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for Use by World Bank Borrowers

Procurement of Supplies by UNFPA under

Bank-Financed Projects

The World Bank

May, 2013
This document is subject to copyright.

This document may be used and reproduced for non-commercial purposes only. Any
commercial use, including without limitation reselling, charging to access,
redistribution, or for derivative works such as unofficial translations based on these
documents, is not allowed.


1. This Standard Form of Agreement is a result of cooperation between the World

Bank (“Bank”)1 and the United Nations Population Fund (“UNFPA”).

2. The World Bank’s Borrowers shall use this Standard Form of Agreement when the
requirements of the Procurement Guidelines2for procurement from UN Agencies
are satisfied, or the Borrower has obtained a prior approval of the Bank.

3. This Standard Form of Agreement represents a framework type of arrangement put

in place for the duration of a program (or a project). Individual purchase orders are
placed by the Borrower depending on re-stocking planning within the period
covered by the Agreement and up to the maximum price ceiling (“Total Funding
Ceiling”)set up in the Agreement. The completion date of the Agreement and the
delivery of the last order cannot exceed the Project’s closing date.

4. The text shown in Italics is “Notes to the Borrower”. These Notes provide guidance
to the implementing entity in preparing a specific Agreement. These Notesshould be
deleted from the final version prior to signing of the Agreement.

5. Those wishing to submit comments or questions on this document, or obtain

additional information on procurement under Bank-financed projects, are encouraged
to contact:

Procurement Policy and Services Group

Operations Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency
The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A.
e-mail: pdocuments@worldbank.org

References in this Agreement to the “World Bank” or “Bank” include both the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development
Association (IDA).
Reference is made to “Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting
Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers”.


Project Name__________________________________________
Loan/Credit/Grant No.__________________________________
Project Closing Date ____________________________________
Reference No. ___________ [as per Project’s Procurement Plan]


THE GOVERNMENT OF [insert the country name]

and the


Form of Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT (together with all Annexes hereto, this “Agreement”) is entered
into between THE GOVERNMENT OF [name of country] by and through its Ministry
of [ ](the “Government”), and the UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND
(“UNFPA”, together with the Government the “Parties” and each a “Party”),
established by the General Assembly of the United Nations pursuant to resolution 3019
(XXVII) of 18 December 1972 as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations,an
international inter-governmental organization,having its procurement office in
Copenhagen, Denmark.


A. UNFPA is an international development agency that promotes the right of every

woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA and the
Government collaborate together to better the lives of women, men and children in
[name of country], in accordance with [enter legal basis of relationship] 3(the “Basic
B. UNFPA’s Procurement ServicesBranch pursues UNFPA’s mandate by, among
other things, providing the services of purchasing and/or stocking, and dispatching
supplies, equipment, and other materials in support of UNFPA’s programme activities.
C. UNFPA is permitted under UNFPA Financial Regulation 14.8, to enter into
arrangements with Governments, other organizations in the United Nations system, and
governmental and non-governmental organizations, to undertake activities on their
behalf for the purchase of supplies, equipment and services where such materials and
services are required for purposes related to UNFPA activities and consistent with the
aims and policies of UNFPA.
D. The Government, working with its development partners, including UNFPA
and the World Bank4, has designed and is implementing a project [insert project name]
(the “Project”). As part of Project implementation, the Government has asked UNFPA
to procure the suppliesand related services listed in Annex I to this Agreement (the
“Supplies”) on behalf of the Government, and UNFPA has agreed to procure the
Supplies in accordance with this Agreement.

[Legal basis of relationship between the Government and UNFPA can be, for example, (i) the
agreement (by exchange of letters or otherwise) between UNFPA and the Government, providing that the
Standard Basic Assistance Agreement concluded between the UNDP and the Government applies
mutatis mutandis to UNFPA; (ii) the agreement (by exchange of letters or otherwise) between UNFPA
and the Government, providing that the Special Fund Agreement concluded between the UN Special
Fund and the Government applies mutatis mutandis to UNFPA; (iii) the Country Programme Action
Plan concluded between UNFPA and the Government, which provides that the [Standard Basic
Assistance Agreement concluded between the UNDP and the Government]OR[the model Standard Basic
Assistance Agreement]OR[the Special Fund Agreement concluded between the UN Special Fund and the
Government] applies mutatis mutandis to UNFPA; (iv) or any other applicable document. Should the
UNFPA office/unit using this standard form of agreement be unsure as to the legal basis of relationship
in any particular case, please contact UNFPA’s Legal Unit, Office of the Executive Director, UNFPA
Headquarters, for the exact information.]
References in this Agreement to the “World Bank” or “Bank” include both the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA).

