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308 - B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry PDF

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(for Academic Session 2017-2018)

B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry

This syllabus is for the B.Sc. Course

running under Annual Scheme
at the affiliated Colleges of the University

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)


Faculty of Science

MBS Marg, KOTA (Rajasthan)-324 005
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

Bachelor of Science

(Three Year Course)


B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry Examination

Number Code of Nomenclature of Paper Duration Max. Min. Pass

of Paper Paper of Exam. Marks Marks
Paper-I CH-101 Inorganic Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50
Paper-II CH-102 Organic Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50 54
Paper-III CH-103 Physical Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50
Paper-IV CH-104 Chemistry Practical 5 Hrs. 75 27

B.Sc. (Part-II) Chemistry Examination

Number Code of Nomenclature of Paper Duration Max. Min. Pass

of Paper Paper of Exam. Marks Marks
Paper-I CH-201 Inorganic Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50
Paper-II CH-202 Organic Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50 54
Paper-III CH-203 Physical Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50
Paper-IV CH-204 Chemistry Practical 5 Hrs. 75 27

B.Sc. (Part-III) Chemistry Examination

Number Code of Nomenclature of Paper Duration Max. Min. Pass

of Paper Paper of Exam. Marks Marks
Paper-I CH-301 Inorganic Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50
Paper-II CH-302 Organic Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50 54
Paper-III CH-303 Physical Chemistry 3 Hrs. 50
Paper-IV CH-304 Chemistry Practical 5 Hrs. 75 27

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

Bachelor of Science

(Three Year Course)

B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry

Paper-I (CH-101): Inorganic Chemistry

Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50
Note: The question paper will contain three sections as under –
Section-A : One compulsory question with 10 parts, having 2 parts from each unit, short
answer in 20 words for each part.
Total marks : 05
Section-B : 10 questions, 2 questions from each unit, 5 questions to be attempted, taking
one from each unit, answer approximately in 250 words.
Total marks : 25
Section-C : 04 questions (question may have sub division) covering all units but not more
than one question from each unit, descriptive type, answer in about 500 words,
2 questions to be attempted.
Total marks : 20
Unit-I Atomic Structure:
Idea of De Broglie matter waves, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, atomic orbitals,
Schrodinger wave equation, significance of ψ and ψ2, quantum numbers, radial and
angular wave function and probability distribution curves, shapes of s, p, d, orbitals,
Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles, Hund's multiplicity rule, electronic
configurations of the elements, effective nuclear charge.
Periodic Properties:
Atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity-
definition, methods of determination or evaluation, trends in periodic table and
applications in predicting and explaining the chemical behaviour.

Unit-II Chemical Bonding:

Covalent Bond: Valence bond theory and its limitations, directional characteristics of
covalent bond, various types of hybridizations and shapes of simple inorganic
molecules and ions. Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory to NH3,
H3O+, SF4, ClF3, ICl2 and H2O; MO theory, homonuclear and heteronuclear (CO and
NO) diatomic molecules, multicenter bonding in electron deficient molecules, bond
strength and bond energy, percentage ionic character from dipole moment and
electronegativity difference.

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

Unit-III Ionic Solids:

Ionic structure, radius ratio effect and coordination number, limitations of radius ratio
rule, lattice defects, semi-conductors, lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, solvation
energy and solubility of ionic solids, polarizing power and polarizability of ions,
Fajan's rule, Metallic bond: Free electron, valence bond and band theories. Weak
Interactions: Hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces.

Unit-IV s-Block Elements:

Comparative study, diagonal relationship, salient features of hydrides, solvation and
complexation tendencies including their functions in biosystems, an introduction to
alkyls and aryls of s-block elements.
Chemistry of Noble Gases:
Chemical properties of Noble gases, chemistry of xenon, structure and bonding in
xenon compounds.
p-Block Elements:
Comparative study (including diagonal relationship) of groups 13-17 elements,
compounds like hydrides, oxides, oxyacids and halides of groups 13-16.

Unit-V Chemistry of Compounds:

Hydrides of Boron: diborane and higher boranes, borazines, borohydrides, fullerenes,
carbides, fluorocarbons, silicates (structural principle), tetrasulphur tetranitride, basic
properties of halogens, interhalogens and polyhalides.
Books suggested:
1. Concise Inorganic Chemistry : J. D. Lee
2. General Inorganic Chemistry: J. A. Duffy, Longman (2nd Ed.)
3. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry : B. R. Puri and L. R. Sharma
4. Basic Inorganic Chemistry : F. A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, Wiley Eastern
5. Molecular Geometry : R. J. Gillespie, Van Nostrand Reinhold

Paper-II (CH-102): Organic Chemistry

Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50
Note: The question paper will contain three sections as under –
Section-A : One compulsory question with 10 parts, having 2 parts from each unit, short
answer in 20 words for each part.
Total marks : 05
Section-B : 10 questions, 2 questions from each unit, 5 questions to be attempted, taking
one from each unit, answer approximately in 250 words.
Total marks : 25
Section-C : 04 questions (question may have sub division) covering all units but not more
than one question from each unit, descriptive type, answer in about 500 words,
2 questions to be attempted.
Total marks : 20
Unit-I Structure and Bonding:
Hybridization, bond lengths and bond angles, bond energy, localized and delocalized
chemical bonds, van der Waals interactions, inclusion compounds, clatherates, charge

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

transfer complexes, resonance, hyperconjugation, inductive and field effects,

hydrogen bonding.
Mechanism of Organic Reactions:
Curved arrow notation, drawing electron movements with arrows, half headed and
double headed arrow, homolytic and heterolytic bond breaking. Types of reagents-
electrophiles and nucleophiles. Types of organic reactions, Energy considerations.
Reactive Intermediates:
Carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, arynes and nitrenes (with
examples). Assigning formal charges on intermediates and other ionic species.
Methods of determination of reaction mechanism (product analysis, intermediates,
isotope effects. Kinetic and stereochemical studies).

Unit-II Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds:

Concept of isomerism, types of isomerism.
Optical isomerism: Elements of symmetry, molecular chirality enantiomers,
stereogenic centre, optical activity, properties of enantiomers, chiral and achiral
molecules with two stereogenic centres, diastereomers, threo and erythro
diastereomers, meso compounds, resolution of enantiomers, inversion, retention and
racemization. Relative and absolute configuration: Sequence rules, D&L and R&S
systems of nomenclature.
Geometric isomerism: Determination of configuration of geometric isomers, E&Z
systems of nomenclature, geometric isomerism in oximes and alicyclic compounds.
Conformationl isomerism: Conformational analysis of ethane and n-butane;
conformations of cyclohexane, axial and equatorial bonds, conformation of mono
substituted cyclohexane derivatives. Newmann projection and sawhorse formulae.
Difference between configuration and conformation.

