ANA Product Marketing Playbook
ANA Product Marketing Playbook
ANA Product Marketing Playbook
Framework 03
Introduction 04
4 Size Up The Competition 16
6 Launch Your Product 26
Conclusion 28
About 30
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Leverage the framework below to quickly empower training, tools, templates, and other resources.
your organization’s product marketing strategy.
Positioning Statement Market Segmentation Competitive Analysis Marketing Channel Product Launch
Objectives Scorecard
Worksheet & Analysis Tool Template Ranking Tool Team Charter
Features Advantage
Benefit Tool
MarCom Budget
1 2 3 4 5 6
Establish Product Detail Understand Size Up the Build Your Launch Your
Objectives Your Market Competition Plan Product
Corporate Marketing strategy Adapt these proven best practices to your organiza-
tion, on your own steam
Establish Objectives
Your company develops, launches and manages products to achieve certain business objectives. As you begin
the process of drafting your product marketing plan, you will need to identify these objectives or create some if
none exist. The ultimate use of these objectives is to determine whether a product is successful.
As you identify or develop your product’s objectives, make sure they are consistent with
corporate strategy and vision, appropriate for where the product is in its lifecycle,
and complementary to the positioning strategy for the product.
Set Your Product Objectives
Action Item
Begin this step by asking whether there is a vision for how this
product should contribute to the success of the business. If a
product was developed with a specific mission in mind, under-
stand that mission and set your objectives accordingly.
Typical product marketing goals are listed below. Observe that
some of these objectives conflict with each other:
Revenue – achieving predetermined levels of sales
Market share – to grow your share of the market, often by
taking it from a specific competitor
Other – profit, initial orders, perception of market leadership
or other goals can exist for a product
Product Detail
Establish a baseline for use in the balance of this playbook by ensuring there is a shared
understanding and an appropriate level of detail with supporting data for each of these areas:
Develop Position and Definition Define Product Applications
Stake out a defensible market position for this product Define the primary application for the product and any
and craft a Positioning Statement to serve as a platform secondary applications. Use the Product Applications
for your marketing communications. Use the Positioning Worksheet to help complete this step.
Statement Worksheet to help complete this step.
What elements are included in your Positioning Statement? What elements are included in the Product Applications Worksheet?
Who your product is for Applications description
What it is Type
How it’s different User
What primary benefit it provides Impact
Evidence that supports your claims Value Proposition or Benefit
Identify the Differentiators Define Your Pricing
What product features provide you with a competitive Use the Pricing Strategy Template to complete this step.
advantage and create value for the customer? Use the
Competitive Analysis Tool to help complete this step.
Draft Your Unique Selling Proposition
Action Item
Your USP should reflect your positioning (Step 1) and should answer
the customer’s question, “Why should I buy from you?”
Unique: describes your differentiators
Selling: directed toward customers and is for use in sales
Proposition: invites action on the part of the customer in
favor of your product
The steps in this stage will have you consider your market, your customer, market size,
purchase process, access, and priority.
Identify Market Segments Profile the Buyer
Use our Market Segmentation & Analysis Tool to analyze Use the Customer Profile Template to describe the buyer
the markets your product could serve. for your product.
Why segment the market? Create Customer Profiles based on market research data, not intu-
ition. Each of the following types of buyer should have a profile:
1. Few companies have the resources to vigorously pursue all
markets for their products. End-user
2. Segmentation leads you to the market niche that represents Economic buyer
the best opportunity. Technical buyer
3. You can fully commit to owning the top priority segment and
more easily say “no” to distractions.
Analyze the Purchase Process Ensure Access to Customers
Create a process map to illustrate the purchase process Make sure you can effectively access customers in your
for your product. Use the Purchase Process Diagram to target segment(s).
help complete this step.
Consider the following as you evaluate your ability to access
customers in your target segment(s):
1. What types of media do they consume?
2. What are their trusted sources of information?
VIEW RESOURCE 3. What professional associations do they belong to?
4. What types of promotions have been effective?
Validate Your Market Position
Action Item
Complete a Competitive Analysis Anticipate the Competitive Response
Refer to the analysis completed in STAGE 3, Step 2 using Discuss the possible range of competitive responses to
the Competitive Analysis Template to understand the your product announcement, and plan a set of responses
extent to which competing solutions are meeting the should they occur. Use the Risk Assessment Tool to
needs of your target market segment. complete this step.