1 May 2013
E. The Government has received a [enter one: credit/loan/grant](the “Financing”)
from the Bank pursuant to an agreement dated [insert the date of the Credit/ Loan/or
Grant Agreement](the “Financing Agreement”) towards the cost of the Supplies.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
1. The Government intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of the Financing up
to an amount of US$[insert amount in words] ([insert amount in figures]) (the
“Total Funding Ceiling”), to eligible payments under this Agreement. The Total
Funding Ceiling is the Parties’ best estimate (as of the date of signing of this
Agreement) calculated for the entire quantity of Supplies required for Project
implementation. This estimate includes: (a) the entire quantity of Supplies; (b) the
Freight and Insurance; (c) the Handling Fee; and (d) a contingency of up to ten
percent (10%).A detailed calculation of theTotal Funding Ceiling is provided in
Annex I.
2. This Agreement is signed and executed in [insert language], and all
communications, notices and modifications related to this Agreement shall be made
in writing and in the same language.
3. This Agreement becomes effective on the date it is signed by both Parties, and
will remain effective until [insert the date which cannot exceed the Project’s
closing date],unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in writing.
4. The Government designates [insert the name and title] and UNFPA designates
[insert the name and title] as their respective authorized representatives for the
purpose of coordination of activities under this Agreement. The contact information
for the authorized representatives is as following:
(a) Government representative: [insert phone, e-mail and fax]
(b) UNFPA representative: [insert phone, e-mail and fax]
5. The following documents form an integral part of this Agreement:

(a) The General Conditions of Agreement

(b) Annexes:
Annex I The Supplies, including estimated total quantities and timetable
for individual purchase orders
Annex II Schedule of UNFPA Standard Handling Fees for Procurement
of Supplies
Annex III Request for Quotation (UNFPA template)
Annex IV Pro Forma Invoice (UNFPA template), including UNFPA
Service Conditions
Annex V Payment Information
Annex VI Template for Acceptance Document
Annex VII Reporting Template


For and on behalf of:

The Government of [_______ ] United Nations Population Fund

By: [signature]_____________
Name: [ print ]
Name: [ print ]
Title: [ ]
Title: [ ]
Date :[ ]
Date :[ ]
For use by Chief, Procurement Services
Branch, UNFPA5:

By: [signature]____

Name: [print]

Title: Chief, Procurement Services

Branch, UNFPA

Date :[ ]

To be enforceable, this Agreement must be co-signed by the Chief, Procurement Services Branch,
UNFPA. The contact information for UNFPA’s Chief, Procurement Services Branch, is as follows:
UN City, Marmorvej 51, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark, procurement@unfpa.org; +45 45337220.



1. In this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meaning:

(a) Delivery Schedule means the delivery schedule to the named Port of Entry
for each Supply Item as set out in the relevant Pro Forma Invoice.
(b) Freight and Insurance Cost means UNFPA’s cost of shipping the Supplies
from their place of dispatch to the Port of Entry (packing and terminal
services inclusive) and insurance, and UNFPA’s cost of insuring the
Supplies in transit in accordance with this Agreement. This does not
include any customs clearance or demurrage charges.
(c) Handling Fee means the UNFPA overhead costs for undertaking the
requested procurement of Supplies calculated in accordance with
UNFPA’s standard Handling Fee set out in Annex II.
(d) Port of Entry means the delivery facility, specified in a Pro Forma Invoice
following consultation between UNFPA and the Government, at which the
Supplies officially enter the country, such as but not limited to an
international airport, major seaport, or train or truck terminal.
(e) Request for Quotation means UNFPA on-line order form or written
request submitted by the Government detailing the specific Supply Items
the Government wishes UNFPA to provide a quotation for.
(f) Pro Forma Invoice means the document that UNFPA issues in response to
the Request for Quotation (fixed for 30 days)confirming the Supply Items,
unit costs and planned delivery schedule.
(g) Supply Item means an individual product and/or category of Supplies
which the Government, by way of a Request for Quotation, requests
UNFPA to procure for it.


2. UNFPA agreesto:

(a) procure the Supplies set out in Pro Forma Invoices accepted by the
Government, in conformity with the applicable technical specifications
(including warranty and shelf-life periods to be remaining upon dispatch by
UNFPA’s supplier), and in the quantities set out in each such Pro Forma
Invoice; and
(b) arrange for delivery of the Supplies referred to in the above paragraph 2(a) in
accordance with the delivery information specified in the applicable Pro Forma
Invoice agreed between UNFPA and the Government.
3. The Government agreesto:

4 May 2013
(a) make timely and complete payment to UNFPA of all amounts due under this
(b) providerequired support in connection with the procurement of the Supplies
under this Agreement and any amendments thereto; and
(c) obtain or assist with obtaining permits, licenses, import approvals, and other
official approvals, or furnish powers of attorney or other authorizations to
UNFPA to deliver services related to the Supplies, and cooperate in a timely
and expeditious manner.


4. The Government shall beresponsible for paying all amounts indicated in any
Pro Forma Invoice(s) accepted by the Government in accordance with paragraph 14
below, within the validity date(s).
5. Cumulative disbursements shall not exceed the Total Funding Ceiling unless the
Total Funding Ceiling is revised through a written amendment.
6. Disbursementsare subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the
Financing Agreement; and no party other than the Government shall derive any rights
from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the Financingproceeds.