Unit-III Alkanes and Cycloalkanes:

IUPAC nomenclature of branched and unbranched alkanes, alkyl group, classification
of carbon atoms in alkanes, isomerism in alkanes, sources, methods of preparation
(with special reference to Wurtz reaction, Kolbe reactions, Corey-House reaction and
decarboxylation of carboxylic acids), Physical properties and chemical reaction of
alkanes. Mechanism of free radical halogenation of alkanes: orientation, reactivity and
Nomenclature, methods of preparation, chemical reactions, Baeyer's strain theory and
its limitations, ring strains in small rings (cyclopropane and cyclobutane), theory of
strainless rings. The case of cyclopropane ring: banana bonds.

Unit-IV Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, Dienes and Alkynes:

Alkenes, Cycloalkenes and Dienes:
Nomenclature of alkenes, methods of preparation, mechanisms of dehydration of
alcohols and dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides, regioselectivity in alcohol
dehydration, the Saytzeff rule, Hofmann elimination, physical properties and relative
stabilities of alkenes. Chemical reactions of alkenes-Mechanisms involved in
hydrogenation, electrophilic and free radical additions, Markownikof's rule,

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

hydroboration-oxidation, oxymercutation-reduction, epoxidation, ozonolysis,

hydration, hydroxylation and oxidation with KMnO4, polymerization of alkenes.
Substitution at the allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes. Industrial applications of
ethylene and propene.
Methods of formation, conformation and chemical reactions of cycloalkenes.
Nomenclature and classification of dienes: isolated, conjugated and cumulated dienes.
Structure of allenes and butadiene, methods of preparation, polymerization. Chemical
reactions-1,2- and 1,4-additions, Diels-Alder reaction.
Nomenclature, structure and bonding in alkynes. Methods of preparation. Chemical
reactions of alkynes, acidity of alkynes. Mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilic
addition reactions, hydroboration-oxidation, metal-ammonia reduction, oxidation and

Unit-V Arenes, Aromaticity, Alkyl and Aryl Halides:

Arenes and Aromaticity:
Nomenclature of benzene derivatives. The aryl group. Aromatic nucleus and side
chain. Structure of benzene: Molecular formula and Kekule structure, stability and
carbon-carbon bond lengths of benzene, resonance structure and MO picture.
Aromaticity: the Huckle's rule, aromatic ions. Aromatic electrophilic substitution:
General pattern of the mechanism, role of π- and σ-complexes. Mechanism of
nitration, halogenation, sulphonation, mercuration and Friedel Crafts reaction, energy
profile diagrams. Activating & deactivating substituents, orientation and otho/para
ratio. Side chain reactions of benzene derivatives. Birch reduction. methods of
formation of alkylbenzene, alkynylbenzene and biphenyl.
Alkyl and Aryl Halides:
Nomenclature and classes of alkyl halides, methods of preparation, chemical
reactions. Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions of alky halides, SN2 and
SN1 reactions with energy profile diagrams. Polyhalogen compounds: chloroform and
carbon tetrachloride. Methods of preparation of aryl halides, nuclear and side chain
reactions. The addition, elimination and the elimination-addition mechanism of
nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions. Relative reactivities of alkyl halides vs
allyl, vinyl and aryl halides. Synthesis and use of D.D.T. and B.H.C.
Books Suggested :
1. A Text Book of Organic Chemistry : K. S. Tiwari, S. N. Mehrotra and N. K. Vishnoi
2. Modern Principles of Organic Chemistry : M. K. Jain and S. C. Sharma
3. A Text Book of Organic Chemistry: (Vol. I & II) O. P. Agarwal
4. A Text Book of Organic Chemistry : B. S. Bahl and Arun Bahl
5. A Text Book of Organic Chemistry : P. L. Soni
6. Organic Chemistry : (Vol. I, II & III) S. M. Mukherji, S. P. Singh and R. P. Kapoor, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
7. Organic Chemistry : Morrison & Boyd, Prentice Hall

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

Paper-III (CH-103): Physical Chemistry

Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50
Note: The question paper will contain three sections as under –
Section-A : One compulsory question with 10 parts, having 2 parts from each unit, short
answer in 20 words for each part.
Total marks : 05
Section-B : 10 questions, 2 questions from each unit, 5 questions to be attempted, taking
one from each unit, answer approximately in 250 words.
Total marks : 25
Section-C : 04 questions (question may have sub division) covering all units but not more
than one question from each unit, descriptive type, answer in about 500 words,
2 questions to be attempted.
Total marks : 20
Unit-I Mathematical Concept and Computers:
Mathematical Concepts:
Logarithmic relations, curve sketching, linear graphs and calculations of slopes
differentiation of functions like kx, ex, xn, sin x, log x; maxima and minima, partial
differentiation and reciprocity relations, integrations of some useful / relevant
functions: Permutations and combinations. Factorials. Probability.
General introduction to computers, different components of a computer, hardware and
software input output devices; binary numbers and arithmetic; introduction to
computer languages. Programming, operating systems.

Unit II Gaseous States:

Postulates of kinetic theory of gases, deviation from ideal behaviour, van der Waals
equation of state.
Critical Phenomena: PV isotherms of real gases, continuity of states, the isotherms
of van der Waals equation, relationship between critical constants and van der Waals
constants, the law of corresponding states, reduced equation of state.
Molecular Velocities: Root mean square, average and most probable velocities.
Qualitative discussions of the Maxwell's distribution of molecular velocities, collision
number, mean free path and collision diameter. Liquification of gases (based on
Joule-Thomson effect).

Unit III Liquid State:

Intermolecular forces, structure of liquids (a qualitative description). Structural
differences between solids, liquids and gases.
Liquid Crystals: Difference between liquid crystal, solid and liquid. Classification,
structure of nematic and cholestric phases. Thermography and seven segment cell.
Colloidal State:
Definition of colloids, classification of colloids. Solids in liquids (sols): kinetic,
optical and electrical properties; stability of colloids. Protective action, Hardy-Schulze
law, gold number. Liquids in liquids (emulsions): types of emulsions, preparation,
emulsifier. Liquids in solids (gels): classification, preparation and properties,
inhibition, general applications of colloids.

