DENR Accredited Labs
DENR Accredited Labs
DENR Accredited Labs
As of 03 January 2019
DOST 1 Regional DMMMSU-Mid La Union Anita A. Criste Recognized BOD; Cadmium; None None None None All Analyses:
Standards and Campus Coliform, Fecal; Anita C. Criste
Testing Laboratory City of San Fernando, La 24 Sep 2018 - Coliform, Total; Copper;
Union 24 Sep 2021 Dissolved Oxygen; Bacteriological Analysis:
Lead; Oil and Grease; Decth1180 P. Libunao
(072) 700 2372 pH; Total Suspended Hero D. Galamgam
(072) 888 3399 Solids Cyrille Ann B. Manalon
Metals and Physical- Chemical Analyses:
Lena C. Rosario
Princess Pundogan
CRL Environmental Unit 02, Berthaphil 1 Industrial Juliana C. Oriña Recognized Ammonia as NH3-N; Sediments: Ammonia; Antimony and its Transformer Oil Air, Metals and Physical-
Corporation Park Arsenic; Barium; BOD; Arsenic; Total Hydrogen compounds; and Waste Oil: Chemical Analyses:
Jose Abad Santos Avenue 24 Sep 2018 - Boron; BTEX (Benzene, Cadmium, Sulfide; Lead; Arsenic and its Polychlorinated Chas C. Arroyo
CFZ, Clarkfield, Pampanga 24 Sep 2021 Toluene; Ethylbenzene; Copper, Iron, Nitrogen compounds; Biphenyls Maria Carmela Q. Capule
Xylene), Lead, Dioxide; Cadmium and Ronald G. Espiritu
(045) 599 6529 Trichloroethylene; Manganese, Sulfur its compounds; Wastes: Juliana C. Oriña
599 3943 Cadmium; Chemical Nickel, Silver, Dioxide; Copper and its Arsenic and its
(045) 599 3963 Oxygen Demand; Zinc; Suspended compounds; compounds; Bacteriological Analysis:
Chloride; Chromium as Organochlorine Particulate Hydrogen Barium and its Geraldine T. Yabut Hexavalent Chromium Pesticides; Matter – TSP, Sulfide; Lead; compounds; Maria Cerci D. Maregmen (Cr6+); Coliform, Fecal; Polychlorinated PM10 Mercury; NOx; Cadmium and its Adler P. Gatbonton
Coliform, Total; Color Biphenyls; Total Particulates; compounds;
(Apparent and True); Mercury Sulfur Oxides as Chromium Organics Analyses:
Copper as Dissolved SO2; Zinc and compounds; Lead Mary Ann G. Rodriguez
Copper; Copper; its compounds compounds; Rose Ann W. Veloria
Cyanide as Free Mercury and
Cyanide; Dissolved mercury
Oxygen; Fluoride; Iron; compounds;
Lead; Manganese; Selenium and its
Mercury; Nickel; Nitrate compounds;
as NO3-N; Oil and Silver and its
Grease; Organochlorine compounds
Pesticides; pH; Phenols;
Phenol and Phenolic
Substances; Phosphate;
Biphenyls; Selenium;
Settleable Solids;
03 January 2019
Sulfate; Surfactants
(Methylene Blue Active
Trichloroethylene; Total
Mercury; Total Dissolved
Solids; Total Suspended
Solids; Zinc
TSD Main TECO Industrial Park, Ninoy Cecilia Ursula B. Recognized BOD; Chemical Oxygen None None None None Danilo O. Espiritu, Jr.