Areas of focus for this analysis: Common competitive responses to new product threats:
Why are customers buying competing solutions? Public relations or advertising to blunt your product’s
From the customers’ perspective, what are the differentia- advantages
tors for each competing solution? Pricing actions
How is each solution positioned in the market? New product announcements or feature enhancements
Litigation over patents or other intellectual property
Select your Channels Draft and Prioritize Key Messages
Use the Marketing Channel Ranking Tool to prioritize ways Use the Message Mapping Tool to document the key
to generate leads and create sales. messages that are important for your target audience to hear
about your product.
Use what you’ve learned during the preceding Stages and this tool What are message maps?
to narrow the approaches you could take. Areas of focus for this Message maps provide a method for brainstorming and
analysis: prioritizing potential message based on their credibility,
Brand Promotion Quality effectiveness, and resonance.
Lead Quality Once you have analyzed the relative strengths and weak-
Cost Per Event nesses of each message, a bubble chart message map is
automatically generated.
Use the results of the Message Mapping tool to guide your promo-
tional activities.
Briefly outline your advertising strategy and key publications. Include information regarding the key publications and
If you are planning to do online advertising and pay-per-click, newswire services you will be using to get exposure in
include some of the keywords you will be targeting. relevant mainstream media. Use our Public Relations
Plan for additional tools and templates.
PR planning tips:
Advertising Plan Checklist
Consider pre-announcing to select members of the media to
Competitive PR and Advertising Analysis Template
boost your chances of coverage.
Advertising Calendar & Budget Template
In addition to a press release, have product photos, customer
Creative Brief Template testimonials, and other resources that make it easy for the
media to cover your product announcement.
Helpful Hint – Complete your ad planning far enough in
advance to secure ad space to coincide with the launch date.
Provide a description of major website improvements and Document your social media strategy. Consider leveraging existing
projects that will be completed in the following 12 months. social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
If you are doing mobile marketing, talk about how the program List the key events, conferences, and tradeshows that you
will work, who it will target, and what the key success metrics plan to attend.
will be.
Join marketing programs with partners, email marketing, Use the Sales and Marketing Alignment Tool to make
content marketing, special pricing, coupons, sponsor- sure these functions are prepared to work together to
ships, inbound marketing strategy, etc. facilitate the success of this product’s marketing plan.
Prepare a Sales Guide Build your Budget
Leverage the Features Advantage Benefit Tool by using Use the Marketing Communications Budget Template to
the differentiators and USP (Unique Selling Proposition), create a budget for the promotion strategy you developed
publish a guide for internal use by the sales channels in Step 4 of this Stage.
based on these differentiators rather than on price.
Provide the rationale for the USP. For each product differentiator, Why is developing a Marketing Budget important?
describe: Increases credibility for Product Manager
A definition of the feature Organizes cost categories in a logical manner
The advantages it creates Ensures proper allocation of resources
The benefits it provides
Helpful Hint – If you completed a Break Even Analysis, make
Using the product applications identified in Stage 2, provide use sure that your budget reflects those assumptions.
Create a Schedule
Action Item
Form a Launch Team Launch Event
To conduct a formal product launch, select members for Write your launch plan using the Product Launch Checklist
the launch team from each of the functional areas that have to document responsibilities, due dates, and launch activities.
a stake in a successful product launch. Use the Product
Launch Team Charter to define roles and responsibilities.
Your cross-functional launch team should include a representative A comprehensive Launch Plan is built around a detailed set of
from: launch activities:
Marketing Customer Support Each activity is assigned to a responsible member of the
Public Relations Sales Launch Team
R&D Manufacturing The Launch Plan serves as the project management docu-
ment for the launch
It is helpful to include a Launch timeline as a communica-
tions tool and to keep the Launch on schedule
Manage Product Feature Requests
Action Item
At the end of any business process, it’s always a good idea to review it
and identify areas for improvement.
We can help. Demand Metric has the tools and expertise to help you
successfully market your products:
Create or audit your product marketing plans
Assist with using any of the tools referenced in this playbook
Provide hands-on marketing assistance to accelerate achieving your
product’s goals
About ANA
The ANA (Association of National Advertisers) makes a difference
for individuals, brands, and the industry by driving growth, advancing
the interests of marketers and promoting and protecting the well-
being of the marketing community.
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