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

Unit IV Solid State:

Classification of solids, definition of space lattice, lattice points, crystal lattice and
unit cell. Seven crystal systems. Symmetry elements in crystals. Types of solid
crystals: Ionic, covalent, molecular and metallic. Laws of crystallography (i) Law of
constancy of interfacial angles (ii) Law of rationality of indices (iii) Law of
symmetry. X-ray diffraction by crystals. Derivation of Bragg's equation
Determination of crystal structure of NaCl, KCl and CsCl (Laue's method and powder

Unit V Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis:

Chemical kinetics and its scope, rate of a reaction, factors influencing the rate of a
reaction: concentration, temperature, pressure, solvent, light, catalyst. Concentration
dependence of rates, mathematical characteristics of simple chemical reactions-zero
order, first order, second order, pseudo order, half life and mean life. Determination of
the order of reaction: differential method, method of integration, method of half life
period and isolation method. Radioactive decay as a first order phenomenon.
Experimental methods of chemical kinetics: conductometric, potentiometric, optical
methods, polarimetry and spectrophotometry.
Theories of Chemical Kinetics: Effect of temperature on rate of reaction, Arrhenius
concept of activation energy. Simple collision theory based on hard sphere model,
transition state theory (equilibrium hypothesis). Expression for the rate constant based
on equilibrium constant and thermodynamic aspects. Catalysis, characteristics of
catalysed reactions, classification of catalysis, miscellaneous examples.
Books Suggested :
1. Principles of Physical Chemistry : B. R. Puri and L. R. Sharma
2. A Text Book of Physical Chemistry : A. S. Negi and S. C. Anand
3. Physical Chemistry, Pt. I & II : C. M. Gupta, J. K. Saxena and M. C. Purohit
4. Computers and Applications to Chemistry: Ramesh Kumari, Narosa Publishing House P. Ltd.

Paper-IV (CH-104): Chemistry Practical

Laboratory Course : 4 Hrs. /Week Duration of Practical Examination: 5 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 75 Marks Min. Pass Marks: 27 Marks

Distribution of Marks:
• Inorganic Chemistry Experiments - 20
• Organic Chemistry Experiments - 20
• Physical Chemistry Experiments - 20
• Practical Record (for regular students only) - 05
• Viva-voce (for regular students) - 10
• Viva-voce (for non-collegiate students) - 15
Inorganic Chemistry:
Semi-micro / macro Analysis:
Anion analysis (3 radicals).
Cation analysis: Separation and identification of ions from groups I, II, III, IV, V and
VI (3 radicals). (Total 6 radicals).

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

Organic Chemistry:
Laboratory Techniques:
• Determination of melting point
o Naphthalene 80-82oC, Benzoic acid 121.5-122 oC, Urea 132.5-
133oC,Succinic Acid 184.5-185oC, Cinnamic acid 132.5-133oC ,
Salicylic acid 157.5-158oC, Acetanilide 113.5-114 oC, m-Dinitrobenzene
90oC, p-Dichlorobenzene 52oC , Aspirin 135oC.
• Determination of boiling points
o Ethanol 78oC, Cyclohexane 81.4oC, Toluene 110.6oC, Benzene 80oC
• Determination of mixed melting point
o Urea-Cinnamic acid mixture of various compositions (1:4,1:1, 4:1)
• Distillation
o Simple distillation of ethanol-water, using water condenser
o Distillation of nitrobenzene and aniline using air condenser
• Crystallization
o Concept of induction of crystallization
o Phthalic acid from hot water (using fluted filter paper and stemless
o Acetanilide from boiling water.
o Napthelene from Ethanol.
o Benzoic acid from water.
• Decolorisation and crystallization using charcoal
o Decolorisation of brown sugar (sucrose) with animal charcoal using
gravity filtration.
o Crystallization and decolorisation of impure naphthalene (100g of
naphthalene mixed with 0.3g. of Congo Red using l.0g decolorising
carbon) from ethanol.
• Sublimation (Simple and vacuum)
o Camphor, Naphthalene, Phthalic acid and Succinic acid.
• Qualitative Analysis:
Detection of extra elements (N, S and halogens) and functional groups
(phenolic, caboxylic, carbonyl, ester, carbohydrates, amine, amide, nitro
and anilide) in simple organic compounds.
Physical Chemistry:
Chemical Kinetics
• To determine the specific reaction rate of the hydrolysis of methyl acetate / ethyl
acetate catalyzed by hydrogen ions at room temperature.
• To study the effect of acid strength on the hydrolysis of an ester.
• To compare the strengths of HCl and H2SO4 by studying the kinetics of
hydrolysis of ethyl-acetate.
• To study kinetically the reaction of decomposition of iodide by H2O2
Distribution Law
• To study the distribution of iodine between water and CCl4
• To study the distribution of benzoic acid between benzene and water.

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

• To prepare arsenious sulphide sol and compare the precipitating power of
mono-, bi- and trivalent anions.
Viscosity, Surface Tension
• To determine the percentage composition of a given, mixture (non interacting
systems) by viscosity method.
• To determine the viscosity of Amyl alcohol in water at different concentrations
and calculate the viscosity of these solutions.
• To determine the percentage composition of a given binary mixture by surface
tension method (acetone & ethyl-ketone).

Books suggested :
1. Practical Chemistry: Giri Bajpai and Pandey, S. Chand & Co. Ltd., New Delhi

………………. x …….………… x …..…….…… x …….………..

