as something lasting and standing in and on itself, this same subti-
tle also calls for a Heraclitean reading of Being as becoming. However, it
is just as possible that Nietzsche may not have been concerned in his "au-
tobiography" with these metaphysical concepts of Being as either stasis or
becoming. 14 Indeed, I will argue that from the start Nietzsche operates in
the interval between these two complementary metaphysical determin-
ations of Being. Contrary to Heidegger's forceful argument that the
thought of "the eternal return of the same" attempts to escape Platonism
only to remain caught in its simple reversal, Nietzsche, in his intent to
elaborate the time and space of this great thought, stages another notion of
history, of time and space beyond what governs the metaphysical duality
of Being and becoming. As we will see, the great thought of the eternal
return of the same also undermines the very notion of the Gestalt and, in
the same stroke, the genre of autobiography. With the thought of the eter-
nal return of the same, we thus face the need to rethink self-presentation.

To avoid being mistaken for someone else, or even for his own work
and, in particular, for some of its Hegelian overtones (and thus perhaps
for Hegel himself),15 Nietzsche decides to narrate his life, more precisely,
to tell himself his life. 16 This self-revelation, or revelation of oneself to
oneself, clearly continues and repeats the autobiographical gesture of
Descartes's second meditation. I? Yet this enterprise, which grew to matu-
rity at a very particular moment in Nietzsche's life and which finds ex-
pression at a singular juncture in the text of Ecce Homo-namely on the
intercalated leaf between the preface and Ecce Homo "properly" speak-
ing l8-results from conflicting forces and soon enough reveals itself to be
self-contradictory. Seeing himself under pressure to declare who he is,
Nietzsche experiences this necessity as an inevitable condescension and a
fatal descent (Niedergang) opposed to the instincts of distance. This in-
terplay between necessity and the pride of the instincts in the attempt to
reappropriate his former work and to make up or complete his life
through self-presentation, rather than to assure a contemporaneity with
himself and his fellowmen, leads only to an ever greater dissimilarity with
himself and to an even greater distance with regard to his own self. How-
Type- Writing Nietzsche's Self 45

ever, the fatal failure of autobiography-a catastrophe due to Nietzsche's

Gegensatz-Natur-is not simply an unsuccessfulness. Indeed, what Nietz-
sche accomplishes as a result of this impossibility of reappropriating him-
self and of recognizing himself by himself, thus failing in becoming a self-
consciousness, is an untimely (unzeitgemasse) relation to himself This is a
relation of noncontemporaneity with oneself, hence of nonidentity, in
which the constituted self is not merely a self out of season, presenting it-
self at the wrong time, or a premature self in advance of its time, but a self
that is not present to itself, and that, by relating to itself in a temporality
distinct from that of the present now and its modalities, forever differs
from itself The different possible readings of Ecce Homo's subtitle-How
One Becomes What One Is-will furnish evidence if this.
On the one hand, this subtitle demands, as aphorism 263 of Hu-
man, All Too Human intimates, that one should become what one already
is. Yet Nietzsche also declares that "to become what one is, one must not
have the faintest notion what one is" (p. 254). Consequently, to become
what one is precludes all forms of self-knowledge. Instead of a model for
becoming oneself, nosce te ipsum ("know thyself") is for Nietzsche the
ruin of the self. Thus: "where nosce te ipsum would be the recipe for ruin,
forgetting oneself, misunderstanding oneself, making oneself smaller,
narrower, mediocre, become reason itself" (p. 254). The "Know thyself"
is dangerous because it represents a contradictio in adjecto. Nietzsche ex-
presses consequently, in Beyond Good and Evil, his "unconquerable dis-
trust of the possibility of self-knowledge." 19 But such self-knowledge is
dangerous as well because it drains the what of what one is, that is, one's
"essence," by fixing it into an identity.20 Obviously, made into the telos of
one's becoming, such objective knowledge of oneself, rather than helping
one become what one is, would require that one become different from
oneself The "Know thyself" clearly expresses the desire to become an-
other and not oneself Becoming another, however, is something that
must be resisted if one is to become what one is. Nietzsche writes: "I do
not want in the least that anything should become different than it is; I
myself do not want to become different" (p. 255). To become what one is
is to become the same. Such becoming is achieved by way of a return of
what one is. Since this is a becoming that excludes self-consciousness,
hence, the process of reflexive determination, what one is occurs only by

way of a sudden intrusion of the "organizing 'idea'" into the whole of

consciousness (p. 254), interrupting the continuity of its surface and the
flow of subjective time. What unexpectedly irrupts into the self, in a
manner that must be qualified as untimely, is nothing less than the self-
same. The return of the same, its re-petition, is the nonreflexive yet not,
for that matter, immediate mode of becoming what one is. It follows
from this that the Parmenidean reading of the subtitle, a reading that
privileges Being over becoming, becomes modified and turns into a de-
termination of Being as a same that is not identical to itself but that
stands, because it relates to itself in the mode of repetition, in a nonre-
flexively mediated relation to itself. The Parmenidean concept of Being
thus gives way to the repetition, or return, of the same.
On the other hand, the subtitle of Ecce Homo allows for a Hera-
clitean reading, which, rather than emphasizing Being, shows Being to be
a modification, if not a modality, of becoming. When urging the reader
not simply to comprehend the word "Dionysian" but to comprehend
oneselfin this word (pp. 272-73), Nietzsche suggests that the Dionysian
puts an end to the immobility of Being. For this is a comprehension that
is not without the touch of the "genius of the heart," and "from whose
touch every one walks away richer ... richer in himself, newer to himself
than before, broken open, blown at and sounded out by a thawing wind,
perhaps more unsure, tenderer, more fragile, more broken, but full of
hopes that as yet have no name, full of new will and currents, full of new
dissatisfactions and undertows" (pp. 268-69). Indeed, to read the subtitle
How One Becomes What One Is in a Heraclitean fashion implies an "affir-
mation of passing away and destroying, which is the decisive feature of a
Dionysian philosophy; saying Yes to opposition and war; becoming, along
with a radical repudiation of the very concept of being" (p. 273). In sum,
then, what does this subtitle mean when read in a Heraclitean vein? Be-
sides putting into question all possible freezing of becoming into indi-
vidual beings and into motionless Being in general, the subtitle indicates
the way of one's becoming "the eternal joy of becoming [itself], beyond
all terror and pity-that joy which includes even joy in destroying" (p.
273).21 The subtitle How One Becomes What One Is, therefore, inquires
into the ways in which all petrified individual forms are liquified, in
which Being as frozen and immobilized becoming is dissolved, and in
Type- Writing Nietzsche's Self 47

which one becomes becoming itself. It now should be clear: to become

what one always already is is to become the eternal joy of becoming.
With this second reading of the subtitle, the same that one must become
and that one can only hope to become by excluding all self-consciousness
is to be understood as becoming itself. Becoming is the same that pro-
ceeds from repetition, or return. Since it bars all self-reflexivity, such
sameness is no longer that of the selfsame, but that of a selfsame that qua
becoming relates to itself in the mode of repetition.
Consequently, both the Parmenidean (or, for that matter, Platonic)
and the Heraclitean readings of what one is to become, taken by them-
selves, are incorrect. Indeed, if the same that one must become has to be
free from all becoming to meet a Parmenidean interpretation, the fact
that this sameness is a function of repetition, or return, and that it ex-
cludes all self-knowledge undercuts the possibility that this sameness will
ever reach a motionless and self-sufficient being-with-oneself in identity.
By contrast, a strictly Heraclitean reading of this selfsame sustains Hei-
degger's objection that Nietzsche raises becoming to the status of ever-
lasting Being. Nevertheless, such a conception of becoming, one that
amounts to a simple inversion of Platonism, is equally problematic. As
Aristotle established, there is no such thing as an essence of becoming.
More importantly, Nietzsche's determination of becoming as a return, or
repetition that bars self-knowledge, does not allow for the transformation
of becoming into a self-identical entity like Being. The same that one is to
become does not have the structure of an ideality that relates to itself in
full accordance with itself. Precluding all modes of self-consciousness and
self-affection, the same is no longer of the order of a presence. It is no
longer present to itself. Instead, the same relates to itself in untimely rep-
etition. With this the two alternative readings collapse. How One Becomes
What One Is-Ecce Homo, for short-is the exposition of a notion of the
same characterized by an absence of all self-referring and self-reference.
Unable to avoid the pleonasm, Nietzsche calls this same (a becoming in
the mode of return) the eternal return of the same. 22 It no longer repre-
sents a speculative or reflexive relation to oneself, or of the selfsame to it-
self, but a kind of relation to "oneself" that, because it is a relation of re-
turn or repetition without a knowledge of what one is, never proceeds
from, or produces, a self.


Needless to say, such a definition of the same, that is, of a notion of

nonreflexive "self"-reference, encounters formidable problems as to its
conceptualization. Furthermore, nothing could be more resistant to the
habits of language than the expression of such a relation. But this barely
conceivable "self" -reference of a nonidentical same finds its "expression"
in the way texts are arranged and staged. The mise-en-scene of a text such
as Ecce Homo is the place where this same is at work and where it can be
apprehended. Yet, since spatiality has always served to illustrate the con-
cept of time, the text's spatial arrangement renders manifest the specific
temporality not only of the text but of its "object" as well: the nonreflex-
ive same. It can easily be shown that Ecce Homo stages the two classical
concepts of time: first, its representation as "the unconditional and infi-
nitely repeated circular course of all things" attributed to Heraclitus (pp.
273-74)' and second, the representation that time is linear and continu-
ous, a conception that is Aristotelian in origin. Yet the becoming that
characterizes the same obeys neither mythical-cyclical nor historical-linear
time. 23 Nor does the temporality of becoming yield to the dialectical ma-
trix. Instead, this becoming is to be understood through the temporality
of repetition and the affirmation of chance that Nietzsche's concept of
repetition invokes. Taking up a Nietzschean image, becoming can be
compared to a repeated casting of the die that forever shows the figure
six.24 Distinct from the Hegelian synthetic notion of time, the temporal-
ity of the nonidentical same takes place in the interval between the linear
and circular representations of time, an interval that defies all representa-
tion. Unable to conceptualize this Untime (Unzeit) of the interval, unable
also to represent it as such, Ecce Homo stages this unheard-of time as the
space or interval, of Nietzsche's double origin.
According to the aphorism entitled "Personal Providence" from The
Gay Science, Nietzsche, in order to mark off his "innermost history,
[his] ... becoming" (p. 281) from all linear narrative of events, writes Ecce
Homo in the space where his "own practical and theoretical skill in inter-
preting and arranging events has now reached its high point."25 The first
sentence of the first chapter of Ecce Homo opens with the riddle of Nietz-
sche's double origin, which we will now have to discuss in some depth:
TJpe- Writing Nietzsche's Self 49

The good fortune of my existence, its uniqueness perhaps, lies in its fatality: I
am, to express it in the form of a riddle, already dead as my father, while as my
mother I am still living and becoming old. This dual descent, as it were, both
from the highest and the lowest rung on the ladder of life, at the same time a
decadent and a beginning-this, if anything, explains that neutrality, that free-
dom from all partiality in relation to the total problem of life, that perhaps dis-
tinguishes me. (p. 222)

Nietzsche starts tracking his history as a history with a double origin from
the moment at which he becomes aware that to recover from his sickness
he must return to his "nethermost self" (p. 287). This return is coupled
with a developing interest in medicine, physiology, and the natural sci-
ences. At the expense of the (in truth, decadent) preoccupation with his-
tory, this interest, as we have seen in the previous chapter, is supposed to
further an active "ignorance in physiologicis," through which a rearrange-
ment of his personal history becomes possible in terms and for the bene-
fit of his nethermost self. Let me, then, follow Nietzsche through this ex-
ploration of his buried nethermost self.
First, we need to recall the unusual beginning of Nietzsche's career
as a writer. He states: "This beginning is exceedingly strange. I had dis-
covered the only parable and parallel in history for my own inmost expe-
rience-and thus became the first to comprehend the wonderful phe-
nomenon of the Dionysian" (pp. 271-72). It is a strange beginning,
indeed, for it reveals that the actuality of Nietzsche's life has a pendant in
the past. This similarity of the two temporal moments of past and pre-
sent, but especially the parallelism of Nietzsche's experience and the
Dionysian, explains his penetration of the phenomenon of the Dionysian
itself. Further, the coincidence in question shows history to be double.
On the one hand, there is a repetition or return of the past-Dionysian,
or Heraclitean, history. On the other hand, there is history properly
speaking, history as linear-the Apollonian and Socratic fall-away from
cyclical, or Dionysian, history. But both histories are double as well. Lin-
ear history is decadent history, and cyclical history is predicated on be-
coming and destruction. Dionysus has a double origin: twice born, once
from the womb of the princess Semele, once from the leg of Zeus. Nietz-
sche's origin, parallel to the Dionysian phenomenon-its parable (Gleich-
nis)-is similarly a double origin.

In section 3 of "Why I Am So Wise," Nietzsche evokes "this dual

series of experiences" that proceeds from the double origin. In this par-
ticular context, he explains the double nature of these experiences by his
descent, which involves a double nationality. "My ancestors were Polish
noblemen: I have many racial instincts in my body from that source."
"Yet my mother, Franziska Oehler, is at any rate something very German"
(p. 225). According to Nietzsche, his father, Karl Ludwig Nietzsche, "was
full of deep reverence for the Pruss ian king Frederick William IV.... I
myself, born on the birthday of the above named king, on the fifteenth of
October, received, as fitting, the Hohenzollern name Friedrich Wilhelm"
(p. 226). German by virtue of the name-"perhaps more German than
present-day Germans"-and Polish because of his descent and instincts,
Nietzsche claims to have "a 'second' face in addition to the first."26 In
every respect, he is a Doppelganger (p. 225). Yet Nietzsche's duplicity is not
exhausted by this double descent. In order to examine thoroughly the
enigma of his fatality, let me consider what he tells us about his father:

My father, born in 1813, died in 1849. (p. 226)

My father died at the age of thirty-six: he was delicate, kind, and morbid, as a be-
ing that is destined merely to pass by-more a gracious memory of life than life
itself. (p. 212)
I consider it a great privilege to have had such a father: it even seems to me that
this explains whatever else I have of privileges-not including life, the great Yes
to life. (p. 226)

Merely a reminiscence of the future-of Nietzsche's future lifo-the fa-

ther withers away as soon as he has engendered his son. Yet the legacy be-
queathed by this dearly beloved father is double. Nietzsche owes his life to
his father. But his father's heritage is a "wicked heritage ... at bottom, [a]
predestination to an early death" (p. 287). Still, when "selflessness" and
"sense of duty" paved the way for Nietzsche's decadence, this wicked her-
itage turned out to be a remedy. Indeed, his sickness detaches him from
decadent life and gives him the means to come to his own aid. Thus a ten-
tative reading of the enigma of the double origin becomes possible. Dy-
ing as one's own father amounts to giving birth to oneself. As the wicked
heritage-the "predestination to an early death"-becomes transformed
into a life-giving remedy, Nietzsche gives lifo to himself by dying as his
Type- Writing Nietzsche's Self 51

own father. Yet what does it mean for Nietzsche still to be living and be-
coming older as his mother? A mother's role is to carry a child for the full
term. But not yet due to be born, his time not yet having come, he will re-
main, as his mother, indefinitely pregnant with himself If, as Pierre Klos-
sowski suggests, Nietzsche does not father himself because he dies as his
own father, neither is he his own mother, because he does not give birth to
himself2 7 As Nietzsche holds, "I live on my own credit: it is perhaps a
mere prejudice that I live" (p. 217).
Insofar as Nietzsche stands on the highest rung on the ladder of life,
the further role of the father is to take that life from him. The wicked her-
itage, and the death as one's own father, impedes all possible becoming
from the outset. But this misfortune is also what allows Nietzsche to short-
circuit the process of linear decadence. Deprived of the possibility of a
continuous climb from the lowest to the highest rung on the ladder oflife,
Nietzsche escapes altogether the time of decadence, that is, linear histori-
cal time. As he himself as his own mother carries himself endlessly for the
full term, he grows old "at the same time a decadent and a beginning."
More succinctly, since Nietzsche is already dead as a beginning capable of
development to its end, Nietzsche remains an eternal beginning, a begin-
ning that is already its own end. Congenitally deprived of linear develop-
ment and decline, Nietzsche enjoys the privilege of a life in which he re-
peats himself eternally as the same, a life of becoming. By taking place in
and as the interval of beginning and decadence, this repetition, or return, of
oneself as a stillborn beginning, and as a selfsame that does not wish to be-
come different, opens a third space. 28 Before any further exploration of this
space, I note that Nietzsche characterizes it as a neutral space. Although
the interface of Nietzsche's Doppelnatur-opened up, for instance, by the
interruption of the flow of time in sickness-generates a state of "fullness
and [thel self-assurance of a rich life," as well as a space rich in perspectives
"toward healthier concepts and values" (p. 223), it is not a dialectical space.
Nor is it a place where complementary or self-contradictory doubles re-
solve into nullity or abstract nothingness. Instead, Nietzsche's dual de-
scent, which provides him with the most subtle smell for the "signs of
ascent and descent"-"I know both, I am both" (p. 222}-qualifies this
intermediary space of the return of the same as a space of neutrality, or
rather, impartiality, toward "the total problem ofIife."


To understand this remarkable space better, I focus on a figure that

at first may be mistaken for a sublation of the Doppelblick. Having
stressed that he is at the same time a decadent and its opposite, Nietzsche
remarks: "This dual series of experiences, this access to apparently sepa-
rate worlds, is repeated in my nature in every respect: I am a Doppel-
ganger, I have a 'second' face in addition to the first. And perhaps also a
third" (p. 225). The Doppelganger possesses a second face. His insights into
the world are "fruitful and terrible at the same time" (p. 289). Ecce Homo
ties this double sight to the month of January, to which Nietzsche pays
homage. Nietzsche conceived of The Gay Science during this month-a
month dedicated in Roman chronology to the god Janus, who, as Ianus
biftons, is a deity of beginnings (and endings). As a guardian of doors and
gates, and a patron of beginnings and endings, Janus looks simultaneously
forward and backward. Yet Nietzsche locates a third eye in the interface of
this two-faced figure-a theatrical, tragic eye. 29 Regarded as a doorkeeper
and a guardian of gates, Janus's statue stood where two roads met. But
does the Doppelganger not also simultaneously walk a double road?
Rather, is his place not precisely at the intersection of two roads, there
where a third road begins? In Ecce Homo, Nietzsche suggests as much
when he recalls the very conception of his Zarathustra:
Mornings I would walk in a southerly direction on the splendid road to Zoagli,
going up past pines with a magnificent view of the sea; in the afternoon, when-
ever my health permitted it, I walked around the whole bay from Santa Mar-
gherita all the way to Portofino. This place and this scenery came even closer to
my heart because of the great love that Emperor Frederick III felt for them; by
chance, I was in this coastal region again in the fall of 1886 when he visited this
small forgotten world of bliss for the last time.-lt was on these two walks that
the whole of Zarathustra J occurred to me, and especially Zarathustra himself as
a type: rather, he overtook me. (pp. 297-98)

At the intersection of two ways, as it were-the way leading upward and

the way leading downward and around the bay-as well as in the interval
of the times of the rising and the setting sun, Nietzsche is being overtaken
by Zarathustra. The time of Zarathustra coincides with the "great noon"
Type- Writing Nietzsche's Self 53

that Nietzsche invokes. In Ecce Homo, he defines this "great noon" as a

My task of preparing a moment of the highest self-examination for humanity, a
great noon [grosser Mittag] when it looks back and far forward, when it emerges
from the dominion of accidents and priests and for the first time poses, as a
whole, the question of Why? and For What?-this task follows of necessity from
the insight that humanity is not all by itself on the right way. (p. 291)

Similar to his illness, which suspends the necessarily decadent flow of

time and thus allows Nietzsche to repeat, renew, and bring back (Wieder-
holung) the nethermost self, the "great noon" and the "right way" repre-
sent breaks in the continuum of space and time during which the type of
Zarathustra becomes impressed on Nietzsche. This fork in the road-a
momentary caesura of the way upward and the way downward, both of
which are the same way-leads us back to the riddle of Nietzsche's double
origin left in abeyance. Indeed, the solution to that riddle at the begin-
ning of the text of Ecce Homo is the condition not only for our ability to
enter and read Nietzsche's text but also for our understanding of what it
may mean to find oneself (Selbstjindung) through repetition.
Tentatively, the riddle's solution can be transcribed as follows: I have
killed myself as my father so as to be able to commit incest with my my-
self as my mother, but as my father I prevent myself from being born.
However, to contextualize the solution of this riddle, a series of events fol-
lowing the death of Nietzsche's father needs to be recalled. We know al-
ready that he died at the age of 36. Yet "in the same year in which his life
went downward, mine too, went downward: at thirty-six, I reached the
lowest point of my vitality-I still lived, but without being able to see
three steps ahead" (p. 222). If Nietzsche's father died in r849, and Nietz-
sche reached the lowest point of his life before renouncing his professor-
ship at Basel in r879, exactly 30 years separate his father's death from his
own temporary blindness. Incidentally, this low in Nietzsche's life is not
without relation to reading. He writes: "I have seen this with my own
eyes: gifted natures with a generous and free disposition, 'read to ruin' in
their thirties" (p. 253). Turning away from reading thus leads Nietzsche
out of the state of decadence: "My eyes alone put an end to all book-
wormishness-in brief, philology: I was delivered from the 'book'; for

years I did not read a thing-the greatest benefit I ever conferred on my-
self" (p. 287). This blindness-during which Nietzsche is unable to see
three steps ahead, and which he experiences 30 years after his father's
death, at the precise moment when he reaches his father's age, 36-is also,
I argue, a kind of self-punishment for having slain himself as his own fa-
ther and for having committed incest with himself as his own mother. At
the fork in the road, in the interface of the way upward and the way
downward, and at the moment when Nietzsche looks both forward and
backward, that is to say, at the moment when he finds himself as the same,
Nietzsche repeats all the moments of the triangular oedipal configuration.
The oedipal triangulation, which necessarily structures the becoming of
the subject in a genealogy predicated on continuous and cumulative time,
would thus also seem to be vital to one's becoming a type. What does this
repetition stand for? What does the fact that even in becoming a type it
cannot be circumvented indicate? Does it simply mean that there is no
difference in essence between a self-conscious subject encrusted in a ge-
nealogy and a type who dismisses any apology?30 Is the moment of medi-
ation the same in both cases? Does the third space, the unusual space of
the interval, become absorbed by this triangulation? These are some of the
questions we must ask. But before I can begin answering them, a further
investigation of Nietzsche's temporary blindness is necessary.
This loss of sight, which prevents Nietzsche from seeing more than
three steps ahead, is connected to three days of migraines during which
Nietzsche excels in dialectics: "In the midst of the torments that go with
an uninterrupted three-day migraine, accompanied by laborious vomiting
of phlegm, I possessed a dialectician's clarity par excellence and thought
through with very cold blood matters for which under healthier circum-
stances I am not mountain-climber, not subtle, not cold enough" (pp.
222-23). If Nietzsche reminds us right away that he considers "dialectic as
a symptom of decadence; for example in the most famous case, the case
of Socrates" (p. 223) (similar, indeed, with its three operative steps, to the
three-day migraine, the vision reduced to three steps, and the triangular
configuration), then the book Dawn, to which Nietzsche gives birth dur-
ing these three days, announces necessarily a new beginning. But what is
this new beginning that comes about only through, and as, a repetition of
triple steps and triangular figures?
Type- Writing Nietzsche's Self 55

Even though this figure three is a figure of closure that presides over
the movement of speculative thought in a totalizing perspective, Nietz-
sche makes this figure turn upon itself and transforms it into a sign oflib-
eration. Heintich von Stein, who came to visit Nietzsche for three days, is
a case in point. Nietzsche recalls, "This excellent human being, who had
walked into the Wagnerian morass with all the impetuous simplicity of a
Prussian Junker ... acted during these three days like one transformed by
a tempest of freedom, like one who has suddenly been lifted to his own
height and acquired wings" (p. 227). Nor should one forget in this con-
text the following passage, also from Ecce Homo: "With a dithyra.mb like
the last one in the third part of Zarathustra, entitled 'The Seven Seals,' I
soared a thousand miles beyond what was called poetry hitherto" (pp.
265-66). At once symptomatic of decline and of ascent, the new begin-
ning is born from the superior and exceeding excellence of the very repe-
tition of these threefold figures. If Nietzsche enjoyed "a dialectician's clar-
ity par excellence," it is precisely because by its repetition, dialectics
becomes a liberating force. The new beginning takes shape through and
as a repetition of the totally mediated and speculatively closed tertiary fig-
ures. Only through the repetition of these totalizing tertiary figures is it
possible to displace their decadent limitations and implications and to
open up the space-the third space-of the same. I recall that all these
triple and tertiary figures presuppose an intermediary space-the space
of the interval-in which they tie into one the interval's respective relata,
or foundations. However, in the capacity of totalizing figures, both the
number three and the threefold of the triangulations are blind to this in-
termediary space. They are, therefore, blind as well to their repetition in
the space and as the space, in which their possibility is rooted, a repeti-
tion that is a return of the same, insofar as, precisely, this repetition dis-
places these figures' mastering power.
Such blindness of dialectics can be witnessed, for example, in the ar-
guments that Eugen Fink advances to support the claim that the third part
of Zarathustra represents the central part (Herzstuck), the mean, the mid-
dle (die 'Mitte') of the work. According to such arguments, this third part
is "the natural end of the work," that is, the part in which Zarathustra-
Nietzsche returns for the third time "in order to find himself as the essen-
tial middle [wesentliche Mittel of his thinking," and the part that, hence,

concludes "the step-by-step development of Nietzsche's central thought."

Indeed, Fink argues that in comparison to that third part, the fourth part
of Zarathustra is simply derivative and infcrior. ll But is this truly the case?
Is Fink's assessment of the third part as a concluding part correct in the
first place? Instead of being the dialectical end-term of the quest for the
self-identity, self-appropriation, and self-reflection of the thinker, is this so-
called "essential middle" not precisely a beginning of something new?
What if this third part were in fact already the superior repetition of all the
speculative moments and movements that culminate in the parousia of
the self, and thus the beginning of a resolutely nontotalizing repetition of
those very same tertiary figures, a repetition, in short, that stages the space
itself from which all the totalizing operations spring forth by covering up
that intermediary expanse? Originating in repetition, the "essential mid-
dle" of Zarathustra would then no longer be an "essential" middle. Fur-
thermore, to the extent that the threefold figures are subject to repetition,
the medial and mediating function and the concept of the middle itself
become irretrievably connected to repetition. And finally, given that repe-
tition is a nonreflexive mode of "self" -reference, repetition is revealed as
the degree zero of all reflective and speculative mediation. Is it not in such
a light that not only the third but also the fourth part of Zarathustra need
to be judged? A dithyramb, a hymn to Dionysus in short, concludes the
third part of this book. With this dithyramb Oedipus takes off his mask,
as it were, and steps forward as Dionysus. Oedipal triangulation and di-
alectical figuration open up to their infinite repetition through which they
abdicate their former closing power. No need, consequently, to look for a
fourth way, a way out of the "essential middle," oedipal genealogy, self-
conscious subjectivity, and so on. Such a way is already present in the third
way, as the difference that prevents the latter from returning into an iden-
tity of its own. The third way is always already a fourth way. If this is true,
the fourth part of Zarathustra can in no way be derivative. Instead of fol-
lowing a successful and definitive exposition of Nietzsche's central
thought, this fourth part is the repetition of the new beginning accom-
plished by part 3. It is the same.
Undoubtedly, the "object" of a repetition and the repeated "object"
stand in a relation to each other. They share a sphere of commerce that
prevents the repetition of the same from being immediate (unmittelbar).
TJpe- Writing Nietzsche's Self 57

But if the recurrence of the same presupposes a common medium of

sorts, this does not mean, for that matter, that it is a medium of specula-
tive mediation. What is repeated and its repetition do not relate in terms
of difference. What is repeated is affirmed in totality. It is not repeated as
a negative determination, hence as, in essence, a moment of a whole, sys-
tem, or concept. In spite of the fact that the referent of a repetition and its
repetition partake in a shared sphere of commerce and in spite of the fact
as well that the repetition of the same is not immediate, what is to be re-
peated and the repetition thereof do not entertain, in Hegel's terms, a re-
ciprocal relation of reflexive determination (Reflexionsbestimung). Since
the repeated and its repetition do not relate as differences, their relation is
free of all specular properties. Therefore, neither is it a relation of iden-
tity. In such repetition, the repeated recurs as the same.
Rather than initiating an end-oriented process whose end coincides
with the speculative point of departure of the process, the affirmation
through repetition of the threefold figures constitutive of self-identical
entities-the oedipal triad and the dialectical triad-is not processual.
Even though nonimmediate, the affirmation through repetition effects a
collapse of the (speculative) difference between beginning and end. The
what of a repetition, repeated in its totality without being determined in
relation to another, hence negatively, is an aborted beginning, stillborn so
to speak, divested of its potential to become the starting point for a pos-
sible development. Here, beginning and end are the same. In the absence
of all reflexive determination between the repeated and its repetition, be-
tween beginning and end, mediation makes room for repetition and the
recurrence of the same. With it one reaches the end of all development,
and all exposition (Ausfuhrung).
At stake here, then, is something other than a quest for the tran-
scendental possibility of mediation, reflection, and identity. By signifying,
on the one hand, that all three presuppose repetition as a nonreflexive re-
lation and, on the other hand, that the affirmation of the repeated as the
same breaks down the process of mediation, Nietzsche literally practices a
nonreflexive discourse. In Ecce Homo, he no longer discursively and argu-
mentatively-"argument" being taken here in a narrow logical sense-in-
quires into grounds, reasons, or conditions of possibility. But Ecce Homo is
not Nietzsche's new beginning of philosophy-it is not to begin with a

beginning, as defined, for example, at the outset of Hegel's Science of

Logic. 32 It is neither a philosophical beginning nor a beginning of philoso-
phy. As a nonreflexive, nonspecular relation between the affirmed
"self"sames of beginning and end; as a degree-zero exchange that excludes
any mirroring and specular reflection by way of one's (or any entity's) neg-
ative, or other, the notion of repetition central to Nietzsche's thought in
Ecce Homo leaves the horizon of the determinations of consciousness, sub-
jectivity, and history, and with it modern philosophy's self-understanding.
However, as repetition of philosophy, Nietzsche's discourse is the same as
philosophy. Such sameness makes all the difference, even though philoso-
phy and Nietzsche's repetition thereof are not distinct like differences. Nor
is their relation to be taken as one of nonidentity. In other words, by re-
lating to itself in the mode of a return, a discourse such as Ecce Homo is
divested of self-identity, the identity that philosophy gives to itself
A "selfsame" that bars reflexive mediation is a type. The notion of
type, however, requires resistance to the possibility of self-appropriation.
As we have seen, the Gestalt of autobiography is a mode of specular self-
appropriation. It is the very medium of exposition of the modern con-
cept of Being as self-present subjectivity. By using the discourse of self-
presentation in Ecce Homo to elaborate a nonreflexive "self" -same, or
type, Nietzsche seeks to overcome both the form of autobiography and
the concept of Being that it promotes. But if self-presentation (Selbst-
darstellung) in autobiography strives to raise the self-appropriating self to
self-presence, the renunciation of speculative mirroring in the repetition
of the "self" -same not only thwarts self-presence but also announces the
limits of representation as Vorstellung and opens up the problem of
Darstellung as such.
Unable to recognize what is at stake in Nietzsche's self-presentation,
the humanist critic is reduced to accusing Nietzsche, in Heidegger's words,
of "exorbitant subjectivity [and] endless and tormented self-mirroring."33
Yet what Nietzsche undertook by imitating, in Ecce Homo, the modern
genre of autobiography is an attempt to sketch out the end of subjectivity
and its correlative notion of Being as the self-present subject.



Tearing at the Texture

The history of the criticism to which Walter Benjamin's writings

have given rise is the story of many friendships. Whether he has been
linked up with Hegelian thought, coupled to the theology of the Jewish
religion of revelation, tied to romantic linguistic philosophy, paired off
with historical materialism, or even related to Lutheran theology, the crit-
ics have primarily sought to appropriate Benjamin's thought for their own
philosophical viewpoint. I Yet Benjamin, as is well known, did not frater-
nize easily. As reserved as he was, how could he have held all those views,
or been all those things that critics have suggested? Undoubtedly, Ben-
jamin's philosophical allegiances that critics have pointed out have signif-
icantly contributed to our understanding of this complex author. If Ben-
jamin, as Gershom Scholem has insisted time and again, was indeed a
philosopher-a metaphysician-it ought to be possible, in principle, to
assign a definite place to his writings in the history of philosophical
thought. 2 But can Scholem's characterization of Benjamin as a philoso-
pher (and hence the possibility of assigning his affiliation) simply be taken
for granted? How is one, indeed, to explain the lack in Benjamin's writing
of almost everything usually associated with the philosophical enterprise:
a homogenous conceptuality, canonized rules of argumentation, and ref-
erence to the traditional set of problems? Bernd Witte has convincingly
argued on this basis that Benjamin is no philosopher at alP Benjamin's

total disregard for any form of sustained conceptuality and argumenta-

tion, as well as the elitist and esoteric if not idiosyncratic nature of at least
Benjamin's early writings-an aspect that Witte is so far the only one to
have systematically explored-runs counter to the philosophical require-
ment of transparency and systematic exposition of arguments. In addi-
tion, what Witte calls Benjamin's authoritarian and hypertrophic subjec-
tivism irreducibly resists the claim to universality to which philosophy
must measure up. From this perspective it is ultimately impossible to tie
Benjamin to any of the philosophical currents that characterized his time.
And yet he had, undoubtedly, something at stake with philosophy. Until
the debacle regarding his habilitation dissertation, Benjamin even flirted
with the idea of becoming a university teacher of philosophy. Moreover,
most of his work up to that point is obviously of philosophical inspira-
tion. In view of this paradoxical situation, rather than choosing between
Scholem's and Witte's positions on Benjamin, should one not first explore
Benjamin's relation to philosophy in general? Instead of trying to discover
one more philosophical debt that would link this author up with an es-
tablished brand of philosophical thought, it might be appropriate to be-
gin by inquiring into the importance that Benjamin gave to philosophy
and into the modalities of such valorization. To do so I will consider some
of Benjamin's writings that are commonly referred to as his metaphysical
and historico-philosophical work; in short, writings of that period in his
life that stretches from 1915 to 1926. Since during those years Benjamin's
thought was still maturing, it is difficult to approach the period as a
whole. Nevertheless, many motifs of a philosophical bearing characterize
his writings at that time, offering clear testimony to sustained and persis-
tent philosophical concerns. Benjamin himself suggests such a continuity
of views and interests when he claims, in a letter to Scholem, that the
"Epistemo-Critical Prologue" of The Origin of German Tragic Drama not
only replaces his earlier essay "On Language as Such and the Language of
Man" but expresses its original intentions perhaps more effectively.4
Before analyzing some of these persistent motifs, let me emphasize
that, notwithstanding Benjamin's often obscure and idiosyncratic writing,
the essays and larger works of the period in question also reveal consider-
able philosophical refinement. Such subtlety, however, does not consist in
technical refinement; rather it touches not only on philosophically ele-
Tearing at the Texture 63

mentary distinctions but, above all, on the difference that philosophical

distinction makes in the first place. It is my contention that when Ben-
jamin broaches questions of philosophy, this concern with the difference
philosophy makes is what occupies him primarily. "Fate and Character"
is a case in point. In this essay, in which the author is primarily concerned
with establishing the total divergence of the two concepts-"where there
is character there will, with certainty, not be fate, and in the area of fate
character will not be found"-Benjamin shows himself fully aware of the
philosophical implication of such an operation. 5 Fare, he explains, is a
connection (Zusammenhang); more precisely it is "a nexus of meaning" in
which the natural life in man is indiscriminately "coupled to cards as to
planets." It is a weave or net of ensnaring threads (Verkettung) in which
the possibility of difference is destroyed (pp. 202, 204). Such nondiffer-
ence in weblike interconnectedness "corresponds to the natural condition
of the living," or, in other words, to "the demonic stage of human exis-
tence," we are told (pp. 203-4). Webs of whatever sort, because they
make difference impossible, are mythical in essence. In the essay on
Goethe's Elective Affinities, Benjamin notes that without difference, all of
existence succumbs to the power of nature and its concept, which, free of
boundaries, expands monstrously. Without a sovereign principle or lim-
its, "the life of the myth ... imposes itself as the sole power in the do-
main of existence" (p. 316). Where character is understood to be, as is
commonly the case, "a network that knowledge can tighten at will into a
dense fabric" made up of "finer and closer connections, until what looked
like a net is tightened into cloth," it can then become, as Benjamin re-
marks, erroneously connected to fate (pp. 204-5). To make character a
function of a weft is to endow it with the same mythical indifference that
already distinguishes fate. Character, for Benjamin, can be clearly demar-
cated from fate only if it is defined not by the immense complexity of a
tightly woven cloth but, on the contrary, by an exclusive character trait
that cuts apart the knots of fate. If distinguished by "the brilliance of its
single traits," character stands in radical opposition to the interconnect-
edness and entanglement of fate, causing it to be "liberating" in all its
forms (pp. 205-6). The importance that Benjamin attributes throughout
his writings to the tragic hero is based on a similar principle. By proudly
recognizing that he is better than the gods with whom he has been

chained up, this hero instigates a myth-shaking difference by which he

rises from what is termed "the mist of guilt," or in other words, from the
realm of mythical and natural interconnectedness. Through this eye-
opening insight into man's distinction from the gods, a difference is made
by which boundaries are assigned to myth and nature. Benjamin can,
therefore, consider the tragic hero as the prototype of the philosopher
who dispels natural and mythical indifference in an act of setting himself
apart by raising his head higher. Distinction and difference are rooted in
an act of demarcation by which the interlacings of myth are shattered in
the name of a radical heterogeneity-truth. In his essay on Goethe, Ben-
jamin writes: "In Greece genuine art and genuine philosophy-as dis-
tinct from their inauthentic stage, the theurgic-begin with the depar-
ture of myth, because art is not based on truth to any lesser extent than is
philosophy, and philosophy is not based on truth to any greater extent
than is art" (p. 326).
In what follows I would like to show that the concept of differ-
ence-of a difference that breaks up the continuum of the mythical
chain-is a persistent concern of Benjamin's thought. But in analyzing
this philosophical motif par excellence-it is indeed through difference
that philosophy comes into the world-I shall also be able to reflect on
the limits of philosophy from the perspective of truth that Benjamin
adopts. From the start, let me emphasize that the act through which the
tragic hero raises his head above the mythical interconnectedness of guilt
is not simply a purely mental act of abstraction. The difference he inau-
gurates-the limits he draws-is the result not of pure cognition, medi-
tation, or contemplation but of a hubristic reflection that culminates in
self-confident recognition that he is better than his gods. The difference
that the tragic hero brings into the world is rooted in an act of revolt; it is
a very practical act of cognition. Instead of proceeding through philo-
sophical abstraction or reduction, the tragic hero achieves difference by
destroying the interwoven threads of the mythical web, or by violently
breaking up the mythical web of the realm of mere appearance. Differ-
ence, in short, is based on an act as concrete as a revolt, a violent exhaus-
tion (Aufzehrung) or burning up, by what Benjamin will later call "The
Destructive Character." This difference is thus not simply philosophical.
As the tragic hero's hubristic act shows, it is artistic and religious as well.
Tearing at the Texture 65

To bring Benjamin's treatment of philosophical difference more

clearly into view, I will briefly consider "On Language as Such and the
Language of Man," "The Task of the Translator," and some aspects of the
"Epistemo-Critical Prologue." From the start it is necessary to emphasize
that Benjamin's elaborations in the essay "On Language as Such" do not
fall into any of the traditional philosophical modes of discussing this is-
sue. This is of capital importance considering that throughout the period
of Benjamin's writing that we are concerned with here, the pilot science
for the coming philosophy he envisioned was to be a theory of language.
All his developments of language have a double thrust. They intend to
dismantle both an instrumentalist understanding of language-what he
calls the bourgeois theory of language-and a theory of language that
takes the word to be the essence of the thing, or in short, what he calls
mystical linguistic theory. Roughly speaking, Benjamin distinguishes his
own investigation of the nature of language from the two views on lan-
guage discussed in Plato's Craty/us, that is, against the two theories on
language that have informed all philosophies of language hitherto. Crit-
ics such as Winfried Menninghaus have argued that by dismissing as in-
significant language's utilitarian function, and by inquiring into the non-
signifying nature of language, Benjamin became a structuralist before
that doctrine's time. 6 Richard Wolin, by contrast, contends that Ben-
jamin's criticism of the receptive and cognitive aspects of language is a re-
sult of a "long-standing Kabbalistic doctrine of language as the divine
substance of reality. "7 As I shall argue, Benjamin's theory of language is
based neither on insight into the structure oflinguistic representation nor
on the assumption of a definable divine linguistic substance. Benjamin
leaves those alternatives behind.
All language, Benjamin insists, communicates primarily a mental
meaning (geistige Inhalte). But language does not communicate such
mental content by way of serving as an agency for it. Rather, this content
is communicated in un mediated fashion in, and not through, the medium
of language. Although content is communicated in language, it does not
coincide with the linguistic medium in which it is expressed. It is some-
thing quite different from that medium. Benjamin notes, "the distinction
between a mental entity and the linguistic entity in which it communi-
cates is the first stage of any study of linguistic theory" (p. 63). What,

then, is the specific object that language communicates? Benjamin writes,

"As communication, language communicates a mental entity-some-
thing communicable per se kine Mitteilbarkeit schlechthinJ" (p. 66). The
mental content distinct from the linguistic entity in which it is commu-
nicated is thus communicability itself. In itself, that is, as an expressive
medium, language communicates communicability. It is the primary con-
tent of language and, for Benjamin, the true and sole object of a philo-
sophical theory of language. Yet apart from a very brief reference by Der-
rida to the issue of communicability in Benjamin, not one of the leading
Benjamin critics has bothered to shed light on this intriguing notion. 8
Thus Benjamin's theory of language remains obscure. The same must be
said of Benjamin's concept of translatability, which informs his entire the-
ory of translation. It has not to my knowledge drawn any attention from
Benjamin scholars.
One might, at first, be tempted to understand communicability as
simply the (condition of) possibility of communication. Since Benjamin
also notes, however, that "languages have ... no speaker," and that com-
municability is communicated not through but in language, communica-
bility is obviously not a Kantian formal condition of possibility (p. 63).
Its characteristics are not subjective. Thus communicability, if it may be
related to the traditional concepts of possibility at all, is rather of the or-
der of a real possibility (dunamis) of potency in language. As we will see
below, it is indeed an objective characteristic of language as language. But
rather than speculating on the status of communicability, let me return to
the text of "On Language as Such" to clarify this concept's meaning.
After establishing that the mental being that communicates itself in
language is not outwardly identical with the linguistic being in which it
is expressed, Benjamin remarks: "Mental being [geistige Wesen] is identi-
cal with linguistic being only insofar as it is capable of communication
[mitteilbar]. What is communicable in a mental entity is its linguistic en-
tity" (p. 63). The communicable, consequently, is that part of a spiritual
being that is linguistic, that part that is expressed in unmediated fashion
in the spiritual being's communication. What this means is that what is
being communicated is primarily language itself, language (Sprache) be-
ing understood here in a strictly verbal sense as relating exclusively to lan-
guage as act. The communicable per se is, thus, language's language, or
Tearing at the Texture 67

communicability. This is the spiritual content kath' exokhen ("par excel-

lence") in language. When Benjamin writes, "The answer to the question
'What does language communicate?' is therefore 'All language communi-
cates itself" (p. 63), he does not contradict his earlier statement regarding
the difference between language as linguistic being and the content ex-
pressed in it qua linguistic medium. "Itself" indeed designates a "sub-
stance" different from the specific language in which the communication
occurs. This substance is language's communication itself, the very act
and fact that it speaks. Beyond the Cratylian alternatives of understand-
ing the word either as a means to designate things different from it or as
expressing immediately the essence of things themselves, communicabil-
ity refers to the speech act in the word. This communicability, language's
act of communication in a verbal sense, is for Benjamin the fundamental
problem of all philosophy of language. It is the communicable per se.
What I have said up to this point about communicability as the ob-
ject par excellence of the theory oflanguage may seem simply trivial. Upon
further scrutiny, however, this impression may dissolve and the triviality
of communicability may reveal itself as similar to those essential simplic-
ities with which philosophy is concerned. Although communicability has
the look of a philosophical condition of possibility, it designates only lan-
guage's communication itself Why, then, does Benjamin still cast lan-
guage's communication of itself in terms of possibility? At the beginning
of the essay "On Language as Such" Benjamin contends, in order to in-
sinuate at the outset that communicability is not simply a philosophical
category, "that we cannot imagine anything that does not communicate
its mental nature in its expression" (p. 62). A linguistic theory for which
communicability is the object par excellence has indeed, as he claims, an
"intimate connection with the philosophy of religion" (p. 66). Commu-
nicability, understood as language's communication of itself as communi-
cating, is, in things, "the residue of the creative word of God" (p. 74), and
is thus oriented by the horizon of this divine source. Rather than being a
category of possibility, communicability is constituted by things' yearning
to relate to the origin of their creation in the Word. In language, in a ver-
bal sense of their expression, things communicate that they are of divine
origin. It shows them in a process of wanting to communicate, to be
heard, and to be redeemed. This then is the point where one can grasp the

specificity of communicability. It marks the difference it makes to be able

to speak-a difference that shows everything created to have its truth in
the divine Word. But such yearning, such imention in language, is not
subjective. It is not the things themselves that yearn to be heard; only that
part of them that is spiritual, already linguistic-the residue of the cre-
ative word-does so. Communicability is, thus, an objective (metaphysi-
cal) category that designates the difference that expression or language
makes to the extent that as expression and language it communicates all
by itself its difference. Yet language makes such a difference only by mark-
ing itself off against something else. Communicability, consequently, im-
plies a motion of breaking away from, of separation. It represents a ten-
dency or intention only to the extent that it is a part of a Bow that leads
away from a given condition. This condition is that of the world of ap-
pearances (Schein). For Benjamin, language is characterized in depth by a
tendency of pointing away from that realm, thus making a difference.
To understand better this difference-producing function of com-
municability and hence the status of this category itself, I turn to "The
Task of the Translator." From the start, let me emphasize that the law of
translation that Benjamin formulates in this essay is as objective a law as
the one that we have seen determine language's expressive function.
Just as communicability indicates a yearning oflanguage to be heard
as expressing communication itself, independently of all symbolic and
utilitarian functions oflanguage, so translatability, as an objective category
of the work of art, points beyond the original itself. Rather than aspiring
to a fulfillment of the original, translatability indicates the work of art's
search for a fulfillment in something other than the original itself. Trans-
latability, as a call in the work of art, calls for a liberation of the work of
art from itself. Benjamin remarks, "No translation, however good it may
be, can have any significance as regards the original" (p. 254). On the con-
trary, a translation implies a displacement, even a disregard of the origi-
nal's sense, as we shall see. The objective possibility of translation, a possi-
bility that is also a call for it, can thus best be described as an inner limit
of the work of art, or again, as a structural feature that, within the work it-
self, points beyond it. Translatability is the means by which the work of art
rises above itself, above its own linguistic enmeshments. It is an operator
of sorts, of difference, and not what one could commonly call an essence.
Tearing at the Texture 69

According to Benjamin, the language of works of art differs from

that of ordinary language to the extent that it is no longer simply referen-
tial and intentional. As Benjamin's strong criticism of intentionality re-
veals, intentions for him belong to the world of appearances and phe-
nomena. 9 They are a function of natural and subjective ends by which
words become chained up with things externCl:I. In this sense ordinary lan-
guage is thoroughly natural language since it is governed by mythical in-
terconnectedness. While artistic language breaks with these natural and,
thus, mythical properties of language, the work of art has not therefore al-
ready transgressed all of language's mythical interconnections. Its lan-
guage is still characterized by a certain natural relation between its con-
tent and itself, a relation that Benjamin describes as forming "a certain
unity in the original, like a fruit and its skin" (p. 258). A poet's effort, Ben-
jamin reminds us, is directed "solely and immediately at specific linguis-
tic contextual aspects [sprachliche Gehaltszusammenhangel." Therefore,
the work of literature and poetry finds itself still "in the center of the lan-
guage forest [innerer Bergwald der Sprache]" (p. 258). As similar images in
The Origin (or the Goethe essay) reveal, where Benjamin refers to the
"wooded interior" of the symbol-probably a reference to Baudelaire's
poem "Correspondences"-the image of the language forest serves to
stress the literary work's symbolic aspect, which is to say, its being consti-
tuted by a natural unity based on natural relations between sign and con-
tent. 10 Now, translatability represents in the work of art the objective call
for overcoming this still-natural unity rooted in mythical linguistic rela-
tions. Translatability is, in the work of art, the yearning to break the sym-
bolic relations that constitute it as a mythical web-or, for short, as a text.
Translations, if they are to be successful, must indeed achieve this goal. As
Benjamin's stress on literal, verbatim translation clearly shows, a transla-
tion that measures up to a work of art's demand for translation not only
disregards content and sense but destroys the original's structures of refer-
ence and sense communication as well. Whereas the language of the orig-
inal destroys language's bond to empirical intentions, a translation de-
stroys the art work's natural linguistic unity "root and branch [Stumpfund
Stiel]" (p. 258). It faces the "wooded ridge" oflanguage from the outside,
Benjamin remarks (p. 258). Because the language of translation undoes
language's functions and structures for imparting sense, and with this all

natural linguistic relations, the language of translation stands in a relation

of disjunction (Gebrochenheit) to its content (p. 258). It is characterized by
broken natural or symbolic relations, or, to refer to another of Benjamin's
images, by a relation of discrepancy. Indeed: "Whereas content and lan-
guage form a certain unity in the original, like a fruit and its skin, the lan-
guage of translation envelops its content like a royal robe with ample
folds. For it signifies a more exalted language than its own and thus re-
mains unsuited to its content, overpowering and alien" (p. 258). Like the
royal robe, language in translation represents nothing but the power of
language, language in actu, independently of all content it may impart
and of the structures that make such communication possible.
Translatability is, in the work of art, that structure that points away
from its still-natural linguistic unity and weblike quality, toward lan-
guage itself. It is, within the artwork's language, the structure directed
beyond its own symbolic language and its entanglements, "at language
as such, at its totality," "Intention aufdie Sprache als solche," says the Ger-
man text, intention being understood this time in a radically nonsubjec-
tive and nonempirical fashion (p, 258),11 This structure, immanent to the
language of the original, calls for a departure from that language toward
pure language-language beyond its utilitarian and symbolic functions,
beyond the burden of extralinguistic meaning and the structures upon
which it rests; which is to say, toward the difference that language as lan-
guage makes. Thanks to this structure the work of art raises itself above
textual, weblike, and hence mythical interconnectedness to communi-
cate that within it, language speaks, or that within it, a difference has
been set forth.
Because of its direction (Richtung), a translation is not called upon
by the original work of art for the sake of that work itself, but rather for the
benefit of pure, or divine, language itself. The difference that translatabil-
ity makes is a difference determined by this objective intention toward
what Benjamin calls the "afterlife" of the works of art, or again, toward
what is thoroughly on the other side of natural life and its connections.
Yet what does this nonphenomenal and pure state of language, at
which art's demand for translation aims, represent? And what is its rela-
tion, finally, to the original itself? Translation, Benjamin writes, "ulti-
mately serves the purpose of expressing the innermost relationship oflan-
Tearing at the Texture 71

guages" (p. 255). He continues, "Languages are not strangers to one an-
other, but are, a priori and apart from all historical relationships, interre-
lated in what they want to express." But languages are not akin to one an-
other as far as their words, sentences, and linguistic structures are
concerned, nor are they related through the content that they individu-
ally impart:
Rather, all suprahistorical kinship between languages consists in this: in every
one of them as a whole, one and the same thing is meant. Yet this one thing is
achievable not by any single language but only by the totality of their intentions
supplementing one another: the pure language. Whereas all individual elements
of foreign languages-words, sentences, associations-are mutually exclusive,
these languages supplement one another in their intentions. (p. 257)

What Benjamin establishes here as "a law [that] is one of the fundamental
principles in the philosophy of language" (p. 257), namely, that all singu-
lar languages intend one and the same thing (eines und zwar dasselbe), had
already been thematized in the earlier essay "On Language as Such" under
the name of communicability. The latter stipulated that language, qua lan-
guage, qua linguistic medium, communicates only the unmediated com-
munication of its own communicating. And just as this medium-related
quality presupposes a distancing from language's instrumental functions,
so language's intention toward pure language becomes manifest only if
languages become thoroughly denaturalized. Such denaturalization of nat-
ural language- the task par excellence of translation-is achieved by trans-
lation's focusing not on a language's intended objects but on the mode of
its intending, or on what the Scholastics called modus significandi-the
mode, or intention, of meaning (Art des Meinens).12
By finding in his own language those tendencies or intentions to-
ward pure language that transcend its own natural condition, the transla-
tor produces "in that language the echo of the original" (p. 258). In this,
his enterprise resembles the Adamic naming language as described in
"On Language as Such." As Benjamin establishes in this essay, man can
name things only because they communicate their expression, their lin-
guistic being to him. What they express is their communicability, their
each-time-singular intention to communicate: "Their language passes
into man" when man contemplates (Anschauen) things and names the

singularity of their expression (p. 72). A name is the proper name, so to

speak, of things' intention or mode of signification. In other words, in
thus calling by their name the each-time-singular mode in which things
yearn to speak, man completes language as communication in actu, by
naming it. The name names language's each-time-particular mode of
communicating, its mode of expression. Hence Benjamin can state that
the name "is the innermost nature of language itself. The name is that
through which, and in which, language itself communicates itself ab-
solutely. In the name, the mental entity that communicates itself is lan-
guage. Where mental being in its communication is language itself in its
absolute wholeness, only there is the name, and only the name is there"
(p. 65). He can conclude, therefore, that one "can call name the language
of language (if the genitive refers to the relationship not of a means but
of a medium)" (p. 65). It is of interest to note that Benjamin, in "On
Language as Such," also calls man's naming language-which is both re-
ceptive and spontaneous-translation; it is "receptive to language" (spra-
chempfangend) to the extent that it listens to "the language of things
themselves," and independent to the extent that in naming, it names it-
self as language (p. 69). That is to say, in translation as in naming, the in-
tent to communicate, as well as its each-time-specific mode of meaning,
is named, and thus raised to an autonomy of its own.
The "Translator" essay reproduces this same movement oflanguage,
a movement that names what language yearns to communicate, and that
does so in setting itself off from all of language's natural and mythical
qualities. A translation, I have said, focuses on what in the original is of
the order of intention toward the divine, and difference-creating Word
(independent of the content intended), and, more precisely, on the over-
all mode of its language as language. In its own language it establishes a
correspondence to the mode in which the original speaks by activating
what in its language breaks with the latter's natural condition. A transla-
tion, therefore, can be said to be "directed at language as such." In philo-
sophical terms, a translation seems to be based on what the Scholastics
called intentio secunda (formalis). Rather than focusing on the object in-
. tended in the initial intention, translation-and naming as well-cogni-
tively reflects on the ens rationis that is the primary act of intending itself
(actus intellectus reJlectus, id est quo aliquid per reJlexionem cognoscimus).
Tearing at the Texture 73

Indeed, in naming the singular modes in which things express them-

selves, things become known to man: "Only through the linguistic being
of things can he get beyond himself and attain knowledge of them-in
name" (p. 65). By translating, in the original, the intention toward pure
language, this intention is also reflected upon and made known. In nam-
ing as well as in translation, communicability and translatability-or the
structures within language that yearn for a liberation from its natural and
mythical interconnectedness and weblike quality-are cognitively appro-
priated. The name as well as a translation reflect on difference, on the dif-
ference that in language itself permits language to overcome its own
mythical entanglements.
The reference above to the philosophical issue of intentio secunda is
a reference not to one particular philosophical problem but rather to phi-
losophy itself. Philosophy constitutes itself in the act of a distancing re-
flection as a rational entity, different from the immediate, from being,
and so on, and as an entity concerned with exploring and assessing its
own difference in the attempt to secure its autonomy in self-foundation.
Naming and translating, because they reflect cognitively on difference,
are of the order of philosophy. Benjamin himself makes the connection,
at least as far as translation is concerned. The "divination and description"
of pure, or divine, language is, he writes, "the only perfection for which a
philosopher can hope." Yet such pure language, the language of truth, "is
concealed in concentrated fashion in translations." Therefore not only are
translations intrinsically philosophical, but "there is [even] a philosophi-
cal genius that is characterized by a yearning for that language which
manifests itself in translations" (p. 259).
But such cognitive reflection of difference as it occurs in the
Adamic act of naming, in translation, and in the task of the philosopher
has its intrinsic limits. Indeed it does not, for Benjamin, escape all myth-
ical predicament. Let me first remark that a translation in principle can-
not "possibly reveal or establish" the pure language intended by the non-
natural tendencies of artistic language (p. 255). Although the translator's
task is spurned by "the great motif of integrating many tongues into one
true language," his intention remains "ideational," that is, regulated by
this idea in a Kantian sense (p. 259). All a translation can hope for is to
"represent it [the one true language] by realizing it in embryonic or in-

tensive form [darstellen, indem sie es keimhaft oder intensiv verwirklicht J."
The mode of representation in question, a mode "of so singular a nature
that it is rarely met with in the sphere of nonlinguistic life" (a mode, by
the way, that originates in chemistry) allows only for an "intensive-that
is, anticipative, intimating-realization" of the hidden relationship be-
tween the languages (p. 255). What is true of translation, that it "is only a
somewhat provisional way of coming to terms with the foreignness of
languages" since "an instant and final rather than a temporary and provi-
sional solution to this foreignness remains out of the reach of mankind,"
is valid for Adamic naming language, and for philosophy as well (p. 257).
Although man, in "On Language as Such," is shown to be "the speaker of
language" since "he speaks in name," this only "vouches for the fact that
language as such is the mental being of man," and not for the one realiz-
ing language as such in naming, that is, the divine word itself (p. 65).
Adam's naming language, which answers things' language, is, notwith-
standing its importance, only one moment of "the uninterrupted flow
of ... communication [that] runs through the whole of nature, from the
lowest forms of existence to man and from man to God" (p. 74). Philos-
ophy too, and its thought of difference, is only one rung on the ladder
leading to what Benjamin terms doctrine (Lehre), which is concerned
with the divine, or pure difference itself. 13
As Benjamin knew very well, the translation by name of the differ-
ence that things communicate to man in their expression, as well as a
translation's articulation of what in the original's language hints at the
hidden kinship of languages, establishes a community between two
spheres that needs an ultimate grounding in a higher sphere. However
perfect the language may be into which the less perfect language is trans-
lated, "the objectivity of this translation" must be guaranteed by God, he
reminds us (p. 70). Indeed, as Benjamin argues in "On Language as
Such," it is only because the divine word created things, which thus con-
tain as a residue "the germ of the cognizing name," that man can name
things in the first place (p. 70). Benjamin demonstrates a fine philosoph-
ical sensitivity when he declares that man's task of naming things "would
be insoluble were not the name-language of man and the nameless lan-
guage of things related in God and released from the same creative word,
which in things became the communication of matter in magic commu-
Tearing at the Texture 75

nion, and in man the language of knowledge and name in blissful mind"
(p. 70). For naming and translation to be possible, a prior "identity of the
creative word and the cognizing name in God" must, indeed, be assumed
(p. 70). The identity of the creative and at the same time cognizing divine
word-this ultimate community-is the condition of possibility of all
expression and all naming, or translation.
In his "Program of the Coming Philosophy," where, in the name of
a unitarian approach to the question of the ultimate ground, Benjamin
takes a critical stand against the Kantian division between epistemology
and metaphysics, or again, between criticism and dogmatic philosophy,
Benjamin had already severely criticized the Kantian philosophical notions
of experience and cognition. Yet the metaphysics targeted in this essay still
envisioned the possibility of a higher form of specifically philosophical
cognition and experience in which the "absolute, as existence," God for
short, could be encountered in un mediated fashion (p. 109). Although
such concepts of experience and cognition already turn philosophy into
the doctrine of religion with its immediate absolute certainty of the ab-
solute, Benjamin continued to think the latter as cognitively apprehensible
in systematic unity. But by the time of his later work-The Origin ofGer-
man Tragic Drama-Benjamin had given up hope that mere thought
could conceptually come to grips with the fundamental identity and unity
of the ultimate ground. In the Goethe essay, Benjamin had established
that the unity of philosophy, its system, is in no way within the reach of
philosophical questioning (p. 334). Truth, he states in "The Epistemo-
Critical Prologue," "is devoid of all intention, and certainly does not itself
appear as intention. Truth does not enter into relationships, particularly
intentional ones." Its mode of existence is that of "an intentionless state of
being." The prior identity that, as seen, must underlie both poles of a
translation process can no longer be approached philosophically since, as
he writes, "truth is the death of intention." 14 All attempts to come to grips
with it cognitively, by attempting to ensnare truth in the "spider's web" of
thought "as if it were something which came flying in from outside," show
philosophy still to be in the grips of myth. 1'i Cognition is still intentional
and relational, and thus mediated by natural desires and ends. Benjamin
writes: "Knowledge is possession. Its very object is determined by the fact
that it must be taken possession of-even if in a transcendental sense-

in the consciousness."16 Knowledge, because it is reRective, is still a func-

tion of natural subjectivity. The systems it weaves, in which everything be-
comes linked to the subject, are mythic webs that allow for no difference.
The Adamic naming gesture, the task of the translator and of the
philosopher as well, are thus limited to being moments in a higher scheme
because naming, translating, or reRecting difference presupposes an un-
derlying prior unity, which they themselves cannot hope to bring about.
But it is not so much because of their status as moments that all three or-
ders are limited; it is, rather, the fact that they are still cognitive, and
hence fundamentally incapable of truly setting difference free.
Truth, or the prior identity, not only escapes the reach of cognitive
appropriation but also does not relate intentionally to what it embraces,
itself included. It does not relate to itself in a relational manner, since all
such relation would, according to Benjamin, still be mythical. For the
same reason, truth is not of the order of intentio recta, the intention of in-
tention, nor for that matter the order of the language of language. The re-
flexivity characteristic of intentio recta only distinguishes man's naming
language, as well as the status of translation and philosophy, each of
which is a mere moment in the flow of communication of difference that
runs through all of creation toward God.
Although naming, translating, and philosophizing are constituted
by the telos of the creative word and the hidden kinship of languages, they
cannot by themselves bring that unity about or cognize it. In spite of
the fact that communicability and translatability point away from the
mythic web oflanguage toward the difference of non phenomenal "Other-
ness," the philosophical activity of naming and reflecting these difference-
producing tendencies remains caught up in what it yearns to transgress.
In other words, the structures of transcending immanent to language, the
structures that create difference by pointing away from language's empir-
ical and mythical entanglement, that is, those of translatability and com-
municability, are unable to achieve the pure difference that they aim at
and presuppose. However decisive the transcending power of the linguis-
tically immanent structures of difference may be, they remain finite.
They are not different enough, not as radically different as an absolute
ground by right ought to be. Their transcending and difference-creating
power, and the objectivity of these structures are themselves in want of
Tearing at the Texture 77

an ultimate justification and legitimation by the absolute Otherness of

truth. But they cannot hope to bring this sanctioning about on their own
terms. It is a legitimation that only truth itself can grant, in its own time
and on its own terms. And since truth is not relational, intentional, or
based on reflection, such granting cannot, for Benjamin, be of the order
of grounding available to philosophy, such as the order of the modes of
legitimation or justification. Since Benjamin conceives of truth as radi-
cally different, and in total disjunction from that of which it might be the
truth, such demand for grounding by the structures of difference that are
communicability and translatability can only take place through their
radical redemption (Erlosung), more precisely, detachment or release from
the prisonhouse of language.
Communicability and translatability, as we have seen, come closest
to being philosophical concepts of difference. But this proximity is for
Benjamin also what constitutes their limit. They are still epistemological
concepts of difference, and still in want of a redeeming relation to truth,
which thought is unable to provide. The difference from the embroil-
ments and enmeshments of nature and myth that they achieve, however
decisive it may be, is not yet radical. The difference-producing thrust of
these structures depends, as far as its possibility and effect are concerned,
on a difference so radical that it escapes the spiderweb of thought. Philo-
sophical difference, for Benjamin, is thus a function of a difference that
escapes its grasp, but a difference that it must nonetheless presuppose,
even though by itself philosophical difference is unable to secure this dif-
ference's legitimizing function. Because of philosophy's limitations in dis-
rupting the tightly woven web of myth by establishing a fully objective
difference that would escape the empirical and the subjective (or rather,
because of philosophy's limitations in securing, in immanent fashion, the
transcending thrust of the difference that philosophical difference makes
with respect to myth, the empirical, and the aesthetic), philosophy itself
must call for legitimation by a higher instance, namely, by the doctrine of
truth. Yet it is not in the power of philosophy to secure for itself an an-
swer to its pledge.
I cannot hope to solve here the question whether this inability of
the philosophical concepts of difference to secure their own legitimation
truly implies an irreducible relation of philosophy in general to theolog-

ical concepts, as Benjamin seems to suggest, or whether such a problem-

atic is not rather due to Benjamin's inability to sound the intellectual pos-
sibilities of philosophy, along with a perhaps too-narrow Kantian concept
of philosophy as criticism. What I can try to show is that the flaws of the
philosophical concepts of difference are not, for Benjamin, simply short-
comings. Indeed, in spite of their finite nature, they contain, paradoxi-
cally, not the promise that eventually they will strike a difference but only
that the chance that such difference is within the range of their possibil-
ity. To show that this is the case, I will return one last time to the internal
limits of the structures of difference discussed above.
It is not in the power of these structures, however objective they
might already be, to break away once and for all from the empirical and
aesthetic web of language toward divine language. All they achieve is a
caesura in the realm of mythical entanglement. A caesura, Benjamin tells
us, does not lead to a complete separation of what it divides; as an in-
stance of critical power a caesura only prevents the parts and levels in
question from becoming mixed (pp. 340-41). A caesura keeps them si-
multaneously together and separate. Benjamin illustrates such caesural
difference when discussing the relation of a translation to the sense of the
original, with the following simile:
Just as a tangent touches a circle lightly [fluchtigl and at but one point-estab-
lishing, with this touch rather than with the point, the law according to which it
is to continue on its straight path to infinity-a translation touches the original
lightly and only at the infinitely small point of sense, thereupon pursuing its own
course according to the laws of fidelity in the freedom oflinguistic flux" (p. 261)

For a translation to correspond to the demand for translation in the orig-

inal, it must disregard, or rather, touch the original's sense in such a man-
ner that a movement away from sense is inaugurated. The disregard of
sense must not be absolute; such difference in translation would be ab-
stract, false, erring difference. True philosophical difference is achieved in
the fleeting touch of what is to be disregarded, in fidelity to what is to be
abandoned. A caesura thus seems to yield to the philosophical demand
par excellence-that genres as different as the universal and the particu-
lar, the empirical and the transcendental, are not to be mixed-of which
Benjamin has shown himself fully aware in his criticism of Friedrich
Tearing at the Texture 79

Schlegel's attempt to conceive of the unity of art (first thought as an idea

in the Platonic sense as proteron te phusei) as itself a concrete work of art
(p. 167). But the difference between that philosophical law itself and Ben-
jamin's use of it is striking. For Benjamin, the universal or transcendental
is not, as we have seen, a given or something that could be thought in its
unity, and that could thus be clearly marked off against the empirical or
the particular. Benjamin's concept of difference is based on the assump-
tion that the radically differing pole of philosophical difference or oppo-
sition is not at hand. Lacking the radical and non phenomenal Other, all
that thought can do is touch on what is in order to move away from it.
In this motion alone, in a differing in an active sense, can the Other,
truth, or originary difference be anticipated. Benjaminian difference, as it
is formulated in such concepts as communicability and translatability, is
thus a difference that realizes in perhaps a fundamental way the philo-
sophical demand not to mix genres. By fleetingly touching the webs of
language (which allow for no difference) in a disrupting movement away
from them, thought produces difference, and with it, the empty space of
the Other of myth. Although the difference thus created does not imply
clearly divided realms (nor a constituted Other), it anticipates the possi-
bility of the radical otherness of truth whose thinking does not fall into
the powers of man.
In short, the difference with respect to the interlacings of language
in the grips of myth and nature, which Benjamin seeks to conceptualize,
is a difference not between already constituted poles or realms. Still, the
philosophical requirement not to mix remains a must, or better, becomes
even more pressing since in the mythical absence of difference the de-
mand not to mix turns into the more fundamental demand for difference
in the first place. Benjamin's concept of difference inscribes in itself the
impossibility to distinguish immanently between the profane webs of
language and language's total Other; but the demand for difference be-
comes, then, all the more urgent. In the absence of the total Other-
"Other" to a point that it must necessarily be absent from the mythical
webs of language if it is to truly make a difference-of an Other so be-
yond man's finitude and his natural condition that it can only be termed
the sacred, the fleeting touch that touches to break away is the sole means
to instigate difference. This finite difference, however, points at the radi-

cal difference that alone can make it meaningful, and that alone can grant
significance to the fundamental philosophical law not to mix.
As mentioned, from a philosophical viewpoint, communicability
and translatability are finite concepts of transcending and difference. As
such they might seem to mix the incommensurable dimensions of the
universal and the particular. But that such mixing does not occur is
shown by the fact that Benjamin's notion of language-not unlike Kant's
notion of the sublime, which only negatively represents the realm of
ideas-refers to that same ideal realm by violently destroying language's
aesthetic and structural characteristics. In precisely this manner, com-
municability and translatability avoid mixing domains. In aesthetic con-
siderations, reference to theological concepts does not imply any
metabasis eis allo genos ("a mixing of genres"), as Benjamin remarks in
The Origin o/German Tragic Drama, but serves instead to demarcate lev-
els in the first place so that the theoretical paradoxes that distinguish
these considerations can be solved. In the same way, the finite concepts
of difference, rather than implying an illegitimate confusion of levels of
thought, secure their distinction by likewise representing (darstellen)
what pertains to "the higher domain of theology," in the very destruc-
tion of the networks of language. 17 Such destruction, as discussed above,
makes the difference.
This concept of difference, then, is not simply a philosophical con-
cept. Benjamin agrees with Kant that reference to the absolute ground as
absolutely Other is inevitable. He also agrees with Kant that such a
ground cannot be known in its difference from objects of nature. Thought
cannot hope to conceptualize it, or realize it in consciousness. Yet Ben-
jamin refuses, not only in "Program of the Coming Philosophy" but
throughout his writings, to go along with Kant's injunction to keep criti-
cism and metaphysics separate. For Benjamin to conflate the two realms is
not to indulge in empiricism, or what amounts to the same, in the leveling
demonic forces of myth; on the contrary, such conflation serves only to re-
alize difference in the first place. Benjamin proceeds from the assumption
that actual reference by (critical) philosophy to the higher domain of the
ground is what endows philosophy with its distinguishing trait. Although
it cannot think the ground, it actually anticipates it in the existent. In that
sense critical philosophy is for him always already theology, but not theol-
Tearing at the Texture 81

ogy, of course, in a positive sense. Benjamin's concept of difference is not

a pure philosophical concept inasmuch as it implies actual reference to
"the higher domain of theology"; neither is it a purely theological concept
since what has been established regarding philosophy as a cognitive un-
dertaking is valid of theology as a positive discipline as well.
Benjamin's thought of difference cannot be cast in terms of any par-
ticular philosophy and thus cannot be appropriated for any particular
brand of thought. The paradoxical nature of his intellectual enterprise,
permitting multiple appropriations, may well stem, on the one hand,
from his accepting, seemingly unconditionally, the Kantian concept of
philosophy while refusing the Kantian requirement of distinguishing the
critical and the dogmatic, and on the other hand, from his not opting for
a Hegelian solution of that difference (and in this sense Benjamin is also
very much like Kierkegaard). But Benjamin seems to be specifically con-
cerned with the fundamental question of how philosophy in general is to
make a difference. Reference in philosophy to the "higher domain of the-
ology" seems, for Benjamin, to make such difference possible. But at the
same time, this constitutive reference to the absolute Other of myth and
the entanglements of language is also what strikes, with irreducible fini-
tude, philosophy's attempt to raise itself above the web of language. Or
rather, it causes such attempt to become utterly idiosyncratic.
For such a position as the one outlined, a position based on a ten-
sion between philosophy and theology, there is, it seems to me, a name
in Benjamin's writings. In The Origin of German Tragic Drama it is called
"saturnine vision. "18 Such vision, such a theoretical glance, realizes refer-
ence to the Absolute, to that which is completely separated from the en-
tanglements of myth and the mythical interconnectedness of language,
not by cognitive abstraction but by "close touch" with what is, that is to
say, by violently tearing its texture to shreds. This vision's transcending
glance reaches beyond the realm of interconnectedness only to the extent
that it stands under the sign of the natural powers and their mythical en-
tanglements that it seeks to overcome. Saturn is the planet under which
Benjamin was born. 19 The demonic powers it symbolizes limit any order
of existence to and within the plane of the profane and temporal. Yet the
infinitely small, or almost insignificant, disruption that such vision under
the sign of the most earthy planets produces in the tightly woven web of

the demonic forces of fate is, because it exists (as opposed to merely phe-
nomenal and cognitive nondifference), anticipatory of the being of the
ideas-or to use another of Benjamin's expressions, the being of the "in-
divisible unity," or, rather, as the German original puts it, "the crackless
[sprungloseJ unity of truth."20
Cutting in on Distance

Walter Benjamin's meditations on art and art criticism represent a

continued debate with all the major positions punctuating the develop-
ment of modern aesthetics. Yet although Benjamin's texts critically take
up Enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, Kantian, romantic and idealist re-
flections on art, the aesthetic position-if it still is one-from which
Benjamin levels his critique is difficult to ascertain. In light of this diffi-
culty, the fact that only Kant emerges relatively unscathed from this de-
bate becomes significant. By means of an analysis of "The Work of Art in
the Age of Mechanical Reproduction," I wish to argue that Benjamin's
understanding of art can best be approached by tracing its principal state-
ments back to motifs in Kantian aesthetics. l First and foremost, Kant's de-
tachment of the beautiful and the sublime from the object seems to have
been Benjamin's model for the transformed perception of art that he de-
lineates throughout his 1935 essay, a perception free from the authority of
the object. It is common knowledge that in the Critique o/Judgment, Kant
develops a conception of the beautiful and the sublime in which beauty
and sublimity no longer are attributes of objects but rather refer back-in
the reflective judgment constitutive of the judgment of taste-to the sub-
ject, or more precisely, to the experience of pleas ute or displeasure arising
from the agreement of the faculties in a free play constitutive of the pos-
sibility of cognition in general, or their disagreement revelatory of the

subject's suprasensible destination. In thus detaching the beautiful and

the sublime from the object, Kant occupies a singular position in the his-
tory of aesthetics, at odds both with his Enlightenment predecessors, for
whom objects are beautiful if fashioned according to conventional rules
of taste, and with the idealists, for whom art objects are beautiful and sub-
lime because in them the idea has taken on sensible shape. Still, although
Benjamin continues this nonobjective aesthetics in "The Work of Art," all
the philosophemes that sustain Kant's foundation of aesthetics here un-
dergo significant transformations. Indeed, the Kantian notions of subject,
object, and reflective judgment emerge thoroughly altered in Benjamin's
treatment. And yet, beyond all these transformations, the exposition of
Benjamin's debt to Kantian objectives helps to situate the significance of
Benjamin's provocative thesis that the loss of the aura in the age of me-
chanical reproduction allows the work of art to assume a political func-
tion. Moreover, paradoxically, it also serves to sketch out the limits, for
Benjamin, of aesthetics-not simply its end but also its restriction to be-
ing a domain from which anything transcendental is ostensibly absent.
If in the Third Critique Kant can dispose of the object and concen-
trate on purposiveness with respect to form alone, it is because the judg-
ment of taste is a pure judgment of taste only if it is neither interested in
nor intrigued (as is the teleological judgment) by the existence of the ob-
ject. Free beauty is pleasurable because its perception assures the subject
of its cognitive ability in general, and is achieved only where the judg-
ment of taste has kept in check sensuous charm and moral connotations,
both of which rest on the presence of the object. Benjamin's separation of
the effects of art on its beholder in the age of mechanical reproducibility
from the work of art's phenomenal character coincides with his massive
critique of the aura. By following Benjamin through the various facets of
the process in which the aura is repudiated, both his similarities to and
his differences from Kant should become tangible.
From the start, let me emphasize that for Benjamin the loss of the
aura in mechanically reproducible art is not something to be deplored, as
some of his Frankfurt School interpreters in particular have held. Nor is
there a double response-positive toward the work of art, negative to-
ward the human being-to be detected in "The Work of Art," or any-
where else for that matter-as Susan Buck-Morss, for instance, sees it. 2
Cutting in on Distance 85

Undoubtedly, as long as the full implications of this decay of the aura in

modern times remain unclear, it is pointless to discuss the beneficial or
detrimental aspects of the loss in question. It must be admitted, however,
that certain "values" linked to the auratic make it difficult-especially
when the elimination of the singular human being's aura is shown to be a
function of his transformation into a mass being-to argue that Ben-
jamin could indeed have endorsed its radical destruction. These "values"
happen to be those of uniqueness, singularity, and authenticity, and they
explain to a large extent the ambivalence evident in Benjamin's treatment
of the aura. Yet in order to glimpse what the thesis of the loss of the aura
is supposed to establish, it is necessary to interrogate what uniqueness,
singularity, and authenticity mean for Benjamin. This done, little doubt
will remain that Benjamin must reject both the aura of art objects and the
aura attributed to the human being. 3
Benjamin unambiguously endorses the radical reversal that comes
with the technical reproducibility of art, and that totally separates the
new art forms from those that make up the continuum stretching from
ritual art in mythic times to secular, autonomous art in bourgeois culture
and society. He subscribes to this event without nostalgia. The "compre-
hensive liquidation" of "the traditional value of the cultural heritage,"
which goes hand in hand with the loss of the aura, is even viewed as a
cathartic event. 4 Indeed, "for the first time in world history, mechanical
reproduction emancipates the work of art from its parasitical dependence
on ritual," Benjamin holds (pp. 224; 481). With ritual and cult values rad-
ically severed from the artwork, a new era arises-a "crisis and renewal of
mankind" (pp. 221; 478)-in which art is "based on another practice-
politics" (pp. 224; 482). It is an entirely positive event for Benjamin-a
liberating event, an event in which mankind is reborn-and Benjamin
celebrates it without regret. 5
He writes, "We know that the earliest art works originated in the
service of a ritual-first the magical, then the religious kind" (pp. 223;
480). Originally, artworks were "instruments of magic" that were "meant
for the spirits," he holds (pp. 225; 483). The link of the work of art to its
function in cult is so fundamental that even where the cult value has be-
come secularized, as in the cult of beauty, its ritualistic basis "is still rec-
ognizable as secularized ritual" (pp. 224; 480). For Benjamin, "it is sig-

nificant [von entscheidender Bedeutung] that the existence of the work of

art with reference to its aura is never entirely separated from its ritual
function"(pp. 223-24; 480). L'art pour tart, one of the last reactive move-
ments in art against the advent of truly nonauratic, that is, ritual-free art
is a case in point. In mechanically reproducible art this essential link be-
tween art and cult is thoroughly cut. Art in the age of mechanical repro-
ducibility is an art that no longer has even a secular ritualistic function.
The crisis is radical: stripped of its cult value in both a magical, religious
sense and a secularized sense, art has become entirely profane, free from
all such dependencies.
But what constitutes the aura? It is highly significant that in order
to explain what this concept implies for historical objects such as art-
works, Benjamin has recourse to the aura of natural objects. Indeed, with
this move, the aura is shown to be something that fundamentally belongs
to the order ofnature. I quote:

The concept of aura which was proposed above with reference to historical ob-
jects may usefully be illustrated with reference to the aura of natural ones. We
define the aura of the latter as the unique phenomenon of a distance, however
dose it may be. If, while resting on a summer afternoon, you follow with your
eyes a mountain range on the horiwn or a branch which casts its shadow over
you, you experience the aura of those mountains, of that branch. This image
makes it easy to comprehend the social bases of the contemporary decay of the
aura. (pp. 222-23; 479)

Benjamin's distinction between historical and natural objects is not one

between two different kinds of the auratic. Quite the contrary,

the definition of the aura [of natural objects] as a 'unique phenomenon of a dis-
tance however close it may be' represents nothing but the formulation of the cult
value of the work of art in categories of space and time perception. Distance is
the opposite of closeness. The essentially distant object is the unapproachable
one. Unapproachability is indeed a major quality of the cult value. (pp. 243; 479)