Laboratory - Trust Aquino Highway, Mabalacat Villanueva Demand; Chloride;
International Paper Pampanga 06 Apr 2018 - Color, True; Dissolved
Corporation 06 Apr 2021 Oxygen; Nitrate as NO3-
(045) 893 0401 N; Oil and Grease; pH;
Phosphate; Settleable Solids; Temperature; Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Suspended Solids
All Waste Services, Km. 32 Mc Arthur Highway Mari Sherlin S. Recognized BOD; Cadmium; None None None Wastes: Glynn M. Dela Cruz
Inc. Laboratory Tuktukan, Guiguinto, Bulacan Chua Chromium, Hexavalent; Antimony; Ernison M. Elmido
16 Oct 2017 - Color, Apparent; Antimony
(044) 794-2669 16 Oct 2020 Copper, Total; Dissolved compounds;
Oxygen; Lead; pH; Arsenic and its Settleable Solids; compounds; Temperature; Total Barium and its
Suspended Solids compounds;
Cadmium and its
compounds; Lead
compounds; Zinc
ECHEM 10 Quezon Road, San Isidro Jennylyn G. Recognized Ammonia as NH3-N; None Nitrogen NOx; None All Analyses:
Environmental San Simon, Pampanga Nerpio BOD; Chemical Oxygen Dioxide; Particulates; Jennylyn G. Nerpio
Testing Laboratory 24 Sep 2018 - Demand; Chloride; Sulfur Sulfur Oxides as
(045) 4352795 24 Sep 2021 Coliform, Fecal; Dioxide; SO2 Bacteriological Analysis:
Coliform, Total; Color Suspended Anita H. Pineda
echemenvironmental@gmail.c (True); Dissolved Particulate
om Oxygen; Nitrate as NO3- Matter – TSP Bacteriological and N; Oil and Grease; pH; Physical-Chemical
Phosphate; Surfactants Analyses:
(Methylene Blue Active May Ann M. Estavillo
03 January 2019
Temperature, Total
Dissolved Solids, Total
Suspended Solids
Ostrea Mineral Brgy. Road, Barrio Mamplasan Cristina F. Recognized Ammonia as NH3-N; Sediments: Ammonia; Antimony and its Wastes: Air Analysis:
Laboratories, Inc. Biñan, Laguna Referente Arsenic; Barium; BOD; Arsenic; Total Antimony; compounds; Arsenic & its Marvin Albert C. Sipin
06 Apr 2018 - Boron; BTEX (Benzene, Cadmium, Arsenic; Arsenic and its compounds;
(049) 889 9058 06 Apr 2021 Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Copper, Iron, Cadmium; compounds; Barium & its Air, Metals and Physical-
(02) 8486951 loc. 401 Xylene); Cadmium, Lead, Lead; Cadmium and compounds; Chemical Analyses:
Total; Chemical Oxygen Manganese, Nitrogen its compounds; Cadmium & its Ma. Cristina F. Referente Demand; Chloride; Nickel, Silver, Dioxide; Copper and its compounds; Chromium as Zinc; Total Sulfur compounds; Chromium Bacteriological Analysis:
.ph Hexavalent Chromium; Mercury Dioxide; Hydrogen compounds; Christopher D. Hernandez Coliform, Fecal; Suspended Sulfide; Lead; Copper
customerservice@ostrealabs.c Coliform, Total; Color, Particulate Mercury; Nickel; compounds; Metals and Physical- Apparent; Color, True; Matter – TSP, NOx; Hexavalent Chemical Analyses:
Copper, Total; Cyanide, PM10 Particulates; Chromium Maxima E. Flavier, Ph.D.
Free; Dissolved Oxygen; Sulfur Oxides as compounds; Lead
Fluoride; Iron; Lead; SO2; Zinc and compounds; Air, Metals, Organics,
Manganese; Mercury; its compounds Mercury and Physical-Chemical, and
Nickel; Nitrate as NO3- mercury Wastes Analyses:
N; Oil and Grease; pH; compounds; Alvin P. Basco
Phenols; Phosphate; Selenium and its
Selenium; Settleable compounds; Zinc
Solids; Sulfate; compounds
Surfactants (Methylene
Blue Active
Temperature; Total
Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids;
Trichloroethylene; Zinc
Lipa Quality Control 001 J.P. Laurel National Gerwin M. Recognized BOD5; Cadmium, Total; None None None None Bacteriological Analysis:
Center, Inc. Highway Atienza Chemical Oxygen Venice Ann Lorreine M.
