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Oral Health Education: Community and Individual Levels of Intervention

Veiga N1,2,3,4, Pereira C2, Amaral O2, Ferreira P3, Correia IJ4
1Health Sciences Department – Portuguese Catholic University, Viseu, Portugal. 2CI&DETS – Polytechnic Institute of Viseu,
Portugal. 3CIEPQPF, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Coimbra, Portugal. 4Health Sciences Research Centre –
Health Sciences Faculty, Beira Interior University, Covilhã, Portugal

Introduction: Oral health education is an important issue that should be discussed with children and adolescents, promoting the
acquisition of correct oral health behaviors. The objective of this study was to characterize the oral health behaviors among a
sample of Portuguese adolescents and introduce different strategies that enable the accomplishment of collective programs
appropriate for the promotion of oral health at individual and community levels.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed with a sample of 447 adolescents aged 12 to 19 years old, attending
a public school in Sátão, Portugal. An interview was made questioning about socio-demographic factors and oral health behaviors to
each adolescent. Considering the obtained results, a revision of the literature was made in order to define oral health promotion
strategies to be applied among children and adolescents to improve oral health behaviors in a specific Portuguese community.
Results: The prevalence of toothbrushing (twice-a-day or more) was 90.6%. Five point eight percent of adolescents reported daily
flossing. Sixty-seven percent had at least one dental appointment in the previous twelve months. Considering the results obtained,
various oral health promotion strategies should be developed based on the following topics: oral health education for children and
adolescents in schools and public institutions; oral health promotion for teachers and parents; technology application in oral health
education; education and motivation for oral health behaviors given by health professionals.
Conclusions: Community programs should be considered and developed in order to improve knowledge and behaviors related to
adolescents’ oral health, giving special attention to the intervention of various health professionals, teachers and parents in the oral
health education that should be transmitted to children and adolescents.

Key Words: Oral health education, Oral health promotion, Community, Oral hygiene

Introduction data for oral cancer, dental caries and destructive periodontitis
have been determined in various studies. These associations
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health should be interpreted with caution, but are suggestive of the
promotion as being a “process of enabling people to increase need to take them into consideration when developing health
control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a promoting oral health policies [13-16].
focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social
and environmental interventions”[1]. Studies confirm that low social class increases the risk of
developing high levels of dental caries [17]. Parents´ low
The promotion of oral health should include the creation of educational level and professional situation (employed/
healthy public policies and supportive environments, unemployed) also play an important role in the child/
development of personal skills and reorientation of the oral adolescent oral health status [18,19]. When analyzing the
health services. This last definition is different from oral acquisition of health behaviors, we must also consider the
health education that is mostly aimed at improving oral health importance of values and behaviors of peers, parents and other
through the acquisition of knowledge, eventually leading to family members who continue to be influential [19,20].
motivation and finally, to behavioral changes according to the
health belief model [2,3]. In the previous years, WHO has dedicated special attention
to health-promoting programs applied in schools. Oral health
The remarkable improvements in oral health in the last education is an important issue that should be developed
years reflect the strong scientific basis for prevention of oral among the population with a view to decreasing the
diseases that has been developed and applied in the prevalence of oral illnesses [21].
community, in clinical practice, and at home [4,5]. However,
and despite this approach, the majority of these programs fail The objectives of this study are:
to achieve their aims due to the lack of attention mostly • To characterize oral health behaviors among a sample of
resulting from the inadequate and insufficient relationship Portuguese adolescents and verify their association with
patient-health professional in its educational aspect [6]. socio-demographic variables.
Various studies demonstrate that socio-economic and • To introduce different strategies that allow the
cultural aspects may influence the oral hygiene habits. The accomplishment of collective programs appropriate for the
lack of information and knowledge about oral health promotion of oral health at individual and community
behaviors and limited access to dental healthcare may explain levels.
the association between the higher risk of oral diseases and
lower socio-economic status [7-12]. Materials and Methods
The degree of association between a number of social, The first step for success in a program is the identification of
economical and behavioral risk factors and the prevalence each individual´s educational needs, for it is only through
Corresponding author: Nélio J. Veiga, Health Sciences Department-Portuguese Catholic University, Estrada da Circunvalação,
3504-505, Viseu, Portugal, Tel: 00351 966454933; e-mail: nelioveiga@gmail.com