The aura is identical; we have a phenomenon of the order of nature in

each case. If Benjamin continues to distinguish between the aura of nat-
ural and that of historical objects, it is for other reasons. Depreciation of
the here and now through reproduction affects objects of nature as well as
those of art, yet "in the case of the art object, a most sensitive nucleus-
Cutting in on Distance 87

namely, its authenticity-is interfered with whereas no natural object is

vulnerable on that score" (pp. 221; 477). The difference between natural
and historical objects concerns indeed this "most sensitive nucleus," not
a qualitative difference as regards their aura. As is obvious from the con-
text, the nucleus in question, that is, the artwork's authenticity, corre-
sponds to its authority to institute a tradition, that is, a continuity be-
tween its own unique existence and everything to which it becomes
subject throughout the time of its existence (pp. 220; 475). The difference
between objects of nature and artworks concerns the latter's power to in-
augurate a cultural heritage, tradition, and history.6 Yet, although the nu-
cleus characteristic of artworks is termed most vulnerable to the destruc-
tive effects of reproducibility, here too Benjamin knows no regret. The
history, tradition, and cultural heritage to which artwork give rise, and
through which the authority of the original holds sway, are flatly said to
have their origin in cult. He writes, "Originally the contextual integration
of art in tradition found its expression in the cult" (pp. 223; 480). The dif-
ference between natural and historical objects is thus a difference not be-
tween their auras but between their powers: historical objects such as art-
works have the power to extend the power of nature into the realm of the
social and human. Tradition, heritage, history, with their value of conti-
nuity, are forms of natural, mythical interconnectedness.
But let us return to the definition of the aura, since it alone will ex-
plain the ease with which Benjamin is ready to relinquish it together with
all the values attached to it. "We define the aura [of natural objects] ...
as the unique phenomenon of a distance, however close it may be [all die
einmalige Erscheinung einer Ferne, so nah sie sein mag]." Harry Zohn's
translation is here in need of correction. Benjamin defines the aura as the
unique appearance (Erscheinung), or appearing, of a distance (einer Ferne),
that is, not merely spatial remoteness or an open space, as the clause
"however close it may be" indicates, but substantive, if not substantial,
distance. What comes into appearance here is distance as "something"
distant or unapproachable. First, then, auratic objects are appearances,
that is, manifestations according to the forms (or categories, as Benjamin
incorrectly writes) of space and time (the reference to Kant's pure forms
of intuition is obvious), of a distance, a remoteness, of "something" that
is beyond, that transcends the phenomenal. All appearing (of the supra-

sensible, or the noumenal, supposing that such a thing were possible) is

necessarily a singularizing manifestation. Appearances in the Kantian
sense are always singular (and merely give rise to a manifold). Auratic ob-
jects, for this reason, are unique, singular appearances of the distance in
question. That this distance must be read as "something" distant is fur-
ther supported by Benjamin's reference to the substratum of the artwork's
uniqueness (vom Substrat seiner Einmaligkeit, pp. 244; 481). The unique-
ness of the appearance is rooted in a substratum, an existing support or
ground, underpinning what of it comes into view as a singular object.
Distance is such a substratum spreading or laying itself underneath its
unique phenomenal existence in the auratic object. With this we are in a
position to pinpoint Benjamin's understanding of uniqueness and singu-
larity (Einmaligkeit and Einzigkeit) insofar as they represent qualifications
of the auratic object whether natural or historical. Uniqueness and singu-
larity are a function of the phenomenal appearing, in space and time, in
a here and now (Hier und jetzt) , of something nonphenomenal, some-
thing distant that transcends the phenomenal. The "one element [eines]"
that constitutes the auratic work of art is "its presence in time and space
[d4s Hier unJJetzt des Kunstwerks], its unique existence at the place where
it happens to be" (pp. 220; 475). The uniqueness of the artwork, its qual-
ity of being one, is thus clearly a function of sensibility, in Kantian terms,
or of its being an object of nature, nature however, having for Benjamin
connotations of fallenness, entanglement, and fate. I also note that the
very appearing of a distant substratum explains why works of art are au-
thentic (echt) and have authority. Benjamin writes, "The presence [das
Hier und jetzt] of the original is the prerequisite to the concept of [its] au-
thenticity." But the original, singular object that is the work is also en-
dowed with authority, and it has this authority as object, that is, as an ap-
pearance in space and time of a distant substratum. (See pp. 220; 476 and
221; 477.) But in order to get a better grasp of why such a unique appear-
ance of a distance is endowed with authority, we must return to the ap-
pearing substratum itself.
Benjamin claims that "the uniqueness of the phenomena which
hold sway in the cult image [die Einmaligkeit der im Kultbilde waltenden
Erscheinung] is more and more displaced by the empirical uniqueness of
the creator or of his creative achievement" (pp. 244; 481). In other words,
Cutting in on Distance 89

the unique appearance of a distance in the cult object is that of an ap-

pearance that holds sway in it. In the auratic object, the unique appear-
ance of a substratum is at work, and reigns in it. The cult object, bur also
the work of art as a cult object, not only is an instrument of magic meant
for the spirits but also is inhabited by the appearance of a substratum that
is actively at work in it. Such an object inhabited by a reigning substance
is truly an object, or Gegenstand. It is set against the beholder, at a distance
from him, unapproachable. Unapproachability is, indeed, the defining
characteristic of the cult object, whether belonging to ritual or to art. (Yet
such unapproachability does not exclude but rather implies attraction by
the cult object. Benjamin, putting forth the example of the mountain
range on the horizon to illustrate his definition of aura as the unique phe-
nomenon of a distance, might very well have had the following verse by
Goethe in mind: "und wenn mich am tag die ferne blauer berge sehnlich
zieht" (literally, "and when during the day the distance of blue mountains
longingly draws me"). With this, another aspect of Benjamin's definition
of the auratic object as a unique appearance, as shaped according to the
categories of space and time, by the here and now, comes into view. After
making the distinction between the cult and exhibition value of artworks,
he notes, "what mattered [for the works of art as cult objects] was their
existence [dass sie vorhanden sind], not their being on view" (pp. 224-25;
483). The auratic is thus linked to the being present as object, or thing, of
the distance. It is a function of this materialization of distance, its being
effective in the shape of a present object. This objective quality is inti-
mately linked to the auratic. Objects as defined in this context are the
unique material appearances of a distance that, like a power, holds sway
in them. What the nature of these powers might be is not explicitly stated
in "The Work of Art." Yet Benjamin gives us a hint in a footnote in
which he credits German idealism, Hegel in particular, for having antici-
pated the distinction between the cult and exhibition value, as well as this
link between object and the appearing in it of something noumenai. In
this footnote Benjamin quotes the following passage from Hegel's Philos-
ophy of History: "Worshipping ... is concerned with the work as an ob-
ject [Ding], for it is but a spiritless stupor of the soul rein geistloses Ver-
dumpftn der Seeler (pp. 245; 482). What comes into appearance as a
thing or object can therefore also only be of the order of the spiritless,

dazzling, stupefYing power, in short what Benjamin elsewhere, especially

in the essay on Goethe's Elective Affinities, designates as the opposite pole
to spirit (Geist), namely that which is of "spectral [geisterhaften 1origin."
The spiritless, the spectral-not only in the form of the deceased who bar
the way of the living but especially in the form of the superhuman, de-
monic forces, the dark powers of myth, the thirsty shadows-is associ-
ated in the Goethe essay with the chthonic element, the stagnant waters,
the magnetism of the earth core?
Yet the aura is not only the coming into presence of what Benjamin
characterizes at one point-in "A Small History of Photography," while
describing a picture of Dauthendy, the photographer's wife-as "an omi-
nous [unheilvollel distance" in which the gaze becomes absorbed (saugend
an eine unheilvolle Ferne geheftet).8 Its own structure has traits that betray
its belonging to the order of nature and myth. The aura is the web itself,
a tissue spun from the here and the now to produce the appearance of a
distance. "A Small History of Photography" asks:

What is the aura, actually? A strange weave [Gespinstl of space and time: the
unique appearance or semblance of a distance, no matter how dose the object
may be. While resting on a summer's noon, to trace a range of mountains on the
horiwn, or a branch that throws its shadow on the observer, until the moment or
the hour become part of their appearance-that is what it means to breathe the
aura of those mountains, that branch. 9

The phrase "until the moment or the hour become part of their appear-
ance," which is absent from the otherwise very similar passage in "The
Work of Art," shows the aura to be constituted as a web in which space
and time (Augen blick, Stunde) are interwoven so as to create the condi-
tions for a mountain range or a branch to become the unique appearance
of a distance. All by themselves insignificant, space and singular moment
when woven together transform these mountains and that branch into
the singular coming into presence of a distance entirely different in kind
from that of the far-off mountains or the nearby branch.
To sum up, then, the auratic is the attribute of the thing, or object-
like appearing of something beyond appearances, that thus becomes ef-
fective, actual, real. As such a materialization of a distance become power,
the auratic object, whether belonging to cult or to art, is authentic and
Cutting in on Distance 91

has authority. It has authority in that powers hold sway in it. It is always
unique and singular because in it a distance has taken on a concrete ap-
pearance. It is thus not surprising that Benjamin would reject, along with
the auratic work, "values" such as singularity, uniqueness, and authentic-
ity, since in essence they are nothing but the result of the appearing as
thing or object of a spiritless substratum that thus acquires a power to
hold sway. Benjamin writes, "the unique value of the 'authentic' work of
art has its basis in ritual, the location of its original use value" (pp. 224;
480). Nor, therefore, should it come as a surprise if Benjamin celebrates,
along with the disappearance of the aura, the decay of the object in con-
temporaryart. IO
But before taking up that issue, the lack of any essential difference
between the auras of objects and of human beings remains to be estab-
lished, as does the fact that Benjamin mourns the loss of neither. In sec-
tion 6 of "The Work of Art"-the section mainly referenced by Susan
Buck-Morss and others to claim a concomitant negative valorization by
Benjamin of the decay of the aura-Benjamin argues that although pho-
tography displaces cult value all along the line, it does not give way with-
out resistance. He then writes:

It retires into an ultimate retrenchment kin letzte Verschantzung, that is, a tem-
porally last form of retrenchment, before it will have been displaced for good]:
the human countenance [Menschenantlitz] ... The cult of remembrance ofloved
ones, absent or dead, offers a last refuge for the cult value of the picture. For the
last time the aura emanates from the early photographs in the fleeting expression
of a human face [Menschengesichtsl. (pp. 225-26; 485)

Undoubtedly this passage, in its melancholic beauty, seems to display a

sentimentality and nostalgia that one would deem appropriate under the
circumstances. But is this not merely the honorable if less than comfort-
able sentiment of a reader unaware that what Benjamin describes is a
cult-the cult of remembering loved ones in pictures that have become
the objects through which they look at us? First, it must be noted that the
importance that Benjamin attributes in this section to Atget's photogra-
phy clearly shows him to favor without regret an art that has entirely
eliminated cult value for the benefit of exhibition value. "A Small History
of Photography" is even more explicit. "He [Atget] initiates the emanci-

pation of object from aura which is the most signal achievement of the
latest school of photography," Benjamin remarks. Atget's pictures, he
adds, remove "the makeup from reality"; "they pump the aura out of re-
ality like water from a sinking ship." This achievement, prefiguring sur-
realist photography's "salutary estrangement between man and his sur-
roundings," is largely the result of the emptiness and the absence of
mood (stimmungslos) characteristic of his pictures. II
But more important is the fact that Benjamin does not valorize the
human face, as have several of his interpreters. To make this point, it is
useful to look once again to "A Small History of Photography." Here Ben-
jamin argues that die aura or "atmospheric medium" that hovers about
the people in early photographs, and that lends "fullness and security to
their gaze even as it [the gaze] penetrated that medium," endows the hu-
man face (and likewise the folds of the protagonists' frock coats, into
which the aura has seeped) with immortality.12 In these early portraits,
"the human countenance had a silence about it in which the gaze rested,"
because the portraiture of this period still sheltered the reproduced from
cont:lct with actuality. "Everything about these early pictures was built to
last," Benjamin writes. They convey "an air of permanence," and assure
immort:llity to the portrayed not only as members of a rising bourgeois
class but as living human beings. 13 As the photography essay states, the
aura of the human countenance in early photography is technically con-
ditioned-it is indeed a function of "the absolute continuum from the
brightest light to darkest shadow," of the prevailing darkness and the
penumbral tone of the early photographs. 14 But the aura stems as well
from the ideological nature of these photographic subjects-imperialist
bourgeoisie-and in particular (here I return to "The Work of Art") from
the fullness, security, and rest that photographs lend to the face in its mere
natural singularity. If, in this latter essay, Benjamin evokes the aura of the
pictured human face, he thinks primarily of the faces of absent or dead
loved ones (ftrn or abgestorben). The early photographs portray singular
living beings now absent or dead, that is, beings in whose countenances
mere lijf-natural, biological life-has taken on phenomenal shape. The
aura of the human being, whether in pictures or in real living persons, is
a function of the unique and singular appearance as thing of something
for which Benjamin, continuing a tradition that originated in Aristotle,
Cutting in on Distance 93

knows only contempt-das blosse Leben, mere natural life. Such life, Ben-
jamin asserts in the essay on Goethe's Elective Affinities, is life that has be-
come guilty (verschuldetes Leben ).1) As the singularizing shining forth of
mere life, the human face is not essentially different from the unique and
singular objects that are the coming into appearance of a distance. 1(,
Benjamin's analysis of the difference between the actor on stage and
the actor in front of the camera (Apparatur) in section 9 of "The Work of
Art" is a case in point. He writes:

For the first time-and this is the effect of the film-man has to operate with
his whole living person, yet forgoing the aura. For aura is tied to his presence
[Hier undJetzt 1; there can be no replica of it. The aura which, on stage, emanates
from Macbeth, cannot be separated for the spectators from that of the actor.
However, the singularity of the shot in the studio is that the camera is substituted
for the public. Consequently, the aura that envelops the actor vanishes, and with
it the aura of the figure he portrays. (pp. 229; 489)

The camera, unlike the eyes of stage viewers, allows nothing to appear or
shine into singularizing presence. No distance can manifest itself here in
the unique shape of a thing, human body, or face. Indeed, Benjamin's
whole discussion of what happens to the actor who represents himself to
the camera presupposes that time and space, here and now, are no longer
the forms that frame or shape what the camera "eye" registers. Camera
pictures are free pictures, detached from the outset from all space and
time and thus also reproducible from the outset. The images are com-
pletely stripped of anything that could make them appearances. The pas-
sage quoted above links the aura of the actor to the presence, here and
now, on stage, of "his whole living person." On stage, the whole living
person comes into an appearance for the spectators. The aura that sur-
rounds the actor is a function of this singularizing phenomenalization of
the mere life that animates his whole person. Before the camera, by con-
trast, life loses its phenomenalizing power; it forgoes its ability to create
appearances and, hence, aura.
To conclude the preceding attempt to define "aura," it must thus be
remarked that if Benjamin, without hesitation or regret, rejects the sin-
gularity of both objects and human faces, it is because the human face,
too, is an object in the sense discussed above-an objectified distance.

Consequently, the singularity that he relinquishes is in his eyes entirely

mythical and deserving of no redemption. Rooted in what Benjamin else-
where calls "mythical boundary-setting [mythische Grenzsetzung],"17 the
singularity of the human face as it shows itself in the melancholic por-
traits of the early photographs is infinitely different from the human face
as it is said (in the essay on photography) to figure in the best of the Russ-
ian films or in the work of August Sanders. Yet if Benjamin celebrates the
human face in these films or photographs, he does so precisely because it
is no longer auratic. The human face that appears on film "with new and
immeasurable significance ... [is] no longer a portrait," he writes. It is
the "anonymous physiognomy" of people "who have no use [keine Ver-
wendung] for their photographs."18 No longer representative portraits
(reprasentative Portraitaufoahme) , these pictures of human faces exhibit,
on the contrary, the social provenance, role, and function of the pictured
and train their beholder "to read facial types," an ability that is, according
to Benjamin, "of vital importance" given the "sudden shifts of power such
as are now overdue in our society." Benjamin adds: "Whether one is of
the left or the right, one will have to get used to being looked at in terms
of one's provenance. And one will have to look at others the same way."19
In these latter pictures of the human face, aesthetic distinctions have ir-
recoverably made room for social functions. But even more radically dis-
tinct from the representative portraits of individuals of the bourgeois class
or the auratic pictures of absent or dead beloved ones-radically differ-
ent because without even a negative link-is the singular, lonely creature
before God. As a reading of Benjamin's essay on Goethe's Elective Affini-
ties would demonstrate, the moral singularity of such an individual is the
only one that counts for Benjamin.
From everything developed above, it should be obvious that Ben-
jamin's criticism of aura tic art includes its status as an object-the au-
thority of the artwork as a present thing. If Benjamin claims that art in
the age of mechanical reproducibility assumes a political function, it is
because this art has succeeded in ridding itself of the spell that the phe-
nomenal actualization of a distance casts on its beholder. Indeed, the tra-
ditional artwork is constituted, according to Benjamin, by "an alluring
appearance or persuasive structure [/ockender Augenschein oder ein uberre-
dendes Klanggebildel" (pp. 238; 502), that is (in more precise translation),
Cutting in on Distance 95

by an enticing appearance or a sound formation that talks the beholder

into doing something against his better judgment. These unmistakably
magical qualities of the auratic work get the viewer entangled in the work
itself, rob him of his freedom, and bring him under the influence of the
powers that dwell in the work as thing. By contrast, the nonauratic work
of art is no longer a thing, and hence it allows the spectator a very definite
autonomy. Indeed, as Benjamin's analyses demonstrate, the change in
perception brought abour by film permits the viewer to "reflect" himself,
as it were, into himself. But before further refining this point, let me first
address Benjamin's contention that dadaism is the art form that "pro-
moted a demand for the film" (pp. 238; 502).
All art, Benjamin holds, produces the conditions for its own over-
coming by creating a demand that can "be fully satisfied only later. The
history of every art form shows critical epochs in which a certain art
form aspires to effects which could be fully obtained only with a changed
technical standard, that is to say, in a new art form" (pp. 237; 500-501).
In these critical epochs-not unlike the dies critica that designates the
turning point in the course of an illness-a given art form points be-
yond itself, toward another art that is capable of superior techniques and
that fulfills the demand and promise created by the first. Needless to say,
this thesis is not to be measured against empirical facts. It is a historico-
philosophical thesis that rests on the assumption that arrworks are not in
essence self-sufficient. Yet works of art as cult objects, objects that are a
singular manifestation here and now of a distance, repress the arrwork's
essential tendency to be overcome by another work or form of art and by
ever more radical technical possibilities. Indeed, artworks critically call
for their being transcended by technique, and above all by mechanical
reproducibility. However, it is only in photography and film that this es-
sential feature of all art is truly set free. According to this scheme, dadaist
art created a demand that only film came to fulfill.
What is it then in dadaism that helps us situate film? Dadaism,
Benjamin holds, produced works that prohibit all contemplative ap-
proach to them. In dadaist works, the aura of their creation is destroyed.
But although the dadaists branded their creations as reproductions, they
did so "with the very means of production" (pp. 238; 502). This limit is
overcome by film. The fundamental reason why the dadaist creations no

longer allow for contemplation is their shock character. The dadaist work
of art is "an instrument of ballistics. It hit the spectator like a bullet, it
happened to him, thus acquiring tactile quality," Benjamin asserts. With
this latter quality, he continues, "it promoted a demand for film, the dis-
tracting [ablenkendes] element of which is also primarily tactile, being
based on changes of place and focus which periodically assail the specta-
tor" (pp. 238; 502). He concludes, "By means of its technical structure,
the film has taken the physical shock effect out of the wrappers [aus dieser
Emballage befreit] in which Dadaism had, as it were, kept it inside the
moral shock effect" (pp. 238; 503).20 In film, something held back by
dadaist art is fully liberated. But, as we still have to see, this is also a lib-
eration from something and for something.
Indeed, what precisely is it that happens in shock? In shock, the
viewer becomes diverted from the object that causes the shock. With this,
the possibility of contemplation (Versenkung) or concentration (Samm-
lung) in front of the object comes to a stop. Instead, the beholder be-
comes preoccupied with reacting to the shock to which he has been sub-
jected. Through the violent shake that the dadaist work produces in the
spectator and with which he must come to grips in one way or another,
the work itseif deflects from itself, from the thing or object that it is. It
distracts the viewer from its singular appearance and diverts him toward
what at first would seem to be some sort of subjective reflection on, or
Durcharbeitung of, the violent disturbance that has occurred to him.
With dadaist art, and even more so with film since its distracting element
rests on structural features such as cutting and montage, the object char-
acter of the artwork recedes entirely, and thus a radical diversion from
what attracts-the singular object of the aura tic work with its luring and
enticing qualities-has effectively been achieved. 21 An aesthetics of shock
is thus nonobjective. In it the object has become diverted and deflected.
It thus has all the allure of Kantian aesthetics, with its subjective bent.
Yet, despite the striking similarities, is the subject who seeks to come to
terms with his experience of shock the Kantian subject, and does he
achieve his goal in a process of reflection or judgment?
Auratic works of art lure the spectator into a state of concentration
and contemplation, more precisely into immersing himself in the object.
Benjamin writes: "A man who concentrates before a work of art is ab-
Cutting in on Distance 97

sorbed by it [versenkt sich darein]. He enters into this work of art the way
legend tells of the Chinese painter when he viewed his finished painting"
(pp. 239; 504). Yet such absorption by the work presupposes that its
viewer be an individual subject. The cult value of the work, Benjamin
emphasizes, demands not just "that the work of art remain hidden" but
also that it can only "be viewed by one person or by a few," "the priests
in the cella," or the private art collector (pp. 225; 483-84). Concentration,
contemplation, absorption presuppose a single spectator, or very few, who
in front of the authentic, authoritative artwork lack the power ro control
themselves or each other. The moviegoer, by contrast, is no longer the one
viewer. It is a mass public, a collective subject from the start. For the mass
of individuals in the movie theater, concentration on or contemplation of
the artwork is out of the question. First, what they relate to is, as said be-
fore, no longer a thing that could lay claim to authority. Moreover, the
content viewed by these moviegoers is not the representation of some
spellbinding exotic reality (geographical or social) but, as Benjamin's em-
phasis on Russian movies demonstrates, themselves as actors and workers
at work. 22 Second, contemporary man, Benjamin insists, relates in a crit-
ical fashion to what he views. He writes, "it is inherent in the technique
of the film as well as that of sports that everybody who witnesses its ac-
complishments is somewhat of an expert" (pp. 231; 492). Film invites
what Benjamin terms "a progressive reaction." This reaction "is charac-
terized by the direct, intimate fusion of visual and emotional enjoyment
with the orientation of the expert .... With regard to the screen, the crit-
ical and the receptive attitudes of the public coincide" (pp. 234; 497).
This critical attitude, entirely at odds with the contemplative attitude de-
manded by auratic art, is the ownmost property of the mass individual,
more precisely, of the mass audience. Indeed, as Benjamin claims, mass
individuals check their reactions against one another. He contends that
"individual reactions are predetermined by the mass audience response
they are about to produce, and this is nowhere more pronounced than in
the film. The moment these responses become manifest they control each
other" (pp. 234; 497). Third, the subject who seeks to come to grips with
the effects of shock experienced in film-Benjamin characterizes the
movie theater as a training ground for acquiring the transformed mode of
perception required by modern life-is thus an autonomous subject of

sorts. As a mass, the hIm audience is in control of itself; it checks and col-
lectively tests its reactions to shock-shock produced by a work that no
longer exercises any authority over its beholder. Free from all domination,
this collective subject, testing against one another the success of each in-
dividual in dealing with shock, reflects itself into a free, independent sub-
ject that gives itself the rule, as it were. This is the source of the "great so-
cial significance" (pp. 234; 497) that Benjamin attributes to a nonauratic
art form in which the object has been successfully repelled. If with these
new media, art assumes a new function-a political role, to be precise-
it is because art has become the training ground for the proletariat, or
rather the masses, ro constitute itself as a collective subject by developing
all by itself the necessary skills to survive in contemporary society.
Yet what sort of autonomy is it that the moviegoers achieve in the
dark depths of the movie house? Has this collective subject the substantial
unity of the Cartesian, or the merely formal unity of the Kantian subject?
Does the reflection upon self that comes with the repulsion of the object
grant the subject an awareness of his cognitive and suprasensible abilities?
Can this process of coming to terms with the shock effect even be un-
derstood as a reflective coiling upon self? To answer these questions,
however schematically, the effects brought about by the violent distur-
bance of shock needs to be addressed. As Benjamin puts it, referring to
the effects of the hIm images, "the spectator's process of association in
view of these images is indeed interrupted by their constant, sudden
change. This constitutes the shock effect of the hIm" (pp. 238; 503). Or,
to refer to the photography essay, the cameras images "paralyze the asso-
ciative mechanisms in the beholder."23 In other words, the effect caused
by shock is precisely the hampering of a subject's constitution of itself, its
ability to cohere with itself so as to form a center. Benjamin quotes
Georges Duhamel as a witness for this loss of all inner continuity with
self: "I can no longer think what I want to think. My thoughts have been
replaced by moving images." Whereas the spectator "can abandon him-
self to his associations" before a painting, "before the movie frame he can-
not do so" (pp. 238; 502). It comes therefore as no surprise that Benjamin
characterizes the new mode of participation of the mass audience in the
movies as one of distraction (Zerstreuung). Not only does art in the age
of mechanical reproduction deflect from the object, distract it, as it were,
Cutting in on Distance 99

but further the collective subject of the critical reception of the new art
forms is a distracted beholder. His associative mechanisms are interrupted
by shock, and although he responds to the shocks that assail him through
"a heightened presence of the mind" (pp. 238; 503), he does so in a dis-
tracted manner. The collective subject, consequently, is neither a sub-
stantial nor a formal center that would ground its autonomy. It is a dis-
tracted subject in all the senses of the word. Yet compared to the
individual who lets himself be immersed in the auratic work, or who in
front of it weaves an equally mythical identity for himself while aban-
doning himself to his associations, this distracted collective subject and
its behavior toward art is, according to Benjamin, the answer to the ques-
tions that humanity faces today. The new kind of behavior that issues
from the mass's matrix (neugebohren hervorgeht) is undoubtedly a form
that appears first in the "disreputable form" of distraction as diversion, or
entertainment, Benjamin admits (pp. 239; 503). Similarly, the new sub-
ject that collectively emerges with the loss of the aura coincides, at first,
with what one contemptuously and condescendingly refers to as the
masses. But this much is clear: both this distracted behavior and this cen-
terless subject are credited by Benjamin with representing a solution to
the problems of his time. The heightened presence of mind of this col-
lective subject is not self-consciousness (individual or class conscious-
ness). When Benjamin notes that, in contrast to the traditional viewer
who becomes absorbed by art, "the distracted mass absorbs [versenkt in
sich 1the work of art" (pp. 239; 504), it is not only to stress the scattering
of the work of art as object in the mass and its replacement by the shock
effect, bur to characterize the mass's state of mind as so permeable that
paradoxically it cushions against all attack. 24 But, perhaps more signifi-
cantly, this remark forces us to conceive of the state of mind of the dis-
tracted mass, as set up by Benjamin, along lines akin to the classical di-
vide between high and low culture. According to this opposition, the
state of mind of the masses is characterized by absentmindedness, habit-
ual modes of thinking, and unfocused, incidental relating to its sur-
roundings. It is separated by a gulf from the self-consciousness of the
(bourgeois) individual. Indeed, what Benjamin valorizes in the masses
coping with shock are precisely these despised states of mind. Philosoph-
ically speaking, such a mental disposition is empirical consciousness.

As distinct from the transcendental unity of consciousness, or pure

apperception, which secures the thoroughgoing identity of a manifold in
intuition, "empirical consciousness, which accompanies different repre-
sentations, is in itself diverse [zerstreutl and without relation to the iden-
tity of the subject," Kant states in the First Critique. 2'i This distracted con-
sciousness is unable to combine coherently a manifold of intuitions into
one consciousness, because it lacks the ability to represent in its synthetic
efforts the identity of consciousness in the consciousness of the manifold
intuitions themselves. Empirical consciousness is not only diverse and dis-
tracted in the different representations that it may accompany but also
distracted in itself, and thus is in no situation to secure self-coherence, or
self-identity, authoritatively. Its distracted nature prevents it from having
any authority, any leverage, even regarding itself. In Anthropology, Kant
defines distraction as follows: "Distraction (distractio) is the state of di-
verting attention (abstractio) from certain ruling ideas by means of shift-
ing to other dissimilar ideas. If the distraction is intentional, it is called
dissipation; if it is called involuntary it is absentmindedness (absentia)
[Abwesenheit von sich selbst1. "26 The distraction described by Benjamin is
of the second kind. It is involuntary and causes an absence from self. Al-
though autonomous after repelling the authority of the auratic object, the
collective subject of the mass audience does not constitute itself as a uni-
£}ring subject. Its rejection of authority in distraction goes so far as to de-
prive even itself of any authority. This rejection of self-authority is a con-
stitutive feature of the masses, as analyzed by Benjamin. Their distraction,
he insists, is habitual.
In his discussion of distraction, Kant remarks, "the reading of nov-
els, in addition to causing many other mental discords, has also the con-
sequence that it makes distraction habitual".27 This is not the place to dis-
cuss the relation between novel and film,28 but as we have seen, the mode
of perception fit for viewing this latter kind of art is a distraction entailed
by the structural aspects of that art form. Moreover, the reading of fiction,
according to Kant, not only makes distraction habitual but "makes for
habitual absentmindedness [Geistesabwesenheitl (lack of attention to the
present)."29 It also bereaves the subject of self-presence (Abwesenheit von
sich selbst). Yet, while these characteristics of distraction are discredited by
Kant, Benjamin approves of them wholeheartedly where they character-
Cutting in on Distance 101

ize the mass audience reaction to the shock effect of the film. Indeed, this
critical achievement is accomplished not merely in a state of distraction
but by habit as well.
As Benjamin's discussion of architecture would seem to suggest, the
kind of relation to art that becomes dominant with film is in truth a lib-
eration of the modes of reception of buildings by the masses since time
immemorial, modes repressed by auratic art. Since the beginning of ar-
chitecture, the masses have appropriated buildings, not through "atten-
tive appropriation" but by habit. It "occurs much less through rapt atten-
tion than by noticing the object in incidental fashion" (pp. 240; 505).
Such habitual ways of appropriation determine both the tactile and opti-
cal reception of works of architecture. This mode of reception of art cul-
minates in the masses' consumption of films, and has, according to Ben-
jamin, "canonical value. For the tasks which face the human apparatus of
perception at the turning points of history cannot be solved by optical
means, that is, by contemplation, alone. They are mastered gradually by
habit, under the guidance of tactile appropriation" (pp. 240; 505). Indeed,
the thrust of Benjamin's argument is that the problems he refers to have
been successfully solved only when they have been mastered "in a state of
distraction [since this] proves that their solution has become a matter of
habit. Distraction as provided by art presents a covert control of the ex-
tent to which new tasks have become soluble by apperception" (pp. 240;
505). In these times, the only problem solving that has a chance of suc-
ceeding is that which occurs in incidental fashion but has become habit-
ual, hence repetitive and reproducible and not unique or singular, and
which consequently does not focus or concentrate on what causes the
problems. Only the masses are up to these tasks, Benjamin claims. "Indi-
viduals are tempted to avoid these tasks," presumably because of the fatal
attraction exercised by the causes, or objects, of these problems. Against
them the individual, acting alone, cannot protect himself. Only in con-
junction with other individuals in a mass can he develop the repetitive ha-
bitual modes of reaction that prevent him from falling prey to the spell of
what obtains here and now. In the movie theaters, the mass audience
practices distracted and habitual problem solving. "The film makes the
cult value recede into the background not only by putting the public in
the position of the critic, but also by the fact that at the movies this posi-

tion requires no attention. The public is an examiner, but an absent-

minded one," Benjamin concludes (pp. 240-41; 505). This distracted
critic gives no direct attention to the film as an art object; in passing, he
cushions the shocks he receives by a heightened presence of the mind and
habitual modes of handling them, modes that have been rehearsed and
practiced with other mass individuals in front of the movie screen. He is
a critic who has successfully cut himself free from the spell of the aura and
its object. They have lost all authority over this collective subject, who has
also dismissed the authority of a self. This distracted critic is the first cit-
izen of a world without magic.

In his Epilogue, Benjamin denounces fascism's attempt to pervert

the revolutionary possibilities of film by pressing the apparatus "into the
production of ritual values" (pp. 241; 560), an effort that would re-aura-
tize art while abolishing the aura "in a new way": the fascist way, through
gas warfare. But aside from noting this single, aberrant exception, Ben-
jamin ends his essay with the emphasis on a world become resolutely pro-
fane. In this world without aura or magic, the power of myth and fate has
been overcome in all its forms-ritualistic and secular. It is a stupendous
transformation of the world that Benjamin describes, in which all forms
of transcendence bastardized by myth have been evacuated from the
realm of the present. It is a world so free that it has become empty. The
aesthetic of shock expresses this loss of distance as the very texture of
what exists for the artworks. It is an aesthetics in which distance has made
room for total proximity, and it remains, therefore, confined as well
within the limits of what it depicts. Divorced from all transcendentalism,
it has become empirical, at the limit of a discipline.
A strange silence hovers about this world emancipated from myth.
No circumstantial reasons such as Benjamin's temporary affiliations with
historical materialism, his friendship with Brecht, or his financial depen-
dence on Adorno and Horkheimer can explain the total silence about the
Other of the profane. But silence speaks. In its utter profanity and blank-
ness, the world void of myth points to what it cannot name, that from
which the very meaning of "profane" remains suspended.


Floundering in Determination

Thought as well as proper life in language are "especially prone to

succumb to the danger of commonness," Heidegger writes in What Is
Called Thinking. If this is so, it is because thought and language have a
tendency to drift away into the obvious or self-evident-into ordinary
thinking and the common meanings of words. Common terms easily
take the place of proper terms-of the words inhabited by language and
thinking (gewohnte Worte as opposed to gewohnliche Worte). More pre-
cisely, common terms, as if driven by frenzy, usurp "the place of language
properly inhabited and of its habitual words." Yet, says Heidegger, such
"floundering in commonness [Taumel im Gewohnlichen J ... is not acci-
dental, nor are we free to deprecate it. This floundering in commonness
is part of the high and dangerous game and gamble in which, by the
essence of language, we are the stakes." 1 Consequently, thought cannot
simply push aside current meanings of words in favor of the proper ones.
It must face this floundering in its very inevitability, and in such a man-
ner that it can show that these words and thoughts are not unrelated to
the words of language inhabited by thinking. As we will see, Heidegger
conceives of the relation in question as one in which customary significa-
tion is rooted in the originary meaning of a word or thought (and, con-
versely, as one of falling away from that decisive meaning). Yet does this
attempt to come to grips with the inevitable slide oflanguage successfully

reverse its course? Or is the manner in which floundering in commonness

comports with genuine thought perhaps more insidious, more complex,
than the possibility of retracing the original significations of common
words or thoughts would make it seem? What if precisely the possibility
of getting ahead of the game, of resisting the floundering in common-
ness, would perpetuate that very same floundering? Or what if thought's
chance of coming into its own by leading the common terms back to
their proper and inhabited meanings would depend not only on a repro-
duction but perhaps also on a multiplication of commonness? It is true
that such multiplication of common terms and thoughts in the very
process of their overcoming could be a (partly or totally) calculated game.
Yet the proliferation of commonness may also escape all strategy and no
longer be accountable in terms of what has hitherto been called common,
ordinary. Indeed, such a proliferation of ordinary meanings results, as
suggested, from the very attempt to assess the same logic that rules the bi-
nary opposition of the common and the proper. Hence, the question
arises as to what relation "properly" exists between the manifold ordinary
terms that have to be resorted to in order to retrace the ordinary back to
the original, and the very process of derivation itself. In addition, one
may wish to ask, is such proliferation necessary, accidental, or neither?
Should one perhaps also regard the nature of this proliferation itself as
floundering precisely because it may well no longer be a simple opposite
to genuine thought, if, indeed, successful thought does not go without it?
These are among the questions on which I would like to elaborate
in this chapter, which I conceive of as an inquiry of sorts into the mood
of Being and Time. However, a warning is called for at this point. I will
engage the questions alluded to from a quite specific angle by concen-
trating on one term only, on its inescapable floundering in common
meaning, and on Heidegger's "inability" to secure a proper meaning for
it. The term in question is "determination" (Bestimmung). Since I must
also limit myself, for reasons of space, to the first half of Being and Time,
I will have to forgo the exploration of this term's temporal, destinal, his-
torical implications until another occasion.
When used in philosophical discourse, by Kant for instance, the ex-
pression Bestimmung, as Heidegger notes in The Basic Problems of Phe-
nomenology, is "not arbitrary [beliebig] but is terminologically defined:
Floundering in Determination I07

determinatio." The immediate source for this term in Kant is Alexander

Baumgarten, yet its history reaches back through Christian Wolff and
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Scholasticism and antiquity, Heidegger
adds. 2 In the conceptual history of "determination" that Heidegger is
concerned with, the term denotes a formal-apophantic category. A deter-
mination is a predicate of what in the grammar and general logic per-
taining to assertions is called a subjecr. l It enlarges the concept of a
thing-that is, its what-content (and not a thing in its empirical mani-
foldness). Through determination, a thing (or rather its concept) be-
comes demarcated from another thing. Omnis determinatio est negatio
("Every determination is a negation"), Spinoza wrote, and with this set
the framework within which the formal-apophantic category of determi-
nation had to be understood. Since the eighteenth century, Bestimmung,
which translates the Latin determinatio, has had, in the technical lan-
guage of philosophers writing in German, the meaning of a conclusive
fixing or settling of the content of concepts by demarcating them with
the help of marks, characteristics, or predicates from other concepts.
Wherever the notion of Bestimmung appears in a philosophical text, it is
thus not, as Heidegger aptly remarks, an arbitrary concept or word, and
that is true as well for the text of Being and Time. Yet although Heideg-
ger's elaborations focus in that work on the formal-apophantic nature of
Bestimmung, he has already broadened the scope of this notion beyond its
meaning in the tradition I have alluded to, so as to include within its
horizon predication not only of the what-content of the concept of things
but of things in their actuality, existence, or extantness as well. The notion
in question is thus treated as a category of epistemological realism, in ad-
dition to its serving to assert the nature of essences or possible things.
Undoubtedly, this extension of the scope of the notion in question re-
sponds to specific historical reasons, in "particular to Heidegger's debate
with neo-Kantianism. Yet considering the perspective offundamental on-
tology that informs Heidegger's discussion of Bestimmung in Being and
Time, the broadening of that notion may have still another, and perhaps
more essential, purpose.
A first definition of Bestimmung is given in Being and Time, when
Heidegger proceeds in chapter 13 to describe knowing of the world (Welt-
erkennen) as a mode in which being-in is exemplified. Knowing, he

writes, is "a way of determining the nature of the present-at-hand byob-

serving it." Heidegger tells us here that the act of making determinate is
primarily an interpretative perception (Vernehmen) constituted by an ad-
dressing oneself to something as something and discussing it as such.
Therefore, determination presupposes "a deficiency in our having-to-do
with the world concern fully. " Indeed, determination is based on a "fixed
staring at something that is purely present-at-hand," on an attitude to-
ward the world, in other words, that becomes possible only if all ordinary
ways of relating to the world have been blended out. Something like Be-
stimmung can become envisioned only if the world is encountered in such
a way that entities present-at-hand reveal themselves "purely in the way
they look."4 At first, determination as an interpretative perception is non-
propositional. However, what is perceived and "made determinate can be
expressed in propositions, and can be retained and preserved as what has
thus been asserted" (p. 89).
It is while discussing assertion as a derivative mode of interpretation
both in chapter 33 of Being and Time and in the Marburg lectures of win-
ter 1925/26, published as Logik: Die Frage nach der Wahrheit (Logic: The
question of truth), that Heidegger refines this definition of Bestimmung,
its characteristics and presuppositions, but especially the ontological
realm in which it obtains. In the analysis of assertion, determination be-
comes defined as a mode of "pointing out" (Aufieigung, or Aufweisung)
in which something present-at-hand is predicated of something that itself
is present-at-hand. As assertion, determination is a mode of discovering
(Entdecken) , of apophansis. Yet what it discovers-what it makes the-
matic, as Heidegger says in Logik-is the present-at-hand as present-at-
hand. Thus predicative, or determining, assertion is a restricted mode of
discovering. Heidegger writes in Being and Time:

It is not by giving something a definite character that we first discover that which
shows itself-the hammer-as such; but when we give it such a character, our
seeing gets restricted to it in the first instance, so that by this explicit restriction of
our view, that which is already manifest may be made explicitly manifest in its
definite [in seiner Bestimmtheitl character. In giving something a definite charac-
ter, we must, in the first instance, take a step back when confronted with that
which is already manifest-the hammer that is too heavy. In "setting down the
subject," we dim entities down to focus in "that hammer there," so that by thus
FLoundering in Determination I09

dimming them down we may let that which is manifest be seen in its own defi-
nite character as a character that can be determined. (p. I97)

But thus focusing in on a thing as something present-at-hand, which

paves the way for any access to properties or the like, not only dims down
or blends out the thing's nature as something ready-to-hand but also
covers up readiness-to-hand entirely (p. 200). In his lectures of 1925126,
Heidegger adds that in determining-letting-something-be-seen as merely
present-at-hand, the proper character of Being of this something (in this
case its readiness-to-hand) withdraws. Giving the example of a piece of
chalk, he remarks, "if the determination: this piece of chalk is white, is
made in conformity with the meaning that determination and assertion
have in asserting, then this way of letting this thing be seen is possible
only on the basis of are-concealing [Wiederverbergens 1of the piece of chalk
as a with-what of one's dealings."5 By reconcealing the way we have been
relating to the piece of chalk in our unthematized everyday dealings with
it, and by thus purely concentrating on its presence-at-hand, we make it
possible to let this piece be seen from characteristics that are drawn from
the object itself and that are themselves present-at-hand. Heidegger
writes, "In determining assertion the as-what from which the determina-
tion takes place, namely white, is drawn from the given about-what it-
self."6 This mode of predication, in which the characteristics that let some-
thing be seen assertively are drawn from the thing itself, is what Heidegger
calls Bestimmung. Determination as assertion is constituted by "commu-
nication," or speaking forth. Of "communication" in which one makes as-
sertions, Heidegger notes in Being and Time that it "is a special case of that
communication which is grasped in principle existentially" (p. 205).
The very fact that in determining assertion the "what" that is said of
something is "drawn from that which is present-at-hand" reveals that the
as-structure that characterizes assertion as a derivative mode of interpre-
tation "has undergone a modification." Since determining assertion be-
comes possible only when the ready-to-hand is veiled as ready-to-hand,
so that properties or the like can come into view, the "as" "in its function
of appropriating what is understood ... no longer reaches out into a to-
tality of involvements" (p. 200). Compared to the "as" of an interpreta-
tion that understands circumspectively-the primordial existential-
hermeneutical "as"-the "as" in determining assertion has been leveled to

"just letting one see what is present-at-hand, and letting one see it in a
definite way. This leveling of the primordial 'as' of circumspective inter-
pretation to the 'as' with which presence-at-hand is given a definite char-
acter is the speciality of assertion." This derivative "as" that constitutes the
structure of determining assertion is called the apophantic "as" (p. 201).
Determination, therefore, is not a primary discovering. In Logik,
Heidegger emphasizes that "assertive determination never determines a
primary and originary relation to what is." Because it is derivative, stem-
ming from the originary as-structure of circumspective understanding-
the result of a leveling modification of this as-structure-it can never "be
made the guiding thread for the question regarding Being." "Determina-
tion," he concludes, "is itself as well as its whole structure a derivative
phenomenon. "7
If determination is thus a restrictive mode of discovering that pre-
supposes modified structures of understanding and a reduction of the
world to the present-at-hand, what then is the status of the word Bestim-
men in the discourse of Being and Time? Indeed, not only does Heidegger
demonstrate the derivative character of determination as a concept and a
mode of interpretation, but he continues in that work to make use of the
terms bestimmen and Bestimmung (as well as numerous words of the same
root) in a variety of ways. I shall address the status of the notion of be-
stimmung in Being and Time by suggesting that it is not merely a question
of stylistics, and not simply a theoretical question, but a question con-
cerning the Stimmung (the mood andlor the coherence) of Heidegger's
discourse. Heidegger, while discussing the leveling of primary under-
standing in determining assertion in his 1925126 Marburg lectures, makes
a distinction that may give us a lead on the question of the word Bestim-
men in the work of 1927:
When I say: This piece of chalk is white, then this assertion about something
with which I am dealing is not an assertion that as such would primarily relate
(as far as its content is concerned) to my dealings. If I said, while writing: The
chalk is too hard ... then I would make an assertion within my performance
[Verrichtung], within writing .... This assertion: "The chalk is roo sandy," is not
only a determination of the chalk, but at the same time an interpretation of my
behavior and of not being able to behave-of not being able to write "correctly."
In this assertion I do not wish to determine this thing, that I hold in my hand,
Floundering in Determination III

as something that has the properties of hardness or sandiness, bur I wish to say:
it hinders me in writing; thus the assertion is interpretatively related to the writ-
ing activity, i.e. to the primary dealings of writing itself, i.e., it is assertion as in-
terpretation of being-in-as being-alongside. H

Undoubtedly, when Heidegger, in Being and Time, engages the problem

of Bestimmung as one that has served as the guiding thread for the ques-
tion of Being from Greek antiquity to Husser!, as well as for the sciences,
his conclusion that Bestimmung is a derivative phenomenon primarily re-
lates to the subject matter under discussion. But this assertion is made as
well in the process of developing, arguing, and writing Being and Time,
and is thus also, and especially in consideration of what this work is all
about-the question of Being-a statement regarding his argumentative
and writing performance. That Bestimmung is a derivative phenomenon,
then, comes to mean that assertive determination is an obstacle in trying
to come to grips with the question of Being while writing Being and
Time. Indeed, if the determining mode of assertion is not appropriate for
dealing with the question of Being, this mode, as well as the word Be-
stimmung itself, inhibits (hemmen is Heidegger's word) the very perfor-
mance of elucidating the question of Being. Yet, as we shall see, Bestim-
mung as a term, if not as a concept, is allover Being and Time, and thus
the question arises as to the status and function of this term in the pro-
duction of Heidegger's work. Why must Heidegger continue to use the
philosophical language of Bestimmung; how do the uses of that term re-
late to what he has himself established about this notion; and how does
Heidegger's own explicit or implicit account of his continued use of the
term do justice to its manifold appearances or occurrences in Being and
Time? These are among the questions that I would like to touch upon in
the following.
Heidegger, in Being and Time (but elsewhere as well), makes fre-
quent and seemingly innocent use of the terms bestimmen, bestimmt, and
Bestimmung in their common meaning of "to denne," "to characterize,"
"to qualify." Certainly, on repeated occasions he makes an arbitrary (be-
liebig) use of the term bestimmt. He employs it as well in the sense of "cer-
tain," "specinc," or "determined," for instance when he writes: "These
Others, moreover, are not definite [bestimmtel Others" (p. 164). And at
times, bestimmt has the meaning of "intended" or "destined for," as when

we read "that along with the equipment to be found when one is at work.
those Others for whom the 'work' is destined [bestimmtJ are 'encountered
too'" (p. 153). In all these cases, the term is used in a casual, ordinary way.
A definitely more technical use of Bestimmung occurs in Heidegger\
text when the task of phenomenological description or interpretation be-
comes characterized as one of determining the structures of its objects (in
paragraph 14, for example). In this latter case, Bestimmung means in die
Bestimmtheit bringen, "to give definiteness to," or "to raise to a conceptual
level the phenomenal content of what has been disclosed" (pp. 117, 179).
Although Dasein, the object of the phenomenological analysis of Being
and Time, is thoroughly different from objects present-at-hand, Heideg-
ger continues to characterize his whole investigation as an existentiale Bes-
timmung, as an attempt to exhibit the Grundbestimmungen des Daseins.
But even more questionable is a third type of reference to the concept of
The structures that constitute the meaning of Being are said to "lie
beyond every entity and every possible character [seiende Bestimmtheitl
which an entity may possess" (p. 62). Hence the meaning of Being "de-
mands that it be conceived in a way of its own, essentially contrasting
with the concepts in which entities acquire their determinate signification
[Bestimmtheit]" (p. 26). But not only does Heidegger characterize phe-
nomenology as the Bestimmungsart of Being; he also seeks to make Being
itself determinate, and that according to the essential determinative struc-
tures for the character of its Being (seinsbestimmende) (p. 38). At stake in
such an analysis is Being's originary Sinnbestimmtheit (its "temporal de-
terminateness"), which has to be made thematic in an overcoming of "the
very indefiniteness [Unbestimmtheitl" in which vague and average under-
standing holds Being, by means of a return to "those primordial experi-
ences in which we achieved our first ways of determining the nature of
Being [Bestimmungen des Seins J."9
One may perhaps wish to object here that this use of the word and
notion of Bestimmung with reference to what the analytic of Dasein is to
achieve and to Being itself is not to be taken literally, that the term is used
in quotation marks, so to speak. Yet although in Logik he had clearly
stated that Being is not an object for any possible Bestimmung,10 in Being
and Time Heidegger does not make the slightest effort to counter possible
Floundering in Determination II3

misunderstandings that could result from his talk about Seinsbestimmung

and Seinsbestimmungen, as opposed to his hyphenation of the word (Be-
stimmung) in What Is Philosophy? for instance. Supposing that in the con-
text of the question of Being, the notion of determination should have
another, more originary signification than in its current and metaphysical
use, it never becomes distinguished from its metaphysical double. Why
this neglect in a work that prides itself on reaching beyond the established
philosophical and scientific distinctions even at the price of neologisms?
In determination, one recalls, something (present-at-hand) is character-
ized in terms of properties drawn from this something itself. It is a mode
of assertion that lets something be seen from itself. Is Heidegger's neglect
of the specific meaning that determination ought to have when used with
reference to Being perhaps rooted in an unresolved problem regarding the
phenomenological characterization of, on the one hand, what shows itself
by itself-Being, first and foremost-and on the other hand, the letting-
be-seen of what is present-at-hand by means of determinations drawn ex-
clusively from that which is given in such a manner? Has Heidegger in-
deed fully clarified, in Being and Time, the relation between the wealth of
demarcating traits that come into view when what shows itself to a phe-
nomenological glance is allowed to show itself by itself, and the "abun-
dance of things which can be discovered by simply characterizing them
rein neuer Reichtum des im reinen Bestimmen Entdeckbaren]" in the theo-
retical glance by which the world becomes dimmed down to the unifor-
mity of what is present-at-hand? (p. 177). In any case, the very fact that
Heidegger has relegated the concept of determination to the derivative
domain of the present-at-hand, and to a mode ofletting-be-seen in terms
of characteristic properties drawn from the thing itself, requires that the
"improper" references to this concept in Being and Time be somehow ac-
counted for.
In What Is Called Thinking? Heidegger remarks that the common
meaning of a word that has usurped the word's proper meaning is "not
totally unconnected and unrelated to the proper one. On the contrary,
the presently customary signification is rooted in the other, original, de-
cisive one."!! Yet the technical meaning of Bestimmung that Heidegger
has limited in a categorical way to the sphere of the present-at-hand is at
best Bestimmung's proper metaphysical sense. It is, as we have seen, a

mode of relating derived from a more fundamental mode, and thus there
is nothing originary to it. Bestimmung as a philosophical terminus tech-
nicum is just as common as its customary signification. But is there then
a proper signification of Bestimmung, a signification in which that word
would properly be thought and inhabited? It must be noted here that the
derivation and limitation of Bestimmung in Being and Time does not yield
a proper meaning of that word. No fundamental meaning of Bestimmung
is produced in this work to account for the juxtaposition of the different
usages of that word by showing them to be derived from that word's
proper meaning. 12 As a result, a certain disparity seems to prevail between
the various occurrences of the word in question in Being and Time, a dis-
parity that would be considerably complicated if one were to include in
this investigation the additional and major signification of Bestimmung as
vocation or destination. If, however, all these manifold usages of Bestim-
mung (and its variants) can be related, it is certainly not because of some
more originary meaning of the term. Another law than that which com-
mands the relation of the improper to the proper must regulate their dis-
tribution. Let me recall that assertive determination is a derivative mode
of interpretation, one that presupposes and replaces the more primordial
mode of interpretation in circumspective understanding. Understanding
and state-of-mind (Bejindlichkeit) are the two constitutive ways in which
Dasein is its "there" and are equiprimordial with discourse (Rede). State-
of-mind is one of the basic ways in which Dasein's Being is disclosed to it
as its "there." Such disclosure takes place in what is called "our mood, our
being-attuned [Stimmung, Gestimmtseinl" (p. 172). Heidegger writes, "In
having a mood, Dasein is always disclosed moodwise as that entity to
which it has been delivered over in its Being; and in this way it has been
delivered over to Being which, in existing, it has to be" (p. 173).13 Such
disclosure, Heidegger adds, is not knowledge in the sense of being known
as such. The "that-it-is" disclosed to Dasein in its being-attuned does not
express "ontologico-categorially the factuality belonging to presence-at-
hand." Whereas the latter "becomes accessible only if we ascertain it by
looking at it," the "that-it-is" disclosed in Dasein's state-of-mind by con-
trast has to be conceived "as an existential attribute [existenziale Be-
stimmtheitl of the entity which has being-in-the-world as its way of be-
ing." In being-attuned, Dasein "is always brought before itself," not as
Floundering in Determination II5

beholding itself but as "finding itself in the mood that it has" (p. 174). In
this prereAexive and precognitive mode of finding itself, Dasein expet'i-
ences its thrownness, that is, the facticity of always already being its own
"there," not as such, not abstractly, but in a specific way, as belonging to
a determined world and as being alongside determined intraworldly
things. This "that-it-is" in which Dasein finds itself in the mood that it
has (als gestimmtes Sichbefinden), and "which, as such, stares it in the face
with the inexorability of an enigma" (p. 175), represents, by its very fac-
ticity, the matrix for existential-hermeneutical understanding (according
to the as-structure), as well as for its derivative, apophantic interpretation.
In being-attuned, Heidegger continues, Dasein has, in every case, already
disclosed "being-in-the-world as a whole, and makes it possible first ofall to
direct oneselftowards something" (p. 176). But if being-attuned permits di-
recting oneself toward something in the first place, it is because Dasein
encounters the world in such a way that what it encounters can matter to
it (von innerweltlich Begegnendem angegangen werden kann). Only be-
cause, in being-attuned, the world is experienced as a world that can "af-
fect" us can understanding be primarily circumspective, and under given
circumstances can be "just sensing something, or staring at it" (p. 176).
In other words, Stimmung is the condition not only of the possibil-
ity of circumspective interpretation but of its modification and leveling
in determining assertion as well. Without the primordial disclosedness of
Stimmung, or Gestimmtheit, and its matricial structures, no such thing as
Bestimmung would be possible. Stimmung, in a sense prior to all psychol-
ogy of moods, that is, in the sense of a fundamental existentiale, is thus
the original, decisive thought and word upon which Bestimmung (the
thing and the word) are based. With Stimmung we thus seem to have
found a proper and fundamental mode of "awareness" to which the tech-
nical philosophical term Bestimmung as well as the customary term Be-
stimmung can be connected according to a scheme of deduction; still, it
is not a proper meaning of Bestimmung. Even where Bestimmung is prop-
erly understood (as in Being and Time, but especially in The Question of
Truth), it never becomes a proper word, a word inhabited by thought (a
gewohntes Wort as opposed to a gewohnliches Wort). Thus, although with
Stimmung we have in principle a proper deduction of the possibility of
Bestimmung, the problem I alluded to remains. There is no proper use of

Bestimmung that would justifY Heidegger's speaking of Seinsbestimmung

or of Bestimmungen des Seins. The disparity remains.
Let me add at this point that with the derivation of Bestimmung
from Stimmung, Heidegger has also accounted for the possibility of stim-
men in the sense of Ubereinstimmung, and thus for the question of truth
as homoiosis or adequatio. Propositional truth is rooted in the accord be-
tween a determining assertion and what it is about. But since determin-
ing assertion is based on a definite modification of the primordial
hermeneutical as-structure of interpretation, "truth, understood as agree-
ment, originates from disclosedness" (p. 266). In the explicit exhibition
of the derivative char~cter of the phenomenon of Ubereinstimmung (chap.
44, section b), Heidegger secures his derivation by demonstrating that
this phenomenon is, in the same way as Bestimmung, limited to the realm
of the present-at-hand; not only is Ubereinstimmung a relation between
two terms that are both present-at-hand, but further, the relationship of
agreement in Ubereinstimmung is present-at-hand itself (p. 267).
Yet if truth as agreement is a function of determining assertion that
itself is rooted, as far as its possibility is concerned, in the Gestimmtheit of
state-of mind (as well as in understanding), Gestimmtheit or Stimmung
must be conceived as a primordial way of Beziehen, Bezug, relationship.
Indeed, the three essential determinations of Stimmung-Dasein's
thrownness or facticity, the disclosure of its being-in-the-world as a
whole, and the fact that something can "matter" to it (its Anganglich-
keit)-constitute existentially Dasein's openness to the world. In Stim-
mung, in the attunement of a state-of-mind, Dasein, which experiences
itself always already factically (knowingly or not), is shown to be capable
of being "affected" by the world and of directing itself toward things in a
world that in every case has already been disclosed to it. Dasein's being-
attuned in a state-of-mind is the existential a priori of all possible linkage,
connecting, or relationship.
For lack of time and space I must forgo here the temptation to show
that Heidegger's understanding of Stimmung in Being and Time is a recast-
ing of Kant's notion of transcendental apperception from a fundamental
ontological perspective. Such a demonstration would have to be based on
the discussion of transcendental aesthetics in his 1925126 Marburg lectures.
"AU determination and all thinking is a connecting of a given manifold,"
Floundering in Determination II7

Heidegger remarks here. 11 And "Determination is synthesis, synthesis is

gathering together [Zusammennehmenl in a unity."') Heidegger makes
these statements with respect to formal intuiting, and asks consequently,
what it is that ultimately makes a connecting of the manifold possible?
Such connecting by intuition and understanding is possible only if there
exists something like unity in general. For Kant, this unity, Heidegger
writes, is the transcendental unity of apperception-that is, "the originary
a priori of all connecting, that is, of all determining, and hence the a pri-
ori of the possibility of determining the manifold as such."'6
Stimmung is, existentially speaking, the most primordial unity that
Being and Time resorts to, an originary mode of relating, from which Be-
stimmung as a restricted mode of discovering and truth as Ubereinstim-
mung follow. As such, Stimmung is at once the enabling condition of log-
ical determination and truth as agreement, of all characterization,
definition, description, and so on-that is, the arbitrary common mean-
ing of Bestimmung-and the enabling condition of all stimmen (about
which Heidegger only speaks disparagingly as indicative of a merely for-
mal mode of relating and correctness). This concept of Stimmungwill be
replaced by Heidegger later on with the less subjective notion of Grund-
stimmung,17 but in particular by the notion of Stimme, in the sense of the
(lautlose) Stimme des Seins. What is true of Stimmung, namely, that it
must be understood beyond all psychology of moods, is also true of
Stimme-although the original basic meaning of the verb bestimmen in
Middle High German has been "to name by voice, to fix by voice."IB The
Stimme toward which Heidegger retraces the possibility of determination
and truth as accordance is not primarily voice. Stimme, as Heidegger uses
it, must be understood verbally, actively, as minimal cohering, minimal
agreeing. As he will say later, Stimme puts into Stimmung, which itself dis-
poses thought to co-respond appropriately to what speaks to it. Needless
to say, what thus becomes gestimmt, attuned to Being, whether in Stim-
mung or in thinking, can always also become articulated linguistically.
With this I circle back to the question of Heidegger's use of the term "de-
termination" in Being and Time. The expansion of the term to include
epistemological predication of things now appears to have provided Hei-
degger with a sufficiently generalized backstage to be able to derive all
forms of determination (philosophical, epistemological, and common-

sensical) from one primordial unity-the unity of attunement. It is a de-

rivation that takes the form of a grounding through exhibition of the
modifications that the originary unity undergoes in the various types of
If it is a general principle, as Heidegger claims in chapter 29, that
from an ontological point of view one must "leave the primary discovery
of the world to 'bare mood,'" then even the "purest theoria has not left all
moods behind" (p. 177). But not only theory, that is, not only the con-
ceptual grasp of a world dimmed down to the uniformity of the present-
at-hand, but philosophy as well, as he notes in What Is Philosophy? is at-
tuned. And so is Heidegger's Being and Time. This work, to take up the
language from the Cerisy conference of 1955, is attuned to the "voice," the
Stimme of Being. Its task is, as Heidegger notes from the outset, to lift Be-
ing out of its forgottenness and to reawaken an understanding of the
meaning of the question of Being. Being and Time corresponds to the
"voice" through a very definite mood, undoubtedly. But also, and pri-
marily, through a very definite sort of cohering, of having a unity in a spe-
cific way. One way in which Being and Time achieves this unity is by ex-
hibiting .Stimmung as what sets the term(s) for determination. But does
this a priori synthesis account for all determinations, as well as for the
manifold ways in which Stimme is said, in particular in Heidegger's text?
Has Heidegger, indeed, explained his continued use of the term and con-
cept of Bestimmungwith respect to the question of Being with this model
of originary cohering? Undoubtedly, from Stimmung all other (deter-
mined) forms of determinations have been successfully derived. But is
such essential derivation capable of accounting for the problem that I
have tried to point out? The improper, or more precisely, common use of
a word such as "determination" in formulations like Seinsbestimmungen or
Bestimmungen des Seins remains an inhibition (Hemmung) to thinking-
to thinking nothing less than the ways in which Being attunes. Apart
from the technical meaning of Bestimmung, no proper meaning of the
word can come to the rescue of the philosopher. Yet Heidegger uses it, as
he does so many other variations of the word. Inescapably, he must do so,
and thus must flounder in commonness. However, the thinker would
have to account for such floundering by exhibiting the slide of language
between the proper and the improper. But what if no habitual meaning
Floundering in Determination II9

of determination is to be found? The model of essential derivation to

which Stimmung yields in Being and Time, and which makes it such a
powerful synthetic tool, seems to be either too finely or too loosely knit a
synthesis to account for the paradoxically inevitable improper use that
Heidegger must make of the term in question. What becomes visible here
is that such improper reference to Bestimmung in the context of the ques-
tion of Being can only be accounted for if the manifold forms of deter-
mination are no longer gathered together according to the traits of letting-
something-be-seen from itself, as itself, or from the negative modalities
thereof. In other words, a model must be found other than that by which
determination is properly a pointing out of essences (or of things as such)!
The limits of the originary synthesis of Stimmung would even come more
poignantly into view were one to emphasize the numerous terms that
Heidegger summons in Being and Time and that have a root part: stimm-.
From both a subject-related and a performative perspective, all these
words and notions contribute to the thought of Stimmung, and ultimately
to that of Being. My point here is not, as one might easily infer, to fault
Heidegger's achievement in Being and Time, and especially not to insist
upon the linguistic limits to properly expressing something that has al-
ready been properly thought. Rather it is to argue that the development
in all rigor of something like an originary synthesis that would account
for all forms of determinations cannot but flounder, not merely because
of its inevitable recourse to improper usage of the terms to be derived, but
also because of a variety of ways in which these terms must be used that
do not fall under the binary oppositions that organize the various stages
in the deduction. Still, the very idea of an originary synthesis calls upon
us to think together this inescapable floundering and what in such floun-
dering is positively achieved.
Yet Heidegger's evocation of a floundering in commonness as part
of the high and dangerous game of thinking and speaking does not mas-
ter the diversity and disparity of all the ways in which Stimme is being
said. The binary opposition of the proper and improper, of the habitual
and the common meaning of words, and perhaps of philosophical
thought and common sense cannot serve to bring order to the manifold
in question. If thought flounders when trying to come to grips with de-
termination, it is because the very necessity of formulating an originary

synthesis such as Stimmung, for instance, cannot avoid producing a pro-

liferation of what precisely has to be derived-a plurality of not only im-
proper but sharply different notions of determination (and of notions ex-
pressed by root-related words}-different because of tone, style, tense,
and, in particular, levels of argumentation. A certain lack of coherence
thus comports with the coherence that Stimmung makes. This incoher-
ence, which the philosophical schemes of derivation and binary opposi-
tion fail to master, must nonetheless be accounted for.
Stimmung as the ultimate a priori of all connecting would indeed
have to be the starting point for such an elucidation of the way or ways in
which Stimmung itself comports with a certain incoherence. It is an inco-
herence that, unlike the improper, does not stand in a symmetric relation
to its opposite, and that thus escapes binary determination. Hence the
kind of accounting that I call for cannot consist in tying originary Stim-
mung up with such things as Stimmungslosigkeit, Verstimmung, and so on,
which Heidegger, in chapter 29, has effectively accounted for. Nor can it
be a question of linking Stimmung to some equiprimordial disunity, dis-
cord, disharmony, and so forth, if these values continue to receive their
meaning from within the horizon of unity, harmony, accord, and so on.
Rather, it is a question of tying Stimmung as originary synthesis and its
successful derivation of Bestimmung and Obereinstimmung to the floun-
dering of thinking; not only to the improper, common use of stimm-
related terms but to all the major irreducibly different occurrences of
stimm-related terms that result from the phrase regimens (to use a Lyotar-
dian term) and the metaleptical shifts in argumentation that are required
in demonstrating the originarity of Stimmung in the first place. Such floun-
dering does not take place in improperness or impropriety. It is a floun-
dering congenital in the dangerous game of thought Heidegger talked
about. If this game consists in establishing Stimmung as the originary syn-
thesis for all possible Bestimmung, to tie this game up with the manifold
and heterogeneous occurrences of stimm-related words in Being and Time
would then mean to think the becoming of Stimmung, the coming into its
own of originary Stimme from a beyond not only of its synthetic achieve-
ment, its character of state-of-mind, but also of its possible verbalization.
Beyond the minimal cohering of Stimmung and Stimme-in their Er-
stimmung or A n-stimmung, perhaps-a mesh of relations would thus
Floundering in Determination 121

emerge that would no longer be simply attuned, synthetic, or originary.

Rather than seeking some sort of accordance, some even deeper stimmen
between Stimmung and the manifold "voices" in Heidegger's text, the ac-
counting in question would instead have to take the form of a weave-of
what Heidegger, on several occasions, has referred to as a Geflecht.

Tuned to Accord

Common sense and a venerable tradition of philosophical thinking

are in full accord about the essence of truth: truth consists in accordance.
Whether it is ordinary or philosophical consciousness that makes a state-
ment about the truth of a matter, in each case the criterion for truth is
agreement, concordance, accordance. Both common sense and technical
philosophy speak in one voice of this accord of truth between itself and
what thus is said to be its essence. Indeed, it is a truth about truth that is
"immediately evident to everyone" or, more precisely, obvious and uni-
versally valid. I Yet universality and the "obviousness which this concept
of truth seems to have but which is hardly attended to as regards its es-
sential grounds" (p. 121) are, according to Heidegger, the result of a pro-
tective, self-securing isolation of this determination of truth from "the in-
terpretation of the essence of the Being of all beings, which always
includes a corresponding interpretation of the essence of man" (p. 12I).
Although in "On the Essence of Truth" Heidegger claims that between
common sense-and with it, the tradition of thinking that not only ac-
cords with it but even provides a ground for the commonsense under-
standing of truth-and philosophy (in a strict sense), there is no transi-
tion, no possible communication; he does not wish to refute common
sense and what has "long been called 'philosophy.'" "Philosophy can
never refute common sense, for the latter is deaf to the language of phi-
Tuned to Accord 123

losophy. Nor may it even wish to do so, since common sense is blind to
what philosophy sets before its essenrial vision," he writes (p. II8). But
what is possible is to lift the commonsensical and "philosophical" concept
of truth as accordance above its isolation, and to relate it to an inrerpre-
tation of the whole-the Being of all beings. In short, what is possible for
thought is a one-way approach to the commonsensical concept of truth
as accordance, by which this concept, without common sense's knowl-
edge, becomes grounded in the order of Being. It is this approach that
Heidegger has set out to make in "On the Essence of Truth."
The traditional criterion for the truth, then, is accordance. Accor-
dance renders Obereinstimmung, which in turn translates the Greek ho-
moiosis or orthothes and the Latin adaequatio. In ordinary, everyday
speech, one says es stimmt, "it is in accord," or simply "it is true." Truth,
consequently, is "what accords, the accordanr [was stimmt, das Stim-
mende]" (p. II9). Such stimmen is at least dual, and refers to the Oberein-
stimmung-or as Heidegger also says, to Einstimmigkeit, that is, unison,
unanimity, consonance, agreement, and so forth-of, on the one hand,
"a matter with what is supposed in advance regarding it and, on the other
hand, ... of what is meant in the statement with the matter" (p. 119).
Everyone agrees-layman and philosopher alike-that truth is what ac-
cords. All have come to the agreement-univocally-that this definition
of truth is in accord. Heidegger undoubtedly knows that stimmen also has
the meaning of casting a vote, of having a voice, of exercising a political
franchise. Indeed, the usual (and metaphysical) concept of truth has ju-
ridical and political connotations. Something's being in accord is based
on a unanimous casting of votes, on a ringing of all voices in unison.
Truth as accord is the result of an egalitarian leveling of voices that cele-
brate the consonance-that is, absence of heterogeneity-between mat-
ter and meaning or between matter and proposition. In shoft, the essence
of the universally valid and self-evidenr concept of truth as accordance is
justice in the sense of Gerechtigkeit: what is in accord is nothing less than
"correct" (richtig) and "right" (recht). 2
Having argued that accordance is dual, Heidegger also reminds us
of the hierarchy of ontological and logical dependence between the two
modes of the common concept of truth. Indeed, propositional truth
(Satzwahrheit) rests, by right, on material truth, on the onric truth of

what is (Sachwahrheit) that is, on things' accordance with their idea or

concept. This duality and hierarchy of accordance-in full agreement
with classical philosophical exigencies, yet forgotten by positivist truth
theories that restrict truth to propositional truth-hints, for Heidegger,
at a complication of the very idea of unison that characterizes truth. As
we shall see, this complication arises from the determination of accor-
dance as correctness. Heidegger writes, "Both concepts of the essence of
veritas have continually in view a conforming to [Sichrichten nach 1 ...
and hence think truth as correctness [Richtigkeit)" (p. 120). Correctness, as
a criterion of truth in the ordinary sense, presupposes that in the unison
between proposition and thing, the proposition and the thing be directed,
oriented, turned toward one another. Conformity is not possible without
a conforming to. Nothing could be more banal than the discovery of this
directedness, one may object. But after scrutinizing this apparently self-
evident and unquestioned implication of truth as correct accordance and
consonance, Heidegger will in fact be led to relativize and foreground the
traditional concept of truth. What, then, is this directedness at the heart
of accordance and correctness? To answer the question, we must follow
Heidet1lBcr through his discussion of the ways in which the two modes of
accordance-material and propositional truth-relate to one another.
Material truth, Heidegger notes, is a function of the Christian the-
ological belief that things have been created by God in conformity with
the idea that He conceived of them. If a thing can be said to conform to
its idea in the divine intellect-if it is idee-gerecht, that is, correct
(richtig), just and justified-it can be said to be true. The same confor-
mity must also be expected from the human intellect as an ens creatum. It
achieves such conformity in accomplishing
in its propositions the correspondence of what is thought to the matter, which in
its turn must be in conformity with the idea. If all beings are "created," the pos-
sibility of the truth of human knowledge is grounded in the fact that matter and
proposition measure up to the idea in the same way and therefore are fitted to
each other [aufeinander zugerichtetl on the basis of the unity of the divine plan of
creation. (p. 120)

The directedness that is at the heart of the conformity of matter and

proposition to the idea is thus a function of a prior destination of one for
Tuned to Accord 125

the other, of a prior fitting of matter and proposition to their divine con-
ception. Without such original directedness of matter and proposition to
the idea within the unity of the divine plan of creation, no proposition
could hope to achieve any accordance whatsoever. Heidegger remarks,
"Throughout, veritas essentially implies convenientia, the coming of beings
themselves, as created, into agreement with the Creator, an 'accord' with
regard to the way they are determined in the order of creation [ein 'Stim-
men' nach der Bestimmung der Schopfongsordnung 1" (p. I2I). Consequently,
accordance (Stimmen, Ubereinstimmung, Einstimmigkeit), whether of ma-
terial or propositional truth, is grounded in the "being destined for one
another" (Bestimmung) of matter and idea, matter and proposition, ac-
cording to divine plan. There is no possible accordance without a prior
"being directed to one another" of the items that make up the accord, and
without the end in view that such a destination represents. Furthermore,
no correctedness is possible without a certain justness, rectitude, righ-
teousness, by which justice is done-in the last judgment-to the goals
or ends (Bestimmung) of the divine creation and its order.
It is essential to remark here that this theological account of the
"being fitted for one another" of matter and idea, matter and proposition,
continues to hold true for all secular notions of truth as long as they are
based on accordance. Any concept of truth constituted by Ubereinstim-
mung, or simply by Stimmen, presupposes directedness toward one an-
other of what are to accord with one another, within the horizon not so
much of the te/os of a plan of creation as of a world order in general. Fur-
ther, when secularization has reached its climax, it is the possibility of a
universal planification, or ordering into a plan, of all objects that under-
lies truth as accordance. In a radically secularized world, truth as accor-
dance presupposes, indeed, the ontological possibility of a universal sub-
jectibility to ends, not just to a particular end or to multiple ends; the
possibility of absolutely everything lending itself to ends. In short, all ac-
cordance rests on destination, or in general terms, on what one might call
destinability. All Stimmen as Ubereinstimmen presupposes Bestimmung by
an order, or more generally, by the possibility of yielding to order. The
prefix Be- of Bestimmung confers the directed ness toward an end upon
the consonant agreement of the Stimmen through which truth rings.
With these developments, which correspond to section I of "On the

Essence of Truth," Heidegger seems to have rounded out his discussion

of the traditional concept of truth-of ordinary and metaphysical truth.
This conception of truth is called a particular (diese) "definition [Bestim-
mung] of the essence of truth" (p. 12l). Is this to say that truth, under-
stood as accordance, is an interested determination of truth in which
truth becomes subjected to an end? If so, does this mean that there are
other possible determinations of truth's essence? And how, then, should
we understand "determination" or "destination" in this case? Finally,
could what Heidegger says here about the usual conception of truth mean
that there might possibly be a determination of truth that is not a deter-
mination of it, and in which truth is not suspended from an end, but
which is, for all that, not undetermined (unbestimmt)? Is there a determi-
nation of truth that would altogether escape the logic of Bestimmung in
the double sense of determination and destination?
In the following section, Heidegger inquires into "the inner possi-
bility of accordance." It is the first of three steps by which he interrogates
the usual determination of the essence of truth as Obereinstimmung, or
more simply as Stimmen, as to its conditions of possibility and fore-
grounds it in a more elementary conception of truth. Yet has not Hei-
degger answered that question with the reference to the ens creata and the
divine plan-to the Bestimmung in the perspective of the order of cre-
ation? Have not metaphysics and theology put to rest the question of the
possibility of the determination of truth as accord, by arguing that that
determination is based on the mutual destination for one another of mat-
ter and idea, matter and proposition, within the horizon of the divine
plan? What both disciplines (which according to Heidegger are ulti-
mately one and the same) establish is that accordance is a function of
matter and idea's, and matter and proposition's, being fitted to each other
on the basis of a Bestimmung (determination/destination) by the divine
order of the creation. But what Heidegger seeks to clarifY is the inner pos-
sibility of such being-fitted-to, and hence of accordance. This is a quest
that is eminently philosophical, as opposed to the metaphysical and theo-
logical determination of the essence of truth. It is a quest that perhaps no
longer seeks to determine the essence of truth, if determination is also,
and always, a determination by an end.
Before embarking on an analysis of Heidegger's inquiry into the in-
Tuned to Accord 127

ner possibility of truth as accordance and correctness, let me stress the

unbridgeable gap that remains between the metaphysical/theological ac-
count of truth and the philosophical attempt (0 question its inner possi-
bility. As Heidegger notes at the beginning of the essay, common sense-
and both metaphysics and theology are of that order-is deaf (0 the
language of philosophy. Common sense cannot be refuted; but without
its becoming aware of it, it can be foregrounded. One consequence of this
single-tracked approach is that everything that has been said about the re-
lation of Stimmen and Bestimmung with respect to the common concept
of truth will, because that discussion is still "unphilosophical," be marked
by a certain heterogeneity compared to the truly philosophical elabora-
tions on the inner possibility of stimmen. A certain discrepancy, perhaps a
discord (Verstimmung), between the commonsense and the philosophical
treatments of stimmen as accordance will distinguish Heidegger's text. In
order to inquire into the inner possibilities of accord, Heidegger's ap-
proach has to be out of tune with metaphysic's statements on accord;
more precisely, it has to sustain the discord in such a manner that the
philosophical foregrounding of the metaphysical statements of accor-
dance becomes possible. Otherwise, the metaphysical determination of
truth would be replaced by just another determination.
Let us recall that Heidegger's insistence on investigating the inner
possibility of accordance is a response to the certainty with which both
ordinary thinking and metaphysics, but especially the sort of thinking
that restricts truth to propositional truth, take this possibility for granted.
Although this kind of thought can lay claim to a venerable tradition, its
determination of truth as the accordance of statement with matter is what
makes the question of the meaning of "accordance" a pressing issue. This
question is all the more urgent since what are said to be in accordance are
entirely dissimilar things-matter and proposition. How can accord ex-
ist between things as heterogeneous as matter and proposition, and if ac-
cord can occur, what is the meaning of such according? A relation of ac-
cordance between such things as matter and proposition, Heidegger
remarks, is only conceivable as a relation of presentation, in which the
presenting statement expatiates upon the matter as presented. Presenta-
tion (Vor-stellung) is not representation (Vorstellung). As "that perceiving
which does not take beings in passively, but which can actively give to it-

self what is present as such in its outward appearance (eidos) by gazing up

at it," presentation is noein,3 and has to be demarcated from all philo-
sophical and physiological theories of representation. But to let "a thing
stand opposed as object," as is the case with presentation, presupposes an
open region, a domain of relatedness and opposedness, which a present-
ing statement must traverse before meeting the object that stands against
it. In turning to this region, a region unthematized not only by the dom-
inant brand of thinking that limits truth to propositional truth but by the
theological and metaphysical explications of the possibility and reason for
accordance, Heidegger embarks on a philosophical analysis, strictly speak-
ing. This open region, without which no presentative statement could
possibly relate and be in accord with a presented thing, "is not first cre-
ated by the presenting but rather is only entered into and taken over as a
domain of relatedness" (pp. 123-24). As Henri Birault has remarked, it is
"the openness of an opening that no intentional relation could institute
and that all our comportments presuppose. "4 The presentative traversal of
the openness of the open region in question is "the accomplishment of
that bearing [Verhaltnis] which originally and always comes to prevail as a
comportment [Verhalten]," Heidegger writes (p. 124). This presenting
componment is one of many possible modifications of comportment,
which he defines as the "open relatedness [offenstandiger Bezug]," in gen-
eral of man or Dasein, "to something opened up as such [ein Offenbares als
ein solches]" (p. 124). But within this openness to beings (opened up as
such), which characterizes comportment in general, a presenting com-
portment relates only-just as all other forms of comportment relate "ac-
cording to the particular perspective that guides them" (p. 123)-to the
particular way in which a thing is (wie es als dieses ist). Indeed, things do
appear in the mere openness of their appearance to comportment; they
appear always as these particular things (as what they are) according to the
perspective that all comportment brings with it and that determines how
things are. As for the presenting proposition, things become presented in
it "with regard to what they are and how they are" (p. 124). In the open-
ness of a presenting comportment, what is presents itself as it is (selbst
vorstellig wird) to a presentative statement (vorstellendes Aussagen). The
latter, Heidegger continues, "subordinates itself to the directive [Weisung]
that it speak of beings such-as [so-wie 1they are. In following such a direc-
Tuned to Accord 129

tive the statement conforms [richtet es sich 1 to beings. Speech that directs
itself accordingly is correct (true) [richtigJ" (p. 124).
To sum up: presentative statement, and with it, the possibility of
truth as accordance, presupposes-to the extent that it is first and fore-
most a comportment (an act of relating)-an open region in which it can
stand open, not merely to what shows itself pure and simple but to the
particular way in which things take their stand. Such a presentative state-
ment can achieve accordance only if it conforms itself to the directive that
things that present themselves as such give to the presenting proposition.
This, then, is the point where the inner possibility of accordance comes
into view. Accordance as a presenting comportment rests on the state-
ment's being directed toward something that itself (and from itself) in-
structs the statement as to what and how it (the thing) is. In short, by fo-
cusing on the open region as a domain of relatedness, it becomes clear
that accordance (stimmen) presupposes-and this is its inner possibil-
ity-that a concordance occurs, between the being directed toward
(richten) of the statement and the indicating or ordering (Weisung) by the
thing that is to be presented. Truth as accordance thus requires the possi-
bility of an accord more originary than the one between statement and the
thing as it is. Truth will not occur if the directional traits of richten and
weisen do not accord. These traits are the particular modifications of the
general traits that characterize comportment as such-as to holding one-
self in (sichhalten) an openness in which one holds on to (sich an ... hal-
ten) something that presents itself by itself (das selbst vorstellig wird)-
and that obtain for presenting comportment. Without the possibility of
the "synthesis" of these traits, there can be no accord between a statement
and the thing it presents.
The inner possibility of accordance is thus the synthesis of the more
fundamental accord between the trait that causes the proposition to re-
spond to the particular way in which a thing is and the equally particular
trait by which a thing indicates what and how it is. But precisely because
this inner possibility of adequation rests on the more originary accord of
specific (and actually very determined) directional traits, another question
arises as to the ground of this inner possibility. What are the general con-
ditions of the being-fitted-to-one-another of richten and weisen, without
which a statement could not hope to secure the accord between itself and

what it represents? Heidegger will answer this by elaborating on the second

step in which the traditional characterization of the essence of truth as ac-
cordance becomes foregrounded. He asks: "Whence does the presentative
statement receive the directive to conform to the object and to accord by
way of correctness? Why is this accord involved in determining [warum
bestimmt dieses Stimmen mit] the essence of truth? How can something
like the accomplishment of a pregiven directedness occur? And how can
the initiation into an accord [Einweisung in ein Stimmenl occur?" (p. 125)."
We recall that the inner possibility of accordance established the minimal
synthetic conditions for a comporting statement to relate adequately to
something opened up as such in the specific mode of its whatness. The min-
imal synthesis was that of the directedness (sich richten) of the statement
and the pregivenness of a direction (Vorgabe einer Richte) by the thing to
be represented. The new question centers around the donation and the re-
ception of the directive to conform to the object. The answer to this ques-
tion ought to yield the ground, which is also the essence, of what enables as
its inner possibility something like accordance.
If statement as comportment is possible only to the extent that
"[when] standing in the open region, it adheres to something opened up
as such" in its very specificity (p. 124), then the ground for the enabling
possibility of accordance resides in stating comportment's "being free for
what is opened up in an open region [zum O./fenbaren eines O./fenenJ" (p.
125). In other words, in order to be given a directive, stating comport-
ment must already have "entered freely into an open region for something
opened up which prevails there and which binds every presenting."
Statement must have freed itself for a binding directedness "by beingfree
for what is opened up in an open region." No directive can occur, and no
directed response to it can take place, without a being free for being given
a directedness. What Heidegger calls freedom here is the being free for
what is opened up in the open region of comportment. It is thus the en-
abling countertrait to the trait of directing oneself to what gives direct-
edness in the open region as a domain of relatedness. To yield to a direc-
tive is possible only if one is open, or free for being bound by what is
opened up as such. Conversely, it must be said (although Heidegger does
not make this move explicitly) that for a thing (i.e., something opened up
in an open region of comportment) to point out its mode of presenta-
Tuned to Accord 131

tion, the thing must be drawn to, must be free for, being said as it is. It is
the enabling countertrait to the trait of pointing out, by which a thing
gives its directedness to statement. Such being-free-for, and the corre-
sponding being-drawn-to-being-said, are the two countertraits, to those
of rich ten and weisen, that represent the ground or essence of (correct) ac-
cOl·dance. This double being-free-for, or more precisely, the finely tuned
accord of these two freedoms-which are directed against one another
and which embrace one another in the open region-is the essence of
truth as correspondence. Truth as accord is grounded in a stimmen of
these two countervectorial traits, traits more originary than those that
make up the synthesis of the inner possibility of accordance. As the
ground of truth as correspondence, this is a stimmen more originary than
that which makes up its inner possibility.
In the section entitled "The Essence of Freedom," Heidegger sets
out to further refine the notion of freedom, that is, of being free for what
presents itself in the open of an open region, a freedom he characterizes as
"letting beings be" (p. 127). Freedom, as the ground of truth as corre-
spondence or accordance, he argues, can serve only as "the ground of the
inner possibility of correctness ... because it receives its own essence
from the more original essence of uniquely essential truth [der einzig
wesentlichen \%hrheitl" (p. 127). The twice-double accord of the direc-
tional and coumerdirectional traits, which makes truth as accordance
possible and grounds it, will consequently depend on a gift that it re-
ceives from that more originary and unique truth. G By inquiring into how
freedom, as the ground of the inner possibility of truth as accordance, re-
ceives its own essence from a more originary conception, if not happen-
ing, of truth-of a truth that does not primarily reside in correspondence
and that escapes (to some extent at least) the logic of Bestimmung in its
double meaning of definition and destination because the very meaning
of these terms depends on this truth's occurrence-we shall encounter
the third step by which the classical notion of truth will be foregrounded.
Freedom, as the ground of the possibility of truth as correctness, is
the being free for what is opened up in an open region (das Offinbare
eines Offinen). Such freedom lets beings be the beings they are, since it re-
sponds to the things that present themselves in the open region of com-
portment. Yet in this response and "subsequent" letting-be, the freedom

in question shows itself to be engaged "with the open region and its
openness [das Offine und dessen Offinheit 1 into which every being comes
to stand, bringing that openness, as it were, along with itself" (p. 127). In
other words, for accordance to be possible-that is, for a proposition to
be able to direct itself according to the directive given by the thing to the
thing-not only must the proposition be free for what presents itself in
specificity (for its was sein and so sein); but it must also, and primarily, re-
late to the open region itself in which (as which) the presencing-as-such
of the thing occurs. For there to be an accord between statement and
matter, statement (as a modification of comportment, that is, as open re-
latedness, offinstandiger Bezug) must from the start be open or free, not
so much for what is in the open as for the openness of the open itself. It
must from the start be free to accommodate, not the thing in its speci-
ficity itself but the openness of what is opened up in the open. Without
being bound by the openness of the opened up, a statement could not
possibly hope to come into accord with what presences itself as such in
an open region. As open relatedness, comportment is engaged with dis-
closedness first and foremost. But Heidegger writes:

To engage oneself with the disclosedness of beings is not to lose oneself in them;
rather, such engagement withdraws [entfaltet sich in einem ZUrUcktreten vorl in
the face of beings in order that they might reveal themselves with respect to what
and how they are and in order that presentative correspondence might take its
standards from them. As this letting-be it exposes itself [setzt sich aus] to beings
as such and transposes [versetzt] all comportment into the open region. Letting-
be, i.e., freedom, is intrinsically exposing [aus-setzend], ek-sistent. Considered in
regard to the essence of truth, the essence of freedom manifests itself as exposure
to the disclosedness of beings. (p. 128)

Qua open relatedness, all stating comportment is thus necessarily en-

gaged with the disclosedness as such of beings. It is grounded in the free-
dom that, as letting-be (Seinlassen), is an engagement with (Sicheinlassen
auf) the openness of the open. But at the same time, and according to
the same "logic" of letting-be, this freedom for the openness of the open
is also freedom for what is disclosed in the open. It withdraws (Zuruck-
treten vorl in order to expose itself to what is disclosed as such. In this free
retreat, engagement with the openness of the open makes room for the
beings as such that take their stand in this open. It makes room for be-
Tuned to Accord 133

ings in their disclosedness, so that they can show themselves in them-

selves and from themselves. An ever more refined accord thus seems to
characterize the third step of the foregrounding of truth as accordance.
Provisionally, I construe it as the accord between the traits of letting-
be/withdrawing, on the one hand, and disclosure as such (of things in
what and how they are), on the other hand.
Before further elaborating on this latter accord (which, after those
seen at the heart of the inner possibility and the ground of truth as cor-
rectness, is an ever more original essence of truth), it may be appropriate
to reflect for a moment on the status of this (as yet not completed) new
accord. Heidegger's terminology-"inner possibility," "ground," or "es-
sence," and now "the more original essence of uniquely essential truth"-
would seem to aim at deeper and deeper syntheses. One can expect this
more original essence and the accord that constitutes it to be the ultimate
condition of truth as accordance. The question that thus arises concerns
the criteria by which it is decided that the final condition has been estab-
lished, that is, the inner possibility and the ground of truth as correctness.
Freedom for what is opened up in its singularity, as the ground of the in-
ner possibility of accordance, seems to be (in conformity with established
rules of thinking) a deeper, truly fundamental enabling reason. Yet what
can be the meaning of an essence "more originary" than essence, of a
more fundamental foundation, supposing, as one must, that Heidegger
does not indulge in a regressus ad infinitum? It certainly cannot be an
essence, ground, or foundation in the traditional sense. Heidegger sug-
gests as much when he claims that freedom as the ground of truth has its
own essence in uniquely essential truth, that is, in the far-from-ordinary
concept of truth as unconcealment. But that the accord exhibited in the
third step of foregrounding is not another, still-deeper synthesis can be
gauged from the fact that although it exhibits the fundamental implica-
tions inherent in the very determination of statement as comportment-
that is, of an open relatedness in an open region-it does nothing more
than formulate the hidden implications under which the inner possibility
and the ground of truth as accordance become meaningful in the first
place. It does not add a new possibility or ground to the previous ones,
but recasts them in terms of the engagement with the openness of the
open that the very conditions of accordance require. Presentative con cor-

dance can take its standards from beings, and beings can present thelll
selves on their own terms, only if such comportment is, in its freedom for
what is opened up as such in the open region, freedom for the open n:-
gion and its openness, or for things' self-revealing. This engagement with
disclosedness is not a more profound ground for accordance but the
framework without which the inner possibility of truth as correctness and
its ground in freedom could not be what they are. Yet an accord that can
be shown to resonate through the accords that make up the inner possi-
bility and the very ground of truth as correspondence is certainly not a
condition of possibility or ground anymore. It is an accord, by contrast,
which is required in order to speak of inner possibility and ground in the
first place, and of accord and accordance as well. But there is perhaps still
another reason why this latter accord is dissimilar to those that constitute
inner possibilities and essences.
Heidegger hints at such a dissimilarity when, toward the end of sec-
tion 4, he notes that if truth is primarily freedom, that is, engagement
with disclosedness, then covering up, concealment, and distortion are
equally primordial possibilities of truth. In short, if, as we have seen, the
more originary essence of freedom as the essence of truth harbors an ac-
cord, then it must also be inhabited by a certain dis(ac)cord. We shall
thus have to pursue our analysis of the more refined accord, which we
have seen orchestrating both the inner possibility and the ground of
truth. This ever more refined accord must accord, it would seem, with a
trait that accounts in an essential manner for the possibility of covering
up, namely, un-truth.
At the beginning of the section entitled "The Essence of Truth,"
Heidegger claims that freedom, as disclosive letting beings be, is "engage-
ment in the disclosure of being as a whole as such [des Seienden im Ganzen
als einem solchen]" (pp. 130-31). Similarly, the last paragraphs of the previ-
ous section had contended that the experience of unconcealment is that of
Being as a whole (p. 129). The exposure to the disclosedness of beings, in
which freedom as letting beings be is rooted, is exposure to, and disclosure
of, what all beings qua beings imply, that is, Being as a whole, the open-
ness as disclosed openness as such. Now Heidegger writes that any com-
portment, to the extent that it is open (offenstandiges Verhalten), "flourishes
[schwingt] in letting beings be" (p. 130). It flourishes thus in the essence of
Tuned to Accord 135

freedom as a disclosure of beings in their being, and consequenrly, in the

disclosure of Being as a whole as such. Each and every mode of comport-
ment toward beings, Heidegger holds, is "already attuned [by free-
dom] ... to being as a whole [hat die Freiheit alies Verhalten schon aufdas
Seiende im Ganzen abgestimmtJ" (p. 131). The ever more refined and more
essential accord (between disclosive letting-be and the corresponding
showing itself as such of beings) that we have seen to be required for a
more originary thinking of the possibility of truth as accordance and its
ground thus appears to derive its more fundamental status from the fact
that it articulates the most universal condition for every mode of open
comportment, as comportment toward a particular being. The condition
that it sets forth is that each and every particular mode of comportment
has to be attuned to Being as a whole, that every comportment must flour-
ish according to the rune of Being, so to speak. Such attuning is called
"being attuned (attunement) [Gestimmtheit {Stimmung }]." Attunement-
which, as Heidegger remarks, is not a psychological mood-"draws up
[hebt hinein] into beings as a whole" (p. 131).
Attunement explains why no relation to a thing can ever be free of
a (historical) relation of awareness of the whole of the open in which this
thing takes its stand, and why all relation to the thing is thus originally
and always an open comportment. Consequently, stating, although it
does nothing but assert the accord between what is said of a thing and the
thing as it presents itself, is, because it is a comportment, attuned "in a
way that discloses beings as a whole." The limited accord achieved in
propositional truth presupposes that a universal accord (a being-attuned
to beings as a whole as such, to the disclosedness of Being) flourishes in
it. Thus there is no accordance without such a universal accord achieved
in the (always historical) attunement of comportment to being in its dis-
closedness. No Ubereinstimmungwithout Gestimmtheit, no stimmen with-
out the Stimmung that, prior to all modifications of comportment and all
modes in which a thing can present itself as such, secures the openness of
the disclosedness of Being as a whole within which beings can relate to
one another/
Heidegger writes: "Letting beings be, which is an attuning, a bring-
ing into accord, prevails throughout and anticipates all the open com-
portment that flourishes in it [Das stimmende SeinLr1ssen l!()n Seiendem

greift durch alies in ihm schwingende offillstdlldige Verhalten hindurch ulld

greift ihm vor J. Man's comportment is brought into definite accord
[durchstimmtJ throughout by the openness of being as a whole" (pp.
131-32). The universal attunement in question strikes (as one strikes an
accord), or stretches (as one stretches an octave, for instance), through the
open comportment that swings, vibrates, oscillates in it (according to the
rhythm of the accord). It anticipates (greift ihm vor) all comportment,
Heidegger notes, and thus emphasizes the antecedence of the attunement
in question. Through it, all of man's comportments have always already
been attuned (abgestimmt) to the openness of Being as a whole that per-
vades it (durchstimmt) from the start. Now if the openness of Being as a
whole is the being-attuned or attunement in which all open comport-
ment, and in particular, stating comportment, flourishes, then it is not
only what precedes all possible accordance (and the latter's inner possi-
bility and ground) but what precedes it as an ever more refined accord.
Although, in the attempt to foreground truth as accordance and its de-
pendence on a destination according to the order of creation (Oberein-
stimmung and B~stimmung) in the inner possibility and the ground of
truth as correctness, Heidegger did not construe these enabling condi-
tions himself in terms of an accord of the vectorial traits discussed above,
still, when dealing with the openness of the open and with truth in the
essential sense of aletheia (that is, with the final presuppositions or impli-
cations of the traditional concept of truth), he has recourse to terms-
Gestimmtheit, Stimmung-that not only mean being-attuned, or mood,
but also echo "accord." With the fundamental being-attuned of all com-
portment to being as a whole, with this disclosedness, which is openness
as such, upon which something as narrow as the accordance of proposi-
tion and matter rests-with all this, a background melody, or rather a
rhythm, comes into sight that is indistinguishable from the openness of
Being as a whole. "From the point of view of everyday calculations and
preoccupations this 'as a whole' appears to be incalculable and incompre-
hensible. It cannot be understood on the basis of the beings opened up in
any given case, whether they belong to nature or to history," Heidegger
writes; and he adds, "Although it ceaselessly brings everything into defi-
nite accord [stdndig alies stimmend J, still it remains indefinite, indeter-
minable [das Unbestimmte, UnbestimmbareJ" (p. 132). From the point of
Tuned to Accord 137

view of everyday thinking, science, and metaphysics, such attuning that

allows for accordance must remain indeterminable. For a thinking en-
gaged in determination, what makes accordance possible must necessarily
escape determination. To speak of the whole that attunes as something
indeterminate or indeterminable is to speak of it metaphysically, or-
what amounts to the same thing if we follow Heidegger-to speak of it
in a most common and unconsidering manner. But if what ceaselessly
brings everything into accord by attuning it to Being as a whole as such
appears undetermined and indeterminable, the reason for this may also
be that what brings into accord cannot itself be an accord anymore in the
usual sense. It itself, perhaps, no longer accords. It accords, perhaps, with-
out according (itself). But because this originary attuning is undeter-
mined or indeterminable, it is not a fleeting, unfathomable, or vague con-
cept. Indeed, what ceaselessly accords everything can achieve such a task
with the help of very precise and definite means. We must therefore try
to grasp with all possible rigor-and that means, by its constitutive
traits-the necessarily indeterminable and perhaps no longer simply ac-
corded accord on which accordance depends.
As already noted, being-attuned as something indeterminable "co-
incides for the most part [follt ... zusammen] with what is most fleeting
and most unconsidered" (p. 132). The two reasons advanced-the inabil-
ity of metaphysics and common understanding to think of it otherwise,
and the specific ontological status of being-attuned-bring about in a
concerted action this collapse of what ceaselessly accords into the indeter-
minable and the most common. By becoming determined as the indeter-
minable, what ceaselessly puts everything into accord becomes concealed.
But this concealment is a self-concealment. As that which lies at the origin
of all accord, what ceaselessly accords must withdraw from what it brings
harmoniously together. It achieves such withdrawal as the undetermined
and indeterminable, both of which are inevitable counterconcepts to de-
termining thought within the latter's sphere. If originary attunement is
lost in the indeterminable, it is because it loses itself in allowing for the
possibility of accord in the sphere of the determinable. The indeter-
minable is in that very sphere the proxy, the phantom image, of originary
attunement, in which image it is lost as well. Heidegger can thus claim
that "what brings into accord is not nothing [not something trifling, triv-

ial, fleeting, etc.] but rather a concealing of beings as a whole." He ex-

plains: "Precisely because letting-be always lets beings be in a particular
comportment which relates to them and thus discloses them, it conceals
beings as a whole. Letting-be is intrinsically at the same time a concealing"
(p. 132). For accordance between a particular statement and a particular
matter to be achieved, and for the particularity of a being to show itself in
and from itself, that without which a particular being could not reveal it-
self in its very particularity, namely its appearing as such (beings as such
as a whole), must withdraw. The withdrawal of Being as a whole is coeval
with the actualization of Being as such in letting-be. The dissimulation of
what makes it possible for a particular being to present itself as such, in
what it is and how it is, is the necessary condition for the very presence of
that being itself.8 This necessary dissimulation in letting-be, the inevitable
withdrawal of Being as a whole in the coming into their own right of sin-
gular beings, also affects the accordance on which truth as correctness
rests. Accordance is also always singular, and thus its being-attuned to be-
ings as a whole must necessarily become dissimulated too. What is opened
up as a singular accord obfuscates the openness, the being-open by which
it becomes accorded. As a result, what ceaselessly accords everything must
necessarily comport with the trait not only of withdrawal, concealment,
retreat, but also of a certain discord. What ceaselessly accords puts out of
accord. The necessary eclipse of the according whole of being as such in
letting a particular being be is also, and inevitably, the event of discord, of
the war among beings. 9 The ultimate accord, which attunes all human
comportment to seek accordance between itself and what it lets be, can
thus only be an accord very much unlike those that, as we have seen, ren-
der possible and ground truth as correctness. The ultimate accord must be
one whose constituting trait cannot but comport with the countertrait of
discord. But how are we to think the unity or economy of such a complex?
Can it still have the nature of an accord?
In the following section, "Untruth as Concealing," Heidegger ar-
gues: "The concealment of beings as a whole, untruth proper, is older
than every openedness of this or that being. It is also older than letting-be
itself which in disclosing already holds concealed and comports itself to-
ward concealing" (p. 132). Older than letting-be is "the concealing of
what is concealed [die Verbergung des Verborgenen 1as a whole, of beings as
Tuned to Accord 139

such, i.e., the mystery [Geheimnisl" (p. 132). What Heidegger calls "the
one mystery" is not just the exact counterpart of disclosedness or the
openness of the open. Being as a whole as such attunes and accords every-
thing ceaselessly. But Being as a whole as such, the openness of Being, is
wrenched from concealedness. It is "derived" from Being's concealedness.
The concealing of this concealedness-the mystery-is older than all
letting-be, and this also implies that it does not comport with the disclo-
sure of disclosedness in a symmetric fashion. It does not harmoniously ac-
cord with it in a unitary synthesis. The concealing of concealedness, in-
deed, refers what ceaselessly accords, Being as a whole, not to a definite
or determined trait that would be the bipolar correspondent to the ac-
cording trait (and which could lend itself to entering into accord with the
according trait), but to an abyssal trait. The mystery names the inner
limit not only of truth as correspondence but of truth as aletheia as well.
All disclosing letting-be, with the inescapable dissimulation of Being as a
whole that goes with it, is itself "dependent" on the concealing of what is
concealed. 10 This concealing is, as Heidegger puts it, "the fundamental
occurrence [Grundgeschehen 1" on which letting-be and the withdrawal of
Being that accompany it hinge (p. 134). Although this concealing is the
ineluctable abyss, or blind spot, that accompanies truth as aletheia (and
by extension truth as adaequatio or homoiosis), it is also older than truth,
not only because singular accordance presupposes the withdrawal of Be-
ing as a whole to which it must be attuned, but because the disclosure of
Being as a whole itself entails that it be wrenched from concealedness.
The concealing of what is concealed-of Being as a whole-is the dis-
symmetric (and abyssal) countertrait to which that which ceaselessly ac-
cords-Being as a whole-relates. The ultimate synthesis, then-the
third, but perhaps fourth, fifth, sixth step in Heidegger's attempt to fore-
ground truth as accordance-is no longer an accord, strictly speaking. It
is certainly not the accord of accord and discord. Rather, in it the accord
comes to stand in a relation to its limit. What attunes and accords cease-
lessly is not inhabited by discord. There is no Verstimmung intrinsically
linked up with the enabling accord of Gestimmtheit. The dissymmetry of
this ultimate synthesis precludes the possibility that any simple opposite
of Stimmung should enter into a relation to it. This dissymmetry also pre-
cludes the possibility that the limit of Stimmung should be thought by

way and in terms of a (linguistic, etymological) derivative of the notion

of Stimmung. Heidegger recognizes as much when he shows the limit of
accord to be the mystery of the concealing of the concealed-Geheimnis.
Neither a name nor a concept can hope to designate this strange arrange-
ment. Stimmung and Geheimnis are names in a Heideggerian sense. For
the economy of their interrelatedness, however, Heidegger could not find
a name. That is why he left it unnamed. But name and concept do not
exhaust the linguistic means for thinking and spelling out the disposition
of the traits that make up the ultimate accord that is no longer an accord.
To think and spell it out, it is perhaps necessary to turn around and take
up once again the analysis whose very premises lead Heidegger to search
for names for both the fundamental occurrences of concealing and what
rests on it-aletheia. To think this unnamable and unconceptualizable ac-
cord that is not an accord, it would perhaps be necessary to displace the
whole style of Heidegger's analysis. But that would perhaps also mean to
no longer being able to keep intact the distinction between philosophy
on the one hand and metaphysics and ordinary thinking on the other.
Such a displacement would involve shaking up the manner in which Hei-
degger conceived of the relations that exist between these types of think-
ing. And finally, a question, modalized by probability as well: would such
an undertaking, if possible and successful (if that could still mean some-
thing here), still be thinking? Would the spelled-out accord that is no
longer an accord be an accord that has been thought?
Canonizing Measures

As a discipline, that is, a department of knowledge and learning,

philosophy must inevitably have a system of rules or a method for the
maintenance, proper conduct, and transmission of its specific task. But
philosophy's task not only is to be executed in an orderly fashion but is it-
self constituted by a set of rules, the rules of orderly or disciplined think-
ing. As a branch of knowledge and instruction, the discipline "philoso-
phy" thus has its own proper canon. Without the canon of its elected
books, the harmonic ordering of its corpus, and the strict rules to be ob-
served not only in learning or teaching it bur in philosophizing as well,
philosophy would not be recognizable as a discipline.! For these are what
give it its identity. Hence, this canonicity, in particular the domain of es-
tablished fundamental rules for thought within it, profoundly affects our
understanding of philosophy. Indeed, depending on what these rules are
said to be (and to what level of thinking they pertain), the discipline of
philosophy fans our into the diverse definitions that it has been assigned
It is not unimportant for what is to follow to mention that the
meaning of "canon" as the entirety of a discipline's fundamental rules de-
rives from the Greek word kanon, which itself originates from the Semitic
word quanae. Yet, whereas quanae merely designates the reed from which
baskets are woven and measuring rods are made, the word in its Greek

cast becomes dominated by its figural meaning. The referential emphasis

shifts from the material out of which measuring rods, plumb lines, or
beams of scales are manufactured to the measuring rod's form, its straight
line or shape, and thus to the measuring instrument itself. Further, with
this shift away from the material to the form of the rod, the term kanon
acquires the additional meaning of infallible standard, model (as with the
statues of Polyclitus), or desirable aims that are thus raised to the status
of kriteria, that is, means for judging or trying (by a court of judgment
or tribunal, for instance). Although the notion of a canon is commonly
associated with the attempts, beginning in the early Middle Ages, to se-
cure the literary tradition of the schools, the juridical tradition of the
state, and the religious tradition of the church,2 it has been a terminus
technicus in Greek philosophy to refer to the criteria for the discovery of
the foundations of knowledge, the distinction between what is true and
false, and what is good and evil. The echo of this early philosophical use
of "canon" is still clearly perceptible in Kant's critical philosophy. But in
this essay, I will not be concerned so much with the explicit thematiza-
don of canon and canonicity in (historical) philosophy as with the ways
in which canon as standard, rule, and principle is constitutive of philoso-
phyas such, insofar as it conceives of itself as a discipline.
Philosophy is a discipline only if it yields or measures up to its stan-
dard. But what is this standard in most general terms? When Epicurus
uses the term "canon" to circumscribe logic as a system of rules for the
production and examination of cognitions, when Epictetus identifies phi-
losophy as the establishment of a canon for correct acting and knowing,
when Kant defines logic and pure reason as the canon of a priori laws or
principles of thought without which there can be no correct (or legiti-
mate) use of our cognitive faculties, it becomes evident that they wished
philosophy to be understood in a certain, very determined way-either
as a theory of knowledge (Epicurus), as a doctrine for the proper conduct
of life (Epictetus), or as the "general art of reason [eine allgemeine Ver-
nuftkunst]" (Kant).' But independently of these specifically historical
standards that help the discipline of philosophy achieve determined goals,
what does "canon" do for philosophy as philosophy, and how does it af-
fect our understanding of philosophy itself?
At this point it is necessary to reflect briefly on the ground rules, the
Canonizing Measures 143

bare necessities required by philosophical thought to be such thought in

the first place, rather than science or literature, for instance. Although
likely to invite misunderstanding, the following extremely schematic char-
acterization of the nature of the formal ground-structures of philosophical
thinking must suffice here: philosophical thought, I suggest, is essentially
transcendental synthesis. Beyond historical configurations, this funda-
mental form of thinking (which overlaps with the method of thinking),
establishes philosophy as a specific discursive practice in its own right and
serves as a criterion to demarcate it from other branches of knowledge. Be-
yond the technical Kantian and Husserlian sense of "transcendental syn-
thesis," beyond the characterization of philosophy from a transcendental-
logical perspective as intertwined categorial, affirmative, and self-positing
synthesis,4 and thus also beyond the conception of judgment as the proto-
type of synthetic thought, I understand "transcendental synthesis" to
mean the elemental and elementary constitution of the as such of the
world (the world as world) by way of the difference that irrupts into the
world in the experience of wonder (or anxiety). At its most fundamental,
philosophical thinking is thus the inauguration of the concept of the
world-of a difference of the world from itself that, once attributed to the
world, sets the condition for all synthetic knowledge about the world. This
characterization of philosophical thought, however, does not yet provide a
standard, a canon properly speaking. It does not yet serve to institute phi-
losophy as a disciplined and disciplinized discursive praxis. The inaugu-
rating transcendental synthetic experience of the thaumazein turns into a
standard or canonic rule only under a given condition, namely that the el-
ementary exigency of a radical break with world-immediacy is not purely
met. Indeed, although philosophy has from its inception in Greek wonder
claimed this exigency of thinking the as such as its own, it has conceived
of it in substantial terms (as ousia, for instance), thus committing a cate-
gory mistake of colossal proportions, as gigantic as the gigantomachia tes
ousias ("the battle of the gods and giants about Being") itself 5 In conse-
quence, the exigency against which philosophical thought must be mea-
sured has always given in to the tendency to mistake the as such of the
world for the world itself, to understand the whole in terms of something
that it comprises. This confusion, or metabasis eis aLlo genos ("confusion of
genres"), of the as such with entities, that is, with instances capable of

causal origination, authority, and disciplinization above all, is the condi-

tion under which the ground rules of philosophical thinking can turn into
the canon for philosophy as a discipline, and endow philosophy with the
power to punish and discipline any other discourses simply by judging
them to be science, literature, or something else. The category mistake
in question makes it possible to speak of the elementary exigencies and
fundamental forms of philosophical thinking as a standard, a canon for
thought as philosophical thought, in the first place.
In this essay, I would like to inquire into the status, or fate, of
canonicity in that kind of contemporary philosophy-sometimes incon-
gruously labeled "postmodern"-in which the concern with thinking
produces a critical distinction and opposition between (philosophical)
thought and traditional disciplinary philosophy. Heidegger thematizes
this passage from the discipline of philosophy (which in all its abstrac-
tion-or more precisely, because of its abstraction-remains unsevered
from commonsense thinking) to the craft of thinking as a Wandlung des
Denkens. However, Wandlung, translated as change, mutation, transfor-
mation. transubstantiation, fails to capture the very manner in which this
passage from disciplined philosophizing to thinking occurs. Wandlung
must be understood here from its etymological roots in Old High Ger-
man: wanton, to turn (around), belongs to the verb wintan, to wind.
Rather than a continuous development, Wandlung implies for Heidegger
a breaking out and away from everything traditionally associated with
philosophical-abstract and conceptual-thought. The change of think-
ing that he evokes "apparently remains on the path of metaphysics. Nev-
ertheless, in its decisive steps ... it accomplishes a change [Wandel] in
the questioning that belongs to the overcoming [Uberwindung] of meta-
physics."6 Wandlung des Denkens thus refers to a turning away, a re-
bounding from, and a leap out (Sprung) of disciplinary thinking, thus
emphasizing a sharp discontinuity in thinking's relationship to the tradi-
tion of the philosophical discipline. If the transformed kind of thinking
that characterizes "philosophy" from Heidegger to Derrida is thus char-
acterized by a marked departure from the procedures handed down
within the discipline-including the steps requisite for continuous de-
velopment-this change must also affect the fundamental exigencies of
philosophical thought, its standard, or canon. We ask: what happens to
Canonizing Measures 145

canon and canonicity when thought extracts itself (in a relation of con-
tinued implication) from the philosophical? To sketch the beginning
of an answer to this question, I will briefly analyze some passages from
" ... Poetically Man Dwells ... "
Although Heidegger discusses only poetic dwelling in this essay, the
proximity between poetry and thinking suggests that, after due al-
lowances, everything established about poetic dwelling will be true of
thinking dwelling as well. What then does Heidegger say in " ... Poeti-
cally Man Dwells ... " that might pertain to my question regarding
canonicity and canon in postphilosophical thought? Heidegger sets out to
claim that what is usually called the existence of man has to be under-
stood in terms of dwelling. "Dwelling" does not in this case refer to
"merely one form of human behavior alongside many others"; rather it
refers to what may be the "basic character of human existence [des men-
schlichen Daseins J."7 Understood essentially, dwelling characterizes the
human being's mode of being in the between of sky and earth. Like the
fundamental structure of being-in-the-world analyzed in Being and Time,
dwelling has eminently ethical, or rather proto-ethical connotations-as
will become evident as soon as the mode of "relationship" that dwelling
has to both sky and earth comes into view. Poetry, Heidegger continues,
is what "causes dwelling to be dwelling. Poetry is what really lets us dwell
[eigentliches Wohnenlassen]" (p. 215). It is capable ofletting-dwell precisely
because poetry is a measuring (Messen), Heidegger adds. Indeed, it is a
measuring that has "its own metron, and thus its own metric" (p. 221).
What does this metron consist in that serves as a measure for poetic mea-
suring, and thus dwelling? What is this standard against which letting-
dwell must be judged? And what is a measure to begin with?
A measure (metron, mensura, Mass) is either an ethical, aesthetical
concept or one pertaining to the philosophy of nature. In my analysis of
Heidegger's essay I will only be concerned with its ethical meaning.
Werner Marx has defined the essential traits of the traditional, that is,
onto-theological conception of measure as follows:
Measure is a "standard measure" that contains as such the demand of an ought.
Preceding the measuring act, it has the mode of being ofa "transcendence." At
the same time, it has the "power" to determine the human being "immanently."
Therein lies the deciding significance of a measure, namely its "binding oblig-

ingness." It has the power to remain the "same" in different situations, and as
such it has the characteristics of "obviousness" and "unambiguity. "R

In the essentialist perspective characteristic of our Platonic and Judeo-

Christian heritage, the measure for ethical behavior is constituted either
by a canon of the cardinal virtues or by virtue as a mean (meson) or fru-
gaiitas comprising all other virtues, or by the emerging domination of hu-
man being's rational nature over its animal nature. Traditionally, mea-
sure's possible effectiveness as a standard for responsible, ethical behavior
is guaranteed in that it takes on the form of a canon of teachable rules,
laws, and injunctions that endow it with an indisputable objective real-
ity. Considering Heidegger's anti-Platonic and anti-essentialist position,
his reference to the notion of measure in " ... Poetically Man Dwells ... "
should, in principle, presuppose a redetermination of the traditional con-
cept in question.
Poetry is a measuring, Heidegger notes, in that it takes the measure
of man with respect to what he calls the dimension dealt out to him, that
is, the between of heaven and earth that "man spans [durchmessen] ... by
measuring himself [as mortal] against the heavenly" (pp. 220-21). But
poetry's measuring is not just one measuring act among others. Indeed,
since in poetry the measure is taken for man's dwelling in the between of
earth and sky, the taking of measure that occurs in poetry is the primor-
dial measure-taking subsequently applied in every measuring act. Poetry,
Heidegger writes, is the measure-taking (Mass-nahme) "by which man
first receives the measure for the breadth of his being" (p. 222). By virtue
of its primordial nature, such measure-taking is not comparable to all fur-
ther acts of measuring; it is "a strange measure for ordinary and in partic-
ular also for all merely scientific ideas, certainly not a palpable stick or
rod" (p. 223). Nor is it a rule or standard in the habitual or even philo-
sophical sense. The measure that Heidegger is discussing here is not
canonical; it does not take the form of a canon of virtues and rules and
does not lend itself to disciplinary measures. But to realize fully the
strangeness (befremdlich) of this measure, and the extent to which it dif-
fers from traditional conceptions of measure, it will be necessary to return
to Heidegger's text.
I recall that for Holderlin, the author of the poem from which Hei-
degger has taken the title of his essay, the measure against which man
Canonizing Measures 147

measures himself as a mortal in the between of earth and sky is the god-
head. But Heidegger specifies: the godhead is a measure for the mortals
that span the dimension of the between only insofar as the godhead is the
Unknown One. He writes, "for Holderlin God, as the one who he is, is
unknown and it is just as this Unknown One that he is the measure for the
poet" (p. 222). This means that Heidegger conceives of measure-taking in
terms of the structure of aletheic concealment in disclosure. Indeed,
"something that man measures himself by must after all impart itself,
must appear. But if it appears, it is known. The god, however, is un-
known, and he is the measure nonetheless" (p. 222). If the appearing god-
head is to be the measure for mortals, it can only be insofar as he appears
as the one who conceals himself and remains concealed or unknown. But
if the godhead reveals himself as a measure only if he appears as the Un-
known One, the measure contains in Heidegger's terms a mystery (Ge-
heimnis). With this Heidegger's notion of measure shows itself to lack the
essential features of "obviousness" and "unambiguity," as well as those
that pertain to the enduring identity of the idealities that traditionally
constitute a measure. Heidegger adds: "Not only this, but the god who
remains unknown, must by showing himselfas the one he is, appear as the
one who remains unknown. God's manifestness-not only he himself-
is mysterious." The mystery thus pervades the very manifestness of the
measure, as opposed to what manifests itself as measure (god); the very
appearing of god must occur in such a way that it shows only withdrawal
in the openness of the open of what comes to the fore. It is thus not god
properly speaking who is the measure for man, but the way in which god
as the unknown becomes manifest as withdrawn. We read:

The measure consists in the way in which the god who remains unknown, is re-
vealed as such by the sky. God's appearance through the sky consists in a disclos-
ing that lets us see what conceals itself, but lets us see it not by seeking to wrest
what is concealed out of its concealedness, but only by guarding the concealed
in its self-concealment. Thus the unknown god appears as the unknown by way
of the sky's manifestness. This appearance is the measure against which man
measures himself. (p. 223)

The metron of poetic dwelling is a mode of appearing that lets us see what
conceals itself (god, the heavenly, the immortals) in such a way that the
concealed remains concealed. The strange (befremdlich) metron that Hei-

degger talks about thus reveals its intrinsic ethical implications. It is a

mode of appearing in which the unfamiliar, the alien, is allowed to reveal
itself as alien in the familiar (Vertrauten). Exemplified by god's appearance
as the unknown, this metron preserves "the darkness and the silence of
what is alien" in its appearing. It lets the alien reveal itself, but reveal it-
self as alien, as other, in short, "as that which conceals itself" (p. 225). In
measuring himself against such a measure-in a measure that lets be as
other-man dwells on earth, in the dimension that as mortal is assigned
to him. If this measure looks strange, and estranges, this is because, in
contrast to the traditional ethical law (primarily concerned with the hu-
man being's harmonious fitting into the whole of what is), it is opened up
to strangeness-in a radicalization of what already had been sketched out
as Dasein's structure of being-in. It is opened up to strangeness in that it
lets what is strange freely demarcate itself from the familiar and thus be
itself as such: strange and other.
This metron is the standard of poetic dwelling. Dwelling is dwelling
only if it yields to the measure taken by poetry. But, as Heidegger's "Let-
ter on Humanism" recalls, poetry "is confronted by the same question,
and in the same manner, as thinking." Thus when toward the end of that
text Heidegger asks, "Whence does thinking take its measure?" it be-
comes obvious that, in a way similar to poetry, thinking dwelling occurs
only when it rests in the measure taken by thought. The measure for
thought-or as he also puts it, "the sole matter of thinking"-is "to bring
to language ever and ever again ... [the] advent of Being which remains,
and in its remaining waits for man." The saying of Being, more precisely,
"the fittingness of the saying of Being, as of the destiny of truth, is the first
law of thinking-not the rules of logic which can become rules only on
the basis of the law of Being."9 The metron or law for thinking, like the
measure for poetry, is not a canon, a rule or stick, a standard or principle.
It is, in both cases, much less and much more than a canon. Whereas a
standard sets the rules for a discipline, such as literature or philosophy, the
metron represents the measure of poetry (dichten) and thinking (denken).
Whereas a standard's features are authoritatively applied from outside to a
realm of human activity (such as cognition or poetic activity), the metron
is immanent to poetic or thinking dwelling. It is such dwelling only if it
rests in the measure in question. A metron comes to stand or to bear, in
Canonizing Measures 149

the very process, happening, or occurrence of such dwelling. It is nothing

independently of the active happening of poetry and thought. The mea-
sure for thought and poetry cannot therefore be taken in the sense of be-
ing clutched or grasped, in order to be applied or imposed. The measure
is taken in a gathered taking-in (gesammelten Vernehmen), in Heidegger's
words, that is, in a hearing-response to what is disclosed as concealed
(p. 223). The measure is taken in a response that is both responsive and
responsible. It can consequently be said that the taking of the measure
obeys as well the law of granting a stay, an ethos, to what remains sheltered
in concealment.
But how does this metron for thinking and poetry relate to the
canon, the traditional standards, the exigencies of the disciplines? What
commerce exists between it and the canon of the discipline of philosophy
in particular? Moreover, if, as I argued, "transcendental synthesis" is at the
basis of the canonical laws of philosophy, what happens to the exigencies
of transcendentality and synthesis in what Heidegger emphatically calls
thought or thinking? Do transcendentality and unification become alto-
gether obsolete in postphilosophical thought, that is, in a thought that
calls for "less philosophy, but more attentiveness in thinking; less litera-
ture, but more cultivation of the letter"?lO
If the rules of logic can become rules only on the basis of the law or
metron of Being, then the metron for thought is not unconnected to these
standard rules of the disciplines. It stands in a grounding relation to them.
For the metron to delimit these latter rules in a gesture that is indeed more
philosophical than interdisciplinary is not to overthrow them. They are
merely shown to derive from the metron through restriction, and only
through this derivation they can serve the legitimate yet limited interests
of the specialized tasks proper to the disciplines. Undoubtedly, their au-
thority is breached when they are shown to result from a restriction of the
law or metroll of thinking and poetry, but at the same time, this demon-
stration provides the disciplines with a new kind of legitimation. The re-
lation between the metrOll and the rules of the disciplines is not ex-
hausted, however, by describing it in terms of a grounding relation. As I
have argued, the metron for poetic and thinking dwelling is immanent to
dwelling itself. In other words, it cannot rigorously be detached from
dwelling by some metadiscourse and raised to the status of a rranscen-

dence. Yet, of this metron of poetic and thinking dwelling we cannot bur
speak as if it was a transcendence, a measure, or a canon in the traditional
sense. This difficulty-that the metron is not a canon yet cannot be con-
ceived of or talked about except by being raised above its immanence in
poetic or thinking dwelling-can be dealt with provisionally by taking
the following lead from Jean-Fran<,:ois Lyotard. Resorting, in The Dif-
ftrend, to the Kantian distinction between determinant and reflective
judgments, he characterizes the stakes of philosophical thought (in post-
philosophical thinking, if you wish) as directed toward "discovering its
(own) rules rather than ... supposing their knowledge as a principle."ll
In other words, the law of thinking, its metron, has to be understood as a
reflective law rather than as a principle. It can only be incessantly discov-
ered, since it is not a law that is fixed once and for all. It can only be re-
flected upon, in the occurring of philosophical thinking, as a law, to use a
Heideggerian formula, that is always only on the way to itself. The metron
of thought is not frozen into canonicity. It is a canonical law only in a
process of approximation. Hence, when the law of thought turns into a
law, thinking ends, and the disciplines begin. When the reflective deter-
mination of the measure of thinking and poetry comes full circle, the
measure becomes transformed into a canon. In the canons of the disci-
plines, thinking has abandoned the reflective search for its immanent
rule. All that is left, in that case, of the ethical dimension of the metron of
poetic or thinking dwelling is the individual and specialized disciplines'
demand that their standards be specific, and that they take the singularity
of the domains they govern into account.
The foregoing developments about the relation between metron and
canon implicitly contain an answer to the question regarding the role of
the transcendental in the measure of thought. But before articulating this
response, I shall make another brief detour through Heidegger's discus-
sion of "measure" in " ... Poetically Man Dwells ... " He writes: "The
measure taken by poetry yields, imparts itself-as the foreign element in
which the invisible one preserves his presence-to what is familiar in the
sights of the sky. Hence, the measure is of the same nature as the sky"
(p. 226). Although the sky (along with everything beneath it) is the ele-
ment of the appearing and disclosure of the unknown godhead, the fa-
miliar sights (Anblicke, or images, as Heidegger also calls them) remain
Canonizing Measures 151

foreign, incommensurate with the invisible one even when he is revealed

as the one who conceals himself. Conversely, the godhead's disclosure as
the invisible in the radiance of the sky is itself a foreign ingredient in the
familiar. In transcending the familiar sights, the godhead could be said to
be a transcendent entity, and hence man's absolute and decisive measure
in the traditional onto-theological sense. Holderlin might still have un-
derstood the godhead in this fashion. But as we have seen, for Heidegger,
it is not the godhead who is the measure, but "the way in which the god
who remains unknown, is revealed as such by the sky." Yet this measure is
said to be of the same nature as the sky. The measure's celestial nature,
however, does not imply that it would have the mode of being of a tran-
scendent essence. "The sky is not sheer light," we are told. "The radiance
of its height is itself the darkness of its all-sheltering breadth" (p. 226).
Thus, when Heidegger agrees with Holderlin that there is no measure on
earth, it is not in order to associate the measure in a traditional manner
with the heavenly. If the measure were of the earth, it would, first of all, be
a measure lacking the exigency of "universal" bindingness. But as Hei-
degger explains, we deny an earthly character to measure primarily "be-
cause what we signifY when we say 'on the earth' exists only insofar as man
dwells on the earth and in his dwelling lets the earth be as earth" (p. 227).
Such a measure, however, rather than having the mode of being of a tran-
scendence, is something transcendental. But if it is, as Heidegger repeat-
edly notes, a strange measure, this is also because the transcendentality of
this measure, which articulates a preserving disclosure, is of an unheard-of
nature. Since Kant, to speak of transcendentality is to imply finitude. The
transcendentality invoked by Heidegger, however, is no longer subjec-
tivist, and hence the finitude that goes with it would also be of a different
sort than that of Kant. The measure for poetic dwelling is of the same na-
ture as the sky, the familiar sights of man, the topos of the celestials, and
yet it contains the foreign as foreign, which has imparted itself to the ele-
ment of light. It is inhabited by the darkness from which what appears
shines forth, and back into which it withdraws. What causes the measure
to be slightly different from what it applies to is that it lets be as with-
drawn, as sheltered, as unknown. But such letting-be of the disclosure of
the alien as such, which sets poetic dwelling radically apart from ordinary
dwelling, is also what makes poetic dwelling irreducibly finite.

In the discussion of how metron relates to canon, the metron's tran-

scendentality and its finitizing reference to a transcendens was already im-
plied. If I now circle back to that discussion, I do so in order to exemplify
yet another decisive feature of poetry's and thought's dependence on tran-
scendentality. When I advanced with Lyotard that thought (or for that
matter, poetry) is rooted in reflective judgment, in a judgment that seeks
the universal rule for a given manifold, I also understood poetry, or
thought, to approximate this rule infinitely. This lack of, or resistance to,
a final standardization or canonization was said to be constitutive of the
metron. Mter what I have just elaborated, it is evident that the metron's
transcendentality is thus constituted not by such things as an exhaustive
set (or canon) of categories or other idealities (say in the Husserlian
sense), but by the endless spanning of the dimension, and in particular,
of the difference that separates man from and ties him to the other, the
foreign, the alien. To let the other be as other in poetic or thinking dis-
closure is not only to transcend the familiar (and to prepare a stay for the
alien), it is also to remain unflaggingly in the gesture of transcending, pre-
serving it from crystallizing into a substantialist or subjectivist perspec-
tive, into, fur example, categories, or conditions of possibility. The tran-
scendence or the transcendental of poetry or thought escapes the category
mistake I referred to earlier, and hence their metrons resist canonization.
But what about unification, synthesis? As we have seen, the mea-
sure is taken in a gesammelten Vernehmen. Gesammelt here means collec-
tive, collected, gathered, and refers to the hearing that responds to the
appeal of what speaks. But the measure for poetic dwelling and thinking
dwelling is collective in yet another sense. It gathers into one, it lets be
together and near, the familiar and the foreign that estranges. Needless
to say, such a gathering of the familiar and the alien cannot be a synthe-
sis or a unity in the usual philosophical sense. In the togetherness of the
familiar and the foreign, the foreign is allowed to be the foreign that it is.
Its heterogeneity remains. Yet it is referred to; it is allowed a stay. In this
gathering union of the familiar and otherness as otherness, the ties and
relations are as tightly knit as in any synthetic whole. And yet, in the
gathered unity in question, unification itself remains deferred. It takes
place, it occurs-unflaggingly-but without consummation in a whole
or totality.
Canonizing Measures 153

In short, then, beyond the disciplines and their canons, beyond phi-
losophy and its standards, thought and poetry encounter the metron for a
mode of thinking and poetry that allows for no canon. Such modes of
thinking and poetry do not give rise, therefore, to disciplines. The mea-
sure given by such a metron to thinking and poetry, the metric it provides
for their movement (Gang), is one of steps (Schritte) , if not of leaps
(Sprunge), of the decisive steps of questioning that, in the case of think-
ing, at least, mark its measured course, its way.
"Like the Rose-Without Why"

The French philosopher Alain's poignant observation that philoso-

phy is just as little a politics as it is an agriculture, could easily be made to
include ethics. If ethics is understood as a doctrine of prescriptive norms
for human behavior, it is not necessarily part of philosophy. Nonetheless,
the absence of an ethics in this sense from the work of a variety of con-
temporary thinkers has been turned into a means to challenge their
philosophies. It is as if a philosophy could prove itself only if it became
extended in a concrete set of precepts for acts of obligation or duty. Such
an ideological, or more profoundly, technological misconception of what
philosophy is about inspired Heidegger's young friend (as well as many
other friends and foes afterward) to ask him, soon after Being and Time
appeared: "When are you going to write an ethics?" I Yet considering the
very topic of Being and Time-the thinking of Being-such a question
or request demonstrates not only confusion but, as Reiner Schiirmann ar-
gues in Heidegger on Being and Acting: From Principles to Anarchy,2 "the
confusion par excellence." Indeed, "to expect Seinsdenken, thinking of be-
ing, to provide principles for action as Aristotelians sought to derive the
principles of moral and institutional theory from a first philosophy, or as
philosophers in early modernity divided general metaphysics into
branches of special metaphysics, ... amounts to confusing the antic with
the ontological" (pp. 286-87). As Heidegger has repeatedly stressed, the
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 155

analytic of Dasein is not an anthropology; its sole goal is to come to grips

with the meaning of Being as Dasein qua Dasein implies it. As one could
show, the fundamental ontological perspective of the analytic of Dasein
is not without some ethical (or rather, proto-ethical) dimension: Heideg-
ger's elaborations on the being-in and being-alongside the world as exis-
tentiale constitutive of Dasein's fundamental structure of being-in-the-
world show, right from the start, his engagement with the originary
(Greek) meaning of ethics as "dwelling" and "being accustomed."-I Schur-
mann, however, limits Heidegger's concern with political and ethical
questions-with praxis-to his writings after the Kehre (his philosophi-
cal turning). Still-and let us be clear about this from the beginning-
not only does the question of action enter Heidegger's later thinking from
"an entirely different angle" than is customary in traditional formal de-
rivations of the schemes of praxis from those of theory (p. 293), but fur-
ther, the modes of action that Schurmann shows Heidegger to be con-
cerned with have an entirely different status than actions have in
traditional practical philosophy. Schurmann speaks of them as constitut-
ing a practical a priori-a priori in a sense to be elucidated hereafter. For
all these reasons, the practical philosophy that seems to transpire in Hei-
degger's later work is still not the ethics that his young friend had re-
quested. It is something much more simple than an ethics, and poorer,
yet at the same time more fundamental than a system of guidelines for
moral behavior or for a better future.
However, although Heidegger's later writings (unlike Being and
Time) provide the adequate context to raise the question of action, this
does not mean that a full-fledged practical philosophy could be found
there. On the contrary, Heidegger more often than not elides the radical
and political consequences of his later thought for action, and refuses to
render them explicit. Heidegger on Being and Acting has the undisputed
merit of having followed up, for the first time, and in a systematic fash-
ion, on all of Heidegger's hints regarding practical philosophy, and of
having drawn the consequences of his insights into the nature of thought
for such a philosophy. An enterprise of that kind, needless to say, does
not go without a certain violence, as Schurmann readily acknowledges.
Indeed, as the author's developments around the concept of deconstruc-
tion (in the Heideggerian sense of Abbau) 1 suggest, such violence against

Heidegger's oeuvre (his texts) in its empirical, ontic, historical form is

warranted if it brings into view what is public and political about them.
Yet what is more public and political than precisely the question of action
and activity in Heidegger's texts? Schiirmann's attempt to formulate the
consequences of Heidegger's thought for a practical philosophy, conse-
quences on which Heidegger in his texts has generally refused to elabo-
rate, requires a certain interpretive twist. This violence is epitomized, first
and foremost, in reading Heidegger against the grain, it rebours-that is,
backward, from and through his later writings. Although reading what
comes before with the help of what comes afterward is just another type
of finalist reading, Schiirmann's retrospective reading strategy has a po-
tential for undoing the teleocratic structures of reading in the first place.
That such may be the case, however, could only be argued from a per-
spective thoroughly familiar with Heidegger's late philosophy.

The notion of Kehre, of the turning, is usually understood to refer

to Heidegger's relinquishing of fundamental ontology in the name of a
history of Being. But this notion is also, and more importantly, a phe-
nomenological concept, which thematizes a chance or possibility that
arises when the valuations of all the essential positions in their extreme
forms throughout the history of metaphysics are concentrated and united
in technology. If technology is understood in this manner, it becomes the
terminal position in Western metaphysics; and because it reunites the lat-
ter's extreme positions, the closure of metaphysics. Yet if technology per-
mits a glance at the history of Western thought as a closed destiny,
thought has already risked itself beyond the metaphysical closure (and
thus technology can also be said to ruin the very principles that it em-
bodies). With this possibility of conceiving of metaphysics as a closed
thinking, technology appears as a chance-as the chance of approaching
metaphysics from another domain of thinking in which thinking is no
longer subject ro principles. Indeed, as Schiirmann demonstrates in fol-
lowing up on Heidegger's developments about the history of Being,
metaphysics is not a unified, homogeneous field of thought but the non-
linear genealogy of successive fields of intelligibility governed each time
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 157

by different principles. The chance that the terminal figure of meta-

physics offers for thought and, as will be seen, for praxis is a liberation
from principles-the chance of an-archy. How does Schiirmann, then,
conceive of such an-archy in thinking and acting? An-archy, as he under-
stands this term, has nothing to do with the historical anarchism of, say,
Mikhail Bakunin (which, like the nineteenth-century movements of ni-
hilism, was based on a deeply humanist and rationalist doctrine). Nor
does Schiirmann wish to promote disorder pure and simple. To do so in
the name of an originary an-archy would merely lead to an inversion, and
thus to instauration of hierarchy. 5 Although at times he risks formulations
that may lend themselves to such an interpretation,6 the developments
regarding an-archical thought and praxis in Schiirmann's study clearly
show that such thought-that is, thought in the first place-comprises
both a principle and what is beyond the principle, arche and an-arche.
An-archical thought and praxis are not, we shall be reminded, without a
certain Parmenidism!
Much of Heidegger on Being and Acting is devoted to establishing a
phenomenology of the epochal principles-that is, an archaeology or ge-
nealogy of these principles. Obviously, such an undertaking sounds more
like Foucault than like Heidegger, even the Heidegger from the history
and destiny of Being. But although SchUrmann has "recourse to
an assortment of terms not all of which are to be found in Heidegger"
(p. 2I)-and some of which clearly originate with Foucault-his pointed
critique of the latter's archaeology shows Schiirmann to be involved in a
very different enterprise. Foucault's archaeology, according to Schiirmann
(e.g., pp. 318, 345), is merely regional, because it is limited to describing
the phenomenon of the emerging epochs in terms of knowledge. But
what is an epochal principle in the first place? It is both the principium,
the foundation that provides reasons, and thus a matter of knowing, and
the princeps, the authority that dispenses justice, and thus a matter of act-
ing. As such, a principle is both the beginning and what commands or
rules; in short, what gives an epoch its cohesion (p. 25). An epochal prin-
ciple is constitutive of what is called "economy of presence," in which
words, things, and actions are interconnected each time in specific ways.
As already noted, the archaeology of epochal principles extends to the
realm of acting as well. It is not merely restricted to the domains of cog-

nition. In order to understand how epochal principles have also been con-
stitutive for acting, one has only to clarifY how the tradition has conceived
of the relation between theory and praxis. Traditionally, praxis has always
been legitimized by theory. To the question "What is to be done?"
philosophers have replied by relying "on some standard-setting first whose
grounding function was assured by a 'general' doctrine, be it called ontol-
ogy or something else" (p. I). Practical philosophy, Schiirmann argues,
has always borrowed its prime scheme from first philosophy, namely "the
reference to an arche, articulated according to the attributive pros hen or
the participative aph'henos relation. Theories of action not only depend in
general on what prevails as ultimate knowledge in each epoch but, fur-
thermore, they reproduce the attributive-participative schema as ifit were
a pattern" (p. 5). This schema springs from philosophy's attempt to
achieve knowledge in the domain of the sensible. Without referring the
sensible manifold to some One, no knowledge or verification of the sensi-
ble is possible. Since the Greeks conceived of the political as translating
"an ahistorical order, knowable in itself, into public organization, for
which that order served as an a priori model and as a criterion for a poste-
riori legitimation" (p. 39), speculative philosophy has remained the father
of practical philosophy. Its categories have been not sui generis but $1eriv-
ative from philosophy's doctrine of substance. The formal identity be-
tween the two is constituted by "the principial reference as such, the pros
hen" (p. 38), that is, the relation to the first, the one, a relation that both
grounds and gives a telos to all acting. Hence the history of the epochal
principles-what Schiirmann also calls "referential history" (p. 43)-is,
inevitably, a history "where the principia set themselves up as tete, as the
ends for man, for his doing and his speculating" (p. 42).
Principles that are both foundational and teleocratic organize the
specific economies of presence that make up referential history. Conse-
quently, they can be understood as a priori principles. Yet these principles
arise and fade away, and therefore are not transcendental a prioris, but
rather "factual a priori(s), finite" (p. 57). The genealogist, as Schiirmann
determines him, seeks to conceptualize this rising and waning, this com-
ing into presence and withdrawing of economic arrangements of pres-
ence (of words, things, and actions) that are encompassing each time, but
precarious as well since they pass away. However, a phenomenology of
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 159

epochal principles cannot as such content itself with a mere description

of these finite and ontic a prioris that for a limited time found, govern,
and link together words, things, and actions. Such a phenomenology
must inquire into the beginning of the principles that are arch-present in
their respective epochal orders of presence. It must follow the trail and
conceive of the arising, the coming about, the birth, or the origin as such
of what is, qua principle and telos, more present than the presence it or-
ders and organizes. In sum, a phenomenology of epochal principles has
to inquire into the "presencing" of the temporary principles, that is, into
the coming into presence of foundations that are all present themselves
(or even arch-present, if they are construed as they generally are, as the
causa sui of an epoch), and thus, in essence, not different (except in de-
grees of presence) from what they arraign. The phenomenology in ques-
tion is necessarily a phenomenology of presence investigating the origin
of presence. Indeed, Schiirmann's study is centered around this capital
methodological distinction between origin and ground or foundation. "As
'presencing' the origin is not a ground, not a fundament," he writes (p.
90). Although it is not always easy, as the author reminds us, to distin-
guish clearly between arche, principle, and origin, the attempt to conceive
of the emerging of the factual a prioris of the economies of presence must
take off from an analysis of the concept of origin in its Aristotelian form
as arche. It is here that one must begin, because the Aristotelian concept
of arche stands at the beginning of the Western conception of origin.
In his analysis of this concept, Schiirmann closely follows Heideg-
ger's hint, in Pathmarks, that Aristotelian physics is the hidden founda-
tional book (Grundbuch) of Western philosophy-thus of Aristotle's
Metaphysics as well, where the philosophical definition of arche as begin-
ning and rule takes shape. The Aristotelian notion of arche is, indeed, a
kinetic paradigm of origin. Its philosophical meaning is derived from Ar-
istotle's analysis of the origin of (sensible) movement, and is a function, as
the joining of "beginning" and "rule" shows, of a previously constituted
metaphysics of causes (p. 99). Moreover, as an analysis of arche's an-
tonym-teLos-demonstrates, artisanal production, in particular the art
of architecture, is the true domain in which ends are to be realized. Con-
sequently, Schiirmann can conclude, "The notion of arche, then, proves
to be generally kinetic and more specifically technical" (p. 103). In part 3,

"The Origin Is Said in Many Ways," he continues this history of how ori-
gin is understood in the tradition by focusing on Duns Scotus, and on
what happens when arche becomes translated as principium. The origin
manifests itself during the epoch of Latin philosophy via reason, the law
of the mind; and rather than ruling over becoming (movement), the ori-
gin now rules a hierarchical order. When origin becomes principium, the
Greek idea of origin as beginning is covered over "for the sake of retain-
ing pure domination." But the locus where origin can show itself has
changed as well. Human fabrication "has lost its paradigmatic role in the
constitution of knowledge. Another site now functions as the center of
things knowable and renders fabrication and know-how secondary, deriv-
ative. The domain from which the medievals understand the origin is no
longer man-made change, but gubernatio mundi, the government the
supreme entity exercises over things" (p. 112). For Duns Scotus the su-
preme entity is the Divine Substance, which governs what is called "the
essential order" (p. IIO). This new epochal position of origin as princip-
ium-and this is characteristic of the Latin Middle Ages-reflects the ob-
servation of a religious heritage. It comes to an end when the rule of a sov-
ereign entity-God.-is replaced by the rule of evident truth. This new
reversal in the thinking of origin was inaugurated by Leibniz, argues
Schiirmann. In Leibniz's Monadology, "the essential order dominated by a
princeps is replaced by the logical order dominated by a principium"
(p. 112). With this reversal, "to speak of a principle no longer means to fol-
low the course of a kinetic trajectory nor to follow the lead of a religious
transmittal. Rather, it means to confine oneself to the realm in which hu-
man knowledge is the principal, the principial, problem" (p. In). More
precisely, with this new reversal, the mind's representation of facts be-
comes the issue. Such representation is shown to be rooted in the princi-
ple of sufficient reason, that is to say, in an axiom, a linguistically articu-
lated law. A principle, henceforth, "is the starting point, the origin, of an
argument," and thus one can conclude that with the reversal brought
about by Leibniz, "the origin has been transferred from the field of essen-
tial causes to the field of causes that regulate representation" (p. II3).
The three epochs of principial thought described here clearly evi-
dence that the history of what has been taken to be the origin represents
a series of principles that are fundamentally "ultimate ontic referents"
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 161

(p. II4). The major punctuations of what was thought as the first are sen-
sible substance with Aristotle, divine substance in the Middle Ages, and
the human subject who posits principles of reason during the Age of En-
lightenment, that is, the Age of Modernity. But origin as "presencing," as
the mere coming into presence of an epoch, can never be something pre-
sent. That by which a whole economy of presence abruptly surges for-
ward is, rather, as Heidegger put it, "nothing." To think what opens a
field of presence, an epoch, it is thus necessary to reach beyond the con-
ception of origin as arche and principle. The outline of the history of the
various ways in which the origin has been cast from Aristotle to the mod-
erns suggests, indeed, that in the course of this history the origin has been
constantly covered up by the ultimate ontic principles. Three tasks follow
from this: first, to deconstruct the different stamps of origin in the his-
tory of Western thought; second, to engage the Heideggerian notion of
Ur-sprung as precisely the thought of the mere surge of presence; and fi-
nally-the major task-to elaborate on the "logic" that governs the be-
coming arche or principle of the origin.
Schiirmann, taking his lead from Heidegger, dispatches the first task
by confronting, in particular, Aristotle with the pre-Socratic's understand-
ing of origin and by pointing out that traces of this understanding per-
vade his Physics and Metaphysics. But the thrust of this deconstruction lies
in the underlying assumption that a colossal category mistake stands at
the beginning of the Western quest for the first. Indeed, Aristotle's dis-
covery that the pros hen-a schema that, as Schiirmann notes, "rightfully
pertains only to the Physics"-can be applied to all domains and to all
branches of philosophy causes all philosophy since Aristotle to speak
"with the voice of a physicist." Yet "this totalitarian sweep of the relation-
to-one" that opens the history of the epochs of principial thought (pp.
42-43)-a sweep that affects all acting and thinking in general by trans-
posing the ideas of causality and finality or goal-directedness from the do-
main of artisanal making to all other domains-is a metabasis eis allo genos
(p. 256). With this confusion of levels of thought, which started in Aris-
totle's extension of Physics to Metaphysics and by which the thinking of the
One becomes obstructed, begins the long errancy of the rich history of
Western thought as one of arising and waning principial epochs. For the
whole of European philosophy, the ascendancy of the idea of substantial-

ism at the root of the triumph of Physics-the triumph of a domain of

sensible reality-has been an invariant. As a consequence, the One could
be conceived only by bringing substantialist criteria to bear on it.
The discussion of Heidegger's notion of Ur-sprung-the second
task required by the attempt to free "origin" from its systematic coverings-
up-serves to conceptualize the notion of origin that is to be retrieved
from and through a deconstruction of the history of thought. This effort
attempts to conceive of origin not as a principium or foundation but as
the (multiple) presencing signified by the etymological meaning of the
word oriri, "coming forth." Origin, in this sense, means origination. It
coincides with what Heidegger terms the event proper, or the event of ap-
propriation (Ereignis). This event of presencing is "nothing" but the pure
phenomenal showing-forth in all its contingency, fortuitousness, and in-
stability. As Schtirmann stresses, origin in this sense of "the ahistorical, al-
ways instantaneous emergence of presencing," or more simply in the
sense of there is, is the answer that Heidegger gives to the traditional
philosophical astonishment (constitutive of philosophical thought) that
there is something rather than nothing (p. 130). As we will see, this an-
swer is not just one more in the history of answers to the opening ques-
tion of philosophy. It is an answer that opens a new register for thought.
Finally, a thinking that seeks to recover such a meaning of origin
needs to understand why origin in the sense of simple origination could
be covered up in the first place. What are the enabling conditions under
which origin as mere phenomenal showing forth could turn into some-
thing like an arche or principium, that is, into "ontic substitutes," or ob-
jectivations of the originary "under the guise of arch-present entities?"
(p. 148). Schtirmann writes: "The transmutation through which presenc-
ing institutionalizes itself into principles that rule and justify action is the
ill fate of origin. As pure emergence, the originary is essentially fragile, fi-
nite, no sooner recognized than ready to turn into a principle" (p. 147).
If the location of metaphysics is to be established, and if "the relapse from
an understanding of the origin as event into its principia! comprehension"
is to be forestalled (p. 147), it is imperative to get a hold on the reasons
for this necessary and, as Heidegger has argued, inevitable ill turning of
the origin. With the closure of metaphysics, both isslIes become possibil-
ities for thinking. Schtirmann, in what lIndollhtnlly represents a most
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 163

impressive achievement, proceeds to analyze the conditions under which

presencing turns into presence, originary origins into original origins, in
part 4, "Historical Deduction of the Categories of Presencing." This de-
duction also provides the conceptual tools for answering the correlative
question of how presencing becomes history.
Heidegger is not, and cannot be, a systematic thinker-his thought
is situated at the boundary of metaphysical thought. Systematic thinking
belongs intrinsically to metaphysics as a quest for legitimizing founda-
tions. Yet the "rigorous reading" of Heidegger that Schiirmann proposes
(not without a polemical twist in the direction of tranquilizing poetic and
religious readings) emphasizes, for the first time to my knowledge, a di-
mension of Heidegger's late thought, for which it is difficult to find an-
other word than "systematic."7 "Systematic" here means not simply that
Heidegger's philosophical enterprise is coherent but that it is interlinked
in all parts, yet without forming a whole in the traditional sense. (On
what level of thought such "systematicity" can-and must-be achieved
even in Heidegger's borderline thinking will be indicated hereafter.) It is
precisely in the central part on the deduction of the categories of pres-
encing that Schiirmann's book confronts us with this "systematic" aspect
of Heidegger's later thinking.
To think originary presencing it is not enough to repeat the key
word "showing-forth." Magic incantation and invocation of master words
does not replace differential thought and what it alone can achieve. By
contrast, Schiirmann's project, in the central part of his book, of a catego-
rization of originary presence-of establishing with respect to presencing
a network of categorial functions-accomplishes a thinking articulation
of the phenomenon of pure surging-forth into presence, or as he also calls
it, of the an-archic origin. If this origin is to be established in its own
right, and with respect to what by right distinguishes it, then the thinking
of this origin is a legitimation. Yet "since the originary appears only in dif-
fering from the original; since the event of appropriation (Ereignis) can be
thematized only through the reversals in historical destiny (Geschehen)"
(p. 157), this legitimation must, inescapably, take the form of a deduction.
If Schiirmann speaks in this context of categories rather than of schemata,
rranscendentals, or topoi, it is because he wishes to emphasize the coming
into presence, the manifestation, or the historical self-articulation of be-

ing as presencing, in other words, the singular angle under which the orig-
inary shapes itself differently each time. Indeed, in this sense, "category"
recovers its prephilosophical meaning of "manifesting" (p. 161). The cate-
gorization that Schtirmann attempts in this part of his book seeks to free
the formal continuities, the invariants, "according to which the many net-
works of epochal presence have differed from presencing." He finds these
categories in what Heidegger had called Grundworte, and classifies them
in three classes, which have six categories each. Space does not permit me
to do justice to this extremely powerful and exemplary articulation
through which Schtirmann wishes "to wrest originary presencing from
the original shifts in presence" (p. 162). A few words must suffice.
The three classes of categories that Schtirmann shows to be opera-
tive in Heidegger's later works are prospective, retrospective, and transitional
categories. This distinction is a function of the movement of the analytical
glance at the whole of the history of Being. Reading this history from its
inception in pre-Socratic thinking, one obtains the prospective categories,
which are modes of saying the coming into light of presence as well as its
withdrawing: ron, physis, aletheia, logos, hen, no us. Reading from the his-
tory's conclusion, or closure-from metaphysic's end in technology-one
gains access to the retrospective categories. In a truly striking if not
provocative interpretation of Heidegger's writings on Nietzsche, Heidegger
on Being and Acting demonstrates that although these writings speak for-
mally about Nietzsche, materially they are about technology. Rather than
taking his retrospective categories directly from what he has established
about the end of metaphysics, Heidegger substitutes the Nietzschean dis-
course for the technological economy at the end of metaphysics, Schtir-
mann argues. Thus, the will to power, nihilism, justice, the eternal return
of the same, the transmutation of all values, and the overman become
transmuted so as to speak of technology and to denote the categories of
the economy of closure. What these retrospective categories make evident
is that the essence of technology, the germ of metaphysics' completion and
death, has always already inhabited Western thought from Plato on. In
order to describe the shifts and crises between eras, that is, the phenome-
non of reversal as such, Heidegger proposes the following transitional cat-
egories: ontological difference / world and thing, there is / favor, uncon-
cealment / event of appropriation, epoch/clearing, nearness/fourfold, and
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 165

correspondinglthinking. These categories appear to function bifocally

since they serve "to indicate the step from the actual to the potential, or
the transition to the other arrangement that may begin with the techno-
logical turning" (p. 206). Indeed, as Schiirmann remarks, "only these cat-
egories allow us to hold together the entire system which organizes, on one
hand, the concepts of arche and principium as well as their phenomeno-
logical 'truth,' the original and the originary, and, on the other, the oppo-
sitions accompanying the distinction between metaphysical and non-
metaphysical thinking" (p. 204). Although they do not allow one to escape
simply from metaphysics, they allow thinking to conceive of thinking, as
well as of praxis, and the relation between the two in a new, nonmeta-
physical way.
The deduction in question-a project that becomes feasible only
under the condition that metaphysics has come to its closure in technol-
ogy, and thus into view as a whole-a deduction through which the ori-
gin manifests itself as presencing or as the event of appropriation, requires
"a type of thought other than that which traces the reversals of historieal
principles." Moreover, it requires a "turning in the way of thinking" itself
(p. 29). But not only of thinking; of political praxis as well. At the fringe
of metaphysics, when Ereignis becomes a possibility for thought, the pos-
sibility of a thinking and an acting emerge that would no longer be sub-
ject to a unifying pros hen-an-archie thinking and acting.


The eternal return of the same, seen as a retrospective category, de-

scribes how technological metaphysics (and all the disciplines-scientific
and literary-that depend on it) is a countermovement against the whole
of Western philosophy and at the same time its ultimate figure. What
makes the way in which Schiirmann analyses this and the other retro-
spective categories so interesting to me is that it clearly exemplifies what
happens to thought when the closure of metaphysics becomes effectuated
in technology. Read as a category of closure, the eternal return of the
same is indicative of the collapse of all the received dualities at the end of
metaphysics. If "real distinctions" have been "the backbone of meta-
physics," these distinctions become reduced "to technological onedimen-

sionality" or indifference in the era of closure (p. 195). The eternal return
indicates the becoming one of all differences. Yet if such a collapse into
one of all differences, and all constructs of otherness, is rendered epoch-
ally possible by technology, thus shaking metaphysics in its most funda-
mental exigencies, it is because this possibility of the impossibility of dif-
ference has been prepared for a long time. Indeed, the doctrine of
difference constitutive of metaphysics is itself rooted in "the Platonic re-
versal where eon turned into the difference between to estin and to ti es-
tin" (p. 194). In other words, the annulment of difference at the end of
metaphysics confirms the beginning of metaphysics as the reduction of
premetaphysical difference, verbal-nominal difference, or ontological dif-
ference. The flattening of thought, its loss of depth and motility at the
end of metaphysics, is thus, a function of the loss of transcendence in
metaphysical transcendence.
The transmutation of all values, interpreted as a retrospective cate-
gory, reveals that the becoming illusion of all the supreme values of West-
ern metaphysics in the era of technology and the converse valuation of
what is empirically verifiable-the manipulable and the manufacturable
(that is, the sensible)-occur through a reenactment of what is constitu-
tive of metaphysical thought: hierarchical distinction. In Schilrmann's
words, "The technological transvaluation, first understood by Nietzsche,
inverts the high and low established at the beginning of metaphysics-
and thereby renders it the greatest homage, permuting from within, from
bottom to top, the valuative game" (p. 197). Like difference and indiffer-
ence, the beginning and the death of metaphysical thought are intimately
interconnected. If all the fundamental values of Western philosophy be-
come illusions in the era of metaphysical closure, it is because "estima-
tion, the preference for one region of entities over others, the attribution
of rank," is a constitutive ingredient of metaphysics-and its fatal agent
as well (p. 198). Indeed, the backbone of metaphysics, namely the dis-
tinction between a world of being and a world of becoming, a distinction
that is itself derived from "the forgotten ness of the differential One"
(p. 198), is the patron difference between what is high and what is low.
The elevation of the low to the rank of the only true reality in technology
thus confirms metaphysics in its role as an estimating approach rendered
possible by the initial forgetting of the ontological difference.
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 167

In the face of this abolition of difference and valuation of the low as

a consequence of an essential indifference to ontological difference in
metaphysics, the question arises about the nature of thought at the fringe
of the tradition. "The very issue for thinking is presencing as it differs
from systems of presence," Schiirmann remarks (p. 258). Its issue then is,
as we have seen, something extremely contingent, fragile, and unstable.
But regarding the forgetting of the differential One operative not only in
the indifference to difference in the last phase of metaphysics but in
metaphysical difference as well, how does thought at the closure of West-
ern thought do justice to difference? To sketch an answer to this question,
I shall first draw our some major characteristics of such thought from
Schiirmann's developments:
I. The principal gesture of thought is transcendental, and is thus
geared to exhibiting a prioris. "Heidegger renovates the transcendental
problematic," says the author (p. 296). As a matter of fact, the prime task
of the phenomenology of presence is, as discussed above, a deduction of
categories and their systematic interrelatedness (thought achieves "sys-
tematicity" on this level, and perhaps on this level alone). Such a deduc-
tion, however, clearly has a transcendental look. But Heidegger, and
Schiirmann as well, not only conserve transcendentalism and its quest for
a prioris but also recast it entirely. Schiirmann speaks of a postmodern
transcendentalism (p. 74). Such a transcendentalism would be dissociated
from subjectivism. In contrast to the transcendental method, postsubjec-
tivist transcendentalism no longer yields any regulatory focal point or
foundation (the conditions of possibility of knowing, or the universal
essences of a sense-giving subjectivity), as has been the case with Kant,
Husserl, and even the early Heidegger. The transcendentalism of thought
at the borderline of metaphysics situates the conditions and the a prioris
elsewhere than in man, namely in what comes to light of the event of ap-
propriation in the epochal Geschehen. But in his elaborations on the tran-
sitional category of ontological difference / world and thing, Schiirmann
hints at an even more radical recasting of transcendentalism in Heideg-
ger's later thought. Indeed, if the later Heidegger substitutes the relation
of world and things to that of Being and beings, he dismisses the onto-
logical difference, and with it the issue of difference as transcendence.
Ontological difference stands here for "the oppositions between the One

and the many, being and entities, being and thought, all oppositions in-
herited from Parmenides" (p. 210). The dismissal of these oppositions,
which helped metaphysical thinking to conceive of the essence of what is,
becomes necessary at the closure of Western thought since the transcen-
dence (being, substance) and the reduplication (being as being) now ap-
pear to miss the simple presencing. What had been the very condition for
Western thought's appropriateness to presence-its gesture of transcend-
ing and of reduplicating what is as such-shows itself to be based on the
forgetting of the question of difference, the question in whose form pres-
encing first came into view. Although one must still call thinking at the
fringe of metaphysics "transcendental" in spite of the fact that "transcen-
dental" obfuscates the difference that the issue of thought-presenc-
ing-makes (by transcending entities and incorporating difference into
the transcending), thought conserves transcendentalism's formal frame.
2. The issue to which thought responds at the borderline of meta-
physics is presencing, the originary, as opposed to the economies of pres-
ence, the original. As discussed above, showing forth is the most precar-
ious object that thought can have. It can be beheld only through its
various modalities, but as soon as a modality of presencing has occurred
and is past, it is lost forever. It is thus characterized by "extreme finitude"
(p. 17), as is thought that responds to presencing. In addition, presenc-
ing (itself) has no history, no destiny. This absence of finality in pres-
encing leads to a repeal of the reign of goals in thinking (first and fore-
most, by ceasing to be cognitive). Thinking, we read, "does not have any
contents, properly speaking, to pursue .... Thinking lacks any external
end" (p. 257). Multiplicity is a function of presencing's essential finitude.
Once thematized, it "proves to be irreducibly manifold .... It shows that
prior to the binary struggle between veiling and unveiling, presencing
de-centers the process of manifestation" (p. 144). The thought that cor-
responds to such manifoldness in presencing is, consequently, irre-
ducibly plural and dispersed.
3. Yet such finitude, plurality, and absence of ends does not imply
that thought, or presencing for that matter, would lack all identity. Un-
doubtedly, the simple showing forth that thinking reaches out for in a
"transcendental" move is not one origin. Still, the originary unfolding has
a unity of its own. Schiirmann speaks of this unity as a Parmenidean
"Like the Rose- Without Why" 169

unity, as the Parmenidean unity of the event of appropriation. But the

unique event of coming into presence-"the One as an economic event"
{p. 76 }-allows for no henology, since it is not a foundation or center to
which what comes into presence could be related according to the pros
hen schema {p. 144}. The unity of this originary Oneness that thought at
the turning must respond to "is no more than the simple event of any
phenomenon's 'coming-about'" {p. 144}. It is one only formally, and as the
{nonexhaustive} system of the categories shows, is made up of only direc-
tional traits. But what is true of presencing is valid for thought that an-
swers to it as well: an-archie thought thinks presencing only if it follows
the originary leap into presence in such a way that it accounts for the
constellation of truth in which all things present are gathered. Without a
certain Parmenidism, thought cannot respond.
Let me circle back to the question of difference. Thought at the
turning-where all difference reveals itself as intrinsically indifferent-
thought whose issue is presencing itself, responds to the differential One
covered up not only by metaphysical difference but by ontological differ-
ence as well. Such thought is plural, since it answers to the always novel
and contingent surge of presence. But thought is the thinking of this dif-
ferential One only to the extent that it thinks this One in the unity of its
emerging. In conceiving of the event of appropriation as the simple event
of the showing forth of any phenomenon, thought thinks what philoso-
phy has not been able to think: the mere "there is" in its singularity and
precariousness. But such thought of the leap into presence is also, and
necessarily, the most empty thought, empty of content. Thought that
centers exclusively on the originary is, as Schiirmann stresses after Hei-
degger, poor if compared to technological metaphysics. Merely to follow
the emerging from absence into presence is a modest task. Yet the mod-
esty of this task should not blind us to the fact that it is an unheard-of re-
sponse to the traditional philosophical wonder of why there is something
rather than nothing.
The type of thinking that becomes possible with the closure of
metaphysics is a type that, because all original origins {the principles}
have run out, can answer to the originary surge of presence itself. Yet the
withering of the epochal principles that the originary revealed itself as,
provides thought at the turning with the chance of avoiding all metabasis

eis alio genos. Rather than thinking the originary in terms of what covers
it up, thought would, finally, be able to think the originary in its own
unique singularity and finitude. Such a thinking, free of all category mis-
take and beyond the confusion of levels of thought, is a kind of thought
that in its very singularity and contingency would achieve what thinking
in metaphysics has been unable to do but which has always been the
dream of philosophy-to be a discourse about what is possible, and to
hold itself as discourse in the very dimension of the possible.
So much for thought. What about acting after the break? What
"other acting" corresponds to the "other thinking"? The provocative the-
sis of Heidegger on Being and Acting is that "the other acting" is not the
symmetric counterpart of thought, as it has traditionally been in practical
philosophy. The guidelines for acting after the turning do not follow as
usual from what has been established about an-archie thought. Although
such acting can only be an-archie itself, since all principles have withered
away, this anarchism does not proceed from an ascendance of theory over
praxis. On the contrary, as Schlirmann convincingly demonstrates, for
the later Heidegger, a certain acting becomes "the transcendental condi-
tion for thought" (p. 233). With this the traditional relation between
thinking and acting has become inverted. He writes, "The practical a pri-
ori for understanding fully that deterioration and its virtualities inverts
the sequence of condition and conditioned in which the tradition has
placed thinking and acting" (p. 244). This inversion is in fact a subver-
sion of the ancient distinction between theory and praxis: If "Heidegger
makes action deprived of arche the condition of the thought which decon-
structs the arche," then Heidegger inscribes himself, as Schlirmann re-
marks, "in a tradition entirely different from that of Aristotle" (p. 7). But
what sort of acting makes up such a practical a priori? Such acting must,
in the same way as thought in the age of closure, respond to the event of
appropriation and be open for presencing-in Heidegger's terminology,
resolute presencing-in its coming to pass. The different modes of acting
that Schiirmann analyzes-Gelassenheit and Abgeschiedenheit, for in-
stance-show this a priori acting to be free from all ends. By virtue of its
responsive nature to the aletheio-logical constellations, this acting is re-
sponsible acting. And, finally, by its unattachment, such acting challenges
current business, anticipating another path or destiny, another constella-
"Like the Rose-Without Why" 171

tion beyond the present one. But the acting that constitutes the a priori
for the thinking of presencing at the rurning is not just any acting. Al-
though Gelassenheit, Abgeschiedenheit, and so forth, are concrete modes of
behavior, their status is that of a transcendental a priori for a thought that
articulates and enacts the possible as possible. Being without goal, as well
as being unattached, the acting before all thinking responds to the event
of presencing by maintaining its potentialities in suspense. It is an acting
at the limit of acting in that it affirms the play without consequences of
the merely potential, the "sheer superabundance with no purpose or end"
of the event itself (p. 18).
Since a discourse on the practical a priori does not tie acting to the
conceptual pivot of the relation to the One, it is not properly speaking a
practical philosophy. Practical philosophy is, by definition, derived from
a first philosophy. Nonetheless, the discourse in question is one on act-
ing, but in advance of all norms. Schurmann writes, "From the transcen-
dental 'subject' of Idealism, to the Dasein of the Existential Analytic, to
the 'thinking' of the Topology of being, the discourse on man progres-
sively deprives itself of the very possibility of approving or condemning,
and especially of commending, concrete behavior, whether individual or
collective" (p. 208).
Heidegger's lack of interest in the immediate and concrete future of
mankind is well known, and, as Schurmann remarks, "runs quite deep"
(p. 208). And, indeed, all that Heidegger seems to have envisioned for the
destinal break with metaphysics is an economy "whose only time struc-
ture is originary," trusting "that the event could become our sole tempo-
ral condition, one without principial overdeterminations" (p. 273). Yet in
such an economy of the originary, everything-action, thoughts, and
things-"perdures" in its mere showing forth as (manifold) possibility. It
is goalless, hence without aim and without why. It is as if the economy of
the originary represented the concrete realization of the transcendental
realm of the conditions of possibility for the phenomenal, but of this
realm alone without the phenomena that it makes possible. But what
makes such a comparison inappropriate is that in the economy envi-
sioned, the distinction in question no longer obtains.
From the simple point of view of presence, everything in such an
economy of the originary is like the rose of which Heidegger writes, after

Angelus Silesius, that it "flowers because it flowers" (p. 259). In The Es-
sence ofReasons, Heidegger speaks one more time about the "rose-with-
out why." The simile serves to point at the most hidden essence of man,
yet he adds immediately: "We cannot however pursue this thought any
further here" (p. 38). That this thought can be thought, that it can even
become the (perhaps multiple) element for thought as such-in which
thought comes into its essence(s)-is the thesis around which Schiir-
mann's argument develops, and is what his book, unmistakably, succeeds
. .
m provmg.
Perhaps: A Modality?