Purok 4, Brgy. Sico, Lipa City, 30 Jan 2017 - Demand; Chloride; Bautista
Batangas 30 Jan 2020 Chromium (Hexavalent);
Coliform, Fecal; Metals and Physical-
(043) 702-8417; 702-8421; Coliform, Total; Color; Chemical Analyses:
702-8423; 702-8428 Copper, Total; Dissolved Gerwin M. Atienza
Oxygen; Lead; Nitrate as Liwayway D. Honrade Nitrogen; Oil and Morena M. Arnigo
Grease; pH; Phenols;
Phosphate as
Phosphorus; Settleable
Solids; Surfactants
(MBAS); Temperature;
Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Suspended Solids
Chemrock Suba Masulog, Corazon M. Recognized BOD; Chloride; None None None None Elishia Niña M. Cabahug
Laboratories Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Ygoňa Dissolved Oxygen; Oil
06 Apr 2018 - and Grease; pH; Total
(032) 495 6794 06 Apr 2021 Dissolved Solids; Total
496 8100 Suspended Solids
495 6796
03 January 2019
Ostrea Mineral Jayden Center, 402 MC Leonila N. Recognized BOD; Chemical Oxygen None Nitrogen NOx; None Leonila N. Adarna
Laboratories, Inc. Briones St., Tipolo, Mandaue Adarna Demand; Chloride; Dioxide; Particulates; Archie Michael J. Bello
City, Cebu 06 Apr 2018 - Chromium as Sulfur Sulfur Oxides as
06 Apr 2021 Hexavalent Chromium Dioxide; SO2
(032) 343 6472 (Cr6+); Coliform, Fecal; Suspended
Coliform, Total; Color, Particulate Apparent; Dissolved Matter – TSP
Oxygen; Oil and Grease;
pH; Temperature; Total
Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids
F.A.S.T. M.C. Briones Highway, Irish Mae Q. Recognized Ammonia as NH3-N; None None None None All Analyses:
Laboratories – Cebu Mandaue City, Cebu Moring BOD5; Cadmium, Total; Iris Mae Q. Moring
30 Jan 2017 - Chemical Oxygen
(032) 346 2792 30 Jan 2020 Demand; Chloride; Bacteriological Analysis:
Chromium (Hexavalent); Niki M. Lamigo Coliform, Fecal; Maria Flordiliza G. Cajes
Coliform, Total; Color;
Copper, Total; Dissolved Metals and Physical-
Oxygen; Lead; Nitrate as Chemical Analyses:
NO3-N; Oil and Grease; Karen Mae G. Laid
pH; Phosphate; Rosemarie C. Milano
Settleable Solids;
Sulfate; Surfactants
(MBAS); Temperature;
Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Mercury; Total
Suspended Solids
EDC - NIGBU Ticala, Valencia, Negros Mary Ann B. Recognized Boron; Chloride; pH; None None None None Carl Vincent P. Dipaling
Integrated Chemistry Oriental Torres Temperature; Total Jane A. Mananquil
Laboratory Services 16 Oct 2017 - Dissolved Solids; Total Mary Ann B. Torres
667 7332 16 Oct 2020 Suspended Solids
PASAR Metallurgical LIDE, Isabel, Leyte 6539, Elizabeth S. Recognized Arsenic; Cadmium; None None None None Metals and Physical-
Division, In-Process Philippines Jurolan Chromium as Chemical Analyses:
/ Environmental 07 Dec 2018 - Hexavalent Chromium; Cinderella P. Pascua
Laboratory 63-927-8538010 07 Dec 2021 Copper as Dissolved Joana P. Datwin
Copper; Copper, Total; Jonamel B. Cabalo Iron; Lead; Manganese; Cristi Cesar F. Megraso Nickel; Oil and Grease;