OHDM- Vol. 14- No.2-April, 2015

knowledge of the individual characteristics of human behavior residence area showed that the majority of individuals lived in
that it will be possible to outline an action plan for the benefit rural areas (rural=65.3% vs urban=34.7%).
of the community [6].
In the sample under analysis, we verified that 13.3% of the
A non-probabilistic convenience sample of 447 adolescents adolescents considered having a very good oral health, 65.7%
aged between 12 and 19 years old, attending a public school good oral health and 21.0% moderate/poor oral health. When
in Sátão, Portugal, was enrolled in this epidemiological assessing daily toothbrushing, 9.4% brushed their teeth only
observational cross-sectional study that was carried out from once a day, 67.3% twice a day and 23.3% 3 or more times a
September to December of 2012. An interview to each day.
adolescent in the classroom was held inquiring about socio-
When adolescents were asked if they also brushed their
demographic variables, social and daily habits and oral health
tongue during oral hygiene, 83.2% referred to brushing their
behaviors. The studied sample represents the entire school
teeth, not forgetting to brush the tongue, thus corresponding to
group of the area, and 88.6% of its pupils were enrolled in the
a complete process of brushing. Adolescents were also
questioned about their oral hygiene learning process, and in
Socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, school this situation we verified that 41.7% referred that their dentist
grade at the moment of the survey, residence area (urban/ never taught them how to toothbrush, while 58.3% said that
rural), parents´ educational level (indicating the higher their dentist had, at least once, talked about basic measures of
educational level of parents) and father´s professional daily oral hygiene.
situation (employed/unemployed) were taken into account.
When assessing the use of dental floss, our study showed
Oral health behaviors were assessed by questioning
that only 5.8% used dental floss daily, while 33.9% referred
adolescents about various issues, such as: the daily frequency
using dental floss sometimes and 60.2% said that never used
of toothbrushing; daily use of dental floss; number of dental
dental floss during their oral hygiene.
appointments in the last 12 months and the reason for the last
dental appointment; experience of at least one episode of The number of dental appointments was another important
dental pain during his/her lives; fear of the dentist; and analysed variable and our results demonstrated that 67.0% had
comsumption of sugary beverages or soft drinks. Data a dental appointment in the last twelve months which
analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for demonstrates that a high prevalence of adolescents do not
Social Sciences (SPSS 18.0 version). Prevalence was have a dental appointment at least twice a year. When
expressed in proportions and compared by the Chi-square test assessing the main reason for the last dental appointment,
and continuous variables by the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann- 85% referred having regular dental appointments, 35.8%
Whitney tests. The significance level established the visited a dentist due to dental pain and had a dental
inferential statistics was 5% (p<0.05). appointment in an emergency situation and 58.2% for dental
caries treatment.
This research involving human data has been performed in
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was The prevalence of dental fear among adolescents was of
submitted and approved by the Ethics Committee of the 15.3%, a fact that can compromise regular dental
Health School and Research Centre for Education, appointments these adolescents should schedule at least twice
Technology and Health Studies of the Polytechnic Institute of a year. Finally, and after analyzing of the variable referring to
Viseu, Portugal (CI&DETS). the consumption of sweet beverages and soft drinks, the
prevalence among adolescents was of 92.5%.
The information collected by questionnaires was provided
voluntarily and confidentially. Anonymity of collected By analyzing the association between socio-demographic
information was guaranteed since adolescents were told not to variables and dental appointments in the last twelve months,
sign their names or write down any other form of we verified significant statistical differences among dental
identification in any part of the questionnaire. Data collection appointments in the aforementioned period and father´s
was made only for adolescents whose parents signed an unemployment (unemployed=41.5% vs employed=68.1%,
informed consent that explained the objectives of the study. p<0.001) and crowding index (≤1=67.4% vs >1=55.0%,
p=0.04) (Table 1).
Considering the obtained results, a revision of the literature
was made in order to define different strategies that enable the When associating the consumption of soft drinks and socio-
accomplishment of collective programs appropriate for the demographic variables we observed that the prevalence of
promotion of oral health at individual and community levels. sweet beverages consumption was higher among younger
adolescents (≤15 years=97.8% vs >15 years=86.7%, p<0.001)
Results and those living in rural areas (rural=93.8% vs urban=88.2%,
The final sample was composed of 447 adolescents, 38.3%
males and 61.7% females, all between the ages of 12 and 19 Taking into account these results, various oral health
years old, from a public school of Sátão, Portugal. When promotion strategies should be developed and should be
analyzing the parents’ educational level, we verified that 4.3% structured based on the following main points:
had parents that only attended school until no later the 4th • Oral health education for children and adolescents in
grade, 53.5% stayed in school from the 5th to the 12th grade schools and public institutions;
and 15.0% proceeded to a higher degree after finishing the
• Oral health promotion for teachers and parents;
12th grade. The analysis of the distribution of the sample by
• Technology application in oral health education;