... as a "perhaps" of pure chance, in the uncertainty of "the exception,"

not necessary but the absolutely un-necessary, a constellation of doubt
which only shines in the forgotten sky of perdition.
-Maurice Blanchot, The Space of Literature

In his caustic and cutting review of one W. T. Krug's critiques of

Fichte's conception of the "I" in The Science ofKnowledge, Hegel identi-
fies the thrust of Krug's objections as the attempt to demonstrate that the
system of transcendental idealism "is not one bit better than the syn-
thetism of [Krug's]" own self-proclaimed "fundamental philosophy."! In-
deed, if Krug can at all suggest a similarity between his own dabblings in
philosophy and Fichte's thought, and even claim to have overcome the al-
leged difficulties of transcendental idealism in his new philosophy, it is
due to his confusing Fichte's transcendental conception of the 'T' with
his own empirical understanding of it. According to Hegel, while Krug
objects to the limitations of the "I" in transcendental philosophy, he does
so not in view of a possible liberation of that "I" from such limitation but
in order to "find within it a license for the infinite manifold of the limi-
tations of empirical consciousness." In Krug's reempiricized transcenden-
tal philosophy, his own synthetism, in which "an infinite manifold oflim-
itations of consciousness is posited," appears indeed as the more radical
of the two systems of thought. Yet as if this claim were not pompous
enough, Krug further holds that Fichte's transcendental philosophy is

merely the symbolic anticipation of his own new system. Reporting on

how Krug seeks to bring order into the bewildering manifold of the lim-
itations thus posited in consciousness, Hegel notes that Krug wishes to
link the singular and multiple cognitions in the uniting point of a princi-
ple, but not a principle from which the content of the cognitions could
be derived. The cognitions are rather linked to the principle "in a man-
ner similar to a vault in which everything is related to the keystone as its
highest and ultimate uniting point, although this point cannot, at the
same time, contain within itself the foundation of the vault." Now this
very conception of what a principle is to achieve prompts Krug, accord-
ing to Hegel, who quotes from Krug's writings, to think that "perhaps this
is what The Science ofKnowledge has in mind when it put the proposition
I = I at the head of its investigations, and that this A = A is a symbolic
representation of the before mentioned harmony." And Hegel sarcasti-
cally concludes, "This perhaps does credit to Mr. Krug's caution; most
certainly he did not wish to assert anything of the kind."2
In the following I shall speak of this adverb perhaps. Grammatically,
perhaps represents a modality in which assertions in the enunciatory
process are put into suspension. It expresses possibility with uncertainty,
mere possibility, that is, possibility for which there is no or only scant ev-
idence, and characterizes discourses that are vague, imprecise, unrigorous,
and, more generally, like those of everyday speech. This is the discourse of
common sense that Hegel, in his review of Krug, terms gemeiner Memchen-
verstand. The grammar of the term reflects the logical and philosophical
assessment of the modality in question. From the perspective of the certi-
tude of the cogito and its judgmental operations, perhaps signifies, without
exception, a deficit of knowledge, if not a total lack of cognition. Since the
modality perhaps will be discussed hereafter in regard to a German text, it
is appropriate to recall briefly the linguistic history of its German equiva-
lent vielleicht. Originating in the middle High German villithe, vielleicht
draws together in one linguistic compound the different meanings of sehr
leicht (facile), vermutfich (presumably) and moglicherweise (possibly). In
older German one still hears the word's connection with sehr leicht, and
consequently, more often than not, it designates an expectation that is
certain, rather than a simple possibility. This connection, however, is en-
tirely lost in the contemporary use of the word. According to Jacob and
Perhaps: A Modality? 175

Wilhelm Grimm, "vielleicht [therefore only] names the assumed possibil-

ity that an assertion corresponds to reality, or that something will occur or
happen."·l Like perhaps, vielleicht marks statements as devoid of certainty,
merely based on conjecture, amounting to a rough guess, or even the
product of mere chance. For this word there is thus, at least in principle,
no place in a discourse, like that of philosophy, that seeks certainty and
rigor. It belongs rather to ordinary language and its associated modes of
thinking. Indeed, if perhaps could at all playa modalizing function with
respect to certain of Krug's propositions, it is because for Hegel and the
discourse of knowing, Krug's "fundamental philosophy" is not a philoso-
phy to begin with. He has made "empirical consciousness into the princi-
ple of his speculation," Hegel claims. 4 Hence, the philosophical convic-
tions expressed in his new philosophy amount to nothing else than
popular representations and opinions of the common human intellect.
Hegel's castigation of Krug's ratiocinations as mere representations of or-
dinary consciousness finds ample justification in the opinions expressed
by the latter. But it is in particular the presence in his discourse of the
modalizer perhaps and a host of others that express uncertainty, limitation,
restriction, reservation, and so on, that compels Hegel's judgment. As
Hegel shows, "quite," "more or less," "largely," "almost," "from time to
time," and many other such terms unmistakably establish Krug's dis-
course as belonging to ordinary, everyday speech, to a discourse devoid of
the certainty of knowing. 5
Hegel's sulfurous denunciation of Krug's recourse to the modalizing
term perhaps in a discourse of philosophical ambitions, is, of course, not
incidental. This denunciation is, indeed, representative of philosophy's
appraisal in general of that term. Although one may perhaps wish to ob-
ject that the long tradition of skepticism and empiricism, not to speak of
theology, vindicates the role of this modalizer in knowledge, such knowl-
edge is not strictly speaking knowledge but of the order of presumption,
know-how, instrumental reason, or faith. As a German proverb has it,
Vielleicht ist eine halbe Luge, perhaps is a half-lie. Half-truths, however,
have no place in a discourse that prides itself on its rigor and precision.
In short, then, perhaps is not a philosophical term; it does not belong to
philosophy's vocabulary. With this, the fate of perhaps seems to be sealed
for good. Determined as it has been by the certitude of the cogito and the

discourse of judgmental cognition, nothing else can be said about it, or

on its behalf.
Perhaps! Beyond the distinction between ordinary and philosophi-
cal discourse, opining and knowing, natural and formalized speech,
thinking perhaps holds in reserve another use of perhaps. Although the
modalizer in question, weighed as it always has been in the balance of the
cogito, is not only negatively determined but determined according to the
standard of modalizers of the certitude of cognition, is it not conceivable
that perhaps, rather than signifYing a deficit of knowledge and certitude,
could possibly also be the qualifier for a kind of thinking that is no longer
cognitive, without being for that matter of the order of the nonproposi-
tional or subpropositional commonly attributed to ordinary speech?
What if perhaps would modalize a discourse that no longer proceeds by
statements yet is no less rigorous than the discourse of philosophy?
Take for example Heidegger's essay on "The Nature of Language"
from 1957-58, which, in sharp contrast to his other writings, makes abun-
dant use of the term in question. For instance, after evoking the various
translations of "Tao" that have been suggested as alternatives to the
superficial-sounding "way"-namely, reason, mind, meaning, logos-
Heidegger writes:
Yet Tao could be the way that gives all ways, the very source of our power to think
what reason, mind, meaning, logos properly mean to say-properly, by their
proper nature. Perhaps [emphasis mine] the mystery of mysteries of thoughtful
Saying conceals itself in the word "way," Tao, if only we will let these names re-
turn to what they leave unspoken, if only we are capable of this, to allow them to
do so. Perhaps [emphasis mine] the enigmatic power of today's reign of method
also, and indeed preeminently, stems from the fact that the methods, notwith-
standing their efficiency, are after all merely the runoff of a great hidden stream
which moves all things along and makes way for everything. All is way.(,

Is Heidegger's recourse to the modalizer perhaps in this meditation on the

non-Western notion of Tao still the same sort as the one that Hegel so
forcefully denounced in his review of Krug? Is it simply the mark of ordi-
nary talk, empirical consciousness, or sloppy argumentation? Presumably
nor! Yet assuming that the recourse to the modalizer perhaps is not a sign
here of unrigorous argumentation, could it not just be a rhetorical device,
not for the suspension of assertions but for suspense? Considering that
Perhaps: A Modality? 177

perhaps is used in conditionals (ifonLy ... ), is it perhaps merely a literary

device in a text that, moreover, seeks the neighborhood of the poetic,
forecasting, in the form of hypotheses, what in due time will be thor-
oughly demonstrated? Although not expressing possibilities combined
with uncertainty, the status of the modalizer in question would in this
case playa determined role in the elaboration of the text's argument but,
as a merely rhetorical device, would remain exterior to the thought
process itself However, can things be that simple? What about Heideg-
ger's claim that perhaps the alien word "Tao" could be "the very source of
our power to think what reason, mind, meaning, logos" mean, that is,
what thinking means?
Apart from the fact that the quoted statements occur in lectures
"underway on the lookout for a possibility of undergoing an experience
with language" (p. 92), the very nature of the conditional in which they
occur bestows upon the modalizer an unheard-of complexity. The mys-
tery of mysteries said to be, perhaps, hidden in the word "way" is that of
thoughtful Saying. If this is the case, perhaps may well be the modality of
thoughtful Saying itself, a mode not exterior but intrinsic to Saying.
Moreover, what Heidegger tells us on this occasion is that the possibility
that the mystery of thoughtful Saying may be hidden in the word "way"
arises only if we are capable, that is, if we have the possibility (vermogen),
of letting names such as reason, spirit, meaning, logos, return into their
unspoken. Consequently, the perhaps is conditioned by a possibility itself
Only if we have the possibility of letting certain names return into their
unspoken, only then does there arise, perhaps, the possibility that the mys-
tery of thoughtful Saying might be concealed in the word "way"! Finally,
is it not significant that the possibility expressed by the perhaps in this
case is one not of revelation but of concealment, and takes place only if
the key words themselves are allowed for their part to become sheltered
in their unspoken. In short, only if we let what we believe these words say
return into their unspoken, let them say what they mean from their
proper nature, then, perhaps, the word "way" will itself reveal a hidden
nature. Perhaps, rather than indicating a possibility with uncertainty or
being simply a rhetorical device, modalizes here the way in which some-
thing relates to its unspoken and to what Heidegger calls the mystery of
mysteries. Perhaps signifies the mode in which something becomes shel-

tered in the mystery, and honors this mystery by letting it be the mystery
that it is. Obviously, in the context of the passage analyzed, perhaps per-
forms a function entirely different from the usages in ordinary language
or in philosophy. Moreover, its role appears to be intrinsic to a certain
thinking, to what Heidegger had called thoughtful Saying.
It has been remarked, by Ute Guzzoni in particular, that the "cate-
gories" to which the later Heidegger has recourse are, as "compared to
those of the philosophical tradition, marked by an entirely different char-
acter: they are of an onticity and concreteness that implies a fundamen-
tally new manner of generality."? I intend to argue as well that they take
up what in the eyes of traditional philosophy represent the very signifiers
of ordinary, everyday language. Nevertheless, these signifiers do not enter
Heidegger's discourse unchanged. They certainly do not operate in it ac-
cording to the functions assigned to them by traditional grammar, that is,
by metaphysics. Take, for instance, Heidegger's redefinition in "The Na-
ture of Language" of the term "only": "The 'only' here does not mean a
limitation, but rather points to ... pure simplicity" (p. 93). But it is with
the word perhaps that I will be concerned. I will proceed to a further ex-
ploration of its new role in Heidegger's text, not through additional re-
finement on the word's status in a sentence such as the one already com-
mented upon, but by reflecting on the gesture of thought in which it
occurs, and, perhaps, must occur.
I already pointed out that unlike all other texts by Heidegger, "The
Nature of Language" makes profuse use of the modalizer perhaps. It must
be noted as well that in this text, Heidegger revises his long-standing def-
inition of the essence of thinking as questioning. For the first time, indeed,
thinking is said here to be primarily a listening. He states: "the authentic
attitude [Gebardel of thinking is not a putting of questions-rather, it is a
listening to the grant, the promise [Zusagel of what is to be put in ques-
tion" (p. 71). Calling up his assertion in "The Question of Technology"
that "questioning is the piety of thinking," Heidegger now claims, "the
true stance of thinking cannot be to put questions, but must be to listen to
that which our questioning vouchsafes-and all questioning begins to be
a questioning only in virtue of pursuing its quest for essential being [son-
dern das Horen der Zusage dessen sein muss, wobei alles Fragen dann erst an-
ftagt, indem es dem \Vt>sen nachfragt]" (p. 72). Thus it may well be that this
Perhaps: A ModaLity? 179

foregrounding of thinking as questioning in listening and the abundant

recourse to the perhaps are not unrelated. But let us first turn to these three
lectures that make up the essay "The Nature of Language," which, in Hei-
degger's words, are "intended to bring us face to face with a possibility of
undergoing an experience with language" (p. 57). As a "thinking experi-
ence"-"the true experience with language can only be a thinking experi-
ence" (p. 69)-the experience with language is not an attempt to question
the essence of language in terms of a ground and foundation. Nor is it a
metalinguistic, scientific, that is, cognitive approach to language. As Hei-
degger puts it in "The Way to Language," we cannot know the nature of
language-"know it according to the traditional concept of knowledge de-
fined in terms of cognition as representation." "If to know means to have
seen something in the wholeness of its nature, seen it in the round," then
we cannot know the nature of language. Indeed, what distinguishes lan-
guage from all other objects is that "we are not capable of seeing the na-
ture of language in the round because we, who can only say something by
saying it after Saying, belong ourselves within Saying," Heidegger writes.
He concludes, "Thus we always see the nature oflanguage only to the ex-
tent to which language itself has us in view, has appropriated us to itself"
(p. 134). The same point is made in "The Nature of Language," where he
states that although "we speak and speak about language. What we speak
of, language, is always ahead of us. Our speaking merely follows language
constantly. Thus we are continually lagging behind what we first ought to
have overtaken and taken up in order to speak about it. Accordingly, when
we speak of language we remain entangled in a speaking that is persis-
tently inadequate" (p. 75). As a consequence of language's being always
ahead of our speaking about it-since we have to speak in order to speak
about it-language does not let itselfbe thematized and methodically ap-
proached. For a scientific, that is, cognitive approach to language, this is
necessarily an unsolvable tangle precisely because science requires thema-
tization and method. But what Heidegger calls a thinking experience in
"The Nature of Language" is intended to solve nothing less than this in-
tricate tangle.
Although "thinking is not a means to gain knowledge" or an in-
strument "to promulgate reliable information concerning the nature of
language" (p. 70), the thinking experience sought with language does

not, for that matter, belittle or ignore the achievements of metalinguistic

cognition. But, as Heidegger notes, if we are to put questions to language
regarding its essence, language must already have addressed us and
granted us its nature. "Inquiry and investigation [Anfrage und Nachfragel
here and everywhere require the prior grant [Zuspruch] of whatever it is
they approach and pursue with their queries. Every posing of every ques-
tion takes place within the very grant of what is put in question" (p. 71).
It is with this speaking oflanguage itself, which has the floor just as little
in everyday speaking as in scientific statements, that Heidegger seeks a
thinking experience in "The Nature of Language." On the way to that
experience Heidegger proceeds not, as it may seem, by means of mere in-
tuitions and mystic living experiences but on the contrary through a se-
ries of statements or propositions, theorems that are each time recontex-
tualized so as to hear what transpires through the grant of language, that
is, of language itself.8 Yet of such thinking experience, Heidegger says
right at the beginning of his essay that it is a question of chance or luck:
"Whether the attempt to bring us face to face with the possibility of such
an experience will succeed [glikkt], and if it does, how far that possible
success [tMlJeicht Geglikkte] will go for each one of us-that is not up to
any of w" (p. 59). From the start, such an experience with language itself,
with its address and grant, is modalized by a perhaps. Whereas the the-
matic and methodical approach of science and philosophy not only yields
"certain insights, and info~mation about language" (pp. 58-59) but also
has the certainty of succeeding in knowing the object that it has in front
of itself, a thinking experience lacks this certainty altogether. Compared
to the self-confidence of science, its self-determined decidedness, a think-
ing experience is strangely passive. To make an experience with language,
Heidegger suggests at the beginning of the essay, is simply not in the
power of the subject. Experience, as understood here, means to become
stricken, overwhelmed, and consequently transformed. It is supposed to
be a thinking experience, but as we shall see in a moment, thinking too,
is not to be determined from itself, that is, in a subjectivist manner.
Whether such an experience may succeed is therefore a question of luck.
If "The Nature of Language" seeks to prepare the conditions for
such an experience with language in the neighborhood of thinking and
poetry, it is because "the attempt rests upon the supposition [Vermutung]
Perhaps: A Modality? 181

that poetry and thinking belong within one neighborhood" (p. 80).
"Neighborhood" implies that each one-thinking and poetry-is only
what it is next to, in the proximity of the other, and in a region they both
share. Yet if thinking cannot be determined in and from itself alone, if it
must be determined in relation to its other (and vice versa), thinking can-
not be ratio, "calculation in the widest sense" (p. 70). It does not ground
in itself, it does not have the certitude of the cogito. What thinking is and
what it is to achieve remain dependent, as it were, on thinking's neighbor,
its other: poetry. With this an essential uncertainty, one not of the order
of empirical approximation, necessarily distinguishes thinking, and espe-
cially the thinking experience. It is in this context in the essay that Hei-
degger's talk of "supposition" (Vermutung) becomes significant. Deriving
from the German verb vermuten ("to suspect, to assume, to suppose, to
presume"), Vermutung is to be understood as a tentative supposition, as-
sumption, conjecture, or opinion, as the thought of something probable,
or in keeping with the facts. 9 In German law, Vermutung has the sense of
either praesumtio foeti, meaning that it may suffice as proof for a case and
not require any presentation of evidence to substantiate it, or praesumtio
iuris, meaning that it may require such evidence in the case of a grounded
supposition or hypothesis. But commonly the term Vermutung refers to
assumptions that are only presumed, conjectured, surmised. A thinking
based on suppositions is akin to ordinary, everyday conjecturing and de-
void of all rigor. What is thus assumed is only vermutlich, probable, possi-
ble, perhaps. Until raised to the status of a working hypothesis, for which
there is already grounded evidence, there is no place for suppositions in a
propositional discourse, in a discourse with scientific or philosophical pre-
tensions. But "The Nature of Language," and to a lesser extent some of
the other essays in On the way to Language, make frequent use of the term.
From what we have already seen, Heidegger's suppositions cannot
ultimately be grounded suppositions in the sense of scientific or philo-
sophical hypotheses. It is just as unlikely that they would represent un-
modified incursions of ordinary thinking or sloppy language in his own
meditations. For a better grasp of how to conceive the status of these sup-
positions, let us take another example. Heidegger remarks, "despite the
fact that since the early days of Western thinking, and up into the late
period of Stefan George's poetic, thinking has thought deep thoughts

about language, and poetry has made stirring things into language," lan-
guage has not been given voice "in its essential being." He then observes,
"We can only conjecture [vermuten J why it is that ... the being of lan-
guage nowhere brings itself to word" (p. 81). The reasons Heidegger of-
fers to explain why language's speaking has always been overheard point
to the propositional treatment oflanguage in philosophy. "There is some
evidence that the essential nature of language flatly refuses to express it-
self in words-in the language, that is, in which we make statements
about language," he claims (p. 81). But even so, language "holds back its
own origin and so denies its being to our usual notions"; it effectively
speaks "the withholding of the being of language," thus putting itself
"into language nonetheless, in its most appropriate manner" (p. 81). So
why have philosophy and poetry not been able to respond to this mani-
festation of language? The reasons must lie deeper than philosophy's
(and, poetry's?) propositional nature. "We may avoid the issue no longer,"
Heidegger asserts. "Rather, we must keep on conjecturing [vermuten J
what the reason may be why the peculiar speech of language's being
passes unnoticed all too easily. Presumably [vermutlich] part of the reason
is that the two kinds of utterance [des Sagens] par excellence, poetry and
thinking, have not been sought out in their proper habitat, their neigh-
borhood" (p. 81). Only if philosophy and poetry are advised as to the
neighborhood that prevents them from being rooted in themselves inde-
pendently of all relation to an Other does the chance arise for a thinking
and a poetic experience that would do justice to language itself
Like all the other examples of such conjecturing that could be cited
from "The Nature of Language," the one just dealt with shows to what
extent Heidegger's thinking persists in suppositions and in making further
conjectures on the basis of what had been inferred from merely, it would
seem, presumptive evidence. Although Heidegger seems to suggest on
one occasion-while discussing the kind of hint that the guide word "The
being of language: the language of being" offers to thinking in order to
achieve the neighborhood with poetry-that conjecturing is a prelimi-
nary approach to "a thought-worthy matter for which the fitting mode of
thinking is still lacking," conjecturing is not reducible to something ulti-
mately to be superseded by thinking (p. 96).10 But even so, although these
conjectures do not enjoy the status they have in philosophical or scientific
Perhaps: A Modality? 183

discourse, they are not for the same reason deficient modes of thinking.
Instead of revealing a relaxation of standards, a slippage into mere opining
and belief, conjecturing is here intimately linked to the thinking experi-
ence itself. Supposition is the peculiar mode of a thinking that, rather
than questioning (in our case) the essence of language, is receptive to the
address, the grant, and the promise of language (prior to any particular
content conveyed). It is thinking itself, and not opining, that arrives at
suppositions. Heidegger writes, "if the nearness of poetry and thinking is
one of Saying, then our thinking arrives at the assumption [ciann gelangt
unser Denken in die Vermutung 1that the occurrence of appropriation acts
as that Saying in which language grants its essential nature to us" (p. 90).
Presuming, or conjecturing, is not just one of thinking's possible modes;
rather, in the neighborhood of poetry, the thinking experience proceeds
primarily in this mode, characterizing thinking in its essence. At the end
of "The Nature of Language," after recasting once again the guide word
for his approach to language, which now reads "It is: the language of be-
ing," Heidegger recalls the last lines of George's poem, in whose neigh-
borhood he sought the possibility of a thinking experience with language.
The last line is: "Where word breaks off no thing may be." Heidegger
concludes, "now, thinking within the neighborhood of the poetic word,
we may say, as a supposition [denkend, vermutend sagendl: An 'is' arises
where the word breaks up" (p. 108). Undoubtedly, what Heidegger wishes
to say in this passage-in which he steps back from the word and its
sound, which for George gives being, to the soundless, the stillness, from
which both the word and the "is" arise as gift-is that authentic thought
(eigentliches Denken) can proceed in the mode of presumption once it is
in the neighborhood of the poetic. But denkend, vermutend sagen, shows
conjecturing to be a mode of thinking in its own right, a mode of think-
ing that in essence is conjectural. Rather than excluding supposition or
relegating it to a secondary mode, thinking here embraces it. Having
noted that thinking and poetry are fWO wholly different kinds of Saying,
Heidegger remarks, "we should become familiar with the suggestion [wir
mochten uns mit der Vermutung befreunden 1that the neighborhood of po-
etry and thinking is concealed within this farthest divergence of the Say-
ing" (p. 90). Thinking, in the neighborhood in question, all ears to the
address of language, stands in an amiable relation to supposition.
184 co M IN G INTO RE LATI 0 N

It certainly seems appropriate to limit thinking to conjecture with

respect to what eludes any possible knowledge, and indeed language, for
Heidegger, is just such an object. But unlike other unfathomable objects,
language is not unknowable because it exceeds the range of our faculties,
assumed or established. It follows that the conjectural thinking in ques-
tion is a far cry from those other modes of thought-skeptical, empiri-
cist, or theological-likewise restricted to supposition. If the recourse to
conjectural inferring in the face of noncognizable objects is, in the last re-
sort, a futile attempt to transgress the boundaries assigned to our facul-
ties, the peculiar impossibility of knowing the nature oflanguage is, para-
doxically, an advantage. It "is not a defect," Heidegger claims, "but rather
an advantage [Vorzug] by which we are favored with a special realm [in
einen ausgezeichneten Bereich vorgezogen sind], that realm where we, who
are needed and used to speak language, dwell as mortals" (p. 134). What
this passage tells us is that the impossibility of stepping out of language
to "look at it from somewhere else" in order to know it is an advantage in
that we are drawn forward into the dwelling place that constitutes our
humanity. "In order to be who we are, we human beings remain com-
mittM to and within the being oflanguage," Heidegger remarks (p. 134).
But such being drawn forward is an advantage in another sense. The im-
possibility of knowing language provides for the chance, the stroke of
luck, that conjectural thinking might be more than just an idle attempt
to grasp what cognitively does not let itself be appropriated. At the be-
ginning of the essay "Language," Heidegger wonders whether the answer
to the question "In what way does language occur as language?" -namely,
"Language speaks"-is "seriously, an answer?"
Presumably [Vermutlich schon l-that is, when it becomes clear what speaking is.
To reflect on language thus demands that we enter into the speaking oflanguage
in order to take up our stay within language, i.e., within its speaking, not within
our own. Only in that way do we arrive at the region in which it may happen-
or also fail to happen [gluckt oder auch missglucktl-that language will call to us
from there and grant us its nature. 11

By taking up our stay in the speaking oflanguage, the chance presents it-
self that language may grant us its nature. This is the chance that lan-
guage gives thinking in the mode of conjecture-the chance of becom-
Perhaps: A Modality? 185

ing a response to language's nature-if thinking dwells in the realm that

it cannot master. But it is only a chance. This uncertainty that conjectural
thinking may indeed correspond to the nature of language is, however,
the condition under which thinking has at least a chance to correspond
to the nature oflanguage. Without the risk of failing, the risk of slipping
into the banality of everyday presumptions or assumptions backed at best
by scant evidence, conjecturing as a mode of thought would have no
chance of saying the nature of language. Yet if this is so, if the possibility
of a correspondence berween thinking and language requires such unpre-
dictability, it is because the uncertainty in question is an essential one.
Before taking up the specific reasons for this uncertainty, and the
ensuing chance that it presents for a thinking experience in the mode of
conjectural thinking, I recall that what such a thinking experience invites
us to think is, in Heidegger's words, an imposition. In "The Nature of
Language" Heidegger contends that the guide word for the experience
sought with language, recast as "The being of language-the language of
being," is nothing less than "an imposition. If it were merely an assertion,
we could set out to prove its truth or falseness. That would be easier by
far than to endure the imposition or make our peace with it [uns in sie zu
findenJ" (pp. 76-77). "Imposition" translates the German Zumutung, an
unreasonable request, an appalling demand, an affront. For ordinary
thinking, and philosophical and scientific thinking as well, the guide
word is an imposition in that it is not a (verifiable or falsifiable) proposi-
tion. It is not even a sentence. After an additional transformation of the
guide word into "The being of language: the language of being," Hei-
degger notes that the colon preceding the second phrase must point "to
something which we, coming from the first turn of the phrase, do not
suspect [nicht vermutenl in the second; for the second phrase is more than
just a rearrangement of the words in the first" (p. 94). Not only are the
rwo turns of the phrase not inversions, but their forms differ. By virtue of
the total lack of symmetry berween the rwo phrases, propositional think-
ing is unable to suspect or to glimpse something on the other side of the
colon that would speak about the nature of language. The guide word is
such an imposition for propositional thinking because it does not allow
that thinking to infer anything from it. Yet the transformed guide word,
"The being of language-the language of being," might be seen as sim-

ply an imposition by Heidegger upon his readers. He states: "The de-

mand [Zumutung] that we experience this sentence thoughtfully would
seem to stem from the lecture imposing it on us. But the imposition
comes from another source" (p. 77). In other words, although the guide
word is definitely an imposition on ordinary and scientific propositional
thinking and might even be suspected of representing an arbitrary impo-
sition by Heidegger, it is an imposition in still another sense. Just as the
demand to think that "nearness and Saying [are] ... the Same" is, ac-
cording to Heidegger, "a flagrant imposition kine arge Zumutung]" that
"must not be softened in the least" (p. 95), so the imposition that the
guide word represents is not to be dulled in the least. If, indeed, thinking
must endure the imposition, it is because only the inability to suspect
from the first turn of the phrase what the second holds makes the guide
word a guide word.
What then can it mean to thinkingly experience, or to endure the
imposition of the guide word? What is that which, without being able to
suspect it from the first phrase, we must nonetheless allow to impose itself
on us if the guide word is to give us a hint as to the nature of language?
Before proceeding, I must again recall that in "The Nature of Language,"
thinking for Heidegger is first a listening. As a listening, thinking is at-
tentive to the arrival of what it seeks to approach. If what one approaches
must first come in our direction, then thinking must be most fundamen-
tally an openness to what comes toward us. In the case of language this
implies that thinking must first be a listening not to the content of lin-
guistic utterances but to the address of language itself and what is said in
such address, in other words, to the Saying oflanguage. Heidegger writes:
"If we put questions to language, questions about its nature, its being,
then clearly language itself must already have been granted to us [dann
muss uns doch die Sprache seiber schon zugesprochen sein]. Similarly, if we
want to inquire into the being of language, then that which is called na-
ture or being must also be already granted to us" (p. 71). Prior to any in-
quiry into the nature of language, language must "first promise itself to
us [zuvor uns zusagenl, or must already have done so. Language must, in
its own way, avow to us itself-its nature" (p. 76). Indeed, language is in
essence such avowal. "Language is active as this promise [Die Sprache west
als dieser Zuspruch]" (p. 76). This prior promise or grant, or more pre-
Perhaps: A Modality? 187

cisely, this address of language-its Zuspruch or Zusage-is, in Heideg-

ger's words, the thoughtworthy (das Denkwurdige), in short, what think-
ing as listening must attend to in the first place. Reflecting on this gift by
language through a meditation on George's poem-whose last line runs,
"Where word breaks off no thing may be"-Heidegger holds that with
this giving by language before all being, we "are struck by the sight of
something other [AndemJ" (p. 87). Language as the prior grant or
promise, as the Other to "the slumber of hastily formed opinions" (p. 87)
of common sense and of philosophy as well, is the thoughtworthy par ex-
cellence. Just as George's poem says this Other in its own way, in a way
different from philosophy (ganz Anderes auf andere Weise gesagt) , think-
ing must say this Other in still another way (p. 89). If the transformed
guide word represents such an imposition, it is precisely because its other
and its true source (kommt anderswoher) is this Other, the thoughtworthy,
that cannot be suspected or inferred syllogistically from the first segment
of the guide word. If language is first and foremost promise, grant, ad-
dress, it is essentially an Other that as Other does not let itself be ap-
proached in a calculating fashion. By its very nature, language's grant or
promise is distinguished by uncertainty, indeed, as should now be obvi-
ous, by an essential uncertainty. The grant, the promise, the address can
never be suspected, anticipated as a sure thing. They are owed to and
owned by the Other; they are the Other itself. As such they can only be
assumed, supposed, conjectured. The guide word, although beckoning us
away from current notions of language, lets us "only suspect [vermuten]
at first the memorable thing [Denkwudiges] toward which it beckons us,"
Heidegger remarks (p. 96). Supposition is, therefore, the adequate mode
in which thinking can and must relate to what in essence is not in the
power of the subject but belongs instead to the Other, that is, the promise
or grant of language.
The guide word is an imposition because it demands to attend to
what can only be supposed, the grant or address of and by language as
Other. Let me recall that the imposition in question occurs within the
framework of a thinking experience with language that not only proceeds
in the uncertain mode of conjecturing but also starts out with the as-
sumption that "the neighborhood [of poetry and thinking] ... is the
place that gives us room to experience how matters stand with language"

(p. 92). The guide word is to indicate how to arrive at the assumed near-
ness of poetry and thinking. For Heidegger, "it is not merely an expedient
that our attempt to prepare for a thinking experience with language seeks
out the neighborhood of poetry; for the attempt rests upon the supposi-
tion that poetry and thinking belong within one neighborhood. Perhaps
this supposition corresponds to the imposition [vielleicht entspricht diese
Vermutung der Zumutung] which we hear only vaguely so far: the being
of language-the language of being" (p. 80). The supposition that both
poetry and thinking share a region, and that their determination is always
suspended from the relation to their respective other, is thus, perhaps,
what the imposition of the guide word demands that we think and en-
dure. The guide word requests that we suppose, and that the supposition
in question correspond to what is imposed on us. Vice versa, what strikes
thinking as a flagrant imposition is also something that thinking has pre-
sumed or conjectured. Heidegger remarks, "we conjecture what it is that
might be imposed upon thinking [Wir vermuten, was dem Denken zuge-
mutet sein konnte]" (p. 85, translation modified). On the one hand, sup-
position is a tending toward what our thinking has to endure as an im-
position; on the other hand, the imposition is an imposition only if it
comes from a source that thinking can entertain only in the mode of a
supposition. Moreover, as is quite obvious from all the passages quoted,
the relations of correspondence between supposition and imposition lack
any certainty. They mayor may not be the case. Indeed, the thinking that
experiences the imposition and that conjectures what it is that is imposed
on it is not a thinking that seeks to gain knowledge but a thinking expe-
rience with language, more precisely with what in language is other, lan-
guage's address or grant. It is a thinking that "knows" that nothing can
guarantee this experience, and hence all it seeks are the conditions that
enable thinking to possibly make such an experience. 12 '''Possibility' so
understood, as what enables, means something else and something more
than mere opportunity [mehr als die blosse Chance]," Heidegger notes
(p. 93). The guide word, as we have seen, hints at how to arrive at the as-
sumed "place that gives us room to experience how matters stand with
language" (p. 92). But to enter that place effectively is a matter of luck
(Gluck). Heidegger writes: "If we were to succeed for once [wenn es ein-
mal gluckte] in reaching the place to which the guide-word beckons us,
Perhaps: A Modality? 189

we would arrive where we have a possibility of undergoing an experience

with language, the language known to us" (p. 95). [3 Although only a per-
haps prevails in this thinking that seeks the enabling conditions for an ex-
perience with the grant of language, a chance exists that the request will
be granted. It is a chance that is not a mere chance because it is owed to
what in the imposition addresses itself to us in expectation of a response.
Having recourse to the meaning of the archaic verb muten, seinen Sinn
woraufrichten, begehren, that is, to direct one's mind upon something, to
desire, one could say that it is a chance in the sense of Gluck since it is,
perhaps, suspended from what in the imposition mutet uns zu, directs it-
self upon us. Whether or not thinking finds the place where the possibil-
ity exists to make an experience with language as address or grant is not
calculable. It is absolutely unnecessary from the perspective of calculating
thought. If it is a question of chance, not of mere chance (blosse Chance)
but perhaps, in Mallarme's and Blanchot's words, of "pure chance," this is
because the advent of an experience with language as address or grant is a
gift of the Other, of what in language mayor may not claim us.
Yet the complex play that we have laid out so far, the play of sup-
position and imposition, of Vermutung and Zumutung, does not yet ex-
haust Heidegger's meditation on the enabling possibilities for an experi-
ence with language. At the beginning of "The Way to Language," he
remarks that if "we experience the way to language in the light of what
happens with the way itself as we go on, then an intimation [Vermutung]
may come to us in virtue of which language will henceforth strike us as
strange [uns . .. befremdend anmutet]" (p. III). Although the verb an-
muten, rooted in the Middle High German anemuoten, is quite similar to
vermuten and means to demand or expect something from someone, it
means as well to appear, to seem, to strike as. The supposition, then, one
that is perhaps imposed on thinking and that moreover might correspond
to such an imposition, may result in language's striking us henceforth as
strange. Language no longer appears the same as it did when we set off on
our way to language. But beftemdend does not simply mean "strange"
here. In the imposed supposition, language directs itself upon us in such
a way that we, or our thinking, become beftemded: not alienated or es-
tranged (entftemded) but, to create a neologism, bestranged. By virtue of
the supposition we become stricken by bestrangement. The supposition

ultimately concerns, as we have seen, language as grant, language as

Other. As a result of such a supposition, language not only becomes
strange, other to us, but also "affects" us by its strangeness and no longer
lets us be what we were before. A language that addresses us as address
and grant is a language that avows itself to us and claims us, rather than
the other way around. It is through this demand that we undergo a
strangeness, which is to be recognized as the strangeness of a thinking
that, rather than a questioning, is a listening, always already facing the
Other, here, the grant or promise of language. 14
For Heidegger a thinking experience is such only if one becomes
struck, overwhelmed, transformed. Experience is thus not to be under-
stood as having its origin and initiative in the subject. It takes place only
as letting oneself be addressed by what comes toward us, what arrives,
and by receiving what thus strikes us (das uns Treffinde empfongen), let-
ting oneself be expropriated from the start in a bestrangement by an
Other. Vermutung, Zumutung, and Anmutung are nothing less than the
constituting gestures (Gebiirden) of a thinking that is, or rather seeks, ex-
perience in this sense. They are the gestures of a thinking that seeks to
settle jn the place where thinking has always already been, in other words,
where it assumes its primary characteristic as a listening. However, such a
thinking experience, with language for instance, is something, Heidegger
suggests, that "could be [vielleicht] ... too much for us moderns" (pp.
57-58). In addition, and more fundamentally, it is a question of luck
whether the attempt to bring us face to face with the possibility of such
an experience will succeed. The reason for such uncertainty is not only
that we moderns have become deaf to the call of what now is merely an
object for a subject's representations. The uncertainty in question lies
deeper. It is, first, linked to the conjectural nature of a thinking that seeks
a thinking experience. Yet if such thinking must be conjectural, this is
not, as should be obvious by now, because it is loose but because such
conjecturing is the mode imposed on thinking by what it seeks to en-
counter. What conjectural thinking corresponds to is language as address,
as grant, as promise, and such language strikes thinking with bestrange-
ment. Rather than being rooted in the cogito and having thus a secure
self-certain ground, thinking becomes suspended, in this case from what
addresses itself to it, from the Other's granted address, from the address
Perhaps: A Modality? 191

as an Other. The uncertainty here, then, signaled by all the perhapses (and
modal auxiliaries, such as "could," "may," etc.), which condition all of
this thinking's gestures, is bound up with the responsive nature of this
thinking. A thinking that, prior to all questioning (of the nature of lan-
guage, for instance), is a listening to what directs itself toward it (Saying,
for instance)-in short, a thinking that attends to the Other (language as
address or grant, for example)-unfolds only within the limits of the per-
haps. It owes (itself) to the Other. I'; In "The Nature of Language," per-
haps registers this suspension of all thinking certitude about language
from the Zusage or Zuspruch of language. Perhaps is the mark of think-
ing's bestrangement by the Other as address. Yet even a thinking success-
fully modalized by a perhaps is not a sure confirmation of its responsive
character. Perhaps is, as it were, modalized by itself. Indeed, it is up to the
Other whether, perhaps, a response to its address has taken place. The
thinking experience is, therefore, in essence always a singular event, in-
deed, a question of luck, more precisely of happy luck, of Gluck.
In conclusion, the modalizer perhaps is not necessarily a characteris-
tic of everyday discourse. It is not necessarily the sign that assertions are
put in suspension. In a discourse of a thinking experience, which Heideg-
ger clearly demarcates from the philosophical inquiry into the essence of
language, perhaps modalizes thinking's gesturing toward an Other. But as
we have seen, such an attempt to seek the enabling conditions for an ex-
perience with an Other no longer proceeds in a sequence of statements.
The various stages of the way to language-"way" understood as what lets
arrive (Gelangenlassen) (p. 92) -cannot be scientifically verified or falsi-
fied. Yet, for the same reasons, perhaps is no longer a grammatical-logical
category in such a meditation. Since it no longer characterizes proposi-
tions or statements, it is no longer a modality. Perhaps perhaps is here suc-
cessfully removed from its customary usage. However, no certainty allows
us to state that this is the case. Perhaps is the mark of a response, but as a
response to the Other, it remains infinitely suspended from it.


On the Nonadequate Trait

Any discussion of the relation between Heidegger and Derrida re-

quires that we first gain an appropriate understanding of the notion of
"relation" itself. In our context, Heidegger's elaborations on this notion
offer themselves as the most likely starting point. The analysis of Hei-
degger's notion of relation must precede not only the interrogation of the
proximity of Derrida's work to Heidegger's enterprise but also the inter-
rogation of what might fundamentally separate these two types of inves-
tigation. Since the levels at which one could analyze these relations perti-
nently are hardly obvious, the issue here is only to discover one such
problematic level, through which one could perhaps begin to ask the
question of the relation between Heidegger and Derrida in a way that is
no longer impressionistic.
But why precisely would one want to interrogate the relation be-
tween Heidegger and Derrida within the frame of a problematic con-
cerning the relation as such? First and foremost because this question is,
if we can say it, at the very "center" of Heidegger's thought. By critically
pursuing the intentional analyses of correlation that Husserl opened up-
an investigation that according to Hans-Georg Gadamer represents the
very heart of phenomenology-Heidegger is led to pose the problem of
the relation as such. If there is a relation between Heidegger and Derrida,
then it must necessarily be connected to what is involved in this question.

When Heidegger evokes, at the end of the 1956 Addendum to

"The Origin of the Work of Art," the overwhelming difficulty that de-
fines the thought of the relation between Being and the being of man,
he is evoking what was his major concern from Being and Time to all the
later texts of the so-called Kehre. From the Dasein analytic to "The Let-
ter on Humanism," Heidegger stressed that this relation is not an an-
thropological relation (based on a definition of man either as animal ra-
tionale or as ens jinitum created in God's image). In fact, we are already
conceiving it inappropriately if we state it in the form of a relation be-
tween Being and man. The Dasein analytic in which Heidegger first asks
the question of the relation between Being and man is neither an
anthropology nor even the outline of an ontological foundation for a
possible anthropology. "Yet the analytic of Dasein," Heidegger writes in
Being and Time, "is not aimed at laying an ontological basis for anthro-
pology; its purpose is one of fundamental ontology."l According to this
aim, the issue in Being and Time is only to interrogate the meaning
of Being, that is, of Being as Being, "insofar as Being enters into the
intelligibility of Dasein" (BT, p. 193). Contrary to all (metaphysical) in-
vestigations that attempt to discover a "beyond" of Being, fundamental
ontology posits a "necessary connection between Being and understand-
ing" so that "Being 'is' only in the understanding of those entities to
whose Being something like an understanding of Being belongs" (BT,
p. 228). Those entities are Dasein. Consequently, if it is the case that
"only as long as Dasein is (that is, only as long as an understanding of
Being is ontically possible) 'is there' Being," then fundamental ontology
must be constituted in the first place as the existential analytic of this
Dasein (BT, p. 255).
Exactly because this fundamental ontology is an analytic of Dasein,
it is essentially a philosophy of finitude (a philosophy of finitude, how-
ever, that does not fall into some sort of relativism or perspectivism). The
most universal and general question, the question therefore of Being, is
inseparable from Dasein, which is characterized each time by an irre-
ducible "mineness." Thus the question of Being has the possibility of its
own precise individualization for any particular Dasein (die Moglichkeit
On the Nonadequate Trait 197

ihrer eigenen scharfsten Vereinzelung auf das jeweilige Dasein) (BT, p. 63).
Heidegger will not abandon this "finitistic" conception of Being even
when he eventually replaces the Dasein analytic with the interrogation of
the history of Being. "There is Being only," he writes in Identity and Dif-
flrence, "in this or that particular historic character [in dieser und jener
geschichtlichen Pragung]."2 What I want to emphasize here-and this is
my first thesis-is that the finitude of Being does not lie in the fact that
Being appears only by means of the exemplary being that is Dasein or
only in the diverse historical "sendings" of Being, but rather lies in what
Being and Time, for example, calls the equiprimordiality of Being and the
truth of Dasein (BT, p. 272). In other words, the finitistic conception of
Being depends entirely on the nature of its relation. What must hold our
interest here is the constellation (a term Heidegger uses in Identity and
Difference), the belonging-together that characterizes the relation of Being
and Dasein, their Zugehorigkeit, on whose basis alone we will be able to
conceive the terms that are related here. The question of finitude must be
conceived as a question of relation, a question of the relation of what,
considered apart from that relation, arises out of the metaphysical order:
Being and finite man in their presence.
What therefore is relation (Bezug)? We can certainly begin to an-
swer this question by citing the following negative definition Heidegger
gives in "What Are Poets For?" when he discusses the use of this word in
Rilke's authentic poetry:
We only half understand Rilke's word Bezug-and in a case such as this that
means not at all-if we understand it in the sense of reference or relation. We
compound our misunderstanding if we conceive of this relation as the human
ego's referring or relating itself to the object. This meaning, "referring to," is a
later one in the history of language. Rilke's word Bezug is used in this sense as
well, of course; but it does not intend it primarily, but only on the basis of its
original meaning. Indeed, the expression "the whole Bezug" is completely un-
thinkable if Bezug is represented as mere relation. 3

The belonging-together of Being and man does not resemble a relation of

a subject to an object, or a relation of an effect to a cause. It should nor be
understood as either an "attachment" (Zuordnung) or a "coordination"
(Zusammenordnung), as a relation therefore constituted or explicated on
the basis of either man or Being.

We stubbornly misunderstand this prevailing belonging together of man and Be-

ing as long as we represent everything only in categories and mediations, be it
with or without dialectic. Then we always find only connections [Verkniipfun-
gen 1 that are established either in terms of Being or in terms of man, and that
present the belonging together of man and Being as an intertwining [Verflech-
tung]. (ID, p. 32)

Beziehung and relation are, indeed, only the formal determinations un-
covered "directly by way of 'formalization' from any kind of context,
whatever its subject-matter or its way of Being" (BT, p. 108). Just as the
system of reference that constitutes the significance of Dasein's world-
hood is allowed to be understood as a network of relations only at the
price of a leveling down that empties all these relations of their own con-
tent, the relation between Being and the being of man can be amenable
to a functional analysis only by sacrificing the very specificity of this
As Being and Time attempts to demonstrate, such a relational and
functional analysis is rigorously applicable only to the present-at-hand
(Vorhllntlmes) , to the beings, therefore, whose Being has the nature of
pure substantiality. In contrast to the ready-to-hand, which is ontologi-
cally prior and in whose opening our daily encounter with beings occurs,
Vorhandmheit designates a mode of Being that depends on the function
of an epistemological relationship between an (abstract and mundane)
subject and the world represented as an object. In Being and Time, Hei-
degger insists upon the fact that "a 'commercium' of the subject with a
world does not get created for the first time by knowing, nor does it arise
from some way in which the world acts upon a subject." Moreover,
knowing, for Heidegger, "is a mode of Dasein founded upon Being-in-
the-world" (BT, p. 90). The assumption of relations between a subject
and an object is possible "only because Dasein, as Being-in-the-world, is
as it is" (BT, p. 84). Thus, in Being and Time, Heidegger will attempt to
ground ontologically the subject-object relation (and a fortiori the estab-
lishment oHormal relations between objects) in a mode of Dasein, in this
being that has for its Being a relation of Being to its Being (Seinsverhalt-
nis). In other words, he is forced to establish that all subject-object rela-
tions are opened onrologically only in the interior of the relation (Bezug)
of Dasein and Being.
On the Nonadequate Trait 199

Heidegger will pursue his "striving" against Vorhandenheit and

against epistemology, particularly in the writings concerning technology,
in the form of a "striving" against objectifYing representation (vergegen-
standlichende Vorstellung). According to the historical conception of Being
that characterizes Heidegger's thought after Being and Time, objectifYing
representation as well as the relations of production that modern man
maintains with the world and with himself unfold from a historical alien-
ation of man's essence. Heidegger writes in "The Letter on Humanism,"
"But then the essence of man is too little heeded and not thought in its
origin, the essential provenance that is always the essential future for his-
torical mankind."4 Whatever Heidegger is intending with such an essence
(an essence that is neither simply a past present nor a furure present bur
rather that from which temporality as a modification of the present is de-
rived), he is not trying to do away with the subject-object relation. The is-
sue for Heidegger, on the contrary, is to inscribe the subject-object rela-
tion as a constellation of Being into what it dissimulates. In "The Letter
on Humanism" again, Heidegger says:
Man is never first and foremost man on the hither side of the world, as a "sub-
ject," whether this is taken as "I" or "We." Nor is he ever simply a mere subject
which always simultaneously is related to objects, so that his essence lies in the
subject-object relation. Rather, before all this, man in his essence is ek-sistent
into the openness of Being, into the open region that lights the "between" within
which a "relation" of subject to object can "be." (BW, p. 229)

The relations between man and Being, the relations that found the rela-
tions confining the human to a subject conversing with an object, appear
here as a "between," as a clearing (Lichtung) between. In what follows, I
am going to try to highlight this intermediary nature of the relation-the
Zwischen of the Bezug-within which alone something like a relation of
a subject to an object can take place. I will begin, therefore, by explicating
the major features that, according to Heidegger, characterize the relation
between man and Being. I will extract these features from Heidegger's
own discussion of the Dasein analytic in "The Letter on Humanism."
The Dasein analytic asserts that man must first be thought as Da-
sein determined by its being-in-the-world and as a being relating itself to
itself through the Being that is to be. Paradoxically (although this might

not be a paradox) Dasein, which exists in the clearing of Being, is itself

this clearing: "Man occurs essentially in such a way that he is the 'there'
[das 'Da'], that is, the lighting of Being. The 'Being' of the Da, and only
it, has the fundamental character of ek-sistence, that is, of an ecstatic in-
herence in the truth of Being" (BW, p. 205). Man as Dasein therefore is
the same clearing in which he ek-sists. Or again, man is himself the "be-
tween" of the relation that opens the possibility of a subject-object rela-
tion. He is himself this "between" insofar as it enters into the Being of his
Being. As a result, the problem of the "between" (and of the relation) ap-
pears inseparable from the relationship that Being possesses with itself
within the clearing of its own "there." Nothing could be easier than to
confuse the unity of these two aspects of the problem with an identity
and to misunderstand Dasein's self-relation as a specular relation. To fall
prey to such confusions would amount to missing entirely what Heideg-
ger is trying to do in Being and Time; it would amount to a rejection of
what one can think here in regard to the question of the relation. The re-
lation as an "entre-deux" that clarifies every subject-object relation by it-
self appearing in the clearing of Dasein is an intermediary that is neces-
sarily "out of joint," dis-placed, nonadequate in relation to itself. It is a
milieu that is dislocated in its own taking place. Thus, for example, man,
even though he is himself the clearing in which he ek-sists, does not oc-
cupy the center. The reason for this is that what is at issue in his existence
is not him but Being: "the essence of man is essential for the truth of Be-
ing, specifically in such a way that the word does not pertain to man sim-
ply as such" (BW, p. 224). The privilege that Heidegger gives to Being
here does not imply that he is now starting to think the relation of Being
and man on the basis of Being. On the contrary, as we shall see more
clearly in the argumentation that follows, what will always be at issue is to
think the relation as Being.
As we just saw, man is in his essence, he is the clearing of Being in
which he ek-sists only insofar as he has been called there by Being. "Only
so long as the lighting of Being comes to pass does Being convey itself to
man. But the fact that the Da, the lighting as the truth of Being itself,
comes to pass is the dispensation of Being itself" (BW, p. 2I6). Already
determined as the median openness thrown off-center by relating to it-
self, thrown off-center to the extent that the relation of Dasein and Being
On the Nonadequate Trait 201

is a function of Dasein's openness, the relation taken as the relation of

man and Being must further be understood as a reply (Gegenwurf, liter-
ally, a counterthrow). According to this determination, not only do Da-
sein and Being face one another in order to be called reciprocally, but the
very relation is, as we say, a "decentered" reply. First, let us go into how
Dasein and Being are related by a reply. As a reply to Being, man, for
Heidegger, is the guardian of Being. Man has been destined by Being as
a reply to itself.
What throws in projection is not man but Being itself, which sends
man into the ek-sistence of Da-sein that is his essence. This destiny
comes to pass as the lighting of Being, as which it is (BW, p. 217).
But how should we think the double nature of the relation, a du-
plicity according to which, first, man comes into his essence only by
means of Being, which nevertheless he is himself, a Dasein always partic-
ularized, and a duplicity according to which, second, Being destines man
to be Dasein in order to be able to appear in Dasein as the "there"
guarded by man? In 'The Letter on Humanism," Heidegger poses the
question in the following terms: "But how-provided we really ought to
ask such a question at all-how does Being relate to ek-sistence? Being it-
self is the relation to the extent that It, as the location of the truth of Be-
ing amid beings, gathers to itself and embraces ek-sistence in its existen-
tial, that is, ecstatic, essence" (BW, p. 2II). Being itself is the relation
(Verhiiltnis), says Heidegger. This relationship is to be explicated neither
on the basis of man nor on the basis of Being to which man relates in the
relation of Being to ek-sistence. The "between," qualified here by Hei-
degger as the relation (the Verhiiltnis of what comes face to face in the
Gegenwurf), is not uniquely the place where the subject-object relation
emerges, but is, more fundamentally still, the very relation of Being and
Dasein. Man can be in a relation to Being only within the openness of
the relation "that Being destines for itself" (BW, p. 211). The relation is,
therefore, to be thought not on the basis of that to which it gives birth
(Being and man) but on the basis of Being as relation.
By thinking the relation from itself, we do not, however, escape
from the apparent paradoxes that I raised in regard to the nature of the
duplicity of the relation. To think the relation as such is to think its dis-
location, or rather, to think the dislocation solely in terms of itself. Only

on this condition can what Heidegger calls Bezug or Verhiiltnis be under-

stood as that from which "man and Being have first received those deter-
minations of essence by which man and I.king are grasped metaphysically
in philosophy" (ID, p. 32). But this is not all. The relation (or Being as
relation) is still the a priori of the ontological a priori (of Dasein and the
Being of Dasein) that Being and Time investigated. It is an a priori that
precedes all (metaphysical) representations of man and of Being. Conse-
quently, Heidegger, with this determination of Being as relation, thinks a
before prior to all fundamental ontology, a relation therefore that precedes
the relation of Dasein and Being, which itself had to have, as we have
seen, the subject-object relation inscribed into its openness.
In a note bearing on the notion of Verhdltnis as it was used in "The
Letter on Humanism," Heidegger says, "Plato's Doctrine of Truth: Rela-
tion on the basis of fundamental comportment (with-drawal) of the de-
nial (of the with-drawn)."5 Continuing the excavation of the relation as
Verhdltnis, I shall follow from this note another trail, which leads to "On
the Essence of Truth." Analyzing the intrinsic possibility of the concept
of truth as adequation, Heidegger notes here that the difference between
thing and proposition (the difference between the thing appearing in its
stability and moving at the same time toward and into the proposition)
presupposes an open domain, an opening "the openness of which is not
first created by the presenting but rather is only entered into and taken
over as a domain of relatedness [Bezugsbereich]." Heidegger continues,
"The relation of the presentative statement to the thing is the accom-
plishment [VtJllzug] of that bearing [Verhdltnis] which originally and al-
ways comes to prevail as a comportment [ein Verhalten zum Schwingen
bringt]" (BW, pp. 123-24). In 1954, Heidegger wrote in the margin of the
third edition of "On the Essence of Truth" precisely on the subject of this
notion of Verha/ten: "Comportment-to linger in the lighting (standing
earnestly in the lighting) of the presencing of what presences."6 The
openness or the clearing, therefore, represents here the place of the man-
ifestation of everything that is joined, of the Zueinander-Anwesen of what
lingers awhile (cf. Heidegger's "Anaximander Fragment"), or again, the
manifestation of what Heidegger calls Gezuge in "The Origin of the
Work of Art." But the openness, of course, is also the domain open for a
being's self-relating comportment. The comportment, the subject-object
On the Nonadequate Trait 203

relation, and the Geziige (the whole of what is in relation), all of which
presuppose the openness of the relation or the openness of the Verhaltnis,
are, however, because of the nature of the openness of Verhaltnis, its orig-
inary and at each time particular actualization.
How then are we to understand the relation between Verhaltnis (re-
lation) and Verhalten (comportment)? In "On the Essence of Truth," Hei-
degger conceives Verhaltnis as the "fundamental comportment of letting
be [Verhaltenheit des Sein-lassens]," that is, as freedom (BW, p. 129; my
translation). Opening itself in the openness of this Verhaltenheit, all com-
portment (Verhalten) appears then as "being attuned in a way that dis-
closes beings as a whole" (BW, p. 131). All comportment presupposes and
simultaneously reveals the openness of the relation. As Vorenthalt (with-
drawal or concealment, or privation), the Verhaltenheit (fundamental com-
portment) of Verhaltnis also entails its own concealment because of the
Verhalten (comportment and restraint) that actualizes it.
As letting beings be, freedom is intrinsically the resolutely open bearing [Vt>r-
hiiltnis] that does not close up in itself. All comportment is grounded in this
bearing and receives from it directedness toward beings and disclosure of them.
Nevertheless, this bearing toward concealing conceals itself in the process, letting
a forgottenness of the mystery take precedence and disappearing in it. (BW,

We should therefore note, as a sort of conclusion to this first examination

ofHeidegger's notion of the relation, that because of its displaced and de-
centered self-relation, the relation as Verhaltnis or Bezug not only is a dou-
ble relation of an onto logically stratified duplicity but also is marked by
undecidability. As we were able to see, this undecidability always springs
from the re-mark of the unconcealed by the concealed. In fact, the Ver-
haltenheit of the Verhaltnis results in the fact that the letting-be of funda-
mental comportment is especially and always first the concealment of
what happens to be revealed. Before attempting the impossible and inad-
missible task of formalizing the movement that characterizes the relation,
that is, Being itself, I am going to take up again the whole preceding
problematic of the relationship between Being and Dasein in terms of the
way Heidegger discusses it when he explores the relations between mortal
man and the Earth.!
204 R H Y T H MAN D Z [ G ZAG


According to Heidegger in Erlauterungen zu Holderlins Dichtung

(Commentaries on Holderlin's poetry), man is the one who must bear
witness to his belonging-to (Zugehorigkeit) the Earth. This testimony "oc-
curs through the creation of a world and its ascent, and likewise through
the destruction of a world and its decline."8 What then is this belonging-
to and how does Heidegger conceive it?
The most originary conception of the essence of man, more funda-
mental than the rational or theological definition, is, according to Heideg-
ger, a conception claimed by Being (illuminating itself in beings) during
the morning of Western destiny: "[the 'Greek' essence of man] unfolds
historically as something fateful, preserved in Being and dispensed by Be-
ing, without ever being separated from Being."9 According to this destiny,
man, joined to Being, belongs in a remarkable way to the totality of what
is: it is precisely man who, by "illuminating, apprehending, and thus gath-
ering, lets what is present as such become present in unconcealment"
(EGT, p. 38). As Heidegger says in 'i\J.etheia," the relation of humans to
the clearing of Being lies in the fact that "they are luminous in their
essence" (EGT, p. 120).
In particular, man realizes this relation to Being by allowing the
Earth to be disclosed in a world. By means of this revelation, man is the
inheritor of all things and belongs to the Earth. Man testifies to this be-
longing to the Earth by being capable of death. But what does being
mortal mean? In "Building, Dwelling, Thinking," Heidegger says: "The
mortals are the human beings. They are called mortals because they can
die. To die means to be capable of death as death" (PLT, p. 150). And
what does being capable of death as death mean? In "The Thing," Hei-
degger makes the following response:
To die means to be capable of death as death. Only man dies. The animal per-
ishes. It has death neither ahead of itself nor behind it. Death is the shrine of
Nothing [Schrein des Nichts], that is, of that which in every respect is never some-
thing that merely exists, but which nevertheless presences, even as the mystery
of Being itself. As the shrine of Nothing, death harbors within itself the presenc-
ing of Being. As the shrine of Nothing, death is the shelter of Being. We now call
mortals mortals-not because their earthly life comes to an end, but because
On the Nonadequate Trait 205

they are capable of death as death. Mortals are who they are, as mortals, present
in the shelter of Being [Gebirg des Seins J. They are the presencing relation to Be-
ing as Being [Sie sind das wesende Verhaltnis zum Sein aLs Sein J. (PLT, pp. 178-79)

The belonging of humans to the Earth lies not only in their allowing the
Earth to be illuminated in a world but also in their furnishing of a shel-
ter for the revealed Earth. This shelter is precisely death. By dying, man
offers a crypt to the Earth unconcealed in the openness of a world.
Thereby, he remains faithful to the Earth, which is nothing other than its
own withdrawal into unconcealment. Man's finitude, namely, his being
capable of death as death, is destined by the Earth. His finitude becomes
then the Gebirg des Seins, its own shelter, its own withdrawal.
When Heidegger, however, writes in "Building, Dwelling, Think-
ing" that man dies "continually, as long as he remains on earth, under the
sky, before the divinities," man's death is still being thought as a function
of the Earth revealed as the fourfold (Geviert) (PLT, p. 150). The fourfold
is the present articulation of the world, the world that itself represents the
Earth's illumination. Heidegger says in "The Thing," "When we s~y mor-
tals, we are then thinking of the other three along with them by way of
the simple oneness of the four" (PLT, p. 179). These other three are the
earth, the sky, the divinities; with them, man participates in the fourfold
of the world. In other words, as Dasein determined by its being-in-the-
world, man dies continuously. The world of the fourfold is, as I men-
tioned, the clearing and illumination of the Earth. In this world, the
Earth appears as the fourfold of the earth and sky, of the humans and di-
vinities. And the Earth's appearance as the fourfold will become folded
back again into itself, into this same Earth, in order to be sheltered there.
(On this subject we should consult "The Origin of the Work of Art.")
This double movement affecting the earth-world relation holds as
well for the relations between the four parts of the fourfold. Before demon-
strating this, we must note first that Heidegger conceives the belonging-
together of the four parts of the fourfold in terms of reflection.
Earth and sky, divinities and mortals-being at one with one another of their
own accord-belong together by way of simpleness of the united fourfold. Each
of the four mirrors in its own way the presence of the others. Each therewith re-
flects itself in its own way into its own, within the simpleness of the four. This
mirroring does not portray a likeness. The mirroring, lighting each of the four,

appropriates their own presencing into the simple belonging to one another [Das
SpiegeLn ereignet, jedes der Vier LichterJd, deren eigenes WeserJ in die einfoLtige verei-
nigung zueinanderJ. (PLT, p. 179)

How does the continuous death of man take place in the reflecting play
of the fourfold? By re-fleeting the presence of the other three parts: the im-
mortals, the sky, and the earth. Death therefore is the specifically human
way that enables the other three to reach what is proper to them, while
man discovers what is proper to him by dying in the re-flection of the
other three. Thus the fact of being able to die as death is an essence that is
sent back to man by way of the other three. This mirror-play of the four-
fold, instead of elevating man to the status of an autonomous subject re-
flecting itself in a homogeneous reflection, can enter into its own essence
only by means of his own self-effacement in the letting-be of the others.
This self-effacing movement, which characterizes the relation of man to
the other three pans, holds as well for each part. Each of them has a par-
ticular manner of self-effacement by means of letting the others be, and
therefore by means of being re-flected, by the others, into what is its own.
How are we to understand, then, the whole play of the fourfold?
Heidegger writes:
Mirroring in this appropriating-lighting way, each of the four plays to each of the
others. The appropriative mirroring sets each of the four free into its own, but
it binds these free ones into the simplicity of their essential being towards one
The mirroring that binds into freedom is the play that betroths each of the
four to each through the enfolding clasp of their mutual appropriation [aus dem
foLtenden HaLt der vereignung J. None of the four insists on its own separate par-
ticularity. Rather, each is expropriated, within their mutual appropriation, into
what is proper to it, its own [zu einem Eigenen enteignetJ. This expropriative ap-
propriation [enteignende vereignen J is the mirror-play [das SpiegeL-Spiel] of the
fourfold. Out of the fourfold, the simple onefold of the four is ventured. (PLT,
p. 179; translation modified)

The reflecting play of the fourfold's four parts is identical to the move-
ment that characterizes the relation of Being as a relation to its appear-
ance in its own openness, that is, as appearing as comportment and as the
whole of what is joined. Thus this play must be understood as a expro-
priative mutual appropriation. Through this play, as we have seen, each
On the Nonadequate Trait 207

of the four parts acquires what is its own by a reRection that lets the oth-
ers be. Through self-effacement, by becoming the mirror for the other,
the self is sent back, by this other, to what is properly its own. The proper
(or what is one's own) therefore is never constituted by speculative reRec-
tion; there is propriety in the fourfold only insofar as there is always al-
ready expropriation. Instead of reRecting the parts into themselves, the
mirror-play of the fourfold dislocates them.
This mirror-play, a play of expropriative mutual appropriation, is a
play that every process of propriety presupposes. Something can become
"properly" proper only by abstracting from this originary play. Thus, the
play of fourfold, which is the Earth revealed and concealed as world (and
nevertheless refolded again back into the Earth), is not only a play of re-
lations decentered in their very structure but also and especially a play
preceding every reRective and speculative movement. This mirror-play of
the relation (of Bezug or Verhaltnis), appearing here as the openness of the
world, is nothing less than what Heidegger attempts to think as the com-
plex simplicity of thought as this relation itsel£ In order to demonstrate
this, it is necessary first to re-Iegate, re-Rect, re-fold, the play of the world,
the mirror-play, into what it brings to appearance, into the Earth, there-
fore, into Being.


We turn therefore to " ... Poetically Man Dwells ... ," to the "be-
tween," to the Zwischen or entre-deux, of the earth and sky. From this "be-
tween" as dimension, man lifts his gaze to the heavens. This span, this di-
ametrical measure of dimension, opens what we traditionally call the
space where the sky and the earth come to be opposed. "Man does not
undertake this spanning," says Heidegger, "just now and then; rather,
man is man at all only in such spanning" (PIT, p. 221). By dwelling be-
tween the sky and the earth, man actualizes his very relation to Being. Be-
cause of this, we are now going to have to interrogate how "relation" and
"between" communicate. Man actualizes the relation to Being (to the Be-
ing of the relation) by remaining in between the sky and the earth, or
again, by participating in the double "between" of the fourfold. We must
try then to conceive this "communication" in its greatest generality. The

relation and the "between" can each in turn, however, be thought only in
a singular way. Will it be necessary then to proceed by generalizing on the
basis of the whole of all the particular manifestations of the relation and
the "between"? Certainly not. This procedure would amount to reducing
the relation and the "between" to their most empty concepts. Before
sketching an answer to these questions, I shall begin by analyzing a par-
ticular case of communication between the relation and the "between,"
the logos.
In the section of Being and Time entitled "The Concept of Logos,"
Heidegger determines this primary mode of being-in-the-world as an es-
sentially aphonic apophansis (a letting something be seen, a making man-
ifest). The logos is also said to let "something be seen in its togetherness
with something-letting it be seen as something" (BT, p. 56). Conse-
quently, the apophantic function is doubled by a synthetic function. This
double function of the logos, simultaneously apophantic and synthetic,
according to Heidegger, positively binds together all the equivocal signi-
fications of this term. In the later essay "Logos," where Heidegger con-
tinues to penetrate the double nature of the original meaning of the lo-
gos, the primordial relation of man and being appears as a speaking, a
discourse, a recounting-all terms that translate the Greek term legein. In
"On the Being and Conception of Physis in Aristotle's Physics B, I," Hei-
degger translates the word "legein" with the German "lesen": gathering or
collecting. 1O In fact, the literal usage of "legein" denoted leading the scat-
tered and its multiplicity back into a unity and thus making manifest
what was previously in withdrawal. It denoted letting something be seen
in its entry into presence. Heidegger writes:
In the Greek definition of the essence of the human being, Legein and logos mean
the relation on the basis of which what is present gathers itself for the first time
as such around and for human beings. And only because human beings are in-
sofar as they relate to beings as beings, unconcealing and concealing them, can
they and must they have the "word," i.e., speak of the being of beings. But the
words that language uses are only fragments that have precipitated out of the
word, and from them humans can never find their way to beings or find the path
back to them, unless it be on the basis of legein. Of itself Legein has nothing to do
with saying and with language. Nonetheless, if the Greeks conceive of saying as
legein, then this implies an interpretation of the essence of word and of saying so
On the Nonadequate Trait 209

unique that no later "philosophy oflanguage" can ever begin to imagine its as yet
unplumbed depths. I I

This gathering at work in legein is to be understood as a "letting-lie-

together-before" that aims at a "letting-lay-out-together-before." On the
basis of the novel translation of legein by the German legen, to lay, Hei-
degger notes in "Logos": "Laying, as legein, simply tries to let what of it-
self lies together here before us, as what lies before, into its protection, a
protection in which it remains laid down" (EGT, pp. 62-63). As lesendes
Legen, as a laying that simultaneously gathers, legein genuinely conforms
to its essence only on the condition of not being reduced to a subjective
and arbitrary act of man. There is true legein only as authentic listening
to the logos. "If there is to be proper hearing, mortals must have already
heard the logos with an attention [Gehorl which implies nothing less than
their belonging [gehoren] to the logos" (EGT, p. 67).
Legein can always be only a "letting-lie-together-before" of what the
logos has always already gathered. Because of this prior gathering in the lo-
gos, the legein of the mortals cannot be reduced to simple understanding;
it consists in a comportment (Verha/ten), itself constituted by the relation
(Verhaltnis) of mortals and Being. Legein, says Heidegger, is a comport-
ment that adheres in the sojourn of the mortals (das sich im Aufenthalt der
Sterblichen halt), who are authentic only on the condition of their having
been destined by Being. Only then can man discover a stay (Halt) by
which he "is brought into a firm relation [Bezug] and given a basis."12
In "On the Being and Conception of Physis in Aristotle's Physics
B, I," does not Heidegger recall the original signification of logos (insofar
as it depends upon the root legein) as Verhaltnis, as the relation as such?
"What does logos mean? In the language of Greek mathematics the word
'logos' means the same as 'relation' and 'proportion.' Or we say 'analogy,'
taken as 'correspondence,' and by this we mean a definite kind of relation,
a relation of relations; but with the word 'correspondence' we do not think
of language and speech."13 Thus, the legein of the mortals, which distin-
guishes their relation to Being on the condition of having its stay (Halt)
in a comportment (Verhalten) destined by Being, is literally a relation to
the relation that is the logos. This relation of legein to logos, the relation of
the relation to the relation, is not one of imitation. Insofar as the legein of
humans is appropriated to homologein, it remains sheltered in and by the

logos. Ereignis mutually appropriates: the mortals' legein is sheltered in the

logos, while the legein itself is the illumination of the logos. Even though
every (human) relation to the relation of relation (therefore, to the logos) is
thus also a function of the legein of the mortals, this dependence does not
transform the logos into an imitation of human legein. This dependence,
furthermore, hardly implies that the legein represents a mere imitation of
the logos. Therefore Heidegger can conclude: "If this is so, then neither
can logos be the overcoming of mortal legein, nor can legein be simply a
copying of the definitive logos. Then whatever essentially occurs in the le-
gein of homologein and in the legein of the logos has a more primordial ori-
gin-and this in the simple milieu between both" (EGT, p. 75).
Let us recapitulate before proceeding to the analysis of this simple
milieu. By trying to formalize the "logic" of the relation, I have extricated
the mirror-play of the expropriative mutual appropriation constitutive ei-
ther of the fourfold or of the relation of man to the Earth. Characterizing
the relation, this mirror-play, in which I have also emphasized the dis-
symmetrical doubling, can be read in the following ways. First, the action
of relating to the legein (as the relation of homoiosis to Being) is the dis-
simulating clearing of the relation to relations that is the logos. Second,
the logos as a relation of relations is the shelter that the mortallegein re-
linquished in order to return to it. By a sort of unfortunate conceptual
coincidence the preceding statements can easily be understood with a
speculary if not speculative content. To do so, however, would be to mis-
understand them. For the logos is nothing like an abstract universal; it
manifests itself always (es gibt) and only in an extreme singularity (in
schiirfiter Vereinzelung). It must never be confused with the legein as such
or in the dialectical form of a concrete universal. Just like the relations be-
tween the logos and the human legein, the relations between the two
stated propositions regarding the formal "logic" of the relation, instead of
overlapping each other, differ. Consequently, it will be necessary to pay
attention to what distinguishes them in their mutual referral and to at-
tempt to think the fundamental dissymmetry that they articulate. This,
then, leads me to the "simple milieu" between legein as Verhalten and the
logos as Verhiiltnis.
We recall that Heidegger, in particular in the later work Identity and
Diffirence, emphasizes the necessity of thinking the relation between Be-
On the Nonadequate Trait 21I

ing and man as such, but not on the basis of either Being or man. Earlier,
in Being and Time, when defining the nature of being-in (/n-Sein), Hei-
degger stresses that this mode of the Being of Dasein must not be confused
with a property "that is effected, or even just elicited, in a present-at-hand
subject by the 'world's' Being-present-at-hand." Heidegger continues:
But in that case, what else is presented with this phenomenon than the commer-
cium which is present-at-hand between a subject present-at-hand and an Object
present-at-hand? Such an interpretation would come closer to the phenomenal
content if we were to say that Dasein is the Being of this "between." Yet to take
our orientation from this "between" would still be misleading. For with such an
orientation we would also be covertly assuming the entities between which this
"between," as such, "is," and we would be doing so in a way which is ontologi-
cally vague. The "between" is already conceived as the result of the convenientia
of two things that are present-at-hand. (BT, p. 170)

The notion of the "between" therefore can be contested since it cannot be

thought without implicitly referring to the things between which this
"between" establishes itself This line of reasoning is confirmed by Hei-
degger's rejection of all generalizing thought. The "between" as such
therefore does not allow itself to be conceived. But do these valuable ob-
jections concerning the task of thinking the mode of Being of the being-
in remain pertinent here, where the issue is one of determining the rela-
tion between Being and man as such, where the issue is one of thinking
the "simple milieu" between legein as homologein and the legein of the
logos? Can we still oppose the same argument of an ontologically indeter-
minate presupposition to the attempt to clarifY the relation as such? By
thinking the relation as such, are we not already moving well within the
whole analytic of Dasein and its aim of a fundamental ontology?
In fact, the task of conceiving the "simple milieu" between the mor-
tal homologein and the relation of relations of the logos is susceptible to the
preceding objections only up to a certain point. Certainly, as the "be-
tween," the relation as such always remains relative to that between which
it takes place. The poles of this "between," however, would be no longer
beings. The "between" as such, the very matter of thought, is a "between"
between the relation of mortals to Being and the relation of relations of
the logos. The "between" therefore is relative only to what is of the same
nature as it, to the "between." This relativity is not misleading; it only

testifies to the finite nature of the relation considered in its greatest gen-
erality. The "simple milieu," then, is what differs essentially, insofar as it
is the "more primordial origin," from what it produces, while existing as
a finite origin consisting of the same nature as that berween which it "is."
This "simple milieu" as the relation berween the legein of the mortals and
the legein of the logos is the logos (itself) as the relation of relations, pre-
cisely because of this finitude. The logos as the "berween" is the difftrant,
the other oflin the same (Selbe). This milieu, Heidegger says, is the "more
primordial origin" of the legein as comportment (Verhalten) and of the
logos as relation (Verhaltnis). But it is this origin only insofar as the legein
and the logos, to which it gives way, are the very dissimulation of this
"simple milieu." Once more, the "logic" of the mirror-play, such as the
discussions of the fourfold and of the relations berween man and Being
made clear, turns our (0 constitute as well the thought of the "simple mi-
lieu," the thought of the logos as such. Because the issue here is to think
Being as the "berween," we are going to see that Heidegger will soon
"simplify" this logic of the mirror (which must not be confused with a
specular reflection) in order to unify it with what he calls the "trait."
Before demonstrating this, however, we shall pause for a moment
and try to think the milieu as such. Immediately, the milieu must be dis-
tinguished from what it is not, and here we shall make use of "What Are
Poets For?" Heidegger's "simple milieu" must not be confused with
Rilke's "unheard-of Open." Insofar as it is Being thought within the hori-
zon of the forgetfulness of Being, Rilke's "unheard-of Open" abstracts
from the whole of beings in order (0 represent the milieu of attraction
that Being has for beings, the milieu that puts beings in equilibrium and
that mediates them within the draft of the "whole Bezug" (PLT, p. lO5).
Despite its invisibility, this milieu or Open is still a milieu belonging to
the order of the heart, to the order of interiority where the things of the
world come (0 lose what opposes this order in order to be elevated into
the undivided presence of the Erinnerung of all exteriority; it is therefore
not the openness that the "simple milieu" represents for Heidegger. In-
stead of being openness in the sense of Unverborgenheit, Rilke's "unheard-
of Open" is therefore "what is closed up, unlightened, which draws on in
boundlessness" (PLT, p. lOG). Contrary to the "unheard-of Open," in
which Rilke turns subjective experience inro a reversal of consciousness,
On the Nonadequate Trait 213

the "simple milieu" cannot be the object of any sort of immediate en-
counter. Since it is an origin that always reveals itself only in its dissimu-
lating effects, the "simple milieu" lets itself neither be felt right on the
body nor be apprehended intellectually; the experience of the simple mi-
lieu, according to Heidegger, is possible only in the Dichtung of thought.
Thus, for example, in "'Wenn wie am Feiertage'" ("As on a holi-
day ... "), Heidegger describes the extremely mediated relations that the
poet (the intermediary between the people and the heavens) maintains
with the immediate, with the "simple milieu" from which all mediation
flows: "Since neither the humans nor the divinities ever happen to fulfill
by themselves the immediate relation to the Sacred, the humans are in
need of the divinities and the heavens are in need of the mortals."14 By
means of the love that mediates the humans and the divinities, the latter
"do not precisely belong to themselves but to the sacred, which is for them
the rigorous essence of mediation, the law" (EHD, p. 69). Thereby expro-
priated, the divinities send to the poetic mediator "den losgebundenen
Blitz," the liberating lightning bolt that enables the immediate to be said
by letting it be in its fundamental inaccessibility (EHD, p. 70). By means
of "the sweetness of the mediate and mediating speech," the poets "must
leave to the immediate its immediacy and however at the same time as-
sume its mediation as the Unique" (EHD, p. 71). Such is the task incum-
bent upon the poets: to remain in relation "to the highest mediators."
That the Sacred would be then confined to a mediation by god and the poets,
and gives birth therefore to the hymn, this precisely threatens to pervert the very
Being of the Sacred. The immediate becomes thereby mediate. Because the
hymn awakens only with the awakening of the Sacred, the mediate comes from
the immediate itself. (EHD, pp. 72-73)

Let us return then to Rilke's "unheard-of Open": it appears now that this
Open is an immediate transformed into the mediate, the very contrary of
the immediate, the very contrary of all mediation. However, in the speech
of an authentic poet like Holderiin, as Heidegger says, mediation lets the
immediate be. It lets the "the terror of immediacy be" without turning it
into its contrary (EHD, p. 71). Based on the model of authentic poetry,
the dichtendes Denken that is called to think the "simple milieu" (the "be-
tween" or the relation as such) has the purpose ofletting these be and not

transmuting them into their contrary: to think them in a way that does
not confuse them with what they mediate, with what in them and by
them appears in order to obfuscate them as the origin, to think them in
such a way that they are not changed into empty and abstract universals,
to think them, instead, in their essential finitude.


Defined by Heidegger as "the richest and most prodigious event: in

it the history of the Western world comes to be bourne out," metaphysics
is not dashed into nullity by the phenomenological destruction of the his-
tory of philosophy (EGT, p. 51). Just as the extreme forgetfulness of Being
signals toward Ereignis, Heidegger's thought can only wish to refold the
truth of metaphysics into the truth of Being. The issue, indeed, is to rein-
scribe the discourse of metaphysics by refolding it into what Heidegger,
in "The Anaximander Fragment," calls the thought of Being as the most
original mode of Dichten. The thought of the "simple milieu," of the "be-
tween," of the relation as such, is precisely the thought that must poetize
on the riddle of Being (am Ratsel des Seins dichtet) (EGT, p. 58). The say-
ing more essential than the saying of metaphysics applies itself, from Be-
ing and Time up to On Time and Being, to the task of weaving a discourse
upon Being as Being, that is, a discourse that refuses to think what is
proper to Being on the basis of being. To cite "The Anaximander Frag-
ment," this discourse would return from the modern determination of
Being as presence (Priisenz) in representation (Repriisentation), from Be-
ing as the presence of representational thinking (Vorstellen), to a more
primordial determination of Being as Anwesen, as Gegenwart (EGT, pp.
56-57). Thus neither Anwesen nor Gegenwart should be translated by
"presence." But worse still would be a confusion of Anwesen with an im-
mediate Gegenwart. As Heidegger notes in On Time and Being:
The present in the sense of presence [Anwesen 1differs so vastly from the present
in the sense of the now that the present as presence can in no way be determined
in terms of the present as the now. The reverse would rather seem possible ....
But we have so far omitted showing more clearly what the present [Gegenwartl
in the sense of presence means. Presence determines Being in a unified way as
On the Nonadequate Trait 2I5

presencing and allowing-to-presence, that is, as unconcealing. What matter are

we thinking when we say presencing? To presence [AnwesenJ means to last
[Wahren J. But we are too quickly content to conceive lasting as mere duration
[Anwahren J, and to conceive duration in terms of the customary representation
of time as a span of time from one now to a subsequent now. To talk of presenc-
ing, however, requires that we perceive biding and abiding in lasting as lasting in
present being. What is present concerns us, the present [Gegenwart], that is:
what, lasting, comes towards us, us human beings."

This determination of Being as Anwesen still speaks the language of phi-

losophy, because Anwesen is a more primordial determination of presence
thought traditionally on the basis of a now, and because man, when he
encounters what Being brings forward in Anwesen, is also determined
from the perspective of a humanism more fundamental than metaphysi-
cal humanism. This determination of Being as such, as Anwesen, also al-
ready speaks the other language that, as Heidegger says in a I949 note to
"The Letter on Humanism," remains always in the background. 16 By
thinking Being as Anwesen, on the basis of what Being is not, Heidegger
weaves the background language that represents thoughtful Dichtung
about the enigma of Being.
If we look at Heidegger's "Anaximander Fragment," we can make
one or two features of the notion of Anwesen clear. There Heidegger says,
"Presencing [Anwesen}, in relation to what is present [Anwesende}, is al-
ways that in accordance with which what is present comes to presence"
(EGT, p. 48). There is no doubt that the relation in question here does
not designate the foundation of what is present (Anwesende) in a greater
and more primordial presence. In relation to the present that comes forth,
presencing (Anwesen) is not to be confused with a full or living presence.
Likewise, what is present (Anwesende) is not therefore already present. The
relation between present and presence is a relation of unconcealment, the
manifestation into the unhidden. Presencing, however, unveiling itself as
what is present, is not unveiled as such. Presencing absents itself in its un-
concealment. It is its own absenting in the very act of revealing. "What is
for the time being present, what presently is, comes to presence out of
absence [Abwesen}," Heidegger says (EGT, p. 37). In short, there is pres-
ence only on the basis of absence, a presence unconcealing and concealing
itself in what is present and in what is absent (Abwesendes).