pH; Temperature; Total
Mercury; Total
Suspended Solids; Zinc
Laboratory and PHIVIDEC Industrial Estate Bernard C. Recognized Cadmium; Chemical Sediments: Nitrogen Particulates; None Gab Ashley Y. Mortola
Environmental Villanueva, Misamis Oriental Baobao Oxygen Demand; Total Cadmium, Dioxide; Sulfur Oxides as
Group - Philippine 07 Dec 2018 - Chloride; Color, True; Copper, Iron, Sulfur SO2
Sinter Corporation (08822) 740 187/ 207 07 Dec 2021 Copper, Dissolved; Lead, Dioxide;
(088) 5670-083 Copper, Total; Dissolved Manganese, Suspended
Oxygen; Lead; Oil and Nickel, Zinc Particulate Grease; pH; Matter – Temperature; Total PM10
Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids
F.A.S.T. 2nd Floor Casiño Bldg., C.M. Ma. Lovebeth S. Recognized Ammonia as NH3-N; None None None None Klarence P. Abne
Laboratories - Recto Avenue cor. Camp Mendoza BOD; Cadmium; Ma. Lovebeth S. Mendoza
Cagayan de Oro Alagar Road, Brgy. Lapasan 07 Dec 2018 - Chemical Oxygen Jelly Ian M. Millana
Branch Cagayan de Oro City 07 Dec 2021 Demand; Chloride;
Chromium as
(088) 852 4846 Hexavalent Chromium
(Cr6+); Color, Apparent; Color, True; Copper,
Dissoved; Copper, Total;
Dissolved Oxygen; Iron;
Lead; Manganese;
Mercury; Nickel; Nitrate
as Nitrogen; Oil and
Grease; pH; Phosphate;
Sulfate; Surfactant
(Methylene Blue Active
Temperature; Total
Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids; Zinc
Aeronics, Inc. – Purok 6, Tablon Gerry G. Vallente Recognized BOD; Chemical Oxygen None Nitrogen NOx; None All Analyses:
Environmental Cagayan de Oro City Demand; Coliform, Dioxide; Particulates; Gerry G. Vallente
Laboratory Division Fecal; Coliform, Total; Sulfur
03 January 2019
09177074788 24 Sep 2018 - Color (Apparent and Dioxide; Sulfur Oxides as Air and Physical Chemical
09156164494 24 Sep 2021 True); Dissolved Suspended SO2 Analyses:
Oxygen; Nitrate as NO3- Particulate Ma. Fe T. Calalimlaliman N; Oil and Grease; pH; Matter – TSP
Phosphate; Settleable
Solids; Temperature;
Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Suspended Solids
The First Analytical No. 281 LAN-TEH Building Ma. Lovebeth S. Recognized Coliform, Fecal; None None None None Niki M. Lamigo
Services and Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City Mendoza Coliform, Total Aurea Mello M. Sanchez
Technical 30 Jan 2017 -
Cooperative (088) 852 4846 30 Jan 2020
Laboratories) -
Cagayan de Oro
Annex Laboratory
Davao Analytical Mc Arthur Hiway cor. Union June Anne Recognized07 BOD; Cadmium, Total; Sediments: None None None All Analyses:June Ann
Laboratories, Inc. AvenueMatina, Davao City Adrienne M. Teh- Dec 2018 - 07 Chemical Oxygen Lead; Total Adrienne M. Teh-
(082) 297 3278 Bonilla Dec 2021 Demand; Chloride; Mercury BonillaBacteriological Coliform, Fecal; Analysis:Juvy T. Coliform, Total; Color LegaspiMetals and
(Apparent); Color (True); Physical-Chemical
Copper, Total; Copper Analyses:Jemaima M.
