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College of Teacher Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Rizal Street, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro 5100
Website: www.omsc.edu.ph Email address: omsc_9747@yahoo.com
Tele/Fax: (043) 491-1460

College of Teacher Education

Main Campus


Occidental Mindoro State College is envisioned to be an agent of change for the development of the total person responsive to the challenges of globalization.
To train and develop a new breed of highly competitive, innovative, resourceful and values-oriented graduates through quality instruction, relevant research,
community-based extension, and sustainable production.
The College of Teacher Education is committed to develop future teachers who will help mold students to become enlightened, efficient and productive citizens.

COURSE TITLE : Social Dimensions of Education

This course is an introduction to social sciences theories and researches related to education. It focuses on an understanding of the four pillars of education, which
are fundamental to learner’s critical and logical decision-making as active members of society and as global citizens. It also aims to enhance their critical
understanding of the transformation in education, work, and culture brought about by globalization in order to respond to the same.
COURSE CODE : Educ 312
The technical teacher education curriculum shall impart a body of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and experiences that will provide prospective teachers with the
necessary competencies essential for effective teaching.
Graduates of the Ladderized BTTE program are teachers who:
 Have fully developed the competencies required by the Philippine Trainers Qualification Framework (PTQF)
 Have the basic and higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning
 Have deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher I facilitating these processes in their students
 Have deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes
 Have a meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will teach
 Can apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment, and
teaching approaches)
 Have direct experience in the field/classroom/workshop (e.g. classroom observations, teaching assistance, practice teaching)
 Can demonstrate and practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching professions
 Can reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and the
broader social forces encumbering the school and educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices
 Can be creative and innovative in thinking of alternative teaching approaches, take informed risks in trying out these innovative approaches, and evaluate the
effectiveness of such approaches in improving student learning; and are willing and capable to continue learning in order to better fulfill their mission as

Week Course Outcomes Topics Teaching / Learning Activities Assessment
 Discuss and analyze the relevant INTRODUCTION TO THE SOCIAL  Brainstorming  Performance Test
social science theories and DIMENSIONS OF EDUCATION  Interactive Discussion  Written test
researches related to education  Sociological Theories in  Oral Recitation  Analytic Rubric
 Drawn the implications of social Understanding Social assessment of
sciences theory related to Dimensions of Education individual
education  Consensus / Functional participation
1-3  Discussed and internalized the Theory
foundational principles of  Conflict Theory
morality  Interactionist Theory
 Accepted continuing values  Critical Theory
formation in relation with social

Discussed and internalized the SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS  Brainstorming  Performance Test

4-6 foundational principles of morality  Family  Interactive Discussion  Written test
 Oral Recitation
 Accepted continuing values  Characteristic and Functions  Analytic Rubric
formation in relation with social of Family assessment of individual
relationship.  Education participation
 Appreciate and apply the basic  Characteristics and Functions
assumptions made in social of Education
science studies in order to help  Religion
learners make critical and logical  Characteristics and Function
decisions of Religion
 Develop an understanding of the  Economic
role of the teacher as active  Characteristics and Function
members of society and as global of Economic
citizens tasked with the duty of  Government
training responsible citizens  Characteristics ad Function of
 Make appropriate adjustments to Government
address the needs of learners with
different cultural backgrounds
and characteristics
 Adjust to the various special and
cultural changes affecting

 Accepted continuing values FOUR PILLARS OF  Brainstorming

formation in relation with social EDUCATION  Interactive Discussion  Written test
relationship.  Context of the Four Pillars of  Oral Recitation  Analytic Rubric
 Appreciate and apply the basic Education assessment of individual
assumptions made in social  The Four Pillars of Learning participation
7-9 science studies in order to help  Philosophy of Four Pillars of  Mid Term Examination
learners make critical and logical Education
decisions  Purposes of Four Pillars of
 Develop an understanding of the Education
role of the teacher as active  Theoretical Views on the Four
members of society and as global Pillars of Education
citizens tasked with the duty of
training responsible citizens
 Make appropriate adjustments to
address the needs of learners with
different cultural backgrounds
and characteristics
 Adjust to the various special and
cultural changes affecting