Yet presencing is not unveiled only under the form of the opposi-
tion present-absent. It is as well the very clearing where this appearing
takes place. "Presencing brings unconcealment along with itself. Unconceal-
ment itself is presencing. Both are the Same, though they are not identi-
cal" (EGT, p. 55). And that is not all: as unconcealment and the openness
of all appearing, presencing is also its own dissimulation, the closing of
its opening. Presence is thus also the absence of unconcealment, an ab-
sence that is not "simply absentness; rather, it is a presencing, namely, that
kind in which the absencing (but not the absent thing) is present."17
Presencing is double (zwei or zweifach) in a double sense. First, it is
double by relating to what the absent and the present bring to light,
thereby obfuscating presencing itself. Second, it is double in that it is
then again the openness and the closure of its own appearing in the dyad
of the present and the absent. Although two times double, presencing is
only one (einfoltig). Revealing itself according to this double trace (Spur),
presencing is the unitary fold (Einfolt). Presencing, manifesting itself ac-
cording to the double trace as the unitary fold, comes to language as the
self-relation to what is present. This relation (Beziehung), says Heidegger,
is unique (tine Einzige). It remains "altogether incomparable to any other
relation. It belongs to the uniqueness of Being itself" (EGT, p. 52). This
relation is presencing itself. Illuminating itself according to the double
trace, the relation, nevertheless, does not appear as such. It implies in no
way, Heidegger says, that "difference appears as difference" (EGT, p. 51).
The relation, difference as such that never appears as such, remains yet to
be thought.
Let us begin by considering the relation of presencing to itself in
the double trace by which it is manifested in self-reservation. The double
way in which presencing appears, either as the present and the absent, or
as the very clearing of this manifestation, is the same. The question of the
relation, then, is stated as follows: How is the same related to itself?
The same, we note immediately, is clarified by what Heidegger des-
ignates under equiprimordiality (Gleichursprunglichkeit). This equipri-
mordiality defines the plural ontological characteristics of an original ir-
reducible phenomenon. In Being and Time, we see that the multiplicity of
these characteristics must not be derived from a simple primal ground.
This multiplicity is constitutive (BT, p. 170). How are we to think the re-
On the Nonadequate Trait 217

lation that governs the plural rraits of an original irreducible phenome-

non, if these traits are equiprimordial with each other?
Heidegger conceives the relation as a relation of correlation (Wech-
selbezug). After Being and Time, he still specifies this relation as a being
"mutually inclined toward each other" (EGT, p. 114). Being mutually in-
clined toward each other in a relation of Gegenwendigkeit, the traits of the
same constitute no circular reciprocity. Since it is an always undecidable
relation (and, consequently, always susceptible to neutralization or even
to sublation), this same, characterized by Gegenwendigkeit, accommodates
itself to each side of the indecision. It leans toward the side of the Zunei-
gung (philia), to inclination, as in "Aletheia," or else to the side of Gegen-
wendigkeit in the strict sense, to the striving against the other (neikos), as
can be seen in "The Origin of the Work of Art." These rwo possibilities,
which distinguish the correlating relation of the rraits of the same, are the
same as each other only on the condition of being dissymmetrical. This
principle is valid all the more for the relation of the double trace to itself
in the unitary fold of presencing. The dissymmetry of this duplicity ex-
plains why exactly presencing can be revealed by a trace that simultane-
ously dissimulates it. Is not presencing as relation and difference, then, a
duplicity governed by this law of dissymmetry? What are we to conclude
when we take account of the zuneigende Gegenwendigkeit or the gegen-
wendige Zuneigung that characterizes the dissymmetrical self-relation of
the doubly articulated presencing, or yet the self-relation of the same or of
the trace always double? According to Heidegger, from taking this into ac-
count "the simplicity of this essence [die Einfolt ihres Wfsens l" necessarily
follows. IS But how are we to understand the simplicity of the fold of the
double rrace or of the rwice-folded presencing? How are we to think this
Einfolt, preserving its essential dissymmerry and not reducing it to a unity
of reciprocity and circular exchange? To answer these questions, it will be
necessary to outline briefly the problem of truth in Heidegger.
In fact, the double articulation of presencing as what is simultane-
ously present and absent in the clearing of Being, and as this clearing dis-
simulating itself, is nothing other than the actualization of aletheia. Ac-
cording to its "logic," presencing is marked by what Heidegger calls the
Grundzug, the fundamental trait. This trait is the trait of unconcealment-
concealment. In "Aletheia," Heidegger writes about the word a-letheia:

"By the manner of its saying, the Greek announces that concealing-and
therefore at the same time remaining unconcealed-exercises a com-
manding preeminence over every other way in which what is present
comes to presence. The fundamental trait of presencing itself is deter-
mined by remaining concealed and unconcealed" (EGT, pp. 106-7).
Aletheia designates nothing other than the fundamental trait. This
fundamental trait is, as Heidegger notes in "The Anaximander Fragment,"
the trait pure and simple, the Zug of the early illumination of Being. The
aletheic trait is the most primordial unconcealment-reconcealment, Ereig-
nis in its greatest simplicity. According to the "logic" of the fundamental
trait, however, its unconcealment as Being, as presencing, is of such a sort
"that thinking simply does not pursue it" (EGT, p. 26). Between two
"veilings," between the primordial hiddenness and the hiddenness that
follows the unhiddenness, the unveiled trait not only is double but also is
folded unequally. Because the trait in its self-relation does nor overlap with
itself, because it is nor adequate to itself, the unveiled trait is folded back
into what is veiled. What prevails in the trait is its re-trait, its withdrawal.
Hci<ieggcr, in "The Anaximander Fragment," refers to the trait as a
sign: "Al; it reveals itself in beings, Being withdraws. Being thereby holds
to its truth and keeps to itself. This keeping to itself is the way it reveals
itself early on. Its early sign is A-letheia. As it provides the unconcealment
of beings it founds the concealment of Being" (EGT, p. 26). The aletheic
trait is dominated by this "keeping to itself," by the reconcealment, the
veiling, forgetfulness, and so on. The trait is no longer simple; it is uni-
tary only on the condition of being thereby unequally refolded. Revealed
in the "early hours" of Western destiny as Being in order immediately to
go back into forgetfulness, this trait is presencing as relation and differ-
ence, and is therefore the relation as such, the difference as such. At its
deepest level, this trait is only the "as" as such.
Are there any means left by which to excavate the fold of the trait
and its unequal overlapping in the retrait? Fuge, the fault that joins, the
jointure that differs, is another name for the trait. In "Aletheia" Heidegger
notes "that the jointure [Fugel thanks to which revealing and concealing
are mutually joined [ineinanderfiigen 1must remain the invisible of all in-
visibles, since it bestows shining on whatever appears" (EGT, p. lIS).
Joined by being turned toward itself, the fold of the Fuge, withour any ap-
On the Nonadequate Trait 219

pearance at all, produces all appearing. In "The Anaximander Fragment,"

Heidegger submits this notion to its greatest development. In this con-
text, the Fuge, a word Heidegger uses to render adikia, designates the
fundamental trait that characterizes all eonta (allJeweiliges), that is, Being
taken between its becoming "present" and its disappearance, which nec-
essarily follows: "Between this twofold absence the presencing of all that
lingers occurs. In this 'between' whatever lingers awhile is joined. This
'between' is the jointure .... [Likewise] presencing is conjointly disposed
towards absence" (EGT, p. 41). Heidegger concludes: "Everything that
lingers awhile stands in disjunction. To the presencing of what is present,
to the eon of eOnta, adikia belongs. Thus, standing in disjunction would
be the essence of all that is present" (EGT, p. 42).
Does this development of the Fuge bring anything new to the
thought of the trait and its re-trait? Perhaps it permits me to reinforce the
nonappearance of the traced trait. These passages demand that we think
the provenance of the presencing of the present from (and on the basis
of) the Fuge. Presencing, doubly folded, is of the fold(s). It originates in
the Fuge between two absentings. Of the fold(s), twice folded presencing
is refolded, re-folded into the fold of a double absenting. This re-folded
fold, or this trait in re-treat, "is" Being itself, Being as presencing such as
it was unveiled in order to withdraw itself at the very "daybreak" of West-
ern destiny.
What, therefore, is Being in its relation to man? In these terms the
question is inadequate. For Being is precisely this relation, what Heideg-
ger, in Identity and Diffirence, calls difference as difference, the Unter-
Schied. Being is the "Es" of "Es gibt," as Heidegger puts it in Being and
Time. Difference as difference, the "as" as such, "alone grants and holds
apart the 'between,' in which the overcoming and the arrival are held
toward one another, are borne away from and toward each other" (ID,
p. 65). Difference as difference, the "as" as such, is the "between" of the
advent of the difference between Being and beings, the advent of the dif-
ference between the present and the absent, only insofar as it is of the re-
fold, only insofar as it is dissymmetrically impressed upon itself. Are not
these unequal proportions that we have been considering, difference as
difference, fundamentally also rhythmos? Like Ereignis, rhythm is the self-
vibrating domain (der in sich schwingende Bereich) (ID, p. 38), the pulsing

domain, that is, the relation "which originally and always comes to vi-
brate [Schwingen 1as a comportment [Verhalten]" (BW, p. 124; translation
modified). The most original comportment, however, is none other than
language: "the most delicate and fragile vibration" (ID, p. 38; translation

(19 80)
Translated by Leonard Lawlor

Joining the Text

Bur because the word is shown in a different, higher rule, the relation to
the word must also undergo a transformation. Saying attains to
a different articulation, a different me/os, a different tone.
-Martin Heidegger

In an article entitled "The Retrait of Metaphor,» Jacques Derrida ar-

gues that within a certain context (but only in the limits of this context),
the French word retrait is "the most proper to capture the greatest quan-
tity of energy and information in the Heideggerian text." Retrait, having
a variety of meanings in French, such as retrace, withdrawal, recess, re-
traction, and retreat, translates (without translating) Heidegger's notion
of a withdrawal of Being (Entziehung, Entzug). I If this word became in-
dispensable to Derrida when trying to account for Martin Heidegger's
statements on metaphor, it becomes indispensable to me as well when
trying to assess, as economically as possible, the nature of the relation be-
tween Heidegger and Derrida. Considering that the very nature of this
relation is far from obvious, and that even the discursive levels of such a
comparison of these two philosophers have still to be determined, the
Heideggerian notions of trait (Zug) and retrait (Entzug) promise the
most effective treatment of this relation. Let us then attempt to under-
stand how the word retrait (Zug-Entzug) structures Heidegger's text, as
well as the text of Derrida's exchange with Heidegger.
In the first place, what is a trait or a retrait? The trait is retrait, the

(fait is withdrawn, writes Derrida: It signifies an "essential and in itself

double, equivocal movement."2 But what are the different moments that
characterize this essentially plural word? Let us try to account for these
moments in a stepwise fashion so that the reasoning will be quite clear.
First of all, the word trait (Zug) refers to the tracing of a way or a
rift (Riss) that, as an in-between (Zwischen), opens a first relation (Bezug).
The trait accomplishes the differential mark that allows language to name
and to put into relation what it names. Yet the trait is nothing before the
tracing it achieves or before what it subsequently brings into relation. The
trait is not independent of what it permits to come into its own.
Second, the trait withdraws, retreats, in the very act of its tracing an
in-between for a relation. However, being nothing except what it gives
rise to, the trait is not to be mistaken for what it brings forth. Indeed, "the
trait is, a priori, withdrawal, unappearance, and effacement of its mark in
its incision." The trait comes forth only by being blotted out. It ''succeeds
only in being efJaced (n'arrive qua s'efJacer)." "The re- of retrait is not an
accident occurring to the trait."3 On the contrary, this self-eclipsing of
the forthcoming trait characterizes its double and equivocal movement.
Third, the trait cannot simply be identified with this seemingly al-
ternating movement of forthcoming and subsequent extinction, because
the retreat of the trait is also what allows the trait to come forward from
under its obliteration as retrait. Without a retreat of the retrait, without a
retrait of the retrait, the trait would not be capable of tracing its self-
eclipsing way or of opening in the first place. Derrida writes, "The trait of
the incision is ... veiled, withdrawn, but it is also the trait that brings to-
gether and separates [t!carte] at once the veiling and the unveiling, the
withdrawal and the withdrawal of the withdrawal."4 The trait is always
retrait, withdrawal. But this withdrawal of the trait does not operate ac-
cording to a simple structure of ambiguity in a well-equilibrated ex-
change of opposing meanings; rather it takes place in an essentially dis-
symmetrical manner. The re- of the retrait is double since it accounts for
both the veiling and the unveiling of the trait. Because the re- of the trait
as retrait dominates its structure, its movements are fundamentally dis-
symmetrical. Derrida emphasizes this dissymmetry when ascertaining
that the trait "withdraws itself [se retire] but the ipseity of the pronominal
se (itself) by which it would be related to itself with a trait or line does
Joining the Text 223

not precede it and already supposes a supplementary trait in order to be

traced, signed, withdrawn, retraced in its turn."5 The trait does not affect
or reflect itself into an identity. Because such a reflection presupposes the
supplementary trait that is being brought forth by the trait's withdrawal,
the trait is barred forever from itself
But to what does the word "trait" (and the movements that char-
acterize it) refer in Heidegger's work? As I argued in the previous chapter,
the word "trait" gathers Heidegger's most radical developments on Being
as Being. The question of Being is a question that concerns Being as
such, the meaning or the truth of Being as never explicitly reflected upon
in the history of Western metaphysics. Indeed, Western philosophy, as
onto-theo-logy, has always determined Being in terms of what is (Seien-
des), that is, as just another, although higher, being in the chain of be-
ings. It has thus eluded the question of the ontico-oncological difference,
the difference between Being and beings, of Being as Being. Contrary to
what one may be inclined to think, the question of Being is not just one
more philosophical question in a process of escalating abstraction. As a
question concerning the ontico-ontological difference itself, it is, rather
in a strange way, the last possible question. 6 With the insight that meta-
physics presupposes the difference between Being and beings without,
however, being able to think Being other than just another, although
higher, being (as God, the Spirit, etc.), the ontico-ontological difference
becomes thematized as such. As the question of the meaning of Being,
of Being as Being, this thematization of the difference between Being
and beings becomes an interrogation of the very opposition and hierar-
chy of what constitutes the traditional dyad. Thus the effort to think the
meaning of Being as the ontico-ontological difference itself is to think on
an altogether different level than the onto-theo-Iogical determination of
Being as an infinite being reigning over all finite beings. With the ques-
tion of Being as a question of difference as such, notions like opposition
and hierarchy cease to be leading categories. The same is true of such
dyads as the abstract and the concrete, the universal and the particular,
infinity and finitude. As an inquiry into the difference between Being
and beings, the question of Being demonstrates the essential finitude of
infinity (God as always another, only higher, being) and thus questions
its hierarchical status as well as the nature of its difference from finite be-

ings. The question of Being is thus the question of finitude par excellence,
precisely because it is an investigation into the ontico-ontological differ-
ence. Heidegger's subsequent determination of Being in terms of tem-
porality and historicity (Geschichtlichkeit), that is, in terms of finitude, is
only a consequence of this inquiry into the difference itself.7 As differ-
ence, as Unter-Schied (as Heidegger will later spell this word), the mean-
ing of Being or Being as such is, then, radically different from a roman-
tic chiasm as an endlessly engendering and procreating gap, as well as
from any constituting transcendental in either a Kantian or a Husserlian
fashion. The rift of Being (Puge des Seins), instead of engendering, fini-
tizes everything that is to be referred to it as to the locus of the thing's
coming forth. 8
This being established, it becomes possible to indicate how Hei-
degger's most penetrating meditations on Being as Being culminate in the
idea of the trait. Instead of representing a mere weakness of Western
thought, says Heidegger, the obliteration of the question of Being is in-
scribed in the original event (Ereignis), at the dawn of Western meta-
physics itself. This event is characterized by the fact that Being originally
revealed itself only to withdraw again instantly. The forgetting of Being
is, coruequendy, the very destiny of Being (Geschick des Seins). However,
this forgetting of Being, which is characteristic of Western man, brings
about the danger of a growing alienation from that destiny itself. Hence
the necessity of a step back in a gesture comparable to Nietzsche's active
forgetfulness, so that this withdrawal may lift again the original retreat of
Being at the moment of its revelation. Such a stepping back, such a with-
drawal of withdrawal, is no reflection, as if the original event were some-
thing that could be objectified by a subject. It is what Heidegger calls a
Besinnung or an Andenken that allows for the return of the forgotten.
Consequently, the question of Being yields to the "double, equivocal
movement," or more precisely, to the threefold movement that distin-
guishes the "logic" of the trait.
But since the forgetting of Being is decreed by Being itself, and
since the step back coincides with a listening to Being (horen auf), to
think the history of the forgetting of Being, as well as to inaugurate a de-
struction of the tradition of this forgetting by Western philosophy, is to
think Being as such. And Being as such appears to be "nothing" but this
Joining the Text 225

essentially double movement of its dissimulating disclosure and of its re-

turn through a step back.
After this all-too-succinct presentation of Heidegger's question of
Being as the question of the trait, let us linger for a moment upon "The
Anaximander Fragment." In this text, which commonly has been misun-
derstood as a return to a very traditional notion of beginning (since this
fragment is considered to be the oldest of Western thinking), Heidegger,
with an increasing acuteness of vision, risks the statement that Being re-
vealed itself at the origin of Western thought as, precisely, this trait of Be-
ing. 9 If Being disclosed itself in a gesture that was simultaneously dissim-
ulating, it is only because Being is the same as the trait as retrait. Indeed,
in its greatest simplicity, Being coincides with the trait of a-letheia
(truth), wherein the movement of retrait is greatest in the very disclosure
of Being. But since Being is "nothing" but this trait itself, Being is, then,
the trait folded back in the very moment of its coming forth, a folding
back that simultaneously lifts the veil of the initial concealment. Being-
as-trait-Being-as-retrait. For being what lifts concealment by conceal-
ment and what is simultaneously revealed in concealment, Being-as-trait
is a trait dissimilar to itself, in which the thrust to disclose never equals
the pulling back into retreat.
Because of this fundamental dissymmetry one may want to call the
trait nonreflexive. Indeed, it will never coincide with itself, for the re- of the
trait as retrait is always in excess over any possible identity. But to talk here
of reflexivity is shortsighted insofar as reflexivity is a function of a subject-
object relation constitutive of self-consciousness. 10 The "logic" of the trait,
however, precedes and governs all reduction of Being to objectivity and its
subjection to a nonmundane subject of cognition. The trait is in excess
over all self-affection, which itself is the condition of possibility for self-
reflection. For reasons of strategy, however, and within the limits of this
context, I will call this lack of self-coincidence of the trait nonreflexiveness.
By determining the meaning of truth as Being as the trait of Being,
Heidegger's question concerning Being as Being (ens tanquam verum) ap-
pears to be an inquiry into the very structure of thinking and under-
standing. In his Marburg lectures of winter 1925126, published as Logik:
Die Frage nach der Wahrheit (Logic: The question of truth), Heidegger, at-
tempting to approach the essence of language, determined the primary

structure of understanding as the as-structure (Als-Struktur). II Yet the

question of Being, as a question concerning Being as such-the tanquam
of the ens tanquam verum-is "nothing else" but an inquiry into the
structure of the as as such. In other words, the structure of Being as trait
is the same as the structure of primary understanding. Thus, the question
of Being as the question of the trait coinciding with the structure of
thinking leads to a determination of the as-structure as the differential
and nonreflexive instance of language. The question of Being and the
question of analogy are the same. 12
However, with the question of Being turning into a question of the
tanquam, into a question of the smallest philosophical operator, it be-
comes possible to ascertain that Heidegger's notion of Being and Derrida's
notion of text are akin. If the structure of Being is understood according
to the "logic" of the trait, Being and text appear to be words that can be
exchanged and substituted for one another. The Derridean word text is a
translation (without translation) of the Heideggerian word Being. 13
By affirming the similarity of Heidegger's notion of Being and Der-
rida's notion of text, one immediately excludes a variety of definitions of
textuality. No doubt, Derrida's notion of text does not refer to the collo-
quial understanding of the text as a sensible and palpable corpus to be en-
countered in empirical experience. There is also little doubt that Derrida's
notion of text cannot be equated with either an intelligible or an ideal de-
finition (the text as the sum of all the connections between the differen-
tial features of the linguistic signs that form a text) or with a dialectical
concept according to which the text as "form" would sublate both its sen-
sible and intelligible components. On the contrary, like the notion of Be-
ing, the notion of text, as it is employed by Derrida, is rather the result of
a transcendental experience of sorts, following the systematic bracketing
of all the regions of natural (and even eidetic) experience. Not having
been obtained through a factual or regional experience, and thus not hav-
ing much in common with the object of linguistic or literary studies, the
notion of text in Derrida is a sort of transcendental concept. Vincent Des-
combes rightly remarks that Derrida refers to "a general experience," "the
experience of the general text," that is, not to a particular and thus empir-
ical experience. Yet precisely because this general experience is the experi-
ence of a non philosophical (because non present) thought, the thinking
Joining the Text 227

of this experience does escape not only empiricism but '''philosophical

empiricism'" as well, as Descombes notes. 14 But then it becomes, strictly
speaking, impossible to call such an experience a general, universal, or
transcendental experience. And, as a corollary, the object of such an ex-
perience cannot claim any universality either. The transcendental experi-
ence of the text is, indeed, neither the experience of a universal and ei-
detic object nor simply a repetition of a transcendental experience in either
a Kantian or a Husserlian sense. The transcendental gesture in Derrida si-
multaneously escapes the danger of naive objectivism and the value of
transcendentality itself. In Of Grammatology, Derrida has clearly stated
that the thought of the trace, and consequently of the text, can no more
"break with a transcendental phenomenology than be reduced to it."15
The Derridean notion of text, as in the earlier Heideggerian notion of Be-
ing, literally "occupies" the locus of the transcendental concept, which is
to say that the former is not identical with the latter. The text, like the
trace, is to be understood as a pathway (parcours) through that locality.
Thus, the notion of text corresponds to a transformation of the transcen-
dental concept and of the very locus that it represents. The text is cer-
tainly no eidetic object. It has no constitutive function. It is not an a pri-
ori condition of possibility for, let us say, signification and meaning. (Nor
is it, let us add, a chiasm of engenderment and destruction, precisely be-
cause of its structure as a chiastic invagination.) 16 Thus, it needs to be em-
phasized that the notion of text in Derrida can be understood only if one
is aware of its function and effects with regard to the transcendental. l ?
Only with this background will it be possible to outline the con-
crete resemblances of Being and text and to evaluating the specific philo-
sophical problems both notions are addressing. One will certainly not be
surprised to learn that this demonstration hinges on Derrida's reading of
Mallarme's textual practice. But before unfolding Derrida's notion of text
and textuality, let us briefly question the reasons that make it possible to
introduce Mallarme and his writings in this particular context. The point
I will try to make is that the notion of text developed by Mallarme is a
nonempirical concept and operates in the realm of what one calls the
transcendental. Moreover, Mallarme anticipated some of Heidegger's ma-
jor insights. Instead of giving a detailed demonstration, let us consider
only the last paragraphs of Mallarme's "Notes sur Ie theatre" (Notes on

the theater}. Toward the end of this essay, Mallarme ascertains that for
him, who has meditated about men and about himself, there is nothing
else in the mind but "an exact account of purely rhythmical motives of
being which are the signs by which it can be recognized [un compte rendu
de purs motifi rythmiques de tetre, qui en sont les reconnaissables signes J." 18
For Mallarme then, as for Heidegger, Being is neither substance nor form
in the sense of eidos. It is rhythm. Mallarme evokes the purely rhythmical
motives of Being; Heidegger speaks of "the domain pulsating in itself [in
sich schwingender Bereich]," of "the moving wave [bewegende Woge]," of
language as "the all-containing undulation [alles verhaltende Schwing-
ung]," and so on. 19 Both mean by "rhythm" an ordered and recurrent al-
ternation. Both evoke what had been considered, until Emile Benveniste's
essay "La notion de 'rythme' dans son expression linguistique" (The no-
tion of rhythm in its linguistic expression), its etymological root: rein (the
regular flow of waves). But both Mallarme and Heidegger also refer to
the genuinely Greek meaning of "rhythm" as the well-proportioned
arrangements of parts in a whole. Heidegger writes: "Rhythm, rhusmos,
does not mean flux and flowing, but rather form [FugungJ. Rhythm is
what is at rest, what forms [fogt) the movement of dance and song, and
thus lets it rest within itself Rhythm bestows rest. "20
This meaning of rhuthmos or rhusmos-which, as Benveniste has
argued, dates back to the inventors of atomism, Democritus and Leucip-
pus-is equivalent to schema and approximately signifies something like
form, configuration, disposition. Just as Mallarme claims to havediscov-
ered purely rhythmical motives of Being by meditating on himself and
others, so the Greeks employed rhuthmos to designate the individually
distinctive form of the human characterY As Heidegger stressed in his
seminar on Heraclitus (1966), this meaning of rhythm as "form" implies
a determination of "form" as imprint, seal, and characterY Yet, precisely
this meaning of rhythm is to be found in what Mallarme calls sceau,
moule, coupe, and so on. Let us quote one example of Being as a mold,
drawn from "Solennite" (Solemnity):
Sign! at the central abyss of a spiritual impossibility that nothing is exclusively to
all, the divine numerator of our apotheosis, some supreme mold that does not take
place insofar as that of any existing object: but, in order to animate a seal in it, it
borrows all the scattered, unknown, and richly floating veins, then to forge them. 2.1
Joining the Text 229

(Signe! au goufTre central d'une spirituelle impossibilite que rien soit exclusive-
ment tout, Ie numerateur divin de notre apotheose, quelque supreme moule qui
n'ayant pas lieu en tant que d'aucun objet qui existe: mais il emprunte, pour y
aviver un sceau tous gisements epars, ignores et flottants selon quelque richesse,
et les forger.)

Because the supreme mold to which Mallarme refers does not take place
in the guise of an existing object-because this mold does not exist in the
same way as the existing objects (it does not take place altogether)-it is
then, like the essence, the truth or meaning of Being, no longer of the or-
der of what is present, that is, just another being. Like Being, the
supreme mold withholds itself in what springs forth from it.
Mallarme likes to decipher the visible signs of Being as rhythm (if
me plait de les partout dechiffrer). These signs of Being as rhythm are to be
discovered in what Mallarme designates as "great traits." At the end of
"Notes sur Ie theatre," we read:

Note that beyond the narration create<;l to imitate life in its confusion and vast-
ness, there are no means by which to theatrically reproduce an action, except to
rediscover by instinct and through elimination one of these great traits, here not
the least pathetic; it is the eternal return of the exile, his heart filled with hope, to
the eanh which was forsaken by him but changed into an ungrateful one, now
someone at the point where he must leave it voluntarily this time, where! with a
glance he surveys the illusions suggested to his youth by the beckoning of the na-
tive land. 24
(Tenez que hors du recit fait a l'imitation de la vie confuse et vaste, il n'y pas de
moyen de poser sceniquement une action, sauf a retrouver d'instinct et par elim-
ination un de ces grands traits, ici non Ie moins pathetique, c'est I'eternel retour
de l'exile, coeur gonfle d'espoir, au sol par lui quitte mais change ingrat, main-
tenant quelconque au point qu'il en doive partir cette fois volontairement, ou!
en enveloppant d'un coup d'oeilles illusions suggeres a sa jeunesse par Ie salut
du lieu natal.)

What then is a "great trait," which, as a sign of Being as rhythm, makes it

possible to stage an action that does not coincide with any mimetic rep-
resentation of the turmoils of life? As the quoted passage suggests, Mal-
!arme detects such a non- or pre-mimetic trait in the (rhythmic) motive
of the eternal return of the exiled to a homeland that has become so un-
accommodating that he will, this time, leave it voluntarily. The return to

the homeland, following an exile and preceding another, characterizes

this sequence of events as yielding to the double or threefold "logic" of
the trait as retrait. As a sign of Being, Mallarme's great trait corresponds
to Heidegger's notion of Being as Zug and Entzug.
In short, then, both Mallarme and Heidegger understand Being as
no longer to be predicated in terms of being (and beings).25 Both attempt
to determine the nature of Being as don or Gabe, as gift, as an allowing to
come forth of what, according to the repetitive and temporal structure of
the rhuthmos, is folded back in the very moment of its coming forth into
presence. With this information at hand, it is possible to infer the con-
crete similarities between Heidegger's question of Being and Derrida's no-
tion of text. To make my point, I will limit myself to a most concise
analysis of Derrida's "The Double Session."
In this essay, Derrida establishes that a text like Mallarme's "Mimi-
que" deconstructs the Platonic values of truth and reference of mimesis
as subject to these values. If "Mimique" does not simply invert the Pla-
tonic hierarchy between the original and the copy, mimetic art and the
discourse of truth, but undertakes a genuine deconstruction of these val-
ues as well as of the very idea of hierarchy, it is not because "Mimique"
would be characterized by what has been called literariness since the
Russian formalists, but because it is a text in a very particular way. In
what follows, I will try to determine as precisely as possible this particu-
lar notion of textuality-what I will from now on call the textual in-
stance. According to Derrida, the subjection of mimesis to a horizon of
truth is radically displaced at the moment when writing marks and dou-
bles in a certain syntactical operation the marks of the text by means of
an undecidable trait. "This double mark escapes the pertinence or au-
thority of truth: it does not overturn it but rather inscribes it within its
playas one of its functions or partS. "26 In the context of "The Double
Session," the textual mark is determined as a double mark or re-mark.
But what is are-mark?
Because "Mimique" does not abolish the differential structure of
mimesis in spite of its deconstruction of the Platonic distinctions, it is a
simulacrum of Platonism. "Mimique" achieves such a simulacrum not
only by means of an extraordinary formal and syntactical tour de force but
by thematic means as well. The event narrated by the mime of "Mim-
Joining the Text 231

ique" is a hymen, the marriage of Pierrot and Columbine. This marriage

culminates in Pierrot's assassination of his wife by tickling her to death
(that is to say, by means of a perfect crime, which leaves no traces) and in
Pierrot's death in front of the laughing portrait of his victim (a death that
will not show any traces either). The two deaths, resulting from an or-
gastic spasm, represent Pierrot and Columbine's consummation of their
marriage. The miming of this event in which nothing has taken place ex-
hibits the textual structure of Mallarme's "Mimique." As Derrida states,
"It is a dramatization which illustrates nothing, which illustrates the noth-
ing, lights up a space, re-marks a spacing as a nothing, a blank: white as a
yet unwritten page, blank as a difference between two lines" (p. 208). Yet
this dramatization is nothing but a staging of the theatrical space itself.
What remains when the stage comes to double the stage, when the
mimed hymen is nothing but an illustration of the theatrical space itself,
that is, a miming of miming, without referent, a miming that mimes only
reference, is what Mallarme calls "the pure medium, of fiction," a "per-
petual allusion without breaking the mirror (pp. 2IO-n).
A hymen, at first, names the fusion of two during the consumma-
tion of marriage. It signifies the abolition of difference between desire
and satisfaction. Moreover, it leads to the suppression of the difference
between image and thing, empty signifier and the signified, imitation and
the imitated. It leads to a complete confusion of exteriority and interior-
ity. The hymen in Mallarme's writing produces, according to Derrida,
"the effect of a medium .... It is an operation that both sows confusion
between opposites and stands between the opposites 'at once.' What
counts here is the between, the in-between-ness of the hymen" (p. 212).
But second, for Mallarme, "the hymen, the consummation of differ-
ends, the continuity and confusion of the coitus, merges with what it
seems to be derived from: the hymen as protective screen, the jewel box of
virginity, the vaginal partition, the fine, invisible veil which, in front of the
hystera, stands between the inside and the outside of the woman, and con-
sequently between desire and fulfillment" (pp. 212-13). Derrida can thus
conclude that "with all the undecidability of its meaning, the hymen only
takes place when it doesn't take place, when nothing really happens, when
there is an all-consuming consummation without violence, or a violence
without blows, or a blow without marks, a mark without a mark (a mar-

gin), etc., when the veil is, without being, torn, for example when one is
made to die or come laughing" (p. 213). The manner in which the double
structure of the hymen relates to itself is that of a reflection without pen-
etration: "The entre of the hymen is reflected in the screen without pene-
trating it" (p. 2(5). This reflection without penetration, this doubling with-
out overlaying or overlapping of the hymen, this is what constitutes, as the
fictional milieu of Mallarme's "Mimique," the textual mark as a remark.
If the mime of" Mimique" only imitates imitation, if he copies only
copying, all he produces is a copy of a copy. In the same manner, the hy-
men that comes to illustrate the theatrical space reduplicates nothing but
the miming of the mime. Miming only reference, but not a particular ref-
erent, Mallarme keeps the Platonic differential structure of mimesis intact
while radically displacing it. Instead of imitating, of referring to a referent
within the horizon of truth, the mime mimes only other signs and their
referring function. Signs in the text of "Mimique" are made to refer to
what according to metaphysics is only derived, unreal, unpresent, that is,
to other signs. Such a doubling of the sign, of a sign referring to another
sign and to its function of referring, is what Derrida calls re-marking.
"'A mpy of a copy, a simulacrum that simulates the Platonic simu-
lacrum-the Platonic copy of a copy ... have all lost here the lure of the
present referent and thus find themselves lost for dialectics and ontology,
lost for absolute knowledge" (p. 219). This double sign, a sign referring to
another sign, reflecting itself in it without penetrating it and without
overlaying it, is the textual instance. The operation and re-marking that
constitutes it is an operation by which what traditionally was conceived
of as a mark for a present referent becomes duplicated and refers not to
itself but to something similar to it, another mark. This re-marking of the
Platonic simulacrum-a scandal in the horizon of truth-gives rise to a
tertium quid. "Tertium datur, without synthesis," writes Derrida (p. 2(9).
It is the textual instance, to be conceived of no longer as yielding to the
Platonic opposition of copy and original but as a genuinely third entity.
The textual instance as illustrated by the hymen as a re-mark, as a
reflection without penetration, as a duplication without identity, escapes
and precedes all ontology of the text. All ontologies of the text, whether
they determine text in terms of the sensible, the intelligible, or dialecti-
cally as form, remain within the horizon of metaphysics and its Platonic
Joining the Text 233

notion of a mimesis subject to truth. The textual instance, on the con-

trary, as a mimesis of mimesis, as a hymen between mimesis and mime-
sis, appears as no longer contained in the process of truth. Instead, it is
the horizon of truth that is inscribed in textual mimesis. Only an act of
violence, either arbitrary or conventional, can make the textual mark sig-
nify a referent.
The reason why only violence can transform the textual instance
into a Platonic sign or simulacrum, into a sign signifying a referent, lies in
the particular nature of the re-mark's undecidability. Note that what Der-
rida calls the undecidable is called so only "provisionally, analogically"
(p. 21I). He writes:

"Undecidability" is nO[ caused here by some enigmatic equivocality, some inex-

haustible ambivalence of a word in a "natural" language, and still less by some
"Gegensinn der Urworte" (Abel). In dealing here with hymen, it is not a matter of
repeating what Hegel undertook to do with German words ... marveling over
that lucky accident that installs a natural language within the element of specu-
lative dialectics. What counts here is not the lexical richness, the semantic in-
finiteness of a word or concept, its depth or breadth, the sedimentation that has
produced inside it two contradictory layers of signification.... What counts
here is the formal or syntactical praxis that composes and decomposes it .... [A
word like "hymen") produces its effect first and foremost through the syntax,
which disposes the "entre" in such a way that the suspense is due only to the
placement and not to the content of the words. Through the "hymen" one can
remark only what the place of the word entre already marks and would mark
even if the word "hymen" were not there. (p. 220)

As Aristotle demonstrated, semantic ambiguity can always be sublated or

dissolved in a polysemic unity of meaning. Yet the undecidability of the
textual instance springs not from any semantic richness but from "the ir-
reducible excess of the syntactic over the semantic." The syntactic in
question can be either '''internal,' articulating and combining under the
same yoke ... two incompatible meanings, or 'external,' dependent on
the code in which the word is made to function. But the syntactical com-
position and decomposition of a sign renders this alternative between in-
ternal and external inoperative" (p. 221). From everything discussed up to
this point, it is obvious that a word like "hymen" has a very specific rela-
tion to writing and the text. However, if it doubles the text in Mallarme's

"Mimique," if it re-marks its textuality, this is not because it would be a

totalizing emblem that would, like the romantic image, assume the es-
chatological function of subduing a text to having its meaning in reflect-
ing itself If a word like "hymen" can have this specific relation to a text,
this is, on the contrary, because it is a textual instance itself It possesses a
structure of re-marking and a syntactically determined undecidability.
Thanks to this structure, the textual instance appears folded, as does the
text itself when re-marked by such words: "Insofar as the text depends on
them, bends to them [sy plie J, it thus plays a double scene upon a double
stage. It operates in two absolutely different places at once, even if these
are only separated by a veil, which is both traversed and not traversed,
intersected [entr'ouvert]" (p. 221). To determine with greater precision the
textual instance that now appears as a re-mark of syntactical undecidabil-
ity, let us investigate the nature of the fold of the two heterogeneous
marks (the simulacrum and the simulacrum of the simulacrum) that re-
flect each other without ever penetrating, without ever coinciding with
each other.
The double mark that constitutes the textual instance not only no
longer rders to any referent, escaping in that manner the Platonic deter-
mination of model and copy, but also no longer belongs to the order of
the sign, to the order of the signifier and the signified. "In folding it back
upon itself, the text thus parts (with) reference," writes Derrida (p. 239).
In folding itself back upon itself, the textual mark discar4s at the same
time all semiotic function. Yet this does not mean that the textual in-
stance would refer to itself (a reflexive pronoun). Precisely because the re-
mark maintains the Platonic differential structure of mimesis, it marks
not itself but another mark. The re-mark, as well as the folding back of
reference upon the text itself, undermines the text's reference to itself as
to an ultimate referent. Indeed, if the text became its own referent, as is
the case in romantic poetry, the text would remain within a simple inver-
sion of Platonism. Such an inversion, by the way, would be as conven-
tional, say, as the valorization of empiricism. The doubly folded mark of
the text is, as I said already, a tertium quid.
The textualiry of a text is remarked in the fold and in the blank of
a re-mark like the word "hymen" only under the condition that the angle
and the intersection of the "re-mark that folds the text back upon itself,
Joining the Text 235

[does sol without any possibility of its fitting back over or into itself,
without any reduction of its spacing" (p. 251). But if the re-mark repre-
sents a sort of doubling where the two sides of the fold do not coincide
with each other although they mirror each other, the textual instance is
not reflexive. It is precisely the excess of reflexivity, the supplement that
exceeds what is reflected in the folded mark, that raises it to the status of
a textual instance. "The fold is not a form of reflexivity. If by reflexivity
one means the motion of consciousness or self-presence that plays such a
determining role in Hegel's speculative logic and dialectic, in the move-
ment of sublation (Aufhebung) and negativity (the essence is reflection,
says the greater Logic), then reflexivity is but an effect of the fold as text"
(p. 270). The re-mark is a dissymmetrical instance. It is constituted by a
supplement that exceeds any self-mirroring of the two sides of the fold.
Dissemination, writes Derrida in "Outwork," "is written on the reverse
side-the tinfoil-of this mirror" of specular reflection (p. 33).
To get a better understanding of the dissymmetrical and supple-
mentary nature of the nonreflexive folding of the textual instance, it may
be useful to circle back to the figure of the hymen, which may have ap-
peared as nothing but a theme in Derrida's reading of Mallarme. The hy-
men, as a theme, becomes a sort of totalizing emblem that is thus made
to refer back upon itself in a gesture of closure. Indeed, as a supplemen-
tary mark the hymen comes to represent metaphorically and metonymi-
cally the whole series of double marks that constitute the text of "Mimi-
que." But at the same time, this mark is also only one among the many
marks that form the text. The mark of the hymen, consequently, names
the whole series of the double marks of the text by tropologically supple-
menting it while remaining inscribed in it. Yet of the fan (eventail), an-
other Mallarmean image, Derrida writes:
This surplus mark, this margin of meaning, is not one valence among others in
the series, even though it is inserted in there, too. It has to be inserted there to
the extent that it does not exist outside the text and has no transcendental privi-
lege; this is why it is always represented by a metaphor and a metonymy (page,
plume, pleat). But while belonging in the series of valences, it always occupies
the position of a supplementary valence, or rather, it marks the structurally nec-
essary position of a supplementary inscription that could always be added to or
subtracted from the series. (pp. 25J-52)

The supplementary mark, instead of closing the text upon itself, instead
of reflecting it into its own as a totalizing image is supposed to do, illus-
trates nothing but what Derrida calls "the general law of textual supple-
mentarity" (p. 254). The surplus mark re-marks the whole series of the
double marks of the text by illustrating what always exceeds a possible
closure of the text folded, reflected upon itself. In excess of the text as a
whole is the text "itself."
Any double mark can, in this manner, represent the exceeding sup-
plement of textuality. Any double mark can represent what makes the to-
tality of all textual instances possible. In other words, any textual instance
can assume the function of naming the whole series of the marks of a text
insofar as it occupies the position of a supplement to that totality, a sup-
plement that (as the text itself) is the locus of the "engendering" of the
whole series. Suffice it to say that this "engenderment" of the whole series
by its exceeding supplement is neither that of an emanation or creation
of any sort nor a constitution by means of a transcendental instance.
The double mark is folded upon itself in such a manner that what
exceeds its reflection becomes the locus of its coming forth; the double
mark is abysmally dissymmetrical. In the context of "The Double Ses-
sion" this may be the most concise determination of a textual instance.
Rigorously speaking, only when understanding the notion of text in this
manner can the text be said to have any deconstructive properties. If one
neglects the fact that text is the dissymmetrical excess of the folded mark,
one will fall prey to textual fetishism, and one will mistake its operation
of deconstruction either for the romantic notion of a chiastic engender-
ing (and destruction, or rather ironization) of the self-reflexive text, or for
the dialectic sublation of opposite terms in the reflexive and speculative
gesture of the philosophy of identity.
Because the textual instance is determined in terms of supplemen-
tarity, of an excess to itself, it will never be able to come into appearance
as such. Because of what always exceeds the text as its supplementary
scene of "engendering," the text as such necessarily remains concealed.
When revealing itself as a whole, as a series of double marks, the text
folds itself at once back into what, as a supplementary mark of compre-
hension, represents tropologically the whence of the whole series. For this
very reason, there cannot be a phenomenology of the text. Especially not
joining the Text 237

in the vulgar meaning of "phenomenon." And as little according to the

meaning of the Kantian formal concept of phenomenon. Bur can there
be a phenomenology of the text in terms of the phenomenological con-
cept of the phenomenon as "that which shows itself in itself [das Sich-an-
ihm-selbst-Zeigende],,?27 To decide upon this extremely delicate question,
one would first have to elaborate upon what distinguishes the Heidegger-
ian disclosure of Being in beings from Derrida's determination of the re-
lation of the supplement to the whole that it exceeds. Since I cannot
broach here an analysis of the specific similarities and differences between
Heidegger's and Derrida's approaches to the problem of transcendental
derivation, I limit myself to the recognition that there cannot be a phe-
nomenology of the text, as Derrida states (p. 265), because as a supple-
ment to itself, the text or the re-mark is in constant withdrawal, in con-
stant retreat from itself. It does not exist, or more precisely, it is not. Yet
if the text is not, it is precisely because there is text. II y a text, es gibt text.
Derrida notes: "If there were no fold, or if the fold had a limit some-
where-a limit other than itself as a mark ... -there would be no text.
But if the text does not, to the letter, exist, then there is perhaps a text. A
text one must make tracks with" (p. 270). The textual instance that is
never present, but that donates the text, "has no proper, literal meaning;
it no longer originates in meaning as such, that is, as the meaning of be-
ing" (p. 229). "No present in truth presents itself there, not even in the
form of self-concealment" (p. 230). The textual instance, by casting aside
reference, is being aside, aside of being (hre a I'kart) (p. 242). The textual
instance occupies the margin of Being. "At the edge of being, the me-
dium of the hymen never becomes a mere mediation of work of the neg-
ative; it outwits and undoes all ontologies, all philosophemes, all manner
of dialectics. It outwits them and-as a cloth, a tissue, a medium again-
it envelops them, turns them over, and inscribes them" (p. 215). At this
point of our development of Derrida's notion of text, the continuity be-
tween the question of Being and the question of the text cannot be over-
looked anymore. The question of the text repeats, in at least a formal
manner, all the movements that characterize Heidegger's elaborations on
Being. This similarity, however, should not have made us blind to the
(particularly in the last quotes) slight yet all the more persistent displace-
ments that positively hint at the impossibility of phenomenologizing the

textual trace in even a Heideggerian fashion. Let us, indeed, not forget
that, of all things, the phenomenon par excellence is Being. But before at-
tempting to face what distinguishes the question of the text from the
question of Being, the similarities of the two questions must first occupy
us. In sum, the logic of the trait as retrait that subtends the Heideggerian
notion of Being, and the particular locus (Ortschaft) that Heidegger at-
tributes to Being-its place at once inside and outside all the conceptual
dyads that it allows to come forth or as which it shows itself-are the ma-
jor formal similarities between the Heideggerian and the Derridean ques-
tioning. If these findings correctly indicate the level of philosophical re-
flection on which Derrida elaborates his notion of text, a level that indeed
excludes all pragmatic, empirical, rationalistic, and dialectical approaches,
and if they also hint at the nature of the problems that Derrida tries to
solve by the question of the text, do they also allow us to conclude, as
Gerard Granel does with regard to the Derridean notion of writing, that
the question of Being and the question of the text are one and the same?
Were they identical, why would Derrida shrink from admitting this iden-
tity? Grand suggests that Derrida may hesitate to confess the essential
similarity of the two questions because of a "remaining kinship ... be-
tween the [HeideggerianI Difference which crosses out the origin, the
ground, self-proximity, in short all the modalities of presence, and what it
crosses out in this manner."28 Although involved in the same philosoph-
ical enterprise of questioning Western metaphysics, Heidegger and Der-
rida would differ in their perception of the other of metaphysics. Granel
adds: "Is the breeze of Danger that blows 'on the other side'-once one
has climbed, followed and left the ridge of metaphysics-simply not the
same, or is it not sustained and recognized by Heidegger and Derrida in
the same way?"29 When in Writing and Diffirence Derrida agrees with
Emmanuel Levinas on the necessity of leaving the climate of Heidegger's
philosophy, this statement may serve to support Granel's argument. The
difference between the two philosophers may well be presented as one of
tone, of accent, of style, and so on, if one recalls certain of Derrida's re-
marks: On one hand, toward the end of "Violence and Metaphysics,"
Derrida wonders whether Heidegger's question of Being is not essentially
a theological question and whether what Heidegger calls the historicity of
Being can be thought without invoking an eschatology. On the other
Joining the Text 239

hand, in an essay entitled "On a Newly Arisen Apocalyptic Tone in Phi-

losophy," Derrida raises the apocalypse to a sort of transcendental condi-
tion of all writing (and a fortiori of all thought).·IO Basically, this difference
would amount to the not-unimportant one between, on the one hand,
the comforting tone of the Black Forest philosopher who, dwelling near
the origins, calls upon Holderlin to assure us that where there is danger
there grows also what saves, and on the other hand what Derrida evokes
as "the generalizing catastrophe." j I No doubt, such a difference can easily
be made out in the work of the two thinkers. Yet to reduce their differ-
ence to a question of tone or style would imply that from Heidegger to
Derrida little conceptual discovery has taken place, unless one were to
demonstrate that the question of tone and style does not remain exterior
to the effort of conceptualization. As we have seen, the questions of Being
and of the text are indeed, conceptually speaking, the same. In terms of
conceptual refinement there seems to be no great difference between the
Heideggerian notion of trait and Derrida's notion of archetrace.
However, at this point, one can no longer avoid asking the question
whether the relation of Heidegger and Derrida can still be examined in
terms of concepts and of questions. It also becomes impossible to further
shun the topic of the possible effects that a repetition of Heidegger by
Derrida may have on the Heideggerian problematics itself Does not the
question of tone and style, then, point rather toward a radical rupture in
regard to the philosophical problems with which Heidegger coped? And,
finally, would one not have to acknowledge that though it formally re-
peats Heidegger's concept of Being, the text as a re-mark of Being may
well be an entirely new concept?
Undoubtedly, Heidegger's repeated attempt to elaborate Being in-
dependently of being and beings, his inquiry into the ontological differ-
ence itself as what donates all particular differences, is an approach to a
meaning of Being that escapes all metaphysical determination made hith-
erto. As Granel has emphasized, "meaning is understood here precisely as
a totally different meaning compared to its understanding in the whole of
Western metaphysics."32 Yet, despite these insights into a meaning of Be-
ing that is no longer a meaning and does not refer to being(s) anymore-
insights constituting that "other language" that already haunts Heideg-
ger's admittedly still-metaphysical discourse-Heidegger's philosophy

remains within the horizon and the themes of Western philosophy. One
of these themes, the major one, has always concerned being. The ques-
tion of Being in all its radicality, and perhaps precisely because of its rad-
icality, continues this problematic. Despite Heidegger's extraordinary use
of language, his philosophy remains subjected to the traditional ways in
which these problems were expected to be solved. Moreover, in conceiv-
ing of the quest for the meaning of Being in terms of a history of the fates
of Being, Heidegger bends to the traditional canon of problems that con-
stitutes philosophy, saving, in addition, the pretension of classical philos-
ophy to universality. If these all-too-hasty remarks contain a grain of
truth, then the question of the difference between Heidegger and Derrida
cannot be reduced simply to one of climate or tone.
Derrida has made it clear that the word "text" can be substituted for
the word "Being." "Text" is a translation for "Being." It is a word, the use
of which became indispensable to him in a very specific historical situa-
tion. For this very reason its importance is only strategic, and there is no
intrinsic value to it. Thus while naming Being, the text is also something
very different, if not without any relation at all to Being.
To conclude, let us try to assess as succinctly as possible the differ-
cmc.e at issue. To begin with, one has to realize that Derrida's determina-
tion of metaphysics in terms of ethico-theoretical decisions opens up an en-
tirely different level of debate than Heidegger's conception of metaphysics
as a forgetting of Being. Consequently, with this passage to the order of
discourse of philosophy, to its textual organization and rhetorics, the Hei-
deggerian notions of trait, between, fissure, and so forth, become displaced
in such a way as to form, together with the specifically Derridean notions
of supplementarity, diffirance, re-mark, text, and so on, "tools" that serve
to account for the "deep structures" organizing the conceptual, reflexive,
and speculative discourse of philosophy. In other words, though the no-
tion of text in Derrida is formally the same as the notion of Being-as-trait
in Heidegger, it assumes a very different function in Derrida's enterprise.
But the break between Heidegger's question of Being and Derrida's
investigations of what is only provisionally termed "text"-an inquiry
that, by the way, may no longer yield to the order of the question in Hei-
degger's sense-is even more thorough. It is almost indiscernible, but
nonetheless all the more piercing.
Joining the Text 241

Heidegger's turning away from Husserlian phenomenology was mo-

tivated by the need to ground phenomenology more originally. As an in-
vestigation into Being as Being, the question of Being crowns the attempt
of the fundamental ontology to account for the coming into presence of
the phenomena-Being being the phenomenon par excellence. Heidegger's
philosophy, then, because it continues the problematics of being, but in
particular because it inquires into the very meaning of Being, remains as
such within the realm of metaphysics, as Derrida has argued. 33 But Der-
rida also locates-besides Heidegger's preoccupation with the meaning of
Being, which almost entirely constitutes his enterprise-another gesture
in Heidegger's thinking. 34 This is a gesture that, contrary to the question of
Being, risks as much as the very name, the very word "Being." Byempha-
sizing this aspect of Heidegger's later philosophy, Derrida comes to drive a
wedge into Heidegger's enterprise insofar as it still remains indebted to its
initial orientation toward a fundamental ontology. The word "text," the
donation of the text, for re-marking the word "Being," is precisely what is
no longer answerable to the meaning of Being. With the word "text," Der-
rida names an instance that, crossing out all the modalities of presence, at
once intersects with the instance whence the presencing of the presence
comes to be, Being as the phenomenon par excellence. There is (es gibt)
text, at the margin of Being. With the word "text," with the elaboration of
the law of supplementarity of the re-mark, Derrida unfolds a discourse
that, although it repeats the question of Being, inscribes it, and thus re-
mains altogether extraneous to this still-philosophical question.
On Re-Presentation

A reading that moves across a text, traversing it from one end to the
other, going over the whole of its surface, is a reading intent on covering
it, exhausting it. The endless iterations of this movement would be lim-
ited by the boundaries of the text alone. Husserl could have described
this manner of proceeding through a text as reading in "zigzag fashion."
Indeed, despite what this term connotes of drunkenness and erratic mo-
tion, it enjoys a quite special status in Husserl's methodological reflec-
tions. In Logical Investigations, for instance, Husserl notes that although
"systematic clarification, whether in pure logic or any other discipline,
would in itself seem to require a stepwise following out of the ordering of
things, of the systematic interconnection in the science to be clarified,"
such smooth and continuous development is unsuited to lay down the
phenomenological foundation of logic. He adds: "Our investigation
can ... only proceed securely, if it repeatedly breaks with such systematic
sequence, if it removes conceptual obscurities which threaten the course
of investigation before the natural sequence of subject-matters can lead up
to such concepts. We search, as it were, in zig-zag fashion." As the two
distinct vowels of the term suggest, to zigzag is to move in two different
directions, to take sharp turns at alternate angles. The zigzag breaks with
the direct line, straying from its progressive continuity. But, as Husser!
contends, this break with systematic exposition does not sacrifice clarity.
On Re-Presentation 243

On the contrary, to defer that goal by swerving from the direct road only
serves to better secure its initial concerns. Commenting on his use of the
term "zigzag" to describe the mode of exposition in phenomenological
investigations, he notes that it is "a metaphor all the more apt since the
close interdependence of our various epistemological concepts leads us
back again and again to our original analyses, where the new confirms the
old, and the old the new."! From Logicallnvestigations, but also from The
Crisis ofEuropean Sciences, it is evident that zigzagging follows necessarily
from a certain circularity proper to the phenomenological concern with
meaning and its systematic clarification. Husser! writes in The Crisis:
We find ourselves in a sort of circle. The understanding of the beginnings is to be
gained fully only by starting with science as given in its present-day form, look-
ing back at its development. But in the absence of an understanding of the be-
ginnings the development is mute as a development of meaning. Thus we have no
other choice than to proceed forward and backward in a zigzag pattern; the one
must help the other in an interplay.2

Zigzag, as understood by Husserl, is thus the movement of turns at alter-

nate angles required by the hermeneutic circle that makes the under-
standing of the end, or whole, dependent on a prior understanding of the
beginning, or part, and vice versa. The zigzag line to which such a mode
of movement gives rise circles back into itself, creating a starlike pattern.
One leaves the straight line alternately to return to it, all the while going
back and forth from a center, covering and encircling, weaving, so to
speak, the whole.
Going through a text can also mean moving out of, ahead of, and
beyond the text. The zigzag movement here, rather than serving the con-
stitution of sense, leads one to distance oneself from the text and its
meaning. But to traverse a text in this manner is not to simply desert it.
On the contrary, in such a reading, the text itself with all its insoluble
difficulties, contradictions, and aporias can provide an opportunity for
an unheard-of approach and problematic. Distinct from a reading whose
aim is to produce continuity, and which lays stress only-as Walter Ben-
jamin remarked in a discussion of the genre of "'appreciation,' or apol-
ogy"-"on those elements of the work which already have become part
of its influence," the passage through a text intent on going beyond such

continuity finds its hold on the text's "crags and jagged prongs [die
Schroffin und Zacken]" that escape a reading concerned with continuity.3
Grasping these cliffs and jags for support, reading displays a zigzag
movement. But the zigzag is also elicited by the fact that the movement
beyond must constantly negotiate with the text to be left behind. To the
extent that the transition to a beyond is the effect of a traversal of the
text, the passage in question commences an unending commerce be-
tween the text left behind and its beyond, which is all the more intimate
since the possibility of the new text cannot causally be derived from the
first. Indeed, the function words "through" and "across" also suggest a
means, agency, or intermediary. Going beyond the text can only be
achieved by way of the text, by going through it and remaining indebted
to what has been left behind. Zigzagging is thus no longer limited to a
subservient procedure in the establishment of sense; rather it exceeds
meaning, and becomes the rule of such establishment. Since nothing es-
capes this rule, neither the text at the beginning nor the beyond for
which it has been left, the movement of zigzag ultimately turns into
what a reading that goes through texts has to center in on and what it
conceptualizes as such.
Zigzag circulation in this sense, without "circularity or linearity,"
without "a regulative horizon of totalization," is precisely, as Leonard
Lawlor has shown in Imagination and Chance: The Difference Between the
Thought ofRicoeur and Derrida and elsewhere, a distinctive trait of Der-
rida's writings on Husserl, one that sets his approach apart from Ricoeur's
appraisal of Husserl's work, and from the dialectical hermeneutics it seeks
to develop.4 In his account of Derrida's analysis of Husserl's "The Origin
of Geometry," Lawlor shows how Derrida illuminates all of Husserl's
zigzag movements-"between the genetic and the structural project, be-
tween the specificity of the geometrical science as a cultural product and
culture in general, between a posteriori and a priori, between finally ori-
gin and end."5 If Derrida characterizes this zigzag course as "a detour and
a surprising turnabout,"6 this is because, as Lawlor notes, Husserl's Ruck-
ftage ("questioning back") for the origin of geometry and for its genesis,
never seem to arrive at the sought destination. For Lawlor, steering this
zigzag course results less from dodging the possibly disquieting conse-
quences of a radically genetic approach than from a positive recognition
On Re-Presentation 245

on Husserl's part of "the reciprocal implication of end and origin."7

Holding Derrida to follow Husserl in such ultimate zigzag, Lawlor the-
matizes "zigzag" in Derrida in particular with respect to the concept of
tradition and history. "Zigzagging defines the way Derrida reinscribes and
perverts certain terms against the tradition's system," Lawlor remarks.
And he notes in conclusion that this reinscription proceeds by reinter-
preting all the classical oppositions according to "the irreducible unity of
essence and fact."8 In the following, I wish to continue to develop this
"motive" of the zigzag highlighted by Lawlor, and in particular its perti-
nence for a reading of Husserl that understands itself as going through
the latter's writings.
"Through [a travers] Husser!'s text" is indeed the way Derrida has
characterized his reading of the First Logical Investigation in Speech and
Phenomena. 9 This is a reading that cuts across the text in order to go be-
yond it. Needless to say, in the eyes of certain Husser! scholars, a reading
intent on going through the text in this sense reveals a total lack of re-
spect for the work. When they are not simply frightened away from Der-
rida's writings on Husserl by this approach, they find such a reading to
take inexcusable liberties with the text, and in the worst case simply to
have gotten it wrong. Derrida himself expressed discomfort on the occa-
sion of the publication of his Le probleme de fa genese dans fa philosophie
de Husser! (The problem of genesis in the philosophy of Husserl) , a study
written between 1953 and 1954 but not published until 1990, which covers
almost the entirety of Husserl's writings. These demurs notwithstanding,
this ear!y study has the virtue of being a much more traditionally con-
ceived piece of scholarly work, one that ought to allay these scholars' sus-
picions that Derrida has not done his homework. But this patient, cau-
tious, and even benevolent reading of Husser!'s thought is also significant
in that it shows, perhaps in a more accessible way than Speech and Phe-
nomena, what kind of overall interpretation of Husserl's writings and,
more generally, of Husserlian phenomenology motivates Derrida's singu-
lar way of going through Husserl's texts. As Le prob/eme de fa genese sug-
gests, "phenomenology must end, in a certain way, in a genetic turn [de-
venir genitique]. This is how phenomenology must complete itself."lO
Undoubtedly, Husser! himself recognized the necessity of such further
development and, after Ideas I, increasingly turned to genetic analyses.

But the questions raised by the genetic problematic, and in particular by

its implications for the phenomenological project itself, remain without
response, according to Derrida. Indeed, Derrida asks (PC, p. 215), is it
possible to develop a philosophy of genesis and to remain faithful to the
principles of phenomenology in their purity? These principles and their
conceptual premises, as put forth in Logical Investigations and left un-
changed despite the multiple revisions in the later work of other aspects
of his thought, concern the necessity of eidetic and phenomenological re-
duction and rest on the essentialism that phenomenology shares with
philosophy in general. Having invoked the law that the absolute begin-
ning of philosophy must be essentialist, Derrida remarks: "To the extent
that this law is 'methodological'; and to the extent that it is not grounded
on the effective movement of the constituting genesis anterior to the
essences, thus governing all philosophical elucidation, it [this law] makes
formalism and idealism, or if you prefer, eidetism, the inaugural moment
of all actual or possible philosophy" (PC, p. 226). Husser!'s unshakable
faithfulness to "the absolute necessity of eidetic reduction" in phenome-
nology, and hence to the premises of philosophical thinking in general,
make it rigorously impossible for him to achieve the goal of laying bare
an ultimate genetic source (PC, p. 226). The principles of phenomenol-
ogy dictate that he encounter on his search for this source only moments
that are already constituted moments and that therefore presuppose the
originary temporal stratum that is in question. Without exception, Hus-
ser! misses the description of an authentic transcendental genesis, Derrida
contends. What is supposed to be the constituting source, reduced and
essentialized in eidetic reflection, turns out to be something constituted
as well. Husser!, according to Derrida, has tried to escape from the
dilemma in question, from what at times takes the form of a true aporia
(PC, p. I29), by continuously promising and announcing the thematiza-
tion of transcendental temporality but simultaneously deferring its radi-
cal solution. The only way to truly overcome what Derrida terms "the
profound uneasiness" of Husserl's philosophy (PC, p. 216) would have
been to understand the dilemma in its foundation. "Such a thematiza-
tion, however, if total, would have overthrown the initial givens of phe-
nomenology," Derrida writes (PC, p. 214). In submitting genesis, as well
as history, to a reduction, even at the moment when the latter becomes
On Re-Presentation 247

the main concern of his thought, Husserl reveals "to what point [he felt
that] all true genesis would run the risk of jeopardizing the phenomeno-
logical and philosophical purpose in general, and even entirely doom it
to failure" (PC, p. 206). Thus if Derrida concludes, in Le probfeme de fa
genese, that the overcoming that Husserl's philosophy calls for can consist
in either an overcoming that merely prolongs his philosophy with all its
inherited difficulties, or "a radical reformulation that amounts to a com-
plete conversion" (PC, p. 41), several things become clear about the pro-
fessed need for a reading of Husser! that moves across his text.
First, the necessity of such a reading derives from an insight into
the limits not of Husserl's philosophy in the first instance but of philoso-
phy in general-into an inevitable insufficiency that is a function of the
essentialist exigencies on which philosophy necessarily rests and without
which no philosophy with its required rigor could come into its own.
What is remarkable about Husserl's thought, however,-and this helps to
explain the unquestionable privilege that his thought enjoys throughout
Derrida's work-is that all the while that he faithfully sticks to the ele-
mentary exigency of eidetic reduction, he also recognizes the need for a
transcendental inquiry into temporality as constitutive of essences. Such
an inquiry, however, is not without potentially unsettling consequences.
Indeed, with such an emphasis on constitution, genesis, and history, a
tension arises in Husserl's phenomenology that undoubtedly culminates
in paradox, contradiction, aporia, and even sheer confusion, but that also
harbors the possibility of explicitly bringing to light the limits of philos-
ophy in its classical form. To read across the text, then, follows from the
need to "resolve," so to speak, the Husserlian dilemma by working out
the contradictory demands of philosophy in what Derrida at one point
had called "a theory of philosophical discourse."] J
Second, the overcoming sought by a reading that moves across the
Husserlian text remains indebted to Husserlian phenomenology. For it is
phenomenology itself that "seems, continuously and incessantly, to have
prepared a vast methodological access to a sphere that is not very acces-
sible to phenomenological elucidation," as is the sphere of genesis (PC,
p. 206). Furthermore, the radical conversion of phenomenology at which
Le probfeme de fa genese aims (and which consists in thinking the contra-
dictory demands of Husserl's thought together in and as an infinite zigzag)

follows from the de focto shape of Husserlian philosophy. Reading through

the text of phenomenology is therefore also a matter of accounting for
what Husserl does in his texts, in contradistinction to what he says. 12
Third, since the radical philosophical conversion sought in Ie prob-
leme de fa genese-which, at the time, was called a "dialectic ... that is
one with the idea of philosophy itself" (PC, p. 217)-consists in "a si-
multaneous or a priori synthetic awareness of the necessary insufficiency
[of Husserlian philosophy] and of possible rigor" (PC, p. 226), passing
through Husserl's text compels a thematization of the infinite oscillation,
or zigzag for that matter, that contaminates and complicates all phenom-
enological purity. If, indeed, phenomenological purity appears to itself as
such only insofar as it is a genetic composite, all such purity combines
with an alterity in "a priori ambiguity." Derrida discusses this infinite re-
ferral and zigzag under the title '~Priori Synthesis." Within the parame-
ters of his early work, he understands such a referral as an "originary di-
alectic," a dialectic distinct from the one of which Tran Duc Thao and
indeed Hegel speak (PC, p. 257). As the term "dialectic" indicates, the
radical conversion of phenomenology aimed at in Le probleme de fa genese
is to be understood as a more comprehensive philosophy, one that goes
to the roots of the phenomenological dilemma and is capable of "resolv-
ing" it in a certain way. Unlike Husserl, who "would not admit that all
beginning of philosophy and meaning is an a priori synthesis whose ab-
solute evidence points to an irreducible indefinite" (PC, p. 41), Derrida,
in this early work, shows that this conclusion follows necessarily from
Husserl's work itself, even though "in all likelihood ... [Husserl] would
have contested the right to such an interpretation" (PC, p. 32). This con-
clusion gives rise to a new philosophy, both beyond and tributary to phe-
nomenology, a philosophy that makes differential contamination its cen-
tral theme. Yet if in the Avertissement to Ie probleme de fa genese Derrida
has distanced himself from that early work, he has done so, I hold, not
only because of terms such as "dialectic" but primarily because the dis-
coveryand investigation of the a priori synthesis of the pure principles of
phenomenology, though unquestionably of philosophical nature, under-
cut the possibility of continuing to simply thematize such synthesis in the
form of and as a singular philosophy. But, circling back to Speech and
Phenomena, we shall see that the concern with "differential contamina-
On Re-Presentation 249

tion," and hence with "a priori synthesis," have remained the thrust of
Derrida's reading through Husser!'
I understand the following developments as a long footnote to an
already quite long footnote by Derrida himself in the chapter of Speech
and Phenomena titled "Meaning as Soliloquy." This footnote is of special
interest to me since Derrida closes it by saying that in it he has indicated
"the prime intention-and the ultimate scope-of the present essay,"
that is, of Speech and Phenomena as a whole (SP, pp. 45-46). If I linger
on this footnote, it is in order to further clarify the implications of a read-
ing that moves across the Husserlian text, this rime in a hook that, unlike
the early genesis book, is "more than a simple interpretation of Husserl,"
to quote Rudolf Bernet. 13 Describing his reading as going through
Husserl's text, Derrida specifies this as meaning that it "can be neither
simple commentary nor simple interpretation" (SP, p. 88).
The context in which the footnote in question occurs needs to be
briefly outlined. In the First Logical Investigation, characterized by "Fore-
word II" as having a "merely preparatory character," Husser! engages
nonetheless in an analysis of "essential distinctions" on whose possibility
and purity rests, in principle, the entire phenomenological enterprise (LI,
p. 48). Although "expressions were originally framed to fulfill a commu-
nicative function," they "also playa great part in uncommunicated, inte-
rior mental life," Husser! contends in the First Logical Investigation (LI,
pp. 276,278). Despite the brevity of the analysis devoted to expression in
solitary mental life, this particular analysis is absolurely crucial to the
whole of the Logical Investigations in that it demonstrates not only that
living in the understanding of expressions is possible, whether they are
addressed to anyone or not, bur that such an experience of the meaning
of expressions is in truth the more essential experience. In the course of
his analysis, Husser! remarks that all intimation (Kundgabe), hence also
all indication, or sign function, is absent from silent soliloquy. Meaning-
ful expression in solitary mental life is still linked to words, but unlike
words in communicative discourse, those in the intimately unified expe-
rience of sense-filled expression in silent mental life do not serve as indi-
cations, not even "as indications, of one's own inner experiences" to one-
self (LI, p. 279). No self-intimation takes place here. In soliloquy one
does not communicate something to one self (as an Other). Moreover, in

silent monologue, to quote Husser!, "we are in general content with

imagined [vorgestellten] rather than wi th actual words." Lacking reali ty,
imagined words are in themselves "intrinsically indifferent, whereas the
sense seems the thing aimed at by the verbal sign and meant by its means:
the expression seems to direct interest away from itself towards its sense,
and to point to the latter. But this pointing [Hinzeigen 1 is not an indica-
tion [Anzeigen]" (LI, p. 279). Having no existence and no longer calling
any attention to themselves, words are no longer signs in a strict sense. As
words fade away before the meaning they point at, meaning in solitary
life can be experienced or lived fully in and for itself in absolute distinct-
ness from signs, that is, from indication and intimation. With this Hus-
ser! believes he has established the existence of an experience of meaning
in which meaning can be intuited and evidenced in purity and in which
it can be present as such without outside contamination, fully present
and self-present, without the intervention of the sign. This demonstra-
tion is crucial because phenomenology depends upon the possibility of
such a distinct experience of meaning, which ultimately also represents
phenomenology's proper domain.
To establish an experience in which meaning can give itself purely
and simply thus hinges on the possibility of bracketing the sign character
of words by merely representing words. In the imaginary representation
of words, for instance, the word's existence, whether that existence is em-
pirical or imaginary, becomes neutralized. As Derrida recalls,
the imagination of the word, the imagined, the word's being-imagined, its "im-
age," is not the (imagined) word. In the same way as, in the perception of the
word, the word (perceived or appearing) which is "in the world" belongs to a
radically different order from that of the perception or appearing of the word, the
word's being-perceived, so the (imagined) word is of a radically heterogeneous
order from that of the imagination of the word." (SP, p. 44)

However, according to Derrida, in determining the merely representa-

tional character of words in soliloquy, Husser! does not content himself
with understanding the represented words in terms of the critical phe-
nomenological category of the being-imagined, or phenomenon, of the
word. The rationale for not conceiving of the imagination of the word in
terms of a being-imagined of the word is that reference to the existence
of the word does not occur in imaginative representation, as it does in the
On Re-Presentation 25I

perception of the word. In chapter 8 of "Investigation 1," Husserl writes

with unmistakable clarity:

We should not ... confuse imaginative presentations, and the image-contents

they rest on, with their imagined objects. The imagined verbal sound, or the
imagined printed word, does not exist, only its imaginative presentation does so.
The difference is the difference between imagined centaurs and the imagination
of such beings. The word's non-existence neither disturbs nor interests us, since
it leaves the word's expressive function unaffected." (U, p. 279)

And Derrida concludes: "In imagination the existence of the word is not
implied, even by virtue of intentional sense. There exists only the imagi-
nation of the word, which is absolutely certain and self-present insofar as
it is lived" (SP, p. 44). Now what has Husserl achieved by eliminating
phenomenality, and with it reference to the existence of the word, from
the presentative imagination of words in solitary mental life? He has,
Derrida contends, succeeded in isolating "the subjective experience [Ie
vecu subjectif 1as the sphere of absolute certainty and absolute existence"
(SP, p. 44). Yet in reflecting on the argumentation itself by means of
which Husserl arrives at this result, he notes that it "would be fragile in-
deed if it merely appealed to a classical psychology of the imagination"
(SP, p. 45). After recalling Husserl's critique of the psychological concep-
tion of the image, according to which it is a picture-sign whose reality in-
dicates the imagined object, Derrida stresses that the argument by which
imagined words are stripped of reference to existing words rests on an un-
derstanding of imagination as a phenomenal experience that does not be-
long to reality-whose status is that of a reell component of conscious-
ness-and of the image as intentional or noematic, in other words, as
even less real than the act of imagination in that it is a non-reell compo-
nent of consciousness. In short then, Husserl's contention that it is possi-
ble to isolate an experience of meaning in which meaning can be intuited
and evidenced as such presupposes the possibility of construing inner dis-
course as an irreality through and through.
The footnote in question thus occurs in the context of an assessment
of Husserl's conception of imagination and the image as nonreal compo-
nents of consciousness. Having quoted Husser! from Ideas Ion the neces-
sity of conceiving experiences as differences that concern consciousness
(rather than as being constituted by material characters), Derrida writes:

The original phenomenological data that Husser! thus wants to respect lead him
to posit an absolute heterogeneity between perception or primordial presen-
tation (Gegenwartigung, Prasentation) and re-presentation or representative re-
production, also translated as presentification (Vergegenwartigung). Memory, im-
ages, and signs are re-presentations in this sense. Properly speaking, Husser! is
not led to recognize this heterogeneity, for it is this which constitutes the very
possibility of phenomenology. For phenomenology can only make sense if a pure
and primordial presentation is possible and given in the original. This distinc-
tion (to which we must add that between positional [setzendel re-presentation,
which posits the having-been-present in memory, and the imaginary re-presen-
tation [Phantasie- Vergegenwartigung], which is neutral in that respect), part of a
fundamental and complex system, which we cannot directly investigate here, is
the indispensable instrument for a critique of classical psychology, and in par-
ticular, the classical psychology of the imagination and the sign. (SP, p. 45)

In his inquiry into what sanctions the essential distinctions that are to be
brought to logical clarity in the First Logical Investigation, Derrida high-
lights one particular distinction. Although it is not the final one, against
whose foil all the other distinctions are to be situated-indeed, it is said to
be part of a complex system of similar distinctions-this particular one en-
joys a special privilege in that its conception of a radical irreality and self-
sufficiency 6f phenomenological experience is a clear expression of phe-
nomenology's attempt to secure an autonomous domain for itself free of all
the objective references in which psychology remains entangled. The dis-
tinction in question stipulates the possibility and the existence of a "lived
experience [that] is immediately self-present in the mode of certitude and
absolute necessity" (SP, p. 58), hence, of a pure perception, or originary
presentation, in which the given gives itself in simple and unadulterated
presence. Distinct from re-presentation, presentation, or more precisely,
primordial presentation is free from the delegating or representative func-
tion of indicative signs. Indeed, the indivisibility of the presence to self of
what is given in the mode of immediate presence assures the irreducibility
of re-presentation (Vergegenwartigung, Reprdsentation) to presentative per-
ception. As a modification of presentation, representation is then some-
thing that happens to presentation from the outside. Yet as Derrida will
show throughout Speech and Phenomena, the distinction between presen-
tation and re-presentation, however essential and necessary it might be,
cannot be upheld in the purity required by the phenomenological project
On Re-Presentation 253

as envisaged by Husserl. In no way, however, does this impossibility imply

that the project must be abandoned. On the contrary, what Derrida at-
tempts to do in Speech and Phenomena is to link up the possibility of pre-
sentation, and with it that of originary truth in the phenomenological
sense, with what ultimately necessitates its impossibility. This interlinkage
of possibility and impossibility takes shape as a zigzag movement. It should
already be obvious that zigzagging is not limited to Derrida's style of read-
ing Husserl. Undoubtedly, Derrida faithfully zigzags along all of Husserl's
voluntary and involuntary zigzags. But zigzagging in Derrida extends as
well to the relation that obtains between presentation and its enabling and
disabling condition. A transcendental or, rather, quasi-transcendental "sta-
tus" of the zigzag thus begins to emerge. However, before further elaborat-
ing on this movement and its difference from the zigzag pattern that
Husserl has said is required for phenomenological investigation and expo-
sition, let me first return to the footnote. I quote again:
But can't one assume the necessity for this critique of naive psychology only up
to a certain point? What if we were to show, finally, that the theme or import of
"pure presentation," pure and primordial perception, full and simple presence,
etc., makes of phenomenology an accomplice of classical psychology-indeed
constitutes their common metaphysical presupposition? In affirming that per-
ception does not exist or that what is called perception is not primordial, that
somehow everything "begins" by "re-presentation" (a proposition which can only
be maintained by the elimination of these last two concepts: it means that there
is no "beginning" and that the "re-presentation" we were talking about is not the
modification of a "re-" that has befalLen a primordial presentation) and by rein-
troducing the difference involved in "signs" at the core of what is "primordial,"
we do not retreat from the level of transcendental phenomenology toward either
an "empiricism" or a "Kantian" critique of the claim of having primordial intu-
ition; we are here indicating the prime intention-and the ultimate scope-of
the present essay. (SP, pp. 45-46)

On what grounds can Derrida affirm that perception in the phe-

nomenological sense, that is, as a primordial presentation, does not exist?
To understand this claim, it is imperative to recall two points. First, the
presentation in question obtains in the looked-for purity only within the
limited case of the presence to consciousness of ideal, purely intelligible,
and nonreal objects. Second, in Speech and Phenomena, Derrida deter-

mines "the ultimate form of ideality, the ideality of ideality ... [as] the liv-
ing present, the self-presence of transcendental life" (SP, p. 6). Now, ac-
cording to Husserl, an authentic ideality, that is, an ideality that is, must
be one that can be infinitely repeated in the identity of its presence. Yet for
Husserl, an "ideality is not an existent that has fallen from the sky." Con-
sequently, its origin has likewise to be "the possible repetition of a produc-
tive act" (SP, p. 6). Given, further, that the "metaphysical form of ideal-
ity" (SP, p. 7) has been shown to be the presence of the living present, it
follows that Derrida's analyses in Speech and Phenomena-analyses of
what breaches originary presentation, or perception, from within-would
center in privileged fashion on this repetition constitutive of ideality in
terms of the re-presenting modalities of presentation. But the possibility
of such repetition, without which ideality in the form of the present could
not come about, is precisely, as Derrida will show throughout Speech and
Phenomena, what serves to establish an "irreducible nonpresence ... an
ineradicable nonprimordiality" in the living present as well, and hence, in
nonworldly ideal objects (SP, pp. 6-7). The crux of Derrida's argument
consists. then. in demonstrating that Husserl's own descriptions of the
movement of temporality and the constitution of intersubjectivity unmis-
taleably establish repetition-and with it everything that ought to derive
from presence-to be required by presence and all ideal objectivity in
general. Considering the space at my disposal, I cannot reconstruct in de-
tail the various steps of Derrida's complex analysis. Let me only say that the
titles under which repetition assumes the constituting role in question are
all of the order of modifications of presentation, primarily, re-presentation
and appresentation. In Derrida's own words:
it is a question of (I) the necessary transition from retention to re-presentation
(Vergegenwiirtigung) in the constitution of the presence of a temporal object
(Gegenstand) whose identity may be repeated; and (2) the necessary transition by
way of appresentation in relation to the alter ego, that is, in relation to what also
makes possible an ideal objectivity in general; for intersubjectivity is the condi-
tion for objectivity, which is absolute only in the case of ideal objects. (SP, p. 7)

Although retention and re-presentation must remain separated for Husser!

by an abyss, Derrida argues that Husserl's conception of retention, which is
to say, of the necessary presentation of a past present, that is, of a nonpres-
On Re-Presentation 255

ence, for a present now to come about, implies that it must harbor repeti-
tion in the mode of a re-presentation of what once was but no longer is
present. Moreover, since ideality cannot be constituted except in relation
with an Other, a repetition of the originary presentation in the form of
analogical appresentation must inhabit originary presentation from the
start. As Derrida maintains, such repetitive representation or appresenta-
tion within ideality and its form of presence "does not impugn the apo-
dicticity of the phenomenological-transcendental description, nor does it
diminish the founding value of presence" (SP, p. 7). The reason for this is
that the nonpresence in question is not just any nonpresence. The most
singular status of such re-presentation and appresentation follows from
their being not derivative upon or secondary to a prior presence but neces-
sarily implied by all presence or ideality. Derrida writes: "What in the two
cases is called a modification of presentation (re-presentation, ap-presenta-
tion) (Vergegenwiirtigung or Appriisentation) is not something that happens
to presentation but rather conditions it by bifurcating it [en fa fissurant] a
priori" (SP, p. 7). Limiting myself to the question of re-presentation, I
note only that Derrida speaks of it as a "primordial representation" (SP,
p. 57), that is, as an originary Vergegenwiirtigung upon which presentation
in the form of Ulrstellung itself, and as such, is shown to depend. It is thus
certainly not a question of criticizing or doing away with Husserl's essential
distinctions, among them the distinction between presentation and re-
presentation. On the contrary, Derrida's intention is to show that what
these essential distinctions seek to isolate in purity can only be (success-
fully) achieved if, say, originary presentation is made to presuppose a prior
re-presentation, that is, the constituting movement of a representation that
lacks as yet a constituted presence to relate to.
In the course of investigating the distinctive criteria with which
Husserl demarcates a domain proper to phenomenology and radically sep-
arate from psychology, Derrida focuses in particular upon the isolation of
an experience of originary presentation, of presentation in the shape of
UlrsteLLung, which Husserl in general asserts to be irreducibly different
from all modes of re-presentation. Derrida illuminates a limitation of this
isolated sphere that is also-paradoxically-a condition of possibility for
demarcating the sphere in question and thus securing (within these lim-
its) the possibility of a pure experience of meaning in the Husserlian sense.

In the context here under examination, and only in this context at first,
the limit takes the form of generalized or originary re-presentation.
In his essay "Derrida et la voix de son maitre" (Derrida and the voice
of his master), Rudolf Bernet asks whether "in his crusade against the phi-
losophy of presence, Derrida does not gather too fast under one banner
these different forms of representation that are imagination, repetition, the
concrete occurring of a generality, and representation by means of a
sign."14 Needless to say, only an extremely detailed and careful analysis of
Derrida's discussion of all these modes of representation could provide an
answer to Bernet's question. For the moment, therefore, the following re-
mark must suffice. Undoubtedly, all of the following (and I name only a
few) are taken as different aspects of representation: presence (Gegenwart);
presentation (Gegenwartigung or Prdsentation); representation in the gen-
eral sense of Vorstellung, that is, as the locus of ideality in general; re-
presentation as repetition or reproduction, that is, as a modifYing Vt>rge-
genwdrtigung including imaginary representation; and representation in
the sense of what occupies the place of another Vorstellung, that is, what
Husserl calls Rqriismtation, Repriisentant, or Stelivertreter. But rather than
being lumped together or rendered identical, all these different senses of
the term "representation" are shown to be distinct elements of what Der-
rida refers to as a "representative structure" (SP, p. 50), which itself has a
repeatable formal identity. According to this structure, Vorstellung as the
locus of ideality in which expression in the Husserlian sense partakes nec-
essarily implies all the other possible modifications of representation that
Husserl, for his part, had confined to the sign-function and to commu-
nicative manifestation. And the reverse also holds. This notion of a repre-
sentative structure is that the sign and language in general necessarily in-
clude the possibility of a representation in the sense of Vorstellung. This
representative structure in which presentation and the modifications of re-
presentation are tied together with necessity is, for Derrida, "signification
[Bedeutung] itself." From the start, this structure causes actual inner or
outer discourse to be "involved in unlimited representation [representat-
ivite indejinie]" (SP, p. 50). At all moments, therefore, signification itself
must be characterized by re-presentation in general, or "originary" re-
presentation. ls To put the matter in terms of the footnote that I am com-
menting upon, everything begins by re-presentation.
On Re-Presentation 257

The primordiality of such re-presentation not only restricts the pu-

rity and radicality with which the distinction between originary presenta-
tion, or idealizing Vorstellung, and iterating re-presentation can be drawn,
but also establishes a definite limit insofar as the distinction between clas-
sical psychology and phenomenology is concerned. However necessary it
may be to demarcate phenomenology from psychology critically, such cri-
tique fails in the end not only because the phenomena described by both
are possible only on the basis of assuming an originary re-presentation but
also, as the footnote suggests, because the two share the same metaphysi-
cal presupposition of a pure perception, or presentation, and hence of
pure and simple presence. Indeed, classical psychology's understanding of
the sign as a representation that stands in for something else shows it to
presuppose that primal impression of a being given without mediation
which phenomenology has made its main object of concern.
To emphasize this complicity between classical psychology and
phenomenology, a complicity beyond all their essential and legitimate dif-
ferences, also means to emphasize that the notion of an originary re-
presentation cannot simply be a generalized extension of the empirical
concept of representation. The claim that everything "begins" with "re-
presentation" can, indeed, be upheld only if the concepts both of begin-
ning and of representation are recast. Obviously enough, "the re- of this
re-presentation does not signifY the simple-repetitive or reflexive-redu-
plication that befalls a simple presence {which is what the word representa-
tion has always meant)." Therefore, to call this primordial re-presentation
is thus to name it only provisionally and, as Derrida says, "within the clo-
sure whose limits we are here seeking to transgress" (SP, p. 57). On its last
pages, Speech and Phenomena goes so far as to deny completely the possi-
bility of knowing "whether what was always presented as a derived and
modified re-presentation of simple presentation" bears any determinable
relation (such as being "older" than presence) to originary re-presentation.
And he adds:
We therefore no longer know whether what has always been reduced and abased
as an accident, modification, and re-turn, under the old names of "sign" and "re-
presentation," has not repressed that which related truth to its own death as it
related it to its origin. We no longer know whether the force of the Vergegenwiir-
tigung, in which the Gegenwiirtigung is de-presented so as to be re-presented as

such, whether the repetitive force of the living present, which is re-presented in
a supplement, because it has never been present to itself, or whether what we call
with the old names of force and diffirance is not more "ancient" than what is
"primordial." (SP, p. 103)

For all these reasons, one must conclude that in order to conceive of the
representative structure, or the originary re-presentation, one "will have
to have other names than those of sign or representation" (SP, p. 103).
From this inevitable need to approach the relationship between presence
and representation in terms other than those of re-presentation and sign-
function, one must conclude that no word or concept can ever hope to
represent it adequately. For structural or, say, representative reasons, the
term "re-presentation" must open itself and make room for other terms,
such as "force" and diffirance, to name only those explicitly mentioned by
Derrida. Although the term "re-presentation" had imposed itself in the
context of a discussion of Husserl's efforts to radically distinguish phe-
nomenology from psychology and had been a meaningful term in that
context alone, this term must hence be repeated, substituted, and supple-
mented with a difference by other terms. The same reasons that call for
the replacement of the term "re-presentation" also make possible the ex-
tension of that term to other contexts, in which case, however, the expli-
catory achievements of the term change as well.
To conclude, let me circle back to the question of re-presentation's
primordiality with respect to presentative perception, and hence also to
the living present itself. If it is true that all presentation, or perception in
the Husserlian sense, presupposes the possibility of a repetition in the
shape of a re-presentation that is constitutive, and which thus does not
double something already constituted, then "the presence of the per-
ceived present can appear as such only inasmuch as it is continuously com-
pounded [compose continument] with a nonpresence and nonperception,
with primary memory and expectation (retention and protention)" (SP,
p. 64). What follows from this is, as Derrida recalls in the final para-
graphs of Speech and Phenomena, that "there never was any 'perception';
and [that] 'presentation' is a representation of the representation that
yearns for itself therein as for its own birth or its death" (SP, p. 103). But
even though presentative perception never existed and never will exist in
the purity and self-identity sought by Husserl, it exists as the desire of it-
On Re-Presentation 259

self, as fissured by a re-presentation that holds out its birth, or that in-
scribes within it the mark of finitude that is the possibility of death. The
question to be asked therefore concerns the relation between, on the one
hand, presentation and the perceived living present, and on the other
hand, re-presentation, non perception, and nonpresence. Although Der-
rida also speaks of this relation as a being rooted (enracinee) in finitude
(SP, p. 67), his characterization of it as a relation in which presentation
continuously compounds with re-presentation, or in which the possibility
of presence and primordial truth in the phenomenological sense depends
on a compromise with nonpresence, needs here to be especially empha-
sized. If the present of self-presence, and presentation, for that matter, are
not simple but, as Derrida writes, "constituted in a primordial and irre-
ducible synthesis" (SP, p. 6r), in which they compound and incessantly
compromise with a primordial re-presentation and nonpresence, then
this relation of synthesis has, indeed, the "form" of a zigzag, or more pre-
cisely, of a movement of infinite referral of one term to "its" dissymmet-
rical Other. Zigzagging thus describes the consequent movement of the
genesis, or constitution, of presence and of its presentation-of a consti-
tution that does not fall back on something already constituted. In draw-
ing out a zigzag of this kind, by repeatedly breaking with its systematic
exposition, Derrida no longer follows Husserl's prescription to proceed
securely in the search for truth in the phenomenological sense. He also
goes much further than exhibiting the numerous zigzag movements to
which, according to Ie probleme de fa genese, Husserl more or less unwill-
ingly seems to have had recourse in order to delay the always-promised
description of authentic transcendental genesis. Neither a methodologi-
cal device on the way to and within the horizon of truth nor a necessary
but unfortunate detour, the constituting movement of zigzag that I have
sketched out here makes good on Husserl's demand for a genuine tran-
scendental genesis. But in doing so, this zigzag shows that making good
on this demand implies jeopardizing the phenomenological principles
themselves. Conversely, only by interminably putting their purity at risk
can they be maintained as philosophically effective principles-inter-
minably, in the movement of a zigzag.



