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Problem 2.

«Nonlinear Trio»
In this problem, «nonlinear resistors» (aka varistors) are considered. In the case at hand, a volt-
age U across a varistor is proportional to the square of a current I flowing through the varistor (polarity
is respected): U  I | I | . The factor  is specific for a given varistor.
Part I: Nonlinearity and Direct Current.
Suppose we have three identical (with the same ) varistors, three identical sources of DC volt-
age with negligible internal resistances, a conventional resistor, a diode, and an almost ideal ammeter.
It is known that if a varistor or the conventional resistor are connected to a single voltage source, the
current through the source equals I 0  1 A. The elements listed above are assembled into the circuit
shown in Fig. 1. A varistor is represented by a rectangle with a «wave» inside.

Fig. 1.
Figure 2 depicts the I-V curve of the diode. A scale of the voltage (horizontal) axis is not speci-
fied but it is known that a current equal to I 0 through the diode corresponds to a voltage which is 5
times less than the EMF of a voltage source.

Fig. 2.
1.1. Write down a complete set of equations for the currents flowing in the circuit branches
which appear vertical in Fig.1. The equations must include a voltage U across the parallel branches
together with an EMF  of a voltage source, the resistance R of the conventional resistor, and the fac-
tor .
1.2. Determine the ammeter readings with an accuracy of at least 10%. Neglect a resistance of
connecting wires. Write the answer in amperes and indicate a confidence interval of the result.

Part II: Nonlinearity and Capacitor Discharge.
Now let us connect a varistor with another factor  to a
charged capacitor (see Fig. 3). If the connecting wires are sufficiently
cooled down, they become superconductors and the capacitor will
completely discharge in a time t 0  0,02 s. Properties of the varistor
are independent of temperature.
2.1. Express t 0 via the capacitance C, the initial charge q0 of
the capacitor, and the factor  of the varistor. Fig. 3.
2.2. If the capacitor discharges only via the connecting wires at room temperature, the charge de-
creases by a factor of e in a time   1 ms (e is the base of the natural logarithm). What is the relation
between  and the resistance r of the wires? Derive the corresponding equation.
2.3. Determine a time t in which the circuit current decreases from the initial value I 0 to I ,
providing the capacitor discharges via the varistor at room temperature. Write down the answer in
terms of r, C, , I , and I0.
2.4. Determine a time t1 in which the capacitor charge decreases by a factor of n = 10 000,
providing the capacitor discharges through the connecting wires and the varistor at room temperature.
Derive a formula in which t1 is expressed via t0, , and n, and evaluate the numerical value (in ms) with
at least 10% accuracy.
Part III: Nonlinearity and Damped Oscillations.

In the next experiment the circuit consists of a capacitor, a

varistor (with another factor ), and a superconducting inductor L
(see Fig. 4). The connecting wires are also maintained in the su-
perconducting state. In this case, damped oscillations begin in the
circuit and when the circuit current vanishes for the first time, the
charge of the capacitor turns out to be less by 10% than its initial
value. Fig. 4.
3.1. Suppose that at some time before the first half of the oscillation cycle ended, the capacitor
charge had decreased from an initial value q 0 to q. What is the circuit current at this moment? Express
the answer in terms of , L, C, q, and q0. It would be useful to remind that solution of a complex non-
linear equation of motion in mechanics is often significantly simplified if one tries to transform it into
an equation for the rate of energy change.
3.2. Determine how much of the initial capacitor energy was released as heat in the varistor until
the capacitor charge first became zero. Evaluate the answer (in percent) with at least 10% accuracy
(i.e. the error must not exceed 10% of the result).
3.3. What part of the initial capacitor energy was released as heat in the varistor until the current
first became zero? Evaluate the answer in percent.
3.4. What part of the initial capacitor energy was released as heat in the varistor by the time the
capacitor charge became zero for the second time? Evaluate the answer (in percent) with at least 10%
accuracy (i.e. the error must not exceed 10% of the result).

REMINDER. Factors  of varistors used in different parts of the problem are different!

Proposed Solution
Part I
1.1. Let us introduce the following notations: let U be a common voltage across four parallel
branches of the circuit (between the upper and the lower conductors), and I1, 2,3, 4 be the currents in the
circuit branches (numbering from left to right, positive directions of the currents are shown by arrows
in Fig. 1a).

Fig. 1а.