as Dissolved Copper; Ombina
Dissolved Oxygen;
Lead; Nickel; Oil and
Grease; Organochlorine
Pesticides; pH;
Phosphate; Settleable
Solids; Sulfate;
Temperature; Total
Dissolved Solids; Total
Mercury; Total
Suspended Solids; Zinc
Department of Department of Science and Alma R. Recognized Coliform, Fecal; None None None None All Analyses:
Science and Technology Regional Office Lamparas Coliform, Total; pH Alma R. Lamparas
Technology No. XI 30 Jan 2017 -
Regional Standards DMC Cmpd., Corner 30 Jan 2020 Bacteriological Analyses:
and Testing Dumanlas & Friendships Sheryl N. Napoco
Laboratory - Davao Roads Dorothy Joy M. Candilas
Bajada, Davao City Jenefritz B. Salipod
Helen Grace G. David
(082) 221-5295
Physical Chemical Analyses:
April Rose S. Aguilos
Energy Brgy. Ilomavis, Kidapawan Julienne Eve D. Recognized Boron; Chloride; pH; None None None None Julienne Eve D. Algabre
Development City Algabre Temperature; Total Lara Melizza S. Cabrillos
03 January 2019
Corporation - 24 Sep 2018 - Dissolved Solids; Total
MAGBU Integrated (02) 755-2332 local 8261 24 Sep 2021 Suspended Solids
Laboratory Services
TJ|H2b Analytical 88 Shaw Blvd, Brgy. Oranbo, Ritche-Mari M. Recognized None None None None Transformer Oil: Ritche-Mari Lim
Services Philippines, Pasig City Lim Polychlorinated Christine Danielle Murillo
Inc. 07 Dec 2018 - Biphenyls
+63 2 470 3753 07 Dec 2021
ELARSI, Inc. Unit 201-202 & 406 Rizalina Renato M. Recognized Arsenic; BOD; Sediments: Hydrogen Lead; NOx; None All Analyses:
Annex Bldg. Gofredo, Jr. Cadmium; Chemical Arsenic; Total Sulfide; Lead; Particulates; Renato M. Gofredo, Jr.
1677 Quezon Avenue, 24 Sep 2018 - Oxygen Demand; Cadmium, Nitrogen Sulfur Oxides as
Quezon City 1100 24 Sep 2021 Chloride; Chromium as Copper, Lead, Dioxide; SO2
Hexavalent Chromium Nickel, Zinc; Sulfur
(02) 927 7715 (Cr6+); Coliform, Fecal; Total Mercury Dioxide;
Coliform, Total; Color Suspended (True); Copper as Particulate
Dissolved Copper; Matter – TSP,
Dissolved Oxygen; PM10
Lead; Mercury; Oil and
Grease; pH; Phosphate;
Settleable Solids;
Surfactants (Methylene
Blue Active
Temperature; Total
Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids; Zinc
Intertek Testing 2307 Chino Roces Ave. Leonor Grace S. Recognized Arsenic; Barium; BOD; Sediments: None None None Bacteriological Analysis:
Services Philippines, Extension, Makati City Jubilan Boron; Cadmium; Total Iron, Lead. Glen Angelo M. Alindog
Inc. 06 Apr 2018 - Chemical Oxygen Shiela Marie D. Virgo
(02) 819 5841 to 47 06 Apr 2021 Demand; Chloride;
Chromium, Hexavalent; Physical-Chemical and Coliform, Fecal; Metals Analyses:
Coliform, Total; Color, Gelyn B. Javelona
True; Copper, Dissolved; Leonor Grace S. Jubilan
Copper, Total; Dissolved
Oxygen; Lead;
Manganese; Nickel;
Nitrate as Nitrogen; Oil
and Grease; pH;
Settlleable Solids;
Surfactants (Methylene
Blue Active
Temperature; Total
John Joseph A. Gochingco
Jane Carmelle P. Belleca
Jennifer T. Tagupa
CHEMPRO 2F MS Bldg., #146 San Roque Amelia P. Rubio Recognized BOD; Cadmium; None None None None Bacteriological Analysis:
Analytical Services St. corner Shaw Blvd. Chemical Oxygen Florean R. Cunanan
Laboratories, Inc. extension, Brgy. Kapitolyo, 16 Oct 2017 - Demand; Chloride;
Pasig City 16 Oct 2020 Chromium as Metals and Physical-
Hexavalent Chromium Chemical Analyses:
Tel No.: 6348600 (Cr6+); Coliform, Fecal; Ronet L. Rodriguez
Tel/ Fax No.: (02) 6356773 Coliform, Total; Color