Reading Chiasms

Coming to a text (or, for that matter, a collection of texts), the

reader-critic normally expects that its constellation will yield to the unity
of a configuration of thought. Yet if a work deliberately situates itself be-
tween figures, themes, or motifs that could and normally would authori-
tatively confer unity, what, then, is its status? Indeed, what sort of unity
does an in-between establish, particularly if the work does not occupy the
precise middle of that interspace, if, on the contrary, it is at once in-
between and to the side? If the figures of thought at the crisscross of
which the work places itself are neither identical to one another nor in a
relation of otherness, the difficulty of the work increases considerably.
This is definitely true when those figures are themselves inquiries into the
intricacies of the in-between. The work we are speaking of, then, sides
with an irreducibly endless series of interfaces. Lacking a determining
negation by the other, these figures of thought cannot reflect themselves
into mere identity; rather, the work in question remains suspended be-
twixt and between, to the side of, by right, only a virtual middle between
nonidentical interfaces. It follows that the question of the (literal and fig-
ural) unity of such work must take a different turn.
Although Andrzej Warminski's Readings in Interpretation invites its
reader to think about such a turn, this work must also be regarded as a
book on Holderlin, Hegel, and Heidegger. 1 It is, no doubt, a major con-

tribution to the history of German idealism and romanticism, since it re-

assesses the differences between some of the outstanding exponents of
that tradition-the singular place of Holderlin in that history, for in-
stance-differences that, in the wake of romanticism, have become
nearly imperceptible. Readings in Interpretation, however, is far more than
the arduous attempt to correct a significant imbalance in the history of
philosophy. It is a study concerned with the concept of history itself, the
relation between philosophy and literature, hermeneutical and dialectical
interpretation, the inscription of the reader in the philosophical text, as
well as the status of representation and exemplarity. Yet within this array
of questions, and through the specific nature of his strategies of ques-
tioning, Warminski shows that he is primarily concerned with a prob-
lematic whose objectivity is thoroughly different from that of the tradi-
tional disciplines and their objects of study. Indeed, Warminski has
undertaken the difficult exploration of what constitutes that very space of
the in-between (of interpretations, figures of thought, opposing motifs
and themes), its relational and differential nature, as well as the crossroads
and turning points that divide its fragile unity.
Were it not for the fact that the term is used at random-"a tous les
biais et atoutes mesures," as Montaigne would have said-we could have
called this work in a certain sense "deconstructive." Because of its micro-
logical analyses, its sometimes vertiginous and seemingly abyssal argu-
mentation, or simply because it does not make for easy reading, the
reader may have already classified Warminski's work in this manner. If
not, he will hardly be able to resist that temptation when encountering
certain so-called key terms that are believed to characterize the perverse
critical activity labeled "deconstruction." Undoubtedly, one of these terms
is always already. But would the reader's irritation at the repeated use of
that expression lessen if he knew what the term stands for and if he were
thus in a position to consider its appropriateness within a given context?
Always already is an expression that may have found its first system-
atic use in Heidegger's thinking, where it denotes both the temporal
mode of the fore-understanding in which the meaning of Being is avail-
able to Dasein and the specific mode of anteriority in which Being claims
man. Always already names something prior to, and it thus seems to cor-
respond to the formal determination of the a priori. To speak of always
Reading Chiasms 265

already rather than of a priori becomes a necessary move, however, when,

as in Heidegger, the temporal character of Being itself is at stake. The a
priori, which in the ontological tradition serves to denote the determina-
tions of Being, contains the idea of a temporal succession in a very pallid
way at best. In Heidegger's thinking, therefore, the always already stands
for a temporal priority, which, as that of Being, has nothing to do with
time as it is known according to its vulgar concept.
Always already is put to a similar use in Derrida's philosophy, where
it designates the temporal mode of a certain accidentality, contingency,
and supplementarity shown to be "constitutive" of presence and essence.
Presence and essence within the metaphysical tradition, as Husserl has
demonstrated, presuppose the fundamental form of idealization that is
the "always again [immer wieder]." Whereas this structure accords a priv-
ileged position to the retentional dimension of intentionality, Derrida's
use of the always already focuses on an anteriority that is, rather, of the or-
der of the retentional dimension of intentionality. But if the always al-
ready in Derrida stands for a past and a passivity older than presence and
essence, this does not mean that Derrida simply privileges retention. In
the same manner that Heidegger's always already names a temporality
that is radically different from the vulgar concept of time, Derrida's al-
ways already points at a radical past, at an absolute past and passivity that
can never be fully reactivated and awakened to presence. Yet if the ab-
solute past of the always already effaces itself and is from the outset in re-
treat, it nonetheless leaves a mark, a signature that is retraced in the very
thing from which it is withdrawn, indicating that the essence or the pres-
ence that it constitutes is this past's belated reconstitution. What is always
already has never and can never be present itself. The very possibility of
essence and presence hinges on such a past, according to Derrida.
The always already is thus not mere wordplay or the result of lin-
guistic infatuation. It is an expression that implies an anteriority to es-
sence and presence, that not only would no longer be a determination of
Being, as is the a priori, bur would also take priority over Being: if, as
Derrida contends, Heidegger's radical temporality of Being is still caught
in the vulgar concepts of time that it was supposed to displace, the radi-
cal past to Being could no longer be altogether of the order of Being. The
specific nature of the time of the quiddity of the past hinted at by Der-

rida understands Being itself from the past (and not only beings, as in the
case of Heidegger). Discussing supplementary substitution at one point
in Of Grammatology, Derrida asks, "How was it to be [etait-elle a etre]-
for such is the time of its quiddity-what it necessarily is?"2 Throughout
Of Grammatology, this temporal structure of was to be appears as the
structure of an imperfect tense that makes it possible for what ought to
have been (aura or aurait du etre)-namely, presence and, in the last in-
stance, Being itself-to come into being. Yet since the absolute past in
question can never become present, since it is not the trace of an already
constituted and bygone present, it is also, as that which withdraws from
what it lets come to the fore, that which ultimately makes presence and
Being impossible. Contrary to the a priori, therefore, the always already is
not only a condition of possibility but a condition of impossibility as well.
Having named the time of the quiddity of the always already as the
time of what had to be in order for something to be, Derrida has shown
that the always already is another expression for the concept of essence, or
more precisely-and this explains the substitution of always already for
essence-for a certain temporality at the origin of essence. The time of
the quiddity of the always a/ready is, indeed, the time of quiddity. Let us
recall here that quidditas is the consecrated translation not of ti esti but of
the Aristotelian expression to ti en einai. This strange formula-strange
because of its double use of the verb to be and the unexpected use of the
imperfect tense-answers the question of what a thing's essence and es-
sential attributes are. It states that the essence of a thing is what it has
been. The Scholastics translated this formula quod quid erat esse, and one
will certainly remember Hegel's famous coining of the same formula: We-
sen ist was gewesen ist. Accordingly, what a thing is in and by itself
(kath'auto) is determined retrospectively. It is revealed as a past, as what it
was to be. Now one may interpret this anteriority of essence either in a
Scholastic fashion as what something existent already was before its actu-
alization or realization or, with Pierre Aubenque, in a probably more
Greek fashion as pertaining to the essence of things of the sublunar world
only and as a reflection of the fact that here in the sublunar world essen-
tial accidents may, ex post, have contributed to determining what a thing
or a man will, in the end, have turned out to be. 3 In either case, this an-
teriority is still understood in terms of an already constituted time. Yet
Reading Chiasms 267

the past that Heidegger and in particular Derrida refer to with the always
already-the time of quiddity, the time of the essence of Being-is a
temporalizing passive synthesis that allows the temporal differences of
past, present, and future to appear in the first place. Always already before
constituted time, this absolute past or passivity, to which no intramun-
dane concept or metaphor corresponds, accounts for the fact that the an-
teriority of essence, and the permanence of its presence, have been de-
pendent not so much on a particular passage of a given time sequence as
on a structure of temporal referral in general. It is this very structure of
temporal referral that Derrida calls absolute past or absolute passivity and
that he refers to with the expression always already. In short, then, the
term always already articulates the "quiddity" of quiddity, and is, accord-
ing to its nature as a past that was never a past-present and that conse-
quently can never become fully present, at once the condition of possi-
bility and impossibility and impossibility of essence. The temporality of
the always already, although it reveals what makes essence possible, is at
the same time the a priori of a counteressence that prevents it from ever
coming into its own, from ever being absolutely itself. An irreducible part
of chance and probability is thus shown to enter into the constitution of
an essence, yet such contingency and accidentality are not graspable
through the Aristotelian distinction of inessential accidents and essential
accidents (symbebekota kath'auta), in which the latter forms a constitutive
part of what has been the essence of a thing or human being. Decon-
struction, in a Derridean sense, is the double affirmation of essence and
counteressence, and the expression always already is nothing other than
this affirmation.
This lengthy (yet, obviously, all too brief) elaboration on the ex-
pression always already should not only clarify what is meant by this no-
tion but also give an inkling of the leading hypotheses that organize
Warminski's exploration of the relational and differential space of the in-
between. His formula "always already and always not yet" is a clear echo
of Derrida's double affirmation as well as of the latter's search for a priori
infrastructures or undecidables that function as conditions of possibility,
conditions that, at the same time, limit what they constitute. In what fol-
lows, it remains for us to examine the terms in which Warminski thema-
tizes in-between structures, as well as the manner in which these struc-

tures differ from the results yielded by grammatological and rhetorical or

tropological readings. To understand the sort of linguistic "inauthentic-
ity" Warminski aims at-a linguistic "property" perhaps less tangible
than Derridean infrastructures and ostensibly less scandalous than Paul
de Man's interruptive tropes but nonetheless equally constitutive (undi-
alectically and untranscendentally)-we cannot avoid lingering for a mo-
ment on what is called reading in Readings in Interpretation.
Warminski's work, as I have already intimated, is an analysis of the
reading implied in interpretation, wherein certain techniques of inversion
built into the structure of texts produce discrepancies, and through
which, as Wolfgang Iser has shown, the integrating achievement of the
Gestalten of interpretations is constantly disrupted. 4 By transposing such
an analysis into the history of philosophy, Warminski not only under-
stands history as "textual history"-that is, as a history in which thinkers
are related to one another in a bipolar fashion-but is also in a position to
dispute the integrating achievement of the interpretations of one philoso-
pher by another. In his work, Warminski argues that the act of interpreta-
tion consists in neither less nor more than the interpreter's systematic re-
duction-systematic, and not accidental, nor owing to the interpreter's
human finitude-of one or several diametrically organized oppositions of
either concepts or images in the text to be interpreted. Readings in Inter-
pretation is, thus, concerned with the stress that interpretative reading
places on only one of the poles of the oppositions, or on one of two pos-
sible readings. Warminski's work exhibits all sorts of "arbitrary, unveri-
fiable decisions" that lead to such one-sided privileging. In chapter 5,
"Pre-positional By-play," it becomes evident that it is the interpreter's
competence in, and justification of, differentiating between sides that is
particularly under investigation. Apart from the possibility of such recog-
nition of difference, Warminski questions the collapsing of sides insofar
as the collapsing of two diametrically opposed elements renders a text's
meaning simplified and decidable. Subjecting the art of division, of dis-
tinguishing specific differences (i.e., the operation of diaeresis), to a radical
doubt is as decisive as questioning the art of synthesis, because it is in this
art that the philosophical claim to totality is grounded. Examining the art
of distinguishing differences within and with respect to generic forms,
Warminski aims here at fundamental presuppositions of the claim to to-
Reading Chiasms 269

tality, presuppositions that are necessary to the possibility of interpreta-

tion as such.
As Warminski's examples reveal, these decisions constitutive of in-
terpretation are motivated by the history of philosophical exegesis, by
what has become sedimented as the substrate of acquired and binding
knowledge. Because philosophical interpretation obeys a canon of sanc-
tioned philosophical problems, because it yields to the tradition that de-
cides what philosophical discourse can achieve and what it cannot, inter-
pretation does not read what it interprets. It is, according to Warminski,
not concerned with the text. Interpretation unreads. In contrast, reading
would presuppose a certain bracketing of the inherited criteria involved in
the process of interpretative decision-making. Yet, just as the Husserlian
epoche by no means represents a negation or annihilation of what is put
into parentheses, so reading hardly excludes the interpretative achieve-
ments of the tradition, as Warminski's overwhelming references to sec-
ondary literature on the authors he deals with demonstrates. For the same
reason, reading does not imply nostalgia for an unadulterated and uncon-
taminated Urtext beyond the blemish of interpretation and history. As un-
derstood by Warminski, reading precludes the very possibility of a text in
and for itself. A text is possible only because it has no self of its own.
A more precise understanding of what happens in interpretation is
thus required if we want to get a further hold on reading. The interpreter,
by determining the difference between possible meaning in terms of
philosophically sanctioned pairs of oppositions, or by collapsing different
textual elements into one, flattens out the difference and suppresses what
Warminski calls the two-way narrative, the history between things that
are different. Yet owing to this two-way history between textual facets, all
interpretative readings of a text, precisely because they are reductive, are
read and undone by the text under interpretation. Thus, Warminski will
demonstrate that what remains unthought in Heidegger's interpretation
of Hegel submits Heidegger's text, in turn, to a reading by Hegel's text.
To suppress this two-way history between textual poles, a history that in-
volves all interpretation in a fundamental double bind and that ensures
that what it interprets will interpret it in turn, is to suppress the text. If
Warminski's theory of reading did not, in the end, exclude the idea of an
Ur-text, one would inevitably come to suspect that reading is an operation

that aspires to total adequation with the text. Yet this faithfulness that
seems to characterize reading is pushed here to such a point that, para-
doxically, it reveals the constitutive lack of all ultimate textual propriety.
To suppress the twofold narrative between the bipolar agencies of a text
by deciding, say, on either its literal or its figurative meaning is to erase
the literary qualification of the text. The literary reading that is faithful to
the text insofar as it accepts, in Warminski's own words, "the text as it
appears, and presents itself, to us: that is, as a written text to be read"
(p. II3) "independently" of its history of reception and response-with-
out, however, pretending to any immediate access to it-is a reading that
focuses on the play of relations constituting the two-way narrative of the
interface between dyadic images, concepts, or principles in a text. Ac-
cording to Warminski, such a literary reading is what "always comes be-
fore the text of the interpretation (Auslegung, Erliiuterung) as its condition
of possibility, but ... also always goes after the text of the interpretation
as its condition of impossibility" (p. I50). Indeed, if every movement of
thought and its interpretation are vulnerable to being seen, taken, or read
literarily, this is because these movements and interpretations can never
hope to master or subsume the simulation and mimicry of literary read-
ing. Literary reading, or reading in short, is thus that reading which, by
being faithful to the play of relations that forms the in-between space of
dyadic textual items, demonstrates the impossibility of reading in the
sense of interpreting. And the text that is being read in this manner ap-
pears, then, as a narrative of the impossibility of reading, that is, as the
impossibility of mastering except in always limited readings that are be-
ing reread (i.e., undone by the text's neglected and opposite possibilities
of interpretation). Contrary to interpretation, which represents an oper-
ation of decision making in a totalizing perspective, reading is the reading
of the text's unreadability, that is, of its structural incapacity to lend itself
to unequivocal and unproblematic totalizations. By centering on the re-
lational intertwining that characterizes textual bipolar organization, read-
ing aims at what Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe once called a certain "active
neutrality of the interval between [entre-deux].") This space of neutrality
is not the space of what the New Critics called ambiguity. It lends itself
neither to mediating semantic sublation nor to the pathos of undecid-
ability. Sharply distinguishing between ambiguity and undecidability,
Reading Chiasms 271

Warminski conceives of the latter as the space of a truly and radically un-
decidable difference, that is, of an undecidability that undermines all pos-
sibility of pathos by putting the reading subject into question.
As should be evident by now, Warminski's interrogation of the in-
tegrating achievements of interpretation is not governed by a totalizing
perspective. He certainly does not conceive of the double bind of inter-
pretation in either a reflexive or a speculative manner. On the contrary,
Warminski's work is de constructive precisely insofar as it attempts to syn-
thesize the interplay of mutually self-limiting interpretations in a non-
dialectical way. Given Warminski's conception of the history of interpre-
tation and of the structure of texts as a web of essentially bipolar and
dyadic elements, the structure or figure that will account for the set of re-
lations that characterizes the space between poles will be primarily that of
chiastic reversal. It is in the figure of the chiasm that all the threads of
Warminski's analyses initially seem to converge.
Although we are cautioned not to take terms of this kind for master
words or slogans, it may well be appropriate to clarifY what is meant by
the term chiasm before discussing how the chiasm may offer a nondialec-
tical "solution" to the problem of the interplay of textual elements and to
the relation between text and interpretation. Since both de Man and Der-
rida have systematically referred to this figure, Warminski's use of the
term-at the crossroads between the two thinkers-may indeed inter-
weave various determinations of chiasm from different sources into a
unique combination.
Chiasm or chiasmus is an anglicization of the Greek chiasma, which
designates an arrangement of two lines crossed like the letter X (chi) and
refers in particular to cross-shaped sticks, to a diagonally arranged ban-
dage, or to a cruciform incision. As a grammatical and rhetorical device,
the figure of chiasm corresponds, basically, to inverted parallelism. In chi-
asm, the order of words in one of two balancing clauses or phrases is in-
verted in the other so as to produce the well-known crisscross effect. It is
not without interest to note that this figure has received rather negative
valorization from the early scholiasts on to the more recent standard
handbooks of rhetoric. It is usually considered deliberately contrived and
artificial, no more than a practical device. Such negative judgment still
resonates in the Dictionnaire de poetique et de rhetorique, where Henri

Morier writes, "The chiasm would only be a sort of silly affectation were
it not motivated by a superior reason, the desire for variation, the need for
euphony and expressive harmony."6 But chiasm, which occurs in great
abundance in ancient writing, especially in Near Eastern literature, but
in Greek and Latin literature as well, is a decisive ordering principle em-
ployed on all levels of complexity, that is, with respect not only to sounds
but to thoughts as well. As John W. Welch notes, it "may give structure to
the thought pattern and development of entire literary units, as well as to
shorter sections whose composition is more dependent on immediate
tones and rhythms."? Certainly, where chiasm is predominantly gram-
matical and rhetorical, its function may be merely ornamental and may
amount to an unpretentious play on crossover effects of words and
sounds. But in Hebrew and other Oriental literatures, and, as Welch has
shown, in the Greek and Latin literary arena as well, chiastic inversion
also rises to much more elaborate levels when it assumes the function of
a constructive principle, or structural principle of form. When used as an
ordering device of thoughts, the chiastic reversal is also called hysteron
protmm (i.e., the latter first). The grammarians and rhetoricians think in
particular of Homer's fondness for having his characters answer plural
questions in a reverse order. Welch remarks, "hysteron proteron describes
passages which are constructed so that their first thought refers to some
latter thought of a preceding passage, and their latter thought, to some
preceding passage's former thought."8 Although the hysteron proteron is
formally equivalent to the chiasm of formal rhetoric, it is functionally dif-
ferent insofar as it gives order to ideas and not merely to words or sounds.
As distinct from chiasm-a distinction largely responsible for the relega-
tion of chiasm to a secondary and merely ornamental role-the hysteron
proteron is said to serve as a principle for creating continuity without the
use of transitory particles between multi termed and contrasting passages. 9
The careful ligaturing undertaken by the hysteron proteron in order to
achieve unbroken and continuous succession in a narrative, as Samuel E.
Bassett has shown, is basically a psychological device, a function of the re-
lation of the (Homeric) poet to his listener, "which assists the narrator to
hold the attention of his listener with a minimum of effort on the part of
the latter."lo Bur grammatical, rhetorical, or psychological explanations
cannot exhaust the role of chiasm. Indeed, when employed in order to
Reading Chiasms 273

draw together and connect juxtaposed and emphasized terms in opposi-

tion, this ordering form exceeds rhetoric and psychology, or lexis, espe-
cially where, as in Heraclitus, it becomes dependent on content. Chiasm,
then, no longer is a merely ornamental or psychological device but in-
stead reveals itself as an originary form of thought, of dianoia. Originar-
ily, as a form, as the form of thought, chiasm is what allows oppositions to
be bound into unity in the first place. It is a form that makes it possible
to determine differences with respect to an underlying totality. The chi-
asm, so to speak, cross-bandages the crosswise incision by which it di-
vided a whole into its proper differences. Emmanuel Levinas, therefore,
may rightly speak of "a pleasure of contact at the heart of the chiasm." 11
It is in this sense that the chiasm is one of the earliest forms of
thought: it allows the drawing apart and bringing together of opposite
functions or terms and enrwines them within an identity of movements.
In Heraclitus, in particular, the chiasm acquires this role of establishing
the unity of opposites. Thanks to the form of chiasm, "that which is in
opposition is in concert, and from things that differ comes the most
beautiful harmony."12 Nothing opposite is left standing in an isolated
manner; rather, through the chiasm, opposites are linked into pairs of
parallel and inverted oppositions on the ground of an underlying unity, a
tauto, which manifests itself through what is separated. Whether this
unity is that of the totality of the universe or that of the singular does not
concern us here. On the contrary, what concerns us is the idea that chi-
astic reversals secure, by the very movement of the inversion of the link
that exists berween opposite poles (i.e., through a back-stretched connec-
tion), the agreement of a thing at variance with itself. Heraclitus's frag-
ment 51 (according to Hermann Diels), to which we are referring here,
and which Plato paraphrased in the Symposium as "the one in conflict
with itself is held together [hen diapheron eauto]''' implies that by linking
everything to its opposite (i.e., the terms of a relation, as well as the rela-
tion itself when turned back upon itself), not only does one reveal a fun-
damental and pristine unity underlying the terms, which have in this
manner acquired the status of differences, but one also yields to the de-
mands of reason as logos.1.) By connecting isolated terms and relations
into one whole, the chiasm is a true form of thinking. Its movements
have been analyzed by Plato and Aristotle in terms of analogy, the im-

portance of which cannot be overestimated as a form of thought in phi-

losophy. In short, then, the chiasm is a form through which differences
are installed, preserved, and overcome in one grounding unity of totality.
It is in this sense that the chiasm can be viewed as the primitive matrix of
dialectics in its Hegelian form. No one recognized this filiation better
than Hegel himself, who claimed to have incorporated all of Heraclirus's
propositions into his Science ofLogic.
One must keep in mind the chiasm's initial function as a form or
figure of unity of thought if one wishes to evaluate the significance of the
recent recourses to that figure by Derrida and de Man. In view of de
Man's frequent and quite systematic use of chiasm, in Allegories ofRead-
ing, for a rhetorical strucrure based on substitutive reversals, aligning it
with metaphor, metonymy, metalepsis, hypallage, and so forth, he may
seem to have borrowed the term from the discipline of rhetoric. 14 Yet it
becomes clear, throughout the book, that chiasm functions not as mere
figure of elocution but indeed as a structure of texts as texts. In addition,
and even more important, the chiasm is not a figure of closure for de
Man. To determine it in this negative manner is already sufficient indica-
tion of the philospphical provenance of de Man's notion of chiasm and
the nature of his debate.
For de Man, the inversion brought about by the cross-shaped figure
is not, interestingly enough, simply chiastic; it is fundamentally asym-
metric. Indeed, contrary to the philosophical notion of the chiasm in
which unity is achieved through an attunement turned back upon itself
(i.e., through an all-inclusive totalization of all oppositions), de Man's no-
tion of chiasm understands the reversal of polarities as a failing attempt
to invert a "first" textual displacement. Instead of harmoniously linking
parallel clauses or terms to their inverted order and thus creating unity,
the chiasm in de Man's work fails to bring about unity because the inver-
sion does not succeed in neutralizing the rhetorical character of the text.
Only such neutralization, according to de Man, could restore the literal,
the proper, or the true (i.e., that which could truly confer unity). All the
chiasm achieves, however, is a substitution of a substitution, by which it
prolongs the rhetorical delusions of the text as such. The figure of the chi-
asm, instead of allowing a final concluding exchange, a final reflection
into self of the text, consequently becomes a figure, or rather a nonfigure,
Reading Chiasms 275

for the rhetorical dimension of the text, a dimension that makes it an in-
finitely self-deferring and self-exceeding totality. It thus appears that the
structure of the chiasm as thematized by de Man, although originating in
the tradition of rhetoric, is also a debate with the chiasm as a form of
thought. In short, the chiasm, as a rhetorical structure, suspends the to-
talizing functions of the literal and the figural in a text and, as a figure,
endlessly defers (temporalizes, historicizes, allegorizes) the closure of a
text-by either its content or its form-through the infinite substi-
tutability implied by its asymmetry. Understood in this manner, the fig-
ure of chiasm is one among several figures analyzed by de Man in a sim-
ilar perspective.
In Positions, Derrida states that all writing is caught in and practices
chiastic reversals. "The form of the chiasm, of the X, interests me a great
deal, not as a symbol of the unknown, but because there is in it ... a kind
of fork ... that is, moreover, unequal, one of the points extending its
range further than the other," he writes. 15 But this asymmetry becomes
visible, according to Derrida, only if one understands the chiasm's mak-
ing of cross-connections-and the double participation that it implies-
no longer as the mixing of previously separate elements into the punctual
identity and simplicity of a coincidentia oppositorum but rather as a refer-
ral back (renvoi) "to a same that is not the identical, to the common ele-
ment or medium of any possible dissociation." 16 As Derrida points out in
Archaeology ofthe Frivolous, instead of simply folding opposites into one
unity, "the chiasm folds itself with a supplementary flexion."I? This sup-
plementary fold makes the chiasm a structure that refers all mediation of
opposites-whether reflexive or speculative, whether by analogy or di-
alectically-to "the medium in which opposites are opposed, the move-
ment and the play that links them among themselves, reverses them or
makes one side cross over into the other."18 It is the very reference to this
reserve that makes the chiasm an unequal fork. Hence, it is neither sim-
ply constitutive nor simply disruptive of totality; rather it is the figure by
which a totality constitutes itself in such a manner that the reference to
the reserve or the medium of dissociation inseparably inscribed into the
figure clearly marks the scope and limits of totality. No unity engendered
chiastically includes within itself the play of difference to which it must
refer in order to constitute itself.

Derrida has further developed this chiastic strucrure in two essays

on Maurice Blanchot: "The Law of the Genre" and "Living On: Border
Lines." This development is intimately linked to a close reading of Blan-
chot's La foLie du jour (The madness of the day). In these two essays Der-
rida ties the chiastic reversal to a movement of invagination, thus demon-
strating his continued concern with the unthought of "totality." Chiastic
invagination is a movement that constitutes and deconstitutes the border,
the limit of a closure. As Derrida has pointed out in "The Retrait of
Metaphor," a border and a limit are understood in metaphysics as a cir-
cular limit bordering a homogeneous field. Regarding the representation
of metaphysics as one metaphysics, he writes that the "representation of
a linear and circular closure surrounding a homogeneous space is, pre-
cisely ... an auto-representation of philosophy in its onto-encyclopedic
logic."19 Because of the twisted figure of the chiastic invagination, the ap-
parently outer edge of an enclosure "makes no sign beyond itself, toward
what is utterly other, without becoming double or dual, without making
itself be 'represented,' refolded, superposed, re-marked within the enclo-
sure, at least in what the structure produces as an effect of interiority. "20
In short. it is the structure according to which a border, which is always
seemingly the limit of an interiority set off against an exteriority, cannot
but re-mark and reapply that reference to the outer within its interiority,
between its center and its circumference.
What is an invagination? It is, writes Derrida, "the inward refolding
of La gaine [sheath, girdle], the inverted reapplication of the outer edge to
the inside of a form where the outside then opens a pocker."21 Where
such invagination occurs, it is impossible to settle upon the limits of the
border. As a result, the edge of a form turns outs to be a fold within the
form. Constantly in excess of the form, the part (the border) is then nec-
essarily greater than the form itself. As "Living On" and "The Law of the
Genre" have attempted to argue, using the example of Blanchot's La foLie
du jour, such an invagination of the borders of a form (corpus or any
other enclosed totality) is in principle double and chiastically inverted. In
Blanchot's text, this structure of double crisscross invagination is con-
firmed by the fact that the upper edge of the outer face (the supposed be-
ginning of La foLie du jour), which is folded back inside to form a pocket
and an inner edge, extends beyond the invagination of the lower edge
Reading Chiasms 277

(the supposed end of La folie du jour), which is equally folded back inside
to form a pocket and an outer edge while extending itself to the upper
edge. What consequently becomes clear is the following: since a border
encloses an interiority only if this border refers to its outer other, and
since this reference to the other cannot but be inscribed within the inte-
riority, not only do borders acquire an extremely twisted structure, but
the interiority, the very space where the relationship of the form to itself
takes place, appears to be at the same time the gathering space of the dou-
ble invagination that crosses out the identity of the formY
It is important to note that in "Living On," Derrida's analysis of a
text's relation to its limits does not broach this problem in general terms.
Not only does "Living On" deal with this question solely insofar as the
text as a narrative is concerned, but its scope is even more restricted to the
extent that it is narrowed down to a narrative narrating a demand for a
narrative. Double invagination, as a structure of the borders of a text,
thus pertains, at first, only to a text determined in such a manner; it does
not represent a truth of all texts. It would, therefore, be foolish to look for
it in all texts, totalities, envelopes, or enclosures. The borders of texts are
not always de focto doubly invaginated. Yet it is a possibility that can come
about in any kind of ensemble. Although the structure of double invagi-
nation has been developed only with respect to a very determined sort of
text, it could potentially affect all texts since texts are made up of traces.
Traces are not only referential but also iterable. "The chiasma of this dou-
ble invagination is always possible, because of what I have elsewhere called
the iterability of the mark," writes Derrida. 23 Indeed, this possibility of it-
eration is that of duplication, and where one has duplication one also has
the possibility of crisscross invagination. Yet if double chiastic invagina-
tion is the result of the iterability of the trace, it is always possible, and
hence a necessary possibility that has to be accounted for when determin-
ing the nature and the status of an ensemble. If this possibility, however,
delimits ensembles, if it makes determining their edges structurally im-
possible, then it points to an essential unfinishedness of all ensembles.
This unfinishedness "cannot be reduced to an incompleteness or an in-
adequacy" since these latter are only the negatives of completion and ad-
equacy; unfinishedness constitutes ensembles into textsY By illimiting
ensembles, unfinishedness generalizes the text.

At this point, where double invagination appears as an accident that

by right can befall all texts as ensembles, which consequently must be con-
ceived as essentially unfinished, it becomes necessary to distinguish, how-
ever briefly, Derrida's discoveries about the chiasm from those of Maurice
Merleau-Ponty. In The Visible and the Invisible, in a famous chapter enti-
tled "The Intertwining-The Chiasm," Merleau-Ponty refers to the fig-
ure of the chiasm in order to conceptualize it in terms of "a new type of
intelligibility," leading in principle to "a complete reconstruction of phi-
losophy," to the locus where reflection (coincidence) and world, subject
and other are not yet distinguishable, instead coexisting all at once, pell-
mell. 25 This "general thing" beyond the body and the world, the reflexiv-
ity of the subject and the object, the visible and invisible (the ideas), is for
Merleau-Ponty a "SOft of incarnate principle" that he calls "flesh," or the
"generality of the Sensible in itself."26 In other words, it is an opening to-
ward the world, whose generality and transcendentality is a function of
what is intertwined, and which is, thus, marked by an essential finitude.
This general opening-"that is not the shadow of the actual but is its
principle, that is not the proper contribution of a 'thought' but is its con-
dition"-is characterized "by a sort of folding back, invagination, or pad-
ding. "27 In it the dehiscence of consciousness and object occurs, yet in
such a manner that both are mediated through a reversal or chiasm (a
double chiasm, in fact), with the result that, in reality, no bifurcation or
positing of isolated and opposite entities takes place. It is imperative to re-
alize that, for Merleau-Ponty, this prereflexive and preobjective mediating
reversal does not imply a union of contradictories: "it is a reversibility al-
ways imminent and never realized in fact."28 No coincidence between its
poles ever takes place. Its chiastic folding upon itself does not produce a
totality. The reason for this impossibility of closure-an impossibility that
is not a failure-lies for Merleau-Ponty with the finitude of the human
being, with the limitations specific to his or her experience. And yet, of
this reversibility characteristic of prereflexive experience, he states that it
is "the ultimate truth," the element, or "the concrete emblem of a general
manner ofbeing."2~
For Merleau-Ponty, then, the cosmic reversal that constitutes all
prereflexive experience warrants an essential finitude of the opening of
the truth of consciousness toward the world. Although it secures the gen-
Reading Chiasms 279

erality of that opening, it prevents it from being absolute. As such a figure

of finitude, Merleau-Ponty's concept of chiasm remains, however, linked
to the problematic of consciousness, to man's experience of himself or
herself and the world. JO Derrida's notion of the chiasm as the possibility
of an essential unfinishedness of totalities must be clearly set apart from
those reasons of finitude for which Merleau-Ponty holds that the chiasm
prevents totalities from ever coinciding with themselves. The unfinished-
ness in question does not follow from man's limitations as a human and
experiencing being. It is, on the contrary, a structural possibility affecting
in principle all totalities precisely because their borders refer to an outer,
to another, and hence because iterability characterizes them as traces. It is
therefore not by chance that Derrida speaks not of the finitude of texts
but rather of their generalizing unfinishedness.
The form of the chiasm, accotding to Derrida, is the outline of a
movement that, by taking note of a totality's irreducible reference to
other in the very process of its self-constitution, becomes a counterlaw to
the same constitution. Since the reference to other, or the totality's out-
gate, remains re-marked and reapplied within the totality (i.e., in a non-
inclusive mode), the structure of the chiasm "is itself related so remotely
to a dialectical structure that it even inscribes dialectics."31 Indeed, the
chiasm in Derrida is to be understood as the form of that exceedingly
strange space within which the philosophical form of chiasm makes its
incision, in order to cross-bandage, by analogy and dialectics, the same
wound. In other words, the doubly invaginated chiasm is what both
makes possible and deconstitutes dialectics. It is an a priori counterlaw to
the unifying role of the chiasm, a counterchiasm, so to speak, within
which the totalizing function of dialectics is rooted. This counterchiasm
does not annihilate dialectics; it does not destroy it but "merely" shows it
to its "proper" place.
To conclude this exposition of the form of chiasm in Derrida's phi-
losophy, let us emphasize that the chiasm is only one of the possible and
manifold consequences of the infrastructure of the trace (i.e., iterability
or repeatability and structural referral to otherness). In itself, the chiastic
form has no special privilege in Derrida.·n Nor is it a necessary empirical
characteristic of texts, corp uses, ensembles, or wholes of whatever sort. It
is, on the contrary, a necessary possibility of such ensembles. The struc-

ture of chiastic and invaginated reversal corresponds, therefore, to an ax-

iom of nonclosure, to a principle establishing a fundamental law of in-
completion with regard to all possible totalities.
Having in this manner distinguished de Man's, Merleau-Ponty's,
and Derrida's notions of the chiasm with regard to its philosophical de-
termination as a unifying form of thought, let us now consider its func-
tion in Warminski's work, where it seems, as we have suggested, to as-
sume a dominant role. 33 The reader of Readings in Interpretation will be
struck by the virtuosity with which Warminski handles this figure. In
view of the extreme audacity with which positions become inverted in
sometimes apparently vertiginous ways, one may suspect Warminski not
only of being a dialectician of formidable refinement but even of enacting
the orginary agonistic nature of dialectics. Indeed, considering the specific
style of Warminski's argumentation, one might be tempted to compare
his procedure to that of the inventor of dialectics-Zeno of Elea-who,
according to his prevailing representation in the history of philosophy,
used dialectical reasoning to demonstrate that an adverse thesis contains
the radical opposite of what it affirms. Used in this way, dialectics be-
comes a sometimes invincible tool of refutation and destruction, which
seems to be at the service of the most extreme nihilism. But it must be re-
marked that Zeno's polemical use of dialectics is not simply destructive. It
is destructive only of adverse theses that oppose plurality and movement
to the Parmenidean One. In other words, it is a negativity that presup-
poses and promotes the idea of unity and Oneness. But can Warminski's
theoretical enterprise be thought of in these terms at all? Is the dialectics
in which he seems to excel merely negative or secretly positive? Is his mas-
terly manipulation of chiastic reversals simply agonistic and polemical, or
is it at the service of a hidden harmony? Is his systematic demonstration
of the illusionary character of all interpretation a function, in fact, of a
certain enigmatic unity of the texts?
Before trying to answer these questions, let us recall that there is
reason to believe that dialectics, as a philosophical method of argumenta-
tion, is rooted in the sacred games and fierce riddle contests of ancient
Greece. All these ritual riddles are said to have been concerned with de-
scribing the unfathomable One, and philosophical thought may indeed
have surged from such culric competitions. Defined by Aristotle as an im-
Reading Chiasms 28r

possible combination of words, as a juxtaposition of irreconcilable terms,

as a joining of adverse notions, the riddle appears to be the basic structure
of Heraclitus's chiastic propositions.-H The solution of these notoriously
obscure statements is, according to the same structure, the invisible at-
tunement by which what is separated becomes united. The One that is
divided in itself is the answer to the Heraclitean enigmas.
Rather than manipulating dialectical thought for either negative or
positive purposes, Warminski wrestles with the enigmatic character ofdi-
alectics, or more precisely, with the enigma of its enigma. He is, indeed,
concerned with it in a manner profoundly critical of the negative by
which dialectics brings about the riddle's positive solution. As we will see,
Warminski aims at a sort of negativity that is not dialectically recuperable
and that cuts to the very heart of the enigma of the One. Readings in In-
terpretation is about this negativity, which does not yield to the traditional
opposition of part and whole but goes to the kernel of the chiastic rela-
tions by which parts are bound into one embracing whole.
If the figure of the chiasm seems to take on a predominant role in
Warminski's thinking, this is also because "as a simulacrum of the tran-
scendental" it is a direct function of his "rhetorization" of textual schemes,
an operation that he borrows from de Man's later work and that serves to
"read only what was always 'there'-but not in a Hegelian (dialectical)
sense or a Heideggerian (hermeneutic) sense" (p. 208). The a priori made
readable by "rhetorization" is, for Warminski, primarily the structure of
chiastic reversal, an a priori structure distinct from similar structures in
Heidegger and Hegel, in that it is intended to tackle the problem of unity
and totality, particularly insofar as they are both the result of dialectical
sublation. Thus, the chiasm's rhetorical provenance does not prevent it
from interrogating the philosophical problems of the One and of primary
division. Warminski's "rhetorization" of the texts represents an attempt at
"an other possible (and necessary) rereading of the all-important hen di-
apheron eauto" (p. 55), of the One differentiated in itself. If this differen-
tiation and unification is chiastic, as we have seen, Warminski's "rhetor-
ization" will consist in bringing another chiasm to bear, in which the
differentiation would not be that of an identical One, and in which what
is different is not in a relation of determinate negation.
Although this chiasm that will be located within its philosophical

counterpart corresponds to de Man's notion of chiasm, as a movement of

endlessly repeated failure to neutralize textual displacements, the ques-
tioning of the relation of the chiasm's attuned elements in terms of non-
determinate negation pursues Derridean motifs.
Warminski understands dialectics as an operation taking place ac-
cording to chiastic reversals. It is important to remark that the essential
moments of dialectical conversion are conceived as both symmetrical and
asymmetrical. What makes the dialectical chiasm at once symmetrical
and asymmetrical is that one of its poles is in a position of determinate
negation with respect to the other. Contrary to what Hegel terms "ab-
stract negation" (i.e., a negation that altogether negates the singularity of
a thing), determinate negation is the negation of a determined thing.
Since determining a thing consists in defining it as the other of a self-
same, determinate negation serves to enrich one of the poles of a dialec-
tical contradiction. Thanks to this fundamental asymmetry, the whole in
which the poles are situated is not irrevocably divided against itself but
open to processwise movement and thus ultimately capable of sublation.
Dialectical contradiction, therefore, is a tempered and regulated contra-
diction in which the exchange or passage into the other leads to the pro-
duction of unity on a higher level. The nondialectical properties of the
chiasm that Warminski attempts to thematize would, on the contrary, be
to the side of, or asymmetrical to, the already dialectical asymmetry. To
come to grips with this other figure of the chiasm, Readings in Interpreta-
tion centers on the analysis of what de Man has pointed out as the void or
lack in which the rotating motion of the chiasm is grounded. 35 Warmin-
ski is interested not only in the turning points of texts but in what makes
them truly vertiginous, or in other words, with a certain opacity in dual
relations, in the pivot of the reversal (i.e., in a negativity that renders the
chiasm asymmetrical and that differs from recuperable and sublatable de-
terminate negation without simply being of the order of abstract nega-
tion). The negativity pursued in Warminski's work-a negativity of un-
settling, because unsublatable, asymmetry-is made visible either in
mutually exclusive (abstract, in Hegel's terms) and one-sided oppositions
or else in oppositions in which the terms are contaminated to the point
of indifference. Warminski shows these oppositions to be situated laterally
to the oppositions within which dialectical and hermeneutical interpreta-
Reading Chiasms 283

tion take place. The two sides of such slanting oppositions cannot be rec-
onciled or mediated because they are either not symmetrical at all or sym-
metrical to such a degree that they become indistinguishable; therefore,
the two sides of such oppositions cannot enter into a relation of negative
determination. They cannot be in a relation of otherness to one another,
and hence they remain radically undecidable. Like a cleft at the heart, and
to the side, of the chiasm, they prohibit all conclusive exchange. These
bipolar agencies become recuperable only after the philosophical art of
division, differentiation, and difference establishes a contact, and thus a
unity, between them. In themselves, however, they remain in a transverse
position to such chiastic or dialectical appropriation, irrevocably divided
against themselves, or radically indistinguishable.
Contrary to appearances, Warminski's work is thus less concerned
with the chiasm per se and its effects than with the chasm in the chiasm.
Unlike de Man, for whom the figure of the chiasm describes the endless
deferral of the closure of the text, and Derrida, for whom the chiasm is a
structure of referral that always divides a totality by what it believes is left
at its borders, Warminski seems to consider the chiasm as the fatal figure
or structure of interpretative discourse. In this figure, each interpretative
discourse, as a discourse of mastery, becomes reversed by its complemen-
tary other. For Warminski, it is the figure of the logic of the unreading of
each particular interpretation of a text, a logic that ensures it will be itself
undone by the text it decides upon. It is also the movement by which one
interpreter's thought is turned upside down by his counterpart. The chi-
asm, then, not only is the form of thought (of interpretation and philos-
ophy) that makes totalizations possible, but is also the form that makes
these totalizations undo each other-endlessly, or always again. As a func-
tion of unreading, and of the millenary constraint of interpretation by the
frameworks of the tradition, the chiasm is also an operator of idealization,
and of the substitution of one ideal construct for another. The gap that,
for reading, becomes tangible at the heart of the chiasm is both what ulti-
mately makes chiastic mastery of thought possible and what makes it for-
ever a mock mastery. At the core of the chiasm one sees either an absence
of contact between infinitely distant terms or terms contaminated by each
other to such an extent that all attempt to distinguish between them cor-
responds to an arbitrary decision or an act of violence. This excessive gap

or excessive opacity allows the chiastic reversals of interpretation to take

place, insofar as they provide the space for interpretative (mis)reading. To
read that gap at the heart of the chiasm is to suspend the appropriating
and totalizing act of interpretation. To bring that radical undecidability
into view is also to hold the chiasm in suspension, and with it the possi-
bility of dialectical or analogical unification. The other negativity repre-
sented by the chasm therefore appears to suspend the formulation of the
enigma, not to speak of its answer. As the pivot around which the differ-
entiation and subsequent chiastic crossings of bipolar terms occur, this
other negativity-other than dialectically determined negation-subverts
the presupposed, as well as the final, attunement.
Because of this void's opacity, because of this ultimately radical un-
decidability, all interpretations are, in the end, delusive or illusionary. In-
terpretations are fundamentally accidental and inessential, although not
in the terms of what would normally be considered the essence or truth of
the text. Interpretations have the status of examples. In essence they are
of the order of the particular and are caught in the logic of Vorstellung.
Reaaing, for Warminski, is therefore necessarily exemplary reading. Exam-
ples are traditionally understood as representations of particular cases,
which render a universal proposition or a universal concept intuitable,
Examples are also conceived as particular cases illustrating a particular rule
and are supposed to induce imitation. Exemplary readings, however, are
not exemplary or typical of either a universal or a generic whole or rule. It
is thus exemplarity that is at stake in these readings, for if exemplarity is
the enigma that attunes the examples, an exemplary reading is nothing less
than a literal unraveling of that enigma.
''A Relation Called 'Literary'"

Deconstruction has undoubtedly been an invitation to rethink the

relation between philosophy and literature as it has been understood by
philosophers and, in their wake, by literary critics. But are we truly pre-
pared to meet this challenge? The work of literary critics favorable to de-
construction suggests that we are not. In the first place, the claim either
that philosophy is literature, or that literature is philosophy, falls short of
meeting the challenge that deconstruction presents, for such neutraliza-
tion of the difference in question effectively closes off any consideration
of the relation between these two disciplines. In the second place, the
claim that literature is the more primordial genre and that philosophy oc-
cupies a mere province within the wider domain of the literary merely in-
verts the traditional view on the relation between philosophy and litera-
ture. Finally, in the third place, attempts to argue that literature is the
Other of philosophy likewise miss the opportunity to rethink the relation
insofar as such gestures tend to fill in the blank space of the Other with
either a highly conventional and unquestioned conception of literature or
an obscurantist mystification of it. The thought of the relation of philoso-
phy to an Other such as literature thus does not even begin to address that
relation according to the terms that come with the notion of Otherness.
But if the deconstructive literary critics have missed the opportunity,
so have certain philosophical appraisals critical of Derrida. Take Jiirgen

Habermas, for instance. Following essentially the same interpretation of

deconstruction prevalent among many literary theorists, the difference be-
ing only in his affixing negative signs to what the latter valorize, Haber-
mas understands the treatment of the relation in question "by the influ-
ential school of deconstructionism as putting into question the usual
difference of genres." According to Habermas, this "liquidation" and "lev-
eling of the generic difference" between literature and philosophy, as well
as between literature and the sciences, comes from the radical expulsion,
if not exorcism, of all remnants of the philosophy of consciousness from
philosophical conceptuality that marks the turn to the philosophy oflan-
guage. As a consequence of such extirpation of
all connotations of self-consciousness, self-determination and self-realization ...
language (instead of subjectivity) can become autonomous to such a degree that
it turns into the epochal destiny of Being, the frenzy of the signifier, the com-
petitive repression of the discourses. With this the limits between literal and
metaphorical meaning, logic and rhetoric, serious and fictive discourse, become
blurred in the stream of a general happening of the text (indiscriminately ad-
ministered by both thinkers and poets).l

The "radical contextualism" that springs from such a hypostatization of

language "reckons on a liquefied language, a language that exists only in
the mode of its streaming." ''All intramundane movements," and with
them "the system of relations to the world, speaker perspectives and va-
lidity claims inherent in linguistic communication," are "pulled into the
whirl of this nonorientated stream of language," from which they spring
forth to begin with. 2 Language is here conceived of as "a universal hap-
pening of the text in which the difference between fiction and reality is
leveled, and all intraworldliness is overcome."3 Needless to say, if lan-
guage is thus made the dominant "force," all differences are liquefied and
liquidated, first and foremost those between levels of reality and, in their
wake, between kinds of texts and text genres. The evidence for such a
conception of language is "primarily based on aesthetic experiences, more
precisely, on evidences that originate in the domain of literature and the-
ory of literature," Habermas claims. 4 Perhaps. In any case, I will not take
issue with this assessment of deconstructionism insofar as it represents
certain contemporary trends in literary criticism. However, I would hold
'./1 Relation Called 'Literary''' 287

that this assessment misses the thrust of Derrida's thought and in partic-
ular evades a debate with the way in which the relation between literature
and philosophy is approached in Derrida's work. For Habermas's massive,
if not clumsy, conceptuality and binary schematic reductionism itself
leads to a leveling of differences between Derrida's thought and the de-
constructionism in literary theory and, perhaps, in literature itself. In the
chapter from Habermas's Nachmetaphysisches Denken (Postmetaphysical
thought) from which I have been quoting, entitled "Philosophie und
Wissenschaft als Literatur" (Philosophy and science as literature), !talo
Calvi no's conception of language personified by the character Marana,
who is in search of "the truth about literature," is said "to coincide, and
not fortuitously so, with Derrida's theory." Habermas even speaks of
"Marana/Derrida." In this exercise of neutralizing distinctions by pulling
them into the stream of monotonous indifference, Habermas, however,
admits that Calvino, in elaborating the theory of language in question, is
much more consistent and consequential than Derrida. 5 But could it not
be that this inconsistency imputed to Derrida's approach to language, lit-
erature, and the difference between genres of texts derives more from its
difference from what Habermas thinks it to be?6
For a number of reasons, Derrida has not made it easy for us to ad-
dress the relation between literature and philosophy either without ambi-
guity or without immediately falling prey to an understanding determined
by the already constituted poles of the difference. If one believes that phi-
losophy and literature are positive, known entities, then one can think of
their relation only in terms of the differents themselves. In this case, one
must see philosophy or literature as dominating, embracing, or subser-
viently yielding to its Other, or alternatively as involved in a more or less
harmonious and reciprocal exchange, unrelenting struggle, or dialectical
interplay of sublation. But if deconstruction presents an invitation to re-
think the relation between philosophy and literature, it does so by calling
our attention to the relation itself as a relation of constitution, to use clas-
sical terms. The question with deconstruction is no longer whether one or
the other is primordial, more essential, or broader, whether one is made to
tremble by its richer, more plentiful or more abyssal Other, and the like,
but how philosophy and literature become, or more precisely, begin to be-
come what they are in their respective difference. A deconstructive focus

on the relation between philosophy and literature requires not only that
both be taken seriously in their irreducible difference but also that differ-
ence be seen to rest on an infinite bringing forth of itself and its respective
differents. For deconstruction, the difference between philosophy and lit-
erature is not an established, positive given. On the contrary, what makes
philosophy philosophy and literature literature takes place in a constitut-
ing "process," in which philosophy calls upon literature as an (rather than
its) Other so as to be able to demarcate itself and be what it is in difference
from something like literature. Neither is literature, for its part, without
such address to an Other on whose response depends the possibility for lit-
erature to be what it is.? However, despite the constitutive role that litera-
ture plays with respect to philosophy, and vice versa, it does not follow
that literature is in a privileged position. As we shall see, literature is not
poetry, or Dichtung. Literature is only one of philosophy's possible Others.
But there are other reasons for the difficulties of assessing within de-
construction the relation between philosophy and literature. The first is
that, to date, Derrida has given not one but several answers to the ques-
tion of how philosophy and literature relate. Since what might be called
Derrida's "performative turn," such plurality appears to be inevitable. The
answers provided to that question are not only context-bound but also al-
ways necessarily singular, especially insofar as they have the structure of
answers. Intimately combining categorial statement and idiomatic singu-
larity, Derrida's elaborations on the relation in question afford no easy
generalization, and hence defY application. Indeed, what follows from de-
construction's concern with accounting in a radically "genetic" mode for
the surge of philosophy in difference from literature and vice versa is that
a response to that demand must be invented each time anew.
From what I have said so far it should be clear that a deconstructive
treatment of the relation between philosophy and literature is of necessity
an investigation into what philosophy calls "conditions of possibility."
Classically, the inquiry into conditions of possibility is a transcendental
inquiry, in that with it human reason, rather than remaining in its own
sphere of the experience and cognition of objects, transgresses its cogni-
tive achievements by inquiring into how reason can have objects to begin
with, that is, into reason's object-constituting achievements. Within the
context of Kant's thought, it is the noumenal and phenomenal divide that
'/I Relation Called 'Literary''' 289

instigates such an inquiry. Since the noumenon is beyond the reach of

human reason, is a transcendence that transcends it, the question arises
as to what makes human knowledge or moral behavior possible, what are
its transcendental conditions of possibility, and what, in fact, such cogni-
tion or morality amounts to. 8 But I wish to claim that what is so provoca-
tive and, if you will, philosophically decisive about Derrida's elaborations
on the commerce between philosophy and literature is that they put to
work the traditional concept of a "condition of possibility" in an entirely
different way: "condition of possibility" no longer names the a priori con-
ditions of cognition but concerns the possibility and the limits (hence, in
a strict sense, the impossibility) of distinction, division, difference. To un-
derstand deconstruction as suggesting the priority of the literary over the
philosophical, or the identity of the literary and the philosophical, is to
miss irrecoverably the chance of encountering this philosophical debate
with the notion of the condition of possibility.
Hereafter I wish to discuss Derrida's treatment of the relation be-
tween literature and philosophy from such an angle, and will do so on the
basis of an analysis of Derrida's text entitled "Before the Law." Within the
limits of the present chapter, my analysis must be quite brief and sche-
matic and cannot hope to take up in depth any of that text's numerous
hints at possible further contextualizations, for instance, Derrida's repeated
reference to Kant's Second Critique. "Before the Law" is a text on Kafka's
parable of the same name. One of the several issues discussed by Derrida
in this text is whether Kafka's story belongs to literature and what such be-
longing implies and means. Derrida's essay starts out by invoking the con-
ventions that predetermine our understanding of Kafka's text as belonging
to the genre of literature. But the discussion of the relation of literature
and philosophy that follows brackets, as it were, all prejudgment about the
nature of either. However, this is not to say that Derrida's intention is to
discover a more essential nature of the relation in question, one that would
give the lie to all the prejudgment and axiomatic beliefs about the respec-
tive natures of literature and philosophy. As we shall have to see, there are
no distinctive essences from which either literature or philosophy could be
defined. Rather, the question raised in "Before the Law" concerns the con-
stituting and differentiating function of the axiomatic beliefs about litera-
ture and philosophy and the law to which they yield in that respect.

The relation to be investigated is not one between two already con-

stituted and known entities-literature and philosophy. I will discuss not
only what makes these entities possible and distinct from one another,
but also why this relation of constitution as it is thought makes it impos-
sible ever to start off from the constituted as a simple given, as a fact.
However, before proceeding to argue the latter point, which is clearly
what Derrida intends to show in "Before the Law," I must address a pos-
sible objection. Does not Derrida, after mentioning in his concluding re-
marks the peculiar relation between Kafka's insular parable and The Trial,
of which the parable is also a part, raise the possibility that everything he
has developed about the parable might well be included en abyme by the
novel and hence have to be relativized? Indeed he does. Yet I shall leave
this threatening possibility out of consideration in the following. For not
only has Derrida suggested that "Before the Law" might do "the same
thing through a more powerful ellipsis which itself would engulf The
Trial, and us along with it" (p. 217), but what Derrida says in this reading
of the parable about the relation between literature and the law, literature
and philosophy, and so on, contains already in nuce, structurally as it
were, the possibility of such a mise en abyme.
Derrida's essay is an inquiry into "what and who" "decides that Be-
fore the Law belongs to what we think we understand under the name of
literature" (p. 187). Even though this inquiry is framed by repeated allu-
sions to a seminar on the moral law and the notion of respect in Kant,
Heidegger, and Freud, in which Kafka's story was first discussed, its thrust
is not philosophical in a general or technical sense. This is so first because
the philosophical is primarily invoked under the title of the philosophy
of the (moral) law, the philosophy oflaw. Second, as Derrida says, even if
"it would be tempting, beyond the limits of this reading, to reconstitute
this story without story within the elliptic envelope of Kant's Critique of
Practical Reason or Freud's Totem and Taboo, ... we could never explain
the parable of a relation called 'literary' with the help of semantic con-
tents originating in philosophy or psychoanalysis, or drawing on some
other source of knowledge" (p. 209). What and who decides whether
Kafka's story belongs to literature is not to be answered in a philosophical
and epistemological fashion, and this is so for essential reasons. To be-
come aware of these reasons, let me circle back to the above-mentioned
':4 Relation Called 'Literary'" 291

seminar on the Second Critique, in which Derrida reports having been

interested in the status of the example, the symbol, and what Kant calls,
in distinction to schematism, the typic of pure practical reason, as well as
the role of the "as if" in the second formulation of the categorical imper-
ative. Derrida evokes the seminar in the following passage:
I tried to show how it [the "as if"] almost [virtuellementl introduces narrativity
and fiction into the very core oflegal thought, at the moment when the latter be-
gins to speak and to question the moral subject. Though the authority of the law
seems to exclude all historicity and empirical narrativity, and this at the moment
when its rationality seems alien to all fiction and imagination-even the tran-
scendental imagination-it still seems a priori to shelter these parasites. (p. 190)

What is at stake here is certainly not that the philosophy of law would be
literature, and even less that its claim to authority and autonomy would
be undermined or canceled out by the presence in its core of narrativity
and fiction. First of all, with the "as if," narrativity and fiction are said to
be only almost, or more precisely, virtually present in the pure and in prin-
ciple unrepresentable law. In other words, they are present as possibilities,
not as actualities. In addition, if Derrida can say that the thought of the
pure law seems a priori to shelter narrativity and fiction, it is because he
understands these possibilities to be conditions, rules, laws under which
alone the thought of pure law becomes possible. In short, then, there is
an a priori structural necessity for the pure moral law, or legal thought in
general, to be inhabited not by actual narrativity, fiction, or literature but
by their virtual possibility. The philosophical, in the shape of moral
thought, must combine with the possibility in its core of an Other-that
is, here, with the literary-if it is to be possible at all. 9 Apart from the fact
that we here encounter a novel concept of an a priori condition of possi-
bility, a concept that is novel as well with regard to how philosophy and
literature relate, the dependence of the law upon the possibility of fiction
and narration also points to a recast conception of the universal and the
singular. That this is the case should become clear below when I turn to
Derrida's elaborations on the literary status of "Before the Law."
First, however, I recall that Derrida begins his text by listing a num-
ber of axiomatic beliefs regarding identity, unity, singularity, authorship,
completion or noncompletion, generic belonging, and so on, which, in

our Western culture, predetermine our approach and hence prejudge the
work in question. Present from the start in the way we think about works,
the system of these conventions explains why we take it to be self-evident
and "a priori, inviolable" (p. 184) that a work is characterized by identity,
unity, and unicity, for instance. 10 Yet even though all these conventions
are now guaranteed by positive law, "by a set oflegal acts which have their
own history" (p. 185) and their "lot of 'guardians,' critics, academics, lit-
erary theorists, writers, and philosophers" (p. 215), the conditions of what
is thus presupposed of works actually remain enigmatic (pp. 184-85). The
attribution of a work to the realm of literature is a case in point. Indeed,
as Derrida notes, the criteria to which we resort in defining a work as a
literary phenomenon-narrativity or, more narrowly, "fictional, allegori-
cal, mythical, symbolic, parabolic narrative, and so on" (p. 186)-are not
sufficient to establish a rigorous distinction, since narrativity does not be-
long exclusively to literature and since "there are fictions, allegories,
myths, symbols, or parables that are not specifically [proprement] literary"
(pp. 186-87). Yet the law guarantees a work's literariness, its distinction
from nonliterary works, just as it "requires and guarantees that ... the
presumed reality of the author ... [is] one thing, while the fictitious char-
acters within the story [are] another," even though the distinction in
question is "as fragile as an artifice" (p. 185). Given, on the one hand, the
flagrant lack of truly specific and hence rigorous marks of distinction to
explain the literariness of a work, its belonging to the realm of the literary,
and on the other hand, the consensus that there must be a proper differ-
ence between the literary and the nonliterary, a consensus moreover cod-
ified by positive law, the question as to how the distinction is made, on
what basis and by whom becomes important. Regarding the determina-
tion that a work is literature, Derrida asks: "Who decides, who judges,
and with what entitlement ... ?" Put this way, however, this question is
that of a subject who would claim to understand a work (Kafka's "Before
the Law," for instance) as literary, "and [who] would classifY it conven-
tionally as literature; s/he would believe that s/he knew what literature
was and would merely wonder, being so well armed: what authorizes me
to determine this relation as a literary phenomenon? Or to judge it under
the category of 'literature'?" (p. 188). But the subject's presumption to
know in advance what literature is, together with his question about what
'~ Relation Called 'Literary''' 293

authorizes him to judge a work as literary, is precisely what is in question

in "Before the Law." Although, strictly speaking, no specific criteria are
available, the law requires that there be a difference between philosophy
and literature. Although no specific, that is, essential difference can be
discerned between them, the law requires that they be distinct. There
must be a difference, and this difl"erence is instigated by the axiomatic be-
liefs and conventions alluded to above. Yet if they permit the (pre-)judg-
ment that something is literary (and hence distinct), it is in the name of
a law that requires that there be difference where there is, in principle,
none. It is before this law that Derrida, in this essay, will summon the ut-
terance of the double question, the claim it makes, as well as the subject
of its enunciation.
Before I continue, let me summon up the stakes. "Before the Law"
is an inquiry into how difference is achieved in the absence of all natural
or simply conventional criteria. It is an investigation into the necessity to
differentiate in advance of all such criteria, before the discursive distinc-
tion natural/conventional arises, which serves only after the fact to justifY
the differences incurred by the need for there to be difference. In the case
of what distinguishes literature, it should be obvious that such distinction
is a function of a juridical performative. But Derrida's prime interest in
the essay is with the law that requires that there be difference in the first
place. If the difference between the two realms of literature and philoso-
phy is ultimately rooted in a juridical performative, the questions regard-
ing their relation, their difference, and the condition of possibility of their
respective identity necessarily take a very particular shape. What we will
have to face in this case is a conception of identity according to which
propriety requires disappropriation. The propriety, specificity, and iden-
tity of what must be different, in the absence of any natural or arbitrary
foundation for that difference, obtains only on condition that it not be en-
tirely itself and with itself The conditions of possibility for such differents
must thus imply impossibility as well. Inevitably, each condition of this
kind has its own particular status. The same applies to what the differents
have in common. In anticipation of what I hope to show, let me say that
rather than belonging to truth, they are of the order of (and this does not
mean they are identical to) the nontruth that Heidegger claims is the
truth of truth (see p. 206). More precisely, these conditions of possibility

for difference and identity where no generic or specific differentiation al-

ready exists (if it ever does) must have something to do with fiction, not in
the sense, however, of a work of fiction, of something imaginary, the nar-
rative of an imaginary event, but in the sense of a quasi-transcendental (le-
gal) fiction, not to say schematism, of a fictionating though not fictitious
From what has been established so far, it should come as no surprise
that Derrida shall offer no answer to the double question about what and
who judges: "I shall say without further delay that I cannot give nor am I
withholding an answer to such a question" (p. 187). Instead of answering
it, he will "only focus [aiguiser, to point or sharpen], at the risk of de-
forming [it]' this double question (who decides, who judges, and with
what entitlement, what belongs to literature?) and, above all, ... sum-
mon before the law the utterance itself of this double question" (p. 188).
If the (double) question is not to be answered, this is because it is not the
right question, this right question being one that concerns the law that
permits prejudgment and guarantees distinction where no proper dis-
tinction can be made. To pose the right question, that is, the question re-
garding the differential law that makes distinction possible, is first of all
to transform the nature of the question itself, its questioning form. But
this question knows no answer either. Its answer avoids the question by
essentializing the law that permits prejudgment, that is, by establishing
in advance something about the law that is the law in advance of all
knowledge and distinction. Hence answering the question not only
evades the challenge of the question but leads to an infinite regress. I I
Let me reemphasize that the axioms presupposed in judging a liter-
ary text-its self-identity, uniqueness, completion, and so forth-concern
the work's distinctness not only in respect to things that are not works, but
also in respect to other works and other genres of work. The axioms in
question consist in setting and settling on distinctions, divisions, separa-
tions. To make appear before the law the question of who decides whether
a work belongs to literature and according to what criteria is thus to con-
jure the right to distinguish before the law that makes such distinction
possible. Before the law, the question in question can no longer remain
the question it initially was. It has been sharpened but also deformed to
the point of losing the form of the question, its questioning-form. This
'/1 Relation Called 'Literary'" 295

sharpening of the double question, in the process of which the question

loses its form as a question, derives from the very law that the question ad-
dresses. In other words, any "adequate" response to this law forbids the
law to be the object of an address that has the form of an answer-seeking
question, a question that according to its form must inquire into the being
or the essence of the law. Undoubtedly, what this means is that the law in
question cannot be known. It can certainly not be the object of what
Habermas calls "competitive cognition." According to Habermas, surren-
dering such cognition is the price that philosophy pays in order to secure
its propriety and its relation to totality, a price, moreover, that marks "its
turn into the irrational."12 Unfortunately, the law that is here thought is
no totality, not even in the negative shape of the totality with which, ac-
cording to Habermas, postmodern irrationality begins. Nor does it follow
from this impossibility of providing an answer to the question about the
law that the law (itself) would be irrational, and that the only response
possible to such a law would have to be of that same irrational order. Ab-
sence of competitive cognition, in Habermas's sense, does not exclude
competitive intelligibility altogether. Is not the transformation of the
question-the sharpening and simultaneous bracketing of its answer-
seeking form-a response, precisely, in the strictest sense possible, to the
law in that such transformation is "adequate" to it? Is this transformation,
by which the question responds to something that lacks the distinctness
of a self-identical essence and that responds to it by stripping itself of the
distinctness specific of the questioning-form thus enacting the law, not a
mode of acknowledging the law? But such a mode of response, despite its
noncognitive shape, is not, on that account, the symmetrical Other of
cognition, that is, mystical intuition. Beyond the distinction of cognition
and mystical intuition, in advance of this distinction, the transformation
of the question is an "adequate" relation of acknowledgment that has the
form of performance. The sharpening transformation of the question en-
acts the law, and does so in a singular way. The transformed question is a
singular happening of the law in question. The very nature of what is be-
ing investigated here-a law in advance of all distinctions, a law that dis-
tinguishes-thus calls for a transition from the cognitive mode of address
and what Blanchot calls "unreason, or a secret way of seeing, or elusive
thought," all of which are "still traps that reason intends for the part of it-

self that escapes it, and where it takes itself at its true beginnings,"13 to
what I have previously termed Derrida's performative turn. To evaluate
this turn, it is important to recall what Derrida says about the possibility
(not actuality), implicit not only in Kafka's story but in any text, oflaying
down the law-and laying it down in the first place for itself. The perfor-
mative turn in Derrida is to be characterized by the passage from a merely
argumentative mode to doing and saying, by "saying what it does by do-
ing what it says" (p. 212). More precisely, in the performative turn (the act
of) saying does not simply produce a said, it produces a said that, before
it applies to anything else, first applies to itself. Speaking of the identity of
Kafka's text, Derrida notes that it is "the effect of a juridical performative.
This (and it is no doubt what we call the writing, the act and signature of
the 'writer') poses before us, preposes or proposes a text that lays down the
law, and in the first place with respect to itself. In its very act, the text pro-
duces and pronounces the law that protects it and renders it intangible"
(p. 2(2). The text respects what it says. It is first to yield to the claims it
makes. A saying that thus expects its own propositions to respect what
they advance-a saying, consequently, in which handed-down distinc-
tions such as form and content, discourse and argument, saying and the
said, writing and the written, and so forth, become foregrounded-such a
saying is performative in the Derridean sense. This performative-which
is not to be understood from its opposite, the constative-is the adequate
mode of relating to what precedes all divisions, distinctions, and separa-
tions as their law.
To the question of what and who decides whether Kafka's parable
belongs to literature Derrida shall thus give no direct answer. Nor will he
answer the transformed, sharpened question, not, however, because of
some incompetence or belief "that when it comes to literature we cannot
speak of a work belonging to a field or class, that there is no such thing
as a literary essence" (p. 187). Rather, essential reasons prohibit the ques-
tion from being answered in the first place, and especially from being an-
swered in general, universal terms, by establishing or invoking a universal
law. Derrida admits that in the position of being before "Before the Law"
(before the text of Kafka's parable, first of all), he is "less interested in the
generality of these laws or these problematical conclusions than in the
singularity of a proceeding which, in the course of a unique drama, sum-
'/:/ Relation Called 'Literary''' 297

mons them before an irreplaceable corpus, before this very text, before
Before the Law" (p. 187). I note that the inquiry into the question that a
knowing subject poses to him- or herself about his or her rights to judge
a work to be literary, summons it "'before the law,' before Before the Law"
(p. 188). The essay, then, is concerned with how such general laws fare be-
fore the tribunal of a singular text, in particular before a text about the
law; and being before the law, it is, more precisely, concerned with how
general laws about the essence of literature-that literature has no
essence, that it is not rigorously identifiable, that no specific criterion ex-
ists for it to be demarcated absolutely, that there is no proper name for it,
and so forth-are in their very generality tied up with a certain singular-
ity. The laws in question that are to establish the truth about literature-
that, for instance, there is no truth to, of, or about literature-even those
claims are thus summoned before a unique, irreplaceable singular (text)
in a proceeding (prods) that itself is singular, since the mode of the relat-
ing of universality to the singular is, each time, marked by singularity as
well. Derrida writes: "There is a singularity about relationship to the law,
a law of singularity which must come into contact with the general or
universal essence of the law without ever being able to do so" (p. 187). As
should thus be obvious, the emphasis on the inevitably singular relation
to the law does not mean that there would be no universal thrust to it but
means instead that singularity is the condition under which there can be
something like a law at all, a law that is pure, nonrepresentable, and as
such, in purity, inaccessible. In "Before the Law," we thus see Derrida in-
quiring into "a law of singularity" that makes the encounter between the
order of the universal and the order of the singular at once possible and
impossible, where the impossible is not to be understood as the simple
negative modality of the possible. It is a law for the "conflict without
encounter between law and singularity, [for] this paradox or enigma of
being-before-the-Iaw" (p. 187). It is a law that the law must be pure, non-
representable, untouchable, inaccessible, and that it must be possible to
stand before its universality as a singular human being as well. In short,
it is a law that the law must be both a universal and a singular law, that
the universal law must be a singular law, the law for a singularity. As Der-
rida's invocation of the Greek term ainigma reveals, the conflict between
universal law and singularity, rather than making itself amenable to a

purely conceptual treatment and hence to a universally articulable truth,

has a narrative, storylike quality. There is, then, something irremediably
singular about the conflictual nature of this relation in general.
Derrida dealt with Kafka's story "Before the Law" in his seminar on
morality not because it is a philosophical text but because its narrative
"proposes a powerful, philosophic ellipsis" of pure practical reason-in
other words, because it contains the virtual possibility of the philosophical
thought of the moral law. Whereas the philosophical text of the Second
Critique was shown to "contain an element of the fantastic or of narrative
fiction," the literary text "Before the Law" contains something of the order
of legal thought. The distinction between the literary and the philosophi-
cal remains intact, but what transpires is that the so-called literary text by
Kafka contains encrypted within itself the possibility of an Other (of it-
self), the possibility, but not actuality, of the philosophical-legal discourse.
And this encrypted possibility of philosophical-legal thought is what
makes it a "literary" text as distinct from philosophy. It is from that en-
crypted possibility of the philosophical that the literarity of "Before the
Law" is engendered, or becomes intelligible. Kafka's text is thus a literary
text on condition that it does not entirely belong to literature but also
refers, by means of the virtual "presence" within it of the possibility of a
philosophy of the moral law, to an Other (of itself).
Let me reiterate: the distinction between the philosophical and the
literary remains intact even though, or precisely because, each one a priori
shelters the possibility of the other. 14 Indeed, this unbreached and uncon-
ditional difference not only is required for the "logic" of contamination of
one by the other to make sense, but is precisely what such contamination
"engenders." Let me, therefore, try to bring the undiminished difference
between the literary and the philosophical into greater relief. The thrust
of Derrida's essay on Kafka is to make the question of who judges the lit-
erariness of a work and according to which criteria appear before the law,
singularly, before "Before the Law." It is a question about the borders be-
tween the literary and the philosophical. But as the whole of Derrida's
analysis of Kafka's text demonstrates, to make something appear before
the law is not to make something appear before the law itself, since the
law itself does not manifest itself. Speaking of the way "the story [of
Kafka's parable], as a certain type of relation, is linked to the law that it re-
'/1 Relation Called 'Literary''' 299

lates, appearing, in so doing, before that law, which appears before it,"
Derrida remarks that "nothing really presents itself in this appearance"
(p. 191). "Here, we know neither who nor what is the law, das Gesetz"
(p. 207). The invisibility of the law, its hiddenness-one does not know
what sort of law it is (natural, moral, judicial, political?) or whether it is a
thing, a person, a place, or something else-is a function of the transcen-
dence of the law qua law. Its unconditionality and universality require
that it remain unrepresentable. As such, the law cannot be known; it es-
capes phenomenality. For it to become visible, and hence accessible,
would mean for the law to stop being the law: "the very universality of the
law exceeds all finite boundaries" (p. 196). But, paradoxically, by this same
necessity, the law becomes divided and separated from itself. "Itself" is
prohibited, it prohibits "itself," since all relation to itself, all exhibition of
and to itself in propria persona would amount to an impermissible phe-
nomenologization. Yet such discontinuity with itself is unavoidable. "This
silence and discontinuity constitute the phenomenon of the law" (p. 192),
Derrida writes. He adds: "Originary division of the law. The law is pro-
hibited" (p. 204). In short, then the law exists only as a divided law, a law
that divides (first of all, itself). Yet since the law is nothing in itself-no
presence that could be entered-the paradox of submitting to the law is
that one can only be before the law. The law also instigates a dividing line
that runs between itself and what is before it and is, as Derrida suggests,
ultimately nothing but this power of topological division and separation.
Between the law and its subject an absolute difference prevails by virtue
of which the subject's position is that of being before the law in a topo-
logical or spatial sense of the word "before." But this law also causes the
subject to be an "outlaw," to always be, in a temporal sense, before the
law, and hence this law is also the law of temporalization, or temporaliz-
ing division. From this follows the singular nature of all relating to the law
in that all singular subjects "must come into contact with the general or
universal essence of the law without ever being able to do so [doit se met-
tre en rapport sans jamais pouvoir Ie foire]" (p. 187). The division between
the order of the law and that of the singular subject is radical to such a de-
gree that the conflict between the two is a "conflict without encounter"
(p. 187). However, this is nor yet the end of the divisions and differences
that the law instigates. As Derrida's analysis of Kafka's story demonstrates,

being-before-the-law divides as well, and separates itself from itself. In-

deed, before the law, the man of the country stands before the doorkeeper,
the guardian of the law, who himself is also before the law. Summing up
his analysis of the respective places that the two occupy, Derrida writes:
"Neither is in the presence of the law. The only two characters in the story
are blind and separated from one another, and from the law. Such is the
modality of this rapport, of this relation, of this narration: blindness and
separation, a kind of non-rapport" (pp. 20I-2). Being before the law pre-
scribes "two inverse and adverse positions, the antagonisms of two char-
acters equally concerned with it" (p. 20I). It is a division and a difference
that arises only insofar as both characters are before the law, in relation to
a law that qua law does not manifest itself.
Derrida's essay summons both literature and philosophy before the
law, "Before the Law." Not unlike the doorkeeper and the man of the
country, they stand in adverse positions. They are separated and blind to
one another. And yet, from what we have seen, they are different only to
the extent that they imply one another. Moreover, their difference is pre-
cisely a function of their relating to the prohibited law. It now should be
clear that this law can be nothing but the law that assigns their respective
places, not on the basis of any essential or specific criteria intrinsically
proper to each one of them-their truth, as it were-but in order that
there be difference in the first place. It is thus a law that they share despite
their uncompromising difference and that they share insofar as they are
what they are only on the basis of their inscription within themselves of
the possibility of the Other. They have this law in common even after
their respective differences have a posteriori been justified on the basis
that they have been rooted in essential difference. If, however, this is how
literature and philosophy acquire their respective identities, then it also
follows that there are no such things that one could unequivocally call
and know as literature or philosophy. Indeed, there are no such things as
literature or philosophy in the sense of self-identical substances or
essences. As far as literature is concerned (but in principle the same ought
to be the case with philosophy), there is "only" "a relation called 'liter-
ary.'" The literary, rather than being of the order of a substance or es-
sence, is of the order of a relation. Yet what does "relation" mean here? Of
the several senses of relation at play in Derrida's essay, I retain the follow-
'/1 Relation Called 'Literary''' 301

ing: on the one hand, the idiomatic (French) sense of relation as account,
report, narrative, statement; on the other, the, as it were, categorial sense
of close connection, in particular, of reference. As "Before the Law" ar-
gues, the literary is a mode of reference to the law, but in a fictional mode
(as opposed to the cognitive or practical mode of philosophy). Now, if
both philosophy and literature are constituted by the inscription of the
possibility of their respective Other, in other words, by a relation to an
Other, then literature and philosophy are never present to any theoreti-
cal gaze, never established once and for all. Their identity is owed to the
Other and consequently admits no essentializing arrest. Rather, they are
marked by temporality, by the temporality of a future, and a futural time,
a time that is not of the present. They will always have been in the fu-
ture-a venir.15
There is no way that I could even come close to doing justice to
Oerrida's reading of Kafka's parable and his multilayered analysis of the
modes in which the story narrates a story whose content has all the allure
of a philosophical topos. In order to conclude, I must nonetheless briefly
speak of it. One way of doing this is to tease out Oerrida's explicit state-
ments about the law, to "systematize" them and to reformulate the ques-
tions I have been asking in terms of and with respect to this issue about
the law. At the beginning of the essay he raised a question that may be
rendered more clearly now that we know he was concerned with under-
standing the specificity of the philosophical and the literary from the pos-
sibility of the Other encrypted in each of them. He writes: "What if the
law, without being itself transfixed by literature, shared the conditions of
its possibility with the literary object" (p. 191). What, finally, are these
shared conditions? How is one to conceive of them? What is their onto-
logical status, if they have any?
From what we have seen, the specificity of the literary, and likewise
the philosophical, depends on the inscription within its core, not of a
positive Other, and certainly not of its Other, but merely of the possibil-
ity of an Other. With this elaboration of the virtual "presence" of the pos-
sibility of literature in philosophy and of the possibility of philosophy in
literature, Oerrida invokes what Heidegger had called the neighborhood
of poetry and thinking, intent on recasting the thought of a common
ground for both. This recasting happens in several ways: first, by consid-

ering as the Other of philosophy neither "belles-lettres, poetry [nor] dis-

cursive art in general" (p. 187) but, very prosaically, simply literature; sec-
ond, by disjoining Dichten and Denken as a relation in which thinking
has a rapport to a privileged Other, ultimately, to the poetry of just one
single poet (Holderlin); third, by conceptually refining the way in which
the encrypted relation to an Other can be thought. From everything that
has been shown, the recasting of the idea of a common ground for the lit-
erary and the philosophical can take place not in general terms but only
via singular nonliterary and literary texts, in an intimate conjunction of
the categorial and the idiomatic.
Before addressing the question of the shared conditions of possibil-
ity-obviously of the order of the inscription of a merely virtual "pres-
ence"-Iet me first sketch in broad strokes a few things about the law, the
law of the law, what it is that appears before the law, and the relation to
the law. The law, in order to be endowed with categorial authority, must
be underivable and inaccessible. "That would be the law ofthe law," Der-
rida insists (p. 191). This law of the law is to be distinguished from all par-
ticular laws, say from the moral, the natural, the juridical, and the politi-
cal law. It is what makes these particular laws laws to begin with, what
confers upon them their being-law. Within them, the law of these laws
remains invisible. In conformity with what the concept of the law qua
law implies, "what remains concealed and invisible in each law is ... the
law, that which makes laws of these laws, the being-law of these laws"
(p. 192). For the law of the law, as distinct from particular laws, "it is
never a question of trial or judgment, nor of verdict or sentence" (p. 205).
Indeed, insofar as the law of the law must be invisible, it prohibits, defers,
all relation to it. "One can never reach it, and it never reaches the depths
of its original and proper taking-place [au fond de son avoir-lieu originel et
propre, elle n'arrive jamais]" (p. 205). Even though the law of the law is
what makes the law a law, it is not therefore an essence. Its essence is to
have no essence.
Before such a law, whose judgment never arrives, one is thus always
in the position of having been prejudged, in a double sense. The paradox
of the law is that although, by virtue of prohibiting all access, it is such
a categoriallaw, it is so only on condition that it is the law for something
or someone. Hence, whatever or whoever is before and outside the law
'A Relation Caffed 'Literary''' 303

is prejudged by the law. But it, or she or he, "is also, in both an infinite
and a finite way, the prejudged ... as a subject before a judgment which
is always in preparation and always being deferred. Prejudged as having
to be judged, arriving in advance of the law which only signifies 'later'"
(pp. 2 0 5- 6 ).
The unpresentable and inaccessible law is such a law only if it is the
law for something or someone. Hence, the law calls, and demands a re-
sponse, a responsible response. Since I am interested here in figuring out
the shared conditions of possibility of the literary object and the law,
which are made to appear before one another in "Before the Law," I need
to ask what literature must be in order to be able to appear before the law
in the first place, and what it could mean for it to respond responsibly to
the law's call. At this point we must briefly digress to consider the status
of the "literary," as opposed to poetry, belles lettres, verbal arts in general,
not to mention Heidegger's Dichtung. Why does Derrida inquire into the
relation between philosophy and literature rather than into the one be-
tween philosophy and poetry? Undoubtedly there are several reasons.
One of these is that literature has indeed a relation to the law in several
senses. As we have already seen, literature, in the absence of any intrinsic
determinative criteria, is the object of a legal jurisdiction, a juridical per-
formative. Indeed, a number of axiomatic beliefs sanctioned by law tell us
what literature is. Since the history of these conventions and presupposi-
tions, as well as the law that guarantees them, "is very recent" (p. 185)-
the law in question became established between the late seventeenth and
early nineteenth centuries in Europe-the literary object is a thoroughly
historical and hence singular object (unlike poetry, seemingly less histor-
ical, rooted in natural law and as old as mankind). Because it is consti-
tuted by a law or set of laws, literature, rather than poetry, belles lettres,
and so forth, is summoned in Derrida's essay before the law. Derrida
writes: "IfI speak of 'literature' rather than of poetry or belles-lettres, it is
to emphasize the hypothesis that the relatively modern specificity of lit-
erature as such retains a close and essential rapport to a period in legal
history" (p. 214).
But literature has a relation to the law in still another sense. First, I
note that in the position before the law, the man of the country decides
not to enter the law. "This contradictory self-prohibition allows man the

freedom of self-determination, even though this freedom cancels itself

through the self-prohibition of entering the law. Before the law, the man
[of the country] is a subject of the law in appearing before it" (p. 204).
Before the law that prohibits all access to it, the man of the country thus
gives himself the law, and thus becomes a subject of the law. This is what
the law, from beyond being, presence, and essence, incites him to do. It is
his responsible response to the absolutely inaccessible law. Literature re-
lates to the law in a similar fashion.
Literature has specificity and identity only insofar as it appears be-
fore the law that says what it is, that guards and guarantees it. This, how-
ever, is not to say that literature's specificity and identity is simply consti-
tuted by (and derived from) a positive law in the legal history of Europe.
For the specificity of the literary text, according to Derrida, also derives
from its "power to make the law, beginning with its own" (p. 214). This
"subversive juridicity" presupposes

a power to produce performatively the statements of the law, of the law that lit-
erature can be, and not just of the law to which literature submits. Thus litera-
ture itself makes the law, emerging in that place where the law is made. There-
fore, under certain determined conditions, it can exercise the legislative power of
linguistic performativity to sidestep existing laws from which, however, it derives
protection and receives its conditions of emergence. (p. 216)

In short, then, before the law, literature makes the law and gives it to itself
This is how it acquires an identity and specificity, which, however, obtain
only to the extent that they are sanctioned by the law that they subvert.
Yet at the very moment that literature plays the law and gives the
law to itself, thus acquiring a specificity of its own, literature also, para-
doxically, runs the risk of jeopardizing its own identity. Indeed, what are
the "certain determined conditions" under which "literature can play the
law, repeating it while diverting or circumventing it" (p. 216)? At this
juncture, Derrida invokes "the referential equivocation of certain linguis-
tic structures" (p. 216). What seems to remain at work in a literary text,
after all that does not necessarily belong to literature has been cast off, is
something that has

an essential rapport with the play of framing and the paradoxical logic of bound-
aries, which introduces a kind of perturbation in the "normal" system of refer-
':4 Relation Called 'Literary''' 305

ence, while simultaneously revealing an essential structure of referentiality. It is

an obscure revelation of referentiality which does not make reference, which does
not refer, any more than the eventness of the event is itself an event. That this
nevertheless makes up a work is perhaps a gesture toward literature. An insuffi-
cient gesture, perhaps, but a necessary one: there is no literature without a work,
without an absolutely singular performance. (p. 213)

In the final analysis, then, literature is-perhaps-the revelation of the

"essential structure" of referring, of referentiality (riftrentialite), that is, a
categorial, universal law (in purity, since it does not refer). But this reve-
lation makes up a work (foit oeuvre), and that is why it is an "obscure rev-
elation." It is revealed in a singular performance, in an irreplaceable,
unique work that as such "engages the idiomatic, as literature always
must" (p. 213). But if, ultimately, literature is the singular revelation of a
universal law, is it still literature? Derrida remarks:

In the fleeting moment when it plays the law, a literature passes literature. It is
on both sides of the line that separates law from the outlaw, it splits the being-
before-the-Iaw, it is at once, like the man from the country, "before the law" and
"prior to the law." Prior to the being-before-the-Iaw which is also that of the
doorkeeper. But within so unlikely a site, would it have taken place? Would it
have been appropriate to name literature? (p. 216)

Thus far, we have sketched a rough outline of the different state-

ments about the law and the relation to it that appear throughout Der-
rida's essay. Literature and the law, literature (as a noncognitive rapport
with the law) and philosophy (as having a cognitive rapport), rather than
standing in a relation of exclusion, appear to be profoundly imbricated,
to share the rapport with the law. They are both "modalities" of the law,
as it were. Or rather, they appear to display and to interconnect different,
perhaps even nonhomogeneous kinds of laws. "Before the Law" could
thus be understood as a (performative) meditation on these different
laws, on their rapports and nonrapports. It could be understood as aiming
at exhibiting, in the shape of this singular essay, the (infrastructural) law
of all those laws.
In "Before the Law," Derrida poses the question of the shared con-
ditions of possibility of literature and the law. As should have become
clear by now, this question concerns how the law instigates difference. It

is a question that arises about the mode in which the making of differ-
ence is to be thought in the absence either of any "true," specific differ-
ence, or any consensual difference. What are these conditions, what must
they be, what "only" can they be, if we take into account that the law here
is a "force of law," a law of "forced" difference?
As Derrida recalls, for the law to be the law, for it to have categorial
authority, it "must be without history, genesis, or any possible derivation"
(p. 191). To intervene as an absolutely emergent order, the law "cannot be
constituted by some history that might give rise to any story" (p. 194).
And yet, as Freud's Totem and Taboo demonstrates, "the inaccessible in-
cites from its place of hiding. One cannot be concerned with the law, or
with the law of laws, either at close range or at a distance, without asking
where it has its place and whence it comes" (p. 191). Incited by the purely
categorial thought of a law without origin, Freud invents the event of the
murder of the father to explain the origin of the moral law. As Derrida
shows, it is the story of an event in which nothing happens (especially
since what originates from it, the law, already presupposes the moral law);
it is a pure story, one that is only narration, because it narrates nothing.
"If there were any history [of the moral law], it would be neither pre-
sentable nor relatable: the history of that which never took place," Der-
rida claims (p. 194). Freud's idiomatization of the moral law through the
fiction of the murder of the father is precisely this, a fiction called upon,
incited by the moral law, but a fiction that annuls itself, the pure fiction of
a nonevent. This idiomatization and narrativity at the core of categorial
thought-mind you, not a narrative or positive fiction but the "fiction of
narration as well as fiction as narration: fictive narration as the simu-
lacrum of narration and not only as the narration of an imaginary his-
tory"-is not only the origin of law but, as Derrida underlines, the ori-
gin of literature as well (p. 199). With this notion of a pure fiction of a
quasi-event, of a fiction in which nothing is narrated but which the
purely categorial calls upon and thus harbors in its core, Derrida, within
the singularizing parameters of the texts discussed, puts his finger on the
general condition of possibility shared by both the philosophical thought
of the law and literature. To share this condition of possibility does not
imply that the law would be "itself transfixed [transie] by literature" or
vice versa. For on the one hand, this condition of possibility is not yet lit-
'/1 Relation Called 'Literary'" 307

erature but only its possibility. On the other hand, literature in the proper
sense can only stage this pure fiction by simultaneously gesturing in its
core toward the law. Rather than being itself this pure fiction in purity,
literature, while enacting this fiction, must compromise with the possible
thought of something categorially without origin.
I return to Kafka's parable. According to Derrida, "Before the Law"
tells of a law of which we know neither who nor what it is. Kafka's text is
not a text of philosophy, science, or history. "Here one does not know the
law, one has no cognitive rapport with it; it is neither a subject nor an ob-
ject before which one could take a position." Knowledge of neither who
nor what the law is: "this, perhaps, is where literature begins," Derrida re-
marks (p. 207). But the story in question, in which nothing happens, in-
deed in which the threshold of the law is never crossed and which thus
seems to recount a nonevent, also relates the origin of the law in the man's
decision to adjourn his entrance into the law. In forbidding himself to
cross the threshold, he not only makes the inaccessible law accessible but
also makes the law the law and becomes a subject of the law. As a result,
this apparently pure story, relating an event in which nothing takes place,
is pregnant with the germ of the philosophical thought of the law. In lit-
erature, then, the pure fiction that it shares as a condition of possibility
with philosophy cannot not turn into, say, a call for something like the
Second Critique.
A pure story, or the fiction of narration, is the condition of possibil-
ity that literature and philosophy (philosophy as moral philosophy, more
precisely) share. To quote Derrida: "the fictitious nature of this ultimate
story which robs us of every event, of this pure story, or story without
story, has as much to do with philosophy, science, or psychoanalysis as
with literature" (p. 209). In classical terms, one could, if this were indeed
possible, call it a transcendental narrativity. It is pure in that it relates
nothing, but as narrativity it is also the condition for the idiomatization
of what, in principle, is cut off from singularity, namely, the categorial.
But a note of caution is required here. One cannot simply proceed to
generalize what has been set forth in "Before the Law." The pure story,
we have been told, cannot be simply cut off from the texts through which
it became elaborated. The question itself from which Derrida started, a
question with a transcendental thrust, namely, whether literature and

philosophy, or the thought of the law, share the same condition of possi-
bility, is itself marked by singularity. In conclusion, one final quote from
the very beginning of the text: "In order to formulate this question [au-
jourd'hui, today] in the briefest manner, I will speak of an appearance, in
the legal sense, of the story and the law, which appear together and find
themselves summoned one before the other: the story, as a certain type of
relation, is linked to the law that it relates, appearing, in so doing, before
that law, which appears before it" (p. 191).