Let R be a resistance of the conventional resistor. According to the problem statement, R 


Since the current and voltage of the varistor are related as U  I | I | , one obtains that  
 . Sup-
I 02
pose that the I-V characteristic of the diode is given by an equation I D  I 0  f (U D / ) . Then, the cur-
rents in the circuit branches can be expressed via the voltage across them as:

 I1  (  U ) / R  I 0 (1  x )
 2
 I 2  U    I 2  I 0 1  x

 x ,
 2 I 3  U  I 3  I 0

 2

 I 4  I 0 f (1  x )
where x  (the correctness of the chosen directions of the currents is verified in the course of the

solution). Besides, the currents must satisfy the law of conservation of charge, i.e. I 2  I 3  I 1  I 4 .
Thus, x can be found from an equation 1  x   1  x  f (1  x ) .
1.2. According to the problem statement, the current through the diode equals I 0 when the volt-
age across the diode is 5 times less than  . Therefore, f (0,2)  1 , which allows one to «shift» the di-
ode I-V curve on a diagram in which the currents through other branches are plotted (the red curve in
Fig. 1b) and to solve the above equation graphically: plot the left-hand side of the equation and then
plot the right-hand side by adding the contributions of the currents at each x.
According to the diagram, the ammeter readings (corresponding to the current through the resis-
tor) are I A  (0, 27  0, 02) A. The error meets the accuracy requirement specified in the problem
statement even under a moderate construction accuracy, in fact, it can be improved.

Fig. 1b.

Note: The result obtained by the graphical method can be significantly improved by using an
«algebraic» approach. Even a crude construction of the plot makes it obvious that the answer is close
to x ≈ 0,7, and the current I4 flowing through the diode is near 1,5 A. One can also notice that the tan-
gent of the I-V curve near this value of the current is very close to 1. Then one can do the following.
Replace the diode I-V curve on the second plot near x ≈ 0,7 with f (1  x) | x 0,7  9  10 x . Assuming
x  0, 7   and expanding all functions up to terms linear in , one obtains
1 1 1 
1, 7  0,35       2,3  11 . It follows that   0, 0343 , so the correction is indeed
2  1, 7 1, 4 
small and a computational error here is less than 3%. A graphical error can be estimated as 2%, hence,
I A  I 0 (1  x )  (0, 266  0, 011) A. One can do the next step and evaluate the tangent to the diode I-V
curve at the current equal to 1,6 А (this is the current through the diode obtained by the «crude» ap-
proximation) and evaluate the second derivatives, then the I-V curve can be described by a quadratic
expression. In so doing, a computational error becomes negligible compared to the graphical error and
the accuracy improves even more: I A  (0, 267  0, 005) . However, the accuracy of graphical method
itself suffices for solving the problem provided the construction is accurate. Nevertheless, there is an
additional bonus reserved in evaluation criteria for those contesters who would reduce the error two-
fold compared to the error specified in the problem statement. Notice that an «almost precise» answer
obtained by means of an analytic equation for the diode I-V curve (this equation is known to the au-
thors) is: I A  (0, 26723  0, 00001) A.

Part II
2.1. Again, we use the nonlinear current-voltage relation of a varistor, U  I | I | . A discharge
current flowing through the varistor via superconducting wires is related to the capacitor charge as
q q
 I 2  I  (the discharge current does not change direction and can be considered as posi-
C C
dq q
tive). An equation for the rate of charge change is  I   (the capacitor charge decreases),
dt C
so the total discharge time equals t0   C   2  Cq0 (here q 0 is the initial capacitor charge).
0 q
2.2. It is clear from the problem statement that  is a time constant of the capacitor discharging
through wires at normal temperature, i.e.   rC .
2.3. Let us write an equation for the discharge through the varistor and wires of a resistance r .
q dq dI
In this case,   I 2  rI  q  C ( I 2  rI ) , so   I  C (2 I  r ) . Therefore, the time,
C dt dt
in which the discharge current decreases from I0 to I, equals
r  I 
t  C  dI   2   rC ln  0   2C ( I 0  I ) .
I I   I 
2.4. The initial current is determined from the equation
q0 r  4  q0 
  I 02  rI 0  I 0    1  1 . Then the current at the time when the charge has decreased
C 2  Cr 2

r  4  q0  4 q0 4 Cq0 t02
by a factor of n equals I    1  1 . It is easy to see that   2 , so the de-
2  nCr 2  Cr 2 (Cr ) 2 
sired time equals
 (t 0 /  ) 2  1  1  2
t   ln    t02   2  t0   2 .
 (t /  n ) 2  1  1  n
 0 
One can evaluate the numerical value using this formula (this gives t  25,873 ms), or one can try to
t02 t02
simplify the formula first. To do this, notice that  1 and  1 . This gives
2 n 2
 2 n 
t  t0   ln    25, 9 ms. The answer clearly meets the accuracy requirements.
 e t0 
Comments: The result is interesting since a small resistance (numerically,  is only 5% of t 0 )
changes the result almost by 30%! Actually, the resistance of wires changes significantly the behavior
of q (t ) only near q  0 : it «stretches» the discharge in time.

