A Study On The Financial Performance of General Insurance Companies in India
A Study On The Financial Performance of General Insurance Companies in India
A Study On The Financial Performance of General Insurance Companies in India
The insurance sector has undergone several changes post liberalization leading to the development of the economy. Many private
players took up the opportunity and entered the market giving severe competition to the existing insurance companies. As this
industry is risky, it is important to appraise the performance of general insurance companies to determine their financial standing
of public and private sector general insurance companies. It considers the major source of income and expenses to see its impact
on its operating efficiency. The data is taken from secondary sources for ten years from 2006-07 to 2015-16. Tools used for the
study include ratio analysis, correlation, multiple regression analysis and descriptive statistics. The results show that public
insurance companies have better management soundness and profitability as compared to private insurance companies. Also,
variables such as commission expenses, operating expenses, investment income and net premium do not have an impact on the net
Keywords: non-insurance companies, net premium, commission expenses, operating expenses, management soundness,
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
for companies in both sectors. This indicates that there is poor of the companies has been analysed taking four parameters,
liquidity. The performance of these companies is average as i.e., Premium incomes, Market Share, New Policies Issued
compared to standard norms of general industries. and Claims Settlement Ratio. Results have shown that the
Nikolina Smajla (2014) [14] has thrown light upon one of the insurance penetration and density in India is low compared to
recent models used to analyze the financial soundness of the global scenario. Disparities are seen among the north and
insurance companies, that is the CARAMELS model. The south states in terms of penetration and density. If the
scope of the study limits to Croatian insurance companies. insurance industry needs to be successful then it should be
The author states that the actual method used by companies in cost competitive, improve the distribution techniques and
Croatia to control and regulate the insurance sector is different provide products that cater to the customers behaviour.
from this model, and gives a different view in relation the Parkash Chandel, Naveen Kumar (2016) [4] analyze the growth
soundness of the insurance sector. of the Indian Insurance industry with reference to the top ten
Chandel, Naveen Kumar (2016) [4] analyze the growth of the economies of the world. To understand the growth and
Indian Insurance industry with reference to the top ten opportunities available in the insurance sector, premium,
economies of the world. To understand the growth and insurance density and penetration have been considered as it
opportunities available in the insurance sector, premium, gives a reflection upon the level of development in the
insurance density and penetration have been considered as it insurance sector. The study has shown that the Indian
gives a reflection upon the level of development in the insurance sector has shown consistent growth, however in
insurance sector. The study has shown that the Indian comparison to the top economies in the world, the Indian
insurance sector has shown consistent growth, however in insurance sector is at the lowest level in all parameters.
comparison to the top economies in the world, the Indian
insurance sector is at the lowest level in all parameters. 3. Data collection
Showket Ahmad Dar, Ishfaq Ahmad Thaku (2015) [5] has used The data is collected for the public and private insurance
the CARAMEL model to evaluate the financial soundness of companies for a period of ten years data from 2006-07 to
top general insurance companies in the public and private 2015-16. The data considered for the study are incurred
sector in India. Three indicators have been used which are claims, net premium, operating expenses, commission
earnings and profitability, management soundness and expenses, and net profit. The data is collected from Annual
liquidity. Ratio analysis has been employed in this study, and report and Public Disclosure report which has been published
tools such as mean, standard deviation and F-test has been by the General Insurance Companies, books relating to
used to test the parameters under the CARAMEL model. insurance management and websites. Majority of the data is
From the paper, it is seen that the public-sector companies gathered from IRDA annual reports and Indian Insurance
show significant differences in the ratios that have been Statistics.
calculated for liquidity. The higher F-value for the private
sector companies shows insignificant differences for private 4. Research methodology
insurers. But, both the private and public-sector companies The statistical tools used for the purpose of the study are:
lack high degree of liquidity. In terms of variability, public Ratio Analysis - CARAMEL framework
companies seem to have insignificant differences as shown by Mean and Standard Deviation
higher F-Value whereas high degree of variation is seen Correlation Coefficient
among the public insurers. The greater F-Value for public Multiple Regression Analysis
insurers reveals that companies do not differ significantly in Descriptive Statistics
terms of this ratio for earnings and profitability. In contrast,
the F-Value of private sector discloses that companies have 5. Analysis- discussion & results
significant differences in pattern of this ratio. 5.1 Descriptive statistics
B. Nagaraja (2015) [9] explains the relationship between the Descriptive statistics have been found for key ratios in the
performance of the insurance industry and the economic public and private insurance companies for the purpose of
development of the country. The author has stated that the comparison for a period of 10 years. The ratios are based on
growth rate in policies issues and the premium have shown a profitability and management soundness. In this case, loss
negative trend over the last three years. The paper focuses on ratio, expense ratio, combined ratio, investment income ratio
a comparative analysis on the life and non-life insurance and management soundness has been considered.
companies in the public and private sector. The performance
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
a) Loss Ratio: The mean of loss ratios for public non- income ratios for public non-insurance companies over a
insurance companies over a tenure of 10 years is 0.84, tenure of 10 years is 0.34 and for private is 0.15. This
whereas for private companies it is 0.78. This suggests that implies that the investment income ratio is greater for
the loss ratio is greater for public non-insurers as public insurance companies as compared to private. The
compared to private non-insurance companies. The standard deviation is 0.07 and 0.03 for public and private
standard deviation for loss ratio of public non-insurance non-insurance companies, where the variation is lesser in
companies is 0.14, whereas of private it is 0.06. There is case of private non-insurers. The median is 0.31 for public
less variance for private insurance companies as compared companies and 0.14 for private companies. The median is
to public insurance companies. The median is 0.88 for greater for public companies as their mean ratio also is
public insurers and 0.79 for private insurers. The skewness greater. They are positively skewered and platykurtic.
is negative for both public and private companies. Also, e) Management Soundness: The mean of management
the kurtosis in both cases is leptokurtic. soundness ratios for public non-insurance companies over
b) Expenses Ratio: The mean of expenses ratios for public a tenure of 10 years is 0.23, whereas for private companies
non-insurance companies over a tenure of 10 years is 0.28 it is 0.2. This shows that the management soundness is
and for private non-insurers is 0.34. The mean expenses better in case of public companies as compared to private
ratio is greater for private companies. The standard companies. The median is 0.23 and 0.21 for public and
deviation is 0.021 for public non-life insurers and 0.05 for private insurers respectively. The standard deviation is
private companies, which shows that there is higher 0.02 for public insurers and 0.04 for private insurers,
variance in private companies. The median ratio is 0.28 which again shows that public companies have lesser
and 0.33 for public and private non-insurers respectively. variance in compared to private companies.
Both are positively skewed and they are platykurtic.
c) Combined Ratio: The mean of combined ratios for public 5.2 Correlation
non-insurance companies over a tenure of 10 years is 1.12 The correlation of key variables is done to determine the
and for private insurance companies it is 1.13, which correlation between key variables of the insurance companies.
shows that the mean value of combined ratios is almost The variables taken are commission expenses, operating
similar for both private and public non-insurance expenses, investment income, net premium and net profit. The
companies. The standard deviation is 0.15 which is higher correlation coefficient is a value that lies between -1 to +1. To
for public companies as private companies, where standard interpret correlation, it is said that the closer the value is to 1,
deviation is just 0.05. The median again is very similar, the stronger the relationship between the variables, and closer
1.16 and 1.14 for public and private non-insurers the value to 0, it means that there is no correlation between the
respectively. Both are negatively skewed. variables.
d) Investment Income Ratio: The mean of investment
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development