 Accepted continuing values INTERCULTURAL  Brainstorming  Performance Test

formation in relation with social COMMUNICATION  Interactive Discussion  Written test
relationship.  The Context of Intercultural  Oral Recitation  Analytic Rubric
 Appreciate and apply the basic Communication and assessment of individual
assumptions made in social Intercultural Education participation
science studies in order to help  Dimensions of Intercultural
learners make critical and logical Communication
decisions  Barriers to Intercultural
 Develop an understanding of the Communication
role of the teacher as active  Culture
10-11 members of society and as global  Components and Organization
citizens tasked with the duty of of Culture
training responsible citizens  Culture Transmission
 Make appropriate adjustments to  Cultural Relativism
address the needs of learners with
different cultural backgrounds
and characteristics
 Adjust to the various special and
cultural changes affecting
 Discussed and internalized the MULTI-CULTURAL  Brainstorming  Performance Test
foundational principles of EDUCATION  Interactive Discussion  Written test
morality  Dimensions of Multicultural  Oral Recitation  Analytic Rubric
 Accepted continuing values Education assessment of individual
formation in relation with social  Cultural Assimilation Versus participation
relationship. Cultural Pluralism
 Appreciate and apply the basic  Goals of Multicultural
assumptions made in social Education
science studies in order to help  Approaches to Multicultural
learners make critical and logical Curriculum Reform
decisions  Subcultures
 Develop an understanding of the  Cultural Dimensions of
role of the teacher as active Learning – Teaching and
members of society and as global Educational Processes
citizens tasked with the duty of  Culturally Responsive
training responsible citizens Teaching
12-13  Make appropriate adjustments to  Theoretical Views on
address the needs of learners with Multiculturalism and
different cultural backgrounds Multicultural Education
and characteristics
 Adjust to the various special and
cultural changes affecting
 Examined the responsiveness of
the present teacher education
curriculum to the needs of the
teacher as he/she performs the
role in the classroom and in the
 Enriched insights on global
education by analyzing and
comparing the education of
selected countries of the world
 Describe multi-cultural diversity
as an element of global education
and the role of the teacher in
addressing the diversity among

 Define concept of Peace in a PEACE EDUCATION  Brainstorming

holistic way  Kinds and level of Peace  Interactive Discussion  Written test
 Explain the contribution or  Basic Assumption on Peace  Oral Recitation  Analytic Rubric
importance of peace education in Education assessment of individual
the quest for positive social  Peace Education as participation
change or transformation Transformative Education
 Identify and explain the key  Peace Education’s Schema of
terms of peace education Knowledge, Skills and
 Describe the attributes of a Attitudes/ Values
peaceable classroom and teacher  Approaches and
 Discuss some of he most Methodologies in Teaching
important peaceable teaching- Peace Education
learning approaches used in  Theoretical Views on Peace
14-15 peace education Education
 Human rights
 Upholding Human Dignity
 Challenging Prejudice and
Building Tolerance
 Promoting Non- violence
 Convention on the
Elimination of all forms of
Discrimination against
 Promoting Non- Violence
 Challenging the War System
Possible Causes of War
 Sharing the Earth Resources
 Resolving and Transforming
 Discussed and internalized the INCLUSIVE EDUCATION  Brainstorming
foundational principles of  Philosophy of Inclusive  Interactive Discussion  Written test
morality Education  Oral Recitation  Analytic Rubric
 Accepted continuing values  Types and Methods of assessment of individual
formation in relation with social Inclusive Education participation
relationship.  Benefits of Inclusive
 Appreciate and apply the basic Education
assumptions made in social  Barriers to Inclusive
science studies in order to help Education
learners make critical and logical  Theoretical Views on
decisions Inclusive Education