Step 1: Government SubmitsRequest for Quotation
7. When the Government is ready to place an order for specific Supply Itemswithin
the framework of this Agreement,the Government will prepare a Request for Quotation
in accordance withthe on-line Request for Quotation form (provided in Annex III).
8. Each Request for Quotation may include more than one Supply Item from the
AccessRHCatalog (“Catalog”) on the UNFPA websiteand list any product quality
assurance documents required for each Supply Item.However, the total amount of each
Request for Quotation shall be not less than US$5,000 of Supplies (i.e. before adding
the cost of freight, insurance and handling fees). If, due to any circumstances, a given
Request for Quotation is in a total amount less than US$5,000 worth of Supplies,
UNFPA will not be able to provide a price quote, but will promptly consult with the
Government to seek a resolution.
9. The Government will make reasonable efforts to submitindividualRequests for
Quotation to UNFPAaccording to the planned timetable set out in Annex I.

Step 2: UNFPA Issues Pro Forma Invoice

10. UNFPA will review each Request for Quotation received from the Government
and, subject paragraph 8 above, will respond to the Government by sendinga Pro Forma
Invoice, including Delivery Schedule(s) and the Port of Entry. UNFPA will use its best
efforts to provide a Pro Forma Invoice within five (5) working days (in Copenhagen) of

receiving a Request for Quotation. A Pro Forma Invoice templateis provided in Annex
11. The cost of procuring the Supplies included in the Pro Forma Invoice will be
calculated based on the list of Supply Items and specifications set forth in Annex I, the
quantities, consignee details set forth in the Request for Quotation to which the Pro
Forma Invoice relates, the method of delivery as determined by UNFPA, the Port of
Entry, and will be calculated in accordance with UNFPA’s Catalog andstandard
schedule of handling fees, a copy of which is provided in Annex II.
12. If the Request for Quotation and the corresponding Pro Forma Invoice include
more than one Supply Item, then: (i) the Handling Fee is calculated as an aggregate of
the Handling Fees applicable to each individual Supply Item; and(ii) the planned
Delivery Schedule will be indicated for each Supply Items included in such Pro Forma
13. Each Pro Forma Invoice will specify the validity period (usually 30 days) within
which it needs to be accepted by the Government in accordance with Step 3below and
funds transferred in full.
Step 3: Government Reviews the Pro Forma Invoice, Issues Order Confirmation and
Transfers the Funds
14. The Government will confirm the acceptance of the Pro Forma Invoice by
returning the Pro Forma Invoice with the “Order Confirmation” section filled in and
signed.The Order Confirmation shall alsoindicate the source of funding by stating the
Project name and Loan/Credit/Grant number. Simultaneously, the Government shall
transfer the fundsto UNFPA in the amount indicated in the Pro Forma Invoice. The
Government shall not accept a Pro Forma Invoice which indicates a Delivery Schedule
planned after the Project’s Closing date, unless alternative funding is secured. The
Parties acknowledge that the Bank’s Financing is not available after the Project’s
Closing date.
15. In the event the Government accepts some, but not all, Supply Items, quantities
or any other aspects included in the Pro Forma Invoice, the Government acknowledges
that in such case,UNFPA needs to re-issue thePro Forma Invoice for the revised
quantities, amountsor other changes. In such case, the Government will need to accept
the re-issued Pro Forma Invoice by repeating the process outlined in the above
paragraph 14.
16. Timely Pro Forma Invoice acceptance and payment within the validity period
specified in the Pro Forma Invoice is critical for UNFPA to procure the Supplies at the
offered prices and within the planned Delivery Schedule(s). In the event the
Government provides acceptance orUNFPA receivesthe payment after theexpiration of
thevalidity period, UNFPA will need toissue a new Pro Forma Invoice,which most
likelywill lead to changes in pricesand/or shipment dates.
17. Acceptance of the Pro Forma Invoice by the Government (by returning the
signed Pro Forma Invoice and the Order Confirmation) represents the Government’s
obligation to pay UNFPA in accordance with the terms of the Pro Forma Invoice and
this Agreement.Annex IV includes the Order Confirmation section included in the Pro
Forma Invoice template.

Step4: UNFPA Initiates Procurement Action

18. Uponreceipt by UNFPAof the Order Confirmation andtransfer of fundsin the
full amount set out in a Pro Forma Invoice within the validity period, UNFPA
willconfirm the receipt of the Order Confirmation and the received amount,and will
initiate the procurement action necessary to procure the Supplies.
19. The Parties acknowledge that under its financial regulations and rules, UNFPA
may only enter into a binding financial obligation if it has the full amount of funds
required to satisfy that obligation.UNFPA will not be required to initiate procurement
of the Supplies if the amounts specified in the correspondingPro Forma Invoice are not
paidin fullwithin the validity period of 30 days specified on the Pro Forma Invoice
unless otherwise agreed by both Parties in writing.