OHDM- Vol. 14- No.2-April, 2015

• Education and motivation for oral health behaviors given sweet foods and beverages in schools and around school
by health professionals. buildings. Therefore, school policies should have into account
the necessary change with a view to preventing the
Table 1. Prevalence of dental appointments (last twelve months) and consumption of sweets and to motivating the consumption of
the association with socio-demographic variables. healthy foods and drinks [27,28].
Dental appointment (last twelve No Yes Another important issue that should be acknowledged in
months) oral health education is the unnecessary fear of dental
N % N % p appointments. Studies demonstrate that this is one of the main
reasons for avoiding a visit to the dentist, especially among
Parents´ educational level
children and adolescents [29,30].
≥4 grade 5 26.3 14 73.7 0.16
The best way to teach the main aspects of oral health to
5-12 grade 83 35.0 154 65.0 children and adolescents is going to their school environment
to explain the importance of:
>12 grade 15 23.1 50 76.9
• Ensuring proper oral hygiene habits;
Father´s professional situation
• Fluoride application at home and during dental
Employed 100 31.9 213 68.1 <0.001 appointments;
Unemployed 24 58.5 17 41.5 • Fissure sealant application and regular reassessment;
• Regular check-up dental appointments at least twice a
Male 62 36.9 106 63.1 0.1 • Decreasing sugar intake and maintaining a well-balanced
Female 84 30.5 194 69.5 nutritional intake to prevent dental caries;
• Consuming fruit and vegetables that can protect against
oral cancer;
≤15 years 75 33.7 150 66.7 0.5 • Stopping tobacco use and decreasing alcohol consumption
>15 years 65 34.0 126 66.0 to reduce the risk of oral cancers, periodontal disease and
tooth loss;
Residence area
• Using protective sports and motor vehicle equipment to
Rural 78 34.2 150 65.8 0.4 reduce the risk of facial injuries [31,32].
Urban 48 35.6 87 64.4 These important aspects can be explained during simple
Crowding index
oral health education sessions using audiovisual equipment,
showing the best toothbrushing techniques with the use of
≤1 114 32.6 236 67.4 0.04 mouth and teeth macromodels. The demonstration of simple
>1 9 45.0 11 55.0 and comprehensive movies, interactive plays that can be used
in mobile phones, theatrical plays, puppet plays and fairy tales
help understand the importance of oral hygiene. The
Oral Health Education for Children and advertisement in facebook and other digital platforms and the
Adolescents in Schools and Public Institutions distribution of pamphlets with a summary of the oral health
education session implemented by dental and health
Countries have been developing comprehensive programs
professionals can also become also be an efficient method for
involving health and educational sectors [3]. Oral health
teaching and motivating children and families to develop
education is a major public health issue that must be taught to
better oral health behaviors.
children and adolescents within the family and school
environment. Oral health promotion is very important in order
to insure the application of primary prevention methods such Oral Health Promotion for Teachers and
as daily tooth brushing at least twice a day, daily use of dental Parents
floss and regular visits to dentists to prevent and detect oral
Training of trainers programmes for school teachers should
diseases at an early stage. Oral health education is the first
also be developed in Portugal aiming at increasing national
step in the prevention of oral diseases in order to decrease
capacities in relation to the integration of oral health
socio-demographic differences and to give equal opportunities
promotion in schools. It is important that oral health education
of oral health, thus promoting measures necessary for the
does not become limited to children and adolescents. It should
improvement of the population’s quality of life [22-24].
also reach teachers and parents. The suggestion of developing
Oral health education should also cover food hygiene oral health education meetings is essential to explain the
comprising the control of the consumption of cariogenic foods importance of adequate oral health behaviors for their children
with a high content of carbohydrates, which is fundamental to and students, and even for themselves, since parents may not
avoid dental caries development [16,25,26]. have a wide knowledge about oral health, thus being unable to
transmit it to their children [19,33].
We can still verify the existence of numerous schools with
vending machines selling foods and beverages with a high Children tend to copy the habits and attitudes of their own
sugar intake. It is strictly necessary to promote the decrease of parents and teachers. The same can be verified when