 Describe Gender Equality and GENDER EDUCATION  Brainstorming

Inequality and how they affect  Defining Sex and Gender  Interactive Discussion  Written test
development  General Concept about  Oral Recitation  Analytic Rubric
 Explain the relationship between Gender assessment of individual
gender and power  Gender Identities and Gender participation
 Discuss significant gains in Roles
women’s education as a result of  Theories of Gender
global advocacy Development
 Sources of Gender
Stereotyping in Society
 Gender Equality an Inequality
 Feminist Theory
 Homosexuality and
 Theoretical Views on Gender
and Education
 Gained clear understanding of CHARACTERISTICS OF  Brainstorming  Written test
what global teacher is in context EDUCATION FOR 21ST  Interactive Discussion  Analytic Rubric
of global education CENTURY  Oral Recitation assessment of individual
 Enriched insights on global  Trends and development participation
education by analyzing and  Global Education
comparing the education of  Globalization
selected countries of the world
 Describe multi-cultural diversity
as an element of global education
18 and the role of the teacher in
addressing the diversity among
 Identified opportunities in
teacher exchange programs for
the development of world – class
 Described global application of
technology in the classroom

 Identify the characteristics of PARADIGM SHIFT OF  Brainstorming  Written test

globalization that are related to EDUCATION:  Interactive Discussion  Analytic Rubric
education  Education in the New Social  Oral Recitation assessment of individual
 Describe how socio-cultural, Milieu participation
environmental, geographical,  Information and  Final Term Examination
economic, political and equity Communication
issues affect globalization  Education for Sustainable
 Discuss and explain globalization Development
and education in the perspective  ESD as the right attitude for
of conflict and consensus globalization
 Discuss the impact of
globalization on the process and
progress of education
1. Text Books/Reference/s:

1. Vega et al. (2009). Social Dimensions of Education. Lorimar Publishing, Inc. ISBN 971-685-699-6.
2. Tamayao, A. (2013). Social Dimensions of Education. Rex Printing Company Inc. ISBN 978-971-23-6634-5

1. Ballentine et al. (2004). Schools and Society. A Sociological Approach to Education. 2nd ed. Wadsworth
2. Bloom et al. ( 2004). Education for All. An Unfinished Revolution. Daedalus ( Summer)
3. Coatsworth J. (2004) . Globalization and Education. Gutman Library

 Gardner, Howard. “ Effects of Globalization”. Graduate School of Education and Neiman Foundation Conference, Harvard, 2004. Glazer, Mark.
Cultural Relativism. McAllen Texas, 1996
 UNESCO- APNIEVE Sourcebook for Teacher Education and Tertiary Level Education. Learning to Live Together in Peace and Harmony
 UNESCO-APNIEVE Sourcebook No. 2 for Teachers, Students and Tertiary Level Instructors . Learning To Be: A Holistic and Integrated Approach
to values Education for Human Development. UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau of Eduaction, Bangkok 2002
 UNESCO-APNIEVE Sourcebook No. 2 for Teachers, Students in the Area of Technical and Vocational Education and Training . Learning To Be:
Values a=for Learning and Working Together in A Globalized World.

 Mid Term and Final Term Project

COURSE REQUIREMENTS  Mid Term and Final Term Examination
 Project
Class Standing = 50%
Mid-term ∕ Final Examination = 40%
Project =10%

*Final Rating = Midterm (40%) + Final Term (60%)

1. Students having seven (7) absences without valid reasons will be dropped from the class. Students
are required to present admit to class slip from the Office of Student Affairs and Services after being
absent in the previous meeting.
2. Three (3), not necessarily consecutive, tardiness without further notice is equivalent to one (1)

Incomplete Grade:
1. Students who were not able to take the midterm/final examinations will receive an incomplete grade.
2. Incomplete grade should be complied within one year.

Prepared by: Noted: Approved:

Instructor I Program Head, BTTE Vice President for Academic Affairs


Dean, College of Teacher Education

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