Procurement of Supplies
20. The Supplies will be procured, shipped and delivered in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement and UNFPA’s regulations, rules, procedures, and
administrative instructions for procurement and finance. In particular, any interest
derived by UNFPA from funds disbursed to UNFPA in accordance with this
Agreementwill be retained by UNFPA and form part of UNFPA regular resources.
UNFPA to Provide Relevant Shipping Documents and Product Quality Assurance
21. Upon shipment of the Supplies, UNFPA will send to the specified
consigneecopies of the relevant shipping documents as well as the required product
quality assurance documents specified by the Government in its Request for
Quotationand included in UNFPA’s Pro Forma Invoice. UNFPA will make reasonable
efforts to provide these documents at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the arrival of
the Supplies; in the case of Supplies shipped via air, UNFPA will make reasonable
efforts to provide these documents in advance of arrival. The relevant shipping
documents will normally include the following:
(a) Copies of UNFPA’s suppliers’ invoices which include reference to this
Agreement (reference number on the title page, as provided in the Request for
Quotation submitted by the Government), Supplies description, quantity, unit
price, and total amounts;
(b) Copies of the bill of lading or copies of railway consignment note, road
consignment note, truck or air waybill, or multimodal transport document;
(c) Copies of the packing list identifying contents of each package;
(d) Any other documentation requested by the Government in the Request for
Quotation and included in UNFPA’s Pro Forma Invoice.

22. Supplies will be delivered Carriage and Insurance Paid (CIP) or Carriage
Insurance Freight (CIF), per INCOTERMS 2010, to the Port of Entry, unless
otherwise agreed in writing.

Port of Entry; Delivery
23. UNFPA will arrange for the Supplies referred to in each Pro Forma Invoice to be
shipped to the Port of Entry specified in that Pro Forma Invoice.
24. UNFPA will inform the Government of any potential or actual delivery delay,
including its likely duration and its cause(s), as soon as UNFPA obtains
information on such delay. UNFPA will make good faith efforts to ensure that any
actual delivery delays are minimised.

Special Provisions relating to Delivery of Pharmaceuticals

25. The following additional provisions apply if the Supplies include pharmaceuticals:
(a) Pharmaceuticals included in any Pro Forma Invoicesshall be procured pursuant
to UNFPA’s standard contracting practices, which, at minimum, shall specify
that upon dispatch by UNFPA’s supplier,the Supplies shall have a shelf life of
not less than the standard period established by the World Health Organization
(“WHO”), or as otherwise set out in the relevant Pro Forma Invoice following
agreement between UNFPA and the Government.
(b) Pharmaceuticals will be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin where feasible.

Acceptance Document
26. Upon arrival of the Supplies at the Port of Entry, the Government will promptly
prepare an acceptance document and will retain it in the Government file relating
to this Agreement. A template for this acceptance document is set out in Annex VI
to this Agreement. The Government will keep a signed original on file and make it
readily available for inspections by the Bank.

Customs and Related Clearance, Other Permits and Licenses

27. The Government will be fully responsible for the following, unless agreed
otherwiseby both Parties in writing:receipt of the Supplies; clearanceand release
from customs;shipment and distribution of Supplies to their final destination;any
and all permits and licenses necessary to import, transport and distribute the
Supplies in the country; and for any applicable taxes, duties and fees.

28. Upon completion of each shipment of Suppliescovered under the same Pro
Forma Invoice, UNFPA will provide a written statement to the Government confirming
the completion of procurement action and theuseof funds.
29. UNFPA will provide the Government, on an annual basis, with a summary of
procurement actions (completed and in process), to assist the Government in
monitoring the remaining balance under the Total Funding Ceiling and reconcilingthe
records.The sample format is provided in Annex VII.

30. UNFPA shall retain until at least four (4) years after the delivery of particular
Supplies included inany individual Pro Forma Invoice, all records (contracts, orders,
invoices, bills, receipts and other documents) relating to such Supplies.

31. The Parties recall that UNFPA’s financial books and records are routinely
audited in accordance with the internal and external auditing procedures laid down in
UNFPA’s financial regulations and rules, and that the external auditors of UNFPA, the
United Nations Board of Auditors, are appointed by and report to the United Nations
General Assembly, of which the Government is member. Throughout the term of this
Agreement UNFPA will provide a copy of the financial report and audited financial
statements of UNFPA within ten (10) days of these becoming public documents by
reason of being presented to the United Nations General Assembly6.
32. (a) In the event that the Government, UNFPA, or the Bank becomes aware of
information that indicates the need for further scrutiny of the procurement or
delivery of the Supplies (including non-frivolous allegations that reasonably
indicate the possibility that corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practices may
have occurred), the entity that has become aware of such information will
promptly notify the other two.
(b)This information will be brought promptly to the attention of the appropriate
official or officials at the Government, UNFPA, and the Bank (which in the case of
UNFPA is the Director of the Division for Oversight Services).
(c) Following consultation with the Government and the Bank, UNFPA will, to the
extent the information relates to actions within the authority or accountability of
UNFPA, take timely and appropriate action in accordance with its applicable
regulations, rules, and administrative instructions, to investigate this information.
For greater clarity on this matter, the Parties agree and acknowledge that UNFPA
shall have no authority to investigate information relating to possible corrupt,
fraudulent, coercive or collusive practices by Government officials or by officials
or consultants of the Bank.
(d) To the extent such investigation confirms that corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or
coercive practices have occurred and to the extent that remedial action is within
the authority of UNFPA, UNFPA will take timely and appropriate action in
response to the findings of such investigation, in accordance with its accountability
and oversight framework and established procedures, including its Financial
Regulations and Rules, where applicable.
(e) To the extent consistent with UNFPA’s accountability and oversight
framework and established procedures, UNFPA will keep the Government and the
Bank regularly informed by agreed means of actions taken pursuant to paragraph
32, and the results of the implementation of such actions, including where relevant,
details of any recovered amounts. The Government will consult with the Bank and
provide payment instructions to UNFPA with respect to such amounts.
(f) For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:

The Government can access the UNFPA annual audit reports on www.unfpa.org

(i) “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly
or indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the actions of
another party;
(ii) “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including misrepresentation,
that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to
obtain financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties
designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to influence
improperly the actions of another party;
(iv) “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or
harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the party to
influence improperly the actions of a party.
33. In the event that the Government or the Bank reasonably believes that UNFPA
has not complied with the requirements of this section “Transparency”, the Government
or the Bank may request direct consultations at a senior level between theBank, the
Government and UNFPA in order to obtain assurances, in a manner consistent with
UNFPA’s oversight and accountability framework and respecting appropriate
confidentiality, that UNFPA’s oversight and accountability mechanisms have been or
will be fully applied. Such direct consultations may result in an understanding between
the Government, the Bank, and UNFPA, on any further actions to be taken and the
timeframe for such actions. The Parties take note of Article VII of the United Nations
Financial Regulations (“External Audit”), incorporated into the Financial Regulations
and Rules of UNFPApursuant to Article XVII thereof.
34. The Government confirms that no official of UNFPA has received or will be
offered by the Government any benefit arising from this Agreement. UNFPA confirms
the same to the Government. The Parties agree that any breach of this provision is a
breach of an essential term of this Agreement.
35. The Parties agree and acknowledge that nothing in this section
“Transparency”shall be deemed to waive or otherwise limit any right or authority of the
Bank or any other entity of the World Bank Group as set out in Section I of the
applicable version of Procurement Guidelines and Consultant
Guidelines,respectively,and incorporated by reference into the Financing Agreement, to
investigate allegations or other information relating to possible corrupt, fraudulent,
coercive, collusive or obstructive practices by any third party, or to sanction or take
remedial action against any such party which the World Bank Group has determined to
have engaged in such practices; provided, however, that in thisparagraph 35, “third
party” does not include UNFPA. To the extent consistent with UNFPA’s oversight
framework and established procedures, and if requested by the Bank, UNFPA shall
cooperate with the Bankor such other entity in the conduct of such investigations.
36. (a)UNFPA will require any party to which it intends to issue a purchase order in
connection with this Agreement, including in the case of a purchase order issued
under an existing long term agreement, to disclose to UNFPA whether it is subject
to any sanction or temporary suspension imposed by any organisation within the
World Bank Group. UNFPA will give due regard to such sanction or temporary
suspension, as so disclosed when issuing contracts in connection with the
procurement or delivery of Supplies under this Agreement.

(b) If UNFPA intends to issue a contract in connection with the procurement or
delivery ofSupplies under this Agreementwith a party which has disclosed to
UNFPA that it is under sanction or temporary suspension by the World Bank
Group, the following procedure will apply: (i) UNFPA will so inform the
Government, with a copy tothe Bank, before signing such contract; (ii) the
Government and the Bankthen may request direct consultations, at a senior level,if
required, between the Bank, the Government and UNFPA to discuss UNFPA’s
decision; and (iii) the Bank may thereafter inform UNFPA by notice, with a copy
to the Government, that the proceeds of the Funding may not be used to
financesuch contract.


37. UNFPA will pass on any warranty offered by the manufacturer or supplier used
by UNFPA (or any other relevant service provider used by UNFPA in connection with
this Agreement) to the Government. UNFPA will not accept the return of any
purchases procured on behalf of the Government.
38. UNFPA will procure the Supplies under terms which will include all warranties
that are appropriate in the circumstances and that expressly enable the Government to
benefit directly from such warranties. UNFPA will inform the Government of the
relevant terms and conditions of such warranties and require its suppliers to provide
copies of the relevant warranties as part of the shipment documentation accompanying
the Supplies.

Liability and Claims

39. Claims against UNFPA arising out of or related to the procurement of the
Supplies shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Agreement;
provided, however, that claims related to commercial contracts asserted by parties with
which UNFPA has a signed contract will be handled in accordance with the terms of
such contract.
40. UNFPA does not assume liability with regard to any claims arising out of or
relating to or connected with this Agreement, including but not limited to those arising
out of or relating to any defect in the quality or quantity of Supplies, the delivery of the
Supplies, the use of the Supplies, or otherwise, unless caused by UNFPA’s failure to
execute the procurement with reasonable diligence. UNFPA will under no
circumstances be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages or for lost
revenues or profits arising as a result of UNFPA’s procuring the Suppliesor
performance of its obligations or exercise of its rights under this Agreement. UNFPA's
total liability in any event will not exceed the value of the procurement of Supplieswith
respect to which a claim is made.
41. UNFPA accepts no liability for any third party claims arising out of or related to
this Agreement, including but not limited to those arising out of or relating to any
defect in the quality or quantity of Supplies, the delivery of the Supplies, the use of the
Supplies, or otherwise, unless caused by UNFPA’s failure to execute the procurement.
The Government indemnifies and will deal with, defend and hold UNFPA harmless in
connection with any third party claim or other cause of action arising out of or relating