The Felicities of Paradox

At the beginning of "Literature and the Right to Death" Maurice

Blanchot remarks that all answers to the question "What is literature?"
have proved to be meaningless. Further, to the astonishment of all whose
approach to literature has been guided by this very question, its answers
have underrated and disparaged literature. Even more, the "what is" ques-
tion, whose form ("the form of the question") assumes an essence or sub-
stratum for its object, becomes spurious when applied to literature. The
question "What is literature?" is a reflective and cognitive question. I Such
a question and the reflective attitude that it presupposes immediately dis-
integrate in the face of poetry or the novel, Blanchot holds. However,
thus failing to understand literature does not mean that understanding
would be altogether out of the question. Quite the contrary. The lack of
essence that the meaningless and belittling answers to the "what is" ques-
tion with its essentializing thrust imply, as well as the tendency of the re-
flective approach to consume itself in the presence of literature, or rather
in the presence of literature's lack of an essence present to itself, might
well provide auspicious conditions for an understanding of literature
whose questioning form would be distinct both from the cognitive ques-
tion addressed by the philosopher about the nature ofliterature and from
the writer's self-questioning, his own doubts and scruples.
The denigration of literature that springs from the question's con-

cern with the essence of literature is, of course, not accidental. It results
not from the narrowness of the questioner but rather from "the form of
the question" itself. Thus arises the necessity of understanding why the
reflective approach comes to grips with literature only by disparaging it.
But such an inquiry may well locate this failure in the insufficient degree
to which literature has become disparaged. Might it not be that literature
offers itself to understanding only where it is radically put into question,
only where it is seen as a nullity? Certainly, in "Literature and the Right
to Death," Blanchot suggests that reflection, with its gravity and serious-
ness, with the importance that it attributes to itself and its object, must
withdraw in the face of literature. The retreat of the reflective and essen-
tializing attitude signals that "literature once again becomes something
important, essential, more important than the philosophy, the religion or
the life of the world which it embraces," he writes (p. 302). Throughout,
his essay, Blanchot seeks to hold the philosophical question, and hence
philosophy as a whole, at bay so that literature can make itself manifest in
all its force and importance. When it comes to literature, although one
cannot avoid asking the philosophical question, it is, to cite Roger La-
porte, "la question de trop" ("the uncalled-for question"}.2 But oddly
enough, the distancing of the philosophical gesture in hopes of doing jus-
tice to literature also belittles literature. Literature reveals itself as some-
thing vain, vague, and impure. Refusing the essentializing approach, lit-
erature becomes its own self-negation. It denounces itself as deceitful, as
illegitimate. But this movement of self-negation does not stop here: "lit-
erature is not only illegitimate, it is also null," Blanchot adds (p. 301). It
is hard to imagine what could be more devastating to literature, yet this is
the radical consequence of Blanchot's concern with literature itself, of his
attempt to understand it by holding "the form of the question" in check.
Putting aside the question so that literature can manifest itself from
itself thus means that literature presents itself as a nullity, or more pre-
cisely, as its own absence. To state the matter differently, as soon as the
question regarding the essence of literature is put on hold, literature
reemerges as the question itself, and of itself. The nullity of literature has
in fact allowed literature to appear, to manifest itself, as the question of
its own possibility. This is a question entirely different from that of Jean-
Paul Sartre, for example. Indeed, it is a question that the nullity oflitera-
The Felicities ofParadox 3II

ture addresses to itself and with which it itself coincides. It is nothing but
that question, a "pure" question as it were, one whose subject is as much
a nullity as its object, a question that presumes no self-present essence of
what it questions.
"Let us suppose that literature begins at the moment when litera-
ture becomes a question," Blanchot writes (p. 300). The question, to be
rigorously demarcated from the writer's self-questioning, with which lit-
erature is said to begin is literature's own question about "the possibility
of writing" (p. 300). Literature becomes a question in the act of writing
in which the writer's pen, without asking why it writes, will always have
passively performed that question. "Now you have done what you did
not do; what you did not write has been written: you are condemned to
be indelible," a writer tells his pen (p. 300). This question is "present on
the page" once writing has taken place. It is not asked by the writer; and
perhaps even without his knowledge, it incessantly addresses itself to him
as he writes. And once the writing is done, it speaks to the reader. But
this quasi-objective question addresses itself questioningly not primarily
to the writer and the reader but "to language, behind the person who is
writing and the person who is reading, by language which has become lit-
erature" (p. 301). From this it follows that this question that is the begin-
ning of literature is not a self-reflexive question. For at the beginning
there is nothing yet to reflect upon in the hope of achieving self-identity.
The question is addressed to Others-the writer, the reader, common
language. Moreover, since literature begins only as literature becomes a
question, the question on the page asks questioningly about the possibil-
ity of becoming a question as well. Addressed to Others, the question is
in question as well.
Left to itself, free from the impositions of the reflective and essen-
tializing question, literature comes into being as being nothing but the
question of its own possibility, begins where it becomes such a question.
It reveals itself in its beginning, beginning to exist as the question, and
continuing to exist only as its incessant beginning. If literature, then, is
constituted by the question of its possibility, is this question perhaps a
transcendental question in a philosophical sense? Since the question is all
that literature is, it would seem not to be so. If the question that is litera-
ture were in a position to enable anything, it would only be itself, or what

amounts to the same, namely literature, "this concern that literature has
with itself" (p. 301). What is more, remaining suspended from the re-
sponse of the Other to whom it is addressed, this question, rather than
constituting literature in a technical sense, voids it. The question about
the possibility of writing or literature coincides with literature's own self-
negation. It is the latter's "own negation" (p. 301). Ifliterature begins with
the question concerning its possibility, then literature is not, has not yet
been, and has no essence as yet. It exists as this absence of itself, as the
question of its possibility. In the absence of the reflective gesture and "the
form of the question," literature presents itself as a mere nullity.
The question, to quote Blanchot, is "the secrecy of works and loath
to emerge into broad daylight [au sein de l'oeuvre ... repose siLencieuse-
ment La meme interrogation]." Moreover, "the meaning of this question
is ... difficult to discover." It tends to disguise itself under all the ap-
pearances it takes, especially by turning into art's self-indictment, into
the "prosecution of art and art's capacities and goals" (p. 301). Since it
concerns the possibility ofliterature, the work, or writing, we will have to
ask whether this silent question at the heart of literature does not derive
from what Blanchot establishes about the involvement of literature with
the whole. In The WOrk of Fire, he notes that "this All in which poetry
now finds itself involved also involves it in an extreme intensity of mys-
teries, questionings, and oppositions" (p. 116). Is it because ofliterature's
ambition to be the whole that it cannot but begin and take shape as a
question? As will become clear hereafter, this concern with the whole is a
concern with meaning, with meaning itself, and as such. Although I will
put off a discussion of literature's claim to totality until later, the follow-
ing remark on Kafka's thinking already provides a clue. It is, says Blan-
chot, "a style of thinking that plays at generalization but is thought only
when caught up in the density of a world reduced to the unique in-
stance." Kafka's thought concerns the general; more precisely, it plays at
thinking the general, but at the same time, "it is singular, that is to say, it
rightly belongs to a single person; in vain does it use abstract terms ... it
resembles a strictly individual story." Because of this embedment of the
thought of generality in the thickness of the world or in an individual his-
tory, Kafka's thinking "is not completely thinking [n'est pas non pLus tout
afoit une pensee]." It is not quite thinking since it is unable to "rest easy
The Felicities ofParadox 313

in the general" with which thought is intrinsically tied up. And yet, while
this thinking occurs only as a singular shape, it remains thinking, for it is
not confined to incommunicable absolute solitude (pp. 3-4). Not quite
thinking, but thinking nevertheless, literature and poetry make the "gen-
eral depend on what is unique," as Blanchot notes in his essay on Rene
Char. But such dependence and its lack of rest causes literary thinking to
amount to essentially nothing but the "anxiety of a movement without
beginning or end." To understand that in a poem the general depends on
what is unique "is also to understand why the poem is division, vexation,
torment" (p. 1m). In other words, if the generality constitutive of think-
ing in literature is intrinsically dependent on uniqueness and singularity,
this thinking, unable to ground itself in a higher truth, is tortured by a
dependence on something that stands in a relation of contradiction to it.
It is a thinking that, put into question by singularity, is tormented by the
question of what underwrites it. It puts itself into question and becomes
the question of itself. In literary thinking, thinking then is reduced to
"nothing" but a question concerning itself. The shape that thinking takes
when its entirety has shrunk to an interrogation about itself is nothing
other than the question concerning its possibility.
When thus allowed to negate itself, become a nullity, and be re-
duced to the condition of its possibility, literature works a marvel. Allud-
ing to the surrealists, Blanchot remarks, "ifliterature coincides with noth-
ing for just an instant, it is immediately everything, and this everything
begins to exist: what a miracle [grande merveille]" (pp. 301-2). Sheltered
from the reRective question, left free to be a nullity, literature reveals, in
lieu of an essence, the opposite pulls of paradox. Its existence coincides
with the marvelous movement by which an absence, emptiness, or nul-
lity turns into everything, the existing totality of the whole. Pushed to its
extreme in a literature that assumes the nullity in question-where liter-
ature becomes "the exposure of this emptiness inside, ... open[edl up
completely to its nothingness, realiz[ingl its own unreality" (p. 3m)-this
nullity becomes an extraordinary force, the force of everything, of the
whole (Ie tout). Blanchot writes, "as long as this nullity is isolated in a
state of purity, it may constitute an extraordinary force, a marvelous
force" (p. 301). The aim of what follows-an analysis of Blanchot's essay
in light of this marvel-is to argue not that Blanchot delights or even rev-

els in paradox but rather that paradox is the necessary although insuffi-
cient condition for the happening of the chance of literature. If paradox
plays such a role in his understanding of literature, if he celebrates it as a
marvelous force, it is because Blanchot, against the prevailing opinion of
paradox as logical antinomy and hence as having been fully accounted
for, takes such antinomy to be the fortunate condition for a possible (yet
not for that matter necessary) happening of literature.
Given the dominating presence of Hegel's Phenomenology ofSpirit
in "Literature and the Right to Death"-a presence visible not only in
the numerous themes borrowed from Hegel but especially in the order
in which Blanchot develops his arguments-one could be tempted to
classify the movement from nullity to everything as a Hegelian dialecti-
cal inversion, and paradox as merely a speculative proposition and leap
(Satz). Undoubtedly, this temptation is neither fortuitous nor entirely
unjustified. It would even seem to impose itself, for does not Blanchot's
own mode of exposition and argumentation in the essay have all the ear-
marks of a dialectical proceeding? Certainly Blanchot has recourse to this
man who lived some 150 years before to substantiate his contention that
the "volatizing and volatile force which literature seems to have become"
(p. 302) today is not the result of passing historical conditions but is co-
extensive with literature itself, once philosophical reflection and its es-
sentializing question have been put at a remove. Nonetheless, it would
be difficult to reduce Blanchot's subsequent description and analysis of
all the contradictions faced by the writer, the work, and literary language
to a display of the contradictory moments of literature's dialectical self-
manifestation. 3 Are not precisely all these Hegelian references, whether
thematic or formal, part of the movement by which literature, after
philosophical reflection has retreated, "once again becomes something
important, essential, more important than ... philosophy" (p. 302)? Of
Mallarme, Blanchot holds in The Space of Literature that "his Hegelian
vocabulary would merit no attention, were it not animated by an au-
thentic experience."4 The same is true of Blanchot's own borrowings
from Hegel. Right from the start, he acknowledges that his remarks on
Hegel "are quite remote from the text of the Phenomenology and make no
attempt to illuminate it" (p. 302). These remarks serve nonphilosophical,
nonreflective purposes. ';
The Felicities of Paradox 315

Blanchot sketches out the main features of his conception of para-

dox and its "constitutive" role in a series of developments that call on a
number of (often consecutive) passages in Hegel's Phenomenology. The
first passages to be invoked are from the section "Individuality Which
Takes Itself to Be Real in and for Itself," more precisely from its first chap-
ter, "The Spiritual Animal Kingdom and Deceit or the 'Matter in Hand'
Itself," an analysis, according to Blanchot, of "human work in general" in
which Hegel is also said to describe the contradictions "in which someone
who has chosen to be a man ofletters" becomes entangled (p. 302). The
writer, he notes, from "his very first step ... [is] stopped by a contradic-
tion": to write, a writer needs talent, but he has no talent until he has
proven it by writing. In this first account of what Blanchot terms the
"anomaly" constitutive of "the essence of literary activity" (p. 303), Blan-
chot seems faithfully to reproduce the Hegelian dialectic between the in-
dividual and his effective reality as work, including the final solution of
this contradiction by means of the individual's advance consciousness of
his work "as entirely his own, i.e. as an End" (p. 303). Yet Blanchot con-
cludes the rendering of this contradiction with the remark that "the same
[contradictory situation] is true for each new work, because everything
begins again from nothing" (p. 303). In short, now that the contradiction
in question has been sublated, Blanchot, rather than following Hegel to
another and higher contradiction, hangs on to what Hegel leaves behind.
Blanchot continues to insist on the necessity that the writer go endlessly
through the same contradictory motion without respite. What is more, he
complicates the initial dilemma of the writer, deepening it, making it ever
more hopeless, first by asking why the writer who has his future work pre-
sent as an End should still translate it into words; and second by remark-
ing that if the writer is aware that his work has value only as a realized
work, "he will begin to write, but starting from nothing and with noth-
ing in mind-like a nothingness working in nothingness" (p. 304). The
requisites considered by Hegel for the dialectical solution of the writer's
contradiction are thus shown only to aggravate his situation. As should al-
ready be evident, Blanchot's emphasis in these descriptions is the insolu-
bility of the contradiction. He notes that the problem of talent and work
"could never be overcome if the person writing expected its solution to
give him the right to begin writing" (p. 304). The contradiction we are

dealing with is thus not to be solved, dialectically or otherwise. "The

writer both must and must not overcome" it, we are told (p. 303). Or
again, to overcome it he must not overcome it. To be a writer and to bring
forth a work, he must hold out the contradiction in all its insolubility.
While Blanchot appeals to Hegel's authority to claim that the writer must
"start immediately, and, whatever the circumstances, without further
scruples about beginning, means, or End, proceed to action" (p. 304), the
immediacy of the act of writing Blanchot has in mind is indicative of the
insolubility of the problem, not of the beginning of the solution of the
contradiction itself in the actual work. For, indeed, the work in which the
contradiction is overcome is logically, or dialectically, underivable from
the contradiction. For a work to arise from it, a work that merits that
name, the contradiction must be unsolvable. The unsolvability of the con-
tradiction and its "immediacy," that is, the irreducibility of what springs
from it, are thus the first traits of paradox that we need to refine further.
Let us now suppose with Blanchot that the work has taken shape
and that with it the writer has been born. This situation exhibits a new
set of contradictions, which Blanchot couches again in Hegelian lan-
guage. drawing on the dialectics of exteriorization as developed in the sec-
ond half of the chapter "The Spiritual Animal Kingdom." Still, one must
not lose sight of what has been established so far about the work. The
work, supposed to have come into existence ("let us suppose"), can only
be a work that stands in no causal or dialectical relation to the contradic-
tory conditions of its production. In addition, the new set of contradic-
tions that arises once the writer has shown his talent in producing a work
is incommensurate with the first set. It is not derived from the first set,
nor is it made up of higher contradictions. It is just one more set. What
then do these additional contradictions amount to? Although the work
makes the writer a writer, it does so only to the extent that it is not ex-
clusively his work but "belongs to other people, people who can read it."
But the interest other people have in his work differs from his own inter-
est in it and "transforms it into something different, something in which
he does not recognize the original perfection" (p. 306). None of the
possible solutions to this "disconcerting ordeal [epreuve deconcertante]"
(p. 306}-that the writer suppress the work as a public institution by in-
sisting on individual authorship, or that he suppress himself as a writer by
The Felicities ofParadox 317

letting the reader be the true author of the work-have any chance in
succeeding. Valery's answer to this dilemma, based on a reRection on the
technique involved in the creation of an art work, fails as well, Blanchot
argues. But what of the claim that this disconcerting ordeal reveals some-
thing objective about the work, something of the order of "the truth of
the work, where the individual who writes-a force of creative nega-
tion-seems to join with the work in motion through which this force of
negation and surpassing asserts itself" (p. 308)? This idea of a synthesis of
work and individual, in Hegel's terms, the "Thing itself" ("the matter in
hand itself," A. V. Miller translates), plays, Blanchot admits, "a vital role
in the literary undertaking" (p. 308). Yet what Hegel understood to be a
(still abstract) Concept gained by self-consciousness in the process of its
self-realization through the work, and hence a (first) solution to the con-
tradictions in question, is immediately shown to engender yet another set
of contradictions.
It is necessary already, but particularly in anticipation of what Blan-
chot will establish about the new set of contradictions, to broach the
question about the notion of contradiction itself as used in "Literature
and the Right to Death." Are the exigencies between which the writer
and his work find themselves contradictions in a strict sense? First, what
is one to make of the fact that while elaborating upon the conRict a writer
encounters when attempting to write, Blanchot describes as contradic-
tions moments that for Hegel call upon one another? Although Hegel
speaks of contradiction when he begins his discussion of the dialectical re-
lations between work and individual (der Grundwiderspruch des Werks),
the analysis of the moments of talent and action serves only to show that
the individual, eager to bring about a work, is caught in a (nonvicious)
circle. Hegel writes: "The individual who is going to act seems, therefore,
to find himself in a circle in which each moment already presupposes the
other, and thus he seems unable to find a beginning, because he only gets
to know his original nature, which must be his End, from the deed, while,
in order to act, he must have that End beforehand." Hegel emphasizes
that the individual "is beginning, means, and End, all in one." Talent, ac-
tion, and end, being intimately interconnected (verkniipft) as his own
moments, are sublated contradictions from the start. The contradictions
between them are only contradictions on the face of it. Hegel even speaks

in this context of the "illusory appearance of an antithesis."6 It is thus ap-

parent that Blanchot's understanding of contradiction is not identical to
Hegel's. Hence, a satisfactory answer as to how one is to take "contradic-
tion" in Blanchot's text will depend on a deeper understanding of the
conflictual nature of the positions outlined. But this much should already
be clear: they are not contradictions in the formal logical sense. Indeed,
as Blanchot remarks, they do not represent a "problem [that] could never
be overcome" (p. 304); they are not "an insurmountable problem, [that
is] nothing more than the impossibility of writing" (p. 305). But despite
the pervasive references to Hegel, neither are they dialectical contradic-
tions capable of reconciliation. Blanchot writes, "There is no reconcilia-
tion of opposites: oppositions, contradictions do not get to rest in some
higher synthesis, but hold themselves together by an increasing tension,
by a choice that is at once an exclusive choice and a choice of contradic-
tion" (p. 290). Like logical contradictions, they are absolutely unsolvable,
but unlike logical contradictions, they give rise to a hopeless situation
that can be overcome, as what has been shown about the "work" illus-
trates. The opposite pulls between which writer and work find themselves
do not lend themselves to a reconciliation. No causal, mechanical, logi-
cal, or dialectical solution can be conceived. And yet the work is, in its
very underivability from the insurmountable ordeal, in its impossible so-
lution of that conflictual situation.
If Hegel's "Thing itself" plays a capital role in the literary under-
taking, it is because through all the variegated meanings it may take, it
stands for "everything which, above the work that is constantly dissolved
in things, maintains the model, the essence, and the spiritual truth of that
work just as the writer's freedom wanted to manifest it and can recognize
it as its own." As the idea of the work (in distinction from the actual
worldly work), the "Thing itself" is at the origin of "a perpetual entice-
ment, an extraordinary game of hide-and-seek." Blanchot distinguishes
two such games in which the writer takes both himself and his reader in
and which make up opposite sides of a divide. In the first, recourse to the
ideal of the work allows the writer to claim that "what he has in mind is
not the ephemeral work but the spirit of that work and of every work"
(p. 308), and thus to fool not only others about the nature of his work but
himself as well. Every failed work can be declared a success since failure
The Felicities ofParadox 319

must be the essence of the work that can never be adequate to its ideal.
But should the writer opt for the second game, and relinquish this claim,
pretending to write for the reader alone, he again fools himself and the
reader as well. "Were [he] not concerned with literature as his own action,
he could not even write" (p. 309). Blanchot offers the politically engaged
writer as an illustration of the mechanics of the second game. The exam-
ple, neither arbitrary nor a veiled reference to Blanchot's political in-
volvement with the far right, comes from the same chapter of the Phe-
nomenology that Blanchot has been following through its consecutive
moves.? Although the engaged writer claims to be on the side of a Cause,
as soon as the Cause claims him, he shows himself to be "only on his own
side" (p. 309). The analysis of the politically engaged writer allows Blan-
chot to indicate yet another "equivocation," as he now calls it. If the
writer disengages himself from worldly causes, turning himself rather to
the wall, he transforms that wall into the world, not a solitary universe
but a space that "contains within itself a point of view which concerns
everyone" (p. 310). The writer who withdraws into pure self-intimacy
fools himself and his readers in the same way as the engaged writer. Play-
ing off Hegel's ruminations in "The Spiritual Animal Kingdom" regard-
ing the honest consciousness-the consciousness whose truth is the
"Thing itself" or "the true work"-in which he concludes that the hon-
est consciousness owes its honesty to its own thoughtlessness and thus is
caught up in a number of deceptions of both self and others, Blanchot
draws the much less dialectical conclusion that, paradoxically, deceit is
the necessary condition of the writer's honesty. Blanchot writes: "What is
striking is that in literature, deceit and mystification not only are in-
evitable but constitute the writer's honesty, whatever hope and truth are
in him" (p. 310). There is no escaping the contradictions that the writer
faces when he approaches the task of writing, nor, when the work is com-
plete, is there any escape from the equivocations just mentioned. Self-
deception and the deception of others are the writer's inescapable condi-
tion. But this mystification and deceit are not simply negative, for they
represent the condition under which a writer can be a writer, that is, hon-
est and truthful. Without the equivocations in question, the writer would
be absolutely unable to realize the truth that is in him.
To throw this "logic" of contradiction and equivocation more clearly

into relief, Blanchot opens a discussion of the so-called sickness of works,

only to conclude that "this sickness is also the words' health. They may be
torn apart by equivocation, but this equivocation is a good thing [heureuse
equivoque]-without it there would be no dialogue. They may be falsified
by misunderstanding-but this misunderstanding is the possibility of our
understanding. They may be imbued with emptiness-but this empti-
ness is their very meaning" (p. 310). Like contradiction, equivocation is
good and felicitous, provided that the tear, here, within words themselves,
is absolute. In Blanchot's own terms, the contradiction, the equivocation,
the paradox, must be "rigorously contradictory" {p. 128).8 Only where
there is no possible solution, no way out, that is, where "each aspect [of
the contradiction] asks to be seen fully" and where "each [aspect] asks
to be given meaning, strengthened, [and] made visible to the extreme"
(p. 53), can the equivocation of words become the possibility of dialogue,
understanding, and meaning. More generally, the positive insolubility of
contradictions or equivocations, the impossibility of their reconciliation,
can turn into the very condition under which a "solution" of sorts be-
comes possible. Contradiction, equivocation, paradox, are forces "at once
friendly and hostile" (p. 343), that if completely hopeless, offer a chance
for their solution. Speaking of rigorously contradictory attempts that can-
not lead anywhere, Blanchot remarks: "And all the same, it [the contra-
dictory attempt] is valuable only in its impossibility, it is possible only as
impossible effort" (p. 80). But, this solution would not attain if the con-
tradictions and equivocations were immanently to lend themselves to their
resolution. A solution to a rigorous contradiction, or a positively unsolv-
able paradox, must be "made possible by that which makes it impossible"
(p. 72). The condition for any solution worth the name must be the con-
dition that makes it rigorously impossible. A felicitous equivocation may
not contain within itself the means of its possible overcoming. For Blan-
chot, a "solution" is only a solution where it is neither preprogrammed by
nor anticipatable from the contradictory elements.
Literature, writing, the work, are solutions to the positively irrecon-
cilable contradictions and equivocations. Poetry, Blanchot writes is "the
realization of a complete irrealization, such that when achieved, the pri-
mal absence would be asserted in it ... on which all our deeds, our acts,
and the very possibility of our words rise up" (p. 72). Now, although lit-
The Felicities of Paradox 321

erature is the solution to unresolvable paradoxes, it cannot be a logical or

dialectical solution. It must remain a solution that even though it occurs
is impossible. Blanchot, after evoking the hopeless challenge of poetry,
writes: "At first sight, such an attempt appears to be contradictory, unre-
alizable, and, as Mallarme says, only a delusion. But it must be noted that
real poetry is an effort toward this unrealizable, that ... it has as its foun-
dation this impossibility and this contradiction that it tries vainly to real-
ize" (p. 64). Literature or poetry, then, are positively this solution to the
extent that they are the effort and aspiration to carry through the unreal-
izable attempt. Yet even though such a solution perpetuates its impossi-
bility, it is irreducible to the impossibility that makes it possible in the
first place. With literature and poetry irreducible to and underivable from
the felicitous conditions from which they have sprung forth, the question
of their possibility becomes pressing. It is indeed the silent question that
lies at the core of all works ofliterature. Ifliterature is a marvel, a wonder
(une merveille), as Blanchot holds, it is so precisely because its origin is a
mystery. It occurs in ways that are not predictable. It happens as if it had
no antecedents, each time new and singular. The contradictory condi-
tions that give rise to literature are felicitous, precisely because it remains
mysterious how literature depends on them. The wonder of literature is
nothing but the silent wonder about its existence.
Before further exploring the felicity of equivocation and contradic-
tion, it is imperative to follow Blanchot's analysis step by step. Imposture
is an inevitable characteristic of the writer, first, because "literature is
made up of different stages [moments] which are distinct from one an-
other and in opposition to one another." Since the writer is "the action
[mouvement] that brings them together and unifies them," another series
of contradictions arises. Given that he is the gathering movement of the
different moments in question, when "challenged under one of his as-
pects," the writer cannot but "present himself as someone else" (p. 31I).
He constantly shifts or glides between all the aspects of the writerly activ-
ity and the work. "This shifting [glissement] on the part of the writer
makes him into someone who is perpetually absent, an irresponsible
character without a conscience, but this shifting also forms the extent of
his presence, of his risks and responsibility" (pp. 31I-I2). Asserting one as-
pect when approached about another, he always eludes being pinned

down, avoiding any responsible response to the demand to identify him-

self. But this irresponsibility that derives inevitably from the status of the
writer as the gathering movement of all the contradictory aspects is also
the sole condition under which he can be truly present and responsible.
How is one to understand this? The difficulty that the writer faces is not
only that he is "several people in one, but [that] each stage [moment] of
himself denies all the others, demands everything for itself alone, and
does not tolerate any conciliation or compromise. The writer must re-
spond to several absolute and absolutely different commands at once, and
his morality is made up of the confrontation and opposition of implaca-
bly hostile rules" (p. 3I2). However, what would seem the tragic situation
par excellence is in fact not tragic. The rules that face the writer are ab-
solutely incompatible-they are not merely the moments of an underly-
ing substance that would embrace them-and hence tolerate no media-
tion or reconciliation. Consequently, as the writer takes (momentary)
refuge in one rule as he escapes the immobilizing identificatory power of
another, never does the writer identify himself with a whole substance
through a single one of its moments. The exit open to the tragic hero is
thus not open to the writer, nor does he call upon himself the wrath of
the excluded rule. Even though at one point Blanchot will use the term
"tragic" to describe the conflictual nature of literature, the conflict of the
writer is not tragic in a strict sense. Indeed, it is even more difficult.
Whereas the tragic hero must respond to one rule, and through it to the
whole that has divided into opposite rules, the writer must respond to
several "implacably hostile rules" at once. His is an impossible task, yet
his work is and is only a response to these uncompromisingly conflictual
demands to the extent that it responds to this impossible challenge.
Through his work, the writer will have succeeded in providing an answer,
one that, because of the impossibility of the task, is inevitably singular
and unique. There is no general rule for the "solution" that such a work
provides to the insurmountable conflict. The rule that presides over an
answer to the "implacably hostile rules" can only be an irreducibly singu-
lar rule, which hence cannot serve as a model for future responses. Such a
response on the pan of the writer and his work thus always runs the risk
of failing. Without this danger, however, there would be no chance of re-
sponsibly succeeding. A responsible response to contradictory command-
The Felicities of Paradox 323

ments, that is, to an impossible task, literature's response pivots upon it-
self and becomes the questioning of its own possibility.
Yet although the hostile rules' demands on the writer are such that
one might think of literature as merely the dream of a response, literature
is not nothing. Literature is not a passive manifestation on the surface of
the world; it is a concrete intervention in the world, Blanchot claims.
Closely following Alexandre Kojeve's rendering of the master/slave chapter
in the Phenomenology, in which work is defined "as the force of history, the
force that transforms man while it transforms the world" (p. 313), Blan-
chot ascertains that "a writer's activity must be recognized as the highest
form of work" (p. 313), and that his work is one "to an outstanding degree"
(p. 313). However, in spite of these new references to Hegel, a concept of
work emerges from these developments concerning the book as a work
that does not easily square with the Hegelian concept. Blanchot states:

For me, the written volume is an extraordinary, unforeseeable innovation-such

that it is impossible for me to conceive what it is capable of being without writ-
ing it. This is why it seems to me to be an experiment whose effects I cannot
grasp, no matter how consciously they were produced, and in the face of which
I shall be unable to remain the same, for this reason: in the presence of some-
thing other, I become other: But there is an even more decisive reason: this other
thing-the book-of which I had only an idea and which I could not possibly
have known in advance, is precisely myself become other. (p. 314)

According to Blanchot, the work as a response to a positively insoluble

contradiction must be absolutely unpredictable. With work that meets an
impossible challenge, something entirely new comes into existence. Al-
though Hegel might admit that to the finite consciousness of the writer,
his book may appear as "an extraordinary, unforeseeable innovation," this
is an illusion to be overcome in the dialectical process. For Blanchot, in
contrast, the quality of unpredictability and extraordinary novelty is an
objective aspect of a work. Strictly speaking, it is a work-"a work in the
highest sense of the word" (p. 314) -only if it has been unforeseeable and
if, in addition, its effects also escape the writer. The work is an Other in
that it is unpredictable, unmasterable in its effect, and escapes reappro-
priation. It is not an Other in the Hegelian sense of being the Other of
self. Its Otherness is that not of the alienated self but of something that
refuses derivation from self and hence remains irrecoverable. The book,

indeed, is "this other thing" (emphasis mine). If it changes the writer, it is

a change in a radical sense. It ochers its creator. Rather than triggering a
self-consciousness through the dialectical reappropriation of one's alien-
ated self, the work that represents "myself become other," that is, myself
become unpredictable to myself, hence no longer assimilable to myself,
turns the author of the work into an Other as well, into someone strange,
foreign to himself, unable to master himself dialectically.
But let us return to the question of the history-making writer. Un-
doubtedly, the writer is free to negate all there is and to transform the ex-
isting world into a world of freedom. "In this sense, his work is a prodi-
gious act, the greatest and most important there is" (p. 315). But however
incomparable, this world-transforming feat of the work must instantly be
put into question by its opposite determination. Indeed, since the writer
achieves such a transformation of the world in immediate fashion, that
is, through an abstract negation of the real and of all limits, his action
discredits all action and remains merely in the margins of history. Liter-
ature thus represents a danger to any possible active intervention in the
world, yet not so much because it distracts us from the problems of real
life by luring us into an imaginary world as because it puts the world as a
whole at our disposal. The writer "makes all of reality available to us. Un-
reality begins with the whole. The realm of the imaginary is not a strange
region situated beyond the world, it is the world itself, but the world as
entire, manifold, the world as a whole," Blanchot remarks (p. 316). What
kind of world or whole is it that literature puts at our disposal? It is a
whole in the sense that all its particular realities are negated. The whole
that literature offers us through a global negation is the world itself as the
absence of everything that is in the world, from which absence every-
thing in the world is to be re-created. Literary creation, Blanchot speci-
fies, begins "by the realization of that absence itself ... when literary cre-
ation goes back over each thing and each being ... [in] the illusion that
it is creating them, because now it is seeing and naming them from the
starting point of everything, from the starting point of the absence of
everything, that is, from nothing" (p. 316). These diametrically opposite
and mutually exclusive determinations of the literary-as action par ex-
cellence in or as escape from the world-explain the three temptations
faced by the writer which Blanchot develops in conformity with the three
The Felicities ofParadox 325

ways in which self-consciousness shapes itself before being sublated by

Reason. In the chapter immediately following the one on the master/
slave dialectic, Hegel distinguishes these shapes as stoicism, skepticism,
and unhappy consciousness. 9 But there is a fourth temptation, a tempta-
tion unlike the previous three, to which Blanchot devotes a lengthier
analysis. This additional temptation arises from the "movement which
proceeds without pause, and almost without transition, from nothing to
everything," a movement seen at work in the two determinations of the
literary (p. 318). The immediate cause for considering this fourth temp-
tation is once again Blanchot's reading of the Phenomenology, specifically
of Hegel's account of Jacob in ism in the French Revolution in the section
"On Spirit," the chapter ''Absolute Freedom and Terror." 10 The fourth
temptation consists in the wish to realize in practice, rather than merely
through the unreality of words, the whole abstracted from all there is and
from which the writer as writer could re-create everything in the form of
the literary work. It is thus a wish that conflicts both with what the work
qua literary work achieves and with the status of its creator. For, indeed,
the fourth temptation is the wish to re-create the concrete world in the
name of the whole and to make the writer a public, historical person.
The temptation of "the writer [to] see himself in the Revolution" is not
just any temptation. It is an unavoidable temptation, coextensive with
writing itself. ''Any writer who is not induced by the very fact of writing
to think, 'I am the revolution, only freedom allows me to write,' is not
really writing," Blanchot asserts (p. 321). But if Blanchot lingers on this
fourth temptation, he does so not only because it is coextensive with
writing but because it comprises the maximum of contradictions. Of
Sade, who exemplifies this temptation, Blanchot contends: "Sade is the
writer par excellence, he combines all the writer's contradictions" (p. 321).
Whereas the stoic, the nihilistic writer, and the writer of unhappy con-
sciousness are caught in a limited number of contradictions, the writer of
the fourth temptation enacts them all. His literature is hence also litera-
ture in a paradigmatic fashion. It is the mirror image of the Revolution.
Evoking a famous passage from the preface of the Phenomenology, Blan-
chot comments: "Literature contemplates itself in revolution, it finds its
justification in revolution, and if it has been called the Reign of Terror,
this is because its ideal is indeed that moment in history, that moment

when 'life endures death and maintains itself in it' in order to gain from
death the possibility of speaking and the truth of speech."ll He con-
cludes, "This is the 'question' that seeks to pose itself [a saccomplir J in
literature, the 'question' that is its essence [e1tre]" (pp. 321-22). As we have
seen already, the question of the possibility of literature is the silent ques-
tion at the heart ofliterature. But in what sense can we identify as a ques-
tion the fact that the Revolution is that historical moment in which "life
endures death and maintains itself in it" in order to gain (for whom? life
or literature?) "from death the possibility of speaking and the truth of
speech"? Blanchot himself puts "question" between inverted commas.
The "question» that makes up the heart of literature is not simply a ques-
tion. It is not an essence; it only seeks to pose itself, or rather, to carry it-
self out, to formulate itself as a question. This "question» seeks to become
the question, to cross the threshold of silence and to articulate itself as
literature. But what is the question that literature, after speaking to the
writer, reader, and common language, addresses to the Revolution in
which it mirrors itself? Undoubtedly, it is a question concerning its pos-
sibility as well. The question is addressed to the Revolution in the first
place because "revolutionary action is in every respect analogous to ac-
tion as embodied in literature: the passage from nothing to everything,
the affirmation of the absolute as event and of every event as absolute»
(p. 319). Undoubtedly, the question concerns the paradox that there is
only life in death, and that speech and its truth are rooted in the human
being's mortality. In these decisive moments of history "when everything
seems put in question» (p. 318), the question is, first, active negation: it
creates an emptiness. But, second, this emptiness is the immediate real-
ization that "everything is possible» (p. 318). As Blanchot's account of the
Reign of Terror demonstrates, the passage from nothing to everything is
achieved in the Revolution by holding out a maximum of contradictions.
For our purposes let us only point out that in the Reign of the Terror, the
first act, the act of negation, is also the final act; that the individual is
universal freedom itself; that to be alive is to be dead; that to die is to be
alive and to achieve absolute freedom; that death has no importance but
is also "the richest moment of meaning» (p. 320); that there is nothing
more to be done since all has been done, and so on. The task ofliterature
is to emulate this infinite power to endure contradiction, and thus to al-
The Felicities of Paradox 327

low the "question" to manifest itself. In literature such emulation takes

the form of the question-the question of how it is that it can be every-
thing; in short, the question of its own possibility. From the Revolution
it also seeks to learn something about the "question" itself that is its most
intimate being. From the Revolution it desires to learn not only how to
realize the question but also what this "question" is. Addressing itself to
the Revolution, literature inquires into how "to gain from death the pos-
sibility of speaking and the truth of speech." In general terms, this silent
question concerns the possibility of possibility, of how possibility arises
from impossibility. In the final analysis, it is a question about the possi-
bility of the "question."
Blanchot sets out to describe the fourth temptation as follows: "Let
us acknowledge that in a writer there is a movement which proceeds
without pause, and almost without transition [presque sans intermedi-
aireL from nothing to everything" (p. 318). In the pages that follow his
discussion of this last temptation-pages that deal with language in gen-
eral and the language of literature in particular-we now must seek fur-
ther as to how to read the passage in question. These pages discuss the
object of literature's manifold inquiries and addresses. How is negation,
first and foremost, to be understood here? This is, of course, a question
about how the silent question at the heart of literature marvels at the
wonder that literature is.
Claiming that "all ... poets whose theme is the essence of poetry"
have felt that "the act of naming is disquieting and marvelous [une mer-
veille inquiitante]" (p. 322) -he mentions Holderlin and Mallarme-
Blanchor begins his reflections on language by elaborating upon naming.
Understood from the perspective of naming, language is "life's ease and
security" (p. 322) because names put things into our possession and allow
us to control and manipulate them. But such naming presupposes a prior,
profoundly disquieting annihilation and suppression of what is named,
Blanchot holds. What naming annihilates is the particularity of things,
their status as uniquely real things, or as existants, as Blanchot also writes,
thus gesturing toward the Levinasian distinction between existence and
existant. But this approach to language in terms of appropriation and an-
nihilation is Hegelian in origin. After citing a text by Hegel on Adam's
naming of the animals, Blanchot remarks, "The meaning of speech ...

requires that before any word is spoken, there must be a sort of immense
hecatomb, a preliminary flood plunging all creation into a total sea"
(p. 323). Things only enter language as universal and ideal things, de-
prived of the singularity of their being, without their "flesh-and-blood re-
ality" (p. 322). Language is the medium of universality, Hegel says at the
beginning of the Phenomenology. In the daylight oflanguage, in its never-
ending light, to use Blanchot's words, beings dissolve in their here and
now, to resuscitate in the universal signification that is Being.
For Blanchot, the annihilation thtough which signification comes
about in language is in the end a function of the human being's mortality.
It announces real death: "my language means that this person, who is
right here now, can be detached from herself, removed from her existence
and her presence, and suddenly plunged into a nothingness in which
there is no existence or presence" (p. 323). But more important is the fact
that real death, the inevitable possibility of real destruction, makes lan-
guage possible as an idealizing and universal medium of signification.
More precisely, language is the mode in which the factuality of death has
acquired universality and the ontological status of ideality. Language is
the thought of death, death as thought. According to "Literature and the
Right to Death": "My language does not kill anyone. But if this woman
were not really capable of dying, if she were not threatened by death at
every moment of her life, bound and joined to death by an essential
bond, I would not be able to carry out that ideal negation, that deferred
assassination which is what my language is" (p. 323). In other words, mor-
tality is the condition under which language can proceed to that idealiz-
ing destruction of a singular reality in the flesh, thus making it ideal and,
by the same token, the object of a possible address. Without the prior an-
nihilation of immediate existence by means of which the latter is sepa-
rated from itself, made other than itself in its singular and unique exis-
tence, it could not possibly become an Other for me to address. 12 But for
me to speak, I too must be a universal subject, that is, I must be distanced
from myself. "The power to speak is alone linked to my absence from be-
ing," Blanchot explains (p. 324). As soon as I say"!," "it is as though I
were chanting my own dirge" (p. 324). It is not as a full, dominating, and
self-certain presence that I achieve the ideal destruction through which
the Other becomes not only the Other of a possible address but an Other
The Felicities ofParadox 329

in the first place. "No fullness, no certainty can ever speak; something
essential is lacking in anyone who expresses himself," Blanchot notes
(p. 324). Death thus appears to be intrinsically linked to the possibility of
language. Without negation of the singular being in the name, no Other
would arise, nor would I be in a position to be a possible speaker. More-
over, not only does negation separate the other being from the unique-
ness of its existence, or myself from myself, but it also opens the space be-
tween me and an Other, thus providing the essential condition for all
possible communication and understanding. "My speech is a warning
that at this very moment death is loose in the world, that it has suddenly
appeared between me, as I speak, and the being I address: it is there be-
tween us as the distance that separates us, but this distance is also what
prevents us from being separated, because it contains the condition for all
understanding." Blanchot can therefore conclude that "without death,
everything would sink into absurdity" (pp. 323-24).
Several consequences follow: if the one who speaks must negate his
existence, and negate the existence of what he speaks abour, "if true lan-
guage is to begin," "language can begin only with the void" (p. 324). Lan-
guage at its most fundamental, prior to any linguistic act, be it even that
of naming, is the voice of mortality. "When I first begin [to speak], I do
not speak in order to say something; rather, a nothing demands to speak,
nothing speaks, nothing finds its being in speech, and the being of speech
is nothing" (p. 324). At its most primordial, language is death as the
opening of signification, death itself become meaningful. It is the empti-
ness of death separated and detached from itself, the void turned to ide-
ality, real death metamorphosed into universality. What speaks at the be-
ginning, before I say anything, is nothing but signification, meaning pure
and simple, language itself We must now ask the question regarding the
status of negativity in language. Undoubtedly, Blanchot is much indebted
to Hegel's concepts of negation and negativity. But his emphasis on death
as the condition for the ideality of language, for the constitution of the
Other, and more generally for communication, shows negation to enjoy a
status unlike that which it occupies in Hegel. Take, for example, the
negation incurred in a linguistic relation with a human being who is at
first a singular and unique existence. By annihilating that existence in the
immediacy of its being, by making it "other than his being" (p. 324),

negation in language does not transform immediacy into an Other that

would simply be the Other of self, but allows the Other to emerge as the
possibility of address. Such an Other is an absolutely dissymmetrical
Other whose address is unpredictable, and which is the place that must
have been opened in advance for an Other who is the Other of a self to
present itself. Unlike negation in its Hegelian conception, negation in
Blanchot allows a place for the unforeseeable.
Given that language begins with negation and that its meaning de-
rives not from what exists but rather "from its own retreat before exis-
tence," different approaches to language become possible. The first, which
corresponds to the ideal ofliterature, is the temptation "to proceed no fur-
ther than this retreat, to try to attain negation in itself and to make every-
thing of nothing" (p. 324). The second approach is the one taken by ordi-
nary language, for which negation of beings only serves to resuscitate
beings, now more alive than ever, in the shape of their ideas and mean-
ings. Whereas ordinary language is made by this last approach a reliable
source of certitude, "literary language is made of uneasiness; it is also
made of contradictions. Its position is not very stable," Blanchot notes
(p. 315). The analysis of the contradictions in question will help to explain
why the ideal of literature cannot but divide into two conflicting forms.
Literary language seeks to attain the absence of the thing, that is, its
meaning, "absolutely in itself and for itself, to grasp in its entirety the in-
finite movement of comprehension" (p. 325). Words here are nothing but
the transparency of the absence of things and of "the savage freedom of
the negative essence" (p. 326). But since words are also "a nonexistence
made word, that is, a completely determined and objective reality" (p. 325)
in which the negativity in question finds itself imprisoned, this conflict,
Blanchot maintains, forces literature into a struggle with ordinary lan-
guage's deceptive assumption that the negating power of language can be
stabilized by the limited presence of the word. As a result, literature, in
defiance of the word, takes the shape of a liberation, of the wild freedom
of negation, or of a mandate that the whole of language do justice "to the
uneasy demands of one single thing that has been deprived of being and
that, after having wavered between each word, tries to lay hold of them all
again in order to negate them all at once, so that they will designate the
void as they sink down into it-this void which they can neither fill nor
The Felicities ofParadox 331

represent" (p. 326). But with this the conflictual tasks ofliterary language
are not yet exhausted. Indeed, since the negation constitutive oflanguage,
and thus of the life of the spirit and of the light of the day, "cannot be cre-
ated out of anything but the reality of what it is negating" (pp. 326-27), a
question arises for literary language: what it is that was lost in the begin-
ning? Literature thus becomes haunted by the thought of what had to be
put to death for language to come to life. It turns into a search for what
preceded it. But this inquiry into the moment anterior to the "wonderful
power" of speech puts literature into contradiction with itself (p. 327).
"How can I recover it," Blanchot asks, "how can I turn around and look
at what exists before, if all my power consists of making it into what exists
after" (p. 327). Indeed, the double bind in which literature finds itself
caught is that the search for what had to be excluded from language for
language to arise in the first place is inevitably linguistic. Literature can
devote itself only to this search because it has already proceeded to the an-
nihilation of the something in question. "The torment of language is
what it lacks because of the necessity that it be the lack of precisely this
[ce qu'il manque par fa necessite ou il est d'en Ie manque]. It cannot even
name it," Blanchot concludes (p. 327).
Literature begins where literature becomes a question. This ques-
tion, which is now addressed to language itself, shows itself to be a ques-
tion that for structural reasons arises with necessity. By virtue of being
"the terrible force that draws beings into the world and illuminates them"
(p. 326), language must seek the "something" that had to be excluded.
But the very reasons that prompt this quest also render impossible any
satisfactory answer to this question. Indeed, a definite answer to this
question would amount to nothing less than a collapse of language.
In its (impossible) quest for what precedes language, literature dis-
covers the materiality of language. This materiality-the reality, physical-
ity, opacity of the word-no longer the obstacle that it was to a literature
that sought to attain absence absolutely in and for itself, now becomes
the writer's "only chance," Blanchot ascertains (p. 327). The happy fact
that language is physical-"Yes, happily, language is a thing" (p. 327)-
becomes the chance of acceding to the senseless, the anonymous, and the
obscure that precedes it. But such a literature is not the world itself, a
"negation asserting itself," but rather "the presence of things before the

world exists" (p. 328). As Blanchot notes, literary language's attempt "to
become the revelation of what revelation destroys ... is a tragic en-
deavor" (p. 328). Indeed, in this inevitable quest for the moment anterior
to language, literature experiences its inability to escape universality. Un-
doubtedly, literary language may succeed in destroying the meaning of
the word as the word becomes itself an obscure thing, but this meaning-
lessness is itself meaningful in that it represents what had to disappear for
language to become meaningful. Blanchot writes:
When literature refuses to name anything, when it turns a name into something
obscure and meaningless, wirness to the primordial obscurity, what has disap-
peared in this case-the meaning of the name-is really destroyed, but signifi-
cation in general has appeared in its place, the meaning of the meaninglessness
embedded in the word as expression of the obscurity of existence, so that al-
though the precise meaning of the terms has faded, what asserts itself now is the
very possibility of signifying, the empty power of bestowing meaning-a strange
impersonal light. (p. 329)

In its quest for what language excludes, literature discovers signification

in general. not, however, as a transcendental in the strict sense of lan-
guage's capacity to make something appear, but as an inescapable degree
zero of meaning to which even the meaningless must bend. Literature
thus experiences the condemnation of language to signify, its inability to
disappear and stop making sense. As it seeks to disclose the secret of the
day (of meaning, universality, ideality), literature discovers (only) the fa-
tality of light: "day in the form of fatality is the being of what is prior to
the day, the existence we must turn away from in order to speak and com-
prehend" (p. 330).
But the other ideal of literary language, that of reaching absence ab-
solutely in and for itself, is no less tragic. It too encounters contradiction.
Seeking to achieve meaning in its fullest extent by destroying the totality
of particular things, this language cannot avoid resurrecting this particu-
larity in the being of the words. According to Blanchot, literary language
in this sense "is the movement through which whatever disappears keeps
appearing. When it names something, whatever it designates is abolished;
but whatever is abolished is also sustained, and the thing has found a
refuge (in the being which is the word) rather than a threat" (p. 329).
Literature, thus divided between two slopes, each divided in itself, is
The Felicities of Paradox 333

"made of uneasiness," "made of contradictions," "not very stable or secure"

(p. 325). But this contradictory condition is the chance ofliterature. Were
it possible to resolve any of its contradictions, not only would the varie-
gated manifestations of the language of literature disappear, but literary
language itself would cease to exist. Literary language can be viable at all,
can show its infinite possibilities or riches, only because it is structurally
deficient-having to perform negation absolutely, yet being capable of do-
ing so only by providing a refuge for the things that have been abolished
in the form of the word, on the one hand, and on the other, having to in-
quire into the moment that precedes language while coming up against
signification in general. Everything that Blanchot advances about the two
internally divided slopes of literature demonstrates that limitation is the
sole condition under which the respective quests can be successful. Were it
not for the inner obstacles that prevent the two kinds ofliterature from re-
alizing themselves in purity, literature would have no chance.
A literature that composes with the movement of negation "by
which things are separated from themselves and destroyed in order to be
known, subjugated, communicated" cannot content itself with partial or
fragmentary results. "It wants to grasp the movement itself" in its total-
ity, that is, the "unteal whole" of the world to which all real things refer
back (p. 330). Nontealism is thus necessarily inscribed in the realism
characteristic of the first slope. Literature, on this slope, "looks at things
from the point of view of this still imaginary whole which they would
really constitute if negation could be achieved. Hence its non-realism-
the shadow which is its prey. Hence its distrust of words, its need to ap-
ply the movement of negation to language itself and to exhaust it by re-
alizing it as that totality on the basis of which each term would be
nothing" (p. 330). In short, if the literature of realism strives to make
things known, it must grasp the movement of negation required to
achieve this task as such. But in so doing, this kind of literature applies
the movement of negation to its own language, disembodying its own
words, making them nothing, but thereby running the risk of losing its
capacity to communicate. In other words, the realism of literature on the
first slope is a viable possibility only on the condition that its intrinsic
nonrealism threatens its very possibility. If, by contrast, literature shows
a concern for the reality of things before they acquire linguistic meaning,

it must ally itself "with the reality of language," now "a matter without
contour," in which words have become opaque and hence meaningless
(p. 330). But there are also limits to this latter drift. Blanchot remarks:
Beyond the change that has solidified, petrified, and stupefied words two things
reappear in its metamorphosis: the meaning of this metamorphosis, which illu-
minates the words, and the meaning the words contain by virtue of their appari-
tion as things .... Literature has certainly triumphed over the meaning of words,
bur what it has found in words considered apart from their meaning is meaning
that has become thing: and thus it is meaning detached from its conditions ...
wandering like an empty power ... the simple inability to cease to be, but
which, because of that, appearlsl to be the proper determination of indetermi-
nate and meaningless existence. (p. 331)

In sum then, on this second slope ofliterature on which meaning was to

be left at the threshold, meaning reappears as the impossibility ofleaving
meaning behind. Its success at making things reveal their prelinguistic re-
ality by turning language itself into an opaque thing obtains only where
this reality and its opaqueness signifY the absence ofmeaning, hence where
the project of this kind of literature fails and meaning returns as the
meaningful absence of meaning. Thus success on either slope depends on
an exigency that, although intimately associated with each slope, ulti-
mately limits such success. However, without this uneasy condition,
withour the intrinsic impossibility that inhabits each slope, there would
be no slope to begin with, and hence no literature. What Blanchot says
about the impossibility of succeeding on each one of the two seemingly
incompatible slopes in purity and in "distinctly different works or goals"
(p. 332) further emphasizes the constitutive power of the unresolvable
"An art which purports to follow one slope is already on the other,"
Blanchot writes (p. 332). In an absolute sense, this contamination of one
slope by the other undercuts the possibility of "distinctly different works
or goals" (p. 332). But the lack of incompatibility that such contamination
implies entails neither the loss of the slopes' distinctiveness from each
other nor their annihilation; rather it serves to guarantee a certain speci-
ficity to each slope. The lapse into its opposite, its lack of purity, allows the
distinction and difference of one slope from the other. How is this point
made in "Literature and the Right to Death"? As we have seen, on the first
The Felicities of Paradox 335

slope is a literature of realism, like that of Flaubert, which seeks its real-
ization through meaningfol prose, that is, by means of a language that ex-
presses things according to their meaning. Yet Flaubert's realism demon-
strates that such a language, insofar as it corresponds to everyday speech,
is not sufficiently meaningful. Meaningful prose must therefore correct
this situation by seeking a language able to recapture the movement of
negation itself without which there is no meaning. Meaningful prose dis-
covers this language, and its corresponding art form, in the language and
art of Mallarme. Unlike ordinary prose, Mallarme's language, which "rep-
resents the world for us, ... teaches us to discover the total being of the
world," safeguards the movement of negativiry by which meaning be-
comes truth (p. 333). On the second slope is poetical language, that side of
Mallarme's poetry, for example, concerned not with negation and mean-
ing but with the materialiry oflanguage. Poetical language is interested "in
what things and beings would be if there were no world," B1anchot states.
Francis Ponge, who "has gone over to the side of objects, sometimes he is
water, sometimes a pebble, sometimes a tree" (p. 334), is exemplary of the
literature of this slope. But as Blanchot points out, though none of the
works characteristic of the second slope can be called works of prose, their
attempt to describe things as they would describe themselves cannot but
have recourse to meaningful prose if they are to give expression to the
muteness of things or to the senseless. While it is true that those prose de-
scriptions of poetical language do not belong to the world in the same way
as Flaubert's realism, but rather belong "to the underside of the world,"
they remain "perfectly meaningful prose" (p. 335), harboring a language of
negativiry and meaning in poetical language itself
Each slope veers away from itself to the other. But as the discussion
of poetical language in "Literature and the Right to Death" demonstrates,
being always already on the opposite slope is the sole condition under
which literature can hope to be truthful. One cannot choose one's spot in
literature "because literature has already insidiously caused you to pass
from one slope to the other and changed you into something you were
not before. This is its treachery," Blanchot writes. But "this is also its cun-
ning version of the truth [La est sa traitrise, la aussi sa verite retorse]"
(p. 333). Blanchot's discussion of how both meaningful prose and poetical
language supplement, correct, or fulfill each other heightens the possibi-

lizing or enabling function ofliterature's treachery by demonstrating that

the other is always other in a specific way. Indeed, the Mallarme who
creeps into Flaubert is not the same as the Mallarme who has recourse to
Flaubert. No cancellation of one slope by the other occurs here. If the two
slopes stand against one another, they are not, for that matter, reversible.
No neutralization takes place here. Rather, the insidious passage of one
slope into the other is always a passage to a distinct Other that helps ac-
complish the truth of the first slope. This truth is, no doubt, a twisted
truth, but a truth nonetheless. Although the two slopes, like affirmation
and negation in Kafka's writings, are subject to a "continuous threat of
reciprocity" (p. 83), the fact that the other slope is present in the first in a
particular shape eliminates the danger of their mutual annihilation. I re-
call here that the division of literature into two slopes derives only from a
certain point of view. "If one looks at it in a certain way, literature has
two slopes," Blanchot writes (p. 330). Further, he notes that they are only
"apparently incompatible" (p. 332). Indeed, the division in question does
not establish that literature is duplicitous, that is, made up of parts stand-
ing in binary opposition. The slopes are not symmetrically opposed.
Radter. the attempt to recapture the movement of negation itself on the
first IIope endows this slope with a privilege unlike any that poetical lan-
guage might claim for itself. And, as we have seen, the second slope arises
of necessity from the destruction of particular things on the first slope, a
destruction that allows these things to be known and communicated.
This second slope does not therefore escape the light of day brought forth
by the first.
Because the treacherous conversion of one slope into the other that
insidiously undercuts all wishful identity on the part of either slope also
enables the first slope to achieve a certain distinctness, there is also no end
to the conversion in question. As little as the two slopes cancel each other
out in reciprocity, does the recourse that each slope must have to its other
in order to be what it is know a fulfillment? Having wondered at which
exact point Lautreamont's transparent prose turns poetically opaque and
meaningless, or at which point in de Sade's clearest prose one hears "an
impersonal, inhuman sound" (p. 336), that is, the muteness of things be-
fore the world occurred, Blanchot asks: "Where is the end? Where is that
death which is the hope of language? But language is the fifo that endures
The Felicities of Paradox 337

death and maintains itself in it" (p. 336). The passage from one slope to
the other never ceases. It does not die. Indeed, death, to the extent that it
might be the hope of language, is not simply an end but the negative to
be held out for language to achieve truth. I now return to the question of
the contradictions, equivocalities, and paradoxes that constitute literary
language on all its levels and in all its manifestations. Is there a matrix for
all of literature's ambiguities? More precisely, where does this ambiguity
originate, and what is its ultimate and most economical structure? It has
been observed that "a fundamental ambiguity seems to inhabit all of
Blanchot's thinking." 13 My question is whether this ambiguity can be de-
scribed in such a way that the manifold paradoxes, contradictions, and
equivocalities can be derived from it. Yet what would a "fundamental am-
biguity" have to be for it to have a grounding or explicatory value? What
"fundamental ambiguity" could, beyond indistinctness, uncertainty, and
obscurity, have a constituting function? The last pages of "Literature and
the Right to Death" perhaps harbor an answer to these questions.
"If we want to restore literature to the movement which allows all
its ambiguities to be grasped, that movement is here: literature, like ordi-
nary speech, begins with the end, which is the only thing that allows us to
understand," Blanchot remarks (p. 336). In the final analysis, then, all the
ambiguities that make up literature and its language stem from this fun-
damental ambiguity that it must begin with the end, in other words, with
death, with death's intrinsic ambiguity.
If we are to speak, we must see death, we must see it behind us. When we speak,
we are leaning on a tomb, and the void of that tomb is what makes language
true, but at the same time [this] void is reality and death becomes being. There
is being-that is to say, a logical and expressible truth-and there is a world, be-
cause we can destroy things and suspend existence. This is why we can say that
there is being because there is nothingness: death is man's possibility, his chance,
it is through death that the future of a finished world is still there for us [eest par
elle que nous reste l'avenir d'un monde acheve]; death is man's greatest hope, his
only hope of being man. (pp. 336-37)

The argument of this passage, which also illuminates the title of Blan-
chot's piece, is familiar by now. Without the real possibility of death, no
idealizing detachment of beings from themselves and hence no univer-
sally shareable meaning is possible.1 4 Man's humanity depends on his

eventual death, to which man as man must thus claim to have a right. If
he could no longer die, he could no longer be human. But as this passage
also underscores, although death is a necessary condition, a right, it is not
a sufficient reason for ideality, universality, and communality to occur.
Death entails no guarantee whatsoever that being, man, or literature will
be. No cause or mechanical relation exists between death and what it can
render possible. Death is merely the possibility, chance, or hope for be-
ing, man, the world, literature to come into being. Death is ambiguous
in more than one respect, but first and foremost in the following: on the
one hand, its negation can be final, without any effect; on the other hand,
it is a possibility for something to occur, come, arrive-for the world to
be a world, to have a future, for a future finished world. This fundamen-
tal ambiguity is communicated to everything for which the end becomes
the chance for a beginning. This ambiguity that structures death, death's
structural ambiguity, needs further illumination.
In Blanchot's discussion of Kafka's belief that literature might be a
way out of the ambiguity of the human condition, in which he shows
such a quest merely to transform death as the impossibility of dying into
the mockery of immortality, he raises the question of the power of litera-
ture. Why, he asks, could "a man like Kafka decide that if he had to fall
short of his destiny, being a writer was the only way to fall short of it
truthfully?" (p. 341). This question, posed against all the contradictions,
equivocalities, and paradoxes ofliterature that have been staged up to this
point, seems unanswerable. The reason for its being unanswerable is not
contingent, but, as will become clear hereafter, it is unanswerable by right
if answering means "to clear it up" (p. 341). "Perhaps this is an unintelli-
gible enigma," Blanchot holds, "but if it is, the source of the mystery is
literature's right to affix a negative or positive sign indiscriminately to
each of its moments and each of its results" (p. 341). This "strange right,"
he claims, is "linked to the question of ambiguity in general" (p. 341).
This right, in which the power of literature is rooted, is thus not one
more characteristic of literature added to its contradictory, equivocal,
paradoxical nature. For not only does this right give rise to the contradic-
tory nature of literature, but it will also help us to understand both am-
biguity in general and the particular reason, or rather the minimal ambi-
guity, on which all ofliterature's ambiguity hinges.
The Felicities of Paradox 339

"Why is there ambiguity in the world?" Blanchot asks. "Ambiguity

is its own answer. We cannot answer it except by rediscovering it in the
ambiguity of our answer, and an ambiguous answer is a question about
ambiguity. One of the ways it seduces us is by making us want to clear it
up," he tells us (p. 341). The question regarding ambiguity is thus stnlC-
turally unanswerable. It is a question whose answer invariably turns into
a question again. "Literature is language turning into ambiguity [qui se
fait ambigui'te]," Blanchot writes (p. 341). Earlier in The Work ofFire, he
had said: "Literary art is ambiguous. That means that none of its de-
mands can exclude the opposite demand; on the contrary, the more they
oppose each other, the more they evoke each other" (p. 193). Whereas or-
dinary language seeks to remove ambiguity and to limit equivocality by
putting a term to understanding, in literary language ambiguity is set
free and held out. In contrast to ambiguity in ordinary language, ambi-
guity in literary language is "in some sense abandoned to its excesses by
the opportunities it finds and exhausted by the extent of the abuses it can
commit" (p. 341). But literature is not only a place were this ambiguity
is met; in a final ambiguity, literature renders it inoffensive. Blanchot

It is as though there were a hidden trap here to force ambiguity to reveal its own
traps, and as though in surrendering unreservedly to ambiguity, literature were
attempting to keep it-out of sight of the world and of the thought of the
world-in a place where it fulfills itself without endangering anything. Here am-
biguity struggles with itself [l'ambiguite est La aux prises avec elle-memel. (p. 341)

But precisely because in literary language ambiguity becomes ambiguous

itself-as the event in which ambiguity is faced in and for itself, literature
also immediately becomes a neutralizing event-the struggle, in litera-
ture, of ambiguity with itself perhaps reveals something essential about
ambiguity itself. In literary language, "each moment of language can be-
come ambiguous and say something different from what it is saying,
but ... the general meaning of language is unclear: we do not know if it
is expressing or representing, if it is a thing or means that thing" (pp. 341-
42). The struggle of ambiguity with itself not only concerns the possibil-
ity of determining the singular moments of language but concerns liter-
ary language itself and ultimately the ambiguity itself that is its most es-

sential characteristic. The possibility-constitutive of literature-of af-

fixing indiscriminately opposite, contradictory, equivocal values to any
moment of language, to literature as a whole, and to ambiguity itself,
shows literature to be the event of a proliferation of ambiguity. It is an
ambiguous event itself in that it remains undecidable whether this prolif-
eration is of the order of a generalization or a mise en abyme of ambiguity.
Literature is this ambiguity.
If Blanchot could claim that ambiguity is its own answer, this is be-
cause ambiguity is fundamentally a question. It is a question to such an
extent that it even returns in the answers that it solicits. But if "ambigu-
ity ... is the essential movement of poetic activity," then literature is also
all question, a silent question identical with the structure of literature it-
self. Ambiguous through and through, including its determination as be-
ing ambiguous, literature's ambiguity is indicative of what Blanchot terms
"an ultimate ambiguity," to which all of its contradictions, divisions, and
oppositions refer back (p. 342). "These reversals from pro to contra . ..
have very different causes" and differ in "kind, and meaning" (p. 342).
They are not modifications of a homogeneous realm of contradictions;
rather they are heterogeneous in nature. Yet in their very disparity, they
"refer bade. to an ultimate ambiguity whose strange effect is to attract lit-
erature to an unstable point where it can indiscriminately change both its
meaning and its sign" (p. 342). Because literature refers to this ultimate
ambiguity that is the reason for the ambiguity affecting its own charac-
terization can literature be the place where and in which contradictions,
divisions, opposites of incompatible nature and status can meet. One ul-
timate ambiguity, then, is to be construed as the reason for all the diver-
gent reversals that we have seen, and rather than homogenizing them, it
explains why they can cohere in literature in spite of their disparity. What
is this final ambiguity responsible for literature's essential instability,
which manifests itself in the vicissitude, inherent in every work, of choos-
ing between the "daylight of affirmations or the backlight of negations"
(p. 342)? What is this last ambiguity that "is always in the process of
changing the work from ground up," but does so "deep within" the liter-
ary work and in silence, for neither "the content of the words nor their
form is involved here" (pp. 342-43)? It is, says Blanchot, the ambiguity of
"that lift which supports death and maintains itselfin it-death, the amaz-
The FeLicities of Paradox 341

ing power of the negative, or freedom, through whose work existence is

detached from itself and made significant" (p. 343). The question then is:
what is death, for it to play this invisible yet pivotal role? In what sense
can it be the ultimate ambiguity, with which consequently everything be-
gins and which communicates its ambiguity to everything, with the result
that what begins has also already reached its end?
Death is this last point of instability in the life that maintains itself
in it-the life of daylight, language, universally communicable meaning,
and so forth-hence the last point of the possibility of the indifferent re-
versals of negative and positive values. For at the very moment it makes
meaning possible, death continues "to assert itself [siifJirme encore 1 as
continually differing possibility [comme une possibilite toujours autre]"
(p. 343). Within the meaning that it renders possible, death remains as
the affirmation of its negation and as the possibility of an always other
possibility. Death is the power of an always other or alternate possibility
(aLternative) and hence the "cause" of ambiguity, because even though it
allows ideality, universality, and meaning to come about, it continues to
perpetuate "an irreducible double meaning, a choice whose terms are cov-
ered over with the ambiguity that makes them identical to one another as
it makes them opposite" (p. 344). Indeed, death is the inevitable power of
the additional possibility of a foundering of meaning, a lack of meaning,
and a loss of the chance of its occurrence. Ideality and universality are al-
ways in jeopardy. There is always the possibility that they may not occur.
This means also that all relation to an Other and all possible address
could possibly be missing. Needless to say, the possibility of such infelic-
ity is not the simple symmetrical opposite of meaning. All the reversals
discussed up to this point have their matrix in this dissymmetrical,
always-other possibility that death be what one perhaps too lightly terms
"real death." If, for Blanchot, death is the ultimate ambiguity, it is be-
cause, as an always other possibility, it is the minimal ambiguity presup-
posed by any other ambiguity. "The nothingness of death" (p. 344) to
which death as the chance of meaning continues to refer as a possibility,
that is, the possibility that death "becomes the disappearance of every
way out" (p. 344), but the disappearance of every issue as well-this is
what makes all meaning ultimately ambiguous.
Blanchot ends "Literature and the Right to Death" as follows:

This original double meaning, which lies deep inside every word like a condem-
nation that is still unknown and a happiness [bonheur 1that is still invisible, is the
source of literature, because literature is the form in which this double meaning
has chosen to show itself behind the meaning and the value of words, and the
question it asks is the question asked by literature. (p. 344)

Literature, it now appears to us, becomes a question-the question asked

by literature-when it becomes the form in which the original ambiguity
manifests itself. Literature silently poses the question posed by the origi-
nal double meaning. To conclude, then, let me question one more time
the irreducible double meaning deep within literature and its language. I
recall that for Blanchot death is the power of detachment from which
meaning arises. But once everything-the whole, totality, the world-
begins in detachment, the power of the other possibility is already at
work. Detachment is not only the origin of ideality, universality, and
meaning. It is not only the condition under which a relation to an Other
can arise. Detachment is also a laceration, a tearing, or ripping apart.
"Death ends in being: this is man's laceration [dechirure], the source of his
unhappy fate, since by man death comes to being and by man meaning
rem on nothingness," Blanchot writes (p. 344). Detachment, conse-
qmntly, is always already the power of alternatives. Without this possi-
bility of the always other possibility, death could not inaugurate the ide-
alizing process of language in detachment. Without this possibility no
Other could possibly emerge, and no address take place. Death is thus
first and foremost this minimal ambiguity of an always other possibility.
It is the prodigious power of the negative only because it is first of all the
opening for the occurrence of another possibility. As we have seen, this
possibility is that of the arrival of an unpredictable (non-Hegelian) Other.
It is a structural trait inscribed everywhere. As I have discussed, this trait
is the mark in everything that it also might not have come forth, the
mark of the possibility that rather than something, nothingness could
have prevailed. But this trait's minimal ambiguity does not stop here. In-
deed, this mark is also positively the mark of something that has become
meaningful through the detachment of death. It also points to the possi-
bility that meaning can spring forth from negation and destruction. It af-
firms that there is a chance for meaning to occur, that an Other can pre-
sent itself in an address, and that it/he/she is a possible addressee for us.
The Felicities of Paradox 343

The "always other possibility" is thus ambiguous as well-nothingness /

the chance of everything. This compels me to define death, beyond the
negative and positive valorizations that it can affix to just anything, as af-
firmation-affirmation of the possibility of nothingness, of the chance
for being to be. But death as such a yes manifests itself in that it asks. Its
beginning in affirmation ends in a question. Death as the affirmation of
an always other possibility begins in that it asks. It is in literature that
death asks this question. the silent question of the possibility of literature.


I. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, Institutionis Oratoriae (Darmstadt: Wissen-

schaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1975), 2: 196 (8,4,21). Quintilian speaks here of a
"relatione ad aliquid," in which the term, deriving from reftrre, "to carry back,"
is used in a distinct, and technically logical, way.
2. Aristotle, The Complete Works, ed. J. Barnes (Princeton, N.).: Princeton
University Press, 1985), 2: 1612 and 1719. Here Aristotle writes, "the relative is
least of all things a real thing or substance."
3. Mark G. Henninger, S), Relations: Medieval Theories I25Q-I325 (Oxford:
Clarendon, 1989), pp. 95. 65·
4. Constantine Cavarnos, The Classical Theory of Relations: A Study in the
Metaphysics of Plato, Aristotle and Thomism (Belmont, Mass.: The Institute for
BYlantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1975), pp. 75, 83.
5. See Armand Maurer, "Ens Diminutum: A Note on Its Origin and Mean-
ing," Medieval Studies 12 (1959): 216-22.
6. Thomas Aquinas, quoted from Cavarnos, p. 83.
7. The expression is that of Durandus De S. Porciano. See Historisches Wiirter-
buch der Philosophie, ed. ). Ritter and K. Grunder (Darmstadt: Wissenschafdiche
Buchgesellschaft, 1992), 8: 590.
8. Rorty, speaking of the debate about the assumption that relations are in-
ternal (although his point obtains as well when relations are said to have exter-
nal reality), stresses "how intimately the issues about internal relations are bound
up with a whole range of other philosophical problems-problems about the no-
tions of substance, of essence, and of 'bare particulars,' about 'real' versus 'nom-
inal' definitions, about nominalism versus realism, about the way in which we re-
fer to and identifY particulars, and about the nature of necessary truth. It is
perhaps not too much to say that a philosopher's views on internal relations are
themselves internally related to all his other philosophical views." Richard Rorty,
"Relations, Internal and External,' in The Encyclopedia o/Philosophy (New York:
Macmillan and The Free Press, 1972), vol. 7/8, p. 126.
348 Notes to Chapter 1

9. Julius Jakob Schaaf, "Beziehung und Beziehungsloses (Absolutes)," in

Subjektivitdt und Metaphysik: Festschrift for WoLfgang Cramer, ed. D. Henrich and
H. Wagner (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1966), p. 278.
to. In this context Christopher Fynsk has convincingly argued that if lan-
guage is thought from relationality, it "relates" to a relationality that, in distinc-
tion from Heidegger's contention that all relation opens with language, is "be-
yond" language, and thus is of the order of something that is not linguistic. See
Christopher Fynsk, Language and Relation ... that there is language (Stanford,
Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1996).
II. Schaaf. p. 288-89.
12. Aside from minor stylistic corrections, the essays are for the most part re-
produced here without changes. The only exception is Chapter 2. As one of the
first that I wrote in English, it needed some rewriting, but only to make its orig-
inal points and argumentation more accessible. Several of the essays have been
renamed for the purposes of this volume.