OHDM- Vol. 14- No.2-April, 2015

analyzing oral health behaviors. If adequate oral hygiene • Encouraging national health authorities to implement
habits are practiced at home by other family members, when effective fluoride programmes for the prevention of dental
children become adolescents, brushing has been converted caries;
into an integral part of their hygiene and self-care practices • Advocating for a common risk factor approach to
[6,34]. simultaneously prevent oral and other chronic diseases;
• Providing technical support to countries to strengthen their
The Application of Technology in Oral Health oral health systems and integrate oral health into public
Education health [37-39].
Developments in science and technology are providing It is necessary that the services and health interventions are
patients with better quality and more convenient oral programmed appropriately bearing in mind the economic and
health care, namely in the field of oral health education. social status. It is worth pointing out that proposals do not
Knowledge of technologies and associated skills enable the inadvertently undermine communities´ health or reinforce
development of new pathways to teach oral health. Bearing in social inequalities [40].
mind the importance of technology nowadays, the On a more individual and clinical level, the dental
implementation of oral health education and its association professional must assess the oral health status of his/her
with new technologies are essential to draw the community’s patient in order to understand the needs and identify the
attention and to reach the public, namely children and instructions that should be given. Understanding the oral
adolescents [35]. health behaviors of a patient is essential to orientate the health
One of the objectives still to be accomplished is the design promotion methods that can be applied [33].
of a web-based program specifically for oral health education The health professional and even dental students, in
that would be comprehensive in scope and relevant to the collaboration with universities, can also provide less
target audience. This web-based program should address the expensive dental appointments and even free primary
following aspects: preventive appointments for those who present more socio-
• Promote oral hygiene practices that should be developed at economical difficulties [41].
home and integrated in school health programmes, such as
regular daily toothbrushing, daily use of dental floss and Discussion
the application of fluoride;
The present study demonstrates that measures must be taken
• Encourage healthy dietary habits;
in order to improve oral health behaviors among Portuguese
• Demonstrate the necessity of regular check-up dental adolescents. The daily routine of toothbrushing has
appointments and preventive measures applied in a dental continuously been well established, but there is still a lack of
office, such as fissure sealant application. comprehension of the importance of completing oral hygiene
Development and implementation of specific videogames with other methods, such as the use of dental floss and regular
and programs involving oral health aspects can also become dental appointments [42,43]. This study also reflects the
an interesting measure to be implemented and the to teach oral relation between oral health behaviors and socio-demographic
health in schools and even at home for children and factors already referred in other studies [8,9,44,45].
adolescents in the presence of their family and teachers. Portugal was identified in the Portugal Health System
Performance Assessment as one of the European countries in
Health Professionals: Education and Motivation which there were proportionally more difficulties to improve
for Oral Health Behaviors the population’s oral health. Even if there are no significant
studies on the prevalence of oral health problems on the
The role of health professionals is crucial to the struggle Portuguese adult population, there are some studies about the
against the development of oral diseases. Health promotion school population that identify moderate rates of dental caries
and oral health education programs should be continuously [46,47]. Unfortunately, in Portugal nowadays we observe an
repeated with a view to achieving long-term favorable results increase of unemployment that limits the access to medical
and acceptable levels of motivation for change in oral health and dental healthcare due to the economic and social crisis. In
behaviors [6,36]. Portugal, the population’s unequal access to oral healthcare is
Health professionals have an important role in the evident. It is widely known how difficult it is to individuals
development of global policies in oral health promotion and facing socio-economic disadvantages to have access to oral
oral disease prevention as far as the following aspects are healthcare. This situation results from the fact that the vast
concerned: majority of oral healthcare is currently provided by the private
sector, involving funds that not everyone is able to support
• Building oral health policies towards effective control of [48].
risks to oral health;
• Stimulating development and implementation of The lack of information about the importance and the need
community-based projects for oral health promotion and of a dental appointment should be a part of oral health
prevention of oral diseases, with a focus on disadvantaged education in order to decrease the fear and anxiety of visiting
and poor population groups; a dentist [41,49]. Another major risk factor related to the
development of oral diseases is the consumption of sugary
foods and drinks. In this study, we verified that a high