to this Agreement. In case of dispute on the technical conformity or quality of WHO-
approved pharmaceuticals, the Parties accept final assessment by WHO.
42. The Government will be responsible for asserting all claims available to it either
(a) automatically, pursuant to purchase contracts entered into by UNFPA; or (b) as a
result of the terms under which UNFPA has procured the Supplies. UNFPA will
provide all reasonable assistance to the Government in connection with such claims;
provided, however, that UNFPA and the Government shall first reach agreement as to
any costs to be incurred in that respect (including but not limited to counsel’s fees or
court costs).
43. Any compensation received by UNFPA from manufacturers, suppliers or
shippers arising out of or related to contractual or other liability of such manufacturers,
suppliers or shippers in connection with the procurement and delivery of the Supplies
shall be for the Government’s account and shall be dealt with by UNFPA in accordance
with the Government’s instructions.

Force Majeure
44. Either Party prevented by force majeure from fulfilling its obligations shall not
be deemed in breach of such obligations. The said party shall use all reasonable efforts
to mitigate consequences of force majeure. At the same time, the Parties shall consult
with each other on modalities of further execution of the Agreement. Force majeure as
used in this Agreement is defined as natural catastrophes such as but not limited to
earthquakes, floods, cyclonic or volcanic activity; war (whether declared or not),
invasion, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, military
or usurped power, civil war, riot, commotion, disorder; ionizing radiation or
contaminations by radioactivity; other acts of a similar nature or force.


45. This Agreement shall be interpreted in a manner that ensures it is consistent
with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, 1946 (the
“General Convention”), and the Basic Agreement.
46. Nothing contained in or relating to this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver,
express or implied, of any of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations,
including UNFPA, under the General Convention, the Basic Agreement, or otherwise.
47. Any dispute, controversy or claim between the Parties arising out of or relating
to this Agreement, including third party claims but excluding claims by the
Government against a UNFPA supplier pursuant to suppliers’ warranties, shall be dealt
with in accordance with the Basic Agreement.

48. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon sixty (60) days’ written
notice to the other.

49. Upon receipt by one Party of the other Party’s written notice of termination of
this Agreement, the Parties will take all reasonable and necessary measures to conclude
the implementation of this Agreement and complete their activities in an orderly
manner and so as not to disrupt implementation of the Project.
50. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
(a) UNFPA shall return to the Government all Requests for Quotation
thathave been received but not responded to(i.e. for whichPro Forma
Invoice has not been issued yet).
(b) If aPro Forma Invoice has been issued by UNFPA, and accepted and
paid by the Government prior to the termination notice, UNFPA shall
not be required to issue purchase orders or otherwise enter into binding
purchase agreements with its suppliers,andUNFPA shallreturn the funds
to the Government.However, if UNFPA has already entered into binding
contracts with its suppliers, procurement of Supplies shall be completed
on the terms of the accepted Pro Forma Invoice.
51. The provisions of this Agreement will survive expiration or termination to the
extent necessary to permit an orderly settlement of accounts between the Parties.


Amendments and Modifications
52. This Agreement may be altered, modified or amended only by written instrument
duly executed by both Parties.
53. Amendments to, or cancellation of, or reduction in quantities of Supplies or
changes to scope of related services, if any, in connection with binding agreements
already entered into by UNFPA at the time such amendment, cancellation, reduction or
change is proposed, may only be undertaken with the consent of UNFPA. The
Government will be responsible for payment in advance of any resulting costs
(including but not limited to any penalties imposed by UNFPA suppliers or service

54. A notice will be deemed “received” twenty-four (24) hours after it is given.



[to be prepared by the Government in consultation withUNFPA:]

1. Supplies: insert the following:

(a) the list of Supply Items and relevant warranties selected from UNFPA on-
line catalogue at www.MyAccessrh.org,indicating any requirements for
related services such as quality assurance (for example, Certificate of
Analysis, lab-tests, pre-shipment inspections, special packaging or artwork
requirements, etc.);
(b) estimated (approximate) quantities for the selected Supply Items. Please
note that the quantities can be adjusted at the time of placing individual
Requests for Quotation. Please be mindful of minimum and
multiplequantities for Supply Items as indicated in the catalogue as these
are based on UNFPA’s agreements with suppliers;
(c) insert Planned Delivery schedule; or describe the planned number and
frequency of purchase orders within the duration of this Agreement. (For
example: 8 orders during 4 year Agreement placed every 6 months. Or: two
orders – one in Q4 of 2013, the second – in Q1 of 2014). Please make sure
that the planned Delivery Date of the last shipment does not exceed the
Project’s closing date;
(d) Agree on the planned Port of Entryor other defined destination(s),
INCOTERMS (if not CIP), and mode(s) of transportation for each Supply
(e) Include the bulk estimate for Freight & Insurance Costs. For estimate
purposes 15% of goods can be used for sea, 25% for air, 20% for land, with
an additional 5% for any overland transport from the Port of Entry to the
destination(s) anticipated for the shipments;
(f) Calculate the Total Funding Ceiling for this Agreement:
(1) Supplies&related services: __________________
(2) Freight & Insurance estimate: ________________
(3) 5% for Handling Fee [of the sum of (1)+(2)]:______________
(4) Contingency amount7[between 0% and 10% to the sum of

TOTAL FUNDING CEILING:_________________

Note: Contingency amount is used only to calculate the Total Funding Ceiling. No contingency is used
in individual Pro Forma Invoices, which state firm price quotes.

