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Rippling Memo Redacted
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Almost every other HRIS and payroll company views Stated slightly differently: if a new hire were to mis-
the world this way. ADP is the largest payroll company enter their Social Security Number into Rippling, it
in the US by market cap, and they make most of their would be wrong everywhere — in payroll, with insur-
revenue not selling payroll — but by selling a host of ance carriers, with the 401k provider, etc.
ADP add-on services (time tracking, performance
management, benadmin, etc) that happen to plug in As a result of this, we are uniquely fanatical about
to the core ADP payroll system. Certainly Zenefits, employee onboarding software. For our competitors,
Gusto, and Namely also count this as a part of their employee onboarding tools may be useful features,
strategy. helpful to clients. But for us, onboarding software
is the only thing that matters, because if you win at
Outside of HR, this is also Microsoft’s strategy in onboarding, you win everything else.
their enterprise business segment. Microsoft’s Active
Directory is also a system of record for employee data Eventually, though, if we’re successful, other compa-
— just one that happens to be used by the IT depart- nies will come around to our point of view on the cen-
ment instead of the HR department. Microsoft brings tral role this software will play in the B2B ecosystem,
Active Directory into a company, and then upsells the and will refocus their own efforts to develop employee
company on other Microsoft services — Exchange onboarding software. The question then becomes,
Server, Sharepoint, Windows PCs — that plug cleanly “how do you win at employee onboarding software?”
in to Active Directory.
Part III - To win at employee onboarding, you can’t
So, many companies agree that being the system of be monogamous to any single department or
record for employee data is valuable, and Rippling functional area.
is not the only company gunning for this prize. The
question then becomes, how do you “win” at being the Many companies maintain informal checklists of the
system of record for employee data? tasks they need to complete when hiring a new em-
ployee. To win at onboarding, you need to automate
more of a company’s new hire checklist than anyone
Part II - Onboarding Software makes you the else.
system of record for employee data.
But, these onboarding tasks cut across many differ-
There is a button you click in Rippling to hire an ent departments — it’s our experience that about
employee. As a hiring manager, you tell us the new 30% of a company’s onboarding tasks are HR-related.
employee’s Salary, Manager, Department, Work Loca- About 40% are IT-related. And there’s a smattering of
tion, and a few other things. Finance, Legal, and Facilities-related tasks that need
to be completed for every new hire, as well.
Rippling then reaches out to the new hire, generates
their paperwork for electronic signature, and then If your company’s mission is to make HR software, or
asks the employee for details like their Social Security to build software for the Finance department, or the
Number, Home Address, and Bank Account Number. IT organization, you can only solve a portion of this
onboarding problem — because the onboarding pain
These hiring and onboarding flows are the way this that businesses have isn’t specific to one department
new employee object is assembled. Rippling is collect- or functional area.
ing each of the employee attributes that make up this
employee record, we are writing them to our data- To effectively solve employee onboarding, you have to
base, and then we are metering them out to all of our orient your product around employee lifecycle events
clients’ downstream business systems. — getting hired, getting a new job or role, moving to a
new address, getting promoted, leaving the company
By virtue of being the ingestion point for this employ- — and follow the downstream implications of these
ee data, and because we are upstream of everyone lifecycle events wherever they lead.
else in this process, Rippling is the system of record
by definition. Because every other business system
is receiving its information about the company’s
employees from us, we become the de facto source of
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This means you need to have tentacles into all of
these different departments and functional areas,
and all the different 3rd party systems they use. If you
build your software for one particular buyer or depart-
ment, you will eventually lose to the company that
solves the whole problem.
Onboarding Sidebar
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Product Overview
The best way to understand our product is to see it. We encourage you to get a demo of the product from us or,
failing that, visit our marketing website at, which gives a good high-level overview.
RIPPLING IS A HYBRID OF THREE cess — who should have access to what systems and
DIFFERENT SOFTWARE CATEGORIES: software within your company? How should those
users be configured within those systems? What level
• An all-in-one payroll, benefits, and HRIS system. of permissions should they have?