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

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esa okf"kZd ;kstuk ds vUrxZr py jgs
foKku Lukrd ds fy, gS

foKku Lukrd ¼ch-,llh-½


foKku ladk;

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Page 11 of 21
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

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ch-,llh- ¼Hkkx&izFke½ jlk;u'kkL= ijh{kk

iz'u i= iz'u i= iz'u i= dk uke ijh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
Øekad d¨M vof/k mRrh.kkZad
iz'ui=&I CH-101 vdkcZfud jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50
iz'ui=&II CH-102 dkcZfud jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50 54
iz'ui=&III CH-103 HkkSfrd jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50
iz'ui=&IV CH-104 izk;ksfxd jlk;u 5 ?kUVs 75 27

ch-,llh- ¼Hkkx&f}rh;½ jlk;u'kkL= ijh{kk

iz'u i= iz'u i= iz'u i= dk uke ijh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
Øekad d¨M vof/k mRrh.kkZad
iz'ui=&I CH-201 vdkcZfud jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50
iz'ui=&II CH-202 dkcZfud jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50 54
iz'ui=&III CH-203 HkkSfrd jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50
iz'ui=&IV CH-204 izk;ksfxd jlk;u 5 ?kUVs 75 27

ch-,llh- ¼Hkkx&r`rh;½ jlk;u'kkL= ijh{kk

iz'u i= iz'u i= iz'u i= dk uke ijh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
Øekad d¨M vof/k mRrh.kkZad
iz'ui=&I CH-301 vdkcZfud jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50
iz'ui=&II CH-302 dkcZfud jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50 54
iz'ui=&III CH-303 HkkSfrd jlk;u 3 ?kUVs 50
iz'ui=&IV CH-304 izk;ksfxd jlk;u 5 ?kUVs 75 27

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

foKku Lukrd
¼f=o"khZ; ikB~;Øe½

ch-,llh- ¼Hkkx&izFke½ jlk;u'kkL=
iz'ui=&I ¼CH-101½% vdkcZfud jlk;u

ijh{kk vof/k% 3 ?kaVs vf/kdre vad% 50

uksV % bl iz'u i= esa 03 [k.M fuEu izdkj gksxa %as

[k.M v % bl [k.M esa ,d vfuok;Z iz'u ftlesa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 02 y?kq iz'u ysrs gq,
dqy 10 y?kq iz'u gksxa As izR;sd y?kq iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 20 'kCnksa esa gksA
dqy vad % 05
[k.M c % bl [k.M esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 02 iz'u ysrs gq, dqy 10 iz'u gksxsa As izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u dk p;u djrs gq, dqy 05 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxa As izR;sd
iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 250 'kCnksa esa gks A
dqy vad % 25
[k.M l % bl [k.M esa 04 iz'u o.kZukREkd gksxa s ¼iz'u esa Hkkx Hkh gks ldrs gS½ tks lHkh
bdkbZ;ksa esa ls fn, tkosxa ]s fdUrq ,d bdkbZ ls ,d ls vf/kd iz'u ugha gksxkA
nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj fn;s tkus gSAa izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 500 'kCnksa esa gksA
dqy vad % 20
bdkbZ&I ijek.kq lajpuk%
Mhs cz¨Xyh dh inkFkZ&rjaxksa dh /kkj.kk] gkbtsucxZ dk vfuf'prrk dk fl)kUr]
ijek.koh; d{kd] JksfMUxj rjax lehdj.k] ψ o ψ2 dh lkFkZdrk] DokUVe la[;k;s]a
f=T;h; ,oa dks.kh; rjax Qyu ,oa izkf;drk forj.k oØ] s, p, d d{kdksa dh
vkd`fr;k¡A vkWQckÅ ,oa ikoyh viotZu ds fl)kUr] gq.M dk cgqdrk dk fu;eA
rRoksa ds bysDVªkWuh; foU;kl] izHkkoh ukfHkdh; vkos'kA

vkofrZrk xq.k%
ijek.kq ,oa vk;fud f=T;k,a] vk;uu ÅtkZ] bysDVªkWu ca/kqrk ,oa fo|qr
_.kkRedrk&ifjHkk"kk ekiu vFkok Kkr djus dh fof/k;k¡] vkorhZ lkj.kh esa jklk;fud
xq.k/keZ ,oa jklk;fud O;ogkj dh ifjdYiuk o O;k[;kv¨a esa mi;¨fxrkA

Page 13 of 21
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

bdkbZ&II jklk;fud cU/ku%

lgla;kstd ca/k&la;kstdrk ca/k fl)kar ,oa mldh lhek,a] lgla;kstd ca/k ds fn'kkRed
vfHky{k.k] fofHkUu izdkj ds ladj.k vkSj ljy vdkcZfud v.kqvksa o vk;uksa dh
vkd`fr;k¡A NH3, H3O+, SF4, ClF3, ICl2 ,oa H2O ds fy, la;kstdrk d{kk bysDVªkWu
izfrd.kZ.k (VSEPR) fl)kar] vkf.od d{kd fl)kar] leukfHkdh; ,oa fo"ke ukfHkdh;
(CO ,oa NO) f}ijek.kqd v.kq] bysDVªkWu U;wu v.kqvksa esa cgqdsUnzh; cU/ku] ca/k lkeF;Z
,oa ca/k ÅtkZ] f}/zkzqo&vk/kw.kksZa ,oa fo?kqr&_.kkRedrk varj ls izfr'kr vk;fud

bdkbZ&III vk;fud Bksl%

vk;fud lajpuk,a] f=T;k vuqikr izHkko ,oa lgla;¨td la[;k] f=T;k vuqikr fu;e dh
lheka,] tkyd =kqfV;ka]a v)Z pkyd] tkyd ÅtkZ ,oa ckWu&Z gscj pØz] foyk;du ÅtkZ
,oa vk;fud Bkslksa dh foys;rk,a] vk;uksa dh /zkzqo.k lkeF;Z ,oa /zkoqz h;rk,a] Qk;kUl dk
fu;eA /kkfRod ca/k&eqDr bysDVªkWu] la;kstdrk ca/k ,oa cs.M fl)karA nqcZy vU;ksU;
fØ;k,a&gkbZMªkstu ca/ku] okUMj oky~l cyA

bdkbZ&IV s-[k.M ds rRo%

rqyukRed v/;;u] fod.kZ lac/a k] gkbMªkWbMksa ds fo'ks"k vfHkyk{kf.kd xq.k] tSfod ra=ksa esa
izdk;Z lfgr foyk;du o lady q u dh izof` Ùk;k¡] s-[k.M rRo¨a ds ,fYdyksa o ,fjyksa
dk ,d ifjp;A

mRd`"V xSlksa dk jlk;u%

mRd`"V xSlksa ds jlk;fud xq.k/keZA thukWu dk jlk;uA thukWu ds ;kSfxdksa dh lajpuk,a
,oa ca/kuA

p-[k.M ds rRo%
13&17 lewg rRoksa (fod.kZ lEcU/k lfgr½ dk rqyukRed v/;;u] 13&16 lewg ds
gkbMªkbMks]a vkWDlkbMksa vEyksa ,oa gSykbM~l ds ;kSfxdksa dk Hkh v/;;uA

bdkbZ&V fuEu ;kSfxdksa dk jlk;u%

cksjkWu ds gkbMªkWbM&Mkbcksjsu ,oa mPprj cksjsu] cksjsthu] cksj¨gkbMªkWbM] QqYjhUl] dkckZbM]
¶ywjksdkcZUl] flyhdsV~l (lajpuk fl)kar½] VsVªklYQj VsVªkukbVªkbM] gsykstuksa ds vk/kkjHkwr
xq.k/keZ] varjgSykstu~l ,oa iksyhgSykbM~lA

iz'ui=&II ¼CH-102½% dkcZfud jlk;u

ijh{kk vof/k% 3 ?kaVs vf/kdre vad% 50
uksV % bl iz'u i= esa 03 [k.M fuEu izdkj gksxa %as