Part III
3.1. Let us write an equation of oscillations in the circuit. As before, assume the discharge cur-
rent of the capacitor to be I    0 (i.e. for now we limit a solution to the first «half-cycle»):
q dI dI  2 q
 I 2  L   I  . To analyze the rates of change of the capacitor charge and the in-
C dt dt L LC
ductor energy it would suffice to relate the charge and the current, if time dependence of these quanti-
ties is not necessary. Now, let us recall how one evaluates the rate of change of kinetic energy in me-
dV VdV d  V 2  F ( x,V )
chanics: m  F ( x , V )  m  F ( x , V )    . By analogy, the above
dt Vdt dx  2  m

dI dI dI 1 d (I 2 )
formula for the time derivative of the current can be transformed as: I  I  .
dt Idt dq 2 dq
Then, one obtains an equation for I 2 (q) :
d ( I 2 ) 2 2 2q
 I  .
dq L LC
The same equation follows if one applies a similar argument to the rate of change of the energy stored
in the circuit.
The right-hand side can be removed by means of a linear substitution I 2 ( q )  Aq  B which
transforms the equation into identity:
 2 2 
  L A   LC  q L
  I (q)  
 .
 A  2 B  0   C 2 2 C
 L 
Then one can change variables by writing:
q L
I 2 (q )  I 2 (q )  F (q )    F (q ) ,
 C 2 2 C
dF 2  2 
so the equation becomes  F  0 . Obviously, F ( q )  D  exp  q  , (where D  const ), so
dq L  L 
I 2 (q ) during the first «half-cycle» of oscillation is:
q L  2 
I 2 (q )    D  exp  q .
 C 2 C 2
 L 
1  L   2 
If q 0 is the initial capacitor charge, I 2 (q 0 )  0 . Therefore, D     q0   exp   q0  ,
 C  2   L 
which gives finally:
1  L  L   2 
I (q)   q   q0   exp  ( q  q0 )   .
 C  2  2   L 
3.2. The current vanishes first time at the end of the first oscillation half-cycle when the capaci-
tor charge changes polarity and becomes equal to q1  0,9 q 0 . Therefore, I 2 ( 0,9q 0 )  0 and this
equation allows one to determine the initial capacitor charge. It is convenient to introduce a variable
2 1 z
z q0 , then 1  0,9 z  (1  z )e 1,9 z  0  e1,9 z  . This equation can be solved graphically
L 1  0,9 z
(it is a plausible method). However, it would be better to solve it numerically (this is quite easy, if
contesters are allowed to use Excel or a programmable calculator). The equation can be «manually»
solved as well. To do this, one can first notice from the plot that z  1 and then expand both sides in
powers of z up to the terms of the forth order (this is necessary since zero and first order terms cancel
(1,9) 2 2 (1,9) 3 3 (1,9) 4 4
z  z  z  1,9  0,9 z 2  1,9  (0,9) 2 z 3  1,9  (0,9) 3 z 4 .
2 6 24
This gives a quadratic equation for z , its positive root is z  0,17 . The error is of the order of
z 2  3% , thereby meeting the accuracy requirement (the expansion up to z 3 yields a linear equation
but the error is of the order z and this is not enough; indeed, in this approximation z  0,24 , which
deviates from the correct answer by more than 10%). A numerical answer obtained with the help of
Excel equals z  0,1665  0,0001 .

q02 L2
The initial capacitor energy equals E0   z 2 . When the capacitor charge becomes ze-
2C 8 C 2

ro at the first time, the current through the inductor coil reaches the maximum. The energy stored in
the coil at this moment is also maximal and equal to
LI 2 (0) L  L  L   2   1  (1  z )e  z
EL (0)      q0   exp   q0    2 E 0 .
2 2 C  2  2   L  z2
Obviously, the heat generated in the varistor (and only there) equals Q1  E 0  E L (0) , so
Q1 1  (1  z )e  z Q
 1 2 2
 0,1044 ) at z  0,1665 ; for z  0,17 one obtains 1  0,1064 ). Thus, about
E0 z E0
(10-11)% of the initial energy has been lost until this time.
3.3. The energy loss during the first «half-cycle» is easily found by the loss of capacitor charge:
q 2 ( 0,9 q 0 ) 2 Q
Q1  0   0,19 E 0 , i.e. 1  19% .
2C 2C E0
3.4. The capacitor charge becomes zero the second time during the second «half-cycle», when
the current switches direction. The solution must be redone for the second «half-cycle», although the
line of arguments remains the same: simply replace the magnitude of the initial capacitor charge with
0,9q0. The amount of heat generated when the charge has changed from q1  0,9 q 0 to zero (the se-
cond time) can be found from the condition
LI 2 (0) L  L  L   2  1  (1  0,9 z )e 0,9 z

EL (0)      | q1 |   exp   | q1 |    2 E0 .
2 2 C  2  2   L  z2
Q2 1  (1  0,9 z )e 0,9 z
Hence,  1 2  0,2665  27% .
E0 z2

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