I. "The fact that a thing is itself is the single reason and the single cause to be
given in answer to all such questions as 'why the man is man, or the musician
musical,' unless one were to answer 'because each thing is inseparable from itself,
and its being one just meant this.'" And again: "In the case of all things which
have several parts and in which the totality is not, as it were, a mere heap, but the
whole is something beside the parts, there is a cause; for even in bodies contact
is the cause of unity in some cases, and in others viscosity or some other such
quality. And a definition is a set of words which is one not by being connected
together like the Iliad, but by dealing with one object. What, then, is it that
makes man one; why is he one and not many?" Aristotle, Metaphysica, in The
Works ofAristotle, vol. 8, trans. W D. Ross (Oxford: Clarendon, 1928), I041a
15-20 and I045a 5-15.
2. Gaston Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis ofFire, trans. Alan C. M. Ross (Lon-
don: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964), p. 80.
3. All quotations from Ecce Homo are from Friedrich Nietzsche, "On the Ge-
nealogy ofMorals " and "Ecce Homo," ed. Walter Kaufmann (New York: Random
House, 1967), p. 290. All page references in the text of this chapter are to this
4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Dictionnaire de Musique, in his Oeuvres completes
(Paris: Fume, 18 35), 3: 744.
5. See, for instance, Pliny, Natural History, bk. 34, chap. 70.
6. The whole meaning of recurrence in Nietzsche depends, in fact, on the de-
termination of that nature of the recurring which is the moment.
Notes to Chapter 2 349

7. Indeed, Stein, in German, means "stone."

8. For the problem of type, of typography, and of the relationship of this to
autobiography, see the remarkable essay by Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, "Typog-
raphy," in Tjpography, trans. C. Fynsk (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University
Press, 1998), pp. 43-138.
9. See, for instance, Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen,
in Friedrich Nietzsche, Werke in drei Banden (Munich: Carl Hanser, 1954),
3: 349-41 3.
10. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, trans. Walter Kaufmann (New
York: Vintage, 1974), p. 346.


1. On October 30, 1888, Nietzsche wrote to Peter Gast: "On my birthday, I

began again with something that seems to be going well and has already made
considerable progress. lt is called Ecce Homo, or How One Becomes What One Is.
lt concerns, with great audacity, myself and my writings" (Friedrich Nietzsche,
Selected Letters, ed. and trans. C. Middleton [Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1969], p. 319). See also the letter of November 14,1888, to Meta von Salis:
"This Homo, you will understand, is myself, including the Ecce" (p. 324).
Jacques Derrida is one of the very few to have attempted a reading different
from the standard philosophical (and that includes literary) readings of Ecce
Homo. See his "Otobiographies," in The Ear of the Other, ed. C. McDonald
(Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985).
2. Martin Heidegger, Nietzsche, vol. 3, The Will to Power as Knowledge and
as Metaphysics, trans. ]. Stambaugh et al. (New York: Harper and Row, 1987),
3. Martin Heidegger, Nietzsche, vol. 2, The Eternal Recurrence of the Same,
trans. D. F. Krell (New York: Harper and Row, 1984), p. 9.
4. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, "Obliteration," in The Subject of Philosophy,
trans. T. Trezise et al. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993),
Pp·57-9 8.
5. Eugen Fink, Nietzsches Philosophie (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1973), p. 43.
6. "One thing will live, the sign-manual [Monogramml of their inmost be-
ing, the rare Rash oflight, the deed, the creation." Friedrich Nietzsche, The Use
and Abuse of History, in The Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche, ed. O. Levy
(New York: Russel, 1964), 5: 18-19.
7. G. W F. Hegel, Phenomenology of!:'pirit, trans. A. V. Miller (Oxford: Ox-
ford University Press, 1977), p. J60. On Hegel's use of the notion of Gestalt see
also Martin Heidegger, Hegel's Concept ofExperience, trans. J. Glenn Gray (New
York: Harper and Row, 1970).
350 Notes to Chapter 2

8. Marrin Heidegger, "The Origin of the Work of An," in Poetry, Language,

Thought, trans. A. Hofstadter (New York: Harper and Row, 1971), pp. 64, 77, 84.
9. Martin Heidegger, "What Are Poets For?" in Poetry, Language, Thought,
pp. 100-IOl.
10. Martin Heidegger, The Question of Being, trans. W Kluback and J. T.
Wilde (New Haven, Conn.: Twayne, 1958), p. 90.
II. For a more elaborate account of Heidegger's conception of Gestalt, see the
essay by Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, "Typography," in 7Jpography, trans. C. Fynsk
(Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1998), pp. 43-138.
I2. Rene Descarres, "Discourse on Method" and the "Meditations, "trans. F. E.
Sutcliffe (New York: Penguin Books, 1968), pp. 35-36.
13. To Lou Salome, Nietzsche wrote on June 10, 1882: "Pindar says some-
where, 'Become the being you are.''' Nietzsche, Selected Letters, p. 183.
14. For the fictitious nature of the notions of becoming and being in Nietzsche,
see Paul de Man, Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietzsche,
Rilke and Proust (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979), pp. I26-27.
IS. "It smells offensively Hegelian," Nietzsche wrote, referring in Ecce Homo
to The Birth of Tragedy. Friedrich Nietzsche, "On the Genealogy ofMorals" and
''Ecce Homo, "trans. Walter Kaufmann (New York: Vintage Books, 1967), p. 270.
All page references in the text of this chapter are to this edition.
16. Ibid., p. 221. See also the following passage from a letter of November 20,
1888, to Georg Brandes: "I have told my own story with a cynicism that will
make history." Nietzsche, Selected Letters, p. 326.
17. Descartes writes: "But I, who am certain that I am, do not yet clearly
know enough what I am; so that henceforth I must take great care not impru-
dently to take some other object for myself, and thus avoid going astray in this
knowledge which I maintain to be more certain and evident than all I have had
hitherto." Descartes, "Discourse on Method" and the ''Meditations, "p. 103.
18. Nietzsche writes here: "On this perfect day, when everything is ripening
and not only the grape turns brown, the eye of the sun just fell upon my life: I
looked back, I looked forward, and never saw so many and such things at once.
It was not for nothing that I buried my forty-fourth year today; I had the right to
bury it; whatever was life in it has been saved, is immortal. The first book of the
Revaluation ofAll Values, the Songs ofZarathustra, the Twilight ofthe Idols, myat-
tempt to philosophize with a hammer~all presents of this year, indeed of its last
quarter! How could I foil to be grateful to my whole lift?~and so I tell my life to
myself" ("On the Genealogy ofMorals" and "Ecce Homo," p. 221). This interme-
diary space in the text of Ecce Homo, which is the object of Derrida's study "Oto-
biographies," is a space that, according to Heidegger, exemplifies the poet him-
self insofar as he or she is born from the bridal encounter (BrautJest, Brauttag) of
men and gods as the one who "stand~ between men and gods and endures this
Notes to Chapter 2 351

'in-between'." Martin Heidegger, Erlauterungen zu Holderlins Dichtung (Frank-

furt am Main: Klostermann, 1971), p. 100.
19. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, trans. H. Zimmern, in The
Philosophy of Nietzsche, ed. W H. Wright (New York: Modern Library, 1954)'
20. "A thing that is explained ceases to concern us.-What did the God
mean who gave the advice, 'Know thyself!' Did it perhaps imply: 'Cease to be
concerned about thyself! Become objective!'-And Socrates?-And the 'scien-
tific man'?" Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, p. 454.
21. This subversion of all individuality for the benefit of what one is consid-

erably limits the scope of Gilles Deleuze's reevaluation of the question of who one
is. See Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy, trans. H. Tomlinson (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1983), pp. 75-78.
22. Derrida writes: "It is out of the unfolding of this 'same' as differance that
the sameness of difference and of repetition is presented in the eternal return."
Jacques Derrida, "Differance," in "Speech and Phenomena" and Other Essays on
Husserls Theory ofSigns, trans. D. B. Allison (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern Uni-
versity Press, 1973), p. 149.
23. See in particular Bernard Pautrat, "Nietzsche Medused," in Looking After
Nietzsche, ed. L. A. Rickels (Albany: SUNY Press, 1990), pp. 159-74.
24. Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy, pp. 25-29. As to the image of the die,
see, for example, Use and Abuse ofHistory, p. 20, where Nietzsche speaks of the
real historical nexus of cause and effect, which, rightly understood, would only
prove that nothing quite similar could ever be cast again from the dice-box of
fate and future.
25. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, trans. Walter Kaufmann (New
York: Vintage, 1974). p. 224.
26. On December 29, 1888, Nietzsche wrote to Meta von Salis: "thank
heaven that in all my instincts I am a Pole and nothing else." Nietzsche, Selected
Letters, p. 343.
27. Klossowski concludes his analysis of the passage concerning Nietzsche's
double origin as follows: "Hence, Nietzsche was never the father of himself be-
cause he was dead as his father." Pierre Klossowski, Nietzsche and the Vicious Cir-
cle, trans. D. W Smith (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997), p. 189.
28. Nietzsche seems here to elaborate on a fragment by Heraclitus in which
birth is seen to be an adversity. The fragment reads as follows: "When they are
born, they are willing to live and accept their fate (death); and they leave behind
children to become victims of fate." Kathleen Freeman, Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic
Philosophers (Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983), p. 26.
29. "THE THIRD EYF.-What! You are still in need of the theatre! are you still
so young? Be wise, and seek tragedy and comedy where they arc hettn acted, and
352 Notes to Chapter 3

where the incidents are more interesting, and the actors more eager. It is indeed
by no means easy to be merely a spectator in these cases-but learn! And then,
amid all difficult or painful situations, you will have a little gate leading to joy
and refuge, even when your passions attack you. Open your stage eye, that big
third eye of yours, which looks out into the world through the other two."
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Day ofDawn, in Complete Works ofNietzsche, ed. Levy,
1964),9: 353·
30. "For an individual to posit his own ideal and to derive from it his own
law, joys, and rights-that may well have been considered hitherto as the most
outrageous human aberration and as idolatry itself The few who dared as much
always felt the need to apologize to themselves, usually by saying: 'It wasn't l.'
Not I! But a god through me." Nietzsche, The Gay Science, p. 191.
31. Fink, pp. 65, 82, II4, u8.
32. Nor does it coincide with the Heideggerian notion of the "unmediated
character of a [genuine] beginning." Heidegger defines this as follows: "A gen-
uine beginning, as a leap, is always a head start, in which everything to come is
already leaped' over, even if as something disguised. The beginning already con-
tains the end latent within itself" Heidegger, "Origin of the Work of Art," p. 76.
33. Ibid., p. 14. See also Heidegger, Nietzsche, 2: 9, where Heidegger under-
stands Nietuche's self-reflection (Selbstbesinnung) as precisely the opposite of idle
self-mirroring (Sellntbtspiegtlung).

1. For the Lutheran connection, see Julian Roberts, Walter Benjamin (Lon-
don: Macmillan, 1982), pp. 126-27.
2. Gershom Scholem, Walter Benjamin und sein Engel (Frankfurt am Main:
Suhrkamp, 1983), pp. 14-15.
3. Bernd Witte, Walter Benjamin: Der Intellektuelle als Kritiker, Untersuchun-
gen zu seinem Friihwerk (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1976).
4. Walter Benjamin, Briefe, ed. G. Scholem and T. W. Adorno (Frankfurt am
Main: Suhrkamp, 1966), I: 372.
5. Walter Benjamin, Selected Writings, vol. I (covering [913-26), ed. M. Bul-
lock and M. W. Jennings (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996),
p. 202. All page references in the text of this chapter are to this edition.
6. Winfried Menninghaus, Walter Benjamins Theorie der Sprachmagie (Frank-
furt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1980), p. 16.
7. Richard Wolin, Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1982), p. 40.
8. Jacques Derrida, "Des Tours de Bahel," trans. J. F. Graham, in Difference in
Translation, ed. J. F. Graham (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1985), p. 180.
Notes to Chapter 4 353

9. See the "Epistemo-Critical Prologue," in Walter Benjamin, The Origin of

German Tragic Drama, trans. J. Osborne (London: NLB, 1977).
10. Benjamin, Origin of German Tragic Drama, p. 165.
II. For the German original, see Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften, vol.
4, pt. 1 (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1974), p. 16.
12. Harry Zohn's translation of Art des Meinens as mode ofintention is not al-
together wrong, contrary to what Paul de Man contends in '''Conclusions' on
Walter Benjamin's 'The Task of the Translator'" (in Paul de Man, The Resistance
to Theory [Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986], pp. 86-87), since
it is precisely in the way in which language is meant to mean that it realizes its
intention toward pure, or divine, language.
13. For the religious connotations of "Lehre," or doctrine, see Gershom
Scholem, Walter Benjamin-Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft (Frankfurt am
Main: Suhrkamp, 1975), pp. 73-74·
14. Benjamin, Origin of German Tragic Drama, pp. 35-36.
15. Ibid., p. 28. 16. Ibid., p. 29.
17. Ibid., p. 216. 18. Ibid., p. 179.
19. Scholem, Walter Benjamin und sein Engel, p. 54. For a discussion of the
saturnine in Benjamin, see also Susan Sontag, Under the Sign of Saturn (New
York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1972), pp. 109-34.
20. Benjamin, Origin ofGerman Tragic Drama, p. 33.

I. Benjamin's borrowing of some conceptions from Kant does not preclude
his rejecting of other, major aspects of Kant's doctrine. Thus, in the essay "Pro-
gram of the Coming Philosophy" (trans. M. Ritter, in Benjamin: Philosophy, Aes-
thetics, History, ed. G. Smith [Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1989],
pp. 1-12), Benjamin, although positioning Kant as the starting point for a new
philosophy, severely criticizes him for maintaining distinctions such as intuition/
intellect, subject/object, and epistemology/metaphysics. Indeed Benjamin relin-
quishes all the major distinctions constitutive of Kant's critical enterprise in the
First Critique. He does so in order to overcome what he calls the remnants in
Kant of the religious and historical blindness of the Enlightenment, and to es-
tablish a higher concept of experience-higher than "naked, primitive, and self-
evident [empirical] experience"-in which experience is "reduced to nadir, to a
minimum of significance," in which "something absolute" is encountered,
namely God, and which would characterize the coming philosophy as a theol-
ogy or as a metaphysics. But Benjamin disagrees with Kant's doctrine of aesthetic
judgment as well, and dismisses the phenomenology of experience on which it is
based. A~ Claude Imbert has argued, Benjamin objects to Kant's aesthetics be-
354 Notes to Chapter 4

cause of the reflective judgment's suspension of the phenomenology of the ob-

ject, and because in this case there simply is no object to suspend. Yet, as I shall
argue, Benjamin hereafter has recourse to Kant's aesthetics at the precise moment
he needs to dispel the magic of the aura, and the auratic object as welL Imbert's
contention that Benjamin objected to the unifYing gesture of transcendental de-
duction-to what he called Kant's despotism, in other words, to his transcen-
dentalism-is highly suggestive of what sort of Kant is operative in Benjamin's
own work: a Kant folded back into the empirical, "a criticist economy without
transcendentalism." See Claude Imbert, "Le present et l'histoire," in Walter Ben-
jamin et Paris, ed. H. Wismann (Paris: Cerf, (986), pp. 747, 769.
2. Susan Buck-Morss, The Origin of Negative Dialectics (New York: MIT
Press, 1977), pp. 160-61.
3. In a superb essay entitled "Zeit zur Darstellung: Walter Benjamin's Das
Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit" (MLN, German
Issue, 107, no 3 (1992)), Eva Geulen attempts to determine the epistemological
point of view from which Benjamin wrote the essay in question as that of a yet
undecided future in whose perspective the present appears as past. She then ac-
counts for the double nature of the loss of the aura-a doubleness at which so
many interpreters have pointed-on the basis of what she analyzes as the simul-
taneity of method and object, that is, on the basis of the performative dimension
of Benjamin's criticism. She writes:
The theory of aura is the attempt to describe history not only in practical
terms, but theoretically as well from a position for which no factual
ground exists as yet. In other words, the concept of aura must mark out
and localize itself in the essay itself. Aura belongs to the vocabulary of a
possible, furural historiography. As anticipation of the future, the aura
achieves intervention in history, stating, in this manner, what is now. That
the specificity of traditional art consisted of its aura, can show itself only,
when, and in so far as it has lost this character. The perception of aura
arises from its loss." (p. 598)
In passing I note that Geulen's interpretation of history in Benjamin as con-
structed, that is, as represented, hence as disfigured history, lays to rest objections
such as those formulated by Peter Burger, Theorie der Avantgarde (Frankfurt am
Main: Suhrkamp, I974), according to which Benjamin's periodizations of art would
be historically erroneous, and rooted in pseudomaterialist theorems (pp. 36-4°).
4. Walter Benjamin, llIuminations, trans. H. Zohn (New York: Schocken,
I969), p. 221; the corresponding German page is Walter Benjamin, Gesammelte
Schriften, voL I, pt. 2 (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, I974), p. 478. All paired
page references in the text of this chapter refer to these two editions, with the
English page number preceding the German.
Notes to Chapter 4 355

5. In a letter of October 28, 1935, to Werner Kraft, Benjamin describes the

philosophical and historical viewpoint from which he approached the theory of
art in the essay "The Work of Art," a first, programatic version of which had
been sketched out in September or October of that same year. He writes: "A~ far
as I am concerned, I try to direct my telescope through the bloody fog upon a
mirage of the nineteenth century, which I seek to depict according to those fea-
tures that it will show in a future state of the world liberated from magic." WaI-
ter Benjamin, Briefe (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1966), 2: 698.
6. For a detailed and extremely suggestive analysis of the notion of tradition,
see Alexander Garcia Dtittmann, ''Tradition and Destruction: Benjamin's Poli-
tics of Language," MLN, 106 (1991).
7. Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 1, pt. I, pp. 174, 179.
8. Walter Benjamin, "One Wily Street" and Other Writings, trans. E. Jephcott
and K. Shorter (London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978), p. 243.
9. Ibid., p. 250.
10. In "The Work of Art" Benjamin also conceives of the destruction of the
aura in terms of a tearing or prying of an object from its shell, that is, in terms
that not only seem to be at odds with everything else said about the loss of the
aura but are used elsewhere, in the Goethe essay for instance, to warn against
philosophical barbarism, of art criticism that would seek to account for the beau-
tiful by lifting its veil. Thus it is necessary to interpret the simile in question in
the context of what he establishes in the essay of 1935. Benjamin writes: "To pry
an object from its shell [die Entschalung des Gegenstandes aus seiner Hulle], to de-
stroy its aura, is the mark [Signaturl of a perception whose 'sense of the univer-
sal equality of things' has increased to such a degree that it extracts it even from
a unique object by means of reproduction" (pp. 223; 479-80). According to this
definition, the shell is what makes an object auratic. To pry it from its shell is to
destroy the aura. Hence, the shell must correspond to the object's appearing in a
phenomenal, that is, singular and unique, actualization. To tear the object from
its shell, therefore, is to rob the object of its appearance, with the result that it
can no longer manifest itself as the unique appearance of a distance. An object
deprived of its shell, of the phenomenal actualization that renders it distant,
brings the object into proximity with those objects that in everyday life are too
close to us to warrant any particular attention. Only when sheltered behind its
appearing can an object be distant and endowed with aura tic magic, something
like a thing-in-itself!
II. Benjamin, One Wily Street, pp. 250, 249, 250, 251.

12. Ibid., p. 247.

13· Ibid., pp. 244, 245·

14. Ibid., p. 247.
15. Benjamin, Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 138.
356 Notes to Chapter 5

16. The concept of the aura can be a positive instrument of analysis only if
entirely recast. This is what Andrew Benjamin has set out to do in "The Decline
of Art: Benjamin's Aura," in Andrew Benjamin, Art, Mimesis and the Avant-
Garde (London: Routledge, 1991), pp. 143-54.
17. Walter Benjamin, "Critique of Violence," in Selected Writings, vol. I (cov-
ering 1913-26), ed. M. Bullock and M. W Jennings (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1996), p. 249.
18. Benjamin, One ~y Street, p. 251.
19. Ibid., p. 252.
20. Benjamin's analysis of dadaism ought to be read in conjunction with his
parallel developments on the shock experience in the great nineteenth-century
metropoles, particularly in his "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire," in Benjamin,
Illuminations, pp. 155-200.
21. Shock is thus not to be understood as merely the "denial of sense," as
Burger construes it in Theorie der Avantgarde (p. 108). With this, the meaning of
shock is restricted to what Benjamin had called "the moral shock effect."
22. "Some of the players whom we meet in Russian films are not actors in
our sense but people who portray themselves-and primarily in their own work
process. In Western Europe the capitalistic exploitation of the film denies con-
sidCl'ation to modern man's legitimate claim to being reproduced" (pp. 232; 494).
1,. Benjamin, OM ~y Sfrttt, p. 2.56.
24. A carefuJ. reading of section 3 of "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire" would
be requiml here.
25. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, trans. N. Kemp Smith (New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1965), p. 153.
2.6. Immanuel Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, trans. V. L.
Dowdell (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois Press, 1978), p. 102..
27. Ibid., p. 104.
28. Everything, indeed, that Benjamin advances about the genre of the novel
in "The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism" (in Benjamin, Selected
Writings, I: n6-2oo)-its prosaic, sober nature-suggests that the film is the
novel's legitimate heir.
29. Kant, Anthropology, p. 77. For the important role of absentmindedness in
the fianeur, see Benjamin, "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire."

I. Martin Heidegger, Basic Writings, ed. D. F. Krell (New York: Harper and
Row, 1977), p. 365.
2. Martin Heidegger, The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, trans. A. Ho[~­
tadter (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982), p. 35.
Notes to Chapter 6 357

3. Ibid., p. 126.
4. Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, trans. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson
(New York: Harper and Row, 1962), p. 88. All page references in the text of this
chapter are to this edition.
5. Marrin Heidegger, Logik: Die Frage nach der Wahrheit, vol. 21 of Gesam-
tausgabe (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1976), p. 158.
6. Ibid., p. 156.
7. Ibid., pp. 159-60.
8. Ibid., p. 157.
9. Heidegger, Being and Time, pp. 40, 25, and 44. An Introduction to Meta-
physics refers even to Being as "determinate, wholly indeterminate Being (Sein
als das bestimmte vollig Unbestimmte)." Martin Heidegger, An Introduction to
Metaphysics, trans. R. Manheim (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
1959), p. 78.
10. Heidegger, Logik, p. 160.
II. Heidegger, Basic Writings, p. 366.
12. Certain developments in "On the Essence of Truth" (in Heidegger, Basic
Writings) and also the hyphenation of Be-stimmung in What Is Philosophy? sug-
gest that there is perhaps a proper meaning of that word, a meaning upon which
the technical (and current) meaning of the term depends.
13. In a handwritten comment in the margins of his own copy of Being and
Time, Heidegger notes with respect to the quoted passage, "dass es zu seyn hat:
Bestimmung!" (Sein und Zeit, vol. 2 of Gesamtausgabe [Frankfurt am Main:
Klostermann, 1977], p. 56). I translate: "that is has to be: destination!" Being at-
tuned to, disclosedness, and destination are thus intimately interlinked. It is a
nne example of how the temporal meaning of determination becomes tied into
Heidegger's attempt to foreground the question of determination in that of state-
of-mind, in moods.
14. Heidegger, Logik, p. 308.
15. Ibid., p. 294-
16. Ibid., p. 322.
17. See in this context Michel Haar, Le Chant de fa Terre (Paris: LHerne,
1985), pp. 88-102.
18. See, for instance, the reference work Der Grosse Duden.

I. Martin Heidegger, "On the Essence of Truth," in Basic Writings, ed. D. F.

Krell (New York: Harper and Row, 1977), p. 121. All page references in the text of
this chapter are to this edition.
2. For how justice, as universal egalitarian leveling, is revealed at the end of
358 Notes to Chapter 6

metaphysics as the essence of truth, see Reiner Schtirmann, Heidegger on Being

and Acting: From Principles to Anarchy, trans. C.-M. Gros (Bloomington: Indi-
ana University Press, 1987), pp. 192-93.
3. Martin Heidegger, Nietzsche, vol. 3, The Will to Power as Knowledge and as
Metaphysics, trans. F. A. Capuzzi et al. (New York: Harper and Row, 1987),
p. 21 9·
4- Henri Birault, Heidegger et l'experience de fa pensee (Paris: Gallimard, 1978),
p·46 7·
5. It must be noted here that in "The Essence of Truth," the chain of stim-
men (Obereinstimmen, einstimmen, bestimmen, etc.) intersects with a chain of
weisen (anweisen, einweisen, etc.), as well as with the chain of richten (sich richten
nach, die Richte, Richtigkeit, etc.). Heidegger does not link these different chains
together in a "conceptual" knot by means of which the enabling conditions of
accordance would have become articulated in a most economic torsion. As far as
the question of Bestimmung is concerned, Heidegger does not achieve anything
comparable to the notions of Gestellor Ereignis. The most he will venture to do
is to think Bestimmung in the direction of a more originary Gestimmtheit, or to
make some use of hyphenation to demarcate metaphysical Bestimmungfrom one
that is open to the Stimme des Sein (see in this context Martin Heidegger, What
Is Phi!tJstJphy? trans. W. Kluback and]. T. WIlde (Estover: Vision Press, 1989]).
What is the reason for such hesitance? Is it that the Heideggerian gathering ges-
ture still presupposes (linguistic, etymological) homogeneity, and thus does not
permit inclusion of heterogeneous chains (such as stimmen, rich ten, weisen) in
one terminological construct?
6. This twice-double accord is not chiastic, strictly speaking, since the two
accords that seem to produce the crisscross effect are not homogeneous. The ac-
cord that constitutes the inner possibility of accordance, and the one that
grounds it, occur on very distinct levels of thought.
7. In section 4 of "The Essence of Truth," Heidegger had already shown that
engagement with disclosed ness is the more essential ground not only of the tra-
ditional concept of truth as accordance but also of history. Engagement with dis-
closed ness (as opposed to the freedom for something opened up as such in its
singularity) takes place, Heidegger writes, as "a distinctive relatedness to a being
as a whole [zu einem Seinenden im Ganzen als einem solchen] which first founds
all history" (p. 129, translation slightly modified). Engagement with beings as
such, as a whole, occurs in a particular way each time, and is constitutive of the
very manner in which a people relates to "its essential possibilities" that are con-
served (ver-wahrt) in such dis-closure (p. 130). The more essential ground of
truth as accordance (of Obereinstimmung and of its subsequent function of logi-
cal determination, Bestimmung) is th us as well the ground for the Bestimmung of
Notes to Chapter 7 359

a historical mankind, that is, for its vocation, its teleology, its Geschick. Heideg-
ger's attempt to foreground the classical conception of truth thus lays the
groundwork for accounting for the (modern) distinction oflogical and historical
determination, and the exchanges between the two. Heidegger's developments
toward what we have seen to amount to a "fundamental" theory of accord lead in
such a direction.
8. See Birault, Heidegger et l'experience de fa pensee, p. 496.
9. This eclipse is also the reason for the inevitable plurality of, and hence dis-
cord between, the goals or ends (Bestimmungen) to which all particular truth
claims (Obereinstimmungen) must yield.
10. Heidegger touches here on the limits of phenomenology, on what one
could call a constitutive blind spot of a philosophy of appearing as such.

I. Here I follow Michael Murray's distinctions in his essay "Philosophical
Canon as Series, Score, and Scepter" (forthcoming).
2. See, for instance, Ernst Robert Curti us, European Literature and the Latin
Middle Ages, trans. W. R. Trask (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
1973), pp. 256-72.
3. Immanuel Kant, Logik, in Kants gesammelte Schriften (Akademie-Ausgabe),
(Berlin: de Gruyter), II: 13.
4. See Hermann Krings, "Denken," in Handbuch philosophischer Grundbe-
griffe (Munich: Kosel, 1973), I: 274-88.
5. As Reiner Schiirmann has forcefully argued in Heidegger on Being and Act-
ing: From Principles to Anarchy, trans. C.-M. Gros (Bloomington: Indiana Uni-
versity Press, 1987), philosophy, since Aristotle discovered that the pros hen could
be applied to all regions of the world, has spoken "with the voice of a physicist"
(pp. 42-43). See Chapter 8 below, "Like the Rose-Without Why."
6. Martin Heidegger, "On the Essence of Truth," in Basic Writings, ed. D. F.
Krell (New York: Harper and Row, 1977), pp. 140-41.
7. Martin Heidegger, " ... Poetically· Man Dwells ... ," in his Poetry, Language,
Thought, trans. A. Hofstadter (New York: Harper and Row, 1971), pp. 214-15. All
page references in the text of this chapter refer to this edition.
8. Werner Marx, Gibt es auf Erden ein Mass? (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer
1986). p. 25. My translation.
9. Martin Heidegger, "A Letter on Humanism," in Basic Writings. pp.
10. Ibid., p. 242
II. Jean-Fran<,:ois Lyotard, The Differend: Phrases in Dispute. trans. G. Van
Den Abbeele (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988). p. xiv.
360 Notes to Chapter 9

1. Martin Heidegger, "Letter on Humanism," in Basic Writings, ed. D. F.
Krell (New York: Harper and Row, 1977), p. 231.
2. Reiner Schlirmann, Heidegger on Being and Acting: From Principles to An-
archy, trans. C.-M. Gros (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987). All page
references in the text of this chapter are to this work.
3. Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, trans. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson
(New York: Harper and Row, 1962), pp. 79-80.
4. Schlirmann makes a clear distinction between "deconstruction" and "dis-
mantling" (in a Marxian and Nietzschean sense).
5. See, for instance, Jacques Derrida, "The Principle of Reason: The Univer-
sity in the Eyes ofIts Pupils," Diacritics 13 (Fall 1983): 18-19.
6. For instance, on p. 6, where Schlirmann writes, "Still a principle, but a
principle of anarchy."
7. I put the word in quotation marks to distinguish the sense intended here
from the systematicity of metaphysical systems.

I. Gottfried Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, "Wie der gemeine Menschenverstand
die Philosophie nehme-dargestellt an den Werken des Herrn Krug," in Wtrke
in zllJllMit B4ndm (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1970), 2: 201. Wilhelm
Traugott Krug became the successor of Kant at the University of Konigsberg.
2. Ibid.
3. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, Deutsches Worterbuch (Leipzig: Hirzel, 1854).
4. Hegel, "Wie der gemeine Menschenverstand die Philosophie nehme,"
5. Ibid., p. 189·
6. Martin Heidegger, "The Nature of Language," in On the \"%y to Language,
trans. P. D. Hertz (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1971), p. 92. All page references
in the text of this chapter are to this edition of Heidegger's essays on language.
7. Ute Guzzoni, ldentitiit oder nicht: Zur Kritischen Theorie der Ontologie
(Freiburg: Alber, 1981), p. 222.
8. This is the case in particular with Heidegger's interpretation of the Stefan
George poem in "The Nature of Language." See, for instance, pp. 66-67, 85.
9. Any more extensive exploration of the philosophical implications of the
notion of Vermutung within Heidegger's work will have to return to Nicholas of
eusa's De conjecturis.
ro. Another example suggesting the merely provisional role of presupposition
occurs in "The Way to Language," when Heidegger states, "a thinking that pur-
Notes to Chapter 10 361

sues the Appropriation can still only surmise it [dieses erst vermuten)' and yet can
experience it even now in the nature of modern technology" (p. 131).
II. Martin Heidegger, Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. A. Hofstadter (New
York: Harper and Row, 1971), pp. 190-91.
12. Let me also invoke here Hans Blumenberg's call, undoubtedly gesturing
in the direction of Nicholas of eusa, upon the courage to conjecture (Mut zur
Vermutung). Hans Blumenberg, Paradigmen zu einer Metaphorologie (Frankfurt
am Main: Suhrkamp, 1998), p. 13; see also p. 39.
13. The poem by George, 'The Word," which Heidegger discusses at length
in "The Nature of Language," represents for the latter a turning point in George's
poetry, more precisely, the point where his poetry becomes lyric song (Gesang), in
other words, great poetry. This poem has not only "turned out well," as the trans-
lator suggests, but has succeeded in becoming a lyric song of language (das zum
singenden Lied von der Sprache gegliickt ist, p. 69). This, too, is a matter of luck.
14. Beftemdung, in addition, means astonishment, surprise. It might thus be
interesting to link it to the question of the thaumazein and the pleasure of theo-
ria, and to show that the thinking experience envisioned by Heidegger is a philo-
sophical experience of a kind altogether different from the one at the heart of the
Western tradition.
IS. Although "Other" in the context of "The Nature of Language" refers only
to the address, grant, or promise of language, the structure of "relating" devel-
oped here can be extended to all kinds of Others, human and divine Others in-
cluded. Such is the case, for instance, in Emmanuel Levinas's essay from 1965,
"Enigme et phenomene," in which perhaps is shown to be the "new modality" for
the enigma, irreducible to the modalities of being and certitude. Emmanuel Lev-
inas, En dtcrouvant l'existence avec Husserl et Heidegger (Paris: Vrin, 1974), pp.
209, 214. For a discussion of the status of the perhaps in Levinas, see Krzysztof
Ziarek, "Semantics of Proximity: Language and the Other in the Philosophy of
Emmanuel Levinas," Research in Phenomenology 29 (1989): 242-43.

1. Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, trans. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson
(New York: Harper and Row, 1962), p. 244. Page references given with the ab-
breviation BT in the text of this chapter are to this edition.
2. Martin Heidegger, Identity and Difference, trans. J. Stambaugh (New York:
Harper and Row, 1969), p. 66. Page references given with the abbreviation ID in
the text of this chapter are to this edition.
3. Martin Heidegger, Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. A. Hofstadter (New
York: Harper and Row, 1971), p. !O5. Page references given with the abbreviation
PLT in the text of this chapter are to this edition.
362 Notes to Chapter II

4. Martin Heidegger, Basic Writings, ed. D. F. Krell (New York: Harper and
Row, 1977), pp. 203-4. Page references given with the abbreviation BW in the
text of this chapter are to this edition.
5. Martin Heidegger, Gesamtausgabe, Wegmarken, vol. 9 (Frankfurt am Main:
Klostermann, 1996), p. 332. My translation.
6. Heidegger, Gesamtausgabe, 9: 184. My translation.
7. To distinguish the Earth that Heidegger opposes to the world in "The
Origin of the Work of Art" from the earth that appears in the fourfold, I use up-
per case "E" when the first is meant and lowercase "e" when the second is meant.
The French translations of Heidegger make such a distinction and therefore war-
rant my doing so.
8. Martin Heidegger, Existence and Being, ed. W. Brock (Chicago: Regnery
Gateway, 1949), p. 274.
9. Martin Heidegger, Early Greek Thinking, trans. D. F. Krell and F. A. Ca-
puzzi (New York: Harper and Row, 1975), p. 25. Page references given with the
abbreviation EGT in the text of this chapter are to this edition.
ro. Martin Heidegger, Pathmarks, trans. W McNeil (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1998), p. 213.
II. Ibid., pp. 213-14.

12. Heidegger, Existence and Being, p. 281.

13. Heideger, Pathmarlts, pp. 212-13.
14. Martin Heidegger, Erliiuterungen zu Holderlins Dichtung (Frankfurt am
Main: Klostermann, 1971), p. 68. Page references given with the abbreviation
EHD in the text of this chapter are to this edition; the translations are mine.
IS. Martin Heidegger, On Time and Being, trans. J. Stambaugh (New York:
Harper and Row, 1972), pp. 11-12.
16. Heidegger, Gesamtausgabe, 9: 213.
17. Heidegger, Pathmarks, pp. 226-27.
18. Ibid., p. 228.


I. Jacques Derrida, "The Retrait of Metaphor," trans. F. Gasdner et aI., En-

clitic 2, no. 2 (Fall 1978): 19. See also the translator's note on the word retrait
(p. 5); the translator, to preserve as much as possible the variety of meanings this
word has in French, decided to leave it untranslated.
2. Ibid., p. 22. 3. Ibid., p. 29.
4· Ibid., p. 31. 5· Ibid., p. 33·
6. "If we are inquiring about the meaning of Being, our investigation does
not then become a 'deep' one [tiefiinning), nor does it puzzle out what stands be-
hind Being. It asks about Being itself insofar as Being enters into the intelligibil-
Notes to Chapter II 363

ity of Dasein. The meaning of Being can never be contrasted with entities, or
with Being as the 'ground' which gives entities support" (Martin Heidegger, Be-
ing and Time, trans. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson [New York: Harper and
Row, 1962], pp. 193-94). What remains is a deepening of this very question, a sys-
tematic exploration of what according to Heidegger is equiprimordial (gleichur-
spriinglich) with this question.
7. If Heidegger, as Henri Biraulr has demonstrated in "Heidegger et la pen-
see de la finitude" (Revue internationale de philosophie, 1960, no. 52), progres-
sively abandons the concept of finitude, it is to avert the theological implications
of this concept. However, what Heidegger originally aimed at when using the
concept of finitude continued to preoccupy his thought in the form of the idea
of a historicity (Geschichtlichkeit) and destiny (Geschick) of Being.
8. No doubt, this critique of the transcendental and of the romantic chiasm
is far from unequivocal. Yet such Heideggerian notions as "coming forth," "set-
ting forth," "belonging to," etc., and in particular the notion of the gift (Gabe)
of Being or of the Word, have to be understood as such an attempt to think more
originally and to reinscribe the idea of constitution or of engenderment.
9. "The Anaximander Fragment," in Martin Heidegger, Early Greek Thinking,
trans. D. F. Krell and F. A. Capuzzi (New York: Harper and Row, 1975), p. 26.
10. Cf. Ernst Tugendhat, Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstbestimmung (Frankfurt
am Main: Suhrkamp, 1979).
II. Martin Heidegger, Logik: Die Frage nach der Wahrheit, vol. 21 of Gesam-
tausgabe (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1976), pp. 127-61.
12. The doctrine of an analogy of Being and its meanings, a doctrine that
seems to go back to Thomas Aquinas's Aristotle exegeses, may be contrary to the
spirit and the letter of Aristotle's text and represent a "Platonization" of Aristotle,
as Pierre Aubenque argues in Le probleme de l'etre chez Aristote (Paris: P.U.F.,
1966), pp. 198-206. Nonetheless, it is important to realize that Heidegger's ques-
tion of the meaning of Being originated in his 1907 reading of Franz Brentano's
dissertation, On the Several Senses ofBeing in Aristotle (1862), which pursued pre-
cisely the Aquinian exegesis of Aristotle.
13. Gerard Granel's excellent review of Derrida's OfGrammatology, published
in 1967 in Critique, has remained one of the very few commentaries to address
pertinent questions to the work of Derrida. Here Granel already asked Derrida
about the difference between the question of writing (ecriture) and the question
of Being. Indeed, the attentive reader of both Heidegger and Derrida will not be
able to avoid recognizing the striking structural similarities between writing and
Being, and between text and Being. Gerard Granel, "Jacques Derrida et la rature
de J'origine," reprinted in Gerard Granel, Traditionis Traditio (Paris: Gallimard,
197 2 ).
364 Notes to Chapter 11

14. Vincent Descombes, Modern French Philosophy, trans. L. Scott-Fox and

J. M. Harding (Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1980), p. 150.
15. Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. G. C. Spivak (Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976), p. 62.
16. See, for instance, Jacques Derrida, "The Law of Genre," trans. A. Ronell,
in Glyph 7 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980), and "Living
On: Border Lines," in Deconstruction and Criticism, ed. H. Bloom et al. (New
York: Seabury Press, 1979).
17. Another way to approach this notion of text is to conceive of it in terms
of a radical empiricism, that is, as an empiricism that undoes its own philosoph-
ical foundations. Cf. Derrida, Of Gram matology, p. 162.
18. Stephane Mallarme, Oeuvres completes (Paris: Gallimard, 1945), p. 345.
I thank Maria Assad for translating this and the following Mallarme passages
for me.
19. These quotations are from Martin Heidegger, Identity and Difference,
trans.]' Stambough (New York: Harper and Row, 1969), and On the Wtty to Lan-
guage, trans. P. D. Hertz (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1971).
20. Heidegger, On the Wtty to Language, p. 149.
21. Emile Benveniste, Problemes de linguistique generale, vol. 1 (Paris: GaUi-
mard, 1966), pp. 327-35.
11. See also the essay by Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, "The Echo of the Sub-
ject." in r"opphy. trans. C. Fynsk (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press,
1998). particularly from p. 196 on.
23· Mallarme, p. 333.
24· Ibid., p. 345.
25. "Which does not take place insofar as that of any existing object," writes
Mallarme (p. 333). "What is peculiar to Being is not anything having the charac-
ter of Being" ("Das Eigenttimliche des Seins ist nichts Seinsartiges"), writes Mar-
tin Heidegger in On Time and Being, trans. J. Stambaugh (New York: Harper
and Row, 1972), p. ro.
26. Jacques Derrida, Dissemination, trans. B. Johnson (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1981), p. 193. All page references in the text of this chapter are
to this edition.
27. Heidegger, Being and Time, p. 51.
28. Granel, p. 168.
29. Ibid., p. 156.
30. Jacques Derrida, Writing and Difference, trans. A. Bass (Chicago: Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, 1978), p. 148. The essay "On a Newly Arisen Apocalyptic
Tone in Philosophy" is to be found in Raising the Tone ofPhilosophy: Late Essays
by Immanuel Kant: Transformative Critique by Jacques Derrida, ed. P. Fenves (Bal-
Notes to Chapter I2 365

timore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993), pp. 117-71. As to the prob-
lem of eschatology in Heidegger, see, for instance, Heidegger's comment, "As
something fateful (geschickLiches), Being itself is inherently eschatological." Hei-
degger, "The Anaximander Fragment," p. 18.
3I. Derrida, "The Retrait of Metaphor," p. 24.
32. Granel, pp. I26-2 7·
33. Jacques Derrida, "Ousia and Gramme," in Margins of Philosophy, trans.
A. Bass (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), pp. 51-52, 63.
34. See the last pages of Derrida, "Ousia and Gramme." See also Jacques
Derrida, Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles, trans. B. Harlow (Chicago: University of Chi-
cago Press, 1979), especially on how, according to Derrida, the issue of propria-
tion and appropriation (Ereignis) bears on the question and the meaning of Be-
ing (pp. 119-21).


I. Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigations, trans. J. N. Findlay, vol. 1 (New

Jersey: Humanities Press, 1970), p. 261. Page numbers given with the abbrevia-
tion LI in the text refer to this edition.
2. Edmund Husserl, The Crisis ofEuropean Sciences and Transcendental Philos-
ophy, trans. D. Carr (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1970), p. 58.
3. Walter Benjamin, "Central Park," trans. L. Spencer and M. Harrington,
New Gennan Critique, no. 34., (Winter 1989): 33, translation modified.
4. Leonard Lawlor, Imagination and Chance: The Difference Between the
Thought of Ricoeur and Derrida (Albany: SUNY Press, 1993), p. 2. See also
Leonard Lawlor, "Political Risks: On Derrida's Notion of Differance," Research
in Phenomenology 21 (1991): 88.
5. Lawlor, Imagination and Chance, p. 93.
6. Ibid., p. 96.
7. Ibid., p. 102.
8. Ibid., p. 25. See also p. 46.
9. Jacques Derrida, "Speech and Phenomena" and Other Essays on Husserls
Theory of Signs, trans. D. B. Allison (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University
Press, 1973), p. 88. Page numbers given with the abbreviation SP in the text refer
to this edition.
10. Jacques Derrida, Le probleme de fa genese dans fa philosophie de Husserl

(Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1990), p. 179. Page numbers given with
the abbreviation PG in the text refer to this edition.
II. This was the title of Derrida's seminar at the Ecole Normal Superieure in

1969-70 .
12. In the Avertissement to Le prob/eme de fa genese, written almost 30 years af-
366 Notes to Chapter 12

ter the book itself to preface its long-delayed publication, Derrida claims that "to
distance [himself] from either phenomenology or dialectics has never been
for ... [him] without remorse" (PG, p. vii). Undoubtedly this means that the
break is not only with phenomenology properly speaking but with the kind of
philosophy with which he had hoped, at the time, to be able to solve Husserl's
dilemmas. It also implies quite powerfully that a reading bent on exiting from
the text of phenomenology is not simply a breaking with it.
13. Rudolf Bernet, "Derrida et la Voix de son Maitre," Revue Philosophique de
la France et de l'Etranger, special issue on Derrida, 2 (1990): 166.
14· Ibid., p. 159.
15. From everything laid out, it should be obvious that representation in all
senses of the word is not a "negative" value for Derrida. Even though infinite re-
peatability in the form of representation and its modifications destroys the possi-
bility of pure expressivity in simple self-identity, it is the finite condition for the
upsurge of the primordial impression, as well as for its "ever renewed upsurge and
virginity" (SP, pp. 65-66). Representation is neither discredited in the name, for
instance, of immediacy, nor valorized as a reason for simply relinquishing all
claims at originarity, primordiality, or self-identical presence. In his opening ad-
dress to the eighteenth meeting of the French-speaking philosophical societies
in Strasbourg, France, in 1980, entitled "Sending: On Representation," Derrida
makes this point once again quite forcefully. After acknowledging that the con-
cept of representation has been attacked from many places, and that representa-
tion is often considered bad, he holds that determining language, for example, as
representation, is not something that "came about one day and of which we could
rid ourselves by a decision when the time comes." On the contrary, he continues,
"the authority of representation constrains us, imposing itself on our thought
through a whole dense, enigmatic, and heavily stratified history. It programs us
and precedes us and warns us too severely for us to make a mere object of it, a
representation, an object of representation confronting us, before us like a theme"
(Social Research 49, no. 2 [Summer 1982): 304). As Derrida shows in this talk, the
attacks on representation are intimately linked to the dominant status that repre-
sentation has achieved in modernity, where "everything which becomes present,
everything which happens or presents itself is apprehended within the form of
representation. The experience of what-is becomes essentially representation.
Representation becomes the most general category to determine the apprehension
of whatever it is that is of concern or interest in any relation at all" (p. 310, trans.
slightly modified). Indeed, since with modernity the category of representation
serves to articulate "all the modifications of the subject in its relationship with an
object," the "great question" for this epoch becomes necessarily one regarding
"the value of representation, of its truth or its adequacy to what it represents"
Notes to Chapter I3 367

(ibid.). The criticism of representation and even blunt opposition to it, as can be
found, respectively, in Hegel and Nietzsche, are called forth by the category of
representation itself. In addition, such criticism and opposition are carried out
with the help and within the system of representation, that is, in the name "of
immediacy, of original simplicity, of presence without repetition or delegation." A
deconstruction of representation, Derrida adds, must thus differ from criticism
of representation that combines with "the worst regressions" (p. 3Il). A decon-
struction cannot consist in an attempt to overcome representation. First, because
all the concepts by means of which one would seek to get beyond it are "essen-
tially marked by the structure and the closure of representation" (p. 304). Second,
because "representation" might not have a unifYing semantic meaning that would
allow it to be confronted and overcome as such. If"Sending: On Representation"
does, indeed, attempt to deconstruct representation, it does so precisely by es-
tablishing the linguistic (i.e., idiomatic) as well as the lexical and nominal limits
that prohibit the constitution of a semantic unity of the word or concept in ques-
tion. On one hand, in Speech and Phenomena Derrida seeks to draw our, via
Husserl's distinctions concerning presentation and re-presentation, a representa-
tive structure that accounts for the possibility (and eventual purity-limits) of
these distinct differences On the other hand, the 1980 Strasbourg address in-
quires into the singularizing differences resulting from the historical develop-
ments of the notion of representation, its Latino-Germanic translation (such as
the relation between repraesentatio and Wlrstellung and Darstellung), and the mul-
tiple and irreducible uses within one idiom of the word "representation" and all
its modifications. In the 1980 address, Derrida, more attentive than ever to the
differences between the uses and the concepts of representation, hopes to estab-
lish the necessary and nonsuppressible reference (renvoi) to other idioms that re-
stricts knowing what representation is within the limits of one single idiom.

I. Andrzej Warminski, Readings in Interpretation: Ho/derLin, HegeL, Heidegger
(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987). All page references in the
text of this chapter are to this edition.
2. Jacques Derrida, Of GrammatoLogy, trans. C. C. Spivak (Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976), p. 200.
3. Pierre Aubenque, Le probLeme de i'hre chez Aristote (Paris: P. U. F., 1966),
PP·46o -7 2 .
4. Wolfgang Iser, The Act ofReading (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity Press, 1980), pp. 130-31.
5. Philippe Lacoue-Labarrhe, TJpography, trans. C. Fynsk (Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1998), p. 235.
368 Notes to Chapter 13

6. Henri Morier, Dictionnaire de poetique et de rhetorique (Paris: P.U.F., 1961),

7. John W Welch, Introduction, in Chiasmus in Antiquity: Structures, Analy-
ses, Exegesis, ed. J. W Welch (Hildesheim: Gerstenberg, 1981), p. II.
8. John W. Welch, "Chiasmus in Ancient Greek and Latin Literatures," in
Chiasmus in Antiquity, p. 25I.
9. Ibid., p. 252.
10. Samuel E. Bassett, "Hysteron Proteron Homerikos," Harvard Studies in
Classical Philology 31 (1920): 45.
II. Emmanuel Levinas, quoted from Jean Greisch, Hermeneutique et gram-
matologie (Paris: Editions du CNRS, 1977), p. 216.
12. Kathleen Freeman, Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983), p. 25.
13. Plato, The Collected Dialogues, ed. E. Hamilton and H. Cairns (Prince-
ton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1980), p. 540 (187 a-b).
14. Paul de Man, Allegories ofReading: Figural Language in Rousseau, Nietz-
sche, Rilke and Proust (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979), p. II3.
15. Jacques Derrida, Positions, trans. A. Bass (Chicago: Chicago University
Press, 1981), p. 70.
16. Jacques Derrida, Dissemination, trans. B. Johnson (Chicago: University
of 0Ucas0 Press, 1981), pp. 117-2.8.
17. Jacques Derrida, ArchMolDgy ofthe Frivolous, trans. John P. Leavy (Pitts-
burgh: Duquesne University Press, 1980), p. 134.
18. Derrida, Dissemination, p. 127.
19. Jacques Derrida, "The Retrait of Metaphor," trans. F. Gasdner et aI., En-
clitic 2, no. 2 (Fall 1978): 14.
20. Jacques Derrida, "Living On: Border Lines," in Deconstruction and Criti-
cism, ed. H. Bloom et a1. (New York: Seabury, 1979), pp. 100-101.
2!. Ibid., p. 97. 22. Ibid., p. 166.
23. Ibid., p. 100. 24. Ibid., p. 103.
25. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, The Visible and the Invisible, trans. A. Lingis
(Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1968), pp. 268, 193, and 130.
26. Ibid., pp. 139-40. 27. Ibid., p. 152.
28. Ibid., p. 147. 29. Ibid., pp. 155 and 147.
30. Whereas for Merleau-Ponty, the sensible (visible and tactile) qualities of
the chiastic reversal limit the synthesizing power of the prereflexive opening to-
ward the world (without limiting its generality), for Gaston Bachelard, the ele-
mentary opening on the world that he calls "reverie," which also relies on chias-
tic crisscrossing, gives rise to effectively integrated totalities. The prerational and
prereflexive states of experiential plenitude that Bachelard thematizes are, there-
Notes to Chapter 14 369

fore, distinguished by repose, happiness, fullness, and so on. Although the syn-
thesizing power of chiastic reversal in reverie is not put into question by
Bachelard-to the contrary, he forcefully emphasizes it-the unbreached totali-
ties it engenders are, for him, always concrete, particular, and finite openings.
But as in Merleau-Ponty, in Bachelard this finitude does not impinge on the gen-
erality of these openings toward the world. See Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of
Reverie, trans. D. Russell (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971).
31. Jacques Derrida, "The Law of the Genre," trans. A. Ronell, in Glyph 7
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980), p. z19.
32. On several occasions, let us also note, Derrida has pointed to the fact that
the logic that rules philosophy's desire to achieve closure and continuity resem-
bles the "sophistry" of the borrowed kettle Freud refers to in Interpretation of
Dreams and in Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious. But does the contra-
dictory coherence designated by the "sophistry" in question not represent a kind
of perversion of chiastic totalization and, thus, a "symptom" of the impossibility
of philosophy's ever achieving its goal? Since deconstruction must be understood
as the attempt to account for philosophy's contradictory coherence, its critical re-
lation to chiasm as a device productive of philosophical continuity may well be
much broader and more essential than we have outlined here.
33. For a discussion of chiasm in Heidegger, see Fran~is Mattei, La mlta-
physique fa limite (Paris: P.U.F., 1983), pp. 49-162.
34. "The essence of a riddle consists in describing a fact by an impossible
combination of words" (Aristotle, Poetics, trans. W. H. Fyfe [Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1927], 1458a 24-30). Let us recall here that the riddle
called either ainigma or griphos in Greek takes its name from a specific kind of
fishnet. Indeed, the riddle is braided in the same way as a fishnet, that is, through
intertwinement of opposite terms. See Konrad Ohlert, Rotsel und Gesellschafts-
spiele der alten Griechen (Berlin: Mayer and Miller, 1886).
35. De Man, Allegories ofReading, p. 49.

1. J lirgen Habermas, Nachmetaphysisches Denken: Philosophische Aufiiitze
(Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1992), pp. 242-44; translations from this edi-
tion are mine. For a more detailed discussion of Habermas's contention that de-
construction conflates rhetoric and logic, see my Inventions of Difference: On
Jacques Derrida (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1994), pp. 109-15.
2. Habermas, p. 247. 3. Ibid., p. 260.
4· Ibid., p. 247· 5. Ibid., p. 255·
6. This is not the place for a detailed critique of Habermas's reductive pre-
sentation of Derrida's thought. One hint about how and where such a critical de-
370 Notes to Chapter 14

bate ought to take place must suffice here. Habermas contends that "Derrida
works on Husser! and Saussure not differently than on Artaud" (p. 243). Since
The Origin of Geometry, Derrida has been working in light of the difference be-
tween the literary and the philosophical text. When confronting Husserl's and
Joyce's enterprises, Derrida makes the point in The Origin of Geometry that
Joyce's generalization and totalization of all equivocalities is not possible without
universal univocality in the Husserlian sense. When confronting Genet and
Hegel, Derrida asserts in Glas that the singular literary work of Genet presup-
poses, as a condition of its uniqueness, a minimal kind of universally shareable
intelligibility (under the form of the gl) that makes it partake, in spite of all its
difference, in Hegel's attempt to determine the intelligibility of the entirety of all
conceivable Others to the system. In Derrida's writings on Artaud, Ponge, or
Kafka, one finds a similar respect for the difference between discourses, but such
respect does not exclude an investigation into the condition that underwrites
such difference.
7. An Other must always be invented for something to be, but by the same
token, such inevitable invention also means that no being can ever be taken for
granted, for being what it is.
8. As Derrida's reference in the essay "Before the Law" to Heidegger's talk of
Being as the "transcendent" demonstrates, his concern is not limited to question-
ing the Kantian concept of transcendence and transcendental conditions of pos-
sibility. .Jacques Derrlda, Acts ofLitn-ature, ed. D. Attridge (New York: Routledge,
1992), p. 106. All page references in the text of this chapter are to this edition.
9. The virtual inscription of the Other in the pure law can also manifest it-
self through a certain theatricality of the law. In "Plato's Pharmacy" (in Jacques
Derrida, Dissemination, trans. B. Johnson [Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1981)), for instance, Derrida shows to what extent Plato's philosophical
discourse on truth is inevitably linked to a theatrical play, a family scene about
legitimate descent and bastardy. Since the possibility of presentation and singu-
larization is inscribed in the philosophical notion of an intelligibility free from
all sensibility, the trace of the philosophical discourse's other within itself affects
the intelligibility and purity it aspires to, and thus solicits a rethinking of the
concepts themselves.
10. An extended version of "Before the Law" was presented by Derrida as a
lecture in 1982 at a colloquium in Cerisy (Normandy) on the work of Jean-
Frant;:ois Lyotard. The title of the lecture then was "Prejuges: Devant la loi" (Pre-
judgments: Before the law). It was published in Jacques Derrida et aI., La Jaculte
de Juger (Paris: Minuit, 1985), pp. 87-139.
II. In The Other Heading, Derrida writes: "Whatever the answer may be, the
question remains. I would even say this is necessary: it should remain, even be-
yond all answers." Jacques Derrida, The Other Heading: Reflections on Todays Eu-
Notes to Chapter IS 37I

rope, trans. P'-A. Brault and M. Naas (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
I992), pp. 16-17.
12. Habermas, p. 45. After giving his definition of "the abyss of irrationality"
(pp. 159-60), Habermas avers that irrationality characterizes not only Heideg-
ger's "mystical thought of Being," Wittgenstein's "therapeutical treatment oflan-
guage," Derrida's "deconstructive activity," and Adorno's "negative dialectic" but
many others as well.
13. Maurice Blanchot, The Work of Fire, trans. C. Mandell (Stanford, Calif.:
Stanford University Press, 1995), p. 54.
14. For a more refined understanding of why the possibility of the Other,
with respect to which an identity is the identity that it is, necessarily inhabits this
identity, see the various analyses that Derrida has devoted to the notion of the
trait, particularly in Jacques Derrida, "The Retrait of Metaphor," trans. F. Gasd-
ner et aI., Enclitic 2, no. 2 (Fall 1978): 6-33-
15. The reasons for this futural dimension of literature and philosophy are
structural, and not because these disciplines would be ideals to be infinitely ap-
proximated. Hence, there is nothing romantic about the temporality of a venir.

1. Maurice Blanchot, The Work of Fire, trans. C. Mandell (Stanford, Calif.:

Stanford University Press, 1995), p. 302. All page references in the text of this
chapter are to this edition.
2. Roger Laporte, Etudes (Paris: P.O.L., 1990), p. 23.
3. The concepts borrowed from Hegel do not simply project their dialectical
power upon Blanchot's developments; they also suffer a significant mutation
within Blanchot's text, thus exhibiting possibilities that Hegel might not have ac-
counted fot. Let me also refer here to Andrzej Warminski's Readings in Interpre-
tation: Hoiderlin, Hegel, Heidegger (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
1987), where he argues that Blanchot, in his readings of Hegel in the 1940s,
rewrites Hegel's concepts, "in particular, the concepts of the negative and death)
in another place, to the side" (p. 185).
4. Maurice B1anchot, The Space ofLiterature, trans. A. Smock (Lincoln: Uni-
versity of Nebraska Press, 1983), p. 109.
5. To substantiate this point, a careful parallel reading of Blanchot's essay and
Hegel's Phenomenology would of course be required. Such a comparison would
have to determine the exact points of Blanchot's departure from Hegel. Here let
me only note that there is never anything marvelous about a dialectical inversion.
It occurs with necessity, in all logical rigor.
6. G. W. F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, trans. A. V. Miller (Oxford: Ox-
ford University Press, 1977), pp. 240-41.
372 Notes to Chapter 15

7. In his analysis of how consciousness deceives itself and others, Hegel dis-
tinguishes different ways in which things happen to it independently of its own
making, but which consciousness claims nonetheless for itself. Hegel writes, "an
event of historical importance [Weltbegebenheitl which does not really concern
him, he makes ... his own; and an interest for which he has done nothing is, in
his own eyes, a party interest which he has favoured or opposed, and even com-
bated or supported." Ibid., p. 248.
8. See also Blanchot, Work ofFire, p. 80.
9. The writer is a stoic ifhe endures his condition, a condition that, however,
allows him to acquire not personal but universal freedom. He is a skeptic, or ni-
hilist, as Blanchot also calls him, if "he negates everything at once, and he is
obliged to negate everything, since he deals only with everything." Finally, he is
an unhappy consciousness "since he is a writer only by virtue of his fragmented
consciousness divided into irreconcilable moments." Work ofFire, p. 318.
IO. To suspect that Blanchot's discussion of revolutionary terror refers
covertly to his own association with right-wing movements in prewar France and
that it is a late attempt to come to grips with it misreads completely the status of
the fourth temptation. Blanchot takes up the theme of terror for the same rea-
son that he has discussed the three temptations of stoicism, skepticism, and un-
happy con.sciowness and the dialectic between talent and work, work and indi-
vidual, namely. because he borrows his themes from Hegel's Phenomenology,
following at rimes even the latter's order of exposition. Ifindeed the theme of ter-
ror enjoys a special privilege over all the other themes, this is not because it
stands in for a personal past of guilt but because, deriving from the conflicts pre-
viously discussed, it becomes the place par excellence for exemplifying all the
paradoxes that make up literature and literary activity. Moreover, the theme of
revolutionary terror in question concerns terror in the name of freedom, not the
terror of the far Right. To take this discussion as an implicit acknowledgment by
Blanchot of his own political past is not only to give in to arbitrary association
but also to spell out a whole "philosophy" of the literary text. Whatever the crit-
ical methods are, including the seemingly progressive ones of structuralism, by
means of which associations of this kind are made, the literary text is reduced to
the expression of, in this case, a shameful experience. A literary criticism thus
limited to hunting down in the literary text the signs of scandalous political in-
volvement is indeed nothing but a pretext for a return to an autobiographical
and anecdotal understanding of literature. Apart from foreclosing all reflection
on how the "universally" valid medium of literature relates to empirical (and in
particular to private, secret, hidden) factuality, such an approach trivializes his-
tory by reducing its constituting agents or forces, its course, and its disasters to
the simple effects of individual actions. A commonsense or, rather, vulgar con-
Notes to Chapter I5 373

ception of work, writer, and history presides over such an approach. This is, of
course, not to disqualify all sociopolitical contextualization of the text, nor even
to deny encrypted within it a reference to a secret. Such analyses, however, re-
quire that the text be first recognized as text.
II. In 1941, Jean Paulhan, in Les fleurs de Tarbes, ou La Terreur dans les lettres,
compared the violently antirhetorical and subjectivist literary criticism that be-
gins with Sainte-Beuve, and that finds in Henri Bergson its metaphysical legit-
imization, to the Terror during the French Revolution. This criticism is bent on
reading literature as coinciding with the spirit of the creator, oblivious to the fact
that literature requires rhetorical skills, in other words, that it is made of words.
The first victims of the French Terror, as Paulhan argues, were also those distin-
guished by their talents. See Jean Paulhan, Les fleurs de Tarbes, ou La Terreur dans
les fettres (Paris: Gallimard, 1990), pp. 61-77. Blanchot's designation ofliterature
as the "Reign of the Terror" refers, of course, to this work by Jean Paulhan.
12. It has been remarked with barely restrained indignation that in "Litera-
ture and the Right to Death," Blanchot's main example illustrating the destruc-
tive power of language is that of a woman: "For me to be able to say, 'This
woman,' I must somehow take her flesh-and-blood reality away from her, cause
her to be absent, annihilate her" (Work ofFire, p. 322). The choice of the exam-
ple is not fonuitous, of course. In question are indeed the linguistic and onto-
logical conditions under which a thing in general, an animal (the cat), and a hu-
man being can become an Other to begin with. To elaborate on how something
can become an Other is also to inquire into the conditions of possibility of rela-
tion, communication, exchange. It would seem that this can be done most
poignantly by taking "woman" as the example.
13. Frans:oise Collin, Maurice Blanchot et la question de l'ecriture (Paris: Gal-
limard, 1971), p. 92.
14. Henri Meschonnic, in a essay entitled "Maurice Blanchot ou I'ecriture
hors langage" (Les Cahiers du Chemin 20 [1974]: 79-II6), has taken Blanchot to
task for his linkage of language, as a medium of ideality and universality, to de-
struction, negation, and death. Meschonnic, who opposes a scientific, or semi-
otico-semantic, interpretation oflanguage to what he deems to be a "mythology
of langage" (p. 90) whose dualism reveals its metaphysical postulates (p. 95), pri-
marily objects to Blanchot's privileging of the word as characteristic of language
as a whole. No doubt, in "Literature and the Right to Death," Blanchot ap-
proaches language (and its idealizing function) primarily from the name. But the
name is, for B1anchot, clearly and first of all a word. Where language becomes
conceived in its materiality, the "name ceases to be the ephemeral passing of
nonexistence and becomes a concrete ball, a solid mass of existence" (Blanchot,
Work of Fire, p. 327). Here the name is shown to regress to the word. It is the
374 Notes to Chapter 15

words that for Blanchot make up language, and the word is not thought from the
name. "The meaning for the meaning of words," which can be that of either ma-
teriality or negativity, springs from "an ambiguous indeterminacy that wavers be-
tween yes and no," and which as the end of the essay demonstrates is that of
death (p. 343). Moreover, in his analysis of the word, he draws on a variety of im-
plications that come with the traditional concept of the word itself, and that
thoroughly displace its metaphysical status, as well as its potential for giving rise
to what Meschonnic terms a "mysticism of lost unity and of the end to come"
(p. IOO). As an example of such emphasis on potentially dislocating traits of the
word, I quote the following from Blanchot's essay: "Take the trouble to listen to
a single word: in that word, nothingness is struggling and toiling away, it digs
tirelessly, doing its utmost to find a way out, nullifYing what encloses it-it is in-
finite disquiet, formless and nameless [sans nom] vigilance" (p. 326).

Absolute, the, 6, 8-9, 12, 75, 81 138-39, 203, 214, 218-19, 225, 229-
accordance (Obereinstimmung), n6, 30, 237-38, 240-41, 26 5-66, 357n9,
123, 125-n6, 135-136, 358n 5, 358n7, 363m3, 365n30; as event, 148; as
359 n 9 Gestalt, 40-42; and man (Dasein),
Adorno, Theodor, I02, 371m2 196-204; meaning of, 362n6, 365n34;
aesthetics, 83, 84, 96; of shock, 96, I02 as presencing (Anwesen), 214-16;
Alain, 154 question of, III, II8, 223-26, 230,
"always already,» 264-267 237-38, 240-41, 363nI3, 365n34;
Apollo, 23, 49; Sauroktoros, 20 thinking of, 154, 214
Aquinas, Thomas, 3, 363nr2 Benjamin, Andrew, 356nr6
Aristotle, 1-2, 4, 6-7, 18, 47-48, 92, Benjamin, Walter, 12, 61-I02, 243,
154,159,161, 170, 233, 266-67, 273, 353 nr 9, 353 nr , 354n3, 355n 5, 355nro,
280, 359n5, 363nl2 356mo, 356m8
Artaud, Antonin, 370n6 Benveniste, Emile, 228
Assad, Maria, 364nr8 Bergson, Henri, 373nn
Atget, Jean Eugene Auguste, 91-92 Bernet, Rudolf, 249, 256
Aubenque, Pierre, 266, 363nr2 Birault, Henri, n8, 363n7
Augustine, Saint, 42 Blanchot, Maurice, 12, 173, 189, 276,
aura, 84-I02, 353nI, 354n3, 355nIO, 295, 309-43, 371n3, 371n5, 372n9,
356nr6 37 2nro , 373 ml- 12, 373 m 4
autobiography, 39, 42-45, 58 Blumenberg, Hans, 36rnn
body, 17-21, 23-24, 26-32, 36-38
Bachelard, Gaston, 18, 368n30 Brandes, Georg, 350nI6
Bakunin, Mikhail, 157 Brentano, Franz, 363nI2
Bassett, Samuel E., 272 Buck-Morss, Susan, 81, 84
Baudelaire, Charles, 69 Burger, Peter, 354n3, 356ml
Being, 40, 43-44, 46, 112, 134-36, Byron, George Gordon, 38
376 Index

caesura, 78 292-94, 298-300, 305-6, 351n22;

Calvino, Iralo, 287 philosophical, 73, 77-78; pure,
canon, 141-53 74, 76; ontological, 167-68, 218,
Char, Rene, 313 223-24
chiasm, 224, 227, 271-84, 358n6, Dionysus, 28, 35, 38, 46, 49, 56
368 n30 , 369n32-33 distinction, philosophical, 63, 166
communicability, 66-68, 76-77, 79-80 distraction, 98-102
contradiction, 315-26, 333, 337-38 Duhamel, Georges, 98
Corneille, Pierre, 32 Diittmann, Alexander Garcia, 355n6
Cratylus, 67 dwelling, 145-52, 155, 184, 207
Cusa, Nicholas of, 360n9, 36InI2
Empedocles, 39
Dauthendy, Max, 90 Epictetus, 142
deconstruction, 155, 161-62, 230, 236, Epicurus, 142
264, 267, 271, 285-89, 360n4, 367m 5, experience, higher concept of, 353m;
36 9 n 32, 36 9 m in a Kantian sense, 75, 353m; with
Deleuze, Gilles, 35In2I language, 177, 179, 185, 187, 189; of
de Man. Paul. 268. 271. 274-75. 280- meaning, 249-51, 255; phenomeno-
83.3S3ftI2 logical. 252; of shock, 96-97; of the
Democritus. 228 text, 226; of thinking, 178-80, 183,
Derrida. Jacques. 12. 66. 195, 221-22, 185, 188, 190-91, 36InI4, transcen-
226-27, 230-41, 244-59, 265-68, dental, 226-27
271, 274-80, 282-83, 285-308, 349m,
350m8, 35In22, 363m3, 365n34, Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 173
365nrr-I2, 366m 5, 369n32, 369m, Fink, Eugen, 40, 55-56
369n6, 370n8- I4 Flaubert, Gustave, 335-36
Descartes, Rene, 42-44, 98, 350m7 Foucault, Michel, 157
Descombes, Vincent, 226-27 Frederick III, Emperor, 52
determination (Bestimmung), 106-21, Frederick William IV, King, 50
125, 131, 357m2- I3, 358n5, 358n7, Frege, Gottlieb, I
359 n 9 Freud, Sigmund, 290, 306, 369n32
dialectics, 12, 54-57, 248, 274, 279-82, Fynsk, Christopher, 348mo
314-16, 366m2, 37In5
Diels, Hermann, 273 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 195
difference, 63, 65, 68, 70, 73, 76, 79-81, Gast, Peter, 349m
169, 216, 219, 268-69, 283, 288-89, Genet, Jean, 370n6
Index 377

George, Stefan, 181, 187, 360n8, 36ml3 [anus bifrons, 52

Gestalt, 41-44, 349n7, 350nII identity, 8-10, 45, 47, 57-58, 99-100,
Geulen, Eva, 354n3 200, 223, 225, 275, 292-94, 300, 304,
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 63-64, 371nI4; self-, 8, 56
75, 89-90, 93-94, 355nIO Imben, Claude, 353nI
Granel, Gerard, 238-39, 363nI3 inbetween (medium, milieu, entre),
Grimm, Jacob, '74 199-202, 207-14, 219, 222, 230-33,
Grimm, Wilhelm, 175 240, 263-64, 267, 270, 350m8
Guzzoni, Ute, 178 indeterminability, 136-37, 357n9
indifference, 63-64, 166-69, 282, 287
Haar, Michel, 357nI7 intention, 70-72, 75
Habermas, Jiirgen, 285-87, 295, 369nI, intentionality, 69, 76-77, 265
369n6, 371nI2 !ser, Wolfgang, 268
Hegel, Gottfried Wilhelm Friedrich, 9,
12 40-41, 44, 48, 58, 61, 89, 173-76, Joyce, James, 370n6
233, 235, 248, 263, 266, 269, 274,
281-82, 314-19, 323, 325, 327-30, 342, Kafka, Franz, 12, 289-90, 296, 298-99,
349n7, 350nI 5, 367nI5, 37on6, 37In3, 301, 312, 336, 338, 370n6
37 In 5, 372n 7 Kant, Immanuel, 66, 73, 75, 78, 80-81,
Heidegger, Martin, 7,12,39-44,47, 83-84,87-88,96,98,100,106-7,
58, 105-72, 176-221, 223-27, 230, II6-17, 142-43, 150-51, 167, 224, 227,
233, 237-41, 263-69, 281, 290, 293, 237, 253, 288-91, 353nI, 354nI, 360nI,
301-3, 348nIo, 350nIl, 350nI8, 370n8
352n32-33, 357nI3, 358n5, 358n7, Kierkegaard, Soren, 81
359nIO, 360n8 -1O, 36InI3-14, 362n7, K1ossowski, Pierre, 51, 35In27
363n7-8, 363nI2-13, 364n25, 365n30 , Kojeve, Alexandre, 323
369n33, 370n8, 371nI2 Kraft, Werner, 355n5
Heraclitus, 39, 46-49, 228, 273-74, 281, Krug, Wilhelm Traugott, 173-76,
35 1m8 360nI
Holderlin, Friedrich, 146-47, 151, 204,
213, 239, 263-64, 302, 327 Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe, 40, 270,
Homer, 272 349 n8 , 350nII
Horkheimer, Max, 102 language, 182, 184, 189, 220, 222, 286,
Husserl, Edmund, 12, III, 143, 152, 167, 3II, 328- 29, 336-37, 341, 373 nI2,
195, 224, 227, 241-59, 265, 269, 373nI4; literary, 330-33, 337, 339;
366nI2, 367nI5, 370n6 ordinary, 339; philosophy of, 71;
378 Index

poetical, 335-36; pure, or divine, Morier, Henri, 271-72

70-71, 73, 78, 353m2; theory of, Murray, Michael, 359nI
65-67; as grant (Zusage), 180,

186-87,19° name, 32-38, 72-74, 140, 327, 329,

Laporte, Roger, 310 373 nI 4
Laurreamont, Comte de, 336 naming, 75-76, 327; Adamic, 71, 73-74,
Lawlor, Leonard, 244-45 76,327
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 107, 160 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 12, 17-58, 164-66,
Leucippus, 228 224, 349nI, 350nI3-I8, 35In26-28,
Levinas, Emmanuel, 238, 273, 327, 352n33, 360n 4, 367 nI 5
361nI 5 Nietzsche, Karl Ludwig, 50
literature, 6, II, 144, 288, z92, 297, 300, non-relational, the, 6, 9-10
302-7, 309-14, 320- 21 , 325, 330-34,
337-40, 342; as question, 310-14, Oedipus, 56
340 ,34 2 Oehler, Franziska, 50
Luther, Martin, 61, 352nI Ohlert, Konrad, 369n34
Lyotard, Jean-Franc;ois, 120, 150, 152, opposites, binary, 273, 275, 282-83, 318,
370010 336
other, place of the, 8-10, 12
Mallarme, Srephane, 12, 189, 227-32,
235,314,321,327,335-36, 364 m8, paradox, 313-16, 320-21, 337-38, 372nI O
36 4 n2 5 Parmenides, 43, 46-47, 157, 168- 6 9,
Marx, Karl, 360n4 280
Marx, Werner, 145 Paulhan, Jean, 373nn
measure (metron), 145-53 Peirce, Charles Sanders, I

Mediavilla, Richard of, 3 perhaps, 174-91, 361nI5

Menninghaus, Winfried, 65 philosophy, 4, 154, 247-48; and com-
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 278-80, mon sense, 122-23, 127, 140, 144; as a
368n 30 discipline, 141-44, 149; of language,
metaphor, 18, 28-29 67, 209, 286; and literature, 12-13,
metaphysics, 156-57, 214, 240, 276 40, 144, 264, 285-93, 298, 3°0-8,
Meschonnic, Henri, 373nI4 310,314, 371nI5; practical, 155-56,
Miller, A.V., 317 158, 170-71; and religion, 75; and
Moliere, Jean-Baptiste, 32 theology, 77-78, 80-81
Monraigne, Michel de, 42, 264 Pindar, 43, 350nI3
Morgan, Augustus de, I Plato, 1,4, 6, 32, 37, 4 1-42, 44, 47, 65,
Index 379

79, 146, 164, 166, 202, 230, 232-34, re-presentation, originary, 252-59
273, 37 0n 9 representative structure, 256-58, 367nI5
Polyclitus, 142 rhythm, 2[9, 228-3[
Ponge, Francis, 335, 370n6 Ricoeur, Paul, 244
possible, the, 17°-71 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 197, 212-13
possibility, 188-89, 253, 277, 29[, Rorty, Richard, 4, 347n8
297-9 8, 30I, 30 7, 320, 327, 337-38, Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 20, 43
34[-43; condition of, 66-67, 152, 17[, Russell, Bertrand, I

227, 255, 266-67, 270, 288-89, 291,

293, 30 [-8, 313, 370n8, 373 n12; of Sade, Marquis de, 325, 336
language, 329; ofliterarure, 310-14, Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, 373nn
32[, 323, 326- 27, 340, 343; mere, Salis, Meta von, 349nr, 351026
174-75 Salome, Lou, 350nI3
presentation: as Darstellung, 58, 74, same, the, 45-48, 51, 54-55, 57-58,
80, 367nI5; as primordial Gegen- 2I6-17, 275, 35In22
wiirtigung, 252-54, 258; as l-0r- Sanders, August, 94
stellung, 127-28, 367nr5 Saussure, Ferdinand de, 370n6
Praxiteles, 20 Schaaf, Julius Jakob, 4-5
Schelling, Friedrich, 40
question, 223, 240, 294-96, 307-13, 321, Schlegel, Friedrich, 40, 78-79
326- 27,331, 340,343, 370nn Scholem, Gershom, 61-62
Quintillian, Marcus Fabius, I Schopenhauer, Arthur, 32, 34, 36-38
Schroder, Ernst, I

Racine, Jean, 32 Schilrmann, Reiner, 154-72, 359n5,

reading, 268-7°, 283-84 360n4, 360n6
recurrence, eternal, 21-24, 44, 47, 51, Scotus, Duns, 3, 16o
164-66, 229, 351022 self, 24-26, 36, 45-49, 56, 58, 98, 100,
relation, definition, 6, 8 102
relations: logic of, I, 3-4, 6-7, 210; Semele, 49
ontological status of, 2-4, 7; science Shakespeare, William, 32
of, 4; theory of, 1-2; as "things," 2-4 shock, 96, 98-99, 10I-2, 356020-21
repetition, 46-49, 51, 53-58, 101, 254- sign, 26, 29-32, 36-37, 2I8, 228-30,
55, 258, 35 1022 232-34, 249-50, 256-58
representation: imaginative, 250-51; as Silesius, Angelus, 172
l-0rsteflung, 4[-43, 58, 127-28, [60, singularity, 85, 88, 90-94, 96
199, 214, 264, 284, 366nI 5 Spinoza, Baruch, 107
380 Index

Socrates, 32, 37, 49, 54, 35In20 357n2, 370n9; as accordance, 1I6-17,
Stein, Heinrich von, 23, 55 122-35, 139, 202, 359n9; as aletheia,
Stimme (voice), 1I7-21 41, 133, 136, 139, 217, 225; as occur-
Stimmung (state of mind, mood, dispo- rence, 131; phenomenological, 253,
sition), IIO, II4-21, 139-40 259
type (Typus), 23-24, 31-32, 36-38, 40,
technology, 156, 164-66 43,52-54,58,349n8
text, 69, 226-27, 230-41, 243-44,
269-71, 274, 277-78, 286, 296, undecidability, 203, 217, 230-31, 233-
304-5, 363n1 3, 364nl7 34, 270, 284
things, minimal, 3-6, 10-12 un-truth, 134, 138, 293
thinking: conjectural, 182-83, 185,
189-90; as a listening, 178-79, 186, Valery, Paul, 317
190-91; literary, 312-13; philosophi- Voltaire (Franc;ois-Marie Arouct), 33
cal, 143-45, 148-50, 153, 165, 167-70,
179, 181, 190-91; and poetry (Dich- Wagner, Richard, 33-38, 55
tung), 181-83, 188, 213-15, 301-3; as Warminski, Andnej, 263-64, 267-71,
questioning, 178-79. 183, 190-91; 280-84, 37m 3
systematic, 163. 167 Welch, John W, 272
time. ~. 51, 53-54. 93 Whitehead, Alfred North, 1
trait, 212, 217, 221-25, 229-30, 240, Witte, Bernd, 61-62
342, 371nI4; fundamental, 217-18; Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 371m2
as retrait, 218-19, 221-22, 225, 230, Wolff, Christian, 107
238,36201 Wolin, Richard, 65
Tran Duc Thao, 248
translatability, 66, 68-80 Zeno, 280
translation, 35, 66, 68-78 Zeus, 49
truth, 43, 64, 73, 75-77, 79, 82, 148, Ziarek, Knysztof, 36Inl5
230, 233, 257, 278 293, 297, 336-37, Zohn, Harry, 87, 353m2
Cultural Memory in the Present

Rodolphe Gasche, Of Minimal Things: Studies on the Notion of Relation

Sarah Winter, Freud and the Institution ofPsychoanalytic Knowledge
Samuel Weber, The Legend ofFreud, expanded edition
Aris Fioretos, ed., The Solid Letter: Readings ofFriedrich Holderlin
J. Hillis Miller I Manuel Asensi, Black Holes / j. Hillis Miller; or,
Boustrophedonic Reading
Miryam Sas, Fault Lines: Cultural Memory and Japanese Surrealism
Peter Schwenger, Fantasm and Fiction: On Textual Envisioning
Didier Maleuvre, Museum Memories: History, Technology, Art
Jacques Derrida, Monolingualism ofthe Other; or, The Prosthesis
of Origin
Andrew Baruch Wachtel, Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation:
Literature and Cultural Politics in Yugoslavia
Niklas Luhmann, Love as Passion: The Codification ofIntimacy
Mieke Bal, ed., The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing
Interdisciplinary Interpretation
Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo, eds., Religion
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gaschoc', Rodolphe.
Of minimal things: studies on the notion of relation / Rodolphe Gasche.
p. cm. - (Cultural memory in the present)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8047-3676-6 (alk. paper) - ISBN 0-8047-3677-4 (pbk. : alk. paper)
I. Relation (Philosophy) I. Title. II. Series.
B132.R43 G37 1999

8 This book is printed on acid-free, archival quality paper.

Original printing 1999
Last figure helow indicates the year of this printing:
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Typeset by James P. Brommer in n1r3.5 Garamond


"Rodolphe Gasche is one of the most important critics writing today.

His work.incorporates a detailed knowledge of philosophical texts and
issues as well as demonstrating the capacity to blend that knowledge with
a keen understanding of the most significant concerns confronting the
practice of contemporary criticism. In this volume, the range and detail
of Gasche's knowledge of an important range of topics and philosophers
is quite remarkable."
-Andrew Benjamin, University of Warwick

OfMinimal Things is an exploration and reassessment of the philosophical

notion of relation. In contrast to the scholastic, ontological conception of
relation as a thing of diminished being, this book views relation as the
minimal and elemental theme and structure of philosophy. Drawing
radical conclusions from the classical understanding of relation as a
being-toward-another, it argues that rethinking relation engages the very
possibility and limits of philosophical discourse.
In the author's studies of Nietzsche and Benjamin, Husser! and
Heidegger, Derrida and Blanchot, relation is shown to be central to
their thought and to undergo elaborations that escape the ontological,
categorial, and formalist ways in which the concept has traditionally been
interpreted. Comprehending relation in terms of determination,
foundation, mediatization, translation, or communication, these authors
are shown to draw out and refine a host of structutal implications of the
notion that unseat its formalist and categorial conception.
Studying the writings of Mallarme and Kafka, the author argues that
rethought from, and in light of the other to which a relation tends,
philosophy necessarily opens up to and is implicated in its others, one
such possible other being literature.


RodoLphe Gasche is Eugenio Donato Professor of Comparative Literature at the

State University ofNew York at Buffedo. He is the author, most recently, of
The Wild Card of Reading: On Paul de Man.



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