Page 14 of 21
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

[k.M v % bl [k.M esa ,d vfuok;Z iz'u ftlesa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 02 y?kq iz'u ysrs gq,
dqy 10 y?kq iz'u gksxa As izR;sd y?kq iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 20 'kCnksa esa gksA
dqy vad % 05
[k.M c % bl [k.M esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 02 iz'u ysrs gq, dqy 10 iz'u gksxsa As izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u dk p;u djrs gq, dqy 05 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxa As izR;sd
iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 250 'kCnksa esa gksA
dqy vad % 25
[k.M l % bl [k.M esa 04 iz'u o.kZukREkd gksxa s ¼iz'u esa Hkkx Hkh gks ldrs gS½ tks lHkh
bdkbZ;ksa esa ls fn, tkosxa ]s fdUrq ,d bdkbZ ls ,d ls vf/kd iz'u ugha gksxkA
nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj fn;s tkus gSAa izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 500 'kCnksa esa gksA
dqy vad % 20
bdkbZ&I lajpuk ,oa vkca/ku%
ladj.k] cU/k yEckbZ ,oa ca/k dks.k] ca/k ÅtkZ] LFkkuhd`r ,oa foLFkkuhd`r jlk;fud ca/k]
okUMj oky vU;ksU; fØ;k] lefo"V ;kSfxd] DySFkzsV ;kSfxd] vkos'k LFkkukUrj.k ladqy]
vuqukn] vfrla;qXeu] izsjf.kd ,oa {ks= izHkko] gkbMªkstu ca/kuA

dkcZfud vfHkfØ;kvksa dh fØ;kfof/k%

oØ ck.k ladsru] bysDVkWu dh xfr dks rhj ls n'kkZuk] v)Z&flj o f}&flj rhj]
leka'k ,oa fo"keka'k ca/k foHkatu] vfHkdeZdksa ds izdkj% bysDVªkWuLusgh o ukfHkdLusgh
vfHkØeZd] dkcZfud vfHkfØ;kvks ds izdkj] ÅtkZ fopkjA

vfHkfØ;k e/;orhZ%
dkcZ/kuk;u] dkcZ_.kk;u] eqDr ewyd] dkchZu] ,jhu ,oa ukbVªhu (mnkgj.k lfgr½A
e/;orhZ o vU; vk;fud Lih'kht ij fu;efu"B ¼vkSipkfjd½ vkos'k dk fu;ruA
fØ;kfof/k fu/kkZj.k dh fof/k;k¡ ¼mRikn fo'ys"k.k] e/;orhZ] leLFkkfud izHkko] cyxfrdh
,oa f=foeh; jklk;fud v/;;u½A

bdkbZ&II dkcZfud ;kSfxdksa dk f=foe jlk;u%

leko;ork dh ladYiuk] leko;rk ds izdkjA
izdk'kh; leko;ork&lefefr rRo] vk.kfod fdjsfyVh] izfrfcEc leko;o] LVhfj;ks tfur
dsUæ] izdk'kh; xfrfof/k] izfrfcEc leko;o¨a ds xq.k/keZ] f}&LVhfj;ks tfur dsUæ lfgr
fdjsy ,oa ,fdjsy v.kq] fooje leko;oh] fFkz;ks (Threo), ,fjFkzks (Erythro) fooje
lekao;oh] eslks ;kSfxd] izfrfcEc leko;oh ;kSfxdksa dk i`FDdj.k] izrhiu] vo/kkj.k
(Retention) ,oa jsflehdj.kA vkisf{kd ,oa fujis{k foU;kl% vuqØe fu;e] ukedj.k dh
D/L ,oa R/S iz.kkyhA
T;kferh; leko;ork&T;kferh; leko;oh ;kSfxdksa ds foU;kl dk fu/kkZj.k] ukedj.k dh
E/Z iz.kkyh] vkWfDleksa ,oa ,fylkbfDyd ;kSfxdksa esa T;kferh; leko;rkA

Page 15 of 21
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

la:i.k leko;rrk&,Fksu o n-C;wVsu ds la:i.kksa dk fo'ys"k.k] pØh; gSDlsu ds

la:i.k] v{kh; o fuj{kh; cU/k] ,dy izfrLFkkih pØh;&gSDlsu O;qRiUuksa dk la:i.k]
U;wesu izkstsD'ku ,oa lkWgklZ lw=] fQ'kj ,oa mM+u&ost lw=] la:i.k ,oa foU;klksa esa
bdkbZ&III ,YdsUl ,oa pØh; ,YdsUl%
'kkf[kr ,oa v'kkf[kr ,Ydsuksa dk ukedj.k] ,fYdy lewg] ,Ydsuksa esa dkcZu ijek.kqvksa
dk oxhZdj.kA ,Ydsuksa esa leko;ork] lzksr] cukus dh fof/k;k¡ ¼oqV~t
Z vfHkfØ;k] dksYcs
vfHkfØ;k] dksj&s gkml vfHkfØ;k ,oa dkcksfZ Dlfyd vEyksa dk fodkcksZfDlyhdj.k½]
,Ydsuksa ds HkkSfrd xq.k/keZ ,oa jlk;fud fØ;k,aA ,Ydsuksa ds gSykstuhdj.k dh eqDr
ewyd vfHkfØ;k dh fØ;kfof/k¢ vfHkfoU;kl] fØ;k'khyrk ,oa oj.kkRedrkA