14 May 2013



UNFPA’s standard Handling Fee is 5% applied to the total cost of the

Supplies(including related services)andthe Freight and Insurance Cost.


The Government shall use the UNFPA on-line Request for Quotation form to submit
individual purchase orders for the Supply Items included in Annex I:
www.myAccessRH.org(click on “Order”).
The following information shall be included in Section A.1 “Customer details” of the
Request for Quotation form in the line, “Funding source, if different from requesting
Credit/Loan/or Grant number______________
Project Closing Date_____________________

Should the Government be unable to access the online form, please contact UNFPA’s
Procurement Services Branch to obtain the latest electronic copy of the Request for
Quotation form. The contacts are:

 Asia, the Pacific, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Arab States: Mr.
Klaus Greifenstein at Greifenstein@unfpa.org
 Africa: Mr.UdaraBandara at bandara@unfpa.org
 Latin America and the Caribbean: Ms. Monica Lay at Lay@unfpa.org
 Alternately: procurement@unfpa.org

A sample of the Request for Quotation form is provided below.

Request For Quotation

In order to process your request, please complete sections A-D and return this form to your respective UNFPA
regional focal point (listed below) by email.

A. Contact details - Please complete steps A.1-A.3

A.1 Customer details
Organization Name: Type of organization(check one):
UN agency NGO Government other (please specify)
Funding source, if different from requesting organization:
Include Word Bank Loan/Credit Agreement Number and Project Closing Date here
[Street Address]
[ZIP Code]
[City, Country]
Contact person first name: Last name: Title:

E-mail: Telephone (include country code): Fax number (include country code):

A.2 Consignee details* (if different from A.1)

Organization Name:

[Street Address]
[ZIP Code]
[City, Country]
Contact person first name: Last name: Title:

E-mail: Telephone (include country code): Fax number (include country code):

Preferred seaport/airport of goods delivery:

A.2 Additional parties to be notified(if different from A.1)

Organization Name:

[Street Address]
[ZIP Code]
[City, Country]
Contact person first name: Last name: Title:

E-mail: Telephone (include country code): Fax number (include country code):

*Goods will be delivered to nearest port/airport if nothing else specified

Request For Quotation

B. Requested items
UNFPA item Unit of Mode of
Item identification code
Quantity measurement Remarks(e.g. special requests) transportation
No (item description if item is not (i.e. vials, cycles,
(choose one):
in AccessRH catalogue) tablets, pieces etc.)
1 Sea/Land Air
2 Sea/Land Air
3 Sea/Land Air
4 Sea/Land Air
5 Sea/Land Air
6 Sea/Land Air
7 Sea/Land Air
8 Sea/Land Air
9 Sea/Land Air
10 Sea/Land Air
11 Sea/Land Air
12 Sea/Land Air
13 Sea/Land Air
14 Sea/Land Air
15 Sea/Land Air
16 Sea/Land Air
17 Sea/Land Air
18 Sea/Land Air
19 Sea/Land Air
20 Sea/Land Air
21 Sea/Land Air
22 Sea/Land Air
23 Sea/Land Air
25 Sea/Land Air

Request For Quotation

C. Special order requirements (if applicable)

Pre-shipment inspection(please check if applicable) (Remarks: )
Note: Pre shipment inspection can only be carried out for certain

Post-shipment inspection(please check ifRemarks:

applicable) (Remarks: )
Note: Post-shipment inspection can only be carried out for certain
products and is discouraged by UNFPA.
Other special import or export requirements:

Requirements for INCOTERMs other than CIP (Port of Destination):

D. Special packaging/product requirements * (if applicable)

*Please note that special requirements e.g. customized foils, packaging, language printing, etc. result in longer delivery times
and higher prices. Where applicable, the customer will need to provide artwork in a file format as requested by supplier,
pantone codes for the colors, and exact text to be put on inserts/packaging.

