Experiment 13: Fnam E SSN DNO Dnam E
Experiment 13: Fnam E SSN DNO Dnam E
Experiment 13: Fnam E SSN DNO Dnam E
Q1. Retrieve Fname,ssn,Dno and Dname of all employees who work in HR department.
Q2. Display all department details of those departments located in Belgaum using JOIN operation.
Q3. Display employee no. and project name of those working in AI project.
457cs17019 AI
Q4.For each department display Dno and total no of employees arrenge the count in desending order
using JOIN operation.
1 2
3 1
4 1
2 1
Q5.For every project located in belgaum list Pno,Dno,Dept_MGR_SSN,Lname,address,DOB.
Q6.Display employee no. Fname,salary,Dname of those whose salary is between 5000 and 40000.