pØh; ,YdsUl%
ukedj.k] cukus dh fof/k;k¡] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,a] cs;j dk fod`frokn fl)kUr ,oa
mldh lhek;sAa NksVh oy;ksa esa oy; fod`fr ¼pØh; izksisu ,oa pØh; C;wVsu½] fod`fr
jfgr oy;ksa dk fl)kUrA pØh;izksisu dk fooj.k¢ dnyh ca/kA

bdkbZ&IV ,YdhsUl] pØh; ,YdhsUl] MkbUl o ,YdkbUl%

,YdhsUl] pØh; ,YdhsUl o MkbUl%
,Ydhuksa ds ukedj.k] cukus dh fof/k;k¡] ,YdksgkWy ds futZyhdj.k o ,fYdy gsykbMksa
ds fogkbMªk&s gSykstuhdj.k dh fØ;kfof/k;k¡] ,YdksgkWy ds futZyhdj.k esa {ks=h; p;u
(Regioselectivity)A lSRtsQ dk fu;e] gkWQesu foy¨iu] ,Ydhuksa ds HkkSfrd xq.k/keZ ,oa
vkisf{kd LFkkf;RoA ,Ydhuksa ds jlk;fud xq.k/keZ% gkbMªkstuhdj.k] bysDVªkuLusgh o
eqDrewyd ;ksxkRed vfHkfØ;kv¨a] ekjdksuhdkWQ ds fu;e] gkbMªkscksjs'ku&vkWDlhdj.k]
vkWDlhejD;wjs'ku&vip;u dh fØ;kfof/k;k¡A biksDlhdj.k] vkstksuh&vi?kVu] ty;kstu]
gkbMªkWfDlyhdj.k] KMnO4 }kjk vkWDlhdj.kA ,Ydhuksa dk cgqyhdj.k] ,yhfyd ,oa
okbfufyd fLFkfr;ksa ij ,Ydhuksa esa çfrLFkkiuA ,Fkhyhu o izkis hu ds v©|¨fxd mi;ksxA
pØh; ,Ydhuksa ds cukus dh fof/k;k¡] la:i.k ,oa cgqyhdj.kA
MkbUl o ,YdkbUl%
MkbUl% Mkbuksa dk ukedj.k o oxhZdj.k% foyfxr] la;Xq eh o lap;h MkbusaA ,fyuksa o
C;wVkMkbu dh lajpuk;s]a fuekZ.k dh fof/k;ka] cgqyhdj.kA jlk;fud vfHkfØ;k;s¢a 1]2& o
1]4&;ksx] MhYl&,YMj vfHkfØ;kA
,YdkbUl esa ukedj.k] lajpuk ,oa vkca/kuA fuekZ.k dh fof/k;k¡A ,Ydkbuksa dh jklk;fud
vfHkfØ;k;sAa ,Ydkbuksa dh vEyrkA bysDVªkWuLusgh ,oa ukfHkdLusgh ;ksxkRed]
gkbMªkscksjs'ku&vkWDlhdj.k] /kkrq&veksfu;k vip;u] vkWDlhdj.k ,oa cgqyhdj.k
vfHkfØ;kvksa dh fØ;k fof/k;k¡A
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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

bdkbZ&V ,jhsUl] ,sjkseSfVdrk] ,Ydkby o ,jkby gSykbM~l%

,jhsUl o ,sjkseSfVdrk%
csUthu O;qRiUuksa dk ukedj.kA ,sfjy lewgA ,sjksefs Vd oy; ,oa ik'oZ Jà[kykA csUthu
dh lajpuk% vk.kfod lw= ,oa dsdy q s lajpuk,aA csUthu dk LFkkf;Ro ,oa dkcZu&dkcZu
ca/k yEckbZ] vuquknh lajpuk] vk.kfod d{kdh fp=.kA
,sjkseSfVdrk% gdy dk fu;e] ,sjksefS Vd vk;uA ,sjkseSfVd bySDVªksuLusgh izfrLFkkiuk &
fØ;kfof/k dk lkekU; izfr:i.k] π- o σ-ladqyksa dh Hkwfedk;sAa ukbVªhdj.k] gsykstuhdj.k]
lYQksuhdj.k] ejD;wjhdj.k ,oa QzhMsy&Øk¶V vfHkfØ;k,a o budh fØ;kfof/kA ÅtkZ
ifjPNsfnd dk fp=.kA lfØ;.kdkjh ,oa folfØ;.kdkjh izfrLFkkih] vfHkfoU;kl ,oa
vkFkks@Z iSjk vuqikrA csUthu O;qRiUuksa dh ik'oZ Jà[kyk vfHkfØ;k,sAa cpZ vip;u]
,fYdycsUthu] ,YdkbfuycsUthu ,oa ckbQafs uy ds fojpu dh fof/k;k¡ ,oa mudh
jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k,aA
,fYdy ,oa ,fjy gSykbM~l%
,fYdy gSykbMksa dk ukedj.k ,oa oxhZdj.k] fojpu dh fof/k;k¡] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;k;sAa
,fYdy gSykbMksa dh ukfHkdLusgh çfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;k;s]a ÅtkZz ifjPNsfndk fp=.k lfgr
SN2 ,oa SN1 fØ;kfof/k;k¡A cgqgSykstu ;kSfxd% DyksjksQkeZ] dkcZu VsVªkDyksjkbMA ,fjy
gSykbMksa ds fojpu dh fof/k;k¡] ukfHkdh; o ik'oZ Jà[kyk vfHkfØ;k,aA ukfHkd Lusgh
,sjkseSfVd izfrLFkkiu vfHkfØ;kvksa dh ;ksx&foyksiu ,oa foyksiu&;ksx fØ;kfof/k;k¡A
,fYdy gSykbMksa ,oa ,fyy] foukby o ,sfjy gSykbMksa dh lkis{k fØ;k'khyrkA DDT
,oa BHC dk la'ys"k.k ,oa mi;ksfxrk,aA

iz'ui=&III ¼ CH-103½% HkkSfrd jlk;u

ijh{kk vof/k% 3 ?kaVs vf/kdre vad% 50
uksV % bl iz'u i= esa 03 [k.M fuEu izdkj gksxa %as
[k.M v % bl [k.M esa ,d vfuok;Z iz'u ftlesa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 02 y?kq iz'u ysrs gq,
dqy 10 y?kq iz'u gksxa As izR;sd y?kq iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 20 'kCnksa esa gksA
dqy vad % 05
[k.M c % bl [k.M esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 02 iz'u ysrs gq, dqy 10 iz'u gksxsa As izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u dk p;u djrs gq, dqy 05 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksxa As izR;sd
iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 250 'kCnksa esa gks A
dqy vad % 25
[k.M l % bl [k.M esa 04 iz'u o.kZukREkd gksxa s ¼iz'u esa Hkkx Hkh gks ldrs gS½ tks lHkh
bdkbZ;ksa esa ls fn, tkosxa ]s fdUrq ,d bdkbZ ls ,d ls vf/kd iz'u ugha gksxkA
nks iz'uksa ds mÙkj fn;s tkus gSAa izR;sd iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 500 'kCnksa esa gksA
dqy vad % 20