• An “Identity” / SSO / Password manager sys- Those questions are, in turn, really about ‘who are
tem, akin to Okta, OneLogin and OnePassword. your employees?’ and ‘what is their role or level or
function in your organization, and therefore what type
• An endpoint device management system, akin of access do they need to do their job?’
to JAMF and similar systems for Windows PCs.
Those questions — questions which underlie a great
On the surface, this is a weird combination. It makes deal of the daily administrative work performed by IT
sense only because these three systems are each professionals as they set up and configure accounts
hubs for employee data within a company. and computers and systems — are fundamentally
questions about the employee record.
HR systems’ connection to employee data is obvious.
But it’s not immediately clear how IT systems are tied Stated differently, Okta sometimes describes their
to the employee record. category as “Employee Identity.” But, we believe this
name is, for Okta, aspirational at best. Okta’s actual
IT’s connection to the employee record is that IT product is Single-Sign-On and password manage-
security is ultimately about controlling systems ac- ment. Any true system of employee identity — going
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back to the original meaning of the word “identity” — The neat thing about this is that Rippling isn’t just
would be inseparable from information about each going back and adding all of the individuals in those
employee’s role, department, and function within a buckets to that email list in GSuite or Office365. Rip-
company. In other words, a company’s HR data. pling will also maintain the fidelity of that data going
forward — so that the next time you hire an engineer,
One small example of this: or the next time someone gets promoted to be a man-
ager, they’re going to be added to that email list.
In many companies, IT is responsible for maintaining
company email lists. A hypothetical company, Acme And, taking that one step further: When you hire
Co, might have 56 people on the email list ‘engineer- someone in Rippling and you tell us this person is in’ Current IT systems will all treat the the engineering department, that changes everything
56 people on the list as “users,” without understand- about how Rippling sets them up in your systems:
ing anything about their underlying role within the
business. But these aren’t 56 random individuals! It changes what systems they’ll have access to — AWS
They’re engineers, in the engineering department. and GitHub perhaps, but not Salesforce. It changes
what email lists they are subscribed to. It changes
If you could speak to your IT systems in terms of HR what software is installed on their computer.
concepts like someone’s department, or role, or work
location, you could just add that department to the And when someone’s role within an organization
email list. And this, in turn, would dramatically simplify changes, Rippling isn’t just changing payroll and HR
the administration of those systems. systems — we’re reconfiguring the systems they have
access to, the email lists they are subscribed to, and
One of my favorite parts of a Rippling demo is when I the software and level of access they have on their
show prospects how you can add not only individuals, work computer.
but also HR concepts like the “Engineering Depart-
ment,” or a particular work location, or all managers in
the company, to an email list in Rippling:
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Performance to Date
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However, we believe that our growth rates demon-
Building something like Rippling isn’t cheap. As you’ll strate that our bet was essentially correct — we’ve
see if you take a demo, the product surface area is built the right product, one that customers want, and
large. To hit our MVP, we’ve had to (re)build a payroll, we’re now winning deals against much larger and
benefits, and HRIS system that took companies like more mature companies that have spent a lot more to
Zenefits, Gusto, and Namely years and tens of millions get to where we are.
of dollars to build. And, we’ve had to build versions of
Okta, OnePassword, and JAMF alongside it. Our gross margins show that the product is software
end to end, and our sales and marketing ratios (magic
To do this, we’ve invested in a great deal of up-front number, etc) show that this growth is based on sound
R&D. For most of the last two years, Rippling was a fundamentals.
company of almost entirely engineers (there are just
over 40 today, or roughly 2/3 of our headcount). It’s
only recently that we’ve been growing the sales team.
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Why Now?
I know this is a popular question for some firms so I’m including answers below, but the simple truth is that I
think Rippling could have been, and should have been, built seven years ago. But it wasn’t. So, we’re building it
now. With that caveat, here are some reasons it’s a bit easier today:
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Network Effects &
the ‘Supermarket for SaaS’
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