(True); Copper, Total; Physical-Chemical Dissolved Oxygen; Analyses:
Lead; Mercury; Oil and Bernadette M. Marinay
Grease; pH; Settleable
Solids; Surfactants
(MBAS); Temperature;
Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Suspended Solids
Mer Chemical # 64 Major Dizon St., Industrial Mary Joy R. Recognized BOD; Chemical Oxygen None None None None Mary Joy R. Gotangho
Laboratory and Valley Complex, Marikina City Gotangho Demand; Chloride; Elvira R. Braña
Services, Inc. 06 Apr 2018 - Chromium, Hexavalent;
(02) 681 8459 06 Apr 2021 Coliform, Fecal;
Coliform, Total; Color, Apparent; Dissolved
Oxygen; Oil and Grease;
pH; Settleable Solids;
Surfactants (Methylene
Blue Active
Temperature; Total
Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids
SentroTek Corp. 208 Pilar St., Mandaluyong Priscila P. Recognized Arsenic; Barium; BOD; Total Cadmium, None Antimony and its None All Analyses:
City Tongco Cadmium; Chemical Lead; Total compounds; Priscila P. Tongco
16 Oct 2017 - Oxygen Demand; Mercury Arsenic and its
(02) 721 6500 16 Oct 2020 Chloride; Chromium as compounds; Bacteriological Analysis:
Hexavalent Chromium Cadmium and Jenina A. Capule (Cr6+); Coliform, Fecal; its compounds;
Coliform, Total; Color Copper and its
03 January 2019
(Apparent); Color, True; compounds;
Copper, Total; Dissolved Lead; Mercury;
Oxygen;Fluoride; Iron; Nickel and its
Lead; Manganese; compounds
Mercury; Nitrate as except Nickel
NO3-N; Oil and Grease; Carbonyl; NOx;
pH; Phenols; Sulfur Oxides as
Phosphate; Selenium; SO2; Zinc and
Settleable Solids; its compounds
Surfactants (MBAS);
Temperature; Total
Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids; Zinc
Aeronics, Inc. 19 Ashley St., North Fairview, Jose S. Solis Recognized BOD5; Cadmium, Total; None Nitrogen NOx; None Air, Metals and Physical-
Environmental Quezon City Chemical Oxygen Dioxide, Particulates; Chemical Analyses:
Laboratory Division 30 Jan 2017 - Demand; Chloride; Sulfur Sulfur Oxides as Jaszeel J. Malinao
(02) 935 4349 30 Jan 2020 Chromium (Hexavalent); Dioxide; SO2
935 4861 Coliform, Fecal; Suspended Bacteriological Analysis:
Coliform, Total; Color; Particulate Reynaldo N. Abastillas Copper, Total; Dissolved Matter – TSP.
Oxygen; Lead; Nitrate as
Nitrogen; Oil and
Grease; pH; Phenols;
Phosphate as
Phosphorous; Settleable
Solids; Surfactants
(MBAS); Temperature;
Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Suspended Solids
Mach Union Water 335 Real Street, Alabang- Marissa T. Recognized Ammonia as NH3-N; Sediments: Nitrogen NOx; None Air, Metals and Physical-
Laboratory, Inc. Zapote Road, Talon III, Las Manaor Arsenic; Barium; BOD5; Arsenic; Total Dioxide; Particulates; Chemical Analyses:
Piñas City 30 Jan 2017 - Boron; Cadmium, Total; Cadmium, Sulfur Sulfur Oxides as Zenith D. Lindog
30 Jan 2020 Chemical Oxygen Copper, Iron, Dioxide; SO2
(02) 5338381 Demand; Chloride; Lead, Nickel, Suspended Bacteriological Analysis:
533-8878 Chromium (Hexavalent); Silver, Zinc; Particulate Luchie S. Ignacio
Coliform, Fecal; Total Mercury Matter – TSP Coliform, Total; Color;
Copper; Copper as
Dissolved Copper;
Cyanide, Free;
Dissolved Oxygen;
Fluoride; Iron; Lead;
Manganese; Nickel;
Nitrate as NO3-N; Oil
and Grease; pH;
Phenols; Phosphate as
Phosphorous; Selenium;
Settleable Solids;
03 January 2019
Sulfate; Surfactants
(MBAS); Temperature;
Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Mercury; Total