OHDM- Vol. 14- No.2-April, 2015

proportion of adolescents consume sugary beverages on a parents in the oral health education that should be transmitted
regular basis. This proves the necessity of alerting the to children and adolescents.
population, namely children/adolescents and their parents, for
Therefore, oral health education activities directed towards
the negative effects of excessive sugar intake on oral health
the prevention of risk factors for developing oral diseases
[26]. The enterprises that make and sell softdrinks and sweet
should involve both parents and their children, because
foods should also be advised in the reduction of the
parental behavior is a significant indicator of children's oral
percentage of sugar incorporated in their beverages and
snacks that are of easy access to children and adolescents.
Good health is a major resource for social, economic and
By considering the results obtained in the present study, it
personal development. Health promotion, therefore, goes
is clear that it is urgent to develop and implement oral health
beyond health care. It puts health on the agenda of policy
education in effective terms, so that oral health knowledge can
makers in all sectors and at all levels, directing them to be
improve and the oral hygiene status of children and
aware of the health consequences of their decisions and
adolescents change [16,50].
to accept their responsibilities for health. Promoting health in
Schools are an excellent starting point for preventive action the social and cultural settings where people live is the most
in the field of oral health. Education is the backbone of creative and cost-effective way of improving oral health and,
development in any country, and in order to be really fit for consequently, the quality of life in a target community.
school, children first need to be healthy. Those who suffer
poor health cannot concentrate or actively participate in Acknowledgements
school activities. Healthy children, on the other hand, attend The authors are deeply indebted with the researchers that
school more regularly and can benefit fully from what the participated in the development of this study: Prof. Claudia
education system has to offer. School health programmes, Chaves, Prof. Paula Nelas, Prof. Manuela Ferreira, Dr. Marco
therefore, have the potential to combine resources for Baptista and Dr. Inês Coelho. We also thank the teachers and
education, health, nutrition and sanitation at the same venue: students of the School Group of Sátão, Portugal, for the
the school [4]. participation and important contribution in this study. We
Dental and health professionals and dental medicine thank Prof. Adriana Martins for the English language review
students in association with schoolteachers should seek to of this manuscript.
mobilize and strengthen health promotion and education
activities at local, national, regional and global levels. The Competing Interests
initiative is designed to improve the health of children, school The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
personnel, families and other members of the community
through schools. Promoting health in schools reinforces the Fundings
importance of school as a healthy setting for living, learning
and working [39]. This study was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia and CI&DETS (Portugal).
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