Customized packaging (please check if applicable)

Note: Please indicate type of package customization in section B under column “Remarks”

Language on packaging and/or insert (please check if applicable)

Note: Please indicate desired language in section B under column “Remarks”

Male Condom related customization:

d.1 Customized condom foil (please check if applicable)
d.2 Condom flavor/scent (please check if applicable)
d.3 Condom color (please check if applicable)
Note: Please provide detailed description in section B under column “Remarks”
UNFPA focal points:
(1)Asia, the Pacific, Eastern Europe, Central Asia,
and the Arab States: (1)Mr.KlausGreifensteinatGreifenstein@unfpa.org
(2) Africa: (2) Mr. Udara Bandara at bandara@unfpa.org
(3)Latin America and the Caribbean: (3) Ms. Monica Lay at Lay@unfpa.org


1. UNFPA will issue a Pro Forma Invoice. A sample is provided below. The
Loan/Credit/Grant number and Project Closing Date shall be included in the Special
Instructions field.
2. The Pro Forma Invoice includes reference to UNFPA’s Service Conditions
ervice_conditions/UNFPA%20SERVICE%20CONDITIONS%20FINAL.pdf), which
apply to the purchase orders made within the framework of this Agreement, with the
exception of paragraphs 3.5 and 3.11 of the Services Conditions. In case there are any
discrepancies between the UNFPA Service Conditions and provisions of this
Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail.
3. Order Confirmation is included at the end of UNFPA Pro Forma Invoice template and
is to be filled in by the Government and returned to UNFPA together with the Pro
Forma Invoice and confirmation of payment. The Order Confirmation must include
reference to the Project Name and Loan/Credit/Grant number.
4. UNFPA will acknowledge the receipt of funds, indicating the received amount and the
date of funds received.

Proforma Invoice
Procurement Services Branch, UNFPA
Midtermolen 3, DK-2100, Copenhagen, Denmark
P.O Box. 2530
Telephone: +45 3546 7384

UNFPA - because everyone counts UNFPA Contact: Ksenia Jensen

E-mail: kjensen@unfpa.org

Customer: Viet Nam HIV/AIDS Prevention Project Invoice Number: ARH-KJ-01721 v1

Issue Date: 12 December 2012 Expiry Date: 11 January 2013

The offer quoted below is valid and binding only up to the expiry date.

Item & Pricing Details

Mode of Unit of
Item No. Catalogue ID Description of Item ETA* Quantity Unit Cost Amount (USD)
Transport Measure

CONDOM 49 Gross (144

1 STANDARD Condoms; male 49mm-Standard 13 Weeks 129,840 Pieces) 3.89 $505,077.60
2 AGE_RH COMM 13 Weeks 129,840 Each 1.29 $167,493.60
CONDOM 49 Gross (144
3 STANDARD Condoms; male 49mm-Standard 17 Weeks 92,160 Pieces) 3.89 $358,502.40
4 AGE_RH COMM 17 Weeks 92,160 Each 1.29 $118,886.40

5 FREIGHT Freight for male condoms 1 20,000.00 $20,000.00

Item No. Description of Service Sub Description (If applicable) Amount (USD)

1 Sampling and testing $23,608.00

2 Special request $0.00

3 Preshipment inspection $0.00

*Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is calculated from the day UNFPA confirms the order will proceed Total Commodity & Service Cost $1,193,568.00
(which follows order confirmation and/or payment from the customer). ETA is based on the production
time for the item(s) and a standard of one week for air shipments and four weeks for sea to the ship-to Insurance
location; actual transit times will vary. 5% Handling Fee $59,757.18

Total Amount Payable $1,254,900.69


[Payment information included in this Standard Agreement Form needs to be confirmed by

UNFPA at the time of signing of a specific Agreement with the Government]

By bank wire transfer:

UNFPA Reference: CE [please indicate Pro Forma Invoice number]


NY 10036-2708
ABA ROUTING 021000021

[tobeprepared by the Governmentuponreceipt of the shipment]

Date: [ ]
Attention: UNFPA
Cc: International Development Association

Reference: [insert Project Name, Loan/Credit/Grant number, Agreement Reference Number (as
per Project’s Procurement Plan]

This Notice confirms receipt of the following Supplies:

Pro Forma Invoice No. [same as in the Pro Forma Invoice related to this shipment]
Airway Bill No.………….

Date the order arrived at the delivery destination (DD/MM/YY):………….

Shipment quality (check one):
o Goods fully received in good order
o Goods missing
o Goods damaged

Comments (optional) ……………………………………………………………………………..




Location (City, Country)



(UNFPA letterhead)

Cumulative Summary of Completed and Pending Procurement Actions as of [insert the date]

World Bank References:

Project Name:_________________________
Loan/Credit Number:___________________
Agreement Ref.Number:________________
Total Funding Ceiling: __________________

I. Completed Procurement Actions:

a. Pro Forma Invoice #__________, dated____; Amount in USD; Date of Funds
received by UNFPA; Date of acceptance (upon completion of shipment)

b. Pro Forma Invoice #______________; Amount in USD; Date of Funds received

by UNFPA; Date of acceptance (upon completion of shipment)
c. ………………………………………….
Sub-Total for (I):___________

II. Pending Procurement Actions:

a. Pro Forma Invoice #_____________, dated ___________; Amount in USD; Date
of Funds received by UNFPA; Date of acceptance (upon completion of shipment)

b. Pro Forma Invoice #_______, dated_______; Amount in USD; Date of Funds

received by UNFPA; Date of acceptance (upon completion of shipment)

c. Request for Quotation received……..[date] in the amount of [USD.…………]

Sub-Total for (II):___________

Total Disbursements and Commitments: [sum of Sub-Total I and Sub-Total II]

Budget Balance: [Total Funding Ceiling minus Total Disbursements and Commitments]


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