Suspended Solids; Zinc
CJK Air and Water 99 C Judge Juan Luna St., Vilma S. Recognized BOD; Chemical Oxygen None None None None Bacteriological Analyses:
Testing Laboratory San Antonio, Quezon City Cembrano Demand; Coliform, Dr. Omar S. Ginon
16 Oct 2017 - Fecal; Coliform, Total;
(02) 411 2057 16 Oct 2020 Color (Apparent); Physical-Chemical
Dissolved Oxygen; Oil Analyses: and Grease; pH; Susana F. Martinez
Settleable Solids;
Temperature; Total
Suspended Solids
Laboratory Services- Laboratory Services Blesilda S. Recognized BOD5; Chemical None None NOx; None Blesilda S. Gregorio
Sugar Regulatory Department, Ground Floor, Gregorio Oxygen Demand; Color, Particulates; Jenny Lou D. Ragasa
Administration - Q.C. Annex Building, Sugar Center, 30 Jan 2017 - Apparent; Dissolved Sulfur Oxides as
Sugar Regulatory 30 Jan 2020 Oxygen; Oil and Grease; SO2
Administration, North Avenue, pH; Temperature; Total
Diliman, Quezon City Suspended Solids
EMD - Analytical NPC - MRMD Bldg., Brgy. Lucila D. Fuentes Recognized Cadmium, Total; None Nitrogen None None Lucila D. Fuentes
Services Laboratory Buli, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila Chloride; Chromium as Dioxide; Rowena R. Madrid
16 Oct 2017 - Hexavalent Chromium Sulfur Jerilee M. Sabariaga
807-6151 16 Oct 2020 (Cr6+); Lead; Oil and Dioxide;
Grease; pH; Phosphate; Suspended Total Dissolved Solids; Particulate Total Suspended Solids Matter – TSP
Environair Asia, Inc. 331 Pilar Road, Almanza Uno, Ezra S. Gomez Recognized None None Nitrogen NOx; None Ezra S. Gomez
Las Piňas City Dioxide; Particulates; Jeanne G. Furton
24 Sep 2018 - Sulfur Sulfur Oxides as
(02) 806-4988 / 836-2296 24 Sep 2021 Dioxide; SO2
Suspended Particulate
Matter – TSP
Eminent Water 347-F A. Bonifacio Avenue Sheryl L. Recognized BOD; Cadmium; None None None None Bacteriological Analysis:
Laboratory Center Brgy. San Jose, Quezon City Osunero Chemical Oxygen Johanne Paul S. Lee
24 Sep 2018 - Demand; Chloride;
(02) 365 7811 24 Sep 2021 Coliform, Fecal; Metals and Physical-
(02) 387 0682 Coliform, Total; Color; Chemical Analyses:
Copper; Dissolved Sheryl L. Osunero Oxygen; Lead;
Manganese; Oil and
Gease; pH; Phosphate;
Settleable Solids;
03 January 2019
Sulfate; Temperature;
Total Dissolved Solids;
Total Suspended Solids;
Hydroquest Water 142 B Howmart Road, Quirino Amparo D. Recognized BOD5; Chemical None None None None Felicisima M. Francisco
and Wastewater Hiway, Baesa, Quezon City Sagomis Oxygen Demand; Color;
Laboratory 30 Jan 2017 - Dissolved Oxygen; Oil
(formerly MD Tech (02)4557554 30 Jan 2020 and Grease; pH;
Medical and (02)4536082 Settleable Solids;
Diagnostic Clinic) Temperature; Total Dissolved Solids; Total
Suspended Solids
UltraPure 4032 Que Grande St., Brgy. Amelita S. Alim Recognized BOD; Chemical Oxygen None None None None Jaime O. Franco, Ph.D.
AnalytiChem, Inc. Ugong, Valenzuela City (2ng Demand; Color, True;
Bldg., 2nd Floor) 06 Apr 2018 - Dissolved Oxygen; pH;
06 Apr 2021 Temperature; Total
09062500944 Dissolved Solids; Total
09176119995 Suspended Solids
BGR Hydrolab Unit 107, Ground Floor, Mark Lawrence Recognized Coliform, Fecal; None None None None Mark Lawrence Y. Arquilla
Testing Center - Mindanao Nova Realty Inc. Y. Arquilla Coliform, Total Shiela Marie R. Serrano
Microbiology Building, Mindanao Avenue, 07 Dec 2018 - Kathleen Mae A. Comador
Laboratory Quezon City 07 Dec 2021
(02) 709-8680