Page 17 of 21
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

bdkbZ&I xf.krh; ladYiuk,a ,oa lax.kd%

y?kqx.kdh; lEcU/k] oØ Ldsp djuk] jSf[kd ,oa <yku (Slope) dh x.kuk] kx, ex, xn,
sin x, log x tSls Qyuksa dk vodyu] mfPp"B o fufEu"B] vkaf'kd vodyu ,oa
O;qRØerk lEcU/kA dqN egRoiw.kZ@mi;ksxh Qyu¨a dk lekdyu% Øep; ,oa lap;A
Øexqf.krkA izkf;drkA

lax.kd (Computers):
lax.kdksa dk lkekU; ifjp;] lax.kd ds vyx&vyx Hkkx] gkMZos;j ,oa lkW¶Vos;jA
vkjksfir&fuxZfer ;qfDr;k¡] f}&la[;k,a ,oa vadxf.kr] lax.kdksa dh Hkk"kkvksa dk ifjp;A
izkØeu] izpkyu ra=A

bdkbZ&II xSlh; voLFkk,a%

xSlksa ds v.kqxfr fl)kUr ds ize[q k vfHkxzfgr] vkn'kZ O;ogkj ls fopyu] okUMj okYl
voLFkk lehdj.kA
Økafrd ?kVuk% okLrfod xSlksa ds PV lerkih oØ] voLFkk lkrR;] okUMj okYl
lehdj.k ds lerkih oØ] ØkfUrd fLFkjkadkas ,oa ok.Mj okYl fLFkjkadksa ds e/;
lEcUèk] laxr voLFkkvksa dk fu;e] lekuhr voLFkk lehdj.kA
vk.kfod xfr;k¡% oxZ ek/; ewy osx] vkSlr osx o izkf;dre osxA vk.kfod xfr;k¡
ds fy, eSDlosy forj.k fl)kUr dh xq.kkRed foospuk] la?kV~V la[;k] ek/; eqDr&iFk
,oa la?kV~V O;klA xSlksa dk æohdj.k ¼twy&FkkWelu izHkko ij vk/kkfjr½A

bdkbZ&III æo voLFkk%
varjk&v.kqd cy] æoksa dh lajpuk,sa ¼xq.kkRed o.kZu½A Bkslks]a æoksa o xSlksa ds e/;
lajpukRed varjA
æo fØLVy% æo fØLVy] Bksl ,oa æo esa varjA lqf=y ,oa dksfyfLVªd voLFkkv¨a dh
lajpuk ,oa oxhZdj.kA Å"ekys[ku ,oa lIr&[k.M lsyA

dksykWbMh voLFkk%
dksykWbMksa dh ifjHkk"kk] dksykWbMksa dk oxhZdj.kA Bksl dk æo¨a esa dksykWbMh foy;u
¼lksy½% xfrt] izdk'kdh; ,oa oS|qr xq.k/keZ] dksykWbMksa dk LFkkf;RoA j{kd fØ;k]
gkMhZ&'kqYt fu;e] Lo.kkaZadA æoksa dk æoksa esa dksykWbMh foy;u (ik;l)% ik;lksa ds
izdkj] cukus dh fofèk;k¡] ik;lhdkjdA Bkslksa esa æo dksykWbMh foy;u ¼tSy½% oxhZdj.k]
cukus dh fof/k;k¡ ,oa xq.k/keZA fujksèk] dksykWbMksa ds lkekU; mi;ksxA

bdkbZ&IV Bksl voLFkk%

B¨l¨a dk oxhZdj.k] f=foe tkyd] tkyd fcUnq] fØLVy f=foe ,oa bdkbZ lsy dh
ifjHkk"kkA lIr&fØLVy ra=] fØLVyksa esa lefefr rRoA fØLVyksxzkQh ds fu;e ¼v½
vUrjkQyd dks.kksa dh fLFkjrk ds fu;e ¼c½ ifjes; ?kkrkadksa dk fu;e ¼l½ lefefr

Page 18 of 21
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

dk fu;eA fØLVyksa }kjk X-fdj.kksa dk izdh.kZuA czsx lehdj.k dk fu/kkZj.kA NaCl,

KCl ,oa CsCl ds fØLVyksa dh lajpkvksa dk fu/kkZj.k ¼ykm fof/k ,oa pw.kZ fofèk)A

bdkbZ&V jklk;fud cy xfrdh ,oa mRizsj.k%

jlkf;fud cy xfrdh ,oa blds vuqç;¨x dk nk;jk] vfHkfØ;k dh nj] vfHkfØ;k nj
dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd & lkaærk] rki] nkc] foyk;d] izdk'k] mRizsjdA
vfHkfØ;k njksa dh lkaærk ij fuHkZjrk] ljy 'kwU; dksfV] izFke dksfV] f}rh; dksfV] Nne
dksfV dh vfHkfØ;kvksa ds xf.krh; vfHky{k.k] v)Z&vk;q ,oa vkSlr&vk;qA vfHkfØ;kvksa
dh dksfV;ksa ds fu/kkZj.k dh fof/k;k¡ & lekdyu fof/k] vodyu fof/k] v)Z&vk;q
le;] varjky fof/k] foyxu fofèkA jsfM;ks,fDVo fo[k.Mu ,d izFke dksfV dh
ifj?kVukA jklk;fud cy xfrdh dh iz;ksfxd fof/k;k¡% pkydRoferh;] foHkoferh;]
izdk'kdh; fof/k;k¡] /kzqo.kferh; ,oa LisDVªehizdk'kekihA jklkfud cyxfrdh ds fl)kUr%
vfHkfØ;k dh nj ij rki dk izHkko] vkgsfZ uvl lehdj.k] lfØ;.k ÅtkZ dh /kkj.kkA
dBksj xksyk ekWMy vk/kkfjr la?kV~Vd fl)kUr] laØe.k voLFkk fl)kUr ¼lkE;
ladYiuk½] xfrt fLFkjkad vk/kkfjr lkE; fLFkjkad ,oa Å"ekxfrdh vo/kkj.kkv¨a ds
O;atdA mRizsjd] mRizsfjr vfHkfØ;kvksa ds vfHky{k.k] mRizjs dks ds oxhZdj.k] fofHkUu

iz'ui=&IV ¼CH-104½% izk;ksfxd jlk;u

izk;ksfxd ikB~;Øe % 4 ?k.Vs @ lIrkg izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % 5 ?k.Vs
vf/kdre vad % 75 vad U;wure mÙkh.kkZd
a % 27 vad
vad foHkktu%
vdkcZfud jlk;u iz;ksx & 20
dkcZfud jlk;u iz;ksx & 20
HkkSfrd jlk;u iz;ksx & 20
izk;ksfxd dk;Z iqfLrdk ¼dsoy fu;fer fo|kfFkZ;¨a ds fy,½ & 05
ekSf[kd ¼fu;fer fo|kfFkZ;¨a ds fy,½ & 10
ekSf[kd ¼Lo;aikBh fo|kfFkZ;¨a ds fy,½ & 15

vdkcZfud jlk;u%
lw{e&va'k@LFkwy fo'ys"k.k
_.kk;u fo'ys"k.k ¼a3 ewyd½A
/kuk;u fo'ys"k.k% lewg I, II, III, IV, V ,oa VI lewg ds vk;uksa dk i`FkDdj.k ,oa
fo'ys"k.k ¼a3 ewyd½A dqy 6 ewyd

Page 19 of 21
Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

dkcZfud jlk;u%
iz;ksx'kkyk fof/k;kWa%
• xyukad ekiu%
o uS¶Fkyhu 80&820C] csUtkWbd vEy 121-5&1220C] ;wfj;k 132-5&1330C]
lfDlfud vEy 184-5&1850C] flUusfed vEy 132-5&1330C]
lsfyflfyd vEy 157-5&1580C] ,lhVSfuykbM 113-5&1140C]
0 0 0
m&MkbukbVªkscsUthu 90 C] p&MkbDyksjkscsUthu 52 C] ,sfLifju 132 CA
• DFkukad ekiu%
o ,FksukWy 780C] lkbDyksgSDlsu 81-40C, VkWywbu 110-60C] csUthu 800CA
• feJ xyukad ekiu%
o ;wfj;k&flusfed vEy ds vyx&vyx la?kVd (1:4,1:1, 4:1) ds feJ.kA
• vklou%
o ty la?kfu= ds }kjk ,FksukWy&ty feJ.k dk ljy vklouA
o ok;q la?kfu= ds }kjk ukbVªkscsUthu ,oa ,sfuyhu feJ.k dk vklouA
• fØLVyhdj.k%
o fØLVyhdj.k dh foisjz .kk ladYiuk
o xeZ ty }kjk FkSfyd vEy (rSjrs gq, NUuk i= o ruk jfgr dhi dks
dke esa ysdj)
o mcyrs gq, ty ls ,lhVsfuykbM
o ,FksukWy ls us¶Fkyhu
o ty ls cSUtkWbd vEyA
• pkjdksy ds mi;ksx }kjk fojatu ,oa fØLVyhdj.k%
o xq:Ro Nfu= fof/k }kjk tUrq pkjdksy dh enn ls Hkwjh 'kdZjk dk
o ,FksukWy }kjk v'kq) uS¶Fkyhu (1xzke fojaftr dkcZu ds iz;ksx ls 0-3xzke
dkaxksjsM ;qDr uS¶Fkyhu½ dk fojatu ,oa fØLVyhdj.kA
• m/oZikru ¼ljy ,oa fuokZr½%
o diwj] uS¶Fkyhu] FkSfyd vEy ,oa lDlhfud vEyA

xq.kkRed fo'ys"k.k%
ljy dkcZfud ;kSfxdkas esa vfrfjDr rRoksa (N, S o gSykstuks)a fØ;kRed lewgksa
(QhukWfyd] dkcksZfDlfyd] dkcksZfuy] ,LVj] dkcksZgkbMªsV] ,ehUl] ,ekbM] ukbVªks o
,fuykbM½ dh igpkuA

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Syllabus: B.Sc. (Part-I) Chemistry
University of Kota, Kota (Rajasthan)
for the Academic Session 2017-2018

HkkSfrd jlk;u%
jlk;u cyxfrdh%
• d{k rki ij esfFky ,slhVsV@,fFky ,lhVsV dk gkbMªkts u vk;u dh mifLFkfr esa
ty&vi?kVu dh fof'k"V vfHkfØ;k osx dk ekiuA
• ,LVj ds ty&vi?kVu ij vEy lkeF;Z ds izHkko dk v/;;u A
• ,fFky ,lhVsV ds ty vi?kVu dh njksa ij HCl o H2SO4 dh izcyrk dh
• H2O2 }kjk vk;ksMkbM ds fo?kVu dh vfHkfØ;k dh nj dk jlk;fud cyxfrdh
forj.k dk fu;e%
• ty ,oa CCl4 ds e/; l2 ds forj.k dk v/;;uA
• ty ,oa csUthu ds e/; csUtkbd vEy ds forj.k dk v/;;u A
• vkflZfu;l lYQkbM lkWy dk cukuk ,oa ,dy&] f}&] f=la;ksth _.kk;uksa dh
vo{ksi.k {kerk dh rqyuk djukA
';kurk] i`"B&ruko%
• ';kurk ekiu fof/k }kjk fn, x, feJ.k ¼vfØ;k'khy ra=½ dk izfr'kr la?kVu
dk ekiuA
• fofHkUu lkanzrkvksa ij ,fey ,YdksgkWy dh ty esa ';kurkvksa dk ekiu ,oa bu
foy;uksa dh vf/k&';kurkvksa dh x.kukA
• i`"B&ruko fof/k }kjk fn, x, fnvaxh feJ.k ds izfr'kr la?kVu dk ekiu
¼,lhVksu ,oa ,fFky feFkkby dhVksu½A

………………. x …….………… x …..…